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Insp Rept 50-482/88-12 on 880307-11.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, Emergency Facilities,Equipment,Instrumentation & Supplies, Training & Independent Reviews/Audits
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1988
From: Fisher W, Hackney C
Shared Package
ML20151V028 List:
50-482-88-12, NUDOCS 8805020258
Download: ML20151V051 (5)

See also: IR 05000482/1988012



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NRC Inspection Rep;rt: 50-482/88-12 Operating License: NPF-42

Docket: 50-482

Liceasee: Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCN0C)

P.O. Box 411

Burlington, Kansas 66839

Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

Inspection At: Burlington, Kansas

Inspection Conducted: March 7-11, 1988

Inspector: p  % / 1 t/[///6,f'

- ( C. A. Hackney, Emergency Preparedness Dater




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ii. L. Fisher, Chief, NuclFar Materials

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and Emergency Preoaredness Branch

Inspection Summary

Inspection Conducted March 7-11, 1988 (Report 50-482/88-12)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of emergency plan and

TnIplementing procedures; emergency facilities, equipment, instrumentation, and

supplies; training; and independent reviews / audits.

Results: Within the areas inspected, one violation was identified.



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1. Persons Contacted


  • B.. Withers, President ~
  • J. Bailey, Vice President.
  • C. Perry,' Manager,' Quality Assurance
  • J. Zell, Manager, Nuclear Training
  • T. Morrill, Site Health Physicist
  • J.-Dagenette, Instructor Coordinator
  • H. Schreiber, Senior Engineering Specialist
  • R. Andrews, Emergency Planning Specialist


  • B. Bartlett, Senior f.esident Inspector
  • M. Skow, Resident-Inspector
  • Denotes those present during the exit interview.

The NRC inspector also held discussions with other station personnel in

the areas of emergency < detection and classifications, protective action

recommendations, notification and communications, staffing and

augmentation, health physics, operations, and emergency response



2. Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures 02.01 (I)


Shift Staffing and Augmentation -

Emergency response personnel notification procedures were inspected to

determine the licensee's compliance with 10 CFR 50.54(q), 10 CFR 50.47(b)

and Technical Specification.6.8.

The NRC inspector reviewed announced and unannounced call-out drills

conducted by the licensee on January 11 and February 1, 1988. The object

of the drills was to determine whether emergency response team personnel

could respond within required time limits. Results of the cull-out drills

indicated that the emergency response team could not meet the 30 and

60 minute response time requirement to arrive at the plant.


This was an apparent violation of Technical Specification 6.8.1





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(I) Indicates that inspection area 02.01 was not completed during this


One violation and no deviations were identified in this program area.

3. Emergency Facilities, Equipment, Instrumentation, and Supplies 02.02

The NRC inspector inspected key facilities and equipment to determine

whether the facilities were maintained, whether any facility changes had

been incorporated into the emergency plan and implementing procedures,

whether changes had an adverse effect on the emergency preparedness

program. (10 CFR 50.47(b)(8))

Emergency facilities, equipment, instrumentation, and supplies were

reviewed to determine the state of readiness and accessibility. The NRC

inspector selected equipment kits and determined that the kits were as

described in the emergency plan. TheTechnicalSupportCenter(TSC)was

not as described in EPP-01-4.1, Revision 5. Personnel had been moved into

a room that previously had been described as a conference area for

, licensee personnel. The area contained an automatic telephone dialer

equipment, duplicating machine, computers, tables, desks, file cabinets,

book cases, and other office equipment. Minimum aisle space was a 22-inch


During the call-out drill, the shift supervisor made four attempts to

contact someone in the TSC via the plant Gai-tronics systen. The shift

supervisor was not heard, due to the speakers having been in

the TSC.

The NRC inspector discussed the following observations with the licensee

during the exit interview:

The licensee should consider preserving space in the Emergency

Response Facilit.ies (ERFs) for emergency response purposes.

The licensee should consider instructing plant personnel not to turn

off or "adjust" the Gai-tronics speakers in the ERFs.


The licensee should consider instructing personnel using the

facilities to return the facility to the original floor plan at the

end of each day.

No violations or deviations were identified in this program area.

4 Training (02.04)

The NRC inspector reviewed the documents listed below and interviewed

licensee training representatives to determine whether training

requirements were being met in accordance with the requirements of

10 CFR 50.54(q), 10 CFR 50.47(b)(15), and 10 CFR 50 Appendix E.IV.F.

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Documents reviewed:

Lesson Plans

Class Attendance / Test Records

Emergency Training 88-0009

The NRC inspector' met with licensee training representatives to review the

training program. The inspector reviewed licensee Procedure 88-0009;

lesson plans;.and test, attendance, and personnel training records.

Fifty-eight personnel records reviewed, indicated that all pers e had

received required training. The licensee has greatly improved the record

retrieval management. system.

The NRC inspector discussed the following observations with the licensee

during the exit interview:

The licensee should consider giving tests for persons receiving

emergency response retraining.

The licensee should consider revising the training test for Duty

Emergency Managers and Duty Emergency Directors to include Emergency

Classification (using Emergency Action Levels), Authorities and

Responsibilities, and Offsite Notifications.

No violations or deviations were identified in this program area.

5. Independent Reviews / Audits (02.05)

The NRC inspector reviewed the documents listed below and interviewed

licensee representatives to determine whether annual independent reviews

or audits of the emergency preparedness program were performed in

accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(t).

Additionally, the NRC inspector determined whether the licensee had a

system for correcting deficiencies and weaknesses identified during drills

and exercises and whether appropriate, timely corrective actions had been


The licensee had conducted a program review over a 12-manth period.

Licensee Quality Assurance (QA) auditors evaluated adequacy of interfaces

with state and local governments, drills, exercises, capabilities, and

procedures. Findings were reviewed and sent to management or responsible

party. Most findings were corrected in a timely manner; however, several

findings had been on he tracking system for 6 months. One finding had

been on the system for 1 year. The NRC inspector noted that individual

reports were sent to management as each report was completed. Management

did not receive a summation of all reports, thus not getting a complete

picture of the emergency pre.paredness program at one time.

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The NRC inspector discussed the following observations with'the licensee

during the exit interview:

The licensee ~ should consider developing a sumary of audits and

-surveillances for the 12-month program review. The sumary could

include QA findings, disposition of findings, and evaluation sumary

for future trending. The sumary could be attached to the full

report for management review.

The licensee should consider expeditiously closing outstanding QA


No violations or deviations were identified in this program area.

,: 6. Inspector Observations

An inspector observation is a matter discussed with the licensee during

the exit interview. Observations are neither violations nor unresolved

items. Observations are suggested for the licensee's consideration, but

have no specific regulatory requirement. Observations are identified in

paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of this report.

7. Exit Interview

The NRC inspector met with the NRC resident inspector and licensee

representatives denoted in paragraph 1 on March 11, 1988, and sumarized

the scope and findings of the inspection as presented in this report.