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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IA-86-855, Summary of 860909 Meeting W/Utils Re Improving Lines of Communication Between NRC & Licensees,Including Sholly Process,Interpretation of 10CFR50.59,Tech Spec Improvement Program & Discretionary Enforcement.Related Info Encl18 November 1986Summary of 860909 Meeting W/Utils Re Improving Lines of Communication Between NRC & Licensees,Including Sholly Process,Interpretation of 10CFR50.59,Tech Spec Improvement Program & Discretionary Enforcement.Related Info EnclBackfit
ML17276A1762 November 1981Forwards Minutes from Mechanical Engineering Branch 810929-30 & 1001 Meetings in Woodbury,Ny & 811016 Preservice Insp Meeting in Washington,Dc.Agenda Items from Both Meetings & Subsequent Resolution Encl
ML20058M18622 September 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-35 on 930915
ML20098D1125 April 1982Summary of 820405 Special Meeting of WPPSS Executive Board in Richland,Wa Re Status of Projects,Selection of Cost Effectiveness Study Consultant,Bpa Draft Power Load Forecast & Units 4 & 5 Termination ProgramHydrostatic
ML20098D13723 April 1982Summary of 820423,28 & 29 Regular Meetings of WPPSS Board of Directors in Richland,Wa Re Units 4 & 5 Termination Program, Claim Vouchers & BPA Finance Proposal.Notice of Adjournment for 820423 Meeting Encl
ML20098D19923 April 1982Summary of 820423 Special Meeting of WPPSS Executive Board in Richland,Wa Re Financial Problems W/Continued Const of Facilities.Notices of Adjournment Encl
ML20128N47722 May 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Events 850515 Meeting.Div Directors or Representatives Briefed on Events Occurring Since 850507 Meeting.Assignment of Followup Review Responsibilities Discussed.Attendance List EnclShutdown Margin
Scram Discharge Volume
ML20148C13120 December 1979Summary of Meeting W/Mark II Owners Group in Bethesda,Md Re Status of Several long-term Program Tasks in Advance of Final Documentation.Agenda,List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20155B82320 September 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-37 on 880920.Info Encl Includes rept-to-date of long-term Followup Assignments & Summary of Reactor ScramsFire Watch
ML20197G1519 December 1983Trip Rept of 831206 Site Visit Re Readiness Review.No Reason Noted to Recommend Delay in or Addl Restrictions Upon Low or Full Power License
ML20197G20912 December 1983Trip Rept of 831206 Site Visit Re Cable & Cable Tray Separation,Installation of Barriers,Fire Protection & Cable Spreading Room.Plant Ready for Fueling Pending Minor Preoperational Tests
ML20198F0929 August 1974Trip Rept of 740715 Site Visit for Site Review.Relationship of Proposed WPPSS Units 1 & 4 to WPPSS Unit 2 & Location of Future Effluent Discharge Line on Columbia River Noted
ML20198F78925 May 1972Summary of 720525 Meeting W/Util Re Environ Review Schedule of Application
ML20198F88622 February 1972Trip Rept of Site Visit During Wk of 720207 Re State of Wa Review & Details of Environ Monitoring Program
ML20198F90122 February 1972Trip Rept of Site Visit During Wk of 720207 Re State of Wa Review,Environ Statements & Environ Monitoring Program
ML20206J65623 June 1986Trip Rept of 860612 Training Session in Lacey,Wa Re Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plans & Meeting W/Utils & State of Wa Concerning Potential Emergency Preparedness Issues.Attendees Listed & Training Agenda Encl
ML20207L95718 November 1986Summary of 860909 Meeting W/Utils Re Improving Lines of Communication Between NRC & Licensees,Including Sholly Process,Interpretation of 10CFR50.59,Tech Spec Improvement Program & Discretionary Enforcement.Related Info EnclBackfit
ML20210J02624 March 1986Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 86-08 on 860317 to Discuss Events Occurring Since Last Meeting on 860310Safe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML20213C89114 March 1979Summary of 790213-14 Meeting W/Mark II Owners Group Re Lead Plant Acceptance Criteria & Intermediate Plant Program Tasks
ML20213D03322 August 1979Summary of 790717-18 Meeting W/Mark II Owners Group Re long-term Program Tasks
ML20213D19715 April 1980Forwards Summary of 800401-02 Meeting W/Savannah River Lab, Util,Ge & Burns & Roe in Richland,Wa Re FSAR Changes Resulting from Applicant Rewrite of Chapter 7 & to Conduct Site Tour of FacilitySafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fuel cladding
ML20213D32418 September 1980Summary of 800805 Meeting W/Util & Consultants in Chicago,Il Re Facility Plant Unique Safety/Relief Valve Discharge Load Specification.Attendance List EnclSubsequent actuation
ML20213D87027 October 1981Summary of 810929-1001 Meetings W/Util in Woodbury,Ny Re Open Issues in Mechanical Engineering Branch Area
ML20213D88130 October 1981Summary of 810925 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Open Issues in Instrumentation & Control Sys Area
ML20213D89530 October 1981Summary of 811007 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Soil Backfilling Compaction & Testing Program
ML20213D90630 October 1981Summary of 810914-17 Meetings W/Util in Richland,Wa Re NRC Concerns in Containment Sys Area
ML20213D91312 November 1981Forwards Summary of 810929-30 & 1001-02 Design Audit Meetings W/Util in Woodbury,Ny Re All Structural Engineering Areas.W/O Encl
ML20213D9367 December 1981Trip Rept of 811005 Visit to Denver,Co & Richland,Wa to Discuss Site Drainage Plans,Meeting W/Westec Consultants on Possible Orographic Effects & Duration of Rainfall & Meeting W/Pnl to Discuss Safety & Environ Review Procedures
ML20213E10931 March 1982Trip Rept of 820322 Visit to Richland & Seattle,Wa to Inspect Plant Spray Ponds & to Discuss Recent NRC & Util Modeling Studies on Spray Pond Cooling & Water Loss
ML20213E13226 April 1982Trip Rept of 820412-14 Site Visit to Examine Trenches & Cores.List of Attendees Encl
ML20213E14719 May 1982Summary of 820518 Meeting W/Util Re Possible Impact of Seismic Reflection Profiling W/Special Emphasis on Southeast Anticline Fault
ML20213E15828 May 1982Trip Rept of 820512 & 13 Site Visit to View Installation & Arrangement of Electrical Equipment & Cables,To Verify Implementation of Design Criteria & to Resolve Differences Between Plant Design & NRC Positions.Agenda EnclOverspeed trip
ML20213E40413 April 1983Trip Rept of 830322-25 Visit to Richland,Wa to Conduct Fire Protection Site Audit.Concerns DiscussedSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML20214G42729 December 1976Summary of 761202 Meeting W/Mark II Owners & GE Re Mark II Containment Structural Design & Pool Dynamic Loads Supporting Program.Attendee List & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214G4377 December 1976Summary of 761027-28 Meetings W/Mark II Owners,Ge & BNL Re Pool Dynamic Loads Analytical Model & Test Program.Lists of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214G4508 June 1976Summary of 760429 Meeting W/Ge,Mark II Owners & Respective Aes Re GE 751105 Design Basis Document NEDE-21061, Mark II Containment Dynamic Forcing Function Info Rept (Dffr)
ML20214G46021 August 1972Summary of 720804 & 09 Meetings W/Util & B&R in Bethesda,Md Re Adequacy of 20% of Critical Damping for Horizontal & Vertical Response Used by Applicant for Soil Structure Interaction During Seismic Event.Attendees List Encl
ML20214G5351 November 1974Summary of 741018 Meeting W/Util & B&R Re Sacrificial Shield Pressure Response post-CP Review.List of Attendees Encl
ML20214G53826 June 1972Trip Rept of 720612-15 Visit to Facility & Grand Coulee Dam,Wa to Review Results of Latest Investigations,Examine 15-ft Deep Trench at Facility & Conduct Geological Reconnaissance at DamEarthquake
ML20214G60326 August 1975Summary of 750821 Meeting W/Mark II Owners,Sargent & Lundy, Bechtel,S&W & B&R in Bethesda,Md Re Load Factors & Load Combinations for Assessing Capability of Mark II Containments to Accommodate Safety/Relief Valve LoadsSafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20214G62514 March 1972Summary of 711212-15 Site Visit W/Util & B&R Re Geological Reconnaissance in Hanford,Wa.Attendance List EnclEarthquake
ML20214G63624 February 1972Summary of 721215 & 16 Meetings W/Util B&R,Usgs & GE in Kennewick,Wa Re Site Geology,Hydrology & Applicable Fftf Published Info.Attendance List Encl
ML20214G69518 April 1977Summary of 770216-17 Meeting W/Mark II Owners,Ge & BNL Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Load Support Program.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214G72216 November 1971Summary of 711028 Meeting W/Util,Bpa,Ge & B&R Re Schedule Requirements & to Review Anticipated Problem Areas Recently Encountered W/Other BWRs
ML20214G7748 June 1977Summary of 770526 Meeting W/Mark II Owners & GE Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Loads.List of Meeting Attendees Encl
ML20214G7793 July 1975Summary of 750630 Meeting W/Mark II Owners,Aes & GE in Bethesda,Md Re Role of Mark II Owners,Status of Const of Various Mark II Units & Program for Determining Mark II LOCA & Safety/Relief Valve LoadsSafe Shutdown
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20214G78423 June 1977Summary of 770615 Meeting W/Utils & GE Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Loads.List of Attendees Encl
ML20214G7952 August 1977Summary of 770729 Meeting W/Utils & GE Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Load Program
ML20214G81213 November 1972Summary of 721026 Meeting W/Util,B&R,Usgs & Geological Consultant in Denver,Co Re Util Plans for Resolving Contradictions in Geological Data in PSAR & Ambiquities in Regional Geological Analysis
ML20214G81422 November 1977Summary of 771116-17 Meetings W/Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council in Richland,Wa Re Status of Plant & Impact of Aid to Mitigate Socioeconomic Impacts Resulting from Plant Const