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Response to October 14, 2022 Request for Additional Information for Class 1 Excavation and Basement Survey Units
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 10/20/2022
From: Sauger J
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML22297A004 (1)



LACROSSESOLUTIONS October 20, 2022 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Facility Operating License No. DPR-45 NRC Docket Nos. 50-409 and 72-046 LS-2022-0020


Response to October 14, 2022 Request for Additional Information for Class 1 Excavation and Basement Survey Units


1) Marlayna Doell, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, letter to John Sauger, LaCrosseSolutions, "Request for Confirmatory Information Related to the Review of the Class 1 Survey Units for Unrestricted Release Based on Final Status Survey Report and Supporting Information," dated October 12, 2022 As a follow-up action to recent conference calls with the NRC Staff, and in response to a request for confirmatory information in Reference 1, LaCrosseSolutions is providing the attached response and additional information. It is understood this is the final request for information to resolve any remaining questions on the NRC review of the Class 1 final status survey (FSS) area reports for the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor site.

The response to the Request for Confirmatory Information is provided in the attachment. Also included is a revised Excel spreadsheet for Survey Unit FSS-L 1-010-101 C for the Waste Treatment Building Subsoil Excavation providing the results of the original samples collected, the results of the direct push samples collected and the Sr-90 sample results.

There are no regulatory commitments made in this submittal. If you should have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Gerry van Noordennen at (860) 462-9707.

Respectfully, John Sauger Digitally signed by John Sauger Date: 2022.10.20 13:15:39 -04'00' President Reactor D&D and Chief Nuclear Officer S4601 State Highway 35, Genoa, WI 54632

LaCrosseSolutions, LLC LS-2022-0020 Page 2 of 2


Response to NRC Request for Confirmatory Information and Excel Spreadsheet Survey Results for Survey Unit FSS-Ll-101C cc:

Marlayna Doell, U.S. NRC Project Manager (letter and attachment)

Regional Administrator, U.S. NRC, Region III (letter and attachment)

La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Service List (letter and attachment)

La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Service List cc:

Ken Robuck President and CEO Energy Solutions 299 South Main Street, Suite 1700 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 John Sauger President and Chief Nuclear Officer ReactorD&D Energy Solutions 121 W. Trade Street, Suite 2700 Charlotte, NC 28202 Joseph Nowak Project Manager LaCrosseSolutions S4601 State Highway 3 5 Genoa, WI 54632-8846 Russ Workman General Counsel Energy Solutions 299 South Main Street, Suite 1700 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Jerome Pedretti, Clerk Town of Genoa E860 Mundsack Road Genoa, WI 54632 Jeffery Kitsembel Division of Energy Regulation Wisconsin Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 Paul Schmidt, Manager Radiation Protection Section Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health Division of Public Health Wisconsin Department of Health Services P.O. Box 2659 Madison, WI 53701-2659 Brent Ridge President and CEO Dairyland Power Cooperative 3200 East A venue South La Crosse, WI 54602-0817 Cheryl Olson, ISFSI Manager La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Dairyland Power Cooperative S4601 State Highway 3 5 P.O. Box 817 Genoa, WI 54632-8846 John Benkelman La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Dairyland Power Cooperative S4601 State Highway 3 5 Genoa, WI 54632-8846 Andrew J. Parrish Wheeler, Van Sickle & Anderson, S.C.

44 E. Mifflin Street, Suite 1000 Madison, WI 53703

LaCrosseSolutions LC-2022-0020 ATTACHMENT Response to NRC Request for Confirmatory Information and Excel Spreadsheet Survey Results for Survey Unit FSS-Ll-101C

La Crosse Boiling,vater Reactor (LACB,VR) - Request for Confirmatory Information Related to the Remaining LACBWR Class 1 Survey Units


The LACBWR License Termination Plan (L TP) requirement is to ensure 100 percent scan survey coverage of Class 1 impacted areas and that the sample results meet the statistical test for unrestricted release To meet the scan and survey requirements of the LACBWR LTP, the NRC staff needs to understand the RPGP A, CDR, and TDS B survey unit boundary overlap and how the CDR final status survey (FSS) results were or were not impacted by subsequent activities in the adjacent RPGPA and TDS B survey areas.

The staff understands that CDR was backfilled up to a certain elevation in 2017, but needs to confirm controls were in place after the backfill of CDR to prevent recontamination prior to more backfill being put in that area to bring it to final grade when the final survey of the Ll-10-101 and Ll-10-102 survey units was conducted.

For the part of the CDR that was not overlapped by other survey unit boundaries, the staff seeks confirmation to ensure the survey unit.remained clean during the smTounding remediation and FSS activities.

RCI: Please confirm that dming the remediation of the survey units adjacent to CDR, Energy Solutions (ES) followed all their isolation and control procedures until backfill and continued to meet MARS SIM requirements for survey and sampling procedures.

LaCrosseSolutions Response:

Yes, all isolation and control measures were in place and LaCrosseSolutions followed all their isolation and control procedures until the units were backfilled. The CDR was the first unit surveyed and backfilled. The RPGPA (TDS-B) was the second unit surveyed and was backfilled prior to the survey. Geoprobe samples were taken through the CDR area, but the final CDR excavation surface was otherwise undisturbed. TDS-A was the final unit surveyed. Portions of the backfill covering the final CDR excavation surface were excavated to slope the TDS-A excavation, but the final CDR excavation surface that was subject to FSS was undisturbed. The excavated backfill soil area overlaying the CDR was subjected to FSS during the surveys and sampling of TDS-A.

RCI: Please confirm that the statistical test for Ll-SUB-CDR and the number of systematic samples required for the statistical test are still valid given that several of the samples were invalidated due to them being in Ll-SUB-TDS A and Ll-SUB-TDS B after the original survey unit was divided.

LaCrosseSolutions Response:

LaCrosseSolutions confirms that the samples taken during the FSS of the CDR are still valid. An analysis was performed to test the validity of the data if the samples in the area were removed from the overall data set. The number of samples from CDR that could have been impacted is five. These samples are 8, 10, 11, 13, and 14. When removed from the data set, the remaining results pass the Sign test as detailed below:


SOF Sign (Ws) 1-Ws 1

0.0445 0.96

+1 2

0.0305 0.97

+1 3

0.0627 0.94

+1 4

0.0502 0.95

+1 5

0.0673 0.93

+1 6

0.0858 0.91

+1 7

0.0506 0.95

+1 9

0.4594 0.54

+1 12 0.1369 0.86

+1 Number of positive differences (S+)

9 Critical Value 7

Survey Unit Meets the Acceptance Criteria A retrospective calculation was then performed to determine the number of samples needed using Equation 5-2 ofMARSSIM:

Where, Z1-u = 1.645 (0.05)

Z1-p= 1.282 (0.1) 2 (Z1-a + Z1-13)


4(Sign p - 0.5) 2 Sign p = 0.998645 (!::Jcr > 3)

The result of the calculation is 8.61, resulting in nine samples. LACBWR typically used 0.05 as the value of Z1-p but is allowed to increase the value in accordance with Section of the LTP. The value was not increased by 20% since the calculation was performed retrospectively.

A retrospective power curve was then created using the data set using an alpha value of 0.05, beta value of 0.10, sigma of 0.1347 and a LBGR of 0.11. The power curve is displayed below:


ProbablHty tllat the Survey U.alt Passes 1.0 0.8

'~ \\

0.6 I\\.






0.0 1 ~


s -"' 1 LI.Ii< 110:t 1,u,;

Tnae Survey Uatt Coceatntlo (pen:et of DCGL)

This confirms that the number of systematic samples required for the statistical test is valid even if the samples are removed from the CDR data set.


Requirement is to investigate elevated areas per the approved LACBWR LTP 2a.

The staff needs to be able to evaluate the investigation and background radiation assumptions in CDR, and provide a basis for why there were several areas (28 if the median is assumed for background radiation) not investigated that should have been, but that this failure to investigate elevated areas does not negate the FSS result.

The licensee's CDR scan results demonstrate that investigations should have been performed in multiple areas of the survey unit but were not conducted due to incorrect instrument alarm set points. ES stated that if the instruments had appropriately accounted for background radiation, 28 investigations would still need to be performed, but the method for estimating background is not a standard method.

The high background rate could be due to the shine from the reactor building, but there is no justification for statements about the level of shine present during the CDR FSS.

RCI: Please confirm if the reactor building shine was contributing to the background radiation levels in the CDR survey unit at the time of FSS scan.

LaCrosseSolutions Response:

Yes, the shine impacting the CDR survey unit was originating from the Reactor Building.

All other structures had been removed on that side of the LACBWR facility when the survey was performed. These were the WGTV structure to an elevation of three feet below grade, and the entirety of the Stack and Pipe Tunnel. The vast majority of buildings on the other side of the Reactor Building had also been demolished, including the Turbine Building, Diesel Generator Building and Eat Shack. Additionally, during the FSS ofLl-SUB-DRS from 02/27/1 8 to 03/02/18, shielding was placed in between the unit and the Reactor Building. Ll-SUB-DRS is located northwest of the Reactor Building.



In the RPGP A, the survey unit did not receive FSS before it was backfilled due to water intrusion. This led to the RPGP A needing GeoProbe samples be taken to fulfill FSS requirements. During these activities, an elevated area was identified and labeled as sample B04; ES did an analysis to try to narrow down the size of the elevated area and demonstrate compliance with the L TP and the unrestricted release criteria.

RCI: Please confirm that none of the maximum activity readings,vere from the bottom stratum of the GeoProbe samples in the RPGP A.

LaCrosseSolutions Response:

LaCrosseSolutions confirms that not all the maximum activity readings were from the bottom stratum of the Geo Probe samples in the RPGP A. Table 7-1 of the L 1-SUB-TDS B Release Record provides the highest activity sample from each location. The location designator of the sample nomenclature will either be blank, or have an "A," "B" or "C" at the end to designate the depth. Samples without an end designator are from the 624' -627' stratum, "A" is from the 621 '-624' stratum, "B" is from the 618 '-621' stratum, and "C" is from the 615'-618' stratum. For example, Ll-SUB-TDS-FSGS-B01-SB is from the 624'-

627' stratum. Sample Ll-SUB-TDS-FSGS-BOlA-SB is from the 621 '-624' stratum.

Sample Ll-SUB-TDS-FSGS-B01B-SB is from the 618'-621' stratum. Sample Ll-SUB-TDS-FSGS-BOlC-SB is from the 615'-618' stratum.

The following provides a summary of the type of sample and the number of highest Cs-13 7 sample results from each stratum:

Sample Type 615' -618' 618'-621' 621 '-624' 624'-627' Stratum Stratum Stratum Stratum Systematic 3

6 5

14 Judgmental 0

0 2

6 Characterization 0

0 2

5 2c.

In order to support the statement that the WTB judgmental sample 16 Cs-13 7 result is a typo, an additional discussion or analysis of why the MDA of the scan instruments, or the prior FS S scan readings, support the indication that the result is a typo and not an actual elevated area of the survey unit would be beneficial. Absent that, an updated record that removes the erroneous sample result would improve documentation for this survey unit.

RCI: Please confirm that an updated spreadsheet for the WTB sample results with an NIA or something similar for sample 16 instead of the typo result will be submitted.

LaCrosseSolutions Response:

LaCrosseSolutions provides herewith an updated spreadsheet that has been revised to place N/ A" in the cell for the Cs-13 7 result of sample location 16.


FSS UnH: Ll-010-/0IC Type:

Suhswface So,/

Sample ID ROC Co-60 L/-0/0-10/-FS-GS-CO/-SB Cs-1 37 (500ml)

Eu-152 Eu-1 54 Co-60 LI-OIO-IOI-FS-GS-C02-SB Cs-137


Eu-1 52 Eu-154 Co-60 Ll-010-IOI-FS-GS-C03-SB Cs-1 37 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 Eu-1 54 Co-60 LI -0 I 0-10 I-FS-GS-C04-SB Cs-137 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 Eu-1 54 Co-60 Ll-010-IOI-FS-GS-C05-SB Cs-137 (500ml)

Eu-152 Eu-154 Co-60 LI -0 I 0-10 l-FS-GS-C06-SB Cs-137 (500ml)

Eu-152 Eu-1 54 Co-60 l,/-010-101-FS-GS-C07-SB Cs-137 (500ml)

Eu-152 Eu-I 54 Co-60 LI-OIO-IOI-FS-GS-C08-SB Cs-137 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 Eu-1 54 Co-60 I.I -0 I 0-/ 0 l-QS-GS-C08-SB Cs-1 37 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 Eu-154 Co-60 ll-OIO-IOI-FS-GS-C09-SB Cs-137


Eu-1 52 Eu-154 Co-60

/,/-0 JO-IO 1-FS-GS-C I 0-SB Cs-1 37 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 Eu-1 54 Co-60 L/-0/0-/0/-FS-GS-C I /-SB Cs-137 (500ml)

Eu-152 Eu-1 54 Co-60 L/-010-IOI-FS-GS-CI 2-SB Cs-137 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 Eu-1 54



Was/e Treatmenl Building Suhsoil Excavar,on Classification: ------'-----

Origiunl FSS Samples Co f/ected 9112117 - 9/14/201 7 MDA Highest Activity Sample ID ROC


/oCi/el 5.39E-02 5.39£-02 Co-60 6.0JE-02 3.87£-01 LJ-0/0-/01-FS-GS-C/ 3-SB Cs-137

/.07£-01 0.00£+00 (500ml)

Eu-152 7.52E-02 0.00£+00 Eu-1 54 8.44E-02 6.80£-02 Co-60 4.86E-0!

6.53£-02 l/-010-IOJ-FS-GS-C/4-SB Cs-137 1./4£-0/

0.00£+00 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 8.12E-02 O.OOE+OO Eu-154 5.39E-02 6.26£-02 Co-60 5.72E-02

/./5£-01 LJ-OIO-IOI-FS-GS-C/5-SB Cs-137 9.80£-02 O.OOE+OO (500ml)

Eu-1 52 6.90E-02 0.00£+00 Eu-154 4.92E-02 2.52£-01 Co-60 6.71E-02 3.55E+OO LJ-010-101-FJ-GS-C 16-SB Cs-137 1.38E-0!

2.91£-02 (500ml)

Eu-152 9.67E-02 4./3£-02 Eu-154 6 02E-02 5.03£-02 Co-60 6.00E-02 2.44£-01 U -010-101-FJ-GS-C/7-SB Cs-137

!.0IE-01 0.00£+00 (500ml)

Eu-152 6 99E-02 0.00£+00 Eu-154 6.59E-02

/.48E-0I Co-60 5.37E-02 6.42£-01 L/-0/0-/01-FJ-GS-C /8-SB Cs-137


O.OOE+ OO (500ml)

Eu-1 52 7.35E-02 0.00£+00 Eu-154 6.07E-02 7.43£-02 Co-60 5.SJE-02 3.3/E-01 L/-OJO-/OJ-QJ-GS-Cl8-SB Cs-137

!.02E-01 O.OOE+OO (500ml)

Eu-152 7.20E-02 3.89£-02 Eu-154 5.47E-02 3.61£-02 Co-60 5.87E-02

/./7£-01 Ll-0/0-/0/-FJ-GS-C/9-SB Cs-1 37 1.04E-0l 9.65£-03


Eu-1 52 7.28E-02 O. OOE+OO Eu-1 54 6.20E-02 I.OOE-01 Co-60 5.19E-02 2.2/E-OI LJ-OIO-IO/-FJ-GS-C20-SB Cs-137 9.73E-02 0.00£ +00 (500ml)

Eu-152 6.74E-02 O.OOE+OO Eu-154 6.27E-02 6.45£-02 Co-60 5.45E-02 2.42£-0/

L/-0/0-/0/-FR-GS-<"O /-SB Cs-1 37 9 67E-02 2.08£-02 (I 500nil co11,pos1le down lo Jn,J Eu-1 52 6.79E-02 0.00£+00 Eu-1 54 5.54E-02

7. /4£-02 Co-60 5.?IE-02 5.94£-01 Ll-010-IOI-FR-GS-C02-SB Cs-137 9.96E-02 O.OOE+OO (1500ml cm'lfprmfe dow11 to Jm)

Eu-152 7.0SE-02 0.00£+00 Eu-154 5.91E-02 8.68£-02 Co-60 5.87E-02 6.91£-01 LI-OIO-IOI-FR-GS-C03-SB Cs-137 1.0IE-01 O.OOE+OO (1500ml composite down 10 lm)


7. 16E-02

/.53£-03 Eu-154

6. I0E-02 9.72£-02 Co-60 NRC #4
5. !4E-02 2.23£-01 (1500ml - counted 011 site for Cs-1 37 9.79E-02 0.00£+00 Eu-152 Dr. Lee) 6.85E-02 O.OOE+OO Eu-1 54 MDA

/oCii*l 5.62E-02

5. 78E-02 9.99E-02 7.0IE-02 4.94E-02 5.29E-02 9.63E-02
6. 78E-02 5.76E-02 5.28E-02


7.51E-02 6.07E-02 5.96E-02 1.14E-0!

8. 1 IE-02
5. 75E-02
5. IJE-02 9.60E-02 6.77E-02 5.94E-02 5.47E-02 9.97E-02 6.95E-02 5.85E-02 5.93E-02 l.02E-0!

7.22E-02 3.S0E-02 5.50E-02 1.0IE-01

7. 1 IE-02 6.0JE-02 5.62E-02 1.02E-0l
7. 12E-02 l.06E-02
l. 12E-02 3.35E-02 1.41E-02
1. I0E-02
3. !?E-02 9.6 IE-03 9.52E-03 3.27E-02 1.57E-0l 3.56E-0I 3.96E-01 Highest Activity loCifo\\

8.30£-02 4.17£-0/

0.00£ 00 0.00£ 00 5.34£-02 2.50£-01 0.00£ 00 5.58£-03 5.33£-02 2.8/E-OI 3.69£-02

3. 7/E-02 9.30£-02 NIA O.OOE 00 9./6£-03 8./6£-02 3.97£-01 O.OOE 00 l.7/E-02 6.80£-02 4.55£-0/

O.OOE 00 O.OOE 00 8.0IE-02 4.52£-0/

O.OOE 00 4.20£-02 6.85£-02 3.83£-0/

/.49£-02 l.8/E-02 4.50£-02 3.56£-01 O.OOE 00 O.OOE 00 3.73£-02 2.30£-0/

O.OOE 00

/.02£-02 6.54£-02 O.OOE 00 2.38£-02 l.2/ E-01 O.OOE

  • OO 2.25£ OJ sampetl11t tudto 2./0E 02 needing dlrtctpush s~ll!S 7.45£-01 performed

FSS nit: LJ-010-JOJC



Wasle Treatmenl Building Subsoil Excavation Type:

Subswface Soil Direct Push FSS Samples Collected 10116/17 - 10/18/201 7 MDA Highest MDA Highest Sample ID ROC Activity Sample ID ROC Activity (vCi/g)




Co-60 5.62E-02 5.70£-02 ICo-60 5.3 I E-02

4. 74£-02 L 1-010- IO J-FS-GS-CO I -SB Cs-137 5.87E-02
7. 11£-02 LJ-010-10 l-FS-GS-C08-SB ICs-1 37 5.86E-02 6.37£-02 (500ml)

Eu-152 l.09E-01 0.00£+00 (500ml)

Eu-I 52 1.1 3E-0 I 0.00£+00


Eu-154 7.70E-02 0.00£+00; r-,.-.-r Eu-1 54 7.98E-02 0.00£+00 Co-60

5. 14E-02 4.72£-02 Co-60 4.64E-02 3.34£-02 Ll-010-J 01-FS-GS-C02-SB Cs-1 37 4.40E-02 8.02£-02 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C09-SB Cs-1 37 5.20£-02 3./3£-0/


Eu-1 52 8.75£-02 O.OOE+OO (500ml)

Eu-I 52 9.35E-02 0.00£+00

~ ~

Eu-I 54 6.19E-02 0.00£+00


Eu-I 54 6.52E-02 0.00£+00 Co-60 6.46E-02 6.30£-02 Co-60 6.48E-02

7. 18£-02 LJ-0 I 0-J 01-FS-GS-C03-SB Cs-137 5.76E-02 9.30£-02 LJ-010-101-FS-GS-ClO-SB Cs-1 37 6.52E-02 2.21£-01 (500ml)

Eu-152 l.08E-0l 0.00£+00 (500ml)

Eu-I 52

1. 15E-0 I 4.97£-02 Eu-1 54 7.66E-02 9.86£-03



Eu-I 54 8.18E-02 3.50£-02 Co-60 6.83E-02

7. 09£-02 ICo-60 5.80E-02 3.46£-02 L 1-0I0-101-QR-GS-C03-SB Cs-1 37 5.56E-02 4.61£-02 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-CJ I-SB Cs-1 37
6. I 9E-02 2.78£-01 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 1.09£-01 8.40£-03 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 1.06E-01 O.OOE+OO


Eu-154 7.67£-02 O.OOE+OO Eu-1 54 7.49E-02 O.OOE+OO Co-60 6.22£-02 3.56£-03 Co-60 6.57E-02

6. 76£-02 Ll-0 JO-J01-FS-GS-C04-SB Cs-137 6.41E-02 1.03£-01 LJ-01 0-101-FS-GS-C I 2-SB Cs-137 6.20E-02 1.56£-01 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 l.1 lE-01 0.00£+00 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 1.14E-0 I 0.00£+00 Eu-1 54 7.77E-02 0.00£+00



IEu-1 54

8. 18E-02 1.18£-03 Co-60 4.94E-02 4.08£-02 ICo-60 5.69E-02 6.38£-02 LJ-0 I 0-10 J-FS-GS-C05-SB Cs-1 37 4.77E-02 766£-02 LJ-010-101-FS-GS-C I 3-SB Cs-1 37 5.30E-02 3.56£-01 (500ml)

Eu-152 8.82E-02 O.OOE+OO (500ml)

Eu-1 52 9.43E-02 O.OOE+OO Eu-1 54 6.25E-02 0.00£+00


Eu-I 54 6.65E-02 I. IOE-02 Co-60 5.66£-02

7. 08£-02 Co-60 3.70E-02 4.23£-02 LI -010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB Cs-137 5.58E-02 4.43£-01 Ll-010-101-FS-GS-CJ 4-SB ICs-137 6.27E-02 1.41£+02 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 1.03E-01 O.OOE+OO (500ml)

Eu-1 52

l. 19E-0 l 0.00£+00 Eu-1 54 7.27E-02 O.OOE+OO


Eu-1 54 8.44E-02 6.73£-02 Co-60 5.32E-02 6.47£-02 Co-60 6.20E-02 9.39£-02 Ll-010-10 I-FS-GS-C07-SB Cs-137 5.26E-02 9.30£-02 Ll-010-101-PS-GS-C I 5-SB Cs-1 37 5.93E-02 2.43£-01 (500ml)

Eu-1 52 l.04E-01 0.00£+00 (500ml)

Eu-152 l.1 5E-01 0.00£+00 Eu-1 54 7.28E-02 O.OOE+OO



Eu-1 54 8.09E-02 0.00£+00

FSS Unit: Ll-010-l0lC



Waste Treatment Building Subsoil Excavation Type:

Subsurface Soil Samples sent to Gel for Sr-90 Analysis MDA Highest Sample ID ROC Activity (pCi/g)


Ll-010-101-FS-GS-C06-SB Sr-90 3.08E-0l 1.49£-01 (500ml)

Ll-010-101-FS-GS-Cl 4-SB Sr-90 3.37E-01

-9. 77E-02 (500ml)