IR 05000443/2006001

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Annual Assessment Letter - Seabrook Nuclear Power Station (Report 05000443/2006001)
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/2006
From: Krohn P G
To: St.Pierre G F
Florida Power & Light Energy Seabrook
Krohn P G, RI/DRP/PB6/610-337-5120
Download: ML060610726 (5)


UNITE D STA TES NUCL EA R RE GULA TORY C OMMIS SI ON REGION I 475 AL LENDAL E ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19406-141 5 March 2, 2 006 Mr. Ge ne St. Pierre Site Vice President c/o Mr. James M. Pesche l Seabrook Station P.O. Box 300 Seabrook, NH 03 874 SUB JEC T: ANNU AL AS SESSM ENT LE TTER - S EABRO OK NUC LEAR POWER STATION (REPORT 0500044 3/2006001)

Dear M r. St. P ierre On February 8 ,

2006, the NR C staff completed its performance revie w of the Seab rook Nuclear Power Stati o Our technic al staff review ed performance ind icators (PIs) for the most recent quarter and insp ection resul ts for the period from January 1 thro ugh December 31, 2 00 The purpose of this letter is to inf orm you of our assessment of your safety perf ormance during this period an d our plans for f uture in spectio ns at your facilit y.This performance rev iew and enclosed i nspection pl an do not i nclude phy sical protec tion informatio A se parate letter de signated and marked as "Official Use Onl y - Securi ty-Related Information" wil l includ e the phys ical protecti on review and resultan t inspection plan.Overall, S eabrook operated i n a manner that preserved pu blic heal th and safety a nd fully met all cornersto ne objectiv e Plant p erformance for the most recent quarter, as wel l as for the first three quarters of the as sessment cycl e, was w ithin the L icensee Re sponse Col umn of the NRC's Acti on M atrix , base d on a ll i nspect ion fi ndings bein g class ified as hav ing v ery l ow sa fety significance (Gr een) and all PIs indicating perform ance at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green).

Therefore, we pl an to conduct reactor oversi ght process (ROP) ba seline inspect ions at your facilit y.The enclosed inspection plan detai ls the insp ections, les s those relate d to physi cal protectio n, scheduled th rough September 30, 200 The ins pection pla n is prov ided to al low for the resolution o f any schedul ing conflicts an d personnel availab ility i ssues wel l in adv ance of inspector arri val onsi t Routine resident ins pections are not listed d ue to their o ngoing and continu ous natu r The inspect ions in the last nine m onths of the inspe ction pla n are ten tative and may be rev ised at the mid-cy cle re view. In acco rdance wit h 10 C FR 2.3 90 of th e NRC's "Ru les o f Practi ce," a copy of this lette r and i ts enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Docume nt Roo m or from t he Pub licl y Av aila ble R ecords (PARS) compo nent o f NRC's document syste m (ADAMS).

ADAMS is accessi ble from the NRC Web site at http://w ng-rm/ada ms.html (the P ubli c Ele ctroni c Read ing Ro om).

G. St. P ierre 2 If circu mstance s aris e wh ich ca use us to cha nge thi s insp ectio n pla n, we wil l con tact y ou to discuss the c hange as soon as possibl Please contact me at 610

-337-5120 w ith any questions yo u may hav e regarding this l etter or the ins pection pla n.Sincere ly,/R A/Paul G. Krohn , Chief Reactor Projects Branch 6 Divi sion of Reac tor Pro jects



-443 License No



S eabrook Nuclea r Power P lant Inspecti on/Activi ty Docket N