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| issue date = 07/09/1990
| issue date = 07/09/1990
| title = Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04 Re Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions
| title = Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04 Re Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions
| author name = MECREDY R C
| author name = Mecredy R
| author affiliation = ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP.
| author affiliation = ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP.
| addressee name = JOHNSON A R
| addressee name = Johnson A
| docket = 05000244
| docket = 05000244
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{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure            1 4   'V I
ft tCii i
Ststl ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION ~ 89 EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.K 14649.0001 TC C>~O'iC July 9, 1990                aiica core  is 5>i:.270'.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document      Control Desk Attn: Allen R. Johnson Project Directorate I-3 Washington, D.C.       20555

Response  to Generic Letter 90-04 Status of Generic Safety Issues R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-244

==Dear Mr. Johnson:==
01P PagoIof5FACILITYNAME:GinnaStationDOCKETNO:50-244LICENSEE:RochastorGasandEloctrxcCorat@onSTATUSOFLICENSEEIMPLEMENTATIONOPGENERICSAP)~~ISSUESRESOLVEDWITHIMPOSITIONOPREUIREMENTSORCORRECTIVEACTIONSGSI/(MPANo.)TITLEAPPLICABILITYSTATUS40(B065)41(B058)43(B107)51(L913)67.3.3(A017)75,(B076)75(B085)SafetyConcernsAssociatedWithPipeBreaksInTheBWRScramSystemBWRScramDischargeVolumeSystemsReliabilityOfAirSystemsImprovingtheReliabilityofOpen-CycleServiceWaterSystemsImprovedAccidentMonitoringItem1.1-Post-TripReview(ProgramDescriptionandProcedure)Item1.2-Post-TripReview-DataandInformationCapabilityAllBWRsAllBWRsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsN/AN/ARG&EresponsestoNRCGenericLetter88-14,datedFebruary3,1989,andJuly9,1990.RG&EresponsetoNRCGenericLetter88-17,datedJanuary29,1990.Worktobecompletedbyendof91Refuelingoutage.RG&ERespondingtoFebruary20,1990NRCRequest.ExpectedSubmittalinJuly1990.CompletionsubjecttoNRCreview.SERbyNRCOctober25,1985RG&ELettertoNRCdatedNovember4,1983 I'gV Page2of5GSI/(MPAHo.)75(B077)75(B086)75(L003)75(B078)75(B079)75(B087)75(B088)75(B080)TITLEItem2.1-EquipmentClassificationandVendorInterface(ReactorTripSystemComponents)Item2.2.1-EquipmentClassificationforSafety-RelatedComponentsItem2.2.2-VendorInterfaceforSafety-RelatedComponentsItems3.'.2-Post-.MaintenanceTesting(AllOtherSafety-RelatedComponents)Item3.2.3-Post-MaintenanceTesting-ChangestoTestRequirements(AllOtherSafety-RelatedComponents)Item4.1-ReactorTripSystemReliability(Vendor-RelatedModifications)AK'l.'lICiKXLITYAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsAllPlantsPart1CPart2CCOMMENTSNRCLetterdatedAugust8,1986NRCSERsentinletterdatedFebruary6,1989NRCSERdatedNovember18,1987RGaElettertoNRCdatedNovember4,1983.GenericLetter90-03datedMay20,1990.Supplement1toGenericLetter90-03datedMay14,1990.RGsEresponsedueSeptember25,1990.NRCSERdatedApril10,1986NRCSERdatedOctober1,1985NRCSERdatedApril10,1986NRCSERdatedOctober1,1985NRCSERdatedApril'0,1986 C,

In Gene'ric Letter 90-04 from James G. Partlow, dated April 25, 1990, you requested information regarding the status of generic safety issues.        The attachment to the April 25 letter has been retyped, . illed in to show status, and is enclosed with this letter.
4 Page5of'GSZ/(NPANo.)B-36B-63(B045)DevelopDesign,TestingandHaintenanceCriteriaforAtmosphereCleanupSystemAirFiltrationandAdsorptionUnitsforEngineeredSafetyFeaturesSystemsandforNormalVentilationSystemsIsolationofLowPressureSystemsConnectedtotheReactorCoolantSystemPressureBoundaryAPPLICABILITYAllPlantswithOLApplicationsAfter4/1/80AllPlantsSTATUSN/ATech.Spec.amendment40byorderofNRC,April20,1981}}
Very  truly yours, Division  Manager Nuclear Production JRJ/110 Attachment xc: Mr. Allen R. Johnson (Mail Stop          14D1)
Project Directorate I-3 Washington, D.C.      20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475    Allendale  Road King of Prussia,      PA  19406 t
Ginna Senior Resident Inspector                                                    (gag ol~
    'y007 f pap. '00 90V7VY pDF    AD CK 0 i000244 p                      PDC
0 1P Pago  I of 5 FACILITY NAME:Ginna Station DOCKET NO:    50-244 LICENSEE:      Rochastor Gas and  Eloctrxc  Co    rat@on STATUS OF LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION OP GENERIC SAP)~~ ISSUES RESOLVED WITH IMPOSITION OP RE UIREMENTS OR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS GSI/(MPA No.)                           TITLE                  APPLICABILITY      STATUS 40 (B065)         Safety Concerns Associated With Pipe      All BWRs          N/A Breaks In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058)         BWR  Scram Discharge Volume Systems        All BWRs          N/A 43 (B107)          Reliability  Of Air Systems              All Plants              RG&E responses  to NRC Generic  Letter 88-14, dated February 3, 1989, and  July 9, 1990.
51 (L913)         Improving the Reliability of Open-        All Plants              RG&E response to NRC Cycle Service Water Systems                                        Generic Letter 88-17, dated January 29, 1990. Work to be completed by end of 91 Refueling outage.
67.3.3 (A017)        Improved Accident Monitoring              All Plants              RG&E  Responding  to February 20, 1990 NRC Request.
Expected Submittal in July 1990.
Completion subject to NRC review.
75,  (B076)         Item 1.1  Post-Trip Review (Program      All Plants              SER by NRC October Description  and Procedure)                                        25, 1985 75 (B085)         Item 1.2  Post-Trip Review  Data        All Plants              RG&E  Letter to  NRC and  Information Capability                                        dated November 4, 1983
I g
Page 2          of 5 GSI/(MPA Ho.)                  TITLE              AK'l.'l ICiKXLITY                COMMENTS 75 (B077)    Item 2.1  Equipment  Classification  All Plants      Part 1 C NRC  Letter dated and Vendor Interface    (Reactor Trip                            August 8, 1986 System Components)
Part 2 C NRC SER  sent in letter  dated February 6, 1989 75 (B086)    Item 2.2.1  Equipment                All Plants                NRC SER  dated Classification for Safety-Related                                November 18, 1987 Components 75 (L003)    Item 2.2.2  Vendor Interface for      All Plants                RGaE  letter to          NRC Safety-Related Components                                        dated November 4, 1983. Generic Letter 90-03 dated May 20, 1990.
Supplement    1 to Generic Letter 90-03 dated May 14, 1990.
RGsE response due September  25, 1990.
75 (B078)    Items 3.1.1 6 3.1.2  Post-            All Plants              NRC SER  dated  April Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip                                10, 1986 System Components) 75 (B079)    Item 3.1.3  Post-Maintenance          All Plants              NRC SER  dated Testing-Changes to Test Requirements                            October 1, 1985 (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087)    Items 3.2.1 5 3  '.2  Post- .
Maintenance Testing (All Other All Plants              NRC SER 10, 1986 dated  April Safety-Related Components) 75 (B088)    Item 3.2.3  Post-Maintenance          All Plants              NRC SER  dated Testing-Changes to Test Requirements                            October 1, 1985 (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080)    Item 4.1  Reactor  Trip  System      All Plants              NRC SER  dated Reliability April'0, (Vendor-Related                                        1986 Modifications)
C, C
1 Pago 3  of 5 ~
GSI/(SPA No.)                  TITLE                lG? PLICABILITY 75 (B081)    Items 4.2.1  & 4.2.2  Reactor  Trip      All PNRs              NRC SER  dated May System  Reliability -  Maintenance and                            14, 1986 Testing'(Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082)    Item 4.3  Reactor Trip System        All N    and B&W          NRC SER dated Reliability  Design  Modifications        Plants              January 9, 1987 (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&N Plants) .
75 (B090)    Item 4.3  Reactor Trip System          All W  & B&W            Tech Spec Approved Reliability  Tech Spec Changes              Plants              April 4, 1989 (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B091)    Item 4.4  Reactor Trip System        All B&W Plants        N/A Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants) 75 (B092)    Item 4.5.1  Reactor Trip System          All Plants              NRC SER  dated  April Reliability-Diverse Trip Features                                10, 1986 (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093)    Items 4.5.2 & 4.5.3  Reactor Trip        All Plants    4.5.2   C NRC SER  dated System Reliability  Test                                        February 9, 1987 Alternatives and Intervals (System Functional Testing)                                    4.5.3  I NRC Letter dated July 26, 1989.
Response  scheduled for October 1, 1990 86 (B084)    Long Range Plan  for Dealing with          All BWRs        N/A Stress Corrosion Cracking in BNR Piping 93 (B098)    Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater        All PNRs              RG&E  Letter dated Pumps                                                            May 24, 1988 from Bruce Snow to the NRC
Pago 4  of 5 G8I/(MPA No.)                  TITLE                APPLICABILITY  STA'f. ~S        COMMENTS 99 (L817)  RCS/RHR  Suction Line Valve Interlock    All PHRs              NRC SER  for  SEP on PWRs                                                          Topic V-ll.B, 9/29/81. RG&E
letter 4/17/90.
124    Auxiliary Feedwater  System          AN0-1&2, Rancho    N/A Reliability                            Seco, Prairie Island 1&2, Crystal River-3 Ft. Calhoun A-13 (B017)  Snubber  Operability Assurance        All Plants              Tech Spec amendment Hydraulic Snubbers                                              37 dated May 30, 1989 A-13 (B022)  Snubber  Operability Assurance        All Plants              Tech Spec amendment Mechanical Snubbers                                              37 dated May 30, 1989 A-16 (D012)  Steam  Effects on BWR Core Spray      Oyster Creek  &  N/A Distribution                                NMP-1 A-35 (B023)  Adequacy of Offsite Power Systems      All Plants              NRC SER  with Technical Specification amendment 38 to provisional license dated March 26, 1981.
NRC SER  of SEP Topic VII-3 dated April 2, 1981.
License amendment application dated 7/2/90 provides further  enhancement.
B-10    Behavior of  BWR Mark  III            All BNR  Mark    N/A Containments                            III Plants
4 Page 5 of' GSZ/(NPA No.)                                     APPLICABILITY  STATUS B-36      Develop Design, Testing and        All Plants with  N/A Haintenance Criteria for Atmosphere OL Applications Cleanup System Air Filtration and    After 4/1/80 Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal  Ventilation Systems B-63 (B045)   Isolation of Low Pressure Systems      All Plants          Tech. Spec.
Connected to the Reactor Coolant                          amendment  40 by System Pressure  Boundary                                  order of  NRC, April 20, 1981}}

Latest revision as of 04:31, 4 February 2020

Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04 Re Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/09/1990
From: Mecredy R
To: Andrea Johnson
TASK-***, TASK-OR GL-90-04, GL-90-4, NUDOCS 9007180300
Download: ML17309A446 (12)


Enclosure 1 4 'V I

ft tCii i

Ststl ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION ~ 89 EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.K 14649.0001 TC C>~O'iC July 9, 1990 aiica core is 5>i:.270'.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Attn: Allen R. Johnson Project Directorate I-3 Washington, D.C. 20555


Response to Generic Letter 90-04 Status of Generic Safety Issues R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-244

Dear Mr. Johnson:

In Gene'ric Letter 90-04 from James G. Partlow, dated April 25, 1990, you requested information regarding the status of generic safety issues. The attachment to the April 25 letter has been retyped, . illed in to show status, and is enclosed with this letter.

Very truly yours, Division Manager Nuclear Production JRJ/110 Attachment xc: Mr. Allen R. Johnson (Mail Stop 14D1)

Project Directorate I-3 Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 t

Ginna Senior Resident Inspector (gag ol~

'y007 f pap. '00 90V7VY pDF AD CK 0 i000244 p PDC

0 1P Pago I of 5 FACILITY NAME:Ginna Station DOCKET NO: 50-244 LICENSEE: Rochastor Gas and Eloctrxc Co rat@on STATUS OF LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION OP GENERIC SAP)~~ ISSUES RESOLVED WITH IMPOSITION OP RE UIREMENTS OR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS GSI/(MPA No.) TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS 40 (B065) Safety Concerns Associated With Pipe All BWRs N/A Breaks In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058) BWR Scram Discharge Volume Systems All BWRs N/A 43 (B107) Reliability Of Air Systems All Plants RG&E responses to NRC Generic Letter 88-14, dated February 3, 1989, and July 9, 1990.

51 (L913) Improving the Reliability of Open- All Plants RG&E response to NRC Cycle Service Water Systems Generic Letter 88-17, dated January 29, 1990. Work to be completed by end of 91 Refueling outage.

67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident Monitoring All Plants RG&E Responding to February 20, 1990 NRC Request.

Expected Submittal in July 1990.

Completion subject to NRC review.

75, (B076) Item 1.1 Post-Trip Review (Program All Plants SER by NRC October Description and Procedure) 25, 1985 75 (B085) Item 1.2 Post-Trip Review Data All Plants RG&E Letter to NRC and Information Capability dated November 4, 1983

I g


Page 2 of 5 GSI/(MPA Ho.) TITLE AK'l.'l ICiKXLITY COMMENTS 75 (B077) Item 2.1 Equipment Classification All Plants Part 1 C NRC Letter dated and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip August 8, 1986 System Components)

Part 2 C NRC SER sent in letter dated February 6, 1989 75 (B086) Item 2.2.1 Equipment All Plants NRC SER dated Classification for Safety-Related November 18, 1987 Components 75 (L003) Item 2.2.2 Vendor Interface for All Plants RGaE letter to NRC Safety-Related Components dated November 4, 1983. Generic Letter 90-03 dated May 20, 1990.

Supplement 1 to Generic Letter 90-03 dated May 14, 1990.

RGsE response due September 25, 1990.

75 (B078) Items 3.1.1 6 3.1.2 Post- All Plants NRC SER dated April Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip 10, 1986 System Components) 75 (B079) Item 3.1.3 Post-Maintenance All Plants NRC SER dated Testing-Changes to Test Requirements October 1, 1985 (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 5 3 '.2 Post- .

Maintenance Testing (All Other All Plants NRC SER 10, 1986 dated April Safety-Related Components) 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 Post-Maintenance All Plants NRC SER dated Testing-Changes to Test Requirements October 1, 1985 (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1 Reactor Trip System All Plants NRC SER dated Reliability April'0, (Vendor-Related 1986 Modifications)

C, C

1 Pago 3 of 5 ~

GSI/(SPA No.) TITLE lG? PLICABILITY 75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 Reactor Trip All PNRs NRC SER dated May System Reliability - Maintenance and 14, 1986 Testing'(Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082) Item 4.3 Reactor Trip System All N and B&W NRC SER dated Reliability Design Modifications Plants January 9, 1987 (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&N Plants) .

75 (B090) Item 4.3 Reactor Trip System All W & B&W Tech Spec Approved Reliability Tech Spec Changes Plants April 4, 1989 (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4 Reactor Trip System All B&W Plants N/A Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants) 75 (B092) Item 4.5.1 Reactor Trip System All Plants NRC SER dated April Reliability-Diverse Trip Features 10, 1986 (System Functional Testing) 75 (B093) Items 4.5.2 & 4.5.3 Reactor Trip All Plants 4.5.2 C NRC SER dated System Reliability Test February 9, 1987 Alternatives and Intervals (System Functional Testing) 4.5.3 I NRC Letter dated July 26, 1989.

Response scheduled for October 1, 1990 86 (B084) Long Range Plan for Dealing with All BWRs N/A Stress Corrosion Cracking in BNR Piping 93 (B098) Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater All PNRs RG&E Letter dated Pumps May 24, 1988 from Bruce Snow to the NRC

Pago 4 of 5 G8I/(MPA No.) TITLE APPLICABILITY STA'f. ~S COMMENTS 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve Interlock All PHRs NRC SER for SEP on PWRs Topic V-ll.B, 9/29/81. RG&E


letter 4/17/90.

124 Auxiliary Feedwater System AN0-1&2, Rancho N/A Reliability Seco, Prairie Island 1&2, Crystal River-3 Ft. Calhoun A-13 (B017) Snubber Operability Assurance All Plants Tech Spec amendment Hydraulic Snubbers 37 dated May 30, 1989 A-13 (B022) Snubber Operability Assurance All Plants Tech Spec amendment Mechanical Snubbers 37 dated May 30, 1989 A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BWR Core Spray Oyster Creek & N/A Distribution NMP-1 A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsite Power Systems All Plants NRC SER with Technical Specification amendment 38 to provisional license dated March 26, 1981.

NRC SER of SEP Topic VII-3 dated April 2, 1981.

License amendment application dated 7/2/90 provides further enhancement.

B-10 Behavior of BWR Mark III All BNR Mark N/A Containments III Plants

4 Page 5 of' GSZ/(NPA No.) APPLICABILITY STATUS B-36 Develop Design, Testing and All Plants with N/A Haintenance Criteria for Atmosphere OL Applications Cleanup System Air Filtration and After 4/1/80 Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems B-63 (B045) Isolation of Low Pressure Systems All Plants Tech. Spec.

Connected to the Reactor Coolant amendment 40 by System Pressure Boundary order of NRC, April 20, 1981