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-FW: P!ýIgrirn inthei News Page 1 , Alicia Wilharnson-FW:
Alicia Wilharnson-FW: Pilgrim in the News Page 1 .1I From:               "Raymond, William" <>
Pilgrim in the News Page 1 .1 I From: "Raymond, William" <>
To:                 <>, <arwl>
To: <>, <arwl>Date: 01/04/2007 2:08:55 PM  
Date:               01/04/2007 2:08:55 PM

FW: Pilgrim in the News This is the other news item I spoke of in my voice mail.See the attached PDF file.Bill----- Original Message -----From: Ryan, Joanne Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:13 AM To: Balduzzi, Michael (Pilgrim Station);
FW: Pilgrim in the News This is the other news item I spoke of in my voice mail.
Gottlieb, Laurence; Bronson, Kevin; Smith, Robert G. (PNP); Raymond, William; Alexander, John;Sowdon, Thomas; Sowdon, Thomas; Bethay, Stephen; Lach, David J; Ford, Bryan  
See the attached PDF file.
              ----- Original Message -----
From: Ryan, Joanne Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:13 AM To: Balduzzi, Michael (Pilgrim Station); Gottlieb, Laurence; Bronson, Kevin; Smith, Robert G. (PNP); Raymond, William; Alexander, John; Sowdon, Thomas; Sowdon, Thomas; Bethay, Stephen; Lach, David J; Ford, Bryan

Pilgrim in the News Attached are newsclips from last week.Joanne Ryan Entergy -Pilgrim Station Communications 508-830-8200 508-830-8357 Fax Jryanl
Pilgrim in the News Attached are newsclips from last week.
----- Original Message -----From: PNP560_DoNotReply@
Joanne Ryan Entergy - Pilgrim Station Communications 508-830-8200 508-830-8357 Fax Jryanl
              ----- Original Message -----
From: PNP560_DoNotReply@]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:55 AM To: Ryan, Joanne  
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:55 AM To: Ryan, Joanne

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Creation Date From: Created By: FW: Pilgrim in the News 01/04/2007 1:57:29 PM"Raymond, William" <>
FW: Pilgrim in the News Creation Date            01/04/2007 1:57:29 PM From:                    "Raymond, William" <>
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gK)/e(6 DATE: PAGE: iEntergy Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc..:' :/Plymouth official quits out of frustration with NRC By Robert Knox rLOE CORRESIPJIDENT PLYMOU-FH  
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ......... . . ..Page j14 1L,?bia&#xfd;Wjllamson -ScanO0i.PDF CURRENT CLIPS FROM THE iEntergy                                                                                              /                        PILGRIM, COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION:                       gK)/e(6 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.                                                                                               DATE:
-The head of the town's Nuclear Matters Committee has resigned, criticizing the nu-clear industry's federal regulators for failing to listen to the public's concerns about the security of nuclear power plants such as the Pilgrim plant.Jeff Berger, owner of a Plymouth-based marketing communications company, chaired the committee' that last year produced a lengthy set of recommenda-tions to advise the town on Pilgrim's request to ex-tend its license."Bottom fine, the NRC" -the Nuclear Regulatory Commission  
                      .       :'   :
-"is in the pocket of the nuclear indus-try," Berger stated in an e-mail to Town Manager Mark Sylvia. He also described the agency as consist-ing of "obstinate, supercilious, arrogant, obnoxious individuals" who care more about the letter of regula-tions than public safety.While there was no single incident that soured his view of the NRC, Berger cited the behavior of one offi-cial for "looking bored and slkyward" when local resi-dents at a meeting in Plymouth criticized Pilgrim and"doing everything but really listening to what people are saying'" A lack of genuine attention to public con-cents symbolizes the agencTy's attitude, Berger said.NRC spokesman Neil Shechan said anyone with concerns "with or about us" can coniact the agency's Office of the Inspector General "if there is a belief that sian employee of the NRC is acting niappropriately." S As an example of the igencv' attention to public concerns, Sheehan cited a rnetilog last month with area government officials to update theni and answer qllestions.  
'Ve ftoild tlie ;css" m *1o h1)"e," trem ely prn-ductive andt the attendees to be !ighiy nig;igcl," Sheehan said via Q-mail.Berger said he v' iuntelirei rr *l.' ci cliar Mat-!,.rs Committee five 'c ''s ago over voniern that P'-i'i'a ,''as a tempting target '-r i <rrnortr ainid he still hIs that wonris IIc sIde he I, eali T! NRC , a4 ;i v,-a ,chd,)gbUt C te V, it :i&#xfd; i: I i!',it S r:, :-rcaiOr rather thaw the pub iic:2..\. Eic nteoi y' Coi ?il P: : !Cl .0i G" I I lni'i lii: winter>htie c; ' ," : : 'n -tended public hearing in Plymouth library. Pilgrim employees praised the plant's operation, but most other residents raised concerns about security, emer-gency evacuation, and public health. A month later,.the committee issued its report saying selectmen should back relicensing only if issues such as improv-ing emergency response plans and radiation monitor-ing are addressed.
Plymouth official quits out of frustration with NRC By Robert Knox                                               tended public hearing in Plymouth library. Pilgrim rLOE CORRESIPJIDENT employees praised the plant's operation, but most PLYMOU-FH - The head of the town's Nuclear                                       other residents raised concerns about security, emer-Matters Committee has resigned, criticizing the nu- gency evacuation, and public health. A month later,.
But despite the committee's report, the town has kept a low profile at public meetings, while private itizerLs have taken the lead in challenging NRC staff assessments of issues. iuxbury-based Pilgrim Watch, for example, succeeded in convincing the nuclear ex-perts panel that oversees the relicensing review to hold hearings on two issues.The Nuclear Matters Committee also studied the possibility of forming a national alliance of communi-ties hosting or living near nuclear reactors to advo-cate to Congress and the federal government for their interests.
clear industry's federal regulators for failing to listen the committee issued its report saying selectmen to the public's concerns about the security of nuclear                                   should back relicensing only if issues such as improv-power plants such as the Pilgrim plant.                                                 ing emergency response plans and radiation monitor-Jeff Berger, owner of a Plymouth-based marketing ing are addressed.
But Berger said he has grown less hopeful of an alliance's potential to influence decisionis.
communications company, chaired the committee'                                               But despite the committee's report, the town has that last year produced a lengthy set of recommenda- kept a low profile at public meetings, while private tions to advise the town on Pilgrim's request to ex-                                     itizerLs have taken the lead in challenging NRC staff tend its license.                                                                       assessments of issues. iuxbury-based Pilgrim Watch, "Bottom fine, the NRC" - the Nuclear Regulatory for example, succeeded in convincing the nuclear ex-Commission - "is in the pocket of the nuclear indus- perts panel that oversees the relicensing review to try," Berger stated in an e-mail to Town Manager                                         hold hearings on two issues.
He said he decided to step down from an official role so that he might express his oiwn opinions frecly."For the safet" of the cnuntry, the NRC has to be changed," he said.In his resignation letter Wednesday, Berger said that at a time of growing concerns over climate change from carbon dio.xide emissions, alternatives such as nuclear power should he embraced.
Mark Sylvia. He also described the agency as consist-                                         The Nuclear Matters Committee also studied the ing of "obstinate, supercilious, arrogant, obnoxious possibility of forming a national alliance of communi-individuals" who care more about the letter of regula- ties hosting or living near nuclear reactors to advo-tions than public safety.                                                               cate to Congress and the federal government for their While there was no single incident that soured his interests. But Berger said he has grown less hopeful of view of the NRC, Berger cited the behavior of one offi- an alliance's potential to influence decisionis. He said cial for "looking bored and slkyward" when local resi- he decided to step down from an official role so that dents at a meeting in Plymouth criticized Pilgrim and                                     he might express his oiwn opinions frecly "doing everything but really listening to what people                                       . "For the safet" of the cnuntry, the NRC has to be are saying'" A lack of genuine attention to public con- changed," he said.
However, the NRC "pays only lip service to the issues that should he at the top f its agenda and routinely ig-nores" voicesof'genrine concern. such as tie state at-torney generalss, he said.Attorney General Toi R1liiy's recent petition to place the issue Of Cl,-sitI storage of liuclear waste on the table or licensing review was turned down by the NRC."'he NtC %,T I hold a lctlng in Plyrnouth on Jai.24 to take public roi''ln 01 on the ;!gency's recent en-virrilolncetrl
cents symbolizes the agencTy's attitude, Berger said.                                         In his resignation letter Wednesday, Berger said NRC spokesman Neil Shechan said anyone with                                       that at a time of growing concerns over climate concerns "with or about us" can coniact the agency's                                     change from carbon dio.xide emissions, alternatives Office of the Inspector General "if there is a belief that such as nuclear power should he embraced. However, sian employee of the NRC is acting niappropriately."                                     the NRC "pays only lip service to the issues that As an example of the igencv' attention to public should he at the top f its agenda and routinely ig-S concerns, Sheehan cited a rnetilog last month with nores" voicesof'genrine concern. such as tie state at-area government officials to update theni and answer torney generalss, he said.
;:l' n ef pe'CIt which concluded there arc 110 likely -nciui':oiui~iylleicvIs froin keep-igl 'ilrim open ;ht ira'v .sio;:; &#xfd;':flotigh to throw re-1&#xfd; Alicia Williamson
qllestions. 'Ve ftoild tlie ;css"m *1oh1)"e,"trem ely prn-                                     Attorney General Toi R1liiy's recent petition to ductive andt the attendees to be !ighiy nig;igcl,"                                       place the issue Of Cl,-sitI storage of liuclear waste on Sheehan said via Q-mail.                                                                 the table or licensing review was turned down by the Berger said he v' iuntelirei rr *l.' cliar                    ci Mat- NRC.
                                    !,.rs Committee five'c ''s ago over voniern that P'-                                         "'he NtC %,TI hold a lctlng in Plyrnouth on Jai.
-&#xfd;5& h~ 6Fe &D~ATE: 12J31106 PAGE: Ed Colley's View MY 6OLf~~kgr~ f#5 AR Awr 64L w77N w PIL14M LIC6If0 -E NOIqAS POO, M, t Pbmr rXeS.
i'i'a ,''as a tempting target '-r i <rrnortr ainidhe still 24 to take public roi''ln 01 on the ;!gency's recent en-hIs that wonris IIc sIde he niui*LlyI,                       eali T! NRC               virrilolncetrl ;:l'n    ef pe'CIt which concluded there a4
Alicia Williamson
                                        ,;i v,-a               ,chd,)gbUt C   V, te      it   :i&#xfd;     i: i!',it I              r:,
-ScanO0l .PDF Paqe 3;1 ,w mEntergy Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.Ptgnm Statvcn 600 Rocky HA Road P&#xfd;,mcuir..
S      :-  arc  110 likely    -nciui':oiui~iylleicvIs        froin keep-rcaiOr rather thaw the pub iic:2.                                                       igl      'ilrim open ;ht ira'v .sio;:; &#xfd;':flotigh to throw re-
                                          .\.       Eic nteoi y' Coi     ?il             :            I.P:!Cl I0iG" lni'i winter>htie lii:                c;     ,"'    :     : 'n                           -
LL4p b DATE. 3 :, PAGE: I Adicia Williamson
1&#xfd; Alicia Williamson - Scan0OI..PDF                                                    Page 2 ;1
OLL C6 ?,A tD DATE: 4 bU Property taxes hold, for now PLYMOUTH -The tax rate in Plymouth will decrease, but property taxes will stay about the same in 2007.Selectmen decided in December to keep the unified tax rate, despite the protests of many homeowners who say commercial property owners are not paying their fair share.However, Director of Assessing Anne Dunn has said the commercial base in Plymouth is much too small to handle a shift in the tax bur-den.The tax rate for 2007 will be$9.96 per $1,000 assessed value for both residential and com-mercial properties.
That is a 23-cent decrease from the fis-cal year 2006 rate of $9.88 per$1,000.According to Dunn, the aver-age residential tax bill will be$3,457,43, a $44.88 increase over the average tax bill in 2006.* But fiscal year 2008 is loom-ing. It begins July 1. 2007.The payment in lieu of taxes made by Entergy will decrease by $10 million in 2008.The town is negotiating an, agreement with Entergy, the owner of Pilgrim nuclear power plant. for a new payment in lieu of taxes agreement.
The current agreement expires in 2012, when Pilgrim's operating license expires. Entergy wants to extend the plant's operating license for another 20 years., The town has put aside money in a stabilization fund.but that fund only has enough money to cover the loss for two years.
6Fe D~ATE:            12J31106 PAGE:
Ed Colley's View MY 6OLf~~
OLL) OtWfMI AJ@OW14Z DATE: 12-~ 3e PA&E: ___Berger resigns Nuclear Matters Committee member frustrated by NRC Sy Casey Meserve PLYMOUTH -Calling the Nuclear Regulatory Commission a "contemptible sham" Jeff Berger resigned from the Nuclear Matters com-mittee Wednesday afternoon in an email to Town Manager Mark Sylvia.Berger, formerly the com-mittee chairman, had been on the NMC for five years.He said his resignation stems from the frustration he's felt when the committee review. The NRC does not look at evacuation or emergency planning in the environmental review.He wrote that the NRC was created as a watchdog over nuclear power, but has become a lapdog for the nuclear indus-try.Berger wrote that he is not opposed to nuclear power, and still thinks it is a viable way to decrease the use of fossil fuels, which emit carbon dioxide, adding to global warming."It seems to me that states Alicia Williamson
kgr~f#5 AR Awr64L w77N wPIL14M LIC6If0  -
-Scan001 .PDF Paoe 6 1------. ........-I-- Entergy Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.Sta'er'"G2EC-5 it, CURRENT CLIPS FROM THE PILGRIM COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION:
ENOIqAS POO, M,t Pbmr rXeS.
OLC) no DATE; la'V36' /0L PA&E: 'Relicensing continues The process to extend the nuclear power plant's license will run through the year PLYMOUTH -It has been nearly a year since Entergy applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to renew the operating license of Pilgrim nuclear power plant and it may be another year before the NRC makes its final decision.The relicensing process for Pilgrim will continue in 2007. It will probably extend into 2008, if Pilgrim Watch and the attor-ney general's office have any-thing to do about it.Pilgrim Watch, a nuclear power watchdog group, along with Mass. Attorney General Tom Reilly filed petitions to intervene in the relicensing process with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The attorney general's peti-tion was turned down, and is being appealed, but several contentions in Pilgrim Watch's petition were admitted.However, Entergy and NRC staff members filed appeals to have Pi!grim Watch*s con-tentions thrown out.It wi be up to the five mem-bers of the presidentially appointed commission to make the final decision on Pilgrim Watch and the attorney gener-al.NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan said if one oi more hearing is granted, the reli-censing process will take about 30 months. Without a hearing, the process usually takes 22 months."If no hearing is granted, there could be a final decision on the Pilgrim application in late November," Sheehan said."If there is a hearing granted, we're looking for a decision in July, 2008." Pilgrim Watch and the attor-ney general's office, with Martha Coakley as the new attorney general, are hoping the process lasts until 2008.In the meantime, the public meeting process continues.
Alicia Williamson - ScanO0l .PDF                                                            Paqe 3;1 CURRENT CLIPS F~ROM THE
The NRC will hold two pub-lic meetings in January to describe the results of the NRC's environmental review of Pilgrim. The commission released a draft of its environ-mental impact statement con-cerning the impact Pilgrim has on the environment surround-ing the plant."We're still firming Ltp the dates for public meetings." said Sheehan.H1l saiid 1h1 ieetrings are tentatively scheduled for Jan.24.Comments from the January meeting will be taken under consideration as the NRC staff -, prepares the final environmen'
                      ,wmEntergy Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
-'tal report, to be issued in July.Another report will also be -issued in July. The safety evalu-ation report with open items, a report on the safety and aging -of the plant and its compo-nents, will. be issued that i month, with a draft version issued in May.Apublic meeting will be held sometime in the summer on -the safety evaluation report. 'j A fourth step in the process will also be concluded thi year. The advis6r.F committe'on reactor safeguards, a pane"j of nuclear reactor safetI experts, acts as an advisory..
committee to the NRC. Th'n advisory committee will dis-cuss the Pilgrim application during a subcommittee meet-ing in April. The full advisory committee will discuss the application in September, according to Sheehan, -.The public is invited to ask questions concerning the envi-ronmental review and may comment in vTiting to the NRC bv Feb. 28 at Chief, Rules Review and Directives Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissiot., Mail Stop T6-D59.. Washington.
Ptgnm Statvcn 600 Rocky HA Road DATE.:,                 3 P&#xfd;,mcuir.. MA '2-360--5CEI Tel AC863 --815-                     PAGE:              I
DC 20555-000 1.
a ;1(DATE: )l 9 D .PAGE: !&#xa9;The environmen I and security threats of PIgrim Duxbury is directly across the bay from a nu-clear power reactor- a known terrorist target. Are you satisfied with current security measures?For example, will a couple of buoys floating"No Trespassing" signs and an occasional Coast Guard drive-by keep terrorists out?Will passenger screening limited to major airports protect against smaller aircraft loaded with explosives leaving secondary airports?Will state police get to Pilgrim on time to pro-vide the support needed by onsite security guards to block a land-based attack? And appre-ciating that even the best security can reduce, but ties, including Duxbury, impacted by Pilgrim's emnissions.
Adicia Williamson - ScanOO 1.PDF              .....
They found a four-fold increase the closer one lived or worked at Pilgrim and made four recommendations, yet to be implemented as intended.The recommendations included requiring a system of real-time monitoring ofradionuclide emissions placed in surrounding communities so that reliable and timely data would be avail-able to assess exposure; implementing a state allowable radioactive air emission standard more stringent and protective of public health than currently in use by federal ,  
._Aia w i&#xfd;llioamson
                                                                                      '')t                PIL&RIM COMMUUNICATIONS        OFFICE SEntergy PUBLICATION:      OLL    C6  ?,A    tD Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.                                                     DATE:                      4      bU pad Property taxes hold, for now PLYMOUTH - The tax rate          The tax rate for 2007 will be   by $10 million in 2008.
in Plymouth will decrease, but    $9.96 per $1,000 assessed value    The town is negotiating an, property taxes will stay about    for both residential and com-    agreement with Entergy, the the same in 2007.                mercial properties. That is a    owner of Pilgrim nuclear Selectmen      decided      in  23-cent decrease from the fis-   power plant. for a new payment December to keep the unified      cal year 2006 rate of $9.88 per  in lieu of taxes agreement. The tax rate, despite the protests of  $1,000.                          current agreement expires in many homeowners who say              According to Dunn, the aver-  2012, when Pilgrim's operating commercial property owners        age residential tax bill will be license expires. Entergy wants are not paying their fair share.  $3,457,43, a $44.88 increase    to extend the plant's operating However,      Director      of  over the average tax bill in    license for another 20 years.
....a aMRENT aLps FROM ThE*Ent rg 1 PUBLICATION:
Assessing Anne Dunn has said      2006.                              , The town has put aside the commercial base in
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.Plgnm Station DATE: 6.3C RociKII Road P',rreutn.
* But fiscal year 2008 is loom-   money in a stabilization fund.
M C236C-5..58 PA6E: ae KG8 a3c 5895-"ax 5,2.8 K.-, K,57 luke watchdog head resigns, blasts NRC 3y Patriot Ledger staff ILYMOUTH -The head of a town committee that acts as a watchdog over the Pilgrim nuclear plant has resigned, calling the Nuclear legulatory Commission "a contemptible sham" that imperils the safety of people who live near nuclear plants.Jeff Berger stepped down this week as chairman of the nuclear matters committee.
Plymouth is much too small to      ing. It begins July 1. 2007. but that fund only has enough handle a shift in the tax bur-       The payment in lieu of taxes  money to cover the loss for two den.                              made by Entergy will decrease    years.
'I am far too busy, and my time is far too valuable, to waste any more of it banging my head against the NRC wall when it is clear that the trrogance, haughtiness, bull-headedness, and overall incompetence of the NRC continues unabated," Berger said in his resignation letter to 3electmen.
k spokeswoman for Pilgrim plant owner Entergy declined to comment on Berger's resignation, but said the company will continue to 2ooperate with the committee.,ommission spokesman Neil Sheehan said the agency will forward Berger's comments to the Office of Inspector General, an independent sody that investigates "any concerns about fraud or abuse or inappropriate behavior by an agency employee."'We're not aware of any interactions between Mr. Berger and us that would provoke this sort of comment," Sheehan said.E3erger served on the committee for alrmost five years, longer than any other member. He was the only one who remained on the panel after it disintegrated last year amid complaints that selectmen had not provided adequate leadership, some members did not participate and a Pilgrim spokesman had treated them rudely. Selectmen revived the group in May 2005 by appointing six new members.More recently, Berger and other committee members have clashed with federal regulators over Pilgrim owner Entergy's bid to extend the plant's license. '..... ... ... .. .. .... ............  
AicaWilliamson -ScanQ0l .PDF                                                            -&#xfd;*~---
..Members criticized evacuation plans to protect the public in an accident or terrorist attack against Pilgrim and said the commission's requirements are inadequate.
F3erger echoed many of those criticisms in his resignation letter. He likened the approved emergency plans to "children's fairy tales" and said the commission "gives lip service to the still very real prospect of a terrorist attack" on the Pilgrim plant."Entergy is obeying the law but behaving in a way that will endanger the people of Plymouth in a serious nuclear accident or attack because the NRC negligently (and stupidly) allows it to," he wrote.He also criticized regulators for allowing the plant to test for "potentially lethal emissions" of radiation in only one location, inside Pilgrim property.
                                                            ,/,                    CURRENT CLIPS FROM THE PILGRIM COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION: OLL) OtWfMI AJ@OW14Z DATE:           12-~3e PA&E:        ___
If a plume of radiation changes course, people fleeing an accident or attack might be sent to an area in the path of thae.MiaignzsbJa, ___said.Sheehan said the commission's rules bar considering evacuation plans during license renewal proceedings. "That needs to be dealt with on an ongoing basis," he said.Berger said he had asked to join the committee soon after the.Sept.
Berger resigns Nuclear Matters Committee member frustrated by NRC Sy Casey Meserve                review. The NRC does not look at evacuation or emergency PLYMOUTH - Calling the        planning in the environmental Nuclear           Regulatory    review.
11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, where his daughter-in-law had been working on that day. "My reason for joining was deep concern about the possibility of an attack on Pilgrim Station," he said.At the time, he was "neutral" about the nuclear power industry, he said. He still does not oppose nuclear plants but he is no longer unbiased about the commission, Berger said.Plymouth needs an unbiased chairman for its Nuclear Matters Committee, Berger said.
Commission a "contemptible          He wrote that the NRC was sham" Jeff Berger resigned      created as a watchdog over from the Nuclear Matters com-   nuclear power, but has become mittee Wednesday afternoon in  a lapdog for the nuclear indus-an email to Town Manager        try.
Alici.a Wi!iamson
Mark Sylvia.                         Berger wrote that he is not Berger, formerly the com-     opposed to nuclear power, and mittee chairman, had been on    still thinks it is a viable way to the NMC for five years.          decrease the use of fossil fuels, He said his resignation      which emit carbon dioxide, stems from the frustration he's  adding to global warming.
-ScanO01 .PDF .. .Page9J Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.P gen~ Staticrn 6CC ROCkl/ -si P~ad eca 63 &C &#xfd;895 7 o~s 11 1 CUIRW MIPS FROM THE PILGRIM COM#MLI&#xfd;acATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION:
felt when the committee              "It seems to me that states
_E ClATE: 2 PAGE: Nuke watchdog panel head quits in huff over NRC SOLTHOFBOSTON.COM PLYMOUTH--The head of a town commit-tee that acts as a watchdog over the Pilgrim nuclear plant has quit out of frustration with weak. federal regulators who endanger the public, he says.Jeff Berger resigned Wednesday as chair-man of the Nuclear Matters Committee, call-ing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
'a contemptible sham" that 'imperils the safety of American citizens" living near nuclear plants.'I am far too busy, and my time is far too valuable, to waste any more of it banging my head against the NRC wall when it is clear that the arrogance, haughtiness, bull-headedness, and overall incompetence of the NRC contin-ues unabated," Berger said in his resignation letter to selectmen.
Alicia Williamson - Scan001 .PDF                                                                                                                              Paoe 6 1 I
Berger served on the committee for almost five years, longer than any other member.More recently Berger and other committee members have clashed with federal regulators over Pilgrim owner Entergy's bid to extend the plant's license.Members criticized evacuation plans to pro-tect the public in an accident or terrorist attack against Pilgrim and said the commission's re-quirements are inadequate.
Berger echoed many of those criticisms in his resignation letter. He likened the approved emergency plans to "children's fairy tales" and said the commission "gives lip service to the still very real prospect of a terrorist attack" on the Pilgrim plant.
Ac!ia. Wi/liamson
                      -- Entergy                                                                          PUBLICATION: OLC) no Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
--Entergy Entergy Nuclear Operations,', ,_C ! :; ,cod 1/1 CURRENT CLIPS FROM THE PIL6RIM COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION;
Sta'er'                                                                          DATE;                      la'V36' /0L P*ad "G2EC-5                                                                    PA&E:                          '
.Z6qAt)414 DATE;. &#xfd;1;6 PAGE:-69 Where agendas clash Relicensing the nuclear power plant brings out true believers on both sides PLYMOUTH -Pilgrim nuclear power plant's original license expires in 2012, but plant owner Entergy decided to begin the renewal process a little early.From the first public hearing on the relicensing process in March, no speaker at any hearing has lacked an agenda.Whether it was marine life, watershed associations, public safety or taxes, everyone who spoke at the NRC's public meet-iags became an advocate for some-thing, and was either for relicens-ing or against it.Entergy is Plymouth's largest employer and provides the town with about 11 percent of its munici-pal budget In 2008, however, Entergy's payments in lieu of taxes will decrease by $10 million until Pilgrim's operating license expires in 2012.Relicensing the plant could mean a windfall to the town's cof-fers, or it could be a bust. in May, Town Meeting agreed to spend S1.5 million to hire a team of lawyers to negotiate a payment plan with Entergy.Because the NRC has systems in place to plan for emergencies and test those plans, evacuation and related issues fall outside the reli-censing process. As do the issue of spent fuel storage on plant proper-ty. Those issues have not disap-peared yet, as a California court ordered the NRC to consider ter-rorism and emergency planning as it reviews licensing applications.
Relicensing continues tentions thrown out.             tentatively scheduled for Jan.
The NRC has never refused a relicensing application for a com-mercial nuclear power plant.Thirty-nine plants have received 20-year extensions.
The process to                        It wi be up to the five mem-  24.
In December, the NRC came out with a draft of the environmental impact statement.
Comments from the January extend the                      bers of the presidentially appointed commission to make      meeting will be taken under consideration as the NRC staff -,
The report stat-ed that relicensing the plant would have a small to moderate impact on the population of winter flounder in Cape Cod Bay and rainbow smelt in the Jones River.Former Massachusetts Attorney General Thomas Reilly and the nonprofit watchdog group Pilgrim Watch petitioned the NRC to inter-vene in the relicenasng process.That process will last 22 to 30 months. Relicensing would allow the plant to operate for another 20 years. Entergy can file for a second operating extension then.}}
nuclear power                   the final decision on Pilgrim Watch and the attorney gener-    prepares the final environmen' -'
plant's license                 al.
NRC      spokesman      Neil tal report, to be issued in July.
Another report will also be -
will run through                  Sheehan said if one oi more hearing is granted, the reli-issued in July. The safety evalu-ation report with open items, a the year                          censing process will take about 30 months. Without a hearing, report on the safety and aging -
of the plant and its compo-PLYMOUTH - It has been        the process usually takes 22      nents, will. be issued that i nearly a year since Entergy      months.                          month, with a draft version applied    to the Nuclear             "If no hearing is granted,    issued in May.
Regulatory Commission to          there could be a final decision      Apublic meeting will be held renew the operating license of    on the Pilgrim application in    sometime in the summer on -
Pilgrim nuclear power plant      late November," Sheehan said. the safety evaluation report. 'j and it may be another year        "If there is a hearing granted,      A fourth step in the process before the NRC makes its final    we're looking for a decision in  will also be concluded thi decision.                        July, 2008."                      year. The advis6r.F committe' The relicensing process for       Pilgrim Watch and the attor- on reactor safeguards, a pane"j Pilgrim will continue in 2007. It ney general's office, with        of nuclear reactor safetI will probably extend into 2008,   Martha Coakley as the new        experts, acts as an advisory..
if Pilgrim Watch and the attor-  attorney general, are hoping      committee to the NRC. Th'n ney general's office have any-   the process lasts until 2008. advisory committee will dis-thing to do about it.                 In the meantime, the public  cuss the Pilgrim application Pilgrim Watch, a nuclear      meeting process continues.       during a subcommittee meet-power watchdog group, along          The NRC will hold two pub-    ing in April. The full advisory with Mass. Attorney General      lic meetings in January to        committee will discuss the Tom Reilly filed petitions to     describe the results of the      application in September, intervene in the relicensing      NRC's environmental review of     according to Sheehan,            -.
process with the Nuclear          Pilgrim. The        commission      The public is invited to ask Regulatory Commission.            released a draft of its environ-  questions concerning the envi-The attorney general's peti-  mental impact statement con-     ronmental review and may tion was turned down, and is      cerning the impact Pilgrim has    comment in vTiting to the NRC being appealed, but several      on the environment surround-      bv Feb. 28 at Chief, Rules contentions in Pilgrim Watch's    ing the plant.                   Review and Directives Branch, petition were admitted.               "We're still firming Ltp the  U.S. Nuclear      Regulatory However, Entergy and NRC       dates for public meetings." said  Commissiot., Mail Stop T6-staff members filed appeals to   Sheehan.                          D59.. Washington. DC 20555-have Pi!grim Watch*s con-             H1l saiid 1h1 ieetrings are  000 1.
Alicia Wi~amS&#xfd;o&#xfd;&#xfd;rnS&#xfd;afOOl .PDF -
DATE:                              )l 9 D .
PAGE:                            !&#xa9; The environmen I and security threats of Duxbury    is directly across the bay from PIgrim clear power reactor- a known terrorist target.a nu- ties, including Duxbury, impacted by Pilgrim's you                                              Are emnissions. They found a satisfied with current security measures?                                    four-fold increase the For example, will a couple of buoys                  closer one lived or worked at Pilgrim floating                                          and made "No Trespassing" signs and an                          four recommendations, yet to be implemented occasional    as intended.
Coast Guard drive-by keep terrorists out?            The recommendations included requiring Will passenger screening limited to major    system of real-time monitoring ofradionuclidea airports protect against smaller aircraft loaded  emissions placed in surrounding with explosives leaving secondary                                                            communities airports?      so that reliable and timely data would Will state police get to Pilgrim on time to pro-   able to assess exposure; implementingbe avail-vide the support needed by onsite                                                                  a state security  allowable radioactive air emission guards to block a land-based attack?                                                            standard And appre-    more stringent and protective of ciating that even the best security can                                                    public health reduce, but  than currently in use by federal
._Aia w i&#xfd;llioamson - Scan00.P.DF .                  .     .         .a aMRENT aLps FROM ThE*
Ent rg              1  PUBLICATION:
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Plgnm Station                                                                                  DATE:
6.3CRociKII HA*Road P',rreutn. M C236C-5..58                                                                      PA6E:
ae KG8a3c 5895
                            -"ax 5,2.8K.-, K,57 luke watchdog head resigns, blasts NRC 3y PatriotLedger staff ILYMOUTH - The head of a town committee that acts as a watchdog over the Pilgrim nuclear plant has resigned, calling the Nuclear legulatory Commission "a contemptible sham" that imperils the safety of people who live near nuclear plants.
Jeff Berger stepped down this week as chairman of the nuclear matters committee.
                  'Iam far too busy, and my time is far too valuable, to waste any more of it banging my head against the NRC wall when it is clear that the trrogance, haughtiness, bull-headedness, and overall incompetence of the NRC continues unabated," Berger said in his resignation letter to 3electmen.
k spokeswoman for Pilgrim plant owner Entergy declined to comment on Berger's resignation, but said the company will continue to 2ooperate with the committee.
                  ,ommission spokesman Neil Sheehan said the agency will forward Berger's comments to the Office of Inspector General, an independent sody that investigates "any concerns about fraud or abuse or inappropriate behavior by an agency employee."
                  'We're not aware of any interactions between Mr. Berger and us that would provoke this sort of comment," Sheehan said.
E3erger served on the committee for alrmost five years, longer than any other member. He was the only one who remained on the panel after it disintegrated last year amid complaints that selectmen had not provided adequate leadership, some members did not participate and a Pilgrim spokesman had treated them rudely. Selectmen revived the group in May 2005 by appointing six new members.
More recently, Berger and other committee members have clashed with federal regulators over Pilgrim owner Entergy's bid to extend the plant's license.                                                                      '..... ... ... ..  ..              . .
                                                                                                                                .... ............
Members criticized evacuation plans to protect the public in an accident or terrorist attack against Pilgrim and said the commission's requirements are inadequate.
F3erger echoed many of those criticisms in his resignation letter. He likened the approved emergency plans to "children's fairy tales" and said the commission "gives lip service to the still very real prospect of a terrorist attack" on the Pilgrim plant.
                "Entergy is obeying the law but behaving in a way that will endanger the people of Plymouth in a serious nuclear accident or attack because the NRC negligently (and stupidly) allows it to," he wrote.
He also criticized regulators for allowing the plant to test for "potentially lethal emissions" of radiation in only one location, inside Pilgrim property. If a plume of radiation changes course, people fleeing an accident or attack might be sent to an area in the path of thae.MiaignzsbJa, ___
Sheehan said the commission's rules bar considering evacuation plans during license renewal proceedings. "That needs to be dealt with on an ongoing basis," he said.
Berger said he had asked to join the committee soon after the.Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, where his daughter-in-law had been working on that day. "My reason for joining was deep concern about the possibility of an attack on Pilgrim Station," he said.
At the time, he was "neutral" about the nuclear power industry, he said. He still does not oppose nuclear plants but he is no longer unbiased about the commission, Berger said.
Plymouth needs an unbiased chairman for its Nuclear Matters Committee, Berger said.
Alici.a Wi!iamson - ScanO01 .PDF                                                                                                              ..          .Page9J CUIRW MIPS FROM THE 11 1                      PILGRIM COM#MLI&#xfd;acATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION:              _E Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
P gen~ Staticrn                                                                            ClATE:                    2 6CC ROCkl/ -si P~ad PAGE:
eca 63&C &#xfd;895 o~s 7 Nuke watchdog panel head quits in huff over NRC
                                                                      'I am far too busy, and my time is far too   plant's license.
SOLTHOFBOSTON.COM valuable, to waste any more of it banging my       Members criticized evacuation plans to pro-PLYMOUTH--The head of a town commit-        head against the NRC wall when it is clear that tect the public in an accident or terrorist attack tee that acts as a watchdog over the Pilgrim    the arrogance, haughtiness, bull-headedness,    against Pilgrim and said the commission's re-nuclear plant has quit out of frustration with  and overall incompetence of the NRC contin-    quirements are inadequate.
weak. federal regulators who endanger the      ues unabated," Berger said in his resignation     Berger echoed many of those criticisms in public, he says.                                letter to selectmen.                            his resignation letter. He likened the approved Jeff Berger resigned Wednesday as chair-        Berger served on the committee for almost five years, longer than any other member.       emergency plans to "children's fairy tales" and man of the Nuclear Matters Committee, call-                                                                                                to the ing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 'a          More recently Berger and other committee said the commission "gives lip service attack" on contemptible sham" that 'imperils the safety of members have clashed with federal regulators still very real prospect of a terrorist American citizens" living near nuclear plants. over Pilgrim owner Entergy's bid to extend the the Pilgrim plant.
Ac!ia. Wi/liamson - ScanOoi.PDF CURRENT CLIPS FROM THE
                        -- Entergy                                                          1/1 PIL6RIM COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION;.               Z6qAt)414 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.                                                               DATE;.                             &#xfd;1;6
                                ', ! ,_C:;,cod PAGE:                      -69 Where agendas clash Relicensing the nuclear power plant brings out true believers on both sides PLYMOUTH - Pilgrim nuclear        Town Meeting agreed to spend          rorism and emergency planning as    Cape Cod Bay and rainbow smelt power plant's original license        S1.5 million to hire a team of         it reviews licensing applications. in the Jones River.
expires in 2012, but plant owner      lawyers to negotiate a payment            The NRC has never refused a          Former Massachusetts Attorney Entergy decided to begin the           plan with Entergy.                    relicensing application for a com-  General Thomas Reilly and the renewal process a little early.           Because the NRC has systems in     mercial nuclear power plant.        nonprofit watchdog group Pilgrim From the first public hearing on  place to plan for emergencies and    Thirty-nine plants have received    Watch petitioned the NRC to inter-the relicensing process in March,      test those plans, evacuation and      20-year extensions.                 vene in the relicenasng process.
no speaker at any hearing has          related issues fall outside the reli-    In December, the NRC came out      That process will last 22 to 30 lacked an agenda.                      censing process. As do the issue of  with a draft of the environmental    months. Relicensing would allow Whether it was marine life,       spent fuel storage on plant proper-  impact statement. The report stat-    the plant to operate for another 20 watershed associations, public        ty. Those issues have not disap-      ed that relicensing the plant would  years. Entergy can file for a second safety or taxes, everyone who          peared yet, as a California court    have a small to moderate impact on   operating extension then.
spoke at the NRC's public meet-       ordered the NRC to consider ter-     the population of winter flounder in iags became an advocate for some-thing, and was either for relicens-ing or against it.
Entergy is Plymouth's largest employer and provides the town with about 11 percent of its munici-pal budget In 2008, however, Entergy's payments in lieu of taxes will decrease by $10 million until Pilgrim's operating license expires in 2012.
Relicensing the plant could mean a windfall to the town's cof-fers, or it could be a bust. in May,}}

Revision as of 10:29, 23 November 2019

E-MAIL: (PD) FW: Pilgrim in the News
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 01/04/2007
From: Raymond W
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Raymond W, Williamson A
TAC MD3698
Download: ML070440359 (12)


JAliqiaýilýiamson - FW: P!ýIgrirn inthei News Page 1 ,

Alicia Wilharnson-FW: Pilgrim in the News Page 1 .1I From: "Raymond, William" <>

To: <>, <arwl>

Date: 01/04/2007 2:08:55 PM


FW: Pilgrim in the News This is the other news item I spoke of in my voice mail.

See the attached PDF file.


Original Message -----

From: Ryan, Joanne Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:13 AM To: Balduzzi, Michael (Pilgrim Station); Gottlieb, Laurence; Bronson, Kevin; Smith, Robert G. (PNP); Raymond, William; Alexander, John; Sowdon, Thomas; Sowdon, Thomas; Bethay, Stephen; Lach, David J; Ford, Bryan


Pilgrim in the News Attached are newsclips from last week.

Joanne Ryan Entergy - Pilgrim Station Communications 508-830-8200 508-830-8357 Fax Jryanl

Original Message -----

From: PNP560_DoNotReply@

Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:55 AM To: Ryan, Joanne


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FW: Pilgrim in the News Creation Date 01/04/2007 1:57:29 PM From: "Raymond, William" <>

Created By: WRaym90 Recipients kpl po.KPDO WJR (William Raymond) TWGWPO04.HQGWDO01 ARWI (Alicia Williamson)

Post Office Route kpl-po.KP_DO TWGWPO04.HQGWDO01 Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 1035 01/04/2007 1:57:29 PM ScanOO1.PDF 955906 Mime.822 1311425 Options Expiration Date: None Priority: Standard ReplyRequested: No Return Notification: None Concealed


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......... . . ..Page j14 1L,?biaýWjllamson -ScanO0i.PDF CURRENT CLIPS FROM THE iEntergy / PILGRIM, COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION: gK)/e(6 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. DATE:

.  :'  :


Plymouth official quits out of frustration with NRC By Robert Knox tended public hearing in Plymouth library. Pilgrim rLOE CORRESIPJIDENT employees praised the plant's operation, but most PLYMOU-FH - The head of the town's Nuclear other residents raised concerns about security, emer-Matters Committee has resigned, criticizing the nu- gency evacuation, and public health. A month later,.

clear industry's federal regulators for failing to listen the committee issued its report saying selectmen to the public's concerns about the security of nuclear should back relicensing only if issues such as improv-power plants such as the Pilgrim plant. ing emergency response plans and radiation monitor-Jeff Berger, owner of a Plymouth-based marketing ing are addressed.

communications company, chaired the committee' But despite the committee's report, the town has that last year produced a lengthy set of recommenda- kept a low profile at public meetings, while private tions to advise the town on Pilgrim's request to ex- itizerLs have taken the lead in challenging NRC staff tend its license. assessments of issues. iuxbury-based Pilgrim Watch, "Bottom fine, the NRC" - the Nuclear Regulatory for example, succeeded in convincing the nuclear ex-Commission - "is in the pocket of the nuclear indus- perts panel that oversees the relicensing review to try," Berger stated in an e-mail to Town Manager hold hearings on two issues.

Mark Sylvia. He also described the agency as consist- The Nuclear Matters Committee also studied the ing of "obstinate, supercilious, arrogant, obnoxious possibility of forming a national alliance of communi-individuals" who care more about the letter of regula- ties hosting or living near nuclear reactors to advo-tions than public safety. cate to Congress and the federal government for their While there was no single incident that soured his interests. But Berger said he has grown less hopeful of view of the NRC, Berger cited the behavior of one offi- an alliance's potential to influence decisionis. He said cial for "looking bored and slkyward" when local resi- he decided to step down from an official role so that dents at a meeting in Plymouth criticized Pilgrim and he might express his oiwn opinions frecly "doing everything but really listening to what people . "For the safet" of the cnuntry, the NRC has to be are saying'" A lack of genuine attention to public con- changed," he said.

cents symbolizes the agencTy's attitude, Berger said. In his resignation letter Wednesday, Berger said NRC spokesman Neil Shechan said anyone with that at a time of growing concerns over climate concerns "with or about us" can coniact the agency's change from carbon dio.xide emissions, alternatives Office of the Inspector General "if there is a belief that such as nuclear power should he embraced. However, sian employee of the NRC is acting niappropriately." the NRC "pays only lip service to the issues that As an example of the igencv' attention to public should he at the top f its agenda and routinely ig-S concerns, Sheehan cited a rnetilog last month with nores" voicesof'genrine concern. such as tie state at-area government officials to update theni and answer torney generalss, he said.

qllestions. 'Ve ftoild tlie ;css"m *1oh1)"e,"trem ely prn- Attorney General Toi R1liiy's recent petition to ductive andt the attendees to be !ighiy nig;igcl," place the issue Of Cl,-sitI storage of liuclear waste on Sheehan said via Q-mail. the table or licensing review was turned down by the Berger said he v' iuntelirei rr *l.' cliar ci Mat- NRC.

!,.rs Committee five'c s ago over voniern that P'- "'he NtC %,TI hold a lctlng in Plyrnouth on Jai.

i'i'a ,as a tempting target '-r i <rrnortr ainidhe still 24 to take public roiln 01 on the ;!gency's recent en-hIs that wonris IIc sIde he niui*LlyI, eali T! NRC virrilolncetrl ;:l'n ef pe'CIt which concluded there a4

,;i v,-a ,chd,)gbUt C V, te it :iý i: i!',it I r:,

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Ed Colley's View MY 6OLf~~

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Alicia Williamson - ScanO0l .PDF Paqe 3;1 CURRENT CLIPS F~ROM THE

,wmEntergy Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.


Ptgnm Statvcn 600 Rocky HA Road DATE.:, 3 Pý,mcuir.. MA '2-360--5CEI Tel AC863 --815- PAGE: I


Adicia Williamson - ScanOO 1.PDF .....


)t PIL&RIM COMMUUNICATIONS OFFICE SEntergy PUBLICATION: OLL C6  ?,A tD Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. DATE: 4 bU pad Property taxes hold, for now PLYMOUTH - The tax rate The tax rate for 2007 will be by $10 million in 2008.

in Plymouth will decrease, but $9.96 per $1,000 assessed value The town is negotiating an, property taxes will stay about for both residential and com- agreement with Entergy, the the same in 2007. mercial properties. That is a owner of Pilgrim nuclear Selectmen decided in 23-cent decrease from the fis- power plant. for a new payment December to keep the unified cal year 2006 rate of $9.88 per in lieu of taxes agreement. The tax rate, despite the protests of $1,000. current agreement expires in many homeowners who say According to Dunn, the aver- 2012, when Pilgrim's operating commercial property owners age residential tax bill will be license expires. Entergy wants are not paying their fair share. $3,457,43, a $44.88 increase to extend the plant's operating However, Director of over the average tax bill in license for another 20 years.

Assessing Anne Dunn has said 2006. , The town has put aside the commercial base in

  • But fiscal year 2008 is loom- money in a stabilization fund.

Plymouth is much too small to ing. It begins July 1. 2007. but that fund only has enough handle a shift in the tax bur- The payment in lieu of taxes money to cover the loss for two den. made by Entergy will decrease years.

AicaWilliamson -ScanQ0l .PDF -ý*~---



Berger resigns Nuclear Matters Committee member frustrated by NRC Sy Casey Meserve review. The NRC does not look at evacuation or emergency PLYMOUTH - Calling the planning in the environmental Nuclear Regulatory review.

Commission a "contemptible He wrote that the NRC was sham" Jeff Berger resigned created as a watchdog over from the Nuclear Matters com- nuclear power, but has become mittee Wednesday afternoon in a lapdog for the nuclear indus-an email to Town Manager try.

Mark Sylvia. Berger wrote that he is not Berger, formerly the com- opposed to nuclear power, and mittee chairman, had been on still thinks it is a viable way to the NMC for five years. decrease the use of fossil fuels, He said his resignation which emit carbon dioxide, stems from the frustration he's adding to global warming.

felt when the committee "It seems to me that states

Alicia Williamson - Scan001 .PDF Paoe 6 1 I




-- Entergy PUBLICATION: OLC) no Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Sta'er' DATE; la'V36' /0L P*ad "G2EC-5 PA&E: '

Relicensing continues tentions thrown out. tentatively scheduled for Jan.

The process to It wi be up to the five mem- 24.

Comments from the January extend the bers of the presidentially appointed commission to make meeting will be taken under consideration as the NRC staff -,

nuclear power the final decision on Pilgrim Watch and the attorney gener- prepares the final environmen' -'

plant's license al.

NRC spokesman Neil tal report, to be issued in July.

Another report will also be -

will run through Sheehan said if one oi more hearing is granted, the reli-issued in July. The safety evalu-ation report with open items, a the year censing process will take about 30 months. Without a hearing, report on the safety and aging -

of the plant and its compo-PLYMOUTH - It has been the process usually takes 22 nents, will. be issued that i nearly a year since Entergy months. month, with a draft version applied to the Nuclear "If no hearing is granted, issued in May.

Regulatory Commission to there could be a final decision Apublic meeting will be held renew the operating license of on the Pilgrim application in sometime in the summer on -

Pilgrim nuclear power plant late November," Sheehan said. the safety evaluation report. 'j and it may be another year "If there is a hearing granted, A fourth step in the process before the NRC makes its final we're looking for a decision in will also be concluded thi decision. July, 2008." year. The advis6r.F committe' The relicensing process for Pilgrim Watch and the attor- on reactor safeguards, a pane"j Pilgrim will continue in 2007. It ney general's office, with of nuclear reactor safetI will probably extend into 2008, Martha Coakley as the new experts, acts as an advisory..

if Pilgrim Watch and the attor- attorney general, are hoping committee to the NRC. Th'n ney general's office have any- the process lasts until 2008. advisory committee will dis-thing to do about it. In the meantime, the public cuss the Pilgrim application Pilgrim Watch, a nuclear meeting process continues. during a subcommittee meet-power watchdog group, along The NRC will hold two pub- ing in April. The full advisory with Mass. Attorney General lic meetings in January to committee will discuss the Tom Reilly filed petitions to describe the results of the application in September, intervene in the relicensing NRC's environmental review of according to Sheehan, -.

process with the Nuclear Pilgrim. The commission The public is invited to ask Regulatory Commission. released a draft of its environ- questions concerning the envi-The attorney general's peti- mental impact statement con- ronmental review and may tion was turned down, and is cerning the impact Pilgrim has comment in vTiting to the NRC being appealed, but several on the environment surround- bv Feb. 28 at Chief, Rules contentions in Pilgrim Watch's ing the plant. Review and Directives Branch, petition were admitted. "We're still firming Ltp the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory However, Entergy and NRC dates for public meetings." said Commissiot., Mail Stop T6-staff members filed appeals to Sheehan. D59.. Washington. DC 20555-have Pi!grim Watch*s con- H1lsaiid 1h1 ieetrings are 000 1.

Alicia Wi~amSýoýýrnSýafOOl .PDF -


DATE: )l 9 D .

PAGE:  !© The environmen I and security threats of Duxbury is directly across the bay from PIgrim clear power reactor- a known terrorist target.a nu- ties, including Duxbury, impacted by Pilgrim's you Are emnissions. They found a satisfied with current security measures? four-fold increase the For example, will a couple of buoys closer one lived or worked at Pilgrim floating and made "No Trespassing" signs and an four recommendations, yet to be implemented occasional as intended.

Coast Guard drive-by keep terrorists out? The recommendations included requiring Will passenger screening limited to major system of real-time monitoring ofradionuclidea airports protect against smaller aircraft loaded emissions placed in surrounding with explosives leaving secondary communities airports? so that reliable and timely data would Will state police get to Pilgrim on time to pro- able to assess exposure; implementingbe avail-vide the support needed by onsite a state security allowable radioactive air emission guards to block a land-based attack? standard And appre- more stringent and protective of ciating that even the best security can public health reduce, but than currently in use by federal


._Aia w iýllioamson - Scan00.P.DF . . . .a aMRENT aLps FROM ThE*


Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Plgnm Station DATE:

6.3CRociKII HA*Road P',rreutn. M C236C-5..58 PA6E:

ae KG8a3c 5895

-"ax 5,2.8K.-, K,57 luke watchdog head resigns, blasts NRC 3y PatriotLedger staff ILYMOUTH - The head of a town committee that acts as a watchdog over the Pilgrim nuclear plant has resigned, calling the Nuclear legulatory Commission "a contemptible sham" that imperils the safety of people who live near nuclear plants.

Jeff Berger stepped down this week as chairman of the nuclear matters committee.

'Iam far too busy, and my time is far too valuable, to waste any more of it banging my head against the NRC wall when it is clear that the trrogance, haughtiness, bull-headedness, and overall incompetence of the NRC continues unabated," Berger said in his resignation letter to 3electmen.

k spokeswoman for Pilgrim plant owner Entergy declined to comment on Berger's resignation, but said the company will continue to 2ooperate with the committee.

,ommission spokesman Neil Sheehan said the agency will forward Berger's comments to the Office of Inspector General, an independent sody that investigates "any concerns about fraud or abuse or inappropriate behavior by an agency employee."

'We're not aware of any interactions between Mr. Berger and us that would provoke this sort of comment," Sheehan said.

E3erger served on the committee for alrmost five years, longer than any other member. He was the only one who remained on the panel after it disintegrated last year amid complaints that selectmen had not provided adequate leadership, some members did not participate and a Pilgrim spokesman had treated them rudely. Selectmen revived the group in May 2005 by appointing six new members.

More recently, Berger and other committee members have clashed with federal regulators over Pilgrim owner Entergy's bid to extend the plant's license. '..... ... ... .. .. . .

.... ............

Members criticized evacuation plans to protect the public in an accident or terrorist attack against Pilgrim and said the commission's requirements are inadequate.

F3erger echoed many of those criticisms in his resignation letter. He likened the approved emergency plans to "children's fairy tales" and said the commission "gives lip service to the still very real prospect of a terrorist attack" on the Pilgrim plant.

"Entergy is obeying the law but behaving in a way that will endanger the people of Plymouth in a serious nuclear accident or attack because the NRC negligently (and stupidly) allows it to," he wrote.

He also criticized regulators for allowing the plant to test for "potentially lethal emissions" of radiation in only one location, inside Pilgrim property. If a plume of radiation changes course, people fleeing an accident or attack might be sent to an area in the path of thae.MiaignzsbJa, ___


Sheehan said the commission's rules bar considering evacuation plans during license renewal proceedings. "That needs to be dealt with on an ongoing basis," he said.

Berger said he had asked to join the committee soon after the.Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, where his daughter-in-law had been working on that day. "My reason for joining was deep concern about the possibility of an attack on Pilgrim Station," he said.

At the time, he was "neutral" about the nuclear power industry, he said. He still does not oppose nuclear plants but he is no longer unbiased about the commission, Berger said.

Plymouth needs an unbiased chairman for its Nuclear Matters Committee, Berger said.

Alici.a Wi!iamson - ScanO01 .PDF .. .Page9J CUIRW MIPS FROM THE 11 1 PILGRIM COM#MLIýacATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION: _E Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

P gen~ Staticrn ClATE: 2 6CC ROCkl/ -si P~ad PAGE:

eca 63&C ý895 o~s 7 Nuke watchdog panel head quits in huff over NRC

'I am far too busy, and my time is far too plant's license.

SOLTHOFBOSTON.COM valuable, to waste any more of it banging my Members criticized evacuation plans to pro-PLYMOUTH--The head of a town commit- head against the NRC wall when it is clear that tect the public in an accident or terrorist attack tee that acts as a watchdog over the Pilgrim the arrogance, haughtiness, bull-headedness, against Pilgrim and said the commission's re-nuclear plant has quit out of frustration with and overall incompetence of the NRC contin- quirements are inadequate.

weak. federal regulators who endanger the ues unabated," Berger said in his resignation Berger echoed many of those criticisms in public, he says. letter to selectmen. his resignation letter. He likened the approved Jeff Berger resigned Wednesday as chair- Berger served on the committee for almost five years, longer than any other member. emergency plans to "children's fairy tales" and man of the Nuclear Matters Committee, call- to the ing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 'a More recently Berger and other committee said the commission "gives lip service attack" on contemptible sham" that 'imperils the safety of members have clashed with federal regulators still very real prospect of a terrorist American citizens" living near nuclear plants. over Pilgrim owner Entergy's bid to extend the the Pilgrim plant.

Ac!ia. Wi/liamson - ScanOoi.PDF CURRENT CLIPS FROM THE

-- Entergy 1/1 PIL6RIM COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION;. Z6qAt)414 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. DATE;. ý1;6

', ! ,_C:;,cod PAGE: -69 Where agendas clash Relicensing the nuclear power plant brings out true believers on both sides PLYMOUTH - Pilgrim nuclear Town Meeting agreed to spend rorism and emergency planning as Cape Cod Bay and rainbow smelt power plant's original license S1.5 million to hire a team of it reviews licensing applications. in the Jones River.

expires in 2012, but plant owner lawyers to negotiate a payment The NRC has never refused a Former Massachusetts Attorney Entergy decided to begin the plan with Entergy. relicensing application for a com- General Thomas Reilly and the renewal process a little early. Because the NRC has systems in mercial nuclear power plant. nonprofit watchdog group Pilgrim From the first public hearing on place to plan for emergencies and Thirty-nine plants have received Watch petitioned the NRC to inter-the relicensing process in March, test those plans, evacuation and 20-year extensions. vene in the relicenasng process.

no speaker at any hearing has related issues fall outside the reli- In December, the NRC came out That process will last 22 to 30 lacked an agenda. censing process. As do the issue of with a draft of the environmental months. Relicensing would allow Whether it was marine life, spent fuel storage on plant proper- impact statement. The report stat- the plant to operate for another 20 watershed associations, public ty. Those issues have not disap- ed that relicensing the plant would years. Entergy can file for a second safety or taxes, everyone who peared yet, as a California court have a small to moderate impact on operating extension then.

spoke at the NRC's public meet- ordered the NRC to consider ter- the population of winter flounder in iags became an advocate for some-thing, and was either for relicens-ing or against it.

Entergy is Plymouth's largest employer and provides the town with about 11 percent of its munici-pal budget In 2008, however, Entergy's payments in lieu of taxes will decrease by $10 million until Pilgrim's operating license expires in 2012.

Relicensing the plant could mean a windfall to the town's cof-fers, or it could be a bust. in May,