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12/17/13 - Summary of Meeting Between Army Corps of Engineers, NRC, Omaha Public Power District, and Nebraska Public Power District - Discuss Flooding Analysis Associated with Fort Calhoun, Unit 1 and Cooper Nuclear Station (TAC MF3035 and
Person / Time
Site: Cooper, Fort Calhoun  Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/2014
From: Joseph Sebrosky
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Sebrosky J
TAC MF3035, TAC MF3036
Download: ML14031A162 (8)


LICENSEE: Omaha Public Power District Nebraska Public Power District FACILITY: Fort Calhoun Station, Unit 1 Cooper Nuclear Station SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF DECEMBER 17,2013, MEETING BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT, AND NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT TO DISCUSS FLOODING ANALYSIS ASSOCIATED WITH FORT CALHOUN STATION, UNIT 1 AND COOPER NUCLEAR STATION (TAC NOS. MF3035 AND MF3036) On December 17, 2013, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff had a closed meeting with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Omaha Public Power District (OPPD), and Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) to discuss flooding hazard reevaluations (FHR) for Fort Calhoun Station, Unit 1 (FCS), and Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS). The meeting was held at USAGE's offices in Omaha Nebraska. The closed meeting notice can be found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML 13346A082. The participants in the meeting included the following individuals:

  • NRC-Christopher Cook, George Wilson, Nebiyu Tirenuh, Ken See, and Brad Harvey
  • USACE-Roger Kay, Laila Berre, Teresa Reinig, Lyle Peterson, Dave Sobczyk, John Hartley, Jody Farhat, John Bertino, Jr. and Steve Butler
  • OPPD -Joe Gasper, Larry Cieslik, Karin Holister, and Bernie Van Sant
  • NPPD -Matt Nienaber, Mark Hammons, Karin Holister The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the portion of the FHRs the USACE is going to perform under contract to the NRC for FCS and CNS. By letters dated August 26, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 13240A 128), and August 22, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 13246A075), OPPD and NPPD, respectively, requested NRC staff assistance in obtaining information from the USACE to support OPPD's and NPPD's development of an FHR response to the March 12, 2012, request for information (ADAMS Accession No. ML 12073A348). By letters dated September 17, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 13241A216). and October 7, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 13261A074), the NRC informed OPPD and NPPD, respectively, that it was contracting with the USACE directly to perform portions of the FHR. These letters also indicated that at some future time the NRC staff may request OPPD's and NPPD's involvement when the USACE portion of the FHR models and results are discussed between the NRC staff and the USACE staff.

-2-The agenda for the December 17, 2013, meeting can be found in Enclosure 1. Questions that OPPD and NPPD had regarding the FHR can be found in Enclosure 2. Enclosure 2 contains four questions that were addressed at the meeting. The answer to the four questions provided at the meeting can be found in Enclosure 2. Subsequent to the meeting, OPPD and NPPD provided the information they need to develop their portion of the FHR. Enclosure 3 provides the river mile locations for the hydrographs that OPPD and NPPD need to develop their portion of the FHR. At the end of the meeting, there was a discussion on how the USAGE was going to perform its portion of the FHR for FCS and CNS and how this information will be communicated to OPPD and NPPD. Regarding information developed by USAGE, there was general agreement that the USAGE will provide the results of the FHR to the NRC and the NRC will forward this information to OPPD and NPPD. In addition, the information that OPPD and NPPD identified in Enclosure 3 will be provided to the NRC by the USAGE. The NRC will then provide this information to OPPD and NPPD. The USAGE was provided an opportunity to comment on this summary prior to its issuance and their comments were addressed in the final version of this summary. Docket Nos. 50-285 and 50-298 Enclosures: 1. Agenda M. Sebrosky, Senior I ant Licensing Branch IV -1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 2. OPPD and NPPD Questions and Answers 3. OPPD and NPPD Information Needs cc w/encls: Distribution via ListServ Attendees: Introductions Missouri River Flooding Evaluation December 17, 2013, 9am-3pm Room 957-Commander's Conference Room Zorinsky Federal Building 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102 NRC: Robert Kuntz, George Wilson, Christopher Cook, Brad Harvey, Kenneth See, Nebiyu Tiruneh USACE: Roger L Kay, Teresa Reinig, Lyle E. Peterson, Steve M. Butler, Laila M Berre NPPD: Matt Nienaber, Mark Hammons, Jerry Long OPPD: Bernie VanSant, Joe Gasper, Larry Cieslick -----Agenda Topics -----All 09:00-09:15 General Modeling Approach USACE/NRC 09:15-10:30 BREAK 10:30-10:45 Questions NPPD/OPPD 10:45-12:00 LUNCH 12:00-13:00 Continued Discussions (as necessary) All 13:15-14:45 Wrap-up All 14:45-15:00 Enclosure 1 Questions From Omaha Public Power District and Nebraska Public Power District Associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Hazard Reevaluation for Fort Calhoun Station and Cooper Nuclear Station Preamble In response to your request, OPPD and NPPD (the licensees) provide the following understanding of our responsibilities, assuming the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) performs an evaluation of site flooding due to the hypothetical failure of their Missouri River Main Stem Reservoirs System Dams (USACE System), and the products that the licensees need from the USACE evaluation to complete our responsibilities. As result of our conversations of September 12, 2013 and your letter of September 17, 2013 (ML 13241A216) the licensees understand we are responsible for the aspects of the flood hazard reevaluation (FHR) outlined in Enclosure 2 of the March 12, 2012 request for information with the exception of the evaluation of potential site flooding due to the failure of the USACE System dams. The USACE will perform the evaluation of potential site flooding due to the failure of their USACE System dams in accordance with JLD-ISG-2013-01, "Guidance For Assessment of Flooding Hazards Due to Dam Failure," Revision 0, dated July 29, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 13151A153). To ensure that the licensees can provide the necessary FHR information, the following are our responsibilities for responding to items 1.a and 1.b of Enclosure 2 of the March 12, 2012 request for information. Licensee FHR Responsibilities 1. Analyze and report results (including methodologies utilized) for local intense precipitation (LIP) at the plant sites and probable maximum flood (PMF) in streams and rivers for the basins downstream of Gavins Point Dam. The analysis of dams in watersheds below Gavins Point will utilize the "screening" approaches described in JLD-ISG-2013-01. Justification will be provided that other flooding mechanisms are not applicable to the sites. 2. Use the USACE results in conjunction with an analysis of potential dam failure of the Non-USACE System dams below Gavins Point Dam and above the two plants to develop the total dam failure flood hazard. Report the results of flooding due to upstream dam failure including flood elevation as a function of time, starting with the dam failure, for a sufficient number of scenarios to demonstrate that the limiting flood hazard characteristics are identified for each site. Any discussion of USACE System dam failure analysis methodology will be limited to a simple statement that the analysis was conducted by the USACE in accordance with JLD-ISG-2013-01. 3. Analyze and report results (including methodologies utilized) for associated effects of flooding at each site including hydrodynamic/hydrostatic impacts, sedimentation, erosion, wind/wave run-up and debris impacts Enclosure 2 To fulfill our second responsibility we will need flow versus time hydrographs immediately below the USAGE System (below Gavins Point Dam) and at each site for a sufficient number of dam failure scenarios to demonstrate that the limiting flood hazard characteristics due to dam failure are identified. To fulfill our third responsibility, the licensees are in the process of building two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic models for both plant sites. We are assuming the USAGE is not conducting specific analyses. To utilize the 2D models, we need the following data for the USAGE System dam failure scenarios:

  • Flow versus time hydrographs at the upstream boundaries of the 2D hydraulic models.
  • Stage versus time hydrographs at the downstream boundaries of the 2D hydraulic models.
  • Flow distribution (left overbank flow, channel flow, and right bank flow) over the time period of the hydrographs Based on our schedule we estimate that the technical evaluation of the PMF in streams and rivers for the basins downstream of Gavins Point Dam will be completed for both plants by the end of calendar year 2014. To complete the associated flooding effects analysis for the dam failure cases we request receipt of the USACE dam failure hydrographs no later than March 31, 2014. Questions 1. As discussed above will the USACE/NRC supply the necessary information by March 31, 2014? Answer: Yes, the NRC expects to be able to supply the requested hydrographs by March 31, 2014. 2. The JLD-ISG-2013-01 guidance states that hydrologic, seismic and "sunny day" dam failures are to be analyzed. Will results be provided for each scenario? If not what information will be provided to demonstrate that the results provided are for the "limiting" scenario? Answer: Yes, hydrographs will be provided for the hydrologic, seismic, and "sunny day" dam failure scenarios. 3. In anticipation that the FHR calculations will become part of the Fort Calhoun and Cooper licensing bases, the FHR calculations are being performed as Appendix B "safety related" calculations. To accept contractor prepared Appendix 8 calculations NPPD and OPPD procedures require review and acceptance of inputs and assumptions to the calculation. Since JLD-ISG-2013-01 is a publically available document the OPPD and NPPD Fukushima Response Teams need to be in a position to assure our publically 2 elected Boards that reasonable assumptions and valid inputs were utilized to determine the FHR results that are to be used in the Integrated Assessment. NPPD and OPPD need information to allow us to meet our procedural and legal requirements. What methods are available to allow sharing of inputs and assumptions during our meetings in the following areas? a. Computer program and model(s) used to perform the flood routing b. Dam breach model(s) used c. Hydropower turbines and/or other outlets credited as part of the dam's discharge capacities d. Starting pool elevations Answer: The hydrographs being generated by the USACE will meet all Staff Positions described in JLD-ISG-2013-01. The numerical model inputs files will not be made available to OPPD, NPPD, or the public since they contain sensitive information related to the upstream dams. Hydrographs developed by the USAGE and supplied to OPPD and NPPD via the NRC will be considered by the NRC to be appropriate for input to NPPD's and OPPD's subsequent FHR reports and the Integrated Assessment (if needed). 4. As part of our responses to the NRC flooding requests, OPPD and NPPD may need additional Missouri River flood scenarios analyzed involving dam failures. Will there be a mechanism by which we can request and receive additional scenarios after submittal of the FHR? Answer: OPPD and NPPD can submit future requests for additional scenarios to the NRC after the submittal of their FHR reports. 3 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Information to be Supplied to Omaha Public Power District and Nebraska Public Power District through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Per your letters of September 17. 2013 (MLU241A216) to OPPD and October 7. 2013 to NPPD (ML13261A074). plea<;e pro\*tde the specified data at the locatiOns rE.>quested belo\\' for each loading scenano for each dam. Loading Scenarios for each dam as presentE-d on December 17, 2013 \Ve understand that each scenano \Vtll constder the potentml for cascadmg dam fallures. And further, fall me for each of the dams located do\vnstream of the truttal fat lure locatwn wtll be assumed tf any dam embankment is owrtopped by more than one foot Hvdrologic Scenano<..
  • Dam fatlure due to ptpmg dunng the Sp11lway Destgn Flood event \Vtth the reserYotr pool at the maximum pool level (top of surcharge)
  • Sptllway De-stgn Flood e\*ent wtthout dam fmlure-Seismic Scenano
  • Dam fallurt> wtth the rest>rvoir pool at the 500 year flood level Stumy Day Scenano
  • Dam fatlure-dut-to ptpmg \nth the rt>servoir pool at tht-top of active storage (top of exclusn*e flood control)
  • Dam fatlure due to pipmg wtth the re':.ervotr pool at the exct>edance lt>vt>l Requt>sttd data and locations (based on 1960 rinr mileage)
  • Flow versu<, tune hydrograph'> umnedtately below the USACE M1ssoun Rtwr Mamstem Rese-rvo1r System (below GaVIm Pomt Dam)
  • At the nearest data location'> upstream of riYer uules 652 and 566 FlO\v ...-er<,us ttme hydrographs
  • Flow dtstnbut1on (lt"ft overbank t1ow. channe-l flow. and right bank flow)
  • At the nearest data locatwns to nwr mtlt>s 646.0 and 532.5 Wate-r surface e!evahon wr< tune hydrographs Flow wcrsus tune hydrographs
  • Flo\v dl'>tnbutwn (left overbank flo\\'. channel flow. and nght bank flow)
  • At the nearest data locations downstream of nwr miles 641 and 510 Water <..urface ele\*ation ver< tune hydrograph'> Enclosure 3

-2-The agenda for the December 17, 2013, meeting can be found in Enclosure 1. Questions that OPPD and NPPD had regarding the FHR can be found in Enclosure 2. Enclosure 2 contains four questions that were addressed at the meeting. The answer to the four questions provided at the meeting can be found in Enclosure 2. Subsequent to the meeting, OPPD and NPPD provided the information they need to develop their portion of the FHR. Enclosure 3 provides the river mile locations for the hydrographs that OPPD and NPPD need to develop their portion of the FHR. At the end of the meeting, there was a discussion on how the USACE was going to perform its portion of the FHR for FCS and CNS and how this information will be communicated to OPPD and NPPD. Regarding information developed by USACE, there was general agreement that the USACE will provide the results of the FHR to the NRC and the NRC will forward this information to OPPD and NPPD. In addition, the information that OPPD and NPPD identified in Enclosure 3 will be provided to the NRC by the USACE. The NRC will then provide this information to OPPD and NPPD. The USACE was provided an opportunity to comment on this summary prior to its issuance and their comments were addressed in the final version of this summary. Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-1132 or at Docket Nos. 50-285 and 50-298 Enclosures: 1. Agenda IRA/ Joseph M. Sebrosky, Senior Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch IV-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 2. OPPD and NPPD Questions and Answers 3. OPPD and NPPD Information Needs cc w/encls: Distribution via ListServ DISTRIBUTION: PUBLIC LPL4-1 Reading RidsNrrDoriLpl4-1 Resource RidsNrrLAJBurkhardt Resource RidsNrrPMFortCalhoun Resource EQuinones, EDO RIV CCook, NRO NTiruneh, NRO SFianders, NRO GWilson, NRR EDavidson, NRR KMartin, NRR LWilkins, NRR SLaur, NRR EMiller, NRR PHiland, NRR MEvans, NRR MMarkley, NRR LLund, NRR DSkeen, NRR BHarris, OGC JCiark, RIV DLoveless, RIV RDeese, RIV JKirkland, RIV JWingebach, RIV KKennedy, RIV MHay, RIV AVegel, RIV CHenderson, RIV JJosey, RIV AGeorge, NRR NTaylor, RIV DAIIen, RIV RAzua, RIV ADAMS A ccess1on N M OS. eetmg N f ML 13346A082 M f S OICe I ee mg ummary ML 14031A162 * . ., v1a ema1 OFFICE NRRIDORLILPL4-1/PM NRRIJLD NRR/DORLILPL4-1/LA NRRIJLD NAME JSebrosky RKuntz JBurkhardt GWilson DATE 2/10/14 2/6/14 2/4/14 2/6/14 OFFICE NRO/DSEAIRHMB/BC* NRR/DORLILPL4-1/BC NRR/DORLILPL4-1/PM NAME CCook MMarkley JSebrosky DATE 2/9/14 2/10/14 2/10/14 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY