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| issue date = 01/23/2017
| issue date = 01/23/2017
| title = Independent Confirmatory Survey Summary and Results for the Non-Impacted Land Areas at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, Genoa, Wisconsin
| title = Independent Confirmatory Survey Summary and Results for the Non-Impacted Land Areas at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, Genoa, Wisconsin
| author name = Altic N A
| author name = Altic N
| author affiliation = Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education
| author affiliation = Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education
| addressee name = Vaaler M
| addressee name = Vaaler M
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{{#Wiki_filter:REPORT FOR THE INDEPENDENT CONFIRMATORY SURVEY OF THE NON-IMPACTED LAND AREAS AT THE LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTOR, GENOA, WISCONSIN N. A. Altic ORAU FINAL REPORT Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission JANUARY 2017 Further dissemination authorized to NRC only; other requests shall be approved by the originating facility or higher NRC programmatic authority.

N. A. Altic ORAU   FINAL REPORT Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  JANUARY 2017 
ORAU provides innovative scientific and technical solutions to advance research and education, protect public health and the environment and strengthen national security. Through specialized teams of experts, unique laboratory capabilities and access to a consortium of more than 100 major Ph.D.-granting institutions, ORAU works with federal, state, local and commercial customers to advance national priorities and serve the public interest. A 501(c) (3) nonprofit corporation and federal contractor, ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Learn more about ORAU at
NOTICES The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the sponsoring institutions of Oak Ridge Associated Universities.
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government.
Neither the United States Government nor the U.S. Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, mark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. Government or any agency thereof.

Further dissemination authorized to NRC only; other requests shall be approved by the originating facility or higher NRC programmatic authority.
REPORT FOR THE INDEPENDENT CONFIRMATORY SURVEY OF THE NON-IMPACTED LAND AREAS AT THE LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTOR GENOA, WISCONSIN Prepared by N. A. Altic ORAU JANUARY 2017 FINAL REPORT Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission This document was prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) through an interagency agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (NRC FIN No. F-1244). ORISE is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities under DOE contract number DE-SC0014664.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                                                      5299-SR-01-0

CONTENTS TABLES .............................................................................................................................................................. ii FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................................... ii ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................... iii EXECUTIVE

Prepared by  N. A. Altic ORAU
.............................................................................................................................. 1
: 1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 2
: 2. SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 3
: 3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................. 4 3.1    STATE THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2    IDENTIFY THE DECISION ................................................................................................................. 5 3.3    IDENTIFY INPUTS TO THE DECISION ............................................................................................. 5 3.3.1    Radionuclides of Concern ....................................................................................................... 6 3.4    DEFINE THE STUDY BOUNDARIES ................................................................................................. 7 3.5    DEVELOP A DECISION RULE ........................................................................................................... 7 3.6    SPECIFY LIMITS ON DECISION ERRORS.......................................................................................... 9 3.7    OPTIMIZE THE DESIGN FOR OBTAINING DATA .......................................................................... 9
: 4. PROCEDURES ..........................................................................................................................................10 4.1    REFERENCE SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................10 4.2    SURFACE SCANS ...............................................................................................................................10 4.3    SOIL SAMPLING ................................................................................................................................10
: 5. SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION ...............................................................11
: 6. FINDINGS AND RESULTS ...................................................................................................................11 6.1    SURFACE SCANS ...............................................................................................................................12 6.2    SOIL SAMPLING ................................................................................................................................13 6.3    EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL DATA...........................................................................................14
: 7. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................16
: 8. REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................................17 APPENDIX A FIGURES APPENDIX B SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS APPENDIX C MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION APPENDIX D SURVEY PROCEDURES La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                                                i                                                                    5299-SR-01-0

FIGURES Figure 2.1. Open Land Survey Unit Boundaries ........................................................................................... 3 Figure 6.1. Q-Q Plot of ORISE Random Confirmatory Sample Results and LS Background Sample Results ......................................................................................................................14 Figure 6.2 Sign Test Output Using ProUCL ...............................................................................................15 TABLES Table 2.1. Summary of Non-Impacted Land Area Survey Units................................................................ 4 Table 3.1. LACBWR Confirmatory Survey Decision Process .................................................................... 5 Table 3.2. Cs-137 Investigation Levels Specified in the Licensee's LTP (pCi/g)..................................... 7 Table 6.1. Cs-137 Concentration in Surface Soil Samples (pCi/g) ...........................................................13 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                                ii                                                                  5299-SR-01-0

FINAL REPORT Prepared for the  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  
ACRONYMS AA                alternate action BWR              boiling water reactor cpm              counts per minute Cs-137            cesium-137 Dairyland        Dairyland Power Cooperative DCGL              derived concentration guideline level DQO              data quality objective FESW              Fuel Element Storage Well GPS              global positioning system ISFSI            Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ITP              Intercomparison Testing Program LACBWR            La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor LS                LaCrosseSolutions LTP              license termination plan MDC              minimum detectable concentration NaI              sodium iodide NIST              National Institute of Standards and Technology NRC              Nuclear Regulatory Commission ORISE            Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education p-value          probability pCi/g            picocuries per gram PSQ              principal study question Q                quantile ROC              radionuclide of concern S+                Sign-test statistic SU                survey unit TAP              total absorption peak TSD              technical support document UPL95            95% upper prediction limit VSP              Visual Sample Plan ZS                ZionSolutions La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                      iii          5299-SR-01-0



During the period of November 14 through 17, 2016, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) performed an independent confirmatory survey of four non-impacted survey units at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor. The confirmatory survey consisted of visual inspections, gamma walkover scans, and surface soil sampling. As a result of the gamma walkover surveys, four locations were identified for further investigation by soil sampling. Analysis of these judgmental samples did not reveal any issues or anomalies. Cesium-137 (Cs-137) was not identified above the concentration predicted by the licensees background study in any of the judgmental samples. Radionuclides that were identified in the judgmental samples were attributable to natural sources and not site operations.
: 2. SITE DESCRIPTION Figure 2.1. Open Land Survey Unit Boundaries Table 2.1. Summary of Non-Impacted Land Area Survey Units Survey Unit IDSurvey Unit DescriptionApproximate Survey Unit Area (m2)3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process      3.1 STATE THE PROBLEM 3.2 IDENTIFY THE DECISION Table 3.1. LACBWR Confirmatory Survey Decision Process Principal Study QuestionsAlternative Actions Decision Statement 3.3 IDENTIFY INPUTS TO THE DECISION  Solutions 3.3.1 Radionuclides of Concern
Evaluation of the licensees background data set and the ORISE confirmatory data set was performed via the one-sample Sign test. Based on the results of the Sign test, there was no evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. Thus, the mean Cs-137 concentration of the confirmatory samples was not statistically greater than that reported by LaCrosseSolutions (LS).
Analysis of 16 random samples revealed that five had Cs-137 concentrations above the predicted level. Based on the exceedance of this predicted value, an additional evaluation was performed by comparing the data to the upper confidence limit, as specified in Table 2-6 of the licensees license termination plan (LTP).
Based on the results of the confirmatory survey, ORISE agrees that the licensee has properly classified these four survey units as non-impacted.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                       1                                       5299-SR-01-0

Table 3.2. Cs-137 Investigation Levels Specified in the Licensee's LTP (pCi/g) Soil Condition As Referenced in the TSD Decay Corrected to Confirmatory Survey Measured Range Range for 95% Confidence Level Measured Range Range for 95% Confidence Level 3.4 DEFINE THE STUDY BOUNDARIES 3.5 DEVELOP A DECISION RULE 
: 1. INTRODUCTION The La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR), a 50 Megawatt Electric BWR located in Genoa, Wisconsin, was originally a demonstration plant funded by the Atomic Energy Commission, who later sold it to Dairyland Power Cooperative (Dairyland) with a provisional operating license. The BWR achieved initial criticality on July 11, 1967 and operated for 19 years until being permanently shut down on April 30, 1987. Consequentially, Dairylands authority to operate LACBWR under Provisional Operating License DPR-45 (issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission [NRC]
on August 28, 1973) was amended via License Amendment 56 (August 4, 1987) to possession only authority (LS 2015).
Dismantling unused and offline systems and waste disposal operations began in 1994 where the Reactor Pressure Vessel (head, internals, and 29 control rods sealed with concrete), stored waste in the Fuel Element Storage Well (FESW), and other Class B/C wastes were shipped offsite for disposal in June 2007. Other systems and components, such as spent fuel storage racks, gaseous waste disposal systems (excluding underground gas storage tanks), condensate and feedwater system (excluding condensate storage tank and condenser), turbine and generator, and various components located in the Turbine Building (cooling water system pumps, heat exchangers, piping, etc.) have also been removed. In September 2012, 333 irradiated fuel assemblies from the FESW were packaged in 5 dry casks and transferred to the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for storage (LS 2015).
As of May 2016, the NRC has consented to having the possession, maintenance, and decommissioning authorities of the LACBWR site transferred from Dairyland to LS.
LaCrosseSolutions has recently submitted a request for partial site release to the NRC for the removal of five open land areas characterized as non-impacted from License DPR-45 (LS 2016).
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requested that the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) perform confirmatory survey activities for these five areas surrounding the La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                      2                                      5299-SR-01-0

LACBWR. This report summarizes the confirmatory survey activities associated with request for partial site release at the LACBWR.
: 4. PROCEDURES ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures ManualORAU Environmental Services and Radiation Training Quality Program Manual4.1 REFERENCE SYSTEM  4.2 SURFACE SCANS 4.3 SOIL SAMPLING 
: 2. SITE DESCRIPTION The LACBWR site enclosure comprises an area of 0.6 hectare (1.5 acres) within the 66 hectare licensed site located roughly 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) south from the village of Genoa, Wisconsin on the eastern shore of the Mississippi River. Figure 2.1 provides an aerial view of the licensed site.
: 5. SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual6. FINDINGS AND RESULTS 6.1 SURFACE SCANS
Figure 2.1 provides an aerial view of the licensed site and depicts the boundaries of the five open land survey units (SUs) associated with the partial site release request (LS 2016). Table 2.1 lists the SU descriptions.
Figure 2.1. Open Land Survey Unit Boundaries La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                      3                                        5299-SR-01-0

6.2 SOIL SAMPLING Table 6.1. Cs-137 Concentration in Surface Soil Samples (pCi/g) Mean Median Standard Deviation Min Max
Table 2.1. Summary of Non-Impacted Land Area Survey Units Approximate Survey Survey Unit ID            Survey Unit Description Unit Area (m2)
G-3 Plant and related facilities area L4012103                                                      66,869 grounds L4012105            Coal Plant pile area grounds              82,894 South of coal pile area grounds L4012106                                                      111,899 without ISFSI controlled area Grounds across Highway 35 to the L4012107                                                      81,254 East L4012108        Right of Ways Highway 35/railroad              9,444
: 3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES The data quality objectives (DQOs) described herein are consistent with the Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process (EPA 2006) and provided a formalized method for planning the radiation surveys, improving survey efficiency and effectiveness, and ensuring that the type, quality, and quantity of data collected were adequate for the intended decision applications.
The seven steps in the DQO process are outlined below:
: 1. State the problem
: 2. Identify the decision/objective
: 3. Identify inputs to the decision/objective
: 4. Define the study boundaries
: 5. Develop a decision rule
: 6. Specify limits on decision errors
: 7. Optimize the design for obtaining data 3.1    STATE THE PROBLEM The first step in the DQO process defined the problem that necessitated the study. The licensee for the LACBWR is requesting approval from NRC to remove non-impacted survey units from its 10 CFR Part 50 license. NRC requested that ORISE perform confirmatory surveys at the LACBWR to provide independent contractor document and field reviews and generate radiological data to assist La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                          4                                    5299-SR-01-0

Figure 6.1. Q-Q Plot of ORISE Random Confirmatory Sample Results and  LS Background Sample Results 6.3 EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL DATA Figure 6.2 Sign Test Output Using ProUCL Do Not Reject H0 at the specified level of significance (0.05), Conclude Median <= 0.135 One Sample Sign Test for Uncensored Full Data Sets Without Non-Detects
the NRC in evaluating the licensees request for partial site release. Therefore, the problem statement was as follows:
Confirmatory surveys must be performed to assess the non-impacted classification of survey of open-land areas included in the licensees request for partial site release.
: 8. REFERENCES Guidance on systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives ProcessORAU Radiation Protection ManualORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures ManualORAU Environmental Services and Radiation Training Quality Program ManualORAU Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures ManualORAU Health and Safety ManualProject-Specific Plan for the Confirmatory Survey Activities at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor in Genoa, WisconsinSolutionsLACBWR: Supporting Information for Request for Partial Site ReleaseSolutionsExamination of Cs-137 Global Fallout in Soils at Zion Station, Rev 0. Solutions APPENDIX A FIGURES Figure A-1. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012103 Figure A-2. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012105 Figure A-3. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012106 Figure A-4. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012107 Figure A-5. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012103 Figure A-6. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012105 Figure A-7. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012106 Figure A-8. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012107 APPENDIX B SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0001SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET07Smp Qty.:  805.62Lab Sample ID:  12375S0001Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/15/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 910.81 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0450.106-0.038N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 726.98 727.330.280.520.78N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.320.0900.2280.749N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0280.055-0.015N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.06 661.66U0.0190.0400.033N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.821.32.915.3N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U3.26.91.1N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.50 238.630.0590.0600.664N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.78 351.930.0750.0700.791N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.95 186.210.300.551.43N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.67U3.89.41.5N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.22 63.29U0.330.670.66N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.110.260.07N/AN/AU-235Page 1 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0002SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET08Smp Qty.:  722.92Lab Sample ID:  12375S0002Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/15/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.12 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0560.124-0.156N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.36 727.330.280.471.29N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.26 609.320.170.072.24N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0260.0570.027N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.54 661.66U0.0160.0370.025N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.81 1460.821.10.613.2N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.15 1001.03U2.04.42.6N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.56 238.630.0710.0860.873N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.82 351.930.150.072.57N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.91 186.210.470.684.71N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.85 67.67U3.17.23.5N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.15 63.290.810.913.13N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.94 143.76U0.0840.1940.129N/AN/AU-235Page 2 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0003SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  FMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET09Smp Qty.:  922.72Lab Sample ID:  12375S0003Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/15/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.39 911.200.0900.1050.560N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0310.074-0.049N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.10 727.330.180.310.58N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.29 609.320.0540.0470.474N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0170.034-0.007N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.66 661.660.0170.0250.081N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.86 1460.821.10.512.9N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.14.60.3N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.61 238.630.0420.0430.456N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.91 351.930.0480.0460.481N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 186.00 67.67U2.87.01.6N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.53 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.0820.1990.099N/AN/AU-235Page 3 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0004SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET10Smp Qty.:  528.41Lab Sample ID:  12375S0004Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/15/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 910.76 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.120.30-0.08N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.50 727.330.310.570.96N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.21 609.320.0760.0850.603N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0290.059-0.008N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.62 661.660.0360.0410.260N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.18 1460.821.50.916.9N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U3.37.10.3N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.77 238.630.0750.0750.856N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 352.03 351.930.0690.0790.611N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 186.07 186.210.420.772.12N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.67U8.420.90.7N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.59 63.29U0.811.691.41N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.150.360.06N/AN/AU-235Page 4 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0005SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET07Smp Qty.:  815.55Lab Sample ID:  12375S0005Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/15/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 910.85 911.200.0630.0810.227N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0290.061-0.065N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.17 727.33U0.160.320.24N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.320.0530.1460.276N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0120.0370.016N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.39 661.660.0220.0250.113N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.820.701.896.50N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.55.3-0.0N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.47 238.630.0260.0380.165N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.80 351.930.0390.0540.237N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.90 67.67U2.35.7-0.7N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.42 63.29U0.240.500.45N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 144.23 143.76U0.0430.0960.055N/AN/AU-235Page 5 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0006SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  FMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET08Smp Qty.:  863.46Lab Sample ID:  12375S0006Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/15/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.22 911.200.0780.0960.513N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0270.064-0.015N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.27 727.330.170.300.54N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.28 609.320.0420.0450.319N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0170.0340.005N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.66U0.0160.0340.005N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.84 1460.820.980.4612.20N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.03.7-1.9N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.51 238.630.0420.0440.473N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.83 351.930.0390.0440.363N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.81 67.67U2.45.8-1.3N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.22 63.29U0.230.480.42N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.0720.1710.015N/AN/AU-235Page 6 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0007SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  FMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET07Smp Qty.:  888.25Lab Sample ID:  12375S0007Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.20U0.0850.272-0.146N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0320.076-0.016N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 726.80 727.330.190.310.55N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.08 609.320.0480.0540.317N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0220.043-0.008N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.66U0.0200.0480.017N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.12 1460.820.920.499.25N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.65.2-0.6N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.47 238.630.0340.0430.278N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.77 351.930.0450.0540.337N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.84 67.67U2.66.50.2N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.40 63.29U0.260.550.44N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.0760.1810.030N/AN/AU-235Page 7 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0008SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET08Smp Qty.:  797.61Lab Sample ID: 12375S0008Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.15 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0490.114-0.101N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.40 727.330.330.432.18N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.26 609.320.130.061.67N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0210.0430.006N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.66U0.0190.045-0.020N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.76 1460.820.420.433.49N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.20 1001.03U1.63.62.7N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.57 238.630.100.081.51N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.80 351.930.120.061.90N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.85 186.210.400.633.70N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.31 67.67U2.96.82.0N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.21 63.290.700.832.65N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.42 143.76U0.0780.1820.087N/AN/AU-235Page 8 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0009SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  FMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET07Smp Qty.:  889.12Lab Sample ID:  12375S0009Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.07 911.200.0700.1110.240N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0290.067-0.052N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 726.80 727.33U0.150.310.22N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.320.0490.1390.290N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0180.0420.008N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.39 661.66U0.0100.0250.005N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.820.812.007.63N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.25.52.6N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.49 238.630.0300.0380.232N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.83 351.930.0390.0510.268N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.93 67.67U2.46.11.6N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.35 63.29U0.220.450.42N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.0730.1740.015N/AN/AU-235Page 9 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0010SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET08Smp Qty.:  703.21Lab Sample ID:  12375S0010Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.17 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0540.129-0.037N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.23 727.330.310.461.69N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.25 609.320.130.081.65N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0180.053-0.010N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.66U0.0200.049-0.008N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.84 1460.820.920.5510.59N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.86.33.3N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.56 238.630.100.091.53N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.83 351.930.120.071.82N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.80 186.210.400.673.22N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.67U4.611.33.3N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.22 63.290.570.931.79N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.63 143.76U0.0820.1890.132N/AN/AU-235Page 10 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0011SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET09Smp Qty.:  645.19Lab Sample ID:  12375S0011Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:   11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.20 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0660.152-0.130N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.33 727.330.360.621.37N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.32 609.320.300.093.61N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0320.0720.014N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 662.03 661.66U0.0220.055-0.008N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.93 1460.821.20.712.8N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.23 1001. 238.64 238.630.100.091.37N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.91 351.930.250.094.18N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.99 186.210.630.836.77N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.65 67.67U4.610.93.1N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.00 63.290.860.993.28N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 144.01 143.760.120.270.29N/AN/AU-235Page 11 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0012SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/28/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET10Smp Qty.:  569.96Lab Sample ID:  12375S0012Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 910.94 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0990.2500.045N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.10 727.330.240.440.63N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.20 609.320.0660.0740.504N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0230.044-0.004N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.56 661.660.0550.0360.566N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.19 1460.820.960.859.28N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.76.00.3N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.76 238.630.0540.0670.521N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 352.00 351.930.0650.0760.573N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 186.11 186.210.340.691.10N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.67U6.917.53.0N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.42 63.29U0.691.401.20N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.130.320.09N/AN/AU-235Page 12 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0013SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET07Smp Qty.:  434.23Lab Sample ID:  12375S0013Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 910.79 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0490.114-0.067N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.33U0.401.070.72N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 608.99 609.320.0670.1000.277N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0270.0640.008N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.38 661.660.0990.0430.978N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.24 1460.821.20.910.1N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1000.42 1001.03U2.86.81.4N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.57 238.630.0490.0660.324N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.68 351.930.0650.1050.305N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.91 186.21U0.320.710.49N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.67U3.89.5-0.8N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.49 63.290.400.740.86N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.110.270.00N/AN/AU-235Page 13 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0014SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET08Smp Qty.:  666.16Lab Sample ID:  12375S0014Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.12 911.200.0830.1230.413N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0350.084-0.023N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 726.70 727.33U0.170.350.35N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.07 609.320.0460.0550.324N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0220.0440.003N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.48 661.660.0300.0250.256N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.68 1460.821.40.618.1N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.45.21.2N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.51 238.630.0380.0500.354N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.73 351.930.0420.0550.350N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.77 67.67U2.86.9-0.3N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.29 63.29U0.280.590.49N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.0780.1890.061N/AN/AU-235Page 14 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0015SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET09Smp Qty.:  539.55Lab Sample ID:  12375S0015Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.41 911.200.0940.0900.457N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0380.093-0.017N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.49 727.33U0.220.460.34N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.45 609.320.0540.0600.323N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0230.046-0.006N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.70 661.660.0590.0370.514N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1461.00 1460.820.880.628.09N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.75.9-0.3N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.63 238.630.0450.0500.415N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 352.00 351.930.0530.0630.400N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.79 67.67U3.17.70.6N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 62.87 63.29U0.290.590.54N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.17 143.76U0.0670.1560.052N/AN/AU-235Page 15 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0016SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET10Smp Qty.:  568.06Lab Sample ID:  12375S0016Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/16/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 910.88 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.130.320.02N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.19 727.330.300.501.11N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.27 609.320.1000.0861.007N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0280.0610.007N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.54 661.660.0550.0420.550N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.22 1460.821.20.813.2N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.65.80.1N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.77 238.630.0820.0801.012N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 352.02 351.930.0910.0831.036N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 186.06 186.210.410.801.74N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.67U8.822.211.1N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.67 63.29U0.892.011.03N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 144.46 143.76U0.100.240.08N/AN/AU-235Page 16 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0017SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET07Smp Qty.:  835.50Lab Sample ID:  12375S0017Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/17/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 910.94 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0420.097-0.089N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 726.84 727.330.260.440.86N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.11 609.320.0630.0660.480N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0220.0490.005N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.44 661.660.0260.0330.148N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.40 1460.821.20.414.5N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U3.06.61.1N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.60 238.630.0530.0530.570N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.84 351.930.0550.0640.462N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.71 67.67U3.48.4-0.9N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.20 63.290.330.770.90N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.0960.2290.037N/AN/AU-235Page 17 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0018SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET08Smp Qty.:  646.75Lab Sample ID:  12375S0018Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/17/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.18 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0560.130-0.096N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.37 727.330.280.461.26N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.24 609.320.170.082.23N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0300.0640.024N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.68 661.66U0.0180.0390.030N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.73 1460.821.10.612.8N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1000.99 1001.03U2.14.62.9N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.54 238.630.0710.0940.836N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.73 351.930.160.092.58N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 185.84 186.210.460.694.36N/AN/ARa-226pCi/g 67.67U4.511.22.5N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.23 63.290.730.922.69N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.99 143.76U0.0870.2020.108N/AN/AU-235Page 18 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID: 5299S0019SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET09Smp Qty.:  783.44Lab Sample ID:  12375S0019Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/17/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.23 911. by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0390.092-0.035N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 727.19 727.330.230.360.82N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.28 609.320.0730.0590.647N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0120.043-0.011N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.55 661.660.0170.0280.064N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.83 1460.821.20.513.7N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.35.31.1N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.66 238.630.0600.0520.762N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.90 351.930.0660.0550.757N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 186.00 67.67U3.38.21.9N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.13 63.290.370.670.97N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.60 143.76U0.0650.1560.024N/AN/AU-235Page 19 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration Gamma Spectrometry Summary SheetReport Date:  December 05, 2016Client Sample ID:  5299S0020SDG:    201212375-1Geometry:  LMUnits:  gramsCount Date:    11/29/2016Live Time(s):  3,600Detector ID:  DET10Smp Qty.:  798.54Lab Sample ID:  12375S0020Batch Number:  GS0392Project Name:  La CrosseProject # :  201212375SOP (Rev. #):  CP1 (21)Analyst:  smithwCOC # :  1611-005Receipt Date:    11/21/2016Collection Date:    11/17/2016AnalyteResultTPU (2s)MDCUnitsEnergy (keV)Duplicate Error RatioEnergy Signature (keV)QualifierMeas./KnownActivity RatiopCi/g 911.01 911.200.0840.1010.488N/AN/ATh-232 by Ac-228pCi/g 59.54U0.0790.2010.064N/AN/AAm-241pCi/g 726.90 727.330.200.330.68N/AN/ABi-212pCi/g 609.21 609.320.0510.0550.422N/AN/ABi-214pCi/g 1332.49U0.0190.0380.002N/AN/ACo-60pCi/g 661.44 661.660.0160.0280.060N/AN/ACs-137pCi/g 1460.25 1460.820.840.608.95N/AN/AK-40pCi/g 1001.03U2.04.30.1N/AN/APa-234pCi/g 238.77 238.630.0420.0500.430N/AN/ATh-228 by Pb-212pCi/g 351.99 351.930.0520.0570.499N/AN/ARa-226 by Pb-214pCi/g 186.42 67.67U5.513.71.8N/AN/ATh-230pCi/g 63.52 63.29U0.511.110.69N/AN/AU-238 by Th-234pCi/g 143.76U0.100.24-0.02N/AN/AU-235Page 20 of 22Qualifier Flags:U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)TPU =Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =Minimum Detectable Concentration APPENDIX C MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION C.1 SCANNING AND MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT/DETECTOR COMBINATIONSC.1.1 GAMMA C.2 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION
3.2       IDENTIFY THE DECISION The second step in the DQO process identified the principal study question (PSQ) and alternate actions (AAs), developed a decision statement, and organized multiple decisions, as appropriate.
This was done by specifying AAs that could result from a yes response to the PSQs and combining the PSQs and AAs into a decision statement. Table 3.1 presents the PSQs, AAs, and combined decision statement.
Table 3.1. LACBWR Confirmatory Survey Decision Process Principal Study Questions                                    Alternative Actions Yes: LS has not correctly classified one or more of the land areas identified in the request for Are there plant-derived radionuclides of concern              partial site release.
(ROCs) present in the non-impacted land areas that      No: LS has correctly classified all of the land are not consistent with background concentration?              areas identified in the request for partial site releaseagree with the non-impacted classification.
Decision Statement Plant-derived ROCs were/were not identified in excess of background concentrations, thus the land areas identified in the request for partial site release were/were not correctly classified as non-impacted.
3.3       IDENTIFY INPUTS TO THE DECISION The third step in the DQO process identified both the information needed and the sources of this information, determined the basis for action levels, and identified sampling and analytical methods to meet data requirements. For this effort, information inputs included the following:
* LS and Dairyland background study (summarized and presented in LS 2016)
* ZionSolutions (ZS) Technical Support Document (TSD)# 13-004 (ZS 2013)
* ORISE soil sample analytical results
* ORISE gamma walkover surveys La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                            5                                            5299-SR-01-0

APPENDIX D SURVEY PROCEDURES D.1 PROJECT HEALTH AND SAFETYORAU Radiation Protection ManualORAU Health and Safety ManualORAURadiological and EnvironmentalSurvey Procedures Manual ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual D.2 CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ORAURadiological and EnvironmentalSurvey Procedures Manual ORAU Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual D.3 SURVEY PROCEDURESD.3.1 SURFACE SCANS D.3.3 SOIL SAMPLING D.4 RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSISD.4.1 GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY
3.3.1       Radionuclides of Concern The primary ROCs identified for the LACBWR are beta-gamma emittersfission and activation productsresulting from reactor operation. Site-specific derived concentration guideline levels (DCGLs) have been developed and are presented in the sites license termination plan. The DCGLs are not applicable to this survey as the ROCs should not appear above background threshold values, provided the land areas are non-impacted. The only ROC expected to be detectable in non-impacted land area soil is cesium -137 (Cs-137) due to global fallout.
A study of background Cs-137 concentration in soil, due to global fallout, was performed by Dairyland in 2005 and by LS during the characterization effort of 2014 (LS 2015). Because no suitable offsite location could be identified, background samples were collected from an on-site areawithin the licensed boundarydeemed unaffected by past site operations (LS 2015). The background study concluded that the mean Cs-137 concentration in surface soil was 0.135 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) with a maximum observed concentration of 0.268 pCi/g. In addition to the background study, LS performed additional characterization of the non-impacted land areas from October 2014 to November 2015, in which an additional 32 surface soil samples were collected. The mean Cs-137 concentration for this dataset was 0.131 pCi/g with a maximum observed concentration of 0.463 pCi/g. As outlined in TSD#13-004 written by ZS, background Cs-137 concentrations can vary based on geography and soil condition (ZS 2013). The TSD classified land geography as either drainage or non-drainage, and each class was further subdivided by disturbed and undisturbed. LS referenced the ZS TSD as a level for which Cs-137 concentrations above the 95% (1.96 standard deviations) upper confidence level should be investigated, as outlined in Table 2-6 of Chapter 2 of the LS LTP. The respective upper confidence levels in the LTP are recreated in Table 3.2 below.
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Radionuclidea TAP (keV) MDC (pCi/g) D.4.2 DETECTION LIMITS}}
Table 3.2. Cs-137 Investigation Levels Specified in the Licensee's LTP (pCi/g)
Decay Corrected to As Referenced in the TSD Confirmatory Survey Soil                          Range for Range for 95%
Condition        Measured          95%          Measured Confidence Range        Confidence        Range Level Level Drainage Areas Undisturbed 0.00 to 2.8 0.45 to 3.63 0.00 to 2.59                0.42  to  3.35 Disturbed      0.00 to 1.67 0.35 to 2.86 0.00 to 1.54            0.32  to  2.64 Non Drainage Areas Undisturbed 0.23 to 0.66 0.15 to 0.77 0.21 to 0.61              0.14  to  0.71 Disturbed      0.27 to 0.34 0.23 to 0.42 0.25 to 0.31            0.21  to  0.39 Section 3.5 provides information on how confirmatory survey results will be evaluated.
3.4      DEFINE THE STUDY BOUNDARIES The fourth step in the DQO process defined target populations and spatial boundaries, determined the timeframe for collecting data and making decisions, addressed practical constraints, and determined the smallest subpopulations, area, volume, and time for which separate decisions were to be made. Survey units L4012103, L4012105, L4012106, and L4012107 were subject to confirmatory surveys. These survey units are depicted in Figure 2.1. ORISE considered these four survey units as a single confirmatory unit. Survey unit L4012108 was not investigated due to Highway 35 and an active train track traversing the area. Survey unit L4012105 consists mostly of a coal pile for use by the operating Genoa coal-fired electric power station. Due to time and logistical constraints and safety concerns, the land area underneath the coal pile was excluded from this confirmatory survey.
Also, survey unit L4012103 contains buildings and structures supporting the operating Genoa station. Confirmatory surveys were limited to open, grass-covered land areas in survey unit L4012103. Temporal boundaries to complete this survey were limited to three 10-hour days on-site.
3.5      DEVELOP A DECISION RULE The fifth step in the DQO process specified appropriate population parameters (e.g., mean, median, etc.) and developed an ifthen decision rule statement. As discussed in Section 3.3, Cs-137 was the only ROC expected in concentrations above the analytical minimum detectable concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                        7                                      5299-SR-01-0
(MDC). Therefore, for this survey effort there were two parameters of interest. The first parameter of interest was the mean Cs-137 concentration in the non-impacted land areas. The second parameter of interest was the Cs-137 concentration of each individual confirmatory soil sample. The mean Cs-137 concentration in the non-impacted land areas was compared against the background mean established by the site, as presented in Chapter 2 of LSs LTP, via the one sample Sign test (LS 2015). Hypothesis testing adopts a scientific approach where the survey data are used to select between the baseline condition (the null hypothesis, H0), and an alternative condition.
The null and alternative hypotheses were stated as:
H0: Non-impacted land area Cs-137 concentration population mean is less than or equal to the background mean concentration.
HA: Non-impacted land area Cs-137 concentration population mean is greater than the background mean concentration.
The sign test was performed by first counting the number of positive differences between the individual sample results and the fixed average Cs-137 background concentration (as determined by LS). The number of positive differences was then summed; this sum is referred to as the test statistic (denoted S+). The p-value of achieving this specific S+ was then calculated based on a binominal distribution (i.e., an individual sample result is either above or below the fixed average). The p-value was then compared to a critical value (0.05, as discussed in Section 3.6); if the p-value is less than the critical value, then the null hypothesis was rejected. Otherwise, the null hypothesis was not rejected.
The Sign test is a non-parametric statistical test of the median concentration and does not account for the magnitude of individual results. Therefore, individual sample results must also be evaluated against an elevated measurement action level threshold. The 95% upper prediction limit (UPL95),
based on the Chebyshev inequality, of the LS background Cs-137 concentration data set was used as the action level threshold. The UPL95 based on the Chebyshev inequality was chosen as it does not require any assumptions regarding data distribution. The UPL95 was determined to be equal to 0.45 pCi/g by using ProUCL, version 5.1.
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The decision rule can be stated as follows:
If the null hypothesis is not rejected and each individual sample result is below the UPL95, then recommend acceptance of LSs non-impacted classification; otherwise, perform further evaluation(s) and provide technical comments/recommendations.
3.6      SPECIFY LIMITS ON DECISION ERRORS The sixth step in the DQO process specified the decision makers limits on decision errors, which were then used to establish performance goals for the survey. There were two types of decision errors considered: Type I (typically designated as alpha or ) and Type II (typically designated as beta or ). A Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it should not be, also known as a false positive, and reflects the confidence level in the decision. A Type II error is incorrectly failing to reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true. This is also known as a false negative. Two orders of control were implemented to minimize decision errors regarding the decision statement introduced in Table 3.1.
The first order of control was to select decision error rates that were conservative yet minimizes the chance of a false-positive for analysis results that were expected to be near background. Type I and Type II error rates were both set to 0.05that is, there is a 5% chance of committing either decision error.
The second order of control was to optimize the confirmatory field measurement and laboratory analytical MDCs. Field scanning MDCs were minimized by following the procedures referenced in Section 4.
3.7      OPTIMIZE THE DESIGN FOR OBTAINING DATA The seventh step in the DQO process included review of the DQO outputs, developing data collection design alternatives, formulating the mathematical expressions for each design, selecting the sample size to satisfy DQOs, deciding on the most resource-effective design of agreed alternatives, and documenting the requisite details. Specific survey procedures are presented in Section 4.
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: 4. PROCEDURES The ORISE survey team performed visual inspections, measurements, and sampling activities within the accessible portions of the non-impacted open-land areas during the period of November 14 through 17, 2016. Survey activities were conducted in accordance with the ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual, the ORAU Environmental Services and Radiation Training Quality Program Manual (ORAU 2016a; ORAU 2016b), and the approved project-specific survey plan (ORISE 2016).
4.1      REFERENCE SYSTEM ORISE referenced confirmatory measurement/sampling locations to global positioning system (GPS) coordinates using the Wisconsin South 4803 state plane NAD 1987.
4.2      SURFACE SCANS Surface scans of land areas were performed with Ludlum Model 44-10 NaI scintillation detectors coupled to Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter-scalers with audible indicators. Ratemeter-scalers were also coupled to GPS systems that enabled real-time gamma count rate and spatial data capture. A 50 meter x 50 meter area (2,500 m2 grid) was delineated around each random soil sample location.
Low to medium density surface scans were performed within each grid. Scans were also performed in judgmentally selected areas based on the potential for run-off accumulation, migration pathways, and indication of anthropogenic disturbance. Additionally, instrument response was captured when survey personnel navigated to the next sampling location. Locations that exhibited elevated direct radiation, as indicated by an increase in audible output from the ratemeter-scaler, were marked for further investigation by soil sampling.
4.3      SOIL SAMPLING Surface (0 to 15 centimeter) soil sampling locations were randomly selected from the study area.
One-minute static NaI counts were performed at each sample location pre- and post-sample collection. The static measurement was used to assess if there was a potential for contamination at depth. There was no evidence for any soil sampling locations exhibiting residual radioactivity at depth. The number of samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP), version. 7.7a. The licensees characterization data were used as VSP inputs to determine the required number of La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                      10                                        5299-SR-01-0
samples. It was determined that a minimum of 15 random soil samples were required based on those inputs together with the Type I and II decision error rate of 5%, as specified in Section 3.6. Six additional random soil sampling locations were generated for use as alternates in the event of inaccessibility.
A total of 16 random soil samples were collected from the confirmatory unit specified in Section 3.3.
Four judgmental soil samples were collected from locations exhibiting elevated direct gamma radiation, as discussed above. Soil samples were collected from a depth of 0 to 15 cm using hand trowels.
: 5. SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION All samples were returned to the ORISE Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for analysis and interpretation. Sample analyses were performed in accordance with the Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016c). Soil samples were analyzed by solid-state high-resolution gamma spectroscopy for Cs-137.
The resulting gamma spectra were also reviewed for other potential site-related ROCs. Analytical results were reported in units of pCi/g.
Soil sample analytical results were also graphed in quantile (Q) plots for assessment. The Q plot is a graphical tool for assessing the distribution of a data set. In viewing the Q plots provided, the Y-axis represents Cs-137 concentrations in units of pCi/g. The X-axis represents the data quantiles about the mean value. Values less than the mean are represented in the negative quantiles, and the values greater than the mean are represented in the positive quantiles. A normal distribution that is not skewed by outliersi.e., a background populationwill appear as a straight line, with the slope of the line subject to the degree of variability among the data population. More than one distribution, such as background plus contamination or other outliers, will appear as a step function.
: 6. FINDINGS AND RESULTS The results of the confirmatory survey activities are discussed in the subsections below.
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6.1      SURFACE SCANS Surface scan maps for each of the survey units investigated are presented in Figures A-1 through A-4. Due to various geographical and other site conditions, such as plant over-growth or building structures, scans could not be completed in all of the pre-planned 2,500 m2 grids. Surface scans in L4012103 were limited due to paved grounds and structures for the operating coal plant. Two of the three pre-planned grids were scanned with low- to medium-density coverage. Detector response peaked at approximately 52,000 counts per minute (cpm) as compared with the nominal gamma detector background radiation response of approximately 10,000 cpm. The location of elevated detector response was near the fence line separating the reactor building and coal plant and was due to gamma-shine from a source beyond the fence. A judgmental sample, S0020 as indicated on Figure A-5, was collected to confirm that the detector response was due to gamma-shine interference rather than elevated ROC soil concentrations. Post-survey review of the scan data revealed that this judgmental location was actually outside of the non-impacted SU boundary.
Only a small portion of SU L4012105 was scanned due to the coal pile covering the majority of this area. Accessible portions of the single pre-planned 2,500 m2 grid in this SU were scanned with high-density coverage. Detector response peaked at approximately 15,000 cpm. The surveyor identified one location for additional investigation by soil sampling. This location is presented as S0008 in Figure A-6.
In general, SU L4012106 was the most accessible as scans were completed in each of the 2,500 m2 grids. All six of the pre-planned grids were scanned with scan coverage ranging from medium- to high-density. Detector response peaked at approximately 18,000 cpm. (Figure A-3 indicates a localized detector response of approximately 45,000 cpm; however, the surveyor did not identify this location. Based on the review of the raw count rate, the cause was determined to be from an electronic spike.) Based on the audio output of the ratemeter-scaler while onsite, the surveyor identified one location in the southwest corner for additional investigation by soil sampling. This location is presented as S0011 in Figure A-7.
Survey Unit L4012107 consisted of steep, rough terrain with thick undergrowth along the western portion of the boundary. Two of the pre-planned 2,500 m2 grids were scanned with low- to medium-density scan coverage. Detector response peaked at approximately 11,000 cpm, and no locations were flagged for additional investigation.
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6.2      SOIL SAMPLING Soil sample locations are provided in Figures A-5 through A-8, and individual soil sample results are presented in Appendix B. Cesium-137 was positively identified, above the analytical MDC, in nine of the 20 confirmatory soil samples. Summary statistics for Cs-137 concentrations in the randomly collected soil samples are presented in Table 6.1 below. For reference, summary statistics for the background study presented in LS 2015, Chapter 2, are also included in Table 6.1. Cesium-137 concentration in the confirmatory soil samples ranged from 0.005 pCi/g to 0.978 pCi/g. The maximum observed Cs-137 concentration of 0.978 pCi/g was identified in random sample S0013, collected from SU L14012107. The ORISE estimated mean Cs-137 concentration was approximately twice that of the mean estimated by LS0.23 pCi/g compared to 0.135 pCi/g, respectively. When the ORISE sample mean and median are compared, there is evidence of a left-skewed data distribution. Moreover, the relatively large standard deviation indicates a relatively large spread in the ORISE data set.
Table 6.1. Cs-137 Concentration in Surface Soil Samples (pCi/g)
Standard Mean      Median    Deviation      Min          Max ORISE          0.23      0.10        0.28        0.005      0.978 LS          0.135      0.121      0.070        0.017      0.268 Figure 6.1 presents the Q-Q plot for the ORISE confirmatory sample results and the sample results from the LS background study. Based on the Q-Q plot, the ORISE data set appears to contain two populations and a potential outlier. Two populations are indicated by the distinct separation between the data points below 0.26 pCi/g, above 0.5 pCi/g, and the step-shape of the data set. The four data points above 0.5 pCi/g are all from SU L4012107. The highest observation at 0.978 appears to be a potential outlier, however a formal outlier test was not performed. Instead, this data point was evaluated as discussed in Section 6.3.
The background data set collected by LS appears to follow a normal distribution, as indicated by the relatively linear shape of the data points.
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Figure 6.1. Q-Q Plot of ORISE Random Confirmatory Sample Results and LS Background Sample Results Laboratory analysis of the random soil samples did not identify any other plant-related ROCs. Other radionuclides that were detected in the soil samples are naturally occurring and not attributable to site operations. Analysis of the judgmental soil samples did not identify any issues or anomalies. The results for sample S0020 confirm that the elevated gamma radiation identified along the fence line in SU L4012103 was due to gamma shine. Other radionuclides identified in the judgmental samples also were naturally occurring and not due to site operations.
6.3      EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL DATA As stated in Section 3.5, a one-sample Sign test was performed using the confirmatory data set relative to a fixed value of 0.135 pCi/gthe mean Cs-137 concentration reported by LS. The sign-test statistic (S+), that is the number of values that are above 0.135 pCi/g, was seven. The resulting p-value that S+ is greater than or equal to seven was 0.773. Since the p-value is greater than the specified significance level of 0.05, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. That is, the non-impacted land area Cs-137 concentration population mean is less than or equal to the background mean concentration. Figure 6.2 provides a summary of the Sign Test output using ProUCL.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                        14                                      5299-SR-01-0
One Sample Sign Test for Uncensored Full Data Sets Without Non-Detects User Selected Options Date/Time of Computation        ProUCL 5.1 12/27/2016 2:45:17 PM From File                      WorkSheet.xls Full Precision                  OFF Confidence Coefficient              95%
Substantial Difference                  0 Action Level                        0.135 Selected Null Hypothesis        Median <= Action Level (Form 1)
Alternative Hypothesis          Median > the Action Level One Sample Sign Test Raw Statistics Number of Valid Observations                                16 Number of Distinct Observations                              15 Minimum                                                  0.005 Maximum                                                  0.978 Mean                                                      0.228 Median                                                    0.097 SD                                                        0.282 SE of Mean                                            0.0706 Number Above Action Level                                    7 Number Equal Action Level                                    0 Number Below Action Level                                    9 H0: Sample Median <= 0.135 (Form 1)
Test Value Based Upon BD (Binomial Dist)                      7 P-Value                                                  0.773 Conclusion with Alpha = 0.05 Do Not Reject H0 at the specified level of significance (0.05), Conclude Median <= 0.135 P-Value > Alpha (0.05)
Figure 6.2 Sign Test Output Using ProUCL All judgmental soil samples collected contained Cs-137 at a concentration less than the UPL95, which was equal to 0.45 pCi/g. A total of 4 of the 16 randomly collected soil samples contained C-137 at a concentration exceeding the UPL95. All four samples (S0012, S0013, S0015, and S0016) were collected from SU L4012107, see Figure A-8. Because these individual sample results were above the action level threshold, additional evaluation was required, as specified in Section 3.5.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                        15                                    5299-SR-01-0
The analysis results were also compared to the investigation levels in Table 2-6, Chapter 2 of LSs LTP. The highest observed Cs-137 concentration was 0.978 pCi/g and is identified as S0013 on Figure A-6. This sampling location, along with location S0014, was considered as a drainage area due to the large hill to the east that allows for precipitation to accumulate in this area. The Cs-137 concentration in sample S0013 was well below the upper range of 3.35 pCi/g for undisturbed soils in drainage areas. The effect of drainage explains why S0013 appears as a potential outlier in Figure 6.1. The other three results from this SU were below the upper Cs-137 concentration limit for undisturbed non-drainage areas (0.71 pCi/g). Radiological decay was taken into account when evaluating data against the investigation values. Approximately 3.5 years has elapsed since the ZS TSD, which would reduce the upper background limits to 93% of their original value.
: 7. CONCLUSIONS During the period of November 14 through 17, 2016 ORISE performed an independent confirmatory survey of four non-impacted survey units at the LACBWR. The confirmatory survey consisted of visual inspections, gamma walkover scans, and surface soil sampling. As a result of the gamma walkover surveys, four locations were flagged for further investigation by soil sampling.
Analysis of the judgmental samples did not reveal any issues or anomalies. Cesium-137 was not identified above the UPL95 in any of the judgmental samples. Radionuclides that were identified in the judgmental samples were attributable to naturally occurring radioactive material and not site operations.
Evaluation of the LS background and ORISE confirmatory data sets was performed via the one-sample Sign test. Based on the results of the Sign test, there was no evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. Thus, the mean Cs-137 concentration of the confirmatory samples was not statistically greater than that reported by LS. Analysis of the 16 random samples revealed that 5 had Cs-137 concentrations above the UPL95. Based on the exceedance of the UPL95, an additional evaluation was performed by comparing the data to the upper confidence limit as specified in Table 2-6 of the Licensees LTP.
Based on the results of the confirmatory survey, an answer of yes to the PSQ in Table 3.1 is selected, thus concluding the licensee properly classified these four survey units as non-impacted.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                        16                                      5299-SR-01-0
: 8. REFERENCES EPA 2006. Guidance on systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process. EPA QA/G-4.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC. February.
ORAU 2014. ORAU Radiation Protection Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. October.
ORAU 2016a. ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
November 10.
ORAU 2016b. ORAU Environmental Services and Radiation Training Quality Program Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. November 9.
ORAU 2016c. ORAU Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. November 9.
ORAU 2016d. ORAU Health and Safety Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. January.
ORISE 2016. Project-Specific Plan for the Confirmatory Survey Activities at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor in Genoa, Wisconsin. 5299-PL-01-0. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. November 9.
LS 2015. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, License Termination Plan. LaCrosseSolutions. Genoa, WI.
LS 2016. LACBWR: Supporting Information for Request for Partial Site Release. LaCrosseSolutions. Genoa, WI. June 27.
ZS 2013. Examination of Cs-137 Global Fallout in Soils at Zion Station, Rev 0. TSD# 13-004.
ZionSolutions. May 13.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                        17                                          5299-SR-01-0
APPENDIX A FIGURES La Crosse Confirmatory Survey            5299-SR-01-DRAFT
Figure A-1. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012103 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                A-1                      5299-SR-01-0
Figure A-2. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012105 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                A-2                      5299-SR-01-0
Figure A-3. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012106 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                A-3                      5299-SR-01-0
Figure A-4. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012107 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                A-4                      5299-SR-01-0
Figure A-5. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012103 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                  A-5                      5299-SR-01-0
Figure A-6. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012105 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                  A-6                      5299-SR-01-0
Figure A-7. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012106 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                  A-7                      5299-SR-01-0
Figure A-8. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012107 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                  A-8                      5299-SR-01-0
APPENDIX B SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                                5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0001 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0001                    Smp Qty.: 805.62                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/15/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.80        0.13            0.16          pCi/g      910.81                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.038      0.045          0.106          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.78        0.28            0.52          pCi/g      726.98                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.749      0.090          0.228          pCi/g                                    N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.015      0.028          0.055          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.033      0.019          0.040          pCi/g      661.06          U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            15.3        1.3            2.9            pCi/g                                    N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            1.1        3.2            6.9            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.664      0.059          0.060          pCi/g      238.50                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.791      0.075          0.070          pCi/g      351.78                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            1.43        0.30            0.55          pCi/g      185.95                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              1.5        3.8            9.4            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.66        0.33            0.67          pCi/g      63.22            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.07        0.11            0.26          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 1 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-1                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0002 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0002                    Smp Qty.: 722.92                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/15/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            1.18        0.14            0.15          pCi/g      911.12                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.156      0.056          0.124          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            1.29        0.28            0.47          pCi/g      727.36                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            2.24        0.17            0.07          pCi/g      609.26                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.027      0.026          0.057          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.025      0.016          0.037          pCi/g      661.54          U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            13.2        1.1            0.6            pCi/g      1460.81                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            2.6        2.0            4.4            pCi/g      1001.15          U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.873      0.071          0.086          pCi/g      238.56                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            2.57        0.15            0.07          pCi/g      351.82                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            4.71        0.47            0.68          pCi/g      185.91                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              3.5        3.1            7.2            pCi/g      67.85            U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              3.13        0.81            0.91          pCi/g      63.15                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.129      0.084          0.194          pCi/g      143.94          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 2 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-2                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0003 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0003                    Smp Qty.: 922.72                  Units: grams              Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET09                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/15/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.560      0.090          0.105          pCi/g      911.39                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.049      0.031          0.074          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.58        0.18            0.31          pCi/g      727.10                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.474      0.054          0.047          pCi/g      609.29                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.007      0.017          0.034          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.081      0.017          0.025          pCi/g      661.66                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            12.9        1.1            0.5            pCi/g      1460.86                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            0.3        2.1            4.6            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.456      0.042          0.043          pCi/g      238.61                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.481      0.048          0.046          pCi/g      351.91                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            1.18        0.24            0.44          pCi/g      186.00                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              1.6        2.8            7.0            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.61        0.26            0.50          pCi/g      63.53                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.099      0.082          0.199          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 3 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-3                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0004 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0004                    Smp Qty.: 528.41                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/15/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20              0.97        0.15            0.19          pCi/g      910.76                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54              -0.08        0.12            0.30          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33              0.96        0.31            0.57          pCi/g      727.50                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.603      0.076          0.085          pCi/g      609.21                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.008      0.029          0.059          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.260      0.036          0.041          pCi/g      661.62                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            16.9        1.5            0.9            pCi/g      1460.18                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            0.3        3.3            7.1            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.856      0.075          0.075          pCi/g      238.77                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.611      0.069          0.079          pCi/g      352.03                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21              2.12        0.42            0.77          pCi/g      186.07                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              0.7        8.4            20.9          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              1.41        0.81            1.69          pCi/g      63.59            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76              0.06        0.15            0.36          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 4 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-4                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0005 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0005                    Smp Qty.: 815.55                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/15/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.227      0.063          0.081          pCi/g      910.85                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.065      0.029          0.061          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.24        0.16            0.32          pCi/g      727.17          U            N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.276      0.053          0.146          pCi/g                                    N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.016      0.012          0.037          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.113      0.022          0.025          pCi/g      661.39                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            6.50        0.70            1.89          pCi/g                                    N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            -0.0        2.5            5.3            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.165      0.026          0.038          pCi/g      238.47                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.237      0.039          0.054          pCi/g      351.80                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.67        0.20            0.39          pCi/g      185.90                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              -0.7        2.3            5.7            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.45        0.24            0.50          pCi/g      63.42            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.055      0.043          0.096          pCi/g      144.23          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 5 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-5                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0006 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0006                    Smp Qty.: 863.46                  Units: grams              Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET08                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/15/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.513      0.078          0.096          pCi/g      911.22                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.015      0.027          0.064          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.54        0.17            0.30          pCi/g      727.27                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.319      0.042          0.045          pCi/g      609.28                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.005      0.017          0.034          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.005      0.016          0.034          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            12.20        0.98            0.46          pCi/g      1460.84                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            -1.9        2.0            3.7            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.473      0.042          0.044          pCi/g      238.51                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.363      0.039          0.044          pCi/g      351.83                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.93        0.21            0.39          pCi/g      185.81                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              -1.3        2.4            5.8            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.42        0.23            0.48          pCi/g      63.22            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.015      0.072          0.171          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 6 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-6                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0007 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0007                    Smp Qty.: 888.25                  Units: grams              Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET07                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            -0.146      0.085          0.272          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.016      0.032          0.076          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.55        0.19            0.31          pCi/g      726.80                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.317      0.048          0.054          pCi/g      609.08                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.008      0.022          0.043          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.017      0.020          0.048          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            9.25        0.92            0.49          pCi/g      1460.12                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            -0.6        2.6            5.2            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.278      0.034          0.043          pCi/g      238.47                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.337      0.045          0.054          pCi/g      351.77                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.65        0.21            0.42          pCi/g      185.84                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67                0.2        2.6            6.5            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.44        0.26            0.55          pCi/g      63.40            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.030      0.076          0.181          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 7 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-7                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0008 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0008                    Smp Qty.: 797.61                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            1.73        0.17            0.11          pCi/g      911.15                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.101      0.049          0.114          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            2.18        0.33            0.43          pCi/g      727.40                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            1.67        0.13            0.06          pCi/g      609.26                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.006      0.021          0.043          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            -0.020      0.019          0.045          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            3.49        0.42            0.43          pCi/g      1460.76                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            2.7        1.6            3.6            pCi/g      1001.20          U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            1.51        0.10            0.08          pCi/g      238.57                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            1.90        0.12            0.06          pCi/g      351.80                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            3.70        0.40            0.63          pCi/g      185.85                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              2.0        2.9            6.8            pCi/g      67.31            U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              2.65        0.70            0.83          pCi/g      63.21                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.087      0.078          0.182          pCi/g      143.42          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 8 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-8                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0009 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0009                    Smp Qty.: 889.12                  Units: grams              Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET07                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.240      0.070          0.111          pCi/g      911.07                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.052      0.029          0.067          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.22        0.15            0.31          pCi/g      726.80          U            N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.290      0.049          0.139          pCi/g                                    N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.008      0.018          0.042          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.005      0.010          0.025          pCi/g      661.39          U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            7.63        0.81            2.00          pCi/g                                    N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            2.6        2.2            5.5            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.232      0.030          0.038          pCi/g      238.49                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.268      0.039          0.051          pCi/g      351.83                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.54        0.18            0.37          pCi/g      185.93                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              1.6        2.4            6.1            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.42        0.22            0.45          pCi/g      63.35            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.015      0.073          0.174          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 9 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-9                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0010 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0010                    Smp Qty.: 703.21                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            1.85        0.18            0.13          pCi/g      911.17                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.037      0.054          0.129          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            1.69        0.31            0.46          pCi/g      727.23                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            1.65        0.13            0.08          pCi/g      609.25                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.010      0.018          0.053          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            -0.008      0.020          0.049          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            10.59        0.92            0.55          pCi/g      1460.84                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            3.3        2.8            6.3            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            1.53        0.10            0.09          pCi/g      238.56                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            1.82        0.12            0.07          pCi/g      351.83                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            3.22        0.40            0.67          pCi/g      185.80                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              3.3        4.6            11.3          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              1.79        0.57            0.93          pCi/g      63.22                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.132      0.082          0.189          pCi/g      143.63          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 10 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-10                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0011 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0011                    Smp Qty.: 645.19                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET09                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            1.61        0.20            0.19          pCi/g      911.20                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.130      0.066          0.152          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            1.37        0.36            0.62          pCi/g      727.33                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            3.61        0.30            0.09          pCi/g      609.32                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.014      0.032          0.072          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            -0.008      0.022          0.055          pCi/g      662.03          U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            12.8        1.2            0.7            pCi/g      1460.93                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            6.1        2.7            5.3            pCi/g      1001.23                      N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            1.37        0.10            0.09          pCi/g      238.64                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            4.18        0.25            0.09          pCi/g      351.91                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            6.77        0.63            0.83          pCi/g      185.99                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              3.1        4.6            10.9          pCi/g      67.65            U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              3.28        0.86            0.99          pCi/g      63.00                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.29        0.12            0.27          pCi/g      144.01                        N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 11 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-11                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0012 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0012                    Smp Qty.: 569.96                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/28/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.55        0.10            0.13          pCi/g      910.94                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54              0.045      0.099          0.250          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.63        0.24            0.44          pCi/g      727.10                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.504      0.066          0.074          pCi/g      609.20                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.004      0.023          0.044          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.566      0.055          0.036          pCi/g      661.56                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            9.28        0.96            0.85          pCi/g      1460.19                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            0.3        2.7            6.0            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.521      0.054          0.067          pCi/g      238.76                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.573      0.065          0.076          pCi/g      352.00                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            1.10        0.34            0.69          pCi/g      186.11                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              3.0        6.9            17.5          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              1.20        0.69            1.40          pCi/g      63.42            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.09        0.13            0.32          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 12 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-12                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0013 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0013                    Smp Qty.: 434.23                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.33        0.11            0.17          pCi/g      910.79                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.067      0.049          0.114          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.72        0.40            1.07          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.277      0.067          0.100          pCi/g      608.99                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.008      0.027          0.064          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.978      0.099          0.043          pCi/g      661.38                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            10.1        1.2            0.9            pCi/g      1460.24                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03              1.4        2.8            6.8            pCi/g      1000.42          U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.324      0.049          0.066          pCi/g      238.57                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.305      0.065          0.105          pCi/g      351.68                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.49        0.32            0.71          pCi/g      185.91          U            N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              -0.8        3.8            9.5            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.86        0.40            0.74          pCi/g      63.49                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.00        0.11            0.27          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 13 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-13                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0014 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0014                    Smp Qty.: 666.16                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.413      0.083          0.123          pCi/g      911.12                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.023      0.035          0.084          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.35        0.17            0.35          pCi/g      726.70          U            N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.324      0.046          0.055          pCi/g      609.07                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.003      0.022          0.044          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.256      0.030          0.025          pCi/g      661.48                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            18.1        1.4            0.6            pCi/g      1460.68                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03              1.2        2.4            5.2            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.354      0.038          0.050          pCi/g      238.51                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.350      0.042          0.055          pCi/g      351.73                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.70        0.22            0.46          pCi/g      185.77                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              -0.3        2.8            6.9            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.49        0.28            0.59          pCi/g      63.29            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.061      0.078          0.189          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 14 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-14                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0015 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0015                    Smp Qty.: 539.55                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET09                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.457      0.094          0.090          pCi/g      911.41                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.017      0.038          0.093          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.34        0.22            0.46          pCi/g      727.49          U            N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.323      0.054          0.060          pCi/g      609.45                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.006      0.023          0.046          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.514      0.059          0.037          pCi/g      661.70                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            8.09        0.88            0.62          pCi/g      1461.00                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            -0.3        2.7            5.9            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.415      0.045          0.050          pCi/g      238.63                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.400      0.053          0.063          pCi/g      352.00                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.75        0.26            0.52          pCi/g      185.79                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67                0.6        3.1            7.7            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.54        0.29            0.59          pCi/g      62.87            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.052      0.067          0.156          pCi/g      143.17          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 15 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-15                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0016 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0016                    Smp Qty.: 568.06                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/16/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.98        0.14            0.16          pCi/g      910.88                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54              0.02        0.13            0.32          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            1.11        0.30            0.50          pCi/g      727.19                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            1.007        0.100          0.086          pCi/g      609.27                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          0.007        0.028          0.061          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.550        0.055          0.042          pCi/g      661.54                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            13.2        1.2            0.8            pCi/g      1460.22                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            0.1        2.6            5.8            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            1.012        0.082          0.080          pCi/g      238.77                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            1.036        0.091          0.083          pCi/g      352.02                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            1.74        0.41            0.80          pCi/g      186.06                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              11.1        8.8            22.2          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              1.03        0.89            2.01          pCi/g      63.67            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.08        0.10            0.24          pCi/g      144.46          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 16 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-16                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0017 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0017                    Smp Qty.: 835.50                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/17/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.65        0.12            0.16          pCi/g      910.94                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.089      0.042          0.097          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.86        0.26            0.44          pCi/g      726.84                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.480      0.063          0.066          pCi/g      609.11                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.005      0.022          0.049          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.148      0.026          0.033          pCi/g      661.44                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            14.5        1.2            0.4            pCi/g      1460.40                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03              1.1        3.0            6.6            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.570      0.053          0.053          pCi/g      238.60                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.462      0.055          0.064          pCi/g      351.84                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            1.55        0.28            0.48          pCi/g      185.71                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              -0.9        3.4            8.4            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.90        0.33            0.77          pCi/g      63.20                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.037      0.096          0.229          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 17 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-17                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0018 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0018                    Smp Qty.: 646.75                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/17/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            1.08        0.14            0.16          pCi/g      911.18                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.096      0.056          0.130          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            1.26        0.28            0.46          pCi/g      727.37                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            2.23        0.17            0.08          pCi/g      609.24                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49            0.024      0.030          0.064          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.030      0.018          0.039          pCi/g      661.68          U            N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            12.8        1.1            0.6            pCi/g      1460.73                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            2.9        2.1            4.6            pCi/g      1000.99          U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.836      0.071          0.094          pCi/g      238.54                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            2.58        0.16            0.09          pCi/g      351.73                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            4.36        0.46            0.69          pCi/g      185.84                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              2.5        4.5            11.2          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              2.69        0.73            0.92          pCi/g      63.23                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.108      0.087          0.202          pCi/g      143.99          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 18 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-18                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0019 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0019                    Smp Qty.: 783.44                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET09                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/17/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.76        0.12            0.13          pCi/g      911.23                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            -0.035      0.039          0.092          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.82        0.23            0.36          pCi/g      727.19                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.647      0.073          0.059          pCi/g      609.28                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          -0.011      0.012          0.043          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.064      0.017          0.028          pCi/g      661.55                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            13.7        1.2            0.5            pCi/g      1460.83                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            1.1        2.3            5.3            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.762      0.060          0.052          pCi/g      238.66                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.757      0.066          0.055          pCi/g      351.90                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            1.81        0.28            0.46          pCi/g      186.00                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              1.9        3.3            8.2            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.97        0.37            0.67          pCi/g      63.13                        N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            0.024      0.065          0.156          pCi/g      143.60          U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 19 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-19                                            5299-SR-01-0
Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375                        COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392                          Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0020 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0020                    Smp Qty.: 798.54                  Units: grams              Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10                            Live Time(s): 3,600              SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)
Count Date:      11/29/2016                  Receipt Date:  11/21/2016        Collection Date:  11/17/2016 SDG:      201212375-1 Energy                                                                                    Qualifier Duplicate  Meas./Known Signature                                                                Energy                    Error      Activity Ratio Analyte                (keV)              Result    TPU (2s)          MDC            Units    (keV)                    Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228        911.20            0.488        0.084          0.101          pCi/g      911.01                        N/A        N/A Am-241                  59.54            0.064        0.079          0.201          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Bi-212                  727.33            0.68        0.20            0.33          pCi/g      726.90                        N/A        N/A Bi-214                  609.32            0.422        0.051          0.055          pCi/g      609.21                        N/A        N/A Co-60                    1332.49          0.002        0.019          0.038          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Cs-137                  661.66            0.060        0.016          0.028          pCi/g      661.44                        N/A        N/A K-40                    1460.82            8.95        0.84            0.60          pCi/g      1460.25                      N/A        N/A Pa-234                  1001.03            0.1        2.0            4.3            pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Th-228 by Pb-212        238.63            0.430        0.042          0.050          pCi/g      238.77                        N/A        N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214        351.93            0.499        0.052          0.057          pCi/g      351.99                        N/A        N/A Ra-226                  186.21            0.93        0.23            0.45          pCi/g      186.42                        N/A        N/A Th-230                  67.67              1.8        5.5            13.7          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A U-238 by Th-234          63.29              0.69        0.51            1.11          pCi/g      63.52            U            N/A        N/A U-235                    143.76            -0.02        0.10            0.24          pCi/g                      U            N/A        N/A Qualifier Flags:
U = Analyte not detected (< MDC)                                                                                                          Page 20 of 22 TPU =      Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC =      Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                              B-20                                            5299-SR-01-0
APPENDIX C MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                      5299-SR-01-0
The display of a specific product is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or its manufacturer by the author or his employer.
C.1      SCANNING AND MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT/DETECTOR COMBINATIONS C.1.1      GAMMA Ludlum NaI Scintillation Detector Model 44-10, Crystal: 5.1 cm x 5.1 cm (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, Texas) coupled to:
Ludlum Ratemeter-scaler Model 2221 (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, Texas) coupled to:
Trimble Data Logger (Trimble Navigation Limited, Sunnyvale, California)
C.2      LABORATORY ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION High-Purity, Extended Range Intrinsic Detector CANBERRA/Tennelec Model No: ERVDS30-25195 (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)
Used in conjunction with:
Lead Shield Model G-11 (Nuclear Lead, Oak Ridge, Tennessee) and Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)
High-Purity, Intrinsic Detector EG&G ORTEC Model No. GMX-45200-5 Used in conjunction with:
Lead Shield Model G-11 Lead Shield Model SPG-16-K8 (Nuclear Data)
Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                    C-1                                    5299-SR-01-0
High-Purity, Intrinsic Detector EG&G ORTEC Model No. GMX-30P4 Used in conjunction with:
Lead Shield Model G-11 Lead Shield Model SPG-16-K8 (Nuclear Data)
Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)
High-Purity, Intrinsic Detector EG&G ORTEC Model No. CDG-SV-76/GEM-MX5970-S Used in conjunction with:
Lead Shield Model G-11 Lead Shield Model SPG-16-K8 (Nuclear Data)
Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey    C-2      5299-SR-01-0
APPENDIX D SURVEY PROCEDURES La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                  5299-SR-01-0
D.1  PROJECT HEALTH AND SAFETY ORISE performed all survey activities in accordance with the ORAU Radiation Protection Manual, the ORAU Health and Safety Manual, and the ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual (ORAU 2014, ORAU 2016d, and ORAU 2016a). Prior to on-site activities, a work-specific hazard checklist was completed for the project and discussed with field personnel. The planned activities were thoroughly discussed with site personnel prior to implementation to identify hazards present.
Additionally, prior to performing work, a pre-job briefing and walk-down of the survey areas were completed with field personnel to identify hazards present and discuss safety concerns. Should ORISE have identified a hazard not covered in the ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016a)or the projects work-specific hazard checklist for the planned survey and sampling procedures, work would not have been initiated or continued until it was addressed by an appropriate job hazard analysis and hazard controls.
D.2    CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Calibration of all field instrumentation was based on standards/sources, traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Calibration of field instrumentation and laboratory equipment was performed in accordance with procedures from the following ORAU documents:
* ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016a)
* ORAU Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016c)
Quality control procedures included:
* Daily instrument background and check-source measurements to confirm that equipment operation is within acceptable statistical fluctuations.
* Participation in Mixed-Analyte Performance Evaluation Program, NIST Radiochemistry Intercomparison Testing Program (ITP), and ITP Laboratory Quality Assurance Programs.
* Training and certification of all individuals performing procedures.
* Periodic internal and external audits.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                      D-1                                  5299-SR-01-0
D.3    SURVEY PROCEDURES D.3.1        SURFACE SCANS Scans for elevated gamma radiation were performed by passing the detector slowly over the surface.
The distance between the detector and surface was maintained at a minimum. Specific scan minimum detectable concentration (MDCs) for the sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation detectors were not determined, as the instruments were used solely as a qualitative means to identify elevated gamma radiation levels in excess of background. Identifications of elevated radiation levels that could exceed the site criteria were determined based on an increase in the audible signal from the indicating instrument.
D.3.3        SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples (approximately 0.5 kilogram each) were collected, using a clean garden trowel, then transferred into a new sample container by ORISE personnel. ORISE personnel labeled each sample in accordance with ORISE survey procedures and completed the required custody documentation.
D.4    RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS D.4.1        GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Samples were analyzed as received, mixed, crushed, and/or homogenized as necessary, and a portion sealed in a 0.5-liter Marinelli beaker. The quantity placed in the beaker was chosen to reproduce the calibrated counting geometry. Net material weights were determined and the samples counted using intrinsic, high purity, germanium detectors coupled to a pulse height analyzer system. Background and Compton stripping, peak search, peak identification, and concentration calculations were performed using the computer capabilities inherent in the analyzer system. All total absorption peaks (TAPs) associated with the ROCs were reviewed for consistency of activity. Spectra were also reviewed for other identifiable TAPs. TAPs used for determining the activities of ROCs and the typical associated MDCs for a one-hour count time were:
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                      D-2                                    5299-SR-01-0
Radionuclidea                 TAP (keV)         MDC (pCi/g)
Am-241                          59.54            0.11 Bi-212                      727.17            0.46 Bi-214                      609.31            0.08 Co-60                      1,173.22          0.06 Cs-137                        661.65            0.05 Ra-226                        186.21            0.75 Ra-226 by Pb-214                  351.92            0.08 Th-232 by Ac-228                    911.07            0.14 Th-228 by Pb-212                    238.63            0.06 U-235                        143.76            0.24 U-238                        63.29            0.75 aSpectra were also reviewed for other identifiable TAPs.
D.4.2       DETECTION LIMITS Detection limits, referred to as MDCs, were based on 95% confidence level. Because of variations in background levels, measurement efficiencies, and contributions from other radionuclides in samples, the detection limits differ from sample to sample and instrument to instrument.
La Crosse Confirmatory Survey                            D-3                            5299-SR-01-0}}

Latest revision as of 10:17, 30 October 2019

Independent Confirmatory Survey Summary and Results for the Non-Impacted Land Areas at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, Genoa, Wisconsin
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/2017
From: Altic N
Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education
To: Vaaler M
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
VAALER M, 415-3178, T08F05
DCN 5299-SR-01-0, DE SC0014664
Download: ML17024A021 (62)


REPORT FOR THE INDEPENDENT CONFIRMATORY SURVEY OF THE NON-IMPACTED LAND AREAS AT THE LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTOR, GENOA, WISCONSIN N. A. Altic ORAU FINAL REPORT Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission JANUARY 2017 Further dissemination authorized to NRC only; other requests shall be approved by the originating facility or higher NRC programmatic authority.

ORAU provides innovative scientific and technical solutions to advance research and education, protect public health and the environment and strengthen national security. Through specialized teams of experts, unique laboratory capabilities and access to a consortium of more than 100 major Ph.D.-granting institutions, ORAU works with federal, state, local and commercial customers to advance national priorities and serve the public interest. A 501(c) (3) nonprofit corporation and federal contractor, ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Learn more about ORAU at

NOTICES The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the sponsoring institutions of Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government.

Neither the United States Government nor the U.S. Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, mark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. Government or any agency thereof.

REPORT FOR THE INDEPENDENT CONFIRMATORY SURVEY OF THE NON-IMPACTED LAND AREAS AT THE LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTOR GENOA, WISCONSIN Prepared by N. A. Altic ORAU JANUARY 2017 FINAL REPORT Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission This document was prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) through an interagency agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (NRC FIN No. F-1244). ORISE is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities under DOE contract number DE-SC0014664.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 5299-SR-01-0

CONTENTS TABLES .............................................................................................................................................................. ii FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................................... ii ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................... iii EXECUTIVE


.............................................................................................................................. 1

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 2
2. SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 3
3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................. 4 3.1 STATE THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 IDENTIFY THE DECISION ................................................................................................................. 5 3.3 IDENTIFY INPUTS TO THE DECISION ............................................................................................. 5 3.3.1 Radionuclides of Concern ....................................................................................................... 6 3.4 DEFINE THE STUDY BOUNDARIES ................................................................................................. 7 3.5 DEVELOP A DECISION RULE ........................................................................................................... 7 3.6 SPECIFY LIMITS ON DECISION ERRORS.......................................................................................... 9 3.7 OPTIMIZE THE DESIGN FOR OBTAINING DATA .......................................................................... 9
4. PROCEDURES ..........................................................................................................................................10 4.1 REFERENCE SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................10 4.2 SURFACE SCANS ...............................................................................................................................10 4.3 SOIL SAMPLING ................................................................................................................................10
5. SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION ...............................................................11
6. FINDINGS AND RESULTS ...................................................................................................................11 6.1 SURFACE SCANS ...............................................................................................................................12 6.2 SOIL SAMPLING ................................................................................................................................13 6.3 EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL DATA...........................................................................................14
7. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................16
8. REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................................17 APPENDIX A FIGURES APPENDIX B SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS APPENDIX C MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION APPENDIX D SURVEY PROCEDURES La Crosse Confirmatory Survey i 5299-SR-01-0

FIGURES Figure 2.1. Open Land Survey Unit Boundaries ........................................................................................... 3 Figure 6.1. Q-Q Plot of ORISE Random Confirmatory Sample Results and LS Background Sample Results ......................................................................................................................14 Figure 6.2 Sign Test Output Using ProUCL ...............................................................................................15 TABLES Table 2.1. Summary of Non-Impacted Land Area Survey Units................................................................ 4 Table 3.1. LACBWR Confirmatory Survey Decision Process .................................................................... 5 Table 3.2. Cs-137 Investigation Levels Specified in the Licensee's LTP (pCi/g)..................................... 7 Table 6.1. Cs-137 Concentration in Surface Soil Samples (pCi/g) ...........................................................13 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey ii 5299-SR-01-0

ACRONYMS AA alternate action BWR boiling water reactor cpm counts per minute Cs-137 cesium-137 Dairyland Dairyland Power Cooperative DCGL derived concentration guideline level DQO data quality objective FESW Fuel Element Storage Well GPS global positioning system ISFSI Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ITP Intercomparison Testing Program LACBWR La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor LS LaCrosseSolutions LTP license termination plan MDC minimum detectable concentration NaI sodium iodide NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education p-value probability pCi/g picocuries per gram PSQ principal study question Q quantile ROC radionuclide of concern S+ Sign-test statistic SU survey unit TAP total absorption peak TSD technical support document UPL95 95% upper prediction limit VSP Visual Sample Plan ZS ZionSolutions La Crosse Confirmatory Survey iii 5299-SR-01-0



During the period of November 14 through 17, 2016, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) performed an independent confirmatory survey of four non-impacted survey units at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor. The confirmatory survey consisted of visual inspections, gamma walkover scans, and surface soil sampling. As a result of the gamma walkover surveys, four locations were identified for further investigation by soil sampling. Analysis of these judgmental samples did not reveal any issues or anomalies. Cesium-137 (Cs-137) was not identified above the concentration predicted by the licensees background study in any of the judgmental samples. Radionuclides that were identified in the judgmental samples were attributable to natural sources and not site operations.

Evaluation of the licensees background data set and the ORISE confirmatory data set was performed via the one-sample Sign test. Based on the results of the Sign test, there was no evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. Thus, the mean Cs-137 concentration of the confirmatory samples was not statistically greater than that reported by LaCrosseSolutions (LS).

Analysis of 16 random samples revealed that five had Cs-137 concentrations above the predicted level. Based on the exceedance of this predicted value, an additional evaluation was performed by comparing the data to the upper confidence limit, as specified in Table 2-6 of the licensees license termination plan (LTP).

Based on the results of the confirmatory survey, ORISE agrees that the licensee has properly classified these four survey units as non-impacted.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 1 5299-SR-01-0


1. INTRODUCTION The La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR), a 50 Megawatt Electric BWR located in Genoa, Wisconsin, was originally a demonstration plant funded by the Atomic Energy Commission, who later sold it to Dairyland Power Cooperative (Dairyland) with a provisional operating license. The BWR achieved initial criticality on July 11, 1967 and operated for 19 years until being permanently shut down on April 30, 1987. Consequentially, Dairylands authority to operate LACBWR under Provisional Operating License DPR-45 (issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission [NRC]

on August 28, 1973) was amended via License Amendment 56 (August 4, 1987) to possession only authority (LS 2015).

Dismantling unused and offline systems and waste disposal operations began in 1994 where the Reactor Pressure Vessel (head, internals, and 29 control rods sealed with concrete), stored waste in the Fuel Element Storage Well (FESW), and other Class B/C wastes were shipped offsite for disposal in June 2007. Other systems and components, such as spent fuel storage racks, gaseous waste disposal systems (excluding underground gas storage tanks), condensate and feedwater system (excluding condensate storage tank and condenser), turbine and generator, and various components located in the Turbine Building (cooling water system pumps, heat exchangers, piping, etc.) have also been removed. In September 2012, 333 irradiated fuel assemblies from the FESW were packaged in 5 dry casks and transferred to the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for storage (LS 2015).

As of May 2016, the NRC has consented to having the possession, maintenance, and decommissioning authorities of the LACBWR site transferred from Dairyland to LS.

LaCrosseSolutions has recently submitted a request for partial site release to the NRC for the removal of five open land areas characterized as non-impacted from License DPR-45 (LS 2016).

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requested that the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) perform confirmatory survey activities for these five areas surrounding the La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 2 5299-SR-01-0

LACBWR. This report summarizes the confirmatory survey activities associated with request for partial site release at the LACBWR.

2. SITE DESCRIPTION The LACBWR site enclosure comprises an area of 0.6 hectare (1.5 acres) within the 66 hectare licensed site located roughly 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) south from the village of Genoa, Wisconsin on the eastern shore of the Mississippi River. Figure 2.1 provides an aerial view of the licensed site.

Figure 2.1 provides an aerial view of the licensed site and depicts the boundaries of the five open land survey units (SUs) associated with the partial site release request (LS 2016). Table 2.1 lists the SU descriptions.

Figure 2.1. Open Land Survey Unit Boundaries La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 3 5299-SR-01-0

Table 2.1. Summary of Non-Impacted Land Area Survey Units Approximate Survey Survey Unit ID Survey Unit Description Unit Area (m2)

G-3 Plant and related facilities area L4012103 66,869 grounds L4012105 Coal Plant pile area grounds 82,894 South of coal pile area grounds L4012106 111,899 without ISFSI controlled area Grounds across Highway 35 to the L4012107 81,254 East L4012108 Right of Ways Highway 35/railroad 9,444

3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES The data quality objectives (DQOs) described herein are consistent with the Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process (EPA 2006) and provided a formalized method for planning the radiation surveys, improving survey efficiency and effectiveness, and ensuring that the type, quality, and quantity of data collected were adequate for the intended decision applications.

The seven steps in the DQO process are outlined below:

1. State the problem
2. Identify the decision/objective
3. Identify inputs to the decision/objective
4. Define the study boundaries
5. Develop a decision rule
6. Specify limits on decision errors
7. Optimize the design for obtaining data 3.1 STATE THE PROBLEM The first step in the DQO process defined the problem that necessitated the study. The licensee for the LACBWR is requesting approval from NRC to remove non-impacted survey units from its 10 CFR Part 50 license. NRC requested that ORISE perform confirmatory surveys at the LACBWR to provide independent contractor document and field reviews and generate radiological data to assist La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 4 5299-SR-01-0

the NRC in evaluating the licensees request for partial site release. Therefore, the problem statement was as follows:

Confirmatory surveys must be performed to assess the non-impacted classification of survey of open-land areas included in the licensees request for partial site release.

3.2 IDENTIFY THE DECISION The second step in the DQO process identified the principal study question (PSQ) and alternate actions (AAs), developed a decision statement, and organized multiple decisions, as appropriate.

This was done by specifying AAs that could result from a yes response to the PSQs and combining the PSQs and AAs into a decision statement. Table 3.1 presents the PSQs, AAs, and combined decision statement.

Table 3.1. LACBWR Confirmatory Survey Decision Process Principal Study Questions Alternative Actions Yes: LS has not correctly classified one or more of the land areas identified in the request for Are there plant-derived radionuclides of concern partial site release.

(ROCs) present in the non-impacted land areas that No: LS has correctly classified all of the land are not consistent with background concentration? areas identified in the request for partial site releaseagree with the non-impacted classification.

Decision Statement Plant-derived ROCs were/were not identified in excess of background concentrations, thus the land areas identified in the request for partial site release were/were not correctly classified as non-impacted.

3.3 IDENTIFY INPUTS TO THE DECISION The third step in the DQO process identified both the information needed and the sources of this information, determined the basis for action levels, and identified sampling and analytical methods to meet data requirements. For this effort, information inputs included the following:

  • LS and Dairyland background study (summarized and presented in LS 2016)
  • ZionSolutions (ZS) Technical Support Document (TSD)# 13-004 (ZS 2013)
  • ORISE soil sample analytical results
  • ORISE gamma walkover surveys La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 5 5299-SR-01-0

3.3.1 Radionuclides of Concern The primary ROCs identified for the LACBWR are beta-gamma emittersfission and activation productsresulting from reactor operation. Site-specific derived concentration guideline levels (DCGLs) have been developed and are presented in the sites license termination plan. The DCGLs are not applicable to this survey as the ROCs should not appear above background threshold values, provided the land areas are non-impacted. The only ROC expected to be detectable in non-impacted land area soil is cesium -137 (Cs-137) due to global fallout.

A study of background Cs-137 concentration in soil, due to global fallout, was performed by Dairyland in 2005 and by LS during the characterization effort of 2014 (LS 2015). Because no suitable offsite location could be identified, background samples were collected from an on-site areawithin the licensed boundarydeemed unaffected by past site operations (LS 2015). The background study concluded that the mean Cs-137 concentration in surface soil was 0.135 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) with a maximum observed concentration of 0.268 pCi/g. In addition to the background study, LS performed additional characterization of the non-impacted land areas from October 2014 to November 2015, in which an additional 32 surface soil samples were collected. The mean Cs-137 concentration for this dataset was 0.131 pCi/g with a maximum observed concentration of 0.463 pCi/g. As outlined in TSD#13-004 written by ZS, background Cs-137 concentrations can vary based on geography and soil condition (ZS 2013). The TSD classified land geography as either drainage or non-drainage, and each class was further subdivided by disturbed and undisturbed. LS referenced the ZS TSD as a level for which Cs-137 concentrations above the 95% (1.96 standard deviations) upper confidence level should be investigated, as outlined in Table 2-6 of Chapter 2 of the LS LTP. The respective upper confidence levels in the LTP are recreated in Table 3.2 below.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 6 5299-SR-01-0

Table 3.2. Cs-137 Investigation Levels Specified in the Licensee's LTP (pCi/g)

Decay Corrected to As Referenced in the TSD Confirmatory Survey Soil Range for Range for 95%

Condition Measured 95% Measured Confidence Range Confidence Range Level Level Drainage Areas Undisturbed 0.00 to 2.8 0.45 to 3.63 0.00 to 2.59 0.42 to 3.35 Disturbed 0.00 to 1.67 0.35 to 2.86 0.00 to 1.54 0.32 to 2.64 Non Drainage Areas Undisturbed 0.23 to 0.66 0.15 to 0.77 0.21 to 0.61 0.14 to 0.71 Disturbed 0.27 to 0.34 0.23 to 0.42 0.25 to 0.31 0.21 to 0.39 Section 3.5 provides information on how confirmatory survey results will be evaluated.

3.4 DEFINE THE STUDY BOUNDARIES The fourth step in the DQO process defined target populations and spatial boundaries, determined the timeframe for collecting data and making decisions, addressed practical constraints, and determined the smallest subpopulations, area, volume, and time for which separate decisions were to be made. Survey units L4012103, L4012105, L4012106, and L4012107 were subject to confirmatory surveys. These survey units are depicted in Figure 2.1. ORISE considered these four survey units as a single confirmatory unit. Survey unit L4012108 was not investigated due to Highway 35 and an active train track traversing the area. Survey unit L4012105 consists mostly of a coal pile for use by the operating Genoa coal-fired electric power station. Due to time and logistical constraints and safety concerns, the land area underneath the coal pile was excluded from this confirmatory survey.

Also, survey unit L4012103 contains buildings and structures supporting the operating Genoa station. Confirmatory surveys were limited to open, grass-covered land areas in survey unit L4012103. Temporal boundaries to complete this survey were limited to three 10-hour days on-site.

3.5 DEVELOP A DECISION RULE The fifth step in the DQO process specified appropriate population parameters (e.g., mean, median, etc.) and developed an ifthen decision rule statement. As discussed in Section 3.3, Cs-137 was the only ROC expected in concentrations above the analytical minimum detectable concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 7 5299-SR-01-0

(MDC). Therefore, for this survey effort there were two parameters of interest. The first parameter of interest was the mean Cs-137 concentration in the non-impacted land areas. The second parameter of interest was the Cs-137 concentration of each individual confirmatory soil sample. The mean Cs-137 concentration in the non-impacted land areas was compared against the background mean established by the site, as presented in Chapter 2 of LSs LTP, via the one sample Sign test (LS 2015). Hypothesis testing adopts a scientific approach where the survey data are used to select between the baseline condition (the null hypothesis, H0), and an alternative condition.

The null and alternative hypotheses were stated as:

H0: Non-impacted land area Cs-137 concentration population mean is less than or equal to the background mean concentration.

HA: Non-impacted land area Cs-137 concentration population mean is greater than the background mean concentration.

The sign test was performed by first counting the number of positive differences between the individual sample results and the fixed average Cs-137 background concentration (as determined by LS). The number of positive differences was then summed; this sum is referred to as the test statistic (denoted S+). The p-value of achieving this specific S+ was then calculated based on a binominal distribution (i.e., an individual sample result is either above or below the fixed average). The p-value was then compared to a critical value (0.05, as discussed in Section 3.6); if the p-value is less than the critical value, then the null hypothesis was rejected. Otherwise, the null hypothesis was not rejected.

The Sign test is a non-parametric statistical test of the median concentration and does not account for the magnitude of individual results. Therefore, individual sample results must also be evaluated against an elevated measurement action level threshold. The 95% upper prediction limit (UPL95),

based on the Chebyshev inequality, of the LS background Cs-137 concentration data set was used as the action level threshold. The UPL95 based on the Chebyshev inequality was chosen as it does not require any assumptions regarding data distribution. The UPL95 was determined to be equal to 0.45 pCi/g by using ProUCL, version 5.1.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 8 5299-SR-01-0

The decision rule can be stated as follows:

If the null hypothesis is not rejected and each individual sample result is below the UPL95, then recommend acceptance of LSs non-impacted classification; otherwise, perform further evaluation(s) and provide technical comments/recommendations.

3.6 SPECIFY LIMITS ON DECISION ERRORS The sixth step in the DQO process specified the decision makers limits on decision errors, which were then used to establish performance goals for the survey. There were two types of decision errors considered: Type I (typically designated as alpha or ) and Type II (typically designated as beta or ). A Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it should not be, also known as a false positive, and reflects the confidence level in the decision. A Type II error is incorrectly failing to reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true. This is also known as a false negative. Two orders of control were implemented to minimize decision errors regarding the decision statement introduced in Table 3.1.

The first order of control was to select decision error rates that were conservative yet minimizes the chance of a false-positive for analysis results that were expected to be near background. Type I and Type II error rates were both set to 0.05that is, there is a 5% chance of committing either decision error.

The second order of control was to optimize the confirmatory field measurement and laboratory analytical MDCs. Field scanning MDCs were minimized by following the procedures referenced in Section 4.

3.7 OPTIMIZE THE DESIGN FOR OBTAINING DATA The seventh step in the DQO process included review of the DQO outputs, developing data collection design alternatives, formulating the mathematical expressions for each design, selecting the sample size to satisfy DQOs, deciding on the most resource-effective design of agreed alternatives, and documenting the requisite details. Specific survey procedures are presented in Section 4.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 9 5299-SR-01-0

4. PROCEDURES The ORISE survey team performed visual inspections, measurements, and sampling activities within the accessible portions of the non-impacted open-land areas during the period of November 14 through 17, 2016. Survey activities were conducted in accordance with the ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual, the ORAU Environmental Services and Radiation Training Quality Program Manual (ORAU 2016a; ORAU 2016b), and the approved project-specific survey plan (ORISE 2016).

4.1 REFERENCE SYSTEM ORISE referenced confirmatory measurement/sampling locations to global positioning system (GPS) coordinates using the Wisconsin South 4803 state plane NAD 1987.

4.2 SURFACE SCANS Surface scans of land areas were performed with Ludlum Model 44-10 NaI scintillation detectors coupled to Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter-scalers with audible indicators. Ratemeter-scalers were also coupled to GPS systems that enabled real-time gamma count rate and spatial data capture. A 50 meter x 50 meter area (2,500 m2 grid) was delineated around each random soil sample location.

Low to medium density surface scans were performed within each grid. Scans were also performed in judgmentally selected areas based on the potential for run-off accumulation, migration pathways, and indication of anthropogenic disturbance. Additionally, instrument response was captured when survey personnel navigated to the next sampling location. Locations that exhibited elevated direct radiation, as indicated by an increase in audible output from the ratemeter-scaler, were marked for further investigation by soil sampling.

4.3 SOIL SAMPLING Surface (0 to 15 centimeter) soil sampling locations were randomly selected from the study area.

One-minute static NaI counts were performed at each sample location pre- and post-sample collection. The static measurement was used to assess if there was a potential for contamination at depth. There was no evidence for any soil sampling locations exhibiting residual radioactivity at depth. The number of samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP), version. 7.7a. The licensees characterization data were used as VSP inputs to determine the required number of La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 10 5299-SR-01-0

samples. It was determined that a minimum of 15 random soil samples were required based on those inputs together with the Type I and II decision error rate of 5%, as specified in Section 3.6. Six additional random soil sampling locations were generated for use as alternates in the event of inaccessibility.

A total of 16 random soil samples were collected from the confirmatory unit specified in Section 3.3.

Four judgmental soil samples were collected from locations exhibiting elevated direct gamma radiation, as discussed above. Soil samples were collected from a depth of 0 to 15 cm using hand trowels.

5. SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION All samples were returned to the ORISE Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for analysis and interpretation. Sample analyses were performed in accordance with the Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016c). Soil samples were analyzed by solid-state high-resolution gamma spectroscopy for Cs-137.

The resulting gamma spectra were also reviewed for other potential site-related ROCs. Analytical results were reported in units of pCi/g.

Soil sample analytical results were also graphed in quantile (Q) plots for assessment. The Q plot is a graphical tool for assessing the distribution of a data set. In viewing the Q plots provided, the Y-axis represents Cs-137 concentrations in units of pCi/g. The X-axis represents the data quantiles about the mean value. Values less than the mean are represented in the negative quantiles, and the values greater than the mean are represented in the positive quantiles. A normal distribution that is not skewed by outliersi.e., a background populationwill appear as a straight line, with the slope of the line subject to the degree of variability among the data population. More than one distribution, such as background plus contamination or other outliers, will appear as a step function.

6. FINDINGS AND RESULTS The results of the confirmatory survey activities are discussed in the subsections below.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 11 5299-SR-01-0

6.1 SURFACE SCANS Surface scan maps for each of the survey units investigated are presented in Figures A-1 through A-4. Due to various geographical and other site conditions, such as plant over-growth or building structures, scans could not be completed in all of the pre-planned 2,500 m2 grids. Surface scans in L4012103 were limited due to paved grounds and structures for the operating coal plant. Two of the three pre-planned grids were scanned with low- to medium-density coverage. Detector response peaked at approximately 52,000 counts per minute (cpm) as compared with the nominal gamma detector background radiation response of approximately 10,000 cpm. The location of elevated detector response was near the fence line separating the reactor building and coal plant and was due to gamma-shine from a source beyond the fence. A judgmental sample, S0020 as indicated on Figure A-5, was collected to confirm that the detector response was due to gamma-shine interference rather than elevated ROC soil concentrations. Post-survey review of the scan data revealed that this judgmental location was actually outside of the non-impacted SU boundary.

Only a small portion of SU L4012105 was scanned due to the coal pile covering the majority of this area. Accessible portions of the single pre-planned 2,500 m2 grid in this SU were scanned with high-density coverage. Detector response peaked at approximately 15,000 cpm. The surveyor identified one location for additional investigation by soil sampling. This location is presented as S0008 in Figure A-6.

In general, SU L4012106 was the most accessible as scans were completed in each of the 2,500 m2 grids. All six of the pre-planned grids were scanned with scan coverage ranging from medium- to high-density. Detector response peaked at approximately 18,000 cpm. (Figure A-3 indicates a localized detector response of approximately 45,000 cpm; however, the surveyor did not identify this location. Based on the review of the raw count rate, the cause was determined to be from an electronic spike.) Based on the audio output of the ratemeter-scaler while onsite, the surveyor identified one location in the southwest corner for additional investigation by soil sampling. This location is presented as S0011 in Figure A-7.

Survey Unit L4012107 consisted of steep, rough terrain with thick undergrowth along the western portion of the boundary. Two of the pre-planned 2,500 m2 grids were scanned with low- to medium-density scan coverage. Detector response peaked at approximately 11,000 cpm, and no locations were flagged for additional investigation.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 12 5299-SR-01-0

6.2 SOIL SAMPLING Soil sample locations are provided in Figures A-5 through A-8, and individual soil sample results are presented in Appendix B. Cesium-137 was positively identified, above the analytical MDC, in nine of the 20 confirmatory soil samples. Summary statistics for Cs-137 concentrations in the randomly collected soil samples are presented in Table 6.1 below. For reference, summary statistics for the background study presented in LS 2015, Chapter 2, are also included in Table 6.1. Cesium-137 concentration in the confirmatory soil samples ranged from 0.005 pCi/g to 0.978 pCi/g. The maximum observed Cs-137 concentration of 0.978 pCi/g was identified in random sample S0013, collected from SU L14012107. The ORISE estimated mean Cs-137 concentration was approximately twice that of the mean estimated by LS0.23 pCi/g compared to 0.135 pCi/g, respectively. When the ORISE sample mean and median are compared, there is evidence of a left-skewed data distribution. Moreover, the relatively large standard deviation indicates a relatively large spread in the ORISE data set.

Table 6.1. Cs-137 Concentration in Surface Soil Samples (pCi/g)

Standard Mean Median Deviation Min Max ORISE 0.23 0.10 0.28 0.005 0.978 LS 0.135 0.121 0.070 0.017 0.268 Figure 6.1 presents the Q-Q plot for the ORISE confirmatory sample results and the sample results from the LS background study. Based on the Q-Q plot, the ORISE data set appears to contain two populations and a potential outlier. Two populations are indicated by the distinct separation between the data points below 0.26 pCi/g, above 0.5 pCi/g, and the step-shape of the data set. The four data points above 0.5 pCi/g are all from SU L4012107. The highest observation at 0.978 appears to be a potential outlier, however a formal outlier test was not performed. Instead, this data point was evaluated as discussed in Section 6.3.

The background data set collected by LS appears to follow a normal distribution, as indicated by the relatively linear shape of the data points.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 13 5299-SR-01-0

Figure 6.1. Q-Q Plot of ORISE Random Confirmatory Sample Results and LS Background Sample Results Laboratory analysis of the random soil samples did not identify any other plant-related ROCs. Other radionuclides that were detected in the soil samples are naturally occurring and not attributable to site operations. Analysis of the judgmental soil samples did not identify any issues or anomalies. The results for sample S0020 confirm that the elevated gamma radiation identified along the fence line in SU L4012103 was due to gamma shine. Other radionuclides identified in the judgmental samples also were naturally occurring and not due to site operations.

6.3 EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL DATA As stated in Section 3.5, a one-sample Sign test was performed using the confirmatory data set relative to a fixed value of 0.135 pCi/gthe mean Cs-137 concentration reported by LS. The sign-test statistic (S+), that is the number of values that are above 0.135 pCi/g, was seven. The resulting p-value that S+ is greater than or equal to seven was 0.773. Since the p-value is greater than the specified significance level of 0.05, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. That is, the non-impacted land area Cs-137 concentration population mean is less than or equal to the background mean concentration. Figure 6.2 provides a summary of the Sign Test output using ProUCL.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 14 5299-SR-01-0

One Sample Sign Test for Uncensored Full Data Sets Without Non-Detects User Selected Options Date/Time of Computation ProUCL 5.1 12/27/2016 2:45:17 PM From File WorkSheet.xls Full Precision OFF Confidence Coefficient 95%

Substantial Difference 0 Action Level 0.135 Selected Null Hypothesis Median <= Action Level (Form 1)

Alternative Hypothesis Median > the Action Level One Sample Sign Test Raw Statistics Number of Valid Observations 16 Number of Distinct Observations 15 Minimum 0.005 Maximum 0.978 Mean 0.228 Median 0.097 SD 0.282 SE of Mean 0.0706 Number Above Action Level 7 Number Equal Action Level 0 Number Below Action Level 9 H0: Sample Median <= 0.135 (Form 1)

Test Value Based Upon BD (Binomial Dist) 7 P-Value 0.773 Conclusion with Alpha = 0.05 Do Not Reject H0 at the specified level of significance (0.05), Conclude Median <= 0.135 P-Value > Alpha (0.05)

Figure 6.2 Sign Test Output Using ProUCL All judgmental soil samples collected contained Cs-137 at a concentration less than the UPL95, which was equal to 0.45 pCi/g. A total of 4 of the 16 randomly collected soil samples contained C-137 at a concentration exceeding the UPL95. All four samples (S0012, S0013, S0015, and S0016) were collected from SU L4012107, see Figure A-8. Because these individual sample results were above the action level threshold, additional evaluation was required, as specified in Section 3.5.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 15 5299-SR-01-0

The analysis results were also compared to the investigation levels in Table 2-6, Chapter 2 of LSs LTP. The highest observed Cs-137 concentration was 0.978 pCi/g and is identified as S0013 on Figure A-6. This sampling location, along with location S0014, was considered as a drainage area due to the large hill to the east that allows for precipitation to accumulate in this area. The Cs-137 concentration in sample S0013 was well below the upper range of 3.35 pCi/g for undisturbed soils in drainage areas. The effect of drainage explains why S0013 appears as a potential outlier in Figure 6.1. The other three results from this SU were below the upper Cs-137 concentration limit for undisturbed non-drainage areas (0.71 pCi/g). Radiological decay was taken into account when evaluating data against the investigation values. Approximately 3.5 years has elapsed since the ZS TSD, which would reduce the upper background limits to 93% of their original value.

7. CONCLUSIONS During the period of November 14 through 17, 2016 ORISE performed an independent confirmatory survey of four non-impacted survey units at the LACBWR. The confirmatory survey consisted of visual inspections, gamma walkover scans, and surface soil sampling. As a result of the gamma walkover surveys, four locations were flagged for further investigation by soil sampling.

Analysis of the judgmental samples did not reveal any issues or anomalies. Cesium-137 was not identified above the UPL95 in any of the judgmental samples. Radionuclides that were identified in the judgmental samples were attributable to naturally occurring radioactive material and not site operations.

Evaluation of the LS background and ORISE confirmatory data sets was performed via the one-sample Sign test. Based on the results of the Sign test, there was no evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. Thus, the mean Cs-137 concentration of the confirmatory samples was not statistically greater than that reported by LS. Analysis of the 16 random samples revealed that 5 had Cs-137 concentrations above the UPL95. Based on the exceedance of the UPL95, an additional evaluation was performed by comparing the data to the upper confidence limit as specified in Table 2-6 of the Licensees LTP.

Based on the results of the confirmatory survey, an answer of yes to the PSQ in Table 3.1 is selected, thus concluding the licensee properly classified these four survey units as non-impacted.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 16 5299-SR-01-0

8. REFERENCES EPA 2006. Guidance on systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process. EPA QA/G-4.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC. February.

ORAU 2014. ORAU Radiation Protection Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. October.

ORAU 2016a. ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

November 10.

ORAU 2016b. ORAU Environmental Services and Radiation Training Quality Program Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. November 9.

ORAU 2016c. ORAU Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. November 9.

ORAU 2016d. ORAU Health and Safety Manual. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. January.

ORISE 2016. Project-Specific Plan for the Confirmatory Survey Activities at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor in Genoa, Wisconsin. 5299-PL-01-0. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. November 9.

LS 2015. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, License Termination Plan. LaCrosseSolutions. Genoa, WI.

LS 2016. LACBWR: Supporting Information for Request for Partial Site Release. LaCrosseSolutions. Genoa, WI. June 27.

ZS 2013. Examination of Cs-137 Global Fallout in Soils at Zion Station, Rev 0. TSD# 13-004.

ZionSolutions. May 13.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 17 5299-SR-01-0

APPENDIX A FIGURES La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 5299-SR-01-DRAFT

Figure A-1. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012103 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-1 5299-SR-01-0

Figure A-2. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012105 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-2 5299-SR-01-0

Figure A-3. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012106 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-3 5299-SR-01-0

Figure A-4. Gamma Walkover Scan of L4012107 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-4 5299-SR-01-0

Figure A-5. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012103 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-5 5299-SR-01-0

Figure A-6. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012105 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-6 5299-SR-01-0

Figure A-7. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012106 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-7 5299-SR-01-0

Figure A-8. Soil Sampling Locations in L4012107 La Crosse Confirmatory Survey A-8 5299-SR-01-0

APPENDIX B SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0001 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0001 Smp Qty.: 805.62 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/15/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.80 0.13 0.16 pCi/g 910.81 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.038 0.045 0.106 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.78 0.28 0.52 pCi/g 726.98 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.749 0.090 0.228 pCi/g N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.015 0.028 0.055 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.033 0.019 0.040 pCi/g 661.06 U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 15.3 1.3 2.9 pCi/g N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 1.1 3.2 6.9 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.664 0.059 0.060 pCi/g 238.50 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.791 0.075 0.070 pCi/g 351.78 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 1.43 0.30 0.55 pCi/g 185.95 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 1.5 3.8 9.4 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.66 0.33 0.67 pCi/g 63.22 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.07 0.11 0.26 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 1 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-1 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0002 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0002 Smp Qty.: 722.92 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/15/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 1.18 0.14 0.15 pCi/g 911.12 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.156 0.056 0.124 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 1.29 0.28 0.47 pCi/g 727.36 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 2.24 0.17 0.07 pCi/g 609.26 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.027 0.026 0.057 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.025 0.016 0.037 pCi/g 661.54 U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 13.2 1.1 0.6 pCi/g 1460.81 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 2.6 2.0 4.4 pCi/g 1001.15 U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.873 0.071 0.086 pCi/g 238.56 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 2.57 0.15 0.07 pCi/g 351.82 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 4.71 0.47 0.68 pCi/g 185.91 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 3.5 3.1 7.2 pCi/g 67.85 U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 3.13 0.81 0.91 pCi/g 63.15 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.129 0.084 0.194 pCi/g 143.94 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 2 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-2 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0003 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0003 Smp Qty.: 922.72 Units: grams Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET09 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/15/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.560 0.090 0.105 pCi/g 911.39 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.049 0.031 0.074 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.58 0.18 0.31 pCi/g 727.10 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.474 0.054 0.047 pCi/g 609.29 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.007 0.017 0.034 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.081 0.017 0.025 pCi/g 661.66 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 12.9 1.1 0.5 pCi/g 1460.86 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 0.3 2.1 4.6 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.456 0.042 0.043 pCi/g 238.61 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.481 0.048 0.046 pCi/g 351.91 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 1.18 0.24 0.44 pCi/g 186.00 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 1.6 2.8 7.0 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.61 0.26 0.50 pCi/g 63.53 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.099 0.082 0.199 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 3 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-3 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0004 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0004 Smp Qty.: 528.41 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/15/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.97 0.15 0.19 pCi/g 910.76 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.08 0.12 0.30 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.96 0.31 0.57 pCi/g 727.50 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.603 0.076 0.085 pCi/g 609.21 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.008 0.029 0.059 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.260 0.036 0.041 pCi/g 661.62 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 16.9 1.5 0.9 pCi/g 1460.18 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 0.3 3.3 7.1 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.856 0.075 0.075 pCi/g 238.77 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.611 0.069 0.079 pCi/g 352.03 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 2.12 0.42 0.77 pCi/g 186.07 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 0.7 8.4 20.9 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 1.41 0.81 1.69 pCi/g 63.59 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.06 0.15 0.36 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 4 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-4 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0005 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0005 Smp Qty.: 815.55 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/15/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.227 0.063 0.081 pCi/g 910.85 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.065 0.029 0.061 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.24 0.16 0.32 pCi/g 727.17 U N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.276 0.053 0.146 pCi/g N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.016 0.012 0.037 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.113 0.022 0.025 pCi/g 661.39 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 6.50 0.70 1.89 pCi/g N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 -0.0 2.5 5.3 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.165 0.026 0.038 pCi/g 238.47 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.237 0.039 0.054 pCi/g 351.80 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.67 0.20 0.39 pCi/g 185.90 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 -0.7 2.3 5.7 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.45 0.24 0.50 pCi/g 63.42 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.055 0.043 0.096 pCi/g 144.23 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 5 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-5 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0006 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0006 Smp Qty.: 863.46 Units: grams Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET08 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/15/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.513 0.078 0.096 pCi/g 911.22 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.015 0.027 0.064 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.54 0.17 0.30 pCi/g 727.27 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.319 0.042 0.045 pCi/g 609.28 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.005 0.017 0.034 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.005 0.016 0.034 pCi/g U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 12.20 0.98 0.46 pCi/g 1460.84 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 -1.9 2.0 3.7 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.473 0.042 0.044 pCi/g 238.51 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.363 0.039 0.044 pCi/g 351.83 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.93 0.21 0.39 pCi/g 185.81 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 -1.3 2.4 5.8 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.42 0.23 0.48 pCi/g 63.22 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.015 0.072 0.171 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 6 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-6 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0007 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0007 Smp Qty.: 888.25 Units: grams Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET07 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 -0.146 0.085 0.272 pCi/g U N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.016 0.032 0.076 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.55 0.19 0.31 pCi/g 726.80 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.317 0.048 0.054 pCi/g 609.08 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.008 0.022 0.043 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.017 0.020 0.048 pCi/g U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 9.25 0.92 0.49 pCi/g 1460.12 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 -0.6 2.6 5.2 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.278 0.034 0.043 pCi/g 238.47 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.337 0.045 0.054 pCi/g 351.77 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.65 0.21 0.42 pCi/g 185.84 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 0.2 2.6 6.5 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.44 0.26 0.55 pCi/g 63.40 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.030 0.076 0.181 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 7 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-7 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0008 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0008 Smp Qty.: 797.61 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 1.73 0.17 0.11 pCi/g 911.15 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.101 0.049 0.114 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 2.18 0.33 0.43 pCi/g 727.40 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 1.67 0.13 0.06 pCi/g 609.26 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.006 0.021 0.043 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 -0.020 0.019 0.045 pCi/g U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 3.49 0.42 0.43 pCi/g 1460.76 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 2.7 1.6 3.6 pCi/g 1001.20 U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 1.51 0.10 0.08 pCi/g 238.57 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 1.90 0.12 0.06 pCi/g 351.80 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 3.70 0.40 0.63 pCi/g 185.85 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 2.0 2.9 6.8 pCi/g 67.31 U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 2.65 0.70 0.83 pCi/g 63.21 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.087 0.078 0.182 pCi/g 143.42 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 8 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-8 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0009 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0009 Smp Qty.: 889.12 Units: grams Geometry: FM Detector ID: DET07 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.240 0.070 0.111 pCi/g 911.07 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.052 0.029 0.067 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.22 0.15 0.31 pCi/g 726.80 U N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.290 0.049 0.139 pCi/g N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.008 0.018 0.042 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.005 0.010 0.025 pCi/g 661.39 U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 7.63 0.81 2.00 pCi/g N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 2.6 2.2 5.5 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.232 0.030 0.038 pCi/g 238.49 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.268 0.039 0.051 pCi/g 351.83 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.54 0.18 0.37 pCi/g 185.93 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 1.6 2.4 6.1 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.42 0.22 0.45 pCi/g 63.35 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.015 0.073 0.174 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 9 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-9 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0010 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0010 Smp Qty.: 703.21 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 1.85 0.18 0.13 pCi/g 911.17 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.037 0.054 0.129 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 1.69 0.31 0.46 pCi/g 727.23 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 1.65 0.13 0.08 pCi/g 609.25 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.010 0.018 0.053 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 -0.008 0.020 0.049 pCi/g U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 10.59 0.92 0.55 pCi/g 1460.84 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 3.3 2.8 6.3 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 1.53 0.10 0.09 pCi/g 238.56 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 1.82 0.12 0.07 pCi/g 351.83 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 3.22 0.40 0.67 pCi/g 185.80 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 3.3 4.6 11.3 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 1.79 0.57 0.93 pCi/g 63.22 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.132 0.082 0.189 pCi/g 143.63 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 10 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-10 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0011 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0011 Smp Qty.: 645.19 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET09 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 1.61 0.20 0.19 pCi/g 911.20 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.130 0.066 0.152 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 1.37 0.36 0.62 pCi/g 727.33 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 3.61 0.30 0.09 pCi/g 609.32 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.014 0.032 0.072 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 -0.008 0.022 0.055 pCi/g 662.03 U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 12.8 1.2 0.7 pCi/g 1460.93 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 6.1 2.7 5.3 pCi/g 1001.23 N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 1.37 0.10 0.09 pCi/g 238.64 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 4.18 0.25 0.09 pCi/g 351.91 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 6.77 0.63 0.83 pCi/g 185.99 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 3.1 4.6 10.9 pCi/g 67.65 U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 3.28 0.86 0.99 pCi/g 63.00 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.29 0.12 0.27 pCi/g 144.01 N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 11 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-11 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0012 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0012 Smp Qty.: 569.96 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/28/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.55 0.10 0.13 pCi/g 910.94 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 0.045 0.099 0.250 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.63 0.24 0.44 pCi/g 727.10 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.504 0.066 0.074 pCi/g 609.20 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.004 0.023 0.044 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.566 0.055 0.036 pCi/g 661.56 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 9.28 0.96 0.85 pCi/g 1460.19 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 0.3 2.7 6.0 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.521 0.054 0.067 pCi/g 238.76 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.573 0.065 0.076 pCi/g 352.00 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 1.10 0.34 0.69 pCi/g 186.11 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 3.0 6.9 17.5 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 1.20 0.69 1.40 pCi/g 63.42 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.09 0.13 0.32 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 12 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-12 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0013 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0013 Smp Qty.: 434.23 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.33 0.11 0.17 pCi/g 910.79 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.067 0.049 0.114 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.72 0.40 1.07 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.277 0.067 0.100 pCi/g 608.99 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.008 0.027 0.064 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.978 0.099 0.043 pCi/g 661.38 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 10.1 1.2 0.9 pCi/g 1460.24 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 1.4 2.8 6.8 pCi/g 1000.42 U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.324 0.049 0.066 pCi/g 238.57 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.305 0.065 0.105 pCi/g 351.68 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.49 0.32 0.71 pCi/g 185.91 U N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 -0.8 3.8 9.5 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.86 0.40 0.74 pCi/g 63.49 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.00 0.11 0.27 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 13 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-13 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0014 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0014 Smp Qty.: 666.16 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.413 0.083 0.123 pCi/g 911.12 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.023 0.035 0.084 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.35 0.17 0.35 pCi/g 726.70 U N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.324 0.046 0.055 pCi/g 609.07 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.003 0.022 0.044 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.256 0.030 0.025 pCi/g 661.48 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 18.1 1.4 0.6 pCi/g 1460.68 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 1.2 2.4 5.2 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.354 0.038 0.050 pCi/g 238.51 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.350 0.042 0.055 pCi/g 351.73 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.70 0.22 0.46 pCi/g 185.77 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 -0.3 2.8 6.9 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.49 0.28 0.59 pCi/g 63.29 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.061 0.078 0.189 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 14 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-14 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0015 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0015 Smp Qty.: 539.55 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET09 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.457 0.094 0.090 pCi/g 911.41 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.017 0.038 0.093 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.34 0.22 0.46 pCi/g 727.49 U N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.323 0.054 0.060 pCi/g 609.45 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.006 0.023 0.046 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.514 0.059 0.037 pCi/g 661.70 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 8.09 0.88 0.62 pCi/g 1461.00 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 -0.3 2.7 5.9 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.415 0.045 0.050 pCi/g 238.63 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.400 0.053 0.063 pCi/g 352.00 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.75 0.26 0.52 pCi/g 185.79 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 0.6 3.1 7.7 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.54 0.29 0.59 pCi/g 62.87 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.052 0.067 0.156 pCi/g 143.17 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 15 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-15 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0016 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0016 Smp Qty.: 568.06 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/16/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.98 0.14 0.16 pCi/g 910.88 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 0.02 0.13 0.32 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 1.11 0.30 0.50 pCi/g 727.19 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 1.007 0.100 0.086 pCi/g 609.27 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.007 0.028 0.061 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.550 0.055 0.042 pCi/g 661.54 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 13.2 1.2 0.8 pCi/g 1460.22 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 0.1 2.6 5.8 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 1.012 0.082 0.080 pCi/g 238.77 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 1.036 0.091 0.083 pCi/g 352.02 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 1.74 0.41 0.80 pCi/g 186.06 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 11.1 8.8 22.2 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 1.03 0.89 2.01 pCi/g 63.67 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.08 0.10 0.24 pCi/g 144.46 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 16 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-16 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0017 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0017 Smp Qty.: 835.50 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET07 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/17/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.65 0.12 0.16 pCi/g 910.94 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.089 0.042 0.097 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.86 0.26 0.44 pCi/g 726.84 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.480 0.063 0.066 pCi/g 609.11 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.005 0.022 0.049 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.148 0.026 0.033 pCi/g 661.44 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 14.5 1.2 0.4 pCi/g 1460.40 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 1.1 3.0 6.6 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.570 0.053 0.053 pCi/g 238.60 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.462 0.055 0.064 pCi/g 351.84 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 1.55 0.28 0.48 pCi/g 185.71 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 -0.9 3.4 8.4 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.90 0.33 0.77 pCi/g 63.20 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.037 0.096 0.229 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 17 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-17 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0018 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0018 Smp Qty.: 646.75 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET08 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/17/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 1.08 0.14 0.16 pCi/g 911.18 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.096 0.056 0.130 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 1.26 0.28 0.46 pCi/g 727.37 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 2.23 0.17 0.08 pCi/g 609.24 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.024 0.030 0.064 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.030 0.018 0.039 pCi/g 661.68 U N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 12.8 1.1 0.6 pCi/g 1460.73 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 2.9 2.1 4.6 pCi/g 1000.99 U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.836 0.071 0.094 pCi/g 238.54 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 2.58 0.16 0.09 pCi/g 351.73 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 4.36 0.46 0.69 pCi/g 185.84 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 2.5 4.5 11.2 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 2.69 0.73 0.92 pCi/g 63.23 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.108 0.087 0.202 pCi/g 143.99 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 18 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-18 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0019 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0019 Smp Qty.: 783.44 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET09 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/17/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.76 0.12 0.13 pCi/g 911.23 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 -0.035 0.039 0.092 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.82 0.23 0.36 pCi/g 727.19 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.647 0.073 0.059 pCi/g 609.28 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 -0.011 0.012 0.043 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.064 0.017 0.028 pCi/g 661.55 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 13.7 1.2 0.5 pCi/g 1460.83 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 1.1 2.3 5.3 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.762 0.060 0.052 pCi/g 238.66 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.757 0.066 0.055 pCi/g 351.90 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 1.81 0.28 0.46 pCi/g 186.00 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 1.9 3.3 8.2 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.97 0.37 0.67 pCi/g 63.13 N/A N/A U-235 143.76 0.024 0.065 0.156 pCi/g 143.60 U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 19 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-19 5299-SR-01-0

Gamma Spectrometry Summary Sheet Report Date: December 05, 2016 Project # : 201212375 COC # : 1611-005 Project Name: La Crosse Batch Number: GS0392 Analyst: smithw Client Sample ID: 5299S0020 Lab Sample ID: 12375S0020 Smp Qty.: 798.54 Units: grams Geometry: LM Detector ID: DET10 Live Time(s): 3,600 SOP (Rev. #): CP1 (21)

Count Date: 11/29/2016 Receipt Date: 11/21/2016 Collection Date: 11/17/2016 SDG: 201212375-1 Energy Qualifier Duplicate Meas./Known Signature Energy Error Activity Ratio Analyte (keV) Result TPU (2s) MDC Units (keV) Ratio Th-232 by Ac-228 911.20 0.488 0.084 0.101 pCi/g 911.01 N/A N/A Am-241 59.54 0.064 0.079 0.201 pCi/g U N/A N/A Bi-212 727.33 0.68 0.20 0.33 pCi/g 726.90 N/A N/A Bi-214 609.32 0.422 0.051 0.055 pCi/g 609.21 N/A N/A Co-60 1332.49 0.002 0.019 0.038 pCi/g U N/A N/A Cs-137 661.66 0.060 0.016 0.028 pCi/g 661.44 N/A N/A K-40 1460.82 8.95 0.84 0.60 pCi/g 1460.25 N/A N/A Pa-234 1001.03 0.1 2.0 4.3 pCi/g U N/A N/A Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.430 0.042 0.050 pCi/g 238.77 N/A N/A Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.93 0.499 0.052 0.057 pCi/g 351.99 N/A N/A Ra-226 186.21 0.93 0.23 0.45 pCi/g 186.42 N/A N/A Th-230 67.67 1.8 5.5 13.7 pCi/g U N/A N/A U-238 by Th-234 63.29 0.69 0.51 1.11 pCi/g 63.52 U N/A N/A U-235 143.76 -0.02 0.10 0.24 pCi/g U N/A N/A Qualifier Flags:

U = Analyte not detected (< MDC) Page 20 of 22 TPU = Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC = Minimum Detectable Concentration La Crosse Confirmatory Survey B-20 5299-SR-01-0

APPENDIX C MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 5299-SR-01-0

The display of a specific product is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or its manufacturer by the author or his employer.

C.1 SCANNING AND MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT/DETECTOR COMBINATIONS C.1.1 GAMMA Ludlum NaI Scintillation Detector Model 44-10, Crystal: 5.1 cm x 5.1 cm (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, Texas) coupled to:

Ludlum Ratemeter-scaler Model 2221 (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, Texas) coupled to:

Trimble Data Logger (Trimble Navigation Limited, Sunnyvale, California)

C.2 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION High-Purity, Extended Range Intrinsic Detector CANBERRA/Tennelec Model No: ERVDS30-25195 (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)

Used in conjunction with:

Lead Shield Model G-11 (Nuclear Lead, Oak Ridge, Tennessee) and Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)

High-Purity, Intrinsic Detector EG&G ORTEC Model No. GMX-45200-5 Used in conjunction with:

Lead Shield Model G-11 Lead Shield Model SPG-16-K8 (Nuclear Data)

Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey C-1 5299-SR-01-0

High-Purity, Intrinsic Detector EG&G ORTEC Model No. GMX-30P4 Used in conjunction with:

Lead Shield Model G-11 Lead Shield Model SPG-16-K8 (Nuclear Data)

Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)

High-Purity, Intrinsic Detector EG&G ORTEC Model No. CDG-SV-76/GEM-MX5970-S Used in conjunction with:

Lead Shield Model G-11 Lead Shield Model SPG-16-K8 (Nuclear Data)

Multichannel Analyzer Canberras Gamma Software Dell Workstation (Canberra, Meriden, Connecticut)

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey C-2 5299-SR-01-0

APPENDIX D SURVEY PROCEDURES La Crosse Confirmatory Survey 5299-SR-01-0

D.1 PROJECT HEALTH AND SAFETY ORISE performed all survey activities in accordance with the ORAU Radiation Protection Manual, the ORAU Health and Safety Manual, and the ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual (ORAU 2014, ORAU 2016d, and ORAU 2016a). Prior to on-site activities, a work-specific hazard checklist was completed for the project and discussed with field personnel. The planned activities were thoroughly discussed with site personnel prior to implementation to identify hazards present.

Additionally, prior to performing work, a pre-job briefing and walk-down of the survey areas were completed with field personnel to identify hazards present and discuss safety concerns. Should ORISE have identified a hazard not covered in the ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016a)or the projects work-specific hazard checklist for the planned survey and sampling procedures, work would not have been initiated or continued until it was addressed by an appropriate job hazard analysis and hazard controls.

D.2 CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Calibration of all field instrumentation was based on standards/sources, traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Calibration of field instrumentation and laboratory equipment was performed in accordance with procedures from the following ORAU documents:

  • ORAU Radiological and Environmental Survey Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016a)
  • ORAU Radiological and Environmental Analytical Laboratory Procedures Manual (ORAU 2016c)

Quality control procedures included:

  • Daily instrument background and check-source measurements to confirm that equipment operation is within acceptable statistical fluctuations.
  • Participation in Mixed-Analyte Performance Evaluation Program, NIST Radiochemistry Intercomparison Testing Program (ITP), and ITP Laboratory Quality Assurance Programs.
  • Training and certification of all individuals performing procedures.
  • Periodic internal and external audits.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey D-1 5299-SR-01-0

D.3 SURVEY PROCEDURES D.3.1 SURFACE SCANS Scans for elevated gamma radiation were performed by passing the detector slowly over the surface.

The distance between the detector and surface was maintained at a minimum. Specific scan minimum detectable concentration (MDCs) for the sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation detectors were not determined, as the instruments were used solely as a qualitative means to identify elevated gamma radiation levels in excess of background. Identifications of elevated radiation levels that could exceed the site criteria were determined based on an increase in the audible signal from the indicating instrument.

D.3.3 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples (approximately 0.5 kilogram each) were collected, using a clean garden trowel, then transferred into a new sample container by ORISE personnel. ORISE personnel labeled each sample in accordance with ORISE survey procedures and completed the required custody documentation.

D.4 RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS D.4.1 GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Samples were analyzed as received, mixed, crushed, and/or homogenized as necessary, and a portion sealed in a 0.5-liter Marinelli beaker. The quantity placed in the beaker was chosen to reproduce the calibrated counting geometry. Net material weights were determined and the samples counted using intrinsic, high purity, germanium detectors coupled to a pulse height analyzer system. Background and Compton stripping, peak search, peak identification, and concentration calculations were performed using the computer capabilities inherent in the analyzer system. All total absorption peaks (TAPs) associated with the ROCs were reviewed for consistency of activity. Spectra were also reviewed for other identifiable TAPs. TAPs used for determining the activities of ROCs and the typical associated MDCs for a one-hour count time were:

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey D-2 5299-SR-01-0

Radionuclidea TAP (keV) MDC (pCi/g)

Am-241 59.54 0.11 Bi-212 727.17 0.46 Bi-214 609.31 0.08 Co-60 1,173.22 0.06 Cs-137 661.65 0.05 Ra-226 186.21 0.75 Ra-226 by Pb-214 351.92 0.08 Th-232 by Ac-228 911.07 0.14 Th-228 by Pb-212 238.63 0.06 U-235 143.76 0.24 U-238 63.29 0.75 aSpectra were also reviewed for other identifiable TAPs.

D.4.2 DETECTION LIMITS Detection limits, referred to as MDCs, were based on 95% confidence level. Because of variations in background levels, measurement efficiencies, and contributions from other radionuclides in samples, the detection limits differ from sample to sample and instrument to instrument.

La Crosse Confirmatory Survey D-3 5299-SR-01-0