JAFP-17-0036, James A. FitzPatrick Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Updates

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James A. FitzPatrick Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Updates
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/2017
From: Jones J D
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17128A485 List:
Download: ML17128A479 (202)


JAFP-17-0036 Enclosure(s):

Including change documentation and screening:

  • EN-FAP-EP-012, Revision 2 Including change documentation:
  • EAP-1.1, Revision 75 (Editorial Corrections, pages 39-40 only)
  • EAP-42, Revision 26 (Editorial Corrections, pages 5-6 only)



  • *
  • QUALITY RELATED * * * *****************************
  • *
  • * * *****************************

PERIODIC REVIEW DUE DATE: :J2ece.rober 2.019 (




1 Full Revision Reword Section 8.2.1.A to reflect new Exelon platform instead of Previously used Entergy Network. section previously read, "SELECT the 'URI Icon' on the computer desktop to load the program from the hard drive. IF the program does not load from the hard drive, load the program from the Entergy Network as follows: 1.SELECT the computer 'Start icon' then SELECT 'All Programs'.

2.SELECT 'Nuclear Corporate Applications (ESM)' THEN 'Nuclear Emergency Response' THEN JAF'. II The proposed change will read, "SELECT the 'URI Icon' on the computer desktop to load the program from the hard drive. IF the program does not load from the hard drive, load the program as follows: 1.SELECT the computer 'Start icon' then SELECT 'All Programs'.

2.SELECT LANDESK Management from the program list. 3.SELECT Portal Manager a. Refresh Portal Manager program list b. Deploy program NGG URI -Fitzpatrick Rev. No. _1_ Page _2_ of ---12_ I ,I i r .. I i I (


  • 0 PURPOSE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 4 2
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 4 3.0 INITIATING EVENTS**************************************

5 4

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                                                                              • 7 6
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 8 7.0 PRELIMINARY AND ON-GOING ACTIONS***********************

8 8.0 PERFORMING A DOSE PROJECTION**************************

10 9

  • 0 RECORDS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 17 10.0 A'rTAC!mmNTS
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





20 4. SITE BOUNDARY MAP .................................



FORM .............

22 6. SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS ..................

24 7. URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE .......................... . 30 Rev. No. _1_ Page _3_ of _}§__

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides the Onshif t Dose Assessors instructions for performing the initial offsite dose assessment using the Unified RASCAL Interface (URI). 1.1 Scope/Applicability 1.1.1 This procedure is applicable to: A. The Onshift staff designated to perform Dose Projections using the RAPID Assessment option contained in the URI program. NOTE: Detailed or ongoing Dose Assessment Projections by the ERO staff are performed in accordance with EAP-4B Detailed Dose Assessment


2.1 Performance

References 2.2 2.1.1 2 .1.2 2 .1.3 2 .1.4 2 .1.5 2 .1. 6 2 .1. 7 2 .1. 8 2 .1.9 EAP-4.1, Release Rate Determination EAP-5.3, Onsite/Offsite Downwind Surveys and Environmental Monitoring EAP-42, Obtaining Meteorological Data EAP-4B Detailed Dose Assessment EAP-4C, Protective Action Recommendations EAP-1.1 Offsite Notifications IAP-2, Classifications of Emergency Conditions EAP-1.1, Emergency Notifications EN-AD-103

-Document Control and Records Management Programs Developmental References

2.2.1 James

A. FitzPatrick NPP Site Emergency Plan 2.2.2 DVP-01.02

-OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL 2.2.3 Unified RASCAL Interface, Requirements Specification, JAF Site Annex Software Version 2 2.2.4 Emergency Dose Calculation Manual -Unified RASCAL Interface User's Guide 2.2.5 NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-l, Criteria for the Preoaration and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants (and Supplements)

2.2.6 Response

Technical Manual RTM-Vol 1 Rev 4 2.2.7 Entergy White Paper January 21, 2011, Protective Action Recommendation Determination

2.2.8 Entergy

EP Peer Group 2004 "Radiological Release Definition" Position Paper Rev. No. Page of --1.§_ ---r ---, ( ! I I \ I I I i 1, I! ,. I II \ I \ I I.

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 3.0 INITIATING EVEN'l'S 3.1 A General Emergency has been declared.

OR 3.2 An Actively venting monitored gaseous release point exceeds alarm set points. OR 3.3 An unmonitored gaseous release is suspected or underway.


4.1 ATWS: Anticipated Transient Without SCRAM. 4.2 CDE-T: Committed Dose Equivalent to the Thyroid or the dose to the thyroid that will be received from intake of radioactive material (radioactive isotopes of iodine) by an individual during the 50 year period following the intake. 4.3 EPIC: Emergency and Plant Information Computer.

Computer system providing display of plant data to the control room, TSC, and EOF. EPIC includes Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) information.

4.4 Plant

Data Server (PDS): The PDS receives plant parameter data from the EPIC computer system and makes the data available on. the Entergy Local Area Network (Level 2 network} using the PDS application.

PDS should not be used as the primary source of plant data in lieu of EPIC. PDS can be used as the primary data source for plant parameters IF EPIC is not available.

4.5 Plume

Exposure Pathway: 4.5.1 Pathway where principal exposure source is from:

  • Plume and deposited materials for whole body external gamma radiation exposure.
  • Passing radioactive plume for inhalation exposure.

Exposure time could range from hours to days. Rev. No. Page of ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 4.6 Process Reduction Factor (PRF): is a numerical value assigned to radionuclide concentration reduction mechanisms used to modify the estimate of the source term that is available for release to the environment (activity that is actually released) . The PRFs are active and passive engineering controls between the points where the radioactivity is first available to be released and the point of release to the environment.

Process reduction includes such mechanisms as filtration, removal by sprays, scrubbing by passage through water, fallout or plate-out on surfaces within buildings or structures based on hold up times in buildings or containment volumes. The PRFs are additive.

In the RAPID assessment module the PRFs are automatically assigned based on the pathway selected and cannot be changed by the user. 4.7 Protective Action Guidelines (PAGs): Radiation exposure guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency which are used to determine the appropriate protective actions to be taken on the part of emergency workers and the general public. These actions include sheltering and evacuation.

4.8 Protective

Action Recommendations (PARS): A recommendation made by JAP personnel to the offsite authorities on the appropriate protective actions to be taken on the part of the general public. The PARs are based on plant conditions or dose projections using the PAGs for guidance.

4.9 Release


The estimated time of a release to the environment, based on either plant conditions or on anticipated exposure times to the public based on Evacuation Time Estimates.

4.10 Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): This is a computing network protocol for accessing, managing, and transferring files on remote file systems. The SFTP site is used to exchange dose projection files between the JAP and NMP site for the purpose of summing dose projections for a multi-Unit release scenario.

4.11 Shutdown Power Level Threshold (SPLT): The measured average core power level threshold below which the reactor is considered to be shut down. For example, in an ATWS event, the power level threshold above which the reactor is considered not shut down and below which it is considered shutdown.

The SPLT value for JAP is 2.5% of core thermal power. Rev. No. Page of -1§_ I I , I ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 4.12 Spiking Factor (Coolant Spiking):

A significant increase of certain radionuclides in the reactor coolant, typically cesiums and iodines as a result of a rapid depressurization such as a reactor scram or hard shutdown.

A hard shutdown may be assumed if the plant was shutdown at greater than 15 % of reactor power per hour. Spiking has no effect on Noble Gas Concentrations in the coolant. The spiking factor is entered as a numerical value in URI. 4.13 Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE): A method of converting exposure to radiation to the biological effects that it will cause to the human body. It combines the external and internal ionizing radiation exposure.

The TEDE is the sum of Deep Dose Equivalent and Committed Effective Dose Equivalent.


5.1 The Shift Manager(SM)

SHALL: 5.1.1 DETERMINE if EAL entry is required based on the following criteria:

5 .1.2 5 .1.3 5 .1. 4 5 .1. 5 A. Stack and Vent radiation monitor indications B. Dose Projection results C. Downwind survey results EVALUATE IF a release is in progress as a result of the classified event. ENSURE that Initial Dose Projections are performed if the following conditions exist: A. Actively venting monitored gaseous release that exceeds alarm set points. B. Unmonitored gaseous release is underway or is suspected.

IF a General Emergency has been declared, DISPATCH a technician to perform downwind surveys using EAP-5.3. APPROVE initial Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) in accordance with EAP-4C, Protective Action Recommendations.

5.2 Chemistry

Technician, The on-shift chemistry technician is responsible to perform Dose Assessment related tasks as assigned by the Shift Manager which include: 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Rev. No. _1_ Obtaining Meteorological Data. Determining Release Rates I percent of ODCM limits. Perform initial Dose Projections.

Determining Protective Action Recommendations in accordance with EAP-4C .. Page of ---2.Q_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 6.0 LIMITATION AND PRECAUTIONS 6.1 URI can only calculate doses for a single release pathway at one time. IF releases are occurring via multiple release pathways OR from multiple sites, then individual dose assessments will need to be run and summed using instructions on Attachment 6, Summing Dose Assessment Results. 6.2 Plant data should be obtained using the EPIC system or plant indicators.

In the event that EPIC/plant indicators data is not available alternate information sources including PDS and communications with the plant staff can be used. 6.3 Attachment 3, Stack and Vent Parameters provides guidance for determining the appropriate parameters for the site effluent release points. 6.4 Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) MUST be transmitted to the State and County within 15 minutes of declaring a General Emergency or changing the PAR recommendations.


AND ON-GOING ACTIONS The following Preliminary or On-going Actions are completed by the Onshift staff as plant conditions warrant. These actions can be performed in any logical order. 7.1 EVALUATE IF a release is in progress as a result of the classified event using EAP-4.1 Attachment 5, Release in Progress Flow Chart. 7.2 Dose Projections SHALL be performed based on the following criteria:

7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 Actively venting monitored gaseous release pathway that exceeds alarm set points. Unmonitored gaseous release is underway or is suspected As directed by the Emergency Director OR Shift Manager. 7.3 Dose Projections can be performed at any time to determine release rates, evaluate ODCM limits or perform "What if" calculations.


meteorological data and Log every 15 minutes using EAP-42, Obtaining Meteorological Data. 7.5 PERFORM a dose projection approximately every 15 minutes IF release conditions persist (step 8.2). 7.6 COMPLETE Attachment 1, Onshift Dose Assessment Data Entry Form to record and document information used to perform EACH dose projection.

7.6.1 IF radiological releases are occurring from multiple points THEN complete one form for each release point. Rev. No. _1_ Page _8_ of --1.§_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 7.7 DETERMINE the release rate using a URI dose projection results. 7.7.1 7.7.2 USE EAP-4.1 to determine IF the ODCM release rate limits have been exceeded.

A. IF the Exposure rate is GREATER that the ODCM limit, THEN immediately INFORM the Shift Manager (SM) that the next Part I Form (EAP-1.1 Attachment

1) must indicate that a release above Federal limits is in progress.

B. IF the Exposure rate is BELOW the ODCM limits, use EAP-4.1 to calculate the effluent monitor readings to reach the ODCM release rate limits for Noble Gas and Iodine. INFORM the SM of the calculated monitor values. USING IAP-2 Figure 2.1 and Attachment 2 EVALUATE IF effluent monitor values meet or exceed the EAL effluent monitor threshold values. A. IF effluent monitor values meet or exceed the values listed in IAP-2, Figure 2.1 INFORM the SM of the monitor values. 7.8 IF unmonitored release is suspected or known to be in progress, then: 7.8.1 OBTAIN radiation survey (EAP-5.3, Onsite/Offsite Downwind Surveys and Environmental Monitoring) at potential plume centerline as close to site boundary as practical.

Request assistance from Nine Mile Point (NMP) staff if needed OR request that the TSC perform survey when activated.

See Attachment 4, Site Boundary Map for site boundary locations.

A. IF downwind survey results indicate 1000 rem/hr closed window reading THEN immediately INFORM the SM that the Protective Action Guide (PAG) dose limit has been reached and the General Emergency criteria (EAL AGl.3) will be met IF release rates exist for hr. B. IF downwind survey results indicate 100 mRem/hr closed window reading THEN immediately INFORM the SM that the threshold for a Site Area Emergency (EAL ASl.3) will be met IF release rates exist for 1 hr. c. IF readings indicate z 0.057 mrern/hr closed window reading or > 217 ccpm on a frisker based on field survey, then INFORM the SM that a release above ODCM limits is in progress.

Rev. No. Page of __]_§__

I . *---*----l

-ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 7.9 COMPLETE Attachment l, Onshift Dose Assessment Data Entrv Form to record and document information used to perform EACH dose projection.

7.9.1 IF radiological releases are occurring from multiple points, THEN complete one form for each release point. 7.10 IF during the course of dose assessment the projected dose to the public 1000 mRem Rem) TEDE 5000 mRem 5 Rem) CDE Thyroid, THEN immediately INFORM the SM that the Protective Action Guide (PAG) dose limit has been reached and the General Emergency criteria (EAL AG 1.2) has been met. Attachment 5 may be used to summarize dose projection data. 7.11 IF during the course of dose assessment the projected dose to the public is 100 mRem TEDE OR 500 mRem CDE Thyroid, THEN immediately INFORM the SM that the Site Area Emergency Criteria (EAL.AS 1.2) has been met. Attachment 5 may be used to swmnarize dose projection data. 7.12 IF radiological releases are occurring from multiple points at JAF OR are occurring from JAF and NMP, THEN dose projections shall be performed for each release point and the projected doses summed per Attachment 6, Summing Dose Assessment Results. 7.13 EVALUATE the 15 minute meteorological data for changes that can affect dose projection results and PARS: 7.13.1 Wind direction changes affecting new ERPAs, Stability class change. 8.0 PERFORMING A DOSE PROJECTION 8.1 URI User Guidance 8.1.1 Attachment 7, URI Rapid Assessment Parameters and Reports Guide contains descriptions of the URI Rapid Assessment parameter groups, option selections and input data required for operator reference.

8.1.2 Rapid

Dose Assessment module contains reports and operations that can be useful when running or evaluating dose assessment data. These functions may not be explicitly called in this procedure but are described in Attachment

7. 8.1.3 Reports are automatically sent to the default printer. To change SELECT the "Start" icon on the windows task bar THEN "Control Panel" then "devices and printers" and SELECT appropriate printer as the default. Rev. No. Page _lQ_ of __]_§__ 1 I I \

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 8 .1. 4 8 .1. 5 8 .1.6 8 .1. 7 Multiple sets of Dose Projection reports are printed by default. To change; at the main URI screen, SELECT "File" then "Printer" then "Number of Copies", then ENTER number of copies desired. Program reverts to default when closed. IF Selection options or Text Entry Boxes are grayed out then they are not applicable to the assessment selections or the JAF site. A round red exclamation point next to a URI data entry field means that field is required to perform projection calculations.

  • . * * .. . .. IF "Process Assessment" button on the Rapid Assessment form is not visible but user wishes to recalculate the dose projection, then SELECT "Force Recalculation" button on main toolbar. 8.2 Unified Rascal Interface (UR:t) Start Up 8.2.1 START URI application for the JAF site using the Field Support Supervisor computer (designated primary CR dose projection computer) . A. SELECT the "URI Icon" on the computer desktop to load the program from the hard drive. IF the program does not load from the hard drive, load the program as follows: 1. SELECT the computer "Start icon" then SELECT "All Programs".
2. SELECT LANDESK Management from the program list. 3. SELECT Portal Manager a .. Refresh Portal Manager program list b. Deploy program NGG URI -Fitzpatrick B. IF program fails to start or an error is received, THEN repeat step 8.2.1.A.1.

using the SM computer (designated backup) . 8.3 RAPID Dose Assessment NOTE A round red exclamation point next to a URI data entry field means the field requires additional information to continue calculations.

Additional details about the pathway, including available effluent monitors, are displayed by hovering the mouse over pathway letter ID box on the graphic display. 8.3.1 On the URI start up screen SELECT "RAPID" under the FILE Tab OR "Lightning bolt icon". Rev. No. Page ___11_ of --1§._

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 8.4 Source Term Basis Determination 8.4.1 Rev. No. _1_ DETERMINE the source Term and Shutdown Time as follows: A. Using the main input screen, IF the Source Term is from the Reactor Core or Reactor Coolant System, then PERFORM the following.

IF the Source Term is from spent fuel damage, THEN go to step 8.4.1.D. 1. IF the Fuel Clad barrier has been declared as a Loss or Potential Loss per the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) THEN SELECT Fuel Clad Damage as "Yes". B. IF the Fuel Clad barrier remains intact based on the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) THEN: 1. SELECT Fuel Clad Damage as "No" 2. IF the Reactor Power Level has changed by 2 15% in one hour since the start of the event, THEN SELECT Conditions for Coolant Spiking as "Yes", otherwise SELECT Conditions for Coolant Spiking as "No". C. DETERMINE the Reactor Shutdown status as follows: 1. For Non-ATWS events: a. IF the reactor is not shutdown then ENSURE the Reactor Shutdown checkbox is unchecked.

b. IF the reactor is shutdown THEN 1) CHECK the Reactor Shutdown checkbox.
2) ENTER the Date and Time the reactor was shut down. 2. For ATWS events a. IF the reactor power is 2 2.5% THEN ENSURE the Reactor Shutdown checkbox is unchecked.
b. IF the reactor power is < 2.5% THEN: 1) CHECK the Reactor Shutdown checkbox.
2) ENTER the Date and Time the,reactor power was reduced below 2.5%. D. IF source term is from Spent Fuel damage THEN SELECT "Damaged Fuel Assembly".
1. IF the date the Fuel Assembly was last in reactor is known THEN ENTER the date in "Last Irradiated" textbox. Page --1£_ of ---1§_ I "

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 8.5 Pathway Determination NOTE The Pathway selection is made prior to entering the meteorological data. The required meteorological data is dictated by the pathway selection.

Additional details about the pathway, including available effluent monitors, are displayed by hovering the mouse over pathway letter ID box on the graphic display. 8.5.1 SELECT the pathway that best represents the release in progress by clicking on the "Radio Button" to the left of the Pathway designations.

8.6 Meteorological

Data Determination NO'l'E Only one onsite MET tower Instrument height may be selected at a time. Any number of offsite towers may be selected.

8.6.1 8.6.2 Enter Meteorological data as follows: A. OBTAIN MET data per EAP-42 "Obtaining Meteorological Data". B. Using Attachment 3, Vent and Stack Parameters for guidance, SELECT meteorological tower best representing release height by checking checkbox in "Use" column of Meteorological Data table. C. ENTER Wind Speed in appropriate units. D. ENTER Wind Direction wind is coming from. E. ENTER Delta T or Stability Class directly.

SELECT precipitation status best representing current precipitation.

IF precipitation is unknown then SELECT "None" from dropdown list. A. None -No rain or snow. B. Light Rain -Drizzle, < 0.1 inches I hour. c. Moderate Rain -Heavy Drizzle, 0.1 to 0.3 inches I hour. D. Heavy Rain -> O

  • 3 inches I hour . E. Light Snow -Visibility>

0.63 miles. F. Moderate Snow -Visibility 0.31 to 0.63 miles. G. Heavy Snow -Visibility<

0.31 miles. Rev. No. Page _!J_ of _l§_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 8.7 Release Duration Determination


NOTE Release durations will automatically be adjusted to a 15 minute increment.

8.7.1 Rev. No. _1_ ENTER estimated Release Duration OR if release duration is unknown THEN ENTER a default of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. DETERMINE if any Effluent Monitors are available.

A. IF effluent monitors are available, then SELECT 'Yes" (Preferred) . 1. IF multiple monitors are listed then SELECT appropriate monitor from each list. 2. ENTER monitor reading for the selected monitor. 3. ENTER flow rate if required in indicated units. B. IF effluent monitors are not available then SELECT "No". 1. SELECT the option most applicable to conditions:

2. IF Estimated RCS Leak Rate option is enabled, THEN: a. ENTER "Reactor Coolant System leak rate" in gpm OR b. SELECT "I Don't Know". Default leak rate will be used. C. IF Containment Leakage option is enabled, THEN 1. ENTER "High Range Area monitor reading" OR 2. SELECT "No HRA Available or Applicable" option. Calculated damage assumptions will be used. D. IF "Unmonitored Damaged Spent Fuel Assembly" option is enabled, then SELECT that option. Page -1.4_ of __J_Q_ I I I I i I ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 8.7.3 8.7.4 8.7.5 8.7.6 8.7.7 8.7.8 IF all errors are resolved, then PRESS "Process Assessment" button. DOUBLE-CLICK the PAR map to view assessment results table. Print the Assessment Results. A. SELECT "Printer icon" in the tool bar. OR B. SELECT the "File" dropdown menu and SELEC'l' "Print". Print the Source Term data report. A. SELEC'l' "Calculations" in the tool bar SELECT "View Source Term Data" from the dropdown menu. OR B. On the Source Term Report Screen and SELECT "Print" button. IF releases are occurring from multiple points at JAF or from JAF and NMP, THEN SUMMATION of multiple dose assessments can be accomplished by referring to instructions on Attachment 6, Summing Dose Assessment Results. Attachment 5, Rapid Assessment Results Summary Form may be used to summarize the Dose Projection results for quick evaluation and data communication.


the dose projection to the SM for comparison to the Emergency Action Levels and the current Protective Action Recommendation.

8.7.10 Go to Step 8.8 Dose Assessment Evaluation.

Rev. No. Page --1.2_ of _lQ_ ---J


ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 8.8 Dose Assessment Evaluation

8.8.1 REVIEW

Assessment Report for Classifications or Upgrades.

A. IF Table 1 EAL Limits are projected to be exceeded by dose Projection or Offsite Monitoring Team (OMT) survey At or Beyond the site boundary, THEN IMMEDIATELY inform SM. Table 1 -EAL Limits , TEDE *

  • . *
  • ___ ' __

.. c,_.,mr ___ , __ * .. -_*_,_




  • . , *.** .. .. * , , .*
  • ASl. 2* > 100 > 500 AGl.2** > 1000 > 5000 100 mRem TDE or 500 mRem CDE thyroid at or beyond sit e boundary . ..

1000 mRem TDE or 500 mRem CDE thyroid at or beyond site boundary.

B. IF Table 2 -EPA 400 Protective Action Guidelines (EPA PAGs) values are projected to be exceeded by dose assessment or OMT survey in any ERPA not already included in a PAR, THEN IMMEDIATELY inform SM. Table 2 -EPA 400 Protective Action Guidelines (EPA PAGs) Evacuate Shelter in place > 1000 > 5000 Shelter if evacuation is not practical due to impediments

c. DETERMINE and APPROVE Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) using EAP-4C Protective Action Recommendations.

IF PAGs will be exceeded beyond 10 miles, then immediately NOTIFY the SM. Rev. No. Page _l2_ of _]_§_

  • I l ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A 9.0 RECORDS 9.1 The following records when generated by this procedure during actual declared events shall be maintained by Records Management for the Permanent Plant File in accordance with EN-AD-103

-Document Control and Records Management Programs.

9.1.1 Attachment

1 Rapid Dose Assessment Data Entry Form 9.1.2 URI output reports and maps 9.2 The above records when generated by this procedure during drills or exercises are provided to the Emergency Preparedness Department and maintained as necessary to document required drill I exercise data. 10.0 ATTACHMENTS 3 . ATTACHMENT 1, ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT INPUT SHEET 4. ATTACHMENT 2, METEOROLOGICAL DATA WORKSHEET




of _]_Q_

..... *----------------------;--

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT DATA ENTRY FORM Page 1 of 1 JAMES A. F 11ZPAmlCK NPP NOTE: Complete One Form For Each Release Point DATE:__) TIME: COMPLETED BY: ;\')': .. :: ;:

.. The followlng Information should be before starting dose

_; ;\:';\ . *- React or Core I Reactor Coolant System Accidents Spent Fuel Accidents What Is the st atus of the Fuel Clad Fission Product Barrier per Is the date the assembly was last In the reactor known? the EAL'S? D Intact D Loss or Potential Loss CJ YES, Date------

@ _____ hrs. Has the Rx Po of the event? war Level changed by C!: 15% I hour since the start 0 NO O YES I 0 NO (If YES assume coolant spiking) i--------------------------1 Is the affected unit In a Refueling Outage? Is the reactor currently In an ATWS (> 2.5% for JAF) O YES-What O NO*lfNo, I Is the current Reactor Power Level? __ % s the Reactor Shut Down? oYES* Date/Time

________ _ oNOWh at Is the current Reactor Power Level? __ 0/o D YES** Date/Time Outage Started: ------0 No** Date/Time of Last Outage: -------**If exact time not known use 1200hrs. The Release D uratlon Is estimated to be _____ hours. D Unknown (use a default value of 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.) NOTE: Comp! ete One Form For Each Release Point Dose projection results for multiple release points must be summed. PATHWAY As sessment:

If a release Is In progress, where Is the release originating from and how Is It getting to the release point? ulldlngs and fllter systems the release may be passing through. (Select one) Include any b D Pathway <Underwater>

<RX Bldg> <SBGT> ck><EnV> <Main Sta Dpathway <Underwater>

< Refuel Floor> <EnV> RCS><EnV>

D Pathway< D Pathway< RCS> <RX Bldg> <RX Vent> <EnV> CJ Pathway< RCS> <RX Bldg> <SBGT> <Main Stack> <EnV> . Meteorologlc 0 Pathway <RCS> <Torus> <SBGT> <Main Stack> <EnV> 0 Pathway<RCS>


<RX Bldg> <SBGT> <Main Stack> <EnV> D Pathway <RCS> <Condenser>

<Main Stack> <EnV> 0 Pathway <RCS> <Turb Bldg> <TB Vent> <EnV> D Pathway <RCS> <Radwaste>

<AW Vent> <EnV> I I,:--.: Met Data Des crlptlon (check): IJ Main 200', IJ Main 100', IJ Main 30', OJAF Backup, OAlternate data Wind Speed( mph): Wind Direction (from): Delta T (0 F): Stablllty Class: __ _ Precipitation:

D None, D Light Rain, CJ Moderate Rain, CJ Heavy Rain, D Light Snow, D Moderate Snow, D Heavy Snow Release Data' If this Is a Mo nltored Release record Effluent Monitor Reading (In alarm) and associated release point flow parameters as applicable Stack Reading ____ Units __ Refuel Floor Vent Reading Units __ Rx Bldg Vent Reading Units __ Tb Bldg Vent Reading Units __ AW Bldg Ven Reading ____ Units __ " Addltlonal Inf ormatlon:

Release Point Flow Rate cfm If this Is an Unmonitored Release record the following Estimated RCS Leak Rate:-----

GPM OR Cl Unknown Containment High Radiation Monitor Reading: _______ Rlhr ,. >. ' .:,..:.: ;: ... ***" :.:.,_ .... *"' I EAP-4 A ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 1 Page 18 of 36 Rev. No. _1_

METEOROLOGICAL DATA WORKSHEET Release Wind Height Source of Data Direction Date/Time (circle one} (circle one) (degrees)

Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other Elevated I Ground EIS I Strip Chart I Other EAP-4A ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT Rev. No. 1 Page 1 of 1 Wind Speed Stability (mph) Class ATTACHMENT 2 Page 19 of __1Q_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 1 STACK AND VENT PARAMETERS Stack (one dilution 200' Main 384/117 Elevated 6,600 fan) Stack (one dilution 200' Main 384 / 117 Elevated 12,000 fan and one SBGT train) Reactor Bldg Vent 30' Main 174/ 53 Ground 68,000 (below refuel floor) Refuel Floor Vent 30' Main 174/ 53 Ground . 77,000 Turbine Bldg Vent 30' Main 174 / 53 Ground 118,000 Radwaste Bldg Vent 30' Main 112 / 34 Ground 36,000 Unmonitored 30' Main 33 / 10* Ground Estimated

  • URI I RASCAL assumes a release height of 10 meter for unmonitored ground level releases Primary 2oo'aT 1oo'aT 100* aT 200* aT 200'a9 30'a9 Substitute 100' a9 JAF Backup a9 30'cr8 200'a8 Rev. No. _1_ Page _2.Q_ of __lQ_


  • 0 ZQ w§ :::: z g ... ::E tU w z <J z Page --2.1_ of __lQ_



FORM Page 1 of 2 URI Projection File Name: ______________________

_ Release Point (s): 1. ___________

2. Data Summed: D Yes D No D N/A 1 . Enter the following information from URI Dose Assessment results report: 2. Release rate data is located on the URI rapid assessment screen in lower right corner or on dose assessment report first page lower right corner. 3. EAP-1. 1 Part 1 Radiological Assessment Data A. Release Height (ground I elevated):


_ 4. NRC Event Notification Worksheet Data: 5. Estimate of Projected Off-Site Doses are located in the TEDE and CDE(Thy) columns on the Rapid Assessment Results or in the TEDE and COE (Thy) column on the first page of the dose assessment report . . * *. :'.A.ff* .. ,7.0 EAP-4A Rev. No. _1_ ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 5 Page of _J_§_



FORM Page 2 of 2 6. Table 1 -EPA 400 Protective Action Guidelines (EPA PAGs) >1000 >5000 Note 1 NOTE1 IF PAG values were exceeded THEN immediately INFORM the SM that the dose threshold limit(s) has been reached for the General Emergency criteria <EAL AG 1.2 or AG1 .3). 7. Table 2-EAL Limits Dose Projection based classification AS1.2 >100 AG1.2 >1000 Note 2 >500 >5000 NOTE2 IF the dose values for EAL AS 1.2 or AS1 .3 are exceeded THEN immediately INFORM the SM that the Site Area Emergency (AS 1.2) OR General Emergency (GS1 .2) criteria has been met. Date: ______ _ Projection Time: ______ _

EAP-4A Rev. No. 1 ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 5 Page 23 of 36 ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 6 Page 1 of 6 SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS In cases where releases are occurring from multiple release points at JAF or from JAF and NMP, dose assessment results can be summed using the instruction in this attachment.

1.0 Limitations

and Precautions when using the Summation function 1 .1 . This is a summing function, not a dose integration tool. No more than 1 dose assessment from any one release point should be used at a time. 1.2. Generally dose assessments should be from the same concurrent time frame. A good rule of thumb would be assessments performed within the same 15 to 30 minute time frame 1.3. By design, dose assessment results used In summations can be from various pathways using different methodologies, source terms and metrological data. Care must be taken so that the same release is not accounted for more than once. 1.4. Dose assessment results files from multiple computers can be summed provided they are from the same dose assessment program. 1 .5. Dose assessment results files from multiple units at the site can be summed by accessing the secure SFTP site where the dose assessment results files are saved. Results files for the Nine Mile Units and JAF can only be summed using the browsing option (section 2.5.). URI results files MUST be manually saved to the SFTP site for Nine Mile Point access to the files. 2.0 Performing Summation Assessments 2.1. OPEN the SUMMATION FORM from the the RAPID Assessment main screen as follows: A. SELECT the "Blue Summation

/corf located at the Top left tool bar. OR B. SELECT "Calculations' THEN "Simultaneous Release Summations'.

2.2. The current dose projection can be added to the SUMMATION FORM by clicking on the "blue+ icon" located at the Top left tool bar. Rev. No. _1_ Page _l.1_ of _l.§_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 6 Page 2 of 6 SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS 2.3. DETERMINE which additional results files need to be added to the summation by reviewing the individual dose projection files. Results file name are included on the first page of the printed dose assessment report and all have a file extension of URl7. 2.4. Saved results files are added to the summation form by the Browse methods: A. From the Table on the summation screen, SELECT the "Browse" button for any one of the table rows. 8. The file location C:\Dose Assessment Results Files\James A FitzPatrick\

MOY will open, (MOY format i.e., 07212014) the numbers are the date of the projection.

C. Browse to the current date file and open the file with a DOUBLE CLICK. D. EXPAND the windows explorer window so that the entire file name can be read. Use the File name AND the Date Modified columns to identify the correct file to be added. NOTE: The Name of the projection file can be found on the "Dose Assessment" report on left side below the distance/dose table. E. Browse to the file of interest and highlight the file then PRESS the "Operl' button on the browser window OR double click on the highlighted file name. 1. The file data will be loaded into the program and the title displayed on the table. 2. Add any additional files that are to be summed. 3. To browse for NMP files Go to 2.5. Rev. No. Page _£2_ of -2.2.._

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 6 Page 3 of 6 SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS 2.5. To Send and Receive URI Results Files between JAF and NMP The WlnSCP application is used to upload and download files from the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Server for exchanging URI files and data between NMP and JAF for multi-source dose projections.

A. To upload a file to the SFTP Server: 1. Open the WinSCP application on the computer desktop using the shortcut OR by CLICKING on the windows "Start" icon THEN "all programs" SELECT the WinSCP" icon from the program list. 2. The log in credentials are as follows (case sensitive):

a. Host Name: sftp.constellation.com
b. User Name: . ceng-dose
c. Password:

nt&ergy1 3. SELECT the "LOGIN "button. 4. IF a "Continue to an Unknown Server ..... " message screen is displayed SELECT the "YES" button. 5. The left hand panel on the screen displays the computer (URI PC), and the right panel shows the SFTP Server. On the left panel, navigate to the directory on the computer C drive\Dose Assessment Results Files\ James A FitzPatrick\Date file (MDV format i.e., 07212014).

6. SELECT and drag the file to be uploaded to the right panel (SFTP Server) to an existing JAFITZPATRICK file folder or create a new file folder using the "New Folder" icon. 7. A dialog box will ask you to confirm the copy. IF asked, SELECT the "COPY" button. 8. The copied file is now listed on the right panel. The transferred file is now available for download from the SFTP site. Rev. No. Page _]_§_ of ___lQ_


ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 6 Page 4 of 6 . SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS 8. To download a file from the SFTP Server to the URI Summation screen: 1. OPEN the WlnSCP application on the desktop, and login. 2. The credentials are as follows (case sensitive):

a. Host Name: sftp.constellation.com
b. User Name: ceng-dose
c. Password:

nt&ergy1 3. SELECT the LOGIN button. 4. SELECT the destination location for the file on your PC on the left hand side C drive\Dose Assessment Results Files\James A FitzPatrick\Date file (MDV format i.e., 07212014).

5. Select the file to be downloaded to your PC from the Right hand panel, and drag it to the Left hand side, the URI PC. 6. A dialog box may ask you to confirm the copy. IF asked SELECT the "COPY" button. 7. *The display will show the file residing in the folder on the URI PC. 8. Return to the summation screen. 9. Browse to the down loaded file of interest and highlight the file THEN PRESS the "Open" button on the browser window OR double click on the highlighted file name. 1 O. Close the WinSCP application on your desktop. 2.6. CHECK or UNCHECK the corresponding "Include" checkbox to change which results are included in the calculation.
2. 7. PRESS the corresponding Clear button to remove the file results from the table. 2.8. PRESS the corresponding "View button to view the contents of the results file. 2.9. IF no unresolved errors occur, the results are automatically Rev. No. _1_ Page of ___l2_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 6 Page 5 of 6 SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS 3.0 Summation Results 3.1 . On the summation table any of the files that are checked as "Include" are automatically summed and the results displayed on the screen. To remove a file from the summation remove the "check" from the include box. 3.2. Print the Dose Assessment Summation Results SELECT the "File" dropdown menu THEN "Print" OR click on the "Printer icon" in the tool bar. 3.3. The Dose Assessment Summation Report can be printed to a Microsoft XPS document file. To print SELECT the "File" dropdown menu THEN "Print to XPS Document" OR click on the "XPS icon" in the tool bar. The XPS file can be attached to e-mail or WebEOC forms for distribution and viewed via Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

3.4. Optional

Views and Reports. A. Dose Projection results may be viewed or printed on a map. From the main menu or toolbar, SELECT "View" THEN "View Receptor Point Ma{i'. 1. SELECT the 2, 5, or 1 O mile map to view. 2. SELECT the footprint results for either TEDE Dose or COE Thyroid Dose 3. SELECT a map Zoom Level. 4. SELECT the Display Options a. RASCAL Sector Results -Draws the 36 NRC sectors on the map which represents the close in doses to -2.25 miles. RASCAL sectors are 10° each, split into 8 distance segments.

Sector 1 starts at 5° and arcs in a clockwise direction.

b. RASCAL Puff Results -Draws the 41 x 41 grids on the map which represents the doses beyond 2.25 miles for a 1 o mile calculation or all distances for a 50 mile calculation.

Column 1 is on the left with row 1 on the bottom. Rev. No. Page --21L_ of _lQ_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 6 Page 6 of 6 SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS c. Sectors -Displays the classic 16, 22.5° sectors. d. Mile Circles -Displays the 2, 5 and 1 o mile distances for a 1 O mile calculation or 10, 25 and 50 mile distances for a 50 mile calculation.

e. Receptor Points -Displays the preset points of interest.

Additional information can be obtained by double clicking each point as needed. f. Show Balloon -Displays an information balloon when the mouse is dragged across the map. 5. SELECT "Print Current View' to print the contents of the map displayed in the window to the default printer. 6. SELECT "Print View to XPS' to print the contents of the map displayed in the window to a Microsoft XPS document file. The XPS file can be attached to. e-mail or WebEOC forms for distribution and viewed via Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

3.5. To export the plume graphic to a Google Earth SELECT "Export' THEN "Google EartH' from the main menu. 3.6. LOG the summation results on Attachment 5 and PROVIDE the results to the Shift Manager for comparison to the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) and the current Protective Action Recommendation.

Rev. No. _1_ Page of __1Q_

    • -....... -*--------;-

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 7 Page 1 of 7 URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE 1.0 Source Term Group -this option allows the user to select the source term for the event. A. Fuel Clad Damage -The "Cladn damage option is selected "YES' if core conditions have caused the fuel pin cladding to fail. In the Rapid Assessment it is assumed that the core temperature has not become sufficiently high to cause melting of the ceramic fuel matrix itself. Selecting Fuel Cladding Damage causes the URI to utilize the core inventory mix with clad damage core release factors as the basis for source term. B. Conditions for Coolant Spiking -This option should be selected when the plant shutdown was quick or 'hard' such a reactor trip or rapid depressurization which may cause certain radionuclides typically cesiums and halogens to significantly increase in concentration in the coolant following the shutdown.

Noble gas concentrations in the reactor coolant are not affected by spiking conditions.

A hard shutdown may be assumed if the plant was shut down rate of greater than 15 % of reactor power per hour. The Coolant spiking factor allows URI to increase the normal coolant activity by a default factor of 30 and can accept user enter spiking factors up to a maximum value of 1000. The spiking factor can be determined by chemistry samples of the reactor coolant at any time. Changes to the spiking factor should be verified through Chemistry or Reactor Engineering when possible.

C. Damaged Spent Fuel Assembly -The "Spent Fuel Accident" option is selected if the incident involves damage to spent fuel in a depressurized condition.

Rev. No. _1_ Page __]JL_ of __]_§___ (

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 7 Page 2 of 7 URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE 2.0 Meteorological Data Group -this option allows the user to select and enter the meteorological data into the URI which defines the dispersion for the calculation.

URI defaults to a pre-determined site meteorological source based on release pathway (i.e., 200 ft or 30 ft). These should not be changed unless data for the selected source is not available.

Meteorological data is obtained as described in EAP-42, "Obtaining Meteorological Data". Fifteen minute averages are use as input data. A. Only ONE onsite tower location (200 ft 30 ft or alternate) may be selected at a time. B. More than one offsite tower site may be selected.

If a tower option is selected then meteorological data for that tower is required.

Care should be taken when using a meteorological source away from the site due to the effects on the projections further out from the site. C. Wind Speed -Wind speed is typically obtained from the onsite meteorological tower. D. Wind Direction

-Wind direction is typically obtained from the onsite meteorological tower. E. Atmospheric stability can be entered as a stability class of A, B, C, D, E, For G. If you are using the Sigma Theta stability, DO NOT enter a Delta T value. IF a Delta T value is entered, URI will automatically enter a stability class based on the Delta Temp value. To remove the Delta T value, unselect the meteorological site used then reselect.

1. When clicking the down arrow in the Stability Class field, URI will display the stability classes along with the Sigma Theta ranges associated with the stability class IF no other meteorological parameter has been entered. 2. IF the stability class is not available then stability class can be determined using EAP-42. F. Precipitation affects the downwind dose by washing out Specific isotopes from the plume. Care should be taken when selecting other than "none". Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate condition.

No other conditions are allowed other than those listed. Rev. No. _1_ Page __11_ of _J_Q_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 7 Page 3 of 7 URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE 3.0 Reactor Status Group -this option is used to modify the mix available for release based on the decay of each individual isotope in the mix. A. Conditions for Coolant Spiking and Fuel Clad Damage -Enter the date and time that the reactor was shutdown.

B. Damaged Spent Fuel Assembly-Enter the date and time that the spent fuel was last irradiated.

If the plant is in a refueling outage ,enter the outage start date. If "old fuel" is the source term then use the date of the previous refuel outage. 4.0 Release Duration Group -This option allows the user to input the projected release duration.

The default value is 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. The source term is applied from the current time forward for the duration specified, then the release source is turned off by adding a source term data line of all zero values (performed internally).

5.0 Selected

Pathway Options Group -this option allows the user to select the pathway for the event. Pathways may or may not be available depending on the selections from the Source Term grouping. (e.g. the spent fuel pathways will be inactive IF clad damage is selected)

A. Pathways -this option allows the user to select the most appropriate release pathway for the event (i.e., Path A-0). Only one pathway may be selected at a time. For an event were multiple pathways are active, the user must sum the release data or use field team data to correct projections.

1. Pathway <SF> <underwater>

<Rx Bldg> <SBGT> <Main Stack> <Env>: Activity released from spent fuel in the fuel pool (example mechanical damage under water) with activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

2. Pathway <SF> Underwater

< Refuel Floor> <EnV>-Spent Fuel damage in fuel pool with activity into the Refuel floor area with building LEAKAGE directly to the environment (example damage to roof). 3. Pathway <RCS> <Rx Bldg> <Rx Vent> <EnV>: -Activity released into the reactor building bypassing primary containment (example RWCU pump seal failure) and activity being released through normal Reactor Building ventilation Rev. No. __ 1__ Page --11_ of ....l§_

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 7 Page 4 of 7 URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE 4. Pathway <RCS> <Rx Bldg> <SBGT> <Main Stack> <EnV>: Activity released into the reactor building bypassing primary containment (example RWCU pump seal failure) and activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

5. Pathway <RCS> <Drywell>

<Rx Bldg> <SBGT> <Main Stack> <EnV> -Activity released into the drywell (example RCS pipe break in drywell) and then activity leaking/escaping from the Drywall into the Reactor Building (example airlock or penetration leakage) and activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

6. Pathway <RCS> <Condenser>

<Main Stack> <EnV> -Activity released through steam to the condenser, with condenser in service and under vacuum with activity released through condenser off-gas to the Main Stack. 7. Pathway <RCS> <Torus> <SBGT> <Main Stack> <EnV>* Activity released directly into the Torus bypassing the drywell (example main steam safeties open) and activity being released directly from the torus through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

8. Pathway <RCS> <Turb Bldg> <TB Vent > <EnV>* Activity released through steam into the Turbine Building with activity vented to the atmosphere through normal turbine building monitored ventilation.
9. Pathway <RCS> <EnV>* Activity released directly to the atmosphere from reactor coolant bypassing BOTH primary and secondary containment.

For example RCS blowing down to the CST. Rev. No. Page ___J3_ of _}_Q__

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 7 Page 5 of 7 URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE 6.0 Release Point Information-Allows the user to select the appropriate release rate format for the release pathway. A. Effluent Monitors Available

1. Yes is Selected:

Enter monitor readings from installed effluent monitors (Stack and Vents) and the monitors are providing usable data. a. SELECT the desired monitor from the available monitor list. b. ENTER monitor reading in the designated units. 2. No is Selected:

The release is considered to be unmonitored and the release rate is determined based on the pathway selected.

Rev. No. _1_ a. IF the pathway is through the containment (drywall) the input screen will show the radio button for Containment High Range Radiation Monitor (HRA) option. (1) IF the Containment High Range Radiation Monitor (HRA) reading is available, the value is entered in the text box in A/hr. (2) IF a HRA reading is not available, the "No HRA available or Applicable" radio button is selected and default values are used for the projection.

b. IF the selected pathway is not through the containment (drywall) the input screen will show the radio button "Estimated RCS Leak Rate" (1) IF a RCS leak rate is known the estimated RSC leak rate in GPM is entered in the text box. (2) IF the RSC leak rate is not known then the "I Don't Know box is selected.

For an unknown Leak Rate the program will default to the release of the entire reactor coolant system in a period defined in the program database of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Page -1.1._ of _12_

.... -... *********----------------

ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 7 Page 6 of 7 URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE 7.0 The Process Assessment Button A. When all the required input data has been entered the Process Assessment button will turn gray. Select the Process Assessment button to perform the projection calculations.

When the computations are completed, the projection results will be displayed and the Process Assessment button bar will be removed. B. Whenever any input field is changed on any of the groupings, pathway selection, or the tabs, the Process Assessment button will be displayed over top of the results from the previous assessment.

C. When all new input selections are completed, select the Process Assessment button bar. A green progress bar will be shown and when the computations are completed, the new results will be displayed and the Process Assessment button bar will be removed. D. IF all inputs are not complete or are not within defined bounds, the following indicators will be present: 1. There will be a red dot next to the invalid value 2. There will be a message {Calculation cannot be completed until all errors are resolved) in the lower left comer of window. E. The Process Assessment button will have a message {Calculation cannot be completed until all errors are resolved) and the Process Assessment button bar will not function.

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ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4A ATTACHMENT 7 Page 7 of 7 URI RAPID ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS AND REPORTS GUIDE 8.0 Rapid Assessment Results Displays and Reports A. The rapid assessment input I report screen differs from the Detailed Assessment because the inputs to Rapid Assessment are limited and the purpose of Rapid Assessment is to provide quick projections when personnel, response time and data is limited. B. The rapid assessment, instead of a table of detailed dose, shows the PAR graphic on the input results page directly.

C. The summary table of doses by distance may be displayed by double clicking on the PAR graphic. D. The print functions are limited to print preview or print of the Dose Assessment Report. Print the report from the File dropdown menu and selecting print. E. The source term report can be displayed from the calculations dropdown menu, then select print from the report display. F. Release Rate data in Ci/sec is displayed on the on the bottom of the main screen (form) and is listed on the Dose Assessment Report. Rev. No. _1_ Page _lQ_ of _]_§__ (

    • -**-**-------------------------


9.1 SHEET1

OF4 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-4A I Revision:

1 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT 1 OCFR50.54( q) SCREENING Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan): Reword Section 8.2.1.A to reflect new Exelon platform instead of Previously used Entergy Network. -Section previously read, "SELECT the 'URI Icon' on the computer desktop to load the program from the hard drive. IF the program does not load from the hard drive, load the program from the Entergy Network as follows: 1. SELECT the computer 'Start icon' then SELECT 'All Programs'

2. SELECT 'Nuclear Corporate Applications (ESM)' THEN 'Nuclear Emergency Response' THEN JAP ." The proposed change will read, "SELECT the 'URI Icon' on the computer desktop to load the program from the hard drive. IF the program does not load from the hard drive, load the program as follows: 1. SELECT the computer 'Start icon' then SELECT 'All Programs'.
2. SELECT LANDESK Management from the program list. 3. SELECT Portal Manager a. Refresh Portal Manager program list b. Deploy program NGG URI -Fitzpatrick" EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT9.1 SHEET20F4 10CFR50.54(q}

SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EAP-4A I Revision:

1 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrlck Nuclear Power Plant Title: ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed?

UYES Is this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Alert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is NOT required.

Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below: complete Part VI. Justification:

D Bounding document attached (optional)

Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-Ll-100)

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different chanae control orocess and are NOT to be included in this 50.54la\f3)



[81 If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3)


D One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3)

Screening for that portion of the activity.

Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity.


Evaluation Is NOT reouired.

ldentifv controllinQ chanQe processes below and comolete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES:

'* 1 OCFR50.54(q)

Part IV. Editorial Change DYES 181 NO 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation Is numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.


Enter justification There are no editorial changes. and complete Part VI. EN-EP-305 REV 3

. ---*-.. --.. --*---------


9.1 SHEET30F4


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EAP-4A I Revision:

1 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function Identified in brackets)

Does this activitv affect anv of the foilowinq, includinq oroaram elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned.

[1] D 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis D (24!7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] 3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned.

D [2] 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained.

[2] D 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] D 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] D 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] D 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them D of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.

[5] 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert LJ and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] 1 1. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response D organizations.

[6] 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel.

[6] LJ 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the LJ plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone {EPZ). [7] 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established.

[7] D 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response.

[8] u 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response.

[8] LJ 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LJ 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies.

[1 O] D 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LJ available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities.

[1 O] 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, D including those for hostile action events.[1 O] 21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established.

[11] D 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.

[12] D 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed.

[13] u 24. A drill and exercise program {including radiological, medical, health physics and other program D areas) is established.

[14] 25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critiaue orocess in order to identifv EN-EP-305 REV 3

ATTACHMENT9.1 SHEET40F4 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-4A I Revision:

1 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: ONSHIFT DOSE ASSESSMENT weaknesses.

(14] 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected.

[14] 27. Training is provided to emergency responders.

[15] 10CFR50.54(q)


28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established.

[16] 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION LI D LJ LI If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. D If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3)


BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Change 1: The Emergency Plan states in Plan Section 6, Step "Shift personnel will rely on a simplified computerized dose model (URI in "rapid mode") to assist them in developing offsite dose projections using real time data from effluent monitors and site meteorology" and Plan Section 6, Step "Dedicated ERO personnel will analyze the offsite consequences of a release using the full capabilities of the URI model". In both sections it refers to using URI but does not specify specific pathways to get to URI.* The Emergency Plan provides for the function but, does not refer to a specific method for getting to URI. The proposed change is required due to the transition from Entergy to Exelon. Each company uses URI -this change aligns the operating instructions for the Exelon platform, terminology, etc. The details of the URI method as detailed in the Emergency Plan remain unchanged.

Therefore, the change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Part VI. Signatures:

Preparer Name (Print) PQarer Signature Date: Mellonie Christman m r )r\ n 03-22-2017 (Optional)

Reviewer Name (Print) . rJ } {f Miewer Signature Date: Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date: Nuclear EP Project Manager i1-0d.1fl5 Approver Name (Print)


  • *
  • QUALITY RELATED * * * *****************************
  • *
  • * * *****************************

Periodic Review Due Date :




SHEET REV. NO. 2 Full Revision Change 1: Remove Attachment 12 -URI COMPUTER PROGRAM LOADING INSTRUCTIONS.

Also, remove from Table of Contents and from list of Attachments Section 10.0 Reason: Attachment is no longer needed because information for loading URI is now located in the procedure in Section 8.2.1 Change 2: Reword Section 8.2.1 to reflect new Exelon platform instead of Previously used Entergy Network. Previous Revision:

A2. Perform the following steps: a. Select the "Start icon" b. Select "All Programs" c. Select "JAF URI" from the program list d. IF the program does not load from the hard drive, THEN load the program from the Entergy Network as follows: 1) Select the computer "Start icon" 2) Select "All Programs" 3) Select "Nuclear Corporate Applications (ESM)" 4) Select "Nuclear Emergency Response" 5) Select "URl-JAF" 8. Any Entergy Network Computers

1. Select the computer "Start icon" 2. Select "All Programs" 3. Select "Nuclear Corporate Applications (ESM)" 4. Select "Nuclear Emergency Response" 5. Select "URl-JAF" C. IF program fails to start or an error is received, THEN locate the facility back up disk and load the program on an available computer.

Refer to Attachment 13, URI Computer Program Loading Instructions for details. Proposed revision:

A2. Perform the following steps: a. Select the "Start Icon" b. Select "All Programs" c. Select LAN DESK Management from the program list d. Select Portal Manager 1. Refresh Portal Manager program list 2. Deploy program NGG-URI Fitzpatrick B. IF program fails to start or an error is received, THEN locate a designated backup URI PC 1. Repeat Steps 8.2.1.A.1 and 8.2.1.A.2 C. Any other Exelon computer 1. Contact IT to deploy via disaster recovery process Rev. No. _2_ Page _2_ of ......Q2_

...... . 'f .,

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1. 0 PURPOSE * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 4 2

o * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 4 3
  • 0 :CNJ:T:IA'l'ING EVENTS **************************************

5 4

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * . . * . * * . * * * * * . * * * * * * * * *
  • * * * . . * * . . . * * * * . * * . * * . * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 9 6.0 LIMITATION AND PRECAUTIONS****************************

10 7.0 PRELIMINARY AND ON-GOING ACTIONS**********************


  • .*.**.********...*.**.**.

14 9. 0 RECORDS ***********************************************

28 10. 0 ATTACll?wtENTS




32 3. SITE BOUNDARY r.:IAP ................................. 3 5 4. 2010 POPULATION ESTIMATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING AREAS ...........................


...................................... 3 7 6. SUMMING DOSE ASSESSMENT RESULTS ...................





47 9 . URI PARAMETER GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9



61 11. LAKE AND LAND BREEZE FLOWCHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Rev. No. Page of _§2_

7 1 t -I -----,-------T DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To provide the method for performing Offsite dose assessment during radiological accident conditions at James A. FitzPatrick NPP using the Unified RASCAL Interface (URI) by the Emergency Response Organization at the EOF. The URI software can also be used for determining release rates during a radiological release event. NOTE: Initial Dose Assessment Projections by the Onshift ERO staff are performed in accordance with EAP-4A, Onshift Dose Assessment.

1.2 Scope/Applicability 1.2 .1 This procedure is applicable to: A. The Site and Entergy Fleet ERO staff performing Dose Projections using the DETAILED Assessment option contained in the URI program. B. This procedure may also be used by Offsite Response Organizations (OROs) who use URI for Dose Assessment.


2.1 Performance

References 2 .1.1 2.1.2 2 .1.3 2 .1.4 2.1.5 2 .1. 6 EAP-4.1, Release Rate Determination EAP-5.3, Onsite/Offsite Downwind Surveys and Environmental Monitoring EAP-42, Obtaining Meteorological Data EAP-4A, RAPID Dose Assessment EAP-4C, Protective Action Recommendations EAP-1.1 Offsite Notifications 2.1.7 EAP-44, Core Damage Estimation Rev. No. Page of ----62_ l : I I i \I i I ' I I i I i I !

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 2.2 Developmental References

2.2.1 James

A. FitzPatrick NPP Site Emergency Plan 2.2.2 DVP-01.02

-OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL 2.2.3 Unified RASCAL Interface, Requirements Specification, JAF Site Annex Software Version 2 2.2.4 Emergency Dose Calculation Manual -Unified RASCAL Interface User's Guide 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-l, Criteria for the Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants (and Supplements)

Response Technical Manual RTM-Vol 1 Rev 4 Entergy White Paper January 21, 2011, Protective Action Recommendation Determination Entergy EP Peer Group 2004 uRadiological Release Definition" Position Paper 3.0 INITIATING EVENTS 3.1 An Emergency has been declared and the EOF is operational.

OR 3.2 An actively venting monitored gaseous release point exceeds alarm set points. OR 3.3 An unmonitored gaseous release of radioactive material to the atmosphere is suspected or underway.

OR 3.4 A release of radioactive material to the atmosphere is suspected or underway due to an emergency event. Rev. No. _2_ Page _s_ of ____Q_2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 ATWS: Anticipated Transient Without SCRAM (>2.5% for JAF). 4.2 CDET: Committed Dose Equivalent to the Thyroid or the dose to the thyroid that will be received from intake of radioactive material (radioactive isotopes of iodine) by an individual during the 50 year period following the intake. 4.3 Dose Equivalent Iodine (DEI): The concentration of 1-131 (uCi/gram) which alone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity and isotopic of mixture of 1-131,1-132, 1-133, 1-134 and 1-135 actually present or, Iodine isotope mix converted to the equivalent amount of I-131 for dose comparison purposes.

4.4 EPIC: Emergency and Plant Information Computer.

Computer system providing display of plant data to the control room, TSC, and EOF. EPIC includes Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) information.

EPIC can be used as a source of plant data for the purpose of dose assessment.

4.5 Plant

Data Server (PDS): The PDS receives plant parameter data from the EPIC computer system and makes the data available on the Entergy Local Area Network (Level 2 network) using the PDS application.

PDS can be used as a source of plant data for the purpose of dose assessment.

4.6 Plume

Exposure Pathway: 4.6.1 Pathway where principal exposure source is from: 1. Plume and deposited materials for whole body external gamma radiation exposure.

2. Passing radioactive plume for inhalation exposure.

Exposure time could range from hours to days. Rev. No. Page of DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 4.7 Process Reduction Factor (PRF): is a numerical value assigned to radionuclide concentration reduction mechanisms used to modify the estimate of the source term that is available for release to the environment (activity that is actually released) . The PRFs are active and passive engineering controls between the points where the radioactivity is first available to be released and the point of release to the environment.

Process reduction includes such mechanisms as filtration, removal by sprays, scrubbing by passage through water, fallout or plate-out on surfaces within buildings or structures based on hold up times in buildings or containment volumes. The PRFs are additive.

In the RAPID assessment module the PRFs are automatically assigned based on the pathway selected and cannot be changed by the user. 4.8 Protective Action Guidelines (PAGs): Radiation exposure guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency which are used to determine the appropriate protective actions to be taken on the part of emergency workers and the general public. These actions include sheltering and evacuation.

4.9 Protective

Action Reconunendations (PARS): A recommendation made by JAF personnel to the offsite authorities on the appropriate protective actions to be taken on the part of the general public. The PARS are based on plant conditions or dose projections using the PAGs for guidance.

4.10 Release Duration:

The estimated time of a release to the environment, based on either plant conditions or on anticipated exposure times to the public based on Evacuation Time Estimates.

Rev. No. _2_ Page _7_ of ---2.2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 4.11 Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): This is a computing network protocol for accessing, managing, and transferring files on remote file systems. The SFTP site is used to exchange _dose projection files between the JAF and NMP site for the purpose of summing dose projections for a multi-Unit release scenario.

4.12 Shutdown Power Level Threshold (SPLT): The measured average core power level threshold below which the reactor is considered to be shut .down. For example, in an ATWS event, the power level threshold above which the reactor is considered not shut down and below which it is considered shutdown.

The SPLT value for JAF is < 2.5% of core thermal power. 4.13 Spiking Factor (Coolant Spiking):

A sign.ificant increase of certain radionuclides in the reactor .. coolant, typically cesiums and iodines generally caused by a reactor transient such as a reactor scram or rapid power changes that result in a sudden drop in reactor coolant system pressure relative to the fuel assembly internal pressure.

A rapid change in reactor power may be assumed to be a change of greater than 15% of reactor power per hour. Spiking has no effect on Noble Gas Concentrations in the coolant. The spiking factor is entered in URI as a numerical value. 4.14 Total Effective Dose Eauivalent (TEDE): A method of converting exposure to radiation to the biological effects that it will cause to the human body. It combines the external and internal ionizing radiation exposure.

The TEDE is the sum of Deep Dose Equivalent and Committed Effective Dose Equivalent.

Rev. No. Page of ___§2_


5.1 Emergency

Planning Manager: shall ensure that as part of initial and requalification training, individuals are provided with information on the purpose and use of the URI software and appropriate cautions associated with its use. 5.2 The Dose Assessor(s):

shall perform required dose projections as assigned, using the Unified RASCAL Interface (URI) program. 5.3 EOF Dose Assessment Staff: shall relieve the OnShift dose assessors of the responsibility for dose assessment per their applicable checklists and perform required dose assessments.

5.4 EOF Radioloqical Assessment Coordinator (RAC): is responsible to the Emergency Director for managing the radiological monitoring and assessment aspects offsite during an emergency in order to assess the radiological consequences to the public. 5.5 TSC Radiological Coordinator (RC): is responsible to the Emergency Director/Emergency Plant Manager for managing the radiological monitoring and assessment aspects onsite during an emergency in order to assess the radiological consequences to the plant staff. 5.5.1 The RC is responsible to support the EOF Dose Assessment group by determining the release pathway and providing that information to the EOF Dose Assessment group. The EOF Dose Assessment group may obtain the information directly from EOF personnel if available (e.g. Technical Advisor).

5.6 TSC Reactor Engineer (RxE): is responsible to the EOF Dose Assessment group to develop core damage estimates consistent with EAP-44, Core Damage Estimation, for use in the URI dose assessment model. Rev. No. Page of _Q2_ l I DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 6.0 LIMITATION AND PRECAUTIONS 6.1 URI can only calculate doses for a single release pathway at one time. If releases are occurring via multiple release pathways or from multiple sites then individual dose assessments will need to be run and the results summed using the instructions in Attachment

6. 6.2 URI can calculate dose assessments to either 10 miles or 50 miles. The 50 mile assessments have the following limitations:
  • Will only display assessment results from 10 to 50 miles
  • Will only be displayed as sectors
  • Shall not be used for classification purposes
  • Shall only be used for PAR determination beyond 10 miles and ONLY IF 10 mile dose assessment results indicate that PAGs have been exceeded beyond 10 miles. 6.3 Dose projections results using Field Team survey results should be based on both the measured exposure rate and iodine concentration at the survey location whenever possible.

When iodine concentrations are not available URI uses default source term and leak rates that can bias the calculated thyroid doses. 6.4 Attachment 8, Stack and Vent Parameters provides guidance for determining the appropriate parameters for the site effluent release points. 6.5 For pathways with both low range and high range monitors DO NOT use the high range monitor reading unless the low range monitor is full scale. Rev. No. _2_ Page -1.Q._ of ___Q_5__

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 7.0 PRELIMINARY AND ON-GOING ACTIONS The following Preliminary or On-going Actions are completed by the EOF staff as plant conditions warrant. These actions can be performed in any logical order. 7.1 Determine if there is a release of radioactive material to the environment as a result of the Emergency Event using EAP-4.1, Release Rate Determination.

7.1.1 IF a release is determined to be in progress, THEN inform the Emergency Director (ED) that there is an abnormal release due to the event and the PART 1 form (EAP-1.1 Attachment

1) must indicate that there is a release of radioactive material due to the event. 7.2 Use Attachment 1, Detailed Dose Assessment Data Entry Form to record and document information used to perform a dose projection.

Complete one form for each release point. 7.3 Obtain meteorological data using EAP-42, Obtaining Meteorological Data every 15 minutes. Met data may be logged in WebEOC or on Attachment 7, Meteorological Data .b&g_,_ 7.4 Perform a dose projection as conditions warrant or as directed by the RAC, e.g.: 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 7.4.6 Met condition changes that could result in PAR changes. Effluent flow or release rate changes that could result in PAR changes. New release pathway occurs. Process reduction factors change -e.g. Standby Gas Treatment system quits working. Field data availability that could result in PAR changes. During no-abnormal-release scenarios dose projections may not be required to be performed based on RAC judgment (e.g. HAE events with no abnormal release) . 7.5 Use EAP-4.1 to determine if the ODCM release rate limits have been exceeded.

7.5.1 Rev. No. _2_ IF the Release Rate is greater than the ODCM limit THEN immediately inform the Emergency Director (ED) of the following requirements:

A. The next Part 1 Form must indicate that a release above Federal limits is in progress.

B. A Part 2 form (EAP-1.1 Attachment

2) must be initiated in accordance with EAP-1.1.

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 7.5.2 IF the release is below the ODCM release rate limits THEN perform the following actions: A. IF the release is through a monitored pathway THEN use EAP-4.1, Release Rate Determination to calculate the effluent monitor readings to reach the ODCM release rate limits for Noble Gas and Iodine. B. Inform the Emergency Director (ED) of the protected monitor values. 7.6 IF dose projection results show Exposure Rates greater than 0.057 mrem/hr at or beyond the site boundary, THEN the ODCM release rate limits have been exceeded based on the projected exposure rate, immediately inform the Emergency Director (ED) of the following requirements:

7.6.1 The next Part 1 Form must indicate that a release ABOVE Federal limits is in progress.

7.6.2 A Part 2 form (EAP-1.1 Attachment

2) must be initiated in accordance with EAP-1.1. 7.7 Evaluate the 15 minute meteorological data for changes that can effect does projection results and PARS: 7.7.1 Wind direction changes affecting new ERPAs 7.7.2 Stability class change 7.8 IF during the course of dose assessment, the dose to the population is projected to exceed 100 mRem TEDE or 500 mRem CDE Thyroid THEN advise the Emergency Director (ED) to evaluate EAL criteria for offsite doses (AS-1.2).

7.9 IF during the course of dose assessment, the dose to the population is projected to exceed 1 Rem TEDE or 5 Rem CDE Thyroid, THEN advise the Emergency Director (ED) to evaluate EAL criteria for offsie doses (AG-1.2).

7.10 When a dose projection is performed using a monitored release pathway URI will calculate the monitor reading that will result in a PAG at the Site Boundary, 2 miles, and 5 miles. The ED and the RAC shall be advised of these projected monitor readings.

7.11 Determine if a Lake Breeze or Land Breeze is in progress based on Attachment 11, Lake and Land Breeze Flowchart.

Advise the Field Team Coordinator of potential lake or land breeze effects. 7.11.1 IF a radiological release is in progress and plume maximum readings are > 15° from the expected plume centerline based on meteorological indications at z 2 miles, THEN have Offsite Monitoring Teams (OMT) transvers.e the expanded plume or multiple downwind Rev. No. Page -1,,2__ of I I I DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 7 .11. 2 sectors at a distance of about two miles or greater. Lakeview Rd./Miner Rd./Nine Mile Point Rd. may be used for this assessment.

IF maximum plume readings are found in areas other than downwind (> 15° from centerline)

THEN use EAP-4C, Protective Action Recommendations to determine if additional protective action recommendations are needed based on the Land/Lake Breeze affects. 7.12 IF unmonitored release is suspected or known to be in progress, THEN: 7.12.1 7.12.2 7.12.3 Obtain radiation survey at potential plume centerline as close to site boundary as practical.

See Attachment 3, Site Boundary Map for site boundary location.

IF readings indicate > 1 rem/hr based on field survey THEN immediately inform the ED that the Protective Action Guide (PAG) doses have been measured and the General Emergency criteria (EAL AGl.3) may be met if conditions exist or expected to exist for => than 1 hr. IF field readings indicate greater than 0.057 mrem/hr (> 217 ccpm on a frisker) based on field survey THEN inform the ED that a release above ODCM limits exists based on field survey data. 7.13 Determine if releases are being made from multiple re.lease paths at the plant or from the site. Dose projections shall be performed for each pathway and the projected doses summed per Attachment 6, Summing Dose Assessment Results. 7.13.1 In the case where there are releases from both sites simultaneously the releases will be assessed by the respective plant staffs and the results files provide on the SFTP site for summation by each plant staff 7.14 Evaluate Down Wind Survey Team survey results against projected doses. Field surveys should be used in conjunction with the URI projections to determine the actual radiological conditions.

7.15 IF dose assessment results indicate PAGs beyond 10 miles, THEN dispatch Field Monitoring Teams to downwind areas to verify the calculated exposure rates prior to issuing PARS outside the 10 mile EPZ. Rev. No. _2_ Page ---1.l_ of ___§_2._


8.1 Preliminary

URI Guidance 8.1.1 Attachment 9, URI Parameter Guide contains descriptions of the URI parameter groups, option selections and input data required for operator reference.

8.1.2 8.1.3 URI Detailed Dose Assessment module contains reports and operations that can be useful when running or evaluating dose assessment data. These functions may not be explicitly called-out in the procedure but are described in Attachment 10, Assessment Results Displays.

Reports and Miscellaneous Calculations.

Reports are automatically sent to the default printer. To change printer: A. Select the "Start Icon" located in the windows task bar at the left end. B. Select "Devices and Printers".

c. Right click on the desired printer Icon. D. Select "set as default".

8.1.4 Multiple

sets of dose assessment reports are printed by default. To change, from Detailed Assessment menu select "File" then "Printer" then "Number of Copies", then enter nwnber of copies desired. Program reverts to default when closed. 8.1.5 A round red exclamation point next to a URI data entry field means that field is required to perform assessment calculations.

8.1.6 IF "Process Assessment" button on the Detailed Assessment form is not visible but user wishes to recalculate the dose projection, THEN select "Force Recalculation" button on main toolbar. Rev. No. Page --1.1_ of __§2_

> DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8 .1. 7 Each URI run that will be used for decision-making

-i.e. Emergency Classification (verifying that an EAL is met or not met) or protective action recommendations shall have: A. A completed URI input form (EAP-4B Attachment 1, Detailed Dose Assessment Data Entry Form) B. URI output C. Signed and dated performer and validator:

1. Validator should be either a Dose Assessor or RAC. D. URI runs NOT used for decision making do not require the above. 1. IF a "what-if" URI run appears to warrant revised PARs and/or Emergency Classification escalation, THEN the Dose Assessor SHALL: a. Complete an Attachment
1. b. Have an independent validation that the Attachment 1 inputs are used in the URI run and that the inputs are valid for the conditions of the URI run. E. URI products used for decision making shall be sent to the State and County (reference the Emergency Facility Telephone Directory) . F. Attachment 1 forms may be copied and hand edited for subsequent runs rather than completing a new form. 8.2 Unified Rascal Interface (URI) Start Up 8.2.1 Rev. No. _2_ Start URI application for the JAF site using the following priority:

A. Designated facility Dose Assessment Computers

1. Select the "URI Icon" on the computer desktop to load the program from the hard drive; OR Page ___1.2_ of --2.5.._

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 2. Perform the following steps: a. Select the "Start icon" b. Select "All Programs" c. Select LANDESK Management from the program list d. Select Portal Manager 1) Refresh Portal Manager program list 2) Deploy program NGG-URI Fitzpatrick B. IF program fails to start or an error is received, THEN locate a designated backup URI PC 1. Repeat Steps 8.2.1.A.1 and 8.2.1.A.2

c. Any other Exelon computer 1. Contact IT to deploy via disaster recovery process 8.3 Detailed Dose Assessment NOTE A round red exclamation point next to a URI data entry field means the field requires additional information to continue calculations.

Additional details about the pathway, including available effluent monitors, are displayed by hovering the mouse over pathway letter ID box on the graphic display. 8.3.1 Select the "Detailed" Tab or "Cloud icon" on the startup screen. NOTE Section 8.4 through 8.11 may be used in any order and not all sections are applicable for each accident type/pathway.

NOTE Guidance on URI parameters, required data, entry selection is contained in Attachment 9, URI Parameter Guide Rev. No. _2_

> . *****-----------------------------

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.4 Source Term Basis Determination 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 Rev. No. _2_ Contact Reactor Engineering (CR/TSC) or Operations to determine the Source Term for performing an assessment based on core conditions and/or type of accident or transient that has occurred.

EAP-44 "Core Damage Estimation" provides guidance on estimating the type and extent of core damage. IF Reactor Engineering has determined that core damage has occurred THEN request an estimate of the type of core damage and the associated percent of damage. IF TSC Engineering/Operations has determined that RCS leakage is occurring THEN request an estimate of the source and leakage rate. A. IF source term is from Reactor Coolant System (RCS) without core damage THEN select "Normal Coolant".

1. IF any of the following have occurred THEN check the "Spiking checkbox":
a. Power has changed by 15% per hour since event start. b. A rapid depressurization of the RCS (reactor scram) . 2. IF Spiking was selected THEN determine Spiking Factor: a. IF a post power change RCS Dose Equivalent Iodine (DEI) sample result is available THEN calculate Spiking Factor as follows: 1) Select "Calculations" then "Spiking Factor" from main menu and then enter the DEI concentration.

After entering the data SELECT the "update spiking factor on calling form" box. The spiking factor data box on the main screen will be populated with the results. OR 2) PERFORM the following Spiking Factor calculation using Attachment 1, Detailed Dose Assessment Data Entry screen. ur S 'k' v DEi µCi/ gm B rr'R pl mg r actor= ----'---..;o._

__ 5.55E -03 µCi I gm b. IF calculated Spiking Factor is >1 and < 1000 THEN enter calculated value.

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B Rev. No. _2_ c. IF calculated Spiking Factor is > 1000 THEN enter 1000 3. IF a post power change RCS sample is not available THEN enter a default Spiking Factor of 30 B. IF source term is from Reactor Coolant System (RCS) with core damage then select "Reactor Core Accident".

1. SELECT Type of Damage as determined by Reactor engineering, "Clad" or "Melt" or "IF information is not available THEN select "Clad". c. IF source term is from Spent Fuel damage THEN select "Spent Fuel Accident".
1. Spent Fuel Accident -The "Spent Fuel Accident" option is selected if the incident involves damage to spent fuel in a depressurized condition.

The age of the fuel since discharge

("New" or "Old") is used to decay the activity in the fuel assembly(s) involved in the incident.

a. The "New" option uses a source term representative of spent fuel that has been irradiated within 6 months of the event. Reactor Engineering or TSC Engineering should be consulted when using this factor. b. The "Old" option uses a source term representative of spent fuel that has not been irradiated within 6 months of the event. Reactor Engineering should be consulted when using this factor. 2. IF Spent Fuel release cannot be monitored or no data is available, THEN check "Un-Monitored Spent Fuel Accident with No other method applicable" checkbox.
3. IF Spent Fuel release can be monitored or other release data is available, THEN ensure the "Un-Monitored Spent Fuel Accident with No other method applicable" checkbox is unchecked.
4. IF the date the fuel assembly was last in reactor is known THEN enter date in Reactor Status, "Last Irradiated" textbox. 5. IF the plant is not currently in a Refueling Outage THEN select "OLD" and enter the approximate date and time that the reactor was shut down for refueling in the Reactor Status, "Last Irradiated" textbox. Page __JJL_ of _.§2_ I I I __ J DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 6. The "Fuel Status:" and "Amount of Spent Fuel Damage (%) :" data is automatically populated based on the Spent Fuel release pathway selected in the subsequent step (section 8.5, Release Pathway Determination) . 8.5 Release Pathway Determination NOTE The Pathway selection is made prior to entering the meteorological data. The required meteorological data is dictated by the pathway selections.

Additional details about the pathway, including available effluent monitors, are displayed by hovering the mouse over pathway letter ID box on the graphic display. Additional details about the pathway, including available effluent monitors, are displayed by hovering the mouse over pathway letter ID box on the graphic display. 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 Request the TSC Rad Coordinator (RC)to determine the release pathway using Attachment 1 page 3. A. This information may be determined directly from EOF personnel (e.g. Technical Advisor, Lead Offsite Liaison, etc.) if the information is available.

Open the Pathway Graphic by double clicking on the yellow Pathway Bar. Select the pathway that best represents the release in progress by clicking the "pathway letter ID box" on the right side of the graphic. NOTE Process Reductions Factors (PRF) must be validated for each model run. The PRF's do not automatically adjust based on other selections related to pathway. 8.5.4 Verify that the Process Reduction Factor settings are correct for the existing plant conditions and equipment line up. Refer to Attachment 2, Process Reduction Factor Determination for guidance and enter required changes by using the radio buttons or data entry boxes. Rev. No. Page of ____§2_

. **----------..----!--

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.6 Meteorological Data Entry NOTE Only one onsite MET tower instrument height may be selected at a time. Any number of offsite towers may be selected.

The "Alternate Data" operation is only selected if onsite meteorological tower data is not available and data from offsite sources such as the NWS is used. 8.6.1 Rev. No. _2_ Enter Site Tower data as follows: A. Obtain MET data per EAP-42 "Obtaining Meteorological Data". B. Using Attachment 8, Stack and Vent Parameters determine the meteorological tower best representing release height. 1. Enter the tower by checking the checkbox in the "Use" column of Meteorological Data table. 2. Enter Wind Speed in appropriate units. 3. Enter Wind Direction

-direction wind is coming from. 4. Enter Stability Class. IF NOT available, THEN enter Delta T. C. Select the precipitation status best representing current precipitation using the "Precipitation" dropdown menu. IF precipitation is unknown THEN SELECT "None" from dropdown list. 1. None -No rain or snow. 2. Light Rain -Drizzle, < 0.1 inches I hour. 3. Moderate Rain -Heavy Drizzle, 0.1 to 0.3 inches I hour. 4. Heavy Rain -> 0.3 inches I hour. 5. Light Snow -Visibility>

0.63 miles. 6. Moderate Snow -Visibility 0.31 to 0.63 miles. 7. Heavy Snow -Visibility<

0.31 miles.

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.7 Reactor Status Determination 8.7.1 8.7.2 IF Source Term is Normal Coolant or Reactor Core Accident THEN: A. For Non-ATWS events; IF reactor is NOT shutdown THEN ensure "Reactor Shutdown" checkbox is unchecked otherwise:

1. Check Reactor "Reactor Shutdown" 2. Enter Date and Time reactor was shut down. B. For ATWS events; IF power is >2.5% then ensure "Reactor Shutdown" check.box is unchecked otherwise:
1. Check "Reactor Shutdown" checkbox 2. Enter Date and Time power reduced below 2.5%. IF Source Term is a Soent Fuel Accident THEN the associated decay time was set by the program when source term was selected.

8.8 Release

Duration Determination NOTE Release durations will automatically be adjusted to a 15 minute increment.

8.8.1 Consult

with TSC and EOF Ops personnel on the projected duration of radiological release. A. ENTER estimated Release Duration.

IF release duration is unknown THEN enter a default of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> in the "Duration" textbox. 8.9 Assessment Methodology 8.9.1 Rev. No. _2_ Release point/source tabs are enabled based on the pathway. Select the best methodology from the available options. When information is available for multiple methodologies utilize the following order of priority:

A. Monitored Release -Uses installed effluent monitors.

Goto Step 8.9.2. B. Release Point Sample -Uses effluent sample results in uCi/cc. Goto step 8.9.5. C. Field Team -Back calculates based on Offsite Monitoring Team survey and sample results. Goto step 8.9.6. D. Containment Leakage -Uses coolant or core conditions including percent core damage or containment high radiation monitor readings and a gaseous leak rate. Goto step 8.9.3. Page __£1_ of __Q_2__

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.9.2 E. RCS Leakage -Uses Reactor Coolant System liquid leak rate. Goto step 8.9.4. NOTE The Unmonitored Spent Fuel option is selected when the Source Term of Spent Fuel Damage was selected.

F. Unmonitored Spent Fuel -Used only if other assessment methods are not available for Spent Fuel Accident Source Terms. Goto step 8.9.7. Monitored Release NOTE For pathways with both low range and high range monitors DO NOT use the high range monitor reading unless the low range monitor is full scale. 8.9.3 A. Select "Monitored" tab B. Select the appropriate effluent monitor from the list of applicable monitors.

C. Enter monitor reading for selected monitor in the "Reading" textbox. D. IF Release Point Flow Rate is requested THEN enter flow rate in the "Flow Rate" textbox in the required units. E. IF all errors have been resolved, THEN on the "Process Assessment To" bar select "10 Miles" or "50 Miles" button to run the dose assessment.

F. Goto step 8.10. Containment Leakage A. SELECT appropriate Method from the enabled options. 1. IF % Fuel Damage is selected THEN enter percent damage that corresponds to the Source Term and the Type of Damage (Clad or Melt) . a. IF both a Clad and Melt value are provided, THEN either run individual assessments using each value OR request clarification from Rx Engineer relative to which is more representative of actual conditions.

I ---*-1-. --\ I Rev. No. _2_ Page of ___§2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.9.4 Rev. No. _2_ 2. IF Containment Radiation Monitor is selected THEN enter corresponding Containment High Range radiation monitor reading obtained from EPIC (27-RE-104 A/B, highest value is displayed) . B. Enter the appropriate gaseous release volume as follows: 1. Select "Leakage" when using the percent primary containment design leakage a value of 0.5% is used as a default or enter a calculated leakage as a percent of containment volume (cont. Vol=7.48E+9 cc). 2. IF the primary containment has at least ft2 hole providing a direct release path to environment THEN select "Catastrophic Failure".

3. IF primary containment gaseous volume is leaking due to isolation failures, such as open valves or failed penetrations that do not meet the requirement of a Catastrophic Failure, THEN select "Failure to isolate".
4. The current "as left" containment leak rate based on ST-39B or an estimate of the leakage related to the event can be obtained from TSC engineering.

Select "Calc'd Cont. Leak Rate" when using a calculated leak rate and ENTER leak rate in cfm. C. IF all errors have been resolved, THEN on the "Process Assessment To" bar select "10 Miles" or "50 Miles" button to run the dose assessment.

D. Goto step 8.10. RCS Leakage A. Select appropriate Method from any enabled options. 1. IF % Fuel Damage is selected then ENTER "percent damage" that corresponds to Source Term, Type of Damage (Clad or Melt). Obtain from Rx Engineer.

B. Determine appropriate liquid Release Mode from enabled options as follows. 1. IF leak rate is unknown THEN select "Unknown Leak Rate". 2. IF leak rate is known, THEN select "Calculated RCS Leak Rate" and enter coolant leak rate in gpm DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.9.5 C. IF all errors have been resolved, THEN on the "Process Assessment To" bar select "10 Miles" or "50 Miles" button to run the dose assessment.

D. Goto step 8.10. Release Point Sample NOTE Sample must include Particulate, Iodine and Noble Gas. If a class of isotope is left blank, then assessment is incomplete.

Entering zero is acceptable.

8.9.6 A. Enter release point flow rate in SCFM. B. Enter release concentrations in uCi/cc for each* corresponding isotope. c. IF all errors have been resolved, THEN on the "Process Assessment To" bar SELECT "10 Miles" or "50 Miles" button to run the dose assessment.

D. Goto step 8.10. Field Team WARNING Dose projections results using Field Team survey results should be based on BOTH the measured exposure rate AND iodine concentration at the survey location whenever possible.

When iodine concentrations are not available URI uses default source term and leak rates that can bias the calculated thyroid doses. NOTE EAP-5.3 attachments provide distances from the center of the NMP/JAF site for various sample locations.

The URI software provides more detailed algorithms that may be used to determine a more accurate distance for sample points from the JAF station. A. Enter downwind distance in miles where sample was taken. URI assumes sample was taken at or close to plume centerline.

Rev. No. Page --2.1_ of I I


... -----------

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.9.7 B. Enter 3' closed window exposure rate in mR/hr. C. Enter Field Team air sample results as follows: 1. IF field team air sample is available, THEN a. Goto Attachment 5, Air Sample Results and Thyroid Dose Calculations to calculate field team sample result. b. IF concentration is less than calculated Lower Limit of Detection (LLD), then ENTER 0, otherwise ENTER I-131 concentration in µCi/cc. 2. IF field team air sample result is not available, THEN blank I-131 concentration value. Do not enter 0. D. Enter time field team survey data was taken E. IF all errors are resolved, THEN on the "Process Assessment To" bar SELECT "10 Miles" or "50 Miles" button to run the dose assessment.

F. Goto step 8.10. Un-Monitored Spent Fuel A. No additional inputs are required when using this methodology.

IF all errors have been resolved THEN on the "Process Assessment To" bar select "10 Miles" or "50 Miles" button to run the dose assessment.

B. Goto step 8.10. 8.10 Dose Assessment Results 8.10.l Rev. No. _2_ Print the Dose Assessment Report: A. Select "Printer icon" on the toolbar on assessment method tab. 1. From the dropdown menu, select "Print Dose Assessment Report". B. The Dose Assessment Summation Report can be printed to a Microsoft XPS document file. To print select "Printer icon" on the toolbar on assessment method tab. 1. From the dropdown menu, select "Print Dose Assessment Report to Microsoft XPS Document".

2. The XPS file can be attached to e-mail or WebEOC forms for distribution and viewed via Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Page --12._ of ___§.5.__

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.10.2 Dose Projection results may be viewed or printed on a map. From the main menu or toolbar, SELECT "View" THEN "View Receptor Point Map". A. Select the 2, 5, or 10 mile map to view. B. Select the footprint results for either TEDE Dose or CDE Thyroid Dose. c. Select a map Zoom Level. D. Select the Display Options 1. RASCAL Sector Results -Draws the 36 NRC sectors on the map which represents the close in doses to -2.25 miles. RASCAL sectors are 10° each, split into 8 distance segments.

Sector 1 starts at 5° and arcs in a clockwise direction.

2. RASCAL Puff Results -Draws the 41 x 41 grids on the map which represents the doses beyond 2.25 miles for a 10 mile calculation or all distances for a 50 mile calculation.

Column 1 is on the left with row 1 on the bottom. 3. Sectors -Displays the classic 16, 22.5° sectors. 4. Mile Circles -Displays the 2, 5 and 10 mile distances for a 10 mile calculation or 10, 25 and 50 mile distances for a 50 mile calculation.

5. Receptor Points -Displays the preset points of interest.

Additional information can be obtained by double clicking each point as needed. 6. Show Balloon -Displays an information balloon when the mouse is dragged across the map. E. Select "Print Current View" to print the contents of the map displayed in the window to the default printer. F. Select "Print View to XPS" to print the contents of the map displayed in the window to a Microsoft XPS document file. The XPS file can be attached to e-mail or WebEOC forms for distribution and viewed via Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Rev. No. Page -2..2._ of __§_2__

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B 8.10.3 8.10.4 8.10.5 8.10.6 To export the plume graphic to a Google Earth file, SELECT "Export" THEN "Google Earth" from the main menu. Additional Reports are available and are listed in Attachment 10, Assessment Results Displays, Reports and Miscellaneous Calculations.

IF releases are occurring from multiple release points at the JAF plant or from multiple units at the site then perform SUMMATION of multiple dose assessments by completing the instructions in attachment

6. Summing Dose Assessment Results. Goto Step 8.11 Dose Assessment Evaluation.

8.11 Dose Assessment Evaluation 8 .11.1 Rev. No. _2_ Review Dose Assessment Report for Classifications or Upgrades.

A. IF Table-1 EAL values are projected to be exceeded by dose assessment or OMT survey at or beyond the site boundary, THEN IMMEDIATELY inform ED. TABLE 1 -EAL TABLE ASl.2 > 100 > 500 AGl.2 > 1000 > 5000 B. IF Table 2 -EPA 400 Protective Action Guidelines (EPA PAGs) values are projected to be exceeded by dose assessment or OMT survey in any ERPA not already included in a PAR, THEN IMMEDIATELY inform ED. TABLE 2 -EPA 400 PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDELINES (EPA PAGS) Evacuate Shelter in place >1000 >5000 Shelter if evacuation is not practical due to impediments Page --2J._ of _§2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B C. Evaluate the need for 50 Mile dose projections with Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC). D. IF PAGs will be exceeded beyond 10 miles, THEN IMMEDIATELY notify ED and Oswego County. 9.0 RECORDS 9.1 The following records when generated by this procedure during actual declared events shall be maintained by Records Management for the Permanent Plant File in accordance with EN-AD-103

-Document Control and Records Management Programs:

9.1.1 Attachment

1 Detailed Dose Assessment Data Entry Form 9 .1.2 URI output reports and maps 9.2 The above records when generated by this procedure during drills or exercises are provided to the Emergency Preparedness Department and maintained as necessary to document required drill I exercise data. 10 . 0 ATTACHMENTS



11. ATTACHMENT 11, LAKE AND LAND BREEZE FLOWCHART Rev. No. _2_ Page _2JL. of _fi2_


TIME:----COMPLETED BY:-----------

Source Term and Reactor Status Information 0 NORMAL COOLANT 0 REACTOR CORE ACCIDENT Has the Rx Power Level changed by ? 15% I hour since the start of the event (Conditions for Spiking?)

D YES I ONO Determine spiking factor using "Calculations" tab (chem sample results from Chemistry):



hh:mm -------Release Duration .*** ., .. Estimated Release Duration:

hrs OR OUnknown (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />) DPathA DPath B D Path C DPath D Dpath E DPath F DpathG D Path H D Path I DpathJ Dpath K Dpath L D Path M DPath N D Path O Dpath P D Path a D Path R D Path S D PathT Dpath U DpathV DPathW D Path X D Path Y Drywall Reductions: (Applies to I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P only) Hold-Up Time: D <2 hours 0 2*24 hours D >24 hours D Specific Time: ___ hrs Drywall Sprays: DOFF DON D Specific Time: hrs Torus Reductions: (Applies to E, F, G, H, M, N, 0, P only) Hold-Up Time: D <2 hours D 2-24 hours D >24 hours 0 Specific Time: ___ hrs Status: 0 Subcooled D Saturated D Bypassed Reactor Building Reductions: (Applies to B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, N, 0, P, V, W, X only) Hold-Up Time: D <2 hours D 2*24 hours D >24 hours D Specific Time: ___ hrs SBGT Status: D Working D Not Working (Applies to C, E, H, J, L, M, P, X only) Turbine Bulldlng Reductions: (Applies to R and S only) Hold-Up Time: 00 <2 hours Rad Waste Building Reductions: (Applies to T and U only) Hold*Up Time: 00 Specific Time: 0 hrs (zero hours) Spent Fuel Status: D Dry OPartlally Uncovered D Under Water Reactor Building Reductions:

Hold-Up Time: D <2 hours D 2*24 hours D >24 hours D Specific Time: ___ hrs SBGT Status: D Working 0 Not Working Tech Advisor) RECS Part 1 form Operations (EOF Tech Advisor) EOFED TSCRad* Coord. Operations (EOF Tech Advisor) Rev. No. _2_ Page -2..2_ of _§2__


. * ' .*. . ' . ' *, ; :, . . . . '.-**.: . . Met Data Description (check): D Main 200', 0 Main 100', 0 Main 30', DJAF Backup, OAlternate data Wind Speed (mph): Wind Direction (from): Delta T (0 F): Stability Class: __ Preclp.: O None, O Light Rain, O Moderate Rain, D Heavy Rain, D Light Snow, D Moderate Snow, O Heavy Snow INFO .. , SOURCE Dose Assessor *' *r,. Monitored Release Point: OStack ORetuel Floor Vent ORx Building Vent DTurb Build Vent DRad Waste Build Vent Dose Assessor Range: HI I LO Release Point Monitor value-------**

Units: CPM I mR/hr I CPS (stack only)

Release Point Flow Rate-------

SCFM (tor Stack It should be total flow-not Just SBGT flow) IF other.than Monitored Release Is Identity Assessment Method below.and follow model Input.,

<-! .. * -: * . . * .*.

.. : ; .:*.: ...

... ,:; ..

  • ,: *: -

.. '\*. Assessment Method OContalnment Leakage DRCS Leakage ORelease Pt. Sample OFleldTeam Space for Notes: Procedure Reference (Section 8.9.3 and Attachment 9section1.6.2) (Section 8.9.4 and Attachment 9 Section 1.6.3) (Section 8.9.5 and Attachment 9 Section 1.6.4) (Section 8.9.6 and Attachment 9 Section 1.6.5) Review By (Independent validation)


I _____ / ____ _ Name Cate Time Coo rd. As Required:

TSC Rad Coard. Operations (EOFTech Advisor) Offslte Team Coard Rev. No. _2_ Page -1.Q_ of __§2_

Rev. No. _2_ Attach. ..

1 DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT DATA ENTRY FORM Release Pathway Selection Aide .. :,.,.

  • ... * . -.* . ' . r-*:-.*. PAGE 3 OF 3 Path'G -Polhj(

[ .: Path j k Path !(,.,}]

-k Path }A;;:,; J ,


_[-.-;Poth P-[filii!i1LJ]

-[CE.Ci1t1 Rifl *: ) PathT_l :i-,. __ 7"' ... --_,.. ___ -, ____

J __ PatlfO *.*._:.**

).' : . Page of [;T_pai!J_;'b;_;i]


  • ...,_ ... *-** .............

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ATTACHMENT 2 PROCESS REDUCTION FACTOR DETERMINATION PAGE 1 OF3 1.0 HOLDUP TIME DETERMINATION 1.1 IF HOLDUP TIME IS NOT APPLICABLE TO A RELEASE PATHWAY, THEN enter 0 HOURS IN "Specific Time". 1.1.1 Drywall I Torus A. IF volume of the Drywall and/or Torus has not remained approximately the same, with significant additions to source term, THEN select"< 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />". This is the normally selected option if fuel damage is on-going or conditions are changing (leakage evident).

B. IF volume of the Drywall and/or Torus has remained static with no significant additions to source term AND a specific holdup time can be determined, THEN select range from options provided OR select Specific Time option and enter holdup time in hours (leakage NOT evident).

1.1.2 Reactor

Building I Secondary Containment A. IF release is not through a normal ventilation pathway (i.e. blowout panel or hole in the side of the building)

THEN select"< 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />" B. IF release is through a normal ventilation pathway, THEN select a holdup time based on one of the following:

1. IF SBGT not running, THEN select"< 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />" 2. IF normal ventilation is running THEN select"< 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />" 3. IF SBGT running, THEN SELECT "2-24 hours". 1.1.3 Turbine Building A. Select "< 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />". 2.0 DRYWELL SPRAY STATUS DETERMINATION 2.1 IF Spray is not applicable to the actual release pathway, THEN select "Off'. 2.2 IF Spray running, THEN select "On". 2.3 IF Spray not running or status of Spray cannot be determined, THEN select "Off". 2.4 IF volume has remained static with no significant additions to source term and a Specific spray time can be determined, THEN select appropriate range from options provided OR select Specific Time option and enter spray run time in hours. This is not a normally selected option if fuel damage is on-going.

EAP-4B DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT Rev. No. _2_ ATTACHMENT 2 Page ___]2_ of ___Q2__

I . ATTACHMENT 2 PROCESS REDUCTION FACTOR DETERMINATION Page 2 of 3 3.0 TORUS I SUPPRESSION POOL STATUS DETERMINATION 3.1 IF effluent stream does not pass through Torus I Suppression Pool or is unknown, THEN select "Bypassed".

3.2 IF effluent stream is passing through Torus I Suppression Pool and Torus I Suppression Pool water temperature is> 212°F THEN select "Saturated", otherwise select "Subcooled".


SPRAY STATUS DETERMINATION 4.1 IF Spray is not applicable to the actual release pathway, THEN select "Off". 4.2 IF Spray running, THEN select "On". 4.3 IF Spray not running OR status of Spray cannot be determined, THEN select "Off". 4.4 IF volume has remained static with no significant additions to source term AND a Specific spray time can be determined, THEN select appropriate range from options provided OR select Specific Time option and enter spray run time in hours. This is not a normally selected option if fuel damage is on-going.


GAS TREATMENT FILTER STATUS DETERMINATION 5.1 IF SBGT filter is not applicable to release pathway, THEN select "Not Working".

5.2 IF SBGT is working OR status of filter cannot be determined, THEN select "Working".

5.3 IF SBGT is not working, THEN select "Not Working".


ATTACHMENT 2 PROCESS REDUCTION FACTOR DETERMINATION Page 3 of 3 6.0 SPENT FUEL STATUS DETERMINATION NOTE The Process Reduction Factors for steps 5.1-5.3 are selected as part of the Spent Fuel pathway selection options. 6.1 IF spent fuel is fully exposed to air (no steam cooling is occurring)

OR a Zlrc-Fire is suspected, THEN select "Dry". 6.2 IF spent fuel is partially uncovered (steam cooling is occurring), THEN select "Partially Covered' 6.3 IF spent fuel is fully submerged, THEN select "Under Water". 6.4 For reactor building hold-up time reductions Goto 1 .1 .2. 6.5 For Standby Gas Treatment Filter Status Determination Goto 5.0 EAP-4B Rev. No. _2_ DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 2 Page --11._ of _Q2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT 0 *;;: 6 <U ..:..:: ..::3 Rev. No. _2_ ATTACHMENT 3 SITE BOUNDARY MAP J ---*****-*----

EAP-4B Page 1 of 1 .... -en 2 -11) (ij 0 (f) ...-; 0 U) ..... "-rn

Z: 0 6 Zo c.. ..... w ..... .., ..:: UJ UI '
  • Hierarchy
  • . *Elevated*

Release, *Ground* Release Primary 200' [}. T 1 00' [}. T 200'cr9 30'cr9 Substitute 100' a9 JAF Backup a9 30'cr9 200'a8 Rev. No. _2_ Page _AL of __Q_2_



I OPTIONS ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 1 of 12 1.1 Source Term Group -this option allows the user to select the source term for the event. 1.1.1 Normal Coolant-The "Normal Coolant

option is selected IF there is no damage to the core. This causes URI to utilize a source term similar to normal reactor coolant concentrations as the basis for source term. 1.1.2 Norm Coolant with Spiking -In addition to selecting the "Normal Coolant

option, the user can select the "Spiking Factor option. This option should be selected when the plant shutdown was quick or 'hard' such a reactor trip or rapid depressurization which may cause certain radionuclides typically cesiums and halogens to significantly increase in concentration in the coolant following the shutdown.

Noble gas concentrations in the reactor coolant are not affected by spiking conditions.

A hard shutdown may be assumed if the plant was shut down rate of greater than 15 % of reactor power per hour. The Coolant spiking factor allows URI to increase the normal coolant activity by a default factor of 30 and can accept user enter spiking factors up to a maximum value of 1000. The spiking factor can be determined by chemistry samples of the reactor coolant at any time. Changes to the spiking factor should be verified through Chemistry or Reactor Engineering when possible.

1 .1 .3 Reactor Core Accident -"Reactor Core Accident" is selected if there is or suspected to be damage to the fuel assemblies which would release core inventory to the reactor coolant system. A. The "Clad" damage option of the "reactor core accident" option is selected if core conditions have caused the fuel pin cladding to fail but the core temperature has not become sufficiently high to cause melting of the ceramic fuel matrix itself. Selecting this option causes the URI to utilize the core inventory mix with clad damage core release factors as the basis for-source term; 8. The "Melt" option of the reactor core accident is selected if core conditions have resulted in core temperatures that would be expected to cause melting of the ceramic fuel matrix itself. This selection causes URI to utilize the core inventory mix with core melt release factors as the basis for source term. Reactor Engineering should be consulted before using this factor. Rev. No. _2_ Page of _Q_5_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 2 of 12 1.1.4 Spent Fuel Accident -The "Spent Fuel Accidenf' option is selected if the incident involves damage to spent fuel in a depressurized condition.

The age of the fuel since discharge

("New or "Old") is used to decay the activity in the fuel assembly(s}

involved in the incident.

A. The "New option uses a source term representative of spent fuel that has been irradiated within 6 months of the event. Reactor Engineering or TSC Engineering should be consulted when using this factor. B. The "Old" option uses a source term representative of spent fuel that has not been irradiated within 6 months of the event. Reactor Engineering should be consulted when using this factor. 1.2 Meteorological Data Group -this option allows the user to select and enter the meteorological data into the URI which defines the dispersion for the calculation.

URI defaults to a pre-determined site meteorological source based on release pathway (i.e., 200 ft or 30 ft). These should not be changed unless data for the selected source is not available.

Meteorological data is obtained as described .in EAP-42, "Obtaining Meteorological Data". Fifteen minute averages are use as input data. 1.2.1 Only ONE onsite tower location (200 ft , 30 ft or alternate) may be selected at a time. 1.2.2 More than one offsite tower site may be selected.

If a tower option is selected then meteorological data for that tower is required.

Care should be taken when using a meteorological source away from the site due to the effects on the projections further out from the site. 1.2.3 The "Alternate Data" option on the meteorological data entry box is only selected if onsite meteorological tower data in not available and data from offsite sources such as the National Weather Service (NWS) is used. URI assumes that the geographical source of the data is onsite. 1.2.4-Wind Speed-Wind speed is typically obtained from the onsite meteorological tower. 1.2.5 Wind Direction

-Wind direction is typically obtained from the onsite meteorological tower. User assistance is available by double clicking in the wind direction box which opens a wind rose graphic. Select the wind direction FROM by clicking on one of the sixteen directions.

Rev. No. _2_ Page -2JL. of _Q.2__

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 3 of 12 1.2.6 Atmospheric stability can be entered as a stability class of A, B, C, D, E, For G. If you are using the Sigma Theta stability, Do NOT enter a Delta T value. IF a Delta T value is entered, URI will automatically enter a stability class based on the Delta Temp value. To remove the Delta T value, unselect the meteorological site used then reselect.

To view the description of the stability classes along with the Sigma Theta ranges associated with the stability class, check the "use" box for the desired met tower, then double click on the stability class "letter box" which opens a table graphic displaying stability class descriptions and sigma theta ranges. If the stability class is not available then stability class can be determined using EAP-42, "Obtaining Meteorological Data" 1 .2. 7 Precipitation affects the downwind dose by washing out Specific isotopes from the plume. Because washout can have an effect on the iodine concentration available for inhalation the precipitation parameter should be based on real time observations when selecting other than "none". Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate condition.

No other conditions are allowed other than those listed. 1.3 Reactor Status Group -this option is used to modify the mix available for release

  • based on the decay of each individual isotope in the mix. 1.3.1 Reactor Shutdown -The user enters the date and time that the reactor was shutdown/tripped.

1.3.2 Last Irradiated

-The user enters the date and time that the spent fuel was last irradiated.

Obtain information from Reactor Annalist or TSC Engineers.

1.4 Release

Duration Group -This option allows the user to input the projected release duration.

The default value is 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. The source term is applied from the current time forward for the duration specified, then the release source is turned off by adding a source term data line of all zero values (performed internally).

Rev. No. _2_ Page ......21_

of _§.5._

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 4 of 12 1.5 Selected Pathway Options Group -this option allows the user to select the pathway for the event. Pathways may or may not be available depending on the selections from the Source Term grouping. (e.g. the spent fuel pathways will be inactive IF Reactor Core Accident is selected).

1.5.1 Pathways

-this option allows the user to select the most appropriate release pathway for the event (i.e. Path A-0). Only one pathway may be selected at a *time. For an event were multiple pathways are active, the user must sum the release data or use field team data to correct projections.

A. Pathway A -Activity released directly to the atmosphere from reactor coolant bypassing BOTH primary and secondary containment (example RCS blowing down to the CST). B. Pathway 8 -Activity released directly into Reactor Building Bypassing primary containment (example leak at RWCU pump) with Reactor Building LEAKING directly to the environment.

C. Pathway C -Activity released into the reactor building bypassing primary containment (example RWCU pump seal failure) and activity being released through normal Reactor Building ventilation D. Pathway D -Activity released into the reactor building bypassing primary containment (example RWCU pump seal failure) and activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment.

E. Pathway E -Activity released directly into the Torus bypassing the drywell (example main steam safeties open) and activity being released directly from the torus through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

F. Pathway F -Activity released into the Torus NOT into drywall first (example safeties lifted) with leakage of Torus into Reactor Building (example stuck open vacuum breaker) with Reactor Building LEAKAGE directly to the environment.

G. Pathway G -Activity released directly into the Torus bypassing the drywell (example main steam safeties open) and then activity leaking/escaping from the torus into the Reactor Building (example vacuum breaker leakage) and activity being released through normal Reactor Building ventilation.

Rev. No. Page -21_ of __§2_ I DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 5 of 12 H. Pathway H -Activity released directly into the Torus bypassing the drywell (example main steam safeties open) and then activity leaking/escaping from the torus into the Reactor Building (example vacuum breaker leakage) and activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation . I. Pathway I -Activity released into the Drywall (example RCS pipe break in drywall) and activity being released directly from the Drywall without passing through the torus first through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

J. Pathway J -Activity released into the Drywall without blow down to Torus with Drywall leaking into the Reactor Building (example Airlock seal failure) with Reactor Building LEAKAGE directly to the environment.

K. Pathway K-Activity released into the drywall (example RCS pipe break in drywell) and then activity leaking/escaping from the Drywall into the Reactor Building (example airlock or penetration leakage) and activity being released through normal Reactor Building ventilation.

L. Pathway L -Activity released into the drywell (example RCS pipe break in drywell) and then activity leaking/escaping from the Drywell into the Reactor Building (example airlock or penetration leakage) and activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

M. Pathway M -Activity released into the Drywall (example RCS pipe break in drywall) with blow-down into the torus and activity being released through the torus through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

N. Pathway N-Activity released into Drywell with blowdown into the Torus and Torus leaking into the Reactor Building (example stuck open vacuum breaker) with Reactor Building LEAKAGE directly to the environment.

0. Pathway o*-Activity released into the drywell (example RCS pipe break in drywell) with blow-down into the torus and then activity leaking/escaping from the torus (example stuck open vacuum breaker) into the Reactor Building and activity being released through normal Reactor Building ventilation.

P. Pathway P -Activity released into the drywall (example RCS pipe break in drywall) with blow-down into the torus and then activity leaking/escaping from the torus (example stuck open vacuum breaker) into the Reactor Building and activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

Rev. No. Page __2J__ of __§_2.__

-I DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 6 of 12 a. Pathway Q -Activity released through steam to the condenser, with condenser in service and under vacuum with activity released through condenser off-gas to the Main Stack. R. Pathway R -Activity released by steam into the Turbine Building NOT to the condenser with Turbine Building LEAKAGE directly to the environment.

S. Pathway S -Activity released by steam into the Turbine Building with activity vented to the atmosphere through normal turbine building monitored ventilation.

T. Pathway T-Activity released into the Radwaste Building (example from RWCU letdown) with Radwaste Building LEAKAGE directly to the environment.

U. Pathway U -Activity released into the radwaste building with ventilation venting to the environment through the Radwaste Vent. This is for core activity, not radwaste activation I fission product mixes. V. Pathway V -Activity released from spent fuel in the fuel pool (example mechanical damage or loss of water in pool) into the into the Reactor Building and/or Refuel floor area with building LEAKAGE directly to the environment (example damage to roof). W. Pathway W -Activity released from spent fuel in the fuel pool (example mechanical damage or loss of water in pool) into the Reactor Building and/or Refuel floor area with activity being released through normal Reactor Building /refuel floor ventilation.

X. Pathway X -Activity released from spent fuel in the fuel pool (example mechanical damage or loss of water in pool) into the Reactor Building and/or Refuel floor area with activity being released through Stand by Gas Treatment ventilation.

Y. Pathway Y -Release from damage to assemblies in dry cask outdoors.

Release direct to the environment.

Rev. No. Page --2.!_ of _§.2_ ., ,,

1----DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE Page 7 of 12 1.5.2 Process Reduction Factors (PRF) -These options allows the user to select the PAFs based of the pathway section. The Process Reduction Factor is used to modify the estimate of the amount of activity that is available for release to the environment to determine the source term -the activity that is actually released.

The PRF allows the calculation to take into account the various possible reduction mechanisms (active and passive engineering controls}

between the points where the radioactivity is first available to be released and the point of release to the environment.

These include such factors as filtration, removal by sprays, scrubbing by passage through water, and fallout or plate-out on surfaces within buildings or structures based on hold up times in buildings or containment volumes. Guidance for selecting PRF values is contained in Attachment

2. The following PRFs are used by the program: A. Drywall Reductions
1. Hold Up Time-Allows the user to select the time that the activity has been held up in the containment since released from the reactor coolant system (i.e. <2 Hours, 2 -24 Hours, > 24 Hours, Specific Time). 2. Sprays -Allows the user to select IF containment spray has been initiated (i.e. OFF, ON, Specific Time). B. Torus Reductions Rev. No. _2_ 1. Hold Up Time-Allows the user to select the time that the activity has been held up in the torus since released from the reactor coolant system (i.e., < 2 Hours, 2 -24 Hours, > 24 Hours, Specific Time). 2. Status -Allows the user to select the torus status. a. b. c. Subcooled Saturated Bypassed Page ---22._ of ......§.2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE C. Reactor Building Reductions EAP-4B [ Page 8 of 12 1. Hold Up Time-Allows the user to select the time that the activity has been held up in the Reactor Building since released from the reactor coolant system (i.e.,< 2 Hours, 2 -24 Hours,> 24 Hours, Specific Time). 2. SBGT Status -Allows the user to select IF the SBGT system filters are in operation and functioning as expected (i.e., Working, Not working) D. Turbine Building Reductions:

1. Hold Up Time-Allows the user to select the time that the activity has been held up in the Turbine Building since released from the reactor coolant system (i.e. <2 Hours, 2 -24 Hours, > 24 Hours, Specific Time). E. Turbine Building Reductions:
1. Hold Up Time-Allows the user to select the time that the activity has been held up in the Turbine Building since released from the reactor coolant system (i.e. <2 Hours, 2 -24 Hours, > 24 Hours, SpeGifiC Time). F. Radwaste Building Reductions:
1. Hold Up Time-Allows the user to select the time that the activity has been held up in the Radwaste Building since released from the reactor coolant system (i.e. <2 Hours, 2 -24 Hours, > 24 Hours, Specific Time). 1 .6 Release Tabs -These tabs allow the user to select the appropriate release rate format for the release pathway. 1.6.1 Monitored Release Tab -is used when the release source data from installed effluent monitors (Stack and Vents) is available and the monitors are providing usable data A. Select the desired monitor from the available monitor list. B. Enter monitor reading in the designated units. C. Release Point Flow Rate. Rev. No. Page _.2.§_ of ---2..2_ I DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 9 of 12 1.6.2 Containment Leakage Tab -is used when the release pathway does not include normal plant effluent monitors, supports assessment of source term using the Containment High Range Radiation Monitors (CAM) and those monitors are providing usable data. This group also supports developing source term information from assumptions about plant conditions with no plant radiation or effluent data. A. Method -This option allows selection of a source term that applies to a containment release directly to the environment.

The source term selected in this option must correspond with the source term selected in the Source Term Group. 1. Normal Coolant No Spiking -This assumes normal coolant activities as the source term. This option is only selectable IF the normal coolant option has been selected in the source term grouping.

2. Normal Coolant with Spiking -This assumes normal coolant activities multiplied by a factor of 30 as the source term. This option. is only selectable IF the normal coolant with spiking option has been selected in the source term grouping.
3. Percent Fuel Damage -This option may only be selected IF the "Reactor Core Accident

option is selected in the source term grouping.

The percent damage is applied to the total activity available for release from the core in either the clad or melt scenario, as selected in the source term grouping.

This establishes the magnitude of the activity available for release. 4. Containment Radiation Monitors -The Containment radiation monitors (high range monitors) option may also be available for the core damage source term. The magnitude of the activity available for release f ram the containment is scaled based on the containment radiation monitors.

Rev. No. __ 2_ Page ....2J.._

of ......§2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE EAP-4B Page 10 of 12 8. Release Mode -this option allow the user to select the type of containment leakage. The Release Mode option will default to the design basis leak rate of containment established in the program setup. The user may change this value. 1. Leakage -Input the amount of containment leakage in percent per day. Range is 0 -100 percent. 2. Failure To Isolate -assumes that the entire activity available for release in the containment atmosphere will be released in the period defined in the database.

The value for JAF is 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. 3. Catastrophic Failure -Catastrophic failure assumes that the entire activity available for release in the containment atmosphere will be release in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. 4. Calculated Containment Leak Rate -This option allows the user to enter a Specific/calculated flow rate. 1.6.3 RCS Leakage -this option is used when the release pathway does not include normal plant effluent monitors and supports developing source term information from assumptions about plant conditions with no plant radiation or effluent data. A. Method -This option allows selection of a source term to apply for RCS leakage directly to the environment.

Method selections will be available I unavailable based on selections in the source term grouping. 1 . Normal Coolant No Spiking -This assumes normal coolant activities as the source term. This option is only selectable if the normal coolant option has been selected in the source term grouping.

2. Normal Coolant with Spiking -This assumes normal coolant activities multiplied by a factor (user supplied) as the source term. This option is only selectable IF the normal coolant with spiking option has been selected in the source term grouping.
3. Percent Fuel Damage -This option may only be selected if the core damage option is selected in .the source term grouping.

The percent damage is applied to the total activity available for release from the core in either the clad or melt scenario, as selected in the source term grouping.

This establishes the magnitude of the activity available for release. Rev. No. Page --2JL_ of _Q.2_ I .

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B ATTACHMENT 9 URI PARAMETER GUIDE Page 11 of 12 B. Release Mode -this option allows the user to input a known RCS leak rate or select unknown leak rate. 1. Unknown Leak Rate -This field will default to the release of the entire reactor coolant system in a period defined in the unit setup (typically in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />). 2. Calculated RCS Leak Rate -This allows the user to input a RCS leak rate in gpm. 1.6.4 Release Point Sample -This option is used when there is a valid sample collected from the effluent release point. The release point sample option does not scale the release magnitude, apply process reduction factors, or apply assumed mixes. It uses only the inputted data. Therefore, the sample data should include noble gas, iodine, and particulate release information.

Sample results are inputted using the units uCi/cc and a path flow rate in SCFM. A. Flow Rate (SCFM) -Input the flow rate of the release pathway in CFM. B. Isotope I uCi/cc -Input the uCi/cc activity for the isotopes listed. Not all isotopes need a value. C. A list of 33 isotopes is provided in the isotope input selection box. Enter the observed concentrations of each identified isotope. Isotopes that were not identified in the samples should be left as *o*. 1.6.5 Field Team -This option is used to estimate the source term and to calculate a complete dose projection based on readings obtained from monitoring teams in the field. This option allows the user to input field team data into the model. Caution should be taken when using this option for projections since accuracy is dependent on how near the field team is to plume centerline.

URI assumes that surveys/samples are taken at or close to the plume centerline, exceeding PAR limits will not be highlighted when using field team data. A. Analysis Basis -These options allow the user to input the field team

  • survey results. Rev. No. _2_ 1 . Survey-This radio button is selected by default when the Field Team option is selected.
2. Downwind (Miles) -This allows the user to input sample distance from the plant in miles. 3. Exposure Rate (mR/hr) -This allows the user to input the gamma reading at the sample point. Page of _Q2_


    • ------EAP-4B Page 12 of 12 4. 1-131 Concentration (uCl/cc) -This allows the user to input the 1-131 concentration at the sample point. This data should be obtained from the Offsite Team Coordinator.

IF no data is available, then insert "O" uCi/cc. 5. Survey Time -This allows the user to input the time the survey was taken. B. Travel Information -The travel time is calculated from the wind speed and distance downwind.

The release time is calculated from the activity measured in relation to release rates. There is no user input into these fields. The Source term and dose projections are scaled based on the observed measurements.

URI assumes IF only a gamma measurement is used, then all values are scaled from that reading. IF a gamma and an iodine sample are obtained, the gamma is used to scale doses from noble gases and the iodine is used to scale the iodine and particulate doses for both COE Thyroid and TEDE. 1.6.6 Group Release Rates (GAR) -This METHOD Tab is NOT applicable at JAF and is grayed out. 1.7 The Process Assessment Button 1.7.1 Whenever any input field is changed on any of the groupings, pathway selection, or the tabs, the Process Assessment button will be displayed over top of the results from the previous assessment.

1.7.2 When all new input selections are completed, select the Process Assessment button bar. A green progress bar will be shown and when the computations are completed, the new results will be displayed and the Process Assessment button bar will be removed. 1.7.3* IF all inputs are not complete or are not within defined bounds the following indicators will be present: A. There will be a red dot next to the invalid value B. There will be a message (Calculation cannot be completed until all errors are resolved) in the lower left corner of window. C. The Process Assessment button will have a message (Calculation cannot be completed until all errors are resolved) and the Process Assessment button bar will not function Rev. No. Page _Q.Q_ of ___Q_2_


REPORTS AND MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS Page 1 of 3 1.0 MAIN SCREEN: URI RESULTS DISPLAY 1 .1 Results are presented for the 7 standard RASCAL distances that are outside of the farthest site boundary out to 1 O mile plus an additional line for the furthest distance > PAG if applicable.

The six standard distances for the 50 mile assessment are displayed.

Results for distances closer to the site than the farthest site boundary are not shown. The green line after the SB row denotes where offsite dose results begin. 1.2 TEDE or CDE (JAF uses child thyroid) results that exceed the EAL value for SAE will be highlighted orange to indicate that the dose limit has been exceeded.

1.3 TEDE or COE results that exceed the EPA PAG dose values (1 Rem TEDE, 5 Rem CDE(Thy))

will be highlighted in RED. 1.4 Results in URI are reported for the calculation region (sector I distance slice or puff grid) and are not peak values at a Specific geographical point. 1.5 Results columns 1.5.1 Exposure rate is the RATE (mR/hr) value that would be observed on a gamma measuring device 1.5.2 External is the dose commitment for the duration of the exposure from the plume (mrem or rem) 1.5.3 Inhalation is the dose commitment to the whole body from internally deposited radionuclides (mrem or rem) 1.5.4 Deposition is the integrated external dose from radionuclides deposited on the ground. This integration is performed for a period of 4 days following termination of the release, regardless of the release duration (mrem or rem). 1.5.5 TEDE is the sum of the external, inhalation, and deposition doses (mRem). 1.5.6 CDE thyroid is the dose to the thyroid from internally deposited radionuclides.

The child thyroid dose (mRem) is used at JAF. 1.6 Release Rates -A summary of the total release rate of noble gases, iodines, and particulates is shown at the bottom right corner of the URI screen. 1.7 Emergency Action Level Classification -The EAL classification, based on the dose projections, is shown just below the dose table or the map depending on the URI mode used. Only the Site Area Emergency and the General Emergency classification are applicable at JAF for offsite dose based EALs. These classifications are based on the dose projections and will not reflect the emergency status of the plant for EALs that are not based on dose to the public. Rev. No. _2_ Page __Q1_ of _.§.2_


DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B ATTACHMENT 10 ASSESSMENT RESULTS DISPLAYS, REPORTS AND MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS Page 2 of 3 1.8 Readings to PAG's -The monitor readings required to reach the PAGs at the site boundary, 2 miles, and 5 miles are shown in the Readings to PAG grouping at the bottom right of URI screen. These values represent the monitor readings that would have to exist to reach the TEDE or COE Thyroid PAG at the distances shown with the current dispersion conditions.

The monitor readings to PAG calculation only applies to the effluent and containment radiation monitor. 1.9 PAG Distance (Miles)-Shows the distance at which PAGs have been exceeded and is located in the upper right corner of the URI screen PAR display. 1.1 O Globe Icon -Located under the "Monitored Release" tab at top of screen will pop up the "Evacuation Area Overview".

This graphic displays of the areas of the EPZ projected to exceed the PAG guidelines (1 Rem TEDE, 5 Rem Child Thyroid), which is normally the evacuated zones. 1 .11 The program does not make protective action recommendations.

The "Evacuation Area Overview

should be used to assess protective actions based on reference to other procedures.


2.1 The PRINT icon in the center top, just below the Monitored Release tab provides copy printout or XPS document output of the Dose Assessment Report or Receptor Point Report. The print to XPS document will store the report on the hard drive. 2.2 The dose assessment report includes the information shown on the Input/ results page, the PAR display, and the detailed isotopic source term. 2.3 The print Preview icon displays the same reports without producing hard copy printouts or XPS document files. 3.0 PLUME MAP 3.1 The View receptor point locations icon (10 Mile EPZ Map) located in the icon group in the upper left of URI screen provides a graphical, color coded map display of the results. 3.2 Numerous display options are available.

Select these options by clicking the radio button or checkbox.

3.3 The plume display is also available through the "View" tab on the menu bar. 3.4 Time to thresholds

-The time required to reach predefined thresholds (for example the PAG limit) can be displayed using the view menu and selecting "Time to Thresholds".

Rev. No. _2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B ATTACHMENT 10 ASSESSMENT RESULTS DISPLAYS, REPORTS AND MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS Page 3 of 3 4.0 ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS AND REPORTS 4.1 Other calculations and reports are available through the Calculations menu 4.1.1 Air Sample Calculations

-Tool to calculate the iodine concentration from a field air samples. The Air sample calculation form is also available from the calculator icon at the upper left. 4.1.2 Conversion Calculations

-Tool that allows the user to perform several conversion calculations.

Most useful to convert uCi/cc to uCl/sec based on CFM flow. 4.1.3 Distances and Bearing -Tool that calculates the distance and compass direction between any two user input points. 4.1.4 EDE to TEDE Ratios -Table that shows the EDE/TEDE ration with Iodine and the EDE/TEDE ratio without Iodine to calculate the field team TEDE dose based on SRO reading. A. EDE X ratio*= TEDE dose 4.1.5 Source Term Data -Tool that displays the calculated release rate (source term) for individual isotopes for the current dose projection.

Rev. No. _2_ Page ___§]_ of __§2_

DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT EAP-4B ATTACHMENT 11 LAKE AND LAND BREEZE FLOWCHART YES YES YES . . ** . Potentral for onshore flow or:* . . . rumlgatlon exists:,:*

  • ' Perform actions in accordance with step 7.12.1 Rev. No. _2_ Page 1 of 2 . :*,*, .. STOP Analysis;,/:-.-:;
  • ' ' ' , ... ,,. . /" : .. NO modifications to PARS required Page --2..L_ of ---2..2_


11 LAKE AND LAND BREEZE FLOWCHART YES YES YES . Land Breeze OR potential for Land .* * , .. :*. ,,; Breeze mayexlst.*;i:; , :. '. . 200' Wind Direction may not be representative of stack height winds. Continue to monitor. Rev. No. _2_ Page 2 of 2 NO . ;>:.;.:. STOP Analysis * , :;:, . .;: ***.* A L.aiid Breeze Is NOTexpected

<'.*: NO modifications to PARs required Page _Q_2_ of _§_2_

ATTACHMENT9.1 SHEET1 OF4 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-48 I Revision:

2 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT 10CFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan): Change 1: Remove Attachment 12 -URI COMPUTER PROGRAM LOADING INSTRUCTIONS.

Also, remove from Table of Contents and from list of Attachments Section 10.0 Reason: Attachment is no longer needed because information for loading URI is now located in the procedure in Section 8.2.1 Change 2: Reword Section 8.2.1 to reflect new Exelon platform instead of Previously used Entergy Network. Previous Revision:

A2. Perform the following steps: a. Select the "Start icon" b. Select "All Programs" c. Select "JAF URI" from the program list d. IF the program does not load from the hard drive, THEN load the program from the Entergy Network as follows: 1) Select the computer "Start icon" 2) Select "All Programs" 3) Select "Nuclear Corporate Applications (ESM)" 4) Select "Nuclear Emergency Response" 5) Select "URl-JAP' B. Any Entergy Network Computers

1. Select the computer "Start icon" 2. Select "All Programs" 3. Select "Nuclear Corporate Applications (ESM)" 4. Select "Nuclear Emergency Response" 5. Select "URl-JAP' C. IF program fails to start or an error is received, THEN locate the facility back up disk and load the program on an available computer.

Refer to Attachment 13, URI Computer Program Loading Instructions for details. Proposed revision:

A2. Perform the following steps: a. b. c. d. 1. 2. Select the "Start icon" Select "All Programs" Select LANDESK Management from the program list Select Portal Manager Refresh Portal Manager program list Deploy program NGG-URI Fitzpatrick B. IF program fails to start or an error is received, THEN locate a designated backup URI PC 1. Repeat Steps 8.2.1.A.1 and 8.2.1.A.2 C. Any other Exelon computer 1. Contact IT to deploy via disaster recovery process EN-EP-305 REV 3


9.1 SHEET20F4


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EAP-48 I Revision:

2 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed?

DYES 181 NO Is this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 1 O CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Alert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is NOT required.

Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below: complete Part VI. Justification:

D Bounding document attached (optional)

Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-Ll-100)

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54Ca)(3)


APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION 181 If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3)


D One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3}

Screening for that portion of the activity.

Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity.


Evaluation Is NOT reauired.

ldentifv controllino chanoe processes below and complete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES:


Part IV. Editorial Change UYES 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation Is numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.


Enter justification There are no editorial changes. and complete Part VI. EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT9.1 SHEET30F4 1 OCFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EAP-48 I Revision:

2 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function identified in brackets)

Does this activitv affect anv of the followina, includina oroaram elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned.

(1] D 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. (1] D 3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned.

D [2] 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained.

[2] D 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] D 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] D 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] D 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them D of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.

[5] 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert D and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response 0 organizations.

[6) 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel.

[6] D 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the u plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established.

[7] 0 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response.

[8] u 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response.

[8] u 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] u 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies.

[10] 0 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are u available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities.

[1 O] 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, D including those for hostile action events.[1 O] 21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established.

[11] D 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.

(12] D 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed.

(13] u 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program 0 areas) is established.

[14] 25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D maintain, and demonstrate kev skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify EN-EP-305 REV 3



9.1 SHEET40F4


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EAP-4B I Revision:

2 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrlck Nuclear Power Plant Title: DETAILED DOSE ASSESSMENT weaknesses.

[14] 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected.

[14] D 27. Training Is provided to emergency responders.

[15] u 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established.

[16] u 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] D APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION 181 If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. 0 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3)


BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Change 1 & 2:The Emergency Plan states in Plan Section 6, Step "Shift personnel will rely on a simplified computerized dose model (URI in "rapid mode"} to assist them in developing offsite dose projections using real time data from effluent monitors and site meteorology" and Plan Section 6, Step "Dedicated ERO personnel will analyze the offsite consequences of a release using the full capabilities of the URI model". In both sections it refers to using URI but does not specify specific pathways to get to URI. The Emergency Plan provides for the function but, does not refer to a specific method for getting to URI. The proposed change is required due to the transition from Entergy to Exelon. Each company uses URI -this change aligns the operating instructions for the Exelon platform, terminology, etc. The details of the URI method as detailed in the Emergency Plan remain unchanged.

Therefore, the change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Part VI. Signatures:

Preparer Name (Print) Preparer he Date: Mellonie Christman Y'<\rL <"JA.f\A n11 03-23-2017 (Optional)

Reviewer Name (Print) /A Reviewer Signature Date: Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date: Nuclear EP Project Manager CR-J.f\t-JoJ1--

O;ll/5 Approver Name (Print)

Date: James D. Jones r.f-EP manager or designee .... EN-EP-305 REV 3


  • *
  • QUALITY RELATED * * * *****************************
  • *
  • * * *****************************


') ---------



SHEET CHANGE AND REASON FOR CHANGE 126 FULL REVISION EAP-17 1. Transition from Entergy's Everbridge platform to Exelon's Everbridge platform.

Each company use's Everbridge Mass Notify -this change aligns the operating instructions for the Exelon platform, terminology, activation steps, etc. Editorial changes. 2. Replaced the name ERONS with Everbridge to avoid confusion with Exelon version and historic name used by Entergy. Editorial.

3. Added a reference to the "J-Drive" folder location where the ERO duty roster can be found to attachment 4 step 1. This provides a generic pathway example. Editorial.
4. Replaced dial in activation of Everbridge as used by Entergy with dial-in activation of EasyLink (now contained in Attachment 3). Rev. No. 126 Page of _],_.2_ l
    • -***-.. **---------

EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING EAP-17 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 . 0 PURPOSE .....*.................*..*...*...........**........

4 2

  • * * * * * . * * * * * * * . * * * . * * * * * * * * . * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





5 6

        • .***.*************************************.***

6 7

  • 0 ATTACllMENT S . * * * . * * * . * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * . * * . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING EAP-17 1.0 PURPOSE To provide actions to ensure ERO readiness to respond to an emergency notification and actions to notify the ERO of an emergency.


2.1 Performance


3.2 A call-out test is being conducted as directed by the Emergency Preparedness Manager or designee.

Rev. No. 126 Page of --1..2_


4.1 Shift

Manager 4.1.1 Activate the ERO as required by IAP-1. 4.2 Human Resources 4.2.l Maintains an up-to-date list of all plant employees, their titles, and home phone numbers. 4.3 Manager Emergency Planning 4.3.l Maintain a database of ERO positions and qualified ERO people. 4.4 Security 4.4.1 Activate ERO when directed to do so by the Shift Manager or Control Room personnel.

4.5 Personnel

Assigned an ERO Notification Device Responsibilities are defined in EN-PL-147, Personnel Expectations Related to Emergency Response at Entergy Nuclear Sites and EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization.



5.1 Roster

and Schedule 5.1.1 5.1.2 ERO personnel shall comply with the actions associated with ERO duty in accordance with EN-PL-147, Personnel Expectations Related to Emergency Response at Entergy Nuclear Sites and EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization.

An on-call week shall normally run from 0700 Monday until 0700 the following Monday. If a holiday falls on Monday, the on-call period ends at 0700 the next work day following the holiday. 5.2 Maintenance of the ERO Database 5.2.1 5.2.2 Rev. No. 126 The Emergency Preparedness Manager, or designee, shall maintain a roster of all qualified ERO members and their ERO positions.

ERO personnel are responsible for validating their contact information in the Human Resource data base. Page of EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING EAP-17 5.2.3 5 .2 .4 The Emergency Preparedness Manager shall maintain an ERO duty roster of on-call positions and make this available to JAF site personnel.

A roster of emergency response organization staff and their contact information will be provided to Security, the Control Room, Simulator Control Room, TSC, and at the EOF, the Admin and Logistics Coordinator's desk (per EAP-46, SUPPLEMENTAL ERO ACTIONS).


6.1 Notification

and Activation of the ERO NOTE: The ERO notification System should be initiated within 10 minutes of event declaration and confirmation of system initiation should be performed within 15 minutes of event declaration.

6 .1.1 Shift Manager/Emergency Director A. IF EVERBRIDGE activation is required AND the Shift Manager or other designated Control Room personnel is unable to activate EVERBRIDGE, THEN contact Security and direct implementation of EAP-17, ATTACHMENT 2, INITIATE ACTIVATION/TERMINATION OF NOTIFICATION SYSTEM USING LIVE EVERBRIDGE AGENT and provide the following information to Security:

a. Type of event selected from the following table: Actual Event Unusual Actual Event Event Activation Respond to Event Alternative Termination Cancellation Facility Facility Response No facility For Security Notification Notification For Alert, Site activation events or that the event that the Area, or occurs . other events has been activation has General as determined terminated been cancelled Emergency by the *Optional for Emergency Director.

Unusual event. B. IF EVERBRIDGE activation is required, THEN implement Attachment 1 Rev. No. 126 Page _6_ of -1..2._


  • If TSC/OSC activation is desired at the NUE, THEN select "Actual Event Respond to Facility" option, this will activate all Emergency response facilities.

Security Personnel A. WHEN: 1. Directed by the Shift Manager or other Control Room personnel, OR 2. IF an event has occurred that causes significant site damage or casualties AND the Control Room cannot be contacted, THEN implement ATTACHMENT 2, INITIATE ACTIVATION/TERMINATION OF NOTIFICATION SYSTEM USING LIVE EVERBRIDGE AGENT. 3. IF EVERBRIDGE is being activated due to significant site damage or casualties AND the Control Room staff cannot be contacted, THEN select the following:

Actual Event Alternative Facility Response Individuals Assigned to the ERO A. ERO personnel shall comply with the actions associated with ERO duty in accordance with PL-147, Personnel Expectations Related to Emergency Response at Entergy Nuclear Sites and EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization.

B. IF notified of an emergency AND IF that notification indicates a security event THEN immediately respond to alternate emergency facilities.

C. IF notified of an emergency, THEN immediately respond to designated emergency facility.

Off-Shift Operations Personnel A. IF notified of an emergency AND IF that notification indicates a security event, THEN the oncoming Shift Manager OR Control Room OR Field Support Supervisor shall 1.

respond to the Incident Command Post (ICP), Oswego County Sheriff's Department, 39 Churchill Road, Oswego NY. (corner of NYS Route 481 and Churchill Road), AND Rev. No. 126 Page of --1.2_

EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING EAP-17 6 .1.5 6 .1.6 2. Assume the duties of JAF ICP Operations/RP Liaison. B. IF notified of an emergency at JAF, THEN shift Operations personnel shall: 1. IF a Security Event is NOT indicated, immediately respond to the OSC. 2. IF a Security Event IS indicated, immediately respond to the Alternate OSC located at the EOF, 2262 NY Route 176, Fulton, NY. Off-Shift Security Personnel A. IF notified .of an emergency AND IF that notification indicates a security event, THEN the oncoming Security Shift Supervisor shall 1. Immediately respond to the Incident Command Post, Oswego County Sheriff's Department, 39 Churchill Road, Oswego NY. (corner of NYS Route 481 and Churchill Road), AND 2. Assume the duties of JAF ICP Security Liaison. Emergency Director A. The Emergency Director may delegate:

1. Staffing responsibilities to an Admin and Logistics Coordinator.

Refer to EAP-46, SUPPLEMENTAL ERO ACTIONS. 2. ERO activation or notification via Everbridge to an EOF Communicator via EAP-1.1. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS




      • -**--*--*-*------

EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING EAP-17 Initiate Primary Activation I Termination of Notification System using the Internet Page 1 of 2 NOTE: The user name and password are case sensitive.

Four (4) failed attempts to log in will lock the system. 1. 2. EAP-17 CIRCLE the appropriate station from the table below. Station Username Password FitzPatrick CIRCLE the appropriate Activation

/ Termination for the event from the table below. Actual Event Unusual Actual Event Event Activation Respond to Event Alternative Termination Cancellation Facility Facility Response For Alert, Site No facility For Security Notification Notification Area, or activation events or that the event that the General occurs other events has been activation has Emergency as determined terminated been cancelled

  • Optional for by the Emergency Unusual event. Director.


EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING EAP-17 Initiate Primary Activation I Termination of Notification System using the Internet Page 2 of 2 NOTE: The user name and password are case sensitive.

Four (4) failed attempts to log in will lock the system. 3. OPEN Everbridge using the shortcut icon on your desktop computer.

A. IF shortcut icon is not available or not functioning, THEN OPEN a web browser, then TYPE: https://manager.everbridge.net/login in the address bar. B. If the internet is ll.Q.t_available, then GO to Attachment

2. 4. ENTER the appropriate station specific Username and Password from Step 1 and SELECT "Sign in". 5. VERIFY the appropriate Station Name is displayed and CLICK "Proceed".
6. CLICK on +Launch Incident button. 7. CLICK on the appropriate incident from step 2. 8. IF the incident displayed is not correct, THEN CLICK correct incident from list and RETURN to Step 8. 9. VERIFY the appropriate incident is displayed.
10. If the incident displayed is correct, then CLICK on "NEXT". C. CLICK check box to "Close Incident after successful send". D. CLICK on "SEND" . E. If confirm message box appears, then CLICK "Yes". 11. On the next screen, VALIDATE there is a date and time in Sent On column. 12. SELECT "Log Out" to exit the Everbridge Notification program. 13. VERIFY that a call to the Control Roqm from the ERO notification system is received within 2 minutes after the system was initiated.
14. If a confirmation call is ll.Q.t_received in the Control Room within 2 minutes confirming activation, then PROCEED to Attachment 2, Initiate Activation

/ Termination of Notification System Live Everbridge Agent. 15. INFORM the Shift Emergency Director of the status of the ERO Notification System Initiation and EXIT this procedure.

EAP-17 Rev. No. 126 EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING ATTACHMENT 1 Page --1.Q_ of ---1.2_ 1 I Initiate Activation I Termination of Notification System Using Live Everbridge Agent Page 1 of 2 1. TRANSPOSE data from Attachment 1, steps 1 and 2 to this form and OBTAIN peer check that data was transposed correctly.

2. CIRCLE the appropriate station from the table below. Station Organization Everbridge Name Username Hint Name First Last Question Resnonse FitzPatrick
3. CIRCLE the appropriate Activation Incident for the event from the table below. Actual Event Unusual Actual Event Event Activation Respond to Event Alternative Termination Cancellation Facility Facility Response For Alert, Site No facility Notification that Notification that Area, or General For Security Emergency activation events or other the event lias the activation occurs events as been has been determined by terminated cancelled
  • Optional for the Emergency Unusual event. Director.
4. CONTACT Everbridge Live Agent: 1-877-220-4911.
5. Press '2' when prompted to initiate a Broadcast with the Live Operator. (May hear music when being transferred.)
6. When Operator answers inform* the Operator that you want to. launch an incident.
7. When asked for your Username then PROVIDE the appropriate information from step 2, which may include verifying First *Name and Last Na.me from Step 2. 8. When asked your Hint question, then PROVIDE the Station Hint Question Response selected from step 2. 9. When asked if you will be using a notification template or creating a new notification, STATE using an incident template.


'i\. Initiate Activation I Termination of Notification System Using Live Everbridge Agent Page 2 of 2 I 10. When asked for the template title (Activation Incident) (you may request them to read the titles to you), then PROVIDE the appropriate title from step 3. 11. REQUEST that the Agent check the box to "close the incident after sending".

12. When asked by the Everbridge Agent "Would you like me to send this Incident now?" then REPLY Yes. 13. It is not necessary to record the incident ID number or notification ID number. 14. Request the time stamp for the initiation and record 15. VERIFY with the Everbridge Agent that the ERO Activation Incident has been successfully initiated.

A. If Everbridge Agent indicates that ERO Activation incident was unsuccessful*

or that there is a problem with the

  • Everbridge system and cannot successfully activate the incident, then PROCEED to Attachment 3, Initiate Activation Of Alternate Notification System Using Telephone Activation.
16. VERIFY that a call to the Control Room from the ERO notification system is received within 2 minutes after the system was initiated.

A. If a confirmation call is !l.Q.t_received in the Control Room within 2 minutes confirming scenario activation, then PROCEED to Attachment 3, Initiate Activation Of Alternate Notification System Using Telephone Activation.

17. INFORM the Shift Emergency Director of the status of the ERO Notification System Initiation and EXIT this procedure.

EAP-17 Rev. No. 126 EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING ATTACHMENT 2 Page --1£_ of _Jd_ ii INITIATE ACTIVATION OF ALTERNATE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM USING TELEPHONE ACTIVATION Page 1 of 2 1. CIRCLE the appropriate station from the table below. Station User ID Password Distribution List Number FitzPatrick

2. CIRCLE the appropriate Activation Script for the event from the table below. 01 -Actual Event Respond to Facility For Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency.
  • Optional for Unusual Event. An Actual Event has been declared at FitzPatrick.

If you are fit for duty and able to respond, please respond to your Emergency Response Facility." 03 -Actual Event Alternative Facility Response For Security events or other events as determined by the Emergency Director.

An Actual Event with Alternative

  • Reporting location has been declared at FitzPatrick.

Please respond to your Alternative Facility." 3. DIAL the Easylink toll free number 1-866-515-4852.

4. When the System prompts "Enter your USER ID, # sign, then your Password, #sign", then ENTER the User ID and Password provided in step 1. NOTE: You will be prompted to "Wait while we verify your ID and password" 5. When the System prompts "Enter your distribution list followed by the # sign, then ENTER the appropriate list number provided in step 2. EAP-17 Rev. No. 126 EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING ATTACHMENT 3 Page ---11._ of ---1..2_

INITIATE ACTIVATION OF ALTERNATE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM USING TELEPHONE ACTIVATION Page 2 of 2 EAP-17 NOTE: You will be prompted to "Wait while we verify your list" 6. When the System prompts "To confirm Press 1, to reenter your list number Press 2", then ENTER 1 to confirm or 2 to reenter the number. 7. When the system prompts "Press 3 to Record Your Message" then PRESS 3. 8. When the system prompts, "Begin recording at the tone, when you are finished press #" then RECORD the message provided in step 2. 9. When the system prompts, "Press 1 to playback, press 2 to rerecord, press 3 to send broadcast", then PRESS 1 to playback, 2 to re-record, or 3 to send the broadcast.

10. When the* system prompts, "For Immediately Delivery Press 1", then PRESS 1. 11. RECORD the job number provided by the system. Record Time 12. When the system prompts, "Press 9 to end the call" then PRESS 9. 13. If you do not receive a job number, then PROCEED to Attachment 4, MANUAL ACTIVATION OF THE ERO. 14. IF available, INFORM the Shift Emergency Director of the station of the ERO Notification System Initiation and EXIT this procedure.


i Attachment 4 Page 1 of 1 MANUAL ACTIVATION OF THE ERO NOTE: Use all available resources to perform the following steps IF EVERBRIDGE cannot be activated using Attachments 1, 2 or 3, THEN: EAP-17 1. Obtain the current ERO duty roster from the J drive -e.g.: J:On-Call Schedule ERO and Duty Team\YEAR\On Call Schedule YEAR.xlsx

a. Identify the ERO team on duty b. Identify the ERO personnel on duty 2. Obtain the ERO contact list from the ERO Roster binder 3. Contact ERO members on duty in the following order: a. EOF Admin Logistics Coordinator
i. Direct this person to: 1. Report to the EOF and begin manual call-out of ERO personnel on duty 2. Inform ERO personnel to respond to the emergency facility selected in Attachment 1 or 2 3. Use all responding EOF staff to assist in the manual call-out b. Facility leads (JIC Spokesperson, EOF Manager, TSC Manager, OSC Manager) i. Inform these people of the emergency and to report to their emergency facility selected in Attachment 1 or 2 c. Emergency Director i. Inform these people of the emergency and to report to their emergency facility selected in Attachment 1 or 2 Rev. No. 126 EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING ATTACHMENT 4 Page --1.2._ of --1.2._

ATTACHMENT9.1 SHEET1 OF5 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-17 I Revision:

126 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING 10CFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan): Change 1: Transition from Entergy's Everbridge platform to Exelon's Everbridge platform.

Each company uses Everbridge Mass Notify-this change aligns the operating instructions for the Exelon platform, terminology, . a. Section 5.2.2 change from "ERO personnel are responsible for initial set up of their profile, performing a quarterly verification of their profile and updating their profile when changes occur to personal contact information, in accordance with EN-EP-310.

ERO NOTIFICATION SYSTEM. "to ERO personnel are responsible for validating their contact information in the Human Resource data base" b. Throughout-Rename all Attachments to align with Exelon's Everbridge platform.

Previously were "Attachment 1 -Primary ERO Notification System Activation Instructions and Attachment 2 -Alternate ERO Notification System Activation Instructions" now are "Attachment 1 -INITIATE PRIMARY ACTIVATION I TERMINATION OF NOTIFICATION SYSTEM USING THE INTERNET. -INITIATE ACTIVATION/TERMINATION OF NOTIFICATION SYSTEM USING LIVE EVERBRIDGE AGENT. Attachment 3 -INITIATE ACTIVATION OF ALTERNATE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM USING TELEPHONE ACTIVATION and Attachment 4 -MANUAL ACTIVATION OF THE ERO c. Section 6. 1.1.B -Change from "If activate TSC/OSC is selected, then only the TSC and OSC personnel will be directed to report to their emergency response facility" to "If TSC/OSC activation is desired at the NUE, THEN select "Actual Event Respond to Facility

option, this will activate all Emergency response facilities" Change 2: Throughout

-Replaced the name ERONS with Everbridge to avoid confusion with Exelon version and historic name used by Entergy. Change 3: Attachment 3 -Replaced dial in activation of Everbridge as used by Entergy with dial-in activation of EasyLink.

Now reads "DIAL the Easylink toll free number 1-866-515-4852".

Change 4: Attachment 4, Step 1 -Added a reference to the "J-Drive" folder location where the ERO duty roster can be found. "J:On-Call Schedule ERO and Duty Team\ YEAR\On Call Schedule YE'AR.xlsx".

This provides access to the ERO duty roster. EN-EP-305 REV 3 1 OCFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Sti1EET20F5 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-17 I Revision:

126 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FltzPatrlck Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed?

DYES (gl NO Is this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Alert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is NOT required.

Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below: complete Part VI. Justification:

D Bounding document attached (optional)

Part Ill. Applicabllity of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-Ll-100)

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may Include changes to other documents which have a different chanae control orocess and are NOT to be included in this 50.54fn\f3)


APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION 181 If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3)


0 One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3)

Screening for that portion of the activity.

Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity.


Evaluation Is NOT reauired.

ldentifv controllina chanae orocesses below and comolete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES:

1 OCFR50.54(q)

Part IV. Editorial Change DYES IZJ NO 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.


Enter justification There are no editorial changes. and complete Part VI. EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT

9.1 SHEET30F5


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number:

I Revision:

126 .. I Equipment/fiacllity/Other:

James A *. i=itzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant* I . Title: EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING I Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function identified in brackets)

Does this activitv affect anv ofthe followino, includin!l oroaram elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency:fesponse is assigned.

[1] I D I 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis D (24n staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] . ** .* i 3. The process ensures that on.shift emergency response responsibilities l'are staffed and assigned.

D [2] : . 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and lnaintained.

[2] D I 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been

[3] D I 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance the emergency plan. [3] D I 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in Jse. [4] D I I 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them D of the emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.

[5] I 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] 1. 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, for Evaluation of Alert LJ and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with ttie licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] I 11.

are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response 0 organizations.

[6] : 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel.

[6] LJ 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the u plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] I 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies established.

[7] D 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response.

[Bl LJ 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency u 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive are in use. [9] LJ 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during

[10] D 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are u available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities.

[1 O] 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, LJ including those for hostile action events.[1 O] 21. The re.sources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established.

[11] 0 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.

[12] LJ 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed.

[13] .. u 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program u areas) is established.

[14] 25. Drills, 'exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D maintain, and demonstrate kev skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT

9.1 SHEET40F5

I Procedure/Dc;>cument Number: EAP-17 I Revision:

126 Equipment/Faclllty/Other:

James A. FltzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING weaknesses.

[14] 26. Identified weaknesses are

[14] 27. Training is provided to emergency responders.

[15] 10CFR50.54{q)

SCREENING u D 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established.

[16] U 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] U APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION

[8l If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. 0 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3)


BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Change 1 :The Emergency Plan states in Plan Section 6, Step 6.1.1 The onsite emergency organization is activated by personnel notification or when the station alarm is sounded and the emergency is announced over the public address system." The Emergency Plan provides for the function but, does not refer to a specific method for personnel notification.

The proposed change is required due to the transition from Entergy's Everbridge platform to Exelon's Everbridge platform.

Each company uses Everbridge Mass Notify -this change aligns the operating instructions for the Exelon platform, terminology, activation steps, etc. The details of the ERO notification method as detailed in the Emergency Plan remain unchanged.

Therefore, the change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 2: The Emergency Plan states in Plan Section 6, Step 6.1.1 The onsite emergency organization is activated by personnel notification or when the station alarm is sounded and the emergency is announced over the public address system." The Emergency Plan provides for the function but, does not refer to a specific method for personnel notification.

The proposed change replaces the name ERONS with Everbridge as an activation method. The details of the ERO notification method as detailed in the Emergency Plan remain unchanged.

Therefore, the change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 3: The Emergency Plan states in Plan Section 6, Step 6.1.1 The onsite emergency organization is activated by personnel notification or when the station alarm is sounded and the emergency is announced over the public address system." The Emergency Plan provides for the function but, does not refer to a specific method for personnel notification.

The proposed change replaces the dial in activation of Everbridge as used by Entergy with dial-in activa,tion of Easylink as an activation option. Procedure now reads "DIAL the Easylink toll free 1-866-515-4852" instead of the Everbridge dial in number. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 4: The proposed change adds a reference to the "J-Drive" folder location where the ERO duty roster can be found. "J:On-Call Schedule ERO and Duty Team\YEAR\On Call Schedule YEAR.xlsx".

This provides access to the ERO duty roster. Previously JAF procedure just stated "Obtain the current ERO duty roster from the J drive and there was no link provided.

This addition provides clarity going forward with the Exelon integration.

The details of the ERO notification method as detailed in the Emergency Plan remain unchanged.

Therefore, the change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation Is required.



OF 5 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-17 I Revision:

126 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant . Title: EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION STAFFING Part VI. Signatures:

Preparer Name (Print) Mellonie Christman (Optional)

Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Name (Print) Nuclear EP Project Manager Approver Name (Print) James D. Jones EP manager or designee Preparer Signature N

Signature Reviewer Signature CR-'JAt

)15 10CFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Date: 03-21-2017 Date: Date: Date: '3*

EN-EP-305 REV 3


  • *
  • QUALITY RELATED * * * *****************************
  • *
  • * * *****************************



SHEET CH.ANGE AND REASON FOR CHANGE Section 3.1.1 replaced superseded reference with current. Reason: reference was superseded and needed to be updated. 2. Removed sections 3.2.2 and 3.3.2 references.

Reason: Procedures have been previously withdrawn.

3. Section 5.2.1 added statement "Currently, ERDS is implemented by PI Software at JAF which provides the data to a PI Server at the NRC." Reason: to clarify the use of PI Software at JAF. 4. Section 5.4 Updated. Reason: to reflect new hardware configuration, required for transition to Exelon. 5. Section 5.5.5 added Program 2, PitoNRCERDS.exe.

Reason: to reflect new program usage. 6. Removed Section 5.5.6, Corporate PI Server. Reason: JAF will no longer need to use Corporate PI Server. 7. Attac}Jment 1 Updated. Reason: to reflect new hardware configuration.

8. Added Attachment 4, JAF PI ERDS TAGS -TABLE 3. Reason: These specialized tags will be needed to distribute information from our server to the NRC. Rev. No. _1Q_ Page of _15_ *.




4 3 . 0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 . 0 REQUIREMENTS








9 8 . 0 PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9




-FIGURE 1 ...............


14 Rev . No . -1..Q_ Page of -15_

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM 1.0 PURPOSE COMM 4.0 EAP-45 This procedure establishes a configuration control program for the hardware and software components of the James A. FitzPatrick Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) . The purpose of this configuration control program is to ensure that no changes are made to the JAF ERDS that may affect the operability of the system without proper review and approval.


This procedure applies to JAFNPP personnel assigned responsibilities for the design, maintenance, and control of the hardware and software components of the JAF ERDS.


3.1 Performance

References 3 .1.1 3 .1.2 3.1.3 3 .1. 4 CSWI-3068, Configuration Control of EPIC/Security Systems EN-LI-100



-10CFR50.59 REVIEW PROCESS 3.2 Developmental References 3 .2 .1 NUREG-1394 Revision 1 (6/91), Emergency Response Data System Implementation


4.1 NUREG-1394 Revision 1 (6/91), Emergency Response Data System Implementation, Section 3.6, Administrative Implementation Requirements.

4.2 Commitments

4.2.1 NUREG-1394 Revision 1 (6/91), Emergency Response Data System Implementation:

Ensure the integrity of the ERDS hardware and software configuration.

Rev. No. _1.Q_ Page _4_ of --1..2_


5.1 Emergency

and Plant Information computer System {EPIC) The main JAF plant process computer that gathers inputs from various plant sensors and instruments.

It provides the principal man-machine interface to this information for plant personnel.

One major subsystem is the Safety Parameter and Display System (SPDS) for use during plant emergencies.

EPIC is one of the two sources of data for the JAF ERDS. 5.2 Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) 5.2.1 5.2.2 JAF ERDS The computer system at JAF which gathers plant data from EPIC and meteorological data from MDAS and provides the interface capability of sending that data to the NRC ERDS. Currently, ERDS is implemented by PI Software at JAF which provides the data to a PI Server at the NRC. NRC ERDS The computer system which the NRC uses to gather emergency response data from nuclear power plants. JAF ERDS is one input to this system. 5.3 Meteorological Data Acquisition System {MDAS) The JAF computer system whose function is to gather site area meteorological data. MDAS is one of the two sources of data for the JAF ERDS. 5.4 ERDS Hardware Configuration The ERDS hardware specifically covered by this procedure includes the following.

This equipment is graphically depicted in Attachment

1. 5.4.1 The cabling and termination panels that connect the TSC weather strip chart recorders to the Digital conversion card in JAFNT002 (MDAS) 5.4.2 JAFNT002 (MDAS) -A Windows NT server located in the Auxiliary Computer Room near the TSC. Any change to the computer hardware, analog-to-digital conversion card, operating system or MDAS software may affect proper function of the computer and is subject to the controls of this procedure.

Rev. No. _lQ_ Page of . ___ __J EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM EAP-45 5.4.3 5.4.4 JAFNT005 (Plant Parameters Server) -A Windows NT server located in the Auxiliary Computer Room near the TSC. This computer provides interface between the MDAS server (JAFNT002) and the PI server (JAFAPBPZP003).

Any change to the computer hardware, analog-to-digital conversion card, operating system or software may affect proper function of the computer and is subject to the controls of this procedure.

JAFAPETSP009 (PDS L2 Server) -This server receives EPIC data from the Level 3 PDS server via 90-40DD-1 data diode and provides data to PI server (JAFAPBPZP003) via network switch. Any change to the computer hardware, analog-to-digital conversion card, operating system or software may affect proper function of the computer and is subject to the controls of this procedure.

Additionally, changes to the points listed in Attachment 2 could impact the data provided to the NRC via ERDS and the controls of this procedure should be reviewed prior to implementing changes. JAFAPBPZP003 (JAF PI Server) -This server receives EPIC data and MDAS weather data and provides data to the NRC PI server via the network and internet.

Any change to the computer hardware, analog-to-digital conversion card, operating system or software may affect proper function of the computer is subject to the controls of this procedure.

A specialized group of PI Tags is used for the data to the NRC, to align with NRC's configuration requirements, changes to these tags will impact the data provided to the NRC and the controls in this procedure apply to these PI Tags. 5.5 ERDS Software Configuration The JAF ERDS receives input data from both the EPIC and MDAS systems. Therefore, the software configuration must extend to the programs on those systems that transmit data points to the JAF ERDS, the JAF ERDS receiving program, and the actual JAF ERDS transmission program. 5.5.1 EPIC System Program Name: PDS_SRVR


Transmits EPIC points to PDS server located on cyber level 3 network. Initiation:

Manual initiation Rev. No. _lQ_ Page of ---1.2__

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM EAP-45 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 Rev. No. --1.Q_ MDAS System ' Program Name: mdas.exe


Receives data from the TSC meteorological strip chart recorders, calculates 15-minute averages and sends those values with a time stamp to JAF ERDS. Initiation:

Automatic upon MDAS system startup. PDS Level 3 Program 1 Name:



Program 2 Name:



PDS Level 2 Program 1 Name:



Program 2 Name:



GDASVR.EXE Receives data from EPIC PDS_SRVR service. Automatic upon system startup. EXTLINKTX.exe Sends EPIC data points through data diode to PDS Level 2 Manual initiation GDASVR.EXE Receives data from PDS Level 3. Automatic upon system startup. EXTLINK.exe Receives EPIC data points from EXTLINKTX.exe service on JAFAPETSPOlO Manual initiation Page of --1.5_


Program 1 Name:



Program 2 Name:



pibasess.exe Receives data from PDS Level 2. Automatic upon system startup PitoNRCERDS.exe Transmits data from ERDS PI Tags to the NRC Manual initiation


6.1 JM Corporate/Site Engineer Notifies JAF EPIC personnel of any plant modifications that may cause any changes to EPIC data point inputs, as required by Reference 3.1.2. 6.2 JM Information Technology Programmer/Analyst 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 Notifies the Emergency Planning Manager of any potential changes to the JAF ERDS hardware connections from EPIC. Awaits approval by the Emergency Planning Manager before enacting any such changes. Ensures proper reception of EPIC and MDAS data inputs to the JAF ERDS, and transmission to the NRC ERDS. Ensures the proper configuration control of JAF ERDS hardware and software.

6.3 Emergency

Planning Manager 6.3.1 Administers entire JAF ERDS capability.

6.3.2 As the Application Manager, reviews and approves all JAF ERDS hardware and software changes before they are enacted. 6.3.3 Notifies USNRC, as soon as possible, if JAF ERDS system availability will be affected by hardware changes or testing. Rev. No. -1.Q_ Page of -1..2._ I


EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM 7.0 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS NONE 8.0 PROCEDURE EAP-45 8.1 The initiator of any proposed changes to the existing hardware or software configuration or to source EPIC instrumentation shall comply with applicable portion of EN-LI-100 and shall notify the Emergency Planning Manager, by written correspondence, of the nature and extent of the proposed changes; the time the system will be affected and inoperable, the date the system will be returned to full service, the reason for the proposed changes; and the estimated impact on the ERDS system availability and/or operability.

The correspondence shall include a line for Emergency Planning Manager acknowledgement. (System calibration does not constitute changes to EPIC instrumentation, unless system parameters are changed.)

8.2 The Emergency Planning Manager shall sign, copy and return to the initiator the written correspondence either approving or disapproving the proposed changes. 8.3 Upon completion of the changes, the initiator shall notify the Emergency Planning Manager of the actual implementation, and shall fully describe in writing the new hardware, software, or data point configuration.

8.4 The Emergency Planning Manager shall notify the USNRC of any changes to the JAF ERDS hardware or software configuration which affect the plant parameters described in the ERDS Data Point Library (Attachment

1) within 30 days of implementation.

8.5 The Emergency Planning Manager shall provide to the USNRC any hardware and software changes, with the exception of data point modifications, that could affect the transmission format and computer communication protocol to the ERDS as soon as practicable and at least 30 days prior to the modification.

8.6 The Emergency Planning Manager shall be responsible for maintaining copies of this correspondence, which shall constitute the JAF ERDS configuration changes log. Rev. No . .....l.Q_

Page of --1.2_





-FIGURE 1 EPIC HOST A EPIC HOSTB 09-40518 LeveJ3 PDS JAFAPETSP010 EPIC Network switch Level 3 Data Diode 09-4000-1 Leva 2 MMRAS Room Business Network Switch lAFNTOOS JAFNT002 17MDAS-PC-3 Weather Chart Recorder Panel 17MDAS-PNL-S Rev. No. __lQ__ Level 2PDS JAFAPETSP009 JAFPI Server JAFAPBPZP003 Exelon Network Firewall NRC Network Page _J,1._ of _15_

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM EAP-45 ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 1 JAF ERDS DATA POINTS EPIC SYSTEM OUTPUTS -TABLE 1 PTID NAME DESCRIPTION 1128 13FT-58 RCIC Pump Discharge Flow 1151 14FT-40A Lower Core Spray Flow 1152 14FT-40B Upper Core Spray Flow 1257 23FT-82 HPCI Pump Discharge Flow 1263 23LT-203A1A2 Primary Containment Level 3093 DWP Drywell Pressure 3097 RX PRES Reactor Pressure 3102 SPWL Torus Water Level 3108 RXWL Reactor Water Level 3313 MFWFLOW Total Feedwater Flow 3316 DWT Drywell Temperature 3341 STACK-CI Stack µcuries/Sec 3342 RBEXH-CI Reactor Bldg Vent µcuries/Sec 3343 RFEXH-CI Refuel Floor Exh µcuries/Sec 3344 TBEXB-CI Turbine Bldg Vent µcuries/Sec 3345 RWEXH-CI Rad Waste Bldg Vent µCuries/Sec 3346 SW-CI Service Water µcuries/Ml 3355 OFFGASRAD Highest Offgas Monitor 3370 STACK-CIHI Stack High Range Curies/Sec 3373 TBEXH-CIHI Turb Bldg High Range Curies/Sec 3374 RWEXH-CIHI Rad Waste High Range Curies/Sec 3376 RXPWR Reactor APRM Power 3377 DRYWELLHIRAD Highest Drywell Rad Monitor 3380 SPWT .Torus Water Temperature 3386 CSTLVL Condensate Storage Tank Level 3447 SRMPWR SRM power 3448 IRMPWR IRM power 3449 MSLHIRAD Highest Main Steam Line Rad Monitor 3450 DWH2CONC DW Hydrogen Concentration 3451 DW02CONC DW Oxygen Concentration 3452 LPCIAFLOW LPCI Loop A Flow 3453 LPCIBFLOW LPCI Loop B Flow Rev. No . _iQ_ Page _12_ of .....12._

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM ATTACHMENT 3 EAP-45 Page 1 of 1 JAF ERDS DATA POINTS MDAS SYSTEM OUTPUTS -TABLE 2 NAME DESCRIPTION WS30 Wind Speed at 30 Feet WS200 Wind Speed at 200 Feet WD30 Wind Direction at 30 Feet WD200 Wind Direction at 200 Feet ST30 Sigma Theta at 30 Feet ST200 Sigma Theta at 200 Feet Rev. No . __lQ_ Page _1]_ of --1..2__


FZ1 ERDS.A-1128.13Ff-58 ROC PMP DISCH GPM Float32 FZl ERDS.A-1128.13Ff-58.0UAL FLW Status Diqital FZl ERDS.A-1151.14Ff-40A CSA FLW GPM Float32 FZ1 ERDS.A-1151.14Ff-40A.OUAL Status Digital FZ1 ERDS.A-1152.14Ff-40B CS B FLW GPM Float32 FZl ERDS.A-1152.14Ff-40B.OUAL Status Diqital FZl ERDS.A-1257.23Ff-82 HPO PMP DISCH GPM Float32 FZ1 ERDS.A-1257.23FT-82.QUAL FLW Status Dia ital FZ1 ERDS.A-t263.23LT-203A1A2 CONT WTR LVL A Ff Float32 FZ1 ERDS.A-t263.23LT-203A1A2.QUAL Status Dioital FZl ERDS.A-3093.DWP DRYWELL PRESSURE PSIG Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3093.DWP.OUAL Status Digital FZl _ERDS.A-3097 .RXPRES RX PRESSURE PSIG Float32 FZ1 ERDS.A-3097.RXPRES.OUAL Status Diqital Flt ERDS.A-3102.SPWL SUPPRESSION POOL Ff Roat32 Flt ERDS.A-3102.SPWL.QUAL WATER LEVEL Status Dioital FZl ERDS.A-3108.RXWL RX WATER LEVEL IN Float32 Flt ERDS.A-3108.RXWL.QUAL Status Diqital FZl ERDS.A-3313.MFWFLOW TOTAL FEEDWATER MLB/HR Roat32 FZl ERDS.A-3313.MFWFLOW.OUAL FLOW Status Digital FZl ERDS.A-3316.DWT DRYWELL F Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3316.DWT.QUAL TEMPERATURE Status Diqital FZl ERDS.A-3341.STACK-0 STACK UCURIES/SEC UOSEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3341.STACK-O.QUAL Status Dia ital FZl ERDS.A-3342.RBEXH-0 RB VENT UOSEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3342.RBEXH-O.OUAL UCURIES/SEC Status Dioital FZl ERDS.A-3343.RFEXH-0 REFUEL FLOOR EXH UOSEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3343.RFEXH-O.OUAL UO/SEC Status Dlqital FZl ERDS.A-3344.TBEXH-O TB VENT UOSEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3344.TBEXH-O.OUAL UCURIES/SEC Status Dioital FZl ERDS.A-3345.RWEXH-0 RWVENT UOSEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3345.RWEXH-O.OUAL UCURIES/SEC Status Dioital FZl ERDS.A-3346.SW-O SERVICE WATER UO/ML Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3346.SW-0.QUAL UCURIES/ML Status Diqital FZl ERDS.A-3355.0FFGASRAD HIGHEST OFFGAS MR/HR Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3355.0FFGASRAD.OUAL MONITOR Status Dioital FZl ERDS.A-3370.STACK-OHI STACK CURIES/SEC 0/SEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3370.STACK-OHI.QUAL HIGH RNG Status Diqital FZl ERDS.A-3373.TBEXH-OHI TURB BLDG HI RNG O/SEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3373.TBEXH-OHI.QUAL CURIES/SEC Status Diqital FZl ERDS.A-3374.RWEXH-CIHI RWVENT O/SEC Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3374.RWEXH-CIHI.OUAL CURIES/SEC HI RNG Status Dioital FZ1 ERDS.A-3376.RXPWR APRM RX POWER %PWR Float32 FZ1 ERDS.A-3376.RXPWR.QUAL Status Dioital FZ1 ERDS.A-3377 .DRYWELLHIRAD HIGHEST DRYWELL R/HR Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3377.DRYWELLHIRAD.QUAL RAD MONITOR Status Dlciital FZl_ERDS.A-3380.SPWT SUPR POOL WATER F Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3380.SPWT.QUAL TEMP Status Dioital FZ1 ERDS.A-3386.CSTLVL CONDENSATE IN H20 Float32 FZl_ERDS.A-3386.CSTLVL.QUAL STORAGE TANK Status Digital LEVEL FZ1 ERDS.A-3447.SRMPWR SRM POWER CPS Float32 FZl ERDS.A-3447.SRMPWR.QUAL Status Diqital Rev. No. _lQ_ I EAP-45 Page 1 of 2 A-1128.13Ff-58 A-1128.13Ff-58.0ual A-1151.14Ff-40A A-1151.14Ff-40A.Qual A-1152.14Ff-40B A-1152.14Ff-40B.Qual A-1257.23FT-82 A-1257.23Ff-82.Qual A-1263.23LT-203A1A2 A-1263.23LT-203A1A2.0ual A-3093.DWP A-3093.DWP.Oual A-3097.RXPRES A-3097 .RXPRES.Oual A-3102.SPWL A-3102.SPWL.Qual A-3108.RXWL A-3108.RXWL.Oual A-3313.MFWFLOW A-3313.MFWFLOW.Qual A-3316.DWT A-3316.DWT.Oual A-3341.STACK-O A-3341.STACK-0.0ual A-3342.RBEXH-O A-3342.RBEXH-O.Oual A-3343.RFEXH-O A-3343.RFEXH-0.0ual A-3344.TBEXH-O A-3344.TBEXH-O.Oual A-3345.RWEXH-0 A-3345.RWEXH-O.Oual A-3346.SW-O A-3346.SW-O.Qual A-3355.0FFGASRAD A-3355.0FFGASRAD.Qual A-3370.ST ACK-OHi A-3370.STACK-OHI.Qual A-3373.TBEXH-CIHI A-3373.TBEXH-OHI.Qual A-3374.RWEXH-OHI A-3374.RWEXH-CIHI.Oual A-3376. RXPWR A-3376.RXPWR.Qual A-3377.DRYWELLHIRAD A-3377. DRYWELLHIRAD.Qual A-3380.SPWT A-3380.SPWT.Qual A-3386.CSTLVL A-3386.CSTLVL.Qual A-3447.SRMPWR I A-344 7.SRMPWR.Oual I -------J J EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM {ERDS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM . ATTACHMENT 4 EAP-45 Page 2 of 2 JAF PI ERDS TAGS -TABLE 3 . *. , .... " . .>


'. ' .... .. Description

.. source Tag:*:' *

  • .. '.\U.*. k .. 1,.,r.' Type*F ,.,:** ... ::\ .. __ , ... FZ1 ERDS.A-3448.IRMPWR IRM POWER % Float32 A-3448.IRMPWR FZ1 EROS.A-3448.IRMPWR.OUAL Status Dlaital A-3448.IRMPWR.Oual FZ1 ERDS.A-3449.MSLHIRAD HIGHEST MSL RAD MR/HR Float32 A-3449. MSLHIRAD FZ1 EROS.A-3449.MSLHIRAD.QUAL MONITOR Status Dia ital A-3449.MSLHIRAD.Oual FZ1 ERDS.A-3450.DWH2CONC DWH2 % Float32 A-3450.DWH2CONC FZ1 EROS.A-3450.DWH2CONC.OUAL CONCENTRATION Status Dia ital A-3450.DWH2CONC.Oual FZ1 ERDS.A-3451.DW02CONC DW02 % Float32 A-3451.DW02CONC FZ1 ERDS.A-3451.DW02CONC.OUAL CONCENTRATION Status
  • Dia ital A-3451.DW02CONC.Oual FZl ERDS.A-3452.LPCIAFLOW LPO LOOP A FLOW GPM Float32 A-3452.LPCIAFLOW FZ1 ERDS.A-3452.LPCIAFLOW.OUAL Status Diaital A-3452.LPCIAFLOW .Oual FZl ERDS.A-3453.LPOBFLOW LPO LOOP B FLOW GPM Float32 A-3453.LPOBFLOW FZl ERDS.A-3453.LPOBFLOW.OUAL Status Diaital A-3453.LPOBFLOW.Oual FZl_ERDS.M-101.WS200 WIND SPEED AT 200 mph Float32 M-101.WS200 Ff FZ1_ERDS.M-102.WD200 WIND DIRECTION AT deg mag Float32 M-102.WD200 200 Ff FZl_ERDS.M-103.STIOO SIGMA THETA AT deg Float32 M-103.ST200 200 Ff FZ1_ERDS.M-104.WS30 WIND SPEED AT 30 mph Float32 M-104.WS30 Ff FZ1_ERDS.M-105.WD30 WIND DIRECTION AT deg mag Float32 M-105.WD30 30 Ff FZ1_ERDS.M-106.ST30 SIGMA THETA AT 30 deg Float32 M-106.5T30 Ff Rev. No . -1.Q_ Page -1.2_ of -1.5_

-* . AlTACHMENT9.1 SHEET1 OF5 10CFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EAP-45 I Revision:

10 Equipment/Facllity/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan): ,. Change 1: Section 3.1.1 replaced superseded reference with current. Previously read "CDS0-3.200

-software controls for epic system" AND NOW READS "CSWl-3068, Configuration Control of EPIC/Security Systems" Change 2: Removed sections 3.2.2 and 3.3.2 references.

Previously EAP-26 and EAP-28 were listed as references and these procedures no longer exist. Change 3: Section 5.2.1 added statement "Currently, EROS is implemented by Pl Software at JAF which provides the data to a Pl Server at the NRC." Change 4: Section 5.4 Updated EROS Hardware Configuration to reflect new hardware configuration.

Change 5: Section 5.5.5 added Program 2 (PltoNRCERDS.exe) to JAF Pl Serve listing to reflect new program usage. Change 6: Removed Section 5.5.6, Corporate Pl Server and its information because JAF will no longer need to use Corporate PI Server. Change 7: Attachment 1 Updated for EROS Hardware Configuration to reflect new hardware configuration.

Change 8: Added Attachment 4, JAF Pl EROS TAGS -TABLE 3 because these specialized tags will be needed to distribute information from our server to the NRC. EN-EP-305 REV 3



9.1 SHEET20F5


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EAP-45 Revision:

10 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EADS) CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed?

Is this activity fully bounded by an NRG approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and Notification System Design Report? If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is documented below: Justification:

D Bounding document attached (optional)

Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes DYES 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation Is NOT required.

Enter justification below and complete Part VI. [81 NO Continue to next part Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.{Refer to EN-Ll-100)

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(n\C3)



[81 If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3)


D One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3)

Screening for that portion of the activity.

Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity.


Evaluation is NOT reauired.

ldentifv controllino chanoe processes below and complete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES:


Part IV. Editorial Change Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? Justification:

Change 1: Section 3.1.1 replaced superseded reference with current. Previously read "CDS0*3.200

-software controls for epic system" AND NOW READS "CSWl-3068, Configuration Control of EPIC/Security Systems" Change 2: Removed sections 3.2.2 and 3.3.2 references.

Previously EAP-26 and EAP-28 were listed as references and these procedures no longer exist. These changes are editorial in nature in accordance with EN-AD-101.

They do not chanae the intent or puroose of he crocedure.

No further evaluation is reauired.

DYES 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Evaluation is NOT required.

Enter justification and complete Part VI. EN-EP-305 REV 3 I __ ___J

.j ATTACHMENT9.1 SHEET30F5 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-45 I Revision:

10 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 10CFR50.54(q}

SCREENING Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS} CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function identified in brackets)

Does this activltv affect anv of the followlna, inciudinQ proQram elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP*1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned.

[1] D 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis D (24/7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] 3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned.

D [2] 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained.

[2] D 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] D 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] D 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] D 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them D of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.

[5] 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert LJ and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response D organizations.

[6] 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel.

[6] LJ 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the D plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ}. [7] 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established.

[7] LJ 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response.

[8] u 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response.

[8] LJ 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] D 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies.

[10] D 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are u available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities.

[10) 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, D including those for hostiie action events.[1 O] 21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established.

[11] D 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.

[12] LJ 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed.

[13] LJ 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program D areas) is established.

[14] 25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify EN-EP-305 REV 3


9.1 SHEET40F5

Procedure/Document Number: EAP-45 Revision:

10 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FltzPatrlck Nuclear Power Plant 10CFR50.54(q)


[14] 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected.

[14] 27. Training is provided to emergency responders.

[15] 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established.

[16] D D u 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] U APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION

[81 If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. D If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3)


BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Change 3: Section 5.2.1 added statement "Currently, EROS is implemented by Pl Software at JAF which provides the data to a Pl Server at the NRC." The proposed change was added to clarify the use of Pl Software at JAF. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 4: Section 5.4 Updated this section to reflect new EROS Hardware Configuration.

The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 5: Section 5.5.5 added Program 2 {PltoNRCEROS.exe) to JAF Pl Server listing to reflect new program usage. The proposed change provides clarity going forward with the Exelon integration.

The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 6: Removed Section 5.5.6, Corporate Pl Server and its information because JAF will no longer need to use Corporate Pl Server. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 7: Attachment 1 Updated to reflect new EROS Hardware Configuration.

The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 8: Added Attachment 4, JAF Pl EROS TAGS-TABLE 3, because these specialized tags will be needed to distribute information from our server to the NRC. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

EN-EP-305 REV 3



OF 5 Procedure/Document Number: EAP-45 Revision:

10 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 10CFR50.54(q)


Preparer Name (Print) Mellonie Christman (Optional)

Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Name (Print) Nuclear EP Project Manager Approver Name (Print) James D. Jones EP manager or designee eviewer Signature Reviewer Signature Date: 03-20-2017 Date: Date: Date: 3-2l-:JOl1" EN-EP-305 REV 3 JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) QUARTERLY TESTING SAP-17 REVISION 13 EFFECTIVE DATE: *****************************

  • *
  • QUALITY RELATED * * * *****************************
  • *
  • * * *****************************




1. Section 4.0, first NOTE, added Control Room and removed statement that pass code is not case sensitive.

Reason: Transition to Exelon processes do not require this statement.

2. Step 4.1.1. rewritten.

Reason: to reflect changes in configuration related to transition to Exelon. 3. Section 4.2 rewritten.

Reason: to reflect changes in configuration related to transition to Exelon. Rev. No. _11_ Page _2_ of _8_




  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 4 3.0 EVENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 4 4.0 PROCEDURE
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 4 5.0 ATTAClm!ENTS
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 7 1. ERDS SUPPORT NtnmERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 8 Rev. No . __l1_ Page _3_ of _8_

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) QUARTERLY TESTING SAP-17 1. 0 PURPOSE This procedure establishes a method to test the operability of the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS). NRC Generic Letter 89-15 and NUREG-1394 require quarterly testing of the ERDS. 2


2.1 Performance


None 2.2 Developmental References 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Section VI -Emergency Response Data System NUREG-1394, Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Implementation NRC Generic Letter 89-15, dated 8/21/89 EN-EP-311,EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) ACTIVATION VIA THE VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK (VPN) . 3.0 INJ:TIATING EVENTS 3.1 This test will be conducted on the first Tuesday of each quarter: January, April, July and October, or as otherwise scheduled by NRC Operations Center. 4

  • 0 PROCEDURE NOTE: Only activate ERDS on the assigned, scheduled date, or call the,ERDS help desk before activating.

NOTE: Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) are assigned one pass code, shared between the Control Room, TSC and EOF. Use that pass code for this procedure.

4.1 Prior

to activating ERDS, check the information flow to ensure that the EPIC and MDAS data links are functioning by one of the following methods: Rev. No. ---1.1.._

Page _4_ of _8_ i '


A. Ensure the I: Drive is mapped, if it is not, perform the following.

1. Right click on My Computer (either on the desktop or in the start menu) and select Map network drive *** 2. Select I: (or another drive letter if I is used for something else) 3. Enter \\JAFSR040\APPS
4. Click Finish B. Open I:\EPLAN_PI-ERDS\ERDS Data.piw c. Open the ERDS Point Data sheet D. Verify the EPIC Points date/time stamps are updating at least once per minute (these may update faster) . These points are in the upper portion of the display. E. Verify the Weather-MDAS Points date/time stamps are updating at 15 minute frequency.

These points are in the lower portion of the display. F. Exit from the I:\EPLAN_PI-ERDS Data.piw workbook.

Optionally, contact the NRC ERDS Help Desk at: 301-287-9386 to determine if the NRC is ready to proceed with the test. Follow any instructions given by the ERDS System Engineer.


OF ERDS 4.2.1 Log on to any JAF personal computer.

4.2.2 Double

click on the ERDS_Activation.piw in the I:\EPLAN_PI-ERDS directory.

Rev. No. _lL Page _5_ of _8_ .

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) QUARTERLY TESTING SAP-17 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 Open the "Site ERDS Activation Display" appears, Click the "Connect" button to activate ERDS. Enter the appropriate pass code. Click the "Yes" button to confirm the activation.

4.3 ERDS STATUS 4.3.1 Monitor the status of ERDS link periodically during the test. 4.3.2 The "View Only Mode" reached after the Warning Screen will provide status of the requested site activation.

4.3.3 The "ERDS Status" window and the "Messages Sent" window will provide status such as activated or disconnected and the number of messages sent. Rev. No. __lL Page _6_ of _8_

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) QUARTERLY TESTING SAP-17 4.4 DISCONNECT ERDS NOTE: The ERDS test must run for at least two (2) hours. After that period, or as directed by the ERDS help desk, you can disconnect ERDS. NOTE: For any plant with an activated connection, the connection can only be broken by:

  • The computer that made the connection if it still has the ERDS activation program open, where no additional pass code entry is required on that computer to perform the deactivation
  • Any other computer that is logged into that site's system with a valid pass code
  • Any other computer that has that site selected on the ERDS activation screen 4.4.1 Click the "Disconnect" button on the Site Activation View. 4.4.2 Click the "Yes" button to confirm link termination.

4.4.3 Exit the Site Activation View. 4.4.4 Click "Yes" to confirm exit. 5.0 ATTACHMENTS ERDS Support Numbers Rev. No . __1L Page _7_ of _8_

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (ERDS) QUARTERLY TESTING SAP-17 ATTACHMENT 1 ERDS SUPPORT NUMBERS Emergency Response Data System Support Contact Information ERDS Support During Normal Business Hours Monday-Friday 7:00 am -4:30 pm (Eastern Time) Contractor response within sixty (60) minutes ERDS Help Desk 301-287-9386 ERDS@nrc.gov ERDS Support After Normal Business Hours Monday-Friday 4:30 pm -7:00 am (Eastern Time) Contractor response within sixty (60) minutes CONTACT PRIMARY SECONDARY

  1. 1 NRC 301-816-5100 301-951-0550 Headquarters Operations Officer Rev. No . -1.L Page 1 of 1 SECONDARY
  1. 2 800-532-3469 Page _8_ of _8_ ' \* I I

< ' ATTACHMENT9.1 5HEET1 OF5 Procedure/Document Number: SAP-17 I Revision:

13 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrlck Nuclear Power Plant 10CFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) QUARTERLY TESTING Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan): " Change 1: Section 4.0, first NOTE, added Control Room and removed statement that the pass code is not case sensitive.

Previously stated "NOTE: Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) are assigned one pass code, shared between the TSC and EOF. Use that pass code for this procedure.

The pass code is not case sensitive." And was changed to "NOTE: Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) are assigned one pass code, shared between the Control Room, TSC and EOF." Change 2: Step 4.1.1 has been rewritten to clarify how to check the information flow to ensure that the EPIC and MDAS data links are functioning.

Change 3: Section 4.2 has been rewritten.

This section previously referenced a link on the Entergy network which will no longer be active. The section now provides guidance on how to activate ERDS's from the Exelon network. EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT

9.1 SHEET20F5


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: SAP-17 Revision:

13 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DAT A SYSTEM (EROS) QUARTERLY TESTING Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed?

DYES [81 NO Is this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Alert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation Is NOT required.

Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below: complete Part VI. Justification:

0 Bounding document attached (optional)

Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-Ll-100)

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different change control orocess and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(a)(3)



[81 If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3)


0 One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q){3)

Screening for that portion of the activity.

Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity.


Evaluation is NOT reouired.

ldentifv controllina chanae orocesses below and complete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES:

1 OCFR50.54(q)

Part IV. Editorial Change DYES 181 NO 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation Is numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.

J ustiflcatlon:

Enter justification There are no editorial changes. and complete Part VI. EN-EP-305 REV 3

,. \,.

SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: SAP-17 I Revision:

13 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) QUARTERLY TESTING Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function identified in brackets)

Does this activity affect anv of the followinq, includinq proaram elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned.

[1] D 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1) D 3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned.

D [2) 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained.

[2] D 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] D 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3) D 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels Is in use. [4) D 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them D of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.

[5] 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5) 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert u and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response D organizations.

[6) 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel.

[6] D 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the D plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established.

[7] D 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response.

[8) u 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response.

[8) u 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] u 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies.

[1 O] D " 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are D' available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities.

[1 O] 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, u including those for hostile action events.[10)

21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established.

[11] D 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.

[12) D 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed.

[13] D 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program 0 areas) is established.

[14) 25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, 0 maintain, and demonstrate kev skills are assessed via a formal critiaue orocess in order to identifv EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT

9.1 SHEET40F5


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: SAP-17 I Revision:

13 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) QUARTERLY TESTING weaknesses.

[14] 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected.

[14] 0 27. Training is provided to emergency responders.

[15] 0 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established.

[16] U 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] U APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION 181 If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. 0 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3)


BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Change 1: Section 4.0, first NOTE, added Control Room and removed statement that the pass code is not case sensitive.

Previously stated, "NOTE: Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) are assigned one pass code, shared between the TSC and EOF. Use that pass code for this procedure.

The passcode is not case sensitive." and was changed to "NOTE: Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) are assigned one pass code, shared between the Control Room, TSC and EOF." The proposed change was made because upon transition to Exelon processes the Control Room must be included for password sharing regarding EROS and the statement requiring password being case sensitive it is no longer required.

The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 2: Step 4.1.1 has been rewritten to clarify how to check the information flow to ensure that the EPIC and MOAS data links are functioning prior to EROS activation.

This step was previously not included in the Entergy procedure and will be needed to transition to Exelon. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 3: Section 4.2 has been rewritten.

This section previously referenced a link on the Entergy network for EROS which will no longer be active. The section now provides guidance on how to activate EROS's from the Exelon network. Entergy's network will no longer be used so guidance is required for the user with the Exelon process. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS in any location therefore is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 SH,EET5 OF5 Procedure/Document Number: SAP-17 I Revision:

13 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 10CFR50.54(q)


Preparer Name (Print) Mellonie Christman (Optional)

Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Name (Print) Nuclear EP Project Manager Approver Name (Print) James D. Jones EP manager or designee Reviewer Signature Approver Signature Date: 03-20-2017 Date: Date: Date: EN-EP-305 REV 3 -_ __J NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 1 OF8 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) Procedure Contains Forms: YES Editorial TC Cancellation Effective Procedure Owner: James Jones, Date Title: Emergency (

(;l. Site: Preparedness ManaaerJAF 3/01Jao11 Site Site Procedure Champion JAF Jim Jones Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This Revision None Process Applicability Exclusion:

JAF LJ Governance Owner: James Jones, Title: Emergency Site: Preparedness ManaaerJAF Title Manaaer, EP NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 20F8 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) Change Statement

1. Section 1.0 [2] removed for those plants which maintain 24/7 connectivity.

Reason: because this procedure is being revised specifically for JAF we do not need that statement in this procedure.

2. Section 4.2 [2] change statement to reflect one Pass Code being used. Previous revision .stated "There are two site Pass Codes and a corporate pass code as follows:" and this revision will state "There is one site Pass Code that is shared as follows:" The bullets that follow in this section are also updated to reflect one Pass Code being used. Reason: JAF will no longer require 2 passwords.
3. Add Section 5.1 [2] regarding mapping the I: Drive. This addition will read: 5.1 [2] If it is necessary to map the I: Drive, perform the following: (a) Right click on My Computer (either on the desktop or in the start menu) and select Map network drive ... (b) Select I: (or another drive letter if I is used for something else, if another drive is used then substitute that drive letter for I: below) (c) Enter \\JAFSR040\APPS (d) Click Finish Reason: Directions for the I: Drive will provide clarity going forward for the transition to Exelon. 4. Section 5.3 and Section 5.4 -update Section to remove Entergy network information and process to replace with JAF EADS activation information.

The replacement will read: Log on to any JAF personal computer.

Double click on the ERDS_Activation.piw in the l:\EPLAN_Pl-ERDS directory Next will appear the "Site EADS Activation Display.

Click the "Connect

button to activate EADS. Enter the appropriate pass code. Click the Yes" button to confirm the activation.

Reason: Entergy network will no longer work at JAF 5. Remove entire Section 5.5 -ACTIVATION OF EADS -CORPORATE (ECH I WPO). Reason: This procedure is being revised specifically for JAF we do not need that section in this procedure because JAF will no longer be affiliated with Entergy. I Procedure Writer: Mellonie Christman Contains Proprietary Information:

YES D NO t8J NUCLEAR NON*CUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 30F8 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 PURPOSE ******.**.....*..*..*.*.**.******.*.*.*..*..*..*..*...*...*.*.*..*...*.....*..****........








3 5.0 DETAILS *****..*.*..**.*****.**.*.***.......**.****.**.***..**.***..*..*.**.*..***..*..*



7 7.0 RECORDS *********..*.**...**.****...**********.**....*...*..**.....****.**.********.*.


  • .**.*...****.*...*.......*....*.....***....***...*******



8 NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 40F8 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) 1.0 PURPOSE [1] This procedure provides for a secure network communications connection supporting the transmission of station parameters to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) in the event of a declared emergency.

This connection requires activation as soon as possible but not later than one hour after declaring an emergency class of alert, site area emergency, or general emergency.

The procedure provides the methodology for establishing the Virtual Private Network (VPN) communications link to the NRG for the transmission of Emergency Response Data System (EADS) data. [2] This procedure also provides instructions for verification of connections.


[1] 1 O CFR Part 50, Appendix E,Section VI -Emergency Response Data System [2] NUREG-1394, Emergency Response Data System (EADS) Implementation

[3] NRG Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2009-13, Emergency Response Data System Upgrade from Modem to Virtual Private Network Appliance

[4] NRG transmittal dated March 3, 2010, Emergency Response Data System Modem Transition

[5] Site Emergency Plans [6] Site Final Safety Analyses Reports (FSARs) [7] Emergency Response Data System Test Program (GL-93-01

), March 3, 1993 3.0 DEFINITIONS

[1] EROS -Emergency Response Data System 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES


[1] Control Room Operations Watch personnel will be the primary individuals to activate or direct activation of EADS. This can be delegated to the TSC, EOF or an IT Specialist if timeliness of activation is assured. [2] ERO personnel in the TSC and EOF will be the backup individuals to activate EROS.

NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 5 OF8 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) [3] Some Corporate Emergency Planning and Site Emergency Planning personnel will also have the ability to activate EROS. 4.2 PASS CODES [1] Emergency Planning personnel are responsible for creating and maintaining EROS Pass Codes used in the activation of the system and ensuring that Pass Codes are staged in the appropriate areas. [2] There is one site Pass Code that is shared as follows:

  • Control Room
  • Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs)
  • The site Emergency Planning staff
  • If a Site desires to transmit Simulator data during drills/exercises, then a second code must be created for use by the simulator.

[3] Site Emergency Planning is responsible for requesting any Pass Code changes via the IT help desk. 5.0 DETAILS 5.1 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS

[1] Pass Codes need to be controlled by Emergency Planning to avoid inadvertent or malicious activation of the EROS system. [2] If it is necessary to map the I: Drive, perform the following: (a) Right click on My Computer (either on the desktop or in the start menu) and select Map network drive ... (b) Select I: (or another drive letter if I is used for something else, if another drive is used then substitute that drive letter for I: below) (c) Enter \\JAFSR040\APPS (d) Click Finish 5.2 WHEN TO ACTIVATE EROS [1] EROS is to be activated as soon as possible but not later than one hour after declaring an emergency class of alert, site area emergency, or general emergency.

NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 60F8 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) [2] EROS may be used during an exercise or drill when the simulator data transmission portion of the system is installed.

[3] EROS may be activated when requested by the NRG. 5.3 ACTIVATION OF EROS -PRIMARY (or Backup) NOTE: If assistance is needed from the EROS Support Group, the following phone numbers may be used: EROS Help Desk -301-287-9386 (7:30am to 5:00 pm EDT} EROS Day cell phone -240-731-2581 (7:30am to 5:00 pm EDT) EROS Emergency after hours cell -240-888-2326 (5:00 pm to 7:30 am EDT} [1] The Control Room is primary for the Activation of EROS. [2] Log on to any JAF personal computer.

[3] Double click on the ERDS....:.Activation.piw in the l:\EPLAN_Pl-ERDS directory

[4] Next will appear the "Site EROS Activation Display".

Click the "Connecf' button to activate EROS. [5] Enter the appropriate pass code. [6] Click the "Yes" button to confirm the activation.


OF EROS-BACKUP (or Primary) [1] The backup to the Control Room for the Activation of EROS will be the TSC and I or EOF IT Specialists.

[2] Site Emergency Planning personnel will also have the ability to activate EROS. [3] Activation is identical to Primary method. [4] Log on to any JAF personal computer [5] Double click on the ERDS_Activation.piw in the l:\EPLAN_Pl-ERDS directory.

[6] Next will appear the "Site EROS Activation Display".

Click the "Connect" button to activate EROS.

  • -****--**--*-**-*------

NUCLEAR NON*QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 70F8 Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) [7] Enter the appropriate pass code. [8] Click the "Yes" button to confirm the activation.

5.6 EROS STATUS [1] The "View Only Mode" reached after the Warning Screen will provide status of the requested site activation.

[2] The "EROS Status" window and the "Messages Senf' window will provide status such as activated or disconnected and the number of messages sent. 5.7 DISCONNECT EROS For any plant with an activated connection, the connection can only be broken by:

  • The computer that made the connection if it still has the ERDS activation program open, where no additional Pass Code entry is required on that computer to perform the deactivation
  • Any other computer that is logged into that site's system with a valid Pass Code
  • Any other computer that has that site selected on the EADS activation screen ' [1] Click the "Disconnecf' button on the Site Activation View. [2] Click the "Yes" button to confirm link termination.

[3] Exit the Site Activation View. [4] Click "Yes" to confirm exit. 6.0 INTERFACES None NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-311 I REV.4 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 8 OF8 Emergency Response Data System (EADS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) 7.0 RECORDS None 8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS None 9.0 AlTACHMENTS None




SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-311 I Revision:

4 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan): Change 1: Section 1.0 [2] removed 'for those plants which maintain 2417 connectivity".

Change 2: Section 4.2 [2] change statement to reflect one EADS Pass Code being used. Previous revision stated "There are two site Pass Codes and a corporate pass code as follows:" and this revision will state "There is one site Pass Code that is shared as follows:" The bullets that follow in this section are also updated to reflect one Pass Code being used. Change 3: Add Section 5.1 [2] regarding mapping EADS from the I: Drive. This addition will read: 5.1 [2] If it is necessary to map the I: Drive, perform the fol/owing: (a) Right click on My Computer (either on the desktop or in the start menu) and select Map network drive ... (b) Select I: (or another drive letter if I is used for something else, if another drive is used then substitute that drive letter for I: below) (c) Enter \UAFSR040\APPS (d) Click Finish Change 4: Section 5.3 and Section 5.4 -update Section to remove Entergy network information and process to replace with JAF EADS activation information.

The replacement will read: Log on to any JAF personal computer.

Double click on the ERDS_Actlvation.piw in the l:\EPLAN_Pl-ERDS directory Next will appear the "Site ERDS Activation Display".

Click the "Connect" button to activate EROS. Enter the appropriate pass code. Click the "Yes" button to confirm the activation.

Change 5: Remove entire Section 5.5 -ACTIVATION OF EROS-CORPORATE (ECH /WPO). EN-EP-305 REV 3

.. --"*****-*


9.1 SHEET20F5


SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-311 I Revision:

4 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FltzPatrlck Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed?

DYES [8J NO Is this activity fully bounded by an NRG approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Alert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is NOT required.

Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below: complete Part VI. Justification:

D Bounding document attached (optional)

Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-Ll-100)

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different chanQe control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54fn)f3)


APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION 181 If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3)


D One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3)

Screening for that portion of the activity.

Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds ail aspects of the activity.


Evaluation is NOT reauired.

ldentifv controllinQ chanae orocesses below and comalete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES:

1 OCFR50.54(q)

Part IV. Editorial Change DYES 1::8:1 NO 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.


Enter justification There are no editorial changes. and complete Part VI. EN-EP-305 REV 3

... *-...........

--* -----**---*---*-*---*-*


9.1 SHEET30F5

Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-311 I Revision:

4 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FltzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 10CFR50.54{q)

SCREENING Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM {EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network {VPN) Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 1 O CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function identified in brackets)

Does this activitv affect anv of the followina, includina croaram elements from NUREG*0654/FEMA REP*1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned.

[1] D 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis D (24n staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] 3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned.

D [2] 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained.

[2] D 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] D 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF In accordance with the emergency plan. [3] D 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [41 D 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them D of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.

[5] 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert u and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA* approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response D organizations.

[6] 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel.

[6] u 13. Emergency preparedness Information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the D plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] 14. Coordinated dissemination of public Information during emergencies is established_

[7] D 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response.

[8] D 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response.

[8] D 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LJ 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies.

[10] D 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located In the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LJ available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities.

[1 O] 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, D including those for hostile action events.[1 O] 21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established.

[11] D 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.

[12] D 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed.

[13] D 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program D areas) is established_

[14] 25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D maintain, and demonstrate kev skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify -EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT

9.1 SHEET40F5

1 OCFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-311 I Revision:

4 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrlck Nuclear Power Plant Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) weaknesses.

[14] 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected.

[14] U 27. Training is provided to emergency responders.

[15] D 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established.

[16] U 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] D APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. 0 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3)


BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Change 1: Section 1.0 [2] removed "for those plants which maintain 24/7 connectivity.

The Step now reads" This procedure also provides instructions for verification of connections." This EROS procedure is being revised specifically for JAF; therefore we do not need a statement referring to specific other plants in this procedure.

The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EADS and is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 2: Section 4.2 [2] change statement to reflect one Pass Code being used for EADS. Previous revision stated "There are two site Pass Codes and a corporate pass code as follows:" and this revision will state "There is one site Pass Code that is shared as follows:" The bullets that follow in this section are also updated to reflect one Pass Code being used. The proposed change was made because upon transition to Exelon processes the entire site will use the same password for EADS. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EADS and is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 3: Add Section 5.1 [2] regarding mapping EADS from the I: Drive. This addition will read: 5. 1 [2] If it is necessary to map the I: Drive, perform the following: (a) Right click on My Computer {either on the desktop or in the start menu) and select Map network drive *** (b) Select I: (or another drive letter if I is used for.something else, if another drive is used then substitute that drive Jetter for I: below) (c) Enter \\JAFSR040\APPS (d) Click Finish This step was previously not included in the Entergy procedure and will be needed for transition to Exelon. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EADS and is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 4: Section 5.3 and Section 5.4 -update Section to remove Entergy network information and process to replace with JAF EADS activation information.

The replacement will read: Log on to any JAF personal computer.

Double click on the ERDS_Activation.piw in the l:\EPLAN_Pl-ERDS directory Next will appear the "Site ERDS Activation Display".

Click the "Connect" button to activate ERDS. Enter the appropriate pass code. Click the "Yes" button to confirm the activation.

The section now provides guidance on how to activate ERDS's from the Exelon network. Entergy's network will no lonQer be used so ouidance is reauired for the user with the Exelon process. The Emeroencv Plan does not make EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT


OF 5 Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-311 J Revision:

4 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 10CFR50.54(q)

SCREENING Title: EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM (EROS) Activation via the Virtual Private Network (VPN) reference to EROS and is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 5: Remove entire Section 5.5 -ACTIVATION OF EROS -CORPORATE (ECH I WPO). Reason: This procedure is being revised specifically for JAF we do not need Section 5.5 in this procedure because JAF will no longer be affiliated with Entergy. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to EROS and is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Part VI. Signatures:

Preparer Name (Print) Preparer Signature Date: Mellonie Christman m() (Ay-1 03-21-2017 (Optional)

Reviewer Name (Print) f\} /f\ Revle'wer Signature Date: Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date: Nuclear EP Project Manager c R-:rrf"-ao\1-\15 Approver Name (Print) Approver Sipnature Date: James D. Jones 3*'ApJol1' EP manager or designee \ ' EN-EP-305 REV 3 I'


  • J NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN*FAP*EP-012 PROCEDURE MANA(;EMENT MANUAL Informational Use PAGE Severe Weather Recovery I Fleet Administrative Procedure Contains NMM eB REFLIB Forms: YES D NO [gJ Documents Canceled or Superseded by this Fleet Administrative Procedure EN*FAP*EP*012 Rev 1 Effective Date Governance Owner: Dean Burnett Title: Director, Emergency Programs 4f8'b'2916 Site: JAF Fleet Administrative Procedure Summary REV. 02 1OF17
  • This procedure provides guidance to Entergy personnel during recovery efforts associated with severe weather or other natural events. (ke;-ice storms, earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes).
  • This procedure provides guidance on responding to site emergencies following the passage of natural disasters or area blackouts directly or indirectly affecting the site's 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone. _j
            • -*-----*------------------NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN-FAP*EP-012 REV. 02 -.:::.:s Entergy MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL lnfomlational Use PAGE 2OF17 Severe Weather Recovery Change 1: Throughout entire procedure change CEC Director to Nuclear Duty Officer. Reason: With Exelon, the Nuclear Duty Officer is the person who performs these duties or arranges support to perform these duties. Change 2: Throughout entire procedure change CEC Manager to Nuclear Duty Officer. Reason: With Exelon, the Nuclear Duty Officer is the person who performs these duties or arranges support to perform these duties. Change 3: Throughout entire procedure change Shared Resources Coordinator to Nuclear Duty Officer. Reason: With Exelon, the Nuclear Duty Officer is the person who performs these duties or arranges support to perform these duties. Change 4: Throughout entire procedure change Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) to Exelon Nuclear Corporate.

Reason: With Exelon, the Exelon Nuclear Corporate performs the equivalent functions as the CEC previously performed.

Change 5: Throughout entire procedure change Echelon to Exelon. Reason: Once ownership changes from Entergy to Exelon, Echelon will no longer be referenced.

Exelon will perform corporate support functions.

Change 6: Section 3.2 [1] Remove statement

The CEC Manager will report to the CEC Director

Reason: Nuclear Duty Officer is the designated representative of Exelon Nuclear Corporate.

Change 7: Remove Attachment 7.1, CEC Severe Weather Recovery Checklist, and all references to Attachment

7.1. Reason

This attachment was the Entergy corporate weather recovery checklist and Exelon will no longer use this form, it has its own equivalent procedure.

Change 8: Remove Attachment 7.3, CEC Relocation Checklist, and all references to Attachment

7.3. Reason

This attachment is for the Entergy corporate relocation checklist and Exelon will no longer use this form, it has its own equivalent procedure.

Change 9: Remove Attachment 7.4, Shared Resources Request, and all references to Attachment

7.4. Reason

This attachment is for the Entergy corporate to request for shared resources and Exelon will no longer use this form, it has its own process for requesting for shared resources.

Change 10: Remove Attachment 7.6, Severe Weather Response and Recovery Critique Sheet, and all references to Attachment 7 .6. Reason: This attachment is for the Entergy corporate to critique the severe weather recovery and Exelon will no longer use this form, it has its own process for critiquing processes.

Change 11: Make the old Attachment 7.2 now Attachment 7 .1 due to deletions of 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.6. Reason: Formatting Change 12: Make the old Attachment 7.5 now Attachment 7.2 due to deletions of 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.6. Reason: Formatting Change 13: Section 3.2 [3] Remove entire statement "Attachment

7.1 provides

guidance and instructions for key CEC staff and the actions that may be necessary in restoring the plant back to operational status." Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replace Entergy Fleet actions. Change 14: Section 3.3 [4] Remove entire statement "Request for shared resources will be made to the CEC using Attachment 7.4 or similar form." Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replace Entergy Fleet actions. Change 15: Section 3.3 [6] Remove entire statement "Before disbanding the command center or emergency response facility, the facility members or site team are responsible to use Attachment 7.6 or similar document to critique the response and recovery actions and to capture lessons learned and enhancements.

Consider PCRS to track identified corrective actions." Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replace Entergy Fleet actions. Associated PRHQN #: Procedure Writer: Doreen Browne NUCLEAR FLEET AoMINISmATIVE EN-F AP-EP-012 REV. 02 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL PAGE 30F17 Informational Use Severe Weather Recovery Change 16: Attachment 7.1 Item 24 Remove entire statement "Evaluate need for shared resources and request services through the CEC by completing Attachment 7.4." Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replaces Entergy Fleet actions. Change 17: Section 2.0 [10] Remove statement "CEC Manager will staff the CEC and coordinate activities until the CEC Director is assigned" Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replace Entergy Fleet actions. Change 18: Section 3.2 [2] Remove entire statement

The Corporate Emergency Center {CEC) is established to protect and recover the company's investment and ensure that the affected plant is maintained in a safe condition." Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replace Entergy Fleet actions. Change 19: Section 3.2 [4] Remove entire statement "The CEC Director will evaluate relocation of the CEC

  • facility using Attachment 7.3 if hazardous conditions make the CEC facility unsafe or if resources needed to operate the CEC are not available" Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replace Entergy Fleet actions. Change 20: Section 4.0 [1] remove definition of CEC Reason: CEC is no longer used in this procedure, no need to define. Change 21: Section 6.0 [2] remove EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations.

Reason: Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replaces Entergy Fleet actions. Change 22: Attachment 7.1 Item 37 NOTE remove the statement

'Waterford maintains a 7 day supply of diesel fuel for the Emergency Diesels." Reason: Waterford is no longer part of our fleet; Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replace Entergy Fleet actions. Change 23: Attachment 7.1 Add Item 4 "Contact Nuclear Duty Officer when the National Weather Service Indicates that the Severe Weather has passed or is no longer a threat to the site. {Phone number located in Emergency Telephone Directory)".

Reason: Previously there was no direction to contact The Nuclear Duty Officer.

Sh NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN*F AP-EP-012 REV. 02 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL PAGE 4OF17 Informational Use Severe Weather Recovery TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 PURPOSE ...***..***.**..*.****.*........*.**.*****..**.*.*.**......*.*...*.***..***......*..***.****



5 3.0 DETAILS .****....*.**.**.*.*...***.*...*...***.********.*..***..*.*.*.**.**.****.********.**..*.**..











  • .................*.




& NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISlFIATIVE EN-FAP-EP-012 REV. 02 -:--.--Entergy MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL PAGE 50F17 Informational Use Severe Weather Recovery 1.0 PURPOSE [1] This procedure provides guidance to Entergy personnel during recovery efforts associated with severe weather or other natural events. (i.e. ice storms, earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes).

[2] This procedure provides guidance on responding to site emergencies following the passage of natural disasters or area blackouts directly or indirectly affecting the site's 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone. [3] This procedure does not supersede the requirements of any other plant procedure.

It provides additional guidance specific to the requirements for confirming offsite emergency response capabilities following the passage of natural disasters.

[4] Site procedures may be used in lieu of this administrative procedure if the procedure provides site-specific details. 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES

[1] The Site Vice President manages the day-to-day recovery operations at the site. He/She maintains communications with the Corporate Nuclear Duty Officer and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) [2] The Nuclear Duty Officer is responsible for corporate support functions: (a) The overall command and control of the procedural and requested support activities at Exelon Nuclear Corporate during an Off-Normal Situation involving an Entergy facility where assistance is requested. (b) Making notifications to Exelon senior management personnel to ensure they are aware of the event and provide any available status regarding the event. (c) Establishing an organization to handle issues such as housing, pay, logistics, recovery, engineering, etc. (d) Fulfilling requests from any of the sites upon notification of an Off-Normal Situation.

These requests may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Return electrical service to the Nuclear site
  • Clearing of roadways
  • Obtaining food and supplies to support corporate and site recovery I I 4llA NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN-FAP*EP-012 REV. 02 '= -PROCEDURE

-===-Entergy MANAGEMENT MANUAL Informational Use PAGE 60F 17 Severe Weather Recovery

  • Obtaining heavy equipment, portable generators, and lighting
  • Providing temporary living quarters to displaced employee families
  • Providing and coordinating shared resources

[3] The Emergency Planning Manager (EPM) at each site, or designee, is responsible for: (a) Making contact with offsite officials following the passage of a natural disaster or area blackout to determine their status and emergency response capability. (b) Writing Condition Reports (CRs) for any conditions that may need site action to correct. (i.e.: sirens not functional, offsite hotlines are not working, etc.). (c) Performing the post event evaluation for restart per EN-EP-301, EP Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Capability Following a Natural Disaster, if required.

[4] Corporate Communications (CC) should work with other company officials to develop formal statements and press information regarding the plant. All press releases will be processed through Corporate Communications.

Corporate Communications acts as a buffer between the news media and those actively engaged in recovery activities.

[5] Regulatory Assurance is responsible for coordinating with site licensing personnel and supporting the site in interpretation of Technical Specifications, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), and other licensing documents.

[6] Engineering (Eng) provides technical support to the recovery operation.

Eng. will coordinate with Transmission and Distribution personnel to assign proper priority to return equipment critical to operation of the plant. [7] Security (Sec) provides liaison with Local Law Enforcement Agencies and the site security organization to support recovery plan activities.

[8] Materials, Purchasing, and Contracts (MP&C) is responsible for coordinating with the sites relative to procurement of supplies, equipment and other resources necessary to address recovery actions. [9] Corporate Emergency Planning (EP) will coordinate Exelon Nuclear Corporate and Incident response activities.

EP will interface with site EP Management and assist with the Post Disaster Assessment of Off-Site Capabilities Review (


EP-301, Attachment 9.1.)


-=-Entergy MANAGEMENT MANUAL Informational Use PAGE 7OF17 Severe Weather Recovery [10] Human Resources (HR) will interface with site management and coordinate addressing the needs of employees and their families that have been affected by such events. HR addresses hotel and housing needs, rental vehicles, etc., and secures professional services to address emotional/psychological concerns resulting from the event. HR will coordinate setup of temporary living quarters for site personnel.

HR will interface with local government agencies to facilitate setup of temporary housing. This activity should be coordinated with Business Continuity.

[11] Business Services (Bus) makes assessments regarding the extent and duration of financial needs. Bus coordinates shared resources that are needed to support Transmission and Distribution.

[12] The Nuclear Duty Officer will ensure plant needs are met by coordinating resources from other sites. [13] Exelon Engineering (Eng) will coordinate priority return of power to essential plant equipment. (i.e. Sirens, EOF) with the appropriate Local Utility Companies.

[14] Northern Sites will coordinate priority return of power to essential plant equipment. (i.e. Sirens, EOF) for South plants. 3.0 DETAILS 3.1 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS

[1] Ensure Nuclear Plant Operating Agreements for Off site Power requirements with Transmission and MISO (Ref.: ENS-DC-199, Off Site Power Supply Design Requirements Nuclear Plant Interface Requirements), or equivalent site design requirements are met before advising the site of power availability and that the site operations crew understands the requirements and status prior to making an operability determination.


DETAILS -OFF-SITE [1] The Exelon Nuclear Corporate will manage storm recovery.

[2] The Chief Operating Officer (COO), Site Vice Presidents, Plant General Managers, and other management positions may activate additional positions and/or change the Exelon Nuclear Corporate staff as they deem necessary to best support recovery efforts. [3] The Exelon Nuclear Corporate will coordinate the sites' request for shared resources.

At1\ NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISIBATIVE EN-FAP-EP-012 REV. 02 -PROCEDURE MANAGEMENT MANUAL PAGE 8OF17 lnfonnational Use Severe Weather Recovery 3.3 GENERAL DETAILS -ON-SITE [1] Once the hazard potential has passed, steps must be taken to recover from the incident.

All actions should be pre-planned in order to limit personnel exposure to hazardous conditions.

[2] The Site Recovery Lead has the responsibility for determining when it is appropriate to enter into the recovery phase. [3] At the time of initiating Attachment

7.1 activities

to enter the recovery phase, the Site Recovery Lead will be responsible for informing all applicable agencies (e.g., federal, state, and local) that on-site conditions have stabilized and activities for recovery from the incident may begin. [4] When severe weather conditions have passed, perform site walk-downs using the instructions in Attachment 7.2. 4.0 DEFINITIONS


[1] NRC Administrative Letter 97-03: Plant Restart Discussions Following Natural Disasters

[2] NRC Information Notice 93-53: Effect of Hurricane Andrew on Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station and Lessons Learned [3] NRC Information Notice 93-53 Supplement 1: Effect of Hurricane Andrew on Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station and Lessons Learned [4] NRC Inspection Manual, Chapter 1601: Communication Protocol for Assessing Offsite Emergency Preparedness Following a Natural Disaster [5] NRC Inspection Manual, Chapter 0305: Oversight of Operating Reactor Facilities in a Shutdown Condition with Performance Problems [6] FEMA document:

Post-Natural Disaster Assessment of Off-Site Preparedness Capabilities


[1] EN-EP-301, EP Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Capability Following a Natural Disaster.

[2] EN-FAP-EP-010, Severe Weather Response.

[3] ENS-DC-199, Off Site Power Supply Design Requirements Nuclear Plant Interface Requirements

[4] EN-DC-356, Post Earthquake Inspection Procedure



        • ------------------------

& NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN*FAP*EP-012 REV. 02 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL PAGE 10OF17 Informational Use Severe Weather Recovery ATTACHMENT 7.1 SITE SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY CHECKLIST Sheet 1of5 NOTE The implementation of this Checklist is the discretion of the Site VP, GMPO, Duty Manager, or designee.

He/She may implement this checklist in total or only those steps that he deems appropriate.

Any steps may be N/A depending on personnel safety, manpower, applicability, storm severity, existing outside conditions, plant status, site accessibility, etc. These steps may be completed in any order or performed simultaneously unless otherwise stated. Group responsible is suggested only. The task assignment may vary from site to site. Steps may be signed by someone knowledgeable (Duty EP, Duty Mgr., GMPO, etc.) that the task was completed.

This form or a similar form may be used. Recovery and Plant Restart 1. When the National Weather Service indicates that the Severe GROUP RESP INITIALS I DATE Start/Complete/NI A Weather has passed or is no longer a threat to the site, inform (GM) the Control Room and ensure Severe Weather response team --1 __J --personnel are relieved as soon as practical.

2. Perform comprehensive radiological surveys of the site. Determine if a radiological release has occurred and the magnitude of the release. Radiological surveys of outside areas (HP) may be required prior to granting full access to the protected

--1 __J --area. Post or re-post radiation and contamination area boundaries as necessary.

3. Dispatch teams on site as soon as possible following storm __ ! __ I --passage to search for missing personnel and provide aid to (GM) trapped or injured personnel as necessary.
4. Contact Nuclear Duty Officer when the National Weather Service indicates that the Severe Weather has passed or is no (EP) __ / __ I __ longer a threat to the site. (Phone number located in Emergency Telephone Directory)
5. IF site recovery is due to an earthquake at the facility, THEN ensure EN-DC-356, Post Earthquake Inspection Procedure is implemented.
6. Inventory and account for all radiological waste and radioactive sources on-site. 7. Restore site security and safeguards (if previously suspended)
8. Re-establish fire protection, including the outside fire protection systems, as soon as the situation has been evaluated and conditions allow. Remove, rope off, or otherwise resolve unsafe conditions in and around the site. (Eng) __} __ ! __ (HP) __} __ ! __ (Sec) __} ___ ! __ (GM) __ /__} ___

.. **----*-*-*--*


7.1 Sheet


9. Update Employee Information Hotline when event is over. See EN-FAP-EP-010, Severe Weather Response, for Hotline access information.
10. If recovery will last longer than 7 days, consider development of a plan to relieve plant workers. Review fatigue rule if applicable
11. Arrange for relief of plant personnel utilizing alternate personnel or shared resource personnel from other sites, to allow for personal and family needs to be addressed.
12. Designate personnel to coordinate plant restart efforts for both onsite and offsite issues. Offsite coordinators work with State, Parish/County, FEMA and NRC personnel in accordance with NRC Administrative Letter 97-03 and EN-EP-301, EP Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Capability Following a Natural Disaster.
13. Develop contingency plans for water make-up to the site that will meet specifications.

Consider Rx Water, Demineralizer Water, Fire Water, potable water etc., as applicable.

14. Designate personnel to staff teams for onsite, offsite and employee recovery efforts with a director or manager as the responsible lead for each team. Coordinate efforts with Exelon Nuclear Corporate.

Refer to Attachment 7.2 when teams are dispatched.

15. Initiate appropriate clean-up and recovery efforts due to the Severe Weather. 16. Remove unsafe industrial conditions such as exposed and energized power lines, unstable structures, broken glass, etc. 17. Observe water intake screens and have maintenance clean screens and filters if required.
18. Survey remaining plant outside structures for damage and take appropriate action; also remove any temporary covers or severe weather shielding of permanent plant equipment placed during storm preparations.

Refer to Attachment 7.2 19. Provide for information such as status of roads, evacuation orders still in place along return routes, evacuation orders lifted and curfew status for employees and families returning to the area. The Corporate response Team members may need to stay in place long enough (after storm) to provide this information.

GROUP RESP (EP) (GM) (GM) (GM) (GM) (GM) (GM) (Maint) (Ops) (Ops) (Maint) (EP) INITIALS I DATE Start/Complete/NI A __/ __/ __ __/__/_ __/__/_ __I__/ __ __/__/_ __I__!_ __I--'--__/ --'--__I__! __ __/ --'--__/ __/ ___


-===-Entergy MANAGEMENT MANUAL PAGE 12OF17 lnfonnational Use Severe Weather Recovery ATTACHMENT

7.1 Sheet


20. Perform checks of E-Plan components and document in accordance with EN-EP-301, EP Planning Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Capability Following a Natural Disaster:
a. EROS b. ENS c. State/Local hotlines d. Plant Phones e. Plant Radios f. Met Tower g. Environmental Monitoring Stations h. Gaitronics
i. Plant Alarms. 21. Perform ERO notification test to verify ERO can be contacted prior to releasing personnel from their sequestered role. 22. Determine status of offsite sirens and document results in accordance with EN-EP-301.
23. Review status of Letters of Agreements (LOAs) for possible impact on the ability to respond or otherwise meet the intent of the agreement.
24. Ensure that minimum staffing capabilities and response times are maintained if personnel are evacuated.
25. Verify operability of primary and alternate Emergency Facilities.
26. Direct recovery team personnel to call the Employee Information Hotline at pre-determined times for instructions on staging and activation of their recovery team. (see item #7) 27. Consult with Exelon personnel on availability of helicopters for moving personnel and supplies to the site after storm passage, if necessary.

This applies to the South only. GROUP RESP (EP) (EP) (EP) (EP) (EP) (EP) (EP) (EP) INITIALS I DATE Start/Complete/NI A --'--'--

4\ NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN-FAP-EP-012 REV. 02 ' --Entergy PROCEDURE MANAGEMENT MANUAL lnfonnational Use PAGE 13OF17 Severe Weather Recovery ATTACHMENT7.1 SITE SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY CHECKLIST Sheet4 of 5 28. Provide truck driver support to obtain necessary foodstuffs and water to sustain response personnel onsite after the storm. 29. Remove sandbags.

30. Return staged material (i.e. oil, gas, pumps, hoses) to pre storm condition
31. Restore any security lighting that was removed prior to the storm. 32. Ensure that materials that could create a transient combustible condition are monitored and removed following passage of the storm. 33. Perform electrical inspection of equipment which was exposed to the storm's environment prior to re-energizing.

For electrical components wetted, by rain, have Electrical dry and megger the equipment, as necessary, and after successful meggering, energize any installed heaters. 34. If restoration of equipment is necessary for reactor safety, and time does not permit a full cleaning and inspection, station a watch in a safe location to report any abnormal operation.

35. Pump out manholes and other low-lying areas where water has collected.
36. Evaluate need to procure land service equipment, such as open top, drop frame, enclosed, and refrigerator trailers and tractors.
37. Evaluate need for procurement of temporary structures, such as mobile modular and Kelly buildings, laundry, shower and hygiene, portable toilets, and tents. 38. Evaluate need for procurement of post and chain link security fence equipment.

GROUP RESP (Maint) (Maint) (Maint) (Maint) (Sec) (Maint) (Maint) (Maint) (Maint) (EP) (Maint) (EP) (Maint} (EP) (Sec) INITIALS I DATE Start/Complete/NIA

___)___) __ ___) __ ! __ ___) __ ! __ __J ___) __ __J ___)_'_ __J ___) __ ___) __ ! __ ___)___) __ __J ___) __ __J ___) __ __ I___) __


7.1 Sheet

5 of 5 SITE SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY CHECKLIST NOTE GROUP RESP INITIALS I DATE Start/Complete/NIA Consideration should be given to prioritizing the delivery of diesel fuel and/or establishing alternate paths of delivery. (Ex: Highway transportation may not be possible so consideration given to river transportation.)

39. Evaluate need to procure additional fuel oil for plant and clean-up equipment.

Consider method to expedite acceptance of fuel oil deliveries.

40. Evaluate need to purchase the following:
a. Food/Water
b. Propane grills for on-site cooking. c. Rental cars for employee transportation
d. Cellular phones for employee communication
41. Verify operability of radiological effluent monitors.
42. Verify status of meteorological instrumentation.

Establish alternate means of obtaining meteorological data if some instruments are not functioning properly.

43. Evaluate operability of instrumentation/equipment needed to support Emergency Planning I EALs. 44. Notify NRC of recovery status. 45. Emergency Preparedness personnel will ensure Emergency Facilities and inventories are returned to a ready status. 46. Completed checklist and log books are to be forwarded to Emergency Preparedness.
47. Ensure that the NRC, State, Parishes or Counties are aware of the plant restart schedule well in advance. 48. Verify that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is aware of the plant restart schedule and that the Agency had not identified any concerns regarding restart. 49. Coordinate re-entry of personnel and equipment to the site with local law enforcement in the County/Parish EOCs. 50. Verify with Local Law Enforcement Agencies (LLEA) whether they will recognize and accept Entergy identification badges. (Ops) (MP&C) (EP) (HP) (Ops) (Ops) (NSA) (EP) (All) (EP) (EP) (EP) (Sec) __)__) __ ___J __/ __ __)__)_ ___J __/ __ ___J __/ __ __) ___} __ ___J __/ __ __ /__/ __ __ /__/ __ __)__/_ __ I __j __ __ I__; __

FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE NUCLEAR EN-F AP-EP-012 REV. 02 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL PAGE 15OF17 lnfonnational Use Severe Weather Recovery ATTACHMENT 7.2 POST STORM SITE WALK-DOWN INSTRUCTIONS Sheet 1of3 [1] General (a) Post-storm site walk-downs can begin when it has been determined by the Command Center Lead, or TSC Lead if in a declared emergency, that severe weather conditions have passed and that it is safe to leave the nuclear island. Team assignmenVcoordination and communications should be lead by the Command Center Lead or by the OSC or TSC per procedures if in a declared emergency.

In general, conditions that would allow personnel to leave the nuclear island include:

  • Precipitation has stopped
  • Winds are at near normal speed for that site
  • There is no forecast for a return to severe wind or precipitation conditions. (b) Initial damage assessment activities must be done in teams composed of not less than 2 persons and should consider having at least one electrician and one RP.
  • Full personal protective equipment including safety glasses, safety footwear or boots and gloves must be worn by team members.
  • The team(s) should have a designated inspection area and route.
  • The team must have a method (cell phone or radio programmed to maintenance frequency) for communicating back to the command center. A callback frequency should be established.
  • The team must have a flashlight or other portable lighting device if they are required to enter buildings that are without regular power supply. (c) Video surveillance should be used for initial damage assessment to the degree possible.

[2] General Guidance for All Areas (a) While in transit to any location, teams should determine if there are any downed power lines of light poles which pose an electrical shock hazard. If these hazards exist, they should be flagged or posted as hazardous.

NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN-FAP-EP-012 REV. 02 -:_; Entergy MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL lnfonnational Use PAGE 16OF17 Severe Weather Recovery ATTACHMENT7.2 POST STORM SITE WALK-DOWN INSTRUCTIONS Sheet 2 of 3 (b) The stability of any debris found on site should be questioned.

If suspended debris is sighted, personnel are cautioned to stay clear of the debris and to consider it hazardous.

Flagging or barricades should be established to warn other personnel of this situation. (c) Any animals or insects encountered during initial walk-down should be considered as dangerous and should be avoided. (d) Teams conducting initial site walk-downs are reminded that their primary mission is to gather and report information.

Teams are not to become involved with repair activities that are not related to their primary information gathering mission. (e) Team members are expected to record and communicate challenges encountered.

Clearing can be conducted when it is determined to be safe. Questions concerning the safety of clearing activities should be referred to the Command Center Lead or OSC Lead if in a declared emergency.

[3] Guidance for Building Inspections (a) Prior to entering a building, assess physical and visual conditions to assure that access to the building is not challenged. (b) Determine if electrical power is available to the building.

  • IF electrical power is not available, THEN record and report the loss of electrical power supply.
  • Do NOT attempt to restore electrical power supply. (c) If windows or doors are broken, determine if water damage has occurred.
  • If water damage has occurred, determine if there should be physical restrictions to access.
  • If a hazard is determined to exist, establish flagging or barricades to limit access.

..... *----**---------

A .,..._;:_Entergy NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT MANUAL FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE EN-FAP-EP-012 REV. 02 Informational Use PAGE 17OF17 Severe Weather Recover ATTACHMENT 7.2 POST STORM SITE W ALK*DOWN INSTRUCTIONS Sheet3 of 3 [4] Guidance for Service Structure Inspections (a) Prior to entering a building, assess physical and visual conditions to assure that access to the structure is not challenged. (b) Determine if electrical power is available to the building.

  • IF electrical power is not available, THEN record and report the loss of electrical power supply.
  • Do NOT attempt to restore electrical power supply. (c) For Intake Structure inspections, observe area for reptiles or other wild animals. Take precautions to prevent hazardous situations. (d) Determine operable condition of the equipment in the structure.
  • Record damage to facilitate repair and restoration activities.

Pictures should be taken when possible.

[5] Guidance for Physical Security Inspections (a) Determine if debris has damaged fencing or surveillance materials

  • Determine contingency effort required while repairs are conducted.
  • Do NOT attempt to remove debris without team assessment. (b) Determine if any razor wire has broken loose and may pose a hazard to personnel.
  • Flag or barricade areas to prevent risk to personnel.
  • Do NOT attempt to handle as severe personal injury could result.


9.1 SHEET1

OF5 1 OCFRS0.54( q) SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EN-FAP-EP-012 I Revision:%


11 Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan): Change 1: Throughout entire procedure change CEC Director to Nuclear Duty Officer. Change 2: Throughout entire procedure change CEC Manager to Nuclear Duty Officer. Change 3: Throughout entire procedure change Shared Resources Coordinator to Nuclear Duty Officer. Change 4: Throughout entire procedure change Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) to Exelon Nuclear Corporate.

Change 5: Throughout entire procedure change Echelon to Exelon. Change 6: Section 3.2 [1] Remove statement

The CEC Manager will report to the CEC Director

Change 7: Remove Attachment 7.1, CEC Severe Weather Recovery Checklist, and all references to Attachment

7.1. Change

8: Remove Attachment 7.3, CEC Relocation Checklist, and all references to Attachment

7.3. Change

9: Remove Attachment 7.4, Shared Resources Request, and all references to Attachment

7.4. Change

10: Remove Attachment 7.6, Severe Weather Response and Recovery Critique Sheet, and all references to Attachment

7.6. Change

11: Make the old Attachment 7.2 now Attachment 7.1 due to deletions of 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.6. Change 12: Make the old Attachment 7.5 now Attachment 7.2 due to deletions of 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.6. Change 13: Section 3.2 [3] Remove entire statement "Attachment

7.1 provides

guidance and instructions for key CEC staff and the actions that may be necessary in restoring the plant back to operational status." Change 14: Section 3.3 [4] Remove entire statement "Request for shared resources will be made to the CEC using Attachment 7.4 or similar form." Change 15: Section 3.3 [6] Remove entire statement "Before disbanding the command center or emergency response facility, the facility members or site team are responsible to use Attachment 7.6 or similar document to critique the response and recovery actions and to capture lessons learned and enhancements.

Consider PCRS to track identified corrective actions." Change 16: Attachment 7.1 Item 24 Remove entire statement "Evaluate need for shared resources and request services through the CEC by completing Attachment 7.4." Change 17: Section 2.0 [1 O] Remove statement "CEC Manager will staff the CEC and coordinate activities until the CEC Director is assigned" Change 18: Section 3.2 [2] Remove entire statement

The Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) is established to protect and recover the company's investment and ensure that the affected plant is maintained in a safe condition." Change 19: Section 3.2 [4] Remove entire statement

The CEC Director will evaluate relocation of the CEC facility using Attachment 7.3 if hazardous conditions make the CEC facility unsafe or if resources needed to operate the CEC are not available" Change 20: Section 4.0 [1] remove definition of CEC Change 21: Section 6.0 [2] remove EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations.

Change 22: Attachment 7 .1 Item 37 NOTE remove the statement

'Waterford maintains a 7 day supply of diesel fuel for the Emergency Diesels." Attachment 7 .1 Item 24 Remove entire statement "Evaluate need for shared resources and request services through the CEC by completing Attachment 7.4." Reason: Attachment 7.4 is being deleted. Change 23: Attachment 7 .1 -Add Item 4 -"Contact Nuclear Duty Officer when the National Weather Service indicates that the Severe Weather has passed or is no longer a threat to the site. (Phone number located in Emergency Telephone Directory)" Reason: Previously there was no direction to contact the Nuclear Duty Officer. EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT9.1 SHEET20F5 1 OCFR50.S4( q) SCREENING Procedure/Document Number: EN-FAP-EP-012 I Revision:

r rz_ W) f 11 Equipment/Facility/Other

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant I I Title: SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed?

DYES 18J NO Is this activity fully bounded by an NRG approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Alert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is NOT required.

Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below: complete Part VI. Justification:

D Bounding document attached (optional)

Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-Ll-100}

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different chanoe control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)


APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3)


D One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3)

Screening for that portion of the activity.

Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity.


Evaluation is NOT required.

Identify controllino chanoe processes below and complete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES:

1 OCFR50.54(q)

Part IV. Editorial Change DYES 181 NO 50.54(q)(3)

Continue to next part Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.


Enter justification There are no editorial changes. and complete Part VI. EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT

9.1 SHEET3

OF5 Procedure/Document Number: EN-FAP*EP-012 I Bevision:;r' Z. Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY 1 OCFR50.54( q) SCREENING tfr) 3/zg/11 -I I Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function identified in brackets)

Does this activitv affect anv of the foilowino, includino orooram elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned.

[1] D 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24f7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] D 3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned.

D [2] 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained.

[2] D 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] D 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] D 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels Is in use. [4] D 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them D of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.

[5] 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert D and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response D organizations.

[6] 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel.

[6] D 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the D plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] 14. Coordinated dissemination of public Information during emergencies is established.

[7] D 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response.

[8) LJ 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response.

[8] LJ 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LJ 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies.

[10) D 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are D available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities.

[1 O] 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, D including those for hostile action events.[10]

21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established.

[11] D 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.

[12] D 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed.

[13) LJ 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program D areas) is established.

[14] 25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify ' J EN-EP-305 REV 3 AITACHMENT

9.1 SHEET40F5

Procedure/Document Number: EN-FAP-EP-012 Revision:

Z '2.. Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY weaknesses.

[14] 10CFR50.54(q)


26. Identified weaknesses are corrected.

[14] D 27. Training is provided to emergency responders.

[15] D 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established.

[16] D 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] D APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION

[8J If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3)

Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. D If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3)


BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Changes 1 -6 and 23: These proposed changes involve substituting the Exelon Nuclear Duty Officer (NDO) for the Entergy Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) Director and/or Manager. The CEC Director and Manager served as the Entergy fleet point-of-contact for corporate-related storm recovery and business continuity functions.

The individual actions assigned to the CEC Director and/or Manager have been removed in the proposed changes. Only generalized actions have been assigned to the Exelon NDO. In the proposed change, the NDO is contacted in the event of severe weather at JAF and implements the Exelon processes in response.

Severe weather response is not detailed in the JAF Emergency Plan. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Changes 7 -16: The attachments referenced in these proposed changes are for Entergy corporate.

Exelon will no longer use these forms. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to Severe Weather Recovery in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Changes 17 -21: These proposed changes refer to the Corporate Emergency Center. Exelon will no longer use the CEC; Exelon Nuclear Corporate will now perform corporate functions for JAF. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to Severe Weather Recovery in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

Change 22: Waterford is no longer part of our fleet; Exelon has fleet procedures for Severe Weather Recovery that replaces Entergy Fleet actions. The Emergency Plan does not make reference to Severe Weather Recovery in any location therefore it is not affected by the proposed change. The change does not add, delete or modify a process, meaning or intent of a description, or change facilities or equipment.

This change does not require a change to the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required.

EN-EP-305 REV 3

    • --------------------------



5 OF 5 Procedure/Document Number: EN-FAP-EP-012 I Revision:

1f 2. Equipment/Facility/Other:

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Title: SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY Part VI. Signatures:

Preparer Name (Print)

Preparer Signature Mellonie Christman mQ v (Optional)

Reviewer Name (Print) NJF\ Reviewer Signature Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature 10CFR50.54(q)

SCREENING 3/-z<6 f r1 I I Date: 03-21-2017 Date: Date: V'\et\-reiv i -ttc\ C Nuclear EP Project Manager Approver Name (Print) plgnaMe Date: James D. Jones t\..._

EP manager or designee er---EN-EP-305 REV 3 TO: DEPT.: LOCATION:

DC/RockvilleMD EP Admin Emergency Planning USNRC Document Control Center, Washington SPECIAL NOTES: JAFP Memo &


Include 10CFR50.54(q)

Screen and Evaluation (EN-EP-305 Attach 9.1 & 9.2) CONTROL MANUAL NUMBER 34 FROM: DEPT.: LOCATION:



1. Insert the attached revised documents, and withdraw any noted WITHDRAWN documents from your controlled copy. 2. DISCARD ALL SUPERCEDED DOCUMENTS, as applicable.


NOTE Failure to incorporate these doCUriients into your controlled manual will result in cancellation of the subject controlled documents. --



PLEASE ASSIGN DEPUTIES TO BLOCK OFF THE SITE AT THE EAST AND WEST BOUNDARIES ON LAKE ROAD TO KEEP ALL UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL OUT. Cl Notify Oswego County Sheriff_ (315) 343-1313 or 911 ---------------------------------------------------1-------------------(Name of Person Contacted)/(Notification Time) 9) NOTE: DO NOT NOTIFY UNLESS DIRECTED TO DO SO BY THE EMERGENCY EAP-1.1 DIRECTOR . Cl Notify General Electric BWR Emergency Support Program (910) 819-6446 Message: This is the We are in a (state emergency classification level). This is (name), at phone number 315 ________ _ Give a summary of the situation and request assistance, if necessary.

IF onsite assistance is being requested, THEN provide GE with the following information to support arrival of the BWR Emergency Response Team:

  • Provide instructions for site access during an actual emergency including expected conduct of GE personnel while at the site.
  • Provide the GE TSC in Wilmington, NC with the name and phone number of a JAF person assigned to coordinate arrival.
  • IF arriving by chartered jet aircraft, identify the landing location (normally Oswego County Airport or Syracuse Hancock Airport).
  • Provide local transportation and escort for the team.
  • Provide administrative support and physical facilities at the site. --------------------------------------------------1-------------------(N ame of Person Contacted)/(Notification Time) Rev. No .

DC/RockvilleMD EP Admin-" Emergency Planning USNRC Document Control Center, Washington SPECIAL NOTES: JAFP Memo & EN-LI-106 form required.

Include 10CFR50.54{q)

Screen and Evaluation




  • 1. Insert the attached revised documents, and withdraw any noted WITHDRAWN documents from your controlled copy. 2. DISCARD ALL SUPERCEDED DOCUMENTS, as applicable.


NOTE Failure to incorporate these do'CUffients into your controlled manual will in cancellation of the subject controlled documents.

I * --------,----..

OBTAINING METEOROLOGICAL DATA EAP-42 NOTE The following step only work on designated computers in the Control Room, EOF, TSC and JIC. 4.2 using the MMS Emergency MET Report to Obtain Meteorological Data 4.2.1 4.2.2 Perform the following utilizing a desktop computer in the Control Room, EOF or TSC: A. Double click on the "Met Data" icon on the desk top (if available}

OR B. Open the web browser and enter the following into the address bar of the web browser (do NOT enter www): mnpep.constellation.com The Emergency Meteorological Report will be displayed NOTE The report screen typically updates approximately 7 minutes past the quarter hour. Rev. No. --12-Page of ---1..Q_ ) \ /