MONTHYEARML17284A9091999-10-14014 October 1999 Summary of 990913-14 Utilities Service Alliance Licensing Workshop in Kansas City,Mo Re Improving Quality of Licensing Submittals & Improving Licensing Interface Between Licensees & Nrc.Workshop Book & Feedback Encl ML17083C7091998-08-0303 August 1998 Summary of 980722-24 Workshop Meeting W/Util in Region 4 Ofc Re Operator Licensing Initial Exam & Other Current Issues. Attendance List & Handouts Encl ML17292B3751998-05-0606 May 1998 Summary of 980330 Meeting W/Wppss Re Status & Schedule for Licensee Program for Upgrading Nuclear Project 2 Fsar.List of Attendees & Slides Encl ML17292B1381997-12-10010 December 1997 Summary of 971014 Meeting W/Util Re Licensee Planned WNP-2 on-site Spent Fuel Cask Storage Program.List of Attendees & Meeting Slides Encl ML17292B0701997-09-26026 September 1997 Summary of 970827 Meeting W/Wppss Re Licensees Planned WNP-2 FSAR Upgrade Program.List of Attendees Encl ML17292A9661997-08-0707 August 1997 Summary of 970623 Meeting W/Util Re Licensee 970520 Amend Request to Modify Min Critical Power Ratio Limit for Plant. Attendance List & Meeting Slides Encl ML17083C6531997-07-11011 July 1997 Summary of 970529 & 30 Meetings W/Util in Arlington,Tx Re Exam Development to Meet Agency Expectations of Facility licensee-developed Initial Licensing Exam.List of Attendees, Meeting Agenda & Handouts Encl ML17292A8731997-05-23023 May 1997 Summary of 970429 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Status & Schedule for Resolution of Thermo-Lag at Plant.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML17284A7641997-02-0707 February 1997 Summary of 970127 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Upcoming Insps Identified Including Corrective Actions & Special Insp on Instantaneous Overcurrent & Drywell Pressure Instruments ML17292A5911996-11-13013 November 1996 Summary of 961004 Meeting W/Wppss in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Instrument Response Time Verification Program.List of Attendance & Licensee Handouts Encl ML17284A7621996-09-0404 September 1996 Summary of 960828 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Panel Discussed Recent Results of ASD ECP Special Insp & Recommended Findings of Insp Be Reviewed by Region IV Panel for Potential Escalated EA ML17292A4281996-08-26026 August 1996 Summary of 960625 Meeting W/Util Re Proposed Changes to Administration of Decommissioning Fund for WNP-2.Licensee Slides & Attendees List Attached ML17284A7611996-08-16016 August 1996 Summary of 960726 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Preliminary Info Re Early Criticality Event & Oversight Panel Discussed Planned Special Insp Efforts to Review Early Criticality ML17284A7601996-07-22022 July 1996 Summary of 960620 Oversight Panel with Util Re Preliminary Insp Findings Re Licensee Installation of Adjustable Speed Drives for Recirculation Pumps ML17292A3681996-07-22022 July 1996 Summary of 960627 Meeting W/Washington Public Power Supply Sys in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Rev of TS to Conform to Improved Sts.List of Attendees Encl ML17291B2991996-04-18018 April 1996 Summary of 960411 Meeting W/Licensee & Util in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Change to WNP-2 TS to Implement Adjustable Speed Drives for RRC ML17284A7591996-03-13013 March 1996 Summary of 960307 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Schedule of Several Panel Members & Radiation Protection ML17284A7581996-03-0505 March 1996 Summary of 960122 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Design Engineering Support for Outage & Health Physics/Alara for Outage High Dose Work ML20036D2821996-02-0101 February 1996 Summary of 960131 Meeting W/Representatives of WPPSS Representing Members of Utilities Service Alliance to Discuss Proposed Approach for WPPSS to Conduct Initial Screening Tests of Urine Specimens Sent by USA Members ML17291B2141996-01-30030 January 1996 Summary of 951026 Meeting w/ABB-CE & WPPSS to Discuss Cenpd 300,which Presents ABB-CE Methodology for Analyzing Mixed Fuel That Will Be in Plant core.ABB-CE Summarized Cenpd 300 Methodology.W/List of Attendees & Presentation Slides ML17284A7531995-11-0808 November 1995 Summary of 951102 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Recommendations for Insps at WNP-2 ML17284A7521995-11-0303 November 1995 Summary of 950926 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Licensee Progress in Performance Enhancement Strategy in All Areas & for Panel to Be Prepared to Either Agree or Raise Questions as to Licensee Conclusions ML17291B0861995-10-16016 October 1995 Summary of 951005 Meeting W/Wpps Sys in Rockville,Md to Discuss Use of ABB-CE Fuel at WNP-2.List of Attendees & Presentation Matl Encl ML16342D0531995-09-15015 September 1995 Summary of 950907 Meeting W/Utils in Arlington,Tx Re Pilot Exam Development Program.Attendance List,Meeting Agenda & Handouts,Encl ML17291A6901995-03-0909 March 1995 Summary of 950201 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Re Licensee Ongoing Program for Conversion to View Std Ts.List of Attendees Encl ML17291A6821995-03-0303 March 1995 Summary of 950206 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Util Proposed Changes to Containment Design Criteria & Associated Ts.Attendees List Encl ML16342C7511994-11-22022 November 1994 Summary of 941110 Meeting W/Utils Re Training & Operator Licensing Issues.List of Attendees,Meeting Agenda & Handouts Encl ML17291A4321994-09-30030 September 1994 Summary of 940908 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Supply Sys Proposal for Use of MOX Fuel at Facility.List of Attendees Encl ML17291A3861994-09-14014 September 1994 Summary of 940830 Meeting W/Nrc & Util in Rockville,Md Re Licensee Proposal to Use MOX Fuel at Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML17291A3411994-08-16016 August 1994 Summary of 940721 Meeting W/Washington Public Power Supply System Re Concerns Related to Licensee Mgt Controls of Plant Activities,Specifically Events That Occurred During 1994 Refueling Outage.List of Attendees & Meeting Matl Encl ML17291A3081994-07-19019 July 1994 Summary of 940609 Meeting W/Wppss Re Reload Analysis for WNP-2 Cycle 10 Reload.Discussed Were Core Power Stability with Comparison of Cycle 10 Calculations with Cycle 8, power-to-flow Map & Rev to Previous Commitments ML16342C5861994-06-10010 June 1994 Summary of 940517 Meeting W/Utils in Region IV Office Re Discussion of motor-operated Valve Issues W/Region IV Licensees.W/Encls ML17290B0481994-03-24024 March 1994 Summary of 940321 Meeting W/Util Re WNP-2 Supply Sys.List of Attendees Encl ML17290A9971994-03-0303 March 1994 Summary of 940223 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md to Supply Sys Proposal for Use of MOX Fuel at Plants.List of Attendees Encl ML16342A3111993-11-0303 November 1993 Summary of 931021 Utility Workshop Held in Phoenix,Az Re Cost Beneficial Licensing Actions.List of Meeting Attendees Encl ML20058M1861993-09-22022 September 1993 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-35 on 930915 ML20035E4921993-02-26026 February 1993 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-07 on 930224 ML17289A7841992-08-10010 August 1992 Summary of 920730 Meeting W/Util Re Status of Various Licensing Issues & Comparison of Licensee open-item List & Project Manager Data List.All Licensing Actions on Schedule & No Discrepancies Noted.List of Attendees Encl ML17289A6211992-06-15015 June 1992 Summary of 920528 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Forthcoming Installation of Adjustable Speed Drives on Reactor Recirculation Sys Pumps.Attendance List Encl ML17289A5271992-05-0808 May 1992 Summary of 920416 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Licensee Megawatt Improvement Program.List of Attendees Encl ML17286B1411991-11-15015 November 1991 Summary of 911029 Meeting W/Util Re Status of Simulatory Facility Certification.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML17286B0491991-09-16016 September 1991 Summary of 910828 Meeting W/Util Re Deviations Taken by Licensee from Rev 4 to BWROG Emergency Procedure Guidelines. Viewgraphs Encl ML17286A6801991-03-27027 March 1991 Summary of 910313 Meeting Re Status of Facility,Units 1,2 & 3.List of Attendees Also Encl ML17286A5661991-01-30030 January 1991 Summary of 910125 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Response to NRC Emergency Operating Procedure Insp Team Issues ML17286A5461991-01-0909 January 1991 Summary of 901205 Meeting W/Licensee Re Deviations Noted from BWR Owners Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML17285B2691990-05-0808 May 1990 Summary of 900418 Meeting W/Util Re Safety Analyses Performed in Conjunction W/Fuel Reload Analyses for Cycle 6 & Subsequent Fuel Cycles & Responses to NRC Bulletin 90-02, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Channel Box Bow ML17285B2611990-05-0404 May 1990 Summary of 900419 Meeting W/Util Re Schedule for Simulation Facility Certification.Slides Encl ML20246F8691989-06-22022 June 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-24 on 890621.On 890615,potential Unmonitored Primary Coolant Release Path to Environ Discovered at WPPSS-2.On 890617,loss of Offsite Power Occurred at Brunswick,Unit 2 ML17285A3171989-03-0202 March 1989 Summary of 890216 Meeting W/Devonrue Re BWR-6 Alternate Ac Approach to Satisfy Station Blackout Rule.Attendance List & Handout Matl Encl ML17285A3251989-02-27027 February 1989 Summary of 890131 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Improvement of Safety Performance at Plant.Viewgraphs Encl 1999-10-14
MONTHYEARML17284A9091999-10-14014 October 1999 Summary of 990913-14 Utilities Service Alliance Licensing Workshop in Kansas City,Mo Re Improving Quality of Licensing Submittals & Improving Licensing Interface Between Licensees & Nrc.Workshop Book & Feedback Encl ML17083C7091998-08-0303 August 1998 Summary of 980722-24 Workshop Meeting W/Util in Region 4 Ofc Re Operator Licensing Initial Exam & Other Current Issues. Attendance List & Handouts Encl ML17292B3751998-05-0606 May 1998 Summary of 980330 Meeting W/Wppss Re Status & Schedule for Licensee Program for Upgrading Nuclear Project 2 Fsar.List of Attendees & Slides Encl ML17292B1381997-12-10010 December 1997 Summary of 971014 Meeting W/Util Re Licensee Planned WNP-2 on-site Spent Fuel Cask Storage Program.List of Attendees & Meeting Slides Encl ML17292B0701997-09-26026 September 1997 Summary of 970827 Meeting W/Wppss Re Licensees Planned WNP-2 FSAR Upgrade Program.List of Attendees Encl ML17292A9661997-08-0707 August 1997 Summary of 970623 Meeting W/Util Re Licensee 970520 Amend Request to Modify Min Critical Power Ratio Limit for Plant. Attendance List & Meeting Slides Encl ML17083C6531997-07-11011 July 1997 Summary of 970529 & 30 Meetings W/Util in Arlington,Tx Re Exam Development to Meet Agency Expectations of Facility licensee-developed Initial Licensing Exam.List of Attendees, Meeting Agenda & Handouts Encl ML17292A8731997-05-23023 May 1997 Summary of 970429 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Status & Schedule for Resolution of Thermo-Lag at Plant.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML17284A7641997-02-0707 February 1997 Summary of 970127 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Upcoming Insps Identified Including Corrective Actions & Special Insp on Instantaneous Overcurrent & Drywell Pressure Instruments ML17292A5911996-11-13013 November 1996 Summary of 961004 Meeting W/Wppss in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Instrument Response Time Verification Program.List of Attendance & Licensee Handouts Encl ML17284A7621996-09-0404 September 1996 Summary of 960828 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Panel Discussed Recent Results of ASD ECP Special Insp & Recommended Findings of Insp Be Reviewed by Region IV Panel for Potential Escalated EA ML17292A4281996-08-26026 August 1996 Summary of 960625 Meeting W/Util Re Proposed Changes to Administration of Decommissioning Fund for WNP-2.Licensee Slides & Attendees List Attached ML17284A7611996-08-16016 August 1996 Summary of 960726 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Preliminary Info Re Early Criticality Event & Oversight Panel Discussed Planned Special Insp Efforts to Review Early Criticality ML17284A7601996-07-22022 July 1996 Summary of 960620 Oversight Panel with Util Re Preliminary Insp Findings Re Licensee Installation of Adjustable Speed Drives for Recirculation Pumps ML17292A3681996-07-22022 July 1996 Summary of 960627 Meeting W/Washington Public Power Supply Sys in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Rev of TS to Conform to Improved Sts.List of Attendees Encl ML17291B2991996-04-18018 April 1996 Summary of 960411 Meeting W/Licensee & Util in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Change to WNP-2 TS to Implement Adjustable Speed Drives for RRC ML17284A7591996-03-13013 March 1996 Summary of 960307 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Schedule of Several Panel Members & Radiation Protection ML17284A7581996-03-0505 March 1996 Summary of 960122 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Design Engineering Support for Outage & Health Physics/Alara for Outage High Dose Work ML20036D2821996-02-0101 February 1996 Summary of 960131 Meeting W/Representatives of WPPSS Representing Members of Utilities Service Alliance to Discuss Proposed Approach for WPPSS to Conduct Initial Screening Tests of Urine Specimens Sent by USA Members ML17291B2141996-01-30030 January 1996 Summary of 951026 Meeting w/ABB-CE & WPPSS to Discuss Cenpd 300,which Presents ABB-CE Methodology for Analyzing Mixed Fuel That Will Be in Plant core.ABB-CE Summarized Cenpd 300 Methodology.W/List of Attendees & Presentation Slides ML17284A7531995-11-0808 November 1995 Summary of 951102 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Recommendations for Insps at WNP-2 ML17284A7521995-11-0303 November 1995 Summary of 950926 Oversight Panel Meeting with Util Re Licensee Progress in Performance Enhancement Strategy in All Areas & for Panel to Be Prepared to Either Agree or Raise Questions as to Licensee Conclusions ML17291B0861995-10-16016 October 1995 Summary of 951005 Meeting W/Wpps Sys in Rockville,Md to Discuss Use of ABB-CE Fuel at WNP-2.List of Attendees & Presentation Matl Encl ML16342D0531995-09-15015 September 1995 Summary of 950907 Meeting W/Utils in Arlington,Tx Re Pilot Exam Development Program.Attendance List,Meeting Agenda & Handouts,Encl ML17291A6901995-03-0909 March 1995 Summary of 950201 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Re Licensee Ongoing Program for Conversion to View Std Ts.List of Attendees Encl ML17291A6821995-03-0303 March 1995 Summary of 950206 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Util Proposed Changes to Containment Design Criteria & Associated Ts.Attendees List Encl ML16342C7511994-11-22022 November 1994 Summary of 941110 Meeting W/Utils Re Training & Operator Licensing Issues.List of Attendees,Meeting Agenda & Handouts Encl ML17291A4321994-09-30030 September 1994 Summary of 940908 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Supply Sys Proposal for Use of MOX Fuel at Facility.List of Attendees Encl ML17291A3861994-09-14014 September 1994 Summary of 940830 Meeting W/Nrc & Util in Rockville,Md Re Licensee Proposal to Use MOX Fuel at Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML17291A3411994-08-16016 August 1994 Summary of 940721 Meeting W/Washington Public Power Supply System Re Concerns Related to Licensee Mgt Controls of Plant Activities,Specifically Events That Occurred During 1994 Refueling Outage.List of Attendees & Meeting Matl Encl ML17291A3081994-07-19019 July 1994 Summary of 940609 Meeting W/Wppss Re Reload Analysis for WNP-2 Cycle 10 Reload.Discussed Were Core Power Stability with Comparison of Cycle 10 Calculations with Cycle 8, power-to-flow Map & Rev to Previous Commitments ML16342C5861994-06-10010 June 1994 Summary of 940517 Meeting W/Utils in Region IV Office Re Discussion of motor-operated Valve Issues W/Region IV Licensees.W/Encls ML17290B0481994-03-24024 March 1994 Summary of 940321 Meeting W/Util Re WNP-2 Supply Sys.List of Attendees Encl ML17290A9971994-03-0303 March 1994 Summary of 940223 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md to Supply Sys Proposal for Use of MOX Fuel at Plants.List of Attendees Encl ML16342A3111993-11-0303 November 1993 Summary of 931021 Utility Workshop Held in Phoenix,Az Re Cost Beneficial Licensing Actions.List of Meeting Attendees Encl ML20058M1861993-09-22022 September 1993 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-35 on 930915 ML20035E4921993-02-26026 February 1993 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-07 on 930224 ML17289A7841992-08-10010 August 1992 Summary of 920730 Meeting W/Util Re Status of Various Licensing Issues & Comparison of Licensee open-item List & Project Manager Data List.All Licensing Actions on Schedule & No Discrepancies Noted.List of Attendees Encl ML17289A6211992-06-15015 June 1992 Summary of 920528 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Forthcoming Installation of Adjustable Speed Drives on Reactor Recirculation Sys Pumps.Attendance List Encl ML17289A5271992-05-0808 May 1992 Summary of 920416 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Licensee Megawatt Improvement Program.List of Attendees Encl ML17286B1411991-11-15015 November 1991 Summary of 911029 Meeting W/Util Re Status of Simulatory Facility Certification.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML17286B0491991-09-16016 September 1991 Summary of 910828 Meeting W/Util Re Deviations Taken by Licensee from Rev 4 to BWROG Emergency Procedure Guidelines. Viewgraphs Encl ML17286A6801991-03-27027 March 1991 Summary of 910313 Meeting Re Status of Facility,Units 1,2 & 3.List of Attendees Also Encl ML17286A5661991-01-30030 January 1991 Summary of 910125 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Response to NRC Emergency Operating Procedure Insp Team Issues ML17286A5461991-01-0909 January 1991 Summary of 901205 Meeting W/Licensee Re Deviations Noted from BWR Owners Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML17285B2691990-05-0808 May 1990 Summary of 900418 Meeting W/Util Re Safety Analyses Performed in Conjunction W/Fuel Reload Analyses for Cycle 6 & Subsequent Fuel Cycles & Responses to NRC Bulletin 90-02, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Channel Box Bow ML17285B2611990-05-0404 May 1990 Summary of 900419 Meeting W/Util Re Schedule for Simulation Facility Certification.Slides Encl ML20246F8691989-06-22022 June 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-24 on 890621.On 890615,potential Unmonitored Primary Coolant Release Path to Environ Discovered at WPPSS-2.On 890617,loss of Offsite Power Occurred at Brunswick,Unit 2 ML17285A3171989-03-0202 March 1989 Summary of 890216 Meeting W/Devonrue Re BWR-6 Alternate Ac Approach to Satisfy Station Blackout Rule.Attendance List & Handout Matl Encl ML17285A3251989-02-27027 February 1989 Summary of 890131 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Improvement of Safety Performance at Plant.Viewgraphs Encl 1999-10-14
[Table view] |
AUG 211972 Docket No. 50-397 Roger S. Boyd, Assistant Director for Boiling Water Reactors, Directorate of Licensing RobertA. Clark, Chief,GasCooledReactorsBranch,Dirggrgtjes gned by THRUt of Licensing Rcbert A. Clark MEETINC WITil WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM (WPPSS) CONCER'iING HANFORD NUMBER IVO MUCLEAR POWER PLANT, DOCKET NO.
50-397 Summary On August 4 and 9 meetings were held with the Washington Public Power Supply System at Bethesda, Maryland. The purpose of the August 4 meeting was to discuss the adequacy of the 20% of critical dampinr:
for horizontal and vertical response used by the applicant for their soil structure interaction during a seismic event. The meeting on August 9 was concerned with allowable containment design stress for penetrations and attachments for pipe whip restraints. The list of attendees at both meetings is attached.
Discussion 1.
Damping Factors The applicant, as outlined in the PSAR, utilized the time history technique for his seismic design. In the meeting on August 4 the applicant presented an evaluation utilizing the time history tech-l nique and a 20% of critical soil damping for horizontal and ver-tical response to illustrate the margins he had in his seismic design. The applicant was told that the 10% of critical damping for soil structure interaction was the accepted value by the AEC anL its consultants.
If, however, the applicant wished to present his case in a topical, the AEC and their consultants would evaluate I
However, until such time as the evaluation is complete and the adequacy of the 20% of critical damping factor is established the design should proceed based on a damping factor for e6il structure interaction of 10% of critical. The applicant after reviewing the alternative presented decided to use the 10% of critical damping for horizontal and vertical response. In response to a request by the applicant we agreed that for structure design the response spectra method was satisfactory.
k A
b We then reviewed the seismic response spectra for various damping rr.tio to be used for the seismic analysis of structures. At this meeting and in a subsequent telephone conversation with the appli-cant it concluded that the amplication factors in the PSAR are satisfactory.
Seismic Design Criteria for Systems and Components The applicant was told that his answer to question 12.50 in amend-ment No. 7 on seismic design criteria for systems and components was unsatisfactory. If the applicant wishes to use static factors
for the seismic design of systems and components then a satisfactory approach would be to use a seultiplication factor of 1.5 on (l'e dominant frequency. The applicant stated he would review his design approach and inform us of his decision in the near future.
Allowable Containment Design Stresses The applicant presented his containment design approach for pipe penetrations and pipe support attachments. The proposed design criteria was to utilize faulted conditions for both loads and stresses for the design of containnent attachments taking pipe whip loads and faulted loads and emergency stresses for the pipe penetrations. The pipe rupture forces transmitted to the contain-ment from the pipe whip restraints were calculated usinC the methods outlined in NEDM 10498. The applicant was told that his design criteria for allowable containment stresses was unacceptablev An acceptable approach would be to design both the penetration and the pipe restraint attachment for loads corresponding to faulted conditions and stress limits as outlined ASME B & P code Section III for containments paragraph Ur' 33:2. The applicant agreed to utilize this approach and will confirm this in their next amendment to the PSAR. The applicant was also told that evaluating the effect of jet impingment loads on the containment using allowable stress as 85% of' Appendix F was acceptable. This approach is contained in the Appendix to meeting minutes of the Subcommittaa on Nuclear l
Power dated June 22, 1972.
l j
N#o'cket FiH BWR Br. Chiefs Origina1 signed by:
RP Reading W. Haass Sydney Miner.....
BCR Reading M. Rosen Sydney Miner, Project Manager l
R. S. Boyd R0 (3)
Gas Cooled Reactors Branch D. Skovholt S. Miner Directorate of Licensing D. Knuth L. Little R. Maccary J. Richardson R. Tedesco S. N. Hou H. Denton S. B. Burwell R. A. Clark L:GCR MCR...h,,_
omcr >...S. Miner--
- nb
,... RAClark.,,
l oart > k/b.f.2
., 8/.,],?2,,___,,_
FOffD AIC-HOIRes 9-53' AECM 0240
- v. s. wt rnssarNT rwNTING orric r : 1.m o - 4 s-i
e ATTENDANCE LIST B&R AEC R. R. Maccary (1) (2)
J. J. Byrnes (1) (2)
S. Miner (1) (2)
G. A. Marstead (1)
L. E. Little (1) (2)
W. J. Ritch (1)
L. Shao (2)
E. R. Kununerle (1)
J. E. Richardson (1) (2)
B. Bedrosian (1)
S. N. Hou (2)
K. Ronis (2)
K. Kapur (1)
S. B. Burwell (1)
WPPSS R. A. Clark (1)
J. R. Church (1) (2)
E. D'Appolonia Consulting Ennineers D. L. Renberger (1) (2)
L. L. Humphreys (1)
Paul C. Rizzo (1)
J. E. Woolsey (1)
O. E. Trapp (2) 1 omer >
summc >
. (1).... August. 4. mea ting (2) August %.. meeting
_ _,2_>
form AEC pe Rev.9-53; AECM C240
- v. e, cou PNMBT PRINTING OFF1Cf. 19fo O. 4C5-345 t