ML20352A270 | |
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Site: | La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png |
Issue date: | 11/02/2020 |
From: | La CrosseSolutions |
To: | Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
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ML20356A041 | List:
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LC-2020-0023 LC-FS-PR-018, Rev 2 | |
Download: ML20352A270 (37) | |
LACROSSESOLUTIONS LACBWR Site Restoration Project Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Procedure No. LC-FS-PR-018 Revision No. 2 Preparer (Print name/Sign)
Secondary Reviewer (Print Name/Sign~~
J Date:
IP l"l-1.f {19 Regulatory Affairs assigned program & regulatory reviews (*new only*): Initials/Date NIA -
Regulatory Required Reviews (attach completed LC-RA-PR-001 and QTR forms, as applicable)
Part 50 License: IO CFR 50.59 and 50.90 181 YES 0 NO Fire Protection: 10 CFR 50.48(f) 0 YES IZI NO Conditions of License: PSP: 10 CFR 50.54(p) 0 YES 181 NO Conditions of License: E-Plan: 10 CFR 50.54(q) 0 YES
[2JNO Termination of License: IO CFR 50.82(a)(6) and 50.82(a){7)
DYES 181 NO Part 72 License: IO CFR 72.48 0 YES
[2J NO Program Required Reviews TE:~
181 YES ONO QA: 0 YES [2J NO
'----------.:DATE: _ _ _ _
___:DATE: ___
Approval Section PROJECT MANAGER:
Effective Date: ____ (assigned by Document Control or Project Manager)
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 2 of 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.
PURPOSE AND SCOPE.......................................................................................................5 Purpose........................................................................................................................5 1.1.
Scope...........................................................................................................................5 1.2.
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................5 NUREG-1757, Volume 2, Revision 2 Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance -
Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria....................5 NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual 2.2.
(MARSSIM)...............................................................................................................5 La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan (LTP)..........................5 2.3.
LC-AD-PR-003, Records........................................................................................5 2.4.
LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan...................5 2.5.
LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment...........................................5 2.6.
LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development..................................5 2.7.
LC-FS-PR-011, Operation of the Ludlum 2350-1 Data Logger and Associated 2.8.
Detectors...................................................................................................................5 LC-FS-TSD-003, Assessment of the LACBWR Circulating Water Discharge Pipe 2.9.
Final Status Survey Data for Detection Efficiency and Detector Background.........5 LC-FS-TSD-005, MCNP Modeling of Water Discharge Pipes for LACBWR......6 2.10.
GENERAL..............................................................................................................................6 Definitions...................................................................................................................6 3.1.
Responsibilities...........................................................................................................7 3.2.
Precautions, Limitations and Prerequisites.................................................................8 3.3.
Records.....................................................................................................................11 3.4.
PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................11 Efficiency Factor Determination...............................................................................11 4.1.
Pre-Use and Post-Use Operational Response and Background Check.....................14 4.2.
Acquiring FSS Data in Pipe Interiors with NaI/CsI Detectors.................................17 4.3.
, Pipe Detector Efficiency Determination...........................................21 5.1.
, Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form........................................21 5.2.
, Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form...........................................21 5.3.
, DCGLs for FSS of Buried Pipe.........................................................21 5.4.
, Pipe Source Efficiency Positions......................................................21 5.5.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 3 of 33
, Example of Source Efficiency and MDCStatic....................................21 5.6.
, LACBWR Background Study...........................................................21 5.7.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 4 of 33 Summary of Changes in this Revision:
Revision 2 - Changes made to add abilities to adjust detector field of view, efficiency, or background.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 5 of 33 1.
The purpose of this procedure is to describe the approach utilized at the La Crosse Station Restoration Project (LSRP) to assess the radiological conditions of the interior surfaces of piping that will remain at the end-state condition to demonstrate compliance with the release criteria. This procedure provides instructions for the acquisition of measurements and recording of data in performing radiological surveys of the inside of piping using Sodium Iodide (NaI) and/or Cesium Iodide (CsI) detectors.
Scope 1.2.
This procedure implements the requirements of applicable U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations and guidance documents; specifically, NUREG-1757, Volume 2, Revision 2, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance -
Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria (Reference 2.1), NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM, Reference 2.2) and Chapter 5 of the 2.3. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan (LTP) (Reference 2.3).
This procedure applies to all personnel performing surveys of the interior surfaces of buried piping for the purpose of Final Status Surveys (FSS).
REFERENCES NUREG-1757, Volume 2, Revision 2 Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance -
Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual 2.2.
La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan (LTP) 2.3.
LC-AD-PR-003, Records 2.4.
LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan 2.5.
LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment 2.6.
LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development 2.7.
LC-FS-PR-011, Operation of the Ludlum 2350-1 Data Logger and Associated 2.8.
Detectors LC-FS-TSD-003, Assessment of the LACBWR Circulating Water Discharge Pipe 2.9.
Final Status Survey Data for Detection Efficiency and Detector Background
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 6 of 33 LC-FS-TSD-005, MCNP Modeling of Water Discharge Pipes for LACBWR 2.10.
- 3.
GENERAL Definitions 3.1.
3.1.1 Calibration - The adjustment and/or determination of an instruments response relative to a standard and/or series of conventional true values.
3.1.2 Certification - The use of a derived standard to determine an exposure rate, activity or other value to the specified and/or required degree of accuracy.
3.1.3 Check Source - A radioactive source, not necessarily calibrated, that is used to confirm the continuing satisfactory operation of an instrument.
3.1.4 Efficiency - A correction factor determined during detector calibration to convert the detector output in counts per minute to disintegrations per minute assuming a worst-case geometry between the detector and the source.
3.1.5 Final Status Survey (FSS) - Measurements and sampling to quantify the radiological conditions of a survey unit, following completion of decontamination activities (if any) to demonstrate compliance with the release criteria.
3.1.6 Performance Test/Response Check - A procedure whereby an instrument or a component is evaluated against accepted criteria for continuing satisfactory operation and use.
3.1.7 Turnover - Acknowledgement of cognizant project personnel that a system, structure, or open land survey unit meets the physical and radiological conditions necessary to perform FSS.
3.1.8 Acronyms 1.)
CsI Cesium Iodide 2.)
DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level 3.)
FSS Final Status Survey 4.)
GPS Global Positioning System 5.)
LTP License Termination Plan 6.)
MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration 7.)
MDCR Minimum Detectable Count Rate 8.)
NaI Sodium Iodide
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 7 of 33 9.)
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 10.) NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11.) QA Quality Assurance 12.) QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan 13.) SER Surface Emission Rate Responsibilities 3.2.
3.2.1 RP/FSS Manager - is responsible for:
Providing overall guidance and support for the development and implementation of FSS sample plans and survey packages.
Reviewing and approving all FSS sample plans.
3.2.2 FSS Supervisor - is responsible for:
Providing direction to D&D Manager for pipe access and decontamination requirements and determining adequacy of pipe access.
Preparing FSS sample plans and survey packages.
Ensuring FSS surveys are conducted in accordance with approved survey and sampling plans, procedures, and work instructions.
Providing technical direction and guidance for field survey and sampling activities.
Controlling and implementing sample plan instructions during field activities.
Survey area/unit preparation, isolation, turnover and prerequisites (e.g.,
reference grid layout, identification of working constraints and accessibility needs).
Providing daily supervision and guidance to field survey and sampling crews and performing quality checks of field activities.
Overseeing the preparation of samples for transfer to onsite or offsite laboratories.
Ensuring all necessary instrumentation and other equipment is available to support survey activities.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 8 of 33 Ensures FSS sample plans and packages are properly labeled, stored and controlled per LC-AD-PR-003, Records (Reference 2.4) and LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan (Reference 2.5).
3.2.3 Administrative Assistant - is responsible for:
Maintains a signature list for FSS personnel to access FSS files.
Maintains a key to the cabinets for FSS file storage.
Serves as Department Records Custodian.
3.2.4 Graphics/GPS Specialist - is responsible for:
Preparation of drawings and other graphics as necessary to be included in the survey package.
3.2.5 FSS Technicians - are responsible for:
Obtaining and documenting survey measurements in accordance with the survey package instructions.
Ensuring that all activities, actions, observations and obstructions that are encountered during the performance of FSS are documented in 3, FSS Field Log for that survey unit.
Precautions, Limitations and Prerequisites 3.3.
3.3.1 Precautions 1.)
Documents and databases containing FSS data and survey records are Quality Assurance (QA) records when complete.
When documenting survey information, ensure that all QA records are of good quality and legible. Legibility is determined to be readable and reproducible.
Isolation and control measures are implemented to ensure that the final radiological and physical condition of the interior surfaces of the pipe is not compromised and/or re-contaminated.
Do not use any instrument if improper operation is suspected.
Ensure the length of the cable between the detector and data logger does not exceed the maximum cable length used during the calibration.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 9 of 33 6.)
If a signal amplifier is used, then the detector and data logger pairing must be calibrated, and efficiency factors determined with the signal amplifier in place.
Whenever possible, a detector should be calibrated at the same time as the data logger to which it is paired.
Detectors that fall outside the accepted criteria shall be tagged Out of Service and segregated for further evaluation. DO NOT use a detector and/or data logger with an Out of Service tag attached.
When there is a potential for thermal shock, ensure a protective insulator with end cap is installed on sodium iodide detectors during survey operations to minimize damage from shock and thermal changes. The detector crystal may fracture if the temperature increases or decreases rapidly.
10.) Radiological detectors that are to be inserted into known contaminated or potentially contaminated piping systems will be wrapped to the extent practical to minimize the contamination of equipment. This can include the sleeving of cables and fiber rods and the application of tape to exposed detector surfaces.
11.) Do not use liquid decontamination solutions on exposed electrically energized equipment.
12.) Do not insert radiological detectors into areas of piping where video shows standing water, or where significant physical interferences exist that may damage the detector.
3.3.2 Limitations 1.)
All attachments described in this procedure may be generated electronically.
If electronic attachments are used, then the physical layout of the attachment may be modified provided the intent described in this procedure is not changed.
Detector parameters are determined during calibration and shall not be altered during the field operation of the equipment.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 10 of 33 3.)
If a detector fails a pre-use or a post-use background count, the most likely causes are the inadvertent contamination of the detector housing, the inadvertent contamination of the pipe or the introduction of another radiological source into the vicinity of the background count. If the cause of the increase in background is readily apparent or can be mitigated (e.g.,
decontamination of the detector housing or pipe), then the background count may be repeated without any additional action. If the pre-use or a post-use background count continues to fall outside of the acceptable range, then a new efficiency factor determination must be performed in accordance with section 4.1.
After completion of the FSS in a pipe, the sample plan is reviewed for completeness and the data validated in accordance with LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 2.6) before sample plan closure and the reporting of results.
3.3.3 Prerequisites 1.)
A FSS Sample Plan will be prepared for pipe surveys in accordance with LC-FS-PR-003, Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 2.7). A sample plan may be prepared for individual runs of pipe or grouping of pipes based on classification, or location. A folder designated as the FSS package should be utilized to keep original documents. The folder shall be controlled in accordance with the record quality requirements of LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan (Reference 2.5).
The equipment and services necessary to perform radiological surveys of pipe interior surfaces may include the following:
Miniature video camera and lighting A.
Video console with recording capabilities B.
Appropriate length cables and sleeving C.
Fiber Push/Pull Rods, Fish Tape and Measuring Tape D.
Appropriate sized NaI/CsI radiological detectors E.
Radiological data logger (single channel analyzer)
Field communications equipment G.
Flexible radiological sources and/or point sources H.
Appropriate sized clean pipe I.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 11 of 33 3.)
Decommissioning activities having the potential to contaminate the interior surface of the pipe to be surveyed must be completed prior to the initiation of FSS.
Prior to inserting a radiological detector into a pipe, ensure by remote video that the pipe is free of obstructions and is as dry as possible.
Instruments and/or detectors shall be inspected daily for mechanical damage prior to and following field use. These inspections are documented on, Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form by circling Sat or Unsat.
Prior to using any survey instrument, the current calibration must be verified.
The efficiency factor for each detector and data logger pairing used for FSS pipe surveys shall be determined in accordance with Section 4.1 upon receipt after calibration, as directed by the FSS Supervisor, or following any repair or maintenance.
A response and background check will be performed in accordance with Section 4.2 for each detector and data logger pairing daily prior to use (Pre-Test) and daily upon completion of surveys (Post-Test).
Records 3.4.
3.4.1, Pipe Detector Efficiency Determination 3.4.2, Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form 3.4.3, Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form
- 4.
PROCEDURE Efficiency Factor Determination 4.1.
NOTE The maximum length of the detector cable used will not exceed the length of the cable that was used during the calibration of the detector and data logger pairing. The length of cable shall not exceed 150 feet.
4.1.1 Select the detector and data logger pairing, as well as the length of cable to be used. Ensure the detector and data logger pair have been response checked in accordance with LC-FS-PR-011, Operation of the Ludlum 2350-1 Data Logger and Associated Detectors (Reference 2.8).
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 12 of 33 4.1.2 Record the pipe size, instrument/detector type, serial numbers, calibration date, calibration due date and the detector cable length for the detector and data logger pairing on Attachment 1, Pipe Detector Efficiency Determination.
4.1.3 Ensure that the parameters settings for the data logger (e.g., voltage, etc.) are set to the values specified for the primary radionuclide to be surveyed per the certificate of calibration for the paired detector.
4.1.4 Connect the detector to the data logger using the appropriate cable length with the data logger de-energized.
NOTE Ensure to the extent practical that the area selected to determine instrument background is free of residual radioactive contamination and, that any radiological sources stored in or near the area are properly shielded to mitigate any influence to background.
4.1.5 Set the scaler count time for background determination. The minimum count time for background determination is 600 seconds or 10 minutes. Longer background count times may be used.
NOTE A separate background determination must be determined for each size and type of pipe that will be surveyed with the detector and data logger pairing.
4.1.6 Install the selected detector into the clean pipe commensurate with the internal diameter size of the pipe to be surveyed, allow the detector to stabilize and record the size of the pipe applicable to this efficiency factor determination on.
4.1.7 Initiate a background count.
4.1.8 Record the background counts on Attachment 1.
Calculate and record the result of the background count.
Establish an acceptable background range of +20%.
4.1.9 Set the scaler count time for source counts. The minimum count time for efficiency factor determination is 60 seconds or 1 minute. Longer source count times may be used.
4.1.10 Insert the flexible NIST traceable radiological source into the pipe interior by placing the source into the interior surfaces of the pipe.
Ensure the exposure surface of the source is secured to the pipe by use of magnets or other means.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 13 of 33 2.)
If there is overlap in the area of the source, then ensure (to the extent practical) the overlap is positioned at the bottom of the pipe.
Mark the source edges within the pipe to ensure the source is positioned in the same geometry for all subsequent efficiency factor determinations.
NOTE A separate efficiency factor determination must be determined for each size of pipe that will be surveyed with the detector and data logger pairing.
Efficiencies determined for larger piping diameters may be utilized for piping of a smaller diameter and construction material.
4.1.11 Initiate source counts at each of the following nine positions:
Position 1: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline -7 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 2.)
Position 2: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline -6 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 3.)
Position 3: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline -4 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 4.)
Position 4: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline -2 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 5.)
Position 5: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline 0 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 6.)
Position 6: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline 2 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 7.)
Position 7: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline 4 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 8.)
Position 8: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline 6 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 9.)
Position 9: Detector positioned with the detector crystal centerline 7 inches back of the source centerline. (See Attachment 5) 4.1.12 Record the source counts on Attachment 1.
Divide the gross counts by the count time to derive gross cpm.
Subtract the mean background count from each gross cpm value to derive net cpm.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 14 of 33 4.1.13 Calculate the mean net cpm and the standard deviation () for the seven background corrected source counts (net cpm for positions 2 through 8),
determine a +2 response range, and record this information on Attachment 1.
NOTE The mean source count is recorded in units of cpm. The Surface Emission Rate (SER) of a source is typically presented in units of activity. To calculate the efficiency factor, the SER units must be converted to units of dpm (1 Ci =
3.7E+10 dps = 2.22E+12 dpm). Position 5 may solely be utilized as the efficiency determination position at the discretion of the FSS Manager.
4.1.14 Ensure the detector and data logger pair have been post-work response checked in accordance with LC-FS-PR-011, Operation of the Ludlum 2350-1 Data Logger and Associated Detectors (Reference 2.8).
4.1.15 Forward the completed Attachment 1 to the FSS Supervisor for approval.
Pre-Use and Post-Use Operational Response and Background Check 4.2.
4.2.1 Select the detector and data logger pairing, as well as the length of cable to be used, for the pipe size to be surveyed as documented on Attachment 1. Ensure the detector and data logger pair have been response checked in accordance with LC-FS-PR-011, Operation of the Ludlum 2350-1 Data Logger and Associated Detectors (Reference 2.8).
4.2.2 Record the pipe size, instrument/detector type, serial numbers, calibration date, calibration due date and the detector cable length for the detector and data logger pairing on Attachment 2, Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form.
4.2.3 Ensure the parameters settings for the data logger (e.g., voltage, etc.) are set to the values specified for the primary radionuclide to be surveyed per the certificate of calibration for the paired detector.
4.2.4 Connect the detector to the data logger using the appropriate cable length with the data logger de-energized.
NOTE A background count and a response check will be performed twice per day for each detector and data logger pairing applicable to each pipe size surveyed, daily prior to use (Pre-Test) and daily upon completion of surveys (Post-Test).
4.2.5 Set the scaler count time for background determination. The background count time should be the same as the count time used to determine the acceptable range for background on Attachment 2 (typically 600 seconds or 10 minutes). Longer background count times may be used.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 15 of 33 4.2.6 At the same location where background was determined for the detector and data logger pairing as documented on Attachment 2, install the selected detector into the clean pipe commensurate with the ID size of the pipe to be surveyed and allow the detector to stabilize.
4.2.7 Initiate one background count.
4.2.8 Record the pre-use background count on Attachment 2.
4.2.9 Verify that the observed pre-use background count is within the +20%
background range established during efficiency factor determination for the selected detector and pipe ID (documented on Attachments 2 & 6).
If the pre-use background count falls within the established +20%
acceptable background range, then the result of the single count is used as BR for the detector and no additional background counts are required.
If the pre-use background count falls outside of the established +20%
acceptable background range, then initiate three additional background counts.
If the mean of the three additional background count results fall within the established +20% background range, then record the mean value as BR for the detector and continue with the pre-use operational response check.
If the mean value falls outside the established +20% acceptable background range, then discontinue the pre-use operational response check and investigate the reasons for the change in background.
Note the results of recounts, investigations and conclusions in the Comments section on Attachment 2.
4.2.10 Using the value established for pre-use background (BR), calculate the Minimum Detectable Count Rate (MDCR) for the detector using the following equation:
s b
s s
R static t
t t
t B
.3 3
Where: MDCRstatic = Minimum Detectable Count Rate (cpm)
= Background Count Rate (cpm) tb
= Background Count Time (min) ts
= Sample Count Time (initially assumed to be 1 min) 4.2.11 Record the MDCR on Attachment 2.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 16 of 33 4.2.12 At the completion of the FSS performed in accordance with section 4.3, repeat steps 4.2.5 through 4.2.9 for the post-use background check and record the results on Attachment 2.
NOTE If a detector/data logger pairing fails a post-use source response check, then notify the FSS Manager. An assessment must be made to determine the validity of the data acquired by that detector/data logger pairing and whether or not the data acquired may be reported as FSS data or if the survey must be repeated.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 17 of 33 NOTE CsI detectors may become saturated when exposed to high activity. If a CsI detector has become saturated during the performance of a survey, then a delay time may be necessary to allow the luminescence characteristic to return to ground state. In this case, the FSS Manager may authorize a delay in performing the post use response check until the beginning of the next daily shift.
4.2.13 Following completion of the post-use background check in accordance with the previous step, perform a post-use source check in accordance with LC-FS-PR-011, Operation of the Ludlum 2350-1 Data Logger and Associated Detectors (Reference 2.8).
4.2.14 Forward the completed Attachment 2 to the FSS Supervisor for approval.
Acquiring FSS Data in Pipe Interiors with NaI/CsI Detectors 4.3.
NOTE The process of collecting data in pipe interiors assumes that a valid efficiency factor has been determined for the detector and data logger pairing in accordance with section 4.1 and a satisfactory pre-use response and background check has been performed in accordance with section 4.2. If an efficiency is not available for the size of piping to be surveyed, efficiencies from larger diameter piping of the same construction may be used.
4.3.1 Record the date, time, location, elevation, a description of the access point to the pipe, the system, pipe size, pipe identification # (if available), instrument/detector type, serial numbers, calibration date, calibration due date and the detector cable length for the detector and data logger pairing on Attachment 3, Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form.
4.3.2 Examine the overall mechanical condition and operability of the detector/data logger assembly.
4.3.3 Ensure that the parameters settings for the data logger are set to the values specified for the primary radionuclide to be surveyed per the certificate of calibration for the paired detector (as applicable).
4.3.4 Initially set the scaler count time to 60 seconds (1 minute).
NOTE Notify the FSS Supervisor if the sample count time (ts) is adjusted to achieve an acceptable Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC). Sample count times greater than 10 minutes shall not be used without the approval of the FSS Manager.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 18 of 33 4.3.5 Using the MDCR established for the detector in step 4.2.10 and the efficiency factor from step 4.1.13, calculate the MDC for the detector using the following equation:
MDC= MDCR Efficiency Factor
NOTE The MDC is reported in units of dpm per foot of pipe. In order to compare the MDC to the action level for buried pipe, the MDC must be converted to units of dpm/100cm2 (buried pipe). The conforming source has an active surface area of 3050 cm2, which will be used for all piping greater than 13 inches in diameter. For 10 inch piping, use 2432 cm2, which is the surface area of one foot of 10 inch piping. If the field of view is increased using means such as detector vertical position, the area utilized for conversion may be altered with approval of the FSS Manager.
Ensure that the MDC calculated is lower than the action levels and/or DCGL applicable to the pipe to be surveyed.
If the MDC is not sufficient, then adjust the sample count time (ts) in step 4.2.10 as necessary to produce a MDCR, which will result in an acceptable MDC.
If the sample count time (ts) was adjusted to achieve an acceptable MDC, then set the scaler to the new required count time.
4.3.6 Record the MDC and the sample count time (ts) on Attachment 3.
NOTE Typically, the optimum start position is with the detector inserted completely to the end of the pipe to be surveyed with the end of the detector housing flush with the end of the pipe or butted up against the limiting obstruction (i.e., the bend or obstruction that prevents further travel into the pipe from the opening or water). In almost all cases, it is preferable to survey from the maximum extended position back toward the surveyor. This is not always possible in all configuration scenarios and adjustments may be made as necessary.
4.3.7 Determine a start location for the survey and mark the position on the measurement tape as position zero.
4.3.8 Initiate a scaler count for the sample count time (ts). This may be performed utilizing the recycle function of the 2350-1 and observing when the scaler counts initiate in the first section of piping to be surveyed.
Record the gross counts in the appropriate column on Attachment 3.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 19 of 33 2.)
Divide the gross counts by the count time to derive the gross measurement activity in cpm and record in the appropriate column on Attachment 3.
Subtract the daily background cpm from the gross measurement to obtain net measurement activity and record in the appropriate column on.
Divide the net measurement activity in cpm by the efficiency factor to convert the net measurement activity to units of dpm and record in the appropriate column on Attachment 3.
Calculate the Activity/Area in units of dpm/100cm2 for the measurement and record in the appropriate column on Attachment 3 using the following equation:
Where: A dpm/100cm2 = Activity per Area in units of dpm/100cm2 dpm
= Net measurement activity in units of dpm (from step 4.3.8 (3)
= Effective Area of the Measurement in m2 (3050 cm2 for all piping greater than 13 inches in diameter.
For 10 inch piping, use 2432 cm2)
NOTE The efficiency factors are based on a worst case geometry of the bottom of the piping and distance from source to detector assuming a survey in one foot increments.
4.3.9 Record the increment frequency on Attachment 3.
4.3.10 Retract or advance the detector as applicable to position one and repeat step 4.3.8.
4.3.11 Retract or advance the detector at the required increments and take a measurement at each location until the survey of the pipe length is completed. Record the locations and results in the appropriate columns on Attachment 3.
NOTE If a survey measurement taken on the interior of a buried pipe indicates radiological concentrations in excess of the applicable DCGL, then notify the FSS Manager.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 20 of 33 4.3.12 Compare each measurement to the DCGLs established for each type of pipe (DCGLs for buried pipe types are presented in Attachment 4).
4.3.13 Remove the detector from the pipe when the survey has been completed, or when an obstruction is present that prevents further travel of the detector through the pipe. Denote the date and time of survey completion on Attachment 3.
Wipe the cables and detector using a damp rag during extraction.
Examine the overall mechanical condition and operability of the detector/data logger assembly.
Record the total length of pipe surveyed and the total number of bends encountered during the survey on Attachment 3.
Denote any unexpected conditions encountered during the survey of the pipe on Attachment 3. Items to denote include but are not limited to:
Pipe configurations contrary to system drawings Standing or running liquid in the pipe Unanticipated obstructions Indications that the pipe integrity has been compromised 5.)
Denote whether the equipment worked properly and as expected. If problems were encountered with the equipment, then record on.
Summarize the radiological conditions observed inside the pipe, including average radiological results and any location(s) encountered which exceed the Operational DCGLs.
4.3.14 Denote completion of the survey by the signature of all persons involved in obtaining measurements and forward the completed Attachment 3 to the FSS Supervisor for review.
4.3.15 Following completion of the last survey using a particular detector, or at the end of a work shift, perform a post-use source check in accordance with LC-FS-PR-011, Operation of the Ludlum 2350-1 Data Logger and Associated Detectors (Reference 2.8).
4.3.16 Forward all forms to the FSS Supervisor for data validation and data assessment in accordance with LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 2.6).
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 21 of 33 NOTE Data may be processed after collection using methodologies approved by the FSS Manager. Examples include approved TSDs (References 2.9 and 2.10) and site-specific background data (Attachment 5.7).
- 5.
, Pipe Detector Efficiency Determination 5.1.
, Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form 5.2.
, Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form 5.3.
, DCGLs for FSS of Buried Pipe 5.4.
, Pipe Source Efficiency Positions 5.5.
, Example of Source Efficiency and MDCStatic 5.6.
, LACBWR Background Study 5.7.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 22 of 33
- Pipe Detector Efficiency Determination Detector Type:
Serial No.:
Cal Date:
Cal Due Date:
Data Logger Type:
Data Logger Serial No.:
Cal Date:
Cal Due Date:
Pipe Size:
Cable Length:
Background Location:
(minutes) counts cpm Mean Background cpm (BR)
Mean Background
cpm Mean Background -20%
cpm EFFICIENCY FACTOR DETERMINATION Source information Isotope:
Serial No:
Activity Location Count Time (min)
Gross Counts Gross cpm Net cpm 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Efficiency Factor Determination Mean Net cpm Standard Deviation
+2 value
-2 value Source SER (dpm)
Efficiency Factor (Mean Net cpm/dpm)
Performed by:
Approved by:
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 23 of 33
- Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form PRE-WORK Date: ____________ Time: ____________
Detector Type:
Serial No.:
Cal Date:
Cal Due Date:
Data Logger Type:
Data Logger Serial No.:
Cal Date:
Cal Due Date:
Pipe Size:
Cable Length:
Background Location:
PRE-WORK BACKGROUND CHECK Acceptable Background Range (from Attachment 1)
cpm Initial Background Count Additional Background Counts (if necessary)
Count #
Count Time (tb)
(min) counts cpm (BR)
Count #
Count Time (tb)
(min) counts cpm (BR)
Initial 1
- 1. Is pre-work background within the acceptable range?
Yes No If no, initiate three additional background counts) 2 3
- 2. Is mean pre-work background within the acceptable range?
Yes No (If no, stop and investigate reasons for change in background)
Mean Background (BR)
s b
s s
R static t
t t
t B
.3 3
BR = ________cpm ts = ________min tb = ________min MDCRstatic = ________cpm (ts will initially be set to 1 minute)
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 24 of 33
- Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form POST-WORK Date: ____________ Time: ____________
POST-WORK BACKGROUND CHECK Acceptable Background Range (from Attachment 1)
cpm Initial Background Count Additional Background Counts (if necessary)
Count #
Count Time (tb)
(min) counts cpm (BR)
Count #
Count Time (tb)
(min) counts cpm (BR)
Initial 1
- 1. Is post-work background within the acceptable range?
Yes No If no, initiate three additional background counts) 2 3
- 2. Is mean post-work background within the acceptable range?
Yes No (If no, stop and investigate reasons for change in background)
Mean Background (BR)
Detector/Data Logger Assembly Physical Inspection:
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Technician: __________________ Date: _______
Time: ______
Pre-Work Detector Background Determination:
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Technician: __________________ Date: _______
Time: ______
Pre-Work Instrument Response Check Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Technician: __________________ Date: _______
Time: ______
Post-Work Detector Background Determination:
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Technician: __________________ Date: _______
Time: ______
Post-Work Instrument Response Check Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Technician: __________________ Date: _______
Time: ______
Approved by:
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 25 of 33 - Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Page 1)
Survey Unit:
Access Point Area:
Pipe Diameter:
Pipe #:
Detector ID #:
Cal Date:
Cal Due Date:
Data Logger:
Data Logger ID #:
Cal Date:
Cal Due Date:
Cable Length:
Pre Use:( Sat / Unsat )
Post Use:( Sat / Unsat )
MDCRstatic cpm (taken from Attachment 2)
Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter (taken from Attachment 1)
Effective Area (cm2)
Background (taken from Attachment 2):
MDCstatic dpm/100cm2 Sample Count Time (ts) min Is the MDCstatic acceptable?
Yes No (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCRstatic)
Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Radiological Survey Commenced: Date: ______________ Time: _______________
Radiological Survey Increment Frequency: One measurement for every ____ feet of pipe surveyed Position Feet into Pipe from Opening Sample Count Time (ts)
Gross Counts Net cpm dpm Effective Area Activity/
Area (min)
Zero 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
10 11
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 26 of 33
- Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Position Feet into Pipe from Opening Sample Count Time (ts)
Gross Counts Net cpm dpm Effective Area Activity/
Area (min)
Page ___ of ___
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 27 of 33
- Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Log Date Time Comment Initial Page ___ of ___
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 28 of 33
- Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Pipe Interior Survey Completion Radiological Survey Completed: Date ____________ Time: ____________
Length of Pipe Surveyed and the Number of Bends Unexpected Conditions Encountered (Specify any obstructions encountered or other results that may impact future work):
Did the equipment work properly?
Yes No (if no, explain below)
Summary of Radiological Conditions (include average radiological results and any hot spot location(s) encountered):
Survey Completed By:
(Print Name)
(Date & Time)
(Print Name)
(Date & Time)
(Print Name)
(Date & Time)
Survey Reviewed By:
(Print Name)
(Date & Time)
Page ___ of ___
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 29 of 33
- DCGLs for FSS of Buried Pipe Buried Piping DCGL Adjustments for ROC Mixture Cs-137 Adjustment for Sr-90 Utilizing Equation 4-1 from MARSSIM:
) ] +
And given from Tables 4 and 12 of LC-FS-TSD-002, Rev. 2:
For Circulating Water Discharge Pipe:
Circulating Water Discharge Base Case and Operational DCGLs (dpm/100cm2)
ROC DCGLBC DCGLOps Cs-137 3.30E+05 6.94E+04 Sr-90 7.55E+05 1.58E+05 For Remainder Buried Pipe Group:
Buried Pipe Group Base Case and Operational DCGLs (dpm/100cm2)
ROC DCGLBC DCGLOps Cs-137 3.18E+05 6.68E+04 Sr-90 5.16E+05 1.08E+05 RS-TD-31319-001 Rev. 5 states in Table 40 a Sr-90/Cs-137 ratio of 0.502 to 1.
This results in the following DCGLs for Cs-137 Modified Cs-137 DCGLOps Accounting for Sr-90 (dpm/100cm2)
DCGL Buried Pipe Group Circulating Water Discharge Pipe DCGLBC 2.42864E+05 2.70621E+05 DCGLOps 5.0973E+04 5.6862E+04 Utilizing the modified DCGLs for Cs-137, equation 4-4 from MARSSIM is utilized:
1 1 +
2 2 +...
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 30 of 33 For LACBWR, this equation for gamma emitters becomes:
60 60 +
137 137 +
152 152 +
154 154)
Utilizing Table 42 from RS-TD-31319-001 Rev. 5, the equation becomes:
0.0714 60 +
0.919 137 +
0.00609 152 +
0.00311 154)
Utilizing the following gamma emitting DCGLBC from Table 4 of LC-FS-TSD-002, Rev. 2:
ROC Buried Pipe Group (dpm/100cm2)
Circulating Water Discharge (dpm/100cm2)
Co-60 7.50E+04 7.75E+04 Cs-137 2.42864E+05 2.70621E+05 Eu-152 1.64E+05 1.67E+05 Eu-154 1.52E+05 1.56E+05 Utilizing the following gamma emitting DCGLOps from Table 12 of LC-FS-TSD-002, Rev. 2:
ROC Buried Pipe Group (dpm/100cm2)
Circulating Water Discharge (dpm/100cm2)
Co-60 1.57E+04 1.63E+04 Cs-137 5.0973E+04 5.6862E+04 Eu-152 3.44E+04 3.51E+04 Eu-154 3.20E+04 3.27E+04 The following can then be calculated:
Gross Gamma DCGLs (dpm/100cm2)
DCGL Buried Pipe Group Circulating Water Discharge Pipe DCGLBC 2.08611E+05 2.28645E+05 DCGLOps 4.3761E+04 4.8225E+04 Cs-137 was not adjusted for the 0.8512 emission rate due to the calibration source being composed of Cs-137.
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 31 of 33
- Pipe Source Efficiency Positions Illustration of Source Positions for Efficiency Determination 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
10 11 12 Flexible Conforming Source
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 32 of 33
- Example of Source Efficiency and MDCStatic 60" Steel Pipe Small Cart - 5.5" verticle from pipe base to center of detector Distance From Center of Source
-2 0
2 4
6 7
Background Counts Per Minute 3632 Gross Counts Per Minute 26848 28333 30935 33098 35198 33747 31671 27987 23874 Net Counts Per Minute 23216 24701 27303 29466 31566 30115 28039 24355 20242 Percentage of Center Response 0.735474878 0.782519166 0.864949629 0.933472724 1
0.95403282 0.888265856 0.771558005 0.641259583 Average (12")
27935 Background Count Time 10 Efficiency 0.002873971 Sample Count Time 1
Background CPM 3632 MDCR 210.9529858 MDC (dpm) 73401.21791 MDC (dpm/100cm2) 2406.597309 0
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
-2 0
2 4
6 8
Net cpm Distance from Center of Source 60" Steel Pipe
LC-FS-PR-018 Radiation Surveys Of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors Revision 2 Page 33 of 33
- LACBWR Background Study 10" PVC Pipe Count 12" O/S Pipe 6" I/S Pipe 37.5" I/S Pipe Difference
% Difference 1
3734 3578 3480 98 0.97 2
3782 3607 3370 237 0.93 3
3781 3585 3309 276 0.92 4
3729 3568 3371 197 0.94 5
3868 3513 3441 72 0.98 Average 0.95 18" Steel Pipe Count 12" O/S Pipe 6" I/S Pipe 37" I/S Pipe Difference
% Difference 1
3490 2477 2215 262 0.89 2
3412 2558 2232 326 0.87 3
3422 2392 2099 293 0.88 4
3494 2416 2174 242 0.90 5
3577 2520 2174 346 0.86 Average 0.88
Arthur Adams To:
Kimberly Martinson Cc:
James C. Ashley; Jason Q. Spaide; Scott G. Zoller
RE: needed 50.59 Date:
Friday, November 01, 2019 6:31:04 AM Attachments:
LACBWR 59.59 screening, LC-FS-PR-018, rev 2.docx LACBWR 50.59 cover-, LC-FS-PR-018, rev 2.docx This email documents my signature as preparer for 50.59 screening 2019-017 of LC-FS-PR-018 Rev 2 Arthur R. (Bob) Adams Project Engineer EnergySolutions 698 Spartina Ct Sanibel, FL 33957 (239) 472-2243 (847) 219-2483 From: Kimberly Martinson Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 6:39 AM To: Arthur Adams Cc: James C. Ashley; Jason Q. Spaide; Scott G. Zoller
needed 50.59 Please use 2019-017 for 50.59 number. Thanks.
Kimberly Martinson Administrative Assistant 2 EnergySolutions LaCrosseSolutions LACBWR Site Restoration Project Reactor D & D Projects 4601 State Highway 35 Genoa, WI. 54632 Office: 608-689-4218
LC-RA-PR-001 Revision 4 ATTACHMENT B-2 50.59 Review Coversheet Form Station:
LACBWR Activity/Document Number: LC-FS-PR-018 Revision Number: 2
Radiation Surveys of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors NOTE: For 50.59 Evaluations, information on this form will provide the basis for preparing the biennial summary report submitted to the NRC in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2).
Description of Activity:
(Provide a brief, concise description of what the proposed activity involves.)
Add information for various pipe materials from approved TSDs Reason for Activity:
(Discuss why the proposed activity is being performed.)
The new TSDs provide the information to be used for different pipe materials Effect of Activity:
(Discuss how the activity impacts plant operations, design bases, or safety analyses described in the UFSAR.)
The addition is an enhancement to the assessment of the piping and has no adverse impact on LTP compliance.
Summary of Conclusion for the Activitys 50.59 Review:
(Provide justification for the conclusion, including sufficient detail to recognize and understand the essential arguments leading to the conclusion. Provide more than a simple statement that a 50.59 Screening, 50.59 Evaluation, or a License Amendment Request, as applicable, is not required.)
Revisions 2 of this procedure provides clarification regarding measurements of the interior activity in piping made of various materials. Compliance with the LTP and D-Plan/PSDAR (SAR equivalent) are maintained.
Attach all 50.59 Review forms completed, as appropriate.
(NOTE: if both a Screening and Evaluation are completed, no Screening No. is required.)
Forms Attached: (Check all that apply.)
Applicability Review x
50.59 Screening 50.59 Screening No.
__2019-017 Rev.
___0 50.59 Evaluation 50.59 Evaluation No.
___________ Rev.
ATTACHMENT B-4 50.59 Screening Form 50.59 Screening No. __.2
... 0 1....
9_,-0 1....
_ Rev. No. ___
o LC-RA-PR-001 Revision4 Activity/Document Number: Radiation Survevs of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors I LC-FS PR-018 Revision Number: l I.
50.59 Screening Questions (Check correct response and provide separate written response providing the basis for the answer to each question):
- 1.
Does the proposed Activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects
_.A_NO an UFSAR described design function?
This activity is a procedure revision for determining detector efficiency.
Compliance with the LTP and D-Plan/PSDAR is maintained. This procedure does not adversely affect the decommissioning activities discussed in the D Plan/PSDAR.
- 2.
Does the proposed Activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how UFSAR described SSC design functions are performed or controlled?
This revision enhances the ability to measure interior activity of pipes of various material. The technical basis for this activity is provided in the approved TSDs: LC-FS-TSD-003 and LC-FS-TSD-005 Compliance with the LTP and D-Plan/PSDAR is maintained. This procedure revision does not adversely affect the decommissioning activities discussed in the D-Plan/PSDAR.
- 3.
Does the proposed Activity involve an adverse change to an element of a UFSAR described evaluation methodology, or use of an alternative evaluation methodology, that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?
No adverse changes to evaluation methodology discussed in the D Plan/PSDAR or the LTP resulted from Revision 1 of this TSO. The change provides clarification regarding piping material impact on the dose correction factor.
- 4.
Does the proposed Activity involve a test or experiment not described in the
...L_NO UFSAR, where an SSC is utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the UFSAR?
No tests or experiments are associated with this TSD.
- 5.
Does the proposed Activity require a change in the Technical Specifications or Operating License?
Neither the POTS nor the associated licenses are impacted by this revision.
Page21 of58 YES
K Martinson See email for signature approval for A Adams