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TSD-14-014, Rev. 1 - End State Surface Areas Volumes and Source Terms of Ancillary Structures
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Issue date: 06/24/2015
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ZionSolutions, LLC. ZIONSOLUTIONSuc Ali~~

Technical Support Document TSD 14-014 End State Surface Areas, Volumes, and Source Terms of Ancillary Buildings Revision 1 Page 1 of70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Summary of Changes in this Revision:

  • Rev. 1 - Rewrite: Crib House End State concrete surface areas and volumes calculated. End state void space below water table with internal structures in place recalculated. Table 36, Table 37, Table 38 were added. Table 49 was updated with the new data. Figure 21 and Figure 27 were added.

Figures were updated to show interior structures and dimensions.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table of Contents

1. PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................ 6
3. CALCULATION ........................................................................................................................... 7 3.1. Turbine Building ................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1. End State Configuration ........................................................................................ 7 3.1.2. Discharge Structure Surface Areas and Volumes ................................................. 9 3.1.3. Unit 1 and 2 Surface Areas and Volumes ........................................................... 20 3.2. Crib House ........................................................................................................... 35 3.3. Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) .......................................................... 54 3.4. Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal .................................................................... 67
4. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 70
5. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 70
6. ATTACHMENTS........................................................................................................................ 70 List of Tables Table 1 - Discharge Tunnel Wall Ceiling and Floor Surface Areas ..................................................... 12 Table 2 - Section A of Discharge Tunnel Void Space Volumes .......................................................... 14 Table 3 - Discharge Tunnel Section B Surface Areas .......................................................................... 15 Table 4 - Discharge Tunnel Section B Interior Volumes ..................................................................... 15 Table 5 - Discharge Tunnel Section B Floor Wall and Ceiling Concrete Volumes ............................. 16 Table 6 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Interior Surface Areas ............................................................. 18 Table 7 - Void Space Below Water Table Volumes of C1 through C3 ............................................... 18 Table 8 - Void Space of Section C4 and C5 ......................................................................................... 19 Table 9 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Estimated Floor, Ceiling and Wall Concrete Volumes ........... 19 Table 10 - Discharge Tunnel Calculated Surface Areas, Void Space and Concrete Volumes............... 20 Table 11 - Estimated Surface Areas for Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and Turbine Building West Hallway......................................................................................................... 21 Table 12 - Estimated Water Table Void Spaces for Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and West Hallway ................................................................................................................. 22 Table 13 - Estimated Floor and Wall Concrete Volumes for Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and West Hallway ................................................................................................................. 22 Table 14 - South Condenser Pedestal Surface Areas .............................................................................. 24 Table 15 - South Condenser Pedestal Void Space to Water Table ......................................................... 25 Table 16 - South Condenser Pedestal and North Floor Area and Wall Concrete Volumes ................... 26 Table 17 - Estimated Surface Areas for Center Discharge Area Condenser Pedestal ............................ 26 Table 18 - Center Condenser Discharge Support Pedestal Concrete Volumes ...................................... 27 Table 19 - Main Steam Tunnel Floor and Wall Surface Areas .............................................................. 28 Table 20 - Unit 1 Main Steam Tunnel Void Space Below Water Table ................................................ 30 Table 21 - Calculated Main Steam Tunnel Floor and Wall Concrete Volumes ..................................... 30 Table 22 - Common Area Floor and Wall Surface Areas ...................................................................... 31 Table 23 - Common Area Void Space Volumes Below Water Table .................................................... 33 Table 24 - Common Area Calculated Concrete Volumes ...................................................................... 34 Table 25 - Summary of Turbine Building Surface Areas, Water Table Void Spaces and Concrete Volumes ................................................................................................................ 35 Table 26 - Forebay 545' Elevation Intake Structure Surface Areas........................................................ 40 Table 27 - Forebay 545' Intake Structure Void Space Below 579' Water Table .................................... 41 Page 3 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 28 - Forebay 545 Intake Structure Estimated Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures ................................................................................................................. 42 Table 29 - Forebay Intake Structure Surface Areas Above 562' Elevation without Interior Structures ................................................................................................................. 43 Table 30 - Upper Forebay Intake Structure Void Space Below 579' Water Table without Interior Structures ................................................................................................................. 43 Table 31 - Forebay Upper Intake Structure Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures .................. 43 Table 32 - Forebay and Crib House End State Surface Areas without Interior Structures .................... 44 Table 33 - Forebay and Crib House Void Space Below 579' Water Table without Interior Structures ................................................................................................................. 44 Table 34 - Forebay and Crib House End State Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures ............. 46 Table 35 - Summary of Crib House & Forebay Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space and Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures .............................................................. 46 Table 36 - Parameters and Calculated Surface Areas for Interior Walls and Floors .............................. 51 Table 37 - Interior Concrete Parameters and Calculated Volumes ........................................................ 52 Table 38 - Parameters and Calculated Values of Void Space Volume below the Water Table with Interior Structures In Place ................................................................................................... 53 Table 39 - WWTF Northwest Area Surface Area .................................................................................. 55 Table 40 - WWTF Northwest Area Void Space Below 579' Water Table ............................................. 56 Table 41 - Concrete Volumes for WWTF Electrical Room and Filter Area End States ........................ 57 Table 42 - East and West Clarifier Surface Areas .................................................................................. 58 Table 43 - North and South Clarifier End State Concrete Volumes ....................................................... 58 Table 44 - North and South Floc Tank Surface Areas............................................................................ 59 Table 45 - WWTF North and South Floc Tank End State Concrete Volumes....................................... 60 Table 46 - WWTF Sludge Holding Tank End State Surface Areas ....................................................... 60 Table 47 - WWTF Sludge Holding Tank End State Concrete Volumes ................................................ 61 Table 48 - WWTF Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area End State Surface Areas ............................ 62 Table 49 - WWTF Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area End State Void Space Below 579' Water Table ................................................................................................................... 63 Table 50 - WWTF Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area End State Concrete Volumes .................... 63 Table 51 - Equalization Tank Surface Areas Below 588 Foot Elevation ............................................... 65 Table 52 - Equalization Tank Void Space to Water Table ..................................................................... 65 Table 53- Equalization Tank Concrete Volumes.................................................................................... 66 Table 54 - Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) Summary of Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space and Concrete Volumes ............................................................................ 66 Table 55 - Example of WWTF Abstracted Model Based on Water Table Void Space ......................... 66 Table 56 - Spent Fuel and Transfer Canal Surface Areas ...................................................................... 68 Table 57 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Void Spaces to Water Table ........................................ 69 Table 58 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Wall and Floor Concrete Volumes.............................. 69 Table 59 - Example of Abstracted Dimension for Spent Fuel Building Model ..................................... 70 Table 60 - Summary of Ancillary Building Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space, and Concrete Volumes ................................................................................................................ 70 Page 4 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 List of Figures Figure 1- Ancillary Structures .................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2 - Structures Evaluated as Part of Turbine Building Complex .................................................... 8 Figure 3 - Unit 1 Turbine Building Side ................................................................................................... 9 Figure 4 - Discharge Structure Side View ................................................................................................ 9 Figure 5 - Composite of Discharge Tunnel Dimensions ........................................................................ 10 Figure 6 - Top View of Turbine Building Floor Over Section A of Discharge Tunnel ......................... 10 Figure 7 - Side View of Section A from B-100 ...................................................................................... 11 Figure 8 - Top View of Discharge Tunnel Section A Floor ................................................................... 12 Figure 9 - Discharge Structure Section A1 - A3 Front View from B-91 ............................................... 13 Figure 10 - Section B Side View from B-100 and B-38......................................................................... 14 Figure 11 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Transition Top View .............................................................. 16 Figure 12 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Side View............................................................................... 17 Figure 13 - Turbine Building End State Unit 1 Area Example .............................................................. 21 Figure 14 - Top View of South Condenser Pedestal Area...................................................................... 23 Figure 15 - Side View of South Condenser Pedestal Area from Drawing B-90 .................................... 24 Figure 16 - Western Portion of Unit 1 Main Steam Tunnel ................................................................... 28 Figure 17 - Unit 1 East Section of Main Steam Tunnel ......................................................................... 29 Figure 18 - Turbine Building Common Area and Oil Room.................................................................. 32 Figure 19 - Common Area Floor and Transition to Auxiliary Building Floor Thickness ...................... 33 Figure 20 - Crib House and Forebay Below Grade Side View .............................................................. 36 Figure 21 - Overhead View of Crib House and Forebay Showing Flow Splitter Interior Walls ........... 37 Figure 22 - Crib House and Forebay Overhead View. ........................................................................... 38 Figure 23 - Crib House and Forebay Top View Dimensions ................................................................. 39 Figure 24 - Top View of Forebay 545' Elevation ................................................................................... 40 Figure 25 - Side View of Forebay with Dimensions .............................................................................. 41 Figure 26 - Crib House End State Side View ......................................................................................... 45 Figure 27 - Top View Unit 1 Flow Splitters from B-46 ......................................................................... 47 Figure 28 - 532' 6" Sump Behind Common Intake Splitter .................................................................... 50 Figure 29 - Waste Water Treatment Facility Top View from Drawing B-1024 .................................... 55 Figure 30 - Side View Northwest WWTF from B-1019 ........................................................................ 56 Figure 31 - Side View Northeast WWTF from B-1019 ......................................................................... 57 Figure 32- Side View Southwest WWTF End State from B-1019 ......................................................... 62 Figure 33 - WWTF Equalization Tank End State Side View from B-1019 ........................................... 63 Figure 34 - Sloped Floor Geometries for Calculation of Surface Areas ................................................ 64 Figure 35 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Overhead View .......................................................... 67 Figure 36 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Side View................................................................... 68 Figure 37 - Cask Pit Walls Floor Foot Print ........................................................................................... 69 Page 5 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this technical support document (TSD) is to calculate the end state surface areas, volumes and source terms of structures other than the Reactor Buildings and Auxiliary Building.

The ancillary buildings encompass those whose substructures below the 588 foot elevation will remain in the end state and have the basement fill model applied but will not have significant source term remaining or have not yet been characterized because they are in use. The Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal may have significant source term remaining but have not been characterized. The Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) is also in use but source terms are expected to be minimal. Turbine Building and Crib House/Forebay characterization data indicate these structures have minimal contamination as well.

2. DISCUSSION As discussed in the Reactor Building and Auxiliary Building technical support documents, (1) (2),

the Exelon and ZionSolutions Asset Sale Agreement (3) requires all systems, structures, and components (SSCs) or improvements to be removed to 3 feet below finish grade of site (e.g., 588 elevation). Scoping and characterization surveys have been performed in all the substructures that will remain in the end state except for those in the Spent Fuel Building whose end state spent fuel pool and transfer canal substructures are inaccessible. The Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings, Auxiliary Building and Spent Fuel Building end state structures are anticipated to contain the bulk of the end state radioactive source term and bound the potential future dose to the maximally exposed member of the critical group. The Containments and Auxiliary Building end state concrete has been characterized and the structures have separate detailed TSDs to estimate end state surface areas, volumes and source terms. The ancillary buildings addressed in this TSD are shown in yellow in Figure 1and consist of the Turbine Building, Crib House, Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) and Spent Fuel Building. All other site buildings such as the Service Building and Diesel Generator Buildings will not have substructures below the 588 foot elevation remaining in the end state.

Scoping and characterization surveys indicate that the Turbine Building and WWTF contain detectable source terms at this time. The Turbine Building end state source term will consist of limited, localized embedded source term in the embedded piping in the concrete floor and source term in the floor drains. The floor drain characterization data and source term estimates are discussed in TSD 14-016 on end state embedded and buried pipe and penetrations. The equipment and floor drains in the 560 foot elevation slab will remain in the end state. The source term in the concrete floor has been characterized by scanning with a floor monitor and limited collection of concrete cores.

The WWTF is an operating facility required for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance. Therefore characterization has been limited to direct radiation and removable contamination surveys. Scoping surveys and cores in the Crib House have not detected radionuclides above background.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 1- Ancillary Structures

3. CALCULATION 3.1. Turbine Building 3.1.1. End State Configuration The turbine building end state will consist of the peripheral walls of the 560 foot elevation and associated Diesel Generator Building Oil Storage rooms, steam tunnels and discharge tunnels as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. It is possible that the walls between the Diesel Generator Oil storage rooms and the Turbine Building may be removed to create better access for commodity removal.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 2 - Structures Evaluated as Part of Turbine Building Complex Page 8 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 3 - Unit 1 Turbine Building Side The Turbine Building has large concrete structures that support the Condensers, Turbine and Generators that are solid past the 588 elevation. The Circulating Water Intake and Discharge pipes are embedded in concrete above the 560 elevation. The steam tunnels are at the 570 elevation and the Diesel Generator Oil Storage rooms are at the 567 elevation. The Turbine Building sits on top of the Discharge Tunnels which also have multiple elevations as seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Discharge Structure Side View Thus, although all these areas are connected in the end state, the Turbine Building structure is complex.

3.1.2. Discharge Structure Surface Areas and Volumes The Unit 1 and 2 Discharge Tunnels are identical. As seen in Figure 2and Figure 4 the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Discharge Tunnels run from under the Turbine Building Section A where two 12 foot diameter Circulating Water discharge pipes open to the tunnel from above, dip down under the Circulating Water Intake Pipe and then up again in Section B and then the section C portion to the Page 9 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Valve House where it connects to the 14 foot diameter discharge pipe to the lake. The 14 foot diameter discharge pipe will be grouted closed at the valve house and is not considered part of the calculation. The details and dimensions of the discharge structure are provided in Drawings (DWG)

B-100, B-38 and B-39 as a composite sketch in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Composite of Discharge Tunnel Dimensions Section A is located under the Turbine Building as shown in Figure 6. A side view is provided in Figure 7.

Figure 6 - Top View of Turbine Building Floor Over Section A of Discharge Tunnel Page 10 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 7 - Side View of Section A from B-100 A top view of the Section A tunnel floor is provided in Figure 8.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 8 - Top View of Discharge Tunnel Section A Floor The calculated surface areas of the floors, ceilings and walls are provided in Table 1.

Table 1 - Discharge Tunnel Wall Ceiling and Floor Surface Areas Surface Total Area per No Surface Section Item Length ft Width ft Item ft2 Items Area ft2 A1 Floor 5.19 13.92 72.16 1 72.16 A1 Ceiling 3.67 13.92 51.03 1 51.03 A1 N & S Wall 3.78 10.17 38.43 2 76.85 A1 West Wall 13.00 8.33 108.33 1 108.33 A2 Floor & Ceiling 12.33 17.92 220.97 2 441.94 A2 N & S Wall 12.71 12.00 152.55 2 305.11 A3 Floor & Ceiling 18.50 21.00 388.50 2 777.00 A3 N & S Wall 18.50 12.00 222.00 2 444.00 A4 Floor 13.12 21.00 275.61 1 275.61 A4 Ceiling 12.50 21.00 262.50 1 262.50 A4 N & S Wall 12.50 14.00 125.00 2 250.00 Total 3064.54 The floor length of section A1the hypotenuse of a 38 by 38 triangle or the square root of 44 squared plus 44 squared or 5.19 feet. The mid-point width of A1 floor is 1311 resulting in a surface area of 5.19 feet times 13.92 feet or 72.16 square feet. The A1 ceiling is 38 by 1311 or Page 12 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 51.03 square feet. The north and south wall lengths are the square root of 38 squared plus 11 squared or 3.78 feet. Their height is the mid-point of the 38 triangle plus the 84 from the top of the slant or 102. Each walls surface rea is 3.78 feet times 10.17 feet or 38.43 square feet each.

There is also a back west wall in Section A1 that is intersected by the 48 stand pipe and the 48 Service Water Return pipe. Assuming these are plugged closed, the resulting surface rea is the 13 width times the 84 height or 108.33 square feet. As seen in Figure 9 the Discharge Tunnel is surrounded by concrete which creates a void space in the 78 foot thick 560 elevation floor and extends below it 1210.

Figure 9 - Discharge Structure Section A1 - A3 Front View from B-91 As seen in Figure 7, the length of the Section A portion of the tunnel is 126+346+17 or 64 feet long. As seen in Figure 9, 1210 is below the 7 thick 560 foot elevation floor slab. The volume uncorrected for void space is 496 + 1210 or 624 times the 1210 height and the 64 length which equals 51,196.44 cubic feet (cf).

The void space of section A1 of the tunnel is that of the bottom 38 high slant at the start of the tunnel and the 84 by 38 thick wall portion above it. As seen in Figure 8 the width changes from 13 at the start to 1410 at the junction with section A2. The slant volume is 38 by 1311 by 110 (i.e. 1/2 of 38) or 93.55 cf. All of this volume is below the 78 thick floor slab. The portion above the slant is 84 by 38 by 1311 or 425.23 cf of which 297.667 cf is below the 78 thick floor slab. Section A2 void space is 12 feet high by 124 long with a width that tapers from 1410 to 21. The void space volume is 124 by 1711 by 12 or 2,651.67 cf of which 1,289 is below the 78 thick slab. Section A3 is 186 long by 21 feet wide and 12 feet high or 4,662 cf of which 2,266.25 cf is below the 78 floor slab. Section A4 tapers downward 5466 to 5426 for a hypotenuse length of 131.5. The volume of A4 is 126 long by 21 wide by an average of 14 high or 3,675 cf of which 2,056.25 cf is below the 78 floor slab. The Section A void space volumes are summarized in Table 2.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 2 - Section A of Discharge Tunnel Void Space Volumes Total Total Total Vol in Vol Volume 7'8" Below7' per Floor Floor Section Item Length ft Width ft Height ft Item ft3 ft3 ft3 A1 Slant 13.92 3.67 1.83 93.55 0.00 93.55 A1 Above Slant 13.92 3.67 8.33 425.23 127.57 297.66 A2 17.92 12.33 12.00 2651.67 1362.66 1289.00 A3 21.00 18.50 12.00 4662.00 2395.75 2266.25 A4 21.00 12.50 14.00 3675.00 1618.75 2056.25 Totals 11507 5505 6003 The concrete volume corrected for void space is 45,193.73 cubic feet.

As seen in Figure 5 Section B of the tunnel is outside the footprint of the Turbine Building and has three changes in elevation. The tunnel floor elevation drops by 56 from 5426 to 537.

Figure 10 - Section B Side View from B-100 and B-38 The sloped ceiling of section B1 is the hypotenuse of 203 in by 56 triangle. It is the square root of 203squared plus 56 squared or approximately 21 feet. Then there is a 23 horizontal section for a total ceiling length of 23.23 feet. At 21 feet wide this equals a ceiling surface area of 487.91 square feet. The sloped floor of B1 is the hypotenuse of a 226 by 56 triangle or 23.15 feet. At 21 Page 14 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 feet wide the surface area is 486.41 square feet. The floor to ceiling height is 16 feet. The wall surface area is 226 by 16 or 360 square feet per wall.

The ceiling length of section B2 is 5 feet plus 326 plus 133 minus 23 or 506. At 21 feet wide the floor and ceiling surface area is 2,121 square feet. At 16 feet high the north and south wall surface areas are 1,616 square feet.

Section B3 rises 227 from 537 elevation to 5597. The B3 floor and ceiling length is hypotenuse of a 391.5by 227 triangle or approximately 452,plus the 43.5 horizontal section or 495.5.

At 21 feet wide this equals a total surface area of 2,077.60 square feet. The walls are 495.5 by 16 feet high or 791.47 square feet each. The interior surface areas of section B are provided in Table 3.

Table 3 - Discharge Tunnel Section B Surface Areas Surface Total Area per Surface Section Item Length ft Width ft Item ft2 No Items Area ft2 B1 Ceiling 23.23 21.00 487.91 1 487.91 B1 Floor 23.16 21.00 486.41 1 486.41 B1 N & S Wall 22.50 16.00 360.00 2 720.00 B2 Ceiling & Floor 50.50 21.00 1060.50 2 2121.00 B2 N & S Wall 50.50 16.00 808.00 2 1616.00 B3 Ceiling & Floor 49.47 21.00 1038.80 2 2077.60 B3 N & S Wall 49.47 16.00 791.47 2 1582.93 Total 9091.84 Once again the entire interior volume of Section B is below the 579 foot elevation of the water table. The interior volume is the horizontal wall lengths of each section times the 21 foot width and 16 foot height. The interior volumes of each Section are provided in Table 4.

Table 4 - Discharge Tunnel Section B Interior Volumes Total Volume per Item Section Item Length ft Width ft Height ft ft3 B1 Downward Sloping 22.50 21.00 16.00 7560.00 B2 Horizontal 50.50 21.00 16.00 16968.00 B3 Upward Sloping 49.47 21.00 16.00 16620.77 Totals 41149 The wall and floor thicknesses vary over the length of Section B. In Section B the walls are 33 thick, adding 66 to the width or 27.5 feet wide. The Floor wall and ceiling concrete volumes are summarized in Table 5.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 5 - Discharge Tunnel Section B Floor Wall and Ceiling Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Thickness per Item per Item Section Item Length ft Width ft ft ft3 No Items ft3 B1 Ceiling 22.50 27.50 4 2475.00 1 2475.00 B1 Floor 22.50 27.50 7 4331.25 1 4331.25 B1 N & S Wall 22.50 16.00 3.25 1170.00 2 2340.00 B2 Ceiling 50.50 27.50 2.5 3471.88 1 3471.88 B2 Floor 50.50 27.50 4 5555.00 1 5555.00 B2 N & S Wall 50.50 16.00 3.25 2626.00 2 5252.00 B3 Ceiling 49.47 27.50 3 4080.99 1 4080.99 B3 Floor 49.47 27.50 3.5 4761.16 1 4761.16 B3 N & S Wall 49.47 16.00 3.25 2572.26 2 5144.52 Total 31043.54 Total 37411.80 Section C of the Discharge Tunnel is the horizontal run to the Valve House where it connects the 14 foot diameter discharge pipe. The 14 foot discharge pipe will be plugged in the end state to close off contact with the lake. As seen in Figure 11, the width of the tunnel transitions from 21 feet wide to 17 feet wide and the wall thickness from 33 thick to 26 thick in Section C of the tunnel.

Figure 11 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Transition Top View Page 16 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 12 shows the side view of Section C including the valve house. Section C1 before the taper from 21 feet with to 17 feet wide starts is 3 feet long by 16 feet high and 21 feet wide. The floor and ceiling of the 7 foot long tapered section of C2 has an average with of 19 feet with wall lengths that are the square root of 7 feet squared plus 2 feet squared or 73.4. The length of the Section C3 ceiling and floor is the distance from the taper to the inner wall of the Valve House or 1527 plus the 26 width of the wall or 1551. The 1551 length times the 17 wide floor and ceiling is 2,636.42 square feet each. The north and south walls surface areas are 1551 times the 16 foot height or 2,481.33 square feet. Sections C4 and C5 will have no ceilings since remaining top elevation in the end state is the 588. The only ceiling surface area will be the bottom of the wall in C4 at the 575 elevation which is 3 feet thick and 17 feet wide or 51 square feet. The floor of C4 has a 6 feet long section that rises 2 feet from 5597 to 5617. The hypotenuse floor length is 6.32 feet. The horizontal 3 foot section at the 5617 results in a 9.32 foot long C4 floor that is 158.52 square feet.

Figure 12 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Side View The north and south walls of C4 include the 3 foot wide by 14 high portion under the wall which is 42 square feet and the mid-point height of 5607 to the 588 elevation or 275 by the 6 foot length which is 159 square feet. C4 also includes the east west walls above 5757which are 125high by 21 wide or 260.75 square feet each.

Section C5 is 12 feet long by 23 feet wide per drawing B-39. The C5 floor is 12 feet by 23 feet or 276 square feet. The north and south walls are 12 wide feet by 275 high or 329 square feet each.

The east wall of C5 with the 14 diameter pipe plugged is 23 wide by 275 high or 630.58 square feet. The west wall is the same surface area with the 14 by 17 opening from C4 subtracted or 392.58 square feet. The Section C surface areas are summarized in Table 6.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 6 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Interior Surface Areas Surface Total Area per Surface Section Item Length ft Width ft Item ft2 No Items Area ft2 C1 Ceiling & Floor 3.00 21.00 63.00 2 126.00 C1 N & S Wall 3.00 16.00 48.00 2 96.00 C2 Ceiling & Floor 7.00 19.00 133.00 2 266.00 C2 N & S Wall 7.28 16.00 116.48 2 232.96 C3 Ceiling & Floor 155.08 17.00 2636.42 2 5272.83 C3 N & S Wall 155.08 16.00 2481.33 2 4962.67 C4 Ceiling 3.00 17.00 51.00 1 51.00 C4 Floor 9.32 17.00 158.52 1 158.52 C4 N & S Wall 3.00 14.00 42.00 2 84.00 C4 N & S Wall 6.00 27.42 164.50 2 329.00 C4 E & W Wall 12.42 21.00 260.75 2 521.50 C5 Floor 12.00 23.00 276.00 1 276.00 C5 N & S Wall 12.00 27.42 329.00 2 658.00 C5 E Wall 23.00 27.42 630.58 1 630.58 C5 W. Wall 23.00 27.42 392.58 1 392.58 Total 14057.65 The void space below the water table (579 level) of Section C1 through C3 is the floor surface areas times the 16 foot tunnel height.

Table 7 - Void Space Below Water Table Volumes of C1 through C3 Total Volume Surface per Item Section Item Area ft2 Height ft ft3 C1 Pre Taper 63.00 16.00 1008.00 C2 Taper 133.00 16.00 2128.00 C3 Post Taper 2636.42 16.00 42182.67 Totals 45319 The void space volume of Section C4 is half of the 6 by 17 by 2 high section below the 5617 elevation and the volume from the 5617 inch to 579 elevation that is 175 high by 6 feet long by 17 feet wide. There is also a volume under the wall between C4 and C5 that is 3 feet long by 17 feet wide and 15 high. The void space volume in Section C5 is 12 feet long by 23 feet wide and 185 high.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 8 - Void Space of Section C4 and C5 Total Volume per Item Section Item Length ft Width ft Height ft ft3 C4 Bottom Triangle 6 17 1 102 C4 Gap to 579' 6 17 17.42 1777 C4 Under Wall 3 17 14 714 C5 To 579' 12 23 18.42 5083 Totals 7676 The Section C concrete volumes of the end state floors, walls and ceilings are summarized in Table 9.

Table 9 - Discharge Tunnel Section C Estimated Floor, Ceiling and Wall Concrete Volumes Surface Total Thickness Area per Surface Section Item Length ft Width ft ft Item ft3 No Items Area ft2 C1 Ceiling 3.00 27.50 2.5 206.25 1 206.25 C1 Floor 3.00 27.50 2.75 226.88 1 226.88 C1 N & S Wall 3.00 16.00 3.25 156.00 2 312.00 C2 Ceiling 7.00 25.50 2.5 446.25 1 446.25 C2 Floor 7.00 25.50 2.75 490.88 1 490.88 C2 N & S Wall 7.28 16.00 3.25 378.57 2 757.13 C3 Ceiling 155.08 22.00 2.5 8529.58 1 8529.58 C3 Floor 155.08 22.00 2.75 9382.54 1 9382.54 C3 N & S Wall 155.08 16.00 2.5 6203.33 2 12406.67 C4 Floor 6.00 22.00 2.75 363.00 1 363.00 C4 Floor 6.00 22.00 1 132.00 1 132.00 C4 N & S Wall 6.00 27.42 2.5 411.25 2 822.50 C4 W Wall 17.00 9.92 2.5 421.46 1 421.46 C4 East Wall 29.00 31.17 3 1997.50 1 1997.50 C5 Floor 15.00 29.00 3.75 1631.25 1 1631.25 C5 N & S Wall 15.00 27.42 3 1233.75 2 2467.50 C5 E Wall 23.00 27.42 3 1891.75 1 1891.75 Total 26020.27 Total 33253.17 The ceiling of Section C1 is 26 thick by 3 feet long. The ceiling width is the 21 foot width of the tunnel interior plus the 33 thick walls or 276 wide. The floor of C1 is 29 thick, by 3 feet long and 27.5 feet wide when the 33 wall thicknesses are included. The C1 north and south walls are 3 feet long by 33 thick by 16 feet high. The C2 tunnel ceiling is 26 thick by 7 feet long times an average width of 19 feet plus the 66 of the walls or 25.5 feet wide. The floor has the same dimensions but is 29 thick. The walls are 7.28 feet long by 16 feet high and 3.25 inches thick. The Page 19 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 ceiling of C3 is 26 thick by 1551 long. The width is 17 feet plus the 5 feet from the 26 thick walls or 22 feet. The floor is the same dimensions but 29 thick. The north and south walls are 1551 long by 16 feet high and 26 thick.

The floor of C4 is the 22 (17 + 2.5*2) foot wide 29 thick by 6 foot long section plus the 6 foot by 22 foot with a 1foot high mid-point of the sloped floor section on top of it. The horizontal portion of the floor under the east wall will be included in the concrete volume of the wall. The volume of the north and south walls is the mid-point height of 275 by the 6 foot length and the 26 wall thickness. That portion corresponding to the east wall will be calculated as part of the volume of the east wall. The west wall portion above the ceiling is 17 feet plus 5 feet for the 26 walls wide or 22 feet wide, 26 inches thick and its height is from the top of the ceiling at 5781 to the 588 elevation or 911. The east wall of C4 is 3 feet thick, 29 feet wide (i.e., width of C5 with the 3 foot wall thicknesses are included) and 312 high with a 14 by 17 opening. The floor of C5 is 29 feet wide by 15 feet long and 39 thick. The north and south walls are 15 feet long 275 high by 3 feet thick. The east wall of C5 assumes the 14foot diameter pipe that penetrates it is plugged with concrete or grout and is therefore 23 feet wide by 275 high and 3 feet thick.

The Discharge Tunnel calculated surface areas, void space below the water table and end state concrete volumes are summarized in Table 10.

Table 10 - Discharge Tunnel Calculated Surface Areas, Void Space and Concrete Volumes Interior Total Void Total End Surface Area Below Space State Section ft2 579' ft3 Concrete ft3 A 3065 11507 45193.73 B 9092 41149 37411.80 C 14058 52994 33253.17 Total 26,214 105,650 115,859 3.1.3. Unit 1 and 2 Surface Areas and Volumes The Turbine Building basement is at the 560 elevation for the Unit 1 and 2 Areas and has the Common Area between them. The Unit basement areas consist of an area where the Condenser Pedestals are on the East Side of the Building, a Hallway, the Main Steam Tunnel and the Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area on the West side as shown in Figure 13. The Unit 1 and 2 areas are mirror images of each other. Since the next floor is the 592 foot elevation and the Main Steam Tunnels will be access from above, it is assumed there are no ceilings in the Turbine Building end state structure. In order to expedite material load out and commodity removals using large excavators it is also assumed the all interior walls such as those between tanks in the Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and between the Common Area and Units 1 and 2 are removed. The only walls assumed to remain are those between the Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and the West Hallway of the Turbine Building.

The Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and West Hallway are relatively simple geometries for calculation of surface areas, void spaces and concrete volumes. The Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area floor is at the 5676 elevation making the walls 206 high to the 588. The West Hallway of the Turbine Building is at the 560 elevation making the walls to the 588 elevation 28 feet high.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 13 - Turbine Building End State Unit 1 Area Example The estimated floor and wall surface areas for the Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and West Hallway of a single Unit are provided in Table 11.

Table 11 - Estimated Surface Areas for Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and Turbine Building West Hallway Total Length Width Surface No Surface Area ft ft Area Items Area ft2 Diesel Oil Storage Room Floor 80 39.75 3180 1 3180 Diesel Oil Storage Room N&S Wall 41 20.5 840.5 2 1681 Diesel Oil Storage Room E&W Wall 83 20.5 1701.5 2 3403 West Hall Way Floor 169.25 32.5 5500.63 1.00 5500.63 West Hallway South Wall 32.5 28 910 1 910 West DG Wall 82 28 2296 1 2296 West Wall Below Main Steam Tunnel 20 10 200 1 200 Page 21 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Total Length Width Surface No Surface Area ft ft Area Items Area ft2 West Wall Adj to Aux Bld 67.25 28 1883 1 1883 Totals 16511.63 19053.63 The void space to the water table is the surface area of the floor times the distance to the 579 elevation as seen in Table 12 Table 12 - Estimated Water Table Void Spaces for Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and West Hallway Height to Length Width Water Total Volume Item ft ft Table ft per Item ft3 Diesel Oil Storage 80.00 39.75 11.50 36570.00 West Hallway Floor 169.25 32.50 19.00 104511.88 Totals 141082 The floor concrete volume calculations included the portion under the walls for the Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area. The wall volumes were from the floor elevation to the 588 end state elevation. Only the South wall of the West Hallway was considered for concrete volume since the West Wall was already included in the Auxiliary Building concrete volume estimates.

Table 13 - Estimated Floor and Wall Concrete Volumes for Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area and West Hallway Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft Width ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Diesel Oil Storage Room Floor 85.00 44.25 7.67 28836.25 1 28836.25 DG Oil Store South Wall 39.75 20.50 3 2444.63 1 2444.63 DG Oil Store North Wall 39.75 20.50 2 1629.75 1 1629.75 DG Oil Store East Wall 83.50 28.00 1.5 3507.00 1 3507.00 DG Oil Store West Wall 85.00 20.50 3 5227.50 1 5227.50 West Hallway Floor 173.25 32.50 7.67 43168.13 1 43168.13 West Hallway South Wall 32.50 28.00 4 3640.00 1 3640.00 Total 88453.25 Total 88453.25 The Condenser Pedestal Area contains massive concrete buttresses that will remain in the end state.

These consist of the North and South Circulating Water Intakes to the Condenser and the Circulating Water Discharge from the Condenser to the Discharge Tunnel in between them as shown in Figure 13. The South Condenser pedestal area extends past West Hallways southern wall and includes two large backfilled void spaces as shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15 Page 22 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 14 - Top View of South Condenser Pedestal Area Page 23 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 15 - Side View of South Condenser Pedestal Area from Drawing B-90 As seen in Figure 15 there is a 5836 concrete floor above the backfilled void spaces that will form a solid slab up to and around the key way cut out at the 572 elevation and the pit around the intake pipe on the 567 elevation. This is 762 inches by 666 or 5,065 square feet minus the keyway surface area of 22 by 9 (128 sq ft) and 16 by 33 (429 sq ft) or 4,438.08 square feet at the 5836.

The wall surface areas will be those accessible from the 560 elevation and those associated with the keyway. The 560 floor area north of the pedestal is also include in the calculations.

The North Condenser Pedestal is very similar to the South Condenser Pedestal with the exception of not having the extended length from the backfilled areas as seen in Figure 13. All the dimensions are identical with the exception of the 346 West Wall length. The calculated surface areas for the South and North Condenser Pedestal Areas are provided in Table 14.

Table 14 - South Condenser Pedestal Surface Areas Total Length Surface No Surface Area ft Width ft Area Items Area ft2 South Condenser Pedestal 583'6" Floor 76.17 66.5 4339.0833 1 4339.083 S. Cond Ped KeyWay 572' Surface Area 9 22 198 1 198 S. Cond Ped Keyway 567' Surface Area 16 33 528 1 528 S. Cond Ped West Wall with Hallway 33.25 23.5 781.375 1 781.375 S. Cond Ped N. Wall Minus 572' Opening 61.5 23.5 1192.25 1 1192.25 S. Cond Ped E&W 572' Access Walls 9 11.5 103.5 2 207 S. Cond Ped Interior 567' Key Way Walls Without 572' Access Cut out 98 16.5 1364 1 1364 Page 24 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Total Length Surface No Surface Area ft Width ft Area Items Area ft2 North 560' Floor Area 26 61.5 1599 1 1599 Totals 10105.208 10208.71 North Condenser Pedestal 583'6" Floor 34.50 66.5 1568.25 1 1568.25 N. Cond Ped KeyWay 572' Surface Area 9 22 198 1 198 N. Cond Ped Keyway 567' Surface Area 16 33 528 1 528 N. Cond Ped West Wall with Hallway 34.5 23.5 810.75 1 810.75 N. Cond Ped S. Wall Minus 572' Opening 61.5 23.5 1192.25 1 1192.25 N. Cond Ped E&W 572' Access Walls 9 11.5 103.5 2 207 N. Cond Ped Interior 567' Key Way Walls Without 572' Access Cut out 98 16.5 1364 1 1364 South 560' Floor Area 26 61.5 1599 1 1599 Totals 7363.75 7467.25 Most of the south Condenser pedestal is above the water table at 5836. Only the keyway openings are below the 579 elevation. The geometry is complicated and it is not known if the partially embedded pipe will be grouted and left below 567 elevation or not. For conservatism only, the volume above 572 elevation in the keyway will be calculated. The void space above the 560 elevation floor area north of the pedestal is also included in the calculations. The North Condenser Pedestal has identical void spaces below the water table.

Table 15 - South Condenser Pedestal Void Space to Water Table Height Total to Volume Width Water per Item Item Length ft ft Table ft ft3 S. Condenser Pedestal Above 572' 9.00 22.00 7.00 1386.00 S. Condenser Pedestal Above 572' 16.00 33.00 7.00 3696.00 S. Condenser Pedestal N 560' Floor 26.00 61.50 19.00 30381.00 Totals 35463 N. Condenser Pedestal Above 572' 9.00 22.00 7.00 1386.00 N. Condenser Pedestal Above 572' 16.00 33.00 7.00 3696.00 N. Condenser Pedestal N 560' Floor 26.00 61.50 19.00 30381.00 Totals 35463 The concrete volume of the South Condenser pedestal is the overall pedestal volume including the 78 thick floor below the 560 elevation, minus the backfill volume and the keyway volume as shown in Table 16. The 78 thick floor of the area north of the pedestal and its 5 foot thick east wall are included in the volume estimate. The configuration is the same for the North Condenser pedestal area with the exception of the shorter length and absence of backfilled areas.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 16 - South Condenser Pedestal and North Floor Area and Wall Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 S. Condenser Pedestal 76.17 66.50 30.75 155758.13 1 155758.13 Small Backfill Volume -12.50 38.00 20.17 -9580.75 1 -9580.75 Large Backfill Volume -24.75 50.50 22.17 -27709.73 1 -27709.73 572' EL Keyway -9.00 22.00 11.5 -2277.00 1 -2277.00 567' EL Keyway -16.00 33.00 16.5 -8712.00 1 -8712.00 S. Cond Pedestal N 560; Floor 26.00 66.50 7.67 13261.43 1 13261.43 S. Con Ped N 560' Fl East Wall 26.00 28.00 5 3640.00 1 3640.00 Total 124380.08 Total 124380.08 N. Condenser Pedestal 34.60 66.50 30.75 70752.68 1 70752.68 572' EL Keyway -9.00 22.00 11.5 -2277.00 1 -2277.00 567' EL Keyway -16.00 33.00 16.5 -8712.00 1 -8712.00 N. Cond Pedestal N 560; Floor 26.00 66.50 7.67 13255.67 1 13255.67 N. Con Ped S 560' Fl East Wall 26.00 28.00 5.00 3640.00 1 3640.00 Total 76659.34 Total 76659.34 The remaining condenser pedestal area is the center Circulating Water Discharge Pedestal located over the Discharge Tunnel as shown in Figure 3, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 13. As seen in Figure 6, the Discharge Pedestal is 496 long by 666 wide when the width of the 5thick east wall is included. The lowest elevation is 562 which is 38 by 496 minus the surface areas of the four 8 by 7 pedestals. The calculated surface areas for the Center Discharge Condenser Support Pedestal are provided in Table 17.

Table 17 - Estimated Surface Areas for Center Discharge Area Condenser Pedestal Total Surface Length Surface No Area Area ft Width ft Area Items ft2 Center Discharge Pedestal 562' Floor 49.50 38 1657 1 1657 Center Discharge Pedestal 580' 3/8" Pedestals 8.00 7 56 4 224 West Pedestal 588' Surface Area 49.50 14.00 693 1 693 East Pedestal 588' Surface Area 49.50 10.67 528 1 528 West Hallway Wall 49.50 28 1386 1 1386 West Pedestal Interior Wall 49.50 26 1287 1 1287 Center Discharge Pedestal 580' 3/8" Pedestals N&S Walls 8.00 26 208 8 1664 Totals 5815 7439 Page 26 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 The void space below the water table includes the 562 surface area only since the tops of the four 7 by 8 pedestal are above the 579 elevation. This is the surface area of 49.5 by 38 minus the four 7 by 8 pedestals times the height to the water table of 17 feet which equals 28,169 cubic feet.

The volume of concrete in the floor area of the center Pedestal is 496 by the 666 width times the 98 thickness of the floor minus the 5,505 cubic feet of discharge tunnel void space in Table 2.

Table 18 - Center Condenser Discharge Support Pedestal Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Center Discharge Pedestal 562' Floor 49.50 66.50 9.67 26315.52 1 26315.52 Center Discharge Pedestal 580' 3/8" Pedestals 7.00 8.00 26.00 1456.00 4 5824.00 West 588' Pedestal 49.50 14.00 26.00 18018.00 1 18018.00 East 588' Pedestal 49.50 10.67 26.00 13728.00 1 13728.00 Total 59517.52 Total 63885.52 As shown in Figure 2, each unit has a Main Steam Tunnel that runs from the west end of the containments into the Turbine Building adjacent to the Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area at the 570 elevation. The feedwater, main steam and other piping will be removed by removing the ceiling to the wall at the 588 elevation. The details of the western portion of the Unit 1 Main Steam Tunnel are provided in Figure 16.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 16 - Western Portion of Unit 1 Main Steam Tunnel The calculated surface areas of the Main Steam Tunnel floors and walls are provided in Table 19.

Table 19 - Main Steam Tunnel Floor and Wall Surface Areas Total Length Surface No Surface Area ft Width ft Area Items Area ft2 Section A Main Steam Floor 33.83 26 879.67 1 879.67 Section A Main Steam Walls 33.83 18 609 2 1218 Section B Main Steam Floor 23.08 6 138.5 1 138.5 Section B Main Steam Walls 23.08 18 415.5 1 415.5 Section C Main Steam Floor 23.00 12 276 1 276 Section C Main Steam Walls 23.00 18 414 2 828 Section D Main Steam Floor 196.00 12 2352 1 2352 Section D Main Steam Walls 196.00 18 3528 2 6840 Section E Main Steam Floor 33.83 26 879.67 1 879.67 Section E Main Steam Walls 33.83 18 609 2 1218 Section F Main Steam Floor 7.83 26 203.67 1 203.67 Page 28 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Total Length Surface No Surface Area ft Width ft Area Items Area ft2 Section F Main Steam Wall 15.80 18 284.40 1 284.40 Section G Main Steam Floor 75.50 20 1510.00 1 1510.00 Section G Main Steam Floor 34.35 2.5 85.89 1 85.89 Section G Main Steam Floor 2.00 12 24.00 1 24.00 Section G Main Steam West Wall 33.15 18 596.63 1 596.63 Section G East Main Steam Wall 75.50 18 1359.00 1 1359.00 Section H Main Steam Floor 64.25 20 1285.00 1 1285.00 Section H Main Steam West Wall 20.00 18 360.00 1 360.00 Section H Main Steam South Wall 44.25 18 796.50 1 796.50 Section H Main Steam North Wall 64.25 18 1156.50 1 1156.50 Totals 17762.91 22706.91 As seen in Figure 16, Section A is 3310 long by 26 wide, with a 26 floor. Section B equals a rectangle surface area of 231 by 6 feet (e.g., half the width). The total length of Section D is 196 feet for the South wall and 196 minus 12 or 184 for the North wall. The remaining Main Steam Tunnel configuration is shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17 - Unit 1 East Section of Main Steam Tunnel Page 29 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 The surface area of the Section F floor is equal to the surface area of 1 710 (half the 158 wall) by 26 rectangle. Section G includes the 26 setback for the west wall and the 2 foot setback for the point at which Section D ends.

Since the entire tunnel is at the 570 elevation, the void space below the water table is the floor surface area times the 9 foot depth from the water table.

Table 20 - Unit 1 Main Steam Tunnel Void Space Below Water Table Height Total to Volume Length Width Water per Item Item ft ft Table ft ft3 Section A Main Steam Floor 33.83 26 9.00 7917.00 Section B Main Steam Floor 23.08 6 9.00 1246.50 Section C Main Steam Floor 23.00 12 9.00 2484.00 Section D Main Steam Floor 196.00 12 9.00 21168.00 Section E Main Steam Floor 33.83 26 9.00 7917.00 Section F Main Steam Floor 7.83 26 9.00 1833.00 Section G Main Steam Floor 75.50 20 9.00 13590.00 Section G Main Steam Floor 34.35 2.5 9.00 772.97 Section G Main Steam Floor 2.00 12 9.00 216.00 Section H Main Steam Floor 64.25 20 9.00 11565.00 Totals 68709 The calculated concrete volumes for the floors include the wall thicknesses. The East Wall of Section G and the South wall of section H concrete volumes were included in the Diesel Generator Oil Storage Area calculation. The north wall of Section H was included in the Auxiliary Building calculation. The Section B floor is 1/2 of the 12 plus 26 West wall thickness or 7.25 feet since the floor area under the East wall is included in the Section A width. The section B wall thickness is

26. The Section D North wall is the same as the South with the 12 gap created by Section 6 subtracted.

Table 21 - Calculated Main Steam Tunnel Floor and Wall Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Section A Main Steam Floor 33.83 32 2.50 2706.67 1 2706.67 Section A Main Steam Walls 33.83 18 3.00 1827.00 2 3654.00 Section B Main Steam Floor 23.08 7.25 2.50 418.39 1 418.39 Section B Main Steam Walls 23.08 18 2.50 1038.75 1 1038.75 Section C Main Steam Floor 23.00 12 2.50 690.00 1 690.00 Section C Main Steam Walls 23.00 18 2.00 828.00 2 1656.00 Section D Main Steam Floor 196.00 16 2.50 7840.00 1 7840.00 Section D Main Steam Walls 196.00 18 2.00 7056.00 2 13680.00 Section E Main Steam Floor 33.83 32 2.50 2706.67 1 2706.67 Section E Main Steam Walls 33.83 18 3.00 1827.00 2 3654.00 Page 30 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Section F Main Steam Floor 7.83 32 3.00 752.00 1 752.00 Section F Main Steam Wall 15.80 18 3.00 853.20 1 853.20 Section G Main Steam Floor 75.50 23 2.00 3473.00 1 3473.00 Section G Main Steam Floor 34.35 2.5 2.00 171.77 1 171.77 Section G Main Steam Floor 2.00 12 2.00 48.00 1 48.00 Section G Main Steam West Wall 45.15 18 2.00 1625.25 1 1625.25 Section H Main Steam Floor 68.25 20 2.00 2730.00 1 2730.00 Section H Main Steam Wall East 20.00 18 4.60 1656.00 1 1656.00 Total 38247.69 Total 49353.69 The Common Area of the Turbine Building lies between each Unit 1 and 2. It contains a large sump as seen in Figure 18.

Table 22 - Common Area Floor and Wall Surface Areas Total Length Surface No Surface Area ft Width ft Area Items Area ft2 Common Area Floor minus Fire Sump 137.50 103.83 13818.08 1 13359.08 Common Area West Wall 137.50 28 3850.00 1 3850.00 Common Area East Wall 49.00 28 1372.00 2 2744.00 Oil Room Floor 47.60 38 1808.80 1 1808.80 Oil Room North and South Walls 34.00 28 952.00 2 1904.00 Oil Room East Wall 39.50 28 1106.00 1 1106.00 Fire Sump Floor 19.13 24 459.00 1 459.00 Fire Sump Walls N&S to 549'4" EL 19.13 10.67 204.00 2 408.00 Fire Sump Walls E&W to 549'4" EL 24.00 10.67 256.00 2 512.00 Fire Sump Pump Area Walls Interior 549'4" EL 4.00 10.67 42.67 3 128.00 Fire Sump Pump Area Walls Exterior 549'4" EL 5.00 10.67 53.33 2 106.67 Fire Sump Pump Area Walls Exterior 549'4" EL 6.00 10.67 64.00 1 64.00 Fire Sump Walls N&S to 540'4" EL 7.00 9.00 63.00 2 126.00 Fire Sump Walls E&W to 540'4" EL 7.00 9.00 63.00 2 126.00 Totals 24111.88 26701.55 The sump interior is 191.5 wide and 24 long. There is a 7 by 7 opening below which the sump floor is at 5404. The rest of the sump is at 5494 and is covered by a 28 thick slab. It is assumed the slab will be removed in the end state to create access to the sump. There is a 4 by 4 portion of the sump enclosed by one foot thick walls. The surface areas for the elevator pit, valve pits and other sumps were not included in the estimated surface areas, void space or concrete volume calculations.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 18 - Turbine Building Common Area and Oil Room The void space to the water table included the fire sump volume and the volume taken up by the 29 2 by 4 by 2 support columns along the common wall with the Auxiliary Building and the Common Area South, East and North Walls was subtracted from the void space volume. For conservatism the void space volume of the elevator pit other valve pits and sumps were not included in the void space volume. The calculated void space volumes for the Common Area are provided in Table 23.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 23 - Common Area Void Space Volumes Below Water Table Height Total to Volume Width Water per Item Item Length ft ft Table ft ft3 Common Area 137.50 103.83 19.00 271264.58 Oil Room 39.50 38 19.00 28519.00 Fire Sump 19.13 24 10.67 4896.00 Fire Sump 7.00 7 9.00 441.00 29 Columns On Interior Walls -2.00 8 19.00 -8816.00 Totals 305121 As seen in the upper sketch of Figure 3 the floor is thicker under the Common Area and under approximately 65.25 feet of the Unit 1 West Hallway along the 262 length of the Auxiliary Building wall. The floor also increases in thickness at the transition to the Auxiliary Building basement as seen in Figure 19.

Figure 19 - Common Area Floor and Transition to Auxiliary Building Floor Thickness This extends approximately 13 feet under the Common Area and West Hallway Area floors. An additional 4 feet is added to the length of the Common Area to account for portions of the floor Page 33 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 under the wall. The calculated concrete volumes of the Common Area floors and walls and of the increased slab thickness are summarized in Table 24.

Table 24 - Common Area Calculated Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Length Thickness Volume per No per Item Item ft Width ft ft Item ft3 Items ft3 Common Area Floor 137.50 107.83 14.67 217463.89 1 217463.89 Common Area East Wall 49.00 28 4.00 5488.00 2 10976.00 Oil Room Floor 47.50 38 14.67 26473.33 1 26473.33 Oil Room North and South Walls 34.00 28 4.00 3808.00 2 7616.00 Oil Room East Wall 39.50 28 4.00 4424.00 1 4424.00 Fire Sump Floor Void 19.13 -24 10.67 -4896.00 1 -4896.00 Fire Sump Floor Void 7.00 -7 9.00 -441.00 2 -882.00 Fire Sump Pump Area Walls Exterior 549'4" EL 4.00 4.00 1.00 16.00 2 32.00 Fire Sump Pump Area Walls Exterior 549'4" EL 6.00 4.00 1.00 24.00 2 48.00 Total Columns On Interior Walls 2.00 4 28.00 224.00 29 6496.00 Slope Along Wall G 262.79 10.85 4 11409.54 1 11409.54 Five Foot Slab Along Wall G 262.79 8.85 5 11634.01 1 11634.01 Overlap Under Unit 1 62.65 32.50 7 14251.93 1 14251.93 Total 289879.69 Total 305046.69 The void space created by the Fire Sump was subtracted from the volume and the additional volume created by the twenty nine 2 by 4 foot columns that extend 28 feet from the 588 to 560 were included in the concrete volume.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 25 - Summary of Turbine Building Surface Areas, Water Table Void Spaces and Concrete Volumes Total Total Water Concrete Total Table Void Volume Surface Volume per per Item Item Area ft2 Item ft3 ft3 Unit 1 Discharge Tunnel 26214 105650 115859 Unit 1 Diesel Oil Storage 8264 36570 41645 Unit 1 West Hallway 10790 104512 46808 Unit 1 S. Condenser Pedestal 10209 35463 124380 Unit 1 N. Condenser Pedestal 7467 35463 76659 Unit 1 Center Discharge Pedestal 7439 28169 63886 Unit 1 Main Steam Tunnel 22707 68709 49354 Common Area 26702 305121 305047 Unit 2 Discharge Tunnel 26214 105650 115859 Unit 2 Diesel Oil Storage 8264 36570 41645 Unit 2 West Hallway Floor 10790 104512 46808 Unit 2 S. Condenser Pedestal 10209 35463 124380 Unit 2 N. Condenser Pedestal 7467 35463 76659 Unit 2 Center Discharge Pedestal 7439 28169 63886 Unit 2 Main Steam Tunnel 22707 68709 49354 Total TB Values 2.13E+05 1.13E+06 1.34E+06 Without Discharge Tunnel 1.60E+05 9.23E+05 1.11E+06 3.2. Crib House The Crib House is located east of the Turbine Building and houses the Circulating Water Pumps and Service Water Pumps. As seen in Figure 20 and Figure 22, the lower elevation of the Crib House is open to the Forebay where the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Circulating Water Intake Pipes and the Ice Melting Lines are located.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 20 - Crib House and Forebay Below Grade Side View Since end state will require removal of all materials above the 588 elevation and only structural materials and embedded piping and components can remain. The Service Water Pumps, Circulating Water Pumps and the associated interior structures will be removed. The overall layout is shown in Figure 20. The yellow highlighted walls are interior walls whose surface areas and volumes are calculated separately and then subtracted from the water table void space. As seen in Figure 21, there are flow splitters that also constitute interior walls highlighted in yellow.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 21 - Overhead View of Crib House and Forebay Showing Flow Splitter Interior Walls Figure 22 shows the hollowed out structure that will be used to calculate the surface area, concrete volume and void space of the overall shell with no interior floors or walls. Then the interior floor and wall surface areas, concrete volumes will be calculated and added to the shell totals. The concrete volumes below the water table will be subtracted from the void space.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 22 - Crib House and Forebay Overhead View.

Pipes will be cut at the wall penetrations and those that are buried and will remain such as the Service Water Header and Circulating Water pipes will be plugged to prevent communication with the Forebay and end state structures such as the Discharge Tunnels, Turbine Building and Auxiliary Building. The top view dimensions are shown in Figure 23.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 23 - Crib House and Forebay Top View Dimensions The side view dimensions of the Forebay are provided in Figure 25. This shows a lower section with a floor at the 545 elevation that is 16 feet high. As seen in Figure 23 and Figure 24, 545 elevation consists of three fan shaped openings with flow splitting concrete structures in the middle of them. The calculated surface areas for the 545 elevation of the Forebay intake structure are summarized in Table 26. As seen in Figure 24 the fan shaped floor areas surface area is equal to a 266 by 32 foot rectangle. The north and south walls of each fan are the square root of 32 squared and 106 squared or 33.68. At a 16 height each walls surface area is 538.86 square feet. There are two center points that extend four of the six north and south fan walls past the interior of side of the east wall of the Forebay. This additional wall length is the square root of 136 squared plus 39 squared or 14.01 feet when multiplied by the 16 foot height the surface area is 224.18 square feet for the additional length of each of these four sides.

There are two side and one center flow splitters. Each flow splitter consists of a rectangular center section and east and west triangular point. As seen in Figure 24, the wall between the triangular sections is 4 feet wide by 16 feet high. The length of the triangular walls are the square root of 7 squared plus 2.5 squared or 7.43 feet. This equals a surface area of 119.93 square feet for each side of the east and west points of the diamond. The walls between the triangular sections of the center flow splitter has center side 82.25 by 16 feet high for 131 square feet per side. The east and west points have the same 7 by 2.5 dimensions as the points on the side flow splitters.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 24 - Top View of Forebay 545' Elevation The remaining interior surface areas consist of the 16 by 16east wall of the fan that will be formed when the Circulating Water intake pipes are grouted closed and the 226 section on the north and south sides of the structure.

Table 26 - Forebay 545' Elevation Intake Structure Surface Areas Total Surface Surface Length Width Area No Area Area ft ft ft2 Items ft2 Side Intake Floor 26.5 32 848 3 2544 Intake Wall N&S Walls 33.68 16 538.86 6 3233.1 Center Point 14.01 16 224.18 4 896.7 Side Flow Splitter 4 16 64.00 4 256.0 Side Flow Splitter Points 7.43 16 118.93 8 951.4 Center Flow Splitter 8.19 16 131.00 2 262 Center Flow Splitter Points 7.43 16 118.93 4 475.7 Intake East Wall Plugged Pipe 16 16 256 3 768 West Wall Interior 22.5 16 360.00 2 720.0 Totals 2659.89 10107 Page 40 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 The void space created by the fan shaped intakes is below the 579 water table. The volume taken up by the south, center and north flow splitters is subtracted from the fan shaped volume as seen in Table 27.

Table 27 - Forebay 545' Intake Structure Void Space Below 579' Water Table Total Height Volume Length Width to Water per Item Item ft ft Table ft ft3 Three Intake Areas 26.50 32.00 16.00 40704.00 South Flow Splitter -5.00 11.00 16.00 -880.00 Center Flow Splitter -5.00 15.19 16.00 -1215.20 North Flow Splitter -5.00 11.00 16.00 -880.00 Totals 37729 Figure 25 - Side View of Forebay with Dimensions Page 41 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 As seen in Figure 25, the floor under the 545 intake structure is 9 thick minus the 7 by 3 and 1.5 by 3 sections. The floor length and width, including the foot print under the walls is 179 long by 21 wide. The volume is 179 by 21 by 9 minus the 179 x 3 by 8.5 area or 29,699.25 cubic feet.

The north and south walls of each fan shaped opening are 2 feet thick equaling 1,077.72 cubic feet of concrete per wall. The volume of the center points of the two fans which extend past the interior wall 136 by 39 by 16 each. The volumes of the flow splitters were described above. The west portion of the interior wall is 4 feet thick and is split into 4 parts by the fan shaped openings. The south and north portions are 22.5 by 4 by 16 high. There is an approximately 4 by 5 by 16 section in each of the two center points on either side of the center fan shaped opening.

The east wall is 3 feet thick and has a north and south section 275 inches long by 16 high. There are two 233 long sections adjacent to the center fan shaped opening. There is also the 16 by 16 by 2 thick wall formed once the 16 diameter Circulating water pipes are sealed at the east side of each fan shaped opening. The calculated concrete volumes for the 545 section of the Forebay intake structure are shown in Table 28.

Table 28 - Forebay 545 Intake Structure Estimated Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures Concrete Total Volume Concrete Length Width Thickness per Item No Volume Item ft ft ft ft3 Items per Item ft3 Intake Area 21.00 179.00 9.00 29669.25 1 29669.25 N&S Walls 33.68 16.00 2 1077.72 6 6466.30 Center Points 13.50 16.00 3.75 810.00 2 1620.00 South Flow Splitter 5.00 11.00 16.00 880.00 2 1760.00 Center Flow Splitter 5.00 15.19 16.00 1215.20 4 4860.80 North Flow Splitter 5.00 11.00 16.00 880.00 1 880.00 West Wall Interior 22.50 16.00 4 1440.00 2 2880.00 Center Point West Wall 4.00 16.00 5 320.00 2 640.00 East Wall Ends 27.42 16.00 3 1316.00 2 2632.00 East Wall Interior 23.26 16.00 3 1116.40 2 2232.80 Intake East Wall Plugged Pipe 16 16 2 512.00 3 1536.00 Totals 39236.57 55177.15 As seen in Figure 25, there is a floor above the fan shaped intakes at the 562 elevation. This floor is 14 by 171 or 2394 square feet as seen in Table 29. The walls extend from 588 to 562 or 26 and creates an interior void space below the 570 water table of 14 by 171 by 17 or 40,698 cubic feet as seen in Table 30. Twenty seven feet of the interior wall in the Forebay above the fan shaped openings was not included in the 545 elevation section which went to a height of 16 feet. The remaining surface area of the east Forebay interior wall is 171 by 27 or 4,617 cubic feet.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 29 - Forebay Intake Structure Surface Areas Above 562' Elevation without Interior Structures Total Length Width Surface No Surface Area ft ft Area Items Area ft2 Forebay Intake 562' Floor 14 171 2394 1 2394 Forebay Intake 562' Interior N&S Walls 14 26 364 2 728 Forebay Intake 562' Interior E&W Walls 171 26 4446 2 8892 Forebay Intake 562' Exterior W Wall 171 27 4617 1 4617 Totals 11821 16631 Table 30 - Upper Forebay Intake Structure Void Space Below 579' Water Table without Interior Structures Height to Water Table Total Volume per Item Length ft Width ft ft Item ft3 Forebay Intake 562' 14 171 17 40698 The concrete volume of the upper floor is 21 wide by 179 long and 3 feet thick equaling 11,277 cubic feet as seen in Table 31.

Table 31 - Forebay Upper Intake Structure Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Forebay Intake 562' Floor 21 179 3.00 11277 1 11277 Forebay Intake 562' Interior N&S Walls 26 14 4.00 1456 2 2912 Forebay Intake 562' E Wall 26 179 3.00 13962 1 13962 Forebay Intake 562' W Wall 26 179 4.00 18616 1 18616 Totals 45311.0 46767.0 As seen in Figure 25, the Forebay floor drops 8 feet in elevation from the 545 to the 537 elevation.

The floor is 6511 inches long by 171 wide for a surface area of 11,271.75 square feet. The north and south walls extend from the 588 to a mean elevation of 541 or 47 such that each wall has a surface area of 3,078.5 square feet. As seen in Figure 26 the floor of the Crib House extends 7911 to the west wall, resulting in a 13,665.75 square foot surface area. The north and south walls extend from 588 to 537 or 51 resulting in a surface area of 4,075.75 square feet per wall. The west wall once all the penetrations are sealed will have a surface area of 51 by 171 or 8,721 square feet as seen in Table 32.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 32 - Forebay and Crib House End State Surface Areas without Interior Structures Total Length Width Surface No Surface Area ft ft Area Items Area ft2 Forebay Floor 65.92 171 11271.75 1 11271.75 Forebay South & North Walls 47 65.50 3078.50 2 6157.00 Crib House Floor 79.92 171 13665.75 1 13665.75 Crib House South & North Walls 51 79.92 4075.75 2 8151.50 Crib House West Wall 51 171.00 8721.00 1 8721.00 Totals 40812.75 47967.00 The void space below the water table for the Forebay and Crib House are shown in Table 33.

Table 33 - Forebay and Crib House Void Space Below 579' Water Table without Interior Structures Height to Total Water Volume Length Width Table per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Forebay 65.50 171 38 425619.00 Crib House 79.92 171 42 573961.50 Totals 999581 Page 44 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 26 - Crib House End State Side View As seen in Figure 25, most of the sloped Forebay floor is 66 thick with the exception of a small section that is 9 thick and 46 long near the Forebay intake structure. The bevel is 26 by 26 such that the additional volume of this small section equals 9 minus 66 or 26 thick by 59 long and 179 wide or 2,573 cubic feet. The Forebay floor is 6511 long by 179 wide and 66 thick or 73,266 cubic feet. The additional volume at the seam where the Forebay floor meets the Crib House floor is approximated by a rectangle 16 by 179 by 36 thick. The Crib House floor is 6 feet thick and the walls are 4 feet thick.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 34 - Forebay and Crib House End State Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Additional Volume for Forebay 9' Thick Section 5.75 179 2.50 2573 1 2573 Forebay Floor 65.92 179 6.50 76694 1 76694 Additional Crib House Steam Volume 16 179 3.50 10024 1 10024 Forebay South & North Walls 47 65.50 4.00 12314 1 12314 Crib House Floor 83.92 179 6.00 90127 1 90127 Crib House South & North Walls 51 83.92 4.00 17119 1 17119 Crib House West Wall 51 171.00 4.00 34884 1 34884 Totals 243734.7 243734.7 The Forebay and Crib House end state surface areas, void space below the water table and concrete volumes are summarized Table 35 - Summary of Crib House & Forebay Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space and Concrete Volumes without Interior Structures Total Water Total Total Table Void Concrete Surface Volume per Volume Item Area ft2 Item ft3 per Item ft3 Forebay Intake Structure 545' 10107 37729 55177 Forebay Intake Structure 562' 16631 40698 46767 Forebay and Crib House End State 47967 999581 243735 Total Crib House Void Space 7.47E+04 1.08E+06 3.46E+05 The surface areas and concrete volumes of the interior walls and floors will be added to the Table 35 values. The surface area parameters and calculated surface areas of the internal walls and floors are provided in Table 36, concrete volumes are in Table 37. The calculation described below resulted in an additional 73,812.5 square feet above the 74,705 square feet calculated for the area with no interior walls. This is a factor of 1.99 higher than the hollowed out structure.

As seen in Figure 26, the basket wall behind the stop log guide is 25 feet tall from the 588 foot to the 565 foot elevation. Figure 21 and Figure 23 show that it spans the entire 171 foot interior width of the forebay. This equals a 3,933 square foot surface area for each side or 7,866 square feet total.

Fourteen feet is below the 570 foot elevation water table and the wall is 2 feet thick creating a void space of 4,788 cubic feet that will have to be subtracted from the overall void space volume if the wall remains in the end state. The overall concrete volume is 7,866 cubic feet of concrete.

As seen in Figure 22, there are also Circulating Water Pump intake flow splitters that have surface areas and volumes that need to be calculated if they remain in the end state. As seen in Figure 22Error! Reference source not found. there is a common splitter between Units 1 and 2 and each unit has three channels that are the same for Unit 1 and Unit 2. The details of the Unit 1 channel and flow splitter layout are provided in Figure 27.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 27 - Top View Unit 1 Flow Splitters from B-46 The portions of the splitter walls past on the Forebay side (East Side) of the Stop Logs extend from the 537 floor elevation to the 565 foot elevation or 28 feet. As seen in the case of the Common splitter on the right of the figure, it extends 20 feet past the stop log guide resulting in a side surface area of 560 square feet per side. The top is 7 feet wide resulting in a surface area of 140 square feet and a concrete volume of 3920 cubic feet that must be subtracted from the void space below the water table.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 There is a center flow splitter in each of the three channels whose height is at the 565 foot elevation.

There are three per unit or 6 total. Each splitter is 13 feet long and 28 feet high equaling a surface area of 364 square feet per side or 4,368 square feet for all 12 sides. Each center flow splitter is 3 feet wide resulting in a top surface area of 39 square feet which is 234 square feet for all 6 center flow splitters. The concrete volume is 1,092 cubic feet per center flow splitter or 6,552 square feet for all 6. This volume is subtracted from the volume below the water table.

There are two flow splitters per unit that are 15 11 3/8 (15.95 feet) long past the stop logs. At 28 feet high per side this equals 446.54 square feet per side or 3,572 square feet for both units.

Drawing B-46 and B-47 show the tunnel flow splitters to be 3 feet thick for 47.84 square feet per top portion that is past the stop locks equaling 191.38 square feet for both units. This equals 1,339.63 cubic feet per channel flow splitter or 5,358.5 for all four. This volume will be subtracted from the overall void space if they are left in place.

The portions of the common and channel flow splitters inboard of the stop logs (West) to the Circ Water Pump tunnel intake at the slanted wall extend to the 588 foot elevation or 51 feet high. The distance from the stop logs to the pump intake tunnel is 36 6. This equals 1,861.5 square feet per side for the common flow splitter and top surface area of 255.5 square feet. The concrete volume of the common flow splitter west of the stop logs is 13,030.50 cubic feet or which 10,731 cubic feet is below the water table.

The two channel splitters per unit are 3 feet thick and extend the same distances and elevations on the west side of the stop log to the circulating pump intake tunnel, also equaling 1.861.5 feet per side or 14, 892 square feet for all 8 sides for both units. The channel splitters are 3 feet thick equaling a total top surface area of 438 square feet for all four. The volume of each is 5584.5 cubic feet or 22338 cubic feet for all four of which 18,648 is below the water table.

Each of the three channels has a slanted wall this 25 4 wide. As seen in Figure 26, the slanted portion of the wall is from 579 3 to 552 3 or a 27 foot drop. The base of the triangle is 13 feet across as determined by dimensions on drawing B-53. The hypotenuse is 29.97 feet. The straight piece is 599 to 5793or 8.25 feet long. The surface area of the straight portion of each channel is 221.67 square feet per side with each of the 6 tunnel total have an interior and exterior surface this is 2,660 square feet for both units. Each slanted portion of the channel has a surface area of 759.16 square feet minus the 49.38 square feet of the 83 by 6 service water pump openings or 709.78 square feet for a total of 8,517.3 square feet for all 12 sides of both units. Each wall is 2 feet thick resulting making the volume of the concrete 29.97 puss 8.75 or 38.72 feet by 25.33 feet by 2 feet minus 49.38 square feet by 2 feet for the opening which equals 1862.88 cubic feet per tunnel or 11,177.3 cubic feet for all six tunnels. Nine feet of the wall is above the water table making the length below the water table 29.72 feet resulting in 9,626.42 cubic feet below the water table.

The side walls and the back walls of the Service Pump areas also have surface areas requiring calculation. As seen in Figure 26, the sides of the Service Pump housing have rectangular section 13 feet deep by 8.75 feet or 113.75 square feet per side which is 1365 square feet for all 12 side areas.

The concrete volume is an extra 2 feet wide on the front and 4 feet wide on the back. The four tunnel flow splitting walls are three feet thick. The rectangular side walls are 3 feet thick for a concrete volume of 840 cubic feet per wall or 3360 cubic feet for all four for both units. The Common splitter wall rectangular portion is 13 by 8.75 by 7 feet thick or 367.5 cubic feet of Page 48 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 concrete. Since the 8.75 feet goes to the 579 3 and the water table is at the 579 none of this volume is in the water table.

As seen in Figure 26, the triangle section extends from approximately 579 3 to 553 3 or 26 feet.

It has a 13 foot base, making the surface area 1/2 26 by 13 feet or 169 square feet which is 2,028 for all twelve sides. The concrete volume of the two channel sides is 1/2 of 19 feet by 26 feet by 3 feet thick or 741 cubic feet for one and 2964 cubic feet for all four. Since only three inches is above the water table it can all be considered below the water table. The Common splitter has the same dimensions but with a 7 foot thickness equaling a concrete volume of 1,729 cubic feet which is subtracted from the void space below the water table.

The back wall of each service pump area is 25 4 wide and from the 588 from elevation to approximately the 555 6 elevation or 823.33 square feet for each tunnel area resulting in 4,940 square feet for all 6 channel areas. The volume of the back walls is 25 4 by 32 6 by 4 thick or 329.33 cubic feet per channel resulting in 19,760 cubic feet for all 7 channels. The amount below the water table is 23.5 by 25.33 by 4 feet for 6 channels or 14,288 cubic feet. The outer wall concrete volumes were included in the volume calculated for the shell.

The Circulating water intake tunnels extend from the 537 to the 549 6 or 12 6. As seen in Figure 27, there is a slanted portion with 6 5 base and 14 height whose hypotenuse is 15.40 feet resulting in a surface area of 192.51 square feet per side or 2310.07 square feet for all 12. The floor and ceiling surface areas of the funnel area are 12 6 plus the 3 2.5 with a midpoint of the 6 5 or 15.71 feet by 14 feet each. This equals 219.92 feet per floor surface which is 2369 square feet for all 12 floors and walls. The walls are 2 feet thick with the centers filled with sand. The concrete volume of each wall is 15.4 feet by 12.5 feet by 2 feet or 385.01 cubic feet per wall which is 4620.13 cubic feet for all 12 walls. There are two triangle shaped sand filled areas for each unit that are 12 6 high, by 65on a side wide by 14 feet. This results in a void space sand volume of 4,491.67 cubic feet for all four areas. The common area is 7 11 by 14 feet of sand or 1385.42 cubic feet. The additional concrete on the outer walls is 6 5 by 14 by 126 or 1,129.55 cubic feet.

There is also a rectangular portion of each intake tunnel which is where the pump veins are. There are two side walls that are 15 3 long by 12 6 high which is 190.63 square feet per wall or 2287.5 for all 12. The side walls are also 2 feet thick with rest of the volume being filled with sand. The side walls are 381.25 cubic feet each or 4575 cubic feet for all 12. The back walls are 2 feet thick on the interior surface of the cubicles as shown on B-56 Section TT. They have sump areas on the back side that range in bottom elevations from 556 to 532 bottom floor elevations. The interior walls of the circ water pump intake tunnels are 126 by 12 6 or 156.25 square feet or 937.5 square feet for all 6. At two feet thick this equals 1875 cubic feet of concrete for all 6.

The floors are 126 by 15 3 or 1143.75 square feet for all 6. The concrete volume has already been calculated as part of the floor slab. The ceiling is a slab with 6 holes for the Circ Water Pumps that average 8 6 in diameter the bottom of the cone has an approximate radius of 73. Each ceiling surface area is 126 by 15 3 minus the 7 3 radius of the opening or 25.5 square feet per ceiling which is 152.97 square feet for all 6 ceilings.

The concrete floor of the tunnels run under is 171 feet wide by 29.25 feet wide with 6 circulating water pump shaft openings with an average radius of 4 3. The slab is 558 minus 549 6 or 8.5 Page 49 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 feet thick. This is 39,634.48 cubic feet when the cone shaped opening volume of the 6 pumps is subtracted.

As seen in B-44 and Figure 26, each sump area has a 3 by 3 hatch. There are 7 sump areas in all when the one behind the common splitter is included. The 552 elevation floor is 113 wide by 171 feet long equaling 1860.75 square feet when the hatches are subtracted. The surface area on the drop from the 558 elevation to the 552 3 elevation is 171 by 5.25 feet or 920.25 square feet.

Figure 28 - 532' 6" Sump Behind Common Intake Splitter The 552 3 elevation floor slab is 2 feet thick by 171 feet long by 113 wide with 7 3 by 3 hatch openings or 3271.5 cubic feet.

Six of the sump areas are approximately at elevation 6365 with one at 632 6. The six sumps areas are 12 by 126 inside minus the 3 foot by 3 foot hatch opening for 141 square feet each or 846 square feet for all 6. The sump area floors are 12 by 12 6 or 150 square feet each for 900 Page 50 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 square feet for all 6. The average depth of the 6 sumps is 636 5. The side walls are 13.88 feet deep. The surface area of each side wall is 12 feet by 13.88 feet or 166.6 square feet per wall or 1,666 square feet for the 10 side walls whose surface areas were not part of the hollowed out shells surface area down to the 537 elevation. The front walls and back walls are 13.88 feet high by 126 wide or 173.54 square feet each. This is 1,041.25 square feet for the 6 front walls. The back walls surface area was already included in the calculation of the hollowed out shells surface area. The 7 lower depth adds 12 by 12 6 by 0.58 or 525 cubic feet for all 6 sumps. The added concrete volume consists of 8 interior walls, not counting the common sump walls 12 by 2 feet by 13.88 feet high or 333.2 cubic feet per interior wall or 2665.60 cubic feet for all 8. No credit will be taken for the extra 6.5 foot thickness on the side walls since it cant be verified on the drawings. The 532 6 common sump ceiling area is 15 10 by 12 feet minus the 3 by 3 hatch or 181 square feet. The floor is 15.8 by 12 feet or 190 square feet. The interior side walls are 17.75 feet by 12 feet or 213 square feet each or 426 square feet total. At two feet thick, this equals 426 cubic feet per wall or 852 cubic feet total. The additional void space below the water table is 958 cubic feet.

Void space volume taken up by 6 the rectangular sand filled areas is 21 9 inches long by 11 10 wide to the 537 elevation or 2445 square feet each with 9780.25 square feet for all four. The common area rectangular sand is 15.25 feet long by 15.83 wide by 9.50 feet deep or 2293.85 cubic feet.

As seen in Table 36 the interior concrete was 73,812.5 square feet in addition to the 7.47E+04 square feet in Table 35. This increased the estimated surface area to 148,518 square feet by a factor of 1.99.

Table 36 - Parameters and Calculated Surface Areas for Interior Walls and Floors Total Surface No Surface Area Length ft Width ft Area Items Area ft2 Basket East Wall 23 171 3933 2 7866 Common Flow Splitter East of Stop Logs Sides 20 28 560 2 1120 Center Common Flow Splitter East of Stop Logs Top 20 7 140 1 140 Center Flow Splitter Sides 13 28 364 12 4368 Center Flow Splitter Top 13 3 39 6 234 Channel Flow Splitters Past Stop Logs 15.95 28 446.54 8 3572.33 Channel Flow Splitters Past Stop Logs 15.95 3 47.84 4 191.38 Common Flow Splitter West of Stop Logs Sides 36.5 51 1861.50 2 3723.00 Common Flow Splitter West of Stop Logs Top 36.5 7 255.50 1 255.50 Channel Flow Splitters Past West of Stop Logs Sides 36.5 51 1861.50 8 14892 Channel Flow Splitters Past West of Stop Logs Tops 36.5 3 109.50 4 438 Slanted Wall Traveling Screen Slanted 29.97 25.33 759.16 12 9109.9 Traveling Screen Straight 8.75 25.33 221.67 12 2660 Service Water Opening 8.23 6 -49.38 12 -592.56 Page 51 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Total Surface No Surface Area Length ft Width ft Area Items Area ft2 Service Pump Sides Rectangle 13 8.75 113.75 12 1365 Service Pump Sides Triangle 13 26 169 12 2028 Service Pump Back Walls 32.5 25.33 823.33 6 4940 Circ Pump Intake Tunnel Slanted Walls 12.5 15.40 192.51 12 2310.07 Circ Pump Intake Funnel Floors and Ceilings 15.71 14.00 219.92 12 2639 Circ Pump Intake Side Walls 12.50 15.25 190.63 12 2287.5 Back Wall Circ Water Pump Intake Tunnels 12.5 12.50 156.25 6 937.5 Floor Circ Water Pump Intake Tunnels 15.25 12.50 190.63 6 1143.75 Intake Tunnel Ceiling 15.25 12.50 25.50 6 152.97 552 Foot Elevation Floor 11.25 171.00 1860.75 1 1860.75 Wall 558 to 552 3" 5.75 171.00 920.25 1 920.25 Sump Area Ceilings 12.5 12.00 141.00 6 846 Sump Area Floors 12.5 12.00 150.00 6 900 Sump Side Walls 13.88 12 166.6 10 1666 Front and Back Sump Walls 13.88 12.5 173.54 6 1041.25 Common Sump Area Ceiling 15.8 12.00 181 1 181 Common Sump Area Floor 15.8 12.00 190 1 190 Common Sump Area Side Walls 17.75 12 213 2 426 Totals 73812.5 Crib House Totals 121779.55 Overall Total 148518 Increase 1.99 As seen in Table 37 the interior concrete increased the estimated concrete volume by a factor of 1.46.

Table 37 - Interior Concrete Parameters and Calculated Volumes Concret Total e Concrete Volume Volume Lengt Widt Thicknes per No per Item Item h ft h ft s ft Item ft3 Items ft3 171.0 2.00 Basket East Wall 23.00 0 7866.00 1 7866.00 Center Common Flow Splitter East of Stop Logs 20 7 28 3920.00 1 3920.00 Center Flow Splitter 13 28 3 1092.00 6 6552.00 Channel Flow Splitters Past Stop Logs 15.95 28 3 1339.63 4 5358.50 13030.5 Common Flow Splitter West of Stop Logs 36.5 51 7 0 1 13030.5 Channel Flow Splitters Past West of Stop Logs 36.5 51 3 5584.50 4 22338 Page 52 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Concret Total e Concrete Volume Volume Lengt Widt Thicknes per No per Item Item h ft h ft s ft Item ft3 Items ft3 Channel Tunnel Sloped and Straight 11177.3010 Traveling Screen Wall 38.72 25.33 2 1862.88 6 3 Service Side Wall for Tunnel Splitters Rectangular 19.00 8.75 3 840.00 4 3360.00 Common Splitter Wall Rectangular of Service Pump Sides 19.00 8.75 7 2346.75 1 2346.75 Service Side Wall for Tunnel Splitters Triangular 19.00 26 3 741.00 4 2964.00 Common Splitter Wall Triangular of Service Pump Sides 19.00 26 7 1729.00 1 1729.00 Back Service Pump Area Concrete Volume 32.50 25.33 4 3293.33 6 19760.00 Triangle Sand Filled Areas 14.00 12.50 6.42 1122.92 4 4491.67 Outer Fan Shaped Walls Additional Concrete 6.45 14 12.5 1129.55 1 1129.55 Circ Pump Intake Side Walls 12.50 15.25 2 381.25 12 4575.00 Back Wall Circ Water Pump Intake Tunnels 12.5 12.50 2 312.50 6 1875.00 39634.4 Ceiling Slab over Cir Pump Intake Tunnel 29.25 8.5 171 8 1 39634.48 552' 3" Floor Slab over Sumps 11.25 171 2 3721.50 1 3721.50 Interior Sump Walls 12.00 13.88 2.00 333.20 8 2665.60 Common Sump Area Side Walls 17.75 12 2.00 426.00 2 852.00 Totals 159346.85 Crib House Totals 403081.51 Overall Total 505025.66 Increase 1.46 The void space below the water table decreased by a factor of 0.86 due to the concrete and sand volume below the water table shown in Table 38.

Table 38 - Parameters and Calculated Values of Void Space Volume below the Water Table with Interior Structures In Place Height to Total Total Width Water Volume per Volume per Item Length ft ft Table ft Item ft3 Item m3 Basket East Wall -171.00 2.00 14.00 -4788.00 -135.58 Center Common Flow Splitter East of Stop Logs -20 7 28 -3920.00 -111.00 Center Flow Splitters (6) 13 28 3 -6552.00 -185.53 Channel Flow Splitters Past Stop Logs 15.95 28 3 -5358.5 -151.74 Common Flow Splitter West of Stop Logs 36.5 7 42 -10731 -303.87 Channel Flow Splitters Past West of Stop Logs 36.5 3 42 -18648 -528.05 Page 53 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Height to Total Total Width Water Volume per Volume per Item Length ft ft Table ft Item ft3 Item m3 Channel Tunnel Sloped and Straight Traveling Screen Wall 25.33 2 29.72 -9626.42 -272.59 Service Side Wall for Tunnel Splitters Triangular 19.00 3 26 -2964 -83.93 Common Splitter Wall Triangular of Service Pump Sides 19.00 7 26 -1729 -48.96 Back Service Pump Area Concrete Volume 25.33 4 23.5 -14288 -404.59 Funnel shaped Walls 14.00 12.50 6.42 -4491.67 -127.19 Triangle Sand Filled Areas 6.42 14 12.5 -4491.67 -127.19 Common Triangle Sand Filled Area 7.92 14 12.5 -1385.42 -39.23 Outer Fan Shaped Walls Additional Concrete 6.45 14 12.5 -1129.55 -31.99 Circ Pump Intake Side Walls 15.25 2 12.50 -4575 -129.55 Back Wall Circ Water Pump Intake Tunnels 12.50 2.00 12.50 -1875 -53.09 Ceiling Slab over Cir Pump Intake Tunnel 29.25 8.5 171 -39634.48 -1122.32 552' 3" Floor Slab over Sumps 11.25 171 2 -3973.50 -112.52 Sump Additional Void Space 12.00 12.50 0.58 525.00 14.87 Interior Sump Walls 12.00 13.88 2.00 -2665.60 -75.48 Common Sump Area Side Walls 17.75 12.00 2.00 -852.00 -24.13 Common Sump Area Additional Void Space 17.75 12.00 4.50 958.50 27.14 Rectangular sand areas 21.75 11.83 9.50 -9780.25 -276.95 Common Area Rectangular Sand 15.25 15.83 9.50 -2293.85 -64.95 Totals -154269.40 -4368.42 Crib House Totals 845311.10 23936.54 Overall Total 923737.897 26157.344 Ratio 0.86 0.86 3.3. Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF)

The Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) end state consists of concrete settling and equalization tanks, clarifiers and floculant (floc) and sludge tanks with sloped bottoms as seen in the top view of the WWTF basement in Figure 29. Most of the end state concrete below the 588 elevation is above the 579 water table. The floors of the structures will be perforated to ensure they can equilibrate with the water table and will not overflow the structure at the 588 elevation.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 39 - WWTF Northwest Area Surface Area Total Length Width Surface No Surface Area ft ft Area Items Area ft2 Electrical Area Floor 23.5 11 258.5 1 258.5 Electrical Area E&W Walls 23.50 0.5 11.75 2 23.5 Electrical Area N&S Walls 11.00 0.5 5.50 2 11.0 Filter Area Floor 34 26 884.00 4 3536.0 Filter Area Sump N&S Walls 3.00 4.75 14.25 2 28.5 Filter Area Sump E&W Walls 5.00 4.75 23.75 2 47.5 Filter Area N&S Walls 34.00 10 340.00 2 680 Filter Area E&W Walls 26.00 10 260.00 2 520 Totals 1797.75 5105 The Electrical Room floor is 236 by 11 and is at the 5876 level such that it is above the water table and only six inches below the 588 end state. The Filter Tank area is 34 by 26 and is located at the 578 elevation; it has a 3 by 5 sump at the 5734 elevation. This results in the surface areas shown in Table 39.

Figure 29 - Waste Water Treatment Facility Top View from Drawing B-1024 As seen in Figure 30 the Filter Area 34 by 26 floor is slightly below the 579 water table at the 578 elevation. The 3 by 5 sump floor is 5.75 below the main floor at 5733.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 30 - Side View Northwest WWTF from B-1019 This results in a void space below the water table of 2,723 cubic feet as seen in Table 40.

Table 40 - WWTF Northwest Area Void Space Below 579' Water Table Height Total to Volume Length Width Water per Item Item ft ft Table ft ft3 Filter Area Floor 34.00 26.00 1.00 884.00 Filter Area Sump 3.00 5.00 5.75 86.25 Totals 970 The Electrical Room floor is 8 inches thick as seen in Figure 30 with one foot thick walls as seen in Figure 29. The East wall concrete volume of the Electrical Room is included as part of the Filter Area concrete volume. The Filter Area floor is 14 thick. The walls are 1 thick as seen in Figure 29 and Figure 30. The concrete volumes of the Electrical Room and Filter Area are shown in Table 38.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 41 - Concrete Volumes for WWTF Electrical Room and Filter Area End States Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Electrical Area Floor 23.5 11 0.67 172.33 1 172.33 Electrical Area N&S Walls 11.0 0.5 1 5.50 2 11.00 Electrical Area West Wall 23.5 0.5 1 11.75 1 11.75 Filter Area Floor 34 26 1.33 1178.67 1 1178.67 Filter Area Sump N&S Walls 3.00 4.75 1.00 14.25 2 28.50 Filter Area Sump E&W Walls 5.00 4.75 1.00 23.75 2 47.50 Filter Area N&S Walls 34.00 10 1.00 340.00 2 680.00 Filter Area E&W Walls 26.00 10 1.00 260.00 2 520.00 Totals 2006.25 2649.75 As seen in Figure 29 and Figure 31 the northeast portion of the WWTF contains two (north and south) Clarifiers and Floculant Tanks and a single Sludge Holding Tank. Each Clarifier consists of a mildly sloped floor that drops from the 585.54 elevation to 585.25 elevation after 27.5 (30 2.5-3) and is 8 wide. There is then a pit with angled east and west walls and a 26 wide floor. A 6 opening in the East wall above the pit allows flow to the Floculant Tank. The sloped floor length is the square root of the 27.5 feet squared plus the 0.29 drop squared or 27.502 feet resulting in a floor surface area of 220.01 square feet per clarifier. The surface area of the west wall of each clarifier is the 8 width by the 588 minus 585.54 height or 2.46 feet which equals 19.68 square feet per clarifier. The surface area of the north and south walls above the sloped floor are the 276 lengths by the average depth of 2.605 feet or 71.64 square feet per wall. The north and south walls above the Clarifier Pits are 76 long with a 2.75 depth below the 588 elevation equaling 20.63 square feet per wall.

Figure 31 - Side View Northeast WWTF from B-1019 Page 57 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 The East wall of the clarifier pit has a depth of the 588 elevation to 585.67 elevation with a 6 opening for a depth of 1.83 feet, with an 8 foot width this equals 14.64 square feet. The west face of each Clarifier Pit slopes with a length equaling the square root of 2 squared plus 5.25 squared or 5.62 feet long. At an 8 width this equals 44.94 square feet each. The east wall slopes from the 585.67 elevation to the 580 elevation pit bottom. The length is the square root of 3 squared plus 5.67 squared 6.41 feet resulting in a surface area 51.32 square feet each. The Clarifier Pit floor is 2.5 by 8 feet or 20 square feet. The east and west walls of the pit are made up of two triangles and a rectangles as seen in Figure 31. The average width of the pit is 1 plus 2.5 plus 1.5 or 5 feet. The depth is 5.25 feet resulting in a surface area of 26.25 feet per wall. There is an additional surface area created by the 6 opening to the Floc Tank. The top and bottom are 10 by 8 and the sides are 6 by 10. The north and south Clarifier Surface areas are summarized in Table 42.

Table 42 - East and West Clarifier Surface Areas Total Surface Length Width Surface No Area Area ft ft Area Items ft2 Clarifier 585' Floor 27.502 8 220.01 2 440.02 Clarifier W Wall 8 2.46 19.68 2 39.36 Clarifier N & S Wall Above Floor 27.50 2.605 71.64 4 286.55 Clarifier N & S Wall Above Pit 7.50 2.75 20.63 4 82.5 Clarifier E Wall 8 1.83 14.64 2 29.28 Clarifier Pit West Face 5.62 8 44.94 2 89.9 Clarifier Pit East Face 6.41 8 51.32 2 102.6 Clarifier Pit Floor 2.50 8 20.00 2 40.0 Clarifier Pit N&S Walls 5.00 5.25 26.25 4 105 Top and Bottom Floc Tank Opening 0.83 8 6.67 2 13.3 Sides Floc Tank Opening 0.50 0.833 0.42 2 0.8 Totals 496.19 1229.41 Since the lowest Clarifier elevation is the 580 elevation of the pit, there is no void space below the 579 water table. The concrete volume of the south wall of the south Clarifier is included in the Equalization Tank concrete volume, resulting in a two 8 foot wide floors and three 10 wide wall thicknesses since the north wall has an additional 10 outer layer making it 20 thick. This results in 186 width across both Clarifiers. The concrete volume under the sloped floor is 27.502 feet long by 18.5 feet wide and 1 thick or 508.78 cubic feet. The calculated Clarifier concrete volumes are provided in Table 43.

Table 43 - North and South Clarifier End State Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Clarifier 585' Floor 27.50 18.50 1 508.78 1 508.78 Clarifier W Wall 18.50 2.46 1 45.51 1 45.51 Page 58 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Clarifier N & S Wall Above Floor 27.50 2.605 0.83 59.70 3 179.09 Clarifier N & S Wall Above Pit 7.50 2.75 0.83 17.19 3 51.56 Clarifier E Wall 18.50 1.83 0.83 28.21 1 28.21 Clarifier Pit West Face 5.25 18.50 2 194.25 1 194.25 Clarifier Pit East Face 5.67 18.50 2.33 244.76 1 244.756 Clarifier Pit Floor 2.50 18.50 1 46.25 1 46.25 Clarifier Pit N&S Walls 5.00 5.25 0.83 21.88 2 43.75 Totals 1166.52 1342.16 The volumes of the walls above the pit are as described in the surface area calculation with a 1 foot thickness for the West wall and 20 thicknesses for the north wall, and 10 thickness for the south and east walls. As seen in Figure 31, the west wall of the Clarifier Pit has an average width of 2 with a depth of 53 and this concrete spans the 18.5 width for a volume of 194.25 cubic feet.

Similarly the East wall of the pit has an average width of 16 plus 10 or 2.33 feet with a depth of 5.67 which with a 18.5 width equals 244.76 cubic feet. Between the walls, the pit floor is 2.5 feet long by 18.5 wide and 1 thick. The north and south walls of the clarifier are 10 thick the north wall has an additional 10 thick outer layer as seen in Figure 29.

The north and south Floc Tanks are 6 feet long by 8 feet wide and 16 deep. The west wall has a 6 opening and is only 1 feet deep. The Floc Tank Surface Areas are shown in Table 44.

Table 44 - North and South Floc Tank Surface Areas Total Length Width Surface No Surface Area ft ft Area Items Area ft2 Floc Tank Floor 6.00 8 48.00 2 96.00 Floc Tank W Wall 8 1 8.00 2 16 Floc Tank E Wall 8 1.5 12.00 2 24 Floc tank N & S Wall 6.00 1.5 9.00 4 36 Totals 77.00 172.00 Since the Floc tank bottoms are at the 5866 elevation there is no void space below the 579 water table. As with the clarifiers the southernmost wall concrete volume is calculated as part of the Equalization Tank concrete volume. The length of the 10 floor slab that is not included in the wall volumes is 610. The Floc Tank west wall volume was included in the Clarifier volume. The east wall volume is calculated as part of the Sludge Holding Tank volume. The Floc Tank north and south walls are 10 thick and 6 long by 16 deep. The outer wall of the north wall includes an additional 10 thick portion.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 45 - WWTF North and South Floc Tank End State Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Floc Tank Floor 6.83 18.5 0.83 105.35 1 105.35 Floc tank N & S Wall 6.00 1.5 0.83 7.50 3 22.50 Totals 112.85 127.85 The Sludge Holding Tank walls slope from the 587.5; to 583 as seen in Figure 29and Figure 31.

The tank interior is 11 by 1610. The floor is 3 by 5 as seen on drawing B-1018. The west wall has a top width of 1610 and a bottom width of 5 for an average width of 1610 minus 5 feet equals 1110 half of which is 511 thus the average width is 5 of the sump plus 511 on either side of it or 1011. The top of the sloped walls are 46 above the 583 floor at the 5876 elevation and the wall extends 9 to the sump floor. The length of the wall is the square root of 4.5 feet squared plus 9 feet squared or 9.18 feet. The surface area of the Sludge Holding Tank west wall is 100.2 square feet. The East wall also has an average width of 1011 but is vertical with a height of 46 for a surface area of 49.13 inches. The East and West walls are 11 at the top and 3 at the bottom for an average width of 7. The length of each wall is the square root of 511 squared plus 46 squared or 7.43 feet. There is also a 6 band below the 588 that is above the top of sloped walls at 5876.

Table 46 - WWTF Sludge Holding Tank End State Surface Areas Total Surface Length Width Surface Area Area ft ft Area No Items ft2 Sludge Holding Tank Floor 3.00 5 15.00 1 15 West Wall 9.18 10.92 100.20 1 100.20 East Wall 4.5 10.92 49.13 1 49.13 North and South Walls 7.43 7.00 52.03 2 104.07 East and West Walls Above 587'6" 0.5 16.83 8.42 2 16.83 North and South Walls Above 587'6" 0.5 11.00 5.50 2 11.00 Totals 230.28 296.23 There is no void space below the water table associated with the sludge holding tank. The floor slab is 1 thick and has a length that is the west wall thickness of 10 plus 11 plus the east wall 14 thickness or 13.17 long. The slab width is the 1610tank interior plus the 20 thick north wall or 18.5. The west wall has an 8 length at the base, thus the average width across the 46 height is 4 feet with an additional 10 for the west wall making the length 410. The average interior width is 1011 as described above plus the additional 20 thickness of the north wall portion or 12.58.

With a 46 height this equals a concrete volume of 273.69 cubic feet. The wall has an 11 top and a 3 bottom for an average length of 7 feet plus the 1 thick east wall equals 8. The height is 46 and the width is the 20 north wall thickness plus half the 511base or an average width of 4.63 feet.

The sloped south wall is the same as the north except that the 1 thick portion of the south wall is Page 60 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 part of the Equalization Tank volume so the average width is half the 511 base or 2.96. The east wall has the same average length as the west wall at 12.58 with a 46 height and 1 thickness.

There are also the remaining 6 portions of the walls above the 5876 top of the sloped walls. The end state concrete volumes for the WWTF Sludge Holding Tank are provided in Table 47.

Table 47 - WWTF Sludge Holding Tank End State Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Sludge Holding Tank Floor 13.17 18.50 1.00 243.58 1 243.58 Sloped West Wall 4.50 12.58 4.83 273.69 1 273.69 Sloped North Wall 4.50 8.00 4.63 166.50 1 166.50 Sloped South Wall 4.50 8.00 2.96 106.50 1 106.50 East Wall 4.50 12.58 1.00 56.63 1 56.63 East and West Walls Above 587'6" 18.50 0.50 1.00 9.25 2 18.50 North Wall Above 587'6" 11.00 0.50 1.67 9.17 1 9.17 Totals 865.31 874.56 As seen in Figure 29, the southern half of the WWTF consists of the Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area and the Equalization Tank. As seen in Figure 32, only western portion of the slab is above the 588 end state. The Oil Skimming Area is 21 wide by 34 long and slopes from the 577.58 elevation on the west end to the 577.33 elevation on the east end. This is a 3 drop in elevation. The length of the floor area is the square root of 34 squared plus 0.25 squared or 34.001 feet. The average height of the north and south walls of the oil skimming area are 588 minus 577.455 (e.g. 577.33 plus 0.125) or 10.66.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 32- Side View Southwest WWTF End State from B-1019 The west wall is 21 wide by 10.42 high and the south wall is 21 wide by 10.67 feet high. The Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area end state surface areas are provided in Table 48.

Table 48 - WWTF Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area End State Surface Areas Total Surface Length Width Surface No Area Area ft ft Area Items ft2 Oil Skimming Area Floor 34 21 714.02 1 714.02 Oil Skimming Area North and South Walls 34 10.66 362.35 2 724.71 Oil Skimming Area West Wall 21 10.42 218.82 1 218.82 Oil Skimming Area East Wall 21 10.67 224.07 1 224.07 Totals 1519.26 1881.62 The bottom of the area is slightly below the 579 water table with an average bottom depth of 577.455. The average depth 1.54 below the water table results in a 1,103.13 cubic foot void space as seen in Table 49 Page 62 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 49 - WWTF Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area End State Void Space Below 579' Water Table Height Total to Volume Length Width Water per Item ft ft Table ft Item ft3 Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area 34.00 21.00 1.54 1103.13 The floor slab is 14 thick for most of the length, but transitions to 110 thick starting at 4 west of the east wall. The slab extend 1 past the 1 thick west wall making it 36 long. The north and south walls are 1 thick making the slab 23 wide. The average increase in thickness across the 4 feet at which the slab transitions from 14 to 110 is 3 inches. The transition concrete volume to the east wall is 4 by 23 by 0.25 or 23 cubic feet.

Table 50 - WWTF Equalization Tank Oil Skimming Area End State Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Sludge Holding Tank Floor 36.00 23.00 1.33 1104.00 1 1104.00 Sludge Holding Tank Floor Transition 4 23.00 0.25 23.00 1 23.00 Oil Skimming Area North and South Walls 34.00 10.66 1 362.35 2 724.71 Oil Skimming Area West Wall 21 10.42 1 218.82 1 218.82 Oil Skimming Area East Wall 21.00 10.67 1 224.07 1 224.07 Totals 1932.25 2294.60 Figure 33 - WWTF Equalization Tank End State Side View from B-1019 Page 63 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 As seen in Figure 29 and Figure 33 the Equalization Tank floor slopes from 577.3 to the top of a 10 by 4 sump at 577. The sloped floors can be broken up into geometries as shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34 - Sloped Floor Geometries for Calculation of Surface Areas For G1a the surface area is equal to a rectangle with a width of 1.5 feet or half the 3 foot width. The length corrected for the equals the square root of the 0.3 inch slope is the square root of 282 square plus 0.3 feet squared or 2.817 feet. Using this methodology the surface of the Equalization Tank below the 588 foot was calculated as seen in Table 51.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 51 - Equalization Tank Surface Areas Below 588 Foot Elevation Total Surface Length Width Surface Area Area ft ft Area No Items ft2 G1a Equalization Tank W Sloped Floor 28.17 1.5 42.25 1 42.25 G1b Equalization Tank W Sloped Floor 28.17 10 281.68 1 281.68 G1c Equalization Tank W Sloped Floor 28.17 8.25 232.39 1 232.39 G2a Equalization Tank N Sloped Floor 28.17 1.5 42.46 1 42.46 G2b Equalization Tank N Sloped Floor 3.01 4 12.06 1 12.06 G2c Equalization Tank N Sloped Floor 3.01 10.75 32.41 1 32.41 G3a Equalization Tank E Sloped Floor 21.50 1.5 32.25 1 32.25 G3b Equalization Tank E Sloped Floor 21.50 10 215.02 1 215.02 G3c Equalization Tank E Sloped Floor 21.50 8.25 177.39 1 177.39 G4a Equalization Tank S Sloped Floor 16.50 10.75 177.40 1 177.40 G4b Equalization Tank S Sloped Floor 16.50 4 66.01 1 66.01 G4c Equalization Tank S Sloped Floor 16.50 14.08 232.41 1 232.41 G5 Equalization Tank Sump Floor 4.00 10 40.00 1 40.00 Sump N&S Walls 4.00 2 8.00 2 16.00 Sump E&W Walls 10.00 2 20.00 2 40.00 Equalization Tank N&S Walls 53.67 10.7 574.23 2 1148.47 Equalization Tank E&W Walls 29.50 10.7 315.65 2 631.30 Totals 2501.63 3419.52 The void space below the water table can be calculated by breaking the Equalization Tank into 3 parts. The rectangular volume from the top of the sloped floors at 577.3 ft to the water table at 579 foot elevation. The volume from the top of the sloped floor at 577.3 ft to the top of the sump at 577 ft. This is the same as the volume of a rectangular volume source with a height of 0.15 feet. The void space of the sump from the 575 foot bottom elevation to the 577foot elevation, as seen in Table 52.

Table 52 - Equalization Tank Void Space to Water Table Total Height to Volume Length Width Water per Item Item ft ft Table ft ft3 Equalization Tank Above 577.3 ft EL 53.67 29.50 1.70 2691.38 Equalization Tank Sloped Floors 53.67 29.50 0.15 237.48 Equalization Tank Sump Void Space 10.00 4.00 2 80.00 Totals 3009 As seen in Figure 33, the floor slab under the tank is 1 foot 10 inches (i.e., 1.83 ft) thick, except for the area surrounding and directly below the sump which is thicker. As seen in Figure 29 and Figure 33, the walls are 1 foot thick.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 53- Equalization Tank Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 Equalization Tank Main Floor Slab Floor 55.67 31.50 1.83 3214.75 1 3214.75 Main Floor Slab Sump Void Space -4 10.00 1.83 -73.33 1 -73.33 Sump Area Tapered E&W 2.33 3.50 10.00 81.67 1 81.67 Sump Area Tapered N&S 2.33 3.50 9.00 73.50 1 73.50 Sump Area Side E&W 2.33 2.50 10.00 58.33 2 116.67 Sump Area Ends N&S 2.33 2.50 9.00 52.50 2 105.00 Volume Directly Below Sump 4.00 10.00 2.17 86.67 1 86.67 Equalization Tank N&S Walls 53.67 10.7 1.00 574.23 2 1148.47 Equalization Tank E&W Walls 29.50 10.7 1.00 315.65 2 631.30 Totals 4383.97 5384.68 The end state surface area, void space below the water table and concrete volumes for the WWTF are summarized in Table 54 Table 54 - Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) Summary of Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space and Concrete Volumes Total Water Total Table Void Concrete Total Volume Volume Surface per Item per Item Item Area ft2 ft3 ft3 WWTF NW Electrical and Filter Area 5105 970 2656 WWTF NE Clarifiers 1229 0 1342 WWTF NE Floc Tanks 172 0 128 WWTF NE Sludge Holding Tank 296 0 875 WWTF SW Oil Skimming Area 1882 1103 2295 WWTF SE Equalization Tank 3420 3009 5385 WWTF Totals 1.21E+04 5.08E+03 1.27E+04 The abstracted model for the WWTF assumes an overall elevation of 577 and a water table void space of 5082.24 cubic feet and a 47.35 by 53.67 length and width as seen in Figure 29.

Table 55 - Example of WWTF Abstracted Model Based on Water Table Void Space Height Void to Space Floor Length Water to WT Description Elev ft ft Width ft Area ft2 Table ft ft3 Waste Water Treatment Facility 577 47.35 53.67 2541.12 2 5082.24 Page 66 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 3.4. Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal The Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal are the only end state structures below the 588 elevation in the Spent Fuel Building (SFB). The 3/16 stainless steel liner on the Transfer Canal and Spent Fuel Pool will be removed in the end state. The Transfer Canal is in communication with Units 1 and 2 Containments from the fuel transfer tubes at the 5786 elevation as seen in Figure 35. The transfer chute between the canal and pool is at the 592 elevation. Since everything above the 588 elevation will be removed in the end state the Transfer Canal will be isolated from the Spent Fuel Pool unless the 6 foot thick wall between them is perforated.

As seen in Figure 35 and Figure 36, the Transfer Canal and Spent Fuel Pool floors are at the 576 foot elevation. The Spent fuel pool walls are 6 feet thick.

Figure 35 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Overhead View The east wall of the Transfer Canal is 53 thick. The cask pit has two walls extending into the pool that are 93 long and tapers from 16 thick to 4 thick. The surface areas for the walls and floors are shown in Table 56. The cask pit slanted walls lengths are 9.58 ft (the square root of 9.25 ft squared plus 2.5 ft squared) as seen in Figure 37.

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TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Table 56 - Spent Fuel and Transfer Canal Surface Areas Total Length Width Surface No Surface Area ft ft Area Items Area ft2 West Wall 59 12 708 1 708 East Wall 63 12 756 1 756 South Wall 33 12 396 1 396 North Wall 29 12 348 1 348 Cask Pit Straight Wall 9.25 12 111 2 222 Cask Pit Ends 1.5 12 18 2 36 Cask Pit Slant 9.58 12 114.98 2 229.97 Pool Floor Covered by Cask Pit Walls 9.25 -5.5 -50.88 1 -50.88 Pool Floor 63 33 2079 1 2079 Transfer Canal East and West Walls 105.79 12 1269.5 2 2539 Transfer Canal North and South Walls 4 12 48 2 96 Transfer Canal Floor 4 105.79 423.17 1 423.17 Totals 6220.77 7782.26 Figure 36 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Side View The West Wall and North Wall lengths are the 63 feet minus 4 feet and 33 feet minus 4 feet to account for the surface are covered by the cask pit walls. The area of the floor covered by the cask pit walls is 4+16 multiplied times 93as seen in Figure 37 Page 68 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 Figure 37 - Cask Pit Walls Floor Foot Print The void space to the water table at 579 is calculated using the pool and canal floor surface areas in Table 56 as shown in Table 57.

Table 57 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Void Spaces to Water Table Height Total Floor to Volume Surface Water per Item Area ft2 Table ft Item ft3 Spent Fuel Pool 2028.13 3.00 6084.38 Transfer Canal 423.17 3.00 1269.50 Totals 7353.88 As seen in Figure 36, the floor under most of the Spent Fuel Pool is 4 feet thick and increases to 6 feet thick near the Transfer Canal. The concrete volumes of the walls and floors are shown in Table 58.

Table 58 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Wall and Floor Concrete Volumes Total Concrete Concrete Volume Volume Length Width Thickness per Item No per Item Item ft ft ft ft3 Items ft3 West Wall 63 12 6 4536 1 4536.00 East Wall 105.79 12 6 7617 1 7617.00 South Wall 39 12 6 2808 1 2808.00 North Wall 39 12 6 2808 1 2808.00 Cask Pit Walls 9.25 12 2.75 305.3 2 610.50 Pool Floor 51 33 4 6666 1 6666.00 Pool Floor 12.50 33 6 2475 1 2475.00 Transfer Canal East Wall 105.8 4 5.25 2222 1 2221.63 Transfer Canal Floor 105.8 15.25 6 9680 1 9679.94 Totals 39116.81 39422.06 Page 69 of 70

TSD 14-014 Revision 1 The dimensions of a potential abstracted model of the Spent Fuel Building are provided in Table 59.

Table 59 - Example of Abstracted Dimension for Spent Fuel Building Model Height Void to Space Floor Length Width Floor Water to WT Description Elev ft ft ft Area ft2 Table ft ft3 Spent Fuel Building 576 38.91 63 2451.29 3 7353.88

4. CONCLUSION As seen in Table 60, the ancillary buildings include structures with low contamination levels and large surface areas and void spaces. The Spent Fuel Pool, Transfer Canal and WWTF will require additional characterization when their use is discontinued.

Table 60 - Summary of Ancillary Building Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space, and Concrete Volumes Total Wall Total Total and Floor Water Water Surface Table Void Table Void Total Area ft2 Volume to Volume to Concrete below 588' 579 ft per 579 ft per Volume per Structure Elevation Item ft3 Item m3 Item ft3 Unit 1 Containment Liner Only 2.97E+04 230,881 6,538 Unit 2 Containment Liner Only 2.97E+04 230,881 6,538 Auxiliary Building 7.00E+04 1,003,735 28,423 5.20E+05 Turbine Bld, Main Steam Tunnel, Diesel Oil 1.60E+05 922,893 26,133 1.11E+06 Unit 1 Discharge Tunnel 2.62E+04 105,650 2,992 1.16E+05 Unit 2 Discharge Tunnel 2.62E+04 105,650 2,992 1.16E+05 Crib House and Forebay 1.49E+05 923,738 26,157 5.05E+05 Waste Water Treatment Facility 1.21E+04 5,082 144 1.27E+04 Spent Fuel Building 7.78E+03 7,354 208 3.94E+04 Totals 3.81E+05 2.07E+06 5.86E+04 1.90E+06

1. TSD 14-013 Zion Auxiliary Building End Sate Estimated Concrete Volumes, Surface Areas, and Source Terms.
2. TSD 13-005 Unit 1 &2 Reactor Building Estimated End State Concrete and Liner Volumes and Surface Areas.
3. Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 And 2 Asset Sale Agreement, December 11, 2007.
6. ATTACHMENTS None Page 70 of 70