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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20065P76321 October 1982Application for Amend to License NPF-9,changing Tech Spec Re Containment Penetration Type C Leak Rate Tests.Amend Requires Exemption from 10CFR50,App J
ML20065T17919 December 1990Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising Tech Specs 3/4.2.2,3/4.2.3,3/4.2.4,3/4.3.1 & 3/4.3.2 Re Reducing Number of in-core Detection Thimbles to 50%. Proprietary Westinghouse Thimble Evaluation WithheldAffidavit
ML20067B24730 January 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17,NPF-35 & NPF-52,changing Tech Spec 6.8.2 to Add Addl Position to List of Positions Designated to Review & Approve Administrative Procedures Governing Environ,Technical & Lab Activities
ML20067B60723 November 1982Application to Amend License NPF-9,revising App a Tech Specs to Reduce Measurement Uncertainty for Total RCS Flow.Tech Spec,Justification & Safety Analysis Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit
ML20069D19724 May 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17,NPF-35 & NPF-52,proposing Changes to TS by Relocating Specific Boron Concentration Values to Core Operating Limits Rept
ML20069G13822 December 1975Amend 27 to Application for Licenses for McGuire Nuclear Station,Under Construction Per Construction Permits CPPR-83 & CPPR-84.Purpose of Amend to Revise ER-OLS to Provide Listed Info
ML20069G17023 June 1975Amend 22 to Application for Licenses for McGuire Nuclear Station,Under Construction Per Construction Permits CPPR-83 & CPPR-84.Purpose of Amend Listed
ML20069G1777 March 1975Amend 19 to Application for Licenses for McGuire Nuclear Station,Under Construction Per Construction Permits CPPR-83 & CPPR-84
ML20069G76015 August 1974Amend 17 to Application for Licenses for McGuire Nuclear Station,Under Construction Per Construction Permits CPPR-83 & CPPR-84.Amend 17 Responds to 740520 a Giambusso Ltr
ML20069Q40213 June 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,proposing Ts,By Increasing Initial Fuel Enrichment Limit from Current Maximum of 4.0 Weight % to 4.75 Weight % & Establish New Loading Patterns for New & Irradiated Fuel in SPF
ML20070F33413 July 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-35,NPF-52,NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising TS 4.6.2d,by Increasing Surveillance Interval of Containment Spray Sys Header Air or Smoke Test from Five to Ten Years
ML20070H57818 July 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17,NPF-35 & NPF-52,separating TS Into Two (2) Vols for Each Station
ML20070K1198 March 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Tech Spec 3/4.8.1 & Bases Section 3/4.8 to Increase Min Vol of Fuel Oil for Emergency Diesel Generators from 28,000 Gallons to 39,500 Gallons for Modes 1 Through 4
ML20071A66218 February 1983Application for Amend to License NPF-9,authorizing Transfer of Spent Fuel Between Unit 1 & Unit 2.Original Issuance of License for Unit 2 Should Include Subj Provision
ML20072K91024 March 1983Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising Tech Specs to Increase Max Flow Rate for Centrifugal Charging Pumps
ML20072Q81725 August 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17,NPF-35 & NPF-52,increasing AFW Pump & Sys Testing Interval from Monthly to Quarterly & Adopting Clarification Note from Revised STS for Westinghouse Plants,Per NUREG-1366
ML20072U49611 April 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17,NPF-35 & NPF-52,changing Tech Spec Re Value of Required Control Rod Drop Time from 3.3 to 2.2 for Consistency W/ FSAR Chapter 15 Safety Analyses
ML20072V03211 April 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Tech Specs & 3.7.6 to Revise Carbon Adsorber Test Method & Methyl Iodide Penetration Criteria & Make Administrative Changes to Annulus Ventilation Sys
ML20073A68116 April 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-17 & NPF-9,consisting of Changes Necessary to Allow Replacement of Existing 125 Volt Dc Battery Cells W/New Cells to Enhance Safety Due to Increasing Reliability of 125 Volt Dc Control Sys
ML20073E90715 September 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising TS Bases 3/4.9.2, Refueling Operations;Instrumentation, Allowing Use of Newly Installed Wide Range Neutron Flux Monitors
ML20073E97418 April 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Tech Specs to Use Two Demonstration Assemblies Containing Some Fuel Rods Whose Clad Compositions Fall Outside Specification Range of Zircaloy-4.Rept WithheldFuel cladding
ML20073H28128 September 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,updating Loss of Power Functional Unit of ESFAS Instrumentation TS Tables 3.3-3,3.3-4,3.3-5 & 4.3-2
ML20073J89830 September 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,proposing Rev Related to Replacment of Steam GeneratorsShutdown Margin
ML20073L0714 October 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,correcting Technical Deficiency Existing in TS Caused Difficulty to Plant Operations Re Number of Centrifugal Charging Pumps in Modes 4,5 & 6
ML20073P44918 April 1983Application for Amend to Tech Spec,revising Setpoint for Upper Head Injection Accumulator Automatic Isolation
ML20076M6882 November 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17,NPF-35 & NPF-52,deleting App B,Environ Protection Plan & Modifying Portion of License Condition 2.C.(2) So as to Delete Portion Which Refers to Environ Protection Plan
ML20077J3781 August 1983Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17 Changing Required Time for Performing Certain Diesel Generator Surveillance & Cycling Valves in Overspeed Protection Sys on Monthly Instead of Weekly BasisOverspeed trip
ML20077M3508 August 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Tech Specs Per Generic Ltr 90-09 Re Schedule for Visual Insp of Snubbers
ML20078D26222 September 1983Application to Amend Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Tech Specs to Increase Upper Limit for Containment Lower Compartment to 125 F for Up to 90 Cumulative Days Provided Lower Compartment Temp Less than 120 F
ML20078E47318 January 1995Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17,NPF-35 & NPF-52,respectively.Amends Relocate Requirements for Seismic Instrumentation,Meteorological Instrumentation & loose-part Detection Sys from TS to SLC Manual for Station
ML20079G54912 January 1984Application for Amend to License NPF-9,extending Required Implementation Date for outside-containment Portion of in-core Thermocouple Sys Upgrade,Per NUREG-0737,Item II.F.2, Inadequate Core Cooling Instruments, & Suppl 1 to NUREG
ML20079L71516 February 1983Application to Amend Licenses NPF-9 & CPPR-84,consisting of Rev 45 to FSAR
ML20080C7377 December 1994Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising TS Table 3.3-6 Action Statment Re Control Room Air Intake at Times When Radiation Monitors (EMF-43A & 43B) Inoperable
ML20080F79018 January 1995Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17 to TS Re Amends That Allow Analog Channel Operational Test Interval for Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation to Be Increased from Monthly to QuarterlyAnticipated operational occurrence
ML20080G8362 September 1983Application to Amend Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,requesting Emergency Change to Allow Maintaining Hot Standby on Unit 1 W/Auxiliary Bldg Filtered Ventilation Exhaust Sys Inoperable While Carbon in Filter Unit Is Replaced
ML20080P84117 February 1984Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,allowing Spent Fuel Pool Storage Capacity Expansion from 500 to 1,463 Spaces for Each Spent Fuel Pool.Supporting Documentation EnclTornado Missile
Fuel cladding
ML20082B38729 March 1995Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17 Re Heat Up & Cool Down Curves LTOP
ML20082D42818 November 1983Application to Amend Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17 Revising Tech Specs Re Min RCS Flow Rate for Unit 2 & Changing Limits for Safety Sys Settings to Accommodate New RCS Flow Requirements
ML20082F03214 November 1983Supplemental Info to Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Tech Spec to Allow Conditional Increase in Containment Lower Compartment Temp to 125 F. Supplemental Justification Encl
ML20082K56118 November 1983Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17 Providing Exceptions from Requirement for 8 H Battery Powered Emergency Lights for Standby Shutdown FacilitySafe Shutdown
Emergency Lighting
ML20082L80718 November 1983Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Surveillance Requirements for Diesel Fuel Oil in Tech Spec
ML20082M79212 April 1995Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-35,NPF-52,NPF-9 & NPF-17,respectively to Relocate Requirements for Turbine Overspeed Protection Instrumentation from TS to Selected Licensee Commitment ManualOverspeed trip
ML20082R7938 December 1983Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising Pages to 831118 Application Re RCS Flow Rate Requirements
ML20082U24012 December 1983Application for Amend to License NPF-17,revising Tech Specs Affected by Use of Optimized Fuel Assembly Design for Cycle 2 to Ensure Proper Plant Operation
ML20082U72116 September 1991Suppl to Application for Amend to License NPF-7,revising TS, Core Operating Limits Rept
ML20086G03621 November 1991Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing TS 3/4.4.4,3/4.4.9 & 3/4.4 Per Recommendations in Generic Ltr 90-06, PORV & Block Valve Reliability & Addl Low Temp Overpressure Protection for Lwrs
ML20086P46320 February 1984Revs to 831212 Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,changing Tech Specs Re Plant Operating Limitations. Rev Corrects Time Constants Utilized in lead-lag Controller for Unit 1/Cycle 2Negative Flux Rate Trip
ML20087C6728 January 1992Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising TS Chapter 6.0, Administrative ControlGrace period
ML20087M40123 March 1984Rev to 831212 Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-12,changing Listed Tech Spec Bases,Per Y Hsii & Ms Dunenfeld 840315 & 16 Telcons,Respectively.Westinghouse Proprietary Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit
ML20092A53214 June 1984Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,expanding Power Distribution Limits Section of Unit 1 Tech Specs to Include Base Load Operation in Addition to Currently Approved RAOC Operation