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Diesel Engine 1A Component Revalidation Insp Rept
Person / Time
Site: Catawba, 05000000
Issue date: 06/01/1984
Shared Package
ML20091J037 List:
NUDOCS 8406050373
Download: ML20091J056 (180)


. .- _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ - - . . .



DUEE POWER CGIPANY June 1, 1984 8406050373 840601 PDR ADOCK 0S000413 PDR g

l U

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Summary and Conclusions 2.1 Overview of Inspection Results 2.2 Piston Skirt Cracking 2.3 Subcovers 2.4 Cylinder Head Leaks 2.5 Conclusions 3.0 Discussion of Inspection Results 3.1 Inspections Related to TDI Generic Problems 3.2 Inspections Related to Catawba Specific Problems 3.3 General Inspections 4.0 References 5.0 Appendic es A. Inspection Reports B. Engineering Validation Report Figures 2-1 Cracked Type AN Piston Skirt 2-2 Cracked Subcover Castings 2-3 Crack in cylinder Head Table 2-1 Summary of Catawba Diesel IA Post Extended Operation Test Results l

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l 1.0 Introduction 1

I This report describes the results of inspections and evaluations performed on the Catawba 1A diesel engine. These inspections were l performed as part of an overall program to verify the reliability of Transamerica Delaval, Incorporated (TDI) diesel engines used for safety-grade power supplies at Catsuba. The overall program is described in an April 5, 1984 letter to the NRC, reference 1. The scope of the 1l - inspections meets or escoeds the TDI Owners Group inspection progra's.

The inspections of the 1A diesel engine discussed herein were performed

, in April and May, 1984. The inspections involved extensive disassembly 1 of the 41esel and 1002 inspection of parts for which there was a history of problems or other reasons for special concern. Substantial (e.g.

25%) sampling inspections were performed of other importsat parts where there was no history of problems. The scope of the inspections is essentially as described in reference 1, with the exception that all 16 pistons, connecting rods, and related parts were inspected on a 100%

basis rather taan on a sample basis. Also, one additional main bearing and two additional cylinder liners were added to the inspection plan.

The diesel disassembly, reassembly, and inspections are being performed i in accordance with the Duke Power Quality Assurance Program. The assembly, disassembly and inspection work was largely performed by Duke Power personnel, with selected inspections performed by Failure Analysis Associates (FaAA) and Stone and Webster (S&W) personnel in conjunction with the TDI Owners Group program. '

, Detailed results of the inspections are contained in section 5.0, Appendia A and are discussed in Section 3.0. Some parts which are important to diesel operability were not inspected since inspection is

! not called for by the TDI Owners Group program and there has been no history of problems. For such items an engineering evaluation of the

< operating and usintenance history of each of these parts was performed and is documented in Appendix B of Section 5.0.

l l This report is the initial report of the Catawba 1A diesel inspections.

This report covers over 76% of the inspection plan which includes about 4200 separate inspections. Inspection results not covered in this report are as follows:

e Walkdowns of the jacket water, s. tart ing air, fuel oil, engine shutdown, engine conduit and exhaust manifold systems. These walkdowns can only be accomplished following reas sembly of the eng ine.

e Visual inspections of turbocharger exhaust gas inlet bolts.

e Visual enamination of some components within the overspeed trip and hardness and liquid penetrant (FT) tests of components of the accessory drive.

I e FT test of components of the governor drive.

e Material comparitor tests on valves, jacket water pump drive shaft, cylir. der liners, and piston pins.

e Inspections of bearings and journals on #6 and #8 main bearing s.

Inspections of #4 and #5 male bearings have been completed.

e Eddy-current (ECT) test of fuel line tubing.

e X-ray acceptance of connecting rod shells.

e Review of c/linser heads to see if they have been repaired at the base of the fuel injector hole.

e Boroscope inspection of bore of injection pump valve holder.

e Visual and magnetic particle inspection (MT) of fuel injector nossle holder stude.

A updated report incorporating the above inspection results, additional engineering evaluat ions , as well as the results of ongoing failure analysis work (reported in the body of this report) will be issued by June 29, 1984.

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2.0 Summary ad, Conclusions 2.1 Overview gL Insnection Results In March 1984, the Catawba 1A diesel engine success fully completed (reference 1) its extended operation test which results in more than 800 total accumulated hours on the engine. This test confirmed the ability of the diesel to operate reliably for long periods of time at high power. Subsequent to the extended operation test, extensive disassembly and inspection of this diesel engine has been performed to confirm the l

, s atis factory condition of varicas parts and to identify any parts requiring repair, replacement, and/or redesign to eneure highly reliable standby electric generator service.

The post extended operation test inspections are now nearly completed, with the only exceptions being as outlined in Section 1.0. The results t of the inspections are suussarized in Table 2-1. Initial engineering and quality assurance evaluation of the inspection results has been performed with final evaluation expected to be completed by June 29, 1984. Work performed to date is considered to have identified all significant conditions. These conditions are discussed below.

The most ' significant results of the Catawba 1A diesel engine post extended operation test inspections are as follows:

e Many of the major problems experienced with other TDI diesel engines did not occur in the Catawba IA diesel engine. These problems include failed crank shaf t s ', cracked connecting rod-crankpin bearing shells, connecting rod box cracks,and ersched cylinder blocks, e One major problem was noted on the 1A diesel. Four of the type AN piston skirts used in the 1A diesel were found to have one or more cracks in the region where an internal circumferential reinforcing l

rib intersects the piston pin boss (Figure 2-1). This problem is discussed further in Section 2.2.

e The turbocharger - thrust bearings were found to be severely worn, even though they had continued to function satis factorily during the test. This condition was anticipated since similar problems have been experienced at other stations. As a result of this history, a redesigned lube oil system is being developed which is expected to prevent recurrence of the problem. It will be installed by September 1,1984. In the meantime, the bearings are being replaced as necessary to ensure operability.


l o Several other problems of potential significance to diesel l,

operability were detected and are being further investigated as l part of the TDI Owners Group program. These are:





- Two subcover castings were found to have cracks in an incake rocker are pedestal (Figure 2-2). These cracks are discussed in Section 2.3.

-- Two Catawba cylinder heads (one on diesel LA and one on IB) experienced small jacket water leaks into the fuel injector cavity. Recent metallographic examinations of the head removed from the la diesel indicates that the leak was due to a fatigue crack (Figure 2-3). This problem is discussed in Section 2.4.

e A small eddy-current test (ECT) indication was detected in crankpin . to web fillet #7 (generator end) on the crankshaft.

Metallurgical examination using replicas indicates that indication was due to two small (about .030 inch long) axial linear defects.

ECT indicates that the defects are less than .020 inches deep.

Preliminary evaluation is that these are not due to service but rather due to initial fabrication. Duke Power Co. is continuing to i examine these indications metallographically by replication. These indications will be removed by polishing.

e A variety of routine minor conditions were noted, and are discussed in Section 3.0 and 5.0. None of these conditions impact the operability or structural integrity of the diesel. Typical '

conditions of this type include:

-- Chipped and cracked edges of rocker are sockets. (Section 3.3.1)

-- Chipped and removed valve stem chrome plate. (Section 3.3.2)

-- Jammed air start valve adjusting nut. (Section 3.3.3)

-- Heads of small bolts . broken off, due to under or over torquing. (Section 3.3.5) i l

2.2 Piston jhigt Crackinz l

Four type AN skirts were found to have cracks adjacent to piston pin bosses. (Figure 2-1) These cracks run approximately vertically, and appear to initiate on the inside of the skirt where a circumferential reinforcing rib intersects the piston pin boss. The largest crack, on skirt 3L, was through well and was about 3 to 4 inches long on the outs ide .

It is understood from TDI that this type of crack has never before been l reported to TDI for stress relieved piston skirts . However, similar l

cracks have occurred on non-stress relieved type AN skirts and, as a result, TDI recalled non-stress relieved skirts for stress relief.

Those Catawba la skirts which had not been originally stress relieved were returned to TDI and stress relieved in 1983, prior to the extended operation test and other tests. Thus, the cracking of the Catawba 1A skirts indicates that this type of cracking is possible even with stress relieved type AN piston skirts.

An extensive failure analysis of the cracked Catawba type AN piston skirts is now being performed by Failure Analysis Associates (FaAA) as part of the TDI Owners Group program. This program includes determination of residual and applied stresses, fractography, and metallurgical evaluations . Operational tests of cracked piston skirts are also being considered to evaluate crack growth rates.

The cracked AN type piston skirts in the Catawba 1A diesel did not cause any operational problems, and 12 of the 16 skirts were free of cracks.

Nevertheless, all the pisten skirts will be replaced with improved design AE skirts. The AE skirts have been stress relieved and include improved design features such as a thicker reinforcing rib and better rib-piston boss intersection details. These improvements are expected 4

to adeoustely reduce the stresses and propensity for cracking in the area which experienced cracking at Catawba. The FaAA/0wners Group program will quantify the benefits achieved by use of AE piston skirts.

It is anticipated that this will show that no cracking is expected during the life of the Catawba diesels. The AE piston skirts also incorporate the latest improvements in the stud boss region, which has been a problem area in earlier piston designs at the skirt to head transit ion.

1 2.3 Subcovers Two cast iron subcovers were found to have cracks in a pedestal where the intake rocker arm shaft is bolted to the subcover (Figure 2-2B).

Prior to the extended operation test, another subcover was found to have a piece of this pedestal missing (Figure 2-2C). None of these cracks have affected diesel operability. However. . since similar problems have been reported with other diesels, FaAA has initiated a failure analysis of a Catawba subcover. Preliminary thinking is that the cracks are due to installation tolerances between dowels, bushings, and the pedestal leading to excessive interference. Whether such excessive interference fits will be confirmed as the problem by the failure analysis being performed by FaAA is not yet known.

i 2.4 Cylinder Eggi Lagkg i

i Two cylinder heads at Catawba, one on engine 1A and one on engine IB, developed small jacket water leaks into the fuel injection cavity. The 1A leak developed during the extended operation test and the engine was shut down due to other problems three days after detection of the leak.

The 1A leak did not affect engine operability. The leak on the IB l engine was of similar magnitude to that of 1A. The 1A cylinder head l has recently been examined by FaAA. This investigation revealed that I the leak was caused by a crack initiating from the corner of a welded-in plug where it was seated in the cylinder head (Figure 2-3). This velded-in plug is reported by TDI to have been used to repair the casting around the fuel injector hole.

r The cause of crack propagation has not yet been determined. However, the esuse is believed to be thermal / pressure fatigue at the sharp corner of the counter bore for the plug. FaAA will perform a failure analysis as part of the TDI Owners Group program to identify the c aus e. The leaks caused by the cracks have not affected diesel operability since they result in small amounts of water leaking into the fuel injector cavity and then off of the diesel. This does not affect diesel operation and the heads can be replaced at a convenient opportunity.

For this reason, special inspections to check for this condition are not 4 considered necessary. Nevertheless, cylinder heads at Catawba are currently being inspected to determine which ones have been repaired in the injector hole.

2.5 Sanclusions Almost all of the post extended operation test inspections of the critical areas of the diesel have been completed and over 76% of the total number of inspections have been completed. The extended operation test and the post test inspections have demonstrated that the Catawba 1A diesel will reliably provide standby electric generation. The inspections have indicated that the piston skirts must be replaced with improved type AE piston skirts and that a few minor damaged parts such

.as subcover castings with cracked pedestals should be replaced. In

! addition, the diesel engine preventative maintenance program will be re-evaluated based on the results of these inspections to determine whether additional periodic inspections are required. It is believed that completion of the Catawba 1A diesel inspection plan will not affect the above conclusions. Results of the additional inspections as well as

- ongoing engineering evaluations and failure analysis work will be the subject of a updated report on the Catawba 1A diesel to be submitted by June 29, 1984.

e I

I l

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l 1ABLK 1-L SasI&sf g. CATAlfaA gj333k M M aETREaB We&f1M Igg 3335,11 Assa1A t h rarsmat het Emma Part Es. Class Dimmm. Tiamal S. Ms T. Es maarist madamse Be Br antes ammalts IE*I. Paragraph) les ol17:emmene Egslatlag him OHN A - - - - - -

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-- osais a - 300 - - - - - -

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Mo Me - -

Asti factory

- arsha nokhs azars a - s - -

s - - -

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TABLs 2-1 (Contimmad) y lam ig Sina. Farcant Sant Emm Part me. Class Mmm. Timal s. Es T. as material andmune tu ar Estas amentte (sef. paragraph) d omes.1 Air sys -rr.m no annadas eMost s - - - - - - x 9 ami. factory e--I symem a.i.,. oMear A - - - - - - x 9 sets face ry cantal syssam animais unties eMeat A - - - - - -

I 9 satisfaccary cantal Air syntes rip %, miss, rises eMose : - los - - - - - -

sadiss e-e-t em.1 mise eMem A - - - - - - 1 9 autisfactory

, seeai1 % sah eMeet : - nao - - - - - -

asti. face ry san ott am, w askiss aMess : - loo - - - - - - asen -a-e-y

, 14. oil any Tak meeths =~ eMesc s - los - - - - - -

asti.faciary seedscism aska ad Anchus OH50 3 - - - - - I 9 Sutisfactory

, w.e inam - m ies es43ss - - - - - - x 9 astifactory(3.2.4)

' a ssem a wiuary metsia utrhs c aesit aHeat A - - - - - - x 9 nati.fmes sy; s a v rwin. still s ,mme e.

a sk ad a-ait-y sese l. vir% eHam A - - - - - - x 9 asts.faccary 0.1.1o) anime sad amiliary meeste miss a mas awes
A - - - - - - x 9 amts. factory
msw As. m sumere aa4eo A - - - - - - I 9 Saisfaceery arf m ains sasety An== ammer -emitems eHe
A a - - - - - - r 9 ames. factory a nime amadas miss ad ritt%s ee49m n - Ice - - - - - -

hedh a nime asseemse talves, Bass. & Grifice OH92 A - - - - - - 1 9 antisfactory; air syste clasmii-ma ausde to be -i=*at==d.

msw asseems hip Me,a gM93: A - - - - - - 1 9 autisfactory anel all a,1= strainer as-erse A - - - - - - x 9 antisfactory w+ ameries se e syssam e H ra c - aco - - - - - -

rediss m--- eicuntie c 13 H o s - - - - - - x 9 antisfactory

=em Air riker e le6 s - - - - - - x 9 siti -r-re-y ,

, Istem Air silmser on-le7 s - - - - - - E 9 ans tar-e-y I

seemre ard After Ide oil IW M A - - - - - - I 9 Satisfactory mall Flas late til Tilter W lle A - - - - - - I 9 satisfactory Imbe Oil anst anchegar Mll - - - - - - 1 9 aitinfaciary Guarator haft ad Ramrhe @ !!96 A - - - - - - I 9 antisfactory l E!B s I Satisfactory j Justat Mutar anst huteser - - - - - - 9 j G1 Prehte Fiker 05-122 A - - - - - - I 9 Satisfactory Ide Oilsespense ser=I==r N 131 & - - - - - - I 9 Satisfactory

} Istausealer F-468 A - 100 100 - - - - -

Satisfactory W te-022/3 A ace Ice - - - - -

1 autisimetary mesyt timmat hamrisse damese (3.1.16)

Inte cit anti rremane strainer 54Xt3 A - - - - - -

9 assiefactory l

h Ig Tabla l 1. Istake and esamet valve seriase have proper color code.

I 2. Oltrasonic well thickness measurement of fire dock area sad fuel aossle i


j 3. A torsiograph was developed of the crankshaft.

i 4. Craukshaft web deflections and thrust clearance was measured with the l diesel hot med will he usessured cete.

I S. Measure torque on helleville spring loaded bolte.

6. Bardsees of the spools was est measured since escessive wear had not occurred.


7. Isopec t ions of the camshaft hearisse wee not performed eiace se inspection of the csashaft lohee showed so aheermal wear.
8. sCT inspections were limited to both ende of all high pressure injecties times.

l 9. sosiseerias validation of part is to determine that the part is per hill of meteriste sad a review of unscheduled meistessace reports associated with part.

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P' l il Elevation view of skirt Cylinder Rib g 1

Crack k

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Skirt Shell ,

s View A-A Detail of crack initiation FIGURE 2-1 CRACKED TYPE AN PISTON SKIRT

Cracked Pedestal __ ~

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A. Plan view of subcover Dowel Hole

\o 3


B. Crack in web between bolt hole and surface J

~- ).

C. Cracked off Edge of Pedestal FIGURE 2-2 CRACKED SUBCOVER CASTINGS l

Non-Weided Senting Surface for Mug Surface of Water Passage g

Fuel injector Water leek Peth Seeting Surface h ,

% +,I 9

a f

crack Cylinder Head Casting N -

A N\

  • 4 Weid Fire Deck


l t



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3.0 Discussion g.L Inspection Results This discussion of inspection results is contained in three parts. The ,

first- part (Section 3.1) covers inspections related to the 17 ge.neric I problems being addressed by the TDI owners Group. The second part (Section 3.2) covers inspections performed to address concerns raised by specific problems which have been experienced with Catawba diesels. The third part (Section 3.3) covers significant inspection results not covered by the first two parts. All of these inspection results are documented in the Appendices, Section 5.0.

f 3.1 Insoections Related 19,,IR1 Generic Problems I

l The inspections related to TDI generic problems which were performed, and the results of these inspections, are described below.

3.1.1 Crankshaft (Part No. 02-310A)


A crackshaft failuts occurred at Shoreham. The cause of the failure being high cycle fatique cracks initiating from fillets in the crankshaft at the junction of a crankpin and L web (reference 2). Similar cracks were found to exist on other crank-web fillets in all three diesels at Shoreham.

The Catawba crankshaft design differs from that originally used at Shoreham. The Catawba crankshaft has substantially l lower stresses, which meet industry standards and are not expected to cause problems (references 3 and 12).

Nevertheless, it was considered prudent to inspect a sample of crankpin-web and main bearing jottrnal-web fillets.


The cranks' aft inspections consisted of:

l e Web owflection measurements.

e Visual inspections of the crankpin journals and the fillets at either end of all eight crankpins.

. e Eddy-current inspection of crankpin-web fillets for all crankpins except #2.

e Visual inspection of main bearing journals and journal to web. fillets for main bearings #4, #5, #6, and #8.

e Flourescent dye penetrant inspection of oil holes in main bearing journals #4, #6, and #8.

e Torsiograph tests.

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RESULTS OF INSPECTIONS: (Through May 29, 1984; Main bearings 6 and 8 not yet inspected.)


( No unusual or reportable conditions were noted, with one exception. A small

  • indication was detected by ECT on the generator end crankpin-veb fillet for crankpin #7. Detailed examination by polishing and taking of replicas indicates that


the ECT indication was caused by two small axial linear defsets, each about .030 inches long. These indications are currently being metal 1 graphically examined by replication techniques while being removed.

Torsiographic test results are still being reviewed by FaAA.

. Preliminary results, reference 16, indicate that torsional vibration frequencies and stresses were almost identical to the Grand Gulf tests and also,that calculated- by TDI. These stresses meet industry standards.



In summary, the inspections of the crankshaft to date indicate that it is free of significant defects and is not experiencing the type of problem experienced with the Shoreham crankshaft. One small indication was detected by BCT in a crankpin fillet. It is believed that this indication, owing to its orientation, was non service induced. The indication is due to axial defects whereas the service stresses would induce nonaxial cracks. The metallographic examination, still being conducted, will determine whether the defects are service .


3.1.2 Connectina End. Bearinas (Part No. 02-3405)


Several connecting rod bearing shells in the Shoreham diesel engine cracked . Analysis performed by Failure Analysis Associates (reference 4) indicates that stresses in the Catawba diesel engine bearing shells are about one half or

' -less of those that were present in the original Shoreham engines . Thus, cracking of Catawba bearing shells was I considered unlikely. Nevertheless, thorough inspections of the shells were performed to confirm freedom from problems.


i The bearing shell inspections consisted of:

e Visual inspection of bearing and back surfaces of all bearing shells.

e Measurement of the thickness of all bearing shells.

7 0

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e PT examination of the bearing shells.

e X-ray examination of all bearing shells.


No cracks were detected by visual, liquid penetrant or x-ray inspection. Visual and liquid penetrant inspections indicated babbit fatigue in the area of link rod maximum bearing pressures. This has been evaluated and found to exist on all TDI vee block engines and not to affect bearing operat ion.

Duke Power Co. is continuing to evaluate x-ray acceptance standards in order to determine realistically conservative acceptance criteria for the bearing shells. This work will be completed prior to engine reassembly.


Inspection results to date indicated that connecting rod bearing shells are acceptable for continued operat ion.

l Prior to reassembling the shells, a satisfactory acceptance standard for porosity will be determined and the shells evaluated to tnese acceptance standards.

l 3.1.3 Pistons (Part No. 02-341A)


Cracks were experienced at stud attachment bosses in " Modified AF" piston skirts at Shoreham (references 5 and 6). 23 out of 23 " Modified AF" skirts experienced such cracks, while one AN skirt did not (reference 6). TDI indicated that type AN skirts have been widely used and, if properly heat - treated, would perform satisfactorily.

Durir; the extended operation test, Catawba diesel 1A had type AN skirts which had been heat treated at the factory.

Because of the freedom from reported problems with AN skirts, no problems were expected with the Catawba piston skirts, and inspections were originally planned on a sampling basis.


The inspections of piston skirts listed below were directed at assessing their structural bat egrity. Some of these inspections were planned on a sample basis, however, as a result of cr acks- found near the piston pin bosses, 100%

inspections were performed.

e Visual inspection of 100% of the pistons skirts.

e PT examination of stud bosses of 100% of the pis ton skirts.

e PT examination of piston pin bosses of 100% of the piston skirts.

e PT or NT examination of areas adjacent to piston pin bosses (these are the areas where several cracks were noted).

e Ultrasonic (UT) and radiography (RT) examinations were performed if PT or NT indications were observed.


The most significant condition noted was the presence of

, cracks in four piston skirts adjacent to piston pin bosses.

The largest crack was 3 or 4 inches long and was through the wall. The cracks appear to originate at the skirt ID, on the fillets where a reinforcing rib intersects the piston. pin bosses, and to run in an approximately axial direction. The cause of the cracking is unknown at this time but is believed to be due to cyclic fatigue. Skirts have been sent to FaAA for failure analysis.

One small (1/2" long) linear indication was also noted in the bore of a piston pin boss. No indications were found at stud bosses.


Cracks were found to be present in piston skirts near piston pin bosses. As a result, all of the piston skirts will be replaced with type AE pistons. In addition, a detailed failure analysis has been initiated, as part of the TDI Owners Group program.

3.1.4 cylinder LinaEE. (Part No. 02-315C) l PROBLEN:

l i Severe grooving has been noted in at least one TDI nuclear diesel engine (reference 7). This grooving was attributed to debris that entered the diesel during assembly or initial startup.


All of the cylinder liners were 100% inspected to check for the presence of grooves or other damage.

i 4


No significant grooves approaching the 1/16" deep grooves seen in the Grand Gulf diesel were observed in the Catawba cylinder liners. Minor pitting and scratching were observed which is normal for a diesel which has seen substantial servie.e. These pits and scratches'are considered to have no ef fect on diesel

- operability.


The inspections indicate that 'the cylinder liners are in satisfactory condition.

3.1.5 Cylinder M (Part No. 02-315A)


Cracks have been reported on cylinder blocks in the area of the cylinder liner landing and at cylinder head stud holes (reference 7).


The cylinder block inspections included the following:

e The area between the cylinder stude and the liner and the area around the studs were PT examined for 'all cylinders.

e The cylinder liners were removed from seven cylinders (3, 4, 5 and 6 left; 3, 4 and 5 right) and the cylinder liner landing area within the block was PT examined.

l e The stud holes were examined by ECT for the seven

! cylinders identified above.


No significant indications were noted.


Cylinder block cracks were not detected on diesel engine 1A.

3.1.6 Enaine AAAA (Part No. 02-305A) l PROBLEM:

Linear indications have been reported as emanating from main bearing stud holes in the engine base. These problems have been attributed to inadequate bearing cap s tud preload (references 7 and 13).



The main bearing saddle area around and between the stud holes is being FT examined for bearings 4, 5, 6, and 6. In addition, the stud tension required to permit removal of the nuts is being measured. This has been completed for bearings 4 and 5.


No linear indications have been found, and stud tensions were in the normal range.


Inspections, to date, of one half of the planned sample indicates that this problem has not occurred in the Catawba 1A diesel.

3.1.7 - Cylinder gaat jaudi (Part No. 02-315E)


Isolated failures of cylinder head studs have been reported as occurring in non-nuclear TDI diesels (reference 8). Also ,

improper torquing of these studs has been reported as contributing to the cylinder block cracking problem discussed in paragraph 3.1.5.


l Inspections of the cylinder head studs included the following:

e The breakaway torque was measured for the head studs of three cylinders (4L, SL, and 6L).

e The removed studs from the three cylinders identified above were visually inspected.

t e One stud from each of four cylinders was checked by material comparitor and hardness measurement.


Measured breakaway torques all were above 1100 f t-lb s . These torques indicate that required torque (1500 ft-lbs) was originally applied and that the torque has remained at acceptable values after extended operation.

No significant visual indications were noted.

Material comparitor and hardness test results indicated that stude are made of acceptable material.

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A sampling inspection of cylinder head studs indicates that they are acceptable and that they had been correctly torqued.

3.1.8 Rocker &g3L Canscrews (Part No. 02-390G)


A fatigue failure is reported to have occurred with a rocker are capocrew at Shoreham (reference 7). This failure was attributed to undertorquing. Reference 8 indicates that properly torqued capscrews have satisfactory fatigue resistance.



Inspections of the rocker arm capscrews included the following:

e The breakaway torque of all the capscrews was measured.

e All capscrews were visually and MT examined.

e All the capscrews were checked by superficial hardness test methods and material comparitor tests.


The breakaway torques of the intake / intermediate capscrews i

varied be tween 276 and 336 f t.-lbs., and the torques of the exhaust capscrews ranged between 324 and 498 ft.-lbs. These values indicate that the required torque of 365 ft.-lbs. had been originally applied and that acceptable torque values were still present after extended service.

l No indications were noted in the visual or NT examination.

l The material comparitor and hardness tests indicate that the capscrews material is satisfactory.


The diesel engine 1A capscrews were found to be satisfactory l and to have been properly torqued.

3.1.9 Connecti== ]3 ult (Part No. 02-340A)


Cracking of connecting rods is reported to- have occurred ,

apparently due to relative motion between the two halves of the connecting rod at the " rack-teeth" joint (reference 7).


The inspections of the connecting rods included the following:

e Breakaway torque was measured on the connecting rod bolts for all eight master / link rod / rod box assemblies.

! e The threaded holes on the rod boxes of all connecting rod assemblies were ECT inspected.

e The areas of the rod box which have been reported as being subject to cracking were LP saamined.

e Material comparitor and hardness tests were performed on master rod, rod box, and link rod for four connecting rod assemblies.

e Areas of the connecting rod which would be subject to fretting or wear if looseness developed were visually

- inspected (rack-teeth, washers, seating surfaces) on all connecting rod assemblies.


Normal torque values were found, and no significant indications were detected. Material properties were acceptable, and no signs of joint looseness or fretting were seen.



The Catawba 1A connecting rods are considered to be


3.1.10 Electrical Cables (Part No. 02-6885)


A number of electrical cables used by TDI have been identified i as either - failing insulation flame test requirements or not having sufficiently high temperature ratings (references 7 and 14).


3 Stone and Webster, as part of TDI Owners Group activit ies ,

reviewed the Catawba electrical cable installation.


The results of Stone & Webster inspections are not yet available and are expected aoout June 15, 1984.


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The electrical cables have been inspected but the results of the inspections are not yet available.

3.1.11 lus.L Iniection Magg, (Part No. 02-363C)


Several cases of failure of high pressure fuel injection lines have occurred. These failures have been attributed to a fatigue crack initiating at pre-existing .006" draw sean at the tubing ID. (reference 10).


All of the high pressure fuel injection lines will be inspected using ECT methods in early June.


The ins'pections have not yet been performed. ,


The fuel lines have operated for over 10 million cycles without problem and are thus considered to be satisfactory.

In addit ion, ECT inspections will be performed to confirm theit satisfactory condition.

3.1.12 Jacket ]!algt Pumps (Part No. 02-425A)


Several jacket water pump shaft failures occurred at Shoreham (reference 11). The Catawba jacket water pumps are of a different design than the Shoreham pumps. However, even though the problems experienced at Shoreham are not expected to apply to the Catawba diesels, detailed inspections were performed of the Catawba jacket water pumps.


The engine driven jacket water pump inspections included the


l e Visual and PT examination of coupling.

e Visual inspection of clearance ring.

e Verification of shaft material by material comparitor and hardness checks.

e PT and RT of pump impeller.


All planned testing with the exception of a material comparitor test of the shaft has been completed. The only significant condition noted was some porosity in the impeller c ast ing . . Based on RT examination, the porosity was evaluated as acceptable.


To date, the jacket water pump was inspected and found to be satisfactory. Material comparitor tests of the shaft are still to be performed.

'3.1.13 Air.11ari Yaly.g Capscrews (Part No.02-359)


f l

Capscrew bottoming out due to insufficient hole depth for the

! capscrew length can lead to insuf ficient clamping force (reference 7). TDI recommended reducing capscrew length to prevent this problem. Catawba diesel capscrews were modified prior to the extended operation test.


The inspections for the capscrews included the following:

e Measure breakaway torque on all capscrews.

e Measure length of capscrews for 4 valves.


Breakaway torques and capscrew lengths were accep table , and the valves showed no signs of insufficient clamping force.


l l There appear to be no problems with airstart valve 'capscrew bottoming out in the Catawks IA diesel.

3.1.14 Egg]Lggda (Part No. 02-390C) 7 PROBLEM:

Originally supplied pushrods experienced cracking of the welds joining the rod to their rod ends. New design push rods with friction welds were installed in the. Catawba diesels during l- the extended operation test and accumulated about 400 hours0.00463 days <br />0.111 hours <br />6.613757e-4 weeks <br />1.522e-4 months <br /> of operation.


The' inspections of the new design push rods included the following:

e Visual inspection of the shaft end welds to verify that the desired new type of friction welds were used.

e PT examination of all the welds.


All the push rods were confirmed as having the correct type of weld and were found to be free of defects.


The Catawba diesel engine push rods are considered to be satisfactory.

3.1.15 Ensl. Lins. Fitt n=s (Part No. 02-4505) i PROBLEM:

Failures have been reported as occurring at Swagelock fittings , apparently as a result of vibration induced fatigue due to the absence of the supports required by the TDI drawing (reference 7). One fuel line had to be replaced on the Catawba 1A diesel due to leakage. However, inspection of the fuel line indicated that it was improperly awaged rather than failing from fatigue. A flat spot in the cone portion of the tube had been eroded away cassing the leakage.


The inspections of the fuel lines will include a walk down l inspection to verify that the piping is installed per the

! applicable design drawing.


l j' This inspection will be performed after the engine is l reassembled.

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4 SUlelARY:

This inspection has not yet been performed; performed it will be when the engine is procedures reassembled. Reassembly will use Duke Power Co. special fitting installatio n instructions to guard against improper swaging.

3.1.16 Turbocharmer Bearines (Part No. MP-022/23; 02-CFR)


t Severe wear of the bearings has been reported, apparently due to inadequate lubrication during diesel starts (reference 7).

An improved lube oil supply system is being developed for Catawba, with installation by September 1,1984.


e The bearings were visually and dimensionally inspected.


The t> rust faces of the turbocharger bearings were found to be severely worn.

affected turbocharger It should be noted operation during the thatextended this wear had not test. operation J


The and turbocharger bearings are being replaced with new parts, which are expected to operate as well as the original bearings, caused no operational problems for several hundred hours. Until the new lube oil system is installed, the bearings will be inspected as necessary to ensure that they remain in operable condition.

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3.1.17 Cylinder Handi (Part No. 02-360A)


Two small jacket water leaks have been experienced at Catawba resulting in water leaking into the fuel injector nozzle cavity.

Failure analysis of one of the leaking heads has been partially

- completed. The leak was due to cracks propagating' from a corner where a welded ping was installed in the fuel injector nossle seating area. This welded plug was used to repair the injector bore during manufacture. (Figure 2-3)


The inspections performed of the cylinder head included:

o PT examination of valve seats in cylinder heads.

e UT examination of fire deck thickness at selected locations.

e UT examinations of wall thickness at selected locations of the fa41 injector well.


l No cracks were detected and all thicknesses were acceptable.



The currently installed heads in the 1A diesel engine are considered to be satisfactory since they were not leaking when last used and exhibit no cracks in inspectable areas. While the inspections performed were not directed at detecting cracks of the ,

type which caused the earlier leak at Catawba, the type of leaks caused by these cracks do not affect diesel operation and are not significant. Heads will be inspected to determine if they have been repaired in the area where leaks have been encountered.


3.2 Catawba Snecific Problems 3.2.1 Engl Iniection Puum (Part No. 02-365A)


A fuel injection pump nozzle valve holder at Catawba cracked as a i

result of a material defect (reference 1).


The inspections performed to date related to the problem included:

! e Measuring the hardness of each valve holder.

I e Performing a UT examination of each fuel pump valve holder.


l pump valve holders were found to be acc eptable.

All the fuel However, the UT inspection procedure used may not have completely checked all possible defect locations. Hence, additional borescope inspections are planned.


The valve holder failure is believed to have been due to an isolated material defect. All of the currently installed valve holders have been checked to above scope of inspections and found to be free of such defects. However to provide additional

assurance, a boroscope inspection of the bore of the valve holder will be accomplished to assure that there are no voids.

3.2.2 Turbocharmer Prelube 911 LinRL (Part No. 02-3075)


Two failures of the prelube oil lines occurred during the LA extended operation test, due to fatigue cracking at compression fitt ings. The lines have been replaced using an improved proc edure , using additional clamps, vibration dampening devices, j

improved compression fittings and heavier wall stainless steel i

tubing. A further improved prelube system will be installed to correct turbocharger bearing lubrication problems.


l The piping will be visually inspected to verify that it has been installed in accordance with the latest approved drawings, and to verify that there is no evidence of vibration induced damage (fretting, etc.).

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Inspection of this piping has not yet been performed.


After the diesel is reassembled, the system will be inspected to verify that it is properly installed so as to prevent vibration problems .

3.2.3 Turbocharmer Adantor (Part No. 00-495A)


A turbocharger to intercooler adaptor cracked at a flange veld.

This is assumed to have been caused by poor flange alignment with mismatched bolt holes. Catawba now uses improved alignment practices when torquing turbocharger flange bolts (reference 1).


The adaptor veld joints were visually and MT examined.


No defects were noted.


These welds are considered to be satisfactory.

3.2.4 Luki 91L and, Jacket Maint Iharmacouplet (Part No. 02-630D)


Several failures have occurred with these thermocouples as a result of intermittent shorts (reference 1).


Inspections of thermocouples are not considered useful.


Not applicable.


Occassional thermocouple failures are a normal occurrence and do not affect diesel operability under emergency run condit ions .

Failed thermocouples are repaired or replaced at the first opportunity.

- - ~ . _ _ - .. - .

3.2.5 Crankcase And.Canshaft 9, Canscrews (Part No. 02-386B) 1 PROBLEM:

Occasional failures of these capscrews has occurred, apparently due to overtorquing (reference 1).


.All of these capscrews are being replaced with capscrews of known chemical and physical properties. Accordingly, inspection is not




This . problem has been resolved by replacement of the capscrews using capocrews of appropriate quality and by revising installation procedures to control torques to appropriate values.

3.2.6 Rocker }25. (Subcover) Subassembiv (Part No. 02-362A)


Two types of problems have been experienced with these bosses. The first type was reported in reference 1 and involves fracturing off of a piece of the boss (also called a pedestal), apparently due to installation with a misaligned dowel pin. The second type of problem was detected in the post extended operation test l inspections, and involves tight cracks running down the boss in the

! web between the bolt hole and the boss surface. The cause of the second type of problem has not been firmly established but may be

! due to installation tolerances between bushings or dowels and the

. pedestal leading to excessive interference fits.


e All of the bosses on all of subcover assemblies were PT examined.


Two subcovers were found to have cracked bosses following the extended operation test. All of the others were free of defects.


Several cracked bosses were found and the affected subcover assemblies have been replaced. These cracks have not caused a loss of operability of the engines . A failure analysis will be performed by FaAA under TDI Owners Group direct ion. Until the cause of failure and the fre mency of cracking are better established , the Catawba subcovers will be inspected as necessary to verify that additional cracking has not occurred.

l I

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3.2.7 Turbocharmer Iddli 9.11 Exain Lia.g (Part No. 02-467A)


A temporary drain line on diesel 1A leaked during the extended operation test due to fatigue. It is being replaced with an improved design as part of the diesel reassembly.

l I


Not applicable.


l I -

This problem is being resolved by incorporation of an improved design. -


, 3.2.8 Turbocharter Exhaust 9.33. I.nigi Bolts (Part No. 02-3805)


Four 1/2 inch stainless mounting bolts were found broken (reference 1). The cause of the failure has not yet been firmly established, but failure analysis indicates that one bolt to have failed from t

creep rupture while the others failed from torsional overload.


All of the intact bolts and those replaced are being inspected by visual methods at a magnification of 5x to assure that no new j cracks have initiated.


The bolt inspections have not yet been performed.


Preliminary failure analysis indicated that one bolt failed due to creep rupture with others failing due to overload. Use of a more creep resistant alloy will be evaluated. In addit ion, bolt installation procedures have been revised to insure that proper preloads are applied.

3.2.9 Exhaust J.alY.s. Tannet (Rocker Arm Adinstina iszag Swivel (Part No. 02-3905)


One of the swivel pads was found cracked on diesel IB. Failure analysis indicates that the cracking occurred due to a one time overload. It is believed that the swivel pad cracked due to improper swaging at the factory during manufacture.



All swivel pads were visually and liquid penetrant inspected on

diesel 1A.


.i No defects were found and the sockets were found to be correctly swaged.


The swivel pads are considered to be in satisfactory condition.

3.3 General Insoection

' ~

In sddition to inspections related to TDI generic problems and to Catawba specific problems, inspections have been performed of numerous other parts in order to verify the operability of the Catawba lA diesel engine. The results of these inspections showed that the 1A diesel engine was in excellent condition, with a few relatively minor problems in addition to the problems discussed in sections 3.1 and 3.2 above. The only additional problems noted were as follows:

e Two intermediate rocker arm sockets had chipped or cracked edges.

e Nine valve stems had chipped or removed chrome plate.

i One air start valve had a jammed spring retaining nuc and another


had a missing roll pin.

, e One rod box bushing was found to have a heavy circumferential gouge in it.

e Several bolts and capscrews were found to have missing heads or cracks.

These problems are discussed below.

3.3.1 Cracked Intermediate Em;. hag &gg Sockets (Part No. 02-390A)


Two sockets were found to have chipped and/or cracked lips. These chips and cracks did not affect functioning of the sockets since the push rods seat further in- the socket, well inside the area with chips or cracks . The chips and cracks show no evidence of propagating into the functioning part of the socket. The problem is believed to be due to improper installation of the rocker arm prior to valve adjustment, such that excessive clearance exis ted ,

' allowing pushrods to move sideways and contact the lips.

i' i


All of the sockets were visually examined.


The two sockets mentioned above were found to be chipped and/or cracked. No other problems were voted.


The chipped and cracked sockets are considered to b'e a cosmetic problem and to not affect diesel operability. The affected socket

! lips will be ground smooth. In additon, procedure changes are being made to ensure that excessive clearance does not exist in the rocker arm at assambly; this is expected to preclude recurrence of this problem.

3.3.2 Igly.g. (Part No. 02-360B)


Nine ' exhaust valve stems bad areas with chipped or removed chrome plate. This occurred at about 6 to 8 inches above the valve

- seat, at a location corresponding to where the stem entert the valve gu ide . The chrome plate chipping had no affect on siesel operability, and caused no observable damage to the valve guides.


- All valve stems were visually inspected.


As discussed above, 9 exhaust valve stems had chipped or removed chrome plating in areas about 6 to 8 inches above the valve seat.

j No structural damage was observed. ,



Valve stem chrome plate chipping of a cosmetic nature occurred.

The - affected valve stems are being replaced. This condition will be monitored in the future during routine maintenance inspections.

3.3.3 = Sorta= Retainina Eus. ansL Roll Zia na Air. Valves (Part No.-02-359)


The spring retaining nut on an air start valve was found to be

, jaansed due to galled threads. A spring retaining nut roll pin was found to be missing on another valve. The galled threads and missing roll pin had not affected diesel operability.


All of the air start valves were disassembled and visually inspected.


The one jammed nut and one missing roll pin were the only inspection deficiencies found.


The jammed nut and missing roll pin are believed to be due to installation errors. These items have been replaced. Current installation procedures provide assurance that these problems will i- not recur.

3.3.4 Red. .hm, Bushina (Part No. 02-340A)


A rod box bushing (IL) was found to have a circumferential gouge over about 1/3 of the circumference, with a depth of 1/16 inch.


All of the rod box bushings were visually and PT examined.


The only problem noted was the one gouge described above.


The gouged rod box bushing is.being replaced, even though the gouge did not affect operability. This problem is considered to have been an isolated case of damage by a piece of debris.

l 3.3.5 9. lamp. Bolt s (Part No. 02-450D)


l Several bolts on the fuel / lube oil tripple clamp were found to have l heads broken off or cracks.


These bolts are being replaced. and inspection is therefore not applicable.


Not applicable.


Failure analysis of these bolts indicates that they failed due to

- fatigue as a result of under or overtorquing. The bolts are being replaced using new bolts of incre ased fatigue resistance.

Reinstallation procedures include the provision to assure that under and overtorquing do not occur.

3.3.6 lugl. Iniector Enmals. solder Studi (Item 3, TnI dvs. 03-360-08).


While removing a cylinder head (7L) with the pulling fixture, the nozzle holder studs sheared off. During disassembly these studs hold the pulling fixture to the head. The pulling fixture is used both for reacting cylinder head send torquing /untorquing loads and to lift the head. Investigation indicates that these capscrews were i bent during untorquing of the heads leading to failure when the I head weight was put on them during head removal. The reason the

( studs were bent is that the head was not cleaned properly prior to

l. seating the handling fixtures so that the handling fixture rocked on the head.


e Visual inspection of studs to determine if they are bent.

e Magnetic particle of studs to determine if they are cracked.


I'cepections have not been completed.


Inspections have not been completed. .No summary is available at j this time.

l 3.3.7 Turbocharmer Baltine (Item 7. TDI dwg. 02-475-22)


One turbocharger to bracket, 5/8 x 11 NC x 2 long capscrew failed on diesel 15. Preliminary failure analysis of the capscrew indicated fatigue failure.


These bolts are being replaced on diesel 1A and inspections are therefore not applicable.

- - =* --


Not applicable.


l Failure analysis of the capscrew indicated that it failed due to l

fat igue . All capocrews are being replaced with new material of l

increased fatigue resistance. Reassembly procedures have been l

revised to assure that proper preloads are applied. l l

l l


4.0 References 1._ Duke Power Co. letter dated April 5, 1984 to H.R. Denton, NRC , with attached document entitled " Catawba Nuclear Station Extended Operation Tests and Inspections of Diesel Generators".

2. IE Information Notice No. 83-58, "Transamerica Delaval Diesel Generator Crankshaft Failure", NRC, August 30, 1983.
3. Bechtel Power Corporation, " Evaluation of Crankshaft Stresses for Duke Power Corporation, Catawba Nuclear Station", March 19, 1984.
4. Failure Analysis Associates, " Design Review of Connecting Rod Bearing Shells for Transamerica Delaval Enterprise Engines", March 12, 1984.
5. Delaval minutes of November 30, 1983 meeting with TDI owners Group.
6. Failure Analysis Associates, " Investigation of Types AF and AE Pis ton Skirts", May 27, 1984. ,
7. Mississippi Power & Light Co., " Comprehensive report on Standby Diesel Generators -Significant Activities to Enhance and Verify Reliability",

February 1984 transmittal to NRC by letter dated February 20, 1984.

8. Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, " Emergency Diesel Generator Cylinder Head cap stud Stress Analysie", March 1984.
9. Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, " Emergency Diesel Gene.rator, Rocker Arm Capscrew, Stress Analysis", dated March 1984, and Supplement dated April 1984.
10. Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, " Emergency Diesel Generator, i Fuel Oil Injection Tubing, Qualification Analysis", April 1984.
11. Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, " Emergency Diesel Generator, Engine Driven Jacket Water Pump, Design Review", April 1984.
12. Failure Analysis Associates, " Evaluation of Emergency Diesel Generator Crankshafts at Shoreham and Grand Gulf Nuclear Stations", April 19, 1984.
13. - Failure Analysis Associates, " Design Review of Engine Base and Bearing Caps for Transamerica Delaval Diesel Engine", April 1984.
14. Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, " Emergency Diesel Generator.

Auxiliary Module Control Wiring and Termination, Qualification Review",

April 1984.

15. . Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, " Emergency Diesel Generator Air Start Valve Capscrew, Dimension and Stress Analysis", March 1984 and Supplement, April 1984.
16. Failure Analysis Associates letter of April 12, 1984 to G.W. Hallman (Duke Power Co.) from T.M. Thomas.


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5.0 Anoendic es t

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Table of Contents Procedure & Pagl & Parl NABR. Class 01 02-385B Cylinder Block Cover Gaskets and Bolts C 04 02-390D Connector Pushrods B l 01/04 02-390G Rocker Arm Bolting B 04 02-390C Pushrods B 04 02-390A Rocker Arm Assembly B 04 02-3.905 Exhaust Rocker Arm Assembly B

! 04 02-390E Rocker Arm Bushings B 04 02-3605 Intake and Exhaust Va'1ves B 04 02-360A Cylinder Head B 04 02-360D Valve Springs B 04/01 02-362A Subcover Assembly B 04/01 02-359 Air Start 7.1ve A 05/02 02-340A Connecting Rods and Bushings A 05 02-340B Connecting Rod Bearing Shells A 05 02-341A Piston A 05 02-341C Piston Pin Assembly A j 05 02-341B Piston Rings A i

06 02-310C Crankshaft Thrust Bearing Ring A 06 02-305D Main Bearing Caps A 06 02-305A Main Bearing Cap and Base Assembly A 06/03 02-3105 Crankshaft Bearing Shells A 06 02-311A Crankcase Assembly A 06/03 02-386B Crankcase Covers Gaskets and Bolting C -

06/03 02-305C Main Bearing Caps and Studs A 06 02-310A Crankshaft and Turning Gear A 07 02-355A Crankshaft Gear A 07 02-3555 Idler Gear Assembly A 08 02-3955 Gear case Covers Gaskets and Bolting C 08 02-325B Front Gear Case Bolting C -

09 02-365A Fuel Injection Pump B 09/27 02-455C Fuel Oil Filter Mounting Hardware A 09 02-371A Fuel Pump Control Shaft A 09 02-371B . Fuel Pump Linkage Bearings and Shaft A 10 02-307B Lube Oil Tubing and Fittings A 10 02-4655 External Lube oil Supports A 10 02-465A External Lube Oil Lines A i 10 02-307D Lube Oil Line Supports B 10 02-307A Lube Oil Internal Headers A 10 02-540A Lube Oil Sump Tank B 10 02-540C Lube Oil Sump Tank Mounting Hardware B 10 02-5405 Lube Oil Sump Tank Bolting B 11/01 02-315E Cylinder Head Studs B l 11 02-315D Cylinder Block Jacket Water Manifold A Jacket Water Discharge Manifold 11/25 02-317A B

. 11 02-315F Cyl. Block Jacket Water Manifold Nuts 5 11 02-315A Cylinder Block A 11 02-315C Cylinder Liner A 12 02-442A Starting Air Distributor Assembly A 13 02-425A Jacket Water Pump A 14 02-350B Camshaft Bearing A l 14 02-350A Camshaft Assembly A

Table of Contents Procedure A Eszt b Zart Esas. Class 14 02-350C Camshaft Supports, Bolting and Gear A 14 02-3458 Fuel Tappets A 14 02-345A Intake Tappets A 15/28 02-380A Exhaust Manifolds B 15 02-375 Intake Manifolds B 15 02-3805 Exhaust Manifold Bolting B 16 02-4105~ Overspeed Trip and Accessory Drives A 16 02-411A Speed Regulating Governor Drive A 16 02-4138 Fuel Pump Linkage and Shutdown Cylinder B 16 02-411B Speed Reg. Gov. Drive Coupling A l 16 02-410C Overspeed Trip Drive Couplings A 16 02-415C Governor Heat Exchanger Assembly A 16 02-413A Speed Regulating Gov. Linkage A 17 02-3305 Flywheel Bolting A 18 02-4365 Intercooler Piping Coup., Bolts, Oskts. A 18 MP/022/3 Turbocharger A 18 02-4755 Turbocharger Air Butterfly Valve A 18 02-475A Turbocharger Bracket B 18 02-475D Turbocharger Bracket Bolting B 18 F-086 Intercooler B Additional Inspections To Be Performed After Diesel Reassembly l

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Catawba Diesel _11 Inspection Report Part Name: Cylinder Block Cover. Gekts. Agi Bolts Class: C.

Part No.: 02-3855 Work Request No.: QJ_Z) E No. of Separate Inspections: 16 Attributes Verified And Sample li&R.

1. Visual inspect gaskets per 11.2.2, ref. 1, 16 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/01 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Removal and Disassembly Insoection Results
1. Gaskets were inspected and found to be in satisfa: tory condition.

Disposition g[ Inspection Findings There were no significant findings i

1 1


C.ataba Diesel R Insnection Report Part Name: Connector Pushrod Class: B Part No.: 02-390D Work Request No.: 9))2 ]gI, No. of Separate Inspections: ja, Attributes Verified and, jaEllt.1138.

, i

1. Visual inspect connector pushrods per 11.10.2, ref.1,16 insp.
2. Liquid penetrant exam friction velds per 11.10.3, ref.1, 32 insp.
3. Visual inspect special surfaces per 11.10.4, ref.1, 32 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts Special Inspection Insnection Results i

! 1. Visual inspection of pushrods - No significant conditions noted.

r 2. PT of friction welds - No indications were noted.

l 3. Visual inspection of spherical surfaces - No significant conditions were noted (3 pushrod spherical surfaces had light scratches or grooves, which are considered normal and not deleterious).

l l

Disnosition 9,1 Inspection Findinas There were no significant findings.

i I

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Catawba Diesel M Insoection Resort Part Name: Egghar, AEs, Boltina class: J.

Part No.: 02-390G Work Request No.: 9))], HE, No. of Separate Inspections: JJ9,

! Attributes Verified ud, jaggh jigg, i 1. Measure breakaway torque per 11.2.7, ref.1, 64 insp.

2. Perform material comparitor test per 11.11.2, ref. 2, 64 insp.

l 3. Measure superficial hardness per 11.11.3, ref. 2, 64 insp.

4. Magnetic particle test per 11.11.4, ref.2, 64 insp.
5. Visual inspect capocrews per11.11.5 ref.2, 64 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/01 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Removal and Disassembly
2. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts l

i l

l Insoection Results i

l 1. Bolt torques - Intermediate / intake assembly - bolt torque ranged between l 276 and 336 ft-lbs. Exhaust assembly - bolt torque ranged between 324 and 336 ft-lbs. These values are considered acceptable.

2. Material comparitor - All results were acceptable.
3. Hardness ranged from Rockwell C 20 to 28
4. Magnetic Particle - No indications were noted.
5. Visual Inspection - No indications were noted.

Disposition 91 Insoection Findinas

3. The specified hardness for the rocker arm bolts is Rockwell C 25 to 30.

The results are considered acceptable within the limits of accuracy of -

the measuring device. This is further evidenced by the satisfactory operation of the bolting for extended periods.


. . - .- _ - . - - - - _ - - . - . ~ . . . . , - - . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . _ - . - . _ . , _ . , - . _ - - _ _ .

Catauba Dignal R Insoection Resort Part Name: Pushrods class: 1 Part No.: 02-390C Work Request No.: 9]ll E No. of Separate Inspections: . 121 l

l' Attributes Verified sad, M jigg,

1. Visual inspect intake and exhaust pushrods per 11.9.2, ref.1, 64 insp.


2. Liquid penetrant exam friction welds per 11.9.3, ref.1, 64 insp.
3. Visual inspect special surfaces per 11.9.4, ref.1, 64 insp.

References -

'1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Engine Cylinder Read and Associated Parts Special Inspection L

Inanection Results

1. Visual inspection of pushrods - No significant conditions noted.
2. PT of friction welds - No indications were noted.
3. Visual inspection of spherical surfaces - No significant conditions were noted (some light scratches were noted on 3L intake pushrod; these are considered normal).

Dianosition 21 Insoection Findinas There were no significant findings.

l l


J Catauba Diesel li Insoection Ranort Rocker &gg Assembiv Class: ),

Part Name:

Part No.: 02-390& Work Request No.: p))1 ME,

No. of S&parate Inspections

' Attributes Verified And. Sample lias.

1. Visual inspect intake and int. rocker shaft assembly per 11.7.2, ref.1 16 insp.


2. - Visual inspect intake and int. rocker arm lips per 11.7.3, ref. 1,
48 insp.
  • - 3. Measure distance lip to push rod socket per 11.7.4, ref.1, 48 insp.
4. Visual inspect push rod sockets per 11.7.5, ref.1, 48 insp.
5. PT exam adjusting screw swivel pads per 11.7.6, ref.1, 32 insp.
6. Perform material comparitor test per 11.7.8, ref.1,16 insp.
7. Measure superficial hardness per 11.7.9, ref.1,16 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/04' Diesel Engine Cylinder Read and Associated Parta Special Inspection Inanection Results
1. Visual inspection of shaf t assembly - No significant conditions were noted (some minor pitting was noted on 7R, which was judged to be of no consequence) .
2. Visual inspection of rocker arm lips - No significant conditions we.te noted.
3. Measurement of distance from lip to socket, if ground - None were seasured since none were ground.
4. Visual inspection of intermediate rocker arm sockets -Edges of sockets on 4R and 6L were chipped and cracked.
5. PT of swivel pads - No indications were noted.
6. Material comparitor check of shafts - All shafts were acceptable.
7. Hardness check of shaf ts - Shaf t hardness ranged from BEN 253 to 299.

Disonsition 31 Insnection Findinas

4. Chipped and cracked socket lips have no affect on diesel operation, but will be ground smooth for cosmetic reasons.

)' 7. The specified hardness for the rocker arm shafts is BER 260-331. The test results are considered acceptable within the limits of accuracy of the testing device.

.. _ _ - . , _ . ~ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . , _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ , _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - -


Catevha Diesel M. Insnaction Renort 1

t Part Name: Enhanas.Eashar. 6 Assembly class: J.

Part No.: 02-3903 . Work Request No.: 21Z2. HEI.

No. of Separate Inspections: M2, Attributes Verified sad,18Et18.1138. ,

l 1. Visual inspect exhaust rocker are shaft per 11.8.2, ref. 1 l 16 insp.

2. Visual inspect exhaust rocker arm lips per 11.8.3, ref. 1, i 16 insp.
3. Measure distance lip to push rod socket per 11.8.4, ref.1,16 insp.
4. Visual inspect push rod sockets per 11.8.5, ref.1,16 insp.
5. PT exam adjusting screw swivel pads per 11.8.6, ref.1, 32 insp.
6. Perform material comparitor test per 11.8.7 ref.1,16 insp. i References l
1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts- i Special Inspection  :

l Insnaction Results

1. Visus 1 inspection of shaft assembly - No significant conditions were I noted (some machine marks sere noted around the socket of 11; these were I

judged to be of no consequence).

2. Visual inspection of rocker are lips - No significant conditions were noted.

l -3. Measurement of distsace from lip to socket, if ground - None were i measured since none were ground. l

4. Visual inspection of sockets - No significant conditions were noted.
5. PT of swivel pads - No indications were noted.
6. Material comparitor check of shaf ts - All shaf ts were acceptable.
7. Hardness of shafts - Shaft hardness ranged from BEN 241 to 311.

1 Disnosition 31 Inanection Findinas

, 7. Although no hardness testing was required by the procedure, the hardness I results are considered acceptable. (See Rocker Arm Assembly Part M2-390&)

i I

i i


Catawba Diesel R Inspection Report Part Name: Regksg Aga Bushinas Clasa: 1 Part No.: 02-390E Work Request No.: 9))1 ME, No. of Separate Inspections:

Attributes Yarified and, Sample 1133,

1. Visual inspect Rocker Arm bushings per 11.7.7 and 11.8.7, ref. 1, 48 j insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts Special Inspection Inspection Rasults
1. Visual inspection of rocker arm bushings showed no significant indications .

Discosition gf Insoection Findinns There were no significant findings

a concern. However, valves with peeling chrone plate are being replaced.

d. Top of Yalve Stem - The scratches, grooves, etc., in the top of the valve stem are considered normal and have not had any effect on diesel operation. The valve stems will be used as-is.


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Catawba Diesel R Insoection Renort Part Name: Intaks. anst Exhaust Valves Class: 1.

Part Number: 02-3605 Work Request No. 9212,M E, No. of Separate Inspections: ),ja, 1

Attributes Verified Anst jaER12. 3.131,

1. Visual inspections on seat area, valve guides, valve stem surface and top per 11.4.2,3,4,6 ref.1, 256 insp.
2. Measure valve stem length per 11.4.5 ref.1*, 16 insp.
3. Visual exam of valve head weld per 1_1.4.7 ref.1*, 8 insp.
4. PT exam of valve head radius per ref.1, 64 insp.

. 5. Perform material comparator test per 11.4.10, ref.1*,16 insp.

  • 25% sample - valves from 4 cylinders References ,


1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Ragine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. a. Seat Areas - Minor pitting was present in many seats; -there was one large pit in the right intake of 7R.

i b. Yalve Guides - No significant conditions were observed.

c. Valve stems - The chrome plate had peeled off at spots located 6" to 8" above the valve seat for 9 exhaust valves. The chrome plate also exhibited a dull color in this area. Miscellaneous '

. scratches were observed in the chrome plate.

d. Top of Stem - A variety of scratches, p its , grooves, etc., were observed.
2. Valve eten length - These results were obtained for information purpos es .
3. Visual exam of valve head weld - No significant condit ions were observed.
4. PT exam of valve head radius - No rejectable indicscions observed.
5. Material comparitor tests - (later)

Discosition gi Inspection Findinas

1. a. Valve seat pitting - The minor pitting of the valves seat areas is normal and the valves will be reused as-is. The 71 intake valve j with' a large pit was still functional (the pit spanned less than j 50% of the land width), but is being replaced because of chrome i plate peeling (see 1. c. below).
c. Valve Stems - The peeling chrome plate has not caused any operational problems, and is not considered to be a cause for i
  • --vvt-ret - * - - ep -- a m<=ew-,-+-.ry--v-- * -4 -we-m-----=-le-------=-wm-,--,-r,--.

~i concern. However, valves with peeling chrome plate are being replaced.

d. Top of Yalve Stes - The scratches, grooves, etc., in the top of the valve stem are considered normal and have not had any effect on diesel operation. The valve stems will be used as-is.

l l

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l l

Catawba Diesel M Inspection Report Part Name: Cylinder Esad. 1 Part Number: 02-360A Work Request No. QJ12, M No. of Separate Inspections: 169, Attributes Yerified And. Sample life.

1. Visual inspect intake and exhaust valve seats per 11.5.2, ref.1, 64 insp.
2. Perform PT exam of intake & exhaust valve seats and fire deck area per 11.5.4, ref. 1, 80 insp
3. Perform ultrasonic thickness measurement of

! fire deck per 11.5.5, ref.1, 96 insp.

i 4. Perform ultrasonic thickness measurement of fuel nossle cavity per 11.5.6, ref.1, 32 insp.

Referenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts Special Inspection Inanection Results 4 162 Valve seats - minor pitting observed in many seats. One large pit observed in the intake valve seat for 7R. No rejectable PT indications c were observed.

l 3. Fire deck thickness - thickness ranged from 0.460" to 0.939".

l; 4. Fuel nossle cavity thickness - thickness ranged from 0.440" to 0.560".

Discositinn 21 Inspection Findinas

1. Yalve seats - The minor pitting observed in many seats is considered normal and the seats can be used as-is. The large pit in 71 spans less than 50% of the land width and can be used as-is; it should be observed at the next routine maintenance period.

364. Wall thickness - No unusually thin wall thicknesses were observed and all of the wall thicknesses are therefore considered to be acceptable.

l l

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Catawba Diesel R Inspection Renort Part Name: J, gly,3, Sorians Class: B Part Number: 02-360D Work Request No. 0772 MIrr No. of Separate Inspections: 118, Attributes Yerified and, J,333,13.1133.

1. Check spring color code per 11.4.8, ref.1, 64 insp.
2. Visual check intake and exhaust valve spring per 11.4.9, ref. 1, 64 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel gngine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts Special Inspection Insnection Results
1. Spring color code - Springs for seven right cylinders have a yellow rather than white stripe.
2. Visual check - No cracks or other defects were detected.

Discosition g,[ Insnection Results

1. TDI indicates that only springs painted grey with a brown stripe are unacc ept able. Springs with a yellow stripe were supplied by an alternate acceptable vendor.

l i

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Catawba Diesel .14 Inspection lan.9n, )

Part Name: Subcover Assembiv Class: 1 Part Number: 02-362A Work Request No. QZJ71 g .

No. of Separate Inspections: 12).

Attributes Yerified and,133313,1133,

1. Visual inspect subcover per 11.6.2, ref.1,16 insp.
2. PT exam on each subcover per 11.6.3, ref.1, 64 insp.
3. Record as found torques per 11.2.8, ref. 2,176 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head and Associated Parts Special Inspection
2. MP/0/A/1000/01 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Removal, Disassembly Inspection and Reassembly Inspection Results
1. Visual inspection - No visual defects were observed.

2.- PT of pedestals - Subcovers 3L and 6L had 1" and 1 1/4" long cracks in the thin web between the bolt hole in the pedestal and the side surface.

- 3. Subcover bolt torques ranged from 30 to 194 ft-lbs.

Disoosit ion af. Insnection Findl==a

2. PT of pedestals - The two cracked subcovers will be replaced. These cracks are also discussed in Section 3.


.3. The bolt torques are considered acceptable. These bolts have been removed and reinstalled numerous times, using torque wrenches during reinstallation. There have been no problems as a result of low torque values. The bolts will be reinstalled, again using torque wrenches in order to assure that proper torques are used.

i i


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l Catawba Diesel R Inspection Renort Part Name: &ig. Start J.gigg, Class: A

l Part Number: 02-359 Work Request No. 9122.M E, No. of Separate Inspections:

22, Attributes Yerified Aad. Sample 1133.

! 1. Measure as found torque of air start cap screws l per 11.3.11, ref. 2, 32 insp. .

2. Measure length air start valve cap screws per 11.3.2, ref.1, 8 insp.
3. Visual inspect valve seat area each valve per 11.3.3, ref.1,16 insp.
4. Visual inspect valve internal surfaces per 11.3.4, ref.1,16 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/04 Diesel gngine cylinder Head and Associated Parts Special Inspection
2. MP/0/A/1000/01 Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Removal, Disassembly.

! Inspection and Reassembly Inspection Results

1. Capocrew as found torques - values ranged between 45-134 ft.-lbs.
2. Capscrew length - all capscrews met tolerance limits.
3. Yalve seat area - several nicks and grooves were observed.
4. Valve internals - several valve stems were discolored or had slight carbon buildup on them. The spring retaining nut on one valve was galled.

Disoosition 21. Inanection Findinas i 1. Capocrew as found torques - the observed values are acceptable

3. Valve seats - The observed seat conditions are considered normal considering the number of starts. The worst seat will be reground.
4. Valve internals - The amount of carbon buildup is normal considering the 2

amount of operation. The galled spring retaining nut was replaced.


4 Catawba Diesel _1A Insnection Report ,

Part Name: Connectina hd.g And. Bushinas Class: A Part Number: 02-340& Work Request No. p))1 ] E, No. of Separate Inspections: 1(j, Attributes Yerified Aad. Sample 1138. 100% inspection except where noted

1. Visual inspect per 11.3.2, ref.1, 24 insp.
2. Measure rod dimensions per 11.3.3, ref.1+,168 insp.
3. Perform material comparator test per 11.3.5, ref.1*,16 insp.
4. Perform hardness test per 11.3.6, ref.1*,12 insp.
5. Perform PT test per 11.3.7, ref.1, 8 insp.
6. Eddy current test per 11.3.4, ref.1,16 insp.
7. Measure breakaway torques per 11.3.5 and 11.5.1, ref 2, 80 insp.

8 Inspect connecting rod oil passages per 11.3.13, and 11.4.7, ref. 2, 16 insp.

  • 251 sample basis inspection

+ 251 sample basis for piston pin bushing Referenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/05 Diesel Engine Piston, Rod, Bushing and Shells Special Inspection j 2. MP/0/A/1000/02 Diesel Engine Piston Rod and Liner Disassembly T==nection Resulta

. 1. Visual inspection of connecting rod boxes, master rods and link rods l show several instances of scratching and pitting.

2. Measurement of piston pin bushings shows three bushings out of tolersace l by .001".

l 3. Results of the material comparitor test of the connecting rod components j were acceptable l 4. Hardness test results ranged from BRE 241 to 291.

l 5. All PT tests results were satisfactory.

6. Eddy current tests of the rod box bolt holes showed no indications
7. Master rod breakaway torques ranged from 1260 to 2150 ft-lbs. One lock wire was found loose on cylinder #3. Link rod torques ranged from 880 to 1470 ft-lbs.
8. All connecting rod oil passages were found to be satisfactory.

Dianosition gf. Insnection Findinas

1. Visual inspection of connecting rod boxes, master rods, and link rods-p these small pits and scratches :re normal and have no adverse effects.


2. Piston pin bushings - The tolerance limits used for the inspection were for new parts. The cuali der2 .ations noted are normal for parts that have been in service and have no effect on diesel operation.

- 7. -Ine lockwire found on disassembly inspection had been loosened before final inspection and is not considered significant.

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Catamha Diesel R Insoection Eggar.t.

Part Name: Connectina Red, Bearina jhella, Class: &

Part Number: 02-3405 Work Request No. 91].1 ]g[,

No. of Separate Inspections: 32),

Attributes Yerified and, jaMdt,1.15A, 100% inspection except where noted

1. Visual inspect crankpin shells per 11.5.2, ref.1, 20 insp.
2. Measure crankpin shells per 11.5.3, ref.1,160 insp.
3. Liquid penetrant inspect per 11.5.4, ref.1 *, 32 insp.
4. X-ray inspection per 11.5.5, ref.1, 8 insp.
5. Eddy current inspection per 11.5.6, ref.1, 8 insp.
6. Inspect connecting rod bolt contact surfaces per 11.4, ref.1, 40 insp.
7. Mag. partical inspect connecting rod bolts per 11.4.2, ref. 1, 40 insp.
  • 25% sample basis inspection for link rod end References
1. MF/0/A/1000/05 Diesel Engine Fiston, Rod, Bushing and Shell Special Inspection Inanection Results

-1. Results of the visual inspection shows one scratch in bearing shell IL; otherwise, the inspection was within normal limits.

l 2. Measurensat of crankpin shell - All measurements of crankpin shells meet acceptance standards.

3. FT exam of shells - The exam revealed one 1 1/4" long scratch on link l rod bushing IL. This is thought to have been caused during manufacture

! and is not considered a probles.

l 4. Radiography of the bearing shells showed no linear indications. Several shells had porosity that exceeded acceptance standards; however, RT standards are still being evaluated.

5. Eddy current inspection was not required as no crack-like indications appeared on radiography.
6. Visu'al inspection of the connecting rod contact surfaces demonstrated galling under the bolt heads.
7. Magnetic particle esaminations of connector rod bolts found no rejectable indications.

Dianositinn 21 Insnection Findinas I

4. The bearing shells with rejectable conditions will be replaced.
6. The extent of the observed bolt contact surface galling is believed to have been caused by torquing the bolts and is considered normal and acceptable.

i 1

I Cat _avhs Diesel .la Inspection Report Part Name: Fiston Class: A Fart Number: 02-341A Work Request No. 9]J1 jg[,

No. of Separate Inspections: jig,

Attributes Yerifind Aad. lamis. Risa.
1. Visual inspect fitup of crown to skirt per 11.6.2, ref.1,16 insp.
2. Inspect rings in grooves and measure axial clearance per 11.6.3, ref. 1, 288 insp.
3. Visually inspect pistons and piston rings for normal wear per 11.6.4, ref.

1,16 insp.

4. Liquid penetrant inspect stud bosses in crown and skirt area and piston pin bosses on skirt per 11.6.5, ref.1,160 insp.
5. UT piston skirts per 11.9.2 if unsat. results from 11.9.1
6. FT/MT exam piston skirt per 11.9.3, ref.1,16 insp.
7. Measure crow 2 to skirt bolt breakaway torque per 11.7.3, ref. 2, 64 insp.


1. MF/0/A/1000/05 Diesel Engine Piston, Rod, Bushing and Shells Special Inspection
2. MF/0/A/1000/02 Diesel Engine Fiston, Rod and Cylinder Liner Disassembly Inanection Results
1. All visual inspections of crown to skirt fitups were satisfactory.
2. Axial clearance of piston rings in grooves were measured. Twenty rings out of 96 were out of tolerance by as much as .006".
3. Eight of sixteen piston assemblies demonstrated pitting or scratching on visual inspection.
4. FT exam of piston crown showed no indications . One 1/2" linear indication was found on piston skirt pin boss #1L.
5. UT not necessary as skirts will be replaced.
6. FT/MT exam demonstrated cracks in four of the piston skirts.


7. Torques of piston crown to skirt bolts ranged from 80 to 200 foot-pounds Dianosition 31 Inanection Findinas
2. Axist clearance of piston rings in grooves - The tolerance used for this inspection were for new parts. The ses11 deviations noted are normal i for parts which have seen service and are considered acceptable.
3. Visual inspection of pistons and rings - The small scratches and pite observed are normal for parts which have seen service, have no effect on diesel operability, and are considered acceptable.

4.5,6. The piston skirts are to be replaced.

h 4

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Catsuba 11:1s1 JA Insnection Resort Part Name: 114123 lig Assembly Class: &

Part Number: 02-341C Work Request No. AZ21 ME J

Ko. of Separate Inspections: 28, Attributes Yarified and,185t113133. 251 sample size except where noted

1. Visual inspect per 11.7.2, ref.1*,16 insp.
2. Dimensional inspect per 11.7.3, ref.1, 4 insp.
3. Materials verification test per 11.7 4, ref.1, 4 insp.
4. Hardness test per 11.7.4, ref. 1, 4 insp.
  • 100% inspection Raferences
1. MF/0/A/1000/05 Diesel Engine Fiston, Rod, Bushings and Shelle Special Inspection Inanection Results
1. Results of the visual inspection of .the piston pins were satisfactory.
2. Dimensional inspection shows all dimensions satisfactory.
3. (later)
4. Hardness test results for the piston pins were within the range of Rockwell C 54 to 58.

. Disnositinn af, Inanectinn Findinns

4. The specified hardness is Rockwell C 57 to 60. The measured hardness is I considered acceptable within the limits of accuracy of the testing-device l


l Catawba Diesel 14. Insoection Renort Part Name: Fiston 11333. Class: &,

Part Number: 02-3415 Work Request No. 9.1Z1 E No. of Separate Inspections: 19.2, 251 sample basis inspection Ateributes Verified Aad. I.REElt. I.138.

1. Install rings in cylinders & measure butt gay per 11.8.2, ref.1,

% insp.

2. Perform material comparator test per 11.8.3, ref.1, 6 insp.


1. MF/0/A/1000/05 Diesel Engine Piston, Rod, Bushing and Shells Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. 56 piston rings were found to have a butt gap out of tolerance.
2. (later)

Dianosition g.[ Insnection Findinas

1. The tolerances used for the inspection were for new rings and pis tons.

The small deviations from these will not adversely affect the engine.

However, the piston rings will be replaced before reassembly for other reasons .

2. (later)

Catawba Diesel R Insoection Reoort Part Name: Crankshaft Thrust Beari"* Bing. Class: A Part Number: 02-310C Work Request No. 0774 g No. of Separate Inspections: 1 ,


Attributes Verified and, Sample jin

1. Measure thrust clearance per 11.3.1, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Measure web clearance per 11.3.2, ref.1, 8 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Crankshaft and Turning Gear, Gear, Crankshaft Bearings, Crankcase Assembly and Crankcase Covers Special Inspection Insoection Results 162 Hot inspections have been performed, with satisfactory results. The cold inspections will be done later. ,

Discosition 21 Insoection Findinas 1&2 There have been no significant findings to date, the cold inspections will follow.


i Catawba Diesel M Insnaction Report Part Name: Haig,Bearine $331 Class: A Part Number: 02-305D Work Request No. AZ14 HIE.

No. of Separate Inspections: j, ,

Attributes Yerified 331 Sample 1.133.

1.- Visual inspect main bearing cap #4,5,6,8 per 11.4.1, ref.1, 4 insp.

2. Liquid penetrant main bearing cap #4,5,6,8 per 11.4.2, ref.1, 4 insp.

Referenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Crankshaft and Turning Gear, Gear, Crackshaf t Bearings, Crankcase Assembly and Crankcase Covers Special Inspection Inspection Results 1&2 Inspections of main bearing cap 4&5 are satisfactory. Inspections of f 6&8 are not yet complete.

Discosition 21 Inspection Findines 1&2 (later) 64,i i-.,n ii, i i

Catawba Diesel JA Insnection Renort Part Name: Haig Bearinz Emp.1. Jags. Assemb17 Class: A.

Part Number: 02-305A Work Request No. 0774 MNT No. of Separate Inspections: J.

Attributes Verified agi jgplg.113. ,

1. Visual inspect main bearing base around main bearings 4.5,6,8 per 11.4.1, ref.1, 4 insp.
2. Liquid penetrant examine base material around main bearings 4.5,6,8 per 11.4.4, ref.1, 4 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Cranksbaft and Turning Gear, Gear, Cranksbaft Bearings, Crankcase Assembly _

and Crankcase Covers Special Inspection Insnection Results 1&2 Inspections of main bearing bases 4&5 were satisfactory. Inspections on bearing bases 6&8 are not yet complete.

Disnosition 2f. Insnection Findines 1&2 (later)

t Catawba Diesel 1A Inspection Reoort Part Name: Crankshaft Bearing Sit1 1 Class: A Part Number: 02-310B Work Request No.0774 Mirr No. of Separate Inspections: 1Q Attributes Verified and. Saanle litt.

1. Measure breakaway torque of upper bearing shell capscrews per 11.3.1, ref.2,48 insp.
2. Visual inspect bearings 4.5,6,8 per 11.5.1, ref.1,
s. Upper main bearing shell, 4 insp.
b. I,over main bearing shell, 4 insp.
c. Crankshaft journal, 4 insp.
3. Measure thickness of lower main bearing shell f4,5,6,8 per 11.5.2, ref. 1, 30 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Crankshaft and Turning Gear, Gear Crankshaf t Bearings, Crankcase Assembly and Crankcase Covers Special Inspection
2. MP/0/A/1000/03 Diesel Engine Main Bearing Disassembly for Special Inspection and Reassembly Inspection Rysults
1. Breakaway torque for bearing 5 shell capscrews was zero.

2&3 Inspections of main bearing shell f 5 are satisfactory. Inspections of ,

the o her 3 main bearing shells are not yet complete.

Discosition d Inspection Findines

1. Cause of low breakaway torque is not known. Capscrews only serve to hold shell in place during assembly, and low torque does not affect diesel operability. The reassembly procedure assures that the proper torque is applied.


Y Catawba Diesel JA Insoection Reoort Part Name: Crankcase Assembiv Class: A Part Number: 02-311A Work Request No. 92]4 M

, No. of Separate Inspections: 18, Attributes Verified M Samnie 1133,

1. Visual inspect area between machined bolt hole surfaces and cast surfaces for smooth radii per 11.7.1, ref.1,18 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Crankshaft and Turning Gear, Gear, Crankshaft Bearings, Crankcase Assembly and Crankcase Covers Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Results of the visual inspection of the crankcase assembly surface were satisfactory.

! 'Dipoosition 2f Insnection Findinns i

! There were no significant findings I

i l


, - . , .- , . . - . - . . , . , , , , , , - - . - - - . , - - . . , ~ - - . - . . - - . - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ .

Catawba Diesel JA Insoection Resort Part Name: Crankcase Covers Gaskets and, Bolthe Class: g, Part No.: 02-386B Work Request No.: 222,4,,

4 E No. of Separate Inspections: 228, Attributes Verified and, Sample j,1,n

1. Measure breakaway torque per 11.2.2, ref. 2,192 insp.

2 Visual inspect crankcase covers per 11.7.2, ref 1,16 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Crankcase and Turning Gear, Gear Crankshaft Bearings, Crankcase Assembly and Crankcase Covers Special Inspection
2. MP/0/A/1000/03 Diesel Engine Piston Rod and Cylinder Liner Removal, Disassembly, Reassembly and Replacement Inspection Results
1. The torque measurements were not done as the hot alignment testing took precedence
2. The results of the visual inspection of the crankcase cover bolt holes were satisfactory Discosition g,[ Insoection Findinas ,

There were no significant findings

Catawba Diesel R Inspection Report Part Name Hain. Bearina 9.Ag Studs sad. Enla. Class: A.

Part Number: 02-305C Work Request No. 0774 HE.

No. of Separate Inspections: }].,

Attributes Verified gad.133g13.1133.

1. Measure breakaway hydraulic pressure per 11.2.7, ref 2, 42 insp.
2. Visual inspect main bearing nuts for forging laps per 11.8.1, ref. 1, 12 insp.
3. Measure length one stud M.B. 5 per 11.8.2, ref.1,1 insp.
4. Measure height of cap where stud passes through per 11.8.2, ref. 1, 2 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Crankshaft and Turning Gear, Gear, Crankshaft Bearings, Crankshaft Assembly and Crankcase Covers Special Inapection
2. MP/0/A/1000/03 Diesel Engine Main Bearing Disassembly for Special Inspection and Reassembly Insnection Results 1&2 Results for M.B. 4 & 5 are as follows (M.B. 6 & 8 are not yet completed):
1. Breakaway hydraulic pressure was within normal limits
2. Visual inspection of the nuts was acceptable 364 Stud length a d cap height measurements are satisfactory Disnosition g1. Inanection Findinas There have been no significant findings to date

__ O

p l

i- Catawba Diesel R Inspection Resort l

Part Name: Crankshaft And IEInias, Class: A Part Number: 02-310A Work Request No. 0774 E l

l No. of Separate Inspections: 12,


Attributes Verified And,lasutla.J. ins.

-1. Visual inspect crankpins 1-8 bearing surfaces and crankpin fillets per 11.6.1, ref.1, 8 insp.

2. Eddy current test crankpins fillets between crankpin journals and webbing per 11.6.2, ref.1,12 insp.
3. Sensitive PT test oil holes on main bearing journals #4,6,8 with supplemental eddy current and visual exams as necessary per 11.6.3 and 11.6.4, ref.1, 3 insp.

Re ferenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/06 Diesel Engine Crankshaft and Turning Gear, Cear, Crankshaft Bearings, Crankcase Assembly, and Crankcase Covers Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. Visual inspection of the crankpin fillets was satisfactory l 2. One indication was found on the generator end of rod journal #7 by eddy l

current- testing; otherwise, no relevant indications were found.

3. Flourescent PT inspection of oil hole on f4 bearing showed no indications . . Bearings 6 and 8 have not yet been inspected.

Discosition 9.L Inspection Findinas

2. The indication demonstrated by eddy current testing will be ground out l.

in~ .005 inch increments with metallographic replicas taken at each l

. stage. The replicas will be used to confirm that the indiaction was not l service induced.

l l

l l


i i

l Catawba Diesel R Inspection Renort Part Name: Crankshaft fast Class: A Part Number: 02-355& Work Request No. 0778mrf.

No. of Separate Inspections: 2.

Attributes Verified Angl Sample lies.

1. Visual inspect crankshaft gear per 11.2.2, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect pump drive gear per, ref.1,1 insp.

Referenc es l 1. MP/0/A/1000/07 Diesel Engine Idler Gears and Pump Drive Gears Inspections and Adjustments Inspection Results

1. The crankshaft gear was visually inspected and found to be in satisfactory condition. ~
2. The pump drive gear was visually inspected and found to be in satisfactory condition.

l 1

Discosition 9.1 Inspection Findinas There were no significant findings.

i l

l l

l Catawba Diesel JA Inspection Report l

l Part Name: h Eggr. Assembly Class: &

l -. Part Number: 02-3555 Work Request No. 0778Mirr l No. of Separate Inspections: 21 Attributes Yerified and Sample fing,

~1. Visual inspect idler gears per 11.2.3, ref.1, 2 insp.

2. Measure superficial hardness of idler gears per 11.2.5, ref.1, 6 insp.

l 3. Perform material comparitor test on idler gears per 11.2.6, ref.1, l

_2 insp.

4. Measure backlash of assembly per 11.3, ref.1, 7 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/07 Diesel Engine Idler Gears and Pump Drive Gears Inspections and Adjustments i

Inspection Results

1. The left and right idler gears were found to be in satisfactory condition.
2. The hardness of the gears was found to be BER 320 - 360
3. Material comparitor exam results were satisfactory.
4. The backlash was found to range from .004" to .014".

l Disnosition 91 Inspection Results i


2. The specified hardness for the idler gears is BEN 380 - 405.

The test result is considered acceptable within the limits of accuracy of the testing device.

All other results showed ~ no significant findings i

I l

l t


l l


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Catawba Diesel }A Inspection Report Part Name: gagg, Eggi Covers / Gaskets gd,, Bolt ine Class: G, Part No.: 02-3955 Work Request No.:0778HNT No.. of Separate Inspections: 2.

Attributes Verified ed. Sample jing.

1. Visual inspect for oil leakage per 11.1, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect capocrews per 11.2, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/08 Diesel Engine Gear Case Gaskets and Bolting Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. No significant leakage around the gear case covers was found on visual inspection.
2. All gear case cover capscrews were found to be satisfactory.

Disoosition af. Inspection Findinas There were no significant findings

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Catawba Diesel 1A Inspection Resort Part Name: Front 9.sar,Cagg Bolt ine Class: 9.

Part Number: 02-3255 Work Request No. 0778MNT No. of Separate Inspections: 2 Attribut33, Verified AD.d.Saanle Sing,

1. Examine periphery for oil leakage per 11.1, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect gear case capscrews per 11.2, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/8 Diesel Engine Gear CaJe Gaskets and Bolting Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. No significant gear case cover leaksge was found on visual inspection.
2. All gear case cover capscrews were found to be satisfactory.

Disnosition gf_ Insoection Findines There were no significant findings I

l Catawba Diesel JA Inspection Resort Part Name:. Eggi Iniection IEEE. Class: B Part No.: 02-365& Work Request No.: 0842 MNT No. of Separate Inspections: J2, Attributes Verified and. Sample jing.

1. Measure superficial hardness of each fuel pump valve holder per 11.4.2, ref.1,16 insp.
2. Perform UT inspection each fuel pump valve holder per 11.4.3, ref.1, l 16 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/09 Diesel Engine Fuel Pump and Linkage Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Hardness test results ranged from Rockwell C 31 - 34.5.
2. Ultrasonic testing of the fuel pump valve holders was s atisfactory i

I Disposition 21. Inspection Findinas There were no significant findings. The hardness results agree with those included in the B&W failure analysis report for the cracked valve holder dated March 1,1984; therefore, they are considered acceptable.

l l

Catawba Diesel R Inspection Report Part Name: [g31911 Filter Mountina Hardware Class: &

Part No.: 02-455C Work Request No.: 9331 E No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes verified amL Samnia liga.

1. Visual inspect mounting hardware per 11.4, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Measure or verify torque of bolt holding filter to side of engine per 11.5.1. ref. 2. 1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/27 Diesel Engine Fuel Piping System Special Inspection 2 MP/0/A/1000/09 Diesel Engine Fuel Pump and Linkage Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. (later)
2. The fuel oil filter mounting bolt torque was verified as correct.

Diseosition gi Inspection Findinas There are no significant findings to date

Catawba Diesel R Insoection Report Part Name: [ggi h Control lhgig, Class: A Part No.: 02-371A Work Reqsest No.: 9142 E No. of Separate Inspections: 1.

Attributes Verified Agi jaERit. EiER.

1. Measure superficial hardness both shafts per 11.2.2, ref.1, 2 insp.
2. Perform material comparitor test per 11.2.3, ref.1, 2 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/09 Diesel Engine Fuel Pump and Linkage - Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. Hardness test results ranged from BRN 216 to 229.
2. Material comparitor examination results were satisfactory.

Disoosition 21 Inspection Findinas

1. The measured hardness corresponds to a tensile strength of about 105 ksi. There were no specific acceptance standards available, however this strength is considered acceptable for the 4140 steel used.

Catawba Diesel JA Insnection Resort Part Name: Inf1 195L Linkane. Bearinas and. Ihaf.L Class: A Part No.: 02-3715 Work Request No.: 9),M, ME, No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Verified AgL Saanle ling.

1. Visual inspect fuel pump linkage per 11.3.2, ref.1, 2 insp.
2. Check site documentation to ensure adequate lubrication per 11.3.3, ref 1, 1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/09 Diesel Engine Fuel Pump and Linkage - Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Visual inspection of fuel pump linkage was satisfactory.
2. An adequate lubrication schedule was found to be established.

Disposition gi Inspection Findinas There were no significant findings.

Catawba Diesel & Inspection Renort Part Name:Ighg,9,LL Tubinn agi Fitt nes i Class:L Part No.: 02-3075 Work Request No.: ME No. of Separate Inspectiona:2.

Attributes Verified Aad ISEEls.liEA.

1. . Visual inspect internal lube oil system piping, tubing and fittings per 11.3, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect external lube oil system piping, tubing and fittings per 11.4.1, ref.1, 1 insp .

References 1.' MP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine Lube Oil System Piping and Supports Special Inspection Inspection Results 1&2 The visual examination of the internal and external lube oil tubing and fittings was satisfactory Dinnosition 21. Insoection I,indinns There were no significant findings

f Catawba Diesel & Insnection Renort Part Name: External ]ddt.g, pil, Sunnorts Class: &

Part No.: 02-4655 Work Request No.: 9{}1 M No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes verified ed. Sample h

1. Visual inspect supports per 11.4, ref. 1, 1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine Lube Oil System Piping and Susp Special Inspection Insnection Results
1. Visual examination of the external lube oil supports was satisfactory with the exception of the triple header clamp bolts on cylinders 8R and
11. Some of these bolts were found broken off.

Disnosition 91 Insnection Findinas

1. All triple header clamp bolts were replaced with higher quality bolts and retorqued to specifications. Also, the associated pipe lines will be reinspected to verify proper support to prevent excessive vibration.

catawba Diesel & Insnection Resort Part Name: External IddLt. 911 L,13,33. Class: &

Part No.: J2-465A Work Request No.: 9))1 M No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Yerified Aad.Samnia 1138.

1. Visual inspect lube oil lines per 11.4, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine Lube Oil System Piping and Sump Special Inspection Insnection Results
1. Visual examination of the external lube oil lines was satisfactory.

Disposition g.1 Inanection Findinas There were no significant findings.

... i.. ..I

Catawba Diesel M Insnection Resort Part Name: Iddt1 91L Liga Sunnorts Class: 1 Part No.: 02-307D Work Request No.: 9)H ME No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Verified mL sample 11as.

1. Visual inspect supports per 11.3, ref. 1, 1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine Lube Oil System Piping and Sump Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Visual inspection of the lube oil line supports demonstrated two supports that were ' loose. Otherwise, the examination was within normal limits.

Discosition 21 Insoection Findinas

1. The loose supports will be retorqued using torque wrenches to prevent reoccurrance .

Catawba Diesel 1A Insnection Esport Part Name: ]ddtg 911 Internal Headers Class: A Part No.: 02-307A Work Request No.: 9)]2, E No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Yerified mi Saanle ling.

1. Visual inspect headers per 11.3, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine - Lube Oil System Piping and Sump Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Viwual examination of the lube oil internal headers showed some minor disagreement with the Owners Group isometric drawings.

Disnosition 91 Insoection Findinns

1. Plant-specific isometric drawings are being obtained to determine if the discrepancies with the general isometrics are specific to the Catawaba stat ion. Any nonconformances with these drawings will be subject to engineering evaluation.

Catawba Diesel R Insnaction Resort Part Name: W 91118E2. Iaak Class: ),

Part No.: 02-540A Work Request No.: 98)), HE, No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Verified and Sample 1.ias,

1. Visual inspect lobe oil sump per 11.4.2, ref.1,1 insp.


1. NP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine Lube Oil System Piping and Sump -

Special Inspection Inanection Results

1. Visual inspection of the lube oil sump tank was satisfactory.

. Discosition gf. Insnection Findians There were no significant findings.

Catawba Diesel R Insoection Report Part Name: Is)3,9111gn,Ingh. Mountina Hardware Class: ).

-Part No.: 02-540C Work Request No.: ME No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Verified gd. Saanle J. igg.

1. Visual inspect sump tank supports per 11.4.1, ref. 1, 1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine Lube Oil System Piping and Sump -

Special Inspection Inspection Results

1. Visual inspection of the lube oil sump tank mounting hardware was j satisfactory.

l l

i i

l Discosition .9.1 Insoection Findinas l

There were no significant findings i

l i

I f

. . . - . - - - . - - _ . - . . _ -- _ _ .~. . .

Catawba Diesel R Inanection Resort Part Name: Iddt.9. 211 IEEt, IARA. Bolt 4ne Class: ),

Part No.: 02-5405 Work Request No.: 98)1 ]gg, No. of Separate Inspections: 1, Attributes Verified and. Sample 1133,

! 1. Verify mountius bolt torque per 11.4.2, ref.2,1 insp.

1 References

1. MP/0/A/1000/10 Diesel Engine Lube Oil System Piping and Sump -

Special Inspection l

l Inanection Results

1. The lube oil sump tank mounting bolts were verified from existing doc 4aentation as having the correct applied torque.

Disnosition 21 Insnection Findinas There were no significant findings

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Catauba Diesel .M Inspection Renort Part Name: Cylinder Ed84.1GRdA. Class: B Part Number: 02-315E Work Request No. 0773Mirr No. of Separate Inspections: M Attributes Verified Aad. itaullt.1138.

1. Record breakaway torque cylinder head nuts per 11.2.12, ref. 1, 128.insp.
2. Record breakaway torque cylinder head studs per 11.2.14, ref.1, 32 insp.
3. Inspect head studs for ID marks per 11.4.1, ref. 2, 32 insp.
4. Visual inspect head studs per 11.4.2, ref. 2, 32 insp.
5. Perform material test coup. per 11.4.3, ref. 2, 4 insp.
6. Perform superficial hardness test per 11.4.3, ref. 2, 4 insp.

Referenc es

1. 'MP/0/A/1000/01~ Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Removal and Disassembly 2.. MP/0/A/1000/11 Diesel Engine Cylinder Block, Cylinder Liner and Jacket Water Manifold and Piping Special Inspection Inspection Results

, 1. The breakaway torque of the cylinder head nuts was measured and found to

j. range from 2780 to 4190 ft-lbs.

l 2. The breakaway torque of the cylinder head studs was measured and found to range from 1100 to 1930 ft-lbs.

3. The head stud ID numbers were inspected and found satisfactory.
4. Nine studs showed pitted areas, One stud had a nick in the threads.
5. The material comparitor test results were satisfactory.
6. Hardness test results ranged from Rockwell C 29 to 30 l

Discosition RI. Inspection Findinas

4. The indications described above were determined to have resulted from normal service and to not affect stud integrity; the s tuds will be reused.,
6. The hardness results are within normal limits.

l l

Catawba Diesel JA Inspection Reoort Part Name: Cylinder Block Jacket Manifold Class: A Part Number: 02-315D Work Request No. 9))Q MNT No. of Separate Inspections: j, Attributes Verified gul jaEPli1133.

! 1. Visual inspect water manifold and piping per 11.5.4, ref.1,1 insp.

Referenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/11 Diesel Engine Cylinder Block, Cylinder Liner and Jacket Water Manifold and Piping Special Inspection Insnection Results
1. The jacket water manifold and piping were inspected and found to be satisfactory.

t l

Disposition 21. Inspection Findinas There were no significant findings.


l. 9 l



=_. . . . - . - .=. . . . . .- .

Catawba Diesel M Inspection Resort >

Part Name: Jaskgg. E31gr Discharme Manifold Class: 1 Part Number: 02-317A Work Request No. 0773HIrr No. of Separate Inspections: 1


Attributes Verified Aad.Saanle lias.

! ~1. _ Visual inspect jacket water manifold per 11.5.4 ref.1,1 insp

2. Visual inspect manifold per 11.5, ref. 2,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/11 Diesel Engine Cylinder Block, Cylinder Liner and Jacket Water Manifold and Piping Speial Inspection
2. MP/0/A/1000/25 Diesel Engine Jacket Water System Piping Standpipe and Manifold Special Inspection Inspection Results i

1 Visual inspection of the jschet water manifold was satisfactory.

2. (later) i I


i Disnosition 91 Inspection Findinns There are no significant findings to date.

I l

l l

1 1

l l


Catawba Diesel M Insoection Reoort Part Name: Cylinder 11231 Jacket Entgr. Manifold Ensi Class: 1 Part Number: 02-315F Work Request No. g))l M No. of Separate Inspections: lj.

Attributes Verified mad. Sample lias.

1. Visual inspect all 5/8" nuts per 11.5.1, ref.1, 22 insp.
2. Visual inspect 25% water manifold nuts per 11.5.2, ref.1, 4 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/11 Diesel Engine Cylinder Block, Cylinder Liner and Jacket Water Manifold and Piping Special Inspection Inspection Results 1&2. Visual inspections of the jacket water manifold nuts were satisfactory.

Discosition g.1 Insoection Findinas There were no significant findings.

Catawba Diesel 1A Inspection Reoort Part Name: Cylinder Block Class: A Part Number: 02-315A Work Request No. 0773 MNT No. of Separate Inspections: 12]L Attributes Verified .g.d. Samole Sigg.

1. Liquid penetrant inspect cylinder block top per 11.2.1, ref.1, 16 insp.
2. Eddy current inspect cylinder block holes per 11.2.2, ref.1, 32 insp.
3. UT inspect cylinders per 11.2.3, ref.1,16 insp.
4. Dimensional inspect cyliader liner landing area per 11.6.1, ref.1, 56 insp.
5. PT inspect cylinder liner landing area per 11.6.2, ref.1, 7 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/ll Diesel Engine Cylinder Block, Cylinder Liner and Jacket Water Manifold and Piping Special Inspections Inspection Results
1. The PT examination of cylinder block top was satisfactory.
2. Eddy current exam of the cylinder head stud holes showed no indications.
3. Ultrasonic was not required due to satisfactory ECT and PT exams.
4. Dimensions of the liner landing areas were taken and will be forwarded to the Owners' Group.
5. The PT examination of the liner landing area were satisfactory.

Disposition gf Inspection Findines There were no significant findings.

Catawba Diesel 1A, Inspection Reoort Part Name: Cylinder Liner Class: A.

Part Number: 02-315C Work Request No. 0773 MEE No. of Separate Inspections: 221 Attributes Verified gl_ Sample Sing,

1. Visual inspect cylinder liner per 11.3.1, ref.1,16 insp.
2. Measure bore per 11.3.2, ref.1,120 insp.
3. Perform Materials Comparator Test per 11.3.3, ref.1, 6 insp.
4. Perform hardness test per 11.3.3, ref.1, 6 insp.
5. Measure dist. cylinders protrude above block per 11.3.4, ref.1, 64 insp.
6. Supplement visual inspect liner per 11.6.3, ref.1, 7 insp.
7. Dimensional insp. cylinder liner per 11.6.4, ref.1, 7 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/11 Diesel Engine Cylinder Block, Cylinder Liner and Jacket Water Manifold and Piping Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. All cylinders have ring scuffing and scratching. Seven cylinders showed polish lines.
2. Twenty eight of 120 measurements of cylinder liner bore were not to specification. The dimensions ranged from 16.994" to 17.009".
3. (later)
4. Hardness test results ranged from BEN 241 to 275.
5. Twenty one of 64 measurements of liner protrusion were not to specifications . The protrusions ranged from .003" to .009".
6. The supplemental visual inspection of cylinder liners were satisfactory.
7. The dimensional inspections yielded the following results: 0.D. Lip -

19.494"-19.498", 0.D. Seat Surf. - 18.991"-18.998", Height 1.505"-

1.5 06 ".

Disoosition g[ Insoection Findines

1. The various scratches and marks are the results of normal wear and are not a problem.

2&5. The specifications were for new parts. The small discrepancies are considered normal for parts that has seen service and are acceptable.

3. (later)
4. The hardness is considered acceptable within the limits of accuracy of the measuring device.

Catawba Diesel 1& Insnectiou Renort Part Name: Start == & Distributor Assembiv f Class: 4.

Part No.: 02-442A Work Request No.: 9))1 E No. of Separate Inspections: f),

Attributes Verifind gad,183R18. E138.

1. Visual inspect each spool per 11.7, ref.1,16 insp.
2. Measure smallest diameter of each spool per 11.10, ref.1,16 insp.

Measure superficial hardness of each spool per 11.11, ref. 1, if 3.

diameter ratios are not within specifications References

1. MP/0/A/1000/12 Diesel Engine Starting Air Distributor Disassembly and Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Visual inspection of the spools was satisfactory.
2. All spool diameter ratios are within specified limits.
3. Hardness not required since diameter ratios were satisfactory.

'Dianosition gg, Inspection Find f=*s

1. There were no significant findings.

Catsuba Diesel ik Insoection Report Part Name: Jacket MalSK.F.HEt. Class: &,

Part No.: 02-425A Work Request No.:9))JL M No. of Separate Inspections: 19.

Attributes Verified mad.185R18. EiER.

1. Visual inspect gear carrier assembly per 11.2, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect driven gear, coupling and spline per 11.3.1, ref.1, 1 insp.

-3. PT coupling and external spline per 11.-3.2, ref.1,1 insp.

4. Visual inspect volute wear ring per 11.4.1 , ref.1,1 insp.
5. ' Visual inspect and PT inspect shaft per 11.4.2, ref.1, 2 insp.
6. Perform material comparitor test per 11.4.3, ref.1, 2 insp.
7. Perform superficial hardness test per 11.4.3, ref.1, 2 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/13 Diesel Engine Jacket Water Pump - Special Inspection Insnection Results
1. (later)
2. Visual inspection of the driven gear, coupling and external spline was eatisfactory.
3. (later)
4. - Visual inspection of the volute wear ring was satisfactory.
5. Visual inspection of the impeller shaft was satisfactory.
6. (later)
7. (later)

Disoosition gf. Inspection Findinas a

There are no significant findings to date.


Catawba Diesel M Inspection Renort Part Name: Camshaft Bearing class: A Part Number: 02-3505 Work Request No j))l M No. of Separate Inspections: 4 Attributes Verified and, Sample liar!.

l 1. Visual inspect left and right outboard support bushings per 11.4.2, l ref.1, 4 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/14 Diesel Engine Camshaft, Camshaft Gear and Iappet Assembly Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Visual inspection of the outboard support bushings was satisfactory.

Discosition 21 Insoection Findinas There were no significant findings.


Catawba Diesel g Inspection Renort Part Naas: Camshaft Assembly Class: A.

Part Number: 02-350A Work Request No. 077) M No. of Separate Inspections: 1Q .

Attributes Verified Aad. Sample 113.

1. Visual inspect camshaft lobes per 11.3, ref.1, 48 insp.
2. Inspect locking clips both camshafts per 11.4.3, ref.1, 2 insp.

Referenc es

1. - MP/0/A/1000/14 Diesel gagine Camshaft Camshaf t Gear and Tappet Assembly Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. The visual inspection of the camshaft was satisfactory with the exception of two small pits in one lobe, which are not significant.
2. Visual inspection of the locking clips showed the locking clips to be in place.

Disnosition gi Inspection Findinas There were no significant findings

Catawba Diesel R Inspection Resort Part Name: Canshaft Suonerts. Boltina Anst Esar Class: A Part Number: 02-350C Work Request No. j))]. M No. of Separate Inspections: j,1, Attributes Verified agl13m13. 3,13g,

1. Record breakaway torque per 11.2.2, ref. 1, 42 insp.
2. Inspect gasket for damage per 11.2.4, ref.1,1 insp.
3. Visual inspect left and right camshaft gears per 11.5.4, ref.1, 2 insp.
4. Perform Material Comparator Test camshaft gear per 11.5.5, ref.1, 2 insp.
5. -Perform hardness test camshaft gear per 11.3.5, ref.1, 2 insp.

6.- Reassemble supports and torque per 11.5.1, ref.1, 2 insp.

Referenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/14 Diesel Engine Camshaft, Camshaft Gear and

' Tappet Assembly Special Inspection Insoection Results

1. Can cover bolt breakaway torques ranged from 0 to 86 ft-lbs. Can gear cover torque ranged from 9 to 42 ft-lbs.
2. Visual inspection of all eight can cover gaskets showed no signs of leaks or damage.
3. Visual inspection of camshaft gears show only a slight amount of pitting in the gear contact surface.
4. The results of the material comparitor test are acceptable.
5. Hardness (later)
6. The can gear support was reassembled according to procedure.

Dianosition 21 Nonconformances

1. The can and can gear cover bolting is being replaced with higher strength bolts and will be reinstalled to specified torques.
5. (later) k

Catawba Diesel 14. Inspection Report Part Name: Zugl Tannets Class: &,

Part Number: 02-3455 -Work Request No. p))l ]gI, No. of Separate Inspections: 12, ,

Attributes Verified Aad.Sammle lias, l 1. Visual inspect tappet rollers per 11.4.1, ref. 1, 12 insp.

Referenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/14 Diesel Engine Camshaft, Camshaft Gear and Tappet Assembly Special Inspection 4

Inanection Results

1. _ Visual- inspection of the fuel tappet rollers showed one scratch in the 8L roller, otherwise they were satisfactory.

4 i

Discosition ,gf, Insoection Findinas l

i. 1. The scratch was evaluated as being the result of normal service and the I tappet roller was evaluated as being acceptable.

Catawba Diesel & Insoection Reoort Part Name: IBlakS.Tannets Class: A Part Number: 02-345A Work Request No.p))l M No. of Separate Inspections: ',Q ,

Attributes Verifind mL lamals. jina.

1. Visual inspect tappet rollers per 11.6.1, ref.1,12 insp.

Re ferenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/14 Diesel Engine Camshaft, Camshaft gear and Tappet Assembly Special Inspection Insoection Results
1. Visual inspection of the intake and exhaust tappet rollers was sat is factory.

Discosit ion 21 Insoection Findinas There were no significant indications

Catawba Diesel R Inspection Renort Part Name: Exhaust Manifold Class: B Part No.: 02-380& Work Request No.: 9]J1 E No. of, Separate Inspections: JJ.

Attributes Verified mut Samol's jing.

1. Visual inspect exhaust manifold to flange veld per 11.3.4, ref.1, 1

! insp.

i 2. Visual . inspect exhaust manifold per 11.3, ref. 2,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/15 Diesel Engine Intake and Exhaust Manifolds - Special Inspection
2. MP/0/A/1000/28 Diesel Engine Exhaust Manifold - Special Inspection Insnection Results

, 1. Visual inspection of the exaust manifold to flange welds was l sat is factory. .

2. (later) l .

l l

Discosition 31 Inspection Findinns l

l There are no significant findings to date.

l l


Catawba Diesel IA Insoection Renort Part Name:Iggaks. Manifolds Class:B Part No.: 02-375 Work Request No.: ER E No. of Separate Inspections:R Attributes Verified mut Sample 1.133.

1. Visual inspect surfaces and bolt holes per 11.2.2, ref. 1, 32 insp.

Re ferenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/15 Diesel gagine Intake and Exaust Manifolds Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. Visual inspection of the manifold surfaces and bolt holes was satisfactory.

Discosal g1 Insnection Findinzs There were no significant findings.

Catawba Diesel & Inspection Report Part Name: Exhanst Manifold. Boltina Class: }.

Part No.: 02-3805 Work Request No.:91)). E No. of Separate Inspections:j, Attributes Verified agt Samnia jing.

1. Visual inspect capscrews per 11.3.2, ref.1, 3 insp.
2. Measure depth of capocrew hole and flange thickness per 11.3.3, ref.1, 3 insp.


1. MF/0/A/1000/15 Diesel Engine Intake and Exsust Manifolds Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. Visual inspection of the capocrews was satisfactory.
2. The depth of the flanges plus the capscrew holes in the exaust manifolds were satisfactory.

Discosal 21 Inspection Findinas There were no significant finpings.

- - - , , , a

L Catsuba Diesel JA Inspection Resort Part Name: Oversneed Igig and. Accessorv Class: A Part No.: 02-4105 Work Request No.:9,).4,J. ]gI,

. No. of Separate Inspections
14, Attributes Verified and, Sample jigg.

l 1. Remove drive assembly per 11.2, ref.1,13 insp.

2. Disassemble overspeed trip drive per 11.3, ref.1, 3 insp.
3. Visual inspect 0.S. trip drive drive shaft for deterioration per ref.1,1 insp.
4. Perform material comparitor on 0.S. trip drive drive shaft per,1 insp.
5. PT inspect 0.8. trip drive drive shaft per, ref.1, 1 insp.
6. Visual inspect 0.8. trip drive drive shaft per, ref.1, 1 insp.
7. Perform asterial comparitor test on 0.8. trip drive driven shaft per i, ref.1, 1 insp.
8. PT inspect 0.8. trip drive driven shaft per, ref.1, 1 insp.
9. Visual inspect 0.8. trip drive drive gear per, ref.1,1 insp.
10. Perform material comparitor test on 0.S. trip drive drive gear per l, ref.1,1 insp.

I 11. Perform hardness test on 0.S. trip drive drive gear per, ref.

1, 1 insp.

12. Visual inspect 0.S. trip drive driven gear per 11.3 10.10, ref.1, 1 insp.

i 13. Perform material comparitor . on 0.S. trip drive driven gear per l, ref.1,1 insp.

l 14. terform hardness test on 0.S. trip drive driven gear per, ref.1,1 insp.

15. Visual inspect 0.8. drive antifriction bearings per, ref.1, 1 insp.
16. Measure end play of accessory drive drive shaft per 11.4.2, ref. 1, 1 insp .
17. Visual inspect accessory drive shaft per, ref.1,1 insp.
18. Perform material comparitor test on accessory drive shaft per, ref. 1, 1 insp.
19. PT inspect accessory drive shaft per, ref.1,1 insp.
20. Visual inspect accessory drive gear per, ref.1,1 insp.
21. Perform material comparitor on accessory drive gear per, ref.

1,1 insp.

22. Perform hardness test on accessory drive gear per, ref. 1, 1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/16 Diesel Engine Governor and Overspeed Trip Accessory Drives - Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly

Insnection Results

1. The drive assembly was removed according to procedure.
2. The overspeed trip drive was disassembled according to procedure.
3. The visual inspection of the OS trip drive shaft was satisfactory.
4. The material comparitor results on the 08 trip drive were satisfactory.
5. The PT inspection of the 08 trip drive was satisfactory.
6. Visual inspection OS trip driven shaft (later)
7. The material comp. results of the OS trip driven shaft were satisfactory.
8. The PT inspections of the OS trip driven shaft were satisfactory.
9. Visual inspections of the 08 trip drive gear were satisfactory.
10. Material comp. results of the OS trip drive gear were satisfactory.
11. The hardness of the OS trip drive gear was BRN 252 (UTS about 124 kei.)
12. Visual inspection of the 08 trip driven grar was satisfactory.
13. Material coup. results for the OS trip driven gear were satisfactory.

14 The hardness test result for the 08 trip driven gear was BEN 218 (UTS about 106 ksi.)

15. Visual inspection of the 08 trip drive antifriction bearings showed a rough spot in the bearina.
16. Visual inspection accessory drive shaft (latsr)
17. The end play of the accessory drive shaft was satisfactory.
18. Material comp. results for the accessory drive shaft were satisfactory.
19. The PT inspection of the accessory drive shaft was satisfactory.
20. Visual inspection accessory drive gear (later)
21. Material comp. inspection results of the accessory drive gear were satisfactory.
22. Bardness of the accessory drive gear (later)

Disnosition 31. Insnection Findinas 6.16,20,22 - (later) 11614 Espected hardness values for these gears are not yet available; this information will be requested from the Owners Group and/or TDI.

15. The damage to the bearing occurred during disassembly. The bearing has been replaced.

4 Diesel 14. Insnestion Resort Part Name: 133gd. Eastulatina Governor DIly.3. Gear / Shaft Class: A Part No.: 02-411A Work Request No.:9.jM. MT No. of Separate Inspections: l},

Attributes Verified and.13sals.113a.

1. Measure end play of horizontal shaft per 11.6.4, ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect larger horisontal shaft drive gear per, ref. 1, 1 insp.
3. Perform asterial comparitor test on larger horizontal shaft drive gear t

per, ref.1,1 insp.

4. Perform hardness test on larger horizontal shaft drive gear per, 1 insp .
5. Visual inspect small horizontal shaft drive gear per, ref.1, 1 insp.
6. Perform material comparitor test on small horisontal shaft drive gear per, ref.1,1 insp.
7. Perform hardness test on small horisontal shaft drive gear per, ref.1,1 insp.
8. Visual inspect horizontal shaft per, ref.1,1 insp.
9. Perform material comparitor test on horizontal shaft per, ref.

1, 1 insp.

! 10. PT exam horizontal shaft per, ref.1,1 insp.

11. Visual inspect vertical shaft per, ref.1,1 insp. l
12. Perform materisi comparitor test on vertical shaft per, ref.

1, 1 insp.

13. PT exam vertical shaft per, ref. 1, 1 insp.

l l References

1. MP/0/A/1000/16 Diesel Engine Governor and Overspeed Trip Accessory Drive-Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly i

j Insoection Results

1. The end play of the horizontal shaft was satisfactory.
2. The visual inspection of the large horizontal shaft drive gear was satis factory.
3. Material comparitor results for the Isrge horisontal shaft drive gear i were satisfactory.

I 4. The hardness of the large horizontal shaft drive gear was BBN 468-472 (UTS of about 240 kai) vs. an expected hardness of Rockwell A 76-79 (UTS of about 250 to 300 ksi)

5. Visual inspection of the small, horizontal shaft drive gear was i sat is factory.

t i

6. Material comp. test results for the small horizontal shaft drive gear were acceptable.
7. The hardness of the small horisontal shaft drive gear was BEN 457 to 460 (trr8 of about 235 kei) vs. an expected Rockwell A hardness of 76-79 (trr5 of about 250 - 300 kei.)
8. The visual inspection of the horizontal shaft was satisfactory.
9. Material comp. test results for the shaft were satisfactory.
10. PT exam results of the horizontal shaft were satisfactory.
11. Visual inspection of the vertical shaft was satisfactory.
12. Material comp. test results for the vertical shaft were satisfactory.

! 13. The PT inspection of the vertical shaft was satisfactory.

Disnosition g Inanection Findinas 4&7 The measured hardness is considered acceptable within the limits of accuracy of the measuring device.

i 1

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l Catawba Diesel R Inspection Reoort Part Name: InniInm. Linkane And. Shutdown Cylinder Class: 1 Part No.: 02-413B Work Request No.: 914J. H]J.

No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Verified Aad.Samnia j.133.

1. Check linkage action per 11.7.1 ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect cross shaft assembly per 11.7.2, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/16 Diesel Engine Governor and Overspeed Trip Accessory Drives - Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly Inanection Results
1. The linkage action was inspected and found to be satisfactory.
2. The visual inspection of the cross shaft assembly was satisfactory.

Dianosition gf. Inanection Findings.

There were no significant findings.


Catauba Diesel M Insoection Resort Part Nams:InsgL tenniatinn fear Dzize. canonne class:t Part No.: 02-4113 Work Request No.:0841MNT No. of Separate Inspections:1 Attributes Yarified and, Sample 11EA.

1. Visual inspect coupling halves, shaft ends and spacers per, ref.1, 2 insp.
2. Visual inspect female drive coupling per ref.1, 1 insp.


1. MF/0/A/1000/16 Diesel gngine Governor and Overspeed Trip Accessory Drives Disassembly Inspection and Reassembly.

Inspection Resulta 1&2 Visual inspections of the governor drive couplings and related hardware were satisfactory.

Disposal 21. Inanection Findians There were no significant findings.

Catawba Diesel 1A Insnection Report Part Name:Oversneed counit= s class: A Part No.: 02-410C Work Request No.:M ME.

No. of Separate Inspections: h, Attributes Verified ad, Sample liga,

1. Verify coupling halves are snug against spider per 11.2.7, ref.1, 1 insp.
2. Check both couplings to ensure tapered pin is tight per, ref 1, 2 insp.
3. Note condition of elastomer piece per, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/16 Diesel Engine Governor and Overspeed Trip Accessory Drives Disassembly Inspection and Reassembly Inanection Results
1. The coupling snugness was checked and found to be satisfactory.
2. The tapered pin was found to be satisfactory.
3. The elastomer piece was found to have small indentations.

Dianosal gf, Insnection Findinas

3. The indentations in the elastomer piece do not affect the operability of the engine. However, it will be replaced as part of routine annual maintenance.

Catavba Diesel .lA Inspection Reoort Part Name: Governor 1333. Exchanner Assembiv class:A Part No.: 02-415C Work Request No.:0841MNT No. of Separate Inspections:,1, Attributes Verified d Sample 1133,

1. Verify oil cooler is mounted below oil level per 11.5.1, ref.1, 1 insp.

Referenc es

1. MP/0/A/1000/16 Diesel Engine Governor and Overspeed Trip Accessory Drives Disassembly Inspection and Reassembly Inspection Results
1. The location of the oil cooler was inspected and found to be satisfactory.

P Dinnosition 21 Insnection Findinns There were no significant findings.

Catawba Diesel R Insnaction Resort Part Name:AnamL teaulatinz Sty,_ Linkame Class:4.

Part No.: 02-413A Work Request No.:0841MNT No. of Separate Inspections:2, Attributes Yerified and. Sample lias.

1. Check Linkage Action per 11.7.1., ref.1,1 insp.
2. Visual inspect cross shaft per 11.7.2., ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/16 Diesel Engine Governor and Overspeed Trip Accessory Drives Disassembly Inspection and Reassembly Insnection Results
1. The linkage was inspected and found to be acceptable.
2. The visual inspection of the cross shaft assembly was satisfactory.

Dianosition gi Insnection Findinas There were no significant findings

, Diesel .11 Insnection Renort Part Name: Fifwheel Baltine Class: 4.

Part Number: 02-3305 Work Request No. 0841)qrr No. of Separace Inspections: 24 Attributes Verified And. Sample 3.13s.

1. Visual inspect for loose roll pins per 11.2.1, ref.1, 12 insp.
2. Torque test per 11.2.3, ref. 1 if correct torque was not previously documented, 12 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/17 Diesel Engine Flywheel Bolting Special Inspection Inspection Results
1. Visual inspections of the roll pins were satisfactory.
2. Documented torque values were located in documentation of previous work with the minimum torque being 4500 foot pounds.

l Dianosition gi Nonconformances There were no specific findings i

. . - . . - . . . . - - . - -.-.-. -. --- - - . .. ~- . .- . - . - . _ - . - - . - . , - . . . - . . - . - . . . - - . , -

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Catauba Diesel R Insoection Report j Part Name: Intercooler h Counlina . Bolt 4=-/c--bet Class: L Part No.: 02-4365 Work Request No.: 9].21 NE No. of Separate Inspections: 1 Attributes Yarified and Samole 1.133,

1. Check dresser coupling on piping per 11.6.4, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/18 Diesel Engine Turbocharger and Intercooler - Special Inspection f

Insoection Results

1. Dresser coupling found on inspection was a 90 degree elbow straight coupling . This information will be forwarded to the Owners Group.

Discosition 21 Insnaction Findinas

1. There were no significant findings.

Gagamba Diesel M Insnaction Resort Part Waas: Tarbocharger Class: &

Part No.: MF/022/3 Work Request No.:9Jll M No. of Separate Inspections: n Attributes Yarifind and, janth lias.

1. Visual inspect assembly per 11.2.2, ref.1, 6 insp.
2. Visual inspect journal bearings per 11.2.3, ref.1, 4 insp.
3. Measure ID of journal bearings per 11.2.4, ref.1, 4 insp.
4. Visual inspect turbo examat gas inlet bolts per 11.7.1, ref.1,16 insp.


1. MF/0/A/1000/18 Diesel Engine Turbocharger and Intercooler - Special Inspection l

Insnaction Results

1. -The right nossle of the right bank turbocharger has a chipped spot, otherwise the visual exam is satisfactory.
2. The right journal bearing has a chip in it and the left journal bearing is satisfactory. The thrust bearings are severely worn and damaged.

. 3. The I.D. of the journals was measured with satisfactory results.

4. (later)

Dianosition 31 Insnection Findinas

1. The chip on the nossle was evaluated as not being significant.
2. New bearings will be installed. In addition, a new lubrication systes will be installed to prevent recurrence of this probles.

r l l

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i Catauba Diesel JA Insnection Renort Fart Naam: Turbocharmer & Butterfiv J.31gg Class: &

I Part No.: 02-4755 Work Request No.: 9)).1 Hg.

i No. of Separate Inspections: 11 i Attributes Verifind Aad. Sansle lias.

1. Perfora disassembly inspection per 11.3, ref. 2, 2 insp.
2. Visual inspect roll pins per 11.3.2, ref.1, 8 insp.
3. Visual inspect valve shaf t per 11.3.3, ref.1, 2 insp.
4. Check to ensure no cold springing required on reassembly per 11.3.4, ref. 1, 2 insp.


' 1. MF/0/A/1000/18 Diesel Engine Turbocharger and Intercooler - Special Inspection

2. MF/0/A/1000/22 Diesel Engine Air Butterfly Valve Removal Disassembly, Reassembly and Inspection Insoection Results
1. Disassembly of the butterfly valve was done according to procedure, and l revealed no problems l 2. Visual inspections of roll pins were satisfactory.


3. Visual inspections of the shaf ts indicated they were satisfactory.
4. Checks of cold spring indicated that the piping was satisfactory. -

Diancaition 21 Insoection Findinas There were no significant findings.


., , . _ _ _ . _ m __ --..___,-._-m..,. . _ , - _ , , . . . . . , , , . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ , - , , . . , _ _ . . _ __ _ . _ , _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ , . _ . _ . . - . . - . - -

a Galmtb1 Diesel R Inspection Resort Part Name: Turhasharzer Bracket Class: 1 Part-No.: 02-475& Work Request No.: 9))1 M No. of Separate Inspections: j, Attributes Verified and. Saanle list. ,

1. Visually inspect support bracket per 11.4.2, ref.1,1 insp.


1. MP/0/A/1000/18 Diesel Engine Turbocharger and Intercooler - Special Inspection Insoection Results -
1. Visual inspection of turbocharger bracket shows no signs of distress or dis tortion.

i l

l Disnosition 21 Insnection Findinas There were no significant findings i

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i Catavbs Diesel la Insnection laRSIL Part Nass: Turbocharmer Bracket Baltina Class: ),

Part No.: 02-475D Work Request No.: 9,ZZ 1 M I, No. of Separate Inspections: 29, Attributes Verifind And. Eastia. lisa.

1. Measure breakaway torque per 11.5.2, ref.1, 6 insp.
2. Material comparitor test per 11.5.3, ref.1, 6 insp.
3. Visual inspect bolted joint per 11.5.4, ref.1, 2 insp.
4. Check torque on reassembly per 11.5.5, ref. 1, 6 insp.


1. MF/0/A/1000/18 Diesel Engine Turbocharger and Intercooler - Special Inspection f

Insoectinn Resulta

1. Breakaway torque of turbocharger bracket bolts ranged from 0 to 250 ft-lbs.
2. Material comparitor test of turbocharger bracket bolts were acceptable.
3. Visual inspection of the bolt joint was satisfactory.

j 4. The turbo bracket bolts were reinstalled according to procedure.

Dianosition gi Insnection Findinas

1. Several of the bracket bolts were found to have low torques. All of the bolts will be checked and bolts with low torques will be retorqued using a torque wrench and loctice.

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t Catawba Diesel R Inanection Renort j l

i Part Name Intercooler Class: 1 Part No.: L-911 Work Request No.: 9121 E No. of Separate Inspections: j, Attributes Verifind And. IAERis. h

1. Visual inspection of intercooler and inlet and outlet adaptors per 11.6.2, ref.1, 6 insp.
2. - Perform PT or MT exam of each intercooler inlet adaptor flange weld per 11.6.3, ref.1, 2 insp.


1. MF/0/A/1000/18 Diesel Engine Turbocharger and Intercooler - Special Inspection Inanection Results
1. Visual inspection of the intercooler was satisfactory.
2. MT examination of the weld was satisfactory l

Disposition af. Insnection Findinas There were no significant findings

- y -

Catavaba listal M. Inspection Resort Additional Insnections 1g hs. Performed After Diesel Reassembiv Part No. Part N-- Proc.No. Inanection to be nerf. dinsn.

00-700A Jacket votar stdpipe 25 Visual inspect system 1 fittings and gasket 00-700C Jacket veter stdpipe 25 Visual inspect supports I supports

, 02-316A Jacket water manifold 25 Visual inspect system 1 i assembly 00-700F Jacket water stdpipe 25 Visual inspect bolting 1

, bolting materials -

02-3165 Jacket water inlet 25 Visual inspect coupling 1 manifolds 02-317C Jacket water discharge 25 Visual inspect supports 1 l

manifolds i

02-317B Jacket water manifold 25 Visual inspect coupling 1 coupling 02-437A Turbo cooling water 25 Visual inspect system 1 pipe and fittings 02-4375 Turbo cooling water 25 Visual inspect supports 1 supports 02-441A Start air mainifold 26 Visual inspect system 1 tubing and fittings 02-441C Start air manifold 26 Visual inspect supports 1 pipe supports t 02-4425 Start air distributor 26 Visual inspect tubing 1 tubing,fitags & sskts 02-4505 Fuel oil piping and 27 Visual inspect system 1 tubing ECT inspect HP lines 16 02-4503 Fuel oil piping supp 27 Visual inspect supports 1 l 02-455C Fuel oil filter 27 Visual insp. unts hardwarel

j. mounting brdwre l 02-688A Engine and aux mod 29 Visual insp conduit I l wiring conduit 02-695A Engine shutdown tbag 29 Visual insp engine mounted 1 and fittings tubing 02-467A Turbo L.O. piping 10 Visual inspect piping 1 02-467B Turbo L.O. supports 10 Visual inspect supports 1 02-CFR Turbo thrust bearing 10 Visual inspect system 1 L.O. system
  • Nos. shown are the last two digits of procedure MP/0/A/1000/II 1


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TABLE OF C0lrIElrfS Section

Bl.0 Introduction

'B2.0 Identification of Parts B3.0 Detailed Review of Part Validation 54.0 References Tables 32-1 List of Parts Covered by Engineering Validation Review

31.0 Introduction The purpose of this report is to document the results of the engineering validation performed for selected parts of the Catawba 1A Diesel. The parts were selected for this review if their quality was not being verified by detailed insp ect ions . This validation was performed for the parts listed in Table 32-1; Information for the validation was obtained by visual observation of the parts, review of test results, review of maintenance records , and discussions with operating and maintenance personnel regarding performance of the parts. An engineering evaluation was then performed of this information to assess the condition and quality of the parts.

The detailed results of this review are presented in Section B3.0.


B2.0 Identification d 1gx13, The parts covered by this review are listed in Table B2-1. Parts were listed in Table B2-1 if they met the following criteria:

  • The parts are identified as category A or 5 per reference 1 (or approved modifications); and
  • The quality of the parts is not being verified as part of detailed inspections (e.g., per Catawba Special Inspection Procedures MP/0/A/1000/01 through 18); and
  • The quality of the parts is not being verified as part of piping installation checks covered by Catawba Special Inspection Procedures MP/0/A/1000/25 through 29).

In essence, the parts listed in Table B2-1 are intended to cover items important to operability of the diesels but which have not been covered by detailed inspections because no specific need for inspection was developed owing to failure history or general diesel experience.



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Table 32-1 cont.


33.0 Detailet Review 21. EEEL Validation This section contains the results, detailed review and engineering validation of the quality of parts indentified as requiring quality validation per Section 1.0.

It should be noted that the " visual observation" listed in this section was not done using detailed checklists and quantified acceptance crit eria. Rather, it was a brief qualitative engineering scan directed at detecting obvious abnormalities.


-33.1 latt 313: 00-420 j- Part h : Lube Oil Pressure Regulating Valve i

Func tion: This valve controls lube oil pressure.

Drawings:- TDI Drawing 00-420-01, Valve Assembly-Pressure Regulator l

Onerat4== Bistory: This valve has performed satisfactorily with no

' reported problems.

! Maintenance History: Yalve was disassembled and adjusted prior to initial diesel operation at Catawba per recommendations of TDI

' representative. No unscheduled maintenance has been required.

Visual Observation: The valve was visually observed by J. Gorman on May 10, 1984 and found to be of the type shown on TDI drawing 00-420-01.. No abnormal conditions were noted.


Pressure regulating valve 00-420 is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.


33.2 13I3, h: 00-7005 P 3Le, t Ngag,: Jacket Water Standpipe Valves Function: These valves serve to isolate the jacket water standpipe when needed.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 100546, Jacket Water Piping Schematic Operatina History: These valves have performed satisfactorily with no reported problems.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on these valves.

Visual Observation: The valve installations were observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared to be normal.



The valves are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by the absence of any reported problems and the satis factory operating history of the jacket water system for extended periods of operation.

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B3.3 Zari Ng : 00-700E EgIl h : Jacket Water Standpipe Switches t

Func tion: The Jacket water standpipe is a pressure switch which indicates a low level of water in the jacket water standpipe.


Drawinas: TDI drawing No. 09-691-75017 l.

Operatina History: Tubing to the switch has clogged several times due to precipitation of chromates. The tubing is not considered part of the jacket water standpipe switch, and was supplied by Duke


Power Company. Periodic inspection and maintenance has corrected this situation.

Visual Observations: Since no problems with the switch itself have been- reported, observation of this device is not considered appropriate.

l j

Conc lusions : The jacket water standpipe switch, Part No. 00-700E, j is considered to be satisfactory for its intended service by the l absence of any reported problems with the switch and its satisfactory l . performance for extended periods of operation.

l I'


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B3.4 IgEL 19 ,: 02-311D Pagt 133,: Crankcase Mounting Hardware Function: This hardware consists of the main crankcase studs, nuts and washers (parts 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 29 on TDI drawing 02-311-03) and capocrews (part 18 on TDI drawing 02-311-03). The main studs serve to hold the crankcase to the base, while the capocrews serve to clamp the crankcase seal.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 02-0311-03 , Crankcase Assembly Operat ina History: This hardware has performed satisfactorily without adjustment since initial delivery from TDI.

Maintenanc e History: No maintenance has been performed on this hardware. No adjustment has been required since initial delivery from TDI.

Visual Observation: The hardware was visually observed on May 2, 1984 by J. Gorman, and was found to all be properly in place and of the type shown on the drawing.


The crankcase mounting hardware is considered to be satis factory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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l 1

i Easi E9 : 02-3155 Pag,g. h: Can Bearing Caps and Dowels

- Function: This hardware consists of the bearing assemblies used to position the camshafts in the crankcase assembly.

Drawinas: TDI Drawing 02-311-03, Crankcase Assembly Omarat4 == History: This hardware has performed satisfactorily since initial delivery as evidenced by inspection of the camshafts .

after 810 hours0.00938 days <br />0.225 hours <br />0.00134 weeks <br />3.08205e-4 months <br /> of operation. Camshafts showed no wear of cam lobes, hence can bearings are fu11 filling their function.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed or required on this hardware.

. Visual Observation: Due to camshaft inspection results, no visual observation of the can bearings is required.


The can bearing caps and dowels are considered to be

, s atisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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53.6 Ean. En.s.: 02-315s, 02-315c lan, lag: Cylinder Block Seals, Gaskets and Structural Bolts Function: The cylinder block seals and gaskets provide:

1. An oil seal between the' cylinder block and crankcase

-(part 8 of TDI drawing 02-315-04)

2. A water seal between the cylinder block and cylinder liner (part 6 of TDI drawing 02-315-5001); and
3. A seal between the cylinder block and water manifold (part 14 of TDI drawing 02-315-5001).
4. The bolts serve as structural bolting holding the cylinder block to the crankcase. (Part 10 of TDI dwaving 02-315-04)

Drawinas: TDI drawings 02-315-04, cylinder Block Assembly, and 02-315-5001, cylinder Block and Liner Assembly.

Operatina History: The cylinder block to crankcase bolts and oil seal have performed satisfactorily without any evidence of oil leakage. The water seals are hydrostatically tested after each reassembly to ensure that there is no water leakage. All o-rings and gaskets are replaced each time the joint is disassembled.

Maintenance Historv: No corrective maintenance has been performed on any of the joints. The cylinder block to crankcase oil seal and bolts hava not been disturbed since shipment in the assembled l As stated above the o-rings and gaskets are condition from TDI.

replaced each time a water joint is disassembled.

Visual Observation: These parts are inaccessable for visual observation.


The cylinder block bolts, seals and gaskets are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory f performance for extended periods of operation.

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i l


B3.7 Pggi, E5b.: 02-330A Pat,g, N333,: Flywheel Function: The flywheel provides rotating somentum for smooth operation of the diesel engine.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 101505, Flywheel Assembly Onoratina History: The flywheel has performed satisfactorily during engine operation. ,

Maintenanc e History: No maintenance has been performed on this part.

Visual Observation: The flywheel was visually observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared to be normal.


The flywheel is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operatien.

B3.8 Zar3.Ig : 02-345C Pg.rt.

rt Nggg.: Fuel Pump Base Assembly function: This assembly provides a base to which the fuel injection pump is attached.

Drawinas: TDI drawings 02-345-05, Tappets and Guides; and 02-345-3443, Base Assembly-Fuel Pump.

Operatina History: The fuel pump base assemblies have performed

' satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory operatior. of the l fuel injection pumps during engine operation. No problems have l been reported for this part,.

l l Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the fuel pump base assemblies. The assemblies have not been disturbed since initial delivery from TDI.

Visual Observation: A sample of bases was visually observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Corman and appeared to be normal.

Conc lus ions : The fuel pump base assemblies are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance of the fuel injection pumps for extended periods of operation.

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33.9 Pag,L Ig : 02-360C P,,gg,L NAER.: Cylinder Head Bolting Function: This bolting attaches the subcover assemblies to the cylinder heads.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 02-362-04, Covers Assembly Cylinder Head Operatina History: The cylinder head bolting has performed satisfactorily as evidencut by the satisfactory functioning of the intake valves, exhaust valves, and rocker arms that attach to the subcover assemblies.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the cylinder head bolting. No cylinder head bolting has been replaced.

Visual Observation: A sample of this bolting was visually observed on May 11, 1984, by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The cylinder head bolting is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

rduim imi ii i mii ir

B3.10 lags, h: 02-365A M h: Fuel Injection Pump Function: The fuel injection pump increases fuel oil pressure to inject it into the cylinder. It is operated by tappet motion induced by camshaft rotation.

Drawints: TDI drawing 02-365-01, Fuel Injection Equipment Oneratina HiptorY: The valve holder of one fuel injection pump cracked. Consequently, the valve holder of each pung was ultrasonically inspected and tested for hardness as part of the inspection program. Otherwise,- the fuel injection pumps have operated satisfactorily with no other problems reported.

Maintenance HistoIY: The only maintenance performed on the fuel injection pumps has consisted of:

1. Replacement of the pump with the cracked valve holder as identified above, and
2. disassembly of all 16 pumps prior to engine operation to ensure that the pumps were free from summy fuel oil residues after long periods (well over one year) of inoperat ion.

Visual Observations: Several pumps were visually observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared to be normal.


The fuel injection pumps are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.


B3.11 laKI. h: 02-3655 Zag 1. !aER.: Fuel Injection Tips Function: The fuel injection tips spray high pressure fuel oil into the cylinders.

Drawinas: TDI drawins 02-365-01, Fuel Injection Equipment Oneratina History: These tips have performed satisfactorily with no problems.

Maintenance History: The tips have been periodically removed for routine cleaning.

Visual Observation: One tip was visually observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The tips are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

i l

33.12 lagt Ig.,,: 02-410A laEL !am: Governor - Overspeed Trip Function: The overspeed trip governor senses engine speed (revolutions) by direct mechanical coupling to the drive train of the engine. When the engine speed exceeds the setting on the device, the centrifugal force of the internal flyweights actuate a lever which causes a vent valve to open in the control air system, and shutdown the engine via the auto shutdown cylinder.

Drawinas: Woodward Bulletin No. 04026A Oneratina History: The overspeed trip governor has demonstrated satisfactory performance since initial adjustments were made during startup. No further adjustments have been required.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed or been required on the overspeed trip governor since initial adjustments were made during startup.

,Yignal Observations: The overspeed trip governor has been completely removed from the engine for the inspection of the drive mechanism as required by Special Inspection Procedure No.

MP/0/A/1000/16. No abnormal conditions have been reported.


The overspeed trip governor is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by its satisfactory performance during extended periods of operation.

I i-W

B3.13 1 81 1. h : 02-410D Eggg, h: Overspeed Trip Vent Yalves Function: Upon actuation by the governor overspeed trip mechanism (Woodward Governor), the overspeed trip vent valves vent the control air thus causing actuation of the fuel shutdown cylinder, tripping the engine.

Drawinas: Amot Controls Corp. Form 675, Rev. 1, Model 40955 Vent valve.

Operatina History: This vent valve has performed satisfactorily with no reported problems.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on these vent valves.

l Visual Observation: No visual observation of these valves have been I. made.

l l


The overspeed trip vent valves are considered to be satisfactory for intended service as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

1 l-t~

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B3.14 Zar.t.19 : 02-415A P.,3gg, h: Speed Regulating Governor Function: The speed regulating governor controls the engine speed by regulating the fuel supply based on load demand on the generator (via. an electrohydraulic actuator) and current engine speed (via direct mechanical coupling to the drive train and internal flyweights) .

Drawinas Woodward Bulletin No. 25004R l

Oneratina History: Over all, the speed regulating governor has performed satisfactorily. An adjustment to set droop at 5 % was made by the Woodward factory service representative during the extended run

- test (2-21-84). No other adjustments have been required since startup.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the speed regulating governor other than the factory representative adjustment described above.

l Visual Observation: The speed regulating governor has been l

disassembled to the extent necessary to perform the inspection on l the drives as required by Special Inspection Procedure MF/0/A/1000/16. No abnormalitles have been reported.


The speed regulating governor is considered to be

. satisfactory as demonstrated by its satisfactory performance for extended operating periods.


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B3.15 f.arl h : 02-415B J,ggg, hs Governor Booster Servosotor Function: The governor booster servosotor aids in starting the engine by using starting air to increase governor oil pressure which in turn results in the govenor engine going to the full fuel on position.

DK,p,y,ings.: Woodward Service Bulletin 36684 5 and TDI dyg. 101414 Operatina History: This servosotor has performed satisfactorily with no reported problems.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on this part.

Visual Observation: No visual observations have been accomplished.


The governor booster servosotor is considered to be satisfactory for its intended service as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

33.16 Zagt h : 02-420 zag 1 Nagg.: Lube Oil Pump Function: This pump is a diesel engine attached pump that supplies engine lobe oil during engine operatior..

Drawinas: TDI drawings 02-420-2674, Pump Assembly-Lube Oil, and Figure titled "Model 35K-437 IMO Lube Oil Pump" in Volume III of the TDI diesel manual.

Operat ina History: The lube oil pump has performed satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory operation of the lube oil system.

No engine bearings show degradation resulting from a lack of lube oil during diesel operation.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the lube oil pump. Observation: The lube oil pump was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The lube oil pump is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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33.17 Intl 19 : 02-441B ZaIL Isas.: Starting Air Manifold Yalves, Strainers and Filters Function: Starting air is used to turn the engine during startup .

The starting air system is comprised of the starting air manifolds, manifold valves, strainers and filters, starting air distributors, piping from the distributors to the air start valves and the air starting valves. Inspections for various parts of the starting air system are as follows: Starting Air Manifold and Distributor Piping (Procedure MP 0/A/1000/26); Air Starting Valves (Procedure MF 0/A/1000/04); and Starting Air Distributor (Procedure MF 0/A/1000/12). Hence, this engineering validation is limited to the manifold valves, strainer, and fillets.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 101815, Starting Air Manifold (Valves and Strainers), and TDI drawing 51825 Tubing Arrangement Starting Air

Distributor (Filter).

i Operatina History: The starting air manifold valves, strainers and filters have performed satisfactorily with no problems.

Maintenance History: No maintenance other than periodic cleaning as part of routine maintenance procedures have been performed on these items .

l Visual Observation: The components listed on the attachment were observed by R. Reyns on May 23, 1984 with the results indicated on the attachment.

l l


The starting air manifold valves, strainers, and filters are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by extended periods of satisfactory operation.

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Attachment to B3.17 Manufacturer Part No. Description Qty. Visual Observations KE-800-000 Check Valve-3" 4 Valves were observed to be of the type shown on the reference Drawing. No abnormal conditions were noted other than the absence of factory " Blue" paint.

SE-007-001 Strainer 4 Strainers were observed to be of the type shown on the reference drawing. No abnormal conditions were noted.

KR-002-000 Valve, Air Start 4 Valves were observed to be of the type shown on the reference drawing. No abnormal conditions were noted.

SA-406-000 Filter (Air Supply 2 Filters were observed to be of Line to Distributor) the type shown on the reference drawing. No abnormal conditions were noted. It was noted that some pipe fittings had been r eplaced.

F-573-413 Valve, Shuttle 1 The shuttle valve to the

( governor oil boost was observed

to be the type designated on i

parts list 02-441 for 75017. No l abnormal conditions were noted.

l F-573-348 Valve, Check 2 The check valve on the line to the starting air distributors were observed to be the type l

designated on Parts List 02-441 for 75017. No abnormal conditions were noted.

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B3.18 F.AI.E. E2.:.: 02-445 Pagt h: Fuel Oil Booster Pump Function: The fuel oil booster pump transfers fuel oil from the day tank to the diesel.

Drawinas: 02-445-06, Fuel Oil Booster Pump Oneratina History: The fuel oil booster pump has performed satisfactorily. as evidenced by the satisfactory diesel engine operation for extended periods.

Maintenance History: No major maintenance has been performed on this pung , other than tightening s fitting to correct a leakage problem. (Ref. W.R. No. 8058 OPS, .2-2-84) .

Visual' Observations: The fuel oil booster pump was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The fuel oil pump is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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l B3.19 Z.agt h : 02-455A Z3x1 h : Fuel Oil Filter Function: This filter is a duplex cartridge filter which removes particles from the fuel oil prior to its introduction to the fuel oil headers.

Eggy.ingg.: The Hilliard Corp. Drawing DD-297-46, and TDI drawing 09-825-75017-H, Fuel Oil Piping Schematic Oneratina History: The fuel oil filter has performed satisfactorily

( as evidenced by the satisfactory performance of the fuel oil system l

and the diesel engine.

l Maintenangs. History: No corrective maintenance has been required.

I Filters are periodically replaced as needed based on increasing pressure drop.

Visual Observations: The installation of the filter was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The fuel oil filter is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

i l'


B3.20 Fgr.g. Eg.2,: 02-4555,1, !agg.: Fuel Oil Strainers Function: These strainers filter the fuel oil to the fuel oil booster pump.

Drawinas: Air Maze Drawing It9W1752 and TDI drawing 09-825-75017-H, Fuel Oil Piping Schematic Operatina History: The fuel oil strainer has performed satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory performance of the fuel oil system and the diesel engine.

( Maintenance History: The only maintenance required has been to periodically clean the filter elements.

Visual Observat ion: The installation of the strainer was observed t on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.



The fuel oil strainer is considered to be satisfactory l as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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53.21 Z, art h : 02-465C Zart N.agg.: External Lube Oil Valves 11uns.lioA: These valves are used to direct lube oil flow, isolate components, etc.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 09-820-75017-E, Lube Oil Piping Schematic Operat ne History: These valves have operated satisfactorily with i

no problems.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required.

Visual Observation: These valves were observed by J. Gorman on May 10, 1984 and appeared normal.


These valves are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance during extended operation.

B3.22 IAEL E9.a.: 02-500A m lAE1 h : Control Panel Cabinet Func tion: The control panel cabinet houses essential control components for both off-engine electrical and off-engine pneumatic systems and provides barriers between Class 1E circuits and components within the cabinet and non IE circuits and components.

Drawinst: TDI drawing 52213 Operatina History: No problems have been encountered with the panel.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been (one on the panel.

Visual Observation: Since the panel has had no maintenance or operating problems, no visual observations were deemed necessary.

Conclusign: The control panel cabinet, Part No. 02-500A, is considered to be satisfactory for its intended service as denonstrated by satisfactory performance.

L .

33.23 Z ag i P.g : 02-500F Pagi !33.: Control Air Accumlator Function: The Control Air Accunnalator acts as a timing device for some engine pneumatic control functions. Control air is admitted to these devices allowing a time delay for prewsure to build which will then actuate other pressure activated devices in the pneumatic control system.

Drawinas: There are no drawings available describing the accuunalators. The capacity and circuit locations are described on TDI Drawing 52216. Panel Pneumatic Schematic.

Operatina History: The three control air accumulators have performed satisfactorily with no reported problems.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the control air accumulators.

Visual Observations: No visual observations have been accomplished as a part of this engineering validation.


The control air accumulators, part no. 02-500F, are considered to be satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.


33.24 Pm Rg.a.: 02-500G Pggg, h: Control Air System Valves Punction: The control air system valves open and close upon a signal (pneumatic) from the pneumatic shutdown logic board, either permitting the engine to start and run or trip the engine' by

, actuating the auto shutdown cylinder.

Drawinas: TDI Drawings 52216, Panel Pneumatic Schematic, and 52215, Engine Pneumatic Schematic.

Operatina History: Most of the control air system valves have performed satisfactorily with no maintenance required. One shuttle l valve in the low low lube oil pressure circuit periodically stuck, preventing the engine from starting. This was corrected by l replacing the valve.

Maintenanc e History: Other than the valve replacement described above, no maintenance has been required on the control air system j valves.

Visual Observation: Visual observations have not been conducted as

l. a part of the engineering validation.


These valves are considered to be satisfactory for l

their indended service as demonstrated by satisfactory performance

. for extended periods of operation.

l l Note-This review and discussion applies only to control air valves essential for engine operation and engine trip.

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33.25 F. AIL h: 02-5005 P, ggt h: Control Air System Pressure Switches Function: The control air system pressure switches open and close depending on control air pressure in the pneumatic control system.

These devices are also actuated by control air and serve both control system functions and supervisory functions.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 52216, Panel Pneumatic Schematic Operating History: All pressure switches have demonstrated satisfactory performance with no problems.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the control air system pressure switches.

Visual Observation: As the pressure switches have operated satisfactorily, no visual observation was deemed necessary for this engineering evaluation.


The control air system pressure switches are considered to be satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance during extended operation.


- - J

B3.26 Earl E9.s.: 02-500J lay 3., Ram: Control System Relays function: The Control System Relays provide electrical signals to various elements of the engine control system.

Drawinas: TDI Drawing 52218, Panel Electrical Schematic.

Operatina Historv: The control system relays have demonstrated satisfactory performance with no problems since modifications were made to the control panel wiring. (See Part No. 02-500N)

Maintenance History: There has been no required maintenance on these relays since the viring modification.

Visual Obs'ervation: No visual observations were conducted as part of this engineering validation.


The control system relays are considered to be satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance during' extended operation since the wiring modification.

B3.27- Ear.t.Es : 02-50er Pagg h: Control System Solenoid Yalves Function: The control system solenoid valves open or close when energized by the pneumatic or electrical control system, permitting the flow of control air in the system.

Darwinas: TDI Drawing 52216, Panel Pneumatic Schematic, and 52218, Panel Electrical Schematic.

Doerat i == History: The control system solenoid vcives have performed satisfactorily with no problems.

Naiptenance Bistory: No maintenance has been required or performed on the control system solenoid valves.

Visual observation: No visual observations were conducted as part of this engineering validation.


The control system solenoid valves are considered to be satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance during extended operation.

B3.28 lagt Ng.,,: 02-5005 Iggi h : Control Panel Wiring Imag.tigg: The control panel wiring interconnects the electrical components in the control panel system.

Drawinas: TDI Drawing 52218, Panel Electrical Schematic and the attached listing of Duke Power Co. drawings.

Operatina History: The control pa .1 wiring was extensively modified by Duke Power Company at installation, startup and check out. Panel wiring changes installed by Duke Power Co. under their quality assurance system are documented in Duke Power Co. drawings listed in the attachment. Since these modifications, the viring has performed satisfactorily and required no maintenance.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required or been performed since the modifications to the control panel wiring.

Visual Observations: No visual observations of the control panel

' wiring were made during this engineering validation as Duke Power Co. Quality Assurance has inspected all wiring modifications.


The control panel wiring is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by the absence of problems for an extended period of operation.

i i

ATTACEMENT TO B3.28 Duke Power Company Eleneatary Diagrams updated for Control Panel Wiring changes: .

C HE-0120-01.01-01 CHE-0120-01.01-02 CNEE-0120-01.01-03 CNEE-0120-01.01-04 C HE-0120-01.01-05 ,

CNH-0120-01.01-06 CEH-0120-02.01 C HE-0120-02.01-01 CNEE-0120-03.01 CRE-0120-04.01 CNEE-0120-04.01-01 CNEE-0120-04.01-02 CHE-0120-05.01 CHE-0120-05.01-02 C RE-0120-05.01-03 CHE-0120-05.01-04 CHE-0120-05.01-05 CNEE-0120-05.01-06 CNEE-4120-05.02-01 CNEE-0120-06.01 C HE-0120-07.01 CHE-0120-07.01-01 CNEE-0120-07.01-03 1

33.29 Eggs, h: 02-550 Egg 3, N_ gag,: Foundation Bolts and Anchors function: The foundation bolt and anchor assemblies serve to fasten the diesel base to the diesel room floor structure.

Drawinas: TDI drawings 02-550-03, Engine Mounting; and 00-550-6005, Anchor, Foundation Bolt, Front and Rear Onerat 4 == History: These bolts and anchors have perforned satisfactorily with no problems. ,

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required.

Visual Observations: All of the bolts were observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The foundation bolts and anchors are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by the absence of problems for an extended period of operation.

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B3.30 lagt h : 02-630D Zag.L Nam: Instrumentation Thermocouples Function: The instrumentation thermocouples sense the temperatures in the lobe oil system, jacket water system and exhaast system and provide signals to the control panel, giving indications and activating annunciators where appropriate. The thermocouples cannot cause the engine to trip or to fail to start on an emergency signal.

Drawinas: TDI Drawing 09-688-75017, Engine Electrical Diagram and l Schematic, and 09-691-75017, Off-Engine Electrical.

Oneratina History: Instrumentation thermocouples have indicated

erroneous readings when the engine heated up at full load (jacket water and lube oil), and read accurately at slightly below full load. This situation was corrected by replacing the thermocouples.

The replacement thermocouples have performed satisfactorily.

Maintenan:e History: Other than the replacements described above, no other maintenance has been performed of the instrumentation thermocouples.

.113g31 Observat ion
No visual observations have been made.



The instrumentation thermocouples are considered satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance (since replacement) for extended periods of op.eration.

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-33.31 gagt h : 02-688B Engt Rams.: Engine and Auxiliary Module wiring Function:. The engine and auxiliary module wiring connects the engine electrical sensors to the termination boxes. Also, power is provided .to the engine electrical controls (solenoids, etc.) via j this wiring.

I Drawinas: IDI drawing 09-688-75017, Engine Electrical Diagram and Schematic l

Operatina History: The engine and auxiliary module wiring have performed satisfactorily and required no maintenance.

i l

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required or performed on the engine and auxiliary module wiring.

i Visual Observation: The engine and auxiliary module wiring was

, inspected by representatives of the diesel generator Owners Group

( during the week of May 7, 1984. Their report is expected to be i

available on June 15, 1984.



Preliminary conclusions indicate that the engine and i auxiliary wiring is satisfactory for its intended service as demonstrated by its satisfactory performance during extended

periods of operation.

B3.32 Zatt.E9 : 02-6sec ZaEE. Jam: Engine and Auxiliary Module Wiring Boxes Function: These boxes serve as termination points for the engine and auxiliary module wiring , via the engine mounted conduit.

These boxes are connected to the control panel via Duke Power supplied conduit.

t Drawinas: TDI Drawing 09-688-75017, Engine Electrical Diagram and

.Schenstic l

l Onerati== History: The engine and auxiliary module wiring boxes have performed satisfactorily and required no maintenance.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required or performed on the engine and auxiliary module wiring boxes.


! Visual Observations: The engine and auxiliary module wiring boxes are to be inspected as part of the walkdown of engine conduit ,

Special Inspection Procedure No. MP/0/A/1000/29.


[ conclusions: Preliminary conclusions indicate that the engine and auxiliary module wiring boxes are satisfactory for their intended services as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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53.33 Iggi Eg.,: 02-689 lagt Egg: Off Engine Safety Alarm Sensors-Wiring Function: The off engine safety alarm sensor wiring connects the sensors which are located off the engine to the local engine control panel. This wiring was supplied by Duke Power Company and is not part c,f the engineering validation.

33.34 M h: 02-690 Pggg,1333,: Engine Alarm Sensors Punction: The engine alarn sensors provide signals to the supervisory alarms on the engine control panel during an emergency startup and run. These alarms do not shut the engine down during an emergency run. The sensors for these alarms are mounted on the eng ine. These alarms are tabulated in the attachment to this section. Refer to Part No. 02-360D for thermocouples derived from this section.

Drawinas: TDI drawings 52218, Panel Electrical Schematic, 52216, Panel Pneumatic Schematic, and 52215, Engine Pneumatic Schematic.

Operatina History: The engine alarm sensors have performed satisfactorily and required no maintenance.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the engine alarm sensors other than thermocouples. (See Part No. 02-360D)

Visual Observation: No visual observation has been made, conclusion: The engine alarm sensors are considered satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

i I

ATTACEMENT TO B3.34 ENGINE ALARMS Righ Differential Pressure Lube Oil Filter High Differential Pressure Lube Oil Strainer Low Pressure Lube Oil Low Temperature Oil Inlet Low Temperature Oil Outlet High Temperature Oil Inlet High Temperature Oil Outlet Low Pressure Turbo Oil RF Low Pressure Turbo Oil LF Fuel Pump Overspeed Drive Failure High Differential Pressure Fuel Oil Filter digh Differential Pressure Fuel Oil Pump Strainer Low Pressure Fuel Oil Low Pressure Jacket Water High Temperature After Cooler Water In Low Temperature Jacket Water In Righ Temperature Jacket Water In Exhaust Temperature High/ Low Barring Device Engaged

B3.35 Inss. Enz: 02-691A Pag 3, Em: Off Engine Safety Alarm Sensors-Switches Fnaction: The off engine safety alarm sensors provide signals to the supervisory alarm annunciators on the engine control panel.

These alarms do not trip the engine during an emergency run. The sensors are located off the engine and are tabulated in the attachment to this section. Thermocouple sensors in the attachment are under Part No. 02-630D.

Drawinas: TDI drawing.. 52218, Fanel Electsical Schematic, 52216, Panel Pneumatic Schematic, 52215, Engine Pneumatic Schematic, and 09-691-75017, Off Engine Electrical.

Oneratina History: The off engine safety alarm sensors have performed satisfactorily.

Maintenanna History: No maintenance has been performed on the off engine safety alarm sensors.

Visual Observation: Because of their satisfactory past performance and the non-critical nature of these items, visual observation is not required.

Conc lusion: The off engine safety alarm sensors and switches are considered to be satisfactory for their intended service, as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

ATTACEMENT TO B3.35 0FF ENGINE SAFETT M SENSORS Low Level Lube Oil Tank High Level Main Fuel Tank Low Level Main Fuel Tank Main Fuel Oil Tank Tech. Spec. WARN High Level Day Tank Iow Level Day Tank Low Level Jacket Water Low Temperature Jacket Water Out -

High Tangerature Jacket Water Out Panel Intrusion Aux Equip Not In Auto Refer To Operational Mode "

Building Ventillation Malfunction l High Level Deisel Generator Susp -

High High Level Diesel Generator Susp Unit Failed To Start Low Pressure Starting Air Low Pressure Control Air 1

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33.36 gagt h : 02-6958 Zagt h : Engine Shutdown Valves, Regulators, Orifices Function: The engine shutdown valves, regulators and orifices control the flow of air in the pneumatic shutdown control system on the diesel engine.

Drawina's: TDI drawing 52215, Engine Pneumatic Schematic, and 52216, Fanel Fneumatic Schematic.

Oneratina History: During the extended run test, an orifice supplying air to the lov low lube oil pressure sensor clogged, causing the pressure sensor to trip the engine. The orifices were cleaned and the angine performed satisfactorily. All other orifices , valves and regulators have demonstrated satisfactory yerforuance requiting no naintenance.

Maintenance Ristetry: Other than cleaning the orifices described above, no maintenance has been performed or required on the engine shutdown valves, regulators and orifices.

Visual Observation: No visual observations were made.

Conc lusions : The engine shutdown valves, regulators and orifices ,

are considered satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation, with the one exception described above. Preventive maintenance schedules will be reviewed to assure that procsdures are being followed to keep the air adequately filtered.

33.37 .P.,gg i Eg.,,: 02-695C P,ggi Eggs.: Engine Shutdown Trip Switches h Funct, iga: The engine shutdown trip switches siste the engine down and annunciate the cause of the trip. During emergency run only three trips shut down the engine , low low lubricating oil pressure, overspeed, and generator to switchgear differential (fault). During manual or remote run, six other trips in addition to the three

, . mentioned above shut the engine down, two low pressure lube oils, high temperature lube oil out, high pressure crankcase, high tagerature bearings, high temperature- jacket water out, low pressure turbo oil and high vibration. The six manual run trips cannot shut down the i engine during an emergency run.

i l

Drawinas: TDI drawings 52218, Panel Electrical Schematic, 52216, Panel Pneumatic Schematic and 52215, Engine Pneumatic Schematic.

Oneratina History: The engine shutdown trip switches have performed satisfactorily requiring no maintenance.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been performed on the engine shutdown trip switches.

Visual Observation: Because of their satisfactory performance of their func tion, visual observation of the engine shutdown trip switches is not required. .


The engine shutdown trip switches are considered satisfactory for their intended service as demonstrated by their satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.


B3.38 P.AI.E.12.s.: 02-825D P,ggi, NAEk.: Fuel Oil Duplex Strainer Function: This strainer filters fuel oil which is supplied to the auxiliary (engine mounted) fuel oil pump.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 09-825-75017-R, Fuel Oil Piping Operatina History: The duplex strainer has performed satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory performance of the fuel oil system.

Maintenance History: The only maintenance required has been to periodically clean the strainer elements.

Visual Observation: The installation of the strainer was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The fuel oil duplex strainer is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance.

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l B3.39 F.arl EL.: C 136/40 P,331 ]agg: Thermostatic Valve Function: This valve automatically controls the flow of jacket water through the jacket water heat exchanger in order to control jacket water temperature.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 100546, Jacket Water Piping Schematic Onerat4 == History: This valve has worked satisfactorily after an initially incorrect installation direction was corrected.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required other than to correct the valve's initially incorrect flow direction.

Visual Observation: The valve was observed by J. German on May 10, 1984 and appeared normal.

Conc lusion: The valve is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by its satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.


53.40 Zggi, Eh,: CN-106 and CN-107 Z3II, h: Intake Air Filter Func tion: This component serves to filter the intake air.

Drawinas: American Air Filter Co. Drawing A-92553 Oneratina His tory.: The intake air filter has performed satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory operation of the diesel engine.

Maintenance History: Filters have been replaced periodically as required based on pressure drop increases.

Visual Observation: No visual observation was made.


The intake air filter is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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B3.41 ZEEL h : CN-107 P,gri NAER.: Intake Air Silencers Function: The silencers minimize noise generated by intake air.

Drawinas: None available.

Operatina History: There have been no problems with these silencers.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required.

Visual Observation: The silencers were observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The silencers are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for an extended period of operation.

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, . _ . , , ,. . . - _ . ..__.y. , __..y..._ y.. ,,y,. ,_,_ , , , , , , , _ _ __ ,,.,,m___.,,,,, ._,__,,_-___,.,__,.m...._,__ __,,.__r

n 53.42 Zagg, Eg.,,: CN-109

-lag 1, h: Before and After Lube Oil Pump Function: This pump provides heated lube oil to the viesel engine

parts prior to engine operation and after the engine has ehu* down.

This lobe oil pump is also known as the keep wara lube oil pump.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 09-820-75017-E, Lube oil Piping Schematic i

Oneratina Bis. tory: The before and after lube oil pump has performed i satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory condition of the I diesel engine bearing surfaces. The diesel has experienced a large i number of start /stop operations during startup testing.

Maintenance Bistory: The pump motor was replaced due to suspected

j. water damage (W.R. No. 6000078, 9-6-83).

Visual Observation: The punp installation was observed on May 10,

. 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.


The before and after (keepwarm) lube oil pump is l considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance during the startup testing start /stop engine l operations.

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B3.43 f. sit.E9 : cN-110 P,gr,t, Ngug : Full Flow Lube Oil Filters Function: These components filter the lube oil at the discharge of the labe oil pump.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 09-820-75017-E, Lube Oil Piping Schematic Oneratina History: The full fow lube oil filters have performed satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory operation of the lube oil system. No engine bearings showed degradation attesting to the lack of particulate matter in the lube oil.

Maintenance History: No corrective maintenance has been required.

Filter elements have been periodically replaced.

Visual Observation: The filter installation was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.

Conc lusions : The full flow lube oil filters are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for extended periods of operation.

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33.44 EAEL IR.s.: CN-111 Zarl Eam: Labe 011 Heat Exchanger (Cooler)

Panction: The lube oil heat exchanger serves to cool lube oil to keep it in the desired temperature range.

Drawinas: TDI drawings 09-820-75017-E, Lube Oil Piping Schematic; and 100546, Jacket Water Piping Schematic Operatina Bistory: This heat exchanger has performed satisfactorily as evidenced by the satisfactory condition of the diesel bearings, and satisfactory lube oil temperature.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required.

Visual Observation: The heat exchanger installation was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. German and appeared to be normal.


The lube oil heat exchanger is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory operation for extended periods of operation.


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l B3.45 lug. En : CN-119 A Igl. h: Generator Shaf t and Bearing

  • Fur.c t ion: The generator shaft and bearing serve to support the generator.

Drawings: None available.

Oneratina Bistory: No problems have been experienced with the generator shaft and bearing.

Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required except for periodic oil changes. Alignment of the generator shaft is checked during routine web deflection measurements made on the diesel.

Visual Observation: The generator shaft and bearing were observed, J

to the extent accessible without disassembly, on May 10, 1984 by J.

! Corman and appeared normal.


The generator shaft and bearings are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory operation of the generator for an extended period of operation.

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33.46 P, AIL 19 .: CN-120 (75017-120)

Zagt h : Jacket Water Heat Exchanger (Jacket Water Cooler)

Func tion: This is a shell and tube heat exchanger which serves to cool jacket water during engine operat ion. Service water is supplied to the tube side to remove heat. A thermostatic 3-way valve directs as such of the jacket water flow as required through the cooler to keep the jacket water at the desired temperature.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 100546-F, Jacket Water Piping Schematic (no part drawing is available)

Operatina History: This heat exchanger has performed satisfactorily (except for one minor head to shell gasket leak - see below) as evidenced by satisfactory jacket water temperatures during diesel op eration.

Maintenance History: The head to gasket bolts were retorqued to correct a minor head-shell gasket leak. (The bolts had initially not been torqued to specific values).

Visual Observation: The jacket water heat exchanger installation was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared to be normal.



The jacket water heat exchanger is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory operation for extended periods of operation.

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B3.47 Pagt Ega: CN-122 (75017-131)

I.AEl lant.: 011 Prelube Filter Function: This filter is located downstream of the keepwarm pump and upstream of the keepvara strainer (CN-131). It servts to filter the keepwarm lube oil (prelube system).

Drawinas: TDI drawing 09-820-75017-E, Lube Oil Piping Schematic (no part drawing is available)

Operatina History: This filter has performed satisfactorily with no problems.

Maintenance History: No corrective maintenance has been required.

The filter element and 0-ring seal have been replaced periodically.

Visual Observation: The filter installation was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared to be normel.


The prelube oil filter is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactcry operation for extended periods of operation.


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B3.48 Pagt Eg.a.: CN-131 (75017-131)

P_ ggt h : Lube Oil Keepwara Strainer Function: This strainer is located downstream of the filter on the keepwarm prelube labe oil line. It serves to filter the lube oil prior to its introduction to the main lube oil header.

Drawings: TDI drawing 09-820-75017, Lube Oil Piping Schematic; and

. Air Mase Drawing "Model 07W231735 Simplex Lube oli Strainer" Dnerallar Bistory: This strainer has performed satisfactorily with no problems.

Maintenanc e History: No corrective maintenance has been required.

j Periodic strainer cleaning and occasional filter element r replacement have been performed.

Visual Observation: The keepvarm strainer installation was observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared to be normal.


The keepwara strainer is considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by extended periods of satisfactory operation.

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53.49 Pgg,t, Eg. ,: F-068 PAI.I EAER.: Intetcoolers Function: These are air-water heat exchangers located between the turbochargers and the engine intake air manifolds which cool the turbocharged air to the desired temperature.

Drawines: Young Radiator Co. drawing D 264836 Intercooler Assembly Onerat inn History: The intercoolers have performed satisfactorily with no problems.

j Maintenance History: No maintenance has been required.

l Visual Observation: The intercoolera were observed on May 10, 1984 by J. Gorman and appeared normal.

Conclu sions: The intercoolers are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for an extended period of operation.

l l


B3.50 !.gra, No . : SE-025 Part Name: Lube Oil Full Pressure Strainers Function: These two strainers filter the lube oil downstream of the main lobe oil filters prior to the lube oil being introduced into the main lube oil headers.

Drawinas: TDI drawing 09-820-75017-E, Lube Oil Piping Schematic; and Air Maze drawing E-00736-19W1752, Strainer, Lube Oil-Simplex

Operat ina History
These strainers have performed satisfactorily with no problems, as evidenced by the satisfactory condition of the l diesel bearings.

Maintenance History: No corrective maintenance has been required .

Periodic strainer cleaning and occasional filter element replacement have been performed.

Visual Observation: The lube oil full pressure strainers were l observed on May 10, 1984 and appeared to be installed normally.

l l Conc lusion: The lube oil full pressure strainers are considered to be satisfactory as demonstrated by satisfactory performance for an extended period of operation.

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54.0 References l

1. Duke Power Company letter to NRC dated April 5, 1984, Re:

Catawba Nuclear Stat ion, Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414, i forwarding report entitled " Catawba Nuclear Station, Extended I Operation Tests and Inspection of Diesel Generators".

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