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Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-244/88-22. Licensee Denies Violation.Disagrees That Addition of Tygon Tubing to Condensate Storage Tanks Constitutes Such Change. Info Supporting Denial Encl
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1989
From: Mecredy R
To: Russell W
NUDOCS 8901200046
Download: ML17261A821 (30)

See also: IR 05000244/1988022










Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Rochester G 05000244~~AUTH.,NAME



Rochester Gas a Electric Corp.RECIP.NAME



Region 1, Ofc of the Director SUBJECT: Responds to violations

noted in Insp Rept 50-244/88-22

RGE t denies violation.Supprorting



t ENCL t SIZE:/TITLE:.General (50 Dkt)-Insp Rept/Notice

of Violation Response NOTES:License

Exp date in accordance

with 10CFR2,2.109(9/19/72).









MANcJ G ILE 02 COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1/h TERNAL: LPDR NSIC 1 1 1 1 NRC PDR REST MARTIN,D 1 1 1 1 R I D NOXE'IO ALL'RIDS" RECZPIENIS:



~eg EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.Y.14649.0001

January 6, 1989 Ici.cpHoNc

AecA cooc 7ie 546.2700 Mr.William T.Russell Regional Administrator

US Nuclear Regulatory


Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Subject: Inspection

Report 50-244/88-22

Notice of Violation 88-22-02 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No.50-244 Dear Mr.Russell: In accordance

with 10 CPR 2.201, RGGE provides Attachment

I to this letter as our response to the Notice of Violation.

RGGE denies the violation as set forth by the NRC and has presented information


this denial.In addition, Attachment

II addresses the Staff's comments related to this matter as contained in Inspection

Report 88-22 and Attachment

III provides 50.59 safety evaluations

for the tygon tubing and hot water system additions.

All attachments

to this letter provide considerable



these issues.We would be pleased to meet with you and your staff to discuss the issues should you believe this would enhance communications

on this or related issues.Very truly yours, Robert C.-cred General Manager Nuclear Production

GJWK016 Attachments

xc: U.S.Nuclear Regulatory

Commission (original)

Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 xc: Ginna Senior Resident Inspector 89pg~pppAb

S~pppp 8qpipb PDR~DOCK pal 6 gP

Violation"10 CFR 50, Appendix B, section III requires, in part, measures shall be established

to assure that appropriate'uality

standards are specified and included in design documents, and deviations

from such standards are controlled.

The Quality Assurance Manual Ginna Station, section 3, step 3.1.3 requires modifications

involving a change to the facility's

described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR)have a safety evaluation

in accordance

with 10 CFR 50.59."Contrary to the above, on October 5, 1988 a modification


a change to the Condensate

Storage Tank, described, in Chapter 10 of the UFSAR as the main source of water for the Auxiliary Feedwater system, was installed without a safety evaluation

in accordance

with 10 CFR 50.59."~Res nse RG&E denies this violation.

RG&E agrees that the Ginna QA manual specifies that a 50.59 evaluation

should be performed for any facility modification

involving a change to the facility as described in the UFSAR.However, we do not agree that the addition of the Tygon tubing to the-Condensate

Storage Tanks constitutes

such a change.What is shown in the UFSAR is a 3/4 inch sampling line which is isolated by closed manual valve 4318A (UFSAR Figure 10.7-5).This valve is locked closed.This configuration

has not been changed by the addition of the Tygon tube.The Tygon tube has been added downstream

of this valve and does not affect the CSTs as explicitly

described in the UFSAR.Even if we consider (and we did)the applicability

of 10 CFR 50.59 to items implicitly

described in the UFSAR, current draft industry guidance (which has been reviewed by the NRC Staff)defines this implicit inclusion or description

as follows: "If the change alters the design, function, or method of performing

the function of the larger structure, system, or component[in this case the CSTs]as described, in the SAR then a safety evaluation

is required." ((NUMARC/NSAC

Draft Guidelines

for 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluations)(December 1988)}.Because the Tygon tube has been installed beyond a manual locked closed valve it was and still is understood

that this modification

does not alter the CSTs design function or method of performance.

In addition, any failure of the Tygon tubing cannot interact with the CSTs or affect any of the surrounding


When this modification

was made by RG&E, the appropriate


was given to the governing requirements

of 10 CFR-50.59.Appropriate

screening criteria were applied, to determine the applicability

of 10 CFR 50.59.Although the'documentation


for screening this modification

and concluding

that 50.59 did not apply was brief, good engineering

judgment was implemented

and documentation

was provided.RG&E believes that the documentation


this modification


addresses the safety issues.Because we believe in the importance

of properly applying the 50.59 requirement, we have continued to institute additional


guidance on implementing

10 CFR 50.59.I Additional

Review A more detailed review of the addition of the Tygon tubing has been documented (see Attachment

III).Even under-the scrutiny of a 50.59 safety evaluation (as enclosed), a Unreviewed

Safety Question (USQ)does not result.Pro rammatic I rovements As discussed in Attachment

II, a programmatic

approach to, 50.59 has been and is continuing

to be developed at Ginna.Procedures

have been written, and more comprehensive


are being developed, to ensure that appropriate

screening criteria forms are filled out in accordance

with the Ginna 50.59 program.These screening forms will provide an adequate basis for applying 50.59 on a case-by-case

basis, and will provide for an adequate documentation

of the basis for the conclusions

of the applicability

screening in those cases where 50.59 does not apply.In addition, RG&E is instituting

training programs on the implementation

of 50.59 to make certain that all personnel involved in performing

such evaluations


the RG&E 50.59 program and the technical considerations

involved in applying the programmatic

guidance.The final form of our program will incorporate

the guidance resulting from present NUMARC-NRC


on industry-wide


of 10CFR50.59

programs.Date of Pull C liance RG&E believes it is currently in compliance

with 10 CFR 50.59 and with the Ginna Quality Assurance Manual as it relates to the issues identified.



In addition to addressing

the Notice of Violation, we are responding

to some of the Staff's associated

concerns raised within the inspection

report itself.We would like the Staff to understand

the status of our programs, including the critical review of our modification

process and the institution

of our 50.59 process.We believe that it is evident that RG&E is being proactive and that we have a clear understanding

of not only the concerns expressed in this inspection

report, but the evolving concerns of the past few years that relate to these latest issues.It is our intent that the Staff understand

that we have not been idle for 20 months, but have made strides in developing


programs that not only address concerns in a specific manner, but look at the broader picture and can be seen as an overall improvement.

II.50.59 Pro ram Im rovements In the body of Inspection

Report 88-22, the NRC expressed a concern that RG&E's failure to perform Safety Evaluations

has been an NRC identified

concern for more than 20 months and is indicative

of programmatic

weakness in the control of station modifications.

Ginna Station procedures

are clear in the requirement

to develop a Safety Evaluation

in support of modifications.

In addition to reviewing physical changes, RG&E has a detailed screening program and 50.59 guidance for revisions made to procedures.

The safety evaluation

process for both modifications

and procedure changes has been improved through the continuing


of detailed guidance.This guidance documents the impacts that each evaluator must consider for a specific type of change.Specific examples for these changes are also provided.RG&E has taken a proactive approach to dealing with the 10 CFR 50.59 process.In many respects, this has been difficult because of-the evolving nature of NRC/industry

guidance in this area.This is evidenced, by the fact that even the most recent NUMARC guidance is still considered

a draft.Even an industry-wide

attempt to develop generally accepted definitions

under 50.59 has been a long involved process, one in which the Staff is still participating.

Despite this, RG&E has been active in this arena and will continue to be so.We are greatly concerned that the Staff perceives that our modification weak from a programmatic


and, as a result, have embarked on a critical review of this process.Part of this critical review is to identify ways to streamline

and clearly proceduralize

the facility change

program.RG&E is planning to develop comprehensive

governing procedures, which control all facility changes (major modifications, minor modifications, temporary modifications).

All'facility changes, including procedure changes and other'programs such as NCRs would be handled with one, 50.59 guidance procedure.

This guidance procedure would contain the latest industry guidance'egarding 10 CFR 50.59, including determination

of applicability.

The objective of this process is to assure that facility modifications


of type are handled in a consistent

fashion.This includes review of the design criteria, safety analysis, and 50.59 screening and safety evaluations

for appropriate

depth and breadth of content.As the NRC no doubt realizes, such an undertaking

is very intensive, and requires the realignment

of programs and the transfer or addition of personnel to support the changes.As a result, it will take time to complete this task, and RG&E.will discuss with the NRC the schedule for accomplishing

the change in the near future.'I Also, as part of this effort, RG&E will conduct the required retraining

of affected personnel.

This will include discussion

of specific procedural

requirements, identified

interfaces, and the requirements

of the Ginna 50.59 program.Another concern expressed by the Staff was that RG&E is not performing

50.59 evaluations

for all modifications

that involve plant equipment described in the UFSAR.RG&E is committed to the requirements

to perform 50.59 evaluations, but does not base this decision to perform a 50.59 evaluation

simply on whether or not the equipment is described in the UFSAR.It-is our position that if a change affects the facility as described in the UFSAR, either explicitly

or implicitly, a 50.59 evaluation

should be completed.

This is not our last determining

factor, however.RG&E makes great efforts to.conservatively

apply the requirements

of 50.59 without losing the perspective

on the intent of the regulation.

RG&E believes that this regulation

must be applied so that it remains meaningful.

We have developed clear safety evaluation

guidance, and extensive screening criteria to accomplish

this goal.We have done this in an effort to not rely excessively

upon the high level of engineering

expertise of our existing personnel, but to furnish clear programmatic

controls.We understand.

that this program development

has taken time and is still underway, but we believe that the Staff should be aware that we saw the need for such guidance and have taken appropriate

steps.RG&E has neither ignored nor downplayed

the Staff's concerns expressed.

over the past 20 months, but has systematically

set up an overall system to address the root cause of those problems.

III.GDC-34 Concerns Another issue raised as part of the Inspection

Report is that the RG&E review"does not address whether good commercial-grade


practices meets the requirements

of General Design Criterion (GDC)34".The following discussion

provides supplemental


to clarify this terminology

and place it in a context that more accurately

reflects RG&E's past practices regarding the design and quality assurance controls applied to the CSTs.The R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant was designed to the proposed AIF GDC issued for comment on July 10, 1967.It should be noted that there is no comparable

1967 AIF GDC which address the residual heat removal issue identified

in GDC 34.The plant was not originally

designed to meet the General Design Criteria (GDC)of Appendix A to 10 CFR 50, including GDC 34, since these criteria were issued in February of 1971.Specifically, the AFW CSTs were designed to the American Water Works Association

Standard (AWWA)D100, 1965 edition.Since Ginna Provisional

Operating License, the AFW system has been scrutinized

as part of the TMI NUREG-0737

effort and the Ginna Systematic


Program (SEP).During the SEP review of Topic III-1 (Classification

of Structures, Components, and Systems-Seismic and Quality), the Franklin Research Center recognized

that the CSTs as originally

designed might not be capable of meeting current compressive

stress requirements.



regarding the compressive

stress capabilities

of the CSTs was requested in the NRC SER on this topic.The information

supplied by RG&E was accepted by the NRC.The CSTs, due to their location in the Service Building (non-seismic structure), lack of protective

features, and their original design pedigree, have the potential for being rendered inoperable

by the effects of several postulated

hazards (i.e., safe shutdown earthquake, tornadoes, floods, missiles, high energy line break effects on the AFW system).It should be noted that these postulated

hazards are remote events with low probability

of occurrence

during the lifetime of the plant.The Ginna Station design accommodates

these remote occurrences

by incorporating

a Seismic Category I source of water (Service Water system)available to the suction of the AFW pumps and by having available a second"Standby" AFW system.(The SAFW system permits delivery of AFW flow to the Steam Generators

assuming the occurrence

of a high energy line break in the Intermediate


In addition, another source of water available is the yard fire hydrant system which can function independent

of all AC power.As a result, the CSTs are not required to remain functional

following these postulated-

hazards.With the use of independent

AFW systems and the availability

of independent

and redundant sources of water, means are available at Ginna station to remove reactor decay heat from

A the secondary side of the Steam Generators

at a rate sufficient

to achieve and maintain a safe shutdown condition following any design basis event.'As stated in 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Section III, design and quality assurance controls should be"commensurate

with those applied to the original design", including all regulatory


made since Ginna Provisional

Operating License.Thes'e controls assure that the CSTs and changes made thereto meet quality standards at least as stringent as those originally'pplied

to the CSTs.The QA,.controls

placed.on the CSTs are commensurate

with the controls necessary to assure that the CSTs will properly function for the design basis events that require their operability

while being subjected.

to the effects of these same design basis events.The CSTs function for UFSAR Chapter 15 events, unmitigated

fires, and station blackout.The adverse effects of these events have a limited impact on the operability

of the CSTs, due to the CSTs'ocation

in the Service Building and the assumptions

made for these event scenarios (for instance, the assumption

of a coincident

loss of offsite power, but not the assumption

of a coincident

hazard, such as a safe shutdown earthquake).

Section 2.2 of the R.E.Ginna QA manual recognizes

that the CSTs are safety related, but not Seismic Category I and identifies

the controls that apply to these'anks.The Ginna AFW design was found to be acceptable

as originally

licensed in 1969, as reviewed against NUREG-0737, Items II.E.'1.1 and II.E.1.2, following the TMI accident, and as reviewed against SEP Topics X,"Auxiliary

Feedwater System", and V-10.B,"Residual Heat Removal System Reliability".(Note that the TMI and SEP reviews essentially

reviewed the Ginna AFW systems against the criteria of BTP ASB 10-1 and BTP RSB 5-1.)As a result of NUREG-0737

and the SEP effort, RG&E made numerous commitments

and upgrades to the AFW systems.The QA and design controls applied to the AFW system, including the CSTs, are consistent

with these commitments.

RG&E is aware of the safety importance

of the CSTs and believes that the quality assurance controls applied to the CSTs meet the original design bases, as well as the regulatory


made since the Provisional

Operating License was issued..When considered

within the overall context of the Ginna Station design, the QA requirement

applied to CSTs are appropriate.

Due to the issuance recently of 10 CFR 50.63, and Regulatory

Guide 1.155, RG&E is performing

an additional

review of the design controls placed on the CSTs in the context of this regulatory

guidance and.will include appropriate




of CST Modifications

Another issue discussed in the inspection

report was that a technical evaluation

for the installation

of Tygon tubing and'copper piping had not been provided at the end of the inspection

period.RGGE has performed these 50.59 safety evaluations

for both of these concerns (see also the response to the Notice of Violation regarding the Tygon tubing, which contends that a proper 50.59 screening was performed for the addition of the Tygon tubing prior to its installation).

All other CST modifications

had previously


50.59 safety evaluations.

For both the Tygon tubing and the installation

of the Hot Water system the safety evaluations

conclude that no unreviewed

safety questions have been introduced.

These evaluations

are provided in Attachment



III Safet Evaluation

for the Hot Water S stem Connection

The Hot Water system connections

to the CSTs are shown on P&XDs 33013-457 and 1234.Suction to the hot water circulation

water pump (MK 102)is taken from the CSTs through manual valves 8271, 8275 (CST B), 8270, 8274 (CST A), and 8276.Hot water is recirculated

back to the CSTs through 8299J, 8282 (CST A), and 8283 (CST B).The'ollowing

sections evaluate the impact to plant safety of the connection

of the Hot Water system to the main AFW CSTs.Postulated

Hazards and Safe Shutdown Ca ahilit The following discussion

applies to the postulated

Hazards listed below:~Adverse weather phenomena including floods, high winds, snow, and tornadoes~Safe Shutdown Earthquake

~High Energy Line Breaks~Externally

or internally

generated missiles The'Hot Water system is located adjacent to the CSTs in the Service Building.-

As a result, the adverse effects of postulated

hazards that can potentially

fail the Hot Water system (and thereby introduce a potential interaction

with the CSTs)also have the potential to fail the CSTs, since in both cases: 1.Neither the CSTs nor the Hot Water system are required to be designed to withstand.the effects of the hazards postulated

for the R.E.Ginna plant.2.Neither the CSTs nor the Hot Water system are protected.

by design features such as physical barriers to preserve~their integrity following postulated

hazards.The Service Building is not a Seismic Category I structure capable of withstanding

adverse weather effects or natural phenomenon.

For postulated

hazards that, potentially

fail the CSTs, an alternate and independent

means of achieving and maintaining

a safe shutdown condition (the safe shutdown function of concern is the removal of reactor decay heat)is available via the Service Water system supplying water to either the main or standby AFW systems.

As a result, no significant


in the capability

of achieving and maintaining

a safe shutdown condition will result due to the hot water modification

interface with the CSTs;The contingency

actions and alternate means of removing reactor decay heat following a postulated

hazard remain valid for the current CST configuration.

The failure of the Hot Water system following a seismic event which could lead to the draining of the CSTs onto the Service Building floor is the present analysis of failure of CSTs per EWR 1023, May 20, 1975.This'looding, scenario is the same as that previously

analyzed since the Hot Water system does not introduce a new source of water.In addition, the Hot Water system does not introduce any high energy line break of concern, or the potential for internally

generated missiles.Fires The main AFW system taking suction from the CSTs is used to remove decay heat following several postulated

unmitigated, fires.Unmitigated

fires can result in a loss of offsite power which would subsequently

result in a loss of the Instrument

Air System (IAS).A review of PAID 33013-457, shows that the"effect" of a fire resulting in a loss of the IAS is minimal on the CSTs as conf igured with Hot Water system connection.

If the Hot Water system is not in use, it can be isolated from the CSTs via manual valves 8275, 8274, and 8299J.If the Hot Water system is in use during a fire, Hot Water pumps (MK102 and 115)would stop on loss of AC power.Although the Hot Water system could become a potential drainage path for CST inventory, the elevation of the hot water users (laundry showers are at an elevation equal to the top of the CSTs)and the flow resistance

of the Hot Water system piping essentially

make the Hot Water system a closed system to drainage.Although the Hot Water system introduces


into the Service Building via the gas supply to heater Mk106, the safe shutdown components

located in the Service Building (CSTs, piping to the AFW pumps)should not be adversely affected.This is in accordance

with the existing analysis which deals with fires in the Service Building.These are mechanical


that must maintain their pressure boundary integrity to accomplish

their safe shutdown function.The Appendix R analysis for Ginna assumes that exposure fires do not cause mechanical


to lose pressure boundary integrity.

As a result, this modification

does not affect safe shutdown for fires.For fires requiring operation of the main AFW system, the CSTs will be operable, enabling the removal of reactor decay heat to achieve and maintain a safe shutdown condition during and following postulated


Miti ation of Cha ter 15 Events The following discussion

assesses the safety impact of the connection

of the Hot Water System to the CSTs for the'following


UFSAR Chapter 15 events, which are the only events for which the AFW system is relied on as a mitigation

f eature:~Main Steam Line Breaks (MSLB)~Main Feed Line Breaks (MFLB)~Loss of Normal Feedwater~Loss of AC to the Station Auxiliaries

~Loss of External Electrical

Loads~Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCAs)~Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)To assess the potential degradation

in the capability

of mitigating

the above events, the Hot Water system is examined for its potential adverse interaction

with the CSTs.The function of the CSTs is to maintain an inventory of 22,500 gallons of condensate-grade

water for the removal of reactor decay for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> independent

of any AC power source (TMI Item II.E.1.1).

The CSTs also function as the initial AFW inventory source following the occurrence

of any of the above Chapter 15 events (which result in the subsequent

loss of main feedwater and auto initiation

of AFW).Hence, the adverse"effects" of these Chapter 15 events are examined for the potential to fail the Hot Water system and thereby deplete the CST inventory through an adverse interaction.

There are two"effects" that impact the current CST configuration.

1.MSLBs and MFLBs in the intermediate

building create adverse effects (pipe whip, jet impingement, temperature, pressure, humidity)that have the potential to fail the main AFW system.All three main AFW pumps (2 motor driven pumps, 1 turbine driven pump)and a significant

portion of AFW piping is located in the intermediate

building.The effects of some postulated

MSLBs and, MFLBs can fail the main AFW system.2.Most of the Chapter 15 events assume of offsite power.Loss of normal AC loss of the Instrument

Air System operated valves (AOVs)to fail on loss the coincident

loss power results in a (IAS)causing air of supply air.For the case of MSLBs or MFLBs in the intermediate

building, if the main AFW system fails then the CSTs no longer function as the AFW water source.In this case the standby AFW system is placed into service (10 minutes for operator action is available)

taking suction from the Service Water system.This equipment is located in the Standby Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Building and is a completely


means of removing reactor decay heat.Therefore, the potential effects of MSLBs and MFLBs on the Hot Water system have been bounded by the current Chapter 15 analysis.

As described in the section on"Fires" above, the loss of normal AC power does not create an adverse interaction

between the Hot Water system and the CSTs.The Hot Water system is effectively

a closed system.CST inventory will not be depleted as a result of the assumed coincidence

of a loss of offsite power for the Chapter 15 events.In conclusion, the connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not result in additional


failures or new failure modes that create the potential for new"worst single failures",.

or different event scenarios.

Hot Water S stem Safet Evaluation


This section summarizes

the safety evaluation

of the Hot Water system connection

to the CSTs.This summary groups postulated

Fires under the category of Hazards.The connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not increase the probability

of occurrence

of an accident previously

evaluated in the Ginna Updated FSAR.As discussed previously, the failure of the Hot Water system does not create a plant transient requiring a protective

response from a safety system.The connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not increase the consequences

of an accident previously

evaluated in the Ginna Updated FSAR.As discussed above, the capability

to achieve and.maintain a safe shutdown condition following the occurrence

of postulated

hazards is not degraded.The Hot Water system does not adversely interact with CSTs for the Chapter 15 event scenarios.

As a result, CST inventory is not degraded, main AFW performance

is not impacted, and the capability

to remove reactor decay heat during and following the postulated

Chapter 15 events is not degraded.Therefore, the integrity of barriers preventing

the release of fission products is not impacted.The connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not increase the probability

of occurrence

of a malfunction

of equipment important to safety previously

evaluated in the Ginna Updated FSAR.As discussed above, the effects of postulated

Hazards that could fail the Hot Water system would likely also-fail the CSTs since the CSTs were not originally

designed to withstand such effects.As such the effect of failing the hot water system is bounded by the original analysis which assumes failure of the CSTs.The effects of Chapter 15 events have no impact on the capability

of CSTs to maintain their inventory for those events requiring the operation of the main AFW system.There is therefore no change in the failure probability

of the CSTs for Chapter 15 events.

The connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not increase the consequen"es

of a malfunction

of equipment important to safety.The Hot Water system does not increase the severity of the malfunction

of the CSTs for Hazards or Chapter 15 events.The consequences

of such malfunctions

are therefore unchanged.

The connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not create the possibility

of an accident of a different type than any previously

evaluated in the Ginna Updated FSAR.The failure of the Hot Water system and its potential for interaction

with the CSTs does not create new plant transients

requiring mitigation.

The connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not create the possibility

of a malfunction

of equipment important to safety of a different type than any previously

evaluated in the Updated Ginna FSAR.The failure of the Hot Water system is essentially

the same as a failure of the CSTs.The installation

of the Hot Water system does not introduce a new or different failure mode.The connection

of the Hot Water system to the CSTs does not reduce the margin of safety.The AFW system can still function to mitigate Chapter 15 events, as well as to remove decay heat for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> without an A.C.power source.In addition, safe shutdown capability

is not'ffected, and the integrity of fission product barriers are not compromised.

Based on the above conclusions, the connection

of the Hot Water system to the main AFW CSTs does not introduce an unreviewed

safety question as defined by 10 CFR 50.59.Safet Evaluation

for the Addition of on Tuhin Tygon tubing was installed downstream

of locked closed manual valve 4318A to provide a means of local CST level indication


of any A.C.power source.Local CST level indication

via the Tygon tubing would be used to allow local operators to determine when to align and place into operation the Service Water system following:

1.Control Complex Fires (SC-3.30.1)

2.Cable Tunnel Fires (SC-3.30.2)

3.Auxiliary Building Basement/Mezzanine

Fires (SC-3.30.3)

The 22,500 gallon inventory in the CSTs provides for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of reactor decay heat removal.This is considered.


time to align and place into operation the Service Water system in the remote event that an AC power source can not be restored for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> following the postulated


fires identified

above.Hence, the Tygon.tubing is not essential for safe shutdown following fires.However, it can provide operators with CST level information

to provide a more accurate means of determining

when Service Water should

1 be aligned.It should be noted that the R.E.Ginna Appendix R Alternative

Shutdown Report does not identify CST level indication

as a plant process parameter that must be monitored for supporting

safe shutdown.The installation

of Tygon tubing does not increase the probability

of occurrence

or the consequences

of an accident or malfunction

of equipment important to safety previously

evaluated in the Ginna Updated FSAR.The Tygon tubing is isolated from all plant process systems via locked'closed manual valve 4318A.It therefore, has no effect on previously

analyzed accidents.

The Tygon tubing's a flexible material of low mass that is not'apable

of physically

impacting the systems, structures

or components

in the immediate vicinity.The installation

of Tygon tubing does not create the possibility

of an accident or malfunction

of a different type than any previously

analyzed in the Ginna Updated FSAR.As stated.above, the Tygon tubing is isolated from all plant systems and therefore does not create the potential for process interactions

that can lead to different accidents or malfunctions.

The installation

of Tygon tubing does.not reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis of any Technical Specification.

The Tygon tubing will provide a local indication

of CST level for fires that result in a loss of all AC.This indication

provides a better means of determining

when to align Service Water in the unlikely event of an unmitigated

fire, prolonged loss of all AC, and depletion of the CSTs.Although'afe

shutdown can be achieved without this local CST level indication, the Tygon tubing is beneficial

for fire recovery efforts.