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Annual Operating Rept 1990. W/910225 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1990
From: Wallace E
NUDOCS 9103060288
Download: ML20029B243 (102)


A iEw.eeleyTA,.n, n sv a n,. m s u:. oa u wn.n we un February 25. 1991 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:

In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-327 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-328 SEQUOYAll NUCLEAR PLANT (SQN) - 1990 ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT Enclosed is the 1990 Annual Operating Report for SQN. It contains a surraary of the following items: facility changes, procedure changes, special tests, occupational exposure data, and iodine isotopic activity.

This report is being submitted to satisfy the requirementa of 10 CFR 50.59 and Technical Specifications, 6,9.1. , and 6.15.1.

Please direct questions concerning this . issue to J. D. Smith at (615) 843-6672.

Very truly yours, ,


.h-E. G. Wallace, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Enclosure cc: See page 2


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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission February-25, 1991 cc (Enclosures):

Ms.'S. C. Black, Deputy Director Project Directorate.II-4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Mr. J. N. Donohew

-Project Manager.

U.S. Nuclear _ Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville. Maryland 20852 NRC Resident Inspector Sequoyah~ Nuclear Plant 2600 Igou Ferry' Road Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379

'Mr.=B.-A. Wilson, Project Chief U.S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323-v - w







' Acronym List I. Summary of Facility Changes Modifications 1 Temporary Alterations 61  ;

II. Summary of Procedure Changes Emergency Instructions 65 Surveillance Instructions 66' other Instructions 72

.III. Summary of Special Tests 77 ,

IV . . Occupational Exposure Data 78 V. Specific Iodine Isotopic Activity Concentration 82 and/or DEI-131 Determination 0259K

SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 10 CFR 50.59 NRC ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT 1990 l The following criteria establish the bases for the tiems contained in this report.

I. Facility Changes 4

A. Modifications During 1990, Sequoyah contin'ued the process of reviewing ECNs/DCNs to verify field-complete status in the plant and make appropriate revisions to the SAR. A cross-check of these ECNs and previous annual operating reports revealed that many of these ECNs had been reported in the past.

-only the ECNs/DCNS not previously reported are included in this' report.

Also, Sequoyah completed back-to-back refueling outages during 1990, and many modifications were field completed as part of the outages. Those DCNs are-included in this report.

B. Temporary Alterations Temporary alt 9 rations to the facility are reported if they remained open December 31, 1990. A temporary alteration is documented on a TACF. Previously reported alterations-still in existence are listed by their TACF number only. Alterations not previously reported that remained open as of December 31, 1990, are described and a safety summary provided.

II. Procedures Procedures that were revised have been included in this report based on the June 1989 revision of Standard Practice SQA119. This revision instituted the use of a safety assessment concurrent with the screening review. If,the safety assessment on a procedure indicated the need for a safety evaluation,

.the procedure change is reported.

l I


The following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms common to this report.

Abhrt.Y.intionE/AnIDnDDR DefiniliQn AARP Alternate Analysis Review Program -

ABCTS Auxiliary Building Gas Treatment System ABSCE Auxiliary Building Secondary Containment Enclosure ac Alternating Current ACA Auxiliary Control Air AERCW Auxiliary Essential Raw Cooling Water AFW Auxiliary Feedwater

'l AFWPT Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine AllU Air-Handling Unit AI Administrative Instruction ANSI American National Standards Institute

. AOI Abnormal Operating Instruction .

ARPI Analog Rod Position Indication ASCO Automatic Switch Company ASME American Society Of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society For Testing And Materials ATC Automatic Time Control ATWS Anticipated Transient Without a Scram AUO Assistant Unit Operator AUX Auxiliary AWG American Wire Cauge AZ Azimuth A/C Air-Conditioning BAT Boric Acid Tank BATP Boric Acid Transfer Pump BISI Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication BIT Boron Injection Tank CAM Continuous Air Monitor CAQR Condition Adverse To Quality Report CATS Commitment Action Trackit.g System CCP Centrifugal Charging Pump CCS Component Cooling System CCW Component Cooling Water CDWE Condensate Demineralizer Waste Evaporator CE Combustion Engineering CEB Civil Engineering Branch cfm Cubic Feet Per Minute CFR Code Of Federal Regulations CCCS Combustible Cae Control System CILRT Containment Integrated Lenk Rate Test CIS Containment Isolation System CIV Containment. Isolation Valve CLA Cold Leg Accumulator COPS Cold Overpressure Protection System CP Crankcase pressure epm Counts Per Minute CRD Control Rod Drive CRDM Control Rod Drive Mechanism CRI Control Room Isolation CRVI Control Room Ventilation Isolation CS Containment Spray CSP Containment Spray Pump

Abhrryinitona/Acronyma Definition CSS Containment Spray System CSSC Critical Systems Structures, and Components CST Condensate Storage Tank -

CT Current Transformer CV Check Valve CVC(S) Chemical Volume Control (System)

CVE Condenser Vacuum Exhaust CVI Containment Vent Isolation DBA Design Baseline Accident DBE Design Baseline Event DBVP Design Baseline Verification Program de Direct Current DCA Design Change Authoriention DCN Design Change Notice. .

DCR Design Change Request DEC Digital Equipment Corporation DPM Division Procedure Manuals DWCD Demineralized Water and Cask Decontamination DWST Demineralized Water Storage Tank D/G Diesel Generator EBR Electrical Board Room ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System ECN Engineering Change Notice EGTS Emergency Gas Treatment System EHC Electrohydraulic Controller el- Elevation a EMI Electromagnetic Interference FNSL Electrical Maintenance Section Letter ENS Emergency Notification System E0I Emergency Operating Instruction E0P Emergency Operating Procedure EQ Environmental Qualification EQIS Equipment Information System ERCW Essential Raw Cooling Water ESF Engineered Safety Feature FOR Field Change Request FCV Flow Control Valve FHSS Fuel Handling and Storage System FQE Field Quality Engineering FRG Function Restoration Guidelines FT Flew Transmitter ft-lb Foot-Pound GBCS Generator Bus Cooling System GCS Gland Steam Condenser GCS General Construction Specification aGDC General Design Criteria GOI General Operating Instruction gph Gallons Per Hour gpm Gallons Per Minute HCI Hazard Control Instruction HELB High-Energy Line Break HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air HE'J"W Hanger - ERCW HJWT High-Jacket Water Temperature

Abbreviations / Acronyms Definition  !

L hp :- Horsepower HPFP High-Pressure Fire. Protection

-HVAC' Heating,' Ventilation, And Air-Conditioning ICF Instruction Change Form IMI Instrument Maintenance Instruction

-I/P. Current to Pneumatic I JB Junction Box kV K11ovolt kW Kilowatt I LC Limit Control LCO Limiting Condition of Operation LCV Level Control Valve LED Light-Emitting Diode ,

LER- -Licensee Event Report ,

LLRW Low-Level Radwaste LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LOP Lube Oil Pressure LT Level Transmitter mA M1111 ampere MCC Motor-Control Center

.MCR- Main Control Room

'MDAFWP Motor-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump MEBi Mechanical Engineering Branch MELB Moderate-Energy Line Break.

MFIV(s) Main Feedwater Isolation Valves (s)

MFLB- Main Feedwater-Line Break

MFPTC Main Feedwater Pump Turbine Condenser -;

MFW- Main Feedwater  !

MIC Microbiological 1y-Induced Corrosion 1 M0P Main Oil' Pump l

.MOV- Motor-Operated Valve 1 MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration

-MR- Man-Rem / Maintenance Request MS Main Steam

'MSDDT ' Main Steam Dump-Drain Tank MSIV Main Steam Isolation. Valve

'MSLB Main Steam Line Break MTR Minimum Training Radius i mV M1111 volts  !

MVAR -Millivolt Amperes Reactive 1

M&AI Modifications and Additions. Instruction ,

-M&TE- 1 Measuring and Test Equipment 1 NBS' . National Bureau of Standards

,NCR- Nonconformance Report NDE Nondestructive Examination NEL Nuclear Engineering-g NEB Nuclear Engineering Branch  ;

NFPA National Fire Protection Association.

i. NIS- Nuclear Instrumentation System

, 4 NPG Nuclear Power Group L NPSH Net Positive Suction Head

=NQAM -Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission a

iAkbreviationa/Acrnayan DeLinition <

'NSSS. Nuclear Steam Supply-System 0.D. Outer Diameter-0&PS ,

Office and Power Stores .-

0E-MEB' Office of Engineering-Mechanical Engineering. Branch Oi!&S : Occupational Health and Safety.

PAM PostAccident Monitoring. .

PAS: PostAccident Sampling. .

PCB Power Circuit Breaker PD- Positive Displacement }

PI Pressure Indicators PM Preventive Maintenance

-PMP- ,PreventiveLMaintenance Program '

PORC Plant Operations-Review Committee

= PORV' Power-Operated Relief Valve . .

ppm. Parts Per Million PRO Potential Reportable Occurrence:

PRT- Pressure-Relief Tank PRV~ Pressure-Relief Valve PS! Pressure Switch-psi ' Pounds: Per Square Inch psia. Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute paid Pounds Per Square Inch Differential psig Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge

PSO ~ Power System Operations l

' PT ! Pressure Transmitter /Preoperational Test

.QA Quality Assurance y1 HQC . Quality. control-QE&C Quality Engineering and Control QIR Quality Information Release / Request -4 QMDS Qualification Maintenance Data Sheet

=R ' Revision RCH Reactor Coolant Hanger .

. RCP Reactor Coolant Pump-4 RCS Reactor Coolant System -  :

, RCW Raw Cooling Water REX Radiation Exposure System.

=RF(I) Radio Frequency (Interference).

-RHR(P) Residual Heat Removal (Pump)

. RHV: Reactor Head Vent RM' . Radiation Monitor.

RPI. Rod-Position Indicator:

l -rpm ~ Revolutions Per Minute RPS Reactor-Protection. System-RSW: Raw Service Water-  ;

o RTD Resis tive Thermal . Detector

-RTV- Room-Treated Vulcanization

RWST. -Refueling Water Storage Tank. .l 10( Reactor =

R.G. . Regulatory Guide' r- 'SAR Safety Analysis Report.

SCF Standard-Cubic Feet SCFH' Standard Cubic Feet Per Hour SCRL Significant Condition Report SCV- Steel Conta nent Vessel i


. -]

Abbrexiati.gan/Aeronyma DeLinition

' Shutdown Margin SDM SE- Shift; Engineer SER _ Safety Evaluation Report . ._

-SFPO. Spent Fuel Pool-Cooling SCFr Steam Generator Blowdown UGTR Steam Generator Tube Rupture SI Surveillance Instruction SI(S) Safety Injection (System)

SMS Status Monitoring System V

SNM Special Nuclear Material SOI- Standard Operating Instruction  ;

SP Standard Pressure  :

SPDS Safety Parameter Display System SP.TS Sequoyah Procedures Tracking System ,

SQA Sequoyah Administrative'InstrueLion SQN Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ,

r SR Surveillance Requirement :1 SRO Senior Reactor Operator-SSD Seismic Self-Drilling

- SSP- Site-Standard Practice

_.SSPS Solid State Protectjon System .;

SS Stainless Steel' l

-STI Special Test Instruction S/D- Shutdown ,

.S/GJ Steam Generator TACF Temporary Alteration Centrol Form Tay Average Temperature TDAb Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater

, TDPU Time-Delay Pickup L TEACP -Temporary Exterior Access Control Portal TI- Technical Instruction- ,3

TS Technical Specification (s)

. Technical Su'pport Center TSC

-TSCDS Technical Support Center Data System .j UF Underfre_quency' -


.URIH. . Upper-Head Injection llanger UHI(S) Upper-Head _InjectionT-(System)

-UO Unit Operator USQ Unreviewed-Safety Question

, USQD Unreviewed Safety Question Determination ll .UV- -Undervoltage L U.L. Underwriters Laboratories b V Volt l ;VCT- Volu:ne-Control Tank B V0M Volt /0HM Meter l WC Water Column WCDT .. Waste Gas Decay Tank

-WOG-ERGS ' Westinghouse Owners Group-Emergency Response ll Guidelines WP= Workplan

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- ECN/DCR. DESCRIPTION, SAFETY ANALTSIS DCM MM16A During the 08VP, several mantset valves were identlHed that did not ' This modification did not involve's change in the facility from that' DCR 3040 have mime f(entification roubers assigned. . This .N assioned thel described in the SAR. There was no increase in the probability for l unique identification nim 6ers to the stbject valves using the format or consequences of an accident. - The margin of safety was not

! detailed in Engineering Requironents Specification ER-50N-EEB-001.- reduced.

10 tags were fabricated and instatted in accordance with ER-SON-EES-'

. 001 and TVA Drawing 478601-0-5. Applicable drawings were revised to-reflect the valve ID nup6ers.


DCN M00263B Tenperature Switches 1-TS-30-103 and 1-TS-103A were replaced with . The replacement Static-o-Ring devices are a brand of switches

.DCR 2527 Static-0-Ring bra d temperature switches. The electronics portions environmentatty gaatified to 10 CFR 50.49 requirements and will' of 1-FS-30-194, 195, 196 and 197 were retocated front a harsh withstard the harsh environment in which they are tocated. The environment at et 714 to a mild envirorinent at et 734. CordJi t. - sensor portions of the flow switches remained at their originnt openings to J8s 5084 and 5085 and to Terminat Box 2059 were seated tocations in the penetration rooms. They are qualified for harsh with RTV, and weep hotes were dritted.

envirorument. The seating of the conduit openings and drifting weep 4

holes in the JBs and terminal bones avoids forceful intrusion of steam / condensation that could af fect the circuitry being fed by the cable ruming through the boxes. The function of the devices or the. ~

. systems was not changed by the modification. The changes were

implemented during Mode 5 and follow the environmentat and seismic
j. ' requirements of design criteria.- There was no reduction in the

! margin of safety.

DCN M002689 This modificatt' spgraded purge air test lines from ttass G to There was no cf ange in the facitity f rom that described in the SAR.

'FCR 5797 Class B and pe'.ormed seismic analysis of the purge air test lines : TSs were not affected by this modification. However, this change

. frore the root w.hes tp to and including test connections and test - does attow ithe surveillance requirements identif 4d in TS 4.6.1.T to panet so that CIV teak-rate test 'can be conducted at the test panet, be implemented without posing mdue risks to Ope,etions personnet. J DCN M00341C This modification instatted pressurizer safety valves loop seat'. lThis change removed the water seat and instatts steam trim in the DCR 2620 drain piping with.toop seat Drain vatves T-68-441A, 566, 567, and. vatve internals, but did not change the capacity of the safety 568 in tocked-open position.- The pressuciter safety valves water valves nor the overpressure ret tet required to protect the RCS. : The trim (disc and norrte) were replaced with steam trim for contiruous probability of a LOCA or an overpressure event was not increased.

steam service.. The 1-t.T-68-320 sense line cas rerouted to the - The rerouting of the sense line tap for 1-LT-65-320 to the sample .

, sanple line correcticn to attow instatlation of the loop sent drain - line connection may affect readings from the tevet transmitter when piping. a sample is taken. However, assurance is provided that the levet transmitter and associated instrtsnent toop are not af fected in a manner detrimental to plant safety. The elimination of the water seat ard the instattation of safety watwes with steam tris atsc eliminates the concern of overstressing the piping if the water flash property. The margin of safety as defined in the basis of any TS was not reduced.

DCN M00465A This DCW permarently removed as required the outer-most fan bett seenvalofthefanbettdecreasesexcessiveforcesthathave$leadto DCR 2673 frora the reasining unit 2. ESF.cooters.' The fan belt was aligred and actor shaf t fat ture. The change did not affect plant operaticn.

tensioned according to the specifications documented in this DCN. ~There was not reduction 'n the margin of safety.

, . x. + - ,  :,.

Page No. 2 CitANCES IN THE FACILITY - MODIFICATIONS DCW M00519A Electrical Penetrations 28 and 50 splice boxes were labeled in Labeting a sptice box and abandoning tsused conductm did not DCR 2560 accordance with Detait D5 on Drawing 45N860-5, Penetration 28 is the change any plant operating characteristics. There was ne increase Train B device, and Penetration 50 is the Train A cevice. The spare in the probability for or consegaences of an accident. The surgin twisted shielded quads for Penetrations 28 and 50 on Drawings of safety was not reduced.

45A860-28 series and 45A860-50 series were abandoned. Drawing 45NS60-3 was revised to denote Penetrations 28 and 50 as divisional devices.

DCN M00520A This modification tabeled electrical Penetrations 28 and 50 splice This modification did not change any plant operating characterts-DCR 2560 boxes in accordance with Detait D5 on Drawing 45NS60-5. Also, the tics. No TS applies to this change.

spare twisted shield quads for Penetrations 28 and 50 en Drawing 45A870-28 series and 45A870-50 series were abandon-d. Drawing 45N870-3 was revised to denote Penetrations 28 and 50 as divisionat devices.

DCN Mot SOD Pipe Support 1RC1tOO65 (1-H36-65) required replacement of strut and This modification did not involve a change in the facility from that DCR 2293 pins to attow free movement of attached valve. The pipe support was described in the SAR. It ensures that st w orts meet att modified by replacing the existing strut, which had been field requirements. There was no change in the ftzictionet configuration.

fabricated, with a manufactured strut, which has bearings and will There was no reduction in the margin of safety.

free up the attached valve flange. Revision D of the DCW was required to atlow staging of the support modification painting to the next outage work period.

DCW This change involved physical modifications to pipe stoports of This change did not involve a change in the facility fm that M00555A various Unit 1 systems. These geysical modifications included, but described in the SAR and did nct involve a radwaste system. Upon DCR 2293 were not limited to, adding new welds, support steet, shims or complesion of the physical changes, the pipe supports met the standard support components, and the resetting of existing springs. requirements specified in SQW Design Criteria SON-DC-V-24.2, "Sup-This change also included the design /docunentation of rigorously ports for Rigorously and Alternately Anatyred rategory 1 Piping."

anatyred pipe st4 port drawings (i.e., " unique" drawings) frora the There was ra reduction in the margin of safety.

existing typical support configuration drawings.

DCW M006528 Physical modifications wes e required to various Unit 1 pipe sugports Changes made under this DCN did not involve a change in the f acitity DCR 2293 as supported and detailed by this DCN package to bring the systems from that described in the SAR. These changes help ensure that the into conpliance with design criteria and the SAR. supports meet att requirements of the SAR. The modification sede re change to any functional configuration. There was e seismic or environmental, or Appendix R impact.

DCN M007038 Cartridge seats were instatted , att four RCPs. the cartridge seat There was no increase in the probability of or conse m ts of an DCR 1799 asseebly replaced the old-stSte s tats 2 and 3 with a unit that is accident. There was no increase in the probability of a metfunction easier to remove and maintain durmg plant tutages. To accormdate of equipment. No new accident possibilities were created. The TS this cartridge seat instattation, the existing seat teakoff and margin of safety was not reduced.

bypass piping was rerouted to line up with the new cartridge seal nozzle tocations. . ,

DCN M007048 Pipe Support 1H-36-80 was modified by replacing the existing bent This modification did not involve a change to the facitity f b that DCR 2720 rod with a new 7/S-inch rod ASTM A-36. desceibed in the SAR. It ensures that the support meets att SAR requirements. There was no change in any functional configuration.



'I DCN M00773A This modification resutted frora the Calculation Regeneration Prograra This modification ensured sugports meet all requirements of the SAR and added stiffeners, rotted steel plates and shapes, conpanent arti did not involve any changes in the f acitity as described in the parts, etc. to selected Unit 1 pipe stpports. SAR.

DCN i4007748 Physical modifications were made to pipe supports that included Physical modifications to pipe supports bring the systems into DCR 2293 adding stif fners, rotted steel plates and shapes, conponent parts, ; accordance with the existing design criteria and SAR. There was no l etc. The modifications were detailed for each support on DCAs change in the facittty or reduction in the margin of safety. '

included in the DCN package. Piping analysis calculation and isometric drawing were revised as needed to agree with the elevations on the support drawings.

DCN M008098 Physical modifications were made to Unit 2 pipe supports that The pipe support modifications performed under this DCN did not DCR 2293 included adding stif feners, rotted steet plates and shapes, conpo- involve e change to the facility frera that described in the SAR.

nent parts, etc. The modifications were detailed for each support- Thes> changes ensure that the pipe s % xts meet the design criteria on DCAs included in this DCN package. These modifications were made and the SAR. There was no decrease in the margin of safety.

to pipe supports on Drawings 47A600-217-26, 2-H36-157, 2-H36-159, 2-H10-261, 2-47A435-87-01, 2-47A915-81-01, 2-47A915-53-01, and 2-47A600-502-01.

DCN MOOS 109 This change involved physical modifications to four pipe supports on This change did not involve a change in the f acitity from that DCR 2293 the HPFP systern. The modifications included, but were not limited described in the SAR. Sr ist requirements / precautions for interim to, the addition of new welds, support steet, shims, or standard configuration ensured system operability and cceptience with the TSs i support conpanents, or the increase in size of existing welds. and the SAR. These modifications ensure that the supports meet the requirements of the design criteria and the SAR.  ;

DCN M00834B Physical modifications were made to pipe supports such as adding These modifications were required to bring the supports into DCR 2293 stif feners, rot ted steet plates and shaped, component parts, etc. compliance with the latest design criteria as determined by the Unit These nodifications are detailed for each support on DCAs, and 2 Calcutation negeneration Program. There was no change in the justifications are shown in the calculations. f acility from that described in the SAR, and there was no change to any functional configuration.

DCN M00S35A Physical modifications were perforned to pipe supports such as The modifications did not involve a change in the facility from that DCR 2293 adding stif feners, rolled steet ptates and shapes, conponent parts, . described in the SAR. The modification did not change any etc. These changes were made to bring the systems into compliance functional configuration. There was no decrease in any margin of with existing design criteria and the SAR. sefety.

l DCN M00855A Physical modifications were performed to Unit 1 pipe supports such These modifications did not involve a change in the f acility from DCR 2293 as aciding stif feners, rotted steet plates and shapes, canecnent that described in the SAR. The modifications ensure that the parts, etc. These modifications are detailed for each support on upports meet att SAR requirements. The changes do not icpact any DCAs included in this DCN package. system function, and the margin of safety was not reduced.

DCN M008568 Physical modificaticos were made to Pipe Supports 47A450-25-36S and ' The modifications did not involve a change in the facitity from that DCR 2293 2-H45-1. . These modifications included changes such as acMing ' described in the SAR. The changes ensure that the pipe supports stif feners, rotted steet plates and shapes, corponent parts, etc. meet the requirements . the SAR. The margin of safety as oescribed in the basis for any TS was not reduced.


Page No. 4  ; CHANCES IF THE FACILTTY - MODIFICATIONS DCW M00368A Physical codifications were made to pipe stpports such as adding The change did not involve a change in the facility from that 1 DCR 2293 stif feners, steet plates and shapes, 6-v.-w parts, etc. These described in the SAR. Upon couptetion of the physical changes, the-codifications were detailed in the DCAs included in the DCN. pipe sisports meet the requirements specified in Sct-DC-V-24.2, "Sagports for Rigorously ard Alternately Analyr 1 Category I Piping." There was no redJction in the margin o* safety.

DCN M008699 Physical modifications were performed to Unit 1 pipe stgports such These modifications did net involve a change in the facility from DCR 2293 as adding stiffeners, rotted steet plates and shapes, corponent- thet described in ti:e SAR. The modifications ensure that the parts; etc. These sodifications are detaitel for each support on stoports meet att SAR regJirements. The changes do not twpect ar*y DCAs included in this DCW package. system f m etion, and the sergin of safety was not reduced.

DCN M00888A This DCu provided the documentation to make TACF 1-85-063-94 a This DCW was for documer.tation enty. There was no change in the DCR 2797 permanent change. The TACF relocated terminations for Cables 1NM720 operating facility and no decrease in the earnin of safety.

and 1NM1180 in JB 1-L-89.

DON M009164 Physical modifications were performed on Unit 1 pipe sigports such : This DC4 did not involve a change in the f acility fron that DCR 2293 as amring stiff =ners, rotted steet plates and shapes, corponent described in the SAR. The stroorts acet the reqJirements of att parts, etc. These were postrestart modifications resulting from the applicable design criteria and the SAR. The functions of the

, Unit 1 Calculation Regeneration Program. ' systems were not affected. The margin of safety was not reduced.

DCX M0091?B Physical modifications were made on pipe stgports as a result of These modifications bring the system into corac>tiance with esisting DCR 2293 Unit t's Calculation Regt%intion Program. These modifications design criteria and the SAR. The nodifications did net involve a consisted of adding etif feners, rotted steet plates arv$ shapes, change in the f acility fras that described in tha SAR. There wa+ no corponent parts, etc. reduction in the margin of safety.

DCW M00919A This DCM changed the mark runbers shown en the valve tags from This change did not involve a change in the facility or plant DCR 2777 47W600-% to 47J600-99A for aMs 2-RE-90-130 and 131. Mark wurtier operating characteristics frees that describ=d in the SAR. There was 47W600-99A was added to the Bitt of Materlat and the Valve Marker no reduction in any margin of safety.

Tag Tabulation drawings, and the correct mark ruters were shown on the vendor drawfng for the effected valves.

DCN M00920A The mark numbere shown on the valve tags for Rws O-RE-90-122 and The mark ruters for these vatves are not identified in the SAR.

DCR 2777 133/140,1-RE-90-130 and 131 were changed from 4TJs00-9 to There was no change in plant con 3f ouration or fmetion. Triere inas 47k600-994. Mark hwber 47W600-99A was adied to the sitt of no deceeese in any margin of safety.

Material and the valve Marker Tag Tabulation cravings, and the mark rueers shown on the ve ubr drawings for the af fected valves were corrected.

DCW "CC923A This Change involved %ysicat modiflCations to pipe Stgports of This change did not involve 4 change in the facility from that DCR 2293 various unit 1 pipe si.pports tocated outside the unit 1 centairru"nt described in the SAR. The ef fected stoports meet att the applicable structure. These modifications ;ncluded, but were not timited to, design criteria and the SAR. The ability cf the systems to perfone adding new welds, stif fener plates, spacer plates, brace asseet4y, their function was not affected. The pipe supports now seet the SSD anchor bott asseebly, and bott relocation. requirements specified in SO4 Design Criteria sou-DC-y-24.2. . There was no reductiors in any TS margin of safety. ,

DCu =009294 An analog isolation board. Westinghouse P/w 2320D70C01, was The changes made under this DCM did not affect the safety function.

DcR 2539 instatted in Panet 2-R-105, which is tocated in the controt building of any syste=a or corponent ivporte.c to safety. This work attows coeputer roog et 685. This isolation boa-d, powered ty a 12V dc bo-th the P250 and the Ist computers to sinuttaneously sarple avtts power sigpty tocated in Panel 2-R-105, provides an a*ctified output data points without signal degrm:tation. The signals to the MCR waec


signal to both the TSC computer *e input multiplexer ard the P250 not affected by this change, and safety of the ptant was not com uter's I/O cormonents located in Panet 2-R-104. inpacted. There was se increase in the probability for or consequences of an accident. The margin of safety was not reduced.

DCW M00937A TACF 1-84-107-3 replaced 0.8 avere controt fuses with 2 arnpere This change erdsanced functional operation of Mov 1-FCV-3-3, a DCR 2846 fuses for 480V turbine MOY BD 1A, Conp 118 for 1-FCV-3-3 control rensafety-related intet flow controt vatve to rester 1A1. There was-circuit to prevent fuses from blowing and prevent failure of How no reductim ir q margin of safety.

1-FCV-3-3 operation. DCN M00937A made this change permanent by revising amticable drawings and copptetton of doctnents.

DCW M00959A TACF 82-103-234 te m orarity instatted Chemetex 10PTV1 heat trace on The heat trace circuits are non-1E, and the CDUE is not a Category 1 DCR 2847 condensate dermineratfrer caustic lines, which were not previously structure; therefore, rws seismic criteria amty to this change. us l heat traced. DCW M00959A made this change permanent by incorporat- safety-retated equipnent or system was af fected by this change.

ing a ruber of minor modifications to the existing instattation. A suspended portion of heat trace was eliminated by cutting out that portion, installing end caps, and instatting a tee comection.

Permanent power was instatted from Lighting Panet LC190. A self-contained thermostat was instatted for each circuit.

DCW M010119 For Unit 1 only,'an additional drain valve was instatted into the This change had little or no impact on safety. The UHI drain line, DCR 2949 Class G portion of the piping downstream of 1-FCV-87-5. The new in the Class G portion, has no safety function other thm position valve provides local, renual isolatico of the UMI surge tank drain retention. The injected flow rates were tasattered. The action line. The new valve 1-87-600 is normatty closed. Operation's statement in TS is stitt applicabte and was not attered by proce &res were altered to depict the drain system's configuration this modification.


DCN M01029A During a field inspection on Unit 2, it was discovered that divider This upgrade was made to meet the intent of the SAR for divider DCR 2947 deck piping penetrations between tpper and tower contairment were deck, The change brings as-configured plant into agreenent with the not adequately seated or were coeptetely (siseated. This DCM revised SAR. The penetrations were seated using cautk/ foam to minimize deck docw entation to provide for adequate seating of piping penetra- teakage. The material is compatible for use in contairvaent. Piping tions. penetration for divider deck is not covered in TSs.

OCN M01036A Solenoid valve Fsv-46-9E for NFPT 2A turbine overspeed trip Unit 2 The new solenoid vatse h s a rated tenperature and orifice size DCR 2993 reset was replaced with a new one suitable for the differentiat compatible with the system. The modification did not change the pressure existing in the system. f acility or plant operating characteristics from that described in the SAR. There was no increase in the probabitity for or consequences of an accident. The margin of safety was not reduced.

OCM M01049A During the initial instattation of smoke detectors for reactor This cha.wje does not involve a change in the facility or plant DCR 2870 building annutus Zone 374, one detector (xS-13-203As) was inadver- operating characteristics from that described in the SAR. The tently not installed. The detector is property depicted on the targin of safety as described in the basis for any TS was not appropriate design drawings. However, since a new type of detector re&ced.

was purchased, the connector diagrarn required revision, and one I-tab sheet regaired revision to docisnent the detector contract ruber. This also required the removat of existing conduit and Cabte FE4637 between Detectors XS-13-203AE and MS-13-203Z.

Page No. 6 CHANGES IN THE P ACILITY - MCI 3l/ICATIONS DCN M01057A This DCN involved physical srxfifications of supports, support Since the modifications were carried out in a manner that maintained DCR 2293  ; celetions, and suppo-t relocations for Unit 2 RHR and RCS piping. operability of RHR and RCS in sit operating modes, no DBAs were These changes resulted frm a piping reenalysis done to qualify a af fected by this change. No new failure modes were created. The  ;

14-inch RHR line extending frorn Unit 2 Hot leg 4 to Penetration change did not iwpact system performance from that described in the '

X-107. SAR. The unrgin of safety was not redJced. ,

' DCN M01084A The existing 1/2-inch carbon steel drain line from the controlter of This change ensures proper opera; ion of the vatve. The quotifica-DCR 3023 Valve 2-TCV-67-158 to the floor drainage system was replaced with 1 tion of _ the piping replaced was TVA '"less G. This modification 1/2-inch stainless steet piping that is less susceptibte to ensures thet the system and equipment r@*ments were met; ,

clogging. therefore, there was no increase in the probabitity of an accident already evaluated in the SAR. The sire, materiet, and seismic.

4 qualification of the piping instatted ensure that the system can perform att safety-related functions. The margin of safety was not reduced. i DCN M01093A The Unit 1 CSS Flow Diagram 1, 2-47WS*2-1 was revised to correctly This was a docunentation change only. There was no increase in the reflect the pressure and tenperat+2re boundary to show actual design probability or consequences of an accident. The margin of safety conditions, as anatyred in calculation EPM-STM-062088 AND CAOR SCP was not reduced. .

880387  ?

DCN M01117A Switchyard Drawings 75N206, 230, and 234 were revised. The 161kv The SAR does not address bus sport ctanping con"gurations. . There -

DCk 3044 interyard was reworked. Ctamp-fit adjustments were changed to was no change to the operation of the of fsite pew system. There stip-fit adjustments on bus supports. The bus at stoport Colten 10 was no redxtion to any margin of safety.

was repaired.

DCN N01138A The electrical power supply to the thermostats and heaters added for The original purpose of the thermostats and hesters was to provide i DCR 3031 freeze protection inside the Unit 1 RUST tevet transmitters freeze protection for the av5T tevet transmitters. The insulation  ;

enclosures was removed. These heaters and thermostats were not 1E in the enclosure is adequate to ensure the egalpnent specifications  !

qualified, and the f ailure of the thermostats could cause a of the tevel transmitters are not exceeded without the thermostats violation of the transmitter maximum ambient tenperature rating. and heaters. Removal of power to the thermostats and heaters The thermostats and heaters were left in place. ensures that the transmitter manisus arrbient teeperature will not be exceeded. There was no ispect on plant TSs, and tne margin of safety was not reduced. ,

DCN M01139A The electrical power supply to the thermostats and heaters added for The original purpose of the thermostats and hesters was to provide  ;

DCR 3031 freeze protection inside the unit 2 RwST tevet transmitters freeze protection for the RwST tevel transmitters. The insulation i enctosures was removed. These heaters and thermostats were not 1E in the enctosure is adequate to ensure the equipment specifications qualified, and the failure of the thermostats could cause a of the tevet transmitters are not exceeded without the thermostats violation of the transmitter maximum anbient teeperature rating, and heaters. Removat of power to the thermostats and heaters The thermostats and heaters were left in place. ensures that the transmitter maximum ambient tenperature will not be enceeded. There was no ispect on plant TSs, and the margin of safety was not reduced.

DCN M01171C Pipe Supports 2-820-397, 2-H36-32, 2-H36-289, and 2-H1-423 were These modifications did not change the facitity from that described DCR 3065 determined by inservice inspection to be damaged and/or not in in the SAR. The modifications ensure that the pipe supports meet compliance with the design requirements. Modifications made under the design criteria. There was no redxtion in the margin of this DCN were made to bring the supports into corpliance with the safety. ~

tatest design criteria.

m _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - - - _ _ -.---


i Page No. 7 CHANGES IN THE FACILITY a MODIFICATIDNS DCN M01215A Two 3-inch conduits were designed and instatled from Cable Tray VO, This' modification did not involve a change in the facility as o m 2340 et 685, turbine building to the comunications cable tray in the described in the SAR. No change to any TS was required. There was communications room, el 669, control building. These raceways, . no decrease in any margin of safety, along with those designed i.rlder DCNs M01042A and M01203A, enable the telephone switch Node 1 in the comtnications room to be linked to the tete # tone switch Node 2 tocated northeast of OSC R building.

OCN M012168 This modification changed Cabte 2CR338 frors Comector 4 to Comector The changing of con &ctor pigtails inside the swee penetration is DCR 3^34 231 at Penetration 18 to 3chieve low resistance path for 2-TE-68 . not discussed in the SAR. The change involved the sane concheter DCR 3'99 12A. Cable 2PL1093 was changed from Connector 58 to Connector 122 size and fruatation type. There were no changas in the facility or at Penetration 18 to achieve low resistance path for 2-TI-083-5001. .. plant operating characteristics. The margin of safety was not reduced.

DCM M012278 Cable 2V1900S had been damsged because of heat from an adja<ent hot The modificati'vt did not involve any change in the facility or plant DCR 3073 - pipe. Conduit 2V19 COB was rerouted away from the hot pipe, and a operating characteristics from that described in the SAR. There was &

new section of 10 CFR 50.49-qualified cable was spliced to no increase in the probability for or conseesences of an accident.

2-FCV-74-21-B. The margin of safety was not reduced.

ECN M012828 This change involved the physical modification to various Unit 2 These modifications did not involve a change in the facility from foCR 2293 pipe supports in the CVC, MS, SGBD, CCW, and reactor coolant that described in the SAR and did evat involve a redwaste system.

systems. The physical nodifications included, but were not limited System functions were not affected.

to, the additional of new welds, stwort steet, or standard stoport components, the increase in size of existing welds or st.pport steet, the resetting of existing springs, and the total redesigrVreplace-ment of the existing pipe support configuration.

DCN M01283A As a result of the Unit 2 Calculation Regeneration Progrars, physical This modification did not involve a change in the facitity frm that DCR 2293 modifications were performed to pipe supports such as adding described in the SAR. The function of the affected systems was not stiffness, rotted steet plates and shapes, coeponent parts, etc. changed. The margin of safety was not re &ced.

DCN M012868 This change involved the physical modification to various Unit 2 These modificatione did not involve a changa in the facility from DCR 2293 ' pipe supports in the S!, SGBD, RCS, RHR, CYC, and control air that described in the SAR ard did not involve a radwnte system.

systems. The physical modifications included, but were not limited System fmetions were not af fected.

to, the addition of new welds, su p ort steet, botts, or standard support c m ponents, the increase in size of existing welds, the ru etting of existing springs, the deletion / removal of the existing pipe support configuration (with no replacement), the total rede-a sigrV replacement of the existing pipe support configuration.

OCN M01287A This change supported the long-term cable management program and NRC This did not involve a change in the facility as described in the DCR 3100 comitment to expand the cable tray node identification by aWition SAR. There was no increase in the possibility or consegunees of an of permanent painted labels to Class 1E trays. accident. The margin of safety was not reduced.

DCN M01283 Changes made under the scope of this DCN resulted frors the Unit 1 Equipment reliability and redundancy were maffected by these Phase II of the AARP. This DCN addressed Unit 0 support support changes. The new design spets er enceeds san comitments '

modifications (hardware changes) for the air conditioning system, and does not deviate from SAR descriptions. The modifications are CVCS, SFPC, and. flood mode boration systems. Stpport modifications acceptable from a nuclear safety standpoint. The margin of safety

Page No. 8 CHANGES IN INE FACILITY - MODIFICATIOKS included adding or deleting supports on alternately analyzed piping was not reducert to bring the st.pports, associated piping, and supporting structures

!nto ca ptience with the SAR and 504 design criteria.

DCN H01299A 7t'is modification instatted a splice enetosure and splice cable to The electrical cable was repaired so that it now can perforia its DCR3117 correct the open circuit found in levet switch Cable 1A3712. intended function. There was no change in the facility from that described in the SAR. The margin of safety es defined in the basis of any TS was not reduced.

DCN M01313A The cable tabeled as 2PM408 was lif ted from 2-R-17 points 1781, 82 This modification did not involve a change in the f acility or plant DCR 3135 83, and 84 and reterminated at 2-R-17 points 1785, B6. 87, and 83. operating characteristics froen that described in the SAR. There was The cable tabeled as 2PM417 was Lif ted from 2-R-17 points 1785, 86, no increase in the probability for or consequances of an accident.

87, aM 88 ard reterminated at 2-R-17 points 1781, 82, 33, B4. The- The margin of safety was not redxed.

reterminated cables were appropriately retabeled.

DCN M01314A This modification instatted cartridge seats on att four RCPs for These changes did not change the original function of the RCP seet 12 nit 1. The cartridge seat asserably replaced Seat 2 and Seat 3 with or any of the associated comonents, but they will imrove the acP a unit that is easier to remove during plant outages. To seat system. The seat tenkage rates for the new seats remsins the accommodate the new cartridge seat instattation, the existing seet rinne as the present seats and has no ef fect on the maximrs attowabte teakoff 2 and seat teakoff 3 and tne seat bypass 1 piping were totat injection flow rate of 40 spo to the RCPs in accordance with rerouted to tine up with the new cartridge seat nozzle tocations. TS The seat tenkoff and bvoass piping classifications were An articulated arm asseably was also permanently acunted to the RCP unchanged. The new RTDs ard proximity probes are electrically motor stand. Part of the change was replacing the seat housing AfDs equivaient to the old instruments and did not impact the seismic with new RIDS surptied with the cartridge seats and installation of analysis. The instattation of the articulated arm was anatyzed by vibration brackets for the new Bently Nevada Prosimity Keyptiazor Westinghouse and wes determined to have no adverse ef fect on the Probes. seismic or structural analysis of the RCPs. The margin of safety as defined in t*ie basis for any TS was not reduced.

DCN M01317A Controt circuit fuses arva controt transformers for 2-FCV-3-3,13, There was no change to plant functions or systems. This change DCR 3136 20, and 30 were replaced with proper sizes as determined by involved foue nonsafety-related valves. There was no increase in electrical calculations. the probability for or consequences of an accident. The margin of safety was not redxed.

DCW M01362A This modificatien instatted and/or modified capittary tubing sup- This modification brought the plant into co mtience with design ports for capittery tubing associated with safety-related instru- requirements as docunented in the SAR. There was rua imact on the ments for the ice condenser system, CVCS, S!S, ERCE, RCS, waste functions required by the SAR.

disposat system, ard the auxiliary building HVAC (instrunent and valves) system.

DCN M01367A A voltage overshoot reductiert device was added and the exciter I mtementation of this DCN Irproved the transient voltage response current transformer taps were changed on D/Gs 1A- A and 18-8. of the D/Cs, produced a voltage recovery time meeting the nunerical guidelines of R.G. 1.9, and, therefore, increased the ability of the standby ac power system to perform its safety function. The, voltage overshoot reduction device is designed to meet Class 7E and it requirements as is the rest of the circuit so that the possibility of failure was rwt increased. The change had no adverse affect en nuclear safety and did not introduce any unanatyred falture mode.

I r



DCN M01368A A voltage overshoot reduction device was added and the exciter Irptementation of this DCM leproved the transient voltage response I current transformer taps were changed on D/Gs 2A-A and 28-B. of the D/Gs, prociaced a voltage recovery time meeting the runericat ,

guidelines of R.G. 1.9 and, therefore, increased the ability of the i standby ac power system to perform its safety ftsiction. The voltage [

overshoot reduction device is designed to meet Ctess 1E and 1C requirements as is the rest of the circuit so that the possibility of failure was not increased. The change had no adverse affect on nuclear safety and did not introduce any unanatyred f atture mode.

DCN M01370A Sooster kickof f springs were momted to' the hardstop and putley the addition of the kickof f springs did not change the function or -

DCR 2193 assenbty on both the reector and pitside of the fuel transfer system reduce the performance of the upender. Rettability of the upender upender to eliminate the hesitancy that the upender experiences and winch assembly was improved. The margin cf safety was not  !

white moving from vertical to horizontal position. reduced.

DCN M013728 The nonessential controt air copper ttbing between Root valve The type of tubing used is not described in the SAR in either the [

DCR 3187 0-32-1751 and the isolation valves to 1-FCV-3, L , 48, 90, and 102 . figures, tables, or text. This modification did not affect the was replaced with stainless steel tubing and coup ession fittings. accident analyses as descrited in the SAR. The tubing is forated in a part of the turbine building that extends into the contret building. This 1/2-inch tubing la not required to be seismicatty supported.

DCN M01380A This modification provided 120V ac vitet instrument power distritar Att new equipment was instat ted in a mild envircrvnent and was ,

tion panet bus voltage status for postaccident monitoring. A seismically mounted. Cables were routed in nondivisional raceways nonsafety-retated R.C.1.97 Type / Category D2 instrunentation toop to maintain separation from safety-related circuits. SAR Figures ,

was instatted for each 120V ac vitat instrunent power board. 8.3.1-29, 30, 31, and 32 (TVA Drawings 45N706-1 through 4) were i revised to reflect this modification. The safety function of the i 120V ac vitet control power system was not changed. The change did


not reduce any margin of safety as defined in the basis of TS 3/4.8.1, 3/4.8.2,, and Tables 3.3.10 and 4.3-7.

DCN M01331A This modification added new thermocouples and signal cables for This acdification did not alter the control, togic or function of indication of Unit 1 CSS heat exchanger intet and outlet tewperature any system involved in an accident scenario previously evaluated in to satisf y PAM (CAT 2 Type D) and R.G.1.97 requirements. These the SAR. This activity did not increase the probabitity of an indications will be displayed on the TSC data system and the plant accident previously evaluated in the SAR. The margin of safety was process coeputer on demand. ' SAR Figure 6.2.2-4 and text Section not reduced. were to reflect this change.

DCN M01401A This modification aitsed current transformers, current transducers, This modificatico did not change the function, the controt. or the Hoffman enclosures, and routed cables to provide Unit 1 pressurizer logic of the af fected systems or cornponents. The added com onents bester status in the MCR to meet PAM requirements. This provides a perfonn a non-1E function, which meets the requirements. The '

means to monitor the electrical current in the pressurizer backup modification did not af fect any equipnent, structure, or system Heaters 1A-A and 18-B after an event consistent with the guidelines whose bret,ch or damage would result in an accident as described in specified in NRC R.G.1.97 R2. the SAR. The consequences of a metfunction of equignent previously evaluated in the SAR were not increased. The basis for any TS was not violated or coepremised by this modification. The margin of safety was not reduced.

i b

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Page No. 10 CHANGES IN THE F ACILITY - MODIFICATIOaS information is avaltable DCN M01402A This modification provided additional auxiliary control air pressure This modification ensures that suf ficient irputs to the Unit t and 2 isc data system for PAM variebte Type D2 to monitor an fottowing andaccident.

assess auxiliary control air The modification pressure required dJringofand revision SAR requirements and provided test points at auxiliary instrunent roon Figure 9.3.1-2 and SAR SectiJn to reflect new irwts to TSC.

panets. The change did not atter the controt, logic, or function of any system involved in an accident scenario previously evaluated in the  ;

SAR The margin of safety as deffned in the basis for any TS was I not reduced.

There was no change in the operation of the ECTS. There was no' DCW M01419A 'this modification ensures that ducting and dact scoports meet increase in the probability for or consequences of an accident. The tong-term design criteria as specified in the SAR by adding margin of safety was not reduced.

baseptates, adding / replacing anchor bolts, and adding stif fener plates to the baseptates. This ECM covered changes made to seven dact supports for the ECTS.

The modification did not change the controt, logic or fm etion of DCN M01422A this unit 2 DCN provided 12CV vitet instrunent power distribution the 120V witat instrment power system or the TSC corputer. Class panet bus voltage status for PAM irrfication of the MCR TSCDS. 1E fuses provide qualified isolation beti.een the Class TE buses and the non-1E PAM toops added.

This podification did not inpact the nermat operation of the RMR or DCW M01423 This modifiestion provided MCR indication for RHR spray flow to satisfy PAM, R.G.1.97 requirements. IL-qualified conduit and Local S!S safety fmetions. The nodification was leptemented in stagas so Panets 2-L-642 and 643 were instatted. RNR spray piping was dritted as to have no adverse inpact on safety. There was ro increase in and seismic Category I qualified flow elements (annubar) 2-FE G -40 the probabitity for er consewences of an accident. The margin of and 41 were instat ted in RHR Spray Headers A ar

  • B in the auxiliary safety was not reduced.


The CSS instrument toops added only canitor the CSS heat exchanger DCN M01424A This modification provided MCR irdication f or CS heat exchanger intet and outlet reaperature. The toops do not perfona a intet and outlet temerature to satisfy PAM. R.G.1.97 R2 requirements. Wew thermoccupies were instatted in existing thermo- controtting function and do not connect toofthe theCSS or any other wet ts on the CSS intet and outlet of ident Exenar,ger 2A snd 28. The system or coeponent. There capabilities corpenents/systens involved were not adversely affected. There was no increase in the output signa! cf the therancouptes was conrected to the cold prcbability of or the conseg;ences of an accident. The nergin of reference junction box in Panet 2-R-104. Cables were rm f rom 2-R-1^.4 to 2-R-156 and 2-R-157. SAR Figure 6.2.2-4 and text Section safety was not reduced.

6.2J2.5 were revised to reflect this change.

DCN M01425A This Unit 2 DCN involved providing pressuriter heater status in the changed.

The function Theofnew theinstrtment pressuri.ter heater toops backup prow;oe negroup centrol1ing has retfmetion.

ben MCR, which meets PAM Category 11 requirements. The modifica.e ion There was no imact on any safety funct'on or syste s.

provided a means to monitor the electrical current in pressu irer Back.;p Hesters 2A-A and 28-8 after en event, consistent with R.G.


The TMSS is classified es nor-nuclear safety. It is not reqJired DCE M01426B Thls activity instatted a position detection switch on each end of for the safe s* utdcm of the reactor. The primary safety functions travet of the FHSS fuel transfer cart. The position detection of the FMSS ts handling and storage of fuel safety and preventing switch sensing the refueling cart spent fuel pit (pit side) home excessive radiation locat ty a,d of f site in escess of that at tomed by position permits e.arual operation of the pit-side f if ting arm 10 CFR 100. This modificatiov imroved t5e manrer in wnich the (upender) af ter ittuminating a t ight on the fuel transfer control refueling cart position is detected and ensures peoper W sitioning console indicating that the transfer cart is in tM pit-side home for refueting operations. Prwisions of the design pechibit lifting position. The position detection switch sensing the fuel cart a

Page No.11 CHANGES IN THE FACit!TY - MODIFICATIONS reactor-cide home position permits manual operation of the reactor- arm operation unless the cart is in the home position, which side lif ting arm af ter illtsninating a light on the pit-side and decreases the likelyhood of a fuel handling accident. This reactor-side controt consoles irdicating that the transfer cact is mdification did not changa or affect any of the bases used to This in the reactor side home position. perform R.G. 1.25 evaluations described in SAR Section 15.5.6.

modification was instatted in comtience with att referenced design criteria and co m lies with all TSs. The margin of safety was not reduced.

DCN M0143SA The mechanical limit switches installed on DCN M01100A were removed, Position detection prevents the inadvertent or peerature operation DCR 2917 and a position detection switch was instetted on each end of travet of an upmder in the event the fuet sandling cart is not in its home of the FMSS fuel transfer cert. Each position detection switch position. There was no increase in the probebility of malfunction consists of a detector and fiber optic cable containing two of equipment important to safety. The margin of safety as definad in the basis for any TS was not reduc *d.

filaments. The electrical switch in the detector is comected to the relay (98 and R9) that provides the permissive to attow the opender to operate.

DCN M01439 This modificaticn instatted a nonsafety-related tecperature monitor- This modification instat ted a nor *sfety-retated tamerature monitor-ing system for the east and west main steam valve vault. Two Type T ing system that performs no control f'Jnction s,d is not connected (Copper Constanton) thermocouples and one tocetty-momted recorder rechanically or electricat ty to other systems or corponmts. There was no increase in the probability for or conserpences of an were instatted for each vatve vault. accident. The main steam watve vautts.or vault vent fans are not addressed in TSs; therefore the margin of safety as oefined in the basis for any TS was net redxed.

DCW M014444 This modification removed att the RfD bypass piping and associated An indirect ef fect of removing the RT3 byoess piping is that a instrtrents for each of the four RCS toops for Unit 1. !ast- source of pipe break has been eliminated. 'The removat of the RtD response RIDS were ached directly into the RCS pipig for bypass piping reduces ar y seismic concerns associated with the smelt determining narrow-range tenperatures in the hot and cold legs of bore piping. The reactor coolant pressure bourvjary was not corpromised by this envfificaticri. The c*iange wa9 acceptable f rom a the RCS. nuclear safety starvjpoint.

Past experience witt- the aghenot comectors above the reectoe head DCN N01453A This DCm was written f or the removat of the RPI cable archenot DCR 3119 connectors and instattation of cc pression taatt splices and Raychem had resulted in bad circuit continuity. There is no SAR impe,ct heat-shrinkable insulator sleeves on the reactor control RPI system involved. The connectors replaced were not described in the SAR.

The replacement of comectors with butt splices and Raychem circuits on an "as r W basis. over-steeving provides a more retiable electrical and envircnmental

< 2nnection for the non-1E RPI circuit.

DCN M014SSA The attachment from Pipe Support 2-H34-210 to 3/8-inch thick this ertedded ptate and pipe support are not specificatty acMressed eccedded plate on the outside f ace of the crane wat t was nodified to in the SAR.

This modification brings the e-teddad plate into DCR 3202 comtience with Design criteria DC-v6 .3.2. There was no reductim prevent ov-rstressing the plate and anchors. in any margin of safety.

DCW N01494A This activity provided the required electricat and physical separa- The function of nadification. the instrunent There was m irpactloops onwas any not changed safety by ce function this' system.

tion by ack$ing flass 1E and nondivisionat cables and rerouting and The activity did not alter the control. togic or function of any reput ting of existing cables f or six PAM variable toaps. This system involved in an accident' scenario previously evatuated in the activity was consistent with the guidelines specified in NGC R.G.

SAR. The margin of safety as defined in the t> asis for any TS was 1.97 R2. not reduced.

I l


DCN N014964 This activity tpgraded PAM indication at the MCR Soards 1-M-4, 5, 6, A review cf Chapter 15 of the SAR showed that there are no DsAs 9,10, and 31 to meet the intent of R.G.1.97 R2. Non-!E indicators requiring review for potential imact by this change. This change were replaced with quellf 3ed-1E indicators, and new quetified 1E was restricted to indicators, recorders, and panet wiring in the MCR. This modification did not alter the plent response such that a indicators and non-1E recorders were added at the MCR. Scale new type of accident might be created, and the probability of an changes were made to meet PAM range, resolution, and accuracy accident was not incrensad. The safety functions of the systems requirements. Indicators / recorders at the MCR were relocated for additicrial indications Electrical separation, where required, wa. were not changed. The acceptance timits as definet* In the basis for provided, and routing detail was provided. TS 3/ are not approached or exceeded as a resuit of modification. The margin of saf ety was not reduced.

DCN M01497A PAM indication at the MCR Boards 2-M-4, 5, 6, 9,10, and 31 was This modification did not alter the plant response such that a new DCR 1156 upgraded by replacing non-1E indicators with qualified-1E indica- type of accident way be created. The probability of an accident was l

tors, adding new qualified-1E indicators and non-1E recorders, and not increased. The safety functions cf the affected systems did not l j

maktng scale changes to meet PAM range, resolution and accuracy change. No new unanatyred type of malfunction was created. The l

l requirements. Also, indicators / recorder

  • 4t PCR were relocated for margin of safety was not reduced.

I additional PAM indication, and electrical separation barrier was l

provided where required for cables to the PAM Cateery I indication l at MCR. This DCN provided MCR routing detait for PAM Category I cables for other modifications addressing cable for PAM and existing cable barrier rework.

DCN M0149ES This DCN was for documentation only regarding ti,e upgrade cf upper The loops are now 1E toops. No existing piece of equipment w:ss DCR 1156 W tower contairment EM Loops 1-RE-90-271, 272, 273, and 274 to PAM upgraded and no hardware changed tasder this DCN. Only the drawing Category I requirements. Specificat ty, RM Control Diagram 47W610- and 1-tab were revised for proper doctmentation.

90-4 and I-tab 47B601-90 series were revised to identify MCR indicators, on Panet 1-N-30, for Loops 1-RE-90-271 through 274 with ,

PAM 1 and PAM 2 identifiers. l DCN M014994 This activity provided the required electrical and physical separa- This is required for PAM Category I and it instrumentation to tion by adding Class 1E and nondivisional cables, and rerouting and monitor plant and environment conditions during and following a repulling of existing cables for six PAM variable loops. design basis condition I, II, and IV events. This activity is I consistent with the guidelines specified in NRC R.G.1.97 R2. The function of the instrteent loops was ret changed. The instrsment toop cable was upgraded to Class 1E qualification. The changes had to imaet or any swfety ftnction or system. The i mtementation of these changes did not vic, late or corpr mise the basis for any TS.

The margin of safety was not reduced.

l l

DCN N01500A Modifications made under this DCN brought the S/Gs' Fressure loops Modifications were made in accordance with specific TVA design i

1-PT-1-2A, 29, 9A, 98, 20A, 20s, 27A, and 278, narrow-range Level requirements, ensuring that the probability of failure of the F03350A comonents of this modification is not any greater than that of loops 1-LT-3-39, 42, 52, 55, 94, 97,107, and 110, and wide-range L new failure Levet Loops 1-L-3-43, 56, 98, and 111 (in conjunction with the Eagle modes esistingwere corporuts of safety introduced. This systems ef fected.

modification did ,=ot change the, 21 (pgrade of the RPS ison ation cabinets) into corptience with the functions of the safety systems. Att co monents utiifred in this guidelines specified in NRC R.G.1.97 R2 for PAM Cat:1 pry I modification are envirorrentally and seismicatty qualified for their requirements. This modification spgraded the loops by making MCR indication meet Class 1E requirements. expected service locations, resulting in higher toop re(iebility.

This modificatio) has r,o imact on the remote shutdown capability of l

i i

n Page No.13 CHANGES IN THE SAC 4LITT - MODIFICA~!ONS the plant as specified in basis" for TS 3/, and there was no reduction in any margin of safety as described in the basis for any other TS.

OCN M01501A This Unit 2 DCN involved upgrading of S/G toops by making the MCR This modification did not change the functions of the safety system.

indication meet Class 1E requirements. In accordance with R.G. 1.97 Att conponents are envirorwientalty and seismically qualified, for PAM Category I. Included were eight pressure loops, eight resulting in higher loop reliability. There was not ispect

  • narrow rance tevei toops, and four wide-range ievet toops. system performance.

DCN M01502A This DCN @ graded the S/G's AFW Flow In}tation Header Loops The sense lines and cables added or replaced by DCN M0150;A were 1-FT-3-147, 155, 163, and 170 in accordance with the guidelines instatted in accordance with specific TWA design regairements, specified in WRC R.G.1.97 R2 for PAM Category I requirements. The ensuring that the probability of f ailure of the corponents o' this modification upgraded the flow toops by making the MCR indication modification is not any greater than that of the existing cargeients meet'Ctess 1E requirements. Flow Loops F-3-155 and 170 now receive of safety systems affected by the modification. No new failure Train A power, and F-3-147 and 163 row receive Train 8 power. modes were introduced. The modification did not change the furictions of the safety systems arwJ had no impact on the performance of these systems. Acceptance limits as defined in the TS bases were not anproached or exceeded. Ths margin of safety was not reduced.

DCN M01503A S/Cs' AfW Flow Injection Header Loops 2-FT-3-147,155,163, and 170 Systeaa affected by this modification were not affected to the DCR 1156 were upgraded in accordar:ce with the guidelines specified in NRC extent that operation characteristics, coepliance methods, or R.G.1.97 R2 for PAM Category I requiremer:ts. This modification procedures described in the SAR are affected. The margin of safety upgraded the flow loops by making the NCR indication meet Class 1E as described in the basis for TS 3/, Remote Shutdown requirecients . Instrumentation, 6r any other TS was not reduced.

DCN M01515A This aodification provided Unit 2 CIV status in the MCR, which meets The probahitity of occurrence of a DBA as a result of this PAM Categories 1 and 2 qualification req >irements. The PAM ClV modification did not change f rom that already analyzed in the SAR.

position status is provided on a C1t status panet. T% status penet ko new f ailure modes were created, and the prrMbility of f ailure of is a tight box instatted on M-6. The C1V status panet has a tight the systems involvad was not increased. Tne modification ht.d no box wirdow for each vatve. IFe wiridows have rc<f and green LED-type ef fect on the fierformance r2f the systems. The margin of safety was lights to indicate open tred), closed (green), or midtravel (both not reduced.

red and greeni status for each valve.

DCN N01516A Modifications were made so that att Unit 1 PAM C1V position status This modification was instatted in accordoce with specific NA is provided on a CIV stetus panel. 'The CIV status panet is a light design, requirements, ensuring that tSe protmbitity of f ailure of bot instatteo on FCP P eel M-6. The mortification provided a deans the conpanents of this modification is not any greatee than that of to morntor the CIVs poisition af ter an event consistent with tt+e ex6 sting conponentt of safety systee's ef fected. No new failure 1,uidelines spe:ified in NRC a.G. 1.97 P2. modes were intraduced. There was nc change to the duncticns of the safety systems. The margin of sofety as described in any Tsewas not reduced.

DCN M015194 This modification replaced the retaining block studs and nuts in the neio studs cru nuts. are made of staintess steet that is scre Anchor Darling Check Valves: 2-63-510, 561, 562, 563, 622, 623, resistant to tirese corrosion cracking. The safety function of the 624, 62% 640, and 643. These were replaced occause of the valves was not ewersety af fected, un tre seismic g;stification of potecti et fe? stress corrosion cracking, the vatwes and pioing was unchang-ci. The new interrwis serve so increase the rdiability of the check watves td timit RC! teakwe during power eperation. There was no redaction in the nergiri of safety.


. . _ _ _ s

Page No. 14 CHANrls IN THE FACILITY - C0!TICAff0NS DCm M01520A The retaining block studd and ruts were replaced in Anchor Darling These internal corponents on the check valves were replaced beceuse Swing Check Valves 1-63-563, 561, 562, 563, c22, o23, 62c, 62$, 640, of the potentist f or stress corrosion cracking. This replacement and 643. Also, reinstattation of Protect Ive Cevice 9 reqJired minor was necesssry to cogly with mRC Buttetin 89-02,

  • Stress Corrosion dimensional changes. Crackirs of H!gh-Mar &ess Type 410 5taintess Steel Ir:ternet Pre-leaded Sotting in Anchor Carting Modet 135CU Swir.3 Check Vaives or Vatves of Similar Design " anr.; mac auttetin 68-85, "Srden sete!ning Stock Studs in , chor Enriing Check Valves.' *he new studs and ruts are made of c 5;tir,tess steet thet I6 more red stant to atress corros!an cracking. The safety function of the valves to cpen was not adverselv affseted. The seismic qualification cf the valves and piping wts tnctianged 177 the modif!Cetion. Tha oescrip*lon of the vetves stears in the SAQ was trdanged. There was no cetrimental ef fect on plant ssiety.

DCM MGtE22A The 3-inch swing check vatves erream of the thernet herrier septacenent of the swing check vehes with piston c9ck <ratves DCR 3086 booster pu ps (Valves 2-70-676A and B) were replaced with 3-inc6 orovides reverse flow pecteuttan to the ptrps. The fmien ard pistc0 check velves. retlability of the system is inpreved by the instattation Of the replet.ece:it pitfon check valves. This wiifi.:stier, had no averse ,

impac.t on nucteer safsf f 00% M01323A Chack Yatves 1-76-576A and a were teeperarity replaced with the long-tsrie fix for both units 1 and 2 wl?t es to instat t lif t DCR 3086 equivstent swing r. heck vstwes transferred f rom Hartsville. check va?ves at this S w ation. But lif t checa weibes could ret be

& livered in time for inst dation during Un5t 1 Cycle 4 sefueling outc#4. These valves are not addressed in *.ce SAR. There is rys change in the vatves abitity to peeforp *ne origina1 de-!gn functfon. TSa do not eddress snen watves or ' heir function.

DCE M01$33A The 8li was fmetita. ally deactivated mder this DCW, and duty These changes did not irrene the radiological consequences of renamed the CCP injectims s n . The BIT acy! mffected BIT-retated design baais s accidents. There art <> credible fatiure modes piping i,as flushed of the 12 percent borte acid solut i cn. fank associated with the sfiysical chanses made vev this CCw. There was

' heaters .ere deactivated and abandoned in place. Heat tracing no increase in tSe probat itity for or conseepnces of an ecctdent.

associated with 81T-related piping was desctivated and abanch. sed in Changet to the TSs were sxnitted to the mac under 5thsittat ptoce. The recirculation path between the BIT and the BAT were TbA-SO4-(5 80 26 es a result of this modification.


DCN M015348 lbis DCN unit 1 involved removal of the tJMI p!cing from t % four There was no increase in the probability of a esA, and there was no reactor vesset auxiliary head adaptors (stan M pes) on the re&ctor increase in the prot,soit it; :f a safety systen f ail"ve. so new type sesset head. The f our reseter' vessel aunit .ary head adaMors were of (nanatyred accident or type of malfunction was created. There sev* red below the head adaptor flange thre eded joint, end the ,as no deresse in the margin of safety as descrtead in the basis


remaining truncated portiorss of the three aualtiary head adap* ors for any TS.

were capped of f with butt-weaued pipe caps snd one witt a butt-wetded pipe can with vent socket to attow attactment of the rescott head went line. The four thermal steeves were remc%d f r.wn inside the truncated portions of the head adaptors and the CEM cooling .hroud was modified.

- . - .  % F

_ A


DCN M0:53% As car

  • of the removal of Unit 1 UNI syst% DCN installed a There was tb increase irt the probGbility of a DBA. There was no new kinch vent line emanating from a Uus teactor vesset heta increase itsthe probability of a fatture of a safety sy4t % seo % *
  • s!=ndpipe. Thb DCm also strenarized *he entire UHf re-% rat work ttPe of umanalyzed accident er *.L
  • type of malfunction -o feco, trope. Th-re izas . decrease 'n th , margin of safety. TS cftes stere, wbmitted to NRC for review and approvat before the ie 6p%ntaWn of operation with the UN! removed.

DCN MG1536a the thit 1 UNI systec tras permanently removed from servict The The reneT?ations and buildir'g sleevas associated w4.n this

  • W se ctsnge arde mdar DCis M01516s phGically sepsrateri me 12-inch U9 constpT to those types previounty approved f or thse er N .ons, injecti g pines frem the cot at eenetrations X-108, 109, and 110. f.!l oice uhlp/ pipe rupture devices on the UNI piW in Aareent Containrr-ht Sen=tratiorm x-too and 109 were reworked into meinte- are no u ger neeAA Technically, no TS margin tars.-5 n otted i nonce portals, the 2-inch containment penetration was permanently f rom DCW M01536s; %ever, removat of the c! systea frcc the carpe . Ihc shbtd odi!d*ng Penetratiert X-110 was sealed. Portions Appendix K anstysis did lepact TE marii n. DcN HC155, the surunary of the 12-inct in!stiGr. pipsg around the penetrad.ww area, DC2, addresses that issv%

a:mcciated watves, cf.3 RR instnmentation were removed. :he remdnino piping in the Coniairwnent Building and rukiltional Equip-

>nt seitding was pMged a 'd dowigraded to TVA Csass C, seismic C

  • T ry 10- Numercm haN&rs, moports, pipt .,mp restraints, and sm.ibers e--* Wared or :=fnoved, DCN M01538 The primary purpese of this DCM was to physicatty disamciate the 'he entire UH1 system was deact vated. DCN M01535 is the u.rvnsry i

DCR 2581 Unit 1 UHI (Mirtr c-'tation frca the MCR benchboard2 and remove the doctwnt on 6 tis modification and the SAR revision required. A '

LPI equipmer.C th4 taas in the additional equipmeat MJtd%g. Att plant TS revimion was also reqaire<i. This is also addressed in DCW cabics wera determined during the Unit 1 Cycle 4 ?efurting outage so M01535. The work was performed for unit 1 white in rodes 5 and 6.  ;

that the de-+nergh*wi c' Ale and essociatied corh could be removed The thange did not atter any design parameters for equigeent that i postoutage. E a not directf y af fected by the medificatior*.  !

DCN M01541A The 81I has been deactivate 6 This modification deleted the BIT System operation and cornenent function wefe t.r:sf fected, are there oypass line and abmdened in place 1-MS-63-43. Sirme this flow was no inpet on plant TS 3/4.1.2. This modificaticn hao nc 4ct '

indicating switch wss ised during quer+erty A ME Section X! BATP


on the '*t; system das!gn bases as described in SQW-DC-V-27.2 or tr:e testing, new bypass lines and new flow transmitters were added for abit?ty o. 4e system to eitigate ar- SAR Chapter 15 DBA as described flow measurement during purp testing. The bypest ciping was in th* destaj criteria. The margin of safety was not affrcted.

heat-traced to prevent boric acid cryscattiratiert.

DCW M015L3A Containment hydrogen analyzers Instrvnent Loops 1-N?E 43-200 and 210 hs modificatim enables the c5.erator to monitor contairwnt DCR 1156 were upgraded to conpty with the recornendations of R.G.1."7 R2. hr* Men c mcent.ation after an accident. SAR Section 7.5 required New Class 1E isoletors were added to the containment hydrogen a r evisio- to aoiress the r.ew plant configuration ard comunitment anatyrers toops, and the cables routed f rtxa Panets 1-L-433 and 484 f of.cing conpliance to R.G.1.97 R2. The isolators added by this

. were upgraded to 1E and rerouted to ensure adequate separation  % ' scat (on ensure that camaging voltage surges originating from between the safety trains. New cables run from the isolators to the ron-1E porticos of the inetrunent loops cannot damage the 1E i TSC computer. The cables that ran from 1-M-10 to the TSC wre sortions. Atmo, the new cables instatted by this modification are /

abandoned in place. envirorwentalif Vietified and physically separated. The margin of  !

Aty as defi vM in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

DCN M01566A This DCN upgraded the containment hydrogen anatyzers instrunent  % e was , ' G me in the probability f or or consequences 'of ar.

Loops 2-H?r-43-200 and 210 to compty with the recorenmdatims of occid-nt. S adificnion was designed to ensure instrunent toep R.G. 1.97, Revision 2. New Class 1E isolators were added, raetes reliabi 16 4 a to ensure that a single falture does not prevert were upgraded to 1E and rerouted t. ensu~e separation, and rew sufficier* .nforaation f rom being available to the operator. The cables were run. margin s' safety as defined in the basis of any TS was not reduced.

s Page No. 16 CRast.E5 12 TME FACILITY - Mae!FICAf!ONS u

DCm M01579A This modification resutted in the Leardware and sof tware chargas The purpose of the 8151 is to previor . tomatic MCR fndication of necessary to instatt a cone.rterf rad 8!51 system that acets the bvpessed and deliberately induced abnormat conditions for plant connituent to have such a system instatted by the end of the tinit 1 safety system that reuive EST ectwrtion systes signats and the Cyct , 4 refueting otsuge. A corrusdcations tint between the (# tit 1 etaillary oc sigport systens regaired by thee to g=rform their and Unit 2 TSC data systuns computers was instat ted. Irput circuits safety-related functions. Sist is mt a safety-geade system it is to the SMS rack irest re'ays was redesigned. A piezoelectric buzzer an eid to ensipment actuated assist operators in determining that does net f ait safe.the cendition The changesofhave ESFno was installed in the TSC esta system keyboard tocated on Pane ( inpact on controt, logic, or cperation of the mmitered systems, nor 1-M-19 to serve as the BIst arranciator. The Tsc data systesa conputer sof tware was edified so that att equipent that meets the any essociated T5s. A new SAR section was required to tiescribe the Sfst system.

requirements for monitoring by B!st will be scanned and processed.

DCs M0158A This modificatio, resutted in the hardware and sof tware modifica- The erst -uxfifications did not af fect = r esAs in the SAR. The '

fts,ction, control togic, and response thes of af fee'ted systems aruf tions necessary to instatt a corrputertred 8151 system that meets a corpments were not affected. to new failure modes were created.

corunitment to have such a systere instat ted by the end of Urti! 2 The margin of safety was not reduced.

Cycle 4 refusting outage. The instattation of the 5151 systen resulted in modificati.m to nonsafety-related circuits associated with safety-retated hardswitches in the MCR as weit as modifications to the TSCDs conputer tsof tware, MCR keyboard, and I/O anattiptenor.

A new sectic;. af the SAR was written to describe the BIST system This ariification was a tocal structural interface only. The basis D7 M01590A Eebedded Pts & 48N914wKP1SPL1U1 was evaluated. From this evatta-ation, i' a as setermined that toads f rom Pipe Stsput 1-M20-66 were stsport configuratice end piping attachment point did not enanga There was re ovee the erbedded plate. To satisfy the reg 28tements of No piping reroute or piping ceanalysis was required.

DCR 3062 redrtion to the margin of safety.

Design criteria DC-V-1.3.2, a modification ins made to Pipe support 1-M20-66. This consisted of adding a vertical meeber, which witi help distribute sone of the load to another enbe@d plate, 48w962FK8Pt3ut.

This noditscation replaced two tevet transmitters and three pressure Th?s instrur%tation is TS 3/4.5.1 instrtssentation txrt does net DCW M01604A These transeitte-s urre perform a safety function (e=ctuding CLA pressure tourufary) to transmitters on each of the four CLA tanks. schieve and enintain a safe reactor shutdown. These transmitters replaced with newer modets bacause of maintenance and calibration enly previde indication to the cperators. Thare mes no irethis ct to probtems with the original transmitters. the plant TSs. and the mergin of safe f was not re+ated by activity.

This was an instrument reptacement with on co2iveient itstru:ent.

l DCN M016058 CLA tank Levet iransnitters 2-LT-63-99, 109, 119, t29, 60, 81, 82, Instrunent ranges, functions, etc., were tvat e:angad. The*e was no l and 89 (Barton Modats 354 and 752 "ransmitters) were replaced with redxtion in any aergin of safety, l Rosemomt Modet 1151 transmitters. This involved r= moving the sensor betlow assen6 ties, capit tary tubings, Barten transmitters and enounting plates.

This structure * ,ot specificetty d-scribed in tha 5Ae. m ever, OCW M0160SA This modification removej existing srutbers attached to Platforms 48w937-01-PF1U2 and PF2U2 and modified beams md colums connections the The strtretwe str ocu c ceties with the SAR req 2irempe=ts for desmic e gtn of fafety as defined in the basis toc eny TS analysis.

to meet the long-term adequacy of the platforms in accordance with was nct redxed.

Design Criteria SO4-DC-V-1.3.2.

' -mmmm-


1 DCN M01613A Physical modifications were performed to pipe su@ orts such as reset The modification did ret imotve a change in the f acitity from that GCR 2293 of snubber stroke (1-RNRN-8), docurentation of steet and uelds described in the SAR. M4Al-11,

  • Fabrication Instattation and t (1-RMRN-5), relocation (1-RMRM-6), and r* wifiguration (1-RNRM-6 and Documentation of Su@ orts, Piping Systems, and Structures Attachef 47A465-1-7). Drawings for Supports 47A405-1-3 ard 1-RMRW-3 are to Seismi; Category i Structures,* specificatty addresses the marked to functionally recaywe pipe support at the indicated interim configuration and set forth special requirements / precautions locations. for the interim c efiguration thee ensures system eperability and conpliance with TSs and the SAR.

DCN M01636A Based on Control Roose Design Revie- recormendations, comonents The modification imelved only of these entsting como-

DCR 2611 1-PI-2-77,1-P!-2-129, 0-tt-2-230s, and 0-Lt-2-233A were reloested nents on the penets to enharce MCR operator responses and reaction.

with MCR Panels iME and 1M3. There was no ef fect or change to the function of these comennents.

  • There was no a & erse i m act on safety.

004 M01637A Based on Centrol Foom Design Review recoevnermistions, comonents are The fmetion of the corpments was not af fectad and remains the >

being retocated within MCR Panet 1M3. Two indicators were added to sane. Installatien of the instnaments is identical te their 1M3 that were relocated from Panet 1M2. Two S/G wide-range tevet original instattation, and interface the af fected s,stens is '

start w enhanced recorders were added to Panet 1M3. unchanged. System function, gerformance, and safety-requirements are unaffected. There was no adverse imact on safety.

4 DCN M01638A Based on Controt Room Design Review reconce wiations, conponants were Changing the four indiastors from Panet tNS to Panet 1=4 achieves )

relocated within MCR Panet IM4 Four indicators prewtously tocated better fisictional grong4ng of presserzier surge and spesy line in 1MS, were pr>ved to Panet 1M4. These indicators, 1-PI-68-342A, indication. The cedificatien envolved retocation of e=isting 1-TI-68-316,1-T1-68-317, and 1-it-68-315, provide pressure and comonents on the penets to Wance MCR cparator responses and temerature indication for the RCS pressurizer. reaction. There was no change to tN functices of these comonents.

The margin of safety as definad in TSs was not redaced.

DCN h016394 Based on Caurot Room Design Review rm.Mtions, comonents were The modification does not af feet comone it or system function. The relocated (with the enception of 1-MS-62-95A and 1-MS-62-994 that changas do net af fect system requireuents nor require a change to we*e deleted) within FR Panet 1p5. This was done to crea9ce MCR the TSs. The omrgin of refety was not af fected.

operator responses and reaction. Eight instruments were removed *


frere Panet 144 and installed on Panet 1M5 by this DCN. Four

instruments ware re w ed from Panet 1M5 tsy this codiffration and were instatled on Panet 1M4 by another DCw. . One instrtsment was removed 6
xt Panet 1M5 and installed on Panet 1M6. The resumining T5 camoret s remain on Penet 1*5, but they have been moved to l

differestt locations within the panet.

j DCN M01640A Based on Controi xys Design Review recereerdations, corvonertts were This modification involved the relocation of esisting comona tts on ,

relocated (with the enception of 1-MS-43 '4 and 1-xR-43-94 what ware th? penet to enhance MCR operator respeses and reaction. There was

  • not utitired and were deleted) within MCR Penet 1MS. One no change to the f mction of these e uTonants or the systems for dif ferential pressure indicating recorder was armed to Panet 1M6. which they provide irwfication. !nst*ttation of the instrtsaants wrs i

L One instrumeet was removed frorn Panet 1M5 and instatted on Panet identical to t5 air original instattation, and interface with the 1M6. The remaining 90 comonents currantty located on Panet 1M6 af fected systees remains t,-& y--d. These changas resertt in j were retocated to different positions within Panat '#6. e mancesent of the use of these indicators ard controllers f rom a L human e Mee.ving sta9dpoint. There was no adv=rse imact on  !

safety. I t


l 1

4 <

i  !






, page so. 15 CnA%ES IN THE F ACILITY - MOIFICATIC't3 i OCN M01641L This ECu provided the wiring for the ef fected corponents that were There was no effect c. change to the fuiction of the coppnewwits.

moved from panet to penet as a result of Control Roma Design Review The relocation of tia three vibration recorders was necessary to recorsmendations, the wiring of new components added to the penets, attow space for twitte fmetional grotJping of the main feedpwp deletion of wiring for coeponents that were deleted, arvf the indicators. The fue. ion of the conponents was not af fected and relocation of three vibration recorders and one vibration monitor remains the same. Instattation and wiring of the instrtsmanss are frora 1M3 to 1M238. In addition, this DCu covered the replacement of identiaal to their original instattation, arvi interface with the the penet front for 1M23A, which is having att esisti ig comonents systems remains tswhanged. The modifications did not af fe:t the removed from it tar the renovat of tJMI. margin of safety as defined in the besit for any T55.

DCW M01724A Dieset generator electro-pnetsnatic timing relays were replaced with The 6900v and 480V Sta boards still perforia the same function after DCM F02364A more accurate solid-state timing relays, and some Westinghouse Type the replacement of electro pnetsnetic relays with solid-state relays.

SG relays were added to provide instantaneous contacts for three of The new relays were purchased Class TE and were instetted to anaet the ti ming relays. These socift:ations were made to eeet NRC seismic Category I gualification. The solid-state timer relays are corsaitments that were part of the SON D/G transient voltage response more accurate and retiinbte than the electro-pnm.snatic timing relays.

i imw .ot. The replacement of the relays did not require any change in T5s.

4 DCN M01731A This modification resolved the fire protectices portion of Interac- The presence of two sprinkler heads in this area provides a high i,

DCR 3116A tion 120, which was identified as part of the 1954 10 CFR $0, tevet of cooteng and fire suppression capability. The modification Appendix R analysis performed for Sequoyah. Specificat ty, DCW dit2 not involve arv pipe stress evaluation. The piping ad >d is

M01731A added tso fire protection sprir*ter heads in the taiit 1 VCT caatified to seismic Categury itt)A for position retention and j tabyrinth room (et 690, near cottsnn lines A4 and U) adjacent to the pressure boundary integrity. to revision to the SAA tent is i VCT room. This ensures access to the tabyrinth roose for manual necessary. The function of the fire protection system did not alignment of valves 1-LCV-62-132 and 133 because the two new 9 anga. The SAR Figure 9.5.1-7 (Refer-nre 3) was revised to ref teet

' sprir4ter heads will provide protection in the room and will enable tne addition of two sprinkter heads in the tabyrinth roaa.

perserviet to access the two manual operators on the VCT outlet valves as necessary tottowing a fire.

DCh M017324 Turbine building semip pa Anatyrer 0-Pp-43-220 and associated wiring T'a pH anatyrer is not described in the SAR. The anatyrer did not DCR 3195 were deleted frora plant dasign. This closed TACF 0 87-029-43 that provide any controt ftsiction, was nonsafety related, and was not instat ted a tenporary enatyrer whan 0->ti-43-220 prow =d to be associated with any system ispirtant to safety.

unreliable. Chemistry did not rely on the anatyrer and requested a

. new, improved sanpting system.

4 DCN M01782A DCm M01782A providad detailed information to attow nodifications to The platforia pinned-e v2 andifications were perf:Praed to bring the j the fuel handling area exhaust fan platform in the mutiliary structural steel platfories into compliance with the SAR arvf design i building shown on Drawing 45s1216-3, R6. The physical changes to criteria rewirements, and as such wilt not af fect equipria rt

! the platform were to cut the web of the existing C12 (channetNui2 rettability. Equipnent retiability w+s also maf fected since t he (wide flange) beams in accordance with Details A & S *Aile tesving tr:terim configuration is controt ted by the construrtion saapance l

4 the remaining portion of these beams attached to the surf ace-mounted *Aicts ensures that the platforia reemin operable as re<z.: ired by T5s base plates, and install the bent plates in accordance with and remain qualified to the rewiremants of t*e SAR and dasign

DCA-M01782-02, 03, 04, and 05. The final part of th* modification criteria. There was no reduction in tha margin of safety.

was to remove the remaining por; ion of the C12jtt12 bearns f rase the

{ surf ace-mounted base plates, thus establistsing pi9ned-end connec-i tions. ,

i DCN M01534A Based on Controt Ronen Design Review reconnervfations .vious There was no inpact or charne to 'he function of these components coreanants tocated on MCs Panets TM2, TM3,1M4, te5, m , 1*234, and and the systems for which they' provide indication and contret. The 1M238 were retocated, a&3ed, and deleted to/from these panets. The patch details (concerning how the patches are attached to the reIocation, adiition, and deietion of these coeponer.zs was performed contrc! panets) devetoped by this DCm rewired analysis te datermina 1

4 4 - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ f

i f


under other DCWs. DCm M01834A provided revised cutout and patch if they are ecceptable frtyn a seismic standpoint. SC4 Calculation detait drawings to sumort ord reflect the modifications. SCG-4M-0061 Jocuments the seismic gaatification ard thet there is no adveese lepnet on tS* seismic Ctess 1 qualification of the ef fected

<1t peneis.

4 t t eqJipnent instat tad by this edification hes baan envirerywn-DCN M01393A DCW se01873A I@temented corrective action for 10 CTR SO Amendia R totty w atified. This modification enhances the retimbitity of DC4 F02574A cable Interaction 120 ir=wolving possible fire-induced closure of either VCT outlet vetwe, LCV-62-132 and f*v-t.2-133. Ctess 1E existing equipment. The VCT outlet vatwo rent switches were stera-sounted rene suitetes with giatifico conax cordJit seats were instatted seismic Category I. The changes de ntt effect system instatted on the VCT outlet valves to provide en *opan a signet to perforstence. The prc6 ability of a DBA was not increased, end the srws ability to estigate a DmA was not redred. T5 Table 3.3-11 the omosite train PV5T valve when the VCT tmtlet valve trewel exceeds aridstroke. The zone switches that were instetted are margco requeed revision to include the new sMe detecters. There m no EA740 series. Two cross-rened smke detectors were instatted in the redxtien in the sinrgin of safety.

VCT rorna entry tabyrinth and ware wired into existing Detector Panet 0-t.-608. Cables 1V21009,1Y21018, TV21033, TVZT718, and TV277?*

were rerouted te provide cteseitag other cable interactions asso-l cisted with Amendin R Interaction 120. Because of cordsit fire-wrap instet tation, pipe swport for a 1-inch MPFP tine wvs

-located. Also, e pipe sumort fer i 4-inch contret air systear line was relocated.

DCN M01875A The internats in the t) nit 2 conwarging distributer vetwe betw=en the This endification incocted the conde ser tube cleaning systam, which is not repMred to mitigate saR Chapter 15 events. The supptter vf DCR 2729 condanser cuttets and the batI cet tector ware ramved. The intemets cor,isted of a dir ectionet vene and shaf t that directs the s-stem cencurred that r*=mret ef the venas wrvid ret at ter l tube cleanim bat t s ord h*tps errialire bet t flow to condanser ttbes. system performmce.

The chang

  • rwoved this vane and shaf t e-d raptaced the topar sight glass with one without a hole for the vana shaft.

DCW MM S?6A The internets in the t) nit 1 converging distributor valve batwa*- the This edificetim imected the cerv 3emer tute cteening systm, which is mt rer7Jired to $9t tigste SAR Chaptpe T$,?v mts. The sufptier ef DCR 2727 condmser cuttets and the bet t cet tector were ramvad. The tha system concurred that w t of the wanes would not alter ir*ernals etnsistad of a directionet vene and shaft that directs tube clewiing bet t s ord helps ecuatire bat t flow to ad=w tubes. eystem rerfoem nce.

The change remwed this vane and shef t and raptaced ht e umer sight glass with one witnout a hole for the vene shaft.

DC# N018?BA T'ee &ed-toed Conrbit 5 twort 0-77-12374 was replaced with seis-pc This ardifiestim brought the conduit support and the conduit inte Categ ry I rigid sucpert.

emptience with oesign rewirements ard had s e --8 verse imect on DCR 3353 safety. The chmage did mt of fect any SAR informtion er deviete from may SAR description.

DCw M01957A The autostop trip sotenoid coit m the trip block cf the main This change was mitietad because of the poor maintemece cererd of DCR 2894 turbine was replaced with a two-way solenoid vatwe. The read switch the mtestap tr tp setemid coil. The new solemid vatwe evi m hy associated with the autostop trip coit was replaced with a retey. use the same pan er stwty and cabling as the autostop trip coit and The trip cos t and plure sare remrved frers the trip block and reed switch. This modificatim does mt char-ge the wey the turbirw-retuenad to Power Stores. The reed switch was deactivated in piece protection systew functions; it only incr* eses the reliability of since the trip cos t it m ti y pesent for its actuation. The systm. The f ailure mdes of th* modi fied system r**ein unchanged f rtza th*t of the resie as systear. The mergin of safety was mt rebred.


I r



i i 1-


j DCu M019558 Four tJnit 2 Westinghouse SG unadjustable 1207 oc transfer reteys AR This modification did ret ispect the Awdia R analysis for this <

i and CM tocated in 6.Okw S/D Boards 1A-A and 18-8 were replaced with system. The instattation of these relays ertianced the reliability -

j four adjustable setpoint 125V de control voltage solid-state relays of the systear because it allows for the adjusts ent of the setpoint  !

l to be within the rery;irements. Systes operation characteristics j i described in the SAR remain the same. An adjustable setpoint does j

ret ef fect the eethod of ensurfrng compliance with TSs. r t

1 DCw t*019598 Four 13 nit 1 enisting Westinghouse ss unedjostabte 1207 ac trensfer Thts ar.difIcetion did not ispeet the Am andia R ano1ysis for thia relays AR and CX tocated in 6.9kV S/D Boards 2A-A and 28-B were systee. The installation of these relays enhanced the reliability l replaced with four adjustable setpoint 125V de control voltage of the system because it allows for the ediustment of the setpoint '

I solid-state relays. to be wi thin the regt.irements. Syst m operation characteristics ,

j described in the SAR remain the same. An adjustabte setpoint does  !

4 not af feet the method of ensuring cergniance with TS.

I DCN e401971A This modification externalty seated at t conduits located tetow MELB This modification had tw> regative tapact on reciese safety. The i flood levels to ensure that the cable required for safe shutdown and changes made eder this DCm incrowed piarvt reliability and enA. lear  !

! cables comected to safe shut &Jun power sigpties in areas af fected safety by improving the probability that the electrical components  ;

by borated water are protected against water teskage. Also, Note & will withstand the ef fects of a NELS without corpremising safe '

i en Conduit and Gromding Drawing 45WS80-26, concerning intermtty shutdown. There was no change in system dasign er functional l seating conduits for fire stops (Amendia R) was revised. regtrirenants. The margin of safety was ret redxed.

1 i Doc M0197?A CAcR ScP880513 identified that the fifth vitet battery room did ret These changes did ret invect the ability of the eiisting automatic

, acet the requiremaats of 10 CTR 50, Appendie R, Section It!.G.2.C. surpression system to perform its required functicris. Cor=versien of 3

The existing suppression syste=a in the fif th vitat battery rorus was the fif th vitet battery rocsa to an auterwtic preaction system I

{ 4.pgraded frtus mer= Jet activation to automatic activation. The providas a significant increase in tte fire protection for that j esistirut 3-inch HPFP supply bender piping associatad with the fif th room. This corwersion brought the room into compliance with the 10 [


witat battery room was disconr=ected f rom the manuet system header CTR 50, Appandia e, section tit.G.2.c reesirenents. The change did arw3 connected to the automatic preaction system besder. The piping ret isipact the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any T3. [


} change was performed in accerdance with NFeA 13 and perforwad in the t i 480v Reacto- MOV Board soom 14. The detection syste=a for the fif th j vitet bette'y room was rewired to activate the preaction Vatwes  ;

1 0-FCV-26-1J and 2065. '

l DCN M01975A this mdification deleted the auto start en high differential and This modification introduced a new f ailure ende of requirir=g servist I loss of f ewet dif ferential signal for ERCu screen wash Pteps A-A, action to o;erste the screen wash pieps. This is aclegastely covee=d l

B-8, C-8, and D-A. Design documents ware changad to reflect the by 50!-67.1, "Tssential Raw Cocting Water System-Units 1 and 2.* The 6 1

current tewporary configuration of the ERCu treveling screen waw procedare ensures adequate washing of the screens periodicat ty to I i system, which was edified by TACF S2-258-67 at to a marval/ timed prect We a high detta P across them. The pers cart atit t be

$ operation. Tha DCN made the manua!/ timed operation p--i 4 and operated ouring termsi and accident conditions f fen the tocat pssh contiruas the manual backwash operation as recoacWad in Corporate buttons, the handswitch in th= MCR, or by activation of the (

l Comitment lies NCO-87-0326-052. automstic timer. Th*re was te reduction in the margin of safety.


t j DCM M01993A . M 8ications were made to the tnit 1 systams that irctw3ad ad3ing The sa4 port modifications were req 2 ired to bring the st44erts, [

f DCR 2259 or detesi g s 4 ports on atternately anatyred piping. Piping associated piping, and stvoerting stnJctures into compliance with {

i reroutes, additio7s, or deletims were ret requiraf by this DC4 SAR Sections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, scu-DC-y-13.3, and SCs-DC-v-24.2. i i Other endifications were sede to esisting stoports. The af fected systems were ret fmctionalty changad or adversely i affected. so safety-related system covered by the TS was adversely

affected by this DCN. There was re redxtion in the margin of f l safety.



! t I

i  !

< I i [



Page No. 21 CHNGES IN TPE FACILITY - MODIFICAticm3 DCN M01995A Obsolete *eckman Controt t ers 1-titc3-148, G 164, 171, 172, 173, DCR 2236 This edification was tine-for-line replecceant with alt foractionet 174,175, and 1-FIC-46-57 were rept ecad with ww Yokogawa Model and logical parameters remaining unchanged. Therefore, the replace-SPLC-281 same. The controtters. The tocationof functional requirements ofthe thecontrotters erntrotters remainremained thethe cents provided under the scope of this DCM did ncr affect the T5s.

same as req; ired by AFW design criteria. DCM M019954 did ispect SAR Figures 10.4.7-7 a vf 10.4.7-11 (47W610-3-3, Contret Diagram, 47u611-3-4, tegic ciegram) by adrfing instrtment synbots for the status light power swpt ies. It did not change the fmction of the AfW system.

DCW M01996A This change provided monitoring circuits to existing thermocci.g>tes This modification provides a smanitoring capability that trac 6s the for the purpose of monitoring the tJnit 2 CVCS CCPs 2A-A and ta-B motor bearing and winding teeperatures utilizing the P250 coeput. temerature of the equipment and, thereby, providas a warning of the TACF 2-8b 2016-62 was providing a teeparary boot w to monitor approach of equipment degradation / failure. The thermccepte/com-outside the C-rone. This change attowed closure of that TACF. puter circuits are not safety related and are not stbject to single "T" Type failure criteria. There is no (wpact on the safe operation and shieldw!

to input thermocouple terminals at the P250 cable was instatled from the junction box shutdown uf the mit. TSs do not address any alarm or control computer.

fisictions associated with the CVCS CCP motor bearirvg or winding teeperatures and are not af fected by this change.

DCN M01997A This change provided monitoring circuits to existing ther ecouples This modification provides a monitoring capability that tracks the for the purpose of etyvitoring the Unit 1 CVCS CCPs 1 A-A and 18-8 temerature of the equipnent and, therety, provides a warning of the motor TACF bearing andwas 1-84-81-62 winding tewperatures providing a teeporary utilizing hookup thetoP250amnitt muuter.

outsideagroach of eqMpment degradation /f ailure. The thermocouple /com-the C-zone. This change at towed closure of that I ACF. Type "T" puter Circuits are not safety related and are not subject to single shielded thermocouple cable was installed from the junction box to shutdawn failure criteria. There is no twpact on the safe operation and input terminals at the P250 copputer. of the istit. TSs do net address ar y storm or control fisictions associated with the CVCS CCP actor bearing or windtng teeperatures and are not af fected by this change.

DCW M07001A This DCW of Valve 1-77 instatled 920 atowater trapair prevent in inteakage the piping into invaediately the anrrstus downstream when This change ensures that safe shutdown wit t be acccept ished this valve is placed in a normalty-open condition. This aruutus following a PrtB. This change did not degrade contairunent integrity or the abit icy to isolate the contairune-st. this change eliminates drain it comes1ineout wasofatso rigorously the shield watt,anatyred from where and is routed through it isthe enciedied as operator-required action to open Valve 1-77-920 resulting in tess penetration room to the pipe chase where it is ectiedded in the et coerater actions to mitigate the effects of a Mets.

653 stab cn its way to the passive strp. A top with a normally-ctosed valve (1-77-1335) is provided on the drain connec-tion at the bottcon of the water trap to help in determintrg the water levet in the trap. A fitt connection with a r7rmatty-closed valve (1-77-1334) and a quick-disconnect hose corviectim is also providad.

DCN M02002A This DCN hstat ted a of Valve 2-77-920 towater trap prevent airinintestage the pipingintoinwdiately the annutus downstream when This charge ensures that safe shutdown wit t be accomt ished f ot t twng a ** t8. This changa did not degrade conteirvaent integrity this valve is placed in a normatty-open condition. This annutus oc the sbi t i+ y to isolate t he contairun-nt. This changa etvainated drain it comes tine out wasofalso the rigorously shield watt, anatyred from where and is routed throug5 it isthe ent>added as operator-required action to op-n Valve 2-77-920 resulting in less poetration room to the pipe chase where it is e%edjed in Me et oparator actions to mitigate the effects of a MELB.

6t3 stab on its way to the passive su m . A tap with a rw_rmat t y-closed val ve (2-77-1335) is provided on the drain connec-tion at the bottom of the water trap to help ici determining the

Page No. 22 CHANGES IN THE FACILITY - MODIFICATIONS water tevet in the trop. A fitt connection with a normetty-ctosed valve (2-77-1334) and a quick-disconnect hose comection is also prwided.

DCN M02018A This tJnit 1 DCu involved instattation of MS Line RMs to corply with The MS tine RM toops are not regaired for safe shutdown. The new R .G. 1.97. The modifications, designed to comty with PAM Category comonents did not change the operating characteristics of any It requiremer.ts, included G-M tube detectors and ion-chanber system. The margin of safety was not reduced.

detectors in the main steam valve vaults, signal processors in the autitlery instrument rooms, and associated conduit, cable end seismic Category it supports. The detectors do not penetrate MS Iines.

DCN N020194 This unit 2 DCu involved instattation of MS tine RMs to compty with The MS tine RM toops are not required for safe shutdown. The new R .C. 1.97. The modifications, designed to craply with PAM Categery co m onents did not change the operating characteristics of any II requirements, included G-M tube detectors and ion-chamber syst em. The margin of safety was not redated.

cetectors in the main sten valve vaults, signal processors in the sumillary instrument rooms, and associated conduit, cable, and seismic Category It sw ports. The detectors do not penetrate MS tines.

DCw M02033 This DCN removed the RfD bypess piping and associated instruments No new credible falture modes exist with the removat of the bypass for each of the fanJr RCS toeps in tJnit 2. Fast response RTDs were piping. The instattation of the fast respmse aTDs did not added directly into the RCS piping for determining narrow-range introduce any new credible failure modes. This modification did not te m eratures in the hot and cold legs of the RCS. constitute a change to the plant licensing basis. The effects of a pipe breek were evaluated in accordance with 504-DC-V-2.13; and based on the requirements of this design criteria, the margin of safety was not reduced. Based on ditcussions with the ksSS vendor and the basis formed in the

  • Credible failure M e s" section of this safety evaluation, cutting of the RfD bypass lines was allowed only at depressurized RCS conditions.

DCN M02034A This DCW provided the FPS reptwement and upgrade required as part The scope of this modification was acceptable from a nuclear safety DCR 3094 of the tJnit 2 Engte 21 crocess protection system sedification. standpoint. sesed en the TVA safety evaluation and the Westinghouse Fomboro electronics were removed afu$ Eagle 21 electronics were Safety Evaluatten SECL-87-863, istmation of this modification instat ted. Median signat selector circuits were added. Relays in did ret result in a USQ.

nSSS Auxiliary Panet 2-R-55 were rewired to receive nondivisional 120v ac, as Easte 21 no longer provides this nondivisional power.

Some new a wmciator windows were redefined, others detered. Status tights 19, 39, 59, and 77 en Panei 2-n-55-5 were redefinad. New togic or changes in togic changed windows on penets. Statos tights on Panet 2-xM-55-68 were redefined.

DC4 M32046A DEC Chassis n-334-2 and 3 and their 1/0 cards were removed in the The TSCDS computer is evansafety grade equirment aruf is property DCR 2309 TSCDS. The chassis and cards were replaced with equi;nent isolated from att eg.ripnent i=portant to safety. The modifications manuf actured by Comutar Products Incorporated. TSCDS Panets did not impact any existing seismic qualifications. There was no 1-R-156 and 1-a-157 were af fected. TSCDS computer sof twere was adverse sepact on system rettability. seither the functional modified to use the new hardware. requirements nor the capabilities of the system were chang *d. There was no TS impact; the TS3 S computer system is not d= scribed in TSs.

4- - . . -- -- , e . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


l Page No. 23 CFA%ES IN TKE FACILITf - MODIF! CATIONS The TsCDs com uter is nonsafety-grada ensipwnt and is propeaty DCN M02047A The DEC u-334-2 and -3 chassis and their 1/0 cards were remmred in DCR 2309 the TSCDS. The chsssis was replaced with equipraent manuf actured ty isolated f rose at t muipnent imertant to safety. The Tsc is not a Corpster Products Incorporated. Existing test chamet circuitry was safety-retated system, nor does it serve any plant safety function.

renrned f rom the DEC M-332 termination strips. new test chamet There was no ad<erse af fect on system retlebility.

capability was provided, and TSCCS comuter sof tware was sedifid to use the new hardware.

DCW M02058A Booster kickof f springs ware mounted to the hard-stop and pettey This system is ret a safety-reteted systes reg.rired to siitigste assaebly on both the reactor and pit side of the Unit 2 Fuet DBAs. Th's system (e, cept for transfer tube and bliruf flange) f-DCR 2193 Transf er System upender to etisinate the besitanc) the spender designad te TVA Class G seismic Category IL (B). There was m e=periences while moving f rore vertical to "mrizontal position. safety i m act.

DCu M02086A During walkdowns, several high-point valves were identified on RCS System design or fmetional requirments of the PCs were mt sense lines that were not connectad to a closed drain as required. impacted by this aryfification. The c..anga did not imact ar=y This change installed comression ttle fittings on the sense line precedu-es tha< are described in the SA4. ?he-e was no iepuct ort vmt valves. These fittings f acit itate tN coryvKtion of fletible euxtear safety.

ttbing during fitting /wentir g operations and provide closert-drain system. A mte was adjed to drawing CCD 2-47W600-80 stating, "TNESE VENT VALVES SM8tt RERAIN PtUGGED ALL THE TIME EXCEPT FCst FILLING /VEkt:d0 OPERATION." Valves 2-VTIV-68-40ic, 435C, and 433D were worked trder this DCW.

CCM M02112A This change invotved physi at andifications to existing unit 2 Pipe There was re imact on the SAR. is remite rents far oparability soort 47B464-557-1, toc ted in the aunitiary buitding, et 6e.,9. were not inipact ad. The changa did not tevotve changes to procedures DCR 3437 thet have gmteriat safety analysis imact, and m TS charige was The stapport was reconfigured to includ* s botte+cn strut segrw= t, thus at towing easy renova 61tity for naintenance activities. rwaded.

DCM M02116A This m dification providad MCR irvfication for severat ventitation The ability of the systems utilized to centain, filter, a d dilute syste a loops to sat isf y PAM R.G.1.97 22 reg 2iramants. Specific radioactive esterial retssad to the tow smalation 2crie was ret loops are listed in the DCM packaga. affected by this m dification. The probability of occurrance of a DBA was net increased, and the pretetri t ity of the f ailure of t**

involved systams was not increased. so r*w tytw of unenalyzed accident or matfunction was created. TM s w.fification tpgradad t ah I j ventilation system, increasine its reliebitety and ensuring opar- )

ability of the FAM inst ruwnt ation. The margin of safety was ret redxed.

DCW M02117A This ervfification provided MCR indication for severet ventitation The abitity of the systes utitired to contain, filter, and detute l radioactive materiet relesed to the low prutation rene was ret s ystem t oops to sat isf y P AM R.G. 1.97 R2 regairemants. Specific loops are tistad in th- UCN pieckage. affected by thts m dification. The probacility of occurrence of a DBA wes mt increased. and the probabstify of the failure of the involved syst*ms was ret increesad. No naw type of trr wt yred accida t or matfunction was created. This eweificati m upgredad the ventitation systava, increasirvg its reliability and ensurmg ocer-abetity of the PAM inst rtr==nt at i ere. The surgin o9 safety was not reducad.

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ynt wbes ah y eepy r b sel cT mn i ss pip a a hcno

- ei d yna h y prs eh ax eaes r tRf rr aam hf e ba ,dt s neid gt ney n

ahir o b thra sceb y h ?r e

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F ge acdn et au3 c


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l I: I

,' Page me. 26 CnAEGES 34 THE FECTLITY - McDIFICATICurs r

i 1-met the PAst Category it requirements. Ceeptience with the SAR and TSs was ret ef f-cted by this modification.

  • SAR Table 11.4.2-3, Sheet 1, " Process ard Efflumt Fedietion meiter ,

Displays,* required revision. '

r {

DCs *022044 This nooification provides a signet to the TSC for

  • Trip Rods not at Existing seismic q;stificatien of ef fected eqM unent t wes twst f DCR 1156 sottoa," incorporating a portien of Westinghouse FCN TE40-40521. ispected. The reliability of ARPI eqJipnumt is ispreved beestrJe it  ;

This reqJired the addition of seven Petter Brtsuf feld control relays, now ecetzunodetes additional releys to previ-de

  • Trip RMs not at  ;

Type KRP144G, in 1-a.41 through 1-R4 ARP! cabinets ard a cable Botttn* signet to TSC. Sod-position annitoring of full-teagth rtds link between 1-E-42 and the TSC ct=puter. is des,-ribed in the SAR Section T.T.T.3.2 as we of the contret 4 systems not required fa safety. beither the furetional reeJira- I sents rur the capabilities for the systems change. This s=Jdifice- l tien provides en etternete eethed of monitoring the rensired l

, pwameter, and there was twr icoect on the TS. #

i i

0C4 M02216A Unit i CCS Pipe Swport 47B?64-516-02, tocated in the irric acid There was rva lupact on the SAR. TS reqJire===ats for CCS creeability  ;

DCR 3437 evaporator pechoge room of the munitiary building, el 669, was are not tweseted by this change. The mergin of safety was not '

1 reconfigured to include e betted-en strut segsert, thus ettowing reduced. }

easy removal for meintenance activities.

4  !

DCm #0221TA Appendia e interaction for Cabtes 1Pv161 and A MIT was corrected There was no increase in the probebility foe ce censequences of an  !

  • CR 3415 by rerouting cables in conduits with a one-heur nre berries accidant. The cNege was ecceptabte frews e cutteer safety '

I instetled on et 714 of the auxitlary building. standpoint.

l t

DCs M02219A %!ifications were made to the Unit 1 systems that includad adding The sutvert modifications ware revstred to bring the succorts, i DCR 2259 or delet' ng supports 'un alternately anatyred piping. Piping associated piping, and swenettng structures into ce=ptlance with  !

reroutes, acMitions, or deletions were not regJired by this DCM. Sat S=ctions 3.6, 3.T, arws 3.9, Scu-DC + 13.3, and Scis-DC-W-21.2.

I Other modifications were made to esisting suports. The ef fected systems were fet ftsv-tienett.* chang =d er adversely j affected. So safety-reteted systae coverei by the TS was odwersely t af fe:ted by this DCs. There wes no redutt:en in the mergin et l 4

safety.  ;

i I DCm MC2220 This DCN serves as the desigr> change pectoge for changes to the Unit to credible feiture eedes were ettered. so new cradible failure j 1 TS es follows- (1) minimuse le *ight for ice condenser was codes ware identified. The paren-t.r chengas are acceptebte, and to l

lowared frare 2.35 mittion pounds  ?.24 a ittien pmsids, (2) 895T hartbare changes were involwed. th crecebitity of a dea occu ring l

] mininase boren concentration chen _tpe 2000 pcwn to 2500 me was not changed by this DCs. There es no increese in the 6 j (meniatse of 2700 ppm), (3) BAT minivasm contained-water wottsw probability of a toss of conteiry*nt integrity. These changes heve t increased frtse 6542 get tens to 7176 gsttons, and (4) boren not ressetted in the potential for e naw type of eccident. The

  • concentration in the CLAs sust be maintained betwaen 2400 and 2700 seesin of safety was ret redJced. ,

i cr,.sw (1900 to 2100 pps previousty). Tha 4esign activities i accoretished involved changing the envircerental drawings to reflect I the new ice weight, determining the ef fect of these curestative i

! changes on the reactor building supp pH, and docurumting the ef fects '

on equipnent because of the boren concentration change as it relates i to containraent gray. The demonstated accuency calculations ,

i- associated with the CLA, RVST. ard SAT tevet iestrunentetion have .

} been revised, and the setpoint associated with the RUST narrow-range '

i- thigh) levet atarm was changad. 1 4

.j I l

!. -t

' s c= - - - - - .- -, -_ . - - - . - - , - ~-


i 1

DCM M02274A The Unit 1 Heater Drain Tenk 3 f ;W-6-10 A arms B were upgraded to This change had no i m act on RCs or the condensate feetkater system 4

i redJee fregsent operational and -.M.ance cutages. This modifica- to meet att system demands. The sedification i* proves the tion involved chenges to the valve components, such as replacing the reliability of the egsipment. The system design peraneters were

! existing 3/4-inch valve stem with 1-inch diameter and stronger t, & .,el. The ftsiction of the LCYs as described in the SAR 10.4.9 i meterlat watve stem. The valve bomet, plug, and bottom flerage were was not changed by this DC3.

] remachined to accomodate the 1-inch diameter watve stem. The plug, j stem pins, tathern ring, packing feitower, and packing flange were

! replaced, and the vatwe was repacked using Crane 235K pecking. A j

valve travet stop was instalted using a new screw v1ut, cap, and i gasket.

DCN M02226A This DCW resswed the auto-closure Interlock ftsiction from Vatwes Irro new cirsuitry or cables are in the contret circuitry of the F"Vs; 1*FCV-74-1 aswf 1-FCV-74-2 and provides RPR system overgressurization therefore, these changes de not interfere with the coeration of the alarm in the MCR. RRC Generic tetter 83-17 identified the vatwes nor the safe shutdown trider AF eendia R. The new pressure l N.sto-closure intertock fisiction of the RNR system to be a mejor switches only provide an alarm function. This modificatien deleted

! contributor to accidents involving loss of RNR coolitig. essipment that might fait (cause spurious closure of the RNR suction j isolation vatwes) and prevent the RMR system from performing its j safety-related fisiction. The TS reesires that at least every 18

months the ptmt verify automatic isolation and interteck action of i

the RNR syster: from the RCS neven the RCS pressure is above Tryg poig, j

Deletion of tie auto-closure interteck deletes the reg.sf rement to verify autcastic isolation. TVA regsested a revisien to the TS for

] this change.

DCu M02230A DCN M022304 instatted two independent methods of RC5 levet indica- Cw ptiance with the SAR and the 15s was not affected by this 4

tion for Unit 1, the primary method empteying ari uttra-sonic level modification. This modification dealt with the instattstion of new

' measurement systese eruf the backup method using a direct tigsid tevet nondivisionet, nonsafety-related reactor wesset tewet indication gauge indication. systems for Modes 5 & 6 Jtich are net currently addressed in the 504 T$s. As these indication systems were aMed in resporse to the j

referenced SMR, there is rue reqtsireamt to aM them to the plant i

i 75


DCN M02262A The changes made tsider the scope of this DC4 were a result of the The sag 1 port modifications were made to bring the sixports, asso- I l

Unit 1 Phase !! Program. S @ port modifications included adding or cisted pipiag, and supporting structures into compliance with design

$ deleting styports on atternately anatyred piping in the CVCS. basis regstrements SAE Sectiers 3.6, 3.7, aru2 3.9, SCE-DC-V-13.3, j and SO4-DC-V-24.2. The af fected systems were not fisictienetty chen p d or adversely affected. The chang *s seat er emceed att j design regsirements j DC2 M022634 Modifications were made to the t! nit 1 CVCS, ERCW, and STPC systems The stgport modifications wert regsired to bring the st4mrts, DCR 2259 that included aMing or deleting st4 ports on alternately analyted associated piping, and stsporting structures into compliance with

!' piping. Piping reroutes, aMitions, or detetions w=re not regnired SAR sections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, sou-DC-V-13.3, ard SQu-DC-v-24.2.

j by this DCm. Other modifications were made to esisting sessorts. The affected systems were not functionally chang *d or adversely affacted. to safety-related system covered by the TS was adv=rsely a

" effected by this DCm. There was re reduction in the 1ergin of safety. -

a i


- . . . m . .s . - . . m . . . . _ _ = u mm _ m

,. .m.2 m _ ,

.i3 . . _ . . .

i 3

Page No. 28 f.tAuGES IN THE F AC11 TTY - MODIFICATIONS DCm M02266A This modification replaced vatwe 1-FCV-1-215 with a vatwe that is This edification enty e tanced the reliability aav5 saintenance of designed for vacutsu service. Also four watwes were added to the the NSDDT tewel manifold and Vatve 1-FCV-1-21$ and decreased the MSDDT tevet manifold to attow flushing the monitold as required. Likelihood of an accident er saalfunction. There were no 75 changes sede and no asstsuptions previously evaluated in the SAR ware

. c W ged.

J 4

DC4 M02267 This modification replaced existing diaphreyns with high-tercerature There was no change in the function of the watwes. The co m onants DCR 2607 din @ rages on vatwes 1-LCV-3-174 and 175 to increase the time satisfy seismic Category It' re mirements. The high-tencerature j DCR 3403 between dia@ rags rtoturing. Additionally, antichaffing rings were diaphrayns are CA Level II 4 were the esistieg diaphragus. The added to reduce chaffirs of the diaphrages on vatwes for S/G toops, new antichaffing rirss werc pessive ~ ; for watwes that i


. had been rteturing apparently because of wear in t* vicinity of the cperator plate. These rings eMy improved the maintenance espacts of the watwe eperators and did not introduce m y possible detrinental effects to watwes or systems operability. This change is I acceptable frem a nuclear safety standpoint.

DCW P02316A The CYCS, SIS, and OCu system stsports were mooified as a result of The support modifications were required to bring the supports,

] the Unit 1 Phese II Program. Steport modificatters included adding associated piping, and supporting structures into cenotience with or deleting stoports on alternately analyzed piping. design basis requirements SA4 Sections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, Scu-DC-y-l 13.3, and 502 DC-V-24.2. The affected system were not functionalty changed or adverwety a~fected. No safety-related systes covered by TS was adversety affected by this DCM.

DCM M02317A CvCS, EROJ. CCW, ard flood mode boration system supports were The st4 port modificaties were rewired to bring tha s4 ports, modified as a result of the Unit 1 Phase il Program. S gport associated piping, and st4pertMg strurtures ieto coppliance with codifications included awing or deleting sigports en alternately design basis requirements Sat Sections 3.0 3.7, and 3.9, SG=-DC-V-anatyred piping. 73.3, ard Scu-DC-y-24.2. The af fected systms ware net fmettonalty 4

changed er adweesety of fected. no safety-reisted system covered by TS was adversety af fected by this DCM.

DCm *02345A This DC4 eliminated f# ter toop isolation on 60-percent The response to accidents for the feedwater system was ret attered.

narrow ran9e S/G tewet. The t vet switches used fo* single S/G tog There was no adverse ef f*ct en any othee system rewi ed for the isolation at 60-percent levet were removed from the auto-ctosure mitigaticri of accidant ecvssequences. This change redates the icgic for tne Mf W regulating and bypass watves. This modification probability of trips 'oy giving additionet operational margin m was acconpiished by placing jumers ard lif ting tends en terminal tewet before a safety action occurs, white still giving the eparater blocks in th( retay racks in the aunitiary instrtrent room. a e ning of high levet before reaching a sa dety tieit. 'ne margin of safety as defined in the basis for any TS was not re A " .

DCW N02361 This Unit 2 Otu req 2 ired instat tation of two radundant methods to Singte f at ture criteria is cet for the safety-related portion of mcwtitor PCs levet dsring Modes 5 and 6. The primary method is an this modification. There are no d=trimentet ef f acts cri #CS pipseg.

ultrasonic tewet menstrement system, and the bachp is a liquid Corptience with TSs ard the SAR are not af fected by the modifica-

) tewet gauge indication. tiens.

DCu M023*7A mocificattor s were made to the Unit 1 PAS, CVC, ERCW, and CCid the stoport modifications were rewired to bring the sugports,


DCa 22$9 systems that includ-d adding or deleting stoports on alternately associated piping, and swqsorting structures into compliance 'with anatyred piping. Piping reroutes, aMitions, or deletiens were not SAR Sections 3.6. 3.7, and 3.9, SQ4-DC-V-13.3, eruf SOM-DC-V-24.2.


required by this DCM. OtSer endifications were made to ekisting The ef fected systems were ret fmetienalty changed er adverMy 1


i 9

i Page No. 29 CnA4GES in TME FAtttlTY - M(X)llICATIONS I

{ stworts. affected. No safety-related system covered by the TS was adversely af fected by this DCs. There was no redsction in the margin of

, safety.

4 DCN M02389A Unit 1 stoort modifications for the ERN system and the waste M&Al-th *Fabricaticri, Installation, ard Documer.tation of Stoports, DCR 2259 disposal system added or delet=d m.pports on atternately anatyred Piping Systems, and Structures Attached to Seismic Category I peping. The modifications were required to bring the sucovts, Structures " R20, provided direction to Modificatione persorwiet as and supporting structures into co mtisnce with to when the erection of teaporary supports was required. This associated SAR Sectionspiping,3.7, 3.6, and 3.9, ard Segmyah tesign Criteria ensured that the piping systems remained cparable as required by TSs S05-DC-V-13.3 AND Son-DC-V-24.2. and remained quotified to the ragtriremmts of the SAR and design

, criteria. Egsipment retfacility was mise snaf fected by the interim i configuration. The changes were acceptable from a nuclear safety standpoint. The naw design meets or ence*ds SAR coneitments and did not deviate from any descriptions in the SAR. No safety-related system covered by TSs was adversely of fected. The margin of safety j es described in the bests for TS 3/4.7.9 was not red red.

i DCm M02407A Pipe Stoport 47A400-16-25 was modified as a result of the Unit 1 The nea design meets or eneceds SAR consitzents and does not deviate j Rigorous Analysis Calculation Regeneration Program. freus any descriptions in the SAR. The margin of safety as defined i in the basis for TS 3/4.7.9, Snakbers, was not reduced.

l DCN M02467B The changes made under the scope of this DCm were a resutt of the The stwort modifications ware mooe to bring the swoorts, asso-

[ Unit 1 Phase !! Progra:n. Su; port modifications included adding or cisted piping, and supporting structures into cwptience with design i deleting stoports on atternately analyted piping. This DCu incitx$ed basis requirements SAR Sections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, Scu-cC-V-13.3, 4 changes made to stsports in the ventitation systts, the aumillary and SO4+DC-V-24.2. The affected systems w*re net functionetty l control air system, CVCS, SIS, and ERCW. chargad or adversely affected. The chang-s meet or exce=d at t

design regsire=wmts.


, DCm M02468A As part of Phase ti of 19 A*RP, support modifications Gardware These modifications were regsired to bring the supports, associated i

changes) were sede to t* AN, ice condenser, CYC, EPCW, ard piping, and steperting structtres into comtience with
  • sign bcsis CCS. These changes i ting or dateting support on te vire-enes for Scu. Thare was ne reduction in the margin of atternstely anstyted p., sa*ety. The new desigm meets or e5rceeds SAR ccmanitments.

i j DCN M02529A The air conditioning system. CYCS, ERCW, CCW, and flood mode the stsport modifications were reasired to brias the stsports, j boration system sevoorts were modified as a result of the Unit 1 associated piping, and stsporting s*ructures into compliance with j Phase li Program. Stgport modifications included adding or deleting d= sign basis requirements SA1 Satt .ons 3.6, 3.7 and 3.9, SCM-DC-V-i stoports on alternately analyzed piping. 13.3, and SO4-DC-V-24.2. Th* af f ected syste=s were not functienpity changad or adversely affected. #o safety-related system covered tw a

TS was adversely af fected by this DCW.

DCu M02530A CVCS, ERCu, ard CCW system stoports were eradified as a restdt of the The sagoort modifications were rensired to bring the steperts, s Unit 1 Phase !! Program. Stgport modificatioru included mMing or associated piping, and steporting structures into corptiance w a th deleting stvports on alternately analyted piping. design basis rensirements SAR Sections 3.6, J.T. and 3.9 Scal-DC-V-13.3, and SO4-DC-V-24.2. The af fected systems were not f unctimat t y 4

1 changed or adversely affected. 50 safety-related system covered by TS was adversely affected by this DCN 3



1 I



{ DCN M02531A This Unit 1 DCW adfressed piping support modifications to the ERCW The sodifiestions brought stworts, associated piping, eruf struc- j

! system. No piping reroutes, additions, or deletions were regsired tural sugports into conpliance trith the SAR aruf the design criteria.  ;

I by this DCN. There was no adverse Impact en nucteer safety. t i CCW M02532A This modification reptsced the fan sheave on reciprocating charg8ng This change had no impact on the room coster's ability to pe-foes DCR 3281 pmp Room Cooter 2C-B with a targer sheave in order to redxe fan its heat-remowat fts,etten. This charige places the roaa cooter to  :

speed and hence airflow from 20 percent over design to within design within design parameters. TSS were r=viewad, and re impacts were I 1

timits. foisid as a result of the sheave change. SAs sections were reviewed,  !

aruf no impacts were found.

DCN M02544A This modification welded three of the four Unit 1 polar crane sadite The bridge saddle pins connect the bridg* tructs to the bridge of pin keeper plates to the polar crane saddle af ter they were 'the polar crane. These pins aust ret fait or withdraw in order for

!' installed in the pins. The bridge saddle pin that had withdrawn had the polar crane to operate property. Welding the keepar plates in  !

i two new keeper plates constructed and machined on one side to attou place increas=d the amount of force required to distocate them from them to fit over each end of the pin and was welded to the poter the sadfle pin groove. This increased the reliability of the &*eper crane. The other three keepar plates were already bolted in place plates and reduced the possibitity of sedite pin withdrawat. Polar I

and were weldad without the bolts being renowed. crane truck pin keeper plates are not shown or descritmi in the SAR.

The polar crane is not mentioned in the TSS.

l DCm M02545A Three of the four Unit 2 keeper plates for the bridge / truck pivot Potar crane truck pin keeper plates are cet shom or descritmf in DCR 2712 pins on the polar crane had alreadv been welded to the saddle. This the SAR. The pMar crane is ret mentioned in the T3. Wetding

DCW was for the welding of the fourth keeper plate. keeper plates in place, instead of botting, iricreases the ammJnt of
force required to d6stocate them from the sadtte pin groove. This

! increases the reliability of the keeper plates and reduces the 2

possibility of sadite pin withdrawal.

DCN M92621A DCW N02621A is one of several endifications implemented for remowat This work was isv4emented during Noe 5 end 6 of the t%it 2 Cycle &

I of the Unit 2 tml syste==. This DC4 inwotwed the remowat of the 151 refuetirg outage. This aindification did not increase the probabit-piping from four reactor vesset auaitiary head adaptors (staruspipes) ity of a DBA and did not increase the probability of a failure of a j en the reactor vesset head. The four reactor vesset auxiliary head safety systca. to new type of *>nanatyred accidmt or rms type of

malfmction was created. The margin of safety as definad in the l adaptors and were severed the remaining below truncated the heed portions adaptor of the three flanga threaded auxiliary head joiet, ' basis for any TS was rut reduced. r
adaptors w*re cepped of f with 1
astt-wetoed pipe caps and one with a i

! butt-welded pipe cap with vent socket to atlow attachment of the I reactor head vent line. The four theriaal sleeves were removed from f inside the truncated portions of the head adap* ors, and the CtDM  ;

4 cooling shroud was modified mAere the UMI lines pentrated *he 1 shroisi. l j t DCN MO2622A The primary purpose of this Unit 2 DCM was to physicatty seperate l

This design cha; ge did not atter the contairment isolation desian


the 12-inch UNI pipes f rom the SCV at Penetrations M-108, M-107, and basis peraneters for contairveent integrity or teskage. Even though

, N-110. These targe contairmient Pentrations M-103 and N-109 ware seme of tSe Unt components were deleted or abandonad in place, &is i rewcrked into maintenance portats white the smatt (2-inch) contain- DCN in itself did riot af fect arv of the DBAs. There are no f atture

j. ment penetration was permanantly capped. The shield building modes associated with DC4 MO2622A that can be an ini t tsting event to

. penetration at X-110 was sealed. Portions of the 12-inch piping an accident. The DCm did ret change or degrade the performance et a j arois1d the penetrations area, associated iratwes, and the MCR safety system balow that assorned in the design basis analysis.

1 instrumantatien was renwed. Remaining piping in the containment There was no reduction in the is mergin of s.afety.

building and in the additional etsipment building was plugged and i

i 1

i t , .

Page No. 31 CMANGES tu THE FACILITY - PODIFICATIONS downgraded to TVA Class G, seismic 1L, position retention. Enerous hargers, stoports, pipe whip restraints, and stutbers were attered

or removed.

i DCN M026234 Part 1 of this DCM covered the tread went work associated with the These modifications did not increase the radiotegical conseg mnces Unit 2 tml removal. Part 2 of this DCu covers the Unit 2 tm! of a DEA. There was no increase in the probabittty of a DBA, and removat project in whole, as a sumery-type review. The tml system there was no increase in the probability of a fatture of a safety was permanently removed from service as a result of corporate system. The change did not degrade the perforvence of a safety j comitment WC0 880244001 to the NRC to delete the tml system and to system below that assmed in the design basis analysis. The provide a new 10 CFR 50 Appendia K analysis modet. The SA/SE under potential for a new type of i.nanstyred accident or a new type of the DCM evaluated the overalt tml removat ispect on plant safety. metfunction was not created. The TS sergin of safety was not decreased.

DCM M02624A This DCu implemented the $15 CLA work associatec with the removat of This change did not atter the seismic Category 8 requiremets for the tinit 2 UMt system. This change adjusted the operating any of the cceponents associated with the CLAs. The new setpoints parameters (setpoints) of the CLA to that required by the new 10 CTR for the CLAs crisure that adequate core cooling is provided in the 50 A m endia K anstysis foe ECCS without UNI. early stagas of a LOCA considering the tml has been removed. There was ro increase in the probabitity for or consequences of an accident. The margin of ssfety was not redxed.

DCN M02625A As part of the removat of Unit 2 upt, this DCm covered the There was no increase or change in the -adiotegical conseguemes of elimination of UMI controts from the MCR. Instrummtation, tubing, any accident. There were eo f ailure awWs associated with t6 sis DCN and cabtes associated with the abandoned tml cw ponents were that can be an initiating event to an accident. There was no removed. Related centrots and coeponents in the MCR were deteted. increase in the probability of or conse p;mces of an accident.

There was to dacrease in the TS margin cf safety.

DCu M02630A Physicat modifications were made to Unit 1 pipe stsports as a result The sucport changes brought the succperts and associated pipino into of the Unit 1 Phase II of the AAPP. Some stoports were wWd; Somme cw ptience with the Oesign casis requirements. The affected systems were deleted Modifications were also aside to existing ss4 ports. were not functionalt y chang =d or a6arsety af fected. The changes ensure cwptience with seismic design requirements by s=eeting or

, exceeding att & sign requirements. Equigrent reliability is also unaf fected by the interin configuration since MEAI, "f abrication, InatatIation, and Docummtation of Stsports, Piping Systems, and i Structures Attached to Seismic Category I Structures," ensured that i the piping systems remeened oparable as required by TSs and reainined qualified to the requiremmts of the SAR and design criteria. The l me gin of safety as defined in the basis for TSs 3/4.7.7, Sruk.ibers, i wss not reduced.

DCN P02644A DCW M02644, BIT danctivation, was field implemented during the Unit This change was seceptabte from a nuclear safety standpoint. There 2 Cycle 4 refueling cutage. The BIT was functionally deactivated were no credtbte f ailure modes associcted with- the physical changes l 7

under this DCW, end duty renamed the CCP injection tank. The CCP associated with DCa P02644, nor w=re there any credible feiture  ;

1 injection tank physicatty remained in the StS, but no tenger serves modes associated with the functievsat deactivation of the 837 There !

as a source of highty concentrated boric acid. It continues to was no increase in the probability of or conseqtences of an ,

serve as part of the high head / tow flow injection path for initiet accident. to new ananatyred accidmt was created. The margin of j caergency core cooling provided by the CCPs. safety as defined in the basis for any TS was not reduced. l r

0  !

i l

l t

I i

j.  !

i 1

Page iso. 32 CHAhGES fu TME FACitITY - MODIFICAft0uS DCN M026454 tanit 2 DCs deactivated the ati and deleted the bypass tine including 'he physical cer finuration of the flow new a method was the indication that had been used to verify BAT transfer pupp f twe. changed. However, the systeam fisiction and design perameters renmin

]~ In ceder to perform q.sarterly ASME Section Nt testing of the t. e. v ed. There was re adverse impact en nutteer safety.

transfer pupps, this DCu required instattation of a new flew -

} transmitter in a new bypass line.

!- i DCM M02650A This change involved instattation of anti-vibration stakes alongside The retiability of the sein we is improved with this change.

i DCR 3495- the main condenser tubes between the ttbe styports. Stakes were- The ar.ti-vibration stakes are 304 staintess steel and are compatible installed at the midspen for the row, of tthes on the outside edges with botit the ttee meterlat and the corufensed stems f tcuing throug*

j of the ttbe bedtes. The stabes will effectively redxe the the condenser. The beffles are A36 carten steet, which is the same msopported tength of the ttbes. ihe stakes were fr statted steng meteriet as most of the cordenser. The SAR dees not describe the l the outside edges since that is where the highest steam velocities tube stsports er beff tes inside the u. A a. The w a .eG

} are. These high steam velocities have been causing the tube design regsirewnts and functional revitrewments are not changad.

3 vibrations and tute failures. The cha. ige also entended a baf f te The main condenser is not addressed in the TSs er the basis for may 1- above trie air removat tones so that steam cannot easily short- TS. There was to redxtion in the margin of safety.

circuit the ttbes. '

DCM M02651A This aedification made repairs to the mein conderser tubes. Att The wein cendenser is descrited in the SAR Sections 10.1 and 10.4.1, triple-row tt'ses were staked with stainless steet ttbe stakes down but it is not safety related. This change has no safety anetysis both sides of all ttee bundles. Estensions were instatted on the impect, and the design and ftrictiona? regsirements of the cond-ser i existing battle plates that run ateng the center of each condenser ard the cordmsate and CCW systems were ret af fected.

tube burdle above the air removat flew tine. Daneged baffles were repaired.


. DCu NO26734 As a result of a random lespection of checit valves ire the ERCu This chang = defeated the function of these check valv=s. This Systeer, CAQR Scr890086 was written to identify e=cessive +geadation change &es not affect tha ERCW system's ability to p* ovide flow to

} to discharge check valvas of the tower Compartment vent Cooters (1, the - as it supplies. The pressure bounuary of the vatwes was 4

i 2-67-565 A, 8, C, D), the CmD vent Cooters (1, 2-67-568 A, 8, C, 01, not ef fected t y this change. These check watwes were not a*fected and the #CP Motor Air Cooters (1, 2-67-571 A, s. C, D). The CAce ty this change. These chect vetves do ret perform a safety fmetien l disposition required renoval of the check valve internals.  %* Unit other thm pressure retention in the TWA Ctess C syste=r. ERCW j

' 2 internets were renovad under DCs M01200. . The tJnit 1 internals reisndancy was ret af fected. This modificatien did net effect any were removed under this DCM. Ords. There e,as no reduction in the surgin ef safety.

4 l DCN M02681A This DCu adfressed support modifications (herdware changas) for the These changes were acceptable fra e nuclear safety standpoint. so -l i ERCW systeen that resulted freme Phase TT of the AA-T. S w art safety-related system. Twered by TSs was ad,*rsely af fec*ed by this l seodificatims included the additten or deletien of streerts en DC4 the new dasigr% eeet er et ceed SAR commutm=vts. The sunrgin of alternately anatyred piping required to brtog tM sgrorts, asso- safety as de3inad i.. ?e basis for any TS was not redxed.

'. cintal piping, and supporting steuctures into emmliarte with the 4 SA2 and "CW design criteria. -

! DCw N02632A Changes ande eder the sc<pa of this DCM resuttes from the Unit 1 Egsttent reliability and redsidency ware wief fect=d by these '

Ptrase It of the AARP. This DCN adrfressed (Jnit 1 sucport stgport changas. The tww design neats or eweeafs SAs cornitwms endifications (hardware changes) for the ERCW systee. Support .and does not deviste from SAR d= scrip

  • ions. Th= andsfications are modifications incitded adding er deleting stgports on etternately accepteete frae a nuclear safety standpoint. Tha mergen of safety anatyred pipine to bring the stgreets, associetad pipi ig, and ' wes not redxed.

swporth:g steuctures into comotience with the SAR and Sou

  • sign criteria.
  • a 1

s 1

i j i i

i j Page Eo. 33 CKr.4GES Is YPE FAC1tiTY - MCDIE!CAtt< jus -

4 j DCW M0c683A This Unit 0 DC4 ad1ressed pipe stoport siodifications to tne air The modifications brought suppntts, esseclated pipirg, ami sixport- ,

4 conditioning system. No piping reroutes, adfitions, or deletions ing structures into ceppilance with the SAR and the

  • sign criteria. '

were re<ysired by this DC2. I i DCm M02654A Changas made undar the scope of this DCM restatted from the unit 1 Emipment rettability and redundancy were umrf fected by these Phase !! of the AARP. This DCE addressed Unit 0 sumort stgpert chnges. The new destgro mets er ence=ds SAR eeperitmants [

a entifications (hardware chantas) for the air conditioning system. anti daes ret deviate freer SAR dascriptions. The modificatione are


} Swport modifications included adfing or deleting supports en acceptable frts a nuclear safety sterwipoint. The margin of safety r atternately analyzed piping to brim the sigports, associated was not redxad.

piping, and supporting struttures into compliance with the SAR and r l Sow design criteria. I I

i- DCN M02685A Changas made trader the scope of this DCW resulted frtwo the Unit 1 Emipment reliability and rednfancy ware unaffected by these

! Phrse !! of the AARP. This DCN addressed Unit 0 support si.eport changes. The new dasign meets or erceeds SAR comritmants i modifications thartkare changes) for the CVC system. Seport and does not +winte free SAR descriptions. The modifications ere l

setiifications included adding er deleting sagvorts on atternately acceptabte from e twxtese safety starvipoint. The margin of safety

I anatyred piping to bring the stoports, associated piping, and was not redxed. I stgporting structures into ctmptience with *he SAR and 50W desigre criteria.

DCN M02686A As a resistt of the Unit 1 Phase 11 AARP, Unit 0 strport These modifications were reqtsired to bring the s* sports, associatad l modifications thardware changes) were rers. sired for the waste piping, and stspoeting structures into complimce with 504 design disposet system, 58PC system, and the eten e y dieset generator criteria and SAR re wirewnts. The sergin of safety was net  ;


system. Support modificatims included adding or deleting supports r educed.  !

on atternately anatyred piping.



. DCM M02687A Unit I support modifications foe the air conditiening system and the mal-11, "f abrication, Installation, arms Documentation of Steports. [

DCR 2259 CYC5 ad$ed or deleted s@ ports en alternately anatyred phing. The Piping Systems, and Structures Attached to Seis: sic Category I '

modificatians were required to bring the supports, assxheted Structures," R20, provided direction to modifications persormet as piping, and swporting structures into core (lance with SA4 Sections to then the erection of tecporery sugports was rewired. This  !

] 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, and Sequoyah Design Criteria sow-DC-v-13.3 AuD ensured that the piping systems remained cperable as required by T5s j 504-DC-V-24.2. and re mairwd motified te the requirements of the SAR and Design

Criteria. Equipment rettability was also unaf fected tw the interim configuration. The cttanges were acceptable frtwa a nutteer safety standpoint. The new design meets or exceeds SAR coersitwents and did I not deviate free any descriptions in the SAR. so safety-related

' system covered by T5s was adversely af fected. The margin of safet?

i es described in the basis for TS 3/4.7.9 was not re+xed. ^

DCM M02633*. Changes made tsv3er the scope of this DCM resulted from the Unit 1 Emipment reliability and redundarcy were snaf fected by these '

i Phase II of the AAdP. This DCm addressed Unit 0 sugport secport changes. The new design meets or erceeds sta cerwitments [*

l modifications thardware changes) for the air conditioning system. arw$ does not deviste frost SAR desceiptions. The modifications are

. Support modifications included adfing er deleting sucports on acceptable from a nuclear Srfety standpoint. The mergin of safety atternately-analyred piping to bring the stoports, associated esas not redxed.

j piping, and supporting structures into conpliance with the SAR and #

) 50m design criteria.

  • 2 i

4 1

l Page No. 34 CHANGES IN TWE F AtitJf f - MOOTFICATICKS DCN M02802A 1his modification relocated the ingress card reader froar the f ront The relocation and eMitier of the irt;ress reedars is within t%

of the bullet-resistant enclosure to the badge access area in the dasign besis of the access control system and has no advarse ef fect DCR 3173 en the existing system. The ace-ss cetrot system is ret safety access portet en et 685 of the turbine building. Also, a new related and is rec re vird to fisiction d; ring an accidmt ingress reader was aMed in the bed 2e access aree. Both card readars interf ace with the access control processor via Multipterer condition. This e-@ ficatien does not imect the dnign peceau ters 4, which is tocated on el 706 in the control building spread room of access contret.

and are used for logging personnet snto the protected area.

DCN M02858A Changes made isder the scope of this DCN resulted from the telt 1 Equirent reliabil%ty and redrdancy ware unaf fected by these Phase 11 of the AARP. This DCN eMressed Unit 0 swport swport chang-s. The new desig i reets er e=ceMs SAR c ev-itemts snodifications (hardware changas) for the air conditioning system, and does not deviate from SAR descriptiens. The er;dificat f er's are CVCS, and ERCW system. Stoport modifications incitzied adding or acceptable f rem a nuclear safety stav!priint. The nutrgin of safety dateting surports on at ternately anatyred piping to bring tha was ret redred.

supports, associated piping, and stoporting structures into com-pliance with the SAR and SON design criteria.

DCN MOZS59A Changes sede under the scope of this DCW resulted from the tmit 1 Equire-et ret imbility and re fundancy were unof f acta f by these stoport changes. The new design ***ts or e,cea fs SAP commit =-nts Phase II of the AAPP. This DCN addressed thit 1 support nojificaticris (hardware chsnges) for the AN, CVC, and ERCu systerns. and does not dev3 ate frear SAR descriptions. The e wiifications a-,e Stoport modificaticr*s included aMing or deleting swports on acceptable frce a ruclear safety sterubsint. The ewrgin of safety alternately analyzed piping to bring t?$e st4 poets, a'sociated was not reiJted.

piping, and stgperting structures into corpliance with the SAs and 504 design criteria.

DCN M02SSOA CCW and ERCu system surports were modified as a result of the Unit 1 The support snodificatiors were required tc' bring the surp?rts, j DCR 2259 Phase II Program. Stg4crt modifications included aMing or deleting associated piping, and stgoortirq structures into corpt lance with sup prts on atternately anatyred piping. design bes t s re piremmts SAf! Sections 3.6, 3.T, ard 3.9, Sos-DC-V- l 13.3, and sos-DC-V-24.2. The af fected systems were not functionally changed or adversely af f ected. 150 saf ety-related system covere( by TS was e tsersely af fected by this DCR.

DCa M02S914 This DCW served as the design change package for two imot 2 TS A new cor.tairw=mt anetysis showed that peak contain>mt pressure is cherr;*s: (1) The total weight of ice condenser was reduced from teded by the current analysis and the ice cerwenser system wilt 2,333,100 pour.ds to 2,245,320 pounds, vnd the ice weigning intervat perfers its 'ntended f ts'ction. Ewatuaticr's of (OCA e d LOCA-related was increased to 15 months; and (2) The boren concentration of the accidmts show=d th-re wcutd be no adverse imact as a result cf the RWST and the CLA in the $15 was increased. The required volume of r. 5T, CL A, ard BAT changes.

the BAT was increased.

DCN M02966A The 1/2-inch fire protection piping used to supply sprinkler heads Ttis modification did not c$ar*9a the fire surpression requirenants in the Unit i reactor building purge exhaust system filters was f or ar y aces. This activity did not produce any new creditable DCR 3432 f ec&s. Equipre7t radJndancy was available for the safety-replaced with 1-inch einistre diameter size piptng as required by reia*ed reactor building purge exhaust system darir g the sodifice-WFPA 13 for ferrous sprinkler si.gply piping. tien. Coppensatory measures ware t aken in the form of roving heurty fire watches when fire protection systems were out of service for sofifications.

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DCk H02967A This change replaced fire protection piping tased to sgpty sprinkler This modification did not change the fire stepression requirements j DCR 3432 heads in the Unit 2 reactor building purge enhaust system fitters for any area. Instead, this DCN provides essurance that fire j from one half-inch diameter to one-inch minimum diameter size stspressiori systems will perform their design functions. This

! required by NFPA 13 for ferrous sprinkler st4 ply piping. acttvity did not creste any new creditable fatture modes. There weS no decrease in any TS margin of safety.

l DCW M02968A ERCu stworts were modified as a result of the Unit 1 Phase It The stpport sedifications were r quired to bring the supports, Prograra. Stpport modifications included adding or deleting sigports associated piping, and stgportfeg structures into cwptiance with on alternately anatyred piping. design basis reqtstrements SAR Sections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, SCN-DC-V-j 13.3, and SCN-DC-y-24.2. The af fected systems were not functionalty  ;

changed or adversely affected. No safety-related system covered by

'. TS was adversely affected by this DCN. [

l 1

l DCN M02969A Unit 2 ERCW stoport modifications (hard4are changes) were made as a These changes were acceptable frees a nucteer safety standpoint. No  !

j result of Phase II of the AARP. Support modifications included safety-related systee covered by TSs was afversely af fected by this

adding or deleting stgports on alternately anstyred piping. These DCN. The mergin of safety was not reduced. 4

] support modifications were required to bring the stsports, asso- t c!ated piping, ard stpporting structuret into compliance with the SAR ard SON design criteria.

f'CN M03000C This t) nit 1 DCN tograded by qualification 91 R.G.1.97 R2 cattes to This modification was a part of the total PAM modifications reqtrired

, 10 Cf R 50.49 (EQ) requirements and replaced one nonquetifiable cable to bring SQN into corptience with that corioitment. There was no

with a qualified 10 CfR 50.49 cable . Additionally, any splices in change to the function, design peraneters, operating tioits or ,

harsh environments discovered or arijed by this DCN were EQ qualified safety margins for the cable that was replaced. The cables that l and documented in the E0 splice tist. Also, the new and any were upgra&d were documentation chariges only. The margin of safety

] upgraded cables routed in contbits that pass below identified HEL5 was not reduced.

! and MELB flood levels had the conduit couptings, fittings, and bones below the flood levels seated against water intrusion.

DCN P03028A Based on control Room Design Review recomunendations, components were There was no ef fect or change to the fts,c-tion of these components, 4 DCR 2611 retocated, added, or deleted f rtsn/to MCR Penets 2M2, 2M3, ~ 2M4, 2MS, and the systems they previde indication and control for ware not

! 2M6, and 2M238. This modification involved the relocation of these affected. These modifications corrected the identified hwian factor I existing cortponents (with the exception of new coeponents 2-LR engineering deficiencies and er1hanced the MCR operator responses and 43A, 2-LR-3-9BA, and 2-PDIR-30-133) on the penets to creance MCR j reaction. There were no new failures essociated with this operator responses ard reaction. modification. The modification did not increase the probebility for f 1 or consequences of any DEA. There was no reduction to the omrgin of i l Safety as defined in the basis for any TS.

< [

DCN M03098A As part of the two-phase AARP chwetoped to correct problems raised The stoport modifications were required to bring the stgports, f I by the CAQs identified in CAOR ScP 830599, a review of the entere associated piping, and sugporting structures inte coeptience wi h t  !

atternate analysis scope inctuoing instrtament tines. unit 1 stpport SAR Sections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, and ScN Design criteria ScN-DC-v- [

modifications (harddare changes) for the ice condenser system and 13.3 and SON-DC-V-24.2. The new designs meet or esceed SAR the CVCS resulted f rom the 7hase tI prcgram. Swport modifications coresitments and do not deviate from any description in the SAR. We j included the adition or deletion of stoports on atternately safety-related system covered by TSs was adversely af facted by this analyzed piping ard modification to stoports under the WR program DCN. The margin of safety as oefined in the basis for TS 3/4.7.9, ,

that r v ire a design change ta copptete. Snutters, was not redxed.


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Page No. 36 Cna 6ES in T*E FACILiff . MnDIFICATIONS I

DC4 M0309M As part of the two-phase AARP developed to correct problems raised The stgport modifications were required to bring the supports, by the CAos identified in CAOR SQP 850599, a review of the entire associated pipics, and streorting structures into comtiance with atternate analysis scope including instrwent lines was performed. SAR Sections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9, and som Design Criteria Scu-DC+

tPilt 1 sigort modifications (hardware changes) for toe Ms, MFW, 13.3 and scu-DC-V-24.2. The new designs meet er erceed SAR ausiliary control air, sampling and water quality, FCS, and RM co e itsents and do not deviate froa any description in the Saa. ao s,stens resulted frcan Phase !! of the AARP. Stgport arMifications safety-related system covered by TSs a as a6ersety af fected by this included the ad3ition or deletion of supports on atternatety DCW. The margin of esfety as oefined in the basis for TS 3/4.7.9, analyzed piping and modification to stgoorts uvier the WR program snubbers, was net redxed.

that require a design change to comtete.

DCN M03100A This DCN inwotved stgport modifications made to the Unit 1 auxiliary These changes were acceptabte from a rur.! ear safety standpoint. no DCP 2259 control air system,, sampling ard water gaelity system, and the RM safety-related system covered by TSs was adversty affected by this syste's as part of Phase !! of the AARP. These modift:ations DCW. The new design seats or enceeds SAR careitwnts, includad atkiing er deleting supx$rts oc alternately ana yred piping 8

as required to being the stoports, associated piping, arid supporting structures into conpliance with design criteria.

f t

DCN M03200A This DCu revised the drawing for vetve 1-62-fCV-89, charging header This DCm af fects the docismentation regarding the internets of the DCR 3602 seat water f tow c antrot ratve, to show the trim and sthstitute part valve. The valve f tcu characteristics of the new parts are rurbers . Identical replacemant parts were not available; however, idanticat to those that were damegad and to those that are used in new concerciat-grade replacement parts were directly available from the W stinghouse design calculations and analysis for Senuoyah tJnits the mara2f acturer, Masoneitun. 1 and 2.


DCN M03201A The e=isting fire-rated wat ts above Doors C22 and C24 cri et 655 of The Tss were ret chang-d by this modi ficatien. The requirem nts of the ccritrol tusilding were modifled by making the fire ualis meet TS section 3.7.12 w a re fettowed. The codtfication imrow-s tne fire their initial design rewirements. The modification involvad the resistaN e of the watt such that it seats the esisting fire ad3ition of two entra toyers of 1/2-inch (or 5/5-inch) type x ?vpsua protection require =ents. A fire watch prcrito d the ree; ired fire board to each side of the fire wat t. protection to to the time the modification was empleted. The watt meets alt seismic design criteria re w ire e nts with the add d weight of the four new layers of gypsum board. Yhts ar>dification did not j decrease nueteer safety.

l DCN M03213A DCN M03213A imtemented corrective action for 10 CFR 50 Appendin R The zone switches increase the overati system re(iability av3 l

Cabte Interaction 120 irretving possible fire-irvixad closure of erttance the abitity of existing equipment to parform its safety either VCT outlet valve (LCV-62-132, LCV-62-133). This consisted of f ore t ion. The switches provi e a means to ensure that the operating l

f installing class 1E stem-mounted zone switches with qualified unat CCP does net emperience a toss of suction tecause of spurious l conduit see's on the VCT outlet vatwes that will provide an "open" closure of either VCT outlet watwe. There was no increase ici the sio,at to t*e orvosite train Rust 7at we when the VCT outlet watwe probability f or consaquances of an accide**t. The margin of ta'ety i

travel exceeds midstroke. This electrical interlock is remired so was ret redxed.

I that upon possible fire induced spurious closure of a VCT outlet I walve, the occosite train RVST stop valve will open to prtr'ide suc tion to the coef ating CCP, nAich would be destrcyed by continued operation without adequate suction flow. DCM M032134 also instetted two cross-zoned smoke detectors in the VCT room entry tabyrinth (where the VCT outlet watwes are tocated) and wired them into es i sting Detector Panet 0-t -609. also, Cables 2v2070A, 2v2071A, 2v2G73a, 2V2761 A, 2v2764a and 2v27743 were rerouted in order to clear other cable interactions associated with 4pendin R Interac-tion 120.

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1 i DCN M03303A This tssit 2 DCm added two fire protection sprirster heads in the The modification enhances the ability of the plant and plent staf f 1 tabyrinth area of the VCT room. This audification was made to to perform required ftsictions. There was no adverse ispect en i

ensure access to senual valve operators and to ensure those vatves operation of the fire protection system. The margin of safety was do ret suf fer mechanical fire damage that could prevent manual not redred.


, DCW M03327A The normat RCP 1 Phase A stator winding RTD was defective. Wires This change did not affect the RCS pressure boundary portion of the DCR 3627 for Cabte ICR336 to defective RfD 1-TE-68-12E were disconnected and RCP. It involved only the motor. No crertible failure of the RTD reterminated to spare RfD 1-TE-68 '2D. ufres for Cable 1CR424 to will cause the E4P to be unable to perform its intended ftrction.

spere RTD 1 TE-68-12D were reterminated to defective RTD 1-TE This change involved only the motor of RCP 1, and the motor is not 12E. The modification is documented on Drawing 4541616-6 R3, and required for any design besis sAR Chapter 15 event. This cable cards were revised to show the cFange in assig-nent for the modification did not af fect any ewipment important to sa?ety cables after being swapped. previously evalua*ed in the SAR. The function of the PCP RTDs is not important te safety and is ret described in the T5s.

DCm *t03354A This modification rerouted that portion of controt power (125V de) There was no rediction of equigeent or system retiability. The DCR 3345 Cable 2V5612A for PORY 2-PCV-65-340A ' rom Cable Trey PM-4 to new rerouting provides ghysical separation for the involved cable.

instatted and dedicated conduit route through the (Mit 2 CRD There was no increase in the probability for or consevences of an equipment room in the auxiliary building, et 759. accidant. The margin of safety was not redxed.

DCM M034394 Because the previous transmitter for feedwater Loop 1-PT-3-34 was so Indications and alarms f rom this transmitter are not safety related.

DCR 3217 obsolete that spare parts or a new transmitter of the same type were The loop does not prtruide control functions for any safety-related not available, the transmitter was replaced with a new Rosemount equipnent or any equigeent that could adversely af fect arry safety Mode 1 1152GP transmitter. system or function. Yhe obsetete equispent was reptaced wIth a newar, ante modern irstrtment. There was no reducti< e in the margin of safety.

l DCN M93443A This DCm was written to replace the *S- books and associated mating This modification restored the danpers to their originat design and sash chain on af fected fire door trap door dappars in accordance DCR 1223 did not ads or delete any equipment rewired to achieve any of the with latest vendor (Ruskin) drawing. shutdo e paths. This change did ret adversely iepact seiss=le  !

qualifiestion of the daavar. There was no lepect on the SAR or iss.

DCM M03467A This Unit 2 DCW upgraded by cualification 52 R.G.1.97 R2 cabtes to this DCs, stworted by the field walkdown verficiations, providad 10 CFR 50.49 (EQ) requirements. Additionally, any sotices in harsh the dacumentation to ensure that the cables witi perform their envirorvets discovered or added tr/ this modification were EQ intended function f a harsh envirornent postaccident. The qualified and documented in the EQ splice list. Also, the upgraded reliability of the as ipnent and instrtments that these cables serve cables routed in conduits -hat pass below identified HELB and MELB is now docupanted. There was ev3 chang

  • to the ftsrtion, design flood levels had the conduit couptings, fittings, and bones below parameters, operating timits, or safety margins for the cable the flood levels seated against water intrusion. reptaced. The margin of safety was not redxed.

0C4 M03511A This DCu removed the auto-ctosure interlock function from valves NRC Generic Letter 85-17 identified the auto-closure interlock 2-FCV-74-1 aru$ 2-FCV-74-2 and provided Ri4R system overpressurization ftriction of the Rua system to be a major contributor to accidents ataria in the MCR. invetving loss of ##R cooling. Mestinghouse performed analyses evaluating the removat of this ftriction erus reported that the overalt ef fect of the auto closure interlock feature removat is a net 6f at in plant safety. No new failure modes were intrtoxed. There was no increase in the probabitity for or consequances of an acddent. The margin of safety was not af fected.

Page No. 38 CMANGES It inE FACILITY - MODIFICATI0MS DCN M03512A This esodification provided a signal to the TSC for

  • Trip Rods not at meltber the ftrictionet requirements nor the capot it! ties of the DCR 1156 Bottom a es retpJested by DCR 1156, which inenrporated the portion of involvad systems was changed. Co gliance with the SAR and TSs was Westinghouse FCN TENO-40521. This required adding seven Pottea not effected by this modification. The mergin of safety was not Bruefield control relays, Type KRP14AG, in ARPI Cabinets 2-R-41 reduced.

through 2-R-44, and a cable tinit between 2-R-42 and the TSC coputer.

DCN M03513A This modification inwotwed the a:*fition of two channets, midrange This an.dification provided an alternate method of monitoring DCR 1156 and high range, between the Ebertine RM eg;ipment 2-R*F90-405 and midrange and high-range chamets at the TSC. Reliability was the TSC conciuter. This DCN purchased and instatted data actpsisition igrowed because the Technical Suppo-t Emergency Response Teme can module DAM-4 analog option, which provides two 4-20 MA outputs from contiramusty assess the plant release through the condens=c vectus 2-RM-90-405 to monitor radioactive re' ease at the TSC. enhaust vent. SAR Tabte T1.4.2.3, Sheet T was revised to reftest the as- constructed plant status. The entaipment af fecte.1 by this ECu is nonsafety related and does not interact with aray safety-related erpsioment. The mergin of safety was not reduced.

DCN M03561A This tJnit 2 DCs irwotved + ting the autostop ' rip solenoid coit The modification did not change the wey the turbine protection on the trip block of the nem turtpine with a two-way solenoid valve. system functims. It enty increased the reliability of the system.

The 3ergin of cafety was not redJced.

DCN M03606A CAOR SGTS80177 identified various deficiencies related to the These modificat wo me reysireo to correct deficiencies, thus DCR 3406 instattation of top-ef-watt restraints for reinforced mesonry watts. enhancing safete Ne was no change to the TSs or the SAP. There Modification made taider this DCm ensure that safety-reisted rein- was no reduction M ete margin of Sefety.

forced masonry watts meet the regtriremerts ef som design criteria and the SAR by addition of self-drit ting bolt anchors, adtrition of restraint angles or plates, addition of shies, and fitting vrwarsizad holes with grout.

DCm M037044 Because noise was observed en the signet from Instement toop The toep is safety related; however, the modification did not effect DCR 3606 1-P-30-310 and 311, one 1D-sierof arad 35-volt electrotytic capacitor the meration of the safety-related fmetion of the Icep. There was w s ached for each toop in Fanets 1-R-163 and 164 in order to reduce no irciect on any seismic batis. This modification did not affect the noise. the SAP, and the mergin of safety was not reduca f.

DCW M03707A This DCu involvino modification to MCR stan&y lig% ting was This modification did not affect any cspeaat or system other than aplicable to tJnit 1 and Unit 2. A transfer switch was irastatted, [

the plant lighting system. There was no change to ftrictional t

.bich provides the capability of transferririg the stan&y tighting requirements. The modsfication involved changas to branch tightirwJ (

toad f ree either Cabinet LS2 or LS4 circuits fed by cabinets powared frcar the 180V shutdewn booeds. The (

tighting cieeuits are isoisted from the 430v shutdcun boerds by l circuit %reakers. There was no i g act on safety. [

t DCM M03740A The carbon steet 3/4-inch drain, Isotation vatvas 2-vtv-62-724 and The replaceeant of the carbon steet watwes with tne stainless steet i DCR 3632 2-vtv-62-725, tocated in the letdcun piping dawnstream of the watwes eliminates the high potentist for leakage of contaseinsted [

reganerative heat enchangar and upstream of the letdo.s, orifices and reactor coolar*t to th* tocal aW.Qs+ by eliminating berated nester  !

orifice isolatim vatwes, were replaced with stainless steet valves. corrosion prtelems. The system function was unettered by this }

The carbon steet pipe nimte and pipe cap downstrean of 2-62-VLV-725 change. The originat dasign regsired stainless steet valves aruf l uns replaced with a stainless steet pipe nimte and pipe cap. piping in this drsin line. This change brought the system back to the originot desi v specifications.  ;

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Page No. 39 CMANGES fu THE FACILITY - M001FICAT!3e5 l DCM M03765A This Unit 2 DCm prtrvided for new tabeting of sm - as located on There no ispect en any system by th8s e nye. Att systems, i

thit 2 control boards located in the main and statitisry centrol im m as, fwietienet reasirements, erwJ pet '.ersiance were waaf- l rtoms. The changes were reatsired to resotwe busan engineering fected. The margin of safety was not redxed.

deficiencies idmtified by the Control Room Design Review Prograne.

DCN M03881 thit 0 auxiliary contret eir stoport modifications (herthere Thase chang =s ware acceptable fece a wxteer safety standpoint. no

, changes) were made as a result of Phase 11 of the AARP. Stspoet safety-relatad system covered by TSs was adversely af fected ty this t modif femtions included adfing or deleting stgports on alternately DCs. The mergin cf safety was not redited.

I anatyred piping. These stgport modifications were regtrired te bring the stsports, associated piping, and supporting structuras into compliance with the SAR and 504 design criteria.

I DCE A03575A To improve the hwann-machine interface in the central and secondary Changas to the physical security /cor=t ngency i

plan are made and stam stations, spaces and administrative alare MP-2 modstes sere sineitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(p) and are nongustity renewed and blank cover assemblies were instatted for the modste related. i i spaces. l I

l DCN M03886A Changes made teder the scope of this DCN resulted free the thit 2 Egsigemme reliability and redtedancy were unaffected by these 4 Phase 11 of the AARP. This DCM addressed thit 2 stoport steport changes. The rm design seats er eiceed SAa comitwents  !

modifications (harddare changes) for the ERCV, CC2, tel, and air and does n
rt daviate frtwo SAR descriptions. The eedifications are conditioning systems. Support modifications inctisied adding or acceptatrie frtue a rauclear safety stan@oint. The margin of safety .

deletir g stpoorts on alternatety anatyred piping to bring the was not reduced.

{ supports, associated piping, and stgporting structs:res into etwo-pliance with the SAR and SO4 design criteria. .

J' DCm M03895A As part of Phese 11 of the AARP, swport modifications thaed-are These susdifications ware re yJired to brir g the survoets, associeted changes) were made to the thit 2 CVCS, ERCW, and CCS. These changas piping, and stsporting structures into comptionce with d= sign basis included adfing or deleting support en alternately anstyred piping. rensirements for Scu. There was re redxtien in the margin of

safety. The new design meets or enceeds SAT cemita=nts.

5 DCm MG3596A Changes sede under the scope of this DCE resulted free the thit 2 Ectri:wnent reliebetity and raincancy ware trief fectad by th-se Phase 11 of the AARP. This DCm addressed Unit 2 stepart stysmrt changes. . The new design me-ts or enceeds SAR cerarits-nts suodifications (herdware changes) for the ERCW and air conditior ing and dses not deviate frene SAR descripties. The safifications are

. rTstems. Simport modifications included adding or deleting stgports acceptable frtue a riucteur safety starw% mint. The margin of safety I on alternately anatyred piping to bring the supports, associated was not reduced.

}. piping, and st.oporting structures into corg,tience with the SAR and SON design criteria.

I DCW M03897A Changas sede tsider the scope of this DCm resutted from the Unit 2 Egsigrent rettabetity and redureency were trief fected ty th-s=

Phase II of the AARP. This DCW addressed thit 2 stcport etsport changas. The new design meets or emceeds SAR ctrumitments endifications (hardware changes) for the ERCW and air conditioning and does ret deviate free StR descriptions. The modifientiens are I.

i systems. Steport modifications included adding or deleting stsvorts acceptable frtue a cutteer safety standpoint. The mergin of safety on alternately anatyred piping to bring the stgports, associated was ret redxed.

piping,' and supporting structures into conctiance with the SAR and i SO4 design criteria.

i 1




) DCN M03895A Changes made under *he scope of this DCs resulted frtus tmit 2 Phase Ewipamt reliability and redundancy were unaf fected by these 1- II of the AARP. This DCN addressed Unit 2 stoport modifications sq.gport changes. The new design meets or esceeds SAR ctzmeitsents (hartbare changes) for the CYC, ERCW and air conditioning systems. and does not deviate frtsa SAR dese-fptions. The modifications are


Support modifications included adding or deleting s w ports on acceptable from a nuclear safety stan@oint. The margin of safety j

alternately anatyred piping to bring the stgeorts, associated was not redxed.

i piping, and swporting structures into conpliance with the SAR and SCN design criteria.

DCN M03399A This modification added ard deleted stsports on alternately anatyred This modification brought the sepperts, associated piping, and piping as a result of Phase 11 of the AARP. Supports on piping in stoporting structures ante copptience with SAR Sections 3.6, 3.7, the CVC, ERCW, and UMI systems were effected. ard 3.9, and Semoyah nuclear Design Criteria SCN-C'.-V-13.3 and SC91-DC-V-24.2. There was no el snge in any methods of ensuring comptiance with TSs.

I DCN M03901A This DCN adjressed Unit 2 stsvert modifications (hardware changas) These changes were acceptable from a nucteer safety atendpint. so DCR 2259 for the air conditioning system, CVCS, and CCS as a result of Phase safety-retated system covered by TSs was adversety af fected by this II of the AARP. This incided ailing or deteting supports on DCW. The margin of safety was not redxed.

atternately anatyred piping.

3 DCN M03902A Unit 2 SIS and ERCW stornrt modifications (herdware changes) were These endifications were required to bring the supports, associated a

made as a result of Phase !! of the AARP. These support piping, and suppetting structures into corptiance with SCN design modifications inctt led adding or deleting supports on alternately basis re mirements. These changes were acceptable from a nuclear


anatyred piping. safety standpoint. ao safetMetated system cowared try Tss was adversely affected by these modifications.

4 DCN M039034 As part of Phase II of the AARP, supoort modifications (hartka e 7%ese modifications were required to bring the supports, associated changes) were made to the Unit 2 CYCS. These changes included ,Qing, and stoporting structures into etn'ptience with dasign basis adfing or deteting stgxwyrt on atternately anatyred piping. requirements for SO4 Thare was no reduction in the margin of safety. The new desig7 meets or exceeds SAR consnitmenta.

DCN M03904A This Unit 2 DCN addressed pipe swport modifications to MFW and Escu These modifications brought the supports, associated piping, and systees. No piping s eroutes, adttitiens, or deletions were required %cporting structures into etmpliance with the SAR and the design by this DCN. criteria.

J DCN M039054 As a restit of the imit 2 Phase 11 of the AARP, shysical These modifications were required to bring the supports, associated

DCR 2259 modifications were made to CYCS, ERCW, RCS, and waste disposal pipe piping, and stsporting structures into corptience with SAR Sections j supports. Some supports were ad3ed and some deleted. Other 3.6, 3.T. and 3.9 and SCE Design criteria SCN-DC-V-13.3 and j modifications were made to existing sigports. SCN-DC-V-24.2. These changes were acceptable from a nuclear safety staruipoint.


DCN M03906A Changes mode trder the scope of this DCE resulted from Unit 2 Phase Equi;reent retlebility ard redsdancy were snaf fected by these

!! cf the AARP. This DCN addressed Unit 2 stoport ace:fifications sagert changes. The new design meets or e*ceeds SAR corssiteents -

(hardware changes) for tt'e AFW, sanple ard water quality, ice and does not deviate frtse SAR descriptions. The modificat f orm are condenser, CYC, and $1 systems. Support modifications int.luded acceptable from a nuclear safety standpoint. The margin of safety adiing or deleting stoports on alternately anatyred piping to bring was not reduced.

the supports., associated piping, and stoporting structures into compliance with the SAR and SON design criteria. -


. . _- _ , . . ________,a

.o P.ege No. 41. CHANGES IN THE FACli fTY - MG)lf tCAYl0NS L

t)CM M03907A unit 2 support eodifications (hardware changes) were made for the These edificatiers were rewired to bring the sivports, associated DCR 2259 HPFP, ice condenser, CVC, and ERCU systems as a result of Phase !! piping, and swporting structures into compliance with SAR and SGN of the AARP. This included ackfing or deleting supports en design criteria re tirements. This d.enge was ecceptable from a alternately anatyred piping. nuclear safety stan m oint. No safety-related system coversd by TSs was adversely af fected by this modification. There was no reduction in the margin of safety.

DCM M03908A Changes made under the scope of this DCM resulted from Unit 2 Phase Equipnent reliability and redundancy were unaf fected by these II of the AARP. This DCM addressed Unit 2 support modifications support danges. The new desigr= meets or encaeds SAR comitments Gardware changes) for the MPFP, CVC, 51, RCS,, and RNR systems. and d>es not deviate from SAR descrictions. The modifications are Sgpert modifications included adding or deleting swports on acceptabte from a nuclear safety stan@oint. The margin of safety atternately analyzed piping to bring the supports, associated was not reduced, piping, and supporting stisctures into conptience with the SAR and SON design criteria.

DCN M04027A This Unit 2 DCN required replacing eigSt obsolete M m seckman The obsolete contrettees were replaced with qualified equivalent controlters end one AFU Beckman controtter. Replacement centrotters controtters. The functional requirements and ftsictions are equive-are Yokogswa microprocessor-based controtters. tent, and there was no adverse ispect on nuclear safety.

DCu N04045A *.his Unit 2 DCM provided detailed information to attow modifications The DCM did not cover any safety-related systems covered by TSs.

to miscettaneous structurat steet platforms i.y the addition of The new desigre meets or exceeds SAR coresitments.

stiffene r plates to the flanges and webs of steel beams and channets.

OCN MG4052 The units 1 and 2 oCW removed the atum studge dewatering ewipment Dewatering of the atue studge is accesplished by the stura sitssge in the turt>tes building reitread t=ay from the spare /back, makeup pends, and removal of the dewatering equigment did not irwolve any water treatment plant. The equipnent is not required for operation chemistry enanges or af fect a.vy chemical release pattrs.

af the Makeup 2ater Treatment Plant and is nonessentiel plant equipment. i DCN M04086A This DCM elleinsted the feeuwster loop (Sotation en 60 feFeent There was no increase to the precebitIty ef or increase In the terrow-range $/G tevet. This modification was acca ttished by '

consequences of an accident previcmasty evaluated in the SAR. There placing jtrpers and lif ting teMs on te+1 mind blocks in the relav was no increase in the consewences of endpnent instfunction. There  ;

racks in the auxiliary instrument recet. The tevet switches were was no retbetion in TS margin of safety. I electrically removed foc the control circuits and have no falture L aode that could inadvertently actut,te trte feedwater valves or ',

prevent the actuation of these valves if req 4 red by any safety .[


DCN M64124A This DCN allowed thE field to subetitute the entstir:p mytar/gtass Esisting film barrier materlat used for t're 44per deck fito barrter [

DCR 2730 f abric tamirs.:te with flame resistant cdhesive with a new film as~s6ty, intermediate deck fits berries assentey, and air stopsy barrier material thst is a glast fabric coated with sili. cone ther, header f tenitie connections was not flexible trder cold conditions.

p The repiscement enteriet (Ventsit) is much toug'ser and more fienit4e  !

at ton,e- temeratures and is not easily damaged. The subettitution of Ventsit f!!m barrier in tieu of existine cytar/gtess fabric film  ;

barriers did rot sepact .eaisting SAat Section 6.9, nor any SAR  ;

figur?4. There was r:o isract tm safety.  ;



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Page No. 42 CMA4GES IN THE FACILiff - 190DIF! CATIONS l i

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j DCN M04172A This Unit 2 a3 dressed pipe st4 port modifications to the tvCS, ERCW, . The modifications brought the supports, associated ofping, and and CCW systems. stoporting structures into comptlance with the SAR ard design critoria. There was no adverse ispect on actear safety. )

!  ?

DCM M04173A As a result of the Unit 2 Phase II of the AARP, @ysical These audifications were required to bring the supports, associated j

, DCR 2239 modifications were made to ice cont %nser, Encu, CCW, and weste piping, and surport!<ig structures into comptiance with san sectienc 3 disposal pipe stoports. Some stpparts were adsed and some deleted. 3.6, 3.7, and 3.9 and 504 Design Criteria Scu-DC-y-i3.3 and  ;

other modifications were made to esisting supports. Sow-DC-v-24 2. These changes were acceptzbte from a tucteer safety l stanthoint.  ;

i DCN M04174A This modificatiort aced ard sieteted supports on atternately analyzed This zodification brought the supports, assotiated pipsr.3, ard  !

piping as a result of Phase !! cf the AARP. supporting structures i7to compliance with SAR Sections 3.6, 3.7,  !

and 3.9, and Design Criteria Sos-DC-V-13.3 and sum-DC-V-24.2. There j

was no change in any me+ hods ef ensuring corptience with TSs.

DCE P041754 This Unit 1 DCg asfressed pipe surport auxiifications to A8V, CVC, The modifications brought stoports, associated pip

  • 7 and sugport- i-St, ERCW, CC3, contairvaent spray, and (Mt systems. No piping ing structures into compliance with the SAs and t> design criteria.

i reroutes, additions, or deletions were required by this DCN.

a DCu M04176A Changes made esu$ee the scope of this DCW resulted from the 'Jnit 1 E<suipment retiat itity and redundancy were tanaf fected by these Phase 11 of the AARP. This DCs aiiressed Unit 1 stsport stpce-t changes. The new design meets or enceeds SAR comitwnts  !

modifications (haroware changes) for the ERCW CCW,'CS, and flood and does not deviate from SAR descriptione. The modific&tions see

mode boretion systems. Support modiftcations included adding or acceptable from a nuttear safety starwhoint. Tse .,srgh of safety l deleting swports un alternately enatyred piping to bring the uns not re4sted.

! supports, associated piping, and supporting structures into cam- "

pliance with the MR and Scu design criteria. "

DCN M0417?A This Unit 1 DCm addressed pipe support nodifications to the AFW, St, The codif kations brought the steports, asevi+ _ . 7 ring, and  ;

ERCW, and flood mode boration systems. stoporting structures into comptience with t.= SAR ana w - U [

criteria. These changes did *wt' adversely af fect nuclear safety. I DCu 14041TBA Changes ande uder the scope of this DCM resulted from the Unit 1 Equ;pruant reliability and redsdancy were unaf fected by these f Phase II of the AARP. This DCE adfressed Unit 1 stpport sigport chenges. The new design meets or enceed- SAa comitwr:ts i

j svMificatic'ts (hardwere changes) for the amtiliary contret air, and does not dewiste f rom SAR deed Mt tons. The auxfifications ars  !

sappling and water quality, and EM systens. Swport modifications acceptable from a rusleer safety stardpoint. the mergin of safety l!' included adding or deleting sugets en ettervotely anatyred piping was not redred.


?O tiring the supports, associated piping, ard supporting structures n

into conpllance with the SAR and Scw design criteries .

DCu M04179A This Unit 1 DCN addressed pipe sugycet wrydificatict:1 to wentilatien, this modification brotqht swports, essociated piping, and s;corpt -

( auxiliary control air, ard radiation monitoring systems. No piping ing strtrtures compliance with 'he SAF and the design critaria. (

reroutes, additions, or deletions were re m ired by tflis DCN. i l

i DCM ia04181A thar.ges mode unoer thc scope of this DON resutted frc:a the Unit 1 Emipment reliability and re&ndancy were instfected by these t j Phase 11 of the AARP. This DCR aodressed Unit 1 swoort succort cheges. the nei, design meeM or exceeds SAR corweitwetts i i modifications thardware changes) for ttte CYC and waste disposat and does not deviate free Sat descriptions. fi4 wodifications are f 4

s ystems. Support modifications included aajing or deleting %crorts acceptabte from a nuclear safety sta%cint. Use margin of safety j l

i I

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Page No, 43 CHANGES In T6tE FACitITY - 9@!flCAf!ONS I


on alternately analyred piping to bring the sigports, associated was rot red!xed.

piping, and supporting structures into conpliance with the SAR and SCN design criteria. l DCN h04132A Changes m&$a ts1de* the scope of this DC4 resulted from the imit 1 Equipumt ret tabit tty and redurriancy ere 'nsf f ect:-f by these Phsse 11 of the AARP. This DCM adiressed thit 1 st4 port stpoort charges. The new design meets or enceeds SAR comitments Y andifications (harchare changess f or ti e CVC, $1, ERCW, and ice and do=s riot deviate f rom SAR description ;. The morJifications are conderr3*r systems. S wport modifications inctuded adding or acceptab'e from a ruziear safety standpoint. The mar;;in of safety deleting stSports on m;ternately analyzed piping to bring the was ret reduced.

suppoc.=, associated piping, and swporting structures into com-plience aith the t*.R and Scil design criteria. I DCM MG4237A This Unit 2 eequired a minor reroute of a 1/2-inch diareter MW The DCN did not charge the

  • dign or f esictionet req 2irements of I system sense line for S/G 2. An of ftet was added to eliminate affected systems or deviate from descriptions in the SAR. Tne j interference wi'h a 2-inch CVCS pipe. modification restored systems to originat design pereneters. l DCN M04277A A twpass line with a norsetty etcM isolation valve was instat ted This changa improved one (Asse of the systee's cperation because the PCR 3665 aroced 2-PCV-63-58, a Wif rogen (Q ) presture regulator that sigoties accumletor Can be initially fitted e7peditiously. The CLAs norinal the cov*r gas to the CtN. operation was unaffected by this DCW. There w sre no credible f ailure snodes associated with this change. There was no TS impact.

There was no increase in the probability fo e or conseg;ences of an accident.

Ocw M%275A Blind flanges were installed to the 3-inch gtf cCl supply line from This modification increased the ccerating effici mcy of *he ice )

Unit 1 to Unit 2 Chitters I and J. The discharge side cf Chitters I condenser refrigeration system allowing this endpew nt te more ard J going to Unit 1 was already capped of f. This modification was ef fectively maintain the tJnit 2 ice bed tevretures betow TS ne-ded becatse Valves 0-61-1176 end 0-61 1*?7 were le. ing. timits. This modification did net dif fer from or af fect == stem operation characteristics f rom those described in the t test er figures, rer did it dif fer 'rtwo or affect corttiance wist TSs.

I DCm **%3094 This Unit 2 DCW regJired rerouting of electrical cable for a T5e new cable route is in corptience witn $*ction 13!.0,2 of pressurizer PCW and a block vatve. This eliminated an Arpedia R Appersfix A. No changes were required to procedures, T;s, or the interactict'. SAR.

8 DCm M0432*4 This toit 2 DCu involved r-tubing of the stand stema condenser. The The change to staintess steet prinides greater hast treres - a .2 copper-nicket ttees v*re replaced with Type 316 stainless steet redxtiers of secordary-side corpar for 5/G preservation. The rw tubes. P*r e hangers were ati>-i to the condensate piping system on f t anges provide easier access to the gland steam conrjenser. System either side of the gt and steam condenser, design and f unctional regairements were not af fectec, and the.-* =ar-re adverse sepsct on ruclear safety.

DCN W3440$A Changes made urer the scope of this DCx resulted from unit 2 Phase rhev e was no adverse inpact on nuclear safvt f. wo unanained plant 31 of the AARP. This DCW eddressed tinit 2 modifications (hard.are corvst tion was created. 15e fts,ction/ require == nts of the tvst -*

chang *s) for tha W W, RCS, EM system test facitity, and waste modified were not changed.

disposal system. 1his DCM reqJired a minor reroute of the 3/8-inch O. D. system test f acitity (instrtamtationn tubing attached cutboard of SCV Penetration M-270 in order to ensure that the flem-hose configuration and installation eseres to ths requiremeats of E R-SQW EE8-001. Pipe support 47B560-M 15-01 was a M ed to the piping system. Other pipe supports were atse added.


Page No. 44 CHANCES IN THE FACILITY - MODIFICATIONS DCM N044094 This Omt 2 ctL addressed pipe support modificat ons for the air i The modifications brought the supports, associated piping, and conditirir% ERCW, CCW, and waste disposat syste ms. Piping supporting structures into compliance with the SAR and the design reroutes, additicas, or deletions weru not requireo py DCN. criteria. There was no inpact on ru clear safety.

DCN N0441DA This Unit 2 DCW addressed pipe styport modifications to the ERCW and Piping reroJtes, additions or detetions, were not required by this CCW eystems.

DCW. The changes brought supports associated piping, and support-ing structures into ctrptiance with the SAR and original design parar ers. These changes did not af fect nuclear saf ety.

"CN M04450A Based on Coatrol Room Design Review recommerdations, to resolve This modification involved changas to nareptatt drawings and design h m an er'ineer?ng deficiencies, this DCN provided for new labeting to reflect new tabet nng and mimic for electricat, distribution and


of components located on electrical control board 2 located in the recoeding instrtrent boneds. There was no change to components, l MCR. This DCN provided the design and design changes to f abricate functions, systems, or functional requirements as described in TSs.

j new nameptates to resolve tabeling-related hura, engineering desigr- No new f ailures that are outside the system design bases identified deficier.cies. New nameplates and color Coding was provided, in the SAR were created. There was rvs iscrease in the probability of a DBA, and there wa, no decrease in r,y system's ability to mit' gate a DBA. The TS mergin o' safety was not radred.

DCN M04454A The portable rod cluster control che vie +oot gricTu timit switchesfunction The ability wasofnot theacNersety rod Musterafcontrol fected change tool to perfocus by this modification. TA its that were susceptible to water intrus.on were replaced with tike-qualified limit switches that er s water tight. eg;ipnent reliability was improved. This DCW fid not chat tenge or iep tt the timits defined in the TEs.

DCW M04514A This DCN authorized the necessary cutting of access holes in the This change was acceptable from a nuclear safety standpoint. This Unit 2 CCPs 2A-A and 28-B for welding access to the dowel lug and work was perfcrned durin(, the Unit 2 Cycle 4 refueling outage. The DCR 3675 work took place during Modes 5 or 6, and the overalt function /per-fin block of esch prp. In accordance with civil review, any and at t dowet pins were removed f rom the ptmp pedestats to eliminate formance of the prps was (nat tered. There was no adverse inpact on unanalyzed thermal conditicns. the seismic qualificaticn of the ptrps. Equipnent reliability was not cospromised.

DEN M046654 One-inch futt-bore gate vatves were instatted on Unit 2 into the This modification was perforwed during the core of f-load period of S-inch Schedule 43 stainless stem tine directly downstream of valve the Unit 2 Cycte 4 refueting outa2a. Both the RHR and the CVCS 2-FCV-63-8 and cae on the horizontal run of 8-inch p ping directly charging systems were not required to be opera 6'e. There was no The i

below ?-FCV-72-40.

incresse in the probability for or consequmce of an accidar t.

i margin of safety as described in uhe basis'ior TS 3/4.5.2 was not affected nor _es any other TS basis.

DCN M05048A This modification was made to the HVAC stpply duct that serves the This edition of the 8-inch branch duct was evaluated arv3 found to RCS pressurizer enclosure for Unit 2. This included the instatta- have no inpact on the seismic qualification cf the duct sugptying tion of an 8-inch branch duct with balance da per off cf the the pressurizer enclosure. Because of past teakage problems with existing 26-inch supply duct in order to provide cooling near Valve the pressurizer safety valves during plant startups, the modifica-tion was made to attempt to improve cooling in and around valve A.

i A. There was no adverse irpact on valve operacility. There was no l irpact on esy system operatior:at paraneters as idantt fied in ,the SAR. There was no increase in the possibility of an accident, and the margin nf safety was not reduced.

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DCN M05350A The electrical motor cf the valve operator on 18-inch Contairunent The replacement motor on the existing operator has been requaliffed Sm p Isolation valve 2-FCV-63-72 had falted during MOVATS testing by Westinghouse. Th previously anatyred eLactrical separation (Unit 2 Cycle 4 refueling outage) and was not repairable. An exact, criteria did not change as a result of this modification. There was like-for-like motor replacement was not evaltable during the no degradation of equipment rettability es a reeutt of this refueling outage to support the RHR system repairs. A similar modification. The rentacement of the moo

  • did not change the electrical motor from a similar style operator was obtained from system's primary design pecameters of e # er the RNR system or the Hartsvitte Nuclear Plant for use as the replacement. The SIS as defined in the SAR. There was no reduction in the margin of replacecent motor was instatted and MOVATS tested during Mode 6. safety as defined in the basis for any TS.

DCW M05385A This DCW added Time Detsy Relay 9662R and assoclased components to The sodification did not modify or 1 % + any safety-related DCR 3387 relay Panel 30 in the relay room of the control building. This corponents or systems. It has been determined that this modifica-relay was added to provide adequate time delay to attow the tien did not impact any TSs.

motor-operated disconnect switches at the South Cleveland Substation to isolate any possible fautt(s)

  • downstream" before attempting *o restore service from SON to South Cleveland.

DCN M05474A This modification instatted insulation on the sense lines that serve The SAR Sections 7.3 and 10.3 were not affected. The basis for TS .

PT-1-9A and PT-1-20A, Unit 1, for freeze protection. This DCN also section 3/4.3 was reviewed, and there was no sf fect on the margin of provided engineering approval-for tie installation of temporary safety. This DCN ensures the operability of i T-1-9A and PT-1-20A plastic sheeting on the outside of the pressure relief openings in during extremely cold weather and does not affect the pressure

  • the east main steam valve vault. relief opening's ability to vent during a MSLB or MFLO accident. i DCN M05475A This modification instatted insulation on the sense lines that serve The SAR Sections 7.3 and 10.3 were not affected. The basis for TS PT-1-9A and PT-1-20A, Unit 2, for freeze protection. This DCN also Section 3/4.3 was rreiewed, and there was no effect on the margin of provided engineering approval for the instattation of tenporary safety. This DCN ensures the operability of PT-1-9A and PT-1-20A plastic sheeting on the outside of the cressure relief openings in during extremely cold weather and does not affect the pressure '

the east main steam valve vault. relief opening's ability tn vent during a MSL8 or MFLB accident.

DCN M05862 This DCN for Unit 1 involved irstaltition of new power source for The modifications met 10 CFC 50, Appendix R requirements. No various Appendix R-required instrunat loops (i.e., reactor coolant changes were needed to TSs. There was no adverse impact on nuclear '

hot teg teeperature indication, CVC tank indication, and RHR). safety.

DCN M05866A This DCN for Unit 2 involved instattation of new power source for The modifications met 10 CFR 50, A mendix R requirements. No various Appendix R required instrument Leops (i.e., reactor coolant changes weee needed to TSs. There was no adverse inpact on reclear hot leg temperature indication, CVC tank indication, and RHR). safety.

DCN M1028A During a field inspection on Unit 1, it was oiscovered that divider This upgrade was made to meet the intent of the SAR for divider DCR 2947 deck piping penetrations twtween upper and tower containment were deck. The change brings the as-configured plant into agreement with .t not adequately seated or were cocptetely unseated. This DCN revised the SAR. The penetrations were seated using caulk / foam to minimize doctanentation to provide for adequate seating of piping penetra- deck leakage. The material is compatible for use in containment.

t iom. Piping penetration for divider deck is not covered in TSs.

DCN M1382A This modification provided MCR indication for RHR spray flow to This modification had no adverse af fect on prant equipnent or plant DCR 1156 satisfy PAM, R.G.1.97 R2 requirements. Seismicatty IL-qualified safety. The modificaticn was implemented downstream of isolation conttuit and Local Panets 1-1.d42 and 643 were installed for momting Valves 1-FCV-72-40 and 41. The change ensures that mechanical flow flow transmin ers. RHR spray piping was dritted, and seismicatty- and pressure boundary requirements for containment spray are qualified Category I flow elements ( Annubar) 1-FE-72-40 arvi 41 were maintained. The aMition of RHR spray flow indication in the MCR installed in RNR Spray Headers. A and B in the auxiliary toitding. provides the means to monitor tf ? RMR spray flow af ter an event.

Er virorsnentally ano seinicot ty-quatified IL Flow Trf nsmitters


Page No. 46 CHANGES IN THE tacit!M - MODIFICATIONS 1-FT-72-40 and 41 were mounted at Local Panels 1-L-642 and 643, respectively. Environmentatty qualified cables were putted Irora Transmitters 1-FT-72-40 and 41 to existing power supplies. Dropping resistors were added as part of the instrument loop at % nets 1-R-128 and 131 for test points and TSC inputs.

'DCN x000088 The mounting plate for 2-LT-68-312C was replaced with proper design This did not involve a change in the facit*b/ or plant operating-FCR 5621 as shown on DCA E2-x00003A-A 2-47u600 A01-000. This ensures characteristics f rors that described in the SAR, and it did not correct stpport and mounting of 2-LT-68-312C to seismic Category IL require any change to the SAR or the TSs.


DCN x00136A Cable 2PL389 is gromded and cannot be removed from condait. The There was no increase in the probability of occurrence or FCR 6654 damaged SROAJ-type cable was rerouted and replaced with PXJ-type consequences cf an accident. The margin of safety was not redxed.

cable to RCP4 motor space heeter.

DCN x00154F This DCN modified the input signals to the TSC/SPD$ to make them These modifications to the TSC cornputer data system erhanced the FCR 6642 more reliable and ' separated the two CRTS in the horseshoe to two reliability of the SPDS. There was no degradation of any safety separate display generators. The input voltage range for the 15 feature. The margin of safety was not redred.

input circuits was changed. The modification redxed of fstate voltage drop in four Crydom relay circuits.

DCN x00211A DCN x00211A reduced the number of botts in the Unit 2 pressurizer This change was made to facilitate evacuation of workers during an FCR 6953 manway hatch (Drawing 41N729-1) from 14 botts to two botts during eeergency when performing modifications inside the pressurizer Modes 3, 4, and 5. A note was added to the drawing stipulating this enclosure. There is no adverse effect on safety because the hatch change and that prior to Mode 2, att the botts for the hatch shall will remain closed in the original configuration daring Modes 1 and be reinstatted in accordance with drawing. 2. During Modes 3, 4, and 5, the hatch has adequate design margins to resist the maxisten cornpartment dif ferentist pressures ackfressed in SAR Table 6.2.1-49 and SON SER, supplement No. 1 (Section 6.2.1).

The modification cornplies with the requirements of TS

DCN x00212D ught fire protection zonal pressure switches were replaced with at The change extended the existing fire protection coverage in the DCR 1680 time-delay pneunatic type so that pressure spikes wutd not cause turbine building and did not impact any design basis. The false alarms. Old ZA-50 modates were removed from fire protection reliability and perfor1 nance of the MPFP system in the turbine Panet 0-L-633 and were replaced with new 2U-35 modAes. SAR Figure building was irrproved. This portion of the fire protection system 9.5.1-18 was revised. 19 not addressed by TS or 3/4.7.11; therefore, the margin of safety was not redred.

DCN x002148 FCN L7172 retocated six root valve taps serving pressure switches on This change did not involve a change in the facility or plant DC9 2259 ine AFu system. The ECN included the removat of a segment of the operating characteristics from that described in the SAR. There was FCR 7091 sense line piping on the six taps, but did not include reinstatting no increase in the probability for or consequences of an accident.

the segments. DCN XD02148 was for the fabrication and instattation The margin of saf:ty was not reduced.

of the new sense line segments to tie the newly relocated root valves into the existing sense lines.

OCN x00261A Level Switches 2-LS-87-21, 22, 23, and 24 for low water levet in the The modification did not af fect the function or performance of the DCR 2545 UHI accunutator were replaced; setpoints were revised in accordance UNI system. The reptacement switches are fully qualified for this with the Westinghouse reevaluation of allowabte UNI injection; the application. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for TSs


SAR, TSs, ard design criteria were revised to ref tect the new 2.1.1, 3/4.5.1, and 3/4.2.2 we,s not reduced.

levels; and instrumentation calibration frequency was revised to ensure that the loops stay within approved tolerance.

The security fencing between Post 5-17 and Post 8-20 along the These modificaties were recessary to meet the requiremmts of 10 ECN 2022 switchyard was removed and relocated to provide a minimun of 20 feet CFR 73.55 and were fut ty operational 30 days before receipt of from the edge of the roadway to the fence to facilitate proper operating license for (Jnit 2.

l Installation of the E-field to satisfy the latest security require-ments.

ECN 2278 This modification changed PS-68-336BC end PS-68-337AC to " fell open" This modification was necessary to resolve NCR MEB 79-10.

in the auxiliary control loops for PCV-68-340A (PCV-455A) and PCV-68-334 (PCV-456) respectiv=ty. These instrunents were failing closed on toss of power, causim; the valve to go to its unsafe (oper) position. There also existed other possibly similar circumstances in which a controtting device in an auxiliary control loop faits causing an unsafe mode. Auxiliary control loops were examined for this possibility, ard necessary corrective actions were performed.

ECN 2361 This modification wrapped instrunentation conduit to achieve pres- These modifications were made as a result of cormsitments made to the surifer levet, S/G tevet, RCS wide-range tenperature and pressure. NRC in response to questions submatted by their Aumiliary Systems Cables for the supply and control of the reciprocal charging ptsps branc5 review of the SON Fire Prctection (Septen6er 1, 1978).

and the reciprocal charging pupp room cooter and the stpply to the pressurizer heaters were rerouted to obtain a 20-minute separation from interaction between trains.

ECN 2493 An access platform was added at the top of the ladder leading to the This rodification did not icpact plant operating reliability and/or top of the S/G enclosure. A (adder safety climbing device was also availability. The change was an improverent to plant operating instatted. flexibility ard/or convenience and personnet safety rather than plant safety.

ECN L5003 Pressure Switches PS-81-$A, 58, 9A, and 99 wa~ replaced with This system i:+ not safety-related and is not addressed in the DCR 0741 differential pressure switches to present >versp ed/ overload opera- mitigation of any design basis accident evaluated in the SAR. The tion of the primary makeup water ptcps. functional design was not attered by the replacemant of the pressure switches. The rew switches meet at t applicable qualification requirements and were instatted to increase system reliability. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any TS was not redred.

ECN L5061 This modification provided ERCW stpply headers tecperature monitor- The ERCW instrunent loops added only nonitor the temperature of the ing for both PAM and pertial conot iance to TS SR The supply headers. The tocos do not perform a controtting function and method of indication is on demand via the P250 plant / process dn not connect to the ERCW or to any other system or corponant.

conputer. RTD/2-wire temperature transmitter assent; ties were Safety functions were not adversety af fected by this n.iification.

( installed in existing Class S Thermowells 1-TU-67-426 and 2-Tu The margin of safety as defined in any TS basis was not reduced.


) 425.

This ECN changed the present freon leakage detection system to an The probability of occurrence br the consequences of an accid =nt or ECN L5257 matfunction evaluated in the SAR was not increasad. The margin of DCR 0741 electronic pressure-type system. The new system incorporates pressore switches with a short dead-band or hysteresis, safety as defined in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

CHANGES IN THE F ACILITY - WJDIFICATIONS Page No. 48 This modification increased the reliability and integrity of the This ECW ad3ed current transformers and the associated retsying for The cSange in no way degradef or changed the function or ECN L5395 vstems. There was no increase in the probebility DCR 1113 ground fault protection of the 500kV and 161kV power circuit operation of the systeens. The margin of safety breakers free-standing current transforners. of occurrence or conseq;enres of an sccid mt.

was not red;ced.

This m dification did not adver r .y affect any plant function or ECN L5435 The door seats on ABSCE boundary doors were replaced. process. The new seats Therei mroveisthe noe8fectiveness of the increase in the ABSCE for probability pressure boundary seat. The margin of safety was not or consequmces of an accidant.


Westinghouse's USQD werified that the sarple modJte arvi control A hot reactor coolant samling systm was installed to obtain module do not increase the probabitity of occurrance or tha The ECN L5498 special primary coolant sanptes for a Westing 5ouse research project.

This system consists of two modules. One module performs the actual consegences ofThe anmodules accident previously evattered in the SAR. l DCR 1200 of are parmanantly and sarple and is locatad in the auxiliary building on the east sidaThe 2 gross failed fuel monitor enclosure on el 714.

ther other saf ety-related couipnent.The hot reactor coolant sanpling system seismicatty momtad.

tne Unit not interf ace with any safety-related system and does not reduce any riodule is the operator's control panet and is located on the west side of the gross failed fuet monitor enclosure to provide margin of safety.

additional operator shielding during saapting. installed eet all the requirMmts and qualifi-A grounding Cable was instatted from the grounding station on el 669 The grounding i ble used in the plant. There was no Cable ECM L5511 contrat building to Panet 0-M-12 on el 732 controt building to clear cations of other gromd ng caimact on the control, fmetion, or logic of the af fectad DCR 0817 a spurious high radiation signal associated with the radiation corponmt s .

The edification prmotes cperational ef ficiency of the monitoring system. The actual instattation was done on TACF system.

There was no reducticn in the margin of safety.

80-112-10. This ECW made the instat tation per,ranent.

This modification did net increase the probability of occurrence or jack and a test switc5 were installed in the gas decay itank the consequences of an accident or matfmetion of egaimmt ECN L5521 A test There were no naw accidmt poscibilities DCR P804 discharge the loop flowflow measuring indicator tooptog and conputer in order point totoenable atlowquarterly sigut inject on to imortant to safety.The margin of safety as described in the basis for a created.

TS surveittance testing. was not reduced.

There was no increase in the possibility of an accident or This ECN authorized modifications to the piping configuration for malfmetion previously evaluated in the 5AR. There was no increase ECN L5S??

the purge air exhaust RMs 1-PE-90-130 and -131.

This modification in the possibitity of an accident or malfunction of a differant type DCR 1585 enhanced the versatitity of the system by providing ir*pmdent than evaluated previously. These changas did not imact the margin sampling capabilities f rom the supply dacts of the reactor building of s fety as defined in the TS basis, ourge ventitation system to either RM and return c%itities to Hand-operated isolation valves for alignment of both return ducts.

the piping to and f rom the R*s was retocated to provide accessabit-ity by plant personnet. The modification did The return air duct is not a safety system. Foreign objects in the ECN L5921 A 1/2-inch mesh metat screen was placed over the discharge openings This modification was made not degt ade the performance of the system.The mergin of safety was of the ice condenser return air ducts. ducts had caused inpairnent of air flow.

FCR 1501 to prevent objects f rom dropping into the duct. not redtred.

I l

Nge No. 49 CHMGES IN THE FACILITY - MOC!f1 CATIONS Transformer yard, nonsegregated phase buses bought on Westinghouse This change ensures the operability of the system. There was no ECW L5937 increase in the probability of. occurrence or the consequence of an DCR 1970 Contract 80k4-823491 were modified to eliminate water ingression into the enclosures. Also, adequate drainage was provided for any accident, and no new accident or malfmetion possibility has moisture that might accumulate inside the enclosures. Damaged created. The margin of safety as defined in the basis of any TS was internal tus parts were repaired or replaced as required. not redxed.

ECN L6067 This ECN replaced Grinnett diaphragm valves (contairment spray heat New Class C valves were purchased and instatted as seismic Category exchangers - ERCW side) with gate valves and added a new valve to I. This change enables better operation of the chemical treatment DCR 1593 system and allows the heat exchangers more availability. The margin the opposite side of the internst baffte from the original valve. of safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.6.2 was not reduced.

The second vatve wss also a gate valve.

Drain valves were deleted on the following instrm ents: 1 and These drair:s serve no safety fmetion. They are used only to drain ECN L6037 condensate f rom the instrtrient lines. The purpose of the equipment FCR 2050 2-PD T-30-42, 43, 44, 45, 133, 30C, and 1 and 2-PT-30-310, 311. attached to the tee, either drein valv i or screw-on cap, did not Screw-on caps were added to the tees where the drain valves had change. The modification did not /egrade the fmetion of the been. associated instrments. this equipment is not described in TS$;

therefore, the margin of safety " <s not reduced.

ECN t6101 This modification installed a " Chicago a quick-disconnect fitting on The quick-disconnect fittirgs were instatted as seismic Category I FCR 2136 to the shet t crain valves of the Containment Spray Heat Exchangers and was attached to the drain valve. The fitting does not degrade the ability of the drain valve to work. This eqJipment is not 1A-A, 18-8, 2A A, and 23-B. covered under any TS basis.

The non-1E uestinghouse source and intermediate range neutron This modification did not affect the safety functions of the systems ECW t6186 involved or ar$y system i m ortant to safety. All corrponents af f ected DCR 1156 detectors were replaced with Class 1E Gamma-Metrics source and intermediate range detectors. This modification corrptied with by this ECW tocated in harsh or essentially mild environments ere Sequoyah's cormitment to NRC to provide a means of Honitoring plant of qualified Designfor these environments Crtteria accordance with cualification "Envirorwental the requirements to 10 status and environs after an accident within the guidelines There was no increase in the probability or specified in R.C. T.97 R2. CfR 50.49." The consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the SAR.

margin of safety as defined in the basis for any TS was not redxed.

This modification did no? *!fect the safety functions of the systems ECW L6189 To compty with SON's cornitment to provide a means of monitoring involved or any other sys6.~ imortant to safety. This ECW DCR 1156 plant status and environs after an accident within the guidelines tograded PAM equipment whicn will provide the operator with specio ed in the NRC's R.G.1.97 R2, specific modifications were information on various plant parameters after a SAR Cnapter 75 performed on both Units 1 and 2. These modificaricas upgraded Condition II, 111, or IV fault has occurred. This modification was incore thermocoupte monitoring equipment. designed so that it did not indirectly af fect any other corroonent, equipment, or system necessary for reducing the probability of an accid-nt. The margin of safety as defined in the bases of appticable T5s was not reduced.

The manual controtter for each startup bypass valve (FCVs 3-354, This modification did not degrade or adversely affect any safety-ECW L6193 3-4SA, 3-90A, and 3-103A) was replaced with an automatic tevet- related f mction or feature. There was no increase in the DCR 1929 probability for or consequences of an accident. The start-up bypass indicating controIIer. The levet-indicating controtter automati- valves are not covered by any TS; therefore. there was no redxtion cally conteols feedwater ficw to the S/G during start-up and in any margin of safety.

operation below 15 percent load.

_ d


d r



, Li ECN L6215 This modification eliminated th'e trip of the three hot wett' ptmps on A Westinghouse analysis determined that it is not necessary to trip the feedwater isolation signal. This change was made to eliminate the hot well pupps on feedwater isolation signal; therefore,' this the necessity of restarting.the hot weli ptops after feedi.ater change did not adversely affect the plant safety. There e.s no

, isolation signal. In 1982, two TACFs (02-62-2 and 82-2039-2 for increase to the probability or consemences'of an accident pre- ..

Unit 2) disabled the hot well Maps' trips during a feedwater - viously evaluated in the SAR. Taptementation of the*4 modifications I

. Isotation condition by putting the fuses in Train A and a relay leproves the hot wett pu gs* availability and retI 6itity during

! circuits..'This modification eliminated the contacts from the trip normal plant operations and did not alter the AFW safety ftsiction. .

circuit of the controts on each het well pump and eliminated the The margin of safety was not reduced.

entire local reset circuit from the controls of each pump and the'


' reset button for each ptmp in the local control station. It also eliminated the entire Train A and a relay circuits (colts and contacts) in Relay Panets 1-R-75 and 2-R-75 and eliminated the '

circuit supplying the feedwater isolatton signat from the Individaat relay panets. ' .;

. i ECN L6218 A'stsintess steel dos.hter was added on' ERCW carbon steet pipe as a The doubter plate is stainless steet aru' equal in thickness to the

'FCR 2652 tenporary repair to those areas that had eroded because of excessive original piping. Att welding wa. i '- .n accordance with special- i cavitation. Piping drawings were revised to show the dottler. . The requirements and verified by CEB to ensure that the modification is ECH was expanded to include piping downstream of Heat Exchangers A, seismicatty qualified. The pressure bounciary was maintained, and 8, and C, the system still meets Class C re wirements. The asodification meets [

'att' original design requirements.  !

ECN L6224 This modification cut and capped the MFW drain lines involved in the 'The drain tines are not required for power production and do not FCR 2800 removat of vatves 1-3-512 through 521, 524, and 525 and 2a3-512 perform any safety-retated ftoction. The pipe caps are TVA Class B, [

thrmgh 527. These valves were teaking excessively and could not be and the wetding was perfonned using Detailed Welding ProcedJre GT .i adequately seated using furmanite. 'In the future, the draining of 11-0-ta, t.iquid Penetrant Examine. The removat of the drain lines 4 the header

  • wilt be acceeptished by cutting off the drain caps. did not degrade the operability of the MfW systne or any ,

safety-related system. Therefore, the surgin of safety as defined in the basis for any TS was not reduced. ,

ECW 16265 Concrete foundations that were previously required for reverse A special requirement that drilling not be more than two inches deep .

FCR 2933 osmosis equipnent were removed. The area was needed for storage of ' into the et 734 floor stab ensured that the probability cf f

, refueling equipment. occurrence er.the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the SAR was rut increased and that no safety-related system was .;

degraded. The margin of safety was not redJeed. .!

l .

ECH L6329 This ECN was written to document work done in 1982 under WP9635. this modification did not involve any safety-related syste:m. There i i DCR 1319 The electrical conduit in the chemical storage building was encased was no change in the routing of the cables in the conchait and the

+ in concrete above the spill levet to protect against corrosion from . function remains the same. The margin of Safety was not reduced.

acid spitts. The conduit is part of the water treatment system . +

comon to both units and is tocated tsider the chemical tanks.

u ECN L6380 under this ECW, the switch fisictions of FIS-68-7, 30, 49, and 72 The indicat?ng function of the switch remained, and the rew flow -

DCR 2157 were disabled and a new switch was added. switch now actuates the MCR stana to alert operators to a tow-flow '

condition or,the RCS. The setpoint for the old switches drifted and '!

, required frequent recalibration. This was a significant personnet i

hazard because of radiation exposure. There was no change in the '

safety-related functon and no degradation of equipnent. The margin ' L of safety was not reduced. i



.t a , .: , , =

Page No. 51 CHANGES IN THE FACIt.lTY - MODIFICATIows Modifications were made to the Unit 1 fuel transfer system upender A seismic analysis was performad on the new config' ration, and the ECN 16383 DCR 2165 to correct an aligreent error. The alignment error could cause th- fuel-handling capability of the mender was not degraded. The fuel transf er basket to stop short of its stnps. Modifications were margin of safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.9.7, Crane made on Unit 2 mder ECN L6283. Travet-Spent Fuel Pit Area, was not reduced.

ECN t6387 Cable 2V8914 that provides control power to 2-FSV-77-415 was changad The valve is located in the waste disposat system. The performance FCR 3118 f rom Type VHD to WHD-1 (mark rarbers). TVA now purchases only VHD-1 of the valve was not af fected by this change. No Thesafety-related new cable meets since it is better insulated. or exceeds att originat design requiremer ts. ,

function covered by plant TSs was directly or irefirectly ef fected by l I

this ECN.

ECN 16388 Hydrogen mmitors were added to the current transformers associated There was no increase in the probability of occurrence er the DCR 2196 with the 500kV circuit breakers located in the 500kV switchyard to consequences of an accident or malfunction of egaipment innrtant to detect the buildup of hydrogen in the srea. The monitors have safety. I'.e margin of safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.8.1 1 alarms and visual flashing tights that will alert area personnet to or any other TS wac not reduced. l a high hydrogen content. In addition, an alarm will annmciate in the MCh to identif y the specific breaker with the gassing problem.

ECN t6399 To alieviate crowded and possibly hazardous working conditions in MEB evaluated this modification and determinad that no additional DCR 2114 the c w puter room (et 685 in the control buitding), a raised floor fire protection was required for the area. The conputer rocra does was instat ted to allow cables that were draped out the back of the not contain any safety-r? lated equipment, and the instattation of TSC cabinets to be propety installed. the raisad floor did not impact plant P-250 process co m uter operation. The margin of saf ety as defined in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

th.ier this ECN, the steam supply isolation valves to the moisture These modifications did not effect any safety-related function and ECN t6419 DCR 2089 separator reheaters (FCys 1-141,142, and 241) were intertocked with did not involve any Class 1E ccevenents or power sources. There was the isolation valves in the startup vent line. no increase in the occurrence er the conseq;ences of an accident.

The possibility for any new accident or matfunction was not created.

The TSs margin of safety was not re6xed.

The settings f or the tN releys were changed f rom eig -: ends to The 480V unit boards are not part of the Class 1E power distribution ECW 16424 DCR 2143 four seconds on 480V Unit Board 1A, 19, 2A and 28. Inis system, and they do not provide power to any safety-related toads.

modification was made so that the transfer f rcm nornet to alternate There was no decrease in any margin of safety as defined in the power supply on a comtete toss of vettage at the board is basis for any TS.

eccomptished before the connected entor leads (at1 are nonsafety related) are dropped on a loss of vettage, This ECN revised single-line electricat drawings for boards with The drawing changes did not result in any changes to the settings or ECN 16434 ratings for the breakers. There was no impact on any safety DCR 1745 Westinghouse type DS breakers to incitrfe sensor ratings and the over-current breaker trip settings. This was a doctrentation change system's performance.


ECN t6435 This modification upgraded cable routing for containment stsnp L evel This ECM did not affect the fur. tion or accuracy for the affected DCR 1156 toops 1 and 2-L-65-173 and 179 to meet the requirements of R.G.1.97 instrument toops. Theref ore, there was no imact on S!S, CSS, or R2 for PAM. Conduit strpports for rerouted control room indicator RPS systems. This modification did not af fect any eg,si; rent, cables were seismicatty quaiified. SAR Sectico 7.5 was revised to structure, or system dose breech or d eage would result in an


W-l Page No. 52 CMNGES IN THE FAC!LtTV - WJO!FICATIONS address the new pirat configuration and comitment. accidant as described in the SAR. There was no increase in the consequences of a malftriction of egaipment. The margin of safety was not re&ced.

This modification provided two channels of saturation margin There was no increase in the probability for or consaquences of an ECW (6450 oCR 1156 monitoring disptay capability in accordance with DC-V-19.0 recpire- accident previously evaluated in the SAR. The modif testion did rot ments for R.G.1.97. This enadification consisted of a verdor change create the possibility for an accident or malfunction cf a dif ferent to the microprocessor and display units for the incore thermoccepte type then previously evaluated. The margin of safety was rot system to include saturation margin monitoring conputation and reduced.

d: spiny capebitity.

l ECM 16455 This modification reptsced the dual 6-vott-475 MAPI batteries with a The new batteries ensure the 24-hour stardby power and meet the DCR 1226 6-volt-1.8AH battery pack in the premise control boxes (CU-3) and recharging cepacity of the circuit. this ceets the NSC comitment l modified AS-24 board.

for 24-hour sterviby power. This enhances ptant security and does ]


not increase any probability of occurrence or conseauances of en accident. No TS basis was involved in this change.

This modification instatted an ATUS mitigating system actuation This modification did not place the plant in a configuration that ECN 16473 would contradict any testing requirements or cause deviation frcse circuitry which automaticatty trips the emin turbine and actuates the AFU system independer.t of the RPS. the testing methodology described in the SAR. There was no reduction in the margin of safety as described in arry TS.

This ECN instat ted a third raidrange RCS pressure instrtrient loop The addition of the third wida-range channet erables the operator to ECN L6492 determine actual RCS pressure in the event one of the teree channets DCR 1156 (P-68-62) for FAM. This third wide-range channet prrlides an is

  • pendent means of verifying indicated aside-ra*ge g es wr- in the faits. This nodifiestion did rot af fect the safety functions of the event of a singte f ailure cf one of the existing wide-range irwolved systems or any other system imortant to safety. There was channels.

no increase in the prthability of or consecppnces of an accident previously evatusted in the SAR. No new accident possibilities were tre ted. The margin of safety was not reduced.

Unit 2 extraction steare systen carbon-steet pipe assoicated with The-vadification did not affect the function or performarce of any ECN 16503 FCR 3812 Orain Vatves 2-FCV-5-94, 96, and 95 was replaced with stainless sa M y-retated system. Att piping is located in the turbine steel pipe. This incitded the two 2-inch drain lines frors buitwing, a nonseismic, nonsafety-related structure. The margin of safe.' as d-scribed in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

Extractico steam Header 3 to the main condenser ard the 1-1/2-inch desin line off the extraction steam header to the moisture sepsrator reheaters.

Usshers were added (supplied try Westinghouse) to the S/G manway ThismodificationdidnotafErselyaffectthefunctionorparform-ECN 16516 ance of the S/Gs. The probability of occurrence or the consequances FCR 3775 cover bolts. This chsoge was recomerded by Westinghouse n that of an accident was not increased. No new accidmt possibilities the primary manway botts no longer besr directly on the manway cover. This providec additional protection against possible scoring were created. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.4.*,, Steam Generators, was not reduced.

of tne cover during bott tig5tening.

ECN 16517 This modification doctanented on TVA design drawings a 6-inch tee and There was no increase in the procability f or censectences ,of an FCR 3835 a 4-inch marwsl gate valve that already emitted in the NPFP flushing accident. The cargin of safety was not reduced.

Iine tocated in the auxiliary building. .

Page No. 53 CHANCES IN THE FACILITT - MODIFICATIONS ECN L6537 The existing high-pressure fittings for the supplied movable incore The new fitting assenbty is seismicatty qJalified and is designed to FCR 3910 flux mapping system for tJnit 1 were replaced with a new two piece maintain the RCS pressure boundary. It was instatted in accordance deep bore fitting assenbty (including a new tow-pressure fitting). with approved Westirghouse procedures and &es not alter or The fitting met TVA Class A requirements, and the new fitting interfere with the ability of the incore flux mapping sw tem to assenbty is approximately 1 1/2-inches longer than the old fitting. perform its intended function. The probability of occurrence or consegaences of an accident previously evaluated has not been increased. No new accident possibilities eere created. The margin of safety as defined in the Lesis for TS 3/4,3.3.2 or a g other TS has not been reduced.

P ECM L6546 Existing Barton Model 763 Pressure Transmitters 1 and 2-PDT-30-44 The replacement transmitters are fmetionatty and electricat ty and 45 were replaced with Foxboro Model N-E13DM transmitters that equivalent. The Foxboro Modet N-E13DM has been tested and found to are environmentatty qualified to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49. co mty with the qualification accuracy regairements of 7 percent in accordance with Westinghouse *s letter, which is within the require-ments specified in Table 7.5.1-2 of the SAR in the worst-case accident conditions that they will experience. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.3.2 or any other TS was not reduced.

ECN L6556 The existing NAMCO timit switches'in valves on the ventitation There was no change in the basic fmetion of a device or system that i DER 0972 system, $15, waste disposat system, primary makeup water system, and performs or stoports the performance of a safety fmetion. The

  • RCS were replaced with enviroreentatty-qualified switches. modification did not affect operational and/or safety requirements mder various plant cmditions.

ECN t.6575 An additional 0-ring seal was instatted between the tower stat the aMitional 0-ring will help ensure a leaktight seat and prevent FCR 3997 housing and the main f tange of att t> nit 1 and 2 RCPs. further teskage problems. The use of two 0-rings does not af fet t i pu@ operation in any rnrmat or accident condition mode. There was  !

no increase in the probability for or cmsequencys of an accident. l The margin of safety as defined in the basis of any TS was not reduced. f ECW t6583 MS Pressure Transmitters 1, 2-PT-1-2A and 1, 2-PT-1-27A were No plaint safety functions or features were degraded by these {

DCR 0972 replaced with environmentatty-qualified transmitters. Transmitters changes. There was no increase in the probability for or 2-PT-1-2S and 2-PT-1-273 were upgraded to provide envirormentat consequences of an accident. The margin of safety was not reduced. j qualification. i ECN 16591 Thermat movements on drawings were revised to reflect the latest There were no functional changes involved, and no field work done thermat analysis to facilitate inservice inspection of mechanical under this ECN. Therefore, the change did not af fect the function  !

snubbers. This was a documentation change only. or performance of any safety-related system. The margin of safety I as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.7.9, Plant Systems, Snubbers, or any other TS basis, was not reduced. [

ECN L6626 This modification removed the connection at GE Terminat Stocks 1, The change decreases the probabiti<y of occurrence o< consequences l OCR 0972 2-PT-1-2A and 1, 2-PT-1-27A in the jmetion box at local Instrument of an accident since tne sotices aie qualified to be operable during  !

Panets 1-L-196 and 2-L-196 and reconnected them using qualified and af ter a DBA. No electrical change was involved in the spticing; '

splices. therefore, a differert type of malfunction or accident was not '

created. Using qualified sptites increased the margin of safety. 4 i

I i

L Page No. 54 CHANGES IN THE FACILITY - MODIFICATIONS ECN L6636 Extreme teenperatures at manuf acturer s zone switches JB 401. East There was no increase in the probability for or consequmces of an DCR 0972 and west valve rooms, et 706, had deteriorated existing flex concksit accident. No new accident possibilities 9ere created. The margin and cable insulation. This modification instatted PVC jacketed of safety as defined in the basis of any TS was not reduced, steel flex conduit or stainless steel flex was instatted to the JBs (eight J8- totat). The PVC' jacketed steel flex or stainless steel flex is insutated with Kaowoot blanket, extending out from the box 24 inches Q2 inches). Also, Knowoot blanket was placed on the bottom (exterior) of each JB 401 for additional heat protection.

Cables interf acing with the JBs were replaced and spliced at the nee est available condutet at a distance of at least two inches from JB 401.

ECM L6664 This modification cut a 2-inch diameter hole in the generator bus This modification did not tapact nuclear safety-related features and FCR 2266 connection assembtles to attou personnet better access to instatt was in a nonsafety-related area. The coments provide the and renove support bolts. identical function as before the modification. The margin of safety was not reduced because af fected corponents are not addressed In the TSs.

ECW L6682 The existing protective coating (SNP-N-934) was removed from the The new protective coating system meets or exceeds ett the original FCR 4439 containment floor between the crane watt and the reactor watt. It design requirements. There was no functional chang-s involved, anc!

was reptreed with either $NP-N-935 or SNP-N-966-1 coating system. no safety-related equipment was degraded. The marsi.. of safety as Part of the old coating had failed to meet the adesion acceptance defined in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

criteria during spot repmirs and general maintenance.

ECN L6687 Approximately 22,000 square feet of of fice space and medical These modifications did not involve or interface with any Ctess 1E DCR 2260 facilities were buitt west of the existing Design Services Coepter. equipner.t (power is fed from the 6.9kW coernon board). The yard This ECN provided the permanent plant interf ace with the new piping interfaces are also nonsafety related, and vital plant facitity. carmnications were not degraded. The margin of safety as defined in the basis of any TS was not reduced.

ECN L6695 tJnder this ECN, two additional sets of 9/16-inch diameter by Approval for this modification was obtained f rom Westinghouse.

FCR 4358 3/4-inch deep pin holes were dritted in the low speed shaft of the There was no increase in the probability of an occurrence or CCP ttbe oil prp cotpling to the speed increaser. consequence of an accident. The additional holes give TVA the option to increase safety at the cot.pting by attowing a siepte coupling replacement versus trying to maximize life of a single ing. No TSs margin of saf ety was af fected by the additional coupling holes.

ECW L6697 This modification was inptenented to remove the clutch fingers from This change was suggested by Limitorque because high inertia ispect the timitorque operators on Valves 1 and 2-FCV-72-40, 41 and toads produced by certain gear and motor speed combir.ations have 2-FCV-72-20, 23. caused f attures of the warm shaf t clutch g-ar when the dectutch lever was depressed. The margin of safety was not reduced.

ECN t6700 This modification corrected ieproperly-?nstatted safety-related sup- Att support modifications were reviewed to confirm acceptability.

DCR 2265 ports that had anchor bolts with a free-edge distance violations in Att relocated supports were reviewed as potentiat new pipe rupture accordance with SONP SMI-0-317-2? and SOMP SMI-0-317-54. Att targets and confirmed acceptable. The systems involved were not impreperly-instatted supports were in the auxiliary building. The functionally changed or adversely affected. The modified st4 ports surports were endified and/or structural attachment points retocated seet or exceed the original des!gn. There was no reduction in the to correct f ree-edge distance violations. The support attachment margin of safety.

q Page No. 55 CHANGES IN THE FACILITY - MODIFICATIONS points to piping did not change, so no piping reanalysis was required. The support attachment to conduits required reanalysis btien a change did occura ECN L6714 Existing Pressure Indicators 1 and 2-PI-1-1C, 8C, 26C, and 19C were This modification was an NRC comitment. There was no increase in modified to dual-scate pressuee/ saturation temerature indication in the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident.

the auxiliary control room on Panets 1 and 2-1.-10. System function and performance were not changed or degraded. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for TSs 3/4.7.2 and 3/4.3.2 was not reduced.

ECN L6737 Existing flow Indicator 0-F1-14-466, nonreclaimable waste tank flow The change did not affect any reactor protective function or ESF FCR 4541 to cooting tower blowdown sample flow to conposite sanpler, was system function. The change did not atter the system configuration replaced with a flow indicator with a range of 0.55 to 5.5 spm. or introduce any new matfunction to create the possibility for an Also, documentation was revised as required to reflect the change. accident. The modification did not affect any safety-related function or safety margin as defined in the basis for any TS.

ECN L6739 Sequoyah NORs and SCRs doctanented problems with alternate analysis Pipe rupture analysis was not af fected by this ECW. No high-energy DCR 2259 piping. The AARP was developed to correct these problems. This ECW piping targer than one inch was alternately analyzed. The systems made modifications resulting from the AARP. Support modifications were not f tmetionally changed or adversely af f ected. The margin of included adding or deleting supports to bring the supports and safety as defined in the basis fcr TS 3/4.7.9, snubbers, was not associated piping into cornptiance with the code and SAR comitments. re&ced.

ECN L6756 Piping Analysis Probtens N2-77-1 A, W2-64-2A,' N2-64-2R, W2-77-3A, This ECN was for documentation only. There were no hardware or DCR 2259 N2-40-1A, and N2-64-3A were analyzed using correct support attach- equipnent changes.

ment locations and movement data in the dynamic loading crusitions.

Conponent qua1ifIcation, support evatuation, and doctraentation was performed under this ECN.

ECN L6757 This ECN documented the approvat of valve calculations, valve This was a doctanentatice only. The lack of existing DCR 2259 support loads, and conponent nozzle toads in excess of the originat documentation created the possibility of future purchases of vendor specifications for those corsponents procurred before October inadequate replace parts.


ECN L6763 The short-circuit faults on 0-FS-67-206 and 209 were isolated by This change prevents an envirorsnentalty-indred short-circuit f ault CCR 2259 installing isotation fuses in the feeder lines going to these of a Category C device frors interrtpting the comon 120V vitet ac instrument loops. power to associated critical devices. The system was not functionalty changed or adversely af fected. The performance of the systems was not degraded. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.7.4, ERCW, was not redated.

ECN L6766 Pos s-Seal butterfly valves have a seat for the stem on the bottom of The new botting material was approved by the vendor, and the seismic FCR 4587 the body. The stem is provided with a bushing-type bearing. The qualification of the safety-related watwes was not af fected. The end is seated with a gasket and cap held by two retaining bolts. new bolts were procurred to the same TVA class requirements as those These botts had experienced f ailure attributed to stress corrosion being replaced. The replacement of the botts increases the valves

  • cracking. This ECN changed the stainless steel bolts from ASME SA structurat integrity. No safety-related system was degraded, and no

!- 193 Cr 86 to ASME SA 193 Gr 87, which is equal to or better than B6 new accident possibilites were created. The margin cf safety as for this condition. defined in the basis f or TS 3/4.7.4, ERCW, and TS 3/4.7.3, CCS, was not reduced.

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~l Page No. 36 CHANGES IN TFE FACILITY - MODIFICATICMS ECN L6781 This change replaced the BE123 and 124 ctanps used for twe- The changing of the clanps did not affect the seismic analysis. The i DCR 2 M directional loadings, the ones used with snubbers, and the ones used systems and stoports involved were not functionally changed or I with susy struts. This was corrective action for SCR SONCEB3634, adversely affected. The new clamps met er exceeded att the original which noted that the manufacturer qu4tified the EE 123 and 124 design requirements. The margin of safety as defined in the basis  ;

clapps for rest +aining dowmrd toads only. for TS 3/4.7.7, Sntt;bers, was not reduced. No other TS basis was  !


ECM L6782 This ECN was written to doctnent the evaluation of Piping Analysis There were no hardware or equipment changes. The reanalysis and

.DCR 2259 Problems N2-62-3A, 76 12A,15A,17A, and 22A for safety /retief requalification was to ensure that the relief vatve discharge toads velve discharge toat.vngs. It also performed and doctrnented piping are property accomted for in the design.

ami conponent qualification as well as atgat design. .

ECN L6787 The sigports of inline-momted ASCO solenoid valves with targe This modification ensures that the solenoid valves are instatted as DCR 2259 outlets for conduits were s6iscicatty anatyred to ensure %st the qualified by seismic analysis. This corrective action reduced the tubing and its associated supports can withstand CBE loads. ASCO probability of an accident or malfunction of equipment leportant to solenoid valves that had Iren mounted with a single bracW were safety. The functions of the solenoids relevant to the valves they  ;

remounted with two brackets. are associated with remained unaltered. The TSs do not address this l eodification. l ECN L6793 This ECM was written tc Cocunent the evaluath uf Metr =g Analysis - The reanalysis /recyatification and possible stoport modifications  !

DCR 2259 Prcbtems N2-62-12R, A2-63-3A(4A), tsF63-5A, 6% 7A, % N2-87-3A, ensure the relief vatve discharge toads are procerly accomted for i

i 0600102-03-01, 04-01, 04-0, 04-05, 04-07 Ofe09, rvf 09-1T for the in the design. There was no increase in the probability of  ;

saf ety/retlef watve dismtr2e loadi6gs ider tified b IJ8 calcuta- occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of tion. Support toads were reic hed u part d the evn Letton. These equipment inportant to safety. No safety-related system was toads were incorporated in the pipe supp2rt cLaign. Piping stoport adversely affected. The margin of safety as defirwd in the basis ,

modifications were nade to accomodate the reviss* design loads and for TS 3/4.7.9 or any other TS was not reduced. s included the addition or deterion of ste; orb.  !

ECN L6816 Out-of-step protective relays were instatted in the main generator This modification did not involve a change in the facility from that I DCR 2248 trip togic. Also, an urder-vottage relay was instat ted to prevent described in the SAR. There was no increase in the probability for -

accidental closure of the main breakers when the turbogenerator is or consequence of an accident. There was no redaction in the margin F at rest or on the turning gear. of safety. '

ECN L6818 This ECW was written as a documentation change. Piping Analyses There were no physical changes made to any system or equipmmt.

DCR 2259 N2-82-A02A, A04A, A05A, and N2-67-A30A and A31 A were upgraded to This was a docunentation change. ,

meet rigorous documentation requirement. These changes involved the sta-ting air system, fuet oit vent, and ERCU in the D/G building. pipirrg drawings were revised to show boundaries, delete hangers,. end revise dimensions to agree with as-constructed dimen-stons. l ECN L6821 A wire mesh screen system was instalted on and arouno the Unit 2 RCP The RCP motor platf orms and the wire mesh syvtem are seismic DCR 2259 motor platfccms at et 700* 10 1/25 to prevent uncontrotted coatings rategory i structures. The instattation of the wire mesh does not  :

on the RCP sotors from reaching the contairunent sung in the event of cu promise the function of the ECCS system. The stbject of the j a LOCA. uncontrotted coatings and the instattation of a wire mesh system is '

trat addressed in the TSs. There is no adverse effect on safety.

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ECW L6826 tJnit 2 Ice Corsienser Drains U-9321-1 (azimuth 312-29"-11") and Removing the two 180-degree gooseneck tAnds from the two ice DCR 2259 u-9821-3 (atimuth 337-16417") were modified by removing the condenser drains enchanted the cooling mechanism of the contairunent 190-degree gooseneck teds, thics redirecting potentist ice mett as a result of the melted ice. This also ensures that the toward the center of lower contalrunent daring a LOCA or HELB. Also, containment temperature because of a MSLB will be below the design ice condenser drain piping was qualified to meet the following temerature of 32?OF and restore the eqJipnent qualification provisions: (1) Seismic Category I (pressure boundary), and (2) profile. Upgrading the piping classification of the lee ctvvjenser shalt not crisp such that the cross-sectienst area is red;ced by floor drains did not involve any physical work. No safety-related more than 25 percent. system covered ty plant TSs was adversely af fected by this ECW. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/, ICS/ Drains, was rwt reduced.

ECM L6857 This modification replaced tJnit 2 TVA Class H RM calibration test ' There was no increase in the possibility for or consequences of an DCR 2259 valves with (pgraded valves. - Piping /ttbing was downgraded to meet accident. The margin of safety was not reduced.

the requirements of Design Criteria $0N-DC-V-3.0 R2 of the af fected sanpte lines.

ECM L6860 But tet-resistant steet plates were added at specific tocations in This modification I mroved existing physicat barriers within the DCR 2268 the MCR, and a ceiling access penet was instatted in Roars 732-0-C15. McR. This was necessary to comply with the reqJirements of 10 CFR Brit tet-resistant def tecto penets were installed in the avAC 73.55. A postmodificatien test was performed to balance the air openings above Door CSS and C56. flow to the MCR and to ensure that no detrimental effect was introcbced into the ventitation system. The modification did not change the functionality of the PCR end its environment. It enhanced the physicat protection of the MCR. The TSs de not address structures, structural cornpenents, or physical berriers for security purposes.

ECM L6883 Corrective action for SCR SONEESS6151 R1 required that active ~The modifications ensure that the valve sebs without danage. There DCR 2259 motor-operated gate valves, which close .is a part of their witt be no actuation of a torque switch in mid-travet of the valve safety-related fmetion. must have valve travet in the closing to prevent it from performing its safety-related function. There is directi~en terminated by torque switch actuation. The torque switch no corpromise of the Containment Isolation System. There was no on valves 2-FCV-87-21, 22, 23, 24 and 2-FCV-63-172 were modified to reduction in the margin of safety.

be bypassed during valve travet until the valve starts to seat.

ECN L6897 This Unit 2 ECW replaced the 16-inch ce6cn stee* elbows on the Att a'fected pipng was ncnsafety Class H piping located in the FCR 5259' feedwater Line downstream of Valves FCV-3-35, 48, 90, 103 and three turbine building. There was no impact on the safety-related 2 1/2-inch carbon eteet high-pressure MS reheater operating vents portions of any systw i portant to safety. The is margin of safety near Valve FCV-5-18 with staintess steet material the mitigate the was not reduced.

effects of erosion /corrosicn.

Eth L7109C The existing Masoneitan 8005 Level Modifiers 1-LM-3-145A, 1564 This modification was made to prevent vibration-incbeed f ailure of DCR 2302 164A, and 1714 for the AFM bypass LCVS 1-LCV-3-148A, 156A, 164A, and tevet mooifiers when mounted on the valve. The modification 17?A were replaced with Masoneilan 8005N 1/P trans4;cers ar.d maintained Class 1E equirment requirements and seismic q;alification re!xated to locat instrument panets. Controt and instrtsnent air requitaments.

tuoing between relocated I/P transdJcers and associated valves was rerouted, and controt cable and conduit were rerouted.

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Page No. 58 CMAWGES IN THE FACILITY - MODIFICATIONS ECN L71130 Existing electropneumatic positioners 1/P (converter and gneunatic This modification maintains Class TE equipwn? reqJirements,10 CFR DCR 2302 positioner concination) on the LCVs in the ATU system were replaced 50.49 environnenta requirements, separation criteria, design base with separate I/P converters. This change involved Unit 1 LCVs flood regairements, and pipe rtpture/ pipe vibration requirements.

3-145, 156, 164, and 171 through 175.' I/P Converters 1-LM-3-1568 The penets and associated corponents are seismically qualified.

ard 1648 were relocated from inside the misste shield to outside the Tirae response calculation SON-15t-C09 demonstrated that no signif f-misste shield to enhance the accessibility of these instrunents. A cant adverse effect on valve response times would exist by the t'st tee was added on the regulated air supply line to the implementation of the ECN. .The codification prevents positioner, arts typical tubing supports were changed to engineered vibration-irxiuced performance failures.

supports. The ECM also redesigned ard relocated Panet 1-t-524 a short distance to achieve train separation regairements.

ECN L7284 This ECN authorlZed ghysical modifications to various Unit 2 pipe The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or DCR 2293 stpports to qualify these supports as required by att applicable matfunction of equipment irrortant te, safety previously evaluated in design criteria. Acijitionalty, calculations and design dratings the SAR was not increased. The modifications did not atter the were issued to reflect the seismic q;atifications of the offected function of any system. Overall system reliability was enhanced.

support (s). This ECW resulted from the regeneration of "losta civil The mergM cf safety was not reduced.


ECW L7298 Physical modifications were made to various pipe supports to gaatify The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident DCR 2293 these supports as required by att applicable design criteria as were not increased by this modification. This modification did not denoted in the modification criteria. - Additionatly, calculations alter the function of any system, but enhanced the system and design drewings were issued to reflect the seismic qualifica- reliability by ensuring adeqJate seismic qualification. The margin tions of the affected supports. of safety was not reduced.

ECN L7300s This ECW authorized physical seodificaticas to various Unit 2 pipe The probability of occurrence or the consequences of a.: accident or DCR 2293 s@ ports to cualify these supports as required by att applicabte metfunction of equipment leportant to safety previously evaluated in design criteria. - Adjitionalty, calculations and design drawings the SAR was not increased. The modifications did not atter the were issued to reflect the seisaic qualifications of the affected f metion of any system. Overatt system reliability was enhanced.

sutport(s). This ECN resultaf frare the regeneration of " lost" civit The margin of safety was not red'xed.


ECN L7302D Physicat modifications were made to nrious pipe suworts to qJatify These modifications were made to various seismic supports that had ItCR 2293 these s @ ports as required by att applicable design criteria as been determined to be deficient. These changes ensure the seismic denoted in the modification criteria. Also, calculations and design requirements of the af fected piping systems are met. Overalt system drawings were issued to reitect the seismic qualification of the reliability was enhanced by these modifications. There was no affected supports. increase in the probability for or consegaences of an accident. The margin of safety as described in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

ECN L7305D This ECN authorized the performary e of physical codification to There was no increase in the probability of occurrence or the DCR 2293 various Unit 2 pipe supports to avalify these surports as required consequences of an accident. This eodification did not atter the by atI appticable design criteria. Additionalty, calculations and function of any system, but enhanced system retiabitity by ensuring design drawings were issued to ref16ct the seismic quetificatico of adequate seismic qualification. The margin of safety was not affected support (s). reduced. ,

ECN L7307 Physicat modificatiore were made to various pipe smports to q;atify These modifications were made to surports determined to be deficient DCR 2293 these supports as required by at t applicable design criteria as to ensure that the seismic requirements of the affected piping denoted in the sodification criteria. Calculations and design systems is met as required by applicable design criteria. Overalt i

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.%1 Page No. 59 .. CHANGES IN THE FACILITY. 7 MODIFICATIONS drawings'were' Issued to reflect the seismic qualification of the, system reliability was ermanced by this modification. There was no; af fected stoports. increase in the probability for or consequences of an accident. 'The margin of safety,was not reduced.


ECN L7314A ~ This ' modification added a teverage-amplification opening mechanism This change was required for safety reasons to eliminate'a FCR 5153 to the watertight Annutus Door A65 for the purpose of breaking the potentially detrimental.and aggrevating situation with the door-dif ferential pressure seat . force from the amulus side of the door. opening process during a possible accident or medical emergency This change involved adding a bar approximately 38 inches long and -involving the annutus area. This modification did not degrade any.

weighing about 25 pounds. The teverage-amplification opening safety-related functions or induce the possibility for an accident.-

i mechanism assenbty was permanently attached to the door and frame. or malfunction of a different type not previously evaluated in the SAR. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any TS was i

not reduced.

Et:N L7315A . This modification added a teverage-anplificAtion opening mechanism _This modification was required for safety reasons to eliminate a FCR 5153 L . to watertight Annutus Door A78 for the purpose of breaking the potentially detrimental and aggravating situation during a possible dif ferential pressure seat force from the annutus side of the door. accident or medical emergency. ' The modification did not degrade any safety-related functions or create the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a di'ferent type not previously evaluated in the

.SAR. The margin of sa'ety as defined in the basis of any TS was not reduced.

ECN L7327A' ' Cable 1'RR332(RPI-H12) was replaced with Cable 1RR346 (RPI-K4), and This ECM was written te stear TACF 1-84-057-85. There was no FCR 3711 Cable 1RR260 (RP!-C9) was replaced with Cable 1RR278 (RPI-010) by increase in the probaMtiti cf or consequences of an accident. The TACF 1-84-057-85. The cables were replaced at the reactor head and ' margin of safety as dvined in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

rerouted inside the RPI instrument rack.' Cables 1RR346 and 1RR278 are now connected to RPI-H12 and RPI-C9, respectively. This ECN was written for retagging of af fected cable connectors and to docunent the change.

ECW L73298 To improve reliability, this modification replaced Unit 2 check The MOVs added are environmentalty quotified, meet the requirements DCR 2334 valves that serve as inboard CIVs on the ERCU supply lines to the for TVA Class 8 piping components, and are seismic Category I. They.

tower containment ventitation cooters with motor-operated butterfly ~ provide the required containment isolation function with a higher valves and installed bypass lines with pressure-retleving piston reliability than the check valve CIV design. Retagging and check valves. Tag ntsibers for electric NOVs in the Unit 2 stopty - retraining the power supply to the outboard CIVS ensures that each lines located i~n the annutus were revised. The power train to the contairmnent penetration to the tower conpartment cooters is supplied outboard cocter supply FCVs was changed. with a Train A and a Train 8 powered Civ.- There was no increase in the probability for or consequences of an accident. The margin of safety was not reduced.

ECN L7341 This ECM authorlZed the ' physical ' modifications to various Unit 1 This' work was the result of the Unit 1 Rigorous Analysis Program and DCR 2293' pipe stoports to qualify those stoports as required by att the regeneration of "losta civit calculations. Safety-related

. applicable design criteria. Calculations and design drawings were snumer modifications mder this ECN were performed in compliance issued to reflect the seismic qualification of the af fected with TS 3/4.7.9, snubbers. Systems af fected were AFW, ERCW, and supports. CCW. The modification did not alter the function of any syst. era.

The margin of safety was not' reduced.

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Page No. 60 CliANGES IN THE FACILITY - MODIFICATIONS ECN L7344C This ECM a Med seat-in contacts with reset capability across the These changes were made to fitter out EMI noise and prevent unwanted DCR.2372 iodine and particutate flow switches, relocated the ground bus at ESF actuations. There was no change in the facility from that the tocal panet, and deleted the tocal skid-momted stars born for described in the SAR and no irrpact on nuclear safety. There was no the following instrunents: 2-RE-90-106, 112, 130, 131, and increase'in the probability of occurrence or consequences of an 0-RE-90-101, 125, and 126. eccident, and the margin of safety was not reduced.

ECW L7351C Thic inodification aMed concrete ctsbs in the reactor buildings et This ECW did not change the function of any safety-rttated system or 734.01 ard in the Accumulator Room 3 and 4, and aMed drainage fri:xn ec:rponent. Submergence of equipment in the accteuiator room is ret the accumulator rooms. This codification preventmi containment a concern since equipnent to to et 694 is designed to withstand spray water from draining into ereer other than the containraent supp sthmergence. No safety-related function covered by the TSs was (inside the crane watt), thus preventing the unter from being directly or indirectly af fected by this ECK. The margin of safety avaitable for ECCS recirculation. es defined in the basis for ar r TS was not reduced.

ECN L7353A Physical modifications were made to pipe supports. These modifica- these modifications were made to bring the systems inte accordance DCR 2293 tions were made inside Unit 1 Reactor Building, but were the result with the existing design criteria and SAR. These modifications did of the Unit 2 postrestart Cateutation Regeneration Prograc. not change any functionat configurations. The margin of safety was not reduced.

ECN L73514 As a result of the tenit 2 Calcutation Regeneration Program, physical These modifications were mede to bring the systems into compliance DC2 2293 modifications were made to ilnit 1 pipe supports, with existing design eriteria and the SAR. These modifications did not irwolve any change to the facility from that described in the SAR. There was no reduction in the margin of safety.

ECW L73888 This ECW was n ritten for the p! ping analysis and pipe support des!gn Structorst and conponent modifications did not atter the plant CCR 2333 for the replacement of four containment isolation class B valves operating characteristics. Att seismic requirenents were substan-(1-67-562A, 3, C, and D) with Ctess B motor-operated butterf ty tinted by anatysis. There was no decrease to any margin of safety.

vatves. The existing check valves would not pass the contalruner.t teak-rate test. Replacing the check valves with motor operated butterfly vatbes ard adding a 1/2-inch pressure-retteving check bypass retve reselves this problem.

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TACF 0-890072-247 MAIN CONTROL R W M CE! LING OlFFUSER PANELS The SAR was reviewed, and it was determined that no changes to The vinyt tight dif fuser panet,1-inch romd aluminmi washers, the system design, functional requirements, text, tables, 1/16-inch attnine plate shown on Drawing 46W402-3 and nylon graphs, or figures are required for this TACF. The review thumb-turn bolts shown on Vendor Drawing 629311 Sheet 2, were also determined that system operation, methods of ensuring removed for up to six sor;ths to provide Msintenance the time conpliance the TSs, processes or procedures in the SAR were to order replacement panets. not affected by this TACF.


This activity enhanced the reliability of the inflatabte seat CA;*r SOP 900012 RO identified a or ,blem with the instattation between the SFP and the transfer canal. There was no increase of service air to the SFP transfer canat gate seat. Modifica- in the probability of an accident previously evaluated in the tions have been made to the service air system without a CAR and no increase in the probability of occurrence of a design output doctnent or in accordance with Al-9 to ensure matfunction of equipment i m ortant to safety. The continuous the seat is maintained in an inflated position. This TACF stgly of air will ensure that the seat remains inflated documents the instattation of a service air supply to the gate should a leak develop in the seat itself. Since the corptete seal plus a backtp bottled air supply. This instattation f ailure of the seat will not reduce the tevel of the SFP below consisted of an air bottle, regulator valves, check valves, the 10-foot limit of the SAR, the consequances of a catfunc-isolation valves, service connections, quick disconnects, tion of equipment i m ortant to safety previously evaluated in drain valves and rtther hose which runs f rom the service air the SAR was not reduced. This activity ensures that the TS connection valve 0-33-673 to the SFP transfer canal gate seat, timit of 23 feet above the top of the fuet assec6 ties is met.

0-900037-244 COMMukICAY10NS FOR IBM 3174 CONTROLLER The temporary instattation of corm rications cables was routed To surport RADCON REX remote terminat and telephone require- to avoid interdivisional r*paration criteria violations.  ;

ments for Unit 2 Cycte 4 refueting outage, cabling was implementation of this TACF did not affect any information l instat ted from the IBM 3174 comunications controtter/ terminal presented in the SAR or deviate from the description given in i box near Column A45, et 690, to a telephone terminal box to be the SAR.

tocated near Column A135, et 690 in the auxiliary building, and cabling was installed from the IBM 3174 controtter m through the No. 6 stairwell to et 714. This TACF wM e* tended past Unit 2 Cycle 4 until a permanent system can be installed.

0-900058-027 REROUTE RELIEF VALVE DISCHARGE PIP!NG This activity did not imact the control, logic, or fmetion This TACF routed the relief valve discharge into the pond of any safety-related systems required to mitigate any of the outside the cooling tower lift station to prevent flooding. DBAs. Therefore, the probability of as accident addressed in The discharge piping was routed through an existing 10-inch the SAR was not increased. The equignent af fected by this sleeve in the station and was instatted such thet the sleeve activity is not required for safe shutdown; therefore, the remains water tight to prevent potentist inteakage from the probability of occurrence of a matfunction of equip wnt pond. The TACF also required the emergency bearing tube water imortant to saf ety was not increased. A new accident of a supply be isolated when the cooling tower lift pu m s are not diffent type was not created. The margin of safety as defined in operation.

in the TSs was not re&ced by imtementating this TACF.

CCP SUCTION VENT P! PING This activity indirectly imacts the CCPs and RMRPs which are 1-900035-062 This TACF installed a hose frort 1-VLV-62-699, 1-vtv-63-706, or required to be operable during Modes 1, 2, 3, ard 4. However, 1-vtv-63-707 (suction piping to Unit 1 CCPs in the el 669 in the event of an SI, venting operation kill be imediately pipe chase) to 1-vLv-63-599 (Si piping in tu et 690 pipe terminated to ensure RHRP and CCP operability addressed in TSs chase) to allow venting of CCP "uction piping where gas 3/4.5-2, 3/4.5.3, and 3/4.6.2 during Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4 acctsnulation has occurred. I mtementation of this TACF required a revision to SAR Figures

Page No. 62 CHANGES IN THE FACILITY - February 8, TW1 TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS 9.3.4-1 and 6.3.2-1, TVA Drasings 47W809-1 and 47WS11-1, respectively. However, system functional design re w irements or SAR text or tables were not ispected by this TACF. The TACF did not inpact the controt, togic or f metion of any system or conponents required to mitigate any SAR Chapter 15 DBE.

1-900045-241 REVISE TRANSFORMER GAS RELAY LOGIC The turbine generator protection circuit will still be actu-This TACF removed the turbine trip function of the gas- ated by the sudden prenure device in the main transformer operated relay on the main transformer tank for each of the tank for each of the tht 1 main transformers. The alors witt Unit 1 main transformers (A, B, C, SP). This TACF will be in also let the operator know of any problem. No rew falture ef fect until the next refueling outage (tp to 18 months). The modes are created by this change as the striden pressure device TACF issued an *Vperator Aid" to inform the operators that the is still in the circuit for turbine generator protection.

gas-operated relay will not actuate the turbine generator Equipment diversity is unchanged, and the change did not protection circuit but will not only amunciate. affect any of the protective relay settings.

1-900052-068 MOO!FY/ REROUTE RCS LOOP 1 HOT LEG TEMP LOOPS The thermocotple whose fmetion was replaced is indication This TACF authorized the tenporary replacement of failed only, with no automatic controls ar trip functions, and is thermocouple 1-TE-68-1C with the RfD 1-TE-68-28. 8oth of no . safety-related, nondivisional equipment. Westinghouse was these measure the resctor hot teg temperature for Loop 1. contacted and concurs that putting one of the RfDs out of scan will not have any nuclear safety or emipment inpact. The SOM TSs, as revised for the EAGtE 21 sodification, were reviewed for inpact by this TACF with no adverse inpact. The margin of sefety as defined in the basis for any TS was not reduced.

2-900034-062 CCP SUCTION VENT PIPING This activity indirectly inpacts the CCPs and RNRPs which are This TACF instatted a hose from 2-VLV-62-699, 2-vtv-63-706, or required to be operable during Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4. nowever, 2-VLV-63-707 (suction piping to Unit 2 CCPs in the et 669 in the event of an SI, venting operation will be imediately pipe chase) to 2-vtv-63-599 (St piping in the et 690 pipe terminated to ensure RNRP and CCP operability addressed in TSs chase) to attow venting of CCP suction piping where gas 3/4.5-2, 3/4.5.3, and 3/4.6.2 dueing Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

accumutation has occurred. Inplementation of this TACF required a revision to SAR Figures 9.3.4-1 and 6.3.2-1 TVA Drawings 47W809-1 and 47W8tt-1, respectively. However, system functional design requirements or SAR text or tables were not impacted by this TACF. The TACF did not iepact the controt, logic or fmetion of any system or components required to mitigate any SAA Chapter 15 DBE.

2-900049-241 R:V!SE TRANSFORMER GAS REL AY LOGIC The turbine generator protection circuit will still be actu-T5is TACF removed the turbine trip function of the gas-- atted by the sudden pressure device in the main transformer operated retar on the main transformer tank for each of the tank for each of the Unit 2 main transformers. The alarm wilt Unit 2 main transformers (A, B, C, SP). This TACF will be in also let the operator know of any problem. No new failure effect until the next refueling outage (up to 18 months). The modes are created by this change as the sudden pressure device TACF issued an " Operator Aid" to inform the operators that the is stitt in the circuit for turbine generator protection, gas-operated relay will not actuate the turbine generator Equipnent diversity is unchanged, and the change did not protection circuit but will not only annunciate. affect any of the protective relay settings.

fibruary 8, 1991 Page No. 63 CHANGES IN THE FACILITY -

TFMPORARY MCDIFICATIONS The skid-motrited manust Daht valve is only used for mainte-2-900053-003 AFU 2-tCV-3-175 This te,porary change bypasses the Dahl valve with ttbing frorn nance activities and thus is not required for normal operation the positioner to the valve diaphragm and blocks the path front of 2-LCV-3-175. The Dahl valve provides the capability to the futt air supply pressure through the Dahl valve to the smaatty override the LCV positioner. The manual override valve diaphragn with a plug in the tubing. feature provided by the Dahl valve is not a TS Sectio 3/ requirement, and this change did rot afect the ability of the valve to meet existing TS requirements for operability. This change did not af fect any infarination presented in the SAR or deviate from the description given in the SAR.

White this disabled the tecperature readirg for the Corv3enser 2-900056-002 CHANGE CONDENSER TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RFCORDER PENS A, it is more desirable to have the condanser pressve from an The Unit 2 Condenser A vacuum pressure recording pen (red) is inoperable. This recorder has two different pens (red and operatim standpoint. The recorder modified is old, and i

black) and is located on Panet 2-M-3 in the MCR., This TACF replacement parts are not available. This recorder will be f disconnected the Condenser A ternperature leads frors the replaced when DCN M00561 is incorporated, and this TACF will j

operable recorder pen (black), and c winected the condenser be closed. There are no TSs affected by this TACF. SAR pressure leads to this pen. Both inputs are O to 50 cA. The Figure was not affected.

scales were swapped to indicate pressure on the black pen.

The tecperature leads were connected to the inoperable pen.

This allows operations to observe Condenser A pressure in the MCR.

Previously Reported TACFs Remaining Open December 31, 1990 1-80-0152-079 2-88-2020-030 0-81-0467-062 1-85-0070-030 2-89-0034-001 0-84-0084-059 1-88-0023-030 0-87-0004-234 1-89-0025-006 .,

0-87-0033-014 1-89-0040-001 0-88-0001-012 0-88-0017-043 0-88-0018-317 0-89-0032-062 0-89-0038-090 -

0-89-0066-400 O

l L



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ES-1.2 TRANSFER TO RHR CONTAINMENT SLMP T5fs revision was terminated fott-swing operability of the Meat REV 009 During the modification phase of replacing the CCS Heat Exchanger C, Exchangers 081 and 'J2. ES-1.2 was returned to its previous ES-1.2, Step 14 of Appendin A, was revised to ensure that the configuration. There was no increase in the probability for or position of 1-FCV-67-146 would ensure an ERCfJ flowrote through CCS consegaences of an accident. The margin of safety was not reduced.

Heat Exchanger A of greater than or equal to 6300 gpm in the event o! en accident in Unit 2. This is necessary to enstre the adequate +

ERCid flow of 630) gpa to the CCS Heat Exchanger A is achieved in order to siltigate a DBA. Furthermore, 0-FCV-67-152 remained closed during the interim M 'guration.

VARIOUS. SAFETY EVALUATION S26 900517 850 The TS changes were evatuated as part of tte design change and EMERGENCY These procedures were revised because of the Unit 1 Cycle 4 ticensing process for the respective euxfifications. The safety OPERATING refueling outage modifications. evaluatiori documented that these revisions did not adversely irpact PROCEDURES nuclear safety.

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1-St-IFT-092- FUNCTIONAL TEST OF INTERMEDIATE RANGE NIS CHANNEL II (M36) The ICF was necessary to comly with the imtementation of Etu N36.2 This ICF added provisions for TS LCO and deleted steps 16186. This ICF did not adversely imact nuclear safety.

REV 000 for comectireg a V0M to the high-voltage connector.

ICF 90-0335 1-SI-SXV-063- SAFETY INJECTION COLD LEG SECONDARY CHECK VALVE INTEGRITY TEST There was no reduction in nuclear safety. This ICF did not 005.0 This ICF added new Sections 6.0.1 through 6.0.10, which provide necessitate any deviation from TSs. Althougrt aligrunents required to REV 000 instructions for backseating secondary check vatves using St Ptrrp cosplete testing of the check vatves in Mode 3 deviate tram SAR 1Cf-90-0336 1A-A and using a different location to measure leakage. Two descriptions for operation, conp=:nsatory measures and additionet primary check valves were added to the test using the new monitoring ensur d that required re-senipulation of the valves was tocation for teskage measurement. The actions a:11ed by this ICF restored within ten minutes. There were no significant safety are for pe.*ormance in Mode 3. hazards created by the Mode 3 activity.

2-51-10C-063- CHA WEL CALIBRATION OF SIS ACCUMULATOR TANK #4 LEVEL LOOP ' The ICT was necessary to comly with the imtementation of DCN 060.0 L-63-060 (t-957) M016059. The ICF did not adversely impact nuclear safety.

REV 000 This ICF revised the scating for the SIS acctmutator tank level ICF 90-0572 transmitters to the new scating data. The change was recpired to ensure the transmitter is scaled to the correct data as determined by the setpoint and scaling document.

2-SI-!CC-063- CHAuwEL CALIBRATION Of $1S ACCUMULATOR TANK #3 LEVEL LOOP The ICF we necessary to comly with the imtementation of CCN 081.0 L-63-051 (L-955) M016058. The ICF did not adversety impact nuclear safety.

REV 000 This ICF revised the scaling for the SIS accumulator tank levet ICF 90-0565 transmitters to the new seata 3 data. The change was required to ensure the transmitter i% scaled to the correct dats as-determined by the setpoir.t and scatir g doctment.

2-SI-ICC-063- CHANNEL CALIBRATION OF SIS ACCtMULATGR TANK #4 LEVEL LOOP The ICF was necen sr) te comty witn the i mtementation of OCN 082.0 L-63-082 (L-956) M016059. the ICF did not adversety inpact nuclear refet REV 000 This ICF revised the scaling for the SIS acetmulator tank levet ICT 90-0566 trar:smitters to the new seating dats. The change was required to -

ensuie the transmit <r is scated to the correct data as determined by the setpoint and stating docurent.

2-SI-!CC-063- CH%8tEL CAdBRATION OF SIS ACCUMULATOR TAMK. #3 LEVEL LOOP The ICF was necessary to comly wit h the imlementation of DCN 089.0 4~63-089 (L-954) RM6058. The ICF did not adversely irpact "r;.uclear safety.

REV 000 This *.CF revised the scaling for the S15 acctmulator tank 1evet ICF 96-0567 transmitters to the new scaling data. The change was required to ensere the transmitter is scated to the correct data as determined by the setpoint and scatirw document. <

2-St-trC-063- CHA WEL CALIBRATION OF SIS ACCUMULM cR TAWK #2 LEVEL LOOP The ICF was e.Jcessa e y to corpy with the ispiementation of DCX ud.0 c-63-0?? (L-913) M016Ms. The ICF did not adv rsely i m aet nucle u safety.

s REV LO This ICF revised the scating for the SIS w:cumu'.at9r tant tvet d

g y y-- , w


Page No. 67 CHAfTES TO PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED IN THE SAR ICF 90-0568 transmitters to the new scating data. . The was requ* red to ensure the transmitter is scated to the ccrrect data as determined by the setpoint and scating doctrett.

  • 2-SI-!CC-063- CHANNEL CAllBRATION OF SIS ACCUMULATOR tat * #2 LEVEL LOOP The ICF was necessary to comty with the implementation of DCN 109.0 L-65-109 (L- 952) M016058. The ICF dit' rut advetsely irpact nuclear safety.

REV 000 This ICF revised the scating for the SIS accumulator tank level ICF 90-C570 transmitters to the new stating data. The change was required to ensure the transmitter is scated to the correct data as determined by the setpoint and seating document.

2-SI-ICC-063- CHANNEL CAL f BRATION OF SIS AcrUMULATOR TANIC #1 LEVEL LOOP The ICT was rdtestary to conply with the fratementation of DCN 119.0 L-65-119 (t-951) M01C"3. The ICF did not adversely ispect nuclear safety.

REV 000 This ICF revised the scating for the S!$ acctsnutator tank level ICF 90-C569 transmitters to the new scating data. The change was required to ensure the transmitter is scated to the correct data as determined by the setpoint and seating docunent.

2-St-!CC-063- CHAP *tEL CALIBRATION OF SIS ACCUMULATOR TANK #1 LEVEL LOOP The 1C# was necessary to conpty with tt.e irptecentation of DCN 129.0 L-63-129 (L-950) M016058. The ICF di3 not adverray tapact rectear safety.

REV 000 This ICF revised the scaling for the SIS accumulator tank level ICF 90-0571 transmitters to the new seating data. The change was required to ensure the transmitter is scated to the correct data as determined by the setpoint and scaling d'cument.

2-SI-ICC-092- CHANNEL CALIBRATION OF 2-SM-092-5001 VItiE RANCE AMP. - NIS The I T was necessary 9 cmpty neth the implenentation of ECN 500.1 CHANNEL I L6136. This ICF did rwt adverset y lepact nuclear safety.

REV 000 This ICF deleted the 10-2 data point in the linearity portion of ICF 90-0599 the instruction because of voltage discrimination change.

2-SI-IFT-003- CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST OF ENVIRONMENTAL ALLOWANCE M00!FIER This ICF was necessary to cmgiy with the implementation of DCN 519.1 (EAM)/ TRIP TIME DELAY (TTD) ?02034A. The ICF did not adversely impact rotteer safety.

REV 000 The ICF revised the allowable reset value for containment ICF 90-0607 pressure caparator reset from 0.3400 psig to 0.3200 psig and revised acceptable tolerances for the contairnent pressure capa-


rator setpoint and reset.

2-St-IFT-003- CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST OF ENVIRONMENTAL ALLCMANCE MODIFIER This ICF was necessary to conpty with the icptemer:*.ation of DCN 519.2 (EAM)/ TRIP TIME DELAY (TTD) M02034A. The ICF did not adversely impact nuclear safety.

REV 000 The ICF revised the attowable reset value for contairnent ICF 9u 0606 pressure mmparator reset f rom 0.3400 psig to 0.3200 psig and '

revised ec:.eptable tolerances for the containment pressure capa-rator serpoint anr1 reset.

S t - 0t-0.1 CENTatrOGAL CHARCING PJMP AND PIPE VENTING Y5e safety evaluation documented the this ICF did not adverse'ty REV 002 This chary addressed the installation of tygon hose to attew for ir: pact nuclear ssfety. '

!CF 90-C423 veei = = > 7ases - * "uction side fo the centrifugat charging pt.rps. ii.:. t . 1-90-0035-0062 and 2-90-0034-062 were inptemented.


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3 Pege No. 63 CHAMGES TO PROCEDURES AS 1)ESCRISED $N THE SAR This change did not irpact plent equipment and did not introduce any SI-078 PouER RANGE NEUTRON FLUX CHANNEt cat!9RkTION BT HEAT BALANCE new failure modes. This change did not alter the methodology used REV 011 COMPARISON (DAILY) - t#f!TS 1 AND 2 ICF40-0067 This procedure char ge incorporated a prer-ouisite tc, verify that to perfc m the secondary side heat balance as described in the SAR.

the plant process cocputer (P250) points which input to the Maintaining reactor thermal power within the asstrptions of the secondary side heat balance catculation of reactor therst power accident analysis ensures that plant systems remain within their (represented by conputer point U1118) are in scan and, if the de .lgn arc!ysis. The margin of safety as defined in the TSs was not point f u unavaltable for som reason, that an apprnpriate vatve decreased aN emay be increased in some situations.

l I is manually ente.ed before the adjustment of the pewar range detectors. Guidance for a:anually entered daia was included in the revision to ensure that conservatism is maintained in the calcutation of reactor thermai power. g i

i The procedure change did not adversely i m act nuclear safety. l l 51-090.8 REACTOR TRIP INSTRUME%TATION MONTHf.Y FUNCi!ONAL TEST (SSPS) -

l REV 007 Uhli 1 1 ICF-90-0353 The procedure was revised to remove the punchlist. The punchtist rendered the proceder's not applicable to Unit 1 as a result of the Eagle 21 RPS codification. The procedure has been revised to reflect att changes required as a result of the modification. l i

Section 6.5 demonstrated that the tab calibestion is fet affected by l

$1-105.2 VITAL BATTERT 8AfM It AND 125V SATTER? CHARGER !! PERf0WtANCE TESTS (SYSTEM 250) - Usi!T C ine shipping of the electronic controt/ data logger telt to enri free {

REV 000 the Centr t Laboratories as originn.fy feared. !$e Section 6.3 i ICF-90-0007 This ICF deleted Section 6.3, Battery Test Unit Calibration became obsolete and opened the ete'tronic control / data togger unit verification, and deteted power supplies tisted in Section 3.3 used for seccion 6.3. to damage. This section was not pert of the scope or technique of l this 5 ttery discharCe test. There are no regjlrements to perform  !

this check on calibration before use. There was no impact on l ruclear safety. j Each of these changes was required in order to reflect the current SI-156 CO'rTAINMf3T INTEGRATED TEAK RATE - TEST UNITS 1 AND 2 plant configuration because of the physical work pe*for:ned in REV 012 This ICF revised CitRT valve lineups for Unit 1 to show the ICF-90-0234 deletion of UNI, the addition of RHR spray flow transmitters, and accordance with DCWs M01382. M01516A, and M1536A. These changes to the change of sanple system FCVs to FEVs. This ICF also the procedure make it more ef ficient end less time consuming. The clarified and rearranged RCS pressurizer levet transmitter output ICF ensures that the penetrations involved are correctly listed in sauisition section for more efficient water levet acquisition. the procecure so that each may be teak checked during the performance of $1-156. There was no iepset on TS margin of safety.

These changes were req

  • ired as a result of physica! modificettons .51-157 TESTABLE PEWETRATIONS - UNITS 1 AND 2 l REV 018 shis ICF added resilient seats data sheets for Penetrations X-1DS made in eccordance with DCN M01536A. This change to the procedure ICF-90-0207 and x-109 as a result cf the deletion of UNI on thit 1. Leakage did not adversely ippact r u tear safety.

summary sheets and penetration descriptions were upriated. Also, new volumes were incorporated for electrical Penetrations A 143E i

and X-168E.

CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVE LEAIC RATE 1EST - UNIT 1 OR 2 Titis ICT ensures that the ad3ed CIVs are inctsa$ed i . t'e to CFR 50 SI-158.1 AppeM ia J testing progras Equipment reliability was not REV 030 Data sheets and valve t inetps ware revised to irectude nes valvas because of the addition of flow transmitters on RHR spray breased, and saf ety injection /Co*e coOting Capability was not ICF-90-Ot93 l

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i Page No. 70 *GES TO PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED I4 TWE SAR ICF-90-0284 This ICF chenged the instruction to incorporate calibration of ICF did not af fect nuclear safety.

1-?DIR-30-133 during the performance of 1-P-30-133 toop catibra-tion.

St-193.3 ABGTS FAuS PRESStfRE CONTROL This ICF was necessary to comty with the implersentatim of DCN REV 001 This ICF added steps to calibra*e the new instatted 8'Ots and M02116A tindet tation of P01-30-143 sruf 149). The ICF did met ICF 90-0616 retax tMerances on the tra.waritters. adversely isomet nuclear safety.

S1-210 PERIODIC CALIBRATION OF WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (550) EiAYS This ICF was necessary because of erxfifications made saider *ft L5916 REV C0f. This ICF revised the Si to change the setpoints of **g and DCN F02209A. Revision of the procedere did net ingac. Jracer t

ICF-89-0339 0-L-77 *49 Lewet Switches LS-77-140 A/B and B/A fe% V1'6" to safety.

672'-0" and LS-77-140 C/D fras 671'3= to 671*-9' Ese calculation mV setpoints are 14.55 av for LS-77-1a0 A/B and BIA, and 13.86 av for LS-77-140 C/D.

SI-251.2 CNANNEL CALIBRAf t0M OF CLASS TE MOV DVERIOAD .:ELAY MEATERS This ICF was necessa*y to comply with the imteamtation of CCM REY 006 This ICF revised the data in the procedare for FCV-63-72 tock M05350A (motor replacement en FCV-63-/2). Tre ICF did not adversely ICF 90-0609 rotor and *utt-toed current. ispect ru.sclear safety.

S1-295.11 CALIBRATION AND FUNCit0NAL TEST OF CDNDENSATE STORAGE TAM This change attows for proper performance of the $1 and did not oude 4

REV 001 SUCTION HEADER PRESSURE SWITLMES TO AUXILIARY FEEtniATER SiSTEM any change to the test method or f.ntent of the insteuctim ICF-90-0370 (PS-I-121A, PC-3-1218,, AND PS-3-1210), UNIT T previously approved. This change did not affect nuclear safety.

This ICT revisad the procedure to show amunciator *CDND STG TAR HDR TO AUM FWPS PRESS LOW" on Panet XA-55-3C has been changed j frons vindcw 6 to Window 5.

St-298.12 CALIBRATION AND FtmCTIOKAL TEST OF C0h0ENSATE STORAGE TAE This change attows for proper pwfo mance of the SI anr4 did not oude REY 000 SUCTION HEADER PRESSU51 SMITCNES TO AUXILIARY FEEDWATEt SYSTEMS ent change to the test e=thod or intent of the instruction ICF-90-0368 (PS-3-139A, PS-3-1398, AND PS-3-1390),(mtT 1 previeusly approved. This chang" d#d not af fect nuclear.

s This ICF revised St-298.12 to show annunciator "Como STs TAwR teR TO AlfM FWPS F.TESS LOW" on Panet MA-55-3C has been changed from vindow 6 to Window 5.

4 51-298.13 CAllBRATION AND FtmCTIONAL TEST OF CONDENSATE STORAGE TAE1C This change allows for proper perforinate of the St ami did not eene REV 000 SUCTION HEADER PRESSUPE SWITCHES TO AUxtLIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEMS any change to the test metSod or intent of the instruction ICF o0-0359 (PS-3-144A, PS-3-1448, AND PS-3-1440), UutT 1 previously agereved. This changa did not affect ruxtea safety.

This TCF revised $1-295.13 to show annmciator "CouD STG TAa4 nDR s TO AUX FWPS "RESS LOua en Panet MA-55-3C has been che wsed fress

Windoa 6 to Window 5.

SI-604 ESSENTIAL tuSTRUMEtGAf t04 OPERABILtTV VERIFICAf t04 - tmi!TS 0,1 These changes to the various data sheets had no imect en *>

REV 012 AND 2 ability of the equipment to perform its intended safety func*ien.

THs revision iricorporated cheng*s to Unit 1 made by (Cus The revision made to this St had no iepact on ' he TSs and did not m01500A, M0151*A, and ECM Le473. These auxfifications retocated require a change to TSs. The imtew-station et this revision had no 4

i rttrtments and instrtspwt sense t hes to sneet R.G.1.97 ispect on the SAR tent or system fmctional re r/res.

rmairenents, reauved tml, and added ATUS actuation circuitry. -

1 T~ese changes required the meving of transmitter and sense line valves within the data sheets to accomodate their physicat n . _ . _ _ _ . . . . .

Page No. 71 CMaaGES TO FPOCEDURES 83 DESCRIBED IN TFE SAR relocation in the plant. The implementation of DCM M01533e required the deletion of associated instrments from the data sheets. Since severat of the data sheets affected were unit nonspecific, both MO BOOA and M015338 regaired the splitting of these appendices into init-specific appendices. Also, the implementation of ECM 16478 required acMition of Pressure Switches PS-1-61 and 82 to the data sheets since their serse tires are connected to the turbine impulse pressure sense lines used ty PT-1-72 and 73. This revision also incorporated ICFs 89-0376 and 89-560.51-719 CALIBRATION OF AUXILIARY FFEDWATER TERRY TURBINE CONTROLS REFUEL- DtN MC1995A replaced T-FIC-46-57, a Becksuin controller, with a REV 001 ING OUTAGE - UNIT 1 Yokogawa controtter. The output of the acckman controtter was 10-50 ICF 90-0291 This ICF changed the signal irput values for Signet mA. The output of the new Tchegswa is 4-20 m4. This procedure Converter / Ramp Generator Modet SM-46-57A frase 10-50 as to 4-20 change did not affect nuclear safety.


SI-720 CALIBRATION OF AUX FEEDt. RATER TER1tY T*JRBINE CONTROLS REFUEL!uG This ICF was necessary to comply with the implementatien of DCN REV 005 OUTAGE M04027A (replacement of obsolete Beckman contMiters in the AFU ICF 90-0540 This ICf changed att references to irput current to SM-46-57A system). The ICF did not adversety impact nutiear safety.

from 10-50 en to 4-20 et..

  • SI-747 VERIFICATION OF PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALVE SETPolmIS, L41T 2 This ICF was done as a biennlat review and as a result of seat REV 001 This ICF changed section responsibitity from Mechanicst Mainte- leakage of one valve dJring staset to of Unit 1. There was no inpset ICF-90-0345 e snce to the Engineering Support Section, todated references, en nuclear safety.

clarified cap stud removat/instattation steps, ard ensures appropriate Operations notifications are made if a vatve is leaking following testing. The revision tog page siteber was corrected, and the option for initiation of other appropriate documantation was added in Step 7.1 141.

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Page No. 73 CMANGES To PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED IN TNE SAR ICF 90-050S startup can ccMinue with COPS inoperable. At this particular time, COPS was inoperable becwJse of inoperable P0tVs. This ICF was for Unit 2 Cycte 4 enty.

t IMI-92-C&R MIS COMPARATOR AND RATE This ICF was necessary to comply with the imtementation of ECM REV 006 This ICF adjusted the inter lediate-range portion of the proced.:re to L6136. 1here was no adverse tapact on nuclear safety as a result of ,

ICF 90-0455 accomodate the new span in decades of the intermediate-range drawers this ICF.

(8 & cades to 10 decades), chang-d the location identifiers for the ,

t.pper and lower f Eux recorders from M-4 to M-13, arid revised the r status tight and annunciator nomenclature to reflect EAGLE 21 modifIcatiens.

~~' *2-C&R NIS COMPARATOR AND RATE This ICF was necessary to com(y with the iTlementation of ECM

u. 006 This ICF changed the intermediate range to accomodate the Garuna- L6186. There was no arfverse impact on nuclear safety as a result of i ICF 90-0580 Metrics instattation, this ICF. '

MEAI-11 FABRICATION, INSTALLATION, AND DOCUMENTATION OF SUPPORTS, PIP!kG There is no adveese Imact upon system tperability caused by the REV 020 SYSTEMS,. AND STRUCTURES ATTACMED TO SEISMIC CATEGORY I STRUCTURES j feptementation of the special requirements / precautions. The proce-ICF-90-0004 This ICF revised M&A!-11, Section 5.2, to clarify specist rewire- dJre change does not cause degradation of operabitity er ftertion of ,

ments/ precautions for need and use of tenpoemry si.pports. the affected piping system as re wired in the SAR. The siergin of  !

safety as defined in the basis for TS 3/4.7.9, Srmebers, was not '

red;ced, and there was no ispect on any other TS margin of safety. j M&AI-11 FAERICAfl0N, INSTALLAfl0N, AND DOCUMENTATWi CF $UPPORTS, PIPING There is no adverse inpact upon system operability caused by the r

i REV 020 SYSTEMS, AND STRUCTURES ATTACHED TO SEISMIC CATEGORY I STRUCTURES implementation of the special requirements / precautions. The proce-ICF-90-0035 This ICF revised M&At-11, Section 5.2, to clarify special require- l dure change does not cause degeadatian of operability or function of '

ments/ precautions for need and use of te m orary supports. the affected piping system as required in the SAR. The sergin of i safety as & fined in the basis for TS 3/4.7.9 Snubbers, was not i redJced, and there was no ispect on any other TS suargin of safety.

L Mi-12.1.2 PULLEY ALIGmENT AND BELT TENSIONING OF ROOM CDOLERS - UNITS O,1, The additional information ensures that design toading of the SON REV 000 AND 2 safety-retated auxiliary power electrical distribution system is not .

ICF-90-0046 This Mt provides for putty atlg rient and bett tensioning of room esceeded, and it ensures that the design basis is not violated. l cooters. This ICF ad$ed to the Mt references to NE electrical load There was no change in the margin of safety. '

calculation and requiresents to receive NE approval before operating a metor eteva TOO perceat rated toeding but stitt within a 15 p m ent se M ce factee tess than 115 percent of rated load.

f' SOI-26.2 FIDE INTERACTICM MANUAL - UNITS 0, 1 & 2 This revision was necessary to stgeort the CCS peat Eschanger C REV 013 Instruction was revised to add directions to the leeri operator to changeout. There was no increase in the probability for or ref ar to Att echment C, "Specist Instructions fa r Use Durif*g conse@ ences of an accident. The margin af safety was not reduced.  !

Rep!scement of the "C" CCS Meat Enchanger."

t i



l Sot-30.2 CONTAlWENT PURGE SYSTEM OPERATION - t.mITS 1 AND 2 This ICF was necessary to corply with the i mtementatice of DCN REV 029 This ICF adied steps to notify the Instrteent Maintenance Section to M01443A. This ardification replaced the Foxboro M-Line Analog

{ ICF-90-0326 disable the envirorsnental attowance monitor then purging or venting ' Process Protection Systers instrtssentation with Westinghouse Eagle 21 in Modes 1, 2, or 3. digitat electronics.

i 301-30.3 CONTA!NNENT UPPER AND LOWER COOLING, MEATING AND VENTILATION SYSTEM This ICF was necessary to conpty with the isplementation of DCN REV 042 - tmIT 1 AND 2 M01443A. This modification replaced the somboro n-Line Anatog ICF-90-0327 This ICF added steps to notify the Instrument Maintenance section to Process Protection System instrureentation with Westinghouse Eagle 21 disable the environmental allowance monitor when purging or venting digitat electronics.

in Modes 1, 2, or 3.

l l 501-55-2MS- ANNUNCIATOR RESPONSE The safe *y evaluation doctswated that this ICF did not adverse!y xA-55-58 This change ad$ressed the revision to operating procedures for the ;spect nucteer safety.

reactor pumps to clarify criteria for shutdown of a RCP (given i

ICf 89-0589 excessive leakof f).

S0!-63.1 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING S1 STEM - tmIT 2 This ICF was required as a result of modifications made by DCs i REV 059 This ICF ad$ed the requirement for verification of 1-FCV-63-33, 41 M01533 on Unit 1. This DCN was for 817 deactivatice. The changes ICF-90-0315 and 42 as inoperabte with fuses removed and verification of wens estuated under that modification *s safety evaluation.

2-FCV-63-33, 41 ard 42 as operable.

i 501-65.1 REAC10it COOLANT SYSTEM - talTS 1 AND 2 There was no degradation of equipment reliability. The system

  1. Et 959 This ICF ad$ed p-ovisions and conditions urder 6& itch plant starttp design parameters e not affected by this activity. No TSs were ICF-90-0253 can continue with COPS incperab'e. COPS was inoperabte during Mode incocted by this ICF.

5 to facilitate instatt stion of the pressurizer PORVs 1-68-334 and 340A.

S01-68.1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM - UNITS 1 AND 2 The safety evaluation doctswnted that this revision did not ispect REV 062 This ICF addressed the provisions and conditions under which plant nuclear safety.

IC5-90-0509 startup can continue with COPS inoperable. At this particular time, j COPS vss inoperable because of enoperable PORVs. This ICF was for

Unit 2 Cycle 4 only.

i j S01-70.2 COWONENT CCOLING MEAT EMCNAhGERS CHANGE 00TS - tm!TS 0,1 & 2 This instruttien did not increese the probacility for or conse-i REV 000 - This irutruction provides a procedure for re%et frtwo service and mences of an accident previously evaluated in the SAR. ao new reture to service of CCW Neat Ezebangers C and lineup naeded to accidents of a different type than those previously evaluated were suppt / both units' Train B CCS for WP6474-07 white tmit 1 is in Mode created. The amargin of safety was not redxed.

j 5 aWor Mooe 6 ard Unit 2 is in Mode i through 5.

I 1 .


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Page No. 76 CRANGES TO PROCFDURES AS DESCRIB1ED IN TME SAR TI-16 SAMPLtWC NTMCES This ICF was necessary to cmpty with the imtementation of DCE DEv 044 This ICF adi.ed steps to attow for sanpting of trititsa concentration PtG2220A (ice wight redxtion for the ice condenser and ImrtL.

ICF 90-0P1 via the molecuter sieve method, added steps to require a worksheet corcentration change in the RVST ard CLAs). The ICF haf no adverse for wrk en radiation semitors, added steps to address the lopect en nucteer $sfety.

eliminatim of Unit t tJM1 serptirg, and ad$ed steps to correct gas sapptIng for CVE.  ;

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STI/REV DESCRIPTION : SAFETY SupptAtf ST1-141 TESTtwG OF HIGN RESISTAECE PEWETRATION CONDUCTORS By ethjecting contairement pamtretims te current surges, the REV 000 This STI perforwed an ewperiment on spared-out y abandoned possibitity cotAd esist to evertoed the cendbeter and damat,e tM electrical penetration cables to determine if s.e high-resistance contaireent pressure boundary. newever, this ewpariment used Only



' problems could be corrected. The method used in this emperiment was weltages within the conductor rating and currents werified by to inject a high-current strge on the individust corexter in an Electrical Calculation SO4-EPS-004 te be acceptable for these atterce to lepreve the conextivity of the internal penetretion cord x+ ors. Within these timits, nce cencheter er penetration damega splices. can ec:ur. There is no reductim in texteer sefety. Ati TS  !

requirements were met dtaring this test.

STI-143 CMEMICAL INJECTION AND PLANT PROCESS SAMPt.fkG FOR t!SE 14 mal 2 STT-143 did twt introdre an tsianalyt?d faittre mode are was '

s 2EV 000 IEEDWATER FLOW AND STEAM GENERATOR MOISTURE CARRY 0VER DETERMfuATION performed to the re psirement* of the STT and of CE's t.haetrac/Ftw-This STI providrei doctrentation on the comection of CE-surptied trac fest Perforr.ance Guide nes. As such, there mes no impact on chemical injectson and sanple carts to the condmsate and MTU piping nuclear safey STI *43 d- not violate Scu's TSs; therefore, since

, and the collection of MrW, MS, and SGa0 sanptes which will be coepliance was ce way affected, no TS change mes required. ,

anatyred by CE for determination of MTV flow and S/S goisture i carryover via the CE Chestrac process.

_ STI-145 MORPHOLINE CNEMISTRY EVAlt1ATION The sodificatice 14 tMits 1 and 2 secondary water rhamistry  ;

j REY 000 The purpose of this STI was to establish the morphotine program to incts a use of mor;Actine and boric acid does not {

concentration for secondary pH coretrol at 504 by mor*itoring and conpromise the p M e of any safety-related system nor result [

4 evaluating the effects of sorghotine chemistry during plant opera- in any adverse se er. any safety analysis within uestinghtyJse tion. ' scope of respor ,, l ty. This change das ret af fect the nonnet i j stant operating ga esmeters, the safeguards systees actuations, er i

the assurptions ars Irput parameters used in these analyses. In i ad6tiors, this charge did not ef fect any accident mitigation

j capability important to the plant safety analyses nor did it create l 1

a condition more timitir$g than that assumed in these analyses. This [

was applicable to thit 1 only during 1990  !

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1 SEQUOYAH ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT - CHEMISTRY In the later part of July 1990, Unit 2 reactor began a power coast-down in preparation for scheduled refueling in September 1990. In the early morning hours of September 8, 1990, the reactor power reached 0 percent. During the subsequent sampling of reactor coolant after shutdown, the Technical Specification limit (TS 3.4.8) for Dose Equivalent 1-131 (DEI-131) was exceeded. The following information meets the requirements (TS for the Annual Operating Report:

1 (1) Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; Date/ Time. doin Value (%)

, 6-SEP-90 00:00 1 69

! 7-SEP-90 00:10 1 67 7-SEP-90 23:00 1 45 8-SEP-90 03:06 3 0 8-SEP-90 06:00 3 0 8-SEP-90 06:20 3 0 8-SEP-90 09:00 3 0 (2) Results of the last isotopic analysis for radioiodine performed prior to exceeding the limitt Dat tt_Ilmo


__ Hodg 11easurement Value (uCl/ml 8-CEP-90 06:20 3 del-131 9.0E-1 2-131 6.89E-1 1-132 3.73E-1 1-133 6.31E-1 1-134 2.96E-2 I-135 3.32E-1 Results of ar.alysis while the limit was exceeded; J2 ate / Time Mode He_gpSr_oment yalue (uct/n) 8-SEP-90 09:00 3 DEI-131 1.04E0 I-131 8.15E-1 1-132 3.46E-1 1-133 6.98E-1 I-134 Not detectable l I-135 2.95E-1 1

Results of one analysis after the radiolodine activity was reduced to less than the limiti ,

Date/ Time Mode Haaruremenl Value (uci/g) 8-tNp-90 13:00 3 DEI-131 7.7E-1 1-131 6.23E-1 l

I-132 1.77E i 1-133 4.74E-1 1-134 Not detectablo I-135 1.56E-1 257803 - , . - .- . - - - - . - .,

l (3) ' Clean-up system flow history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample i in which the limit was exceeded; Date/ Time Mode Value (r.pml l

6-SEp.90 00:00 1 45 1-SEP-90 00:10 1 45  !

l 8-SEP-90 06:00 3 $0 8-SEP-90 06:20 3 49 I 8-SEP-90 09:00 3 84 (4) Craph of the I-131 concentration and one other radionuclide isotope concentration in microcuries per gram as a function of time for the  !

duration of the specific activity above the steady-state level; See Figure 1. ,

(5) The time duration when the specific activity of the primary coolent exceeded the radioiodine limitt 8-SEP-90 09:00 to 8-SEP-90 13:00, or approximately 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

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FIGURE 1 UNIT 2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM uci/mi I-131/I-132/I-133/I-134/I-135 10 * -- '


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