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Expresses Opposition to Dismantlement of Facility & Requests Public Hearing & Comment
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/03/1989
From: Bornstein R, Kulka J, Jerome Murphy
To: Carr K
Shared Package
ML19325C291 List:
NUDOCS 8910160029
Download: ML19325C294 (11)


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17;BARSTOW-ROAD - SUITE 400-4' . GREAT-NBCK, N.Y.1 11021

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(516) 487-7690 '


August 3,.1989 <

i Admirel.Kenneth Carr, Chairman-U.;S.; Nuclear Regulatory Commission  ;

'; Washington, D.C. 20555 j c

RE: Shoreham Nuclear Power Station  !

J y Daar Admiraj Carr: i

- We;aretwriting to you;in reference to the Shoreham-Nuclear K Power Station as representatives of the undersigned organizations ,

- s whose membership is concerned about the proposal to dismantle the i d Shoreham plant.

Collectively, our membership represents over 1200,000 Long Island people.


[ We an' t icipate that the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO)

will soon apply:for amendments to the Shoreham operating license 7 ,

to.converctit into a." possession onlyd licenso, to transfer the a-

" possession only" license to Long Island Power Authority (LIPA),

and to permit LIPA, with the assistance of New York Power cAuthority (NYPA), to decommission the Shoreham facility.

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- Our organizations-are strongly opposed to the dismantlement of the1Shoreham facility, and we are writing to' request-that  :

p .there:be a full-and complete opportunity for=public hearing and

comment before the NRC takes any action related to the dismantlement 1 proposal.- The Shoreham plant is of vital  !

importance in meeting critical electricity requirements of Long i Island, and it would do so in an environmentally sate and

~ economical manner. The dismat.ulement of the plant would have extremelyradverse consaquences for.the region; not only would the

, shortage of ulectric generating capacity threaten Long Island with more frequent and cxtended brownouts or blackouts, but the

-alternative assns of generating electricity will be detriuental to~the-environment and more costly to an already economically

. troubled area.

These impertant issucs should be-thoroughly ventilated in a public hearing before ;he NRC takes any additional-licensing actions affecting the future of the Shoreham facility.

We understand that, pursuant to NRC practice and procedure, a "significant hazards considerations" dotermination is normally used to decide.whether a hearing requested in connection with a proposed license amendment is held before or after the NRC acts onithe proposed amendment. See 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2239(a) ; 10 C.F.R.

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Sec.50.58, 50.91, 50.92. In this case, we believe that there.are' significant issues concerning the qualifichtions and the legal authority of LIPA and NYPA to hold an NRC license'and 1 decommission a nuclear power. plant. These issues' raise significant hazards considerations within the meaning of 10 C.F.R. Sec. 50.92. Thus, we believe that there should be an opportunity for a: hearing prior to action regarding any license transfer or decommissioning plan for the Shoreham facility.

L Even if'. no .significan^ hazards considerations were found to - ,

- exist by-the NRC Staff, we ask that the Commission exercise its t clear authority pursuant to Section 189 of the Atomic Energy Act, l~

42 U.'S.C. Sec. 2239(a), to order that there be a prior hearing.


' Such an order.vould be particularly appropriate in this case U because?of'the tremendously important issues that are raised by a

' proposal to dismantle a major new electric generating facility that could be crucial to the well being of the citizens and the economy of Long Island and New York.

In addition, we ask that an environmental impact statement l (EIS) be prepared and circulated for public comment prior to the L

NRC consideration of any of the Shoreham related requests. .Such L

an'EIS is required by the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA),

l: -42 U.S.C.~Sec. 4 332 (2) (C) , because NRC's approval of the ,


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dismantling ~of a large, newly completed power generating facility ,

-in the context of a critical energy shortage in'the-Northeast would be a " major Federal action significantly affecting-the

- quality of the human environment." There would certainly be significant. environmental and socioeconomic impacts due to the-

- fact that alternative, moro expensive, forms of' generation and/or transmission'will have to be constructed and operated as a direct result of. dismantling the plant. Moreover, there are alternatives to the proposed action, such an maintaining the plant in reserve status, which will havo less of an environmental impact, and which need to be analyzed in an EIS. ,

We also ask that the NRC not look at the individual

. licensing actions it will be asked to take regarding LILCO's application for a " possession only" license, the application to transfer-the-license to LIPA, and the application to decommission

!~ the facility,~as separate actions:for purposes of an H r environmental review or any other purposes. Rather, the individual actions requested should be vieued for what tney in reality are -- portions of one overriding request for major federal action, i.e. , permission to dismantle the Shoreham L facility. The Council on Environmental Quality regulations state i

i that, " Proposals or parts of proposals which are related to each l~

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,.. 'other closely'enoughito be, in- effect, a single crirse of action  !

shall be evaluatedLin a single impact statement." 40 C.F.R. Sec.- - 1502.4(a). See also 40 C.F.R. Sec. 1508. 25 (a) (1) (definition.of.

connected actions which must be discussed-in same EIS). Thus, i all the individual licensing actions to be requested by LILCo and LIPALwhich are parts of the Shoreham dismantlement request are cc7nected actions which should be considered together in a single EIS. 1h) allow maximum public involvement and fullest consideration of tha critical issues-involved, the hearings-requested regarding the proposeo arandments should take place i after the EIS has been published in final. form, but well before the Ccmmission takes any action.

Upon-the filing of the anticipated applications to effect the dismantlement scheme, the organizations we represent intend

.to submit-requests for hearing and petitions to intervene. In order to permit the timely filing of such petitions, we request that we be promptly notified of the filing of any such application, and be given a copy of it.


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.fi y for your consideration of o.2r requests. '

Very-truly yours, i 1 o; i


17 Barstow Road - Suite . 400 Great Neck, L.I. 11021 ,

BY: '

. 8 ffldl1 _

J,'KevinMurphy.-po-Funder L KULKA CONSTRUCTION, INC.

p 275-A Marcus Boulevard

( Hauppaige, L.I. 11788 -

o BY:

e L , acW ulka - Presidant q l,

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West Carver Street >

,. untington, L.I. 11743 l


Richard J. Borns' thin, CCE President ASSOCIATION FOR A BETTER L.Z.

l. .

48 South Service Road.

M61ville, L.. 11747 s  :

BY: ; e Michael Logrande - Exec. Director

> :r.

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l 1r. 1 n.c Gy_ 8

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89-K. Cabot Court Hauppauge, L.I. 11788 BY:

Donald Hand - Chairman 6 CITIZENS FOR'AN ORDERLY ENERGY POLICY c/o Brookhaven-National Labs Department of Physics-

, Upton, L.I. .11973 BY: /tA- 6 d[ QJ e Enna#: MaiFranz-Dpctor CITIZENS FOR'AN ORDERLY ENERGY POLICY.

c/o Brcokhaven National Labs. .

Department of Physics Upton, L.I. 11973

-! BY: 4- W - ~

) Dr. Richard Strand - Member NASSAU'SUFFOLK CONTRACTORS-6268 Jericho Turnpike - Suite 12A

'Co ck,_L.I. 1725 BY:

)M Of[ $ A f 61rt.

RobeFrt Carlino - Director

/:p OPEN, INC.

17 Cordwood Pathe Shoreham, 11786 L.lI ,

p n. . ,

BY: , N  :

^r Senq1'ard - Directer

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57 Elinor Place. -)

, Freeport, L.I.; 11520  ;



-l Herbert JaffgV- Kef:: tor J 4


2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, L.I. 11779-7329

., 7 -

BY: b' Paul Townsend Executive Vice President SCIENTISTS E ENGINEERS FOR SECURE EhERGY 570 7th Avenue - Suite 1007 -

New York,-N.Y.10018 -

NW BY: _.

Professcr-Miro M. Tudorovich #


38 Little Plains Road So Hampton .I..11968 BY: ## cM8 Edkin Sclawenk - President JUSTINE ASESCHUS REALTY 300 Hawkins Avenue  !

Lake Ronkonkoma, L.I. 11779 BY: n$J ~/ lr_nej Y stine Aleschus - Fresident


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LONG ISLAND COUNCIL FOR TOMORROW-17 Barstow Road - Suito 400 j G eat Neck,: N.Y. 11021

l.  %

BY: d~?% .

A Pdr Hug, Jr. - Co-Founder.  ;

a n I,f AW w WILLIAk J. (CANDjsE, III, ESQ.

c/o Rivkin RadYer Dunne & Bayh EAB Plaza e Uniondale, N.Y. 11556-0111 .

9 &

()b4- v?rdO J ' EPn :P. .~ t'4RLINO, ESQ.

o D'Amato Tbrchelli Libert-


chwartz Mineo.& Joseph F. Carlino . ,

" 120-Mineola Blvd.

Mineola,.N.Y. 11501


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'i c i PLUMBER 8 LOCAL 775 500 Johnson Stree

' Bohemia,- L.I. 11 16 '

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BY: C~ ' ' in , < c ((L t-; r Richard M. Lob - Business Manager ,

.7 HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 11004 Hauppauge, L.I. 11788 4

BY: a) b ,, is

,. Arthur Sanders - President





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'I.B.E.W. LOCAL'25' i 41 Pinal,3wn-Road-Melville,'L.I. 11747 E f'c . .

BY: .

/ .A hn Kennedy.- pusiness. ager


CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL 840~Ellison Avenue Westbury, L~.I. 11590 BY : .  ;


M- u O h Dave Richardson - Business Manager. -


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