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Response to Request for Additional Information Re Revised Final Status Survey Final Reports, B1-010-004 Release Record Revision 1, Waste Gas Tank Vault Basement
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 11/02/2020
La CrosseSolutions
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20356A041 List:
Download: ML20352A240 (588)



FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 ~ WGTV BASEMENT CR *' 'OLUFJONS SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Robert F. Yetter ITT Oct 25 2020 I :48 PM PREPARED BY / DATE: cosign R. F. Yetter III, FSS Specialist Mi1chdl U1.: Oct 27 2020 7:5 1 AM REVIEWED BY / DATE: cosisn M. D. Uz, FSS Specialist Ro bt:rt E Yt:ttcr REVIEWED BY / DATE:

                          !ilok,dfi.. 'IJ.dwt              Oc t 27 2020 I 0:57 A 'I cosisn R. Yetter, Director, Radiological Site Closure Sarnh Roh~rt,

( )c t 27 2(12() 12:25 l' M REVIEWED BY / DATE: S. Roberts, VP Radiological Programs St: o ll 0. 7.n ll er Ocl 29 2020 9: 27 AM APPROVED BY / DATE: = ian S. Zoller, FSS Manager 1




................................................................................................................................. 5
2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 5
3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ................................................................................................................................. 6
4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 10
5. SURVEY DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................. 14
6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 19
7. SURVEY RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................... 22
8. QUALITY CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................... 26
9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 26
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 26
11. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN ........................................................................ 26
12. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) ....................................................................................................... 26
13. ANOMALIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
14. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................. 27
15. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................... 28
16. ATTACHMENTS .............................................................................................................................................. 28 ATTACHMENT 1 FIGURES AND MAPS ............................................................................................................. 30 ATTACHMENT 2 ISOCS GEOMETRIES ............................................................................................................. 32 ATTACHMENT 3 SIGN TEST ............................................................................................................................... 37 ATTACHMENT 4 QUALITY CONTROL ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................... 39 ATTACHMENT 5 GRAPHICAL PRESENTATIONS ............................................................................................. 41 ATTACHMENT 6 MEASUREMENT ANALYTICAL REPORTS ........................................................................... 49 ATTACHMENT 7 SAMPLE ANALYTICAL REPORTS ....................................................................................... 227 ATTACHMENT 8 GEL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORTS ................................................................. 423 2

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Continuing Characterization Soil Samples Analysis Summary - Off-site ........................................... 6 Table 3-2 WGTV Continuing Characterization Concrete Core Analysis Summary - On-site ........................... 7 Table 3 WGTV Continuing Characterization Concrete Core Analysis Summary - Off-site ........................... 9 Table 4 WGTV Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture .......................................................................... 12 Table 4 WGTV Base Case DCGLs ...................................................................................................................... 13 Table 4 WGTV Operational DCGLs ................................................................................................................... 13 Table 5-1 WGTV Surrogate Ratio ......................................................................................................................... 14 Table 5-2 Action Levels for Survey Unit B1-010-004 ........................................................................................... 15 Table 5-3 Number of ISOCS Measurements based on Areal Coverage ............................................................. 16 Table 5-4 Adjusted Minimum Number of ISOCS Measurements ...................................................................... 17 Table 5 Investigation Levels ................................................................................................................................. 18 Table 5 Synopsis of Survey Design ...................................................................................................................... 18 Table 7-1 Summary of Systematic, Judgmental, and QC Measurements .......................................................... 24 Table 7-2 Summary of ISOCS Systematic Measurement Statistical Quantities ................................................ 24 Table 7-3 Summary of ISOCS Judgmental Measurement ................................................................................... 24 Table 7-4 Summary of Replicate ISOCS Measurements for QC ........................................................................ 26 Table 16-1 B1-010-004 Sign Test ............................................................................................................................ 38 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 6 ISOCS Measurement ............................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 16-1 WGTV ISOCS Measurement Locations ........................................................................................... 31 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Cs-137 Concentration ............................................................................................ 42 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Co-60 Concentration .............................................................................................. 43 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Eu-152 Concentration ............................................................................................ 44 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Eu-154 Concentration ............................................................................................ 45 Figure 16 Histogram for Cs-137 Concentration ................................................................................................. 46 Figure 16 Histogram for Co-60 Concentration .................................................................................................. 46 Figure 16 Histogram for Eu-152 Concentration ................................................................................................ 47 Figure 16 Histogram for Eu-154 Concentration ................................................................................................ 47 Figure 16 Retrospective Power Curve for B1-010-004 .................................................................................... 48 3

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable BFM Basement Fill Model DQO Data Quality Objective DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level DCGLB Basement Derived Concentration Guideline Level EMC Elevated Measurement Comparison FOV Field-of-View FSS Final Status Survey IC Insignificant Contributors ISOCS In-Situ Object Counting System LACBWR La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor LBGR Lower Bound of the Gray Region LTP License Termination Plan MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration OpDCGLB Basement Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Level QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QC Quality Control ROC Radionuclides of Concern SOF Sum of Fractions UBGR Upper Bound of the Gray Region WGTV Waste Gas Tank Vault WTB Waste Treatment Building 4




This Final Status Survey (FSS) Release Record for survey unit B1-010-004, Waste Gas Tank Vault (WGTV) Basement, has been generated in accordance with LaCrosseSolutions procedure LC-FS-PR-009, Final Status Survey Data Reporting (Reference 1) and satisfies the requirements of Section 5.11 of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan (LACBWR LTP) (Reference 2). An FSS sample plan for this survey unit was developed in accordance with LaCrosseSolutions procedure LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 3), the LACBWR LTP, and with guidance from NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (Reference 4). This survey unit has a MARSSIM classification of 1. A survey plan was designed based upon use of the Sign Test as the nonparametric statistical test for compliance. Both the Type I (a) and Type II ( ) decision error rates were set at 0.05. As a systematic measurement population, twenty-two (22) measurements using the Canberra In-Situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) were acquired from the survey unit. One (1) additional judgmental ISOCS measurement was collected to capture the surface area of the sump within the survey unit. In addition, surface scanning was performed on 100% of the floor in the survey unit. The analytical results for all systematic measurements taken in survey unit B1-010-004 indicate that the maximum Sum of Fractions (SOF),considering the concentration of all applicable Radionuclides of Concern (ROC), either by direct measurement or by inference, is equal to 0.2410 when applying the respective Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (OpDCGLB). Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and survey unit B1-010-004 is acceptable for unrestricted release. The mean SOF for systematic measurements when applying the respective Base Case DCGLs (DCGLB) is 0.0075. The SOF for the judgmental measurement, when compared to the DCGLB, is 0.9903. The total SOF, when factoring in the area-weighted SOF of the judgmental measurement is 0.0233, which equates to a dose of 0.5813 mrem/yr.

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION B1-010-004 is an impacted Class 1 basement survey unit. This survey unit housed Waste Gas Decay Tanks which were used in the operation or support of the nuclear steam system.

All internal systems were removed during demolition. At end-state, the survey unit consisted of the concrete floor, concrete walls up to 3 feet below grade (636 foot elevation), a concrete support column in the center of the floor that extends up to 3 feet below grade, 5

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 and a 3-foot by 3-foot by 3-foot deep sump in the north-west corner. The total surface area of the survey unit is 311 m2.

3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS Based on the Historical Site Assessment (Reference 5), the WGTV basement was identified as a Class 1 area.

The initial site characterization surveys performed by EnergySolutions were conducted between October 9, 2014, and August 6, 2015. Because of limited accessibility, the WGTV interior structural surfaces characterization was deferred. A Contamination Verification Survey of the WGTV (17-0854) was conducted on May 19, 2017. The findings of the survey revealed dose rates of less than 2 mrem/hr. Loose surface contamination levels for alpha were all found to be less than MDC. One (1) elevated beta reading of 1,315 dpm/100cm2 was discovered and "locked down" with a paint fixative. The follow-up loose contamination survey revealed only 51 dpm/100cm 2 for beta, which is below the 1,000 dpm/100cm2 limit. Continuing characterization surveys of the interior surfaces of the WGTV were conducted between August 29, 2017 and September 1, 2017. The survey design called for the acquisition of eight (8) subsurface soil samples and eight (8) concrete core samples, in addition to a 100% scan of the floor and the collection of thirty (30) loose surface contamination samples. A Ludlum Model 44-10 detector attached to a Ludlum Model 2350-1 instrument was used for the scan survey. Concrete core locations were determined at locations of highest scan indications. The on-site gamma spectroscopy reports are provided in Attachment 7. Four (4) subsurface soil samples were collected on the building perimeter soil and four (4) subsurface soil samples were collected from beneath concrete core samples. The soil samples (all 8 plus one QC duplicate) were sent off-site to GEL Laboratories for analysis of the full suite of radionuclides. Only Cs-137 was positively identified in the analyses. The GEL Laboratories analytical reports are provided in Attachment 8. Table 3-1 Continuing Characterization Soil Samples Analysis Summary - Off-site B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010-04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A-Radio-CJFS- CJFS- CJFS- CJFS- QJWS- CJWS- CJWS- CJWS- CJWS-nuclide 001-SB 002-SB 003-SB 004-SB 008-SB 005-SB 006-SB 007-SB 008-SB (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) H-3 3.68E+00 1.44E+00 1.26E+01 3.54E+00 -1.57E-01 2.04E+00 2.54E+00 4.33E+00 -3.74E+00 C-14 5.87E-02 7.86E-01 7.37E-01 9.13E-01 1.12E+00 1.38E+00 1.31E+00 -9.34E-01 8.96E-01 Fe-55 -1.34E+00 -3.55E+00 -1.30E+00 -1.12E+00 -2.54E+00 -1.84E+00 -2.99E+00 -1.67E+00 -2.96E+00 Ni-59 0.00E+00 -5.94E-01 -8.05E-02 6.67E-01 -3.06E-02 -4.43E-01 -1.40E+00 -1.23E-01 -7.81E-01 6

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010-04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A- 04A-Radio-CJFS- CJFS- CJFS- CJFS- QJWS- CJWS- CJWS- CJWS- CJWS-nuclide 001-SB 002-SB 003-SB 004-SB 008-SB 005-SB 006-SB 007-SB 008-SB (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Co-60 -1.76E-03 3.68E-03 -1.71E-02 -1.03E-02 2.26E-02 -1.73E-04 4.78E-03 1.35E-02 -5.94E-03 Ni-63 4.38E-01 1.34E+00 3.32E-01 8.61E-01 1.06E+00 1.29E-01 5.74E-02 1.25E+00 9.73E-01 Sr-90 1.78E-01 2.05E-01 2.99E-01 1.20E-01 1.36E-01 -7.34E-02 -8.75E-02 2.10E-01 -2.39E-02 Nb-94 -2.49E-03 1.19E-02 8.31E-03 2.68E-03 3.45E-03 -4.39E-03 5.81E-03 2.26E-02 -1.05E-03 Tc-99 4.83E-01 -8.06E-02 2.56E-01 8.45E-01 3.87E-01 2.17E-01 7.91E-01 1.04E+00 1.03E+00 Cs-137 1.88E-02 4.96E-03 -2.21E-03 9.21E-03 1.17E-01 1.08E-01 3.44E-02 7.61E-02 1.00E-01 Eu-152 -2.59E-02 -1.69E-02 5.48E-02 -3.22E-02 -3.38E-02 3.55E-02 -1.86E-02 1.24E-02 -2.98E-02 Eu-154 2.14E-02 -6.84E-03 4.50E-02 8.23E-03 -4.01E-02 3.49E-02 -2.92E-02 1.83E-02 5.70E-02 Eu-155 1.78E-02 1.74E-02 -1.57E-02 -4.45E-03 -4.73E-03 -7.90E-02 6.39E-03 5.51E-03 1.89E-02 Np-237 1.37E-03 1.72E-03 -1.25E-03 2.39E-03 -5.85E-04 -1.74E-03 -1.52E-03 -1.89E-03 -6.93E-04 Pu-238 -1.60E-02 2.54E-02 -5.73E-03 2.25E-04 -1.28E-03 5.64E-03 6.60E-03 -4.14E-03 -1.46E-02 Pu-

         -1.08E-03      5.77E-03      -1.04E-03      -2.13E-02      -7.44E-03       4.51E-03    -7.42E-03 -1.02E-02 -4.32E-03 239/240 Pu-241    1.03E+00       9.60E-01      1.22E+00       -2.75E-01       3.90E-01      1.97E+00      1.49E-01 1.39E+00  -2.37E-02 Am-241    0.00E+00       4.10E-02       1.06E-02       1.33E-02       4.43E-03      -3.09E-03    -4.32E-03 -5.22E-03 -1.76E-02 Am-243    -5.65E-03      4.28E-04       1.32E-02       6.62E-03      -4.37E-03       1.35E-03    -7.58E-03 -3.63E-03  7.48E-03 Cm-
         -1.64E-03      4.66E-03      -9.38E-03      -6.06E-03      0.00E+00        4.84E-03     2.37E-04  1.52E-02 0.00E+00 243/244 Note: Bold values indicate positively identified radionuclide activities.

Five (5) concrete core samples were collected from the floor, two (2) from the sump, and one (1) was collected on the lower wall in the survey unit. The cores were 3" in diameter and 6" deep. Table 3-2 below summarizes the results from the concrete core analyses using the on-site gamma spectroscopy system. Only the top half-inch puck from each core was analyzed. Table 3-2 WGTV Continuing Characterization Concrete Core Analysis Summary - On-site Cs-137 Puck Activity Sample ID Surface (pCi/g) B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-0.5" Top 5.95E+00 B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 2.70E+00 B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-0.5" Top 1.05E+01 B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 6.11E+00 B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-0.5" Top 4.63E+00 B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 1.59E+00 B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-0.5" Top 3.16E+00 7

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Cs-137 Puck Activity Sample ID Surface (pCi/g) B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 8.82E-01 B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-0.5" Top 1.48E+02 B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 5.07E+01 B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-0.5" Top 7.42E+01 B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 2.27E+01 B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-0.5" Top 4.74E-02 B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 8.89E-02 B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-0.5" Top 5.48E+00 B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-0.5" Bottom 2.05E+00 Note: Bold values indicate activity above MDC Cs-137 was detected in concentrations above MDC in seven (7) of the eight (8) pucks analyzed. No other ROC were identified in the continuing characterization concrete cores. All of the top half-inch pucks from each concrete core sample were sent off-site to Gel Laboratories for gamma spectroscopy and HTD analysis. Table 3-3 summarizes the results of the off-site analyses. The GEL Laboratories analytical reports are provided in Attachment 8. 8

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Table 3 WGTV Continuing Characterization Concrete Core Analysis Summary - Off-site B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010- B1-010-04A- B1-010-04A-CJFC- 04A-CJFC- 04A-CJFC- 04A-CJFC- 04A-CJFC- 04A-CJFC- CJWC-015- 04A-CJFC-Radionuclide 009-CV 010-CV 011-CV 012-CV 013-CV 014-CV CV 016-CV (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Am-241 -1.50E-02 2.69E-02 4.40E-02 3.12E-02 5.05E-01 6.83E-01 5.13E-03 5.20E-02 Am-243 -4.15E-03 3.87E-03 1.57E-02 4.43E-02 -1.06E-02 1.27E-02 4.36E-03 5.06E-04 Cm-243/244 3.35E-03 7.57E-03 1.93E-03 4.92E-04 -2.57E-03 1.30E-02 5.10E-03 -3.40E-03 Np-237 1.02E-01 -1.19E-02 3.15E-02 -4.88E-02 -6.24E-02 -9.56E-03 1.83E-02 8.66E-03 Pu-238 -3.53E-03 1.64E-02 6.04E-03 -8.73E-03 1.73E-01 2.33E-01 2.16E-03 1.79E-02 Pu-239/240 -3.52E-03 -1.07E-02 3.62E-03 -1.02E-02 8.46E-02 2.70E-01 2.07E-02 -1.58E-03 Pu-241 -2.05E-01 9.58E-01 2.11E-01 -1.92E+00 4.40E+00 5.59E+00 4.22E-01 6.92E-01 Ni-59 -2.20E-01 -2.48E-01 1.01E+00 -1.35E-01 -1.81E+00 2.53E-01 -2.99E-01 5.11E-01 Cs-137 5.32E+00 9.57E+00 6.02E+00 4.66E+00 2.54E+02 1.37E+02 -7.21E-03 6.64E+00 Co-60 2.50E-02 6.69E-02 0.00E+00 1.13E-01 2.66E-01 2.46E-01 -4.03E-02 6.93E-02 Eu-152 8.62E-02 -3.75E-02 5.35E-02 8.38E-03 -7.97E-01 3.33E-01 1.63E-02 1.08E-01 Eu-154 -1.46E-01 -9.50E-02 -5.66E-02 -2.99E-02 -3.84E-02 -1.01E-01 -6.24E-02 1.12E-01 Eu-155 6.72E-02 1.65E-01 7.12E-02 8.03E-02 8.70E-02 7.52E-02 1.70E-01 -8.62E-02 Nb-94 -2.81E-02 3.72E-02 4.28E-02 -8.53E-04 3.00E-03 -3.79E-03 3.67E-02 1.01E-02 Sr-90 1.02E-01 2.28E-01 1.06E-01 -2.88E-02 1.28E-01 1.09E-01 -2.17E-01 -4.27E-02 H-3 3.57E+00 4.83E+00 4.29E+00 2.01E+00 1.82E+00 5.15E+00 3.73E+00 3.91E+00 C-14 -7.04E-01 -2.34E-01 -6.72E-01 9.23E-01 -1.84E+00 -1.42E-02 1.10E+00 5.25E-01 Tc-99 6.59E-02 -5.60E-01 -4.18E-01 -6.56E-01 -4.98E-01 2.86E+00 -5.31E-01 -5.50E-02 Fe-55 -2.95E+00 -3.71E+00 2.68E+00 -5.75E+00 -5.77E+00 -4.84E+00 1.97E+00 -4.20E+00 Ni-63 9.15E-01 6.41E+00 2.08E+00 2.70E+00 1.00E+01 1.07E+01 1.43E+00 1.33E+00 Note: Bold values indicate activity above MDC 9

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Cs-137 was positively identified in seven (7) of the eight (8) core samples. Co-60 was positively identified in two (2) of the eight (8) core samples. Other significant radionuclides identified at concentrations greater than their respective MDCs include Am-141, Pu-238, Pu-239/240, Pu-241, Tc-99, and Ni-63. Section 5.1 of the LTP states that the actual Insignificant Contributor (IC) dose will be calculated for each individual sample result using the DCGLs from TSD RS-TD-313196-004, LACBWR Soil DCGL, Basement Concrete DCGL, and Buried Pipe DCGL, Table 35 (Reference 6) for basement structures. If the IC dose calculated is less than the IC dose assigned for DCGL adjustment, then no further action will be taken. If the actual IC dose calculated from the sample result is greater than the IC dose assigned for DCGL adjustment, then a minimum of five (5) additional investigation samples will be taken around the original sample location. Each investigation sample will be analyzed by the on-site gamma spectroscopy system and sent for HTD analysis (full suite of radionuclides from LTP Table 5-1). As with the original sample, the actual IC dose will be calculated for each investigation sample. In this case, the actual calculated maximum IC dose from an individual sample observed in the survey unit will be used to readjust the DCGLs in that survey unit. If the maximum IC dose exceeds 10%, then the additional radionuclides that were the cause of the IC dose exceeding 10% will be added as additional ROC for that survey unit. The survey unit-specific DCGLs used for compliance, the ROC for that survey unit, and the survey data serving as the basis for the IC dose adjustment will be documented in the release record for the survey unit. An assessment of the results of continuing characterization confirmed that the IC dose is unchanged. The maximum calculated IC dose was 0.5042 mrem/yr for the concrete core samples and 0.1437 mrem/yr for the soil samples, which is below the 2.5 mrem/yr limit provided in the LTP for DCGL adjustment. Based upon review of the historical information, the results of the characterization survey data, and completion of a final Survey Unit Classification Worksheet, the correct final classification of survey unit B1-010-004 was determined to be Class 1.

4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES FSS planning and design relies on a properly executed Data Quality Objective (DQO) process to ensure, through compliance with explicitly defined inputs and boundaries, that the primary objective of the survey is satisfied. The DQO process is described in the LACBWR LTP in accordance with MARSSIM. The appropriate design for a given survey was developed using the DQO process as outlined in Appendix D of MARSSIM.

The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the 10

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria. Therefore, the survey unit would satisfy the primary objective of the FSS sample plan. The primary objective of the FSS sample plan is to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in survey unit B1-010-004 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). LaCrosseSolutions TSD RS-TD-313196-001, Radionuclides of Concern during LACBWR Decommissioning (Reference 7) established the basis for an initial suite of potential ROC for decommissioning. LTP Chapter 2 provides detailed characterization data that describes current contamination levels in the basements and soils from the characterization campaign conducted from September 2014 through August 2015. The initial survey data for basements was based on core samples obtained from the walls and floors of the Reactor Building, Waste Treatment Building (WTB), and the balance of the basement structures (primarily the Piping Tunnels) at biased locations with elevated contact dose rates, contamination levels, and/or evidence of leaks/spills. During subsequent characterizations, additional cores were obtained from the Reactor Building and the WGTV. TSD RS-TD-313196-001 evaluates the results of the concrete core analysis data from the Reactor Building, WTB, Piping Tunnels and WGTV and refines the initial suite of potential ROC by evaluating the dose significance of each radionuclide. Insignificant dose contributors were determined consistent with the guidance contained in Section 3.3 of NUREG-1757, Volume 2, Revision 1, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria, Final Report (Reference 8). In all soil and concrete scenarios, Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Eu-152 and Eu-154 contribute nearly 100% of the total dose. The remaining radionuclides were designated as insignificant dose contributors and are eliminated from further detailed evaluation. Therefore, the final ROCs for LACBWR soil, basement concrete and buried piping are Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Eu-152 and Eu-154. LTP Chapter 6, Section 6.14.1 discusses the process used to derive the ROC for the decommissioning of LACBWR, including the elimination of insignificant dose contributors (IC) from the initial suite. Table 4-1 presents the ROC for the decommissioning of 11

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 basements at LACBWR and the normalized mixture fractions for the WGTV based on the radionuclide mixture. Table 4 WGTV Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture Fraction of Total Activity Radionuclide (normalized)(1) Co-60 0.010 Sr-90 0.019 Cs-137 0.957 Eu-152 0.010 Eu-154 0.003 (1) Based on maximum percent of total activity from Table 22 of RS-TD-313196-001, normalized to one for the dose significant radionuclides. LTP, Section 5.2 states that each radionuclide-specific Base Case DCGL is equivalent to the level of residual radioactivity (above background levels) that could, when considered independently, result in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent of 25 mrem/yr to an Average Member of the Critical Group. To ensure that the summation of dose from each source term is 25 mrem/yr or less after all FSS is completed, the Base Case DCGLs are reduced based on an expected, or a priori, fraction of the 25 mrem/yr dose limit from each source term. The reduced DCGLs, or "Operational" DCGLs can be related to the Base Case DCGLs as an expected fraction of dose based on an a priori assessment of what the expected dose should be based on the results of site characterization, process knowledge and the extent of planned remediation. The Operational DCGL is then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigations levels, etc.). Details of the Operational DCGLs derived for each dose component and the basis for the applied a priori dose fractions are provided in LC-FS-TSD-002, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey (Reference 9). The dose contribution from each ROC is accounted for using the SOF to ensure that the total dose from all ROC does not exceed the dose criterion. A Base Case DCGL that is established for the average residual radioactivity in a survey unit is equivalent to a DCGL W. At LACBWR, compliance is demonstrated through the summation of dose from five (5) distinct source terms for the end-state (basements, soils, buried pipe, above ground structures, and groundwater). When applied to backfilled basements below the 636 foot elevation, the DCGLs are expressed in units of activity per unit of area (pCi/m 2). The Basement Fill Model (BFM) applies to the steel-reinforced concrete walls and floors of the backfilled Reactor Building and WGTV below the 636 foot elevation. BFM DCGLs 12

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 (DCGLB) apply to basement concrete and are calculated in LTP Chapter 6, Section 6.13. The insignificant dose contributor percentages for the most limiting basement scenario was used to adjust the DCGLB to account for the dose from the eliminated insignificant contributor radionuclides. The DCGLB values for the WGTV from LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.2.1 are reproduced below in Table 4-2. Table 4 WGTV Base Case DCGLs WGTV DCGLB Radionuclide (pCi/m2) Co-60 4.10E+06 Sr-90 6.40E+06 Cs-137 1.76E+07 Eu-152 9.69E+06 Eu-154 8.97E+06 The Operational DCGLs are then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigation levels, etc.). The BFM OpDCGLB for the unrestricted release of the WGTV survey unit from LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.2.2 are provided in Table 4-3. Table 4 WGTV Operational DCGLs WGTV OpDCGLB Radionuclide (pCi/m2) Co-60 2.87E+05 Sr-90 4.48E+05 Cs-137 1.23E+06 Eu-152 6.78E+05 Eu-154 6.28E+05 Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the Operational DCGL. The Canberra ISOCS was selected as the primary instrument used to perform FSS of basement surfaces. Response checks were required prior to issuance and after use. Control and accountability of ISOCS units was required to assure data quality. As part of the DQOs applied to laboratory processes, analysis results were reported as actual calculated results. The actual recorded value was used as the recorded FSS result for 13

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 measurement and/or sample values that are less than MDC. Negative values were recorded as "zero." Results were not reported as "less than MDC" (< MDC). Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, uncertainty, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the observed MDC. In accordance with the LTP, for laboratory analysis, MDCs less than 10% of the Operational DCGL were preferable while MDCs up to 50% of the Operational DCGL were acceptable. The minimum acceptable MDC for measurements obtained using field instruments was 50% of the applicable Operational DCGL.

5. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey unit and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in procedure LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development.

The DQO process determined that Co-60, Sr-90, Cs-137, Eu-152, and Eu-154 would be the ROC in survey unit B1-010-004. During FSS, concentrations for the HTD ROC Sr-90 are inferred using a surrogate approach. Cs-137 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Sr-

90. Both Sr-90 and Cs-137 was positively detected in all thirty (30) concrete core samples assessed in the Reactor Building, Piping Tunnels, and WTB. For the WGTV, Sr-90 was not detected in any of the eight (8) core samples assessed during continuing characterization.

The 95% Upper Confidence Limit (UCL) of the Cs-137 fractions was chosen to represent the overall nuclide mix for soils/buried pipe, the Reactor Building, and the WGTV. The surrogate ratio for the WGTV is given in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 WGTV Surrogate Ratio Radionuclides Ratio Sr-90/Cs-137 0.0675 The equation for calculating a surrogate DCGL is as follows: Equation 1 Where: DCGLSur = Surrogate radionuclide DCGL DCGL2,3 ... n = DCGL for radionuclides to be represented by the surrogate 14

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Rn = Ratio of concentration (or nuclide mixture fraction) of radionuclide "n" to surrogate radionuclide Using the Operational DCGLs presented in Table 4-3 and the ratio from Table 5-1, the following surrogate calculation was performed: Equation 2 1 SurrogatevcGL (cs- 137) = [( 1 ) +( 0 _0675 )] = 1.04£ + 06 pCi/m 2 1.23£ + 06ccs- 137) 4.48£ + 05csr-9o) The surrogate Operational DCGL that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for direct comparison of measurement results to demonstrate compliance was 1.04E+06 pCi/m 2. The action levels for survey unit B1-010-004 are based on the Operational DCGL and are presented in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 Action Levels for Survey Unit B1-010-004 OpDCGLB ROC (pCi/m2) Co-60 2.87E+05 Cs-137 1.04E+06(1) Eu-152 6.78E+05 Eu-154 6.28E+05 (1) Based on the surrogate adjusted DCGL of Cs-137 while inferring Sr-90. The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation. The Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) does not apply to this survey unit. At LACBWR, EMC only applies to Class 1 open land areas. Sample size determination for FSS basement structures is addressed in LTP Chapter 5, Section To ensure that the number of ISOCS measurements, based on the necessary areal coverage in a basement surface FSS unit, was sufficient to satisfy a statistically based sample design, a calculation was performed to determine sample size. If the sample size based on the statistical design required more ISOCS measurements than the number of ISOCS measurements required by the areal coverage, then the number of ISOCS measurements was adjusted to meet the larger sample size. 15

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 The number of measurements for FSS was determined in accordance with procedure LC-FS-PR-002. The relative shift (l1/CJ) for the survey unit data set is defined as shift(~), which is the Upper Boundary of the Gray Region (UBGR), or the DCGL (SOF of 1), minus the Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) (SOF of 0.5), divided by sigma (CJ), which is the standard deviation of the data set used for survey design. The optimal value for ~/cr should range between one (1) and three (3). The largest value the ~!CJ can have is three (3). If the

     ~/cr exceeds three (3), then the value of three (3) will be used for l1JCJ. In the absence of prior survey data, the survey design used the MARSSIM recommended standard deviation value of 0.3. The l1JCJ for survey unit B 1-010-004 was calculated as follows:

Equation 3

                                            =       0.5/0.3 =       1.67 Both the Type I error, or a value, and the Type II error, or ~ value, were set at 0.05. The sample size for use with the Sign Test from Table 5.5 of MARSSIM that equates to the Type I and Type II error of 0.05 and a relative shift of 1.67 is an N value of seventeen (17).

The required areal scan coverage for a Class 1 basement survey unit is 100%. The LTP requires that sufficient measurements be taken in a Class 1 FSS unit to ensure that 100% of the surface area was surveyed. The number of ISOCS measurements required in each FSS unit can be calculated as the quotient of the ISOCS Field-of-View (FOV) divided into the surface area required for areal coverage. Table 5-3 presents the minimum number of ISOCS measurements that were required for survey unit B1-010-004 based on a measurement FOV of 28 m2. Table 5-3 Number of ISOCS Measurements based on Areal Coverage Minimum

                                                                                        # of ISOCS Area            Areal Measurements Survey Unit             Classification                      Coverage (based on 28 m2 (m2)         (% of Area)

FOV) WGTV Basement Class 1 311 100% 11 The ISOCS FOV was overlapped to ensure that there were no un-surveyed corners and gaps. Additionally, as discussed above with relative shift, MARSSIM requires a minimum of fourteen (14) measurements. The adjusted minimum number of ISOCS measurements in the WGTV basement to account for overlap and the MARSSIM requirements for minimum sample size is provided in Table 5-4. 16

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Table 5-4 Adjusted Minimum Number of ISOCS Measurements Required Adjusted # of Adjusted Adjusted Areal ISOCS Areal Areal Survey Unit Classification Coverage Measurements Coverage Coverage (based on 16 m2 (% of (m2) (m2) FOV) Area) WGTV Basement Class 1 311 22 311 100% The areal scan coverage requirements for FSS of structures as specified in the LTP is commensurate with the probability that a small area of elevated activity could exist within an FSS unit in a concentration exceeding the Base Case DCGL and the likelihood that such an area would not be detected by the FSS ISOCS measurements. It is highly unlikely that the ISOCS, with a nominal FOV of approximately 28 m 2 would not detect and account for elevated areas. The primary basis used to determine reasonable areal coverage for the ISOCS measurements is the potential for the Operational DCGL to be exceeded. The criterion for selecting reasonable and risk-informed areal coverage is based on a graded approach similar to the guidance for scan surveys during FSS provided in MARSSIM, where the coverage is based on the expected fraction of the DCGL (in this case the Operational DCGL). All ISOCS measurement locations collected for survey unit B1-010-004 are provided on the map in Attachment 1 of this document. The coordinates for all of the ISOCS measurement locations were conspicuously marked to designate where to position the survey rig to the center-point of the instrument FOV. The ISOCS detector was then positioned either vertically or horizontally and adjacent to the surface at the center-point of each designated floor or wall measurement location. Each survey measurement location would then be reproducible utilizing permanent markings on the survey unit floor and walls and annotated on the survey map and Attachment 14 of the sample plan, "FSS Samples/Measurements Identification and Coordinates." The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by LTP Chapter 5, section 5.9 and LaCrosseSolutions LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (Reference 10) includes the collection of a replicate measurement at 5% of the measurements taken in a survey unit with the locations selected at random. Two (2) ISOCS measurements were selected randomly for the replicate measurements for this survey unit. In accordance with Section 5.1 of the LTP, concrete core samples are required to be collected at 10% of the ISOCS measurement locations during FSS for HTD analysis. The eight (8) continuing characterization concrete cores were used to satisfy the requirement in 17

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 the LTP, as they were representative of the survey unit's end state condition. See Section 3 of this report for the data concerning the concrete cores. As a Class 1 survey unit, Table 5-4 specifies that a minimum of 311 m 2, or 100% of the accessible surface area, in this structural basement survey unit will be subjected to scan coverage. The minimum number of ISOCS measurements required to fully cover the 311 m2 surface area is twenty-two (22). The surface area covered by a single ISOCS measurement is large, and the FOV of the measurement becomes a substitute for scanning that is typically performed by moving a hand-held detector over the surface in question. Systematic ISOCS measurements were taken of WGTV basement surfaces at a stand-off distance of 3 meters. This resulted in a FOV for each measurement of 28 m 2. To achieve 100% areal coverage for the 311 m2 of floor and wall surfaces that constitute this survey unit, along with the minimum of 5% replicate measurements and judgmental sump measurement, 25 ISOCS measurements were taken (22 systematic, 1 judgmental, 2 replicate). A majority of the ISOCS measurements were collected using the circular plane geometry although varied geometries were necessary due to the structural anomalies encountered within the survey unit. The sump, located in the north-west corner of the WGTV basement floor, required the use of a "rectangular plane" geometry. ISOCS geometries specifically employed within this survey unit are provided in Attachment 2 of this report. Maps of the surface area scanned by the ISOCS FOV are provided in Attachment 1. For this Class 1 basement structure survey unit, the "Investigation Levels" for ISOCS measurement results are those levels specified in LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-16, and are reproduced below in Table 5-5. Table 5 Investigation Levels Classification Scan Investigation Levels Direct Investigation Levels

                             >Operational DCGL or >MDC scan if Class 1             MDCscan is greater than Operational        >Operational DCGL DCGL Table 5-6 provides a synopsis of the survey design for survey unit B1-010-004.

Table 5 Synopsis of Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Survey Unit Surface LTP Ch. 5, Table 5-13 and 311 m2 Area Table 5-14 18


  • UBGR = SOF of 1
  • LBGR = SOF of 0.5 Number of Systematic 17
  • Type I error = 0.05 Measurements (N)
  • Type II error = 0.05
  • ti/a= 1.67
  • MARSSIM Table 5.5 Adjusted Number of
  • Based on 100% scan Systematic 22 coverage accounting for Measurements overlap
  • Co-60: 2.87E+05
  • Sr-90: 4.48E+05 Operational DCGLs for DCGLs
  • Cs-137: 1.23E+06 WGTV Basement, Eu-152: 6.78E+05 (LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-4)
  • Eu-154: 6.28E+05 Investigation Level >Operational DCGL (LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-16)

Scan Areal Coverage 311 m2 or 100% areal coverage (LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-15) Number of 1 ISOCS measurement with a Judgmental 1 rectangular plane at the sump Measurements 2 measurements selected randomly for QC (LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.9) replicate measurement analysis 10% of ISOCS Measurements, HTD (LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.1) Minimum of 2

6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION For survey unit B1-010-004, compliance with the unrestricted release criteria was demonstrated through the use of ISOCS for direct measurements.

An FSS Supervisor performed a visual inspection and walk-down of the survey unit on September 6, 2017, prior to performing FSS. The purpose of the walk-down was to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths, and identify potentially hazardous conditions. 19

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 A walkdown and turnover survey was satisfactorily performed in the WGTV basement in accordance with the Isolation and Control requirements of procedure LC-FS-PR-010, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey (Reference 11). The WGTV basement was deemed acceptable for turnover and FSS commenced on September 7, 2017, under the FSS sample plan, which included DQOs, survey design, detailed FSS instructions, job safety analysis, and related procedures for reference. A "Field Log" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the performance of the FSS. FSS field activities were projected to take eight (8) working days to complete. Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and to review safety aspects of the job. The survey required field activities were performed during normal working hours and concluded on September 18, 2017. Prior to implementation of ISOCS measurements for FSS, 100% of the floor surface was scanned using a Ludlum Model 43-37 detector attached to a Ludlum Model 3250-1 instrument. This survey was performed to ensure that no small areas of elevated activity were present before ISOCS measurements were collected. The Alarm Set Point (ASP) for this survey was set at the OpDCGLB for Co-60, converted to counts per minute (cpm), plus the average background from the survey unit. The maximum scan reading captured was 10,276 cpm. No alarms were produced during the performance of this survey. Prior to implementing the sample plan for the FSS of the WGTV basement structure, the physical condition of the concrete surfaces to be surveyed were assessed to ensure that the geometry was not significantly changed from that assumed in LC-FS-TSD-001, Use of ISOCS for FSS of End State Sub Structures at LACBWR (Reference 12). ISOCS measurements were acquired using the circular plane geometry, which assumed a circular plane source with a contaminant depth of 0.5 inches. With the 90-degree collimation shield installed and a source to detector distance of 3 meters, this orientation corresponded to a nominal FOV of 28 m2. A guide attached to the detector assembly, in the form of a plumb-bob or wooden stud, was used to establish a consistent source to detector distance and center the detector over the selected measurement location. The ISOCS measurement locations specified in FSS sample plan for survey unit B1-010-004 were marked based on the grid coordinates provided in the maps. The judgmental measurement for the sump required a different geometry, which was a rectangular plane geometry. See Attachment 2 of this report for the ISOCS Geometry Composer Reports. A total of twenty-two (22) systematic ISOCS measurements were collected in the survey unit. One (1) judgmental measurement was collected in the sump. Two (2) replicate measurements were also acquired in the WGTV basement at survey locations #3 and #10. The ISOCS detector face was oriented perpendicular to the surface of interest represented 20

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 by the grid coordinate. See Picture 1 below for an example of an ISOCS measurement being conducted. The pre-FSS survey was replicated (except with the use of the Ludlum Model 44-10 detector rather than the Model 43-37) during surveillance, after implementation of the ISOCS measurements was concluded. The survey was performed as a response to a change in the condition of the survey unit after a rain event caused the release of a concrete core hole plug. Water and sediment were also observed to enter the isolated and controlled basement, as it was still exposed post-FSS before being backfilled. The maximum scan reading captured during this surveillance survey was 14,383 cpm. No alarms were produced during the performance of this survey. The water and sediment intrusion from clean areas did not change the as-left radiological conditions of the survey unit and therefore, the FSS was deemed still valid. To further validate that the as-left radiological conditions had not changed since performance of FSS, one (1) sediment sample and one (1) water sample were also collected from the sump in the survey unit as part of the surveillance after the rain event. The sediment sample contained Cs-137 at a concentration of 1.56E-01 pCi/g, which is well below the DCGL for soil. The water sample contained a concentration of Cs-137 at 3.96E-02 pCi/mL, which is approximately 20% of the EPA Drinking Water Standard. The gamma spectroscopy reports for the sediment and water samples are provided in Attachment 7. 21


7. SURVEY RESULTS The SOF or "unity rule" is applied to the data used for the survey planning, and data evaluation and statistical tests for basement surfaces, since multiple radionuclide-specific measurements will be performed or the concentrations inferred based on known relationships. The SOF or "unity rule" is the mathematical test used to evaluate compliance with radiological criteria for license termination when more than one radionuclide has been determined to be potentially present.

The equation for the unity rule is: 22

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Equation 4 G + C2 +............ Cn Sl DCGLi DCGL2 DCGLn Where: Cn = concentration of radionuclide n DCGLn = DCGL of radionuclide n. The application of the unity rule serves to normalize the data to allow for an accurate comparison of the various data measurements to the release criteria. When the unity rule is applied, the DCGLW (used for the nonparametric statistical test) becomes 1. The DCGLB are directly analogous to the DCGLW as defined in MARSSIM. The use and application of the unity rule was performed in accordance with Section 4.3.3 of MARSSIM. As described in LTP Chapter 5, Section, the Sign Test was used to evaluate the measured residual radioactivity against the dose criterion. The SOF for each measurement was used as the sum value for the Sign Test. The Sign Test then demonstrated that the mean activity for each ROC was less than the OpDCGLB at a Type 1 decision error of 0.05. For building surfaces, areas of elevated activity were defined as any area identified by measurement/sample (systematic or judgmental) that exceeded the OpDCGLB but was less than the DCGLB. Any area that exceeded the DCGLB would have required remediation. The SOF (based on the OpDCGLB) for a systematic or judgmental measurement/sample(s) can exceed 1 without remediation as long as the survey unit passes the Sign Test, and the mean SOF (based on the OpDCGLB) for the survey unit does not exceed one. Once the survey data set passes the Sign Test (using Operational DCGLs), then the mean radionuclide activity (pCi/m2) for each ROC from systematic measurements along with any identified elevated areas from systematic and judgmental measurement/samples can be used with the Base Case DCGLs to perform a mean SOFB calculation. The dose from residual radioactivity assigned to the FSS unit is the mean SOFB multiplied by 25 mrem/yr. Direct measurement locations were denoted on the concrete walls, floor, and center column of the WGTV basement using the dimensions on the survey map as guidance. See Figure 16-1 on Attachment 1 for a depiction of all measurement locations. The systematic measurement population consisted of 22 direct measurements that were acquired using the ISOCS. In total, 25 ISOCS measurements were collected, including the systematic, judgmental, and QC measurements. A breakdown of the total ISOCS measurements and SOF for systematic measurements compared to the OpDCGL B is provided in Table 7-1. A summary of the results of the 22 ISOCS measurements taken for non-parametric statistical testing when compared to the DCGLB is provided in Table 7-2. 23

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 The complete ISOCS measurement and gamma spectroscopy reports are presented in Attachment 6. Table 7-1 Summary of Systematic, Judgmental, and QC Measurements Total Number of Systematic Measurements 22 Number of Quality Control Measurements 2 Number of Judgmental/Investigational Measurements 1 Total Number of Measurements 25 Mean Systematic Gamma Measurement SOF (1) 0.1065 Max Individual Systematic Gamma Measurement SOF (1) 0.2410 Number of Systematic Gamma Measurements with SOF > 1 (1) 0 (1) Based on the OpDCGLB Table 7-2 Summary of ISOCS Systematic Measurement Statistical Quantities Avg. Mean Median Max. Min. Std. Dev. DCGLB Avg SOFB ROC Dose per per ROC (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) ROC Cs-137 5.77E+04 3.77E+04 1.93E+05 0.00E+00 5.46E+04 1.76E+07 0.0033 0.0820 Co-60 5.49E+03 4.84E+03 1.43E+04 0.00E+00 4.84E+03 4.10E+06 0.0013 0.0335 Eu-152 7.30E+03 0.00E+00 3.37E+04 0.00E+00 1.21E+04 9.69E+06 0.0008 0.0188 Eu-154 1.32E+04 4.37E+03 9.39E+04 0.00E+00 2.13E+04 8.97E+06 0.0015 0.0367 Sr-90 3.90E+03 2.54E+03 1.30E+04 0.00E+00 3.69E+03 6.40E+06 0.0006 0.0152 The total mean SOF for the WGTV basement, based on the mean concentration for each ROC as measured by the systematic measurement population when compared against the DCGLB, is 0.0075. This SOF equates to a dose of 0.1863 mrem/yr. One (1) judgmental ISOCS measurement was collected to assess the sump within the survey unit. The judgmental ISOCS measurement results are presented in Table 7-3. Table 7-3 Summary of ISOCS Judgmental Measurement Cs-137 Co-60 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sr-90 Measurement ID (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) B1-010-004-FSFC-S19-GM 1.31E+07 3.85E+05 1.02E+05 0.00E+00 8.88E+05 24

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 The measurement resulted in a SOF of 14.1652 when compared to the OpDCGLB and a SOF of 0.9903 when compared to the DCGL B. Because judgmental measurements are outside of the systematic measurement population, an area-weighted SOF for the elevated measurement is calculated and added to the average systematic measurement SOF, which is then used to calculate the overall dose assigned to the basement survey unit. The equation for calculating the area-weighted SOF is provided below. Equation 5 n SOF8 = L BaseMeanCaseConc i=l 8 Roc-DCGL Roci 8 t + (Elev Conc Roci -Mean Conc RocJ 8 8 [Base Case DCGL 8 ROC* x (f:su )] i Elev where: SOFB = SOF for structural surface survey unit within a Basement using Base Case DCGLs Mean ConcB ROCi = Mean concentration for the systematic measurements taken during the FSS of structural surface in survey unit for each ROCi Base Case DCGLB ROCi = Base Case DCGL for structural surfaces (DCGLB) for each ROCi Elev ConcB ROCi = Concentration for ROCi in any identified elevated area (systematic or judgmental) SAElev = surface area of the elevated area SASU = adjusted surface area of FSS unit for DCGL calculation The total SOF for the WGTV Basement was calculated as follows: Equation 6 SOF8 = 0.0075 + 0.0158 = 0.0233 The total SOF assigned to the WGTV basement survey unit is 0.0233, which equates to a dose of 0.5813 mrem/yr. The implementation of required QC measures included the collection of two (2) additional ISOCS measurements at locations thr oughout the Auxiliary Building for "replicate measurement" analysis. The replicate !SOCS measurement results are provided in Table 7-

4. The concentration for Sr-90 is inferred based on the ratio given in Table 5-1.


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Table 7-4 Summary of Replicate ISOCS Measurements for QC Cs-137 Co-60 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sr-90 Measurement ID 2 2 2 (pCi/m ) (pCi/m ) (pCi/m ) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) B1-010-004-QSFC-03-GM 2.13E+05 8.96E+03 3.21E+04 0.00E+00 1.44E+04 B1-010-004-QSWC-10-GM 2.83E+04 0.00E+00 2.23E+05 0.00E+00 1.91E+03 The complete ISOCS gamma spectroscopy reports are presented in Attachment 6.

8. QUALITY CONTROL Two (2) replicate measurements were taken during the FSS of this basement structure.

Typically, the measurement results are evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring (Reference 13). However, in the case of both of the pairs of standard and comparison measurements, there were no mutually identified radionuclides, and the method for acceptance from the above procedure cannot be utilized. In this case, because both pairs of standard and comparison measurements contained insignificant or no detectable radioactivity and all were well below the OpDCGL B, no further action was deemed necessary.

9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS No investigations were performed during the performance or analyses of the survey.
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS No radiological remedial action as described by MARSSIM Section 5.4 was performed in this survey unit as a result of the FSS. Chapter 4 of the LTP determined that remediation beyond that required to meet the release criteria is unnecessary and that the remaining residual radioactivity in the structure was ALARA.
11. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN There were no addendums to the FSS plan.

The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 14) for completeness and consistency. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and the collection of measurements were 26

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 1. The survey design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve (see Attachment 5). The analytical results indicated that all systematic measurements were less than a SOF of one (1) when compared to the OpDCGLB. One (1) judgmental measurement was identified with a SOF greater than one (1) when compared to the OpDCGL B, but less than a SOF of one (1) when compared to the DCGLB. The Sign Test (Attachment 3) was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results clearly demonstrates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criteria, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation). All data was considered valid including negative values, zeros, values reported below the MDC, and values with uncertainties that exceeded two standard deviations. The mean and median values for each ROC were well below the respective Operational DCGLs. Also, the retrospective power curve shows that a sufficient number of measurements were collected to achieve the desired power. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criteria with adequate power as required by the DQOs. The data for Cs-137, Co-60, Eu-152, and Eu-154 are presented graphically through frequency plots and quantile plots. All graphical presentations are provided in Attachment 5.

13. ANOMALIES No anomalies were observed during the performance or analyses of the survey.
14. CONCLUSION Survey unit B1-010-004 has met the DQOs of the FSS plan. The ALARA criteria as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. The EMC is not applicable to structural surfaces and remediation was not required.

All identified ROC were used for statistical testing to determine the adequacy of the survey unit for FSS. Evaluation of the data shows that none of the systematic ROC concentration values exceeds the OpDCGLB. Additionally, the one (1) elevated judgmental location was evaluated and the dose was included in the total dose for the survey unit. The total SOF assigned to the WGTV basement survey unit is 0.0233, which equates to a dose of 0.5813 mrem/yr. The measurement data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected. The 27

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Retrospective Power Curve showed that adequate power was achieved. The survey unit is properly classified as Class 1. Therefore, in accordance with the LTP Section 5.10, the survey unit meets the release criteria. Survey unit B1-010-004 is acceptable for unrestricted release.

1. LC-FS-PR-009, Final Status Survey Data Reporting
2. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan (LTP)
3. LC-FS-PR-002, Final Status Survey Package Development
4. NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
5. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Historical Site Assessment (HSA)
6. RS-TD-313196-004, LACBWR Soil DCGL, Basement Concrete DCGL, and Buried Pipe DCGL
7. RS-TD-313196-001, Radionuclides of Concern during LACBWR Decommissioning
8. NUREG-1757, Volume 2, Revision 1, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria, Final Report
9. LC-FS-TSD-002, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey
10. LC-QA-PN-001, Final Status Survey Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
11. LC-FS-PR-010, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey
12. LC-FS-TSD-001, Use of ISOCS for FSS of End State Sub Structures at LACBWR
13. USNRC Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring
14. LC-FS-PR-008, Final Status Survey Data Assessment
16. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Figures and Maps Attachment 2 ISOCS Geometries Attachment 3 Sign Test Attachment 4 Quality Control Assessment Attachment 5 Graphical Presentations Attachment 6 Measurement Analytical Reports Attachment 7 Sample Analytical Reports 28

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Attachment 8 GEL Laboratories Analytical Reports 29



                                       ~     ~~~- ~ ~~


             \                      ** - T'H          - -*-. -


                                                                        - - ' ISOCS!

I 11 oAAWING I 17'CM1201 c 31


Geometry Com poser Report A CANBERRA Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 - 10:48:31


3m _circular_ plane_90d_ Comment: shielding with 90 deg collimator File Name: C:\GENIE2K\isocs\data\GEOMETRY\In-Situ\ORCULAR_PLANE\3m_circular_plane_90d_.geo Software: ISOCS Template: CIRCULAR_PLANE, Version: (default) Detector: 3844f Collimator: 50mm-90d new (newISOCS 50mm side 90deg c-ollimaition [large hole collimator]) Environment: Temperature = 22 °C, Pressure = 760 mm Hg, Relative Humidity = 30% Integration: Convergence= 1.00%, MDRPN = 24 (16), CRPN = 24 (16) Dimensions (m) No. Description d.1 d.2 d.3 d,4 d.5 d.6 Material Density Rel. Cone. 1 Side Walls 0.0009 6 dryair 0.0013 2 Layer 1 0.0127 mncrete 2.3 1.00 3 Layer 2 0 <none> 4 Layer 3 0 <none> s Layer4 0 <none> 6 Layers 0 <none> 7 Layer 6 0 <none> 8 Layer 7 0 <none> 9 Layer a 0 <none> 10 Layer9 0 <none> 11 Layer 10 0 <none> 12 Absorber! 13 Absorber2 14 Source-Detector 3 0 0 0 0 List of energies for efficiency curve generation 45.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 300.0 500.0 700.0 1000.0 1400.0 2000.0 I CIRCULAR PLANE: 0 Page 1-0f 2

A Geometry Composer Report CANBERRA Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 - 10:48:31

== Description:== 3m _circular_ plane_90d_ Comment: shielding with 90 deg collimator File Name: C:\GENIE2K\isocs\data\GEOMETRY\ln-Situ\CIRCULAR_PLANE\3m_circular_plane_90d_.geo Software: ISOCS Template: CIRCULAR_PLANE, Version: (default) Page 2 of 2

Geometry Co1nposer Report

                                                                                       - Vl-&t:>IJ              A i)--'J~                      CANBERRA Date:                    Friday, September 29, 2017 - 10:28: 11


LACBWR WGTV sump comment: 1/2 in contarn layer - 1.Sm by 1.Sm area - lm distance from source File Name: C:\GENitE2K\isocs\data\GEOMETRY\In-Situ\RECTANGULAR_PLANE\LACBWR WGTV :sump.gee Software: ISOCS Template: RECTANGULAR_PLANE, Version: (default) Detector: 3844f Collimator: 50mm-180d new (newISOCS 50mm side 180deg collimation [no collimator]) Environment : Temperature= 22 °C, Pressure= 760 mm Hg, Relative Humidity= 30% Integration: Convergence = 1.00%, MDRPN = 24 (16), CRPN = 24 ( 16) Dimensions (an) No. Desaiptlon d,1 d.2 d.3 d.4 d.5 d.6 Material Density Rel. Cone. 1 Side Walls 0 150 150 none 2 Layer 1 1.27 concrete 2.3 1.00 3 Layer 2 0 <none> 4 Layer 3 0 <none> 5 Layer 4 0 <none> 6 Layer 5 0 <none> 7 Layer 6 0 <none>

 ,8              Layer 7                    0                                                         <none>

9 Layer 8 0 <none> 10 Layer 9 0 <none> 11 Layer 10 0 <none> 12 Absorberl 13 Absorber2 14 Source-Detector 100 0 0 0 0 List of energies for efficiency curve generation 59.5 88.0 122.1 165.9 391.7 661.7 898.0 1173.2 1332.S 1836.0 Page 1 of 2

A Geometry Cn1.1poser Report CANBERRA Date: Friday, September 29, 2017 - 10:28:11

== Description:== LACBWR WGTV sump Comment: 1/2 in contam layer - 1.Sm by 1.Sm area - lm distance from source FIie Name: C:\GENIE2K\isocs\data\GEOMETRY\In-Situ\RECTANGULAR_PLANE\LACBWR WGTV sump.geo Software: ISOCS Template: RECTANGl!JLAR_PLANE, Version: (default) Page 2 of 2



                        #                     1-Ws         Sign (WS) 1        0.1406        0.86         +1 2        0.1342        0.87         +1 3        0.1548        0.85         +1 4        0.1129        0.89         +1 5        0.1021        0.90         +1 6        0.0390        0.96         +1 7        0.0337        0.97         +1 8        0.0555        0.94         +1 9        0.0842        0.92         +1 10        0.0745        0.93         +1 11        0.0713        0.93         +1 12        0.2410        0.76         +1 13        0.1295        0.87         +1 14        0.1473        0.85         +1 15        0.2358        0.76         +1 16        0.2261        0.77         +1 17        0.1738        0.83         +1 18        0.0341        0.97         +1 19        0.0752        0.92         +1 20        0.0129        0.99         +1 21        0.0476        0.95         +1 22        0.0173        0.98         +1 Number of positive differences 22 (S+)

Critical Value 15 Survey Unit Meets the Acceptance Criteria 38


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Two (2) replicate measurements were taken during the FSS of this basement structure. Typically, the measurement results are evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring (Reference 13). However, in the case of both of the pairs of standard and comparison measurements, there were no mutually identified radionuclides, and the method for acceptance from the above procedure cannot be utilized. In this case, because both pairs of standard and comparison measurements contained insignificant or no detectable radioactivity and all were well below the OpDCGLB, no further action was deemed necessary. 40


FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Cs-137 Concentration 2.50E+05 2.00E+05 e C" ~

     -u C.

s::: 1.50E+05 0 (ti 1.00E+05 I I u s::: a, (J s::: 0 '


5.00E+04 II"

                        ,..  ...- ~

0.00E+00 ..., 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentage 42

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Co-60 Concentration 1.60E+04 I 1.40E+04

    - E C"



uC. 1.00E+04

  • 4 C:

0 8.00E+03 Ill C: Cl.) CJ 6.00E+03 C: 0


u 4.00E+03 4 2.00E+03 ... 0.00E+00 .., .., ...

                       ~   &

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentage 43

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Eu-152 Concentration 4.00E+04 3.50E+04 E 3.00E+04 ,... C' Ill u 2.50E+04 ~ Cl. ~ C: 0 2.00E+04

      - "'...C:

cu CJ C: 1.50E+04 0 u 1.00E+04 5.00E+03 ,...... 0.00E+00 ....... ....... "

                                                 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ~ . .... ,.......

l..o. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentage 44

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Figure 16 Quantile Plot for Eu-154 Concentration 1.00E+05 9.00E+04

  • 8.00E+04 e

C" 7.00E+04 uC. 6.00E+04 C: 0

.;:::: 5.00E+04
      - C:

GJ 4.00E+04 CJ C: 3.00E+04 .* 0 u

  • 2.00E+04 1.00E+04 .... .....,

0.00E+00 ... ...,...

                                                                   ...,     4 0%                20%                       40%             60%                80%       100%

Percentage 45

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Figure 16 Histogram for Cs-137 Concentration 10 9 8 7


C: (1) 6

l 5 C"'

(1) 4 LL 3 2 1 0 3.22E+04 6.43E+04 9.65E+04 1.29E+05 1.61 E+05 1.93E+05 Upper End Value (pCi/sq. m) Figure 16 Histogram for Co-60 Concentration 10 . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 9 8 7


C: 6 (1)

l 5 C"'

4 LL 3 2 1 0 1.16E-0 1 2.1 4E-01 3.12E-0 1 4.09E-01 5.07E-01 6.05E-01 Upper End Value (pCi/sq. m) 46

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Figure 16 Histogram for Eu-152 Concentration 10 9 8 7


C: Q) 6

I 5 C"

Q) 4 LL 3 2 1 0 1.16E-01 2.14E-0 1 3.12E-0 1 4.09E-01 5.07E-01 6.05E-01 Upper En d Value (pCi/sq. m) Figure 16 Histogram for Eu-154 Concentration 10 9 8 7


C: Q) 6

I 5 C"

Q) 4 LL 3 2 1 0 1.16E-0 1 2.14E-0 1 3.12E-01 4.09E-01 5.07E-01 6.05E-01 Upper En d Value (pCi/sq. m) 47

FSS RELEASE RECORD REVISION 1 WGTV BASEMENT SURVEY UNIT B1-010-004 Figure 16 Retrospective Power Curve for B1-010-004 Probability that the Survey Unit Pass es

1. 0
          .0. 8
          .0. 6 0.4
0. 2 0.0 101/4 301/4 5J1/4 701/4 9J1/4 1001/4 1101/4 1301/4 ,-

True Survey Unit Concentmfion (percent of DCGL), 48


          • G A M A S P E C T R O M A l _-\ L y s I s *****
        • ***** ****** ****~ **** ************* ************************************

Fi lename: C:\Pete's Current Stuff\LaCrosse\ISOCS st uff\WGTV spectrums\W Report Generated On 9/29/201 7 10 : 31 : 06 AM Sample Title WGTV Sump l m 180 collimator -- SIC, Samp l e Desc r iption Sample I dentification WGTV 18 0 Sample Type Sample Geometry Peak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 Peak Locate Range (i n channels) 1 - 65535 Peak Area Range (in channels) 1 - 8192 Identification Energy To l erance 2.000 keV Sample Size l.O0OE+00O sq meter Sample Taken On 9/1/2017 9:14 : 00 AM Acquisition Started 9/1/2017 9: 14 : 48 AM Live Time 600 . 0 seconds v' Real Time 603.8 seconds Dead Time 0 . 63 % j Energy C~libration Used Done On 10/12/2016! Efficiency Cal ibration Used Done On 9/29/2017 Efficiency ID WGTV sump

Peak Analysis Repor~ 9 / 2 9 / 2 01 7 10:- 1* ; 0 7 AM Page 2 P EA K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T ***** Detector Name: 3844 Sample Ti t l e : WGTV Sump l m 180 collimator Peak Ana l ysis Performed on : 9/29/20 17 10 : 31 : 07 AM Peak Analysis From Channe l : 1 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy r' WHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) ( keV) Area Unce r t . Counts 1 69- 82 77 . 59 19 .24 1.11 6.65E+002 53.64 8.04E+002 2 2635- 2661 2648. 40 662.26 4.03 2 . 22E+004 21 1. 59 5 . 14E+003

    ]   3235- 3246       3240.78      810.34         0.34     l. 50E+00 1          9.61   3.00£+001 4   .S3?.0 - .535 1  5335 . 60   1333.76         2.51     1 .56E+002         26 .3 9  4.00E+OOl 5   5834 - 5865      5850 . 14   1462.26         3.23     4 . 31E+002        27.40    6.39E+001 M = First peak in a multiplet regi on m = Ot he r peak in a multiplet reg i on F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at         1. 000 sigma

Interference Correc~ - j Activity Report 9I 29 r ~l 7 1 0 : 3 l : 0 7 AM Page 3

                                                                            • k**********************************

N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample Title : WGTV Sump lm 1 8 0 co llimator Nuclide Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ ESC learanc e.NLB

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .         IDENTIF IE D NUCLIDES          .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

Nuclide Id En ergy Yiel d Activity Activit y Name Confide nce (keV) ( %) (pCi/sq m) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 919 1 460.8 1* 10.67 3 . 48172E+006 2.63943E+005 CS-137 0 . 985 661.65* 85. 12 l.31495E+007 7 .996S 3E+005

          *=Energy line fou nd in the spectrum.
          @=Energy li ne not u8ed fur Weighted Mean Activ i ty Energy Tol erance:                    2.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=                       0.30 Erro r s quot ed at 1 .00 0 sigma

Interference Correct j Activity Report 9 / 2 9 I,... *1 7 1 0 : 31 : 0 7 AM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pC i /sq m) Uncertai nty K-40 0 . 91 9 3 . 481717E+006 2.639429E+005 CS-137 0 . 985 1 . 314950E+007 7.996531E+005

       ?  = nuc lide is part of        an undetermined solution X = nuclide re j ected by the inter fe rence analysis
       @=nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Act i vity Errors quoted at           1.000 ~l91na U N I      D E N T I     r' I E D   P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on :           9/29/2017            10 : 3 1 : 07 AM Peak Locate From Ch annel:                   l Peak Locate To Channel :               8192 Peak     Energy           Peak Size in               Peak CPS                  Peak     Tol.

No . (keV) / Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 19.24 1 .10 77 E+OOO 8 . 0't 3 810.34 2.5028E-002 c:2f .OQ) 4 1333 . 76 7.6000E-001 ~9 M = First peak in a mult iplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted s inglet Errors quoted a t 1.000 sigma

G A M M A s E C T R U M AN A L Y I S *****

.le name: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ 9 . 16 . 17 \WGTV -2 2 9 . 16 . 1 7 . CNF
!port Generated On                       9/16/2017        2 :12:22 PM 1mple Title                             WGTV-22 ~9/16/2017 trnp l e Descript ion tmple Identifica tion 1mple Type lilp le Geometry iak Locate Threshol d                      3 . 00 iak Lo cate Range      (in chann e ls }         1 - 65535

,ak Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy To lerance 1. 0 00 keV 1mple Size 2. 830 E+00 1 m2 V tmple Taken On ~ uisit ion Start ed 9/16/20 17 9/16/20 1 7 7 11: 05 : 00 AM 11 : 06 : 09 .ve Time 600 .0 seconds ia l Time 600 . 2 seco nds iad Time 0 . 04 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Ca l ibra t ion Used Done On 12/1 6/2 016 Eff ici ency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/ 1 6/2017 2 : 12 : .2 2 PJvl Page 2 "*** P E A K A NA L Y S I S REPOR T ***** Detector Name: 3844 Sampl e Title : WGTV- 22 09/16/2017 Peak Ana l ysis Performed on: 9/16/2017 2:12 : 22 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 200 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8000 Peak ROI ROI Pea k Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert . Counts 1 5830 - 5860 5845 .21 1461 . 03 1. 3 4 1. 78E+002 33 . 4 6 2.33E+001 Fi rst pea k in a multiplet re gion

= Other pea k in a mu l t i plet regi on
= Fitted singlet
  • ror s quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Co rrected Act * *i ty Report 9/16/201 7  ? : 12: 22 PM Page 3 N UC L I DE I DE N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample


WGTV-22 09/16 / 2017 Nuclide Li brary Used : C:\GENIE2K \CAMF ILES \ STDLIB . NLB IDENT I FIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yie l d Act i vity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty K-4 0 0.992 1460 . 81

  • 10 .67 1 . 06006 E+0 06 2 . 1724 1E+005
       *=Energy lin e found in the spectrum.
       @    Energy line not used for Wei g h ted Mea n Activity Energy Tole r ance :        1 . 000 keV Nucl ide confidence index th reshold =            0. 30 Errors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1t erference Corrected Act

  • ity Report 9/16/2017 '">
  • 12 : 22 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nucl i de Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/rn2 } Uncertainty K-4 0 0 . 992 l . 060059E+006 2 . 172412E+005

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the i nterference anal ysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy l ines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Erro r s quoted at      1. 960 sigma
  **********      UN I D E NT I F I E D            P E A K S      * *********

Peak Locate Pe rformed o n: 9/16/2017 2 : 12 : 22 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 200 Peak Locate To Chan nel : 8000 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were ide n ti fie d.

,elide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 12 :22 PM Page 5 NU C L I DE MD A R E P OR T ***** Detector Name : 38 44 Sample Geometry: Sample Tit le : WGTV-22 09/ 16/ 201 7 Nuclide Libra ry Used : C:\GENIE2K \CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nucl i de Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc lide MDA Act ivity Name (keV) ( %) (pC i /m2 ) (p Ci/rn2 } (pCi/rn2 )

  +      K-40        14 6 0 . 8 1*      10 . 67    2 . 2540E+005      2. 25E+005          1. 060 1E+0 06 SC-46         889 . 25         99 . 98    1 . 2987£+00 4     1.30E+004         -6 .1 499E+003 1120 .51           99.99      1 .7632E+004                           8 . 2276E+003 C0-57         122 . 06         85 . 51    1 .9 641 E+004     l . 96E +004        1. 0297E+004 136.48           10 .60     1. 4 396E+005                          4.78 86E+00 4
       / C0-60       1173 .2 2        1 00 .0 0    1 . 6329E+00 4     1 . 60E+004       -l . 5039E+004 1332 . 4 9       1 00.00       l . 6020E+004                         3 .1 838E+003 SE-75           96.73            3. 41    5 . 7828E+005      2.09E+004         - 6 .7 932E+ 004 12 1. 1 1        1 6.70     1 . 0029E+005                        - 5 . 8794E+ 002 136 . 00         59.20      2 . 5848E+00 4                         5 . 2415E+003 1 98.60            1. 45    "8 . 6937 E+ 005                     - 3 . 2840E+005 2 64 . 65        59 . 80    2 . 0907E+004                        - 2 . 7634E +0 04 279 . 53         25 . 20    4. 77 08E +004                       -1. 2884E+ 004 303 . 91           l. 32    8 . 8837E+005                        -3.556 2E+005 400 .65          11. 40     1. 1 0 52E+0 05                      - 2 . 88 77E+004 KR- 8 5       513 . 99           0 . 43   3 .27 50E+006      3 . 2B E+ 006       1. 5918E+0 06 KR- 85M       151.18           75 . 30    1 . 9273E+004      l .9 3E+00 4        6 . 5 562E+003 304 . 87         14 . 00    8 . 7495E+004                          l . 6830E+004 SR-85         5 13 . 99        99.27      1.41 87E+004       l.42E+00 4          6 . 8954E+003 Y- 88         898 . 02         93 . 40    1 . 498 0E +0 04   9 . 99E+003       - 1 . 8069E+0 04 18"36 . 01         99 . 38    9.9937E 1003                         -4 . 76 44E 1-00 3 CD- 1 09        88 . 03          3 . 72   6.3533E+0 05       6 .3 5E+005         2. 807 7E+005 SN- 1 13      255 .1 2           1. 93    "6 . 1 505E+005    l. 78 E+0 0 4     - 4 .0 154E+0 05 391.69           64 . 90    1.7847E+0 0 4                          1 .0167E+0 03 CS - 134      475 . 35           1. 4 6   8.4865E+005        1.60E+004         - 4 . 6122E+00 5 5 63. 23           8 . 38   1 . 4320E+0 05                       - 3 . 6382£+004 5 69 . 32        15 . 43    7. 7657E+0 04                          3.72808+004 604 . 70         97.60      1 .6068E+0 0 4                         1 . 52948+004 795.84           85 .40     l . 6004E+0 04                       - 1 . 19818+003 801.93             8.73     1. 5199E+0 05                        - 1 . 5506E+005 103 8. 57            1. 00    1 .3 5 61 E+006                      - 2 . 4172E+006 1 167 . 94           l. 80    8.6734E+0 05                         -3 .10 72E+OOS 1365 . 15            3.04     3 . 6135E+005                          8 . 9199E+004 CS - 136        66 . 91        12 . 50    3 .1 629E+005      l . 38E+004       -l.3699E+005 86.29            6 . 30   3 . 8676E+005                          5 .654 1 E+004 153 . 22          7 .4 6    1 . 9046E+005                          6. 6531E+004 1 63.89            4 . 61   2 . 949 0E+005                       - 1.4642E+005 176 . 55         13 . 56    9 . 788 2E+004                      - 6.5684E+004 2 7 3.65         12 . 66    9 . 831GE+004                        - 9.291 5E+O OJ 3 40. 57         48 . 50    2 . 50 46£+004                       - 9 . 394 8E+0 0 3

1clide MDI\ Repo r t 9/16/2017 2:12 : 22 PM Pa ge 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Act ivity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi /m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) CS-136 818 . 50 99 . 70 1 . 3821E+004 1 . 38E + 004 4 . 5672E+003 10 4 8.07 79 .60 1 . 9530E+004 - 6.5947E+003 12 35 . 34 1 9 . 70 1 .0146E+005 4 . 7 284E+ 0 04 CS-13~ 661 . 65 85.12 3. 0 508E+004 3 .0 5E + 004 8 . 8773 E+004 CS-138 1 38 . 10 1. 49 1.1675E+006 l . 0 1E+004 3 . 9845E+005 227 . 76 1.51 9.7649E+005 -4.2252E+005 4 0 8 . 98 4 . 66 3 .1 419E+005 3 . 2436 E+005 4 62. 7 9 30 . 70 4.6264E +004 -9. 4684E+003 546 . 94 10 . 80 l . :3 1 53E+005 5 . 4030 E+00 4 87 1. 80 5 . 11 3 . 0954E+005 2 . 4187E+005 1 0 0 9.78 29 . 80 5.9416E+ 004 1. 7934E+00 4 1 1 47 . 22 1. 24 l .3 539E+006 - l . 0143E+006 1343 . 59 1.11 1.3444 E+006 1. 0781E+006 1435 . 86 76.3 0 1 . 0095E+ 004 - 2 . 188 1E+003 CE -139 16::i.8:, 8 0. 3:i 1.78 24J:.:+00 4 1 . 78E+004 1. 09'74E + 004 EU - 1 52 j 121. 7 8 28.40 5 . 9123E+004 4.52E+004 2 . 9842E + 00 4 24 4. 69 7.49 1. 7197E+005 - 6.7990E+004 344 . 27 26 . 50 4 . 5225E+0 04 -6.0 610E+004 411.11 2.2 1 5 . 5174E+005 -2. 4 656E+00 5 443 . 98 3.11 3 . 8170E+005 l .4 963E+005 778 . 89 ll. *14 9 . 83321:'..:+004 -2 .6903E+004 867 . 32 4 .1 6 3 . 1 995E+005 -3.8566E+0 05 964 . 0 1 14.40 1. 1526E+005 l . 1 55 2E+004 108 5. 78 10.00 1 . 4201E+005 5 . 419 6E +0 04 1 112 . 02 13.30 1.0849E+005 - 5.2606E+004 1 407 . 95 20 . 70 6.54 1 7E+004 5 . 0804E+004 EU - 154 j 123.07 40 . 40 4 . 06 46£+004 4 . 06E+004 - 2.2 78 1E+004

                                                                               - 2.3601E+005 188 . 25     0 . 23 5 .6765 E+006 247 . 93     6 . 83 l . 8199E+005                          7 . 3320E+004 401 . 3 0    0 . 19 6 . 47 1 7E+ 006                     - 4 . 7914£+006 4 4 4.39     0 . 55 2 . 1319E+006                        - 6.9226E+005 4 78 . 26    0 . 21 6 . 0782E+006                          4 . 2162E+006 557 . 56     0 .2 5 4 . 9937 E+006                         2 . 6 7 06E+006 582.00       0 . 89 1 . 708 1 E+006                        1.4 393E+006 591.76       4 .91  2 . 7242E+005                        -1.0 19 1E+005 625 . 22     0 . 32 3 . 79 66E+ 006                        3 . 5944E+005 676 . 5 9    0.14   9 .47 48E+006                        -1. 9 838E+0 05 692 . 42     1. 78  6 . 8994E +005                         4 . 93 4 5 E+005 715 . 76     0 . 17 6 . 8629E +006                       -6 . 1 5 64E+006 722 . 30   20 . 00  6 . 8744E+004                        -3 . 3661E+004 756 . 86     4. 50  2 . 6207E+00 5                       -4 . 2895E+005 815 . 55     0 . 50 2 . 9011E+006                          4.7043E+005 845 . 39     0.58   2 . 3434E+ 0 06                        8 .6 91 1 E+005 850.64       0 . 23 5.7862 E+006                           1. 8 1 82E+006 873 . 20   12 .0 9  1 . 1 3 52E+ 00 5                    -B . 3408E+003 892.73       0 .5 0 2.6682E+ 0 06                        -l. 1828E+006 904.05       0 . 85 1. 8 5 01E+006                       - l . 9339E+ 006 996 . 30   10 . 34  1 . 2099E+0 05                       - 7 . 3149E + 003 10 04 . 76   1 7 . 90 8.5475E+ 004                         -9 . 2010E + 003 1 128 .4 0     0 . 29 6.0658E+006                            1. 8 729E + OO 6

tclide MDA Report 9/16/?.017 2:12 : 22 PM Page 7 Nuclide Ene rgy Yie l d Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU-154 1140.90 0.22 6.9147E+00fi 4.06E+004 l.6352E+005 1241. 60 0 . 13 1. 4496E+007 - 3.6655E+005 1246.60 0.80 2 .3 153E+006 2.3867 E+006 1274.51 34 . 40 4. 8112E+004 4 . 2039E+003 14 94 . 08 0.71 1 . 2894E+006 5 . 4855E+005 1596.45 1. 80 6.00 15E+005 3 . 0261E+005 HG- 203 279.19 77 . 30 1.5443E+004 J

  • 54E+004 -7.3738E+003 BI - 214 609 . 31 46 . 30 3 .5 374 E+004 3 . 54E+004 l.610 1 E+004 7 68 . 36 5 .04 2 . 9269E+005 1. 9585E 1*00 5 806.17 1. 23 1. 1579E+006 2.6459E+0 04 934 . 06 3 .21 4 . 5341E+005 -l . 0 473E+004 1120.29 15.10 l.1673E+005 5 .447 3E+004 1155 . 19 1.69 9 . 4340E+005 3 . 9846E+005 1238 . 11 5 . 94 3 . 2064E+005 l .5261E+005 12 80.96 1.47 9 . 6852E+005 1 .S 3 90E+00S 137 7.67 4.11 2.8884£+005 -5.7024E+002 1385.31 0.78 1.6252£+006 - l .1566E+0 06 1401.50 1. 39 7 . 3904.1::+005 -6.7632E+005 1407.98 2.48 5 .4603E+005 4.2405E+005 1509 . 19 2.19 S .6 065E+005 3.5741E+005 1661.28 1.1 5 6.5701E+005 -4.S 2G 6E+005 1729.60 3 . 05 3 . 5635E+005 -1.949 4E +004 1764 . 4 9 15 . 80 9 . 9155E+004 3 . 9682E+004 18 47.44 2 .12 4.7069E+005 l .7952 E+0 05
    >              21 18. 54     1. 21   0 . 0000E+OOO                         O.OOOOE+OOO PB - 214      74.81      6.33    5 . 1166E+005      3.90E+004          4.16438+005
77. 11 10 .7 0 2 . '/05 6E+005 -l. 45 13E+005 87.20 3 . 70 6.4735E+005 -l.85 1 5E+004 89 . 80 1. 03 2 . 2012E+006 -2.8900E+005 2 41. 98 7 . 49 1. 8210E+005 1.1793E+005 295.21 19 . 20 6 .57 47E+ 004 2 . 3015E+004 351. 92 37 . 20 3.9005E+004 3 . 5678E+004 785.91 1.10 l.3371E+006 -7 . 2519E+004
      +=Nucl ide iden tified during the nuclide identification
      *=Energy l ine found in the spectrum
      >=Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or has not been calculated
      @  Half-life too s h ort to be able to perform the decay correction

G A MMA s E C T R U M A N A L Y I S ***** .lename : 384 4 ipor t Generate d On 9/1 8 / 20 1 7 9 :2 1:06 AM 1mple Title WGTV 21 / unp le Descri p tion 1mple I de ntifi cation 1mp le Type 1mple Geometry 3m 90d / !ak Locate Thre s hold 3.0 0 ia k Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 iak Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tole rance 1.000 keV 11np le Size 2 . 830E+001 rn2 / Lmpl e Ta k en On 9/18/2017 9 : 10 : 00 AM

quisition Started 9/18/2017 9
11: 05 AM

.ve Time 600 . 0 seconds


ial Time 600 . 2 seconds


iad Time 0 . 03 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Ca l i bra tion Us ed Done On 12/16 / 2 016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysi s Re p ort 9/1 8 /201 7 9 : 2 1: 06 ru,, Pag e 2 > peak analysis r esults availab le fo r r epor t ing purpo s e s

1terfe rence Corrected Activi ty Report 9/ 1 8/2017 0

  • 21: 06 AM Page 3 N UC L I DE I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ****
  • Sample Title : WGTV 21 Nuclide Libra ry Used: C :\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB IDENTIFIE D NOCLI DES Nuclide Id Ene r gy Yield Act ivit y Activit y Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
      @= En ergy line not used f or Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :           1 .0 00 keV Nuclide confi dence index thresho l d=          0.30 Erro rs quoted at 1 . 960 s i gma

1terference Corrected Act ivity Repor t 9/18/2017 9

  • 21 : 06 AM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T * ****

Nucl ide Wt mean Wt me an Nuc l i de Id Act ivi t y Activi t y Name Co nfi dence (pCi/m2 ) Uncerta inty

       ? = Nuclide is p art of an undete rm i ned solut ion x = Nuclide rejected by the i nterfe ren c e analysis
       @ = Nucl i de con tains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity E rrors q uoted at    1 . 960 sigma

) peak search results available f or n uc lide ana lysi s.

1clide MDA Repor t 9/18/2017 9:21:07 AM Page 5 N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T ***** Detecto r Name: 3844 Samp l e Ge ometry: 3m 90d Sample Titl e: WGTV 21 Nuclide Library Used: C :\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB Nucl ide Energy Yield Li ne MDA Nuc lide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) K-40 1 460.8 1 10.67 4.5041E+005 4. 50E+0 05 1. 4 610E+006 SC-46 889.25 99.98 1 . 4 91 5 E+004 l.49E+004 1. 620 6E+OO 4 112 0 . 51 99.99 1 . 7819E+004 8.6559E +003 C0-57 122.06 85.51 1 .891 1£+004 1 .89E+004 1.1141£+003 136 . 48 10.60 1.4283E+005 1 . 9226E+00 4 C0-60 1173. 22 10 0.00 1 .8 752E+004 1 . 27E+004 3.0102£+003 1 332 .49 100.00 1 . 2703£+ 004 5.2236E+003 SE-7 5 96 . 73 3.41 5 .8528 E+00 5 2.15E+004 1. 0581E+005 121. 11 16. 70 9.G764E +004 -8. 7736E+0 04 136. 00 59 .2 0 2 . 5814E+004 1 . 12 8 4E+004 198 . 60 1. 45 8 . 535 1E+0 05 2 . 1603E+005 264.65 59 .8 0 2 . 1541E+004 1 . 8872E +003 279.5 3 25.20 4 . 6460E +0 04 5.4296E +0 03 303.91 1. 32 8.8504E+005 -2 . 3687E+D05 4 00. 65 11. 40 1. 0385E+005 8 . 7 436E +004 KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 5218E +006 3 . 52E+00 6 1. 3928 E+006 KR- 85M 151 .1 8 7 5.30 1.822 6E+004 l . 82E+004 -7 .4 5 47E+ 00 3 304.87 14 .00 8.5277E +004 2 . 0142E+004 SR- 85 513 . 99 99 . 27 1. 5256E+004 1.53E+004 6 . 0332E+003 Y-88 898.02 93 .4 0 1 . 4595E+004 1.08E+004 - 1 . 8776£+003 1836 . 01 99 . 38 1 . 0751E+004 4. 5738 E+003 CD- 109 88 . 03 3.72 6 . 3010E+005 6.30E+0 0 5 l.53 1 5E+004 SN-113 255 . 12 1. 93 6.0951E+005 1 . 7 1E+004 - 2 . 3390E+005 3 91. 69 64.90 1. 7133E+004 -1. 1974E+004 CS- 134 475.35 1.46 8.9683E+0 0 5 l .51 E+004 7.2421E+005 563.23 8.38 l .4447E+0 0 5 -1 . 5 929£+004 569 . 32 15 . 43 7.4046E +004 -2. 4759E+004 604. 70 97 . 60 l.5129E +0 0 4 1 . 4835E+004 795.84 85. 40 l . 5269E+004 -5 .9393E+0 03 B01. 93 8.73 1 . 5381£ +0 05 9 . 9551E+004 1038.57 1.00 1 .6023E+006 9 .4 749E+005 11 67 . 94 1. 80 1 . 0 1 76E+006 5.9940E+005 1365 . 1 5 3.04 3 .3200E+005 - 3.8849E+005 CS - 136 66.91 12. 50 3 . 1 784E+005 l . 30E+004 - 5 .90 3 9E +0 04 86 . 29 6.30 3 .8 036E+005 - 1. 4 902 E+00 5 15 3 .22 7 . 46 1.8081E+005 6.3033 E+0 04 163. 8 9 4 .61 2 .9066E+0 0 5 1 .2053E+0 05 1 76 . 55 13 . 56 9 . 838 6E +0 04 2 .3259E+004 273.65 12 . 66 9 .3277E+0 0 4 l .79 66E+004 340.57 48 .5 0 2 . 6255E+ 004 9.4 0 59E+0 0 3

1cl ide MDA Repo r t 9/ 1 8/2017 9:21:07 AM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) { %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 } CS - 136 818.50 99.70 1. 3003E+004 1 . 30E+004 -6.88 1 7E+003 1048 . 07 79 .60 l.9530E+004 3.8532E+00 2 1235 . 34 19.70 7.9853E+004 -3.5235E+004 CS -1 37 66 1 .65 85.12 2.8707E+004 2 . 87E+004 6.7480E+004 CS-138 138 . 10 1. 49 l. 1 354E+006 l . 82E+004 - 3 . 5980 E+ 005 227 . 76 1.51 1 . 0111E+006 -l.1013 E+005 408 . 98 4 . 66 2 . 9665E +005 6 . 5639E+004 462 . 79 30.70 4.8965E+004 5 . 55fi5E+004 546 . 94 10 .80 l . 3442E+005 5 . 8085E +0 04 871 . 80 5. 1 1 3 . 3115E+005 1. 7 44 7E+OO 5 1 009 . 78 29 . 80 5 . 4874E+004 -1. 5 508E+OO 4 1 147 . 22 1.24 1. 4763E+006 -3. 056H.::+004 1343.59 1. 14 1 . 2397E+006 4.3965E+0 05 1 435.86 76 . 30 1 . 8245E+004 -l. 7 707E+003 CE-139 165.85 80 . 35 1 . 6796E+004 l.68E+004 3.7266E+003 EU - 152 1 21. 78 28 .4 0 5.67 00E+004 4 . 42E+004 -3.9410E +004 24 4. 69 7 .4 9 1 . 6258E+0 0 5 -6.9606E+ 004 34 4. 27 26 . 50 4.4240E +004 -5.489 1 E+004 411.11 2 . 21 5.5474£+005 2 .5 890E+00 5 443.98 3.11 4 . 1222E+OOS l .1324E+OO S 77 8 . 89 1 2 . 74 1 . 033 1E+005 l . 5888E+004 867 . 32 4 .16 3 . 3659E+005 -l . 6198 E+005 964 . 01 14.40 1 . 1526E+005 l . 3446E+005 10 85.78 10.00 1.39 70E+005 -6 . 0630E+004 11 1 2 . 02 1 3 . 30 1 . 0124E +005 -1.578 28 +005 1407 . 95 20.70 6 . 1939E+004 - 3 . 7804E+0 04 EU-15 4 1 23.07 40 . 40 4 . 0347E+004 4 .0 3E: +0 04 3 .1 973£+ 0 04 188 . 25 0 . 23 5 . 5528E+006 5 . 2062E+005 247 . 93 6 . 83 1 . 7 1 61 E+005 -l. 1092E+OOS 4 01. 30 0 . 19 6 . 0729E+006 l . 43 4 3E+006 4 44 .3 9 0 . 55 2 . 3578E+006 l . 9091E+006 478.26 0 . 21 5.9646E+006 -2 . 5671F.+006 557 . 56 0 .2 5 4.6730E +006 -4 . 2631E+005 582.00 0 . 89 1. 7 7 4 4E+ 006 1 . 4864E +006 591.76 4 . 91 2 . 5521E+005 -2 . 0378E +00 5 625.22 0 . 32 4.0944E+006 l . 2556E+006 676.59 0. 14 8 . 9869E+006 -3 .6101E+006 692 . 42 1. 78 6 . 3200E+005 -S . 4655E+004 715 . 7 6 0. 17 7 . 72 15E+006 l. 0455E+005 72 2 . 30 20.00 7 . 3825£+0 04 -1 . 2806E+004 756 . 86 4.50 2 . 3448£+005 -1 .279 4E+005 81 5 . 55 0 . 50 2.7 1 67£ +006 l .1547E+006 845 .39 0 . 58 2 . 03 1 6E+006 - 3.0~80E+00 5 850 . 6 4 0 . 23 5 . 3 734E +006 - l . 7 704E+006 873 . 20 1 2 . 09 1. 2 18 1 E+OO 5 6 . 1166E+004 892 . 73 0 . 50 2.9538 E+006 6.3773E +005 9 0 4.05 0 . 85 1 . 632.SE+OO 6 - 3. 1 994E+006 996.30 10.34 1. 3576E+005 - 6 . 4323E+004 10 04.76 1 7 . 90 8 . 1138E+004 5 . 813 9E+004 1 12 8.4 0 0. 2 9 5 . 8003E+006 -9.9912E+006

1cl i de MDA Re port 9/ 1 8/20 1 7 9:21 :07 AM Page 7 Nuclide Ene rgy Yield Line MDA Nu c l ide MDA Activi t y Name {keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) {pCi/m2 ) EU - 1 54 1 140 . 90 0. 2 2 7 . 0180E+006 4 .03E+004 8.5850E+005 12 4 1 . 60 0.13 l.3 095E+0 0 7 5.1669E+006 1246.60 0 . 80 2 . 0384E+0 0 6 -3 . 9989E+005 1274 . 51 34.40 4 . 4 4 4 5E+0 04 - 1. 9403E+002 14 94 . 08 0 . 71 1 . 6582E +0 06 4.48 8 1E+005 1596 . 45 1. 80 6 . 3035E+0 0 5 3 . 4 0 44E+ 005 HG- 2 0 3 279 . 19 77 . 30 1. 48 24E+0 04 1 . 48E+0 04 - 1 . 1706E+0 04 BI-2 14 609 .31 46 . 3 0 3 .2672E+0 04 3.27E+ 004 2.4077E+004 768 . 36 5 . 04 3 .13 14E+0 0 5 1. 8123 E+0 0 5 806.17 1. 23 1.1335E+006 6 . 0447E+005 934.06 3 . 21 4.6444E+005 - 1. 0067E+0 05 1120.29 15.10 l .1797E +005 5 . 7308E+004 1 155 .1 9 1. 6 9 9 . 0 353E+005 3 . 2639E+005 1238.11 5.94 2.7328E+OOS 2 . 7 4 99E+004 12 80 . 96 1. 47 l . 0614E+006 1. 066 1E+006 1 377.67 4.11 3 . 48 62E+0 05 9.5258E+004 1 38 5. 31 0 .7 8 1 .7600E+ 0 06 - 1 . 3221E+006 1 401 . 50 1. 39 9 . 9545 E+0 05 - 5 . 5805E+0 05 1 407 . 98 2 . 48 5 .1700E+ 0 05 -3.15 55E+005 1509 . 1 9 2 . 19 5.1883E+005 2 . 9784E+005 1661. 28 1.15 6 . 5701E+0 05 - 1 . 0579E+006 1729 . 60 3 . 05 3 . 3468E+005 1. 4239E+005 1764 . 49 15 . 80 1 . 0937E+005 9 . 3028E+004 1847 . 44 2 . 12 5 . 39 1 3E+005 2 . 5132E+005

      >                 2118 . 5 4   1. 21     O. OOOOE+OOO                             O. OOOOE+OOO PB - 214        7 4 . 81  6 . 33    4 . 9495E+005          3 . 29E+004       3 . 6669E+005 77.11    10 . 70    2 . 6153 E+005                        - 1. 5635E+00 4 87 . 20   3 . 70    6 . 4335E+005                            2 . 1742E+005 89 . 80   1.0 3     2 . 2151E+006                            8.885 4£+005 241. 98    7 . 49    l . 7819E+005                            1 . 9210E +00 5 295 . 21  19 . 20    6 . 5543E+00 4                        - 5 . 1048E+004 351 . 92  37 . 20    3 . 2873E+004                         - 2.5750E+003 785.91     1.10      1 . 1897E+0 06                        - 1.4712E+005
        + = Nuclide identified d u ring the nucl ide identification
        * = Energy li ne found in the spectrum
        > = Calculated MDA is zero due to zero cou n ts in the regi on, or the region is outs i de the spectrum, o r has not been calcula t ed
        @ = Half - life too s hort to be a bl e to perform the decay correction


.lename: 3844
,port Generated On                    9/16/2017          1:34:34 PM tmple   Ti tle                        WGTV-20 09/ 1 6/2017/

1mp l e Description 1mple Identification 1mple Type 1rnple Geometry 3 VV\ - 90 ~

ak Locate Threshold 3 . 00
ak Locate Range (i n channels) 1 - 65535

,ak Area Range ( in channels) 200 - 8000 ientification Energy Tol erance 1 . 000 k.eV 1mple Size 2.830 E+00l m2 / 1mple Taken On 9/16/2017 1 : 24:00 PM

quisition Started 9/16/ 201 7 1 : 24 :3 3 PM /

.ve Time 600.0 seconds/

al Time 600 . 2 seconds
ad Time 0 . 04 % _/

Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Eff i ciency Calibration Used Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID OLAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/16/2017 1 :34: 34 PM Page 2 i peak ana l ysis results available for reporting purposes

1terference Correc t e d Ac ti vit y Report 9/16/2017 1 :34: 34 PM Page 3 ' *** N CJ C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ** *** Sample Ti tl e : WGTV-2 0 09/ 1 6/2017 Nucllde Library Used : C :\GEN IE2K\CAMFILES\S TDLIB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id En ergy Yield Act i vity Activity Name Confidence (keV) { %) ( pCi/m2 ) Uncerta i nty

       *=Energ y l ine found in the spec t rum.
       @=Energy l i ne not used for Weighted Mean Activity Ene rgy Tole r ance :         1 . 000 keV Nuclide confidence i n dex th reshold =            0 . 30 Er r ors quot ed a t    1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/16/2017 1 :34:34 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (p Ci/m2 ) Uncertainty

     ? = Nucl i de is part of an u ndeter mined solut ion X = Nuclide rejected by the interference ana l ysis
     @=Nuclide contains e nergy l i nes not used i n Weighted Mean Acti vi ty Errors quoted at    1. 960 s igma

> peak search results available for nucl i de analysis .

1clide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1:34 : 34 PM Page 5

      • * ***** ***** ** * ****** **** ************** ************ ***** ****** *** ~** **** ****

N U C L I D E M D A R EPO R T ** **

  • Detector Name: 3844
    ~ample Geometry :

Sample Title : WGTV- 20 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Lin e MDA Nuc l ide MDA Activit y Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/rn2 ) (pC i/m2 l (pC i/m2 ) K- 40 1 460.81 10.67 4.2390£+005 4.24E +0 05 1 . 077 7£+006 SC-46 889 . 25 99 . 98 1 . 2602E+004 l . 26E+004 1. 4674E +0 03 1 120.51 99 . 99 l .49G4E+004 -1.0 705E+0 04 C0-57 122 . 06 85 . 51 1 . 9572E +004 l . 96E+004 1. 1237E+004 136 . 48 10 . 60 l .42 83E+005 - 6.8671E +004 C0-60 1173 . 22 1 00.00 1.6971E+004 1 . 60E+004 3.0952E+003 1332 . 4 9 10 0 . 00 1 . 6020E+0 04 1. 22 4 9E+OO 4 SE- 75 96.73 3 . 41 5 . 7442E+005 2 . 07E+004 1 .4 348E+005 121. 11 16. 70 9.9573E+004 -3 . 6856E+004 13 6 . 00 59 . 20 2 . 5509E+00 4 - l . 7994E+004 1 98.60 1. 45 9 . 3326E+ 00 5 5 . 1772E+005 2 64 . 65 59.80 2 . 067 1E+004 - 6 . 9373E+00 3 279 . 53 25 . 20 4 . 8167E+004 1 . 02488+004 303 . 91 1. 32 9.0484E+005 6.0289E+005 400 . 65 11. 40 1. 0 556£+005 5 . 4578E+004 KR-85 513.99 0 . 43 3 . 89 16E+006 3 . 89E+006 - 2.2 173E+005 KR- 85M 151. 18 75 . 30 1 .9821E+ 004 l . 98E+004 - 1.6138E+004 304 . 87 14.00 3.5159E+0 04 - 8.9604E +004 SR- 85 513 .99 99 . 27 1 . 6857E +004 1 . 69E +00 4 - 9.6048E+002 Y-88 B98 . 02 93 . 40 1 .4 78 9E +004 8 . 21E +00 3 2. 0056E+003 183 6.0 1 99.38 8 . 2060 E+003 - 1 .3340E+003 CD- 109 88 . 03 3 . 72 6 . 1006E+005 6.lOE+OOS l . 0138E +OOS SN-113 2 55 . 12 1. 93 6 . 1689E +005 1 . 79E +0 04 4.7630E +003 3 91. 69 64.90 1. 7 94 7E+004 - 1 . 8696E+004 CS - 134 475 . 35 1. 4 6 9. 473 2E+005 1 . 59E+004 -2. 06 2 0E+005 5 63 . 23 8.38 1 . 666 2E+005 l.2873E+005 569 . 32 1 5 . 43 8.1095E+004 1 . 8852£+004 604 . 70 9 7 . 60 1 . 5885£+00 4 7 . 124 3E+ 003 7 95 . B4 8 5 .40 1 . 9228E+004 l. 1203E+00 4 80 1 .93 8.73 1. 7242E+005 - 6.7795E+003 1038.57 1.00 1 . 4434£+006 2.5834F.+005 1167 . 94 1. 80 l .0069E+006 4.8062E+005 13 65 . 15 3 . 04 3.1609£+005 1 .5938E+0 05 CS-136 66 . 91 12 . 50 3.0680£+005 l.33E +004 -l . 7755E+005 86.29 6 . 30 3.7630E+005 2 . 8441E+005 153 . 22 7 . 46 1 . 9860E+ 005 -7 . 919 4E +004 163 . 89 4. 61 2 . 9629£+005 1 . 1972E+002 176 . 55 1 3 .56 1.0200E+0 05 6 . 8224E+00 4 273 . 65 12.66 9 . 5681E+004 3 . 7731E+004 34 0 . 57 4 8 . 50 2 . 6838E+004 2 . 4283E+004

lclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1:34 : 34 PM Page 6 Nucl ide Energy Yie ld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) CS - lJG 818.50 99 . 70 l . 3336E+004 l . 33E+004 - l . 3728E+ 004 10 48.07 79.60 l. 9028E+004 1. 7923E+004 1235 . 34 19 .7 0 1.0703E+005 1. OOSOE+OOS CS - 137 661 . 65 85 . 12 2 . 9441E+004 2.94E +0 04 6.5119E+004 CS-138 138 . 10 1. 49 l.1239E+006 l . 92E+004 - 5.5567E+005 227 . 76 1. 51 9.5977E +005 - 8.0364E +005 408.98 4. 66 2 . 8356E+005 -1. 0601E+003 4 62. 7 9 30 . 70 4 . 8667E+004 - 9 .7794E+003 546.94 10.80 1.3087E+005 4 .1 882E+004 871.80 5 .11 3 . 3083E+005 - 6.8987£+004 1009.78 29.80 4.9394E+004 - 4 .7 907E+00 4 1147. 22 1.24 1.3788E+0 06 -5.2091E+OOS J.343.59 1. 14 l .1 894E+006 -1.0559E+004 1 435 .86 7 6 . 30 l.9188E+004 5.6 47 4E+003 CE-139 165 .85 80 . 35 1 . 6796E+004 l .68 E+004 -2.0703E+003 EU-152 121.78 28 . 40 5.8773E+004 4.73E+004 4.8886E+003 244.69 7 .49 l.8399E+005 8 . 6216E+004 344.27 26 . 50 4 . 7317E+004 -6 .47 59E+0 04 4 11. 11 2 . 21 5.487 7E+005 -1 . 2966£+005 4.43 . 98 3.11 4.2552 E+ 005 l. 5063E+005 778 . 89 12 . 74 9 . 3061E+004 -5. 4271£+004 867 . 32 4 .1 6 3 . 7828E +005 2 . 5201E+005 964.01 1 4 . 40 1 . 1526E+005 2 . 9145E+004 1085 . 78 10.00 1 . 5914E+005 1. 4 862 E+005 1112 . 02 1 3 . 30 l . 1686E+005 - 1. 6985 E+OO 5 1407 . 95 20 . 70 6.1939E+004 2.1666E+004 EU - 154 123. 07 40 . 40 4 . ll90E+004 4.12E + 004 2.6647E+ 004 1 88 . 25 0 . 23 5 . 7272E+006 -8 . 2130E+005 247 . 93 6.83 l.8531E+005 -1. 0924 E+0 05 401.30 0 . 19 6 . 1752E+006 9 . 5757E+005 444 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 3452E+006 - 1.2 998E+006 478.26 0 .21 6.4415E+006 - 2.7009E+006 557.56 0 . 25 4 . 9937E+006 1.9773E+006 582 . 00 0 . 89 1. 698 4E+ OO 6 1 . 4065E+006 591 . 76 4 . 91 2 . 5743£ +005 -4.6513E+003 625 . 22 0.32 4 . 0S85E+0 06 - 1 .98258+006 676.59 0 . 14 9.3794E +0 06 - l . 2628E+006 692.42 1. 78 6.8200E+005 -7.6252E+004 7 1 5.76 0.17 8.2654E+006 2.9632E+006 722.30 20 . 00 7. 1 965E+ 004 5.6507E+004 756.86 4 . 50 2 . 9012E +005 4.8756E+004 8 15.5 5 0 . 50 2.7484E+006 1 .2402E +006 845 . 39 0.58 2 . 5103E +00 6 5.7121E+ OOS 850.64 0 . 23 6.1499E+006 3.8518E+006 873 . 20 12 . 09 1 .2828£+005 7.7591E+004 892 .7 3 0.50 2 . 7 0 57E+006 l.3371E+OOS 904.05 0.85 1. 8685£+006 - 5.1499E+005 996.30 10.34 l.2 54 1E+005 - 3. 4674E+003 1 004 . 76 17.90 7 . 2858E+004 3 . 6525E+004 1 128.40 0 . 29 5 . 8679E+006 6 . 0605E+005

1cl i de MDA Report 9/ 1 6/2017 1 : 34:34 PM Page 7 Nuc l ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i / m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU-154 1140.90 0.22 7.5113E+006 4.12£1004 5.4576E+006 1241.60 0.13 1. 54 5 7 E+007 1. 3877E+00 6 1246 . 60 0 . 80 2 . 2091E+006 - 2 .17 30E+0 06 1274.51 34 . 40 4.5205E+004 6.4460E+003 1494.08 0.71 1.6582E+006 1. 2467 E+005 1 596.45 1. 80 6 . 5891£+005 -1 . 0629E +00 6 HG-203 279 .1 9 77.30 1.5643E+004 1 . 568+004 2 . 9854E+003 BI -214 609 . 31 46 .3 0 3 . 537 4 E+00 4 3.54E+004 4.5565 E+004 7 68. 36 5.04 2.4943E+005 - 1. 2490E +005 806 . 17 1. 23 1.18198+006 1. 0536E +O O5 934 . 06 3.21 4 . 0594E+005 5 .1178 E+ 004 1120 . 29 15.10 9 .9 071E+004 -7. 0873E+004 1155.19 l. 69 9.6898E+005 2.4038E+005 1238 . 11 5.94 3.4009E+005 2 . 1854E+005 1280 . 96 1. 47 1. 0436E +006 -3.5612E+005 1377.67 4.11 2.5826E+005 - 6 . 301 1E+0 04 1385.31 0 . 78 1.2441£+006 - 9.2869E+005 1 40 1. 5 0 1. 39 9 .1 917E+005 -9.2097£+005 1407 . 98 2 . 48 5 .1 700E+005 1.80858+005 1 509 .1 9 2 . 19 5 .1883E+005 2.9784£+005 1 661. 28 1.15 5 . 6675£+005 -3 . 0516E+005 172 9 . 60 3 .0 5 3 . 7652E+005 - 1 . 2607E+005 1 764.49 15 . 80 9 . 9155E+004 7. 4 423E+004 1847 . 44 2 . 12 5 . 3913£+005 2 .51 32E+005

      >                2118 . 54    l. 21   O.OOOOE+OOO                           O. OOOOE +OOO PB-214          74 . 81  6.33    5 . 1633£+005      3 . 50E+004        5 . 0928E+005 77 . 11 10 . 70  2.7806£+005                           2.9044E+005 87 . 20  3.70    6 . 2155E+005                         7.76048+004 89 . 80  1.03    2 .1116E+006                        - 1 . 0871E+006 2 41. 98   7.49    1. 9441E+005                          6 . 2985E+004 2 95 . 21 19 . 20  6.5747E+004                           3 .9 950E+004 35 1. 92  37 . 20  3.5042£+004                           2 .4 364£+004 785 . 91   1.10    l . 1607E+006                       -1. 2 903E+OO 6
        + =Nuclide identified during the n ucl ide identification
        *=Energy line found in the spectrum
        >=Ca l culated MDA is zero due to zero cou nts in the region, or the region is out side the spectrum, or has not been calc ula t ed
       @=Ha l f - life too short t o be able to perfo rm the decay correction

"****************** * **********~******** * ******************************** G A M M A 1 ECTRUM A N A L Y I S ***** .lename: 384 4 ipo rt Genera ted On 9/16/2017 12 : 37:48 PM 1mple Title WGTV-19 09/16/2017 ~ple Description 1mple Idenllfication 1mple Type 1mple Geometry iak Locate Th reshold 3 . 00 iak Locate Range (in c hannels) 1 - 65535 ia k Area. Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lent ification Energy Toleranc~ 1.000 keV 1mple Glze 2 . 8 30E +0U1 m2./ 1mple Ta ken On 9/16/2017 12:26 : 00 PM

gui sllion St arted 9/ 16/201"/ 12
27: 47 PM ve Time 600 . 0 seconds/

!dl Time 600 . 2 seconds iad Time 0 . 04  %/ Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Calibrat i on Used Done On 12/16/20 1 6 Efficiency ID OLAR PLANE 900

!ak Analysis Report 9/ 1 6/ 2017 1 2: 37 :48 PM Page 2 l peak analysis results available for report i ng purposes

lterference Corrected Activity Report 9/16/2017 12:37:48 PM Page 3 NUC L I DE I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample


WGTV-19 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

       *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :     1.000 keV Nuclide confidence i ndex threshold=     0.30 Errors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Actj.vity Report 9/ 1 6/2017 12 :37:48 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nucl i de Wt mean Wt mean Nu c l ide Id Activi t y Activity Name Con fidence (pC i/m2 ) Uncertainty

     ?  = Nuclide i s part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
     @ = Nucl i de contains energy lines not u sed i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      1 .960 sigma i peak search results availab le for nuclide ana l ysis.

iclide MDA Report 9/16/20 17 1 2:37 : 48 PM Page 5 NUCLIDE M DA R E P O R T Detector Name: 3844 Sample Geometry: Sample Title : WGTV- 19 09/ 16 /2017 Nuclide Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB Nuclide Enerqy Yie ld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activi t y Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i /m2 ) (pC i /m2 ) K- 40 1460 .8 1 10. 67 4.4685E+005 4. 47E +005 l.3968E+006 SC-46 889.25 99.98 1. 3175E+00 4 1.32E+004 -2.8370E+003 1120 . 51 99.99 l.8900E+004 8.9469E+003 C0- 57 122 . 06 85 . 51 2.0008E +004 2 . 00E+004 2.8904E+003 136 . 48 10.60 1. 37 03E+005 2 . 3637E+003 C0-60 1173.22 100 . 00 l . 5886E+004 1. 24E+004 l .9840E+003 1332 . 49 100.00 1 . 2351E+004 4.4694E+002 SE-75 96 . 73 3 . 41 5 . 7054E+005 2 . 18E+004 -1 . 1748E+005 12 1.11 16.70 l .0 370E+005 2 .0 989E+004 136.00 59 . 20 2 .4 357E+004 -l . 2198E+00 4 1 98 . 60 1. 45 9 . 3327E+005 4 . 4636E+005 264 .6 5 59 . 80 2 . 1822E+004 -2.4545E+004 279.53 25.20 4 . 7399E+004 -1 . 75978+004 303.91 1. 32 8.9500E+005 -3 . 34818+005 400.65 11. 40 1 . 0998E+005 - 4.0 031E+003 KR- 85 5 1 3 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 6874E+006 3 . 69E+0 06 9 . 759 4E+005 KR- 85M 151.18 75.30 l . 8899E+00 4 1 . 89E +0 04 1. 2126E+004 304 . 87 1 4 .00 8 . 5752E +004 7 . 1271E+0 0 4 SR- 8-5 513 . 99 99 . 27 1 . 5973E+004 1.60E+004 4 . 2276E +003 Y- 88 898 . 02 93.40 1 . 3580E+00 4 7.08E+003 - 4.9845E +003 1836 . 01 99.38 7 . 0787E+003 1. 9058E + 002 CD-109 88 . 03 3 . 72 6.2415E+005 6 . 24E+005 1.8579E +005 SN-113 255 . 12 1. 93 6 . 4200E+005 1 .80 E+004 - 2 . 9870E +0 05 3 91. 69 64 . 90 1 . 8046E+004 - 2 .4 597E +003 CS-134 475 . 35 1 . 4.6 9 . 1229E+005 l.45E+004 -3 . 7983E +0 05 563 . 23 8 . 38 l. 3932E+005 -7 . 6775E+003 569 . 32 1 5 . 43 7 . 8358E+0 04 1.5128E+004 604 . 70 97 . 60 1. 5885E+004 6.4765E +0 03 795 . 84 85 . 40 l.4495E+004 6 . 6778E+003 80 1. 93 8 . 73 l.6 425E+0 05 3.2687E+004 1038.57 1.00 1.3561E+006 -3.3258E +0 05 1167.94 1. 80 8.7990E+005 l . 364 1 E+005 1365 . 15 3 .0 4 4.5796E+005 2.3802E +0 05 CS - 136 66 .91 12.50 3 . 2144E+005 1 . 27E+004 - 3 . 1210E+004 86.29 6.30 3.7997E+005 - 3.4398E+005 153.22 7 . 46 1.8363E+005 - 9 . 9716E+004 163. 8 9 4.61 2 .9816E+005 - 2 .4578 E+004 1 '76 . SS 13 .~6 1 . 0200E +005 - 3.9589E+003 273.65 12.66 l . 0060E+0 05 4 .4644 E+003 340 . 57 48 . 50 2 . 6157E+004 1 . 7793E+004

1clide MDA Report 9/16/20 1 7 12:37 :48 PM Page 6 Nuc l ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nucl i de MDA Activity Name (k eV) ( %} {pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) {pCi /m2 ) CS - 136 818 . 50 99.70 l.2660 E+ 004 1.27E+004 1.9746£+003 1048 . 07 79 .60 l .8512E+0 04 3 . 50 7 8E+003 1235.34 19 . 70 7.7325E+0 0 4 - 1 . 9762£+004 CS - 13 7 661.65 85.12 3.0438E+004 3 . 04E +004 7.5583E+004 CS-138 138 .10 1. 49 1 ..1 07 9E+OO 6 l . 72E +004 - 9.2523 E+00 4 227.76 1. 5 1 9 . 9669E+005 - 6 . 9179E+ 0 05 408 . 98 4.66 3 . 0282E+005 2.3489E+ OOS 462 . 79 30 . 70 4 . 9168 E+004 3 . 38 1 3 E+004 546 . 94 10 . 80 1.3018E+005 3.4939E+004 871.80 5 . 11 2 . 8 101E+005 -1. 5436E+005 1009.78 29.80 5 . 0733E+004 - 1. 7386E+004 1147 . 22 1. 24 1. 6143E+006 - 8 . 4.587E+005 1 343 . 59 1.14 1 . 3632E+006 - 7 . 08S4E+OOS 1435.86 7 6 . 30 1. 7247E+004 -8 . 6660E +003 CE- 1 39 165 . 85 80 . 35 1 . 6796E+004 1 . 68 E+004 - 7 . 1217E+003 EU- 1 5 2 1 21. 78 28 . 40 5 . 9609£+004 4.97 £ +00 4 -2 . 0520E+004 244.69 7 . 49 l . 6649E+005 - 4 . 221 7 E+00 4 344 . 27 26 . 50 4 . 9669E+004 -2 . 6752 E+004 411. 1 1 2 . 21 5 . 4575£+005 2 . 9708E +0.0 5 443 . 98 3 . 11 4 . 4883E+005 - 2 . 7340E +0 04 7 7 8 . 89 12 . 74 l . 0085E+005 6 . 0656E+004 8 67 . 32 4 . 16 2 . 9771£+005 - 1. 7768E +0 05 96 4 . 0 1 1 4 . 40 1.0 4 55E +00 5 - 1. 9043E+004 10 85 . 78 10 . 00 1 . 4 4 27E+005 5 . 5956E+004 1112 . 02 13 . 30 1 . 3466E+005 -1.5771E+004 1407.95 20 . 70 6 . 1939E+0 04 7.9692E+002 EU - 1 54 123 . 0 7 40 .4 0 4 . 2 015 E+0 04 4.2 0 E+004 2 . 0768E+004 188 . 25 0 . 23 5 . 925 6E+0 06 1 .9259£+006 247 . 93 6 . 83 1. 7860E+0 0 5 2.4483E+00 4 401. 30 0 . 19 6 . 5356E +0 06 1. 8850E+006 44 4 . 39 0.55 2 . 5044E+0 06 - l .9934E+006 478 . 26 0.2 1 6 . 44 1 5E+ 0 0 6 3 . 6353E+006 557 . 56 0 . 25 4.5 4 64E +006 -1. 4736E+006 582. 00 0.89 1 . 7 177E+006 - 4 . 2894E+0 05 591.76 4 . 91 2 . 9048E+005 8 . 6963E+0 04 625 . 22 0 . 32 3 . 5134E+006 - 3 . 4965E +00 6 676.59 0. 1 4 8 . 5747E +006 - 7 . 7355E +00 6 692 . 42 1. 78 6 . 4063E+005 - 5 . 1532E+005 715 . 76 0.17 7 . 7215E+006 1 . 8558E+006 722 . 30 20 . 0 0 7 . 0696E+00 4 2 . 8036E+004 756 . 86 4 . 50 2 . 7296E+005 S . 1 400E+004 815 . 55 0 . 50 2 . 58 5 8 E+006 - 3 . 4824E+004 845 . 39 0.58 2 . 2549E+006 6 . 4239E +005 850 . 64 0 .23 5 .3 1348+006 2 . 0228E+006 873 . 20 12.09 9.9653E+00 4 -3 . 0342E+004 8 92 . 73 0 . 50 2.7057E+006 6. 121 4E+005 904 . 05 0.85 1.6743E+00'6 - 1 .1420E+006 996 . 30 10 . 34 1 . 4345E+005 - 5 . 0295E +004 1004.76 1 7.90 7 . 5327E +004 - 4.5533 E+004 1128 . 4 0 0 . 29 5 . 2249E +006 - 3 . 7142 E+006

1clide MDA Repo r t 9/16/2017 12 : 37:48 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc l ide MDA Act i vity Name (keV} ( %} (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU - 154 1 1 40 . 90 0 . 22 7.0180E+006 4 . 20E+004 -8.0114E+005 1241. 60 0 .1 3 l.2718E+007 1.353 4 E+007 1246 . 60 0.80 l.8830E+006 - 5.S215E+005 1274 . 51 34.40 5.2142E+004 3.8256E+004 14 9 4. 08 0.71 1 . 28948+0 06 -1 . 6761E+005 1596 . 45 1. 80 7.8399E+005 - 9.4566E +003 HG-203 279.19 77 . 30 1 . 5392E+004 1. 54£+004 -9.1544E+003 BI -2 14 609.31 46 . 30 3 . 87248+ 004 3.87E+004 5 . 2030E+00 4 768 .36 5 . 04 2 . 4943E+005 - 5.7187E + 004 806.17 1. 23 1. 2395E+006 - 2.5871E+ 004 934.06 3 . 21 4.47778+005 -5.4834E+004 1120.29 15.10 1 . 2513E+005 5.9235E+004 1155 . 19 1. 69 1 . 1 1 99E+006 4.4087£+005 1 238 . 11 5 . 94 2 . 7724E+005 1.02538+005 1280 . 96 1. 47 l.209 1 E+006 2 .9 613E+005 1377.67 4.11 3 .4862E +005 8.5251E+0 04 1385.31 0 . 78 1.8025E+006 -1.2350E+006 1401 . 50 1. 39 1. 0 1 94E+006 -1. 5872E+005 1407.98 2.48 5 . 1700E+005 6.65 1 8E+003 1509.19 2.19 6 . 3492E+005 5.2123E+004 1661. 28 1.15 8 . 0014E+005 3 .0 516r.; +OO S 1729 . 60 3 .0 5 4.3043E+005 5.2317E+004 17 64 . 4 9 15 . 80 1.0937E+0 05 5.5352E+004 18 47. 44 2 . 12 5 .9830E +0 05 6.3828E+004

    >                    2118 . 54     1. 21  O.OOOOE+OOO                          O . OOOOE +OOO PB-214              74.81     6.33   5.0872E+005        .3 . 87 E+004     5 . 1939E+004 77 . 1 1 10.70   2.7621E+005                          3 . 1925E+00 4 87.20     3.70   6 . 3932E+005                        1 . 0307£+003 89 . 80   1. 03  2.1663E+006                        - 1.0640E+006 241 . 98    7 . 49 l . 7216E+005                        1 . 3923 E+004 295 . 21   19.20   6 . 6356E+004                        1. 7481E+004 351. 92    37 . 20 3 . 8652E+004                        5.0645E+004 785 . 91    1. 10  1 .0 8 4 5E+006                    -l . 6607E+006
      + = Nuclide identified during the n u clide identi fication
  • Energy line found in the spectrum
      > = .Calculated MDA i s zero due t o zero counts in the region, o r the region is outs i de the spec t rum , o r has not been calculated
      @ = Ha l f - l ife too short to be able to perform the decay correction
'***          G A M MA       P E C T R U M          A N A L ~        I S          *****
.lenarne : 3844 iport Generated On                   9/ 1 8/20 1 7    9 : 34 : 26 AM imple  Title                         WGTV 18     )

,mple Descript ion 1rnpl e Identification tmple Type 1mple Geometry 3m 90d / !ak Locate Threshold 3.00 !ak Locate Range (in channels} 1 - 65535 iak Area Range (in channel s) 200 - 8000 lcnt ification Ene r gy Tolerance 1.0 00 keV Linple Size 2. 830E +0 01 m2 / 1mple Taken On 9/ 1 8/2017 9 : 24 : 00 AM ~uisition Started 9/18/20 17 9 : 24:25 AM .ve Ti me 600 . 0 seconds} ia l Time 600 . 2 seconds 0.03 % / Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Eff iciency Calibration Used Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/18/2017 9:34:26 AM Page 2 ) peak analysis results availab l e for reporting purposes

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/18/2017 9:34:26 AM Page 3 N UC L I DE I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T Sample


WGTV 18 Nuclide Libr ary Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFI LES\STDLI B.NLB IDENT I FIED NUCLIDES Nu c l ide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

         *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
         @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activi ty Ene r gy Tolerance :     1 . 000 keV Nucl i de confidence index th resho l d     0.30 Errors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Ac l ivity Report 9/18/2017 9 : 3 4:26 AM Page 4 ' *** I NT E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T * **** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

      ? = Nucl i de is part of an undetermined solution X = Nucl i de rejected by the interference ana l ysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at    1.9 60 sigma

> peak search results avai lable for nuclide analysis .

tclide MDA Report 9/18/2017 9:34:27 AM Page 5 N UC L I DE M D A R E P O R T ***** De t ector Name: 3844 Sample Geometry: 3m 90d Sample Title : WGTV 18 Nucli de Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDL I B.NLB Nucl ide Energy Yi eld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Acti vity Name (keV) ( %} (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) K-40 1460.8 1 1 0 . 67 4.2766E+005 4.28E+005 l.2423 E+0 06 SC- 46 889.25 99 . 98 1. 4418 E+00 4 l.44E+004 -5. 44 70E+003 1120 .51 99.99 1 .94 16E+004 - 1 . 0616E+003 C0-57 122.06 85 . 51 2.02 11 E+004 2.02E+004 9 . 8186£+003 136. 48 10 . 60 1.4169E+005 -9 . 6033E +002 C0-60 11 73.2 2 100.00 1 .7586E+0 04 1 . 37E+004 1 . 0501E+004 1332.49 100.00 1 .36 98E+0 04 -1. 4114E+003 SE-75 96 . 73 3.41 5 .744 2E+0 05 1 . 99E +0 04 2.8708 E+0 04 121. 11 16 . 70 1.0207E+005 -2.0668E+004 136 .00 59 . 20 2 . 5338E+004 l .2499E+002 198 . 60 1. 45 8 . 9006E+005 -2.9920 E+00 5 264. 65 59 . 80 1. 994 7E +004 -4 . 5586E+003 279 . 53 25.20 4.6932E+004 4 . 8041E+004 303.91 1. 32 9 . 1457E+005 4 . 6693E+004 400.65 11. 40 l. 1159E+005 6 . 2626E+004 KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 7988E+006 3 . 80E+0 0 6 1. 8020E+006 KR-8 5M 1 51. 18 75 . 30 1.8419E+004 1.8 4E+0 04 2 . 0878 E+003 304.87 14 .0 0 8 .6082 £ +004 - 3 .7 511 E+0 04 SR-85 513 .99 99 . 27 1. 64 55E+00 4 l . 65E+004 7.8059E +003 Y-88 898 . 02 93 . 40 1 . 5354E+004 1. OBE+004 -9 . 8800E+002 1836.01 99 . 38 l.075 1E10 04 -1. 2387E+003 CD-109 88.03 3.72 6.2614E +005 6.26E+005 5.7742E+005 SN-113 255 . 12 1. 93 6.2598E+005 1.67E +004 2.9474E+005 391. 69 64.90 1.6710E+004 l.0434E+OQ4 CS-134 475.35 1. 46 8.86 37E+00 5 l . 57E+004 4.6307£+005 563 . 23 8.38 1.5064E+005 5.2060E+004 569 . 32 15 . 4 3 8.3736E+004 -l . 6209E +004 604.70 97. 60 1. 570 0E+004 2.5540E +003 795 . 84 85 . 40 1 .6181E+004 -4.8365E+002 801. 93 8.73 1 . 6425E+005 4 . 51 16E+004 1038.57 1.00 1 . 4643E+006 S .4388E+004 1167 . 94 1. 80 9 . 6286E+0 05 - l . 3187 E+006 1365 . 15 3.04 4.1292E+005 2 .9884E+005 CS-136 66.91 12 .50 3 . 0519E+00 5 l .44E+004 -3 . 8082E+005 86.29 6 . 30 3 . 8196E+005 2 . 5779E+00 5 153.22 7.46 1 .82 78E+005 - 4 . 8140£+004 163. 89 4 . 61 2.8683E+005 - 3 . 1280E+003 176 .5 5 13.56 9 . 4451E+004 - l.1995E+004 273.65 12.66 9.2664E+004 - 1. 8 413E+004 340 .57 48.50 2 . 5149E+004 l.8236E+004

1clide MDA Report 9/18/2017 9:3 4 :27 AM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Li ne MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %} (pCi /m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818.50 99.70 1.4438E+004 1.44E+0 04 7 . 9568E+003 1048. 0 7 79 . 60 1.9028E+004 1 . 5287E+003 1235. 34 19 . 70 1. 024H..:+005 1.0122E+005 CS-137 6 61. 65 85. 12 2.005 6E+004 2.01E+004 1.9709£+004 CS -138 138.10 1. 49 1 . 1390E+006 l .46E+00 4 1.7829E+005 227.76 1.51 9.1350E+005 8 . 4549E+0 04 408.98 4 .66 2 . 9403E+005 -l . 2516E+005 4 62 . 79 30.70 4 . 5829E+00 4 3 . 9549E+004 546.94 10.80 1 . 2535.t..:+005 2.2201E+003 871.80 5 . 11 2 . 728 6E +005 5.2277E+004 1009.78 29.80 5.0103E+004 - 2.2158E+0 04 1147.22 1. 24 1.3542E+006 - l .0 231E+006 1343 .59 1. 14 1.1488E+006 -1 . 19 30E+006 1435.86 76 . 30 1. 4649E+004 -5.7705E+003 CE-1 39 165.85 80.35 1. 657"/E+U04 l.66J:..:+004 4 . 5 445E+00 2 E0- 152 121. 78 28. 40 6 . 0160E+004 4.50E+004 -2 . 8109E+004 244.69 7 . 49 1. 7197E+005 4.5396E+003 344 . 27 26 .5 0 4.5030E+004 -2 . 5869E+004 411.11 2.21 5 . 6064E+005 l.6003E+005 443.98 3 .11 4.0309E+005 l.0009E+0 05 778.89 12 . 74 9 .8 332E+004 - 5 .10 89E+004 867.32 4 . 16 3 .0230E+005 - 3 . 6192E+005 964.01 14 . 40 1 .2906£+005 9.5347E+004 1085.78 10 . 00 1 .5296E+0 05 4.153 5E+004 11 12.02 13 . 30 1 . 2158E+005 - 1. 7822E+005 1407 . 95 20.70 6.8696E+004 5.6781E+004 ElJ-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 4.2493E+004 4 . 25E+004 2 . 9160E+004 188.25 0 . 23 5.4582E+006 -5.6833E+006 247.93 6 . 83 l . 7614E+OOS -1 .6145E+004 4!01 . 30 0 . 19 6.5356E+006 4 . 1734E +006 444.39 0 .5 5 2. 2677E+006 1 .1987£+006 478.26 0.21 6.4061£+006 -3 . 6078E+006 557 . 56 0.25 4 . 9156E+006 1 .6 31 0~ +00 6 582 . 00 0.89 l.6788E+0 06 1. 3257E+006 59 1. 76 4 . 91 3 . 000 1£+005 l. 5194E+00 5 625 . 22 0.32 3 . 5134E+006 -1. 654 OE +OO 6 676.59 0 . 14 9.0868E+006 -l.2773E+ 006 692.42 1. 78 7.5025£+005 -3.55968+005 715.76 0.17 7 .5583E+006 -1. 1583E+ OO 6 722 . 30 20 .00 7 . 3825E+004 4.93 17E+004 756.86 4.50 3.2444£+005 l. 7115E+005 815 . 55 0 . 50 2.74 84E+006 -1. 4717 E+006 845.39 0 . 58 2 . 1936E+006 7.0261E+004 850 . 64 0.23 6.1499E +0 06 3.6125E+005 873.20 12.09 1. 0606E+005 -2 . 266 1E+004 892.73 0.50 2 . 8150E+006 -7.7498E+005 904 . 05 0.85 l.6743E+006 -l.8826E +0 05 996.30 10 . 34 1 .4 713E+0 05 2.3884Et004 10 04 . 76 17.90 7.4 104 £+004 -4.752 6E+004 1128.40 0 . 29 6.3192E+006 - 1 . 3230E+0 06

1cl ide MDA Report 9/18/2017 9:34:27 AM Page 7 Nucl ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nucli d e MDA Activity Name ( keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU- 154 1 1 40.90 0 .22 7 .4 155E+006 4.2 5E+004 -1 . 5330£+006 1241.60 0.13 l . 4496E+0 07 - 1. 15 94E+007 124 6.60 0 . 80 2 . 1539E+006 - 1.30128+006 127 4. 51 34.40 5.01 7 1E+00 4 3 . 3211E+004 1494 . 08 0 . 71 1.6582E+006 - 2.9713E+005 1596 .4 5 1 .80 7 .1203 E+005 3 . 2310E+00 4 HG- 203 279 . 19 77.30 1 . 5 085E+004 1.51E+004 7 . 5415E+0 02 BI-214 609.31 46 . 30 3 . 5374E+004 3 . 54E+00 4 2 .3077E +004 7 68 . 36 5 . 04 2 . 7627E+005 6.7199 E+004 806 . 17 1. 23 1 . 18 1 9E+006 7 . 0713E+005 934 . 06 3.21 4 .8 048E+005 1.43 35E+005 112 0 . 29 15. 10 1.2855E+005 - 7 .0287 E+003 1155 . 19 1. 69 1 . 0 180E+0 06 1 . 6868£+005 1 238 . 11 5 . 94 3 . 3374 E+0 05 1 . 0835E +005 1 280.96 1. 4 7 1. 1 LH E+006 2 . 8231E+005 1377.67 4 . 11 3 .4 081E +005 1 . 8767E+005 1385.31 0 . 78 1 . 7600E+006 S . 3146E+005 1401. 5 0 1. 39 9.9545E +00 5 5 . 2 910E+005 1 407 . 98 2. 48 5.7339E+005 4.7394E+OOS 15 0 9 . 19 2 . 19 4 . 472 5E+0 05 -l. 063 7E +004 1661 . 28 1.15 9 . 683:>E +O U:> 8 . 5828 E+004 1729.60 3 . 05 4 . 467 1E+005 8 . 6026E+004 17 64.49 1 5 . 80 7.3799E+004 - 3 . 3723E+004 1847 .4 4 2 . 12 3 . 8649E+005 -8.97 58E+004

     >                21 1 8 . 54     1. 21   O. OOOOE+OOO                        O . OOOOE+OOO PB-214          74 . 81     6 .33   5 . 1691E+005      3 . 74 E +004    7 . 2344 E+ 005 77 . 1 1  10 . 70   2 .5 989E+005                     - 2 .1 306E+005 8 7 .2 0    3 . 70  6 . 3458E+005                      -1.1 271E+005 89 . 80     l. 03   2 . 1569E+006                       3.4477E+005 241 . 98      7 . 49  l . 8364E+005                       6.5957£+004 295 . 2 1   19 . 20   6.9892E+004                         7 . 7718E+004 351. 92     37.20     3 . 7448£+004                       3.3541E+004 785 . 91      1.10    1.2318£ +006                        2 . 5747E +005
       + = Nuclide identified dur ing the nuclide identification
       * = Ene rgy line fo u nd i n the spectrum
       > = Calculated MDA is zero due to ze ro count s in the re gion, or t he region is outside the spect r um, or has not been calculated
       @ = Ha lf-life too short to be a b le t o perform the decay correction

GAMM A  ? E C T R (J M AN ALY I S *****

.lenarne : 3844

!port Generated On 9/18/2017 8:52:29 AM tmple Title WGTV 17 1rnple Description tmp le I d entif ication tmp l e Type Lmp l e Geometry 3m 90d j iak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 iak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 iak Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentificat ion Energy Tolerance l. 000 keV tmple S.i.~e 2 . 8308+00 1 m2 1mple Taken On 9/18/2017

qui sition Sta r ted 9/ 18/2017 8 : 42 : 00 AM 8:42 : 28 AM I

.ve Time 600.0 seconds / !ol T.i.rne 600 . 2 seconds

0. 04 %, /

Energy Calibra t ion Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/ 16 /2016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

ia k Ana l ysis Report 9/18/2017 8 :52:29 AM Page 2 P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T * **** Det ect or Name : 38 4 4 Somple Title : WGTV 1 7 Peak Analysis Performed on: 9 /18/2017 8 :52:29 AM Peak Ana lysis From Ch anne l : 200 Peak Analysis To Ch annel: 8000 Peak ROI RO I Pea k Energy FWHM Net Pea k Ne t Area Continuum No. start end cen trold (keV} (keV) Area Uncert. Coun ts 1 58 21 - 5852 5836.2 5 1458.8 0 1.54 2 . 26 E+002 31.97 8 .00E+O OO

= First peak i n a mu ltiplet regi on Other peak in a multiplet re g i on E'it ted s.i.nylel
rors quoted at 1 .960 sigma

1terference Corrected Act 'vi ty Report 9/18/2017 8:52:29 AM N UC L I DE I DE N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample Title : WGTV 17 Nuc lide Library Used: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB IDEN TIFIED NUCLIDES Nucl i de Id Energy Yi eld Activity Activity Name Con fidenc e (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

      * =Energy line fo und in the spect rum.
      @ =E nergy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        1 . 000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=          0 . 30 Errors q uoled at   1 . 960 ::..i.yma.

1terference Corrected Act;vity Report 9/18/2017 8 : 52 : 29 AM Page 4 I NT E R F E R E NC E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

      ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X      Nucl ide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mea n Activity Errors quoLed at        1 . 960 sigma U N I D E N T I F I E 0         P EA K S Peak Locate Performed on :       9/18/2017      8 : 52 : 29 AM Peak Locate From Cha nnel :        200 Peak Locate To thannel :          8000 Peak       Energy       Peak. S.i. :le in        Pea k Cc>S           Peak          Tol.

No . ( keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type NuclJde C),-<--1 .l..'1, 1 14 58 . 80 3 . 7667E- 001 1 4 . 15 M = First peak in a multi p let region m = Other peak .i.n a mulLi p let region F = Fi t ted singlet Errors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1clide MDA Report 9/18/2017 8 : 52:29 AM Page 5 "************* ** **************~******** * * * ********************* * **************

***                     N U C L I D E            M DA          R E P O R T Detector Name :               3844 Sample Geome try :            3m 90d Sample Title :                WGTV 17 Nuclid e Library Used :       C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB. NLB Nu clid e     Energy           Yi eld        Line MOA          Nuclide MDA           Activit y Name          ( keV)             ( %)       (pCi/m2        )   (pCi/m2       )     (pCi/m2 )

K- 40 1460 . 81 10 . 67 4 . 4863E+0 0 5 4 . 4 9E+0 0 5 1 . 3969E+006 SC-46 889 . 25 99 . 98 l . 4075E+004 l . 41E+004 5 . 5911E+003 1120.51 99.99 l . 8900E+004 1 . 8838E+004 C0-57 122 . 06 85 . 51 2 . 0322E+004 2 . 03E+004 5 . 4923E+003 136 . 48 10 . 60 1 . 3996E+005 3 . 3352E+004 C0- 60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 l . 6971E+004 l.27E+004 6 . 3975E+002 1332 . 49 100 . 00 1 . 2703E+004 4 . 4508E+003 SE - 75 96 . 73 3 . 41 5 . 7313E+005 1 . 96E +00 4 - 1 . 3449E +0 05 1?.J .11 1 6 . 70 1. 04 04 E+005 6 . 9823E+003 136 . 00 59 . 20 2 . 5304E+004 l . 2237E+003 198 . 60 1 . 45 8 . 9684t:.:+005 5 . 6283E+005 2 64 . 65 59 . 80 1. 95 7 5E +004 -2 . 4409E+0 0 3 279 . 53 25 . 20 4 . 7708 E+004 -6 . 0057£+003 303 . 91 1. 32 8 . 9169E+005 4 . 0278E+003 4 00 . 65 11. 4 0 1 . 015 2£+005 l . 6412E+004 KR- 85 5 1 3 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 555 6E+006 3 . 568+006 -7 . 1640E+005 KR- 85M 151.18 75 . 30 1 . 8943E+004 1 . 89E+004 l . 1655E+004 304 . 87 14 . 00 8 . 3856E+004 -5 . 0748E+003 SR- 85 5 1 3 . 99 9 9. 27 1 . 54 0 2E+0 04 l . 54E+00 4 -3 . 1033£+003 Y- 88 898 . 02 93 . 40 1. 4 789E+004 9 .1 6E+003 -4 . 7345E+003 1836.01 99 . 38 9 . 1564E+003 -2 . 4298E+003 CD- 109 88 . 03 3 . 72 6 . 4 566E 005 6 . 46E+005 2 . 1967E+005 SN-113 255 . 12 1. 9 3 Ei . l'.:>05E+005 1. 62 E+004 -1 . 5074E+005 3 91. 69 64 . 90 1 . 6164E+004 - 2 . 3937E+004 CS - 134 475 . 35 1. 4 6 8 . 4865E+005 1 . 52E+004 l . 8671E+005 563 . 23 8 . 38 1 . 57708+0 0 5 l .4 502 E+0 05 569 . 32 15 . 43 8 . 9977E+004 5 . 0926E+ 004 604 . 70 97 . 60 l. 5226E+004 2 . 9999E+003 795 . 84 85 . 40 l. 618 1E+0 04 -l . 0980E+0 04 80 1. 93 8 . 73 1. 72 4 2E+005 5 . 4042£+ 0 04 1038 . 57 1.00 1. 564 2E+OO 6 5 . 2969E+005 1167 . 94 1 . 80 9 . 6286E+005 -9 . 7355E+004 13 65 . 15 3 . 04 4 . 1292E+005 - l . 5772E+0 0 5 CS-136 66 . 91 12 . 50 3 . 3146E+005 1 . 41E+004 -3 . 1307E+005 86 . 29 6 . 30 3 . 9070E+005 2 . 2126E+005 1 53 . 22 7 . 46 1. 8 501E+OO 5 1. 4211E+004 163 . 89 4 . 61 2 . 8922E+005 -7 . 5083E+004 l r/6 . 55 1 3.56 9 . 6694E+004 -9 . 6309E +00 4 273 . 65 12 . 66 9 . 6567E+004 4 . 6389E+00 4 340 . 57 48 . 50 2 . 7219£+004 -7 . 9754E+003

Lclide MDA Report 9/18/2017 8 : 52 : 29 AM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activit y Nam (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS - 136 818 .50 99 . 70 l. 4133E+004 1 .4 1£+0 04 4.70 04 £+00 3 10 48 . 07 79 . 60 l. 9775E+00 4 9.8162E+00 3 12 35 . 34 19 . 70 8. 80'/9E+00 4 -5 . 3 61H;+004 CS- 137 661.65 85 . 12 2 . 1111E+004 2 . 11E+0 04 2 .1 711E+004 CS- 1 38 138 . 10 1. 4 9 l . 0784E+006 1 . 30E+004 - l .3 952E+006 227 . 7 6 1.51 8 . ~164E+005 -9 . 67 32E+004 408 .98 4.66 2 . 4022E+005 -3.1529£+005 462 . 79 30 . 70 4 . 6150E+004 2 . 8886E+004 546 . 94 10 . 80 1 . 3164E+0 05 l.2 708E +005 871. 80 5 . 11 3 . 1611E+005 5 . 52 13E+004 10 09 . 78 29 . 80 5. 1790E+004 -9.80 99E +00 2 114 7 . 22 1. 24 1. 4:,6'/E+006 -2 . 0786E+0 05 1343 . 5 9 1. 14 l.4 478 E+0 06 -3 . 8366E+005 14 35 .86 76 . 30 1 . 3033E+004 -1. 7366E+00 4 CE- 139 1 65 .8 5 80 . 35 l .6 55 0E+00 4 1.651:.:+004 4..0211£+003 EU-152 121. 78 28 .4 0 6 . 0841E+004 5 .12E+ 004 -l .0 525E+003 244 . 69 7 . 49 1. 6904 E+005 -2 . 5571E+005 344 . 27 26 . 50 :i.1232 E+0 04 2 . 7 413E +004 411.11 2.21 4.5645E+005 -1 . 8313E+005 443.98 3.11 4 . 0 309E+00 5 l . 3035E+005 778 . 89 12 . 74 l.1 365E+005 -3 . 2526E+003 867 .32 4 . 16 3 . 5998E+005 l . 9839E+0 05 964.01 14 . 40 1. 18608+0 05 -4.10 03 E+004 10 85 . 78 10.0 0 1.78 06E+0 05 4 .23 09E+004 1112 . 02 13 . 30 1 . 3328E+0 05 -4 . 3673E+004 1407 . 95 20 . 70 6. 3705E+004 4 . 7815E+004 EU -1 54 1 23 .07 40.40 4 . 21J93E+004 4.2 5E+00 4 1.59 61E+003 1 88 .25 0 . 23 5 . 9158E+006 3 . 781 2E +006 247 .93 6 . 83 l . 8342E+005 -5 . 3614E+004 401.30 0 . 19 5. 9688E+006 3 . 6109E+005 444 . 39 0 . 55 2. 2677 E+006 4 . 2201 E+ 005 478.26 0.21 6 . 1896E+006 8 .5 887E+005 557 . 56 0 . 25 4 . 7554E+006 5 . 3343E+005 582 . 00 0 . 89 1 . 8112 E+0 06 2 . 5015E+006 591. 76 4 . 91 2 . 3905E+ 005 - 1 . 5683E+005 625 .22 0 .32 3.67 81 E+0 06 -5.5968E+005 676.59 0 . 14 8.7 834 E+0 06 -6 . 5411Et-005 692 . 42 1. 78 6 . 4063E+005 -6 . 5836E+005 715 . 76 0 . 17 ' j . "/2158+006 4 . 66 57E+00 5 722 . 30 20 . 00 7.563 6E+004 4 . 41 25E+004 756 .86 4 . 50 3 . 0624E+005 6 . 2300E+0 04 815 . .SS 0 . 50 2 . 7167E+00 6 - 1 . 2583E+006 845 . 39 0 . 58 2. 7102 E+0 0 6 5 . 5809£+005 850 . 64 0 . 23 6.9 394 E+00 6 2 . 547 0E+006 8 73 .20 12 . 09 1. 20 4 7E+00 5 6 . 08728+004 892 .73 0 . 50 2 . 5914E+006 - 8 . 8861E+OOS 904 . 05 0 . 85 2 . 0262E+006 4 .1 872E+005 996 .30 10 . 34 l . 5071E+005 6 . 4055E+004 1 004 . 76 17.90 7.8 870E+004 -3 . 0856E +0 0 4 1128 . 40 0 . 29 5. 8003E+006 -6 . 7626E+006

1c l i de MDA Report 9/18/201 : 8 : 5 2 : 29 AM Page 7 Nuc lide Energy Yie l d Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) E0 -154 1140.90 0 . 22 8. 1 475£+006 4.25E+004 5 . 6744E+006 1241.60 0. 13 1 . 4496E+007 - 3 .77 83E+006 1246.60 0 .80 2 . 2091E+006 -1.282 4E+006 1 274 . 51 34.40 4.8112E +004 2.8166E +004 1 494 . 08 0.71 1 .4506E +006 l . 5714E+OOS 1596 . 45 1. 80 6.3035E+005 -3 . 3834E+005 HG- 2 03 279 . 1 9 77.30 1.5442£+004 1. 54E+004 - 4. 826 7E+003 BI - 214 609 . 31 46. 30 3 . 3664E+004 3 . 37 E+004 2 .97 08£+0 04 768 . 36 5.04 2.7627E+005 -2 .3 038 E+005 8 0 6 .17 1. 23 1. 2618E +006 1. 34 63E+OO 6 934 . 06 3 .2 1 5 . 0 10 0E+0 0 5 2 . 0726E +OOS 1120.29 15. 1 0 l . 2 513E +005 l . 2473E +005 1155 . ]9 1. 69 9.6898E+005 -2 . 0032E+005 1238 . 11 5 . 94 2 . 9980 E+OOS - 3 . 1 0 42E+004 128 0. 96 1. 47 9.6852E+005 - 5 .3348E+005 1 377.67 4.11 3 . 2454E+OO S - 7.9146E+004 1 385 . 31 0. 7 8 1 . 3659E+006 - 2 . 5876E+006 1401.50 l. 39 9 . 4538 E+OOS -l.186 3E +006 1407.98 2.48 5 . 3174 E+ 005 3 . 9911E+005 150 9. 19 2 . 19 5.4 022E+005 -l. 5 569E+005 1661.28 1. 15 6 . 5701E+OO:i 1 . 83 1 0 E+005 1729 . 60 3 . 05 3 . 5635E+005 1 . 661 2E +005 1764 . 4 9 15 . 80 9.9155 E+0 04 7.4423E+004 184 7 .4 4 2 .12 4.7069E+005 l . 7952E +0 05

       >                  2118.54       1. 21   O.O OOOE+OOO                            O.O OOOE+OO O PB-214             74 . 81   6.33    5 . 3292E+005      3 . 59E+004          3 . 9625E+005
77. 1 1 10 .7 0 2 . 7 929E+005 2 . 2673E+Oos 87 .2 0 3 . 70 6 . 52 65 E+ 005 - 2 . 4351E+005 89 . 80 1.03 2 . 2356E+006 5 .13 26 E+0 05 241 . 98 7 . 49 l.8478E +005 l . 388 3E+00 5 295 . 21 19.20 6 .4 5 11 E+004 1 . 06 18E+001 351. 92 37 . 20 3 . 5948E+004 -2. 64 1 7E+0 0 3 785.91 1.10 l . 2590t:+006 - 6 . 6L87E+005
        + = Nu c l ide identified dur i ng the nuclide i dentification
        * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum
        > = Calculated MDA is zero due to zero count s in the reg i on , or the region is outside the spectrum , or has not been calcu l ated
        @ = Hal f- l i fe too short to be able t o perform the decay correct i on

lename: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\9 . 1 6 . 1 7\WGTV-11 9 . 16 . 17.CNF iport Generated On 9/ 16 /2017 2:ll:35j 1mple Title WGTV-11 09/16/2017 1mple Description 1mple Identification 1mple Type 1mple Geome try ?ak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 iak Locate Range (jn channels) 1 - 6553 5 !ak Area Ran ge (i n chan nels) 200 - 80 00 lentification Energy Tolerance 1. 000 keV


1mple Size 2 . 0 3 0 E+0 0 1 1112 1mple Taken On 9/16/2017 11 : 19 : 00 AM

quisition Started 9/16/2017 11 : 19 : 58 AM ve Time 600.0 seconds/

ial Time G00 . 2 !a d Time 0 . 03  %./ En ergy Calibration Used Don e On 10/12/ 2016 Eff i ciency Cal ibr alion Used Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/16/20 1 7 2 : 11 : 35 PM Page 2 P EA K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T ***** Detector Name : 3844 Sample ~itle : WGTV-11 09/16/2017 Peak Analysis Per formed on: 9/16/2017 2 : 11 : 35 PM Peak Ana lysis From Channe l: 200 Pea k Analysis To Channel : 8000 Pea k ROI RO I Pe a k Energy FWHM Net Pea k Net Area Cont inuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert . Counls 1 5829 - 5855 584 5. 04 1460 . 99 0 .4 2 l.84E+002 36 . 49 3 . 71E+001

 = First pea k in a mult ipl et region
 = Oth er pea k in a multiplet region
 = Fi tte d  s inglet
  • rors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Activi ty Report 9/16/2017 ~ : 11: 15 PM Page .3 N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample Title : WGTV- 11 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB

 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .      IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide                Id                Ene rgy       Yield      Activity      Acti vi t.y Name           Confidence                (keV)          ( %)    (pCi/m2    )  Uncertai nty K-40                0.995           1 460.81*          10 .67 l . 09669E+006  2 . 35041E+005
  • Energy line found in the spectrum .
        @=Energy line not used for We igh ted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :                        1 . 000 keV Nucl ide confidence index threshold                           0.30 Errors quoted at 1.960 sigma

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/16/20 1 7  ? : 11 :3 5 PM Page 1

 ***    I N T E R F E R E N C E           C O R R E C T E D        R E P O R T     *****
  • *******************************************************k***************

Nuclide Wt moi:ln Wt me an Nuclide Id Activity Act i vity Name Confi dence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 995 l . 096693E+006 2 . 35041?8+005

      ?      Nuclide is part of an undetermined so lution X      Nuclide re jected by the inte rference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at         1.960 sigma
  **********      U N    I D E N T I F I E D       P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on : 9/16/2017 2 : 11 :3~ PM Pea k Locate from Channel : 200 Peak Locate To Channel : 8000 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified .

,elide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 :11: 35 PM Page 5

    • ****** * ******* **** *** * **** * **** *** ********* ** ** ****** ******** ~*** ***********
***                      N U C L I D E           M DA       R E P O R T                             *****

Detect or Name : 38 44 Sample Goomet ry: Sampl e


WGTV-11 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclid e Energy Yield Li ne MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 ) (pC.i./m2 l (pCi/rn2 )

   +       K-40         1460 . 81*      10 . 67     2 . 6644£+005      2 . 66E+005        1. 0967E +006 SC-4 6        889 . 25       99 . 98     1. 407 5E+004      1 . 41E+004        1 . 8555£+003 1120.51         99 . 99     1 . 8547E-r0 0 4                    -7 . 96 22E +0 02 C0-57         122 . 06       85 . 51     1 . 9985E+0 0 4    2 . 00 E+00 4      9 . 7966E+003 13 6.48        10 . 60     1 . 39S7E+005                         1. 98071'.:+00 4 CO-60        11 73.22       100 . 00     1 . 7984E+004      1.27E+004        - 7 . 1866E+003 1332 . 49      100 . 00     1 . 2703E+004                       -3.0 262 E+003 SE-75           96 . 73        3 .4 1    5 . 6334E+005      2 . 08E+004      -3 . 54 51E+005 121. 11        1 6 . 70    1 .0242E+OOS                          1. 0285E+OO4 136.0 0        59 . 20     2 . 4677E+004                       - 1 . 6839E+004 198 . GO         1. 45     8 .4 636E+005                       -1 .7 250~+0 0!:l 2 64. 65       5 9 . 80    2 . 0848E+004                       - 1 . 4 640£+0 04 279 . 53       25 . 20     4 .4020E+004                        -l . 0801E+004 303 . 91         1. 32     8 . 3692E+ 0 05                     -6.66828+005 400 . 65       1 1. 40     9 . 9141E+004                         2 . 3417E+004 KR - 85       513 . 99         0 . 43    3 . 5048E+006      3 . 50E+006        7 . 71 32E+005 KR-85M        151.18         75 . 30     1 . 76468+004      1. 76E+004       - 1 .9!:l05E+00 4 30 4. 87       14 . 00     7 . 9974E+004                       - 3 . 5341E+00 4 SR- 85        513 . 99       99 . 27     1 . 5182E+004      1 . 52E+004        3 . 3412E+003 Y-88          8 98 . 02      93 . 40     1 . 4199E+0 04     1 . 33 E+004     -2 . 8128 E+003 1836 . 01       99 . 38     l . 3279F:+004                        1.8 295E+003 CD- 109         88 . 03        3 . 72    6 . 03928+005      6 . 04 E+ 005      2 . 0901E+005 SN- 11 3      25 5 . 12        1. 93     6 .16 89E+005      1 . '/6E+004     - 1 .44 87E+005 3 91. 69       64 . 90     l . 7646E+00 4                      -l . 2212E+004 CS - 134      475 . 35         1. 46     9 . 1738E+0 05     l . 70E+004        5 . 7836E+005 5 63. 23         8 . 38    1 .46 97E+005                         4.335 6E+004 569 . 32       1 5 . 43    8 . 2427E+0 04                        1 . 82 72 E+0 04 604 . 70       97 . 60     l. 6952E+00 4                         1 . 2204£+0 04 795 . 84       8 5 . 40    1. 704 08+0 04                        6 . 70 56E+0 02 801.93           8 . 73    1. 7082£+005                        -2 . 7177£+002 1038 . 57         1. 00     1. 5051£+00 6                         3 . 7019E-t00 5 1167.94           1. 80     9 . 6286£+005                       -2 . 81 38 E+005 136 5.1 5         3 . 04    4.0075E+005                           2 . 7892E+005 CS-136          66 . 91      1 2 . 50    3 . 1681E+005      1 . 53E-+004     -l - 3058E+005 86 . 29        6 . 30    3 .61 741:.:+0 05                     5 _6 397E+003 153. 22          7 . 46    1. 7651 E+0 05                        4 _5929E+003 163 . 89         4 . 61    2 . 8971E+OOS                         2 - 2138 E+005 17 6. 55       13 . 56     9 . 9550E+00 4                        1.83 84 E+0 04 2 73. 65       12 . 66     9.4788E+004                           3 .5 722E+003 340 . 57       4 8.50      2 . 6157E+004                         2 . 0951E+004

tclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 11 : 35 PM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name ( keV) (%) (pCi/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) CS-136 818.50 99 . 70 l.53 14E+004 1 . 53£ 1004 -8 . 1201E+003 1048 . 07 79 . 60 1.9281£+004 9.6393E+003 1235.34 19 . 70 9.9S32E+004 -4 . 4002E+004 CS-137 661 . 65 85 . 12 l. 7495E+004 1. 75El004 1. 8053E+004 CS-138 138 . 10 1. 4 9 l.1141E+006 2 . 10E+004 -3 .5358E+005 227 . 76 1. 51 9 . 4017E+005 2 . 1463E+005 408 . 98 4 . 66 2.9596E+005 -5 . 80 70 E+004 462 . 79 30 . 70 4.6096£1-004 3 . 7904 E+004 546.94 10 . 00 1.3411E+005 3 . 7511E+004 871 . 80 5 . 11 2 . 8039E+005 2 . 9839£+004 1009.78 29.80 5 . 7021E+004 - l.1074E+004 11 47 . 22 1. 24 l.4924E+006 -7.193 1E+0 05 1343.59 1.14 1. 4339E+006 8 . 0492E+005 1435.86 76 . 30 2 . 0972E+004 -1. 5650E+004 CE-139 165 . 05 80.3!:i 1 . 6272E+0 0 4 1 . 63 E+004 -6 . 6431E+003 EU - 152 1 21. 78 28 . 40 5.9678E+004 4.34E+004 l.1042E+0 04 244 . 69 7.49 l . 7197 E+005 -2 . 5237E+004 344 . 27 26 . 50 4 . 3435E+004 -5 . 1307E+004 4 11.1 1 2 . 21 5.5769E+OOS -9 . 8565E+004 443 . 98 3 . 11 3.9610E+005 -l . 4608E+005 770 . 09 12 . 74 1 . 1365J::+005 1 . /J!::!1E+004 867 . 32 4 . 16 3 . 4 4 58 E+005 3 .6 534E+005 964 . 0 1 14.40 1 . 2290E+005 -6 . 7543E+003 1085.78 10 . 00 l . 2748E+005 l . 4469E+004 1112 . 02 13 . 30 1. 2158E+005 1. 67 91E+OO 4 1407 . 95 20 . 70 6 . 5417E+004 2 . 8566E+004 EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 4 . 0894 E+0 04 4 . 09E+0 04 -2 . 7726E+004 188 . 25 0.23 5 . 6663E+006 2 . 4795E+005 247 . 93 6 . 83 1 . 7 4 64E+005 -8 . 7370E +004 401.30 0 . 19 5 . 8983E+OU6 l . 5138E+006 444 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 1736E+00 6 -3 . 0802E+006 478 . 26 0 . 21 6 . 4766E+006 2 . 8584E+006 557 . 56 0 . 25 4 . 6312E+00 6 -6 . 7664E+005 582 . 00 0.89 1 . 9676E+006 2 . 9681E+006 591. 76 4 . 91 2.5297E+005 -6 . 11838+004 625 . 22 0 . 32 3 . 7181E+006 8 . 0047£+005 676 . 59 0.14 1 . 0026E1-007 4 . 2677E+006 692 . 42 1. 78 7 . 0555E+005 -1 . 1899E+OOS 715 . 76 0 . 17 8 . 0372E 006 -5 . 8655E+006 722 . 30 20 . 00 7 . 1333E+00 4 -5 . 4539E+004 756.86 4 . 50 3 . 5254£+005 3 . 8403E+005 81 5 . 55 0 . 50 3.1287E+006 4 . 4380E+004 845 . 39 0 . 58 2 . 2549E+0 0 6 5 . 1680E*I 004 850.64 0 . 23 6 . 0791E+006 5 . 1 528 E+004 873 . 20 12 . 09 l . 1060E+005 5 . 1571E+004 892 . 73 0 . 50 2 . 7791E+006 -8 . 1945£+00 5 904.05 0 . 85 1. 9226E+006 -l . 3904E+006 996.30 10 . 34 1 . 2966£+005 -5 . 2532E+004 1004.76 17.90 7 . 6528E+004 9 . 6480E+003 1 1 28 . 40 0 . 29 6 . 000 6E-1006 -2 . 3740E+006

1cl ide MDA Report 9/16/201 *. 2 : 1 1 : 35 PM Page 7 Nucl i de Ene r gy Y.ield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activi ty Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) (pCi /m2 ) EU-154 1 140 . 90 0 . 22 7 . 4155£+006 4. 09£+004 1 . 8397E+006 12 41.60 0 . 13 1.4 824E+0 07 3 . 9716E+006 124 6 . 60 0 . 80 2 . 09708+006 5 . 829H.:+004 127 4.51 34 . 40 4 . 5951£+0 04 -9 . 4888E+003 1494 .0 8 0 . 71 1 . 1986E+006 -8 . 4568E+005 1 596 . 45 1. 80 7 . 83991::+005 3 . 4296E +005 HG-203 279 . 19 77 . 30 1 .4 50 4£+004 1 . 45E+00 4 -6 . 7483E+003 BI-2 14 609 . 3 1 46 . 30 3 . 5742£+004 3 . 57E+004 3 . 5150E+004 768 . 36 5 . 04 2 . 6173E+005 -7. 3105E+004 806 . 17 1. 23 1.1819£+0 06 -3 . 9331E+005 934 . 06 3 .21 4 . 6986 E+00 5 3 . 0542E+00 5 1120 . 29 15 . 10 1 . 22801::+0 05 -5 . 2716E+003 1155 . 19 1. 69 9.9384E+00 5 - l . 5636E+005 1238 .11 5 . 94 3 . 2726E+005 l. 1311E+0 0 5 1280 .9 G 1. 47 1 . 129 7£+0 06 -:Z .U L83E+O OS 1377 . 67 4.11 3 . 3279E+005 5 .5 598E+00 4 1385 . 31 0 . 78 l . 6252E+006 7 . 0179E+005 1401 . 50 1. 39 8 . 9207£+00!) 3 . 2707E+ OOS 1407.98 2 . 48 5 . 4 603 E+005 2 . 3844E+005 1509.19 2 . 19 5 . 4022£+00 5 1. 3606E+OOS lGGl. 28 1. 15 9 . 1647E+0 0 5 4 . L723E+005 1729 . 60 3 . 05 4 . 13 38 E+00 5 2 . 3731E+005 176 4 . 4 9 15 . 80 7 . 3799E+004 -7 . 5295E+004 1847.44 2 . 12 6 . 2541E+005 3 . 5903E+005

     >               2118 . 54      1 . 21    O. OOOOE+OOO                              0 . 0000E+OOO PB-2 14       74 . 81     6 . 33    5 . 0872E+005       3 . 53E+004           6 . 5628E+005 77 . 11   10 . 70    2 . 6 9618+005                             2 .1 079E +005 87 .20      3 . 70    6 . 0823E+0 05                          -2 . 93 66E+005 89 . 80     1.03     2 . 1545£+006                              5 . 7254E+005 241 . 98     7 . 49   1 . T/OOE+005                              8 . 2262E+004 295 . 21   19 . 2 0    6 . 2395E+004                           -l . 18 94 E.+004 351 . 92   37 . 20    3.5304E+00 4                               4 . 2897 £+00 4 78 5 . 91    1.10     1 . 2!:,90.t:+0 06                         l . 8004E+005
      +=Nuclide identified d uring the nuc lide identifica t ion
       * = Energy line fo un d in t he spec trum
      > = Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in th e re gion , or the region is outside th e spectrum, o r has not been calculated
      @ - Half-l ife t oo short to be abl e to per f orm the decay c orrec ti on

.lename: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\9 . 16 . 17\WGTV-10-QC 9 . 16 . 17 . CNF iport Generated On 9/16/2017 2 : 10 : 28 PM 1mple Title WGTV-10-QC 09/16/2017 / 1mple Description ,mple Iden t ification ,mple Type ,mple Geometry ?ak Locate Threshold 3.00 iak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 !ak Area Range (in cha nne l s) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tolerance 1. 000 keV 1mple Size 2 . 8 3 0 E l 0 0 1 m2 j ,mple Taken On 9/16/2017 10 : 51 : 00 AM./

quisition Started 9/16/2017 1 0 : 52 : 02 AM ve Time 600 . 0 seconds 1
  • al Time 600 . 2 seconds iad Time 0 . 03 % /

Ene rgy Calibra ti on Us ed Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

!a k Analysis Report 9/16/2017 2 :10: 28 PM Page 2

  • P EA K A N A L Y S I S REPOR T *****

Detector Name : 3844 Sa mple 'I'i tle : WGTV- 1 0-QC 09/ 1 6/20 17 Peak Ana lysis Performed on : 9/ 16/2017 2 :1 0 : 28 PM Peak Ana lysi s From Channel: 200 Pea k Analysis To Channe l : 8000 Peak ROI ROI Pea k Energy FWHM Ne t Peak Net Area Conti nuum No . start end centroid ( keV ) (ke V) Area Unce rL . Counts 1 2472 - 2483 2477 . 73 619.59 0 .4 1 1 .53E+ 001 10.30 4 . 70E+OOO 2 584 1- 5858 5847.72 1461.66 0 .30 6 . 91E+001 3 7 .61 8 . 09E+001

=  Fi rst peak in a multiplet region
= Other peak in u multiplet. region
= Fitt ed singlet
  • rors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terfe rence Corrected Actjvi ty Report 9/16/?017 0 :10 : 28 PM Page 3

                                          • ~***************** * ************************k*******

N UC L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****

  • +**** ************ *************** ************** *** **********************

Sample Title : WGTV QC 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C: \GENI E2K\CAMFILES \STDLIB . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuc lide Id Energy Yield Activity Activit y Name Con fi d ence (keV) ( %} (pCi/m2 } Uncertai nty K-40 0 .891 1460 . 81* 10 . 67 4.12231E+005 2 . 26841E+OOS BR-82 0 . 994 221.45 2 . 26 554 . 32 70.60 6 06 . 30 1.17

                      '!:ii& 619  . 07*       43 . 10 l . 2581 4E+00 4   8 . 530 07E+003 6 98 . 33        28 . 20 776 . 49         83 . 31 827.81           24 . 20 100 7 . 57         1. 27 1043.97           27.30 1317.47           26 . 90 14 74 . 02        1G.!"i8
      *=Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
      @=Energy line nol used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :                1 . 000 keV Nucl i de confidence index t hres hold=                0 . 30 Errors quoted at 1 .960 sigma

1terference Corrected Actjvity Report 9/ 1 6/2017  ? :10:28 PM Page 4 I NT E R F E R E NC E C O R R E C T E D R E P OR T ***** '****************************A ~** * ************************************** Nucl.ide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Co nf i dence (pCi/m2 ) Uncer ta int y K- 40 0 . 891 4.1 2230 8E+00 5  ?. . 268407£+005 BR-82 0 . 994 l .258 14 0E+0 0 4 8 .5 30065E+003

      ?     Nu c l i de is part of an u n d et ermined solut ion X  = Nuclide rejected by the i n t erfe rence analysis
      @     Nuclide cor1tains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Ac tivi ty Errors quoted at           1 . 960 s i gma U N I D E N T I       F I E D        P E A K S        * **** * ***
  • Peak Locate Performed on : 9/ 16 /20 17 2:1 0 : 28 PM Pea k Locate From Channel : 200 Peak Locate To Ch annel: 800 0 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol.

No . (keV ) Counts per Second  % Unc e r t ainty T ype Nuclide Al l peaks were ident i fied .

tclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 10 : 28 PM Page 5 N U C L I D E M DA R E P O R T *** *

  • Detect or Name : 3844 Sample Gc omeLry :

Sample Ti tle : WGTV QC 09/1 6 / 2 017 Nuclide Library Used : C:\G ENI E2 K\CAMFILES\STDLIB .NLB Nuclide Ene rgy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Act ivity Name ( keV) ( 9c, ) (pC.i. /1112 ) ( pC i/m2 ) (pCi/m2 )

  +      K-4 0         14 60 . 81
  • 10.67 3.5 55 9E+005 3.56E+005 4.1 223E +005 SC- 46 B89 . 2 5 99 . 98 1. 6891E+004 l . 65E+004 l .4 094E+004 1120 . 51 99 . 99 1 . 6459 E+0 04 1. 8 97 3E+O O3 C0- 57 122 . 06 85 . 51 1 . 9664 E+004 1 . 97E +0 04 -3 . 4 659E+003 lJ G. 48 1 0.60 l. 51 46E+00 5 7 . 839.:iE+ 00 4 C0-60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 1. 7586 E+004 1. 37E+004 -6 . 8413E+00 2 1332 . 49 100 . 00 l . 3698E+004 -7 . 5902E+003 SE- 75 96 . 73 3 . 41 5 . 6531E+OO.'J l.95E+004 -2.0 581E+005 121 . 11 16 . 70 l.0 053 E+00 5 3 . 0897E+003 1 36 . 00 59 . 20 2. 7223E+004 9 . 795 1E+ 003 198 . 60 1. 45 8 . 7632 E+OO.'J - 3 . /1J '/E+004 264 . 65 5 9 . 80 l . 9512E+004 -1. 6319E+OO 4 279 . 53 25 . 20 4 . 8167E+00 4 -3 .7 422E +0 02 303 .91 1. 32 8 . 9829 E+0 05 4. 089B E+004 4 00 . 65 J 1 . 40 1.1474E+005 8 . 4565E+ 004 KR-8 5 513 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 4877E, 006 3 . 49E+006 2 . 5141E+006 KR-B 5M 151 . 18 75 . 30 1 . 89 98 E+004 l . 90E+0 04 l . 0210E+004 30 4.87 14 . 00 8 . 5584E+004 -6 .1 008E+00 2 SR- 85 513 . 99 99 . 27 1 . 5108E+004 1 . 51E+004 1 . 0891E+004 Y- 88 898 . 02 93 . 40 1 . 8203E+004 7 . 08E+003 -2.6860E+003 1836 . 01 99. 38 7 . 0787E+003 -5 . 3361E+003 CD-10 9 88 . 03 3.72 6. 3206E+O OS 6 . 32E+0 05 3 . 8989E+00 5 SN- 113 255 .1 2 1. 93 6 . 2 '/'/ 8E+005 l . ~UE:+0 04 6 . 252 0E+004 391. 69 64 . 90 1 . 9006 E+0 04 -9 . 9053E+003 CS- 1 34 47 5 . 35 1. 46 9 . 37 45E+0 05 1. 59E+004 2 . 54 4 6E+00 5 563 . 23 8 . 38 l . 6444E+005 5 .4 307E+00 4 569.3?. 15 . 43 8 . 5659E+004 4 .1 679E+003 604 . 70 97 . 60 1 . 5885E+004 -4 . 9632E+003 795 . 8 4 85 . 40 l . 720 7E+004 -1 . 19 52E+003 80 ],93 8 . 73 l . 6425E+0 0 5 -5 . 547 3E+004 10 38 . 57 1.00 1.4 005E+0 0 6 -5 . 4491E+0 05 1167 . 94 1. 8 0 1. 0490E+006 -2 . 5687 E~oos 1365 . 15 3 . 04 4 . 4718E+005 7 . 4710E+004 CS - 136 66 .91 12.50 3 . 1368E+00 5 l. 35E +0 04 -l . 6168E+005 86 .29 6 . 30 3. 8597E+005 -1 . 297 2 E+005 153 . 22 7. 46 l . 8334E+005 - 8 . 6495 E+0 04 163 . 89 4 . 61 3 . 0456E+005 2 . 2158E+0 05 176 . 55 13 . ~6 9 . 5668E+004 - 8 . 8356E+00 4 273 .65 12 . 66 9.744 6E+0 01 7. 5851E 1-004 340 .57 48 . 50 2 . 7502E+004 2 . 9903E+004

1clide MDA Report 9/16/2017  ? : 10:28 PM Page 6 Nuc lide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) {%) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818.50 9 9.70 l . 35 00E+004 l .35E+00 4 -3 .1 55 1E+003 1048.07 79 . 60 l.9530E+004 7 . 0331E+003 1235 . 3'1 19 . 70 8 . 6958E+004 2 . 7120E+003 CS-137 661 . 65 85 . 12 2 . 201 6E+004 2 . 20 E+004 2 . 8280E+004 CS-1 38 138 . 10 1. 4 9 l . 21 46E+006 1.76E+004 4.2 298E+005 227 . 76 1. 51 9.9537E+005 :i . 9596E+004 408.98 4 . 66 3 . 0422E+005 1 . 6417£+00 3 46 2 . 79 30 . 70 4. 35 09E+0 04 -4 . 644 2E+004 546 . 94 10 . 80 1.0967E+005 -9 .4 623E+004 871.80 5 . 11 2 . 7646E+005 1.1409E+OOS 10 09 . 78 29 . 80 5 . 24 25E +0 04 -1. 010 9E+OO 4 11 47 . 22 1. 24 l. 56 98E+006 l . 4447E+005 1343.59 1. 14 1. 04 08E+006 2 . 8082E+005 14.35 . 86 76 . 30 1 . 7609E+004 - 6 . 1391E+003 CE- 1 39 16 5 . 85 8 0 . 35 1 . 730SE+004 1 . 7 31:.:+0 04 5 . 35 36E+003 EU-152 121.78 28 . 40 5 . 97478+004 5 . 09E+004 -1. 5 493E+003 244 . 69 7 . 49 l . 7030E+005 -4. 0136E+004 344.27 26 .5 0 5.0 8 89E+0 04 2 .2 327E+0 04 4 11.11 2 . 21 5 . 664 8E+005 2 .9 630E+OO S 443.98 3 . 11 3 . 8656ET005 -1 . 6344E+005 778 . 89 12 . 74 9 . 8332E+004 -2 . 41621:.:+ 003 867 . 32 4.16 3. 3252E+005 1 . 3180E+ 00 5 964.01 14 . 40 l. 1413E+005 - 8 . 4956E+004 1085 . 78 10 . 00 1 . 7077E+005 l . 1764E+00 5 1112 . 02 13 . 30 l.2903E+005 - 8 . 2916E+004 1407 . 95 20 .7 0 6. 19 39E+00 4 4 . 48 27E+004 EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 4 . 2063E+004 4 . 21E+00 4 - 5 . 9946E+003 188 . 25 0 . 23 5 . 9838E+006 4 . 0314E+0 06 247. 93 6.8 3 1.7663E+0 05 -2 . 4393E+004 4 O1. 30 0 . 19 6 . 8156E+006 4 . 4854E+006 4 44 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 2545F:-t006 5 . 7385E+005 47 8 . 26 0 . 21 6 . 1896E+006 -5 . 91 70E+005 557 . 56 0 . 25 5 . 183 4E-t006 S . o -/60E+005 582 . 00 0 . 89 1. 668 9E+006 8 . 61 71 E+005 591. 7 6 4 . 91 2 . 5297E+005 2 . 9719E+004 62 5 . 22 0 . 32 4 . 1653E+006 l . 2313E+006 676 .59 0 . 14 9.1854E+006 3 . 6560E+006 692 . 42 1. 78 7 . 854 1E+005 3 . 8112E+005 715 . 7 6 0 . 17 7 . 043 BE +006 - 4 . 1532E+00 4 722.30 20 . 00 7 . 25 91E +00 4 -6 . 3759E+002 756 . 86 4 . 50 3 . 0624E+005 -3 . 3467E+00 5 815 . 55 0 . 50 2 . 6192E+006 l . 9601E+005 84 5 . 39 0 . 58 2 . 37 21E +0 06 -9 . 77 50E+ 00 5 850 . 64 0 . 23 6 . 751 4E +006 8 . 7005E+005 873 . 20 12 . 09 9 . 9653.1::+004 -3 . 1921E+003 892.73 0 . 50 3 . 3625E+0 06 l . 6520E+005 90 4 .05 0 . 85 1 . 9 048£ 006 -1 .7 968E+006 996.30 10 . 34 1 . 2966E+00S l . 1 947E+00 4 1004 . 76 17 . 90 8 . 0013E+004 5 . 5390E+004 1128 . 40 0. 29 5 . 7318E+006 1 . 91 75E+0 06

1clide MDA Report g/16/2017 2 : 10 : 28 PM Page 7 Nucl ide Energy Yield Lin e MDA Nu clide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU - 154 1140 .90 0 . 22 7.6990E+0 06 4 . 21E+004 1 . 1070£+006 1241.60 0 . 13 1 . 4 661E+007 6 .0 903E+006 1246 .60 0 . 80 2.2 362E+006 - l . 7113t:+006 1274 . 51 34 . 40 4 . 2880E+004 -2 . 0897E+004 1494 . 08 0 . 71 l. 1986E+006 -3 . 2913E+005

                        ]596.45      1. 80  7 . 8399E+005                          5 . 6740E+ 004 HG - 203       279 .19   77 . 30 1 . 57 42£+004    l . 57E+004          1 . 2108E+003 BI - 214       609 . 31  46 . 30 3 . 7700 E+0 04   3 . 77E+004          2 . 0091E+004 768 . 36   5 . 0~ 3 . 0310E+005                          6 . 1275E+004 806 .1 7   1. 23  l.08 27E+006                           5 . 2195E+004 934 .0 6   3 . 21 4. 4777E+005                           2 . 3893E+005 1120.29     15 . 10 1 . 0897E+005                          1 . 2562E+004 1155 . 19    1. 69  l. 0180E+006                         -2.8415E+005 1238 . 11    5 . 94 2 . 9980E+005                          2 . 31628+005 1280.96      1. 4 7 9 . 2842E +0 05                        4 . Y84 ~E+005 1377.67      4 . 11 3 . 7806E+005                          l . 3282E+005 1385 . 31    0 . 78 l . 8025E+006                          1 . 1349E+006 1401. 50     1. 39  8 . 6399E+005                        -l . 1258E+005 1407 . 98    2 . 48 5. 1700E+005                           3 . 7417E+0 0 5 1509 .1 9    2 . 19 5 . 4022E+005                       -8 . 3938E+004 16 61.20     1.15   8 . 00141::+005                     -6 . 2~~9E+OOS 1729 . 60    3 . 05 4 . 30 43E+005                         2 . 6104E+OOS 1764 . 49   15 . 80 1.1176E+O OS                           9.7680E+004 1847 . 44    2 . 12 4.7069E+00 5                        -1.2746E+005
    >                   2118 . 54    1. 21  O.OOOOE+OOO                            0 . 0000E+OOO PB-214          74 . 81   6.33   5 . 3348E+OOS     3 . 48E+004          6 . 4183E+005 77 . 11  10 . 70 2.8 082E+OO~                        -1 . 4 488E+005 87 . 20   3 . 70 6.4468E+0 05                           l.4356E+005 89 . 80   1. 03  2 . 1943E+006                          3 . 7970E+0 04 241 . 98   7 . 49 l . 7937E+005                       -7 . 2057E+004 295 . 21  19 . 20 6 . 7754E +00 4                        5 . 797 9E:+004 35 1 . 92 37 . 20 3 . 4779E+004                          3 . 6072E+003 78S . 91   1. 10  1 . 2987 8+0 06                        6 . 7649E+005
     +=Nuclide identified during the n uclide identifi cation
     * = Energy l lne found in the spect rum
     >=Calcula ted MDA is zero due to zer o counts in the reg i on , or the region is outside the spec trum , or has not been calculated
     @ =a. l!al f-llfe too short to be able to perfor m the decay correction

.le name: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ 9 . 16 . 17\WGTV-10 9 . 16 . 17 . CNF

port Generated On 9/16/2017 2:09 : 47 PM 1mple Title WGTV-10 09/16/2017 1mple Description 1rnple Identification

,mple Type 1mple Geometry iak Locate Thre shold 3.00 iak Locate Range (in c hannels) 1 - 65535 iak Area Ran ge (in chan nels) 200 - 8000 ientificat ion Energy Tolerance 1 . 000 keV ,mpl o Size 2 . 830E+001 m2 I ,mple Taken On 9/16/2017 10 : 38 : 00 ~~./

quisition Started 9/16/2017 10 : 38 : 1 9 AM

.ve Time 600 . 0 seconds/ !.Jl Time 600 . 2 seconds ?ad Time 0 . 03 % / ' Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/ 12 /2016 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID OLAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/16/20 17 2 : 09:47 PM Page 2 ' *********** * **~*** * **** ***** ***************** ***** ********************** P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T ***** Detector Name: 3844 Sample Ti tle : WGTV-10 09/16/2017 Peak Analysis Performed on : 9/16/2017 2 : 09 : 4 7 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 200 Peak Ana lysi s To Channel : 8000 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Ar ea Uncert. counts 1 1495- 1505 1500.34 375 .18 0 . 35 1.24E+001 1 4.4 5 1 . 56E+001

 = Fi rst peak in a multiplet region
 = Other peak in a mult iplet region Fitted singlel
rors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Activily Report 9/Hi/201 7 ~ : 09:48 PM Page 3 NUCLID E I DE N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****


Sample Title : WGTV-10 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Osed : C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Act ivity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

      * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
      @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :     1 . 000 keV Nuclide confidence index th re shold=    0 . 30 Errors quoted at 1 . 960 si gma

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/16/20 1 7 '2 : 09 : 48 PM Page 4 '*********** **** ** **** *~* ******** *** ** **** ***** *** ** ****** **** *** ** **** * '**

  • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt meari Wt mea n Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

     ? = Nuclide i s part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interferem.:e ,rnalysis
     @ = Nuclide contains energy l ines not used in Weig hted Mean Ac t ivity Errors quoted aL      1.960 sigma
 ******* ***      U N I D E N T I f I E D       P E A K S       ****** ****

Peak Locate Performed on : 9/16/2017 2 : 09 : 4 7 PM Peak Locate From Channel : 200 Peak Locate To Channe l : 8000 Peak Energy Peak Size .i.11 Peak CPS 1:-'eak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nucli~~ {/<1, L]'1 1 37 5 .18 2 . 0595E-002 116 . 92 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Othe r peak in a multiplet regi on F = ritted singlet Errors quoted at 1 .9 60 sigma

1cl ide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 09 :4 8 PM Page 5 N UC L I DE M DA REPOR T ***** De tector Name: 3844 Sa mp le Geometry: Sample Title : WGTV-10 09/16/ 2 017 Nuclide Library Used : C: \GENIE2K\CAMFI LES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity NcJme (keV) ( %) {pCl/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) K-40 146 0 . 81 10 . 67 4.504 1E+0 05 4 . 508+005 1.461 0E+ 00 6 SC- 46 889 . 25 99 . 98 1 . 3723£+004 l. 37E+004 2 . 4447£+003 1120 . 51 99 . 99 l . 5837 E+004 - l . 1710E+001 C0-57 122.06 85 . 51 1 . 9641E+004 l . 96E+004 -1 . 1209E+0 04 136 . 48 10 . 60 l .4 226E+00 5 1 .:>Y l:>E+ U0 4 C0-60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 l . 6971E+004 l . 34E+004 8 . 6681E+003 1332 . 49 1 00 . 00 l . 3376E+004 6 . 6627E+003 SE-75 96 . 73 3 . 41 5 . 8465E+005 2.03 E+0 04 2 . 0943E+0 0 4 121. 11 16 . 70 1 . 0053£+005 -5 . 1086E+003 136 .00 59 . 20 2 . 54758+004 -3 . 6644E+003 198 . 60 1. 45 9 . 0525 E+005 -4 . 62Y8E+004 264 . 65 59 . 80 2 . 0313E+004 -4 .8 679E+003 279 . 53 25 .20 4.7861E+004 1. 75 72E+00 3 303 . 91 1. 32 9 . 30t>!JE+005 -5.6389E +004 400 .65 11. 40 1 . 0093E+005 -5 . 12408+004 KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 6712E,- 006 3 . 67E+006 1. 7 332E+OO 6 KR - 85M 151.18 75 . 30 1 . 90'/lE +O O4 l . 91E+00 4 5 . 2149E+003 304.87 14 . 00 8 . 8846E+004 1. 7348E+004 SR-85 513 . 99 99 . 27 l . 5903E+004 1. 59E+00 4 7 . 5080E+003 Y- 88 898 . 02 93 . 40 l . !J897E+004 8 . 21E+003 1 . 3452E+003 1836 . 01 99 . 38 8 . 2 060E+003 - 1. 5246E+003 CD- 1 09 88 .03 3 . 72 6 . 3533E+0 05 6 . 35E+005 -2 . 1 651E+004 SN - 113 255 .12 1. 93 6 . 3315E+OO~ l . 72E+004 -2 . 0168E+005 391. 69 64 . 90 1 . 7237E+004 -3 . 7122E+0 03 CS - 134 475 . 35 1. 46 7 . 9736E+005 l . 49E+004 l . 3579E+005 563 . 23 8 . 38 1. 4 4 4 7E+00 5 -1.6847E+005 569 . 32 15. 43 8.7538E+004 9.422 2E+003 604 . 70 97 . 60 1. 4 934 E+0 04 - 8 . 9269E+003 795 . 84 85 . 40 1. 8631E+U04 2 . 9914E+003 801. 93 8 . 73 1. 81 71E+005 -6.524 4E+ 004 1038 . 57 1.00 l. 3561 E+0 06 -5 . 5211E+0 05 1167 . 94 1. 80 9 . 3998E+005 -1.3 109E+005 1365 . 15 3 . 04 3.3200E.i.005 - 2 . 3409£ 1005 CS - 136 66 .9 1 12 .50 3 . 2244E+005 1. 47E+004 -3 . 95288+004 86 .29 6 . 30 3 . 8196E+005 1 .9 666E +005 153 . 22 7 . 46 1 . 8911E+00 5 l . 2751E+005 163 . 89 4 . 61 2 . 8392E+005 8 . 7169E+004 176 . 55 13 . 56 9.2 509E+0 04 - 3 . 83968+0 04 273.65 12 .6 6 9 . 860 18+0 04 - 2 . 02 74E+0 04 340.57 48 . 50 2.5046E+004 -9 . 5435E+002

tclide MDA Report 9/16/201""1 2 : 09 : '18 PM Page 6 Nuclide 8nergy Yield L ine MDA Nuc l ide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i/m2 ) {pCi/m2 ) CS - 136 818 . 50 99 . 70 l . 4736E+004 1 . 47E+004 l.6374E+004 104 8 . 07 79 . 60 1.6262E+004 l. 5306E+ 004 12 35 . 34 19 .7 0 9. '/ 556 E+O04 8 . 6288E+003 CS -1 37 661 . 65 85 . 12 2 . 3806E+004 2 . 38 E+004 2 . 6162E+004 CS- 13 8 138 . 10 1. 4 9 1 . 1230E+006 1. 85E+004 -1 . 5669E+005 227 . 76 1.51 9 . 9463 E+0 05 - 7 . 9682E+0 04 408.98 4.6 6 3 . 0113E+0 05 1 . 3142E+005 46 2 . 79 30 . 70 4 . 5450E+004 3 . 7560E+003 546 . 94 10 . 80 1 . 3420E+005 - 4.41 66E+004 871. 80 5 . 11 2 . 6799E+005 - 4. 2380E+004 10 09 . 7 8 29 . 80 5. 2425£+004 - 4 . 277 3E+00 4 1147 . 22 l. 24 l . 3300E+006 - 1. 7622E+006 134 3 . 59 1.14 l. 4138E+006 1. 2357E+006 14 35 . 8 6 76 . 30 1 . 8531£+0 04 8 . 0610E+003 CE -139 1 65 . 85 80 . 35 1. 6356E+0 04 l . 64E*I 004 3.2234E+003 EU -152 121.78 28 . 40 5 . 94018+004 4.73E+004 -2 . 9359E+004 244 . 69 7 . 49 1 . 7648E+005 l . 6602E+004 344 . 27 26 . 50 4 . 7317E+004 -l.1085E+003 411 .11 2.2 1 5 . 4877E+005 - 2 . 4214E+0 0 5 443 .98 3.11 4. 0078E+OOS -5 . 9585E+005 778 . 89 12 . 74 1 . 05 7 01:::+005 - l . 5456E+005 8 67 . 32 4 . 16 2 . 9771E+005 -2 . 6254E+004 964 .01 14 .4 0 1. 1750E+005 l.374 9E+ 00 4 1085.78 10 . 00 1. 8504E+OOS 1 . 9161E +0 05 1112 . 02 13 . 30 1. 1686E+00 5 -1 . 8047£+002 1407 . 95 20 . 70 6 . 5417E+004 -5 .1 815E+004 EU-1 5 4 1 23 . 07 4 0 . 40 4 . 2111E +0 04 4.21E+004 - 2 . 3086E+004 1 88 . 25 0 . 23 5.7474E+006 -5 . 4239E+006 247 . 93 6 . 83 1. 7414E+005 -6 . 6088E+004 4 01. 30 0 .1 9 5.9337E+006 - 1 . 78448+006 444.39 0 . 55 2 . 3325£+006 - l.9 093E+006 478 . 26 0 . 21 5. 7302E+0 0 6 2 . 2513E+006 557 . 56 0 . 25 4. 41!:>9E+006 -l. 5200E+006 582 . 00 0 . 89 1. 7177 E+006 l . 6622E+006 591.76 4.91 2.6181E+005 -2.6513E+005 625.22 0.3 2 4.1 653 E+0 06 2 . 9286E+006 676.59 0 . 14 9 . 5691 E+006 2 . 8580E+006 692 . 42 1. 78 7 . 1321E+005 - 4 . 5328E-"-005 715 . "/6 0 . 17 8 . 7731E+006 6 . 2998E+006 722 . 30 20 . 00 7 . 443 4E+004 - 4 . 3076£+00 4 7 56 . 86 4 . 50 3.3027E+00 5 -9. 1780E+00 4 81~ . 55 a. so 2 . 6522E+006 l . 5662E-t005 845 . 39 0 . 58 2 . 6152E+006 l .1 131E+006 850 . 64 0 . 23 6. 2199£+0 0 6 - 6 . 0218E+005 8'/3.20 12 .0 9 l. 0 1 30E+0 0 5 1.1 65 1E+0 04 892 . 73 0 . 50 2 . 5914E+006 - 7 . 5838E+005 904 . 05 0 . 85 2 . 0922E+006 - 1 . 0743 E+0 06 996 . 30 10 . 34 l. 3772E+0 05 l . 8164E+003 1004 . 76 17 . 90 7.7709E +004 - 7 .4 106E+0 04 1 1 28 . 40 0 . 29 4 . 9092E+006 -3.38 85E+006

1clide MDA Report 9/16/201~ 2: 09 : 48 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nucl i de MDA Activi ty Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 } EU - 154 11 4 0 . 90 0 . 22 6.5939£+006 4.21E+001 - 3.8701E+006 12 4 1.60 0.13 1.4985£+007 5. 1 382E+006 1 246.60 0 . 80 2. 12:i'7E+006 -l . 2311E+O O!:i 1274.5 1 34 . 4 0 4 . 5205E+004 - 2 . 5224E + 003 149 4. 08 0.71 1. 721 0E+006 1 . 097 1 E+006 1596.45 1. 80 6 . 5891E+005 1.2672£+005 HG - 203 279 . 19 77 . 30 1 . 5841E + 004 l . 58E+00 1 6 . 2368E+003 BI-214 6 0 9 . 31 46 . 30 3 . 3468£+004 3 . 35E+0 0 4 1 . 0810£+ 0 04 768 . 36 5.04 3 . 005 4 E+005 -l . 1 060E+005 806 . 17 1. 23 l. 1579E+006 2 . 6772E+005 934.06 3 . 21 3 . 9957E+005 - 2 . 0197E+005 112 0 .29 15 . 10 l . 0485E+005 -7.7528E+0 0 1 1155 . 19 1. 69 9.8149E+ 0 05 - 1 . 0243E + 00 6 1238. 1 1 5 . 94 3 . 3052£+005 l . 1569E+005 1 280.9 6 1. 47 l.1937E+006  :> . 1583E+005 1377 , 67 4.11 3 . 3279E+005 3 . 3359E+004 1385 . 31 0 . 78 1. 4 760E +006 - 3 . 5743£+006 14 0 1. 5 0 1. 39 l . 0 42 8E+006 - 3 . 7696E+OOS 1 407.98 2.48 5.4603E+0 0 5 -4 . 32 4 9E+005 1509 .1 9 2.19 S . 1883E+005 2 . 9784E +005 1661. 28 1.15 8 . 00 1 4E +005 3 . 05 1 6£+ 00 5 1729 . 6 0 3 . 05 4 . 3043E+005 2 . 6104E+005 1764 . 49 15.80 9 . 0618E+ 0 04 6 . 0468£+004 1847 . 44 2 . 12 5 . 0634E +005 2. 5 4 3 1 E+004

    >                211 8. 54       1. 21   O. OOOOE+ OOO                          O.O OOOE+OOO PB - 214         74 . 81     6 . 33  4. 9 1 29 E+005   3 . 62E+004          8 . 1903E+00 4 77 . 11   1 0 . 70  2.6120E+005                            4. 1113E+004 87 . 20     3 . 70  6 . 4669E+005                         2 . 4943E+005 89 . 80     1. 03   2 . 2424 E+0 0 6                    - 5.4694 E+005 241. 98       7 . 49  l. 8325E+005                           l . 2736E+ 0 05 295.2 1     1 9 . 20  6 . 5338E+00 4                        2 . 0S52El-004 351 . 92    37 . 20   3 . 6203E+00 4                        5 . 4486E+004 785 . 91      1.10    1.24~'.:JE+006                        1 . 4214E+005
     + = Nuclide i dentified d ur i ng the nuclide identification
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum
     > = Calcula t ed MDA i s zero due to ze r o c o unts in the region , or the region i s outside the spectrum , or has not been calculated
     @ = Half-life too short to be able to perfo r m the decay correction

.lename: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\9 . 16 . 17\WGTV-09 09162017 . CNF iport Generated On 9/16/2017 2 : 08 : 55 PM 1mple Title WGTV-09 09/ 1 6/2017 tmple Description tmple Identification 1mple Type / 1mple Geometry 3vV\-CfO~ !ak Locate Thre sho ld 3 . 00 iak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 6553 5 !a k Area Range (in c hannels) 200 - 8000 lenti fication Energy Tolerance 1 . 000 keV / ,mple Size 2 . 830 E+ 001 rn2 1mple Taken On 9/16/2017 9 : 58 : 00 AM/

quisi t ion Start e d 9/16/2017 9 : 58 : 47 AM

.ve Time 600 . 0 seconds


,al Time 600 . 2 seconds iad Time 0 . 04  %/ Ene r gy Calibration Used Done On 10/ 12/2016 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/16/2016 Ef fi ciency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/16/2017 2:08:55 Pf\1 Page 2 , peak analysis results avail abl e for report ing purposes

tterfe re nce Corrected Ac~~vi ty Report 9/ 1 6/20 17 1:08 : 55 PM Page 3 =*********************************************************************** N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** =*********************************************************************** Sample


WGTV-09 09/ 1 6/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB IDENT I FIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activi ty Name Conf idence (keV) ( %) (pCi /m2 } Uncertai n ty

      *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
      @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance:        1 .000 keV Nuc l ide confidence index threshold=        0.30 Errors quoted a t   1.960 sigma

~erference Corrected Ac~lvity Report 9/16/2017 2:08:55 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activi t y Name Confidence (pCi/m2 } 0ncertainty

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by t he interference ana l ys i s
      @=Nuclide conta i ns ene r gy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  1.960 sigma

> peak search results available for nuclide analysis.

1clide MDA Report 9/16/201'7 2:08:56 PM Page 5 N U C L I D E M D A R 8 P O R T ***** Detector Name: 3844 Sample Ge omet ry : Sample


WGTV-09 09/16/2017 Nuc lide Library Used : C: \GEN IE2 K\CAMFILES\STDLI B. NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc l ide MDA Act ivity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) K-40 1460.81 10.67 4 .3 7 82E+005 4.38E+005 1.3342 E+006 SC-46 889 . 25 99.98 l . 4418E+004 1.44 E+004 3 . 0087E+003 1120 . 51 99 . 99 1 . 9752£+004 1. l 101E+OO 4 CO-57 122 .06 85 . 51 1 . 8522E+004 l . 85E+004 2.5276E+003 136 . 48 10.60 l.4675E+005 - 3. 1 722.t:;+004 C0- 60 1 173 . 22 100 .00 1.5659E+004 l.30E+004 -8.8716E+003 1 332 . 49 100.00 1 . 3045E+004 -1 .1007E+004 SE-75 96.73 3 . 41 5.9594 E+ 005 2 . 04E +004 - l . 41 72E+005 121.11 16 .70 9.4633E+004 -1 . 1 003E+004 136.00 59.20 2 .654 4E+0 04 1. 4829E+004 198 . 60 1. 45 8 . 74.59E +005 -1. 7 l 86J::+004 264 . 65 59 . 80 .2 . 0373E+004 -2 . 2592E+004 279 . 53 25 . 20 4.8014E+004 -8 . 9488E+003 303 . 91 1. 32 9 . 5555E+005 1. 7 935 E+OO 4 400.65 11. 4 0 1 . 1422E+0 05 7 . 2305E+004 KR-85 513.99 0 . 43 3.3831E+006 3 . 38E+006 1. 3902E+006 KR-85M 151.18 75.30 1.8714 £+004 1.8 7E+0 04 -2. 1736E+003 304.87 14.00 9 . 1359E+004 -5.9344 E+003 SR- 85 513 . 99 99.27 1. 4 655E+00 4 1.47E+004 6.022 1E+003 Y- 88 898 . 02 93.40 1.4595E+0 0 4 8 .21E+003 - 2 . 0790E+003 18 36.01 99.38 8.2060E+003 -9.3381E+003 CD-109 88.03 3.72 6 . 5772E+00 5 6.58£ +005 - 2 . 3359E+005 SN- 1 13 255 . 12 1. 93 6.7785E+005 1 .76E+004 5 . 4735E+004 391. 69 64.90 1. 7646E +004 -8 . 6436E+003 CS-134 475 . 35 1. 4 6 8.9683E+005 1 . 58E+00 4 -l . 8105E+OOS 563.23 8.38 1 . 5184E+0 05 -4.1270E +004 569.32 15 . 43 8 . 8154E-l 004 7.2092E+004 604 . 70 97,60 1 .5793 E+00 4 6 . 4985E+003 795.84 85 . 4 0 1 . 6872£+004 -1.1867E +004 801. 93 8.73 1.6085E+005 - 6.4191E+0 03 1038.57 1.00 l.5834E+006 -8 . 8282E+004 1167 .94 1. 80 9.2830E+OOS -1.84 41E+0 05 1365 .1 5 3.04 4.4718E+005 7 . 4710E+004 CS-1 36 66.91 12.50 3 . 1887E+005 l . 50E+004 - 3 . 63628+004 86.29 6 . 30 4.0230E +0 05 2 .72 08E+005 153 .22 7 .4 6 l .8528E+005 8.4324E+004 163.89 4 .61 2 . 8779E+005 1 . 2287 E+ 005 1 76 . 55 13 .5 6 9 .8385E+0 04 1 . 3333E+004 273.65 12.66 1.0 473E+005 4 .610 6E+004 340 . 57 48.50 2 .4 734E+0 04 -3 . 5 711E+002

,elide MDA Repo rt 9/16/201 1 2 :08:56 PM Page 6 Nuc l ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc li de MDA Activity Name ( k-eV) (%) (pC i/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 8 1 8.50 99.70 l . 5028E+004 1 . 50E+004 -1. 2903E+003 10 48.07 79. 60 1. 8247E+004 - 9 .91 10E+003 1235 .34 19.70 8.t3080E +0 04 6 . 0642£+004 CS-137 6 61. 65 85 . 12 2.5633E+004 2 . 56E+0 04 4.8191E+004 CS - 138 138 .10 1. 4 9 l.1807E+ 0 06 1 . 62E+004 3 . 3639E+005 227.76 1. 51 9 . 2074E+005 - 2 .0102E+005 4 08 . 98 4 .66 3 .2067E+005 l. 12 09 E+005 4 62. 79 30.70 4 .6751E+004 2 . 1567E+004 546.94 10.8 0 l.3556E+005 - 5 . 3897E+004 8 71. 80 5 . 11 3 .2 905E+005 - 1 . 1922E+004 1009.78 29. 80 4.8785E+004 - 2.8253E+004 1147.22 1. 24 l.3649E+00 6 - l .2783E+006 1343 . 59 1. 1 4 l.3976E+006 3 . 4176E+005 1 435 . 86 76.30 1 . 6210E +004 -3.9550E+003 CE- 1 39 165.85 80 . J~ 1 . 685ll:.:+004 l.69E+004 6 . 0826E+003 EU - 1 52 121.78 28 .40 5.6115E+004 4 .40E+004 2 . 5639E+004 244.69 7 . 49 1. 8705E+005 6 . 5867E+004 344 . 27 26 . 50 4.4040E+004 - l . 8474 E+0 04 411.11 2.21 5 . 75 1 1E+005 -2.96 4 2E+005 4 43 . 98 3 . 11 4 . 3201E+005 2 . 47 22E +00 5 778.89 12 . 74 1 . 1 0321:.:+00 5 -l . 3010E+004 867 . 32 4 . 16 3 . 7828E+005 5 . 6737E+004 964.01 14 . 40 1 .218 4E+005 8.5771E+004 1085.78 1 0 . 00 1 .6 312E+005 9.3236E+004 111 2. 02 13 . 30 1.3328E+OOS - 7.8887E+004 140 7.95 20 . 70 6 . 5417E+004 -3.436 7E+00 4 EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 3 . 9280E+OU4 3 . 93E +004 - 1 .6618E+00 4 188 . 25 0.2 3 5.7574E+006 6 . 6224E+005 2 47.93 6.83 l .9537E+005 - l . 2702E+005 401 .30 0 . 19 6 . 7851E+006 1. 94 4 lE+OO 6 444 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 4445E+006 l . 97 1 1E+006 478.26 0. 21 5 . 9262E+006 l .2350E +006 557 . 56 0.25 5.0323E+006 -4 . 4369E+ 004 582 . 00 0 . 89 1 . 8736E+006 1. 91 1 9E+OO 6 591. 76 4 . 91 2 . 8260E+005 -3 . 2388 E+005 625 . 22 0 . 32 3.9486E+006 1. 4403 E+006 676.59 0 . 14 8 . 5747E+006 - 4 . 2452 E+0 06 692.42 1. 78 8 . 1235E+0 05 - 1. 6772E+005 715.76 0 . 17 7.5583E+006 - 4 .6 826E +005 722 . 30 20 . 00 7 .7 981E+004 4.8670E+004 756 .86 4 .5 0 3 . 24 44 E+0 05 -9 . 7814£+004 815.55 0 .5 0 3 . 04 5 5E+006 -l.163 2E+005 845 . 39 0 . 58 2.5894E+0 06 9 . 2415£+004 850.64 0 .23 6 . 4248E+006 7 . 1098E+006 873 . 20 12 .09 1.2828E+005 5 . 5999E +004 8 92 . 7 3 0 . 50 2 .7 791E+006 - l .5 109E+006 904 . 05 0.85 1. 7351£+006 l . 2649E+006 996 . 30 1 0 . 34 1 . 4 713E +o *o s 1.1506E+ OO:i 1 004.76 17.90 7.7709E +004 5.1318E+004 1128 . 40 0.29 5 . 8679£+006 -9. 2107E+006

1clide MDA Report 9/16/20) ..., 2: 08: 56 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i / m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU-154 1140.90 0 . 22 7 .11 97£+006 3.93E+ 004 3 . 9629E+006 124 1.60 0 . 13 1 . 3460E+007 -l. 1225E+007 1246 . 6 0 0 . 80 1.97 79E+006 -3 . 15 44 E+006 1274 . 5 1 34 .4 0 4.0404£+ 004 2 . 5484E+ 004 1494 . 08 0 . 71 l . 4506E+ 006 - 2 . 1 828 E+ 006 1596 . 45 1. 80 6.5891E+005 1 .4 563 E+005 HG- 203 279 .1 9 77 . 30 1.5742E+004 l . S7E + 0 04 - 7 . 87 93E+00 2 BI -214 609 . 31 46 . 30 3 . 1 648E+004 3 .16E+00 4 3.9590E+003 768.36  ;:, . 0 4 3 . 005 4E+005 4.5 252E+004 806 . 1 7 1. 23 1 . 1458£+006 -4 . 9816E + 005 934 .06 3 . 21 4. 8048E+005 -2. 9593E + 004 1 12 0 . 29 15 .10 1 . 3078E+00 5 7 . 34 9 8E+ 004 1 1 55 . 19 1. 69 1 .0 060£+00 6 - 9.0250E+004 1238 . 11 5 . 94 2 . 7724E +005 1 .5715E +005 1280.96 1. 47 l . 0068E+ 0 06 - 7 . 4032 E+003 1377.67 4 .1 1 3.8503£+005 l . 5093E+005 1385 . 31 0 . 78 1. 7164E+ 0 06 - 1 .5798E+0 05 1 40 1.50 1. 39 1 . 0428E+006 8.86971::+00 5 1 40 7 . 98 2 . 48 5.4603E+005 -2 . 8686 £+005 1509 . 19 2 . 19 5 . 6065E+005 - 4.8152E+005 1 661 . 28 1. 15 1 . 01'7 1 E+006 -'.3 . 8146E+005 1 729 . 60 3 . 05 3 . 9547E+005 5 . 5373 E+004 1764 .49 1 5.80 l . 0441E+005 8.3725 E+ 004 1847.44 2. 12 4. 7069E+0 05 1 . 7 952 E+005

    >                    2 1 18 . 54    1. 2 1   O. OOOOE+O OO                             O.OOOOE+OOO PB-214              7 4 . 81   6 . 33   S.0576E+005           3 . 53E+00 4     - 7 . 6453 E+004 77 .11   10 . 70    2 .74 65£+005                             7.94 28 E+ 004 87.20      3 . 70    6 . 6635E+005                         - 2 . 1765E+005 89 . 80    1. 03    2 . 3072E+006                          - l.1228E+006 241. 98      7 .4 9    1 . 9477E+005                            4 .36 408+004 295.21     1 9.20      6.9892E+004                              1. 7 92 1 E+OO 4 351.92     37.20       3 . 5304 E+ 004                          2 . 9941E+004 785. 91      1. 1 0    l . 3244 E+ 0 06                       - 3 .85 94E+005
      + = Nuclide ide nti fied during the nuclide identifi cat i on
      *=Energy line found i n the s p ect rum
      >   Ca l c ula te d MDA is zero due to ze ro counts in t he region, or the re g ion is out side the spe ct rum, o r h a s not been c a lculat ed
      @ = Half- life too short t o be abl e to perform the decay correc ti on

GAMM A A NA L Y I S *****

.lename: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\9 . 1 6.17\WGTV-08 9 . 16. 1 7.CNF            j
,p ort Generated On                     9/16/2017          1 : 16 : 53 PM 1mp le Title                            WGTV- OB 09/16/2017 tmple Description 1mple Identifica t ion 1mpl e Type                                                     /

tmple Geometry 3 yV\ - cro cf ,ak Locate Thresho ld 3 . 00 ,ak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 ,ak Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentification Ene r gy Tolera nce 1. 000 keV unple S.i.:.::e 2. 8301:'..:+0 01 m2


1mple Ta ken On 9/16/2017 10 : 1 1 : 00 AM/

quisition Started 9/16/2017 10 : 12 : 50 AM

.ve Time 60 0 . 0 seconds / ,a l T .i.rne 600.2 seconds iad Time 0 . 03 % / Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/16/2016 Ef ficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D


!ak Analysis Report 9/16/2017 1 : 16 : 53 p~1 Page 2 > peak a na lysis results avai lab le for rep orting pu rposes

tterference Co rre cted Actjvity Report 9/16/2017 1 : 16: 53 PM Page 3 N UC L I DE I D E N T I f I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** "***********~*********************************************************** Samp l e


WGTV-08 09/16/2017 Nuclide Lib r ary Used: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ST DLlB . NLB IDEN T IFIED NUCLIDES Nucl i de Id Ene r gy Yield Activity Act i vity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/rn2 ) Uncertainty

      *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
      @=Energy line not used for Weight ed Mean Activity Energy Tol erance :       1 .00 0 keV Nuclide confidence index thresho ld=          0.30 Errors quoted at 1.960 sigma

1terference Corrected Act .i vi ty Report 9/ 1 6/20 1 7 1. : 1 6: 53 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T * **** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Act ivi t y Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

       ? = Nuclide is par t of an undetermined solut i on x = Nucl ide rejected by the interference analysis
       @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weight ed Mean Ac t ivity Errors quoted at    1. 960 s i gma

> peak search results available for nucl ide ana l ysis.

1clide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1:16:54 PM 5 N lJ C L I D E M DA R E P O R T ***** Detector Name : 3844 samp le Geometry: Samp le Titl e: WGTV-08 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc lide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%) (pCi / m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 } K-40 1460.81 10.67 4 . 59 18E+0 05 4 . 59E+005 1. 4 356E+OO 6 SC-46 889.25 99 . 98 l .3900E+0 04 1.39E+004 4 . 1483E+003 1120 . 51 99 . 99 l. 8004E+004 9 . 4102E+003 C0-57 122.06 85.51 1 . 9548E +004 l . 95E+004 7 . 6065E+003 l::lb . 48 10 . 60 1 . 409JE+005 2 . 9396 E+004 C0-60 1173.22 1 00 . 00 1. 6109E+004 1 .40E+004 -4 . 5 1 53E+003 1332.49 100.00 l .4012E+004 -6 . 8978E+003 SE-75 96. 73 3.41 6 . 0151E+005 2 . 02E+004 4.8635E+005 121.11 16 .70 l .0053E+005 - 3.9595E+002 136 .00 59 . 20 2 . 5372E+004 l . 0972E+004 1 ~8 . 60 1. 45 8 . 8836E+005 - 8.03 42E+004 264.65 59 . 80 2 . 0192E+004 2.0114E+004 279 . 53 25 . 20 4.6143E+004 - 2.1243E+004 303 . 91 1. 32 9 . 4001E+005 8.3508 E+005 400 . 65 11. 40 1 . 0442E+005 - 6 . 3355E+003 KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 6385E+006 3 . 64E+006 -8 . 0781E+005 KR- 85M 151. 18 75 . 30 1 . 8792E+004 l.88E+004 l . 1 937E+004 304 . 87 14 . 00 8 . 7961E+004 -1. 7975E +004 SR-85 513 . 99 99 . 27 1 . 5762E+004 1 . 58E+004 -3 . 4993E+003 Y-88 898 . 02 93.40 1 . 5168E+004 1. 27E+004 - 1 . 6625E+003 1836 . 01 99 . 38 1 . 2703E+004 6 . 8607E1003 CD- 1 09 88 . 03 3.72 6 . 28 12E+005 6.28E+005 -6 . 3639E+005 SN- 1 13 255 . 12 1. 93 5.9638E+005 1 . 77E+004 -l . 9266E+005 391 . 69 64.90 1.7747E+00 4 - 2.5071E+003 CS-134 475 . 35 1. 46 8.6503E+005 1.46E+0 04 - 4.29 1 6E+004 563 . 23 8 . 38 1 . 5538E+005 4.4624E+004 569.32 15.43 8 . 5659E1004 -7.1172E +004 604 . 70 97 . 60 1. 4636E+0 04 - l . 164 5E+004 7 95. 84 85 . 40 l . 6357E+0 04 -3.2238 E+003 801. 93 8 . 73 l. 538 1E+0 05 3 . 4456E+004 1038.57 1.00 1. 4005E+006 l.1224E+006 1167 . 94 1. 80 l . 0176E+006 7 . 1376E+005 1365 .1 5 3 . 04 4 . 6846E+005 2 . 0670E+005 CS-136 66 . 91 12 .50 3.1369E+005 1 .43E+004 - l.3642E+005 86 . 29 6.30 3.8717E+005 7 . 2583E+004 153 . 22 7.46 1. 8 501E+005 - 3.1877E+004 163 . 89 4 . 61 2.9538E+005 -8.7809E +002 176 . 55 13.56 9 . 2692E+004 l.6020E+003 273.65 12 . 66 9.0807E+004 -4.1010£ +002 340.57 48.50 2.5047E+004 6.5597E+003

iclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1 : 16 :54 PM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818 . 50 99 . 70 l.4287E+004 l.43E+004 2.04}1E +003 104.8 .0 7 79.60 l . 5957E+004 -6 . 1560E+003 1235 . 34 19.70 9 . 6558E+004 l .4 317E+004 CS -1 37 661 .65 85. 12 2 . 0379E+00 4 2 . 0 4E+004 1. 3594E+0 04 CS- 138 138 . 10 1. 49 1 . 1695E+006 l . 97E+004 2 . 6598E+004 227 . 7 6 1. 51 9.9975E+0 05 3 . 7959E+005 408.98 4 . 66 3.0951E+005 2 . 41 69E+0 05 4 62. 7 9 30.70 4.5180E+004 l.4348E+004 546.94 10.8 0 l .3137E+00'.) 2 .6 042E+003 8 71. 80 5 . 11 2 . 76 85E+005 1. 7151E+OO 5 1009 . 78 29 . 80 5 . 2499E+004 4.0139E+003 1147.22 1. 24 l.41 75E+006 1 .5755E+005 1 313 . 59 1.14 1.1442E+0 06 3.8625E+005 14 35 .8 6 76.30 1 . 9726E +004 2 . 0304E+003 CJ:.: - 139 16:> . 8:> 80 . 35 1 .7 012E+004 l.70E+004 9 . 4609E+003 EU-152 121.78 28 . 40 5 . 8913E+004 4 .52E+004 3 . 3684E+004 244.69 7 . 49 l . 7156E+005 - l.9537E+004 3 4 4 .2 7 26 . 50 4 . 5225E+004 - 4 . 7017E+004 4 1 1.11 2.21 5.8642£+005 2.6169E +O OS 44 3 . 98 3 .1 1 3 . 9610E+005 2.8961E+004 Fl 8 . 8 9 12 .7 4 1. 0451E+005 l .1049E+005 8 67 . 32 4 .16 2 . 8828E +0 05 - 2.4069E+005 964 .01 14.40 1 . 2290E+005 -3.2476E+004 1085 . 78 1 0 . 00 1 . 44278+005 1 . 2992E+004 1112 . 02 1 3 . 30 1 . 1524E+005 7.2458E+004 14 07 . 95 20.70 5.2057E+004 -3. 5861E+004 EU-154 1 23 . 07 40 . 40 4 . 1190E+004 4.12E+00 4 7 .3 341E+003 188.25 0 . 23 6.1643E +0 06 4 . 1252E+006 247.93 6 . 83 1. 8054E +005 -6.7 018E+004 401 . 30 0. 1 9 6. 1 752E+006 -1.3044E+006 444 . 39 0.55 2 . 2279E1006 - l.5842E+00(i 478 . 26 0.21 6.1156E+006 -1. 53258+005 557.56 0 . 25 4 . 8362E+006 - 4.36138+006 582 . 00 0.89 1. 7929£+006 8 . 9135£+0 05 591. 76 4.91 2 . 6823E+005 -1. 19358+005 625.22 0 . 32 3 . 91 1 2E+006 7 . 6431E+ 005 676.59 0.14 1.0377E+007 3 . 1283E+00 6 692.42 1. 78 7 . 5025E +005 -3 . 2476£+005 715 . 76 0 . 17 7.3912E+006 -8.2951E+005 722.30 20.00 6.7409E+004 -6 . 02528+004 756 . 86 4 . 50 2.9669E+005 -6.3203E+004 815 .55 0. 5 0 2 .9306E+00 6 7.2424£+005 845 . 39 0 . 58 2.2549E+006 1 .0836£+006 850 .64 0.23 5 .71 04E+006 - 9.37268+005 8 7 3 . 20 12 .09 1 . 0291E+005 - 1 . 0642E+00 5 8 92 . 73 0 . 50 2 . 9538E+006 7.4689E+005 904 . 05 0 . 85 l . 9578E+006 2 . 2689E+005 996 . 30 10 . 34 l . 4530E+005 7 . 8949E+004 1004 . 76 17 . 90 8.2246£+004 3 . 1701E+004 1128.40 0.29 5.7318E+006 -3 .1 045E+006

tclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1 :16: 54 PM Page 7 Nuc l ide Energy Yield Li ne MDA Nucl i de MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) ElJ -15 4 1140.90 0.22 7.0180E+006 4.12E +0 04 4.1066E+006 1241.60 0.13 1 .5457E+007 5.6000E +00 6 1246.60 0 . 80 2 .2362E+0 06 - 2.0445E +006 1274.51 34 . 40 4.1248E+004 -6.1989E+004 1494.08 0.71 1 . 4506E+006 7 . 3140E+005 1596.45 1. 80 6.00 1 SE+005 3.0261E+005 HG -203 279.19 77 . 30 1 . 5 08 SE+004 1 . 51E+004 -8 . 3467E+003 BI -21 4 609 . 31 46 . 30 3.1438E+004 3.14E+004 3.6488E+003 768.36 5 . 04 2. 8'/33E+005 1. 5663E +OO S 806. 1 7 1.23 1 . 1458E+006 8 . 4391£+005 934.06 3.21 4 . 420 7E+005 -l.3651E+005 1120 . 29 1 5 . 10 l .1920E+005 6.2302 E+004 1155 . 19 1. 69 9 . 8149E+005 - l .9320E+005 1238 . 1 1 5 . 94 3.4009E+005 3 . 4013E+005 12 80 . 96 1. 4 7 9 . 0762E+00 5 -1 . 6625E+005 1377 .67 4 . 11 3.1605E+00 5 -1. 4 4 56E+005 1385 .3 1 0 . 78 1 . 5773E+006 -5 . 0408E+005 14 01.50 1. 39 8.9207E+OU~ 6 . 6523E+004 1407 .98 2 . 48 4.3451E+005 -2 . 9933E+005 1509. 1 9 2. 19 4 . 7256E+005 2.3828E+005 1 661.28 1.15 9 . 6835E+005 4 . 8826E+005 1 729.60 3.05 4 . 1 338E+005 8 . 1 873E +004 17 64. 4 9 15.80 6.5599E+004 - 5.8143E +002 1847 .44 2 . 12 5.0634E+005 -3.3210E t0 05

    >                 2118 . 54    1. 21   O. OOOOE+OOO                         O. OOOOE +OOO PB-214          74.81     6 . 33  5.3179E+005       3 . 62E+004        3.0441E+005 T/. 11  10.70     2 . 8656E+005                        2 . 4669E +005 8 7 .20   3.70    6.4868E:+005                       -5 . 8935E+00 4 89.80     1. 03   2 . 2582E+006                        1. 0835E+OO 6 241.98     7. 4 9  l.8132E+005                        -9 . 2'/08E +003 295.21   19 . 20   6 . 69598+004                        1. 0 90 4.E+OO 4 351 . 92 37.20     3.6203E+004                          1.8328E+004 785 .9 1   1. 10   1 . 14 59E+006                     -3 . 4303E+OOS
     + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide ide ntificat ion
      * = Energy l ine found in the spe ct rum
     > = Ca l culated MDA i s zero due to zero counts in t he re gion, or the region is ou t side the spectrum, or has not been ca l culated
      @ = Half - life too short to be ab le to pertorm the decay correction

G A M M A E C T R U M A N A L Y I S *****

.lename : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\9 . 18 .17\WGTV 07.CNF                /

iport Genera t ed On 9/18/2017 3:42:04 PM tmple Title WGTV 07 1mple Description imple Identification tmp le Type 1mple Geometry 3m 90d iak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 iak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 !ak Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tole rance 1. 000 keV trnple S .i.:.:::e 2.830E+001 m2 / tmple Ta ken On 9/ 18/2017 9:36 .: 00 AM /

quisi tion Started 9/ 18/2017 9
3 6 : 4 8 AM *

.ve Time 600 . 0 seconds/ ,c:;1.l T 600.2 seconds !ad Time 0 .03 % / Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2 016 Effic iency Calibration Used Done On 12 /16/2016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Repo rt 9/18/2017 3 :42: 04 PM Page 2 P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T ** *** Detector Name : 3844 Sample Title : WGTV 07 Pea k Analysis Performed on: 9/18/2017 3:42 : 04 PM Pea k Analysis From Channel: 200 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8000 Peak ROI RO I Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 1 119- 112 8 1123 .24 280 . 85 0. 77 1 .93 E+0 01 16 .56 2.27E+001 2 582 7- 5856 5841 . 10 1460 . 01 0 . 31 2.04E + 00 2 35.1 4 2.52E+001

 =  First peak in a multiplet region Other peak in cl mulliµlel L*ey .LUH
 = Fi t t ed singlet

~rors quoted a t 1 . 960 sigma

1terfer ence Corrected Act ivity Report 9/18/2017 3: 42 : 05 PM Page 3 NUCLIDE I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample


WGTV 07 Nuc l ide Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCL I DES Nuclide Id Energy Yie l d Activity Act ivity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncerta i nty K-40 0 . 902 1460 . 81* 10 . 67 l.21452 E+ 006 2.31365£+005

      *=Energy l ine found in the spectr um.
      @    Ener gy l ine not used for Weighted Mean Ac tiv i ty Energy Tolerance :          1 . 00 0 keV Nuclide confidence index t hreshol d=            0 . 30 Errors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Actjvity Report 9/18/2017 3 : 42 : 05 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Act i vity Name Con fidence (pCi / m2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 902 l .2145 1 7 E+006 2 . 313649E+005

      ? = Nu clide is part of an undetermined so l ut i o n X = Nu clide rejected by the inte rference analysis
      @=Nu c lide contains energy l i nes not used in Weighted Mean Activi t y Errors quoted a t       1 .960 sigma UN I D E NT I F I E D                P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on : 9/18/2017 3 : 42 : 04 PM Pea k Locate From Channel: 200 Pea k Loca te To Channe l : 8000 Peak Energy Peak S i ze in Pea k CPS Peak To l. No. (keV) Count s per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 280.85 3.2 1 53E-002 85 . 84 e~-i.M M = First peak in a multipl et region m = Othe r peak i n a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.960 s igma

1clide MDA Report 9/18/2017 3:42:05 PM Page 5 N O C L I D E M D A REPORT ***** Detector Name : 3844 Sa mple Geome tr y: 3m 90d Sample Title ; WGTV 07 Nuclide Library Used: C :\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 ) ( [.JCl/m2 } ( pCi/m2 )

  +       K- 40         1 460.81*       10 . 67       2.2879E+005          2.29E+005        1 .214 5E+006 SC-46           889 . 25      99 . 98       1 . 0907E+004        1 . 0 9E+00 4  - 4.2852E+003 1 120.51        99 . 99       1.9074E+00 4                          1. 2 149E+004 C0-57           122.06        85 . 51       1.8399E+004          1.84E+00 4     -9 . 8454E+002 1 36 . 48     10.60         1.5003E+005                           1. 6762E+005 C0 - 60       1 173. 22      100 . 00       1. 7786E+004         1 . 40E+004      1.15378+ 004 1332 . 49      10 0 . 00      1 .4012E+004                          8 . 0151E+003 SE -75            96.73          3.41       5 . 6858E+005        2.13E+004      -3.0107E+ 004 121. 1 1      16.70         9.5893E+004                         -6 . 7354E+ 003 1 36 . 00     59 . 20       2.6805E+004                           1. 5484E+004 1 98. 60         1. 45      8. 693 '/E+OOS                      -8 . 6693.E:+005 2 64 . 65     59 . 80       2 . 1255E+004                       -6 . 9222£+003 279 . 53      25 . 20       4.4685E+004                           3.5496E+003 303.9 1          1. 32      8 . 9829E+OO!J                        7.5971E +0 04 400 . 65      11. 40        1.0327E+005                           3.8762E+004 KR-85           513 . 99         0 . 43     3 . 4532E+006        3 . 45E+006    - l. 1672E+OO 6 KR-85M          151. 18       75 . 30       l . 8297E+004        l . 83E+004    - 1 .2 310E+004 304.87        14.00         8. 4 574E+00 4                        4 . 9855E+004 SR-85           513.99        99.27         1. 4 959E+004        l . 50E+004    -5.056 1E+003 Y- 88           8 98. 02      93.40         1.2474E+004          l.14E+004      - 2 . 1860E+003 1836.01         99.38         1 . 1 4 4 7E +0 04                    5 .3 361E+003 CD- 109           88 . 03        3.72       5.9213E+005          5 .92E+005       4. 4 426E+005 SN-113          255.12           1. 93      6.7118E+0 05         l.76E+004        2 . 0599E+005 3 91. 69      64.90         1 . 7646E+004                       -6 . 5727E+003 CS - 134        475 . 35         1. 46      8.4865E+005          l . 65E+004      5 . 4316E+005 563.23           8 . 38     1 . 6222E+005                       -5 . 1693E+004 569 .32       15 . 43       8.3084E+004                         -4 . 9441E+004 604.70        97.60         l . 6517E+004                         1 . 7104E+004 795 . 84      8'.:> . 40    1 . 7695E+004                       -5 . 4024E+003 801. 93          8 . 73     l . 6592E+005                       - S . 7610E +004 10 38.57           1. 00      l.3333E+0 06                        - 2 . 6727E+005 1 167.94           1. 80      9.6286E+005                         -6 . 8207E +00 4 1365 .15           3 . 04     4.3610E+005                           3 . 3869E+005 CS-136            66 . 91     12 . 50       3.1629E+005          1 . 27E+004    -1.1423E+004 86.29          6 . 30     3 . 6554E+005                         6 . 5 7 41E+004 153.22           7 . 46     1.8638E+005                           8 . 70478+004 1 63 . 89        4 . 61     3.0000E+OOS                           l . 3971E+005 176.55        13 . 56       9.9218E+004                         -1 . 4501E + 004 273.65        12 . 66       9.0175E+004                           l.2 5 5 6E+00 4 340.57        48 . 50       2 . 5149E+004                         2 . 8765E+004

1clide MDA Report 9/18/2017 3:42 : 05 PM Page 6 Nuc l ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%} (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS- 1 36 818 . 50 99 . 70 1 .2660E+004 l. 27E+004 -2.2580£+003 1 048.07 79 . 60 1. 714 5E+00 4 1. 7219E+004 1235 . 34 19 . 70 9 . 7558E+004 - 4 . 7715E+004 CS-137 661 . 65 85.12 l . 9617E+004 l.96Et004 l . 5660Et004 CS -13 8 138.10 1. 49 1.1619E+006 1.69E+004 -3.1 256E+005 227 . 7 6 1. 51 9.3665E+005 1 . 58308+005 408 .98 4 . 66 2 . 9645E+00 5 1 .3 69 0£+005 462 . 7 9 30 .70 4 . 4483E+004 - 1 . 43408+004 546 . 94 10.80 1.2953E+005 -6.5228E+004 871. 80 5 . 11 3.2561E+005 -2 . 1352E+004 1009 .78 29 .8 0 5 . 45 42E+004 2.2387E+004 1147.22 1. 24 1 .4071E+006 8.4835E +005 1343 . 59 1.14 l . 2322E+006 -3 . 4285£+005 1435 . 86 76 . 30 l . 6883E+004 3 . 0041E+003 CE-139 1 65 . 85 80.35 L 68788+00 4 1.69E+004 - 7.33 08E+003 E0-152 121. 78 28 . 40 5 . 4849E+004 4 .18E +004 -5.2756E +004 24 4.6 9 7 . 49 l . 7888E+005 -3 . 1233E+00 4 344 .27 26.50 4. 17 75£+0 0 4 -5 . 2643E+00 4 41 1. 1 1 2 . 21 5 . 5769E+005 8 . 2059E +004 443 .9 8 3 . 11 3 .8 170E+005 - 3 . 9497E+005 778.89 12.7 4 1 .08 04E+005 - 8 .07 47E +004 867 . 32 4.16 3 .5998E+005 2 . 61 63E +005 964.01 14 . 40 1 . 1 064E+005 l .0 519E+005 1 085 . 78 1 0.00 l. 57 11E+00 5 -9. 5288E +00 4 1 112 .02 13 .30 1 .1846E+005 - 3 . 0011E+004 14 07. 95 20 . 70 5 . 2057E+0 04 -8 . 3677E+003 EU - 1 54 123 . 07 40 . 40 3.8969E+004 3.90E+004 l .0 14 6E+004 188 . 25 0 . 23 5.4794E+006 - l .3 935E+006 247 . 93 6. 83 l.9268E+005 4 . 4034E+004 4 01. 30 0 . 19 6.0729E+006 1 . 4003E+006 444 . 3 9 0 . 55 2.2279E +0 06 1. 1201E+00 6 478 . 26 0 . 21 5.5680E+006 1.98 45£+005 5':J/ . :>6 0 . 2':J :i . 1834E+006 l . 0638E+006 582 . 00 0 . 89 1 . 7081E +0 06 3 . 5915E+005 591. 7 6 4 . 91 2 . 5297E+005 l . 9884E +005 625 . 22 0 . 32 4. 2349E +006 l .9230E+006 676 . 59 0 . 11 9 . 6625£+006 -9.4713E+006 692 . 42 l. 78 7 . 5025E+005 l . 9951E+005 7 1 5 . 76 0 . 17 7 . 5583E +006 - l . 4J21E+006 722 . 30 20 . 00 6 . 9401E+004 -2.7443E+004 756. 86 4.5 0 3 . 1548E+005 5 . 2340E+004 8 1 5 . 55 0 . 50 2 . 748 4E+006 2 . 5553E+006 845 . 39 0 . 58 2.2549E+006 2 . 2284E+005 850.64 0 . 23 5.5553£+006 -2 . 4761E+006 873 .20 12 . 09 1. 1912 E+005 -4 . 212 1 E+004 892.73 0 .50 2 . 2549E+006 2 .51 75E+005 904 . 05 0 .85 1 .81 26E+006 -4.48 85E+005 996 . 30 10.34 1. 3966E+005 -8 . 2028E+004 1004 . 76 17 . 90 8 . 1 13 8E +00 4 - 3 .2 578E+004 1128.40 0. 29 5.8003 E+ 006 - 2 .47 9 4 E+006

1clide MDA Report 9/18/20 1 7  ::3:47.:05 PM PFige 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) EU-154 11 4 0.90 0 . 2'.7 7 . 6990E+006 3.90E+004 2 . 7918E+006 1241.60 0 . 13 l . 5 4 57E +0 07 4 . 0234E+006 1 246.60 0 . 80 2 . 2091E+0 0 6 - 1 . 7094E+006 1274.51 34 . 40 5 . 2142E+004 1 . 8974E+003 1 494 . 08 0 . 71 1.5926E+006 1 . 2571E+005 1 596 . 45 1. 80 6 . 3035E+005 2 . 1540E+005 HG - 203 2 7 9 . 19 7 7.30 1 . 461::?F.+004 1. 4 6E+ 004 S . 5866E+003 BI- 214 609 . 31 46 . 30 3 . 4 625E +004 3 . 4 6E+004 4 . 3134E+004 7 6 8 . 36 5 . 04 2 . 979!:JE+005 -1. 0758E+003 806 . 1 7 1. 23 l .18 1 9E+006 l . 1379E+005 934 . 06 3 . 21 5 . 2543E +005 3 . 5782E+005 1 120 . 29 15 . 10 1 . 2628E+005 8.0434E+004 1 155.19 l. 69 9.8 1 49E+005 2 . 2213E+005 1 238 .1 1 5 . 94 3 . 3693E+005 7.65 10 E+003 1280.96 1. 47 9 . 8789 E+005 -l.1030E+006 1 377 . 67 4 . 11 3 . 0729E +005 -9.8347E+004 1 385 . 31 0 . 78 1.5773E+006 -1. 9603E+004 1401.50 1. 39 8.6399E+005 1. 9957E+005 1 407.98 2 . 48 4.3451E+005 - 6.9844F.+004 1509 . 1 9 2 . 19 4 . 2005E+005 -6 . 9497E+004 1661 . 28 1.15 9 . 6835E+005 -3 . 814 6E+003 1729 . 60 3 . 05 4. 7736E+005 3 . 3224E+005 1 764 . 49 15 . 80 1 . 0182E+005 8 .1 400 E+003 18 47.4 4 2. 12 5.0634E+005 2 . 1542 E+005

    >                2118 . 54      1. 21    O. OO OOE+OOO                            O. OOOOE+OOO PB - 2 1 4       74 . Bl    6. 33    4 . 9495E+005        3 . 37E+004         l. 4 993 E+005 77 . 1 1 10 . 70    2 . 64471::.:+005                      - 7 . 4990E+004 87 . 20    3 . 70   6 . 0396E+005                          -1 . 4588E+004 89.80      1. 03    2 . 0455E+006                          -l . 0689E+006 241 . 98     7 . 49   l . 8630E+005                            l . 2132E+004 295 . 21   19 . 20    6 . 775 4E+004                         -1 . 0811E+004 3 51. 92   37 . 20    3 . 370 4 E+004                          1. 79368+004 785 . 91     1.10     1 . 3865E+006                          - 4 . 07461:;+005
      +=Nuclide ident i f ied during t he nuclide i dentifica t i on
     * = Ene r gy line found in the spectrum
     >=Calcul ated MDA i s zero due to zero counts i n the re g i on , o r t he region is outside the spect rum, or has not been calc ul ated
     @=Half-li fe too short to be able to perform the dec a y correction

lena me : C : \GENIE2K\CAMFI LES \9 . 16 . 17\WGTV-06 09162017 . CNf' iport Gen erat ed On 9/16/ 201 7 2 : 05:327 1mple Title WGTV-06 09/16/2017 1mple Descr ipti on 1mple Identification 1mple Type / 1mple Geomet ry 3 VV\- 10c' iak Locate Th r es h old 3 . 00 iak Locate Ra nge (in channel s) 1 - 65535 iak Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tolerance 1 . 000 keV tmple Size 2 . 830E+0 01 m2 , / 1mple Taken On 9/16/2017 8 : 55 : 00 AM

quisition Started 9/16/2017 9 : 00 : s o r ve Ti me 600 . 0 seconds ial Time 600 . 2 seconds

~ad Time 0 . 04 % / Energy Calibra tion Used Done On 10/12/2016 Effic l ency Cal ibLaLion Used Done On 12/ 16/2016 Ef fic iency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

!ak Analysis Report 9/16/2017 2 : 05 : 32 PM Page 2

***              P E A K      A NA L Y S I S       R E P O R T Detector Name:    3844 Sample


WGTV - 06 09/16/2017 Peak Analysis Performed on: 9/16/2017 2:05:32 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 200 Peak Analysis To Channel : 8000 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No . start end centroid (kcV) {keV) Area Uncert . Counts 1 5839 - 585 5 5845 . 72 1461.16 0 . 60 6.55E+001 38 . 95 l . 04E+002

= First peak in a multiplet reg ion
= Other peak in a multiplet region
= Fitted singlet
  • rors quoted at 1.960 sigma

1terference Corrected Act jvity Report 9/16/2017 2 : 05 : 33 PM Page 3 NUCLIDE I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T * ***

  • Sample


WGTV-06 09/ 16 / 2 0 17 Nuclide L ibra ry Us ed : C : \GEN IE 2K\CAMFILBS\STDLIB .NLB I DENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yie ld Activity Activi ty Name Conf idence ( keV ) ( %} (pCi/rn2 } Uncertainty K-40 0 . 98 1 1 460 .81* 10.67 3 . 907928+ 005 2 . 34459E+0 05

      * - Energy line found in the s pe~t rum .
      @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activjty Energy Tole ran ce :         1 . 0 00 keV Nuclide confide nce index threshold -             0 .30 Errors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Act~vity Report 9/16/20 1 7  ?. : 05:1:l PM Page 4 I N T E R f E R E NC E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 98 1 3 . 907923E+00 5 2 . 3 44 592E+005

     ?      Nuclide i s part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interfe rence a nalysis
     @= Nuc l ide co ntains energy l ines n ot used i n Weighted Mean Act ivity Errors quoted at         1 . 960 sigma
 **********      UN I D E NT I F I E D               P E A K S Peak Locate Performe d on :          9/16/2017       2 : 05 : 32 PM Peak Locate From Cha n n el :          200 Peak Locate To Cha n nel :            8000 Peak     Energy          Peak Size in              Peak CPS              Peak       Tol.

No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide Al l peaks were identified .

tclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 05 : 33 PM Page 5

      • ********************************~******************************************
***                   ~ U C L I D E           MD A        R E P O R T De tector Name :           3844 Sample Geometry:

Sample Tit le: WGTV-0 6 09/16/2017 Nuclide Librar y Used: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) {pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i/m2 )

  +       K-40       1460 . 81*      10 . 67    3.7228E+005         3 . 72E+005          3 . 9079E+005 SC-46       889 . 25       99 . 98    1 . 5238E+004       1.52E-.:+004         2 . 35228+003 1120 . 51       99 . 99    1 . 8901E+004                            4 . 6447E+003 C0-57       122.06         85 . 51    2 . 0808E+004       2 . 08E+004        - 5 . 5751E+002 136 . 48       10 . 60    1 . 4694E+00 5                           1 . 954 7 1::+00 3 C0-60      1173.22        100 .0 0    l . 738 4E+004      1 .2 7£+004        -3 . 0102E+003 1332.49        100 . 00    1.2703£+004                            -7 . 4490E+003 SE-75         96 . 7 3       3 . 41   5 . 7507£+005       2 . 29E+004        -6 . 3357E+004 121. 11        16 . 70    l.0643E+005                            -3.14 30E+004 136.00         59 . 20    2 . 6414E+004                          -6 . 4854E-r003 198.60           1. 45    8 . 9855£+005                          -3 . 9307~+004 264 . 65       59 .80     2 . 29 1 4£+00 4                         8 .64 13E+00 3 27 9 . 53      25 . 20    5.2110E+004                              9 . 2269E+003 303 . 91         1. 32    l . 0152E+006                            8 . 3176E+005 400 . 65       11. 40     1 . 08'.3 5 F.+005                     - 1 . 9 180E+00 4 KR- 85      5 13 . 99        0 . 43   3 .7 515E+006       3 . 75E+006        - 1. 5804 E+00 6 KR- 85M     151. 18        75 . 30    1 . 9802E+004       1 . 98E+004        - l . 8354E+003 304.87         1 4 . 00   9 . 4633E+004                          -l.3272E+004 SR-85       51 3 . 99      9 9.27     l . 6251E-l00 4     1.63E+0 04         -6 . 84 63E+0 0 3 Y- 08       898 . 02       93 . 40    1.5538E+004         9 . 16E+003        - 7 . 0179E+003 1836 . 01       99 . 38    9 . 1566E+003                          -3 . 8116E+002 CD-109        88 . 03        3 . 72   6 . 61 49E+00 5     6 . 61E+005          4 . 82958+005 SN- 113     255.12           1. 93    6.54 1 9£ +0 05     2 . OOt.: +0 04    - 2 . 8054E +0 05 391. 69        64 . 90    2 . 0006E+004                          -2 . 8468E+003 CS-134      475 . 35         l. 4 6   9 . 2748E+005       l . 80E+004        -3 . 9569E+005 563 . 23         8 . 38   1. 66621::+005                           4 . 5996E+004 5 69.32        15 . 43    9 . 0576E+004                            9 . 0022E+003 604.70         97.60      1 . 8273E-t004                           1 . 44618+004 795 . 84       85 . 40    1 . 8013E+00 4                           1 . 0418E+004 8 01. 93         8 . 73   1.7558E+0 05                             8 . 6700E+004 1038 . 57         1.00     1 . 5051E+006                            4 . 8815E+005 1167 . 94         1. 80    1. 0893E+006                             9 . 0809E+005 1365.15           3 . 04   5.3557E +005                             2 . 5401E +0 05 CS-136        66.91        12 . 50    3 . 28 55E +005     l .37E +004          l . 7747E+005 86 . 29        6 . 30   3 . 9739E+005                            3 . 4405E+005 153 . 22         7 . 46   1. 9236E+005                           -7 . 3144E+004 163.89           4 . 61   2 . 9 448 E+005                          3 . 2217E+004 176.55         13.56      9.8737E+004                            -9 . 0390E+003 273 . 65       1 2 . 66   l . 0366E+005                          -6 . 6892E+004 340.57         48 . 50    2.7224E+004                              2 . 1271E+004

,elide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2:05:33 PM Page 6 Nuc l ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS- 1 36 818 . 50 99 . 70 l . 3664E+004 1 . ]7F',+004 8.90158+003 1048 . 07 79 . 60 1. 7148E+004 8 . 7708E+003 1235.34 19 . 70 l.0705E +OOS -2.8768E +002 CS-137 661 .65 85 .12 3 . 3434E+004 3 . 34 E+00 4 9 . 0317E+004 CS - 138 138 .1 0 1. 49 1 . 2914E+006 2 . 27E+004 6 . 6801E+005 227.76 1. 51 l.1448E+006 6 . 0988E+00J 408 . 98 4 . 66 3 . 4077E+005 7 . 6043E+004 4 62 . 79 30 . 70 5 . 7953£+004 -2 . 5912E+004 546 . 94 10 . 80 1 . 4800E+ 005 8 . 4613E+00 4 871 .80 5 . 11 3 . 7452E+005 -5 . 11 61£+004 1009 .7 8 29 . 80 6 . 2473E+004 -1 . 0408E+004 1147.22 1. 24 l . 3711E+006 -2 . 16658+006 1343 .59 1. 14 1 . 4871E+006 -8 . 9438E+005 1435.86 7 6 . 30 2.2706E+004 l . 0724E+004 CE: - 139 165 .85 8 0.35 1 . GGGOE+004 1 . 67E+004 1 . 3682 E+0 03 EU - 152 121.78 28 . 40 6 . 2708E+004 5.04E+004 3 . 0462E+003 244.69 7 . 49 1. 7 32 lE+OOS 9 . 6731E+003 344 . 27 26 . 50 S . 0370E+004 8 . 9*117E+003 411.11 2 . 21 5 . 7511E+ OOS 3.23768+0 0 5 443.98 3 . 11 4 . 4883E+005 -2 . 6797E+005 778 . 89 12 . 74 l . 240SE+005 9 . 3932E+003 867 . 32 4 . 16 3 . 8183E+005 1 . 2600E+005 964 . 01 14.40 1 . 2704E+005 3.9684E+004 1085 . 78 10 . 00 1 . 6699E+005 6 . 49618+004 1112.02 13 . 30 1 . 2758E+005 -4.9629E+003 1407.95 20 . 70 5 . 6254E+004 1 . 3324E+004 EU-154 123.07 40 . 40 4 . 3618£+004 3 . 77E+004 9 . 39471::+003 188.25 0 . 23 6.0700E+006 5 . 64678+006 247.93 6.83 l.84 37E+00 5 - 5 . 6630E+004 4 01. 30 0 . 19 6 . 4395£+006 2 . 3567E+005 444.39 0 . 55 2.49 ?5F.+006 -9 . 0136E+005 478 . 2 6 0 . 21 6 . 6833E+006 6 . 7430£1-0 06 5 57 . 56 0 . 25 4 . 8761E+006 8 . 2587£+00:i 582 . 00 0 . 89 1 . 8202£+006 2 . 0959E+006 591. 76 4 . 91 2 . 6823£+005 -7 . 5180E+004 625 . 22 0 . 32 4 . 5018E+006 2 . 7338E+006 67 6 . 59 0 . 14 R . 5747E+006 3 . 6473E+006 692 . 42 l. 78 7 . 4 300E+005 6 . 9669£+003 715 . 76 0 . 17 8 . 41 38£+0 0 6 6. 5!:>!::>6E+OO 6 722 . 30 20 . 00 7.50 38£+004 9.0060£+003 756 .86 4.50 3.0309£+005 -2. 1 377E+005 815 . 55 0 . 50 2 . 81051::+006 1.93468+004 845 . 39 0 . 58 2.4005E+006 5 . 66818+004 850.64 0.23 6.2199E +006 -5 . 0999£+005 873 . 20 12 . 09 l . 2047E+005 -1.0827E+004 892 . 73 0 . 50 3 . 1496E+006 l.2390E+005 904.05 0 . 85 l . 8867E+006 -2 . 9057E+006 996 . 30 10 . 34 l . 5761E+OO!:> - l . 0317E+004 10 04 . 76 17.90 8.6523E+004 L 3620£+004 1 128.40 0 . 29 5 . 8003E+006 -6 . 7778E+006

1clide MDA Report 9/ 1 6/2 0 1 7 2 : 05 : 33 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) { %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 } E0 - 154 1140 . 90 0.22 7 . 6990E+006 3 . 77E +004 5 . 9482 E+00 6 1241.60 0.13 1. 5457E+007 - 1. 6182E+006 1246.60 0 . 80 2 . 1 539E+006 5.1907E+004 1 2 7 4.5 1 34. 4 0 3.77 45E+004 -6 .142 4E+003 1494 .0 8 0.7 1 1.6 582E+006 2. 119 4E+005 1596.45 1. 80 6 . 8608E+005 4 . 1 609E+005 HG - 203 27 9 .19 77 . 30 l . 7069E+004 1 . 7 1£+0 04 9.5660 E+003 BI-214 609 . 3 1 46.30 3 . 7001E+004 3 . 70E+004 8.8650E +003 768 . 36 5 .0 4 3 .1560E+005 8 . 9599E +00 4 8 0 6 . 17 1. 23 l . 1458E+006 1. 5843E +005 93 4 . 06 3 . 21 4 . 2443E+005 -3 . 7675E +005 1120.29 1 5.10 l . 25 1 3E+005 3 . 075 1E+004 1 155. 19 1. 69 8 . 8981E+005 -3 .92 63E+005 1238.11 5 . 94 3 . 3693E+005 9 . 239 7 E+004 1280 .9 6 1. 4 7 l .0436E+006 4 . 6304E 1005 1377 .67 4 . 11 4. 1795E+005 2 . 2239E+004 1385.31 0 . 78 2 . 1769E+006 l . 1 153E+006 1 401. 50 1. 39 1. 0194E +006 4 .5866E +0 05 1407 . 98 2 . 48 4 .6 954E +005 1.1 12 1E+0 05 1 509 . 19 2 . 19 4.7256E+005 5 . 6777E +004 1661. 28 1.15 8

  • 6 0 7 4 E*1 0 0 5 3 . 6620E1005 1729 . 60 3 . 05 2 . 5546E+005 -2 . 907 1E+005 1764 .4 9 15.80 1.0937E+005 5 . 6457£+004 18 4 7.44 2. 12 5 .6 964E+005 2.8723E+005
    >                 2118 . 54     1. 2 1   O. OOOOE+OOO                                O.OOOOE+OOO PB-214           74.8 1     6.33    5.31798+005             4.0 3E+00 4         3 . 7289E+005 77.11    10 . 70   2 . 8775E+0 05                              3.1284 E+005 87 . 20    3.70    -6 . 7086E+005                              1 . 9964£+0 05 89 . 80   1.03     2 . 3050E+006                               7 . 6692 E+0 05 2 41. 98    7 . 49   1 . 8440E+0 05                              3 . 1854E+0 04 295.21     19. 20    7. 1 592E +004                            -7 . 5666E+00 2 3 51. 92   37 . 20   4. 0273 E+004                               3 . 7191E+004 785 . 91    1.10     l . 311GE+OOG                             - 3 . 4476E+OOS
      + = Nucl i de identified d u ri ng the n uclide identification
     * = Energy li ne found in Lhe specl r um
     > =Ca lcu lated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region , or the region is outside the spectrum, or has not been cal culated
     @ = Ha lf-life too short to be ab l e to p erform t he decay correction

G A MMA ?ECTRUM A NA L Y I S ***** l ename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\9. 1 6.17\WGTV-05 9 . 16 . 17.CNF !port Generated On 9/16/2017 2 : 06 : 27 PM tmple Title WGTV-05 09/16/2017./ tmple Description tmple Identifica tion 1mple Type 1mp l e Geometry 3 vv-. cto~ I iak Locate Threshold 3.00 !ak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 iak Area Range (in channe l s) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tolerance 1.000 keV ,mp1e Size 2 . 830E1001 m2 / 1mple Ta ken On 9/16/2017 9:20 : 00 AM

quisition Started 9/16/2017 9 : 21 :1 6 AM

.ve Time 60 0 . 0 seconds J in l Time 600 . 2 s~conds iad Time 0 . 04 % J Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Calibrat ion Used Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID / ULAR PLANE 90D

!ak Analysis Report 9/16/2017  ? : 06 : 27 PM Page 2 P E A K A N A L YS I S R E P O R T *k **** Detector Name : 3844 Sa mple Title : WGTV-0 5 09/16/2017 Peak Analysis Performed on : 9/ 16/2017 2 : 06 : 2 7 PM Peak Ana l ysis From Cha n nel : 200 Peak Analysis To Channel : 8000 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Ne t Area Continuum No . start end centroid ( keV ) ( keV) Area Uncer t . Counts 1 156 4- 1574 1568 . 7 1 392 . 27 0 . 61 1 .82£+001 16 . 25 2 . 08E+001 2 5836- 5860 5844 . 22 1 460 . 79 0 . 89 1.43E+002 38. 28 5 . 77E+001

=  First peak in a multiplet region Other peak in a multiplet regiot1
= E'itted singlet
  • rors quo ted a t 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Act i vity Repo rt 9/16/2017 2:06:27 PM Page 3 N O C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample Title : WGTV- 05 09/16/2017 Nuclide Llbrar y U~ed: C:\GENIE2K\CAMF1LES\STDLIB . NLB I DENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Act i vi ty Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %} (pCi/rn2 ) Uncertainty I<:-40 1.000 14 60.81* 10 .67 8 . 54376E+005 2 . 38489E+005 SN-113 0.948 255.12 1. 93 391.69* 64 . 90 7. 15466E+003 6 . 42 7 40E+003

           *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
           @ = Energy l ir1e not u~ e d [or Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :                       1.000 keV Nuc l ide confidence index threshold=                       0.30 Er rors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Cor r ected Actlvity Report 9/16/2017 2 :06: 27 PM Page 1 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T

                              • * *****************~**************************************

Nuclide WL mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activit y Name Confidence (pC i/m2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1 . 000 8 . 543765E+005 2 . 184890E+005 SN- 113 0 . 948 7 . 154 658E+003 6 . 427399E+003

     ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  = Nuc l ide rejected by the interfe rence analysis
     @=Nucl ide con t ains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted aL        1 . 960 sigma
 **********      U N I D E N t I F I E D            P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on : 9/16/2017 2 : 06 : 27 PM Peak Locate From Channe l : 200 Pc~k Locate To Channel : 8000 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) CounLs per Second  % Uncen:.ainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified.

te l ide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 06 : 27 PM Page 5 N U C L I D E M DA R E P O R T ** *** Detector Name: 3844 Samp l e Geometry: Sample Ti t le : WGTV-05 09/ 16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nucl i de MDA Activity Name (keV} ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi /m2 )

   +        K- 40       1460 . 81*          10.67      3.1884E+OOS         3.19E+OOS             8 . 5438E+005 SC - 46       889 . 25          99 . 98    l . 2202E+004       1 . 22E+004         -1.2416E+00 4 1120 .51            99.99      1.6661E+004                             - 1 . 6295E+004 CO-57         122 . 06          85 . 51    2.0981E+004         2 . 10E+00 4        -4.9614E+003 136.48            1 0.60     l .4 749E+OO:i                            l . 9205E +004 CO-60       1173 . 22         100 . 00    1 . 7179E+004        1 . 20 E-1-004        9 .5562E+003 1332.4 9          10 0 . 00    l . 1987E +004                          - 8 . 6409E+003 SE-75             96.73           3.4 1    6.0397E+005         2 . 14E+004           l . 0806E+005 121. 11          16 . 70     1 . 0855E+005                           -1.3793E+004 136.00           59 . 20    2 . 7063E+004                              2.5249E +0 04 198.60              l. 45    9 . 9:i96E +OO'.:>                        4 . 637 8E+OO 5 2 64 . 65        59.80      2 .1 370E+004                            -5 . 6705E+003 279 .5 3         25.20      5.2667E+004                                5.6108E+003 303 . 91           1. 32    9.5246E+005                             -7.9159E+00 4 400.65           11 . 10    1. 1979E+005                               6. 5374E+004 KR - 85        513 . 99           0 . 43   3 . 7988E+006        3 . 808+006           3.0878E+00-6 KR-85M         151 .18          75 . 3 0   1 . 8737E+004        l . 87E+004        -2.4517E+003 30 4.87          1 4 .00    8 . 9064E +0 04                         -2.2823E+004 SR-85          513 . 99         99.27      1.6456E+004          l . 65E+004           l . 3376E+004 Y-8 8          8 98 . 02        93 . 40    1. 4199E+004         8 . 211::+0 03     - 2 . 8968E+003 1836.01            99 .3 8    8.2060E+003                                2 . 2869E+003 CD- 109           88.03           3 . 72   6 .4 245E+005        6 . 42E+005           1.2765E+005
   +       SN- 113        2'.:>:, .1 2       1. 93    7 . 3204E+005       1 .03E+0 04            7 . 3514E+005 391 . 69*        64.9 0     l. 0282E+0 04                              7 . 1547E+003 CS-134         475.35             1. 4 6   8 . 8637 E+00 5     1. 7 5E+00 4        -3.6586 E+005 563 . 23           8 . 38   1. 4943E+005                            -1 . 3411E+005 569 .32          15 .4 3    8 . 3084E+004                           -4. 0384E+0 03 604 . 70         97.60      l .7460E+00 4                             2.5825E+003 795 . 84         85 . 40    1.83 25E+004                              5.0431E+003 80 1. 93           8.73     1.7713E+005                               l . 3301E+005 1038.57               1.00     1 . 5251E+0 06                          -7 . 8373 E+005 11 67 . 94            1. 80    9.8 516E+005                              5 . 9815E+005 1365 . 1 5            3 . 04   4 . 2469E+005                             3 . 1876E+005 CS-136           66 . 91        12 . 50    3.3295E+005         1 .56E+004          - 2.0183E+005 86.29            6 . 30   3.8557E+005                               1 .5 95 1E+005 153. 22             7 . 46   1.8666E+00 5                            - 2 . 7 728E+004 163.89              4 . 61   2.9954E+005                             -2 . 0060E+005 176 . 55          13 . 56    1. 048 6E+0 05                          -2 . 2035E+004 273.65            12 .66     1. 008 8E +OO 5                         -7.6961E+004 340 . 57          48 . 50    2.7030 E+004                              1.9223E+0 02

1cl ide MIJA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 06 :27 PM Page 6 Nuc l ide En ergy Yie ld Li ne MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818 . 50 99 . 70 1 . 5595£+004 1 . 56E+004 2 . 9942£+00 3 1048 . 07 79 . 60 1 . 71458+ 0 04 1 . 2531£+00 4 1235.34 19 .7 0 9.9533E+004 3 . 9320E+004 CS-137 661 . 65 85 . 12 3 . 4435ET004 3 . 44E+004 9 . 9823£+004 CS-138 138 . 10 1. 49 1 . 1752E+006 2 . 06E-+004 -7 . 2171E+005 227 . 76 1. 51 9. 7264E+005 -7. 4 568E+005 408 . 98 4 . 66 3 . 3130E+0 0 5 -1 . 5407E+005 4 62 . 7 9 30 . 70 5 . 7547E+004 4. 4226E+004 546 . 94 10 . 80 1.3797E+00 5 -4. 7170E+004 871.80 5 . 11 3 . 02618+005 -1 . 3234£+005 1009 . 78 29 . 80 6 .4 380E+004 4 . 8181E+004 1147 . 22 1. 24 l . 42 14E+006 - 1. 5665£..LOO 6 1343.59 1. 14 l . 5026E+006 9 . 3545£+005 1435 . 86 76 . 30 2 . 0583E+004 8 . 4075E+003 CE-1 39 16~ . 85 80 .3 5 1 . '/2L~ E+004 1. 72E+00 4 - l.1839E+0 04 EU- 1 52 121. 78 28.40 6 . 2839E+004 4 . 75E+004 - 5 . 8392E+004 244 . 69 7 . 49 :-_ . 8360E+005 1 .5 28 6E+003 344 . 27 26 . 50 4 . 7502E+004 -7 . 3392E+004 41 1. 11 2 . 21 6 . 190 4E+005 3 . 8814E+004 443 . 98 3 . 11 4 . 4260E+00 5 -5 . 4793E+004 778 . 89 12 . 74 1 . U8U4 E+005 - l . 99 52 E+005 867 . 32 4 . 16 2 . 9304E+005 - l . 1490E+003 964 . 01 14 .4 0 1 . 26028 +005 3 . 81 45E+004 1085.78 10 . 00 1 . 4650E+005 -2 . 2520E+004 1112.02 13 . 30 l . 2903E+OOS - 1 . 7431E+003 140 7 . 95 20 . 70 6 . 3705E+004 - l . 391SE~004 ElJ-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 4 . 3665£+004 4 . 37E+004 -1 . 6325E+00 4 188 . 25 0 . 23 6 . 1830E+006 l.4 463E+006 247 . 93 6 . 83 2 . 0150E+OOS - 2 . 5562E+004 4 01. 30 0 . 19 7 . 0839E+006 4 . 6251E +O O6 444 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 4806E+006 - l . 3098E+006 478 . 26 0 . 21 6 . 2262 E+ 006 -l . 3161E+006 557 . :,6 0 . 25 4 . 9937E+006 -2 . 4574E+006 582 . 0 0 0 . 89 1. 7 368E+006 1 . 0951£+00 6 591.76 4 . 91 2 . 5521E+005 -2 .4 127E+005 625 . 22 0 . 32 4 . 3705£+006 -2 . 9846E+006 676.59 0 . 14 9 . 9368E+006 9 . 2219E+006 692 . 42 1. 78 7 . 2078E+005 -3 . 6087E+00 5

                     /15.76      0 . 17 7 . 9596E+006                        -1 . 9197E+006 722 . 30   20 . 00 7 . 9690E+004                          7 .0 134£+0 04 756 . 86    4 . 50 3 . 1850E+005                        -2 . 6027E+004 815 . 55    0 . 50 3 . 1012E+0 0 6                        6 . 4190 ET005 8-15 . 39   0 . 58 2 . 4833E I 006                        l . 820 1E+006 850 . 64    0 . 23 6 . 4916E+0 06                         5 . 4228E+005 873 . 20   12 . 09 l . 2181E+005                          1 . 0843E+005 892 . 73    0 . 50 2 . 5120E+006                        -l . 5545E+006 904 . 05    0 . 85 1. 7548E+006                         -6 . 4 632E+005 996 . 30   10 . 34 1 . 59288+005                          9 . 64608+004 1004 . 76   17 . 90 8 . 75568+004                        -4 . 9619E+004 1128.40      0 . 29 5 . 6625E+006                        -7 . 76118+005

1cl ide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2: 06: 27 PM P; 7 Nuclide Energy Yi e l d Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV} ( %} (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) Ell-154 1140.90 0 . 22 7 . 8817E+006 4.37E +004 8. 1 236E+OO 6 1241.60 0.13 1.4824E+007 9 . 8149E+006 12 46.60 0 . 80 2 . 1539E+006 - 4 . 111 8E +0 05 1274.51 34 .4 0 4 . 5205E+004 4 . 5402E+004 14 94. 08 0.71 1.3728E+006 -1 . 2342E+0 06 1596.45 l. 80 6 . 3035E+005 l . 6076E+005 HG-203 279 . 19 77 . 30 l . 7294 E+004 l. 73E+004 8.1 ] 71P. +0 0] BI-214 609 . 31 46.30 3 . 6646E+004 3 .66E+004 -4 . 5794E+003 768.36 5.04 3 . 0054E+005 4 . 8118E +0 04 806 .1 7 1. 23 1. 2618E+006 -5.9389E+004 934 .06 3 . 21 4 .4 777E+005 -1.1698E+005 1120 . 29 15.10 l . 1031E+OOS - l . 0788E+005 1155 . 19 1. 69 8. 7584 E+0 05 -4. 0751F.+005 1238.11 5.94 3 . 0692E+005 -1. 4029E+005 1280 . 96 1. 47 1 . 0068£+0 0 6 3 . 8 4 97E+005 1377.67 4 . 11 3 .40 81£+005 -3 . 0433E+004 1385.31 0.78 1 . 9995E+006 - 4 . 4107E+005 1401 . 50 1. 39 8 . 9207E+ 00 5 l . 1087E+0 04 1407.98 2.48 S . 3174E+OOS -1 . 1615E+00 5 150 9. 19 2.19 4.4725 E+005 -2 . 1594E+005 1661.28 1.15 1. 1 4 8 9E+OO 6 7 . 3239E+005 1729 . 60 3 . 05 3.7652E+005 1 . 8985E+005 1764 .49 15.80 8.7557E+004 5 . 5817E+0 04 184'/ . 44 2.12 2 . 6420E+005 3 . 5903E+004

     >               2118 . 54     1. 21  O. OOOOE+OOO                         O.OOOOE+OOO PB- 214         74 . 81   6 . 33 5.3010E+005       3 . 97E+004        1.3480E+0 04 77 .1 1 10.70    2 . 9305E+OOS                        4 . 0338E+005 87.20     3 .7 0 6. 5001E+005                       - 9.3247E+00 4 89.80     1.03   2 . 2447E+006                      - 1 . 4618E+006 241.98      7 . 49 1. 92 60E+OO:i                       2 . 0106E+005 295 .21   1 9 . 20 6.9892E+004                        - 4.2032E+003 3 51. 92  37 . 20  3 . 9702E+004                        1.92 79E+004 785.91      1 .10  l. 3620E+006                         2 . 2129E+005
       +=Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       *=Energy line found in the spect rum
       >=Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or has not been ca l culated
       @ Half - life too short to be able to pe r fo rm t he decay correction

G A M M A s E C T R U M A N A L Y I S *****

.lena me : C :\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\9. 16 . 17\WGTV 04 9 . 16 . 17.CNF iport Generated On                    9/ 1 6/2017         2 : 07:23 PM 1mple   Title                          WGTV-04 09/ 1 6/2017 /

1mple Description 1mple Identifica ti on 1mpl e Type tmp l e Geomet r y 3M - C(Q ~ / iak Locate Threshold 3.00 iak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 iak Area Range (in channe ls) 200 - 8000 lentificat ion Energy To l erance 1. 000 keV 1mple Size 2 . 8 3 0 E I OO1 m2 / tmple Taken On 9/16/2017 9 : 35 : 00 AM

quisition Started 9/16/2017 9 : 35:46 AM

.ve Time 60 0 . 0 seconds / ial Time 600 . 3 seconds iad Time 0 . 04 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficien cy Calibration Used Done Eff ici ency ID on/ 12/1 6/20 1 6 ULAR PLANE 90D

?ak Analysis Report                      9/16/2017      2:07:23 PM                  Page   2 P E A K         A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T                 *****
'********************* ********A*~*************** ***************** ********

De tector Name : 3844 Sample Ti tle: WGTV- 04 09/16/2017 Peak Analys i s Performed on : 9/16/20 1 7 2 : 07:23 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 200 Peak Analysis To Channel : 8000 Peak ROI RO I Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end cenL.r:oid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert . Counts 1 2634- 2660 2647.49 662.03 1 . 20 2 . 78E+002 53 . 95 l . 10E+002

 =  First peak in a mu l ti p let region
=   Other peak in a multiplet region
 = Fitted singlet

~rors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

iterference Corrected Actjuity Report 9/16/2017 2:07:24 PM Page 3 NUCLIDE I DE N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O RT ***** Sample Title : WGTV-04 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLI B.NLB I DENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty fcs - 137 0 . 977 661.65* 85. 12 1. 2 1020 E+005 2.53326E+0 04

       * =Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used fo r Weighted Mean Activ i ty Ene rgy Tolerance :     1.000 keV Nuc lide confidence index threshol d        0.30 Errors quoted at 1.960 sigma

1t erference Corrected Acb *ri. ty Report 9/16/2017 2 : 07:24 PM Pa ge 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nucl i de Wt mean Wt me an Nuc l ide Id Activity Activity Name Conf idence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty CS-137 0 .9 77 l .210 196E+005  ?. . .S3:3263E+004

        ? = Nuc lide i s part of an undetermined so lution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference ana l ysis
        @ =N uclide contains energ y l ines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors q uot ed a t       1. 960 sigma
  * * ********      0 N I D E NT I F I E D             P E A K S        ****** * ***

Pea k Locate Performed on: 9/16/2017 2 : 07:23 PM Peak Locate From Chann el : 200 Peak Locate To Channel : 8000 Peak Ene r gy Peak Size in Peak CPS Pea k Tel. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncerta i nty T ype Nuclide Al l pea ks we re identified.

1clide MDA Report 9/16/20 1 7 2 : 07:24 PM Page 5 NOCLIDE M D A R E P O R T ***** Det ector Name : 3844 Sample Geometry: Sample Title : WGTV-04 09/16/2017 Nuc l ide L ibrary Used: C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/1112 ) K-40 1460 . 81 10.67 4.6949E+005 4 . 69E+005 1 .5 506E+006 SC - 46 889 . 25 99 . 98 1 .390 0 E+004 l . 39E+004 -1 . 3239E+003 112 0.51 99.99 1 . 9416E+004 -2.6393E+004 C0-57 1 22 . 06 85 . 51 2 .041 2£+004 2 . 04E+004 1.1452E+003 136.48 10.60 1 . 4949E+005 - 4 . 1595E+004 C0-60 1173 . 22 10 0.00 1 .8 372E+004 l . 6SE+004 - 8 . 8439E+003 1332 . 49 100 . 00 1 .6544E+004 8.7898E + 003 SE - 75 96 . 73 3 . 41 5.9656E +0 05 2 . 1 1E+004 2 . 3512E+005 121.11 16. 70 1 .0323E+005 -l . 3628E+OOS 13 6 .00 59 . 20 2 . 6805E+004 - l .5798E +00 4 198 . 60 l. 45 1. 0199E+006 3 . 91 15E+005 2 64 . 65 59 .80 2. 1140E+004 -l . 3180E+004 279 . 53 25.20 5 . 5763E+004 - 2.0726E+004 303 . 91 1. 32 1.0 409 E+00 6 4 . 46::>6E+OOS 400 . 65 1 1.40 1 . 1265E+005 -l . 3424E+005 KR- 85 513 . 99 0.43 3.9970E+006 4 . 00E+006 3.1632E+0 0 6 KR - 85M 151 . 18 75 . J O 2 .091 5E+004 2 . 09E+004 - 1. 1 4 728+004 304 . 87 14.00 9.9568E+004 4 . 2382E+004 SR- 85 513 . 99 99 . 27 1 . 73 1 4E +004 l . 73E+004 l . 3702E +004 Y-88 898 . 02 93 . 40 l.5537E+004 1.08E+ 0 04 -3.7629 E+0 0 1 1836 . 01 99 . 38 l.0751E+004 - 7 . 0513E+003 CD-10 9 88 .0 3 3.72 6.5898E +005 6 . 59E+005 3 . 2191£+005 SN- 1 13 255.12 1. 93 6.8610E+OU~ 2.14E +0 04 4 . 98 7 48+005 3 91. 69 64.90 2.1373E+004 1 .8 242E+004 CS- 1 34 475.35 1. 4 6 1 . 0044E+006 1. 69E+004 1 . 1668E+006 563 . 23 8.38 l . 6333E+OOS - 7 .85 48E +0 04 569 . 32 15 .4 3 7 . 7657E+001 - 4.7513E+004 604.70 97 . 60 1.8820E+ 004 l . 2631E+004 795 . 84 85 . 40 1.6872£+004 5 .807 6E+002 8 01. 93 8 . 73 1. 67 5 7E +005 - 6 . 1768E+004 1038 . 57 1.00 1 .5 834E +006 2.3962E +005 1 167 . 94 1. 80 1.0282E+006 -7.6493 E+0 05 1365 . 15 3.04 4.1292£+005 5 . 3127£+004 CS- 1 36 66 . 91 12 . 5 0 3.5666E+005 l .5 2E+004 1 . 7062E +005 86.29 6 . 30 3 . 9924E+005 - 3.7999E+004 153 . 22 7. 4 6 2 .1 105E+005 l .6087E+005 1 63 . 89 4 . 61 3 . 0771£+005 8 . 6137E+00 4 1 76 .55 13 . 56 1 . 0216E+005 -l.0961E+00 5 273.65 12 . 66 1 . 0792£+005 l .1 '1 4 4.E+00 4 340.57 48.50 3 . 0343£+004 1 . 18808+004

1c l ide MDA Report 9/ 16/2017 2 : 07:24 PM Page 6 Nuclide Ene r gy Yi eld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) (pC i/m2 ) CS-136 818 .S O 99.70 1 . 5172E+004 l. 52E+004 l .8126E+003 10 48 .0 7 79. 60 1. 8247E+004 - 6 .3210E+003 12 35.34 19 . 70 9 .1359E+004 - 4.6021E +004

    +     CS- 137    661.65*    85 .12   3 . 2535E+004      3.25E+00 4        l . 2102 E+00 5 CS- 1 38   138. 10     1. 4 9  1 . 2122 E+006     1 .93E+0 04       2. 372 8E+005 227 .76     1.S l   1 . 0526E+006                      - 1 .37 27E +006 4 08 . 98   4.66    3 . 4172E+0 05                       2 . 27 19E+ 005 462 . 79   30 . 70  5 .6 483E +0 04                      3 . 57048+0 0 4 546 .9 4   10 . 80  1 . 3845E+005                      - 3 . 5195E+004 87 1.80     5 . 11  3 . 1085E+OOS                      - 6 . 56108+0 04 10 09 . 78   29 .8 0  5 . 1318E+004                        2. 8170E+003 11 47.22      1. 24   l . 5794E+006                      - 6 . 4081E+005 134 3 .5 9    1.14    1 . 4867E+006                        9 . 0163E+005 1 435 . 86   76 . 30  l .928 2E+00 4                        4.9152E+003 CE- 13~    1 65.85    80 . 35  1. 7514t:+00 4     1.75E+00 4      - 1. 7779E +004 EU -1 52   12 1. 78   28.40    6 . 1 179E+004     5.26E+00 4      -3 . 1826E+0 04 244.69       7.49   l .8 857 E+0 05                    - 3.5425E+004 344 .27    26.50    5.2580E+004                        -2 .6177E+004 11 1. 11     2.21   6 .0296E+0 05                      -2 . 3237E+005 443 .98      3 . 11 4.6896E+005                        - 2 . 134 1E+005 778 . 89   12 . 74  1 . 1793E+005                         S . 2135E+0 04 867 .3 2     4 . 16 3 . 4061E+005                      -2 . 9813E+005 964 . 01   1 4 . 40 l .05 80 E+005                     -7.0 269E +004 1085 . 78    10 . 00  l . :,9 14E+0 0 5                     5 . 2546£+00 4 1112.02      13 . 30  1 .3328E+0 05                      -l.103 1E+00 4 1407 .95     20 . 70  6 . 370SE+004                         5 .2298 E+ 003 EU -1 54   123 . 07   40 . 40  4.35'/2E+004       4 . 36E+004     - 4 .1587 £+003 1 88 . 25    0 . 23 6 . 03 1 8E+006                    -2 . 2174E+006 247 . 93     6 . 83 l . 9670E+005                         4 . 6809E+004 4 01. 30     0.19   6 . 7851E+006                      -5 . 2377E+006 444 . 39     0 . 55 2 . 6312E+0 06                     - 6 . 7 010 E+005 478 .26      0 . 21 6 . 51 16E+006                        2 . 39 43E+003 557.56       0 .25  5 . 5072E+006                         4 . 713 4E+006 582 . 00     0 .89  1. 8648E+006                          l . 2155E +006 591. 7 6     4 . 91 2 . 5743E+0 0 5                    -1. 8605E+004 625 . 22     0 .32  4. 303 3E+0 06                        l . 2849E+006 676 . 59     0. 14  9.5691E +00 6                         1. 4812E+0 06 692 . 42     1. 78  7 . 8541E+0 05                        5.1107E+005 7 15 . 76    0 . 17 7 . 6404'.E:+006                      1 . 27058+005 722 . 30   20.00    7 . 68 18E+004                      - 2 . 8060E+003 756 . 86     4 . 50  3.0309E+005                        -l. 1379E+005 815.55       0 . 50 2.901 1E+006                          l.1247E+006 845 . 39     0 . 58 2 . 5370E+006                         1.3372E+ 006 850 . 64     0 .2 3  5.8609E+006                        - 1 .4554E+006 8 73 . 2 0 12 . 09   l .2 181E+005                      -3 . 2127 E+004 892 . 73     0 . 50  2.8853E+006                          1. 0088E+006 9 0 4 . 05   0 . 85  1. 8685E+006                       -4 . 6312E+006 996.30     10 . 34  1 .4530E+005                          1. 1032E+005 10 0 4 .7 6  17 . 90   7 . 6528 E+0 04                    -4. 5103E+004 1128. 4 0      0 . 29  6 . 44 18E+006                       3 .2 414E+006

tclide MDA Rep ort 9/ 7 6/20 1 7 2:07 : 24 PM Page 7 Nucl ide Energy Yield Li ne MDA Nuc l i de MDA Ac tivi t y Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i/ m2 } EtJ -1 5 4 114 0 . 90 0 .22 6.8096P.+006 4 . 36E+004 - l .3893E +006 1241. 60 0. 13 1 .3095E+00 7 - 9.692 4E+006 1246.60 0 . 80 2 . 0 384E+006 - 2 . 6257E+005 1274.51 34 . 40 4.5205E+00 4 -4. 0 000E+004 1494.08 0.7 1 l.3728E+006 -5 .7467£+00 5 1596.45 1. 80 6.8607E+005 - 3.52 47E+004 HG -203 279.19 77.30 l.8295 E+004 l . 83E:+ 004 8 . 5424E +00 2 BI-2 1 4 609 . 31 46 . 30 4.0208E+0 0 4 4.0 2E+0 04 2 . 6995E+004 7 68 . 36 5 .0 4 3 . 2523 E+0 05 2 . 21 96E+005 806.17 1. 23 l.205 3E+0 06 - 5.9718 E+005 934.06 3.21 4.6444E+005 -6 . 833 1E+00 4 1120.2 9 15.10 l.2855E+005 -1. 7474 E+0 05 1155.1 9 1. 69 l. 1091E+0 06 2 . 7943E+005 12 38 . 1 1 5.94 2.9980E +005 -1.9 731E+00 4 12 80.96 1 . 47 1. 1937E+ 006 5.7 506E+005 1377 .67 4 . 11 2 . 8884E+005 - 1 .853 3E+004 1385 . 3 1 0.78 1 . 7 600E +006 2.9404E +005 14 01 .50 1 . 39 9 . 9545E+005 4.9523E+0 05 1407.98 2.48 5 . 3174 E+005 4 . 3653E+004 1 5 09 . 19 2.19 4 .72 56E+005 - 2 .140 88+0 0 5 1661.28 1. 1!::> 7 . 3310E+0 05 - 3.2805E+0 05 1729.60 3.05 3 . 7652E+005 1 . 8985E+00 5 1764.49 15 . 8 0 9.64 06E+004 6.0468E+003 1847.44 2. 12 5.0634 t.:+0 05 - l .2117E+005

    >                21 18.54      1. 21     O.OO OOE+O OO                           O.OOOOE+OOO PB - 21 4        74 .81     6 . 33   5 . 30 10E+0 05       4. 12E+0 0 4       5 . 3989E+0 04 77 . 11  10 . 70    2 .907 1 E+005                          2.0815E+005 87.20      3. 70    6.7214 E+005                            2.2112E+0 0 5 89.80      1. 03    2 . 2 939E +0 06                      - 5 . 3465E+004 2 41. 98     7.49     2 . 0 1 84E+005                         7 . 3832£+003 295 . 21   1 9.20     7.0653E +004                             1. 0938E+004 35 1. 92   37 . 20    4. 1 170 E+ 004                         2 . 1433E+004 78 5 . 91    1.10     1. 3116E+006                           -6.08 8 7E+004
      +=Nuc l i de identif i ed dur i ng the nuc li de ident ificat ion
      *= Energy line fou nd in the spect r um
      >=Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the r egion , o r the region i s outs i de the spectrum, or has not been calcula ted
      @=Half- l ife t oo short to be a bl e to perf orm t he decay correction

G A M M A C C T R U M A NA L Y I S ***** lename: 384 4 !port Generated On 9/ 16/2017 2 : 10 : 40 PM ,mple Title WGTV-03QC 09/ 16/2017 / ,mple Description ,mple Identificat ion ,mp l e Type 1mple Geometry iak Loca te Threshold 3 . 00 iak Locate Range ( in channe ls) 1 - 65535 iak Ar ea Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tolerance 1. 000 keV ,mple Size 2 . 830 E+OOJ m2 / 1mple Taken On 9/ 16/20 17 2 : 00 : 00 PM

guisition Started 9/16/2017 2
00 : 40 PM

.ve Time 600 . 0 seconds/ ial Time 600.3 seconds !ad Ti me 0.04  %/ Energy Calibration 0 sed Done On 10/12/2016 Efflcien cy Calibration Used Done On 1 2/16/20 1 6 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 900

!ak Ana lys i s Re port 9/16 /201 7 2 : 10 : 4 0 PM Pag e 2 1 peak ana l ysi s r es u l t s avai l ab l e f or reporti ng p urposes

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/16/2017 2 : 10 : 41 l?M !?age 3 N UC L I DE I DE NT I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample Ti tle : WGTV -03QC 09 / 1 6/2 017 Nuclide Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\CAM FI LES\STDL1B . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDE$ Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activit y Act ivi ty Name Conf i dence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Un certaint y

       *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy l in e not used for Weig hted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        1 . 000 keV Nucli de confiden ce index thr eshold=          0 .30 Erro rs quoted a t   1 .960 s igma

1terfere nce Corrected Act i vity Report 9/16/20 1 7 2 : 1 0 : 4 1 PM Pag e 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

                              • ******~***** ********** ************** * ** * **** ************
  • Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nucl ide Id Activity Activity Name Confi dence (pCi /m2 } Uncertainty
      ?  = Nucl i de is part of an undetermined so l ution X = Nuc l ide rejected by the interference an~lysis
      @=Nucl ide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quo ted at     1 . 960 sigma

> pea k search r esul ts ava ilable f or n u clide ana lysis .

LCl ide MDA R-eport 9/16/2017 2 : 10 : 41 PM Page 5 N U C L I DE M DA R E P O R T *****

*** **************A*AAAA******************************************************

Detector Name : 38 44 Sample Geomelry : Sample Ti t le: WGTV-03QC 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc lide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pC l/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) K-40 14 60 .8 1 10 . 67 4 . 5570E+005 4. 56E+0 05 l.4568E+006 SC- 46 889 . 25 99 . 98 l . 3900E+004 1 . 39E+004 - 6 . 2130E+003 1120 . 51 99 . 99 l. 60 48E+00 4 -l. 0616E+00 4 C0- 57 122.06 85 . 51 2 . 0829E+004 2 . 08E+0 04 -8 . 9537E+003 1 36 . 48 10 . 60 1 . 5288 £+005 l .10 !:J'/E+OO!:> C0-60 1173 .2 2 10 0 . 00 1 . 6971E+004 1. 52E+004 8 . 9602E+003 1332 .4 9 100 . 00 1 . 5196E+004 -6 . 7910E+003 SE- 75 96 . 73 3 . 41 6. 4598E+005 2 . 23E+004 5 . 360 6E +005 121 . 11 l6.7 0 1 .0 898E+00 5 5 . 7618E+004 136 . 00 59 . 20 2.71 27E+004 1.73 13E+004 198 . 60 1. 45 9 . 9596E+005 l . OU8~E+004 264 . 65 59 . 80 2 . 2265E+004 -2 . 0625E+002 279 . 53 25 . 20 5.3629 E+0 04 -2 .4 878£+004 303 .91 1. 32 1. 09!:>7 E+006 -2 . 1991E+005 400.65 1 1. 40 1. 1729E+005 -1. 6987E+005 KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 3.9672E+006 3 . 97E+006 1 . 7874E+006 KR- 85M 1 51.18 75 . 30 2 . 0007t.;+004 2 . 00E+004 3 . 0712E +003 30 4.87 14 . 00 1 . 0300E+005 2 . 3171E+004 SR- 85 513 .99 99 . 27 1 . 7185E+004 1 . 72E+004 7 . 7426E+003 Y- 88 898 . 02 93 . 40 l . 6927E+004 l . 08E+004 1 . 0973E+004 1816.0 1 99 . 38 l . 075 1E+0 04 -5 . 3996E+002 CD- 109 88 .03 3.72 6 . 5520 E+ 005 6.5 5E+0 05 -9 . 2124E+004 SN-113 255 .1 2 1. 93 7 . 3815E:+0 0!:> 2 . 0 6E+0 04 1 . 4394E+005 391 . 69 64 . 90 2 . 0616E+0 04 8 . 6926E+003 CS- 134 475 . 35 1. 46 l . 0226E+006 l . 69E+004 4 . 580 8£+005 563 . 23 8 . 38 1. 6877E+005 4 .37 66£+00 3 569.32 15 . 43 8.9977E+004 5 . 6961E+003 604 . 70 97 . 60 1 . 6866E+004 3 . 4 316E+003 795 . 84 85 . 40 l . 8782E+004 3 . 2815E+003 801. 93 8 . 73 1 . 8469E+005 -5 . 8423E+0 04 10 38 .57 1.0 0 l . 6394E+006 3 . 8512E+0 05 11()7 . 94 1. 80 9 . 3998E+005 7 . 5786E+004 1 365 . 15 3 . 04 4 . 0075 E+005 -9 . 2142E1004 CS- 13 6 66.9 1 12 . 50 3. 2898E+005 l . 52E+0 04 -2 . 4420E+005 86 . 29 6 . 30 3.961 6E+0 05 1 . 30658+005 153 . 22 7 . 46 1. 9757E+005 6 . 3662£+004 163.89 4 . 61 3 . 1127E+005 l .1 065E +005 176 . 55 13.5 6 1. 10 65E+OO 5 1 . 43 18E+0 0 4 273 . 65 12 . 66 1 .0 766 E+005 -l . 4907C+004 340 .57 48 . 50 2 . 8870E+004 5 . 8735E:+003

iclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 10 : 41 PM Page 6 Nuc l ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name {keV} ( %) (pCi/rn2 } (pCi/m2 ) {pC i/m2 } CS-136 818.50 99 . 70 l.5172E+001 l . 52E+004 -4 . 49418+003 1048 . 07 79 . 60 2.163 1E+004 1. 6047E+004 1235.34 19 . 70 9 . 9531E+004 7 . 6727E+004 CS-137 661.65 85 . 12 4 . 8080E+004 4. 81E+004 2 . 1345E+005 CS- 138 138 . 10 1. 49 1.2207E+006 2 . 49E+004 1 . 5966£+005 227 . 76 1. 51 1 . 0363E+006 -5 . 4911E+0 05 408 . 98 4 . 66 3 . 3264£+005 9 . 0387E+004 4 62 . 7 9 30 . 70 5 . 4738E+004 -2 . 7004E+003 546 .94 10 . 80 1 . 4651E+005 1 . 26918+005 871.80 5 . 11 3 . 1747E+005 -4 . 5633£+004 1009 . 78 29 . 80 5 . 8805E+004 -4.81448+004 1147 . 22 1. 24 l . 4630E+006 - 1. 0240E+006 1343 .59 1.14 1.6711E+006 9 . 3363E+005 1435 . 86 76 . 30 2 . 49508+004 l. 8511E+004 CE-1 39 165 . 85 80 . 35 1. 7540t:;+0U4 1. 7 5E+004 - 1 . 148 5E+ 00 4 EU-152 121 . 78 28 . 40 6 . 3296E+004 5 . 12E+004 -6 . 3768E+003 244 . 69 7 . 49 2 . 0026E+005 -1. 7624E+005 344 . 27 26 . 50 5 . 1232E+004 -7 . 2284E+004 41 1. 11 2 . 21 6 . 3725E+005 4 . 6025E+0 0 5 443.98 3 . 11 5 . 0671E+005 8 . 4491E+004 778 . 89 12 . 74 9 . 7044E+004 4 . 1136E+004 867 . 32 4 . 16 3 . 5998E+005 - 8 . 1768E+004 964 . 01 14 . 40 1 . 2704E+005 1 . 2075E+004 1085 . 78 10 . 00 l. 6312 E+005 6 . 1473E+004 1112.02 13.30 l.1846E+00 5 -8.33 76E+004 1407 . 95 20 . 70 7 . 7610E+004 3 . 2126E+004 ECJ -1 54 1 23 . 07 40 . 40 4 . 3803E+004 4. 29E+004 -1. 3628E+004 1 88 . 25 0 . 23 6 . 5187E+006 - 8 . 9016E+005 247 . 93 6 . 83 2 . 1281E+00 5 - 2 . 7034£+004 40 1 . 30 0 . 19 7 . 0839E+006 -6 . 6135E+006 444 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 8773E+006 - 3 . 1935E+005 478 . 26 0 . 21 6 . 9813E+006 5 . 0813E+006

                   ~57 . 56    0 . LS 5 . 1834E+006                          3 . 1958E+006 582 . 00    0 . 89 1 . 7929E+006                          7 . 1391E+005 591.76      4 . 91 2 . 7654E+005                          1 . 0025E+005 625 . 22    0 . 32 4 . 4037 E+0 06                        1 . 8939E+006 676.59      0 . 14 8 . 7834E+006                        -8 . 7108£+006 6 92 . 4 2  1 . 78 7 . 9224E+005                        -2 . 3221E+005 715 . 76    0 . 17 7 . 6404E+006                          2 . 7683E+005 722.30     20 . 00 6 . 6730E+004                        -l . 9751E+004 756 . 86    4 . 50 3 . 0624£+005                        -1 . 5931£+005 815.55      0 . 50 2 . 8712E 0Q6                     -1. 7437E+006 845 . 39    0 . 58 2 . 5894E+006                          l . 9851E+006 8 5 0 . 64  0 . 23 5 . 7862E+006                          3 . 4505E+006 873.20     12 . 09 1. 2313E+005                           6 . 487 38+004 892 . 73    0 . 50 3 . 1179E+0 06                         1 . 9238E+006 904 . 05    0 . 85 l . 9226E+0 06                         6 . 4905£+005 996.30     10 . 34 1. 1872E+005                         -1 . 7035£+005 1004.76     17.90   9 . 0580El004                          8 . 0630E+00 4 1128 . 40    0.29   5 . 5208E+006                        -2 . 5292E+006

1clide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2: 10: 41 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nucl i de MDA Act i vity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi /m2 } (pCi/m2 ) EU-154 1 14 0 .90 0. 22 7.97 1 4E+0 06 4.29E +0 04 1.68 1 1E+006 12 41. 60 0.13 1 . 4329£+007 1. 3534E+006 1246.60 0.80 l .9468E +0 06 -1 . 4122Et005 127 4 .51 34 . 4 0 4.2880E+004 -7.9 1 74E+003 14 94 . 08 0 .71 1 . 7811E+006 5 .4855E+005 1 596 . 45 1. 80 8 . 0635E+005 -1. 7495E+0 05 HG-203 279 . 19 77.30 1 . 7736E+004 l .77E+004 1.63 62E+0 03 BI-2 14 609 . 31 4 6.30 3 . 8386E+004 3 . 84E+004 4 . 9889E+004 7 68.36 5 . 04 2 .4 625E i- 005 - 3 . 5194E+OOS 806.17 1. 23 l. 2 836 E+006 - 7 . 4163E+005 9'34.06 3 . 21 4 . 122 1E+005 -5 . 2056E+005 1120.29 15 .1 0 1 . 06 25E +005 -7.0287E+00 4 11 55. 1 9 1. 69 9 . 434 0E +005 l .7628E +005 123 8. 11 5 .9 4 3 .4 009E+005 2.2532E+005 1200.96 1. 47 1.14G1 E+OOG 1 . 02HiE +006 1377 .67 4.11 3 . 4862E+005 8 . 5251E+0 04 1385.31 0.78 l . 8025E+006 8. 6150E+00 5 1 401 . 50 1. 39 1 . 0878E+ 006 - 9.2023E+005 1407 . 98 2.48 6 . 478 0£+0 05 2.68158+005 1509.19 2.19 3.9047E+0 05 - 2 .75 51E+005 lG Gl. 28 1.15 8.0014E +005 3.0:il6E+OOS 1729 . 60 3.05 4 . 1338E+00 5 -7 . 2380E+004 17 64. 4 9 15.80 9.9155E+00 4 3.8592E+004 1 847 . 4 4 2.12 6 . 5119E+005 3.9494E+005

    >                  2118.54      1. 2 1  0 . 0000 E+OOO                       O.OOOOE+OOO PB-214             74.81    6 . 33  5 . 4295E+005     3.95E+004          3.9848E+005
77. 1 1 10 . 70 2 . 9364E+005 1 . 2433E+005 87.20 3 . 70 6 . 6376E +0 05 5.5255E+004 89 . 80 1.03 2 . 3378E+006 5 . 3102E+005 2 41. 98 7. 4 9 2 . 1429E+005 l.1051E +005 295 . 21 19.20 7 . 5932E +004 -3 . 0822E+004 35 1. 92 37.20 3 . 9471E +0 04 1 . 5362E+004 785 . 91 1. 10 1.03 5 8E +006 - l . 8302E+006
     + =Nuc lide i den ti fied during the nuclide identificatio n
     *=Energy line fo und i n the spectrum
     >=Ca l cu l a t ed MDA is zero due to zero counts i n the regjon, or the region is outside the spectrum, or has not b een ca l c ulated
     @ = Half-li f e too short to be able to perform the decay correct i on

G A M M A s E C T R OM ANALY.( s ** * **

.lenarne : 3844

~ort Generated On 9/16/2017 1 :59 : 11 PM tmpl e Tit le WGTV-03 09/16/2017 1rnp le Description ITTple I dentif i cation 1mple 'rype 1mple Geometry !ak Locate Th reshold 3 . 00 !ak Locate Range (in cha nne l s) 1 - 65535 ia k Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 !ent. ifi cation Energy Tolerance 1 . 000 keV unple S.i ze 2 . 830E+001 m2 / 1mple Taken On 9/ 1 6/2017 1 : 48 : 00 PM

qu isi t ion Started 9/ 1 6/ 201 '/ 1
49 : 0 9 PM

.v e Time 600.0 seconds !i:!l Time 600 . 3 seconds iad Time 0 .04 % . / Ene r g y Calibr ation Used Done On 10/12/2016 Ef f i ciency Cali bration Used Done On 12/16 /20 16 Effici ency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/16/2017 1 : 59 :1 1 PM Page 2 P EA K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T ***** Detecto r Name: 3844 So.mple


WGTV-03 09/16/2017 Peak Analysis Performed on: 9/16/2017 1:59 : 11 PM Peak Analysis From Cha nnel : 200 Pea k Analysis To Channel : 8000 Pea k ROI RO I Pea k Energy FWH M Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end cent roid (keV} (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 743 - 753 748.16 187 . 02 0 . 59 2.42E+001 29 . 25 8 . 28E+001 2 5833- 5863 5848 . 00 1461 . 73 0 .9 5 2. 04E+00 2 38 . 69 3.83E+00 1

= First peak in a multip l et region
""' Other pea k iri a. rnul l.i.f.Jlel r egion
= fi tt ed si n g le t
rors q uo ted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Co r rect ed Actj

  • ity Report 9/ 16/2 017 J
  • 59 :1 1 PM Pa g e 3 N U C L I D E I DE N T I F I C A T I ON R E P O R T Sample Titl e : WGTV- 03 09/ 16 /2 017 Nuc lide Li brary Us e d: C : \GENIE2K\CAMF1LES\STDLIB.NLB IDEN TIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activ i ty Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncer ta inty K-40 0 . 873 146 0.8 1* 10.67 1. 214 98E+006 2 . 50928E+005 RA-226 0 .9 00 186 . 21
  • 3.28 1. 22792£+ 005 l .48759E+00 S
       *=Ener gy l ine fou nd in th e spectrum .
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy To lerance :          1. 000 keV Nuclide conf i dence index threshold=            0.30 Errors quoted at 1.960 sigma

iterference Corrected Act.; -ity Repo rt 9/16/2017 J*59:11 PM Page 4 =**

  • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nucl i de Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Act ivity Activity Name Confidence (pC i/m2 ) Uncerta inty K-40 0.873 1. 214 98 OE +OO 6 2 . 509276£+005 RA- 226 0 . 900 l.227919E+005 1. 487593E+OOS

       ?  = Nuc li de is part of an undetermined soluti on X  = Nuc li de re jected by the interference analysis
       @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at        1.960 sigma
  **** ** ****     U N I D E N T I     F I E D       P E A K S       ** **** ****

Peak Locate Per formed on : 9/16/2017 1: 59 : 11 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 200 Peak Locat e To Chann el : 8000 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. ( keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty T ype Nuclide All peaks were identified.

lClide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1 : 59 : 1 1 PM Page 5 N U C L I D E MDA R E P O R T ***** "****** * ********~***A* * ** * * * ************************************** * *********** Detector Name: 3844 Sample Geometry : Samp l e T i t l e: WGTV-03 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ST DL IB . NLB Nu c l i de Energy Yie l d Line MDA Nucl ide MDA Act ivity Name ( k eV) ( %) (pCi / m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 }

  +        K- 40        1 460 . 81*       10 . 67    2 . 8389 E+005       2 . 84 E +0 0 5       1.2150E+0 0 6 SC-46           889 . 25       99 . 98    1. 5707E + 004       l.57E+ 004          - 2 . 2358E+00 3 1120 . 51         99.99      1.9918E+004                                l . 1585E+004 C0-5 7          122.06         85 . 51    2. 0829E+004         2 . 08E+004         - 2 . 1624E+ 004 136 . 48       10 . 60    1 . 5481E+005                              l. 9381 E+ 00 4 C0 - 60      11 73.22        10 0 . 00    1. 7786E+ 004        l. 52E+004            2.9735E+003 1332 . 4 9      100 . 00     1 . 5196E+004                              l . 4302E+0 0 4 SE - 75           96 . 73        3 . 41   6 . 03351::+005      2 . 21 8 + 004      -2 . 9255E+005 12 1 . 11       1 6. 7 0   1 . 0788E +005                           - 3 . 0110 £ +004 1 36.00         59 . 20    2 . 79 1 5E +004                           5 . 626 4E +003 1 98 . 60         1. 4 5   9 . 944 5 E+0 0 5                          6 .8 600E+005 2 6 4. 65      59 . 80     2 .2 100E +004                             1 .0 576£+004 279 . 53       25 . 20     5 . 1687E+004                            -5.0119E+0 04 303 . 91          1. 32    1 . 1064E+006                              1 . 9578E+004 400 . 65       1 1. 40     1 . 2697 E+005                             6 . 33 1 0E+004 KR- 85         513 . 99          0 . 43   3 . 83 0 0E+006      3 . 83E+006           1 . 2546E+006 KR-85M         151.18         75 . 30    2 . 0 7 63 £ +004     2 . OBt..: +0 0 4     l.2455E+00 4 304 . 87       14 . 00     1. 0622E+005                               3 . 3213 E+ 004 SR- 85          513 . 9 9      99 . 27     1. 6591E+004         1 . 66£ +004          5 .4 3 4 5£ +003 Y- 88          898 . 02       93 . 40    1 . 7578E+004         8 . 21 E+003       - 3 . 309 1 8+002 1836.01          99 . 3 8   8 . 2060E+003                               2 . 2869E+003 CD- 109           88 . 03        3 . 72    6 . 8662E+005        6 . 87E+ 005          5 . 2684E +0 04 SN - 113        255.12           1. 93     6 . 8281E +005       l. 96E+004            l.J932E+005 391.69         6 4 . 90    l . 9648E+004                           - 7.3465E+0 0 3 CS-134          475 . 35         1. 4 6   9.6192E+005           1 . 67E+ 004       - 5 . 61248+0 05 563.23           8 . 38   l . 6333 E+ 005                          - 1 . 2982£+005 5 69. 32       1 5.43     9 . 0575E +0 04                             4 . 6853 E+ 004 604 . 70       97 . 60    1 . 7293£ +004                              1 . 5038E +0 04 795 . 84       85 . 40    1 . 6 70 31:'..:+004                        3 . 4389£+003 801 . 93         8 . 73   1 . 5912E+005                              2 . 1964E+004 1 038 . 57         1.00     1. 4849E+0 0 6                             3 . 2 7 90E+005 11 6 7 . 94        1. 80    9 . 5 1 49E+0 0 5                          3 . 1830 E+005 1365 .1 5          3 . 04   4 . 7869E:+0 0 5                           2 . 5639 E+ 005 CS - 136          66.91        12 . 50    3 . 3540£+005        1 . 49E+004         - 1.1 844E+005 86 . 29        6 . 30   4 .1 3208+005                              l. 0 1 50 E+005 153 . 22         7 . 46   2 . 036 7E+ 0 05                         -l. 99 10E+004 163 . 89         4 . 61   3.1957E+005                              - 1 . 1854E+ 005 176 . 5:i       13 . 56    l . 0765E+005                            - 9 . 3322£+ 004 273 . 65        12 . 66    1 .0870E+005                               4 . 40 22 £+004 340.57          4 8 . 50   2.8959E+004                                8 . 5 3888+003

1clide MDA Report 9/ 16/20 17 1 : 59:11 PM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yi eld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name ( keV) (%) (p Ci/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 8]8 . .50 99.70 1.4883E+004 l .49E+0 04 -2.2 421E+002 1048 .07 79 . 60 1. 8247E+004 -5.5805E +003 1235 . 34 19 .70 9 . 2425E+004 5.4453E+004 CS-137 661.65 85.12 4 .7243E+004 4.72E+004 1. 9288E+005 CS - 138 13 8.10 1. 49 1.2107E+006 1 . 83E+004 -3 .8897E +005 227 . 76 1. 51 1 .1020E +006 -3.408 1E+005 408 . 98 4.66 3.6324E+005 1.8062E+004 4 62 . 7 9 30 . 70 5.8530E+004 1. 4 64 4E +004 546.94 10 .80 1 . 4715E+005 4.8937E+003 871.80 5 . 11 3 . 4552E +005 - 8 . 0253E+004 1009.78 29.80 5.7983E+004 1. 2360E+004 1147 . 22 1.24 1. 5176E+006 4.6047E+005

                 ]343 . .59       1. 14   1. 3771E+006                            l . 1383E+0 06 1 435.86       76 .3 0   l.8274E+004                          -2. 4172E+003 CE -1 39    1 65.85     80 . 35   1. 83'/'/E+004      1.84E+004           6 .7 606t.:+002 EU-15 2     121.78     28.40      6.25 1 1E+004       5.22E +004       - 6 . 8061E+004 244 . 69      7 . 49  l .9523E+00 5                          3.7105E+004 34 4. 2 7  26 . 50    5 . 2246E+004                        -2.3070E +004 4.1 1. 11     2.21    6 . 4742E+005                        -2.3079E+005 4.43 . 98     3. 1 1  4.9940E+0 05                         - 1 . 1734E+005 778 . 89   12.74      9 . 8332E+004                          l. 391 6E+004 867 . 32      4 . 16  3.7 1 08E+005                        -5 .3 333E+004 964 . 01    1 4.40    l.2499E+005                            9 . 2046E +00 3 1085 . 78     10.0 0     l.5505E+0 05                           3 . 8976E+004 11 12 . 0 2   13 . 30   1. 3603E+005                          -l. l 781E+004 1407.95       20 . 70   6 . 1 939E+004                          2. 5 950E+004 EU- 1 54   1 23.07     40 . 40   4 .4488 E+004        4.45E+004        -l .0253E+004 188 . 25      0.23   .6 . 4028E+006                          2 . 5325E+006 247.93         6 . 83 2 . 0322E+005                           l.1 338E+005 4 01. 30      0 . 19 7.4257 E+006                         -5.1034E+006 444.39        0 .5 5 2.8258E+006                          - 2.1137E+006 478 . 26     0 .2 1  6.7508E+006                             1 . 3678E+006 557 . 56      0 .25   5 . 4016E+006                           6 . 0221E+005 582 . 00      0 . 89  1 .9924E+006                            2 . 2253E+0 06 5 91. 7 6     4 . 91  2 . 9433E+005                           l .1900E+0 05 62:i.22       0 . 32  3 . 9112£+006                        - 3.0450E+006 676.59        0.14    9 . 1854£+006                        -9 . 7913£ +0 05 692 . 42      1. 78   7 .5742E+005                         - 5 .4 0 19£ +005
                   '/15 . 76     0. 1 7  8 .S:,~SE+006                           4 .1508E +006 722.30      20.00     7.6818E+004                             1 . 1014E+00 4 756 . 86      4 . 50  2 . 7649E+005                           2 . 1444E+005 815 . 55      0.50    3 .1 012£+006                          2 . 8230E +006 845 . 39       0.58    2 . 3113£+006                          2 . 9443E+005 850.64         0 .23   6 . 4248E+006                          2 . 7839E+006 873.20       1 2.09    1. 2 313£+005                           l.7608 E+004 892 . 73       0 .50   3 .1 810 E+006                       - l . 5397E +006 904 . 05       0 . 85  1. 90 4 8E+006                       - 4 . 4851£+005 996 . 30     10 . 34   1.4530£ +005                           4 . 9821E+004 1004.76       17.90     8.2246E+004                          - 1.9256E+003 112 8.40        0 . 29  6.0006E+006                            4 . 8915£+005

1clide MDA Report 9/ 1 6/2017 1: 59: 1 1 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nucl ide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU-154 1140.90 0.22 7 . 1 J 97E+006 4.4 5E+0 04 -5.806 4E +005 12 41. 60 0 .1 3 1 .4 329E+007 6.5935E +006 1246.GO 0 . 80 2.1817E+006 - 8 .6236E+005 1274.51 34.40 4 . 9495E+004 3 . 4 93 1E+004 1 494.08 0 . 71 1 . 6582E +006 1.0057E+006 159 6. 45 1. 80 7 . 3 6 93E +005 3 . 1352E+005 HG-203 279.19 77 . 10 l . 6931E+004 l. 69E +004 -1 . 2486E+ 004 BI - 214 609.31 46 . 30 3 .6646E+004 3 . 6 6E+004 - l. 7015E+004 768. 36 5.04 3 .0 310E+005 3.0086E+00 5 806 . 17 1. 23 l . 108 4E+006 -1 . 0551 E+006 934 .0 6 3 . 21 4 .3 627E+005 -3 .3 975 E+0 0 5 1120.29 1 5.10 1.3187E+0 0 5 7.6704E+00 4 1 155 .19 1. 69 9 . 6898£+005 4 . 510 1E+004 1238 . 11 5 . 94 2 . 9980E+005 -2 .9082E+005 1280.96 1. 4 7 1.1 780£+006 7 . 7981E +005 1377.67 4. 11 3 .1 605E+005 - 3.1390E+005 1 385 . 31 0.78 1.8 438E+0 06 - 6.3906E+005 14 01. 50 1. 39 9 .1 9 17E+0 05 3. 1561 E+0 0 5 14 07 . 98 2. 48 5 .1 700E+005 2.1660E+005 1509 .1 9 2.19 5 . 4022 E+005 3 . 2763E+005 1661. 28 1.1 5 8 . 0014J::+005 - 7 . 9343E+0 04 1729.60 3 . 05 2 . 8505E+005 -2 . 6698E+005 1764 .49 15 .80 1. 14 l OE+O 05 3 . 1397E+00 4 1847.4 4 2.12 5.696 4E+0 05 - '/ . 1806E+004

    >               2118.5 4     1. 21   0 . 000 0E+OO O                         0 . 0000E +OOO PB-214          74.81     6 .33  5 . 4953E +005       4 . 30E+004        6 . 1825E+005 77 . 11 10.70    2 . 8805E+ 005                        - 5 . 5 1 1 98+00 2 87 . 20  3 . 70  6 . 9540E+005                         -9 .5607 E+004 89.80    1.03    2.4 418E+006                            2 . 9345E+006 241. 98    7 .4 9  2 . 0149E +0 0 5                        4.6681E+004 2 95 . 21 19 . 20  7 . 5227E+004                           4 . 8187E+0 04 351.92    37 .2 0  4 . 3011 E+004                          3 .1 915E +004 785 . 91   1.10    1. 2987E+006                            l. 0349E+ 0 06
     + =Nuclide identified d u r ing the n uc l ide i dentifi cat i o n
  • Energy l ine found in the spectrum
     > = Calcu lated MDA is zero due to ze r o counts in the region , or the reg ion is outside the spectrum, or has not been calcul ated
     @=Half-life too short to be able t o per f orm the decay correction
 "**** *** ***** * * ******** **~*** ************ ******* ********* ********* * ** ***

G A M M A ~ .' ECTRUM A NA L Y I S *****

.lename: 3844 iport Ge ner a t ed On                    9/16/20 1 7       2 : 2 6:2 0 PM tmp le  Titl e                            WGTV-0 2     09/ 16/2017 ./

1mple Description 1mple Ident if i cation tmpl e Type 1mple Geometry iak Locate Thre s ho l d 3 .00 iak Locat e Range (in c hannels) 1 - 6 55 35 !ak Area Ra nge (in channe ls) 2 0 0 - 8000 lentificat ion Energy Tole r ance 1. 000 keV tmp le Si ze 2 . 830E+001 m2 / 1mple Taken On 9/16/2017 2 : 15 : 00 PM/

qu i sition Started 9/16/2017 2 :16 : 19 PM ve Time 60 0 . 0 seconds./

!al Time 600.3 seconds iad Time 0 . 04 % / Energy Cali bration Used Done On 1 0/12/2016 Eff i ciency Ca l i bration Used Done On 12 /16/20 16 Efficiency ID OLAR PLAN E 900

iak Ana lysis Report 9/16/2017 2 : 26 : 20 Pl1/4 Page 2 > p eak a nalysis results availa b le for reporting purposes

1terference Corrected Act'7ity Report 9/16/2017  ? : 26 : ?0 PM Page 3 '* ********** * **************************************************~********

 ***    N U C L I D E    I DE N T I F I C AT I O N R E P O R T              *****

' ******************************* * *****************A* *** ******** * **** ** *

  • Sample


WGTV-02 09/16/2017 Nuclide Li brAry Used : C: \ GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIO . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

       *=Energy line found in the spectrum .
       @=Energy li ne not us e d for We ighted Mean Act iv ity Energy Tolerance :       1 . 000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=        0 . 30 Error~ quote d at 1 . 960 sigm~

tle rf erence Corrected Act*vity Report 9/16/2017  ? : 26 : 20 PM Page 4

***     I NT E R f E R E N C E         C O R R E C T E D         R E P O R T     *****

Nuclide Wt mcc:1n Wt mea n Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confi dence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertain ty

       ? = Nu c lide is pa rt of an undetermined so l ution X    Nuclide rej ec ted by th e interference analys i s
       @=Nuclide contains energy lines not us ed in Weight ed Mean Activi ty Errors quoted at      1 .960 sigma

> peak search results available for nuclide analysis .

1clide MDA Report 9/16/20 1 7 2 : 26 : 20 PM Page 5 N U C L I DE M DA R E P O R T ***** Detect or Name : 3844 Sample Geometry : Samp le Ti t l e : WGTV-02 09/16/2017 Nucl i de Library Used : C : \G8NI E2K\CAMFILES\STDL IB. NLB Nucl ide En ergy Yiel d Li ne MDA Nuclid e MDA Activity Name (kcV} ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 } K- 40 1 4 60 . 81 10 . 67 4 . 5657£+00 5 4 . 57E+005 l. 4584E+006 SC-46 889 . 2 5 99 . 98 1 . 5552E-t00 4 l . 56E+00 4 - 2 . 28938+003 1 1 20 . 51 99 . 99 l.9585E+0 0 4 2 . 0338E+004 C0- 57 122 . 06 85 . 5 1 2 . 0589£+004 2 . 06E+004 4. 7485E+003 1 36 . 4 8 10 .G O 1 . 60 63E+ 005 3 . 72 /3 E+004

        /  C0- 60       1173 . 22       100 . 00     1. 717 9E+004       l . 30E+004          6 . 8989E+003 1332 . 49       100 . 00     1 . 3045£+004                            5 . 3983£+003 SE - 75          96 . 73        3 . 41    5 . 9657E+00 5      2 .15E +0 04         4 . 2011 E+0 04 12 1.11        16 . 70     1 .0 26 5E+005                         -9 . 5585E+004 1 36 . 00      59 . 20     2 . 9012E+004                            2 . 5673£+004 1 98 . 60        1.45      9 . 8682E+005                            5 . l~b6E+005 264. 65        59 . 8 0    2 . 15 41 E+00 4                         3 . 5050 E+003 279 . 53       25 . 20     5.2806E+004                            -1. 9669E+004 303 . 91         1.32      1 . 00651:.;+006                       -3 . 0790E+005 4 00 . 6 5     11. 4 0     7 . 25 10E+005                           6 .6 422E+ 004 KR-85          5 1 3 . 99       0 . 43    3 . 7831E~006       3 . 78E+006          2 . 3922E+006 KR-85M         151 . 18       75 . 30     1 . 9441£+004       l . 94E+004          2 . 1646E+003 304 . 87       14 . 00     9 . 6113E+004                          -4 . 1130E+004 SR- 85         513 . 99       99 . 27     1. 63 8 8E+0 04     1 . 64 E-t 004       l . 0363 E+004 Y- 88          898 . 02       93 . 40     1. 553 7 £+004      9 . 99E+003        -1 . 6707E+004 1836 . 01        99 . 38     9 . 9937£+003                            3 . 8115E+003 CD-109           88 . 03        3 . 72    6 . 6584E+005       6 . 6 6E*I 005       5 .4 344 E+005 SN - 113       25S .1 2         1. 93     7 . 3815E+005       l . 94E +00 4        l . 6518E+005 391 . 69       64 . 90     1. 9376E+004                           -2 . 1559E+004 CS - 134       475 . 35         1. 46     1 . 0625E+006       1 . 66E+004          2 . 0282£+005 563 . 23         8 . 38    1 . 4820E+0 0 5                        -1 .0 847E +00 5 569 . 32       15 . 43     9 . 1760E+004                            9 . 6859E+004 604 . 70       97 . 60     1. 6605E+004                           -1 . 3979£+004 795 . 84       85 . 40     1. 78558+0 0 4                           9 . 8015E +003 80 1. 93         8 . 73    1. 51 99E I 005                          5 . 9 066E+ 0 04 1 038 . 57         1.00      1. 4221E+006                             8 . 5591E+005 1167 . 94          1. 80     8 . 7990E+005                            5 . 3003E+005 1 365 . 15         3 . 04    4 . 786 9E+005                           1 . 1 432Ei 00 5 CS - 136         66.91        12 . 50     3 . 3976E+005       l . 38E+004        -1 . 8888£+005 86 . 29        6 . 30    4. 0458E+005                             4 . 0722E+005 153 . 22         7 . 46    l . 9392E+005                          -1 . 3551E+005 163 . 89         4 . 61    3 . 2639E +005                           1 . 9813E+004 176.55         1 3 . 56    l . 1139E-1005                           6 . 8905E+004 273 . 65       1 2 . 66    1 . 0896£+005                            3 . 3106E+004 3 4 0 . 57     48 . 50     2.82 4 1E+004                            1 . 9986E +0 04

1clide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 76:20 PM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818.50 99.70 l . 3821E+004 1. 38E+004 -2 . 1 344E+003 1048 . 07 79 . 60 l . 7979E+004 -6.2183E+003 1235 . 34 19 . 70 9 . 1361E~004 5 . 2346Et-004

       / CS-137     661.65    85 .12   4 . 4398E+004     4 . 44E+004        1. 7 23 9E+005 CS-138     13 8 . 10   1. 49  l . 2940E+006     2 .06E+004         6.0331E+005 227.76      1. 51  1. 1155E+006                         l.0088E+005 408.98      4 . 66 3 . 1388E+005                      - 1.10 02E+003 46 2 . 79 30 . 70  5 . 504 4E+004                     -2 . 2907E+004 546.94    10 . 80  1.4299E100S                        -4 . 9014Et-004 871. 80     5.11   2 . 8672E+005                        5 . 5116E+004 1009 . 78   29 . 80  5 . 7450E+004                      -l.0995E+004 1147 . 22     1. 24  1.5422E+006                        -2 . 071'/E+006 1343.59       1. 14  1 . 1714E+006                      -4 . 9141E+005 1 435.86    76 . 30  2 . 0607E+004                        4 . 2362E+003 J  CE-139 EU - 152 1 65. 85 121. 78 8 0 .3 5 28 . 40 1 . 0178E+004 6 . 1313E+004
1. 82E-1 004 5.02E+004 3 . 8036E+003
                                                                          -3 . 3384E+003 244.69      7 . 49 1.9156E+005                        -6 . 1641E+004 344.27    26 . 50  5 . 0196E+004                      -2 . 1247E+003 411.11      2 . 21 6.0837E+005                        -1. 9710E+OOS 443.98      3 . 11 5 . 0307E+005                      -2 . 9457E+004 778 . 89  12 . 74  1 . 1255E+OOS                        9 . 1159E+004 867 . 32    4 . 16 3.3659£+005                        -3 . 1346E+005 964 . 01  14 . 40  1.2395E+005                          l . 2112E+003 1085 . 78   10 . 00  1. 6114E+005                         7 . 7250E+002 1112 . 02   13 . 30  1.3739E+005                          3 . 9428E+004
     )            1407 . 95   20 . 70  6 . 7079E+004                      -7 . 5127E+003 EU-154    123.07     40 . 40  4 . 3895E+004     4 . 39E+004        2 . 2815E+0 04 188 . 25     0 . 23 5 . 9548£+006                        2 . 7514E+004 247 . 93    6 . 83 2.0577E+005                        - 1 . 2034E+004 401.30      0 . 19 7.3699E+006                          4 .2 960E+005 444.39      0 . 55 2 . 8671E+006                        1 . 6264E+005 478 . 26    0 . 21 7.0136E+006                          l . 0959E+006 557.56      0 . 25 5 . 18 34E+0 06                    -l . 8876E+006 582 . 00    0 . 89 1 . 8382E+006                        2 . 0460 E+0 06 591. 76     4 . 91 3 . 0188 E+005                     -3 . 7410E+005 625.22      0 . 32 3 . 9486E+00 6                     -4.8372E+005 676.59      0 .1 4 1 . 0026E+007                        2 . 6364E+006 692.4 2     1. 78  8 . 6972E+005                        4 . 1772E+005 715 . 76    0 . 17 7 . 88 11E+006                       1 . S:i'/6E+006 722.30    20 . 00  6 . 8744E+004                        2 . 3179E+004 756 . 86     4 . 50 3 . 0624£+005                        3 .5 614E+004 815.55      0 . 50 2 . 7167E+006                      -1.0264E+006 845 . 39    0 . 58 2 . 2848F::+0 06                   - 8 . 8369E+005 850 . 64    0 . 23 5 . 8609£+006                      -1 . 6601E:+006 873 . 20   12 . 09  l . 02 91E+0 05                    - 5 . 8833E+004 892 . 73    0 . 50 3.0858E+006                        -2.08 50 E+006 904 . 05    0 . 85 1. 7351E+006                         9 . 4496E+004 996.30    1 0 . 34 l.3772E+005                          9 . 1338E+004 1004 . 76   1 7 . 90 7.4]04E+004                        -2.2206E+004 1128 .4 0     0 . 29 4.9902E +0 06                      -6 . 5807E+006

tclide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 2 6 : 20 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yie ld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV} ( %) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU - 154 1140 . 90 0 . 22 7 . 6990E+006 4 . 39E+004 -4. 4216E+006 1241. 60 0 . 13 1 . 3460E+0 0 7 7. 1651E+0 05 12 46 .60 0 .8 0 l . 8167E+0 0 6 -2.49JGE+OOS 12 74 . 51 34 .4 0 4.5 951E+004 9 . 8792E+003 1494 . 08 0 . 71 1 . 3728E+006 6 . 3998E+005 1 596 . 45 1. 80 6 . 8607 £ +0 05 -l.0660E +0 06 HG - 2 0 3 279 .19 77 . 30 l.7383E+004 l.7 4E+00 4 -5 . 1097E+0 0 3 BI -214 609 . 31 46 . 30 3 . 7177E+004 3 . 72E+004 4 . 2 4 75E+002 7 68 . 36 5 . 0-1 2 . 7056E+005 -2 . 9361E+003 806 .1 7 1. 23 1. 0 696 E+006 3.9669E+005 934 . 06 3 . 21 4 . 752 0£+005 3 .0930E+005 1120.29 15 . 10 l . 2967E+005 l.3465E+005 1155 . 19 l. 69 l . 0180E+006 -2 . 9380E+005 1238 .1 1 5 . 94 3 . 0338E+00 5 -l.6280E+OOS 1 280 .96 l. 4 7 1 .0 068E1 00 6 3 .1 423E+005 1 377 . 6 7 4.11 3.5624E+005 l.0008E+005 1385 . 31 0 . 78 1. 8841E+006 - 1 . 03628+006 14 01. 50 1. 39 8 . 9207E+005 6.2088E+005 14 07 .98 2 . 48 5.5990E+005 -6 .2 7078+004 1509 . 19 2 . 19 3 . 90478+0 05 -9. 5310E+004 1661.28 1.15 9 . 1647E 1005 -4 . 7954E+004 1729 . 60 3 . 05 5 . 1947E+005 4 . 0343E+005 1 7 64 . 4 9 15 . 80 8 . 4365E+004 -l.5 223E+004 1847.44 2 . 12 6.5 119E+005 - l.6 483E+005

    >                  2118 . 54      l. 21   0 . 0000E+OOO                           0 . 00008+000 PB- 214           74 . 81    6 . 33  5 . 3740£+005     4 . 12E+004           4 . 440 5El-005 77 .11   10 . 70   2 . 8745E+005                           1 . 3107E+005 87 . 2 0   3 .7 0  6.7787E+005                             4.3155£+005 89 . 80    1. 03   2 . 2873E+006                         -1 . 6643E+006 241.98       7 . 49  l . 9834E+005                           1 . 7390£+004 2 95 . 21  19 . 20   7.3433E+004                             4 . 3452£+004 351. 92    3 7.20    4.1 170E+00 4                           1 . 5411E+004 705 .9 1     1.10    1. 4 68 6E+006                        -4 . 0178£+005
      +=Nuclide identified during the nuclide ide nti fication
      *=Energy line found in the spect.rum
      >=Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or h as not been calculated
      @ - H.:1lf- life too short to be able to per f orm Lhe decay correction

"** **** ******** ********* *' ~** *********** *******************************

***          G A MMA       s E C T R U M             A NA L Y                      *****

.lename: 384 4 !port Generated On 9/16/2017 2 : 41 :4 5 PM 1mple Title WGTV- 01 09/16/2017 ./ tmple Description ,mple Ident ification 1mpl e Type


1mple Geometry 3 v\l\ - '1 0 cf ?ak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 !ak Loca te Range (in channels) 1 - 6553 5 !ak Area Range (in chan nels) 200 - 80 00 lentification Energy Tolerance 1. 000 keV tmple Size 2 . 830E+001 m2 1mple Taken On 9/ 16/2017 2 : 31 : 00 PM /

quisition Started 9/16/2017 2 : 3] : 4 4 PM ve Time 600 . 0 seconds/

ia l Time 600 . 2 seconds iad Time 0 . 04 % / Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/20 16 Effi ciency CalibraLion Used Done On 12/16/2016 Eff i ciency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

~ak Analysis Report 9/16/2017 2 : 41 : 4 5 PM Page 2 P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O RT *** ** '*** * *** ***************************** ****************A* ****************** De tector Name: 3844 Sample Tit l e: WGTV-0 1 09/16/2 017 Peak Analysis Pe rformed on : 9/16/201 7 2 : 41 : 4 5 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 200 Peak Analys i s To Channe l : 8000 Peak ROI ROI Peak En e rgy FWHM Net Pe ak Net Area Continuum No . start e nd centroid ( keV) ( keV } Area Uncert . CounL::, 1 2635- 2661 2648 . 68 66 2 .33 0 . 83 2 . 12E+0 02 53 . 29 1 . 21E+002 2 5831- 5856 584 5. 19 14 61. 03 0 . 83 1.44E+0 02 37. 08 5.26E+001

= First peak in a multiplet region
= Ot. hFir peak in a multiple t r e gion
=  Fitte d singlet
rors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

,terference Corrected Actj ~.ty Report 9/16/2017 2 : 41 : 46 PM Page 3 t* *** **** * ********** **** ***********************************************

  • N UC L I DE I DE N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T Sample Title : WGTV-01 09/16/20 17 Nucl irlP- Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\Cl\,~FILES\STDLIB . NLB I DENTI FI ED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confi den ce (keV} ( %} (pC i/m2 } Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 992 1460.81* 10 . 67 8 . 61238E+005 2 . 31854E+005 CS -1 37 0 . 929 661 . 65* 85 . 12 9 . 245 1 9E+ 0 04 2 . 431108+ 0 04
        *=Energy line found in the spectrum .
        @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energ y Tolerance :           1 . 000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=                 0 . 30 Errors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terfe re nce Corrected Act" tty Report 9/16/?.0 1 7 2 : 41 : 4 6 PM Page 4 I NT E R F E R E NC E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt medn Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncer tainty K-40 0 . 99 2 8.612384E+005  ? .318539E+005 CS-137 0 . 929 9 . 245193£+004 2 .431103E+004

      ? = Nuclide i s part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide r ej ected by t he i nterfe r ence analys is
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quo ted at       1 . 960 sigma U N   I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S Peak Locate Pe rformed on :          9/16/2017     2 : 41: 4 5 PM Peak Locate From Channel :             200 Peak Locate To Cha nnel :             8000 Peak    Energy          Peak Size in             Pea k CPS           Peak        Tol.

No . (keV) Co unts per Second  % Unce r tainty Type Nucl i de All peaks were identified .

1c lide MDA Report 9/16/2017  ?.:41 : 46 PM Page 5 N U C L I D E M D A R E P O R T ***** Detector Name : 3844 Sample Geometry: Sample


WGTV-01 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nucl ide MDA Activity Name (keV) {%) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 )

   +      K-4 0       1460.81*       10 . 67    3 . 0279E+005     3 . 03E+005         8 . 6124E+005 SC-46        889 . 25      99 . 98    1 . 4752E+004     1 . 48E+004         7 . 813:>E+003 1120 . 51      99 . 99    1. 9416E+004                        -8.1124E+003 C0-57        122 . 06      85 . 51    2 . 0434E+004     2.04E+004           9 . 9321E+003 136 . 48      10 . 60    1. 4712E+005                          3.4412E-t004 CO- 60      1173 . 22     100 . 00    1 . 5659 E+004    1 . 30E+004       -l . 8083E+004 1332.49       100 . 00    l.3 045E+0 04                       -2.332 0E +004 SE- 75         96 . 73      3 . 41    5 . 9470E+005     2 . 13E+004       - 4. 3288E+004 121 .11       16 . 70    1. 058 7E+00 .'1                      7.36488+0 04 136 . 00      59 . 20    2 . 6248E+0 04                      -6 . 2828E+0 03 198 . 60       1. 45     9 . 63S7E+005                         4 . 3875E+OOS 2 64 . 65     59 . 80    2 . 1255E+004                         2 . 2416E+003 279 . 53      2S . 20    5 . 3356E+004                         l.1119E+004 303 .91        1. 32     1 .0 181E+006                       -4. . 7831£+005 400 . 65      11. 40     1 . 0944E+005                         l . 0014E+004 KR- 85       513 . 99       0 . 43    3 . 8144ET006     3.81E+006           2 . 0623ET006 KR-85M       151. 18       75 . 30    1 . 9985E+004     2 . 00E+004         1. 4487£+004 304 .87       14 . 00    9.8193E+004                           4 . 47 28E+004 SR-85        513 . 99      99 . 27    l . 6523E+004     1 . 658+004         8 . 9333E+003 Y-88         8 98 . 02     93 . 40    l . 4595E+004     1. 21£ 1-004      -6 . 9564E+003 1836.01        99 . 38    1 . 20<35E+004                      -2.8586E+002 CD- 1 09       88 .03       3 . 72    6.4 630 E+O OS    6 . 46E+005         2.7881E+005 SN-113       2 55 . 12      1. 93     6.7118E+0 05      1 . 86E+004         3 . 5828E+005 391. 69       64 . 90    1 . 8628E.L004                        3 . 3751E+003 CS-134       475 . 35       l. 46     9 . 5221E+005     1.56E+00 4        -1 .8 258E+005 563 . 2 3      8 . 38    1 . 5421E+005                         6 . 0523E+004 569 . 32      15.43      7 .9 739£+004                         2 . 26128+004 604 . 70      97.60      1.5606ET004                         -1 . 0276E+004 7 9S . 84     85 . 40    1 . 6703E+004                         9 . 22"/88+003 801 . 93       8 . 73    1.5560E+005                           2 . 7300E+004 1038.5 7        1.00      1.5642E+006                           8 . 7157E+005 1167 . 94       1. 80     8 . 79901::+0 05                    -2.80418+0 05 1365 . 15       3 . 04    3 . 8813 E+0 05                     -3.8 73'1E+005 CS-136         66.91       12 . 50    3.2948E+005       1 . 41E+004         5 . 4766E+004 86 . 29      6.30      3 . 9538E+005                         2.5268E+ 005 153 . 22       7 . 46    1 . 9523E+005                         6 . 0916E+003 163.89         4 . 61    2 . 9396E+005                       -l . 7725E+005 17 6 . 55     13 . 56    l . 0184E+OO:i                      -8 . 5702E+004 273 . 65      12 . 66    l. 0660E+005                        -3.4632E+003 340.57        48.50      2 . 8512E+004                       -4 . 5408E+003

1clide MDA Report 9/16/20 17 2:41 : 46 PM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818.50 99.70 1. 4133E+004 1. 41£+004 -9 . 4981E+002 1048.07 79.60 2 . 0726E+004 -4 .1921E+003 1235 . 34 19. 70 9.0280E+004 6 . 9750E+004

  +     CS-137     661.65*   85 .12  3.4056E+004         3 . 41E+004        9.2452E+004 CS-138     138.10     1. 4 9 1.1647E+006         1.55E+004        -6.0903E +005 227 . 7 6  1. 51  1 . 0478E+006                        - 6 . 0932E+005 408.98     4 . 66 3.4006E+005                          - 1 . 5855E+005 4 62 . 79 30.70   5.5520E+004                            4 . 9275E+004 546.94    10.80   l.4025E+005                          - l.1280E+004 871.80     5 .11  3.3562E+005                          - l . 2847E+005 1009.78     29 . 80 5 . 5230E +004                       -3 .9362E +004 1 1 47 .2 2  1. 24  1 .5414E +006                        -5.5 378E+005 1343.59      1. 14  1. 4563E+006                           4 . 6011E+005 1 435 . 86  76 . 30 1 .5490E+004                        -8 . 8307E+003 CE-139     165 . 85  80 . 35 l .66 60E+004       l.G7E+00 4       -1 . 14S3E+004 EU-152     121. 78   28. 4 0 6 . 1582£+004       5 . 05E+004        2 . 8755E+004 244 . 69   7 . 49 1.9044E+005                            2 . 0683E+005 344 . 27  26.50   5 . 0544E+004                       - l. 1 981E+004 411. 1 1   2.21   6.6727E+0 05                           1. 6380E+005 443.98     3 .11  4.4676E +OOS                        - 3.4175E+005 778.89    12 . 74 1. 1 J65E+005                       -8 . 3144E+004 867.32     4 . 16 3 . 9905E+005                       -1. 5330E+005 964 . 01  14. 4 0 1.0580E+005                            3 . 9587E+004 10 85 .78   10.00   1 .6 699E+00 5                         7 . 4380E +004 1 1 1 2.02  13 . 30 l . 2003E+OOS                       -4 . 6027E+004 1 407 . 95  20 . 70 6 . 7079E+004                       - l.1414E+004 EU-154     123.07    40 . 40 4 . 254 1E+004      4.25E+ 004         2 . 6505E+004 188 . 25   0 . 23 6 . 3667E+006                          3.0763E+006 247.93     6 . 83 l.8857E+005                         - l .0335E+005 4 01. 30   0 . 19 6 . 5674E+006                       -2 . 1437E+005 444 . 39   0 . 55 2 . 5628E+006                          7 . 3358E+005 478 . 26   0 . 21 6 . 9813E+006                          4 . 0546E+006 557 .S6    0.25   5.2572E+0O6                            3 . 5683E+006 582 . 0 0  0 . 89 1 . 78378+006                          1. 1820E+ OO 6 591. 7 6   4 . 91 2 . 9624E+005                       -2 . 5368E+005 625 . 22   0 . 32 4.4037E+006                            1 . 7639E+006 676 .5 9   0. 1 4 9 . 5691E +006                      -l . 4812E+006 692.42     1. 78  6.4063E+005                         -2. 1 914E+005 715 . 76   0.17   9.0494E +0 06                          9 . 3668E+006 722 . 30  20.00   7 . 1333E+004                       -5.5523E+003 7 56. 86   4 .5 0 3.4 437E+005                          1. 382 OE+OO 5 815 . 55   0.50   2 .8105E+006                        -l . 0692E+005 845 . 39   0 . 58 2.6407E+006                            3. 4 914E+005 850.64     0 . 23 5.7862E+006                         -5.4410E+006 873.20    12 . 09 1.2 701E+005                           3 . 79 1 6E+004 892 .7 3   0 . 50 2.9198E+006                         - 2 . 0506E+005 904.05     0.85   1.8685E+006                            5 . 07238+0 05 996 . 30  10.34   l.4 345E+005                          1 . 3252J::+0 0 4 1004.76     17.90   8. 1 L'.38F.+004                    -3.23278+004 1128.40      0 . 29 6.7379E+0 0 6                          3.7267E+006

,elide MDA Report 9/16/2017 2 : 41 : 4 6 PM Page 7 Nuc lide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pC i/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU-154 11 40 . 90 0.22 7 . 6990£+006 4.25E+004 -2.9386E+006 1241.60 0 . 13 1. 3815E+007 1.0777£+006 1 246 .60 0.80 1.977 9E+O OG - 3.5684E+005 12 74.5 1 34.40 4.7404£+0 04 2.9371E+004 1494.08 0 .71 1. 6582£+006 3.1375E+005 1 596.45 1. 80 6 . 8607E+005 4. 1609E+005 HG-203 279.19 77 . 30 1.7517£+004 1. 7 5£ +004 8.5475E+003 BI - 214 609 . 3 1 46.30 3.3468£+004 3 . 35E+004 8.5777E+003 7 68. 36 5 . 04 3.0054E+0 05 -2 . 3531E+004 806.17 1. 23 9.4260E+005 - 1 . 19 56E+006 934.06 3 . 21 4 . 7520£+005 4 . 1308E+005 11 20 . 29 15 . 10 l . 2855E+005 - 5.37 10E+00 4 1155.19 1. 69 9 . 3032E+005 l.4423E+005 1238.11 5.94 3 .1 386£+005 1.9495E+005 1280.96 1. 47 1.0068E+006 - 4.1088E+005 13 77 . 67 4 . 11 3 . 3279E+005 -3.6695E+005 1385.31 0 . 78 1.8438£+006 -5.2928E +0 04 1401.50 l. 39 1. 0428E+006 -7. 4284E+005 1 407 . 98 2 . 48 5.5990£+0 05 -9.5274E+004 1 509 . 19 2 .19 5 . 1883E+005 2.9784E+005 1 661 . 28 l. 15 8 . 0014E ~*005 3 . 05HiE+005 17 29 .60 3 . 05 4 .1 338E+005 2 . 3731E+005 17 64 . 4 9 15 . 80 8 .4 365£+0 04 5 .116 6E+004 18 47 . 44 2 . 12 4 . 7069E +005 l .7 952E+005

    >                 2118 .54      1. 2 1   O . OOOOE+OOO                          O. OOOOE+OOO PB- 214         74 . 8 1  6 . 33   5 . 2612E+0 05   3.91E+004             2 . 0452E+005 77.1 1   10 .70    2 . 7744E+0 05                       -1 . 1102E1005 87 . 20   3 .7 0   6 .5 133E+0 05                       - 4.7111E+005 89 . 80   1. 03    2 . 2627£+0 06                       -7. 4372E+004 2 41. 98    7 . 49   2 . 0288 E+0 05                        1. 7050E+005 2 95. 21   19 . 20   7 . 3433 E+0 04                      - 4 . 5457 E+004 351.92     37 . 20   3 . 9122 E+004                         l.0214E+00 4 785 . 91    1.10     l. 2455 E+006                          2 . 5043E+004
     +  =  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy l ine f o u nd in the spect rum
     >  =  Calcu lated MDA is zero due t o zero counts in the reg i on , or the region is outside the spectrum, or h as n ot been calculated
     @ =   Half -life too short to be able to perform t he decay correc tion
***          G A MMA            E C T R U M           A N A L Y        I S       *****

.lename : 384 4 iport Generated On 9/ 1 8/2017 8 : 39:51 AM 1mpl e Ti tle WGTV 16 / 1mple Description 1mple Identification unple Type lmple Geomet r y 3m 90d / iak Lo cate Threshold 3 . 00

ak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535

!a k Area Range (in channels) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tolerance 1 . 000 keV tmp l e Size 2 . 830E+0 0 1 m2/ 1mple Taken On 9/18/2017 8 : 29 : 00 AM

qulsition Started 9/ 18/2 017 8 : 29 : 50 AM/

.ve Time 60 0 . 0 seconds / !81 Time 600 . 2 seconds iad Time Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Ca l ibration used Done On 12/ 16/2016 Efficiency ID OLAR PLANE 90D

!ak Analysis Report 9/18/?017 8 : 39 : 51 AM Page 2

              • ***************i*************** **** *i************** ** *************

P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T ***** Detector Name : 3844 Sample Title : WGTV 16 Peak Analysis Performed on: 9/18/2017 8 : 39 : 51 AM Peak Analysis From Channel : 200 Peak An alysi s To Channel : 8000 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end c en troid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert: . counts 1 5837- 5854 58 43 . 87 1460.70 1 .09 7.88E+001 39 . 12 7 . 92E +001

= First peak in    a multiplet region
= Other peak in a multip let region
- Fit ted s inglet
  • rors quoted at 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Ac tjv ity Report 9/18/2017 A:39:5 1 AM Page 3 N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O RT ***** Sample


WGTV 16 Nuclide Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDL1B . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCL IDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activi t y Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Unce r tainty K-4 0 0 .998 1460 . 81

  • 10 . 67 4 . 70111E+005 2 . 363358+005
       *=Energy l ine found ln the spectrum .
       @=Energy l ine not used for Weigh ted Mean Activi t y Energy Tolerance :         1 .0 00 keV Nuclide confidence ln<le~ th r~sholu =          0 . 30 Errors quoted at 1.960 sigma

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/18/2017 R: 39 : 51 AM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E NC E C O R R E C T E D R E P O RT ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Act i vity Activit y Name Con fide nce (pCi/m2 ) Uncertai nty K-40 0 . 998 4 . 70 11 13E+0 05 2 . 363351 £+00 5

       ? = Nuclide is part of a n u n de termined s olution X = Nuc l ide rejected by the interference analysis
       @ =Nucli de con t ains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Ac t ivity Errors quoted at       1 . 960 sigma
 ******* ***     U N I D E NT I F I E D               P 8 A K S        **********

Peak Locate Perfonned o n : 9/ 18/201 7 8 : 39 : 51 AM Peak Locate From Chann el : 2 00 Peak Locate To Channel : 8000 Peak Energy Pea k Size in Peak CPS Peak To l. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identi fi ed .

tclide MDA Report 9/18/?017 8 : 39 : 52 AM Page 5

      • **** *** *** **** ***** *** *************** *******~ ********* **** ******* * **~***+**

N U C L I D E M DA R E P O R T ** *** Detector Name : 3844 Sampl e Geometry: 3m 90d Sample Tit le : WGTV 16 Nuclide Library Used : C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB .NLB Nuclide Ener gy Yi e ld Li ne MDA Nucl i de MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %} (pCi/m2 } (pCi/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 )

  +         K-40          1460 . 81*       10 . 67      3.6678E+00S        3.67E+005            4 . 7011E+005 SC-4 6          08 9 . 25      99.9 8       1 .570 7£+004      1 . 57 E+00 4        l . 8050E+004 1120 . 51        99 . 99      1 . 8368E+004                           1. 7649 E+ 004 CO- 57          122 . 06       85 . 51      1 . 9338E+004      l . 93 E+ 004      -3 . 4027E+003 13 6 . 48      10 . G0      l .480 4E+0 05                          2 . ~Sl!:>8 E+004 C0-60          1173 . 22       100 . 00      1 . 5659E+004      1. 30E+004           2 . 2 731Et003 1332 . 49       100 . 00      l . 3045E+004                         -3 . 4 353E+003 SE-75             96 . 7 3       3 . 41     6 .1 006E+005      2 . 04E +00 4      - l . 3602E+00 5 121.11         16 . 70      1. 0041E+005                          -5 . 2877E+004 136 . 00       59 . 20      2 . 6642E+004                         -2 . 7315E+003 1 98. 60         1. 45      9 . 3488£+0 05                          3 . 2 149E+005 264 . 65       59 . 80      2 . 0373E+0 04                          8 . 4044E4-0Q3 27 9. 53       25 . 20      4 . 9959£+0 04                          3 . 2175E+004 3 03 . 91        1. 32     *8 . 9 500E +0 OS                        1. 3161£ +005 400 . 65       11. 40       9 . 7925£+004                         -1. 0076E+005 KR-8 5          513 . 99         0 . 43     3 .6712£+006       3 . 67£+006        -2 . 9866£+006 KR-85M          1 51. 18       75 . 30      1 . 88538+004      l .8 9E+004        - 5 . 9967E+003 304 . 87       1 4.00      8 . 29578+004                          -6 . 6369E+004 SR - 85         513 . 99       99 . 27      1 . 5903E+004      1 . 59E+004        -1 . 2937E+004 Y-8 8           898 . 02       93 . 40      1 . 642 lt.:+0 04  1. 14E+0 04          8 . 9441E+003 18 36 . 01       99 . 38     1 . 144 7E+004                           2 . 9947E+002 CD-109             88 . 03        3 .7 2     6.3533£+005        6 . 35E+005        -4 . 6820 E+005 SN- 1 13        255 . 12         l. 93      6 . 3315E+0O!:>    l . 80E+004        -1 .4 684E+005 3 91. 69       64 . 90      1 . 8046E+004                         -6 . 6926E+003 CS-134           475 . 35         l. 46     8 . 8108E+005       l . 60 E+00 4      -6 . 1627£ +005 56 3 . 23        8 . 38     l . 6333E+005                           1 . 3008£+004 569 . 32       15 . 43     8 . 8154E+004                          -4 . 9924E t 004 604 . 70       97 . 60      l . 5977E+004                         -1 . 4427E+003 79 5. 8 4      85 . 40      1 .7 207£+004                           7 . 7970E+00 3 80 1. 93         8 . 73     l. 69 2 0E+005                        -7 . 8136E+004 1038 . 57          1.00       l. 4849E+006                            3 . 2790E+005 1167 . 94          1. 80      9 . 0446E+0 0 5                       -7 . 9530E+0 05 1365 . 15          3 . 04    4 . 129 2E+0 0 5                         1 .7 466E+005 CS-136             66 . 91      12 . 50      3 . 2998E+005      1 . 47E+004          l .1 862E+005 86 . 29        6 . 30    3 . 8992£+005                            l . 97 99 E+005 153 . 22         7 . 46    l . 9549E+005                            7 . 4825E+004 163 . 89         4 . 61    2 . 9862E+005                            1 . 2 133E+00 5 176.55         1 3 . 56     1 . 0054£~005                         -4 . 8601E+004 273 . 65       ] ? . 66    9 . 8890E+004                            4 . 3219E+003 340 . 57       48 . 50     2 . 6058E+004                            8 . 5774E+003

tclide MDA Repo rt 9/18/2017 8 : 39 : 52 AM Page 6 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Na me ( keV) (%) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818. 50 99. 70 1. 4736£+004 l.47E+004 8.817 1E+003 1048 . 07 79 .60 1. 7979£+004 -6.2 182E+003 1235 . 34 19 . 70 9 . 6555E+004 -4 . 7639E+004 CS - 137 661.65 85 . 1 2 2 . 1818E+004 2 .18E+004 2 . 7197E+ 004 CS-138 138 . 10 1. 49 l . 197 9E +006 1. 75E+004 9 . 6565£+005 227.76 1.51 9 . 973 9 £+005 -4 . 8264 E+00 5 408.98 4 . 66 2.8030 E+005 -5 . 8152 E+004 462.79 30 . 70 4 . 362 4 £+004 -3 . 6088E+004 54 6 . 94 10 . 80 1. 4149E+005 -4 . 8828£+004 871.80 5 . 11 2 . 9585£ +005 -l . 0550E+005 10 0 9 . 78 29 .80 5 . 5346Et004 l . 2222E+004 114 7 . 22 1. 24 1 . 8 467 E+006 2.0793£+006 1343.59 1.14 1.2331£+006 -3 . 1730£+004 1435.86 76 . 30 l. 753 4E +0 04 4 . 0365E +0 03 CE -130 lGS . 85 80 . 35 1. 7066E f-004 1 . 71~+00 4 -3 . 3115E+00 3 EU-152 121. 78 28 . 40 5 . 842 1E+004 4.60E+004 -8 . 6838£ +003 244.69 7 . 49 l . 8282E+005 -1. 0016E+005 344.27 26 . 50 4.5998E+004 -7 . 90 28E +00 3 411 . 11 2 . ?.1 S.5176E+005 1. 6662E+OO S 443 .98 3 . 11 3.8656E+005 -1. 3485E+005 778.89 12 . 74 l . 0451E+00 5 -9 . 67 6 4 E+003 867 . 32 4 . 16 3 . 5237E-1005 l . 5575E+004 964.01 1 4 . 40 1. 1182E+005 -5 . 6871 E+0 04 1085 . 78 10 . 00 l .4 201E+005 - 9 . 7673E+004 11 12 .02 13 . 30 1 . 2462E+005 3 . 4688 E I 00 4 1407.95 20 . 70 7 . 0270£+004 2 . 2040E+004 EU-154 123.07 40 . 40 4 . 03971::+004 4 . 04E+004 -9.9700E+003 188 . 25 0 . 23 5 . 8767E+006 - 4 . 7125E+006 247 . 93 6.83 1 . 8531£+005 1 . 426 1E+00 4 4 01. 30 0 . 19 5.6442£+006 - l .0690E+007 444 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 214 5 E+006 -3 . 0256E+005 478 . 26 0 . 21 6 . 6152£ +0 0 6 -2 . 0257E+006 557 . 5 6 0 . 25 ~ .1084E+0 06 - 2 . 9428E+006 582.00 0 . 89 l . 8292E+006 1 . 9197E+006 591.76 4 . 91 2 . 6611E+005 -1 .69J 9E+005 625.22 0 . 32  ::3 . 9486E+006 - l . 6333E+006 676. 59 0 . 14 9.9368E+006 -6 . 0187E+005 692.42 1. 78 7.3568E+0 05 - l . 5742E+005 715 . 76 0 . 17 8 . 5 595E+006 2 .86 27 E+006 722.30 20 . 0 0 7.6 2 30E+0 04 -2 . 4 593 E+ 003 756 . 86 4.50 2 . 9669E+005 - 5 . 5463E+004 815 . 55 0 . 50 2.8712E+006 - 2 . 7798E+0 06 845 . .39 0 . 58 2 . 1 623E+006 -9 . 1178E+005 850 . 64 0 . 23 5 . 230 0E+00 6 -3. 2639E +0 06 873 . 20 12.09 1 . 1 495£+0 0 5 -2.8028E+004 892 . 73 0 . 50 3.0858£+006 - 1 . 8385E+006 904 . 05 0 . 85 2.0429E+006 -7.44 36E+005 996. 30 10 . 34 1 . 6093£+005 -5 . 5488E+004 1004.76 17 . 90 8.8576E+004 4 . 8240E+003 1128 . 40 0 . 29 5.4485E+006 -3 . 5503E+006

1clide MDA Report 9/18/2017 8 : 39 : 52 AM Poge 7 Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Act i vity Name (keV) ( %) (pC i /m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU - 154 1140 . 90 0 . 22 9 . 2801E+006 4 . 04E-r-001 2 . 1301E+006 1241. 60 0 . 13 1.4824E+007 l . 9281 E+006 124 6. 60 0 . 80 2 . 0084E+006 - 1 . 88 3LE+006 1274 . 51 34 . 40 4 . 6684E+004 -2 . 1744E+004 1494 . 08 0 . 71 1 . 523 5E+006 8 . 2283E+005 15 96.4 5 1. 80 5 . 6800E+OO!:> 2 . 6478E+005 HG -2 03 279 . 19 77 . 30 1 . 6324E+004 1 . 63E+004 1 . 3179E+004 BI-214 609 . 31 46 . 30 3 . 3664E+004 3 . 37E+004 l.1 350E+00 3 7 68 . 36 5 . 04 2 . 7056E+00 5 - l.9!:>4 4E +005 80 6. 17 1. 23 1 . 2282E+006 -7 . 6578E+004 93 4 . 06 3 . 21 3 .995 7E+005 - 2 . 3383E+005 1120. 29 15 . 10 l . 2161E+OO!:> l.1685E+ 00 5 115 5. 19 1. 69 1 . 0180E+006 -9 . 5353E+005 1238 . 11 5 . 94 3 . 1041E+005 -2 . 3879E+003 1200 . 9G 1. 4 7 9 . 685 2E+005 -7.5289E+005 1377 . 67 4 . 11 2 . 8884E+005 6 . 4152E+004 1385 . 31 0 . 78 l.422 2E+0 06 -9 . 0174 E+005 14.01.50 1. 39 1 . 08788+006 5.34 20E+004 1407 . 98 2 . 48 S . 8654E+OOS l . 8396E+005 1509 . 19 2 . 19 4 . 9634E+OOS 2 . 6806E+005 1661. 28 1.15 1. 148 9E+0 06 2 . 54 3 0E+005 1729 . 60 3 . 05 3 . 3468E+005 -5. 438 4E+004 17 64. 4 9 15 . 80 1 .04 41E+005 8 . 3725E+004

                     ]847.44      2 . 12  5 . 0634E +00 5                       -1 . 3165E+0 05
    >                2118 . 54    1 . 21  O. OOOOE+OOO                            O. OOOO E+ OOO PB-214         74 . 81   6 . 33  5 . 2383E+0 05     3 . 36E+004          4 . 5802E+005
77. 11 10 . 70 2 . 7309t:,;+00 5 -1.0036E+00 5 87.20 3 . 70 6 . 4134E+005 -7 . 7949E+OOS 89 . 80 1.03 2 . 2128E+006 -1 . 2848E+006 2 41. 98 7 . 49 1 . 9585E+00 5 2 . 3917E+004 295 . 21 19 .2 0 6 . 4719E+0 0 4 4 . 0045E +004 351. 92 37 . 20 3 . 3567E+004 -l . 152 1E+004 78 5. 91 1. 10 l.2856E+OU 6 4 . 670 5E+ 005
      + = Nuclide identified during t he nuclide i dentification
      * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum
     > = Ca lculated MDA is zero due to zero count s in the region , or the region i s outs ide the spectrum , or h as not been calculated
      @ = Half- life Loo short to be able to per form the decay correc tion

lename : 384 4 iport Generated On 9/18/2017 8 : 26:32 AM 1mple Tit le WGTV 15 / 1mple Description 1mple I den tification ,mple Type ./ ,mple Geometry 3m 90d iak Locate Thres ho ld 3.00 ia k Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 6553 5 ia k Area Range ( in channels) 20 0 - 8000 lentification Energy Tolerance 1 . 000 keV 1mpl e .S iz e 2.0JOE+OOl m2


unple Taken On 9/18/2017 8 : 16 : 00 AM /

quisit ion Started 9/18/2017 8 :16: 32 AM

.ve Time 600.0 seconds/ lFI 1 Time GOO . 3 seL:unds iad Time 0. 04 % / Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Effici ency Calibr ation Used Done On 12/ 16/2 016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Analysis Report 9/ 18/20 17 8 :26 : 32 ]lflll Page 2 > peak analysis results available for reporting purposes

1terference Corrected Ac~

  • vity Report ()/18/2017 R: 26 :3 3 AM Puge 3 N UC L I DE I DE N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****

Sample Tit le : WGTV 15 Nuclide Library Used : C : \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ STDLI B.NLB IDENTIFIE D NUCL I DES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

       * = Energy line found in the spectrum .
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance:       1. 000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=         0 .30 Errors quoted wt 1 . 960 sigma

1terference Corrected Act* -*ity Repo rt 9/18/2017 A: 26:33 AM Page 4 I NT E R F E R E NC E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** Nuclide Wt mean Wt me an Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

     ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X - Nuclide Lejected by the inLerference analys is
     @=Nuclide con ta ins energy lines not used in We ighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   1.960 sigma

> peak search results available for nuclide analysis.

1clide MDA Report 9/18/2017 8 : 26 : 33 AM Page 5

                                                                  • ***** *** *************************** ***~ ******
***                     N   UC L I D E         M u   A     R E P O R T Detector Name :              3844 Sample Geometry :            3m 90d Sample Tit l e:              WGTV 15 Nuclide Library Used :       C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB.NLB Nuclide      Energy           Yield         Line MDA       Nuclide MDA             Activity Name         (keV)              ( %)       (pCi/m2 )       (pCi/m2        )       (pCi/rn2 )

K-40 1460.81 10 . 67 4. 7539£+005 4.75E+005 1.5 7 1 3E+006 SC-46 889.25 99 . 98 1. 3900E 1*004 1 . 39E+004 l . 9575E+003 1120 . 51 99 . 99 1. 7fiJ?.E+004 -8.0238E+001 C0-57 122 . 06 85 . 51 2.0434E+004 2 . 04E+004 7 .3 041E+003 13 6 . 40 10.60 1.5093E+005 7 . 201 4E +OU 4 CO - 60 1 1 73 . 22 100 . 00 l . 8372E+004 l .34E +00 4 9 . 5343E+003 1332 . 49 100 . 00 l . 3376E+004 -6 . 2572E+003 SE-75 96. 73 3 . 41 5.9780E+005 2 . 1 3E +004 - 3 . 6192E+005 1 21.11 16 .7 0 1.0699E+005 7 . 7759£+004 136.00 59 . 20 2 . 7095E+004 9 . 9516E+002 190 . GO 1. 45 9 . 3973E+005 - 1 . 161'.>E+OOS 264 . 65 59 . 80 2 . 1255E+004 6.7540E+003 279 . 53 25 . 20 4 . 9665E+004 -4 .6376E+004 303.91 1.32 9 . 70821:.:+005 -l . 2478E+004 400 . 65 11. 40 9.7925E+004 -2 . 2378E+004 KR-85 513 . 99 0.4 3 3 . 8763Et006 3 . 88E+006 2 . 3320E+005 KR-85M lSl . 18 75 . 30 1 . 9322E+004 l .9 3E+004 -5 . 6098E+003 304 . 87 14 . 00 9.2768E +004 5 . 2241E+004 SR-85 5 1 3 . 99 99 . 27 1. 679 1 E+004 1. 68E-1004 l . 0102E+00 3 Y-88 898 . 02 93 . 40 l. 67 60E+004 l . 21E+004 -3 . 5093E+003 1836 . 01 99 . JB l . 2095E+004 -2 . 2702E+004 CD-109 88.03 3 . 72 6 . 7692E+005 6 .77E +005 7 . 4162E+005 SN-llJ 255.12 1. 93 6.4550E +O U5 l .96E+004 l .9 356E+005 391. 69 64 . 90 1 . 9648E+004 -1 . 1905E+0 04 CS - 134 475 . 35 1. 46 8 . 1484E+005 l . 70E+004 -l.5065E+005 563 . 23 8 . 38 l.5770E +0 05 -1 . 8915£+0 04 569 . 32 15 . 43 8.1764E+004 1.56878+004 6 04 .70 97 . 60 l.7953E+004 -1.8 155E+002 7 95 . 84 85 .4 0 1. 7 04 OE+004 7 . 4966E+003 8 01. 93 8 . 73 1. 6757E+005 1 .0 41 1E+005 1038 . 57 1. 00 1. 7 627 E+006 1 . 0846E+006 1167 . 94 1. 80 9 . 6286E+005 l.0105E+00 5 1365 . 15 3 . 04 4.0075E +0 05 l . 7112E+00 5 CS-136 66.91 12.50 3.2798E+005 1. 46E+004 -8 . 3335E+004 86 . 29 6 . 30 3 . 9693E+005 -3.015 2E+0 05 153.22 7 . 46 1 . 8965E+005 -7 . 6725E+004 163.89 4.61 3 . 0183E+005 4 . 8693 E+0 04 176 . 55 13 . 56 1. 0216E I 005 2 . 9830£4-004 273.fiS 12 . 66 1 . 01 998+005 -2 . 2406E+004 340 . 57 48.50 2 . 5149E+004 8 . 5860E+003

1cl ide MDA Report 9/18/2017 8 : 26:33 AM Pag P. 6 Nuclide Energy Yie ld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pC i/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS-136 818.50 99 . 70 l . 4588E+004 l.46E+004 2.4086E+003 1048 . 07 7 9 . 60 l . 9281E+004 - l.8404E+004 1235 .34 19.70 9.1358E+004 -1. 0640E+005 CS-1 37 661.65 85.12 l .8706E+004 1 .87E+00 4 7 . 1646E+0 03 CS-138 138.10 1. 49 l.18 73E +0 06 2.22E+004 - l . 3834E+005 227.76 1. 51 1 .0 0 94E+006 2.7837E+005 408 . 98 4.66 2 . 8511£+005 1. J 980E+OO 4 4 62 . 79 30 . 70 4.6770E+004 -1. 0552 E+004 546.94 10.80 1 . 3284E+OOS - 8.2669E+004 871 . 80 5 . 11 3 . 3755E+005 -5. 3115E+004 1009 . 78 29 . 80 5 .4989E+004 3.7732£+004 1 147.22 1. 24 1 . 5712E+006 -2 . 0781E+006 1343.59 1. 14 1 . 3268E+006 -6.2 06 6E+00 .5 1435 . 86 76.30 2 . 2237E+004 7 .2276E+003 CE-139 165. 85 00.35 1. 7 J05E+004 1. 73E +004 -l .6162E +004 EU -15 2 121. 78 28 . 40 6 . 1982 E+004 4.38E+004 2.3785E+004 244.69 7. 49 l . 8126E+005 -2 . 020 0E+005 344 . 27 26 . 50 4 . 3840£+004 -l . 1653E+005 411.11 2.21 5.487 7E+00 5 l.6748E+005 443.98 3.11 4 . 1670E+005 3 . 5145E+005 770 . 09 12.74 l . 0804E+OOS 2.7685E+004 867.32 4. 16 3.6372E+005 - 6 . 4342E+004 964. 01 14.40 1. 3202E+005 1.0852E+00 4 1 085 . 78 10.00 1.3252E+005 1.91091::.:+004 1 112 . 02 13 . 30 1.2611E+005 - 1 . 4654£+005 1407.95 20.70 5 . 8221E+004 - 4 .7126E+003 EU-154 123 .07 40. 40 4.2636E+004 4.26E+004 - 5 . 5415E+003 188 . 25 0 . 23 5 .9934E+006 -l . 3795E+005 247.93 6 . 83 1 .8246E+005 -1 . 2853E+005 4 01. 30 0 . 19 5.8269E+006 7 . 0171E +005 444.39 0 . 55 2.2808E+006 -2 . 6643E+005 478 . 26 0.21 5.9262E+006 2 . 1 1 50E+006 557 .56 0.25 5 . 1834E+006 - 1 . 1599E+006 582 . 00 0 . 89 1. 7081E+006 l . 663 1 E+006 591. 76 4 .9 1 2 . 6181 E+005 - 6 . 2357E+004 625 . 22 0.32 4 . 3033E+006 - 4 . 3541E+OOS 676 . 59 0 . 14 9 . 9368F:+006 -2. 0984E+ 006 6 92. 4 2 1. 78 6 . 9779E+005 1.2346E+005 71 5 .76 0.17 7.2198E+006 -2.6634E+00 5 722 . 30 2 0 .00 7.3211E+004 2 . 2250E+004 756 . 86 4.50 3 . 5522E+005 1 . 7363E+005 815 . 55 0 . 50 2.9886E+006 l .893JE+006 845.39 0.58 2 . 4561E+006 l . 1714E+006 850.64 0.23 6.2890E+006 -6.6941E+006 873.20 12 . 09 l . 23 1 3E+005 l.9182E+004 892.73 0 .50 2.8504E+006 -6 . 2795E+005 904 . 05 0 . 85 2.1560E+006 - 2.2000E+005 996 . 3 0 10 . 34 1.3376E+005 9.2524E +004 1004.76 17.90 7.5327E+004 3.7903E+003 1 128.40 0.29 5.6625E+006 -3.28 71£+006

tclide MDA Report 9/18/2 017 8: 2 6: 33 AM Paqe 7 Nuclide En ergy Yie ld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Ac tivi ty Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) {p Ci/m2 ) ( pCi/m2 ) E0- 15 4 1 1 4 0.90 0.22 8 . 0600E+006 4 . 26E +004 1 .9 331E+0 06 1241. 60 0.13 1 .4 824 E+007 7 . 2826E+006 12 46.60 0.80 2 . 2362E+006 =2 . G717E+005 1274.51 34 . 4 0 5.0 171 E+004 4. 5996E+0 04 1494.08 0.71 1.5235E+0 06 -1 .3 94 2E+006 1596. 45 1. 80 6.5891E+005 - 5 . 1822E+0 05 HG-203 279 . 19 77.30 1.6561E+0 04 1 . 66£+004 - l .3759E+0 03 BI - 214 609.3 1 46.3 0 3 . 9720E+004 3.97E+004 3.2669E+0 04 76 8 .36 5.04 3.2523E+005 1 . 5947E+005 8 06.17 1. 23 1.2168£+006 -6. 8989E+004 934 . 06 3 . 21 4.8 048E+005 3.3684E+005 1 120. 29 15 . 10 1. 1 673E+005 - 5.3124E+002 1 1 55 .1 9 1. 69 1 .04 1 6E +006 4. 18 4 3E+005 1238 . 11 5.94 3.1727E+005 - 5 . 4 533E+ 004 1280 .96 1. 4 7 1 .23 93E+006 4.467 9E+ 005 1377 .67 4.1 1 3 .07 29E+00 5 2 . 2239E +0 05 1385 .3 1 0 . 78 1 .577 3E+006 5.6989E+005 14 01. 50 1. 39 8 .3 480E+005 - 4. 1 8 5 4E+0 05 14 0 7 .98 2 . 48 4.8596E+005 -3.9335E+004 15 09 . 19 2 . 19 6 . 5198E +005 5 . 063 4E +005 16 61. 28 1.15 8 .0 0 14E 1005 3 . 0516E+005 1729 .6 0 3 . 05 2.5546E+005 7 .11 94 E+00 4 1764 .4 9 15 . 80 1. 208 OE+005 l.1629E +005 1847.44 2 . 12 5.9830E+005 1. 3962E+005

    >                  21 1 8 . 54  1. 2 1   O. OOOOE+OOO                           O. OOOO E+OOO PB-2 1 4         74 . 81  6.3 3    5 .4 129E+005      3 . 91E +0 04       6 . 2999E+0 0 5 77 . 11 10.70     2.8143E+005                          - 5 . 9744£+ 004 87.20    3.70     6.8857E+005                            7 . 330 1E+005 89 . 80  1.03     2 . 30 5 0E +006                     -8. 7726E+00 5 241 . 98   7 .4 9   2 . 0010E+005                        -l.62 35E+004 2 95. 21  19.20     6.9 123E+0 04                          3 . 558 3E+004 351 . 92  37 . 20   3 . 9122E+004                          4.2345E+004 785 . 91    1.10     1. 16 07E+0 06                       -1. 3 0 85E+OO 6
      +  = Nuclide identified d uring the nucl ide identification
         = Energy l ine found in the spectru m
     >     Ca l culated MDA is zero due to ze r o count s in the r e g i on , or the region is outsi de the spectrum, or h as not be en calculate d
     @     Half -life t oo s hort to be abl e to perform the decay correc t ion

l ename : 38 14 !por t Generated On 9 /16/2017 1 : 19: 19 PM 1mp le Tit le WGTV-1 4 09/16/2017 / 1mple Description tmp le I dent ifi cation 1mp le 1mpl e Type Geometry ia k Locate Thres hold 3 . 00 ia k Locate Ran ge (i n channel s ) 1 - 655 3 5 !a k Area Ra nge (in c hanne l s) 2 00 - 800 0 le nti fic a tion Energ y Tol e rance 1.0 00 keV 1mp l e Size 2. 8 30E +0 0 1 m2 tmple Taken On 9/16/20 1 7 1 : 08 : 00 PM

quis ition Started 9/16/2017 1
09:18 PM

.ve Time 600 . 0 seconds/ i.=t l Time GOO . 2 sec:urn.l!::i ?ad Time o.o4  % I Energy Calibr a t ion Used Done On 10/12 / 2016 Effi cienc y Calibra t ion lJsed Done On 12/ 1 6/20 1 6 Eff i c i e ncy I D OLAR PLANE 90D

?ak Analysis Report 9/16/2017 l : l 9 : l 9 PT'1 Page 2 > peak analysis results available for report ing purposes

1terference Corrected Actjvity Report 9/16/2017 1 : ]9 :19 PM Page 3 N U C L I D E I DE N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample Title : WGTV- 14 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C:\ GENIE2K\CAMFI LES\S TDL IB .NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Ac ti vi t y Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 ) Un certainty

       *=Energy line found i n the spectrum.
       @ - Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Act ivity Energy Tolerance :       1 . 0 0 0 keV Nucli de confidence index thresho ld=       0.30 Errors quoted a t   1 .960 s i gma

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/16/2017 1:19 : 19 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Act iv ity Activ i ty Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solut i on X = Nuclide rej ec ted by the interrerence ana lysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quotGd at      1.960 sigma

> peak search results available for nuclide analysis .

1clide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1 : 19 : 20 PM Page 5 N U C L I D E M DA R E P O R T ***** Detector Name : 3844 Sample Geometry : Sample Title : WGTV-14 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDLIB . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) K-40 14 60.81 10.67 4 . 9749 E+00 5 4 . 97E+005 1. 7949£+006 SC-4 6 889.25 99 . 98 l . 3900E+004 l . 39E+004 4 . 1609£+003 1120.51 99 . 99 l . 9753E+004 1 . 8118£+004 C0-57 J 22 . 06 85 . 51 2 . 0300E+004 2 . 03E+004 -6 . 3038E+003 1 36 . 48 10 . 60 1 . 48581:.:+005 - 2 . 739:iE+004 C0-60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 1 . 65468+004 l . 30E+004 1. 3096E+OO 3 1332 .4 9 100 . 00 l . 3045E+004 -7 .9 661E+003 SE-75 96 . 73 3 . 41 6.0824E+005 2 . 08E+004 -2.5114E+005 121 .1 1 16 . 70 l. 0450E+00 5 6 . 98548+003 136 . 00 59 . 20 2 . 6902E+004 2 . 1279£+003 198 . 60 1. 45 9 . 5728£+005 - 1 . F/8YE+OO.'::> 2 64 . 65 59 . 80 2 . 0848E+004 -4 . 8255E+003 279 .53 25 . 20 5.1828E+004 2.03168+004 303 . 91 1. 32 9.2738E+OO.'::> -6.0069E+005 400 . 65 11. 40 1 . 1212£+005 1 . 6716E+004 KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 3.6549E+006 3 . 65E+006 4 . 4179E+006 KR-85M 151 . 18 75 . 30 l.9546E+004 l. 95 E:+00 4 l . 8298E+004 304.87 14 . 00 8 . 9681E+004 -2 .8 093E+004 SR-85 513.99 99 . 27 1.5832E+004 1. 58E+004 1 . 9138E+004 Y-88 8 98 . 02 93 . 40 l . 5354E+004 5 . 61E+003 3 . 3341E+003 1836.01 ()9. 38 5 . 6096E+003 7 . 6230E+002 CD- 109 88.0 3 3 . 72 6.501 3E+005 6 . 50E+005 -l.9176E+005 SN- 1 13 255 . 12 1. 93 6 . 76198+005 1 . 8JE+U04 1 .3 347£+005 3 91. 69 64 . 90 l . 8339E+004 l . 2704E+004 CS-1 34 475 . 35 1. 46 8.7577E+005 1 . 70E+004 l . 9111E+005 563 . 23 8 . 38 1 . 444'/ E+005 7 . 5825E+004 569 . 32 15 . 4 3 8 . 1095E+0 0 4 2 . 4139E+004 604.70 97 . 60 1. 85 10E~004 1 . 21878+004 795 . 84 85 . 40 1. '/040~+004 4 . 0391E+003 801. 93 8 . 73 1 . 6085E+0 05 7 . 8578E+004 1038 . 57 1.00 1. 6394 E+OO 6 6 . 3059E+004 1167 . 94 1. 80 9 . 6286E+005 3 . 4861E+005 1365.15 3.04 4.4718E+005 -2 . 1362E-t-005 CS- 1 36 66 . 91 12.50 3.26998+005 l . 57E+004 -1 . 9723E+004 86 . 29 6.30 3 . 8953E+005 1.7034E+005 153 . 22 7 . 46 1 . 9180E+005 -1.1341E +005 163.89 4 . 61 2 . 8732E+005 -l . 9701E +005 176.55 1 3 . 56 9 . 9386E+004 3841E+004

                      ?73 .65       12 . 66     1. 022 7E+OO 5                       -2.72488 1004 340.57        48 . 50     2 . 6742E+004                          1 . 5134£+004

lClide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1 : 19 : 20 PM Page 6 Nu clide Energy Yie ld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 } CS- 136 818 . 50 99 .7 0 7. 573 3£-1 004 l . 57E+00 4 -1.5 886E+003 1048 .07 79 . 60 1.7979E+004 -1 . 1204E+004 1235 . 34 19 . 70 1 . 0971E+005 -9.3 482E+003 CS - 137 66 1 . 65 85 . 12 1.5345E+004 1 .53 E+00 4 5 . 6818E+ 003 CS -138 138 . 10 1. 49 l . 201 4E +0 06 2 .01 E+00 4 2 . 4514E+004 227 . 76 1. 51 1 . 02 421:.+006 - 2 . 0647E+005 4 08 . 98 4 . 66 ? . 83 1 7E+005 -1 . 4754E+005 4 62 . 79 30 .7 0 4 . 7275 E+004 -5 . 8809E+003 54 6 . 94 10 . 80 1 . 39061:.:+005 -4 . 8766t.:+004 871. 80 5 . 11 3 . 5995E+005 1 . 6514E+005 1009 . 78 29 . 80 6 . 1732£ +00 4 2 . 2621E+004 1147 . 22 1. 24 1. 6689E+006 - 1 . 1768E+006

. 343 . 59 1.14 1 .444 1£+006 8 . 4573E+005 1435 . 86 76 . 30 2 . 0060 E+0 04 8 . 2780E+003 CE-130 165 . 85 80 . 35 1. 6131£+004 l . 61E+ 00 4 -l .6 6/~E+004 EU-152 121.78 28 . 40 6. 1 04 4E 004 4 . 56E+004 -3 . 6438E+004 244 . 69 7 . 49 l . 8086E+005 -2 . 6184E+005 344 . 27 26 . 50 4 . 5613E+004 -4 . 0212E+004 41 1.11 2 . 21 5.2730E +00 5 1 . 3657£+005 443.98 3 . 11 4 . 2552E+005 1 . 1999E+005 778 . 89 12 . 74 l . 0209E-1005 -l . Ll:l2:2E+005 867 . 32 4.16 3 . 85 34E+0 0 5 -2 . 8023E+005 964.01 1 4.40 l. 31 04E+005 2 . 7131E+004 1085.78 10 . 00 l . 5084E+005 -1. 4616E+005 111 2 . 02 13 . 30 l . 3328E+00 5 -1 . 5624E+OOS 1 407.95 20 . 70 6 . 1939£+004 4 . 4827E+004 EU -1 54 123.07 40 . 40 4 . 3386E+004 4 . 34E+004 1. 7 999E+OO 4 188.25 0 . 23 6 . 04 1 4E 006 -5 . 9542E+006 2 47.93 6 . 83 1 . 8949E+005 -3 . 6101E+004 401 . 30 0 . 19 6 . 6616E+006 1 . 8441E+006 444 . 39 0 . 55 2 . 3325E+006 -1. 0712E+006 478.26 0 . 21 6 . 18 96E +006 2 . 41 17E+006 557 . 56 0 . 25 4 . 8 '/61 8+006 7 . 8630E +005 582 . 00 0 . 89 1 . 8560E+006 3 . 8623E+005 591. 76 4 . 91 2 . 8657E+005 -3 . 7424E+004 6 25 . 22 0.32 4 .1 30 0E+00 6 5 . 6797E +005 676.59 0 . 14 1.0462E+007 6 . 0146E+006 692 . 42 1. 78 8 . 1894£+005 -3 . 9843 E+005 715 . 76 0 . 17 8 . 1901E+006 -1 . 8068E+006 72 2.30 20 . 00 7 . 38 25 E+0 04 3 . 9383E+004 7 56 . 86 4 . 50 3 . 0935E+005 1 . 8019E+OOS 815 . 55 0 . 50 3 . 2360E+006 2 . 5828E+006 84 5 . 39 0 . 58 2 . 5370E+006 1. 3492E1006 850.64 0 . 23 6 . 21 99Et006 1 . 0480E+006 873 . 20 12 . 09 1.2953E+0 05 7 . 7229E+003 8 92. 7 3 0 . 50 2 . 9198E+006 l . 5262E+0 05 904.05 0 . 85 1 . 8685E+006 -3 . 3817E+006 996 . 30 10 . 34 l . 4713E+005 6 . 5145E+004 1004 . 76 17 . 90 9 . 4448E+004 1 . 0038E, 004 1 1 28 . 40 0 . 29 5 . 9347E+0 0 6 -5 . 0676£ +006

1cl i de MDA Report 9/16/2017 1 : 19 : 20 PM Page 7 Nuc l ide Energy Yi eld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activi t y Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU -1 54 1140 . 90 0.22 8 . 6526E+006 4 .34E+004 5 . 56 6 5 E+006 1241.60 0.13 1.5763E+007 l . 3915E+007 1246.60 0 . 80 2 . 2091 E+006 - 7 . 7407E +005 1274 . 51 34 . 40 5 . 083 7 E+004 - 5.98 7 6E+004 1494 . 08 0 . 71 1. 4 506E+006 O. OOOOE+OOO 1596 . 45 1. 80 5 . 334 6E+005 - 7 . 8805E +003 HG - 203 279 .1 9 7 7. 30 l. 6 7 0 1E+ 0 04 1.67E+004 - 2.9468E+003 BI - 214 609 . 31 4 6 . 30 3 . 8724E+004 3 . 87E+ 0 04 1. 6330E+OO 4 7 68 . 36 5 . 04 3 .1 06 7E+005 7.0 4 99E+004 806 . 17 1. 23 l .2618 E+006 6 .2 643E+004 934.06 3 . 21 4 . 6444E+005 1. 9740E+005 1 1 20 . 29 15 . 10 1 . 3078 E+0 0 5 1. 199 5 E+OO 5 1 1 55 . 19 1. 69 1 . 0 1 80 E+006 -3 .0 69 5 E+005 1238 . 1 1 5 . 94 3 . 4009 E+005 - 6 . 4950E+004 1280 . 96 1. 4 7 l.1622 E+006 - 3.8497E+005 1377 . 67 4. 1 1 4.2420E+005 2 . 4834E +005 1385 . 3 1 0 . 78 1 . 8025E+006 -3 . 1468E+006 14 0 1. 5 0 1. 39 8.9207E+005 - 1.1087E+004 140 7. 98 2.48 5 . 1700E+005 3 . 7 417E+005 1509 . 19 2.19 6 . 1732E+005 2 . 1147E+005 1661 . 20 1.15 0 . 6074E+005 - 2 . J 90 5E+ 005 1729 . 60 3 . 05 2 . 8505E+005 9 . 4925 E+004 1764 . 49 15 . 8 0 1 . 0937E+005 9. 30 2 8 E+004 1847 . 44 2.12 3 . 8649E+00 5 l . 0 77 1E+005

      >                21 1 8 . 54    1. 21  O. OOO OE+OOO                           O . OOOOE+OOO PB - 214         74 . 8 1   6 . 33 5 . 3572E+OOS      3 . 62 E+00 4        5 . 5887E +005 77 . 1 1 10 . 70  2 . 7 652E+005                          4 . 3669E+004 87 . 20    3 . 70 6 . 598 6E+0 0 5                      - l .4681E+005 89 . 80    1. 0 3 2 . 3 160 E+0 0 6                       7 . 1464E+OOS 241 . 98     7 .49  2 .0 045E+0 0 5                         1. 4245E+005 295 . 21   19 . 20  6 . 97 01E+004                          2 . 1920£+004 35 1. 92   3 7. 20  3 .6203E+004                            2 . 4333E+004 7 85 . 91    1. 10  1.2987£+006                           -l.7 7 57E+005
       +=Nuclide i dentifi ed during t h e nuclide identification
       -A  Energy l i ne found i n the spectrum
       >=Calc u lated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region , o r the region is outside t he spectrum, or has not been ca l cu l ated
       @ = Half - life too sho.cL to be able lo perform the decay correct i on

.lenarne : 3844 !por t Generated On 9/16/2017 1 : 06 : 0/M 1rnple Title WGTV-13 09/16/2017 1rnple Descri p tion 1mple Identificati on 1mple Type 1mple Geometry 3w"!Oc{ I ia k Locate Threshold 3 . 00 ?ak Locate Range (in channels } 1 - 65535

ak Area Range (jn channels) 200 - 8000 le ntif ication Energy Tolerance 1. 000 keV tmple Size 2
  • G3 0 E +0 0 1 m2 /

1rnple Taken On 9/16/2017 12 : 55 : 00 PM

quis it ion Started 9/ 16/20 17 12 : 56 : 06 PM

.ve Time 600.0 seconds/

  • al Time 600.2 ~ec onds iad Time o. 04  % I Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Calibration u~ed Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

ia k Analysis Report 9/16/2017 1 :06:07 PM Page 2 > peak analysis results available for reporting purposes

1terference Corrected Activity Re port 9/16/2017 1 : 06 : 07 PM Page 3 N lJ C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T ***** Sample


WGTV-13 09/16/201 7 Nuclide L ibrary Us ed : C: \C8NIE2K\CAMFIL8S\STDL IB .NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nucl ide Id 8nergy Yi eld Activity Activ ity Name Confidence (keV) ( %} (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

       * = Energy line foun d in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used fo r Welghted Mean Activi ty Energy Tolerance :       1 . 000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=         0 .30 Errors quoted Jt 1 .960 s igma

1Ler feren ce Cor rected Activity Report g/16/2017 1:06:07 PM Page 4 I NT E R F E R E NC E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *** ** Nucl i de Wt mean Wt med n Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence {pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

      ? =  Nuc lide is part of an undete rmined solu tion X = Nuclide re j ected by the interfe rence anct lysi s
      @ = Nuc l ide conta ins energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Er rors quoted al     1 . 960 sigma

> peak search results avai lable for nuclide analysis .

tel ide MDA Report 9/16/2017 1:06:07 PM Page 5 N UC L I DE M DA REPOR T * **** Detector Name: 3844 Sample Geometry: Sample


WGTV-13 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\STDL I B.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc lide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) (pC i/m2 ) K-40 1460 . 81 10.67 4.9749E+005 4.97E+005 1. 7099E+006 SC-46 889.25 99 .98 1. 58 60E +004 l . 59E+004 4 . 4257£+003 112 0 .51 99.99 1 . 9918 £ +0 04 -9 . 455 1E+002 C0-57 122 . 06 85.51 2 . 0522E+004 2 . 05E+004 -6 . 8942E+003 136 .4 0 10 . GO l . 4913E+005 -7 . 93 4 6E+00 4 C0-60 1 1 73.2 2 100.00 l.6546E+004 l.52E+004 -3. 4206E+003 1332.49 1 00.00 1 .5196£+004 l. 04 66E+OO 4 SE-75 96.73 3.41 5.9966E+005 2 . 13E+004 -9.'/234E+004 1 21. 1 1 16. 70 1. 05 7 SE+OOS 2.2102E+004 136.00 59.20 2.7095E+004 1 . 1059E+004 190 . 60 1. 4.':i 9.36508+ 005 S.1686E +005 264 . 65 59.80 2.13 1 2E+004 - 2 . 1700E+004 279 . 53 25.20 5 . 1261 8+004 -1. 0008E+004 303 .91 1. 32 9 .4 936E+005 - 5.9788 E+005 400 . 65 1 1. 40 9 .5 445E +0 04 -5 . 1641E+004 KR-85 513 .99 0 . 43 3 . 9220E +006 3.92E+006 1 . 3648E+006 I<R-8 SM 151 . 18 75.30 2 . 0055£ +004 2 .01E +004 -4 .4 649E:+003 304.87 14 .0 0 9 . 2026E+00 4 1.5887E+004 SR-BS 5 13.99 99.27 1 . 6989E+004 1. 70E+004 5.912 1 8+003 Y-88 898 . 02 93 . 40 1. 8356E+004 1 .2 1E+004 1 . 0709E+004 1836 . 01 99.38 1.209SE+004 6 . 0984E+003 CD-109 88.03 3.72 6.6522£+005 6 . 65E+005 6.9 1 17£+005 SN - 113 255 . 12 1. 93 7 . 02 30E+005 1. 97E+004 9.672 1 E+0 0 5 3 91. 69 64.90 1 . 9738E+004 8 . 3667E+003 CS-134 475.35 1. 46 8 . 5415£+005 1 . 83E+004 1 . 1 064E+005 563 . 23 8.38 l.6 662 E+005 4.1430E+004 569 . 32 15.43 8 . 4382E +004 3.01 1 4E+0 02 604.70 97. 60 l. 8352E+00 4 -l . 3952E+004 7 95 . 8 4 85.40 1 . 8325E+004 -3.44 26E+003 801.93 8 . 73 1. 67 5 7E+005 7 . 6218E+004 1038.5 7 1.00 l . 7795 E+006 8 .0741E+005 1 1 67 . 94 1. 80 9.1647£+005 2 . 9015E+004 1365.15 3.04 5.0802 £+0 05 -9.629 3£+004 CS-136 66.91 12 . 50 3 .1 9 39E+005 l.49E+004 - l .7040E+ 005 86 .29 6 . 30 4 .0 1 92E+OO:i 2.3012 £ +005 153 . 22 7.46 1 . 9860E+005 4 .8163E+004 1 63 . 89 4.61 3.0456E+005 -2.0423E+005 176 .55 13.56 1.0005E+005 -6.9560£+004 273.65 12.66 1. 0 5818+005 4 . 0562E+004 340.57 48.50 2.8058E+004 -3 . 3135E+003

tel ide MDA Report 9/16/?.017 1 : 06 : 07 PM Page 6 Nucl ide Energ y Yi eld Line MDA Nuclide MDA Act iv j t y Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/ m2 ) {pCi/m2 ) CS- 136 818 .5 0 99 . 70 1 . 4883E+00Ll l .4 9E+004 3 . 3539E+00 3 1048 .07 7 9.60 2.0493E+004 -l . 0563E+003 1235 . 34 19 .7 0 9.5541£+004 8 . 3581E+0 04 CS- 137 66 1. 65 85 . 12 1 . 6591E+004 1 . 66£ +004 -8 . 2840E+003 CS -1 38 138 . 10 1. 49 l . 1962E+006 1. 76E+004 - 5 . 3245E+005 227 . 76 1. 51 1 . 0342E+006 -5 .1 075E+004 408.98 4 . 66 2 . 9840£+005 3 . 1621E+004 4 62 . 7 9 30 . 70 4 . 6792E+004 4 . 0406E+002 546 . 94 10 . 80 1 . 3649£+00$ -3 . 3891E+004 871.8 0 5 .1 1 3 . 0928E+005 - l.3 964E+00 5 10 09 . 78 29 . 80 5.7 182E+004 -3.4 046E+00 4 1147 . 22 1. 24 1 . 5350E+006 4. "/028E+005 1343 . 59 1. 14 l . 3433E+006 -2 . 6930E+005 1435 . 86 76 . 30 l . 7638ET004 1. 12 44£+004 CE-139 165. 05 80 . JS 1. 7384E+0 04 l . 74E+004 4.73 048+003 EU- 152 121. 78 28 . 40 6.1715E+004 5 . 19E+004 -2 .3 525E+004 244 . 69 7 . 49 l . 8629E+005 - 7 . 2782E+004 344 . 27 26 . 50 5 . 1910 E+0 04 3 . 6736E+002 411. 11 2 . 21 5 . 722SF.+OOS 3 . 1711E+005 4 43 . 98 3 . 11 4. 4260 E+00 5 l . 3851E+005 770 . 09 12 . 74 l . 1793E+005 5 . 14161:.:+004 8 67 . 32 4 . 16 3 . 2839E+005 4 . 5427ET004 964 . 01 14.40 l . 4143E+OOS 5 . 7127E+004 10 85 . 78 10 . 00 l . 7806E+005 9 . 1453E+004 1112 . 02 13 . 30 l . 'J.758E+005 - 3 . 5981E+004 1407 . 95 20 . 70 5 . 8221E+004 -8 . 8907E+004 EU - 154 123 . 07 4 0 . 40 4.3 340E+00 4 4 . 33E+0 04 6 . 9290E+003 188 . 25 0.2 3 6.3848E+006 6 . 2 737E+006 247 .93 6 . 83 1 . 9268E+005 -2 . 7045E+004 4 01. 30 0 . 19 5 . 6442E+006 - l . 9428E+006 444 . 39 0 . 55 2.5044£+0 06 4 . 2322E+005 478.26 0 . 21 5 . 9262£+006 - 8 .1 94 6£+004 557 . 56 0 . 25 5 . 43711:::+006 - 1 . 8!:>278+005 582 . 00 0 . 89 1. 94 24E+006 2 . 0347E+006 591. 76 4 . 91 2 . 7033E+005 -2 . 1629E+005 625 . 22 0 . 32 4 . 058 5E+006 -1.187 2E+006 676 .59 0.1 4 9 . 7549E+006 -6 . 8428E+005 692 . 42 1. 78 7 . 2078£+005 -6 . 6623E+005 715 . 76 0 . 17 8 . 3400 E+006 - 6 . 1597£+005 722 .30 20 . 00 7 . 8555E+0 04 7 .5 315E+003 7 56 . 86 4.50 3. 3880E+0 05 3 . 9260£+004 815 . 55 0 . 50 2 . 9886E+006 l . 92 45E+00 6 845 . 39 0 . 58 2 . 6152£+006 -l . 2659E+006 8 50 . 64 0 . 23 6.0 791E+006 -2 . 187 5£+0 0 6 873 . 20 12 . 09 1 . 14 9.'JE+ OO S 2 . 0764£+00 4 892 . 73 0 . 50 3 . 3330E+006 -5 . 1177£+005 904 . 05 0 . 85 2.0595E+006 -3 . 4028£+005 996 . 30 10 . 34 1 . 5'/61E+0 0 5 8 . 3090E+004 1004 .76 17 . 90 8 . 333 7£+004 2 .61 88E+0 04 1128 .4 0 0 . 29 6 . 6798E+006 - 6 . 5457E+006

tclide MDA Report 9/ 1 6/20 1 7 1: 06 : 07 PM Page 7 Nuclide Energy Yie l d Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV ) ( %) (pCi/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) EU- 154 11 40. 90 0 .22 7.6058E+006 4.33 E+004 -6 . 251 5 E+006 1241 . 60 0 . 13 1 . 4496E+007 6 .699 4E +006 1246 . 60 0.80 1.8502E+006 - 1. 78 1 1E+OOS 1 274 .51 34.40 4.9495E+004 - 2 . 6714E+004 14 94 . 08 0.71 l . 2 894E+006 - 4 . 5713£+004 1 596.45 1. 80 7 .8399E+005 6.0522E+004 HG-20 3 279 .19 77 .30 l.6 7 47E+004 l . 67E+004 -4.30 07E+ 00 3 BI -214 609 . 31 4 6 . 30 4 . 2102E+004 4 . 21E+004 2.7184E+004 768.36 S . 04 3.2285E+005 l . 6717E+005 806 . 17 1. 23 1 . 00 12E+006 -6.5539E+00 5 934 . 06 3.2 1 4 . 9086E+005 2.7051E +005 1120 . 29 15. 1 0 1.3187E+00 5 - 6.2600E+003 1155 .19 1. 69 1 .0299E+006 -2.8 145E+005 1238.11 5.94 3 . 1386E+005 2 .103 0E+005 1280 . 96 1 . 47 9.8789E f 0 05 5 . 7509E+004 1377.6 7 4 . 11 4.05 1 4E +0 05 3 . 0063E+005 13 85. 31 0.78 l .8438E +0 06 2 . 7738 £+0 05 1 401. 50 1. 39 l . 1 0 96E+0 06 1 . 0200E+ 0 0 6 14 07 . 98 2.48 4.8596E +005 -7 . 4209E+OOS 1 5 09 . 19 2 . 19 6 . 5198E+005 8.1907 E+0 04 1661. 28 1.15 9.68 35 E+OOS 4 . 8 826E+0 05 1729 . 60 3 . 05 3 .9547E+005 2 . 1358£+005 1764 .4 9 1 5 . 80 1. 044 1 E+ 00 5 8.3725 E+ 00 4 1 847.44 2 . 12 6 . 5119E+005 -1.5340E+005

    >                 2118 . 54     1. 21  0 . 0000E+OOO                             O. OOOOE +OOO PB - 214          74 . 81   6 . 33 5 . 3852E+00 5         3 . 98E +0 04      1'. 1699E+005 77.11   10 . 70  2 . 9 1 59E+005                           l.68 96E+005 87 . 20   3 . 70 6 .7 405 E+0 05                           7 . 4589E+004 89 . 80   1. 03  2 . 2784E+006                           - 6 . 6235£+005 2 41. 98    7 . 49 2 . 0 010E+005                            3 . 8509E+ 004 295 . 2 1 1 9.20   6 . 9123E + 004                         -3 . 6858E+004 35 1. 92  37 . 20  3.9817E+004                               2 . 4 630E+ 004 7 85.9 1    1.10   1. 3865E+0 06                           -1 . 58 76E+005
     +   Nuclide identified during the n ucl ide identifi c ation
     *= Energy li ne found in t h e spectr um
     >=Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the reg ion , or the region is outside the s pec tr um, or has not been ca l culated
     @ = Hal f -li fe too short to be able to p eL form the decay correction

G A M MA r E C T R U M A NA L Y I S ***** .lename : 3844 ipo rt Generated On 9/16/2017 12:51:28 PM 1mple Title WGTV-12 09/16/2017 j 1mple Description 1mple Identification 1mp le Type 1m.ple Geometry ?ak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 ia k Locate Range (in channels} 1 - 65535 iak Area Range (in c hann els) 200 - 8000 lentification Energy Tole rance 1. 000 keV tm.p le Si ze 2 . 830E+001 rn2 1m.ple Taken On 9/16/2017 12 : 40 : 00 PM

quisit ion Started 9/16/201 7 12 : 4 1 : 27 PM

.ve Time 600. 0 seconds./ ial Time 600 . 2 seconds ?ad Time 0.03 % / Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Effic iency Calibration Used Done On 12/16/2016 Efficiency ID ULAR PLANE 90D

iak Ana l ysis Report 9/16/2017 12 : 51 : 28 PM Page 2 > peak ana l ysis resu l ts avai l able for r eporting purpos e s

1t erference Corrected Actjvity Report 9/16/20 ] 7 12:51:28 PM Page 3

  • NUCLIDE I DE N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****

Sample Ti tle : WGTV- 1 2 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\S TDLIB.NLB IDENTIFIED NOCLI DES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Act ivity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 ) Uncerta i nty

       *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy llne not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :     1 . 000 keV Nuclide confidence index thresho l d=      0 . 30 Errors quoted at 1.9GO sigma

1terference Corrected Activity Report 9/16/2017 12:51:28 PM Page 4 I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T ***** '********** ** *************************** * ****************************** ~ Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/m2 ) Uncertainty

     ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X    Nuc lide rejected by the interference ana l ysis
     @ =N uc lide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Erro rs quoted at   1 . 960 sigma

> peak search results available for nuclide analysis .

1cl ide MDA Report 9/16/?.017 l ?.:5 1: 28 PM Page 5 N U C L I D E M DA R E P O R T ***** Detector Name: 3844 Sample Geometry: Samp le Tit le: WGTV- 12 09/16/2017 Nuclide Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFI LES\ST DLIB .NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/m2 } (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/rn2 ) K-40 1 4 60 .81 1 0 . 67 4 . 50 41 E+005 4.50£+005 1. 4169E + OO 6 SC-46 889 .25 99.98 1 .2987E+004 l . 30E + 004 3 . 6789E+003 1 1 20.5 1 99 . 99 l . 7056E + 004 1. 4 936E+OO 4 C0-57 122.06 85.51 1 . 9149E+004 1.91E+004 -1 . 5292 E+00 4 136 . 40 10.60 1 . 4321E+005 -8 . 7738E+004 C0-60 1173 . 22 100.00 l.8752E+004 l .55E+004 -2 . 5759E+003 1332.49 100.00 1. 54 7 6E+004 - 6.9246E+003 SE - 75 96.73 3 . 41 5 . 6202E+005 2 .08£+00 4 -2.8499E+005 121 . 1 1 16.70 9.7628 E+004 -8. 0402E+004 1 36 . 00 59 . 20 2 . 5577E+004 - 3 . 14 1 4E+003 190 .G O 1. 4.5 8 . 9176E+005 -5.8652E+004 264 . 65 59 . 80 2.0848E+004 1. 4925E+004 279.53 25.20 4 . 7244E+004 1.5519E+003 303.91 1. 32 8.8837E + 005 3 . 5873E+005 400 . 65 1 1. 40 l . 0?.70E +005 -3 . 3474E +0 0 4 KR-85 5 1 3 . 99 0. 43 3 . 8455E+006 3 . 85E+006 1.0618E+OOS KR-85M 151. 18 75 . 30 1 . 9315E+004 1 .93E+004 1 . 55261:.:+004 30 4. 87 14.00 8.3417E+004 3.8956E+003 SR-85 513.99 99.27 1 . 6658E+004 l. 67E + 004 4.5997E+002 Y-88 898 . 02 93.40 1. 607 4 E+004 8 . 21E + 003 -1 .0 4 1 8E+ 004 1836 . 01 99.38 8.2060E+003 -2 . 98S7E+003 CD- 1 09 88 . 03 3 . 72 6 . 3337E+005 6.33E+005 2 . 3637E+005 SN - 1 1 3 255.12 1. 93 6 . 1 1 37E+005 1 . 75E+004 -2 .779 2 E+004 391.69 64.90 1. 7 5 4 5E+004 1.68 35E +003 CS-134 475 .35 1. 46 7 . 7339E+005 1.66E+004 - 4 . 9806E+005 563.23 8 . 38 1. 33961::+005 - 5 . 94858+004 569 . 32 lS .4 3 7 . 33018+004 -l . 7253E+004 604.70 97.60 1 . 6605E+004 4 . 3239 E+ 002 7 95 . 84 85 . 40 l . 7695E+004 - 3 . 2685E+OOJ 801.93 8 .73 l . 7713E + 005 4.3423E+004 1038 . 57 1. 00 1 . 3785E+ 006 1 . 7026E+005 1167 . 9 4 1. 80 9 . 3998E+ 0 0 5 - 1 .2533E+006 1365 . 15 3 . 04 4. 3610E+005 5 . 4787E+001 CS -1 36 66.91 12 . 50 3.1369E+005 1 . 37E+004 -l . 4280E+005 86 . 29 6 . 30 3 . 8358E +00 5 6.9178E+004 1 53 . 2 2 7 . 46 l . 8556E +005 l . 8538E+005 163 . 89 4 . 61 2 . 8198 E+005 -4.2 784£+005 1 7 6. 55 13.56 9 . 7883E+004 1 . 3014E+003 273 . 65 12.66 8.85838+004 -3.7763E+002 340.57 48.50 2.43 1 2E+0 04 l .9 641E+004

1cli de MDA Report 9/16/2017 12: 51 : 28 PM Page 6 Nuclj_de En ergy Yie ld Li n e MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) (%) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) CS - 136 818.50 99.70 1.3661£+004 1. 37E+O 04 -8.0233E+003 1048 . 07 79.60 l . 8512 E+004 7.9722E+001 1235.3 4 19.70 9 . 9 5 33E+004 7.3852E +00 4 CS - 137 661 . 65 85.12 1.7495E+004 1. 75E+004 1. 24 65E+003 CS - 138 138 .10 1. 4 9 1.1902E+006 2 .1 7E+0 04 5 . 1298E+005 227 . 76 1. 51 9 . 8724 E+00 5 2 . 2035E+005 41 08 . 98 4. 66 2.94 10E+005 l.2662E+ 004 4 62 . 79 30.70 4 . 6568E+004 2 . 6609E+004 546 . 9 4 10 . 80 1 . 3446E+0 0 5 2 . J598E+0 04 871. 80 5 . 11 2 . 9980E+0 0 5 6 . 0880E+0 04 1 009 . 78 29 . 80 6 . 3291E+0 0 4 -2.1857E+00 4 1147 . 22 1. 24 l.2 951E+0 0 6 -8 . 6774E+005 1343 . 59 1. 14 1. 134 8E+OO 6 - 1. 3565E+005 1435 . 86 76 . 30 2 . 1698E+004 -1. 4283E+004 CE - 139 165 . 85 80 . 35 1 . 6411E+004 1 . G4E+004 2 . 0968E+003 EU -1 52 121 .78 28 . 40 5.7280£+004 4 . 38E+004 - 6.5903E+004 244.69 7 . 49 l. 7321E +00 5 - 4 .04 21E+004 344 . 27 26 . 50 4.3840E +004 -5.8802E+004 411.1 1 2.21 5.5176E+005 1 . 2865E +005 4 43.98 3. 11 4 . 0996E+00 5 2 . 0983E+005 7 7 8 . 80 12 . 74 1 . 0600E+005 - 6 . 0018E+003 8 67. 32 4 . 16 3 . 6742E+OOS 2 . 9927 £ +005 96 4 . 0 1 1 4 . 40 l .1 750 E+005 - 2 . 4557E+004 1085 . 78 10 . 0 0 1 . 5084E+005 7.2147E+0 04 1 1 12 . 02 1 3 . 30 1 . 3046£+005 1 .4 ?.36E+005 1407 . 95 20 . 70 5 . 82 2 1E+004 -4. 632 1E+004 EU ~ l54 123.07 40 . 40 4.1580E+004 4 . 16E+00 4 1 . 0 05 2 E+00 4 188 .2 5 0 . 23 5 . 7875E+006 -6 . 3 077 E+0 05 2 4 7 . 93 6 . 83 l. 82 94E +005 1 . 6458£+004 4 0 1. 30 0 . 19 6 . 0384E +006 -4 .2117E+0 0 6 4.44 . 39 0 .5 5 2 . 3325E+006 -2.3541E+005 478 . 26 0 . 21 5 . 5680E+0 06 -2 . 9 216E+006 557 . 56 0.25 5 . 1084E+006 3 . 5622E+006 582. 00 0 . 89 1. 6489£+006 1 . 0694E+006 591 .7 6 4 .91 2.7 242£+005 -2. 6973£+005 625. 22 0 . 32 4.3033£ +00 6 - l . 19 05 E+005 676 . 59 0.1 4 9 . 283 0E +0 06 7 .243 3£+0 0 5 692 . 4 2 1. 7 8 6 . 7395E+005 3 . 2688E+OO S 715 . 76 0.1 7 8.1901£+006 - l . 5377E+006 722 .3 0 20 . 00 7 . 133 3£+004 5 . 4104E+004 756 . 86 4 . 50 2 . 8678E+005 -1. 381 5E +005 815.55 0 . 50 2 . 841 1£+006 1.3307£+00'6 845 . 39 0 . 58 2 . 2848E +0 06 1. 3334E+OOS 850.64 0 . 23 6.0791E+006 l . 4354E+005 873 . 20 12 . 09 1. 0911E+005 2 . 5752E +004 8 92 . 7 3 0.50 2.9874E+0 06 -6 . 2554E +005 90 4 . 05 0.85 1 . 8315E+006 - 3 . 0032£+006 99 6.30 10 . 34 1. 3966£+005 3 . 75638+004 1004.76 17 . 90 8 . 9584F.+004 - 6 . 9587E+003 1 128.40 0 . 29 5 . 3751E+006 - 1 .5066£+006

1clide MDA Repo r t 9/16/20 17 12 : 51 : 28 PM Page 7 Nucl i de Energy Yield Li ne MDA Nuc l ide MDA Activi t y Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/rn2 ) (pCi/m2 ) (pCi/m2 ) Ell- 1 54 1140 . 90 0.22 7 . 3184E+006 4.16E+004 2 . 47458+006 1241. 60 0.13 l . 4 4 96E+007 -6.7670E +006 1246 . 60 0 . 80 2 . 3 66SE+006 7. 87018+003 1274 . 51 34.40 4.2073E+004 -l . 8187E+004 149 4. 08 0 . 71 l. 3728E+006 - 1. 9265E+OO 5 1596.45 1. 80 8 . 0635£+0 0 5 - 2 . 7069E+005 HG-203 279.19 77 . 30 l .534 1E+004 1.53E+004 1. 667 SE+OO 3 BI- 21 4 609 . 31 46 . 30 3 . 6467E +004 3 . 658+004 5 . 0555E+004 768 . 36 5 . 04 2 . 8733E+OOS 3 . 5183E+005 806 . 17 l. 23 1.1 936E+006 -7 . 5594£+005 934 . 06 3 . 21 4 . 6986E+005 3 . 9846E +005 1120.29 15.10 1.1293E+005 9 . 8886E+004 1 155 . 1 9 1. 69 9 . 9384E+005 3 . 0449E+005 1238. 11 5 . 94 3 . 2397E +005 - l . 6498E +005 1280 . 96 1. 4 7 9 . 6852E1005 - S . 3S73E+005 1377.67 4 . 11 3 . 4081 E+005 l .8455E+005 1385 . 31 0 . 78 l.4760E+006 - 7 . 4491E+005 140 1. 50 1. 39 7 . 036 4E+0 0 5 - 3 . 7973 E+0 05 14.07 . 98 2 . 48 4 . 8 5 96E+005 -3.866 4E+005 1509 . 19 2 . 19 5 . 1883E+005 5 . 8080E+0 0 4 1661. 28 1. lS 8 . 0014 1!: 1-005 3 . 0S16E+00 5 1729 . 60 3 . 05 3 . 9547E+005 2 .13 58 E+ 005 17 64 . 49 15 .80 8 . 4365E+004 5.1166E+004 1847 . 4 4 2 .12 5 . 3913E+005 2 . 5132 £+005

    >                2118 . 5 4    1. 21   O. OOOOE+OOO                             O. OOO OE+OO()

PB-21 4 74 . 81 6 . 33 5 . 2953E+005 3 . 76 E+004 5 . 407 0E+0 05

77. 11 10 . 70 2 . 8325E+005 2.2806E+005 87 . 20 3.70 6 . 4535E+005 1.57 45 £ +005 89 . 80 1. 03 2 . 1873E+006 l. 1235E +006 241. 98 7 . 49 1 .8630E+00 5 - 2.1364E+004 2 95 . 21 19 .2 0 6. 6557E+004 3 . 2:LS8F. +004 3 51 . 92 37 . 20 3.7570E+00 4 4 . 1228E+004 7 85 . 91 1.10 1 . 3116E+006 3 . 044 4E+005
     += Nuclide i dentified during the nuclide i den tifica t ion
     *=Energy line f ound in the ~pectrum
     >=Cal culated MDA is z e ro due to zero counts in the region, or the reg ion is outside t h e spectrum, or has not been calcul ated
     @ = Half- l ife t oo short to be able t o perforn1 the decay correction
          • G A MMA S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\Pete's Current Stuff\LaCrosse\ISOCS stuff\WGTV spectrums\W Report Generated On 1/8/2018 7:44:48 AM Sample Title WGTV Sump lm 180 collimator Sample Description Sample Identification WGTV 180 Sample Type Sample Geometry Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 65535 Peak Area Range (in channels) 1 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 1. 500 keV Sample Size 1.000E+000 sq meter Sample Taken On 9/1/2017 9:14:00 AM Acquisition Started 9/1/2017 9:14:48 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 603.8 seconds Dead Time 0.63 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 10/12/2016 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 9/29/2017 Efficiency ID WGTV sump

Peak Analysis Report 1/8/2018 7:44:48 AM Page 2

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 3844 Sample


WGTV Sump lm 180 collimator Peak Analysis Performed on: 1/8/2018 7:44:48 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 1 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 69- 82 77.59 19.24 1.11 6.65E+002 53.64 8.04E+002 2 2635- 2661 2648.40 662.26 4.03 2.22E+004 211. 59 5.14E+003 3 3235- 3246 3240.78 810.34 0.34 1.50E+001 9.61 3.00E+00l 4 5320- 5351 5335.60 1333.76 2.54 4.56E+002 26.39 4.80E+001 5 5834- 5865 5850.14 1462.26 3.23 4.31E+002 27.40 6.39E+001 M First peak in a multiplet region m Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1. 000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 1/8/2018 7:44:49 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



WGTV Sump lm 180 collimator Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ESClearance.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/sq m) Uncertainty K-40 0.860 1460.81* 10.67 3.48172E+006 2.63943E+005 CS-137 0.974 661. 65* 85.12 1.31495E+007 7.99653E+005

       *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       1.500 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold        0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 1/8/2018 7:44:49 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/sq m) Uncertainty K-40 0.860 3.481717E+006 2.639429E+005 CS-137 0.974 1.314950E+007 7.996531E+005

       ?     nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X      nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @      nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at       1.000 sigma
  **********       U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 1/8/2018 7:44:48 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 1 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 19.24 1.1077E+000 8.07 3 810.34 2.5028E-002 64.00 4 1333.76 7.6000E-001 5.79 Tol. CO-60 M First peak in a multiplet region m Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma

Nuclide MDA Report 1/8/2018 7:44:49 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E M D A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 3844 Sample Geometry: Sample


WGTV Sump lm 180 collimator Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ESClearance.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/sq m) (pCi/sq m) (pCi/sq m) CO-60 1173.22 100.00 8.2299E+004 8.23E+004 3.5545E+005 1332.49 100.00 8.8515E+004 3.8541E+005 Nb-94 702.60 97.90 3.1465E+004 3.15E+004 5.2336E+003 871.10 99.90 3.5357E+004 -2.0934E+004 Ag-108m 433.90 90.50 1.0259E+005 3.68E+004 2.9125E+003 614.30 89.80 6.6359E+004 4.0286E+004 722.90 90.80 3.6778E+004 -3.3860E+003 Sb-125 427.90 29.80 3.0432E+005 3.04E+005 -2.3675E+005 600.60 17.77 3.3033E+005 1.4309E+005 Ba-133 81. 00 34.10 4.4080E+005 1. 27E+005 -1.4660E+006 356.00 62.05 1.2710E+005 1.1906E+004 CS-134 604.70 97.60 6.1241E+004 4.01E+004 1.4407E+004 795.84 85.40 4.0091E+004 2.1056E+004

   +      CS-137       661.65*      85.12      2.9439E+005     2.94E+005   1.3150E+007 EU-152       121. 7 8     28.40      3.3077E+005     1.38E+005   1.0199E+005 344.27       26.50      2.9186E+005                 9.3608E+004 778.89       12.74      2.4678E+005                -2.3850E+005 964.01       14.40      3.1061E+005                 8.7714E+004 1085.78       10.00      3.9917E+005                 2.6718E+005 1112.02       13.30      2.8275E+005                -1.4123E+005 1407.95       20.70      1.3850E+005                 7.5440E+004 EU-154       123.10       40.60      2.2954E+005     9.96E+004  -2.1179E+004 1274.40       35.00      9.9574E+004                -7.7725E+003 EU-155       105.31       21. 20     5.0334E+005     5.03E+005   4.8033E+005 AM-241        59.50       35.90      8.0164E+005     8.02E+005  -1.8947E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >   Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or has not been calculated
       @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


10/2/201 r 5:59:00PM J>age l of6 pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CVTOP Ji Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK70 f Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.170E+02 grams


Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/29/2017 2:00:00PM / Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 5:28:43PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on OET/ Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804.9 seconds Dead Time  : 0.27% / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3445 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:58:51PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 5:59:00PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for 81 -010-04A-CJFC-009-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC--009-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 662 . 02 1314 - 1333 1324 . 36 l . 78E+03 43 . 33 5.77E+Ol 2 . 70 F 2 9 11 . 94 1 8 19 - 1 8 3 0 1824 . 12 2.26E+Ol 6.02 1. 58E+01 1. 79 F 3 14 61. 83 291 4 - 2932 2923 . 7 7 2.10E+02 14. 69 2.42E+ OO 3 . 25 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1 .000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:58:51PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363. CNF Corrected Area is: Original~ Peak Ratio - Background Peak. Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Co"ected Corrected No. (lceV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. A rea Uncert. F 1 662.02 1 . 7RF.+03 43 . 33 3 . 44E+Ol 7.27E+ OO 1. 75E+ 0 3 4.39E+Ol F 2 911 . 94 2 . 26E+Ol 6.0 2 2 . 26E+ Ol 6.02E+OO F 3 1 4 61. 83 2 . 10E+02 1 4.6 9 2 . 10£+ 02 1. 4 7E+0 1 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/2/2017 5:59:00PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty CS-137 0. 978 661. 65

  • 85. 12 5 .96E- 06 2.21E-07
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:58:51PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide J F 2 911 . 94 1. 25 47 8E- 02 26 .64 Tol. AC-228 PA- 228 F 3 1461.83 1. 16902E- 01 6 . 98 f~-z.;:f1. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

10/2/2017 5:59:00PM Page 4 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) CS-137 0 . 978 5.96E-06 2.21E- 07

       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 5:59:00PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:58:51PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide I F 2 911 . 94 1.25478E-02 26.64 Tol. AC-228 PA-228 F 3 14 61. 83 1.16902E-0 1 6 . 98 y(v\V M == First peak in a multiplet region m == Other peak in a multiplet region F == Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K-40 1460.75 10. 67 1. 29E-05 4.31E-06 4 .3 1E- 06 + @ AR- 41 1293.64 99.16 1. 0OE+20 1.00E+20 l.0OE+20 + j CO-60 1173 .22 100.00 2 .69E-08 1. 83E-07 1. 83E-07 1332 .4 9 100.00 1 .4 8E-07 l .88E -07 + KR- 85 513.99 0.43 l.89E-05 3.64E-05 3 .64 E-05 + Y-88 898 . 04 93.70 9.96E-08 1 . 63£-07 l.95E -07 1836.06 99.20 4.85E- 08 1. 63E- 07 + I - 131 284.30 6 . 06 -3.3 5E-05 3.lBE-06 3.50E-05 364.48 81.20 8.23E-07 3.18E-06 636.97 7.27 l.lBE-05 3 .41 E-05 + CS-1 34 604.70 97.60 l . 22E-07 l.61E-07 l.61E-07 795 . 84 85.40 9.27E-09 1.73E-07 + + J CS-137 CE-144 661 .65 80.12

  • 85.12
1. 36 5 .96E-06
                                                        -l.74E-06 2 . 00E-07 8.43E- 07 2.00E-07 8.36E-06

10/2/2017 5:59:00PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK Nuclide Energy Yield(%} Activity NuclfdeMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams} (uCi/grams) (keV) CE-144 133.51 11. 09 2.99E-07 8.43E-07 8. 43E-07 + @ EU- 1 52 1 2 1 .78 7.20 l .OOE+ 20 1 .00E+20 1. OOE+20

      @                   344.31                  2.40        1.00E+20                         1. OOE+20
      @                   841. 63               14 .60        l .OOE+20                        1. OOE+20
      @                   963.37                12 .00        l.OOE+20                         1.00E+20

+ EU-154 123 .07 40 . 40 -1.27E-07 2.04E-07 2.04E-07 722. 30 20.00 2.96E-07 6 . SSE-07 873.20 12.09 - 1 .28E-06 1. lOE- 06 996.30 10.34 3.77 E-07 1 . 57E-06 1004.76 17 . 90 1. 23E- 07 8.22E-07 1 274.51 34.40 -9.24E-08 4.43E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 -7.37 E-08 2.88E-07 2.88E-07 105.31 21. 80 -1.82E-07 3.86E-07 + BI-214 . 609.31 46.30 l.21E-07 3 . 24E-07 3.24E- 07 1120.29 15 . 10 6 . 08E-07 l.16E-06 1 238 .11 5.94 2.08E-06 3.35E - 06 1 377.67 4 .11 -6.89E- 07 3.34E-06 1407 .98 2.48 -2.03E-06 5.09E-06 150 9.19 2.19 1.47E-06 4.95E-06 1 764.49 15.80 -1. 42E-07 9.26E-07 + PB-214 77.11 10 . 70 l.0 5E-06 3.74E - 07 l.04E-06 295 .2 1 19.20 4.23E-07 6.57E-07 351.92 37.20 2. 52E-0 7 3.74E-07 + PA-228 89.95 22.00 9.56E+04 4.25E+ 04 7.14E+04 93 . 35 35 . 00 6.30E+03 4.25E+04 1 05 . 00 16.30 2.45E+0 3 8.45E+0 4 129.22 2 . 97 3. 72E+05 4. 7 2E+05 338.32 5.30 - 1 . 76E+05 4.01E+05 463.00 13.80 9.15E+04 2.16E+05 911 . 23 16.70 1.29E+0 5 l.66E+0 5 + AM-241 59 . 54 36.30 1 . 46E- 07 4 . 55E -07 4.55E-07 + CM- 2 43 103.76 23.00 2.llE-0 7 3.65E - 07 3 . 65E-07 228 . 18 10.60 -4.15E-07 9 . 66E-07 277 . 60 14.00 -6.23E-08 8.00E-07

    +   = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >   = MDA value not calculated
   @    =  Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?   =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/2/201 I 6:33:29PM Pagel of6

             ~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for    81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-O0~CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification                        : B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV BOT Sample Description                           : B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK    sonoMV' Sample Type                                  : Planchel Unit Sample Point Sample Size                                     3.170E+02 gramJ Facility                                     : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On                              : 8/29/2017 2:00:00P~

Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 fM3:13PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET/ Live Time Real Time s7ds 1800.0 seconds

1804.8 Dead Time  : 0.27 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3446 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 6:33:21PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 6:33:29PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 662 . 12 1 316 - 1 331 1 324 . 56 8 . 27E+02 29 . 83 4 . 73 E+O l 2 .5 4 F 2 1461. 62 2914 - 29 32 2 923 . 35 1 . 91E+02 13 . 93 2 . 32E+ OO 3 . 44 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 6:33:21 PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 662 .1 2 8 . 27E+ 02 2 9 . 83 3 . 44 E+Ol 7 .27E+OO 7. 92E+02 3 . 07E+O l E' 2 1 461 . 62 1. 9 1E1 0 2 13 . 93 1 . 9 1 F.+ O?. 1 . 3 9 E+ Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCi/grams) Uncertainty

10/2/201 7 6:33:29PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(3/4) Activity Activity (uCi/grams) Uncertainty Ii-40 0.886 1460 . 75

  • 1 0 . 67 l.13 E-05 8.81E-0 7

/c:s- u7 0.965 661. 65

  • 85 . 12 2 . 70E-0 6 1. 28E-0 7
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       - = Manually added nuclide.
      ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence Index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Perform ed on  : 10/2/2017 6:33:21 PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (ke V} Uncertainty Type Nuclide All p eaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Ertors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) K- 40 0 . 886 l . 13E-05 8 . 81E - 07 CS - 137 0 . 965 2 . 70E - 06 l.28E-07

10/2/2017 6:33:29PM Page 4 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM

       ?  = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted al 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 6:33:29PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 6:33:21PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (ke VJ Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M == First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F == Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yreld(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (keV) (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams) (uCilgrams) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 l.13E-05 7.02E-07 7.02E-07

+ @ AR-41 1293.64 99. 16 1.00E+20 1.0 0E+20 1. 00E+20 + J CO- 60 1173.22 100.00 5.13E-09 1.49E- 07 1. 88E-07 1332.49 100.00 4 . 24E-08 1. 49E-07 + KR-85 5 1 3 . 99 0 . 43 4.53E - 05 3 . 35E- 05 3.35E-05 + Y- 88 898 .04 93.70 -4.llE-09 1 .47E-07 1 .65E-07 1 836.06 99.20 -5.04E-08 1.47E-07 + I - 131 284.30 6.06 2.36E-05 2 . 59E-06 3. 26E-05 364 . 48 81.20 -l.09E-06 2.59E-06 636 . 97 7.27 -3. 11E-07 3.25E-05 + CS - 134 604.70 97. 60 1. 04E-07 1 . SSE- 07 1 .55E-07 7 95 _84 85. 40 -6. 79E-09 l . 57E-07 + /cs-137 661.65

  • 85.12 2 . 70E-06 1 . 80E-07 1. 80E - 07

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 8 . 34E-07 7.55E-07 7_76E- 06 133 .51 11.09 -1.90E - 07 + /@ EU-1 52 121. 7 8 7.20 1.00E+20 1. 00E+20 7.SSE-07 l.00E+20

       @                 344.31                  2.40      l.00E+20                          l.00E +20
       @                 841. 63               14 . 60     1.00E+20                          l.00E+20

10/2/2017 6:33:29PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) {uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

      @   EU-152          963.37                1 2.00          l.OOE+20       1.00E+20         l .O OE+20

+ EU- 154 123.07 40.40 - l .58E -08 1. 86E-07 1.86E-07 722.30 20.00 5.99E- 07 6 . 42E-07 873.20 12.09 -1.12£ - 07 l.13E - 06 996.30 10.34 -1.26E-06 l.30E - 06 1004.76 1 7. 90 5.32E-07 7 . 86E-07 1274.51 34 . 40 1. 53E-07 5 . 44E - 07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 -2.lOE-07 2.65E-07 2 .6 5E-07 105.31 21. 80 -l. SlE-07 3.67E-07 + BI-21 4 609 . 31 46.30 1. 57E-07 3.18E-07 3 .18E- 07 1120 . 29 15. 1 0 2.52E-07 1. 15E-06 1238 .11 5 . 94 5.69E-07 3 . 08E -0 6 1377. 67 4 .11 8.60E-07 3.41£-06 140 7 . 98 2 .48 2.52E-06 5.77E-06 1509.19 2.19 -6.59E-07 4.95£-06 1 764.49 15 . 80 4.0lE - 0 7 1. 04E-0 6 + PB-214 77 . 11 10 .70 -2.94 E-07 3.38E-07 9.63E-07 295 .2 1 19.20 2.25E-07 5.66E- 07 351 . 92 37.20 2 . lOE-07 3.38E-07 + PA-228 89 .9 5 22 . 00 5.41E+04 3 . 96E+ 04 6.54E+04 93.35 35 . 00 9.39E+03 3 . 96E+0 4 105.00 16.30 l.89E+03 8.14E+04 129.22 2.97 - 1 . 30E+05 4.27E+05 338 . 32 5.30 3.08E+05 3.56E+05 46 3 . 00 13 .80 6.33E+04 l.75E+ 05 911 . 23 16.70 7 . 97E+04 1.65E+ 05 + /AM-241 59.54 36 . 30 1. 63E-07 4.24E-07 4.24E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23.00 l . 76E-07 3.48E-07 3 .4 8E-07 228.18 1 0.60 9.82E - 08 8.90E-07 277.60 14 .00 4.62E-07 7.43E-07

    +    =

Nuclide identified during the nudide identification Energy line found in the spectrum

    >    = MDA value not calculated
    @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?    ;   CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/3/201 I 6:04:57AM Pagel of6 ~~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV TOP B1--01Q-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1--010-04A-CJFC-010-CVTOP / Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 4.060E+02 gram/ Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/30/2017 4:35:00PM / Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 5:34:40AM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET / Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1805.0 seconds Dead Time  : 0.28% Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3448 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/3/2017 6:04:48AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 6:04:57AM Page2of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 239.19 471 - 486 478 .85 2 . 38E+02 26.01 4 . 19E+02 3.37 F 2 662 . 04 1315 - 1333 132 4 . 39 3.96E+03 64.03 7 . 7 6E+O l 2 . 74 F 3 1461. 75 2914 - 2933 2923.61 2. 11E+ 02 14.74 5. 00 E+ OO 3.32 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 6:04:48AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original* Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. No. p 1 239.19 2 . 38E+02 26 . 01 2 . 38E+02 2 .6 0E +O l F 2 662 .04 3 .9 6E+03 64.03 3 .44 E+O l 7 . 27 E+OO 3.92E+03 6.44E+O l F 3 1461.75 2 . 11E+ 02 14.74 2 . 11E+ 02 l . 47E+0 1 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/3/2017 6:04:57AM Page3 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC..Q10-CV TOP 8 1-010-04A-CJFC..Q10-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 852 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 9 . 75E-06 7.33E-07 CS-137 0 . 976 661. 65
  • 85 . 1 2 l . OSE-05 3.32E-07 PB-212 0 . 491 77 . 11 17 .50 238.63
  • 44.60 4 . 32E-07 4. 85E-08
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 6:04:48AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (ke V) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) K-40 0.852 9.75E-06 7.33E-07

10/3/2017 6:04:57AM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCilgrams) Uncertainty J CS-1 37 PB-2 1 2

0. 976 0.491 1 . 0 SE-05 4.32E-07 3 .32E-07 4.85E-08
       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 6:04:57AM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 6:04:48AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size {CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (keV) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams) + + + J K-4 0 AR-41 CO-60 1460 . 75 1293.64 1173.22

  • 10.67 99.16 100.00 9.75E-06 l.00E+20 9.79E-09 7.60E-07 l.00E+20 l.43E-07 7 . 60£-07 1 . 00E+20 1.54E-07 1332 . 49 100.00 -8.12E-08 l.43E-07

+ KR-85 513.99 0.43 2 . 69E-05 3.74E-05 3.74E-05 + Y-88 898.04 93.70 3.l0E-08 l.21E-07 l.47E-07 1836.06 99.20 l.26E- 08 1. 21E-07 + I-131 284.30 6.06 -2.69E-05 3.lSE-06 3.54E-05 364.48 81.20 -1. 59E-07 3.lSE-06 636.97 7.27 7. 44E-06 3.12E-05 + CS-134 604.70 97.60 1. 81E-07 1. 28E-07 1 .58E- 07 + j CS-137 795 . 84 661.65

  • 85.40 85 . 12
                                                        - 3 .32E-08
1. 0SE-05 1.71£-07 1.28E-07 1 . 71£-07

+ CE-144 80 .1 2 1. 36 - 1 .37E-06 8.23E-07 7.86£-06 133.51 11.09 -7.80E-0 7 8.23E-0 7 + @ EU-152 121.78 7.20 1 . 00E+20 1. 00E+20 1. 00E+20

      @                  344.31               2.40        1. 00E+20                       1. 00E+20
      @                 841 . 63            14.60         l.00E+20                        1.00E+20

10/3/2017 6:04:57AM Page6 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJF C-010-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Energy Yreld(%) Activity NuclfdeMDA UneMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV)

       @ EU-152           963.37                 12 .00        1 .00E+20      l .OOE+20        1. OOE+20

+ jEU- 154 123.07 4 0. 40 -1.33E-08 2.07E-07 2 .07E-07 722.30 20.00 2.lOE-07 5.32E- 07 873.20 12 .09 3 . 49E-07 8. 54E-0 7 996 . 30 10.34 -6.77E-07 l.lOE-06 1 004.76 17.90 4 .36E-07 6 . 56E-07 1274.51 34.40 l .1 9E-07 3.73E-07 + EU- 155 86.54 32.80 -2.35E-07 2.71E-07 2 . 71E-07 1 05.3 1 21.80 1.08E-07 3.86E-07 + BI-214 609.31 46.30 -1.82E-08 3.16E-07 3.16E-07 1120. 29 15.10 8.07E-08 9.72E-07 1238 .11 5.94 -7 . SlE - 07 2.59E-06 1377.67 4 . 11 8.SOE-07 3.0SE-06 1407.98 2 . 48 - l .44E- 06 5 .07E-06 1509.19 2.19 1.85E-06 3.68E-06 1764.49 15 .80 9.28E-09 8.33E-07 + PB-21 4 77 .11 1 0 . 70 6.00E-07 3.71E-07 9.71E-07 295 . 21 19.20 3.86E-07 6.53E-07 351. 92 37.20 1. 71E-07 3.71E-07 + PA-228 89.95 22 . 00 2.76E+04 2 . 47E+04 4.13E+04 93.35 35 . 00 l.89E+ 02 2.47E+04 105.00 16. 30' l.82 E+ 04 5.30E+04 129.22 2.97 -1.44E+04 2.94E+05 338 . 32 5 . 30 1.15E+04 2.61E+05 463.00 13. 80 9.63E+04 1. 50E+05 911.23 16 .70 1.24E+05 9.13E+04 + / AM-241 5 9.54 36.30 3.30E-07 4.48E-07 4 . 48E-07 + CM-24 3 1 03 . 76 23.00 1. OlE-07 3.59E-07 3.59E-07 228.18 10.60 -3.38£-07 9 . 5 1E - 07 277.60 14.00 4. 23E-07 8.48E- 07

   +    =  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
    *    = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    =  MDA value not calculated
   @    =  Half-life too short to be able to periorm the decay correction
    ?   =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/3/2017 7:25:41AM Pagel of7 ~~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : 81-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV BOT Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 4.060E+02 grams / Facility  : Dairyland_ NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/30/2017 4 :35:00PM / Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 6:55:25AM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804.6 seconds Dead Time  : 0.26 % Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3449 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/3/2017 7:25:32AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 7:25:41AM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 583.69 1160 - 1174 1167.71 5.25E+01 10 . 18 6 . 18E+Ol 2.26 F 2 662.02 1 316 - 1332 1324.36 2.33E+ 03 49. 49 6.56E+O l 2 .73 F 3 912.03 1818 - 1831 1824 . 30 3.78E+Ol 7 . 27 1. 36E+O l 2.61 F 4 1461 .76 2913 - 2932 2923 . 64 1.73E+02 13.45 5 .22E+OO 3.39 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 7:25:32AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairytand_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 583.69 5.25E+01 1 0. 18 5 . 25E+Ol 1 .02E+01 F 2 662 . 02 2.33E+03 49 . 49 3.44E+ Ol 7.27E+OO 2 . 29E+03 5 .00E+Ol F 3 912.03 3 . 78E+ Ol 7.27 3.78E+ Ol 7 .27E+ OO F 4 1 461.76 l.73E+ 02 13 . 45 1. 73E+0 2 1. 34E +Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/3/2017 7:25:41AM Page 3 of? Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(3/4) Activity Activity (uCi/grams) Uncertainty JCS-137 0 .978 661. 65

  • 85 . 12 6. llE-06 2 .13E-07
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       - = Manually added nuclide.
      ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Perfonned on  : 10/3/2017 7:25:32AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 1 583.69 2.91896E-02 1 9.37 1"'l pr! F 3 912 . 03 2.10052E-02 19 .24 Tol. AC-228 / PA-228 F 4 1161.76 9 . 61337E 02 7. 77 ...L~ M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT

10/312017 7:25:41AM Page4 of? Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCilgrams) Uncertainty CS-137 0 . 978 6.llE-06 2 . 1 3E-07

       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 7:25:41AM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJ FC-010-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 7:25:32AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 1 583.69 2. 91896E-02 19.37 F 3 912 . 03 2.10052E- 02 19.24 Tol. F 4 14 61. 76 9 .61337E-02 7 . 77 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV} + K- 4 0 1460.75 10 . 67 7.67E-06 3.04E-06 3.04E-06 + @ AR-41 1 293 . 64 99. 16 1. 00E+20 l .00E+20 1. 00E+20 + CO-60 1173.22 100.00 l . 23E-07 l .43E-07 1. 43E-07 1 33 2.49 100.00 l . 26E-07 l . 48E-07 + KR-85 5 13 .99 0.43 1 .22E-05 3.28E-05 3 . 28E -05 + Y-88 898.04 93.70 7 .60E-0 8 l .00E- 07 1 .41E-07 1836.06 99.20 3 . 81E-08 l.00E-07 + I-131 284.30 6 . 06 9 . 69E-06 2 . 52E-06 3.02E-05 364.48 81.20 -1. 53E-06 2.52E-06 636.97 7 . 27 1. llE-0 5 3 . 0SE-05 + CS-134 604.70 97.60 9 . 12E-0 8 1.19E-07 1. 40E-07 795.84 85.40 1.06E-0 8 1.19E-07 + CS-137 661. 65

  • 85.12 6. llE-06 1. 57E - 07 1 . 57E-07

10/3/2017 7:25:41AM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + CE-144 80.12 1. 36 l.76E-06 7.42E-07 7.30E-06 133 .51 11. 09 9.80E-08 7.42E-07 + @ EU-152 121 . 78 7 . 20 l .OOE+20 1 .00E+20 l.OOE+20

      @                  344 .31                  2.40        1.00E+20                        l . OOE+20
      @                  841.63                 14 . 60       1.00E+20                        1.00E+20
      @                  963.37                 12.00         1.00E+20                        1. OOE+20

+ EU-154 123.07 40.40 -l.OOE-07 1. 85E-07 1. 85E-07 722 .30 20.00 6.04E-08 4.94E-07 873.20 12.09 -3.70E-0 7 7.91E-07 996 . 30 10.34 -6.60E- 07 1.08E-06 1004.76 17 .90 - 9.87E- 08 6.07E-07 1274 . 51 34.40 3.61E-08 3.29E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 -3.80E-08 2.54£-07 2.54E-07 105 . 31 21. 80 -1. OlE-07 3.38E-07 + BI - 214 609.31 46.3 0 2.37E-07 2.80E-07 2.80E-07 1120.29 15 . 1 0 5 . 50E-10 8 .67E-07 1238 . 11 5.94 -6.73E-07 2 .27 E-06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1. 99E-06 3.lOE-06 1407.98 2.48 l.30E-06 4.61E-06 1509.19 2.19 -2.90E-07 3 . 86E-06 1764 . 49 15.80 5.57E-07 7.69E-07 + PB-214 77 . 11 10.70 5.69E-07 3.31£-07 9.06E-07 295.21 19.20 -1 . 34E-07 5 . 35E-07 351 . 92 37 . 20 1.59E-07 3 . 31E-07 + PA- 228 89.95 22.00 9.51E+03 2. 46E+04 3.98E+04 93.35 35 . 00 1.79E+04 2 . 46E+04 105.00 16.30 l . 45E+03 4 . 89E+04 129.22 2 . 97 1. 02E+ 05 2 .78E+05 338.32 5.3 0 -9.31E+04 2 .36E+05 463.00 13.80 8.98E+04 l . 33E+05 911 . 23 16 .7 0 9 . 50E+04 8 . 63E+04 + AM-241 59.54 36.30 - 1 .33E -07 3 .91E-07 3 .91E-0 7 + CM-243 103 .76 23.00 - 1 .67£ -07 3 . 19E-0 7 3.19E-07 228.18 10 .60 2.0SE- 07 8 .59E-07 277.60 14 . 00 7.02E-08 7.31E-07

   +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    = MDA value not calculated
   @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/3/2017 7:25:41AM Page 7 of 7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM

10/3/2017 7:59:46AM Page I of6 ~~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV TOP B1 -010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification Sample Description

B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CVTOP J
B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size . 3.714E+02 grams /

Facility  : Dairyland_ NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/30/2017 10:45:00AM / Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 7:29:30AM/ Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DE1/ Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804. 7 seconds Dead Time  : 0.26%/ Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3450 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/3/2017 7:59:37AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 7:59:46AM Page2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 238.93 471- 486 478.34 l.81E+02 2 0.74 2.50E+02 3.10 F 2 583.58 1163 - 1173 1167. 50 4.07E+Ol 9.13 4 .56E+Ol 1. 93 F 3 662.02 1316 - 133 1 1324 . 35 l .62E+03 41.53 5.24E+Ol 2.76 F 4 1461.60 2914 - 2932 2923 . 30 l .78E+02 13 .63 4 .66E+ OO 3.14 M "' First peak in a multiplet region m "' Other peak in a multiplet region F "' Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I BKG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 7:59:37AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 238 .93 l . 81E+02 20.74 l .81E+0 2 2.07E+Ol F 2 583 . 58 4 . 07E+Ol 9. 1 3 4.07E+Ol 9.13E+OO F 3 662.02 1 . 62E+03 41.53 3.44E+Ol 7 . 27E+OO 1 . 59E+03 4 . 22E+Ol F 4 1461. 60 1 . 78E+02 13.63 1.78E+02 1. 36E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F "' Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/3/2017 7:59:46AM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-4 0 0.892 1460.75

  • 10. 67 8.99E-06 7.32E-07 CS-137 0.979 661. 65
  • 85 .12 4.63E-0 6 l .76E-07 PB- 212 0.5 16 77 .11 17.50 238.63
  • 44.60 3.59E-07 4.21E-08
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 7:59:37AM Peak locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 583.58 2.26040E- 02 22.43 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

10/3/2017 7:59:46AM Page4of6 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJ FC-011-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Acti vity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) K- 40 0 . 892 8 . 99E-06 7 . 32E-07 l CS-137 PB-212 0 .9 7 9 0.516 4.63E-06 3.59E-07 l . 76E-07 4 .21E- 0 8

       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean A ctivity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 7:59:46AM Pagc5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 7:59:37AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 583.58 2.26040E-02 22 . 43 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield{3/4) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMOA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) {keV) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10.67 8 . 99E-06 7 . 93E - 07 7.93E - 07

+ @ AR-41 12 93.6 4 99 . 16 1 .00E+ 20 l.00E+20 1. 00E+20 + / CO-60 1173 . 22 100.00 1. 23E- 07 l . 76E-07 1.76E-07 1332 . 49 100 . 00 l.29E- 07 1. 84E-07 + KR-85 513 .99 0 .4 3 l . 39E-0 5 3.16E-05 3 . 1 6E-05 + Y-88 898 . 04 93 . 70 -8.04E-09 l.45E-07 1. 62E-07 1836 . 06 99 . 20 8 . 35E-0 8 l . 45E-07 + I - 131 284 . 30 6 . 06 1 . 63£- 05 2 .56E-06 3 . 12E-0 5 364 .48 81. 20 - 3 . 09 E-07 2 .56E- 06 636.97 7.27 - 7 . 47E- 06 2 . 92E-05 + CS-134 604.70 97 . 60 8 . 43E- 08 1 . 35E- 07 1. 39E-07 795.84 85 .4 0 6 . llE-08 1 .3 5E- 07 + / CS-137 661.65

  • 85 . 12 4 . 63E-06 1 . SBE-07 1 . 58E- 07

+ CE-14 4 80 . 12 1. 36 2 . 45E- 06 7. llE- 07 7.50E- 06 1 33 . 51 1 1. 09 1. 3 2E-07 7. llE- 07 + @ EU- 152 121.78 7.20 l.00E +20 l . 00E+20 l.00E+20

       @                344 .31               2 . 40     1. 00E+ 20                        l.00E+20

10/3/2017 7:59:46AM Page6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-011 -CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

      @  ECJ-152         841.63                 14.60         l.OOE+20       l.OOE+20        1. 00E+20
      @                  963.37                 12.00         1 .00E+20                      1.00E+20

+ ECJ-154 123.07 40.40 4.8 1 E-08 1.77E- 07 1.77E- 07 722.30 20.00 5.74E- 07 5.63E-07 873.20 12.09 -9. 77E-08 1. OlE-06 996.30 10.34 5.0lE-08 l. 24E-06 1004.76 17 . 90 4. 13E-07 7.24E-07 1274 . 51 34.40 2 .06E- 07 4 . 18E-07 + ECJ-155 86.54 32 . 80 -7.63E-08 2 .6 0E- 07 2.60E-07 105.31 21. 80 -3.48E-08 3.40E-07 + BI-214 609.3 1 4 6.30 7 . 36E-08 2:83E-07 2.83E - 07 1120.29 15 . 10 5 . 96E-07 1 .09E-06 1238.11 5.94 l.8 9E-06 2.83E- 06 1377.67 4 .11 1. 06E-06 2.78E-06 1407.98 2.48 3.86E-07 5.44E-06 1509.19 2.19 2.42E-06 5.09E-06 1764.49 15 . 80 4.75E-07 8.88E-07 + PB- 214 77.11 10. 70 8.43E - 07 3.13E-07 9.30E-07 295.21 19.20 -1.56E-07 5.37E- 07 35 1.92 37.20 7.96E-08 3.13E-0 7 + PA- 228 89 .95 22.00 1. 97£+04 2.98E+04 4.90E+04 93.35 35.00 -1.63E+04 2.98E+04 105.00 16.30 -l.33E+04 5.99E+04 129.22 2.97 1.38E+05 3.26E+05 338.32 5.30 3.20E+04 2.64E+05 463.00 13 .8 0 l.15E+04 1 .42E+05 911. 23 16.70 9.39E+04 1 .20E+05 + J AM-241 59.54 36.30 -3.29£-07 3.78E-0 7 3.78E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23.00 2.48E-08 3 .20E-07 3.20E-07 228 .18 1 0.60 4.24E-07 7.68E-07 277.60 14 .00 -3 . 07E-07 6.87E-07

        =  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    =  MDA value not calculated
  @     = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/3/2017 8:35:25AM Pagel of6 __.,JfApex-Gamma Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJFC-011 CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYS/S Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-011CV BOT / Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.714E+02 grams/ Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/30/2017 10:45:00AM / Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 8:05:08AM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET/ Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804.9 seconds Dead Time  : 0.27%


Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3451 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 8:35:16AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 8:35:25AM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-011CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 582.90 1158 - 1172 1166 .1 5 5 .44E+O l 9.76 3 .14 E+ Ol 3.92 F 2 662.07 1315 - 1333 1324 . 46 5.79E+02 2 4.9 3 4.70E+O l 2.59 F 3 1461.79 291 6 - 2932 2923 . 70 1.93E+ 02 14.26 6.15E+OO 2 . 96 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 8:35:16AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Rool\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363. CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 5 02.90 5 . 44E+ Ol 9.76 .5. 44F.+0 1 9.76E+OO F 2 662 . 0 7 5 . 79E+0 2 24.93 3 . 44E+Ol 7 . 2 7E+OO 5 . 45E+02 2 .6 0E+O l F 3 1461.79 1 . 93E+02 14 . 26 l.93E+0 2 1. 43E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/3/2017 8:35:25AM Page 3 of 6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-011 CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCVgrams) Uncertainty CS-137 0.972 661. 65

  • 85 .1 2 1. 59E-06 8. 71E-08
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? =Manually edited nuclide.

En ergy Tolerance : 1.000 keV N uclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 8:35:1 6AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 1 582 . 90 3 . 02195£ - 02 17.94 F 3 1461. 79 1 . 07010E-0 1 7 . 40 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) 7 CS-137 0 .972 1. 59E-06 8 . 71E - 08

10/3/2017 8:35:25AM Page 4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-011CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM

       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quote<:! at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 8:35:25AM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for B1 -01 0-04A-CJFC-011CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 8:35:16AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Na. Energy (ke V) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 1 582.90 3.02 1 9 5E-02 1 7 . 94 1') -UJ( F 3 14 61. 79 1. 070 1 0E- 01 7 .4 0 $1-(,0 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet reg ion F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K-40 1 4 60 . 75 10 . 67 9 . 92E-06 3 . 59E - 06 3 . 59E-06 + @ AR-4 1 1293 . 64 99 . 16 1.00E+20 1 . 00E+20 1.00E+20 + CO- 60 1173. 22 10 0 .00 -2.21 E- 09 l .64E- 07 1. 64E-07 1332 .4 9 1 00 . 00 6 . 43E- 08 1. 66E - 07 + KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 4 . 5 4E-0 5 3 . 06E - 05 3 . 06E - 05 + Y-88 89 8 . 0 4 93 . 7 0 5 .48 E- 0 8 1 .2 5E-07 1. 80E - 07 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 2 . 71E -0 8 1. 25E - 07 + I-131 284 . 30 6 . 06 3 . 46£-06 2 . 1 7£-06 2 . 58E- 05 364.48 81.20 -3.87E-07 2 .1 7E-06 636 . 97 7 . 27 1. 44£-05 2.91E- 05 + CS - 134 604.70 97 . 60 1 . 24E- 0 7 1 . 28E- 07 1. 28E- 07 795 . 8 4 85.40 -9 . 0SE- 08 1 . 29E-07 + CS-137 66 1 .65

  • 85.12 1.59£-06 1 . 58E-07 1 . 58E- 07

+ CE-1 44 80 . 12 1. 36 8 . 48E-07 6 . 32E-07 6 . 72E-06 1 33.51 11. 09 3 . 85£-08 6 . 32£ - 07 + @ EU- 1 52 12 1 .78 7.20 1 . 00E+20 1.00E+20 1. 00E+20

10/3/2017 8:35:25AM Page 6 of 6 Analysis Report for B1 -010-04A-CJFC-011CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-011 -CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

      @  EU- 1 52         344 .31                 2.40        l .O OE+2 0    1. 00 E+20        1. OOE+20
      @                   84 1. 63              14 . 60       1 . 00E+20                       l . OOE+20
      @                   963.37                12 . 00       1. OOE +20                       l . 00E+20

+ EU-1 54 1 23.0 7 40 . 4 0 5 . 75E-08 1. 68E-07 1. 68E-07 722. 30 20 .00 3.68E- 07 5.19E-07 873.20 12.09 5.32E-08 9 . 14E-07 996 . 30 10 . 34 -3 . 76E-07 1 . 14E- 0 6 1 004.76 1 7 .90 5 . 91E-08 6 . 22E- 07 12 74.51 34.40 - l .8 8E-08 3 . 78E-07 + EU-1 55 86.54 32.80 -1.8 1E-07 2 . 27E-07 2 . 27E-07 105 .31 21. 80 -l. lOE- 09 3 . 08E-07 + BI - 2 1 4 609.31 46 . 30 7.6 4E-08 2 .4 7E-07 2 . 47E-07 1 12 0. 29 15 . 10 6 . 66E - 07 1. OOE- 06 1238.1 1 5.9 4 1 . 06E-06 2 .86E-0 6 1377.67 4 . 11 -1 .1 5E-0 6 2. 64E- 06 1 407.98 2. 48 3.0 9E - 06 4.93E- 06 15 09. 1 9 2.19 -8.4 3E - 07 4.93E-06 17 64.49 15 . 80 3.25E-07 6 . 44E- 07 + PB-214 77.11 10.70 7.12E- 0 7 2 . 68E-07 8 . 44E-07 295 . 21 19 . 20 2.7 8E-08 4.72E- 07 351.92 37 . 20 1. 69E-07 2.68E- 07 + PA- 228 89 . 95 22 . 00 5 .9 4E+04 2 . 77E+04 4 . 6 3E+0 4 93 . 35 35 . 00 7.10E+0 3 2 . 77E+0 4 1 05.00 16 . 30 6 .1 5E+0 3 5 .53E+04 129 . 22 2 . 97 6 . 65E+04 3.02£+05 338 .32 5.30 1.38E+05 2 . 46E+ 05 463.00 13.80 -4 . 42E+04 l.15E+ 0 5 911.23 16 . 70 7 . 73E+04 l.13E+ 05 + AM- 2 41 59.54 36.30 9 . 29E- 08 3 . 64E- 07 3.64E- 07 + CM-243 103 . 76 23 . 00 9.24E-08 2.91 E- 07 2.91E-07 228.18 1 0. 60 - l . 30E-07 6.98E-07 27 7. 6 0 14 .00 -2. 91E-07 5.99E-07

    +   = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    = MDA value not calculated
   @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?   = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/2/2017 4:49:47PM Page I of6

             ~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for    B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV TOP 81 -010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification                       : B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV TOP Sample Description                          : B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Sample Type                                 : Planchet Unit Sample Point
                                            .                  ,/

Sample Size  : 4.178E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/30/2017 10:15:00AM / Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 4:19:31 PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET Live nme  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1805.1 seconds Dead nme  : 0.28% / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3443 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/2/2017 4:49:38PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 4:49:47PM Page 2 of 6 Analysis Report for 8 1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Peak Energy ROI ROI Peale Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 239 . 1 0 473 - 48 6 4 7 8.68 l. 62 E+02 19 . 3 9 2. 1 9E+0 2 2 . 72 F 2 583. 7 9 1 161 - 11 7 5 11 67 .91 3. 3 2 E+Ol 7 . 78 4 . 2 4E+01 1. 79 F 3 60 9.36 1213 - 1225 1 21 9.0 4 4 . 5 6E+Ol 8.69 3.26E+Ol 2 .18 F 4 66 2.01 1315 - 1332 132 4 . 33 1 . 25E+03 36. 51 4 . 7 5E+Ol 2 . 58 F 5 1 4 61.74 2914 - 2934 2 923 . 59 1 .97 E+0 2 14 . 2 5 2 .87E+ OO 3 . 17 M = First peak in a multiplet region m =- Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I BKG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 4:49:38PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 2 3 9. 1 0 l.62E+0 2 1-9 . 39 1 .62E+02 1 .94 E+Ol F 2 58 3 .79 3.32E+01 7 . 78 3.32E+O l 7.78E+OO F 3 60 9. 36 4 . 56E+Ol 8. 69 l . 94E+Ol 5 . 77 E+OO 2. 62E+Ol 1.04E+Ol F 4 6 62.01 l.2 5E+0 3 36 . 51 3 . 44E+Ol 7.27 E+OO l .22E+0 3 3 .7 2E+Ol F 5 1 4 61.74 1. 97E+0 2 14 . 25 1 . 97E+0 2 l. 4 2 E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/2/2017 4:49:47PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV TOP 81-010--04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-4 0 0 . 855 1 460. 75

  • 10 . 67 8 . 84E-06 6.85E-07 CS-137 0.980 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 3 . 1 6E-06 1. 29E -0 7 PB-212 0.501 77 . 11 17 . 50 238. 63
  • 44.60 2 . 85E-07 3. 49E-08 BI - 214 0 . 364 609.31
  • 46.30 l . 14E-07 4.56E-08 1120.29 15 . 10 1238 .11 5 .9 4 1377. 67 4 .11 1407 . 98 2 .4 8 1509 . 19 2.19 1764 . 49 lS.80
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 4:49:38PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 583 . 79 l.84385E-02 23 .45 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigrna

10/2/2017 4:49:47PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) K-40 0.855 8.84E-06 6.85E-07

         )      CS-137                               0.980                      3 .1 6E-06            l.29E- 07 PB-212                               0.501                     2.85E-07               3.49£-08 BI-21 4                              0 . 364                   1. 1 4E-07             4.56E-08
       ?   ;;;   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   ;;;   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis nuclide contains energy lines not used In Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/201 I 4:49:47PM Page5 of6 Analysis Report for B1 -010-04A-CJFC-012-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 4:49:38PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 583 . 79 l.84385E-02 23 . 45 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = F itted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairy!and_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(3/4) Activlly Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCifgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K- 40 1 460 . 75

  • 10.67 8 . 84E- 06 6 . 14E-07 6 . 1 4E- 07

+ @ AR-41 12 93. 64 99 . 16 l . 00E+20 1. 00E+20 l. 00E+20 + CO-60 1173 . 22 100.00 2 . 81E - 08 1. 37E -0 7 1. 37E-0 7 1332 . 49 100 . 00 l . 26E-0 7 1. SSE-07 + KR-8 5 5 1 3 . 99 0 . 43 3 . 91E- 05 2 . 88E- 05 2 . 88E-05 + Y-88 898 . 04 93 . 70 -1.98E-09 7 . 96£-08 1. 44E- 07 1 836.06 99 .20 -6 . 66E- 08 7.96E-08 + I-131 284 . 30 6.06 2.22E- 06 2 . 09E-06 2 . 39E-05 364 . 48 81.20 6 . SlE- 07 2.09E-06 636.97 7 . 27 -l . 0SE- 05 2 . l0E-05 + CS-1 34 604 . 70 97 .60 1. 57E-08 1.19£-07 l. 23E -07 79 5. 84 85 .4 0 -6 . 69E- 09 1. l 9E-07 + CS - 137 661 . 65

  • 85 . 12 3 . 1 6E- 06 1. 40E-07 1 . 40E-07

+ CE-1 44 80 . 12 1.36 2 . 17E- 07 6.26E- 07 6 . 35E-0 6 133. 51 11. 09 5 . 93E- 07 6 . 26E-07 + @ EU- 152 121. 78 7 . 20 1 . 00E+ 20 1 . 00E+20 1.00E+20

      @                   344 . 31              2.40        1. 00E+20                         1. 00E+20

10/2/2017 4:4947PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1 -010-04A-CJFC-012-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV)

      @   EU-152          841.63                14. 60         l .O OE+20     1. OOE+20         l.OOE+20
      @                   963.37                1 2.00         1. OOE+20                        1.00E+20

+ EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 -2 .38E-08 1 . 52E - 07 1. 52E- 0 7 722 . 30 20.00 4.75E-0 7 4.83E-07 873.20 12 . 09 - 6 . 23E-07 8 . 46E- 07 996. 30 1 0 .3 4 5 . 55E- 07 1.13E-06 1004.76 17.90 1. 62E-07 6.04E-07 1274. 51 34.40 -8.37E-08 3.20E - 07 + EU-1 55 86 . 5 4 32.80 - l.17E-08 2 . 17E-07 2.17E - 0 7 1 05.31 21. 80 1 . l OE-07 2 .95E-07 + BI-214 609 . 31

  • 46 . 30 1.14E-07 1. 81 E - 07 1.81E-07 1120.29 15.10 3 . 91E-07 9 . 52E-07 1238 .11 5.94 - 1. SlE- 06 2 . 69E-06 1377 . 67 4 .11 -5 . 61E-0 7 2.53E-06 1407.98 2.48 l . 90 E-0 6 3.75E- 06 1 509 .19 2.19 1.07E-0 6 4.67E-06 1764.49 15.80 6 . 31E-08 6.79E-07

+ PB-214 77 .11 10 . 70 3 . 10E-07 2.60E-07 7 .94 E-07 295.21 19 .20 - 8.SOE - 08 4 . 27E-07 351. 92 37.20 2 . 90E- 08 2.60E-07 + PA-228 89 .95 22.00 l . 64E+04 1 . 56E+ 04 2.61E+04 93 . 35 35.00 - 5 . 55E+02 1 . 56E+04 105 .00 1 6 . 30 1 . 95E+04 3.27E+04 12 9.22 2 . 97 7 .1 2E+04 1 . 78E+05 338 . 32 5. 30 8 . 89E+0 4 1. 48E+ 0 5 4 63 . 00 13.80 -1. 23E+04 7 . 5 1E+ 04 911.23 16 .70 2 .14E+04 5 . 99E+04 + AM- 24 1 5 9.5 4 36 . 30 -2.61 E- 07 3 . 39E-07 3.39E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23 . 00 1. 74E -0 7 2 . 79E-07 2 . 79E - O"/ 228 .1 8 10.60 3 .84 E- 08 6 . 85E- 07 277 . 60 14. 00 -1. 0 3E-07 5 . 90E- 07

    +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
          = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >    ,: MDA value not calculated
   @     = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/2/2017 5:26:24PM Page I of7

              ~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for     B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification                        : 81-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV BOT                       /

Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK sonoJ/ Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 4.178E+02 grams / Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/30/2017 10:15:00AM Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 4:56:07PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DE1/ Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804.8 seconds Dead Time  : 0.26% / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  ; 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3444 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:26:15PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 5:26:24PM Page2 of7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 238.83 470 - 486 478.14 1 . 60E+ 02 18.12 l.81E+02 2. 94 F 2 583.67 1162 - 117 4 1167. 68 3 . 80E+O l 8.39 3.61 E+Ol 2.08 F 3 661.94 1315 - 1333 1324. 1 9 3 . 75E+02 20.50 4.75E+Ol 2.80 F 4 911. 62 1819 - 1828 1823.49 2.40E+ 01 6 . 39 1. 86E+Ol 1. 60 F 5 1174.6 1 2344 - 2354 2349. 40 2.70E+Ol 6.08 9 .1 7E+OO 2.22 F 6 1461.84 2915 - 2931 2923 .80 1.79E+02 14.16 l.89E+ Ol 2.73 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I 8KG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:26:15PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 238 . 83 1.60E+02 18 . 12 l.60E+ 02 1 . 81E+Ol F 2 583 . 67 3.80E+Ol 8.39 3 . 80E+ Ol 8.39E+OO F 3 661. 94 3 .75E+02 20 . 50 3 .44 E+Ol 7 . 27E+OO 3.41E+ 02 2 .17E+Ol F 4 911.62 2 .4 0E+Ol 6 . 39 2.40E+ Ol 6.39E+OO F 5 1174.61 2.70E+Ol 6.08 2 . 70E+ Ol 6 . 08E+OO F 6 1461 .8 4 1.79E+ 02 14 .1 6 l . 79E+02 1.42E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted al 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 5:26:24PM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty CS-137 0.98 7 661. 65

  • 85. 1 2 8 . 82E-07 6.12E-08 PB-212 0.522 77 .11 17 . 50 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 2 . 82E- 07 3.27£-08
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:26:15PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 583.67 2 . 11156£-02 22.07 F 4 911. 62 1.3 3479E-02 26 . 58 Tol. AC- 228 PA- 228 F 5 117 4. 61 1. 49 728£-02 22.57 F 6 1 461. 84 9.96925£- 02 7.89 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 5:26:24PM Page4 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC~012-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) I 7 CS-137 PB-212 0.987 0.522 8.82E-07 2.82E - 07 6.12E-08 3.27E-08

       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 5:26:24PM Page5of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 5:26:1 SPM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 583.67 2 .1115 6E-02 22 . 07 ,r1iA F 4 911. 62 1. 334 79E- 02 26. 58 Tol. AC-228,/ PA-228 F 5 11 7 4.61 1 . 4 9728E-02 22 .57 F 6 1461.84 9 . 96925E-02 7.89 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCl/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K-40 1460.75 10.67 8 .92E-06 3.16E-06 3.16E-06 + @ AR - 41 1293 .64 99.16 l.00E+20 l . 00E+20 1. 00E+20 + / CO-60 1173.22 100.00 4.61E-08 1 .S0E-0 7 1 . S0E-07 1332.49 100.00 7.69E- 08 1. 5 4E-07 + KR-85 513.99 0 . 43 l.B0E-0 5 2 . 45E-05 2 .4 5E-05 + Y-88 898.04 93 . 70 -1.51E-07 8 . 88E-08 1.31E-07 1836 . 06 99.20 1.25E-08 8 .88E-08 + 1-131 284.30 6.06 -5 .7 1E-06 l . 77E-06 2 . 04E-05 364.48 81.20 -5.66E-0 7 1.77E-06 636.97 7. 27 -3.57E-06 2.lSE-05 + CS - 134 604.70 97. 60 9 . 73E-09 l . lSE-07 1. lSE-07 795.84 85.40 -3.40E-08 1. 22E-07

10/2/2017 5:26:24PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010.04A-CJFC-012-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ldeMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + +

    /      CS-137 CE -1 44 661. 65 80.12
  • 85.12
1. 36 8.82E-07
1. 26E-06 1.41E-07 5.64E-07 1 .41E- 07 5.78E- 06 133.51 11.09 - 3 . 90E-09 5.64E-07

+ @ EU-152 121. 78 7 . 20 l .O OE+20 l . OOE+ 20 1. OOE+20

       @                   34 4.31                 2 .40       1.00E+20                        l .OOE+20
       @                   841. 63               14 . 60       1. OOE+20                       l .OOE+2 0 963 . 37             12.00         1 .00E+20                       1. OOE+20

+ ) EU-154 123 . 07 40 .40 -4.0lE-08 l .4 0E -0 7 1. 40E-07 722.30 20.00 - 2.65E- 07 4.83E-07 873.20 12. 09 2.SOE-07 7 .8 7E-07 996.30 1 0 . 34 -7.84E-07 1. l SE-06 1004.76 17.90 4.8 7E-0 7 7.05E-07 1274.51 34 . 40 1. SOE -07 3.82E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 - 5 .0 3E - 08 1. 97E-07 l.97 E-0 7 105.3 1 21. 80 -1.95E-07 2.65E-0 7 + BI -2 14 609.31 46 .30 2 . 57E-07 2 . 46E-07 2.46E- 0 7 1120 . 29 1 5 . 10 1.02E-06 9.60E-0 7 1 238 .11 5 . 94 -1. 66E-07 2.60E-06 1 377.67 4 . 11 9.08E-07 2 . 47E-06 14 07 . 98 2 .48 -2.18E-0 6 3 . 63E-06 1509. 19 2 .19 -3.42E-07 4 . 39E-06 17 64.4 9 15.80 5.41E-07 8 . 48E-07 + PB-21 4 77 . 11 10.70 6.54 E- 07 2.39E-07 7.22E-07 295.21 1 9. 20 1.61E-08 3.86E-07 351 .92 37.20 1.73E-07 2.39E-07 + PA-2 28 89.95 22.00 2 . 32E+04 l.50E+04 2.49E+04 93.35 35.00 5.30E+03 l . SOE+0 4 l OS.00 7 6 . 30 -2.51E+04 2.99E+0 4 12 9 . 22 2 .97 4 . 21E+04 1 .66E+0 5 338 . 32 5.30 1 . 10E+05 1.37E+05 463.0 0 1 3.80 4 .09E+04 6.02E+04 911. 2 3 1 6 . 70 9 . 1 2E+04 7.08E+04 + / .AM-2 41 59 . 54 36 . 30 2 .0SE - 08 3 . 21E-0 7 3.21E-07 + . CM-2 4 3 103. 76 23.00 3 . 54E- 0 8 2.53E-07 2.53E-07 228.18 10.60 1. 09E-07 6.02E-07 277 . 60 14.00 -2. 56E- 07 5 .21E-07

   +     = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
          = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >     = MDA value not calculated
  @      = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?     = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/2/2017 5:26:24PM Page7 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A*CJFC-012-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM

10/2/201 r 2:43:0SPM Page 1 of6 pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013*CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP ( {V13 ,~t~ 5111 t\'\f) GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSJS Sample Identification  : B1.010-04A-CJFC-013-CV TOP J Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.039E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 2:55:00PM / Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 2: 12:46PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET ./ Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1807.5 seconds Dead Time  : 0.42  % ./ Peak locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak l ocate Range (In channels)  : 100

  • 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100
  • 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3439 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/2/2017 2:42:56PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 2:43:0SPM Page 2 of 6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 662 . 02 1315 - 1333 1324 . 35 4 . 16E+ 04 204 . 95 2.78E+02 2 . 72 F 2 11 7 4.1 5 2343 - 2354 234 8 . 47 3 . 9 1E+0 l 7 . 44 1 . 47E+0 l 2 .29 F 3 1461. 70 2916 - 2931 2 923 . 51 9 . 5 7E+ 0 l 10 . 24 6 . 13E+00 3 . 11 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F ::: Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAK/BKG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 2:42:56PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original " Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. F 1 662. 02 4 . 16E+04 204 . 95 3.4 4P.+01 7 . 27E+00 4 . 16E+04 2 . 05E+02 F 2 117 4 . 15 3 . 91E+0l 7 . 44 1. 48E+0l 4 . 3 7E+00 2 . 42E+0l 8 . 63E +0O F 3 1 461 . 70 9 . 57E+ 0 l 10. 24 9 . 5 7E+0l 1 . 02E+ 0 l M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDE$

10/2/2011 2:43:0SPM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0.866 1460 . 75

  • 10.67 5.90E-06 6 . 52E- 07 CS-137 0 . 978 661 . 65
  • 85 . 12 1.48E-04 4 . 08E- 06
    " = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 2:42:56PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 1174. 15 1. 34 600£- 02 35.62 Tol. CO-60 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) K-40 0.866 5 . 90E-06 6. 52E-07 CS-137 0.978 1.48E-04 4.08£-06

10/2/2017 2:43:0SPM Page4of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP

       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 2:43:0SPM Pagc5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 2:42:56PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (ke V) Peak Size (CPS) Uncerta;nty Type Nuclide F 2 1174.15 l.34600E-02 35.62 Tol. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(3/4) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K- 40 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 5 .9 0E-06 l.04E-06 l.04E-06

+ @ AR-41 1293.64 99.16 l.00E+20 l .00E+20 1.00E+20 + 1173. 22 100.00 1.38E-07 1.87E- 07 2.22E-07 j CO-60 1332.49 100 .00 3 . 18E-08 1.87E-07 + KR-85 513.99 0.43 2.16E-05 1. 24E-04 l.24E-0 4 + Y-88 898.04 93.70 -8.84E-08 1. 21E-07 1 .6 5E-0 7 1836 .06 99 .20 4.03E-08 l.21E-07 + I-131 284.30 6 .0 6 -6.16E-05 9.09E-06 9 .81E-0 5 364.48 81. 20 -4.S0E-06 9.09E-06 636.97 7 .2 7 -3.22E-05 7.90E-05 + CS-1 34 604.70 97.60 9 .48E- 08 l .47E-07 3 .71E-07 795.84 85 .40 -2.26E-08 1.47E-0 7 + j CS-137 661.65

  • 85.12 1.48E-04 3.83E-07 3.83E-07

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 -6.55E-06 2 . 35E-06 2.14E-05 1 33 . 51 11. 09 8. llE-08 2 . 3 5 E-06 + @ EU-152 121 . 78 7.20 l.00E+20 1.00E+20 l.00E+20

       @                344 . 31               2.40       l.00E+20                         1 .00E+2 0

10/2/2017 2:43:05PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

      @  EU-152           841. 63               14 .60          1.00E+20         1 .00E+20        l .00E+20

+ /@ EO-1 54 963 . 37 123 . 07 12.00 40.40

1. 00E+20
1. 66 E-08 4 . 47£-07 l . 00E+20 5.88E-07 722 . 30 20.00 - 1. 58E-07 6 . 97E-07 873.20 12.09 3 . 17E- 07 1.09E-06 996.30 10 . 34 9 . 53E-07 l .4 1E-06 1 004. 76 17.90 7.l0E-08 7.17E-07 1274 .51 34.40 2.44E-08 4.47E-07

+ ) EU-155 86.54 32.80 3.78E-08 7.66E-07 7.66E-07 105.31 21.80 -4.03E-07 l.09E-06 + BI -21 4 609 . 31 46.30 3 . 97E-07 7.61E-07 7.61E-07 1120. 29 15.10 2 . 17E-07 l.12E - 06 1238.11 5.94 6. 72£ - 07 2.93E -0 6 1377.67 4 .11 -3.78£-08 3.14£-06 1407 .98 2.48 -l.41E-06 5.lSE-0 6 1 509.19 2.19 -2.27E-06 5.83E-06 1764.49 15 .80 3.35E-07 8.64E-0 7 + PB-214 77 .11 10 .70 5.71E-07 1 . 22E- 06 2.64E-06 295.21 1 9.20 7. 13E-07 2.03E - 06 351. 92 37.20 4.68E-07 1. 22E-06 + PA-22 8 89.95 22.0 0 1. 29E+ 04 2.11E+04 3 . 47E+04 93.35 35.0 0 -1.08E+04 2 .11E+04 105 .00 16.30 7 .7 6E+03 4 . 57E+0 4 129 .22 2.97 -1.61E+04 2 .54E+0 5 338.32 5.30 l .80E+05 2.65E+05 463.00 13 .80 -5 . 72E+04 l .71E+05 911. 23 16 .70 4 . 70E+03 2.93E+04 + / AM-241 59 .5 4 36.30 3 . 48E-07 1.24E-06 l.24E-06 + CM-243 103.76 23 . 00 - 8.88£-08 l .02E-06 1.02E-06 228 . 18 10.60 l.16E-06 3.16E-06 277 . 60 14.00 1 .78E-06 2.69E-06

   +    =  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
        = Energy line found in the spectrum
  >    = MDA value not calculated
  @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
  ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/2/2017 3:14:52PM Page I of6

      ..Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for     B 1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM    (}Vo~'t~   S~"'r)

GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV BOT Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOMJ Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.039E+02 grams V Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 2:55:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 2:44:34PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET / Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds

  • Real Time  : 1805.8 seconds Dead Time Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3440 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/2/2017 3:14:43PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 3:14:52PM Page2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 662.02 1 315 - 1333 1324.35 l.43E +04 120 . 58 l . 80E+02 2.75 F 2 1333.53 2662 - 2673 2667.20 2.57E+Ol 5.43 2.57E+OO 2.52 F 3 14 6 1. 71 2915 - 2932 292 3 .53 1 .50E+ 02 12.72 6.62E+ OO 3.32 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I 8KG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 3:14:43PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363. CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F' 1 66?.0?. 1 . 43R+ 04 l ?.0 . 58 3 .44F. +01 7_.7.7F.+00 1 . 41F.+ 04 1. 2 1E+02 F 2 1333 . 53 2.57E+ 01 5 . 43 2.57E+Ol 5.43E+OO F 3 14 61. 71 1 . 5 0E+ 0 2 12. 7 2 l . 50E+02 1.27E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairy1and_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/2/2017 3:14:52PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-4 0 0.863 1460.7 5

  • 10 .67 9.23E-06 8.26E - 07 CS - 137 0.979 661 .6 5
  • 85 . 12 5. 07£-05 l . 44E-06
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 3:14:43PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 1333.53 1.42750E-02 21.14 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) K-40 0 . 863 9.23E - 06 8 . 26E-07 CS-137 0 . 979 5.07E-05 l. 44E-06

10/2/2017 3: 14:52PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM

       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 3:14:52PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 3:14:43PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 1333 . 53 1 . 42750E-02 2 1. 14 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10.67 9.23E-06 l .l0E-06 1 . l 0E-06

+ @ AR- 41 1293.64 99.16 1. 00E+20 l.00E+20 1.00E+20 + CO-60 1173.22 100.00 9 . 27E-08 1.89E-07 1.99E-07 1332 .4 9 100.00 1. 66E-07 l.89E-07 + KR-85 513 . 99 0.43 -2.lSE-05 8.49E-05 8 .4 9E-05 + Y-88 898 . 04 93.70 2.65E-08 l.21E-07 1. 45E-07 1836.06 99 .20 - l.17E-07 1. 21E-07 + I - 131 284.30 6.06 8.62E-05 6.4 5E -06 7.28E-05 364.48 81. 20 1. 29E-06 6.45E-06 636.97 7.27 -2.23E-05 6.74E-05 + CS-134 604.70 97 . 60 2.04E-08 1.56E-07 3.14E- 07 795 . 84 85.40 -9 .4 9E-08 1.56E-07 + CS- 137 661. 65

  • 85.12 5.07E-05 3 . 17E- 07 3 .1 7£-07

+ CE-144 80.12 1.36 2.40E-06 l.B0E-06 1. SSE-05 133.51 11.09 1. 58E-06 1. B0E-06 + @ EU-1 52 121.78 7.20 1.00E+20 l.00E+ 20 l.00E+20

       @                 344.31                2 . 40      l . 00E+20                        1. 00E+20

10/2/2017 3:1 4:52PM Page6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

      @  EU- 1 52        8 41. 63               1 4. 60       1. 00E+20      1 . 00E +20      1. 00E +20
      @                  963 . 37               12.00         1 . 00E+20                      1.00E+20

+ EU-154 123. 07 40.40 -1. 4 5E-07 4 .3 1E-07 4.54E- 07 722 . 30 20.00 5.00E- 07 6.97E- 07 8 73. 20 1 2 . 09 5.80E- 07 1.06E- 06 996.30 10 . 34 5 . 51E-07 l . 32E-06 1004. 7 6 17 . 90 - 2 . 42E-07 7.80E-0 7 1274.51 34.40 -3 .61E-0 7 4.31 E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 - 4.1 9E- 08 5 . SlE-07 5.SlE-07 105 .31 21. 80 - 6.52 E-07 7.96E-07 + BI-2 1 4 609.31 46 . 30 1 .77E -0 7 6. 42E-07 6.42E-07 1120. 29 15 . 1 0 1 . 22E- 0 6 1. 20E-06 1238 . 11 5.9 4 l.03E-06 2 . 97E-06 1 377.67 4 .11 -l.57E-07 3 . 48E-06 1 4 07 . 98 2.48 2 .1 7E - 06 4 .99E-06 1 509. 1 9 2. 19 3.80E - 06 6 .9 5E-06 1 764.49 15.80 5.95E - 07 9 . 33E-07 + PB-214 77 . 11 10 . 70 4 . 93E- 07 8.77E-07 l .91E-06 295 . 21 19.20 -1. 96E-0 7 1. 44E- 06 351. 92 37 . 20 -1 .72E-08 8.77E- 07 + PA-228 89 . 95 22.00 1 .1 4E+03 l . 59E+04 2 . 56E+04 93 . 35 3 5 . 00 1.16E+04 1. 59E+04 10 5 . 00 1 6 . 30 -4.31E+04 3 . 38E +04 129 . 22 2 .97 1.16E+05 2 . 00E+OS 338.32 5.30 2 .44 E+05 1. 92E+05 463 .00 13.80 4 . 40E+04 1. 12E+05 911 . 23 16 .7 0 l.5 8E+04 3.08E+04 + AM-24 1 59 . 54 36.30 9.53E-08 8 . 77E- 07 8.77E-07 + CM- L43 103.76 23 . 00 -8.00E-07 7 . 45E-07 7 . 458 - 07 228 .18 10 . 60 8.06E-07 2 . 09E-06 277.60 14.00 9.39E - 07 1 . 97E-06

   +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
        = Energy line found in the spectrum
  >     = MDA value not calculated
  @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
  ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Cullie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/2/2017 3:46:09PM Pagel of 6'Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for     B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK TOP (SOUTH SUMP)

GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYS/S Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV TOP / sample Description  : B1-010*04A*CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP (SOUTH SUMP)'V Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.845E+02 grams / Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 3:34:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 3:15:51PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET/ Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds ' Real Time  : 1806.4 seconds Dead Time  : 0.35% Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3441 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Perfomied on  : 10/2/2017 3:46:00PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 3:46:09PM Page2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP (SOUTH SUMP) Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak. Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. {keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 662.03 1315 - 1333 1324.38 2.64E+0 4 163 . 4 7 1.76E+02 2 . 70 F 2 1461.67 2915 - 2931 2923.45 l.03E+02 10 . 60 6.35E+OO 3.26 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 3:46:00PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original* Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. F 1 662.03 2.64E+04 163.47 3.44E+Ol 7.27 E+OO 2.64E+ 04 1. 64E+02 F 2 1461. 67 1 .03E+02 10.60 1. 03E+02 1.06E+O l M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty

10/2/2017 3:46:09PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV TOP B1 -010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP (SOUTH SUMP) Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-4 0 0 . 8 74 1 460 .75

  • 1 0.67 5 . 03E-06 5 . 35 E-07 CS-1 3 7 0 . 97 7 661. 65
  • 85 .1 2 7 .4 2E- 05 2 .0 7E- 06
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 3:46:00PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) K- 40 0 . 874 5.03E- 06 5 . 35E- 07 CS - 137 0 . 977 7 . 42 E-05 2 . 07E - 06

10/2/2017 3:46:09PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP (SOUTH SUMP)

       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 3:46:09PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP (SOUTH SUMP) UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 3:46:00PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peal<No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region rn = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigrna NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10.67 5.03E-06 8 . 4 6E-07 8.46E- 07

+ @ AR-41 1293.64 99 . 16 1. 00E+20 1.00E+ 20 1. 00E+ 20 + j CO- 60 1173.22 100.00 2 . 31E -0 7 l.79E-07 1. 81E-07 1332 . 49 100.00 1. 4 BE-07 1.79E-0 7 + KR-85 513.99 0 . 43 8 . 17E-05 8 . 02E-05 8.02E-05 + Y-88 898.04 93.70 1.0lE- 07 l.26E -0 7 1.32E-07 1836.06 99.20 -l.79E-08 1.26E-07 + I -13 1 284.30 6 . 06 2 .42£- 05 S.95E-06 6 . 43E-05 364 . 48 81. 20 6.28E-06 5.95E- 06 636.97 7.27 -4.22E-05 5 . 06E-05 + CS-1 34 604. 7 0 97. 60 -2.30E-08 l .27E-07 2.42E-07 795.84 85 . 40 6 . 25E-08 l.27E-07 + j CS-137 661. 65

  • 85.12 7.42E-05 2.49E-07 2. 49E- 07

+ CE- 144 80 .1 2 1. 36 6.29E-06 1. 53E-06 1.39E-05 + I EU-152 133.51 121.78 344.31

11. 09 7.20 2.40 2 . 45E-07 1.00E+ 20
1. 00E+20 1 . 00E+20
1. 53E- 06 1 . 00E+20 1 . 00E+20
      @                  841.63               14.60       1 .00E+20                          1.00E+20

10/2/2017 3:46:09PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP (SOUTH SUMP) Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

/ EU-152 963 .37 12.00 1 . 00E+20 1.0 0E+20 1. OOE+20

+ EU-154 123 .07 4 0. 40 2 .7 9E-0 7 2.85E-07 3.88E- 07 722.30 2 0.00 3.96E-08 5 .1 3E-07 873.20 12. 0 9 -5 . 85E-07 8 . 35E-07 996.30 1 0. 34 l . SSE-07 1. llE- 06 100 4. 76 17 .90 3.46E-08 6.56E- 07 1274.51 34.40 -1. 77E-07 2 .85E-07 + EU- 155 86.54 32 . 80 -8.08E-0 7 4.87E- 07 4.87E - 0 7 105 . 3 1 21. 80 -1.54E-0 7 7.05E-07 + BI -214 609.31 46 . 30 1.18E-08 4 . 94E-07 4.94E-07 112 0.29 15. 10 1. 39E-08 8.18E-07 1238 .11 5.94 8.84E- 07 2 . 29E- 06 1377 . 67 4 . 11 -3.71E-07 2.25E- 06 1 4 07 . 98 2 . 48 2.09E-06 4.0 7 E- 06 1509. 19 2.19 -3 . 52E-06 4 . 61E-06 17 64 .49 15.80 4. 70 E-07 7.38E- 07 + PB- 214 77 .11 1 0 . 70 2. 18 E- 06 7.83E-07 1. 73E-06 295.21 19 .20 1.23E-OG 1.31E- 06 351. 92 37.20 -1.14£-07 7 . 83E-07 + PA-228 89.9 5 22 . 00 - 4 . 1 7 E+03 1 . 39E+04 2 . 25E+04 93 . 3 5 35.00 7.44E+ 03 1 . 39E+04 1 05 .00 16 . 30 - 5 . 85E+ 03 3.00E+04 1 29 . 22 2.97 -4 . 19E+ 0 4 l . 69E+0 5 338.32 5.30 3 . 5 2E+ 04 1 . 69E+05 463 .00 13.80 6 . 61 E+ 04 l .lOE+OS 911. 23 16 . 70 l . 92E +03 2.32E+04 + AM-241 59 .5 4 36 . 30 4 . 75E-08 8 .0 7 E-0 7 8.07E- 07 + CM-2 4 3 10 3 . 76 23 . 00 - 2 . 5 7 E-07 6.61E-07 6 . 61E- 07 228 . 1 8 1 0. 60 - 4 . 5 7 E- 07 1. 99E-06 277 .60 14.00 1. 4 2E - 06 1. 7 4E-06

    +   = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
    *    = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >   = MDA value not calculated
   @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?   = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/2/2017 4:17:34PM Page I of6

             ~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for    B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM (SOU TH SUMP)

GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV BOT Sample Description  : 81-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM (SOUTH SUMP) Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.845E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 3:34:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/2/2017 3:47:18PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planohet on DET ; Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds . / Real Time  : 1805.4 seconds Dead Time  : 0.30 % Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak l ocate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3442 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 4:17:25PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/2/2017 4:17:34PM Page2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM (SOUTH SUMP) Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 662.04 1317 - 1333 1 32 4 . 40 8 . 11E+03 91.20 l .06E+0 2 2 .67 F 2 1461. 73 2915 - 2931 2923.58 l . 26E+02 1 1.81 l.06E+0l 2 . 96 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I BKG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/2/2017 4:17:25PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 662.04 8 . 11E+03 91.20 3.44 E+0l 7.27E+00 8.08E+0 3 9. l SE+0l F 2 1461.73 1.26E +02 11 . 81 1. 26E+02 l.18E+0l M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty

10/2/2017 4:17:34PM Page3 of 6 Analysis Report for B1 -010-04A-CJFC-014-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-01 4-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM (SOUTH SUMP) Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 8 57 1460. 75

  • 1 0 . 67 6 . 16E-06 6.0 l E- 07 CS-1 37 0 . 976 661.6 5
  • 85 . 1 2 2 . 27E-0 5 6 . 6 9E- 07
     * :: Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - :: Manually added nuclide.
     ? :: Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 4:17:25PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locale To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All p eaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet reg ion m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT NucUde Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

           /r-40                                    0.857                 6 . 16E-06                 6.0 l E- 07 CS-137                                 0 . 976               2 . 27E- 05                6 . 6 9E- 0 7

10/2/2017 4:17:34PM Page 4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM (SOUTH SUMP)

       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/2/2017 4:17:34PM Page5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM (SOUTH SUMP) UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/2/2017 4:17:25PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (ke V) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region rn = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigrna NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCl/grams) (uC//grams) (uCl/grams) (keV) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10 .6 7 6 . 16E-06 1. 0SE-06 1.0SE-06

+ +

        ;cR-41 0-60 1293.64 1173.22 99 .1 6 100.00
1. 00E+20 9 . 89E- 08 1 .00E+ 20 l . SlE-07 l.00E+20
l. 59E - 07 1332 . 49 100.00 1. 13E-0 7 1. SlE-07

+ KR-85 513.99 0 . 43 -5.84E-06 5.47E-05 5.47E-05 + Y-88 898.04 93.70 3.22E-08 9.57E-08 1 .40E-07 1836.06 99.20 -4.78E-08 9 . 57E-0 8 + I-13 1 284.30 6.06 1.47E-06 4.02E -0 6 4.58E-05 364.48 81.20 8.59E-07 4.02£-06 636 . 97 7.27 5 .S0E- 06 4.17E-05 + CS-134 604.70 97 . 60 1 . 83E-07 l.l0E-07 2. 1 4E-07 795.84 85 . 40 5.12E-10 l . l0 E-07 + CS-137 661.65

  • 85 .1 2 2.27E-05 1.94E-0 7 1.94E-07

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 l .4 3E-06 1. llE-06 1. 02E-05 133 . 51 11.09 -1. 0SE-07 1.llE-0 6 + @ EU- 152 121. 7 8 7.20 1. 00E+ 20 1.00E+20 1 . 00E+20

        @                 344 . 31                2.40      1. 00E+ 20                        1. 00E+20
        @                 841. 63               14.60       1.00E+20                          1.00E+20

10/2/2017 4:17:34PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 0- 1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM (SOUTH SUMP) Nuclide Energy Yield(3/4) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) {keV}

      @ EU - 152           963 . 37              12 . 00        1. OOE+20     l.OOE+20        l.OOE+2 0

+ j EU-1 54 123 .07 40 .4 0 - 7.56E -08 2.86E-07 2.86E-07 722 . 30 20. 00 l.38E-0 7 5.09E - 07 873.20 12 . 09 - 1 . 62£ -0 8 8 . 74E-07 996 . 30 10.34 4. 65E -0 7 1. 09E- 06 1004 . 76 1 7.90 l . 81E-07 5 . 84£-07 1274.51 34 .4 0 -2.84E- 07 3 . 2 8E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32 .8 0 -7 . 62E- 08 3.72E- 07 3 . 72E- 07 1 0 5 .31 2 1. 80 -6 . 09E-07 5 . 25E-07 + BI - 214 609.31 46.30 2 .7 8E-07 4.37E-0 7 4.37 E- 07 112 0. 29 15.10 -2.57E-07 8 . 68E-0 7 1238 .11 5.94 - l.OSE -0 6 2 . 29E-06 1377 . 67 4 .11 1. SOE -0 6 2 .81E- 06 1 407.98 2 . 48 -7.08E -0 7 4. 31 E-0 6 1509 .1 9 2.19 1.87E- 06 4 . 92E-0 6 1764. 49 15 . 80 4 . 48E - 07 8 . 36E-07 + PB-21 4 77 .11 10. 7 0 6 . 17E- 07 5.51£-07 1.25E- 06 29 5.2 1 19 .20 3.SOE-07 9 . 35E-07 35 1. 92 37.20 -1. 22E-07 5.SlE-07 + PA~228 89.95 22.00 - 5.45E+03 1.10E+04 1.75E+04 93.35 35.00 8.65E+03 1 . 10E+0 4 105 . 00 16. 30 -1.84E+ 04 2 . 28E+04 129 . 22 2 . 97 8 . 20E+04 1.27E+0 5 338.32 5 . 30 -4 .21 E+04 1.21E+05 463.00 13 . 80 - 8 . 0 8E+03 6.92E+04 9 11 . 23 16 .70 2.04E+04 2.63E+04 + j AM-241 59.54 36 . 30 7 . 14E-08 5.68E-07 5 . 68E-07

+         CM- 243          103 .7 6               23 . 00     - 4 . 19E-07     4.96E-07       4. 96E-07 228 . 18               10 . 60        5 .0SE-07                     l . 35E-06 277 . 60               1 4 . 00       4 .S OE -07                   l . 25E-06
    +    =  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
    *     = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >    = MDA value not calculated
    @    =  Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?    =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/3/201 / 9:15:16AM Page I ofS ~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV TOP B 1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP r GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010--04A-CJWC-015-CV TOP Sample Description  : 81 -010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP / Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.620E+02 grams


Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 12:45:00PM Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 8:45:00AM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET / Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804.6 seconds Dead Time  : 0.25 %


Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3452 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/3/2017 9:15:07AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 9:15:16AM Page 2 of5 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK TOP Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 1461. 74 291 3 - 2 933 2 923 . 5 9 l . 95 E+0 2 14 . 12 2 . 63E+OO 3 . 51 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 9:15:07AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363. CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 1 461 . 74 1. 95E+02 14.12 1 .95 £+02 l.41E+O l M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitt.ed singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(3/4) Activity Activity (uCilgrams} Uncertainty K-4 0 0 .856 1 460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 1 . 0lE- 05 7 . 83E- 07

10/3/2017 9:15:16AM Page 3 of5 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP

     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance: 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on 10/3/2017 9:15:0?AM Peak Locate From Channel 100 Peak locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wtmean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0.8 56 l.OlE-0 5 7. 83E-0 7

      ?   ;::

nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

     @    = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 9:15:16AM Page 4 of5 Analysis Report for 61-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV TOP B 1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Perfonned on  : 10/3/2017 9:15:07AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS (%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams} (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams} {keV)

+          K- 40         1 460.75
  • 10 . 67 1 . 0 l E-05 6.67E-07 6.67E-07
+       @ AR-41          1293 . 64              99. 1 6     1. 00E+ 20      1.00E+ 20        1 . 00E+20
+          CO-6 0        1173 . 22            1 00.00       2 . 27E-09       1. 60E-07       1 . 60E-07 1332.49              100 . 00      1.0SE-07                         l .64E- 07
+          KR-85           513 . 99              0 .4 3     1. 7 2E-05       2 . 65 E- 05    2.65E-05
+          Y-88            8 9 8.04             93.70       7 . 63E-08       1 . 12E-07      1 .SlE-0 7 1836.06                99.20     -2.13E-09                          l. 12E-07
+          I-131           284.30                6.06     -8.65E- 06         1 . 54E -06     2.0lE-05 364.48               81.20       4. 0SE- 07                       1.54E- 06 636 . 97              7 . 27     4.66E-06                         2.26E-05
+          CS-134          604. 70              97.60       1. 1 9E-07       1 .20E-07       1.20E-07
                           '795.84              85 . 40     4.57E-08                         1 .38E-07
+          CS-137          661 . 65             85.1 2      4 .7 4E-08       1 .4 3E-0 7     1.43E-07
+          CE-144            80.12               1. 36    -4 . 56E - 07      5.90 E-07       6 . 39E-06 133.51               11. 09    -8 .23E-0 9                        S . 90E- 07
+       @  EU-152          121.78                7 . 20     l .00E+20        1.00E+20        l.00E+20
        @                  344 . 3 1             2 . 40     1 .00E+20                        l .00E+20
        @                  841.63               14.60       1.00E+20                          l . 00E+20

10/3/2017 9:15:16AM Page 5 ofS Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

      @   EU-152          963. 37               12.00          l . OOE+20      l.OOE+20        l.00E+ 20

+ EU-154 123 .07 40.40 -1.38E- 08 1.47E-07 1. 47E-07 722.30 20.00 1.20E-07 5 . 54£-07 873.20 12.09 -1. 03E-06 7.26E-07 996 . 30 10.34 9.21E-07 l .34E-06 1 004.76 17.90 4.85E-07 7.SOE-07 1 274 . 51 34.40 2.60E-07 4.18E-07 + EU-155 86 . 54 32.80 6.07E-08 2.23E-07 2.23E-07 105.31 21. 80 -l.17E-09 2.86E-07 + BI-214 609.31 46.30 3.49E-07 2.57E-07 2.57E-07 1120 .29 15 . 10 5.76E - 07 9.81E-07 1238 .11 5.94 l.77E-06 2.75E-06 1377.67 4 .11 9.21E-07 2.78E-06 1407.98 2.48 4.08E- 06 4.94£- 06 1509.19 2 .1 9 -1. 25E - 07 5.23E-06 1764 . 49 15.80 1. 56E- 07 8.37E-07 + PB-214 77 . 11 10.70 3 . 05E-07 2.40E-07 8.0lE-07 295.21 19.20 2.58E-07 4 .34E-07 351. 92 37 . 20 2.55£- 07 2.40E-07 + PA-228 89.95 22.00 1 .12E+04 l . 15E+04 l.95E+04 93.35 35.00 -2.53E+03 l.15E+04 105 . 00 16 .30 - 5 .24E+03 2.29E+04 129 . 22 2.97 -1.93E+04 l.19E+05 338 . 32 5.30 6.70E+04 9.55E+04 463 . 00 13. 80 -4 . 27E+03 3.88E+04 911.23 16.70 4 . 78E+04 5.07E+04 + AM-241 59.54 36.30 -1 . 14E-07 3.29E-07 3 . 29E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23.00 -2. 03E-07 2.62E-07 2.62E-07 228.18 10.60 - 2.33E-07 6.13E-07 277.60 14.00 1. SSE-07 5.43E-07

  +     = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
  >     = MDA value not calculated
  @     = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
  ?     = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/3/2017 9:47:36AM Page 1 of6 j\pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1 -010-04A-CJWC-015-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV BOT / Sample Description  : B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 3.620E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 12:45;00PM / Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 9:17:20AM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET / Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804.6 seconds Dead nme  : 0.26 %


Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locale Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3453 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/3/2017 9:47:27AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 9:47:36AM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 609.82 121 3 - 1225 1 219.97 5 . 73E+Ol 9. 29 2 . 4l'E+01 2.31 F 2 1461. 71 291 3 - 2932 2923.52 1 .91 E+02 14.0 9 5.00E+ OO 3.14 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I 8KG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 9:47:27AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 60 9. 82 5.73E +O l 9.29 l .9 4E+Ol 5 . 77E+OO 3 . 79E+Ol 1. 09E+Ol F 2 14 61 . 71 1 .91E+02 14.09 1 .91 F.:+O?. 1.4 1E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCi/grams) Uncertainty

10/3/2017 9:47:36AM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for 81 -010-04A-CJWC-015-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(3/4) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0.864 14 60 . 7 5

  • 10.67 9.89E-06 7 . 80E-07 BI -214 0 . 344 609.31
  • 46 . 30 l. 91E -07 5 . 5 4E-08 1120 .29 15.10 1238 .11 5 .9 4 1377 .67 4. 1 1 1407.98 2.48 1509.19 2 . 19 17 64.49 1 5 .80
     * "' Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - ::; Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 9:47:27AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT

10/3/2017 9:47:36AM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) K-40 BI-214 0 .864 0.344 9.89E-06 1 . 91E-07

7. 80E - 0 7 5 . 54E-08
       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 9:47:36AM Page5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 9:47:27AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NucfideMDA LineMDA Name {keV) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10.67 9.89E-06 8 . 53E - 07 8.53E-07

+ @ AR-41 1293.64 99.16 1. 00E+20 l . 00E +2 0 1. 00E+20 + CO-60 1173.22 100.00 9.22E-08 1. 42E-07 l.66E-07 1332.49 100 . 00 -1.28E-09 l.42E-07 + KR-8 5 513.99 0.43 l.46E-05 2 . SlE-05 2.S l E-05 + Y-88 898.04 93.70 1. 30E-07 l . 48E-07 1. 64E-07 1836.06 99.20 4 . 30E-08 l.48E-0 7 + I -131 284.30 6.06 -l.00E-05 1. 54E-0 6 2.0lE -05 364.48 81.2 0 -2.4 6E- 07 1. 54E-06 636.97 7 .2 7 7.47E-0 6 2 . 33E-05 + CS-134 604. 70 97 . 60 6.llE- 10 l . 14E-07 l.30E-07 795 . 84 85 .4 0 -5.72E-08 l. 14E-0 7 + CS-137 661. 65 85 . 12 8 . 89E-08 1. 47E-07 1.47E-07 + CE -1 44 80.12 1. 36 l .78E-06 5 . 94E-07 6.55E-06 133. 51 11. 09 1.36E-0 7 5.94E-07 + @ EU-152 121. 78 7.20 l .00E+20 1.00E+20 1 .00E+20

      @                 344.31                 2.40      l.00E+20                         l.00E+20
      @                 841. 63              14.60       l.00E+20                         1.00E+20

10/3/2017 9:47:36AM Page6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV)

      @    EU-152           963 . 37               12 . 00       1. OOE+20      1 . 00E+20       1.00E+ 20

+ EU- 1 54 123 .0 7 40.40 -1 . 52 E-07 1 . 40E- 0 7 1.40E- 07 722 . 30 20 . 00 3 .21E-07 5.24E-07 873.20 12.09 - 5.75E- 07 9.08E-07 996.30 1 0.3 4 8.83E- 07 1. 31E-06 1004.76 17.90 - 8 . 3 1E-07 6. 72E -07 1274.51 34 .4 0 2.lOE- 07 4 . 18E-07 + EU- 1 55 86.54 32.80 -8 . 96E-08 2.25E-07 2.25E-07 105 . 31 21. 80 2.08E-07 2.87E - 07 + BI-214 609 . 31

  • 46. 30 l . 91E- 07 1 . 92E- 07 1. 92E - 07 1120 . 29 15.10 5 .24 E- 07 l.02E- 06 1238 . 11 5.94 1. 78E-06 3.12E-06 1377.67 4 .11 1.28E-06 2.63E-06 1407.98 2.48 2.93E-06 5.16E-06 1509 .1 9 2.19 3 .08E- 06 5.69E-06 1764 .4 9 15.80 l.61E-07 8.63E-07

+ PB-2 14 77 . 11 10.. 70 7.45E - 07 2.37E-07 8.07E-07 29 5. 21 19.20 2.52E-07 4.18E-07 351. 92 3 7 .20 1. 20E-07 2.37E-07 + PA-228 89.95 22.00 1. 2 9E+04 1. 18E+04 2 . 01E+04 93 . 35 35.00 2 .45E+0 3 1 .18 E+ 04 105.00 16. 30 9 .09E+03 2.33E+0 4 129 . 22 2.97 4 .6 2E+04 1. 23E+05 338.32 5.30 6 . 89E+04 9.86E+0 4 463.00 13 . 80 1 . 50E+04 3.58E+04 911. 23 16. 7 0 2 . 83E+04 4.84E+04 + AM- 241 59 . 54 36.30 -6 . 35E- 08 3. 22E-07 3.22E-07 + CM-2 4 3 1 03 . 76 23.00 l . OOE- 07 2 . 68E- 0 7 2.68E-07 228 . 18 10.60 - 2 .69E- 07 6.lOE-07 277 .60 14.00 - 5 . 32E- 07 4 . 99E-07

   +    :::  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identrfication
   *      = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    =    MDA value not calculated
   @    =    Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    =    CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

10/3/2017 10:32:32AM Page I of6 pex-Gamma Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CVTOP / Sample Description  : 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size  : 4.043E+02 grams / Facility  : Dalryland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 8:55:00AM / Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 10:02:1 6AM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET / Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1805.0 seconds Dead Time  : 0.27 %


Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3454 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/3/2017 10:32:23AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 10:32:32AM Page2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 238.88 470 - 48 5 4 78 .24 l . 70E+02 22 . 97 3 . 56E+02 3 .06 F 2 583.78 11 59 - 117 4 11 67 .90 7.00E+Ol 1 1 .20 5.62E+Ol 2.76 F 3 60 9 . 65 1210 - 1226 1219.64 7.9 5E+O l 10.94 4 .84E+Ol 2.42 F 4 662.0 4 1315 - 1 333 1324 .40 2.08E+03 46.68 4 . 97E+ Ol 2.82 F 5 911 .33 1817 - 18 30 1822.89 3.16E+Ol 6 . 64 l .3 6E+O l 2.04 F 6 1461 . 74 2 91 5 - 2 933 2923.60 2 . 30E+02 15.32 2. 17E+OO 2 . 85 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I 8KG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 10:32:23AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 238.88 l .70E+02 22 . 97 l. 70E+02 2 . 30E+Ol F 2 583.78 7.00E+O l 11. 20 7 .00E+ Ol l. 12E+Ol F 3 60 9.6 5 7.95E+O l 1 0 .94 1 .9 4E+Ol 5 .7 7£+00 6. 0 l E+O l 1. 24 E+Ol F 4 662 . 04 2.08E+03 46.68 3.44E+Ol 7 . 2 7E +OO 2 . 0 5E+03 4. 72E+O l F 5 911.33 3 .1 6E +Ol 6 . 64 3.16E+Ol 6.64E+00 F 6 1 461.74 2.30E+02 15.32 2.30E +02 1. 53E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/201 7 10:32:32AM Page 3 of 6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV TOP B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(3/4) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 85 4 1460 . 75

  • 1 0 . 67 1. 07E- 05 7. 70E- 07 CS- 137 0 . 975 6 61. 65
  • 85 . 12 S .48E - 06 l . 95E-07 PB- 212 0 . 51 9 77 . 11 17. 50 2 3 8 . 63
  • 44 . 60 3 . lOE- 07 4 . 25E- 08 BI - 214 0 . 355 60 9 . 31
  • 46 . 30 2 . 71E- 07 5 . 63E- 0 8 1120 . 2 9 15 . 1 0 1 23 8 . 11 5 . 94 1 3 77 . 67 4 . 11 14 0 7. 98 2 . 48 1509 . 19 2 . 19 17 64 . 49 1 5. 80
     * = Energy line found In the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted ot 1.000sigme UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 10:32:23AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Pea le Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (ke VJ Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 5 83 .78 3. 8891 9E-02 16 . 0 0 F 5 911 . 33 1 . 7570 3E- 02 20 . 99 Tol. AC-22 J PA-228

10/3/2017 10:32:32AM Page4of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV TOP 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

      /      K- 40 CS-1 37 PB-212 0 . 854 0 . 975 0.519
1. 07E-05
5. 48E-06 3 . lOE-07 7.70 £-0 7
1. 95E-07 4 .2 5E-08 BI-21 4 0.35 5 2 .7 1E-07 5 . 63E-08
      ?    :   nudide is part of an undetermined solution X    =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 10:32:32AM Page5 of6 Analysis Report for 8 1-01 0-04A-CJFC-016-CV TOP B1 -010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/2017 10:32:23AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (ke V) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 583 . 78 3 . 88919E - 02 16.00 ---() ZPf F 5 911. 33 1 . 757 0 3E-02 2 0 . 99 Tol. AC- 228 ./ PA-228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\ Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(3/4) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCl/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams) (keV) + K-4 0 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 l . 07E-05 5.25E-07 5 . 25E - 07

+ @ AR-41 1293.64 99 . 16 l . 00E+20 l. 00E+ 20 l. 00 E+20 + CO-60 1173 . 22 1 00 . 00 l.37E-07 1. 39E- 07 l . 64E-07 1332 . 49 10 0. 00 9 . 95 E-08 l.39E-07 + KR- 85 5 1 3 . 99 0.43 3 . 13E-05 3 . 18E-0 5 3 . 18E- 05 + Y- 88 898 . 0 4 93 . 70 2.54E- 08 1 . 21E- 07 1. 48E- 07 1836.06 9 9. 20 1.29E- 08 1.2 1 E-07 + I - 131 284 . 30 6.06 8 . 99E -06 2.32E-06 2 . 82E- 05 364 . 48 81 . 20 2.95E - 07 2.32E- 06 636 . 97 7 . 27 1. S0E - 06 2. 78E- 05 + CS - 134 604 . 70 97 . 60 -7.66E - 09 l . 32E- 07 1. 47E- 07 795.84 8 5. 40 -S . 07E- 08 1. 32E-07 + CS-13 7 661. 65

  • 85.12 5 . 48E- 06 1 . 48E-0 7 1 . 48E-0 7

+ CE-1 44 80 . 12 1.36 6.89E-06 7 . 24E-07 7.43E-06

10/3/2017 10:32:32AM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for 8 1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV TOP B1 -010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK TOP Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclfdeMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (keV) CE-144 133.51 11.09 7.40E - 07 7 . 24E-07 7.24E-07 + @ EU-152 1 21.78 7.20 1. OOE+20 1. OOE+20 1.00E+20

      @                   344 . 3 1               2 . 40       1.00E+ 20                         1. OOE+20
      @                   841 . 63              14 . 60         1. OOE+20                        1. OOE+20
      @                   963.37                12 . 00         l. OOE+20                        1.00E+20

+ EU-1 54 123 . 07 40.40 - 1 . 93E-07 1. 7 3E-07 1 . 73E-07 7 22.30 20 . 00 2.99E-0 7 5 .38E-07 873.20 1 2 . 09 - 1. lOE-06 7 .95E- 07 996.30 10 . 34 -6.79E-07 1 . 02E- 06 1004.76 17 . 90 3.0 l E-07 6 . 65E- 07 127 4.51 34 . 40 1.67E-07 3 . 36E- 07 + EU- 1 55 86.54 32.80 - 7 . 62E - 08 2.54E - 07 2 . 54E-07 105 . 31 21. 80 7 .9 4E - 08 3.40E-07 + BI - 214 609.31

  • 46 . 30 2 . 7 1 E- 07 2 . 2 4E- 07 2.24E-07 1120 . 29 15 . 1 0 1.02E-06 1. ll E-06 1238 .11 5 . 94 -9 . 27E- 07 2 .5 3E-06 1377.67 4 . 11 4 .27E- 08 2 . 68E-06 1407.98 2.48 -1.68E-06 3 . 99E- 06 1509.19 2.19 -1.53E - 06 5 . 35E- 06 1 764.49 15.80 3.06E-07 7.26E- 07

+ PB-214 77 .11 1 0.70 5.62£-0 7 3 . 1 6E- 07 9 .0 6E-07 295.2 1 19.20 -3 .39E-0 7 5.2 5E - 07 351. 92 37.20 2.40E-0 7 3. l 6E -07 + PA-228 89.95 22.00 l . 14E+04 1.57E+04 2.62E+04 93 . 35 35.00 2.56E+03 l.57E+04 105 . 00 16.30 7 .57E+03 3 . 22E+04 129. 22 2.97 1. 28E+05 l. 75E+ 05 338.32 5 . 30 -4 .29E+03 l.46E+ 05 463.00 13 .80 1 . 99E+ 04 8.01E +04 911. 23 16 .70 3.53E+ 04 5.60E +04

+         AM-241            59.54                36 . 30      - 1. 63E-07       3.70E- 07        3.70E - 07
+         CM-243          1 03 . 76              23 . 00        2 . 38E-07      3 . 22E-07       3 . 22E-07 228 . 18               10.60        - 1 .41E - 07                      8 . 44E-07 277 . 60               14 . 00        l . 13E- 0 7                     6 . 93E-07
    +    =  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
          = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >    = MDA value not calculated
    @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is Inconsistent with Currie MDAat 95% confidence level

10/3/2017 11 :04:24AM Pagel of6 pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification Sample Description

B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV BOT
B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM
                                                                                                .J Sample Type                                  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size                                 : 4.043E+02 grams    /

Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/31/2017 8:55:00AM / Acquisition Started  : 10/3/2017 10:34:07AM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET / Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1804.9 seconds Dead Time  : 0.27 % / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficien cy Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3455 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 10/3/2017 11:04:15AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

10/3/2017 11:04:24AM Page2 of 6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV BOT 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1 /2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV} start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV} F 1 238 . 43 468 - 48 3 4 77 .3 4 1 . 84E+ 02 21. 34 2 . 43E +02 3 . 47 F 2 662 . 06 131 8 - 1333 1 3 24.4 4 8 . 0 0E+02 29. 52 4 .9 7E+O l 2 . 72 F 3 1461. 7 4 2915 - 2 93 2 2 92 3 . 58 2 . 18E+02 1 5.2 7 1. ll E+O l 3.13 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F ;:; Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 10/3/2017 11 :04:15AM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Oairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected No. (keV} Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 2 38 .1 3 1 . 84E+ 02 21 . 34 1 . 84F.+0 2 2. 13E+Ol F 2 6 62. 0 6 8. 0 0E+ 02 29 . 52 3 .44 E+Ol 7. 27E+ OO 7 . 65E +02 3 . 04E+O l F 3 1461.74 2 . 1 8E+ 02 15.27 2 . 1 8E +0 2 1 . 53E+ Ol M = First peak in a multiplet reg ion m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

10/3/2017 11:04:24AM Page3 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0.856 1460.75

  • 10 .67 1 .0lE-0 5 7 .62 E- 07 CS-137 0.973 661. 65
  • 85 . 12 2.0SE-06 9.85E- 08 PB-212 0.523 77 . 11 17.50 238.63
  • 44.60 3.33£-07 3.97E-08
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on 10/3/2017 11:04:15AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak Size (CPS) Peak No. Energy (ke V) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) K-40 0 .856 1. 0lE - 05 7.62E-07

10/3/2017 11:04:24AM Page4 of 6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) I CS-137 PB-212 0.973 0.523 2.0 5E-06 3.33E-07 9.85E-0 8 3.97E-08

       ?   :::  nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   =    nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    =    nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

10/3/2017 11 :04:24AM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV BOT 81 -01 0-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 10/3/201 7 11:04:15AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams) (uCi/grams) {keV} + K- 40 1 460.75

  • 10.67 l.0lE - 05 l . 0 4E-06 1. 04E-06

+ + J AR-41 CO-60 1293 . 6 4 1173.22 99.16 100.00 l.00E+20 6 . 47E-0 8 1 . 00E+20 l . S0E- 07 1.00E+20 1 . S0E- 07 13 32 .49 1 00.00 6 . 06E-08 1 .S lE- 07 + KR- 85 5 1 3 .99 0.43 2.8 4E - 05 2. 72E-05 2 . 72E-05 + Y-88 898.0 4 93 . 70 - 4.72E-08 1. 00E-07 1 .S l E-07 1836.06 99.20 - 8 .17E- 08 1 . 00E-07 + I - 131 284.30 6 . 06 7 . 08E-07 1 .95E-06 2.43E-05 364 . 48 81. 20 7.57E- 07 l . 95 E-0 6 636 .9 7 7.27 -6 .64 E-07 2.54E-05 + CS- 1 34 604.70 97 . 60 l.l0E-0 7 l . 28 E-07 1 . 33E-07 795 . 84 85 . 40 2.75E-08 1. 28E-07 + / CS-1 37 661. 65

  • 85.12 2.0SE- 06 1 .4 2E - 07 1 .4 2E-07

+ CE-144 80. 12 1. 36 2 . 1 4E- 06 6.72£-07 6 . 8 1 E-0 6 133 . 51 11. 09 5.80E - 07 6.72E-07 + @ EU-15 2 121.78 7 . 20 l . 00E+20 l.00E+2 0 1.00E+20

       @                 344 . 31              2 . 40      l . 00E +20                      1. 00E+20
       @                 841. 63              14 . 60      l .00E+20                        l. 00E+20

10/3/201 7 11:04:24AM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV BOT B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 0-1/2 INCH PUCK BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NucfideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV)

      @  EU-152          963 . 37               1 2 . 00      1. OOE+20       1 .00E +20        1 . 00E+20

+ EU- 1 54 123.07 40.4 0 - l .51 E- 07 l.56E-07 1 .56£-07 722.30 20.00 -8 . 32E-08 5 .1 7E-07 873.20 12.09 -2 .lOE - 07 9 . lSE-07 996 . 30 10.3 4 8 . 32E-07 1. 21E- 06 1004 . 76 17.90 -4.16E -0 8 6 . 65E-07 1274.51 34.4 0 - 4 . 38E-07 3.7 41:.: -07 + EU- 155 86.54 32 .8 0 1 .lOE-07 2 . 44E - 07 2.44E-07 105.3 1 2 1. 80 2 .4 8E - 08 3.05£-07 + BI-214 609 .3 1 46 .30 2 . SSE - 07 2 . 75E- 07 2.75E- 07 1120 . 29 1 5.1 0 8.99E - 08 9 . 61E-07 1238.1 1 5. 94 4 . 44E-07 2 . 65E-06 1377 . 6 7 4 . 11 2.05E-06 2.85E- 06 1407 . 98 2 . 48 9 . 65E-07 4 .4 2E- 06 1 509 . 19 2 .1 9 l. 45E - 06 4.96E-06 1764.4 9 15.80 6.19E-07 9 .14E -07 + PB-214 77. 11 10 .7 0 3 . 64E-08 2 . 74E-07 8.28E -0 7 295 . 21 1 9.20 3.57E-07 4.87E-07 351.92 37.20 3 . 1 2E-07 2.74E-07 + PA-228 89.95 22 . 00 2 . 73E+04 1. 5 1E+04 2 . 5 5E+04 93 . 35 35.00 1 .47E+03 1 . 51E+04 105 . 00 16.30 2.30E+04 2 . 95E+04 129 . 22 2.97 4. 07£+04 l. 63E+05 338.32 5 . 30 1.23E+ OS 1. 35E+05 463 . 00 13 .8 0 6.29E+04 6.66E+04 911 . 23 1 6 . 70 8 . 08E+04 6 . 5 4E+04 + /AM-241 59 . 54 36 .*30 5 . 19E-08 3 . 48E- 07 3 . 48E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23 . 00 -1.65 E-08 2.84E-07 2 . 8 4E-07 228 .1 8 10 . 60 -1. 30E -07 6.94E-07 277.60 14.00 1.44E-0 7 6 . lOE- 07

  ...  = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
   *    = Energy line found in the spectrum
  >    = MDA value not calculated
  @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
  ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

2/22/2017 2:32:18PM Pagel of6

             ~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for    B1-010-004-CJFC-001 -VC                                   WG1V

TOP GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC Sample Description  : TOP O ~ 1/:}_ 11 Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 1.281E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 2/22/2017 2:01:17PM Acquisition Started  : 2/22/2017 2:02:00PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1806.0 seconds Dead Time  : 0.33% Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Peak Area Range {in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 2971 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/22/2017 2:32:08PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

2/22/2017 2:32:18PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC TOP Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 238 . 67 474 - 485 477.81 9 . 86E+Ol 15.28 1 . 87E+02 1. 68 F 2 583 . 17 1161 - 1172 1166.68 3 . 64E+Ol 8.20 4.00E+Ol 1. 69 F 3 661.74 131 4 - 1332 1323.80 2 . 52E+ 03 50.98 4.34E+O l 2.03 F 4 1332 . 22 2659 - 2670 2664.58 3.07E+Ol 6.19 5 . 71E+OO 2.50 F 5 1461.10 2915 - 2931 2922 .31 1 . 11E+02 10.67 1.82E+OO 3.04 M = First peak in a multiplet region m == Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I 8KG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/22/2017 2:32:08PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 238.67 9.86E+Ol 1 5 . 28 9 . 86E+Ol 1. 53E+Ol F 2 583.17 3.64E+Ol 8.20 3 . 64E+O l 8 . 20E+OO F 3 661.74 2.52E +03 50.98 3 . 44E+Ol 7.27E+OO 2.48E+03 5 .lSE+Ol F 4 1332.22 3.07E+Ol 6 . 19 3 . 07E+Ol 6.19E +OO F 5 1 461.10 l . 1 1E+02 10 . 67 2 . 85E+Ol 3 .77E+OO 8.21E+Ol l.13E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

2/22/2017 2:32:18PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001 -VC TOP Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(%) Activity Activity (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K-40 0.981 1460.75

  • 1 0 . 67 1.20E-05 l.69E-06 CS-137 0 .9 99 661. 65
  • 85.12 2 . 09E -0 5 7 . lSE-07 PB- 212 0 . 527 77. 11 17 . 50 238 . 63
  • 44.60 5 . 66E- 07 8.89E-08
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Perfomied on  : 2/22/2017 2:32:0SPM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type N~c1,id9,r& F 2 583.17 2.02300E-02 22.52 F 4 1 332 . 22 1 .70 588£-02 20 . 15 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT

2/22/2017 2:32:18PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC TOP Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) K-40 0.981 1 . 20E-05 l.69E-06 CS-137 0.999 2.09E-05 7 .lSE-07 PB-212 0.527 S.66E-07 8.89E-08

       ?  = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

2/22/2017 2:32:18PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-0~CJFG-001-VC TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Perfonned on  : 2/22/2017 2:32:0SPM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 58 3. 17 2 . 02300£-02 22 . 52 4 1332 . 22 l . 705 88E-02 20 . 15 Tol. CO- 60 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Ganberra\Apex\Root\Dairytand_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yleld('1/4) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCl/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K- 40 14 60 . 75

  • 10 . 67 1. 20E- 05 3 .7 3E-06 3 . 73 E-06

+ AR-41 12 93 . 64 99 . 1 6 - 4 . ll E- 07 3.0lE-0 7 3.0l E-07 + CO-60 1173 . 22 100 . 00 2 . 12E- 07 5 . 02E-07 5 . 02£- 07 1332 .4 9 100 . 00 4. 93E- 07 5 . 28E-0 7 + KR-85 513. 99 0 . 43 1. 03E-04 9 . 7 3E-05 9 . 73E - 0 5 + Y-88 898. 0 4 93 . 70 - 1 . 89E-0 7 2 . 0 9E-07 3 . 1 4 E-0 7 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 6 . lSE- 08 2 . 09E-07 + I -13 1 284 . 30 6 . 06 -1 . 71E-07 3 . 97E- 07 4.78E- 06 3 64. 48 81 . 20 1.29E-0 7 3 . 97 E-0 7 636.9 7 7 . 27 1. 33E-0 6 4 . 28E-06 + CS- 134 60 4. 70 97 . 60 3 . 35E - 07 3 . lSE-07 3 . 52£-07 7 95 . 84 85 .4 0 - 2 . 35E- 07 3 . 18E-07 + CS-137 661 . 65

  • 85 .1 2 2 . 09E- 05 4.4 8E- 07 4 . 48E- 07

+ CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 1 . Sl E- 05 l . 75E- 06 1. 82E- 0 5 133 . 51 11. 09 2 . 96E- 07 1 . 75E-06 + EU- 152 121 . 78 7 . 20 -l.68E-06 1. 95E-06 2 . 69E-06

2/22/2017 2:32:18PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-004-CJFC-001-VC TOP Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity NuclldeMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCUgrams) (keV) EU-152 344.31 2.40 -8.68E-06 1.95E-06 l . 43E-05 841.63 14.60 l.18E-06 1.95E-06 963.37 12 .00 2.57E-06 3.54E-06 + EU-154 123.07 40.40 -2.06E-07 4 . 73E-07 4.73E-07 722.30 20.00 6.56E-07 l.49E - 06 873 . 20 12.09 -8.03E-07 2.58E-06 996.30 10 . 34 -7.39E-07 3.24E-06 1004.76 17.9 0 8.83E-07 1.95E- 06 1274.51 34.40 -3.94E-08 9.97E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 -1. 06E-07 6 . 55E-07 6.55E-07 105.31 21. 80 6.27E-08 8.76E-07 + BI-214 609.31 46.30 4 .16E-07 7.30E-07 7.30E-07 1120. 29 15 . 10 -2.85E-06 1.88E- 06 1238. 11 5.94 2.78E- 06 6.87E-06 1377.67 4. 11 3.84E-06 7 . 44E-06 14 07 .98 2.48 3 . 42E-06 l.26E-05 1509.19 2.19 5 . 87E-06 l. l 7E-05 1 761 . 49 15 . 80 l.27E-07 2.SlE-06 + PB-214 77.1 1 10.70 2 . 67E-06 8.95E-07 2.47E-06 295 . 21 19.20 2 . 52E-06 1 . 62E-06 351. 92 37.20 2.63E-07 8 . 95£-07 + PA-228 89.95 22.00 4.62E-07 5 . 89E-07 9 . 63E-07 93.35 35.00 2.84E-07 5 . 89E-07 105. 00 1 6.30 -1 . 32E-07 1.18E-06 129.22 2.97 1. 74E-06 6.48E-06 338 . 32 5.30 -7.84E-07 6.25E-06 463.00 13.80 1.90E-06 3 . 62E-06 911. 23 16 . 70 -6.24E-0 7 2 . 0SE-06 + AM-241 59.54 36 . 30 9.58E-08 1. 1 3E-06 1.lJE-06 + CM-243 103.76 23.00 -3.87E-08 8.31E-07 8.31E-07 228.18 10.60 1. 29E- 06 2 . 44E-06 277.60 14.00 -1.84E-09 2,06E-06

    +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >    = MOA value not calculated
   @     = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MOA at 95% confidence level

2/22/201 7 4:08:43PM Page 1 of6 __.Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC Sample Description  : BOTTOM Q - rl ~

  • Sample Type  : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size 1.281E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 2/22/2017 3:36:38PM Acquisition Started  : 2/22/2017 3:38:26PM Procedure  : Planchet on DET Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : Planchet on DET live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1805.7 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 2973 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/22/2017 4:08:34PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

2/22/2017 4:08:43PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC BOTTOM Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 238.59 472 - 485 477 . 65 8.14E+Ol 14 .53 1. 83E+02 1. 83 F 2 661.73 1315 - 1331 1 323. 78 1.14E+03 34.64 3.41E+01 1. 99 F 3 1460.94 2914 - 2929 2921. 99 9.23E+Ol 9.84 4.04E+OO 2.22 M .= First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAK I BKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/22/2017 4:08:34PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Oata\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Co"ected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 238.59 8.14E+01 14.53 8 . 14E+.01 l . 45E+Ol F 2 661.73 l.14E+03 34. 64 3 . 44E+Ol 7 . 27E+OO 1.10E+03 3 . 54E+Ol F 3 1 460.94 9 . 23E+01 9.84 2.85E+Ol 3.77E+OO 6.38E+O l l.OSE+Ol M :a First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

2/22/2017 4:08:43PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001 -VC BOTTOM Nuclide Name Id Confidence Energy (keV) Yield(3/4) Activity Activity (uCVgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0.994 1460.75

  • 10.6 7 9.33E-06 1. 56E-06 CS-137 0.999 661. 65
  • 85.12 9.28E-06 3.91 E-07 PB-212 0 . 527 7 7 . 11 17.50 238.63
  • 44.60 4.66E-07 8.42E-08
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 2/22/2017 4:08:34PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) K-40 0.994 9.33E-06 1.56E-06

2/22/2017 4:08:43PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-004-CJFC-001-VC BOTTOM Nuclide Nuclide wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) CS-1 37 0.999 9 . 28E-06 3.91E-07 PB-2 1 2 0 . 527 4.66E-07 8.42E-08

       ?   =  nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   =  nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ =     nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

2/22/2017 4:08:43PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-004-CJFC-001-VC BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 2/22/2017 4:08:34PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy {keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified. M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Llbrary\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (keV) (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCJ/grams) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10 .67 9.33E-06 3 .97E-0 6 3 .97E-06

+ AR-41 1293.64 99.16 -1. 87E-07 3.74E-07 3.74E-07 + CO-60 1173.22 100.00 2.97E-07 3.91E-07 4.16E-07 1332.49 100.00 1 . 22E-07 3.91E-07 + KR-85 513.99 0.43 l . 14E-04 8.87£-05 8 . 87£-05 + Y-88 898 . 04 93.70 l.31E-07 2.33£-07 3.14£-07 1836.06 99.20 - 1.21£-07 2.33£-07 + I-131 284 .30 6.06 -9.31E-07 3.33£ - 07 4.21£-06 364 . 48 81.20 3.l0E- 09 3 . 33E-07 636.97 7 . 27 2.93E-06 4.28E-06 + CS-134 604.70 97. 60 - 1.24£-0 7 3.18£-07 3.33£-07 795 . 84 85.40 -5.71£-08 3.18E-07 + CS-137 661. 65

  • 85.12 9.28£-06 4.09E-07 4.09E -07

+ CE-144 80.12 1. 36 4.76E-06 1 . 64E-06 1.71E-05 133 . 51 11. 09 7.72E-07 1.64E-06 + EU-152 121.78 7.20 -2.BlE-08 2.15£-06 2 . 57E-06 344.31 2 .40 -1 . 77E-05 1.22E-05 841. 63 14.60 5.22E-07 2.lSE-06 963.37 12.00 -3 . 02E-07 3.0SE-06

2/22/2017 4:08:43PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC BOTTOM Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Llne MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + EU-154 123.07 40.40 -8.95E-08 4.SOE-07 4.SOE-07 722.30 20.00 6.04E - 07 l.36E-06 873.20 12 . 09 l . 77E - 06 2 . 49E-06 996.30 10.34 1.03E- 06 3.07E-06 1004.76 17 .90 5 . 26E-07 1 . 77E-06 1274.51 34.40 - 4 . 05E - 07 1. 1 4E-06 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 1. 59E-07 6 .37E-07 6.37E- 07 105 . 31 21.80 -2.78E-0 7 8.06E-07 + BI-214 609.31 46.30 2 . 76E-07 7.30E-07 7 . 30E-07 1120.29 15 . 1 0 9 . 04E - 07 2.23E-06 1 238.11 5.94 - 2 .67E-06 6.51E-06 1 377 . 67 4.11 -4 . 94E-06 7.65E-06 1407.98 2.48 1.40E- 06 1. 29E-05 1509 . 19 2 . 19 5.87E- 06 1. 1 7E-05 1 764.49 15.80 l . 88E- 06 2.SlE-06 + PB-214 77 . 11 10.70 7 . 43E-07 7.88E-07 2.27E- 06 295 . 21 19. 20 5 . 29E-07 1.36E-06 351 . 92 37.20 4 . 27E-07 7 . SSE- 07 + PA-228 89 . 95 22.00 7 . 20E-07 5 . 52E-07 9.33E-07 93.35 35 . 00 -2. llE-07 5 . 52E-07 105.00 16 . 30 3.07E-07 1. l OE-06 129.22 2 . 97 -8.44E-07 5 . 98E-06 338.32 5 . 30 -1.26E - 07 5.53E-06 463 . 00 13.80 4.86E-07 2 . 71E-06 911 . 23 16.70 1. 83£-06 2.24E-06 + AM-24 1 59.54 36 . 30 - 5.90E - 07 9 . 57E-07 9.57E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23.00 2.53E-07 7 .7 3E-07 7 . 73E -07 228.18 10.60 -4.lOE-07 2.03E- 06 277.60 14.00 1 .0 5E-06 1. 85E- 06

    +   = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
    ..   = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >   = MDA value not calculated
   @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?   = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

2/22/2017 4:41 :55PM Page 1 of6 _,Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                      .5 TO 1.0 INCH TOP GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification                          : B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC Sample Description                             : ,5 TO 1.0 INCH TOP Sample Type                                    : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size                                       1.187E+02 grams Facility                                      : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On                               : 2/22/2017 4:10:56PM Acquisition Started                           : 2/22/2017 4:11 :38PM Procedure                                     :  Planchet on DET Operator                                      :  Administrator Detector Name                                 :  HOTLAB Geometry                                     :   Planchet on DET Live Time                                    :   1800.0 seconds Real Time                                    :   1805.7 seconds Dead Time                                     : 0.32%

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/201 4 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 2974 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/22/2017 4:41:46PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

2/22/2017 4:41:55PM Page 2of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                        .5 TO 1.0 INCH TOP Peak          Energy            ROI         ROI             Peak         Net Peak         Net Area    Continuum       FWHM (keV)                       end          Centroid            Area      Uncertainty        Counts       (keV)

No. start F 1 238.71 470 - 485 477.89 8.26E+Ol 12.20 l.14E+02 1. 69 F 2 661 .74 1318 - 1329 1323.81 5.52E+Ol 8.64 l .83E+Ol 2.06 F 3 1461. 43 2916 - 2931 2922.97 9 . 71E+Ol 10 .07 4.00E+ OO 2.47 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCEPEAKIBKG.SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/22/2017 4:41 :46PM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Corrected Corrected (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

No. F 1 238.71 8.26E+Ol 12 . 20 R. 26E+Ol 1. 22E+Ol F 2 661.74 5.52E+ Ol 8.64 3.44E+ Ol 7.2 7E+O O 2.08E+Ol 1.13E+Ol F 3 1461.43 9.71E+ Ol 10.07 2.85E+ Ol 3 .77E+ OO 6.86E+Ol 1. 08E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

2/2.2/2017 4:41:55PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                      .5 TO 1.0 INCH TOP Nuclide Name               Id Confidence         Energy (keV)         Yield(%)              Activity                 Activity (uCilgrams)              Uncertainty K-40                                 0.929           1460.75
  • 10.67 1. 08E-0 5 l.72E-06 CS-137 0 .999 661.65
  • 85 . 12 1. 89E-07 1.03E-07 PB-212 0. 526 77.11 17 .5 0 238.63
  • 44.60 5. llE-07 7 . 66E-08
    * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nudide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Perfonned on  : 2/22/2017 4:41:46PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS} Peak CPS(%} Peak Tolerance

  • Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide All peaks were identified.

M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K- 4 0 0.929 1. 08E-0 5 1. 72E-06

2/22/2017 4:41 :55PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                     .5 TO 1.0 INCH TOP Nuclide                             Nuclide                       wt mean               Wt mean     Comments Name                                  Id                           Activity              Activity Confidence                                            Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

S-1 37 0.999 1. 89E-07 1. 03E-07 PB-212 0.526 5.llE-07 7.66E-08

           = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution
           =  nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
           =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity ors quoted at 1.000sigma

2/22/2017 4:41 :55PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                       .5 TO 1.0 INCH TOP UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on        : 2/22/2017 4:41:46PM Peak Locate From Channel        : 100 Peak locate To Channel          : 4096 Peak CPS(%)            Peak        Tolerance Peak No.            Energy (keV)               Peak Size (CPS)       Uncertainty           Type         Nuclide All peaks were identified.

M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nucfide MDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCUgrams) (keV) + K-40 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 1.08E-05 4.27E-06 4.27E-06

+ AR-41 1293.64 99 . 16 -1.74E-07 3 .92E- 07 3.92E-07 + CO-60 11 73.22 100.00 5 .88E-08 3 . 67E-07 3 .67E-07 1332.49 100.00 -1.38E-07 3 .78E-07 + KR-85 513.99 0.43 4 . 83E-05 7.02E-05 7.02E-05 + Y- 88 898.04 93.70 6.34E-08 l .95E-07 3.44E-07 1836.06 99 . 20 -2.80E-07 1. 95E-07 + I-131 284.30 6.06 -1.15E-06 2.77E-07 3.06E-06 364 . 48 81. 20 6.58E-08 2.77E-07 636 . 97 7 .27 2.79E-06 3.71E-06 + CS- 134 604.70 97. 60 2.67£-07 3.03£-07 3.03E-07 795 .84 85 .40 1. 27E-07 3.63E-07 + CS-137 661. 65

  • 85.12 1.89E-07 3. 71£-07 3 . 7 1E-07

+ CE-144 80.12 1.36 7.03E-06 1.49E-06 1.66E-05 133.51 11.09 7.79E-07 1.49E-06 + EU-152 121.78 7 . 20 1.61E-06 2.29E-06 2 .29E-06 344.31 2.40 -2.12£-05 9.67E-06 841. 63 14.60 2 .95E- 07 2.31E-06 963.37 12. 00 2 . 78E-06 3.lSE-06

2/22/2017 4:41:SSPM Page6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010--004-CJFC-001-VC

                           .5 TO 1.0 INCH TOP Nuclide              Energy              Yield(%)            Activity NuclldeMDA         LineMDA Name                                                    (uCl/grams)    (uCilgrams)     (uCilgrams)

(keV) + EU-154 123.07 40.40 7.81E-08 4.04E-07 4.04E-07 722.30 20 . 00 - 5.13E-07 1 .37E-06 873.20 12.09 O.OOE+OO 2 . 56E-06 996.30 10.34 8 . 52E-07 3.45E-06 1 004.76 17 . 90 -7. 92E-07 1. 67E-06 1274.51 34 .40 6.08E-07 1 . 08E-06 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 2.32E-07 6 . 02E- 07 6.02E-07 105.31 21. 80 -1.09E-07 7. llE-07 + BI-214 609.31 46.30 4.48E-07 6 . 52E-07 6.52E-07 112 0.29 15.10 1. 72E-06 2 . 99E-06 1238 . 11 5.94 1. 86E-0 6 6 . 72 E-06 1377.67 4 .11 l.SSE -0 6 8.26E-06 1407.98 2.48 - 1.91E-07 1. 47E-05 1509.19 2.19 - 5.75E-06 1 .26E-05 1764.49 15.80 - 2.31E -08 2.30E-06 + PB-214 77.11 10.70 -4 . 20E-07 6.65E-07 2.22E-06 295.21 19.20 9.BSE-07 l. lOE-06 351.92 37.20 2.0SE-07 6.658- 07 + PA-228 89.95 22.00 4.94E-08 5.08E-07 8.54E-07 93.35 35.00 4.06E-07 5.0SE-0 7 105 . 00 16.30 3.12E-07 9.72E-07 129 . 22 2. 97 3.56E-07 S.54E-06 338.32 5.30 1.76E-06 4.28E-06 463.00 13 . 80 2.69E-07 l . 94E-06 911. 23 16.70 2.53E-06 2.52E-06 + AM-241 59.54 36.30 4.9SE-07 9.47E-07 9.47E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23.00 -6.97E-08 6.83E-07 6 . 83E-07 228 .18 10 . 60 9.0lE-07 1.64E-06 277 .6 0 14.00 9.18E-07 1. 41E-06

    +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
    *      :::: Energy line found in the spectrum
    >    =      MDA value not calculated
   @     :::;   Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

2/23/2017 3:47:14PM Page 1 of6

     ...l"Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for     B1-010-004-CJFC-001 -VC
                       .5 TO 1.0 INCH BOTTOM GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYS/S Sample Identification                         : B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC Sample Description                            : .5 TO 1.0 INCH BOTTOM Sample Type                                   : Planchet Unit Sample Point Sample Size                                       1 .187E +02 grams Facility                                      : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On                               : 2/23/2017 10:15:21AM Acquisition Started                           : 2/23/2017 3:16:56PM Procedure                                     :  Planchet on DET Operator                                      :  Administrator Detector Name                                 :  HOTLAB Geometry                                      :  Planchet on DET Live Time                                     :  1800.0 seconds Real Time                                     :  1805.5 seconds Dead Time                                     : 0.30%

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 2985 PEAK ANALYS/S REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/23/2017 3:47:05PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

2/23/2017 3:47:14PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                        .5 TO 1.0 INCH BOTTOM Peak          Energy            ROI         ROI             Peak          Net Peak          Net Area     Continuum         FWHM No.             (keV)         start        end          Centroid             Area       Uncertainty          Counts         (keV)

F 1 238.51 474 - 485 477 . 50 4 . 63E+Ol 11.04 1.12E+02 1. 47 F 2 510.46 1017 - 1026 1021.28 2.96E+01 7.32 2.61E+Ol 1. 71 F 3 1461 . 04 2915 - 2928 2922 . 20 1.18E+02 11. 31 8 . 77E+ OO 2.25 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma AREA CORRECTION REPORT REFERENCE PEAK I BKG. SUBTRACT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 2/23/2017 3:47:0SPM Ref. Peak Energy  : 0.00 Reference Date Peak Ratio  : 0.00 Uncertainty  : 0.00 Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001363.CNF Corrected Area is: Original

  • Peak Ratio - Background Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Corrected Corrected No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

F 1 238.51 4 . 63E+Ol 11. 04 4 . 63E+Ol 1.l0E+Ol F 2 510.46 2.96E+Ol 7.32 2 .96E+Ol 7 .32 E+OO F 3 1461.04 1.18E+02 11. 31 2 . 85E+O l 3.77E+OO 8.95E+Ol 1.19E+01 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Llbrary\HOTLABAIR.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

2/23/2017 3:47:14PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                         .S TO 1.0 INCH BOTTOM Nuclide Name                 Id Confidence         Energy (keV)         Yield(%)            Activity                 Activity (uCilgrams)              Uncertainty K-40                                  0 . 986          1460 . 75
  • 10.67 1.41E-05 l.92E-06 PB- 212 0.525 77 . 11 17.50 238.63
  • 44.60 2.86E-07 6.87E- 08
      * "' Energy line found in the spectrum.
      - = Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.

Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 2/23/2017 3:47:05PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak Size (CPS) Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Uncertainty Type Nuclide I F 2 510.46 1.64527E-02 24.72 M "' First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) K-40 0.986 1.41E-05 l.92E-06

2/23/2017 3:47:14PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                     .5 TO 1.0 INCH BOTTOM Nuclide                              Nuclide                       Wtmean             Wt mean     Comments Name                                   Id                          Activity            Activity Confidence                                          Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

PB-212 0.525 2.86E-07 6.87E-08

       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

2/23/2017 3:47:14PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001-VC

                        .5 TO 1.0 INCH BOTTOM UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on        : 2/23/2017 3:47:0SPM Peak Locate From Channel        : 100 Peak Locate To Channel          : 4096 Peak CPS(%)              Peak       Tolerance Peak No.            Energy (keV)               Peak Size (CPS)       Uncertainty             Type        Nuclide F           2             510.46              1.64527£-02                   24.72 M = First peak in a multiplet region m :: Other peak in a multiplet region F :: Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used       : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLABAIR.NLB Nuclide          Energy             Yield{3/4)         Activity  NuclideMDA           LineMDA Name                                            (uCilgrams)     (uCilgrams)       (uCilgrams)

(keV) + K-40 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 1.41E-05 4.67£-06 4.67E- 06

+ AR-41 1293 . 64 99.16 -1. 69E-07 2.45E-06 2.45E-06 + CO-60 1173.22 100.00 -1.07E-07 3 . l 0E-07 4.07E-07 1332.49 100.00 -9.42E-08 3.l0E-07 + KR-85 513. 99 0.43 7.84E-05 6 . 93E-05 6.93E- 05 + Y-88 898 . 04 93.70 3 . 75E-08 2.52E-07 2.97E-07 1836.06 99 .20 -4.67E-07 2.52E-07 + I-131 284.30 6.06 -3.90E-07 2.49E-07 3.25E-06 364.48 81.20 1.39E-07 2 . 49E-07 636 .97 7 . 27 -8.60E-07 3.54E-06 + CS-134 604 . 70 97.60 2.21E-07 3.26E-07 3.26E-07 7 95 . 84 85. 40 2.52E-08 3.59E-07 + CS-137 661.65 85.12 3. 71E-0 7 4.17E-07 4 .17E-07 + CE-144 80.12 1. 36 5.27E-07 1. 4 6E-06 1.57E-05 133.51 11.09 2 . 22E-07 1. 4 6E-06 + EU-152 121.78 7.20 -1.69£-06 2 .91E- 06 3.16E-06 344 . 31 2.40 -2.31E-05 l.32E-05

2/23/2017 3:47:14PM Page 6of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-004-CJFC-001 -VC

                       .5 TO 1.0 INCH BOTTOM Nuclide            Energy             Yield(%)            Activity Nuc/ideMDA         LineMDA Name                                                 (uCi/grams)    (uCilgrams)     (uCl/grams)

(keV) EU-152 841. 63 1 4.60 1. 56E-06 2 . 9 1 E-06 2.91E-06 963.37 12.00 1. 55E-06 4.32E-06 + EU-154 123.07 40 . 40 -2 . 78E-07 3.75E-07 3.75£-07 722 . 30 20.00 - l .52E-06 1. 24E-06 873.20 12 .09 -8 . 98E-07 2 . 90E-06 996.30 10.34 -9.05£-07 3.22E-06 1 004.76 17 . 90 -1 . 31E-06 1. 7 9E-06 1274 .51 34.40 -3 . 55E-07 1. 03E -06 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 -2 . 49£-07 5.58E-07 5.58E-07 105.31 21. 80 - 1 . 37E-07 7 . 23E- 07 + BI-214 609.31 46.30 4 . 83E-07 6.77E-07 6.77E- 07 1120 . 29 15.10 1. 59E-06 2.51E-06 1238 . 11 5.94 -5 . 49E-07 6 . 62E-06 1377 .67 4 . 11 4.65E-06 7 . 29E-06 1407.98 2 . 48 8.52E-06 1. 28E-05 1509.19 2 . 19 5.25E-06 1. 49E-05 1764.49 15.80 -l.59E-07 2 . 12E-06 + PB- 214 77.11 10 . 70 1.25E-06 6 . 42E-07 2 . 12E-06 295.21 19 . 20 3.87E-07 1.13E-06 351. 92 37 . 20 8.78E-07 6.42E-07 + PA-228 89 . 95 22 . 00 4.03E-07 5 . 87E-07 9.78E-07 93.35 35.00 -1.63E-07 5.87E-07 105.00 16. 30 -8 . 40E-07 1.13E-06 129.22 2.97 3.18E- 06 6.22E-06 338.32 5.30 -8 . 53E-07 4 . 46E-06 463.00 13 .80 -9.82E-07 1. 93E-06 911. 23 16.70 1.26E-06 2.51E-06 + AM-2 41 59.54 36.30 2. 31E-0.7 9.76E-07 9.76E-07 + CM-243 103 . 76 23 . 00 -3 . 79E- O7 6.84E-07 6.84E - 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 -8.llE-07 l . 65E-06 277 . 60 14.00 4 . 20E-08 1. 38E-06

    +   = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in 1he spectrum
    >   = MDA value not calculated
   @    =  Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?   =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

8/31/20, 7 9:43:SOAM Page I of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS--001-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFS-001-SB Sample Description  : SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli / Unit Sample Point (Le-V\~--1\


Sample Size 9.137E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/29/2017 3:55:00PM / AcQuisition Started  : 8/31/2017 8:43:28AM c;(1\\~ Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator/ Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.3 seconds Dead Time  : 0.28% / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3308 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/31 /2017 9:43:41AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

8/31/2017 9:43:S0AM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for 81 -010-04A-CJFS--001-SB SURVEY UNIT 81 -01()..04 A Peal< Energy ROI ROI Peal< Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 2 39.05 473 - 486 478.57 3 . 38E+ 02 24 . 93 2 . 81E+02 2 . 90 F 2 33 8 . 77 673 - 685 677 .97 7 . 4 1E+Ol 14 .12 l . 4 0E+02 2. 19 F 3 352.07 699 - 712 7 0 4. 56 l .66E+02 1 6 . 97 l. 33E+02 2 . 38 F 4 58 3.64 1 161 - 1176 11 67 . 62 9 . 1 9E+Ol 12 . 89 7.49E+Ol 2 .80 F 5 6 0 9 .7 9 1 21 3 - 1226 1219 . 91 1. 2 2E+ 0 2 13 . 7 1 6 . 14E+Ol 2 . 62 F 6 9 11 . 2 6 1 818 - 1 829 1822.76 5 . 0lE+ Ol 9 . 26 3 . 75E+ Ol 2 .29 F 7 969.67 1933 - 1944 1 939 . 56 3 . 57 E+ 01 7. 9 4 3 . 54E+ Ol 1. 76 F 8 14 61. 75 2914 - 2933 2923 . 61 5 . 84E+ 02 24 . 45 9.7 7E+OO 3 . 08 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysls Performed on  : 8/31/2017 9:43:41AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001 364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (heV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. F 1 2 39 . 05 3 . 38E+02 24.9 3 3 . 38E+ 02 2 . 49E+Ol F 2 338.77 7 .41E+ Ol 1 4 . 12 7 . 41E+ Ol 1. 41E +Ol F 3 352.07 l.66E +0 2 16 .97 8 . 36E+ Ol 1 . 86E+ Ol 8 . 22 E+Ol 2 .5 2E +Ol F 4 583 . 64 9 . 19E+Ol 1 2 .8 9 9 . 1 9E+ Ol 1. 29E+ Ol F 5 609.79 1. 2 2E+02 13 . 71 4. 12E+Ol l . 21E+ Ol 8.lOE+ Ol 1 .8 3E+Ol F 6 911 . 26 5 . 0lE+O l 9 . 26 5 . 0 l E +Ol 9 .. 2 6E+O O F 7 969 . 6 7 3.57E+Ol 7 . 94 3 . 57E+Ol 7 . 94E+OO F 8 14 61. 75 5.84E+02 24 . 4 5 5 . 84E+02 2 . 45E+O l M :: First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/31/2017 9:43:S0AM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS--001-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty K-40 0 . 85 1460.75

  • 1 0.6 7 6.97E-06 3.50E-07 PB-2 12 0.54 77 .11 17.50 238.63
  • 44.60 l .91E-07 l.49E-08 BI-214 0.33 609.31
  • 46.30 1. 02E-07 2 .32E -08 1120.29 15 . 10 1238 .11 5.94 1377 . 67 4.11 1407 . 98 2. 48 1509.19 2.19 17 64.49 15.80 AC-228 0.60 209 . 28 4.40 338.32
  • 11 .4 0 2.2 1E -0 7 4.24E-08 794.70 4.60 911. 60
  • 27 .70 l.52E-07 2.83E-08 964.60 5 . 20 969 . 11
  • 1 6 . 60 l.91E-07 4.2 7E-08
    * = Enerqy line found in the spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? = Manually edited nuclide.
   @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide                            Nuclide                       Wt mean               Wt mean       Comments Name                                  Id                          Activity              Activity Confidence (uCilgrams)            Uncertainty

8/31/2017 9:43:S0AM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-001-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) K-40 0.853 6.97E-06 3.50E-07 PB-212 0 . 540 1.91E-07 l.49E-08 BI-214 0 . 331 l . 02E-07 2.32E-08 AC-228 0. 609 l . 77E- 07 2.06E-08

       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/31/2017 9:43:S0AM Pages of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFS--001-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 8/31/2017 9:43:41AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 3 352.07 2 . 282 47E- 02 30 . 64 Tol. F 4 583.64 2 . 55336E-02 14 .0 2 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K- 40 1460.75

  • 10.67 6.97E-06 2.60E - 07 2 . 60E-07

+ AR-4 1 1293 . 64 99 . 16 -9.93E-0 2 3.3 4E-01 3.34E- 0 1 + / CO-60 1173.22 1 00 . 00 1. 07E-08 5.48E- 08 6.02E-08 1332 . 49 1 00.00 5 . 24E- 08 5.48E-08 + KR- 85 513 . 99 0.43 9.41E- 06 9.35E- 06 9.35E-06 + Y- 88 898.0 4 93.70 2.39E-08 3.16E-08 4.59E-08 1836.06 99.20 -1.20E-09 3 .16E-08 + NB-94 702.63 100.00 5.49E-08 3.88E-08 4. l SE-08 871.10 100.00 -2 . 17E-08 3 . 88E-08 + I -131 284 . 30 6.06 - 3.97E-08 4.17E-08 5.40E-07 364.48 81.20 -2.81E-08 4 .1 7E-08 636.97 7.27 2. llE-09 5.25E-0 7 + CS- 134 604.70 97 . 60 5 . 84E-09 4.65E-08 4. 65E- 08 795.84 85.40 l .6 9E-08 5 . 14£- 08 +/ CS-137 661.65 85.12 3.99E-08 5.33E-08 5.33E-08

8/31/2017 9:43:50AM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-001-S8 SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Nuclide Energy Yield{'1/4) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + CE-144 80.12 1.36 1. 36E-06 2 . 49E-0 7 3 . lOE-06 133 .5 1 11.09 3 .33E- 08 2 . 49E-07 + EU -1 5 2 121 .78 7 . 20 - 4 . 90E-06 6 . 48E-06 8.31E-06 344 . 3 1 2 . 40 -l . 87E-05 3 . llE- 05 841. 63 14.60 3 . 51E-06 6. 4 8E-06 963.37 12 . 00 -5.70E-07 9 . 63E-06 + EU-154 123 .0 7 40 . 40 - 2 . 69E-08 6 . 7 4E -08 6 . 74E - 08 722 . 30 20.00 2 .03E-07 1. 83 E-0 7 873 .20 1 2.09 6 .62 E- 08 3 . 1 8E-07 996.30 10. 34 9.85E-08 4.40E-0 7 1 004.76 1 7 . 90 -2. 0lE- 08 2.59E-07 12 74.51 3 4.4 0 2.22E-0 8 l.41E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32 .8 0 -1 . 39E-0 7 1. OSE- 07 l. OSE-07 105.31 21. 80 1. 39E-08 1.35E- 07 + BI-214 609.3 1

  • 46 . 30 1 .0 2E-07 8 . 18E- 08 8. 18E- 0 8 1120 . 29 1 5 .1 0 1.16E-07 3.63E-07 1 238. 11 5.94 1.93E-07 l . 06E-06 1377.67 4 . 11 1.97E- 07 9.57E-0 7 1407 . 98 2.48 -1.13E-08 1 . 67E-06 1509 . 19 2 .1 9 - 2.04E-06 l .27E- 06 1764 .4 9 15 .80 l. 49E- 07 2.49E-07

+ PB-214 77 .11 1 0.7 0 7.94E- 07 9 . 56E- 08 4.27E- 07 295.21 1 9 . 20 3 .1 7E - 07 1. 7 1E- 07 35 1.92 37 . 20 1.48E-07 9 .56E- 08 + PA- 228 89.95 22 . 00 5.02E-07 3.47E-07 S.75E-07 93 . 35 35.00 l. 40E-0 7 3.47E-0 7 105 .0 0 16 . 30 3 .3 4E-08 6.65E-07 129.22 2 . 97 l .1 5E-06 3 . 37E-06 JJ8.J2 5 . 30 1 . 44E- 06 2.25E-06 46 3.00 1 3.80 7 .6 6E - 07 8.91 E- 07 911 . 23 1 6.70 9 . 69E-07 1. l OE-06 + + J AM-24 1 CM-2 43 59 . 54 103.76 36 . 30 23.00 8 . 62E-08

                                                                - 5.28E-09 2 . 00E- 07
l. 29E-07 2 .00E-07
1. 29E-07 228 .18 1 0. 60 - 7 . 30E-08 2 . 49E- 07 277.60 14 .00 1. 24E-07 2.09E-07
   +    ::;

Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

   ..      = Energy line found in the spectrum MDA value not calculated Half.fife too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    ::;

CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

9/5/20H 12:23:57PM Page I of6 Jl,'Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB Sample Description  : SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.480E+02 grams / Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 9/5/2017 10:19:29AM Acquisition Started  : 9/5/2017 11:23:35AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator/ Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.5 seconds Dead Time  : 0.29 % Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3317 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 9/5/2017 12:23:48PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

9/5/2017 12:23:57PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start F 1 238 . 79 473 - 485 478.06 2.83E+02 23.09 2 . 50E+02 2.90 F 2 295 . 7 8 584 - 598 592.02 5 . 72 E+01 14 .91 2.37E+02 1. 94 F 3 338.60 672 - 683 677 . 63 4.68E+01 13 .12 1. 49E+02 1. 87 F 4 352.13 699 - 712 704 . 68 1.36E+02 17 .21 1.75E+02 2.35 F 5 583.41 1159 - 1174 1167.15 7.47E+ 0 1 12.39 8.52E+Ol 2.68 F 6 609 . 71 1213 - 1227 1219.75 1 .SOE+02 14.57 5.46E+Ol 2.99 F 7 662.00 1318 - 1333 1324 . 3 1 9.97E+Ol 12.48 6 . 00E+O l 2 . 64 F 8 727.47 1 452 - 1459 1455 . 24 1 . 83E+Ol 6.13 2 . SOE+Ol 1.16 F 9 911.81 1 818 - 1830 1823.86 5.95E+O l 10.25 4 .13E+Ol 2. 64 F 10 1461.86 2914 - 2933 2923.83 4.8 5E+02 22.47 1.74E+O l 3.12 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 9/5/2017 12:23:48PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. No. F 1 238 .7 9 2 . 83E+02 23 . 09 2.83E+02 2 . 31E+01 F 2 295.78 5. 72E+Ol 14.91 5 . 72E+01 l . 49E+01 F 3 338.60 4.68E+Ol 1 3 .1 2 4.68E+Ol 1.31E+Ol F 4 352.13 1.36E+02 1 7 . 21 8.36E+Ol 1 .86E+Ol 5.29E+Ol 2.53E+01 F 5 583 . 41 7 . 47E+ Ol 12.39 7.47E+O l 1.24E+01 F 6 6 0 9.71 l.50E +02 1 4.57 4. 12E+Ol l . 21E+Ol l . 09E+02 1. 89E+Ol F 7 662.00 9.97E +Ol 12 . 48 6 . 61E+Ol 1. 27E+Ol 3.36E+Ol l.78E+Ol F 8 727.4 7 1. 83E+Ol 6 . 13 1. 83E+O l 6.13E+OO F 9 911.81 5 . 95E+Ol 10.25 5.95E+Ol l . 03E+Ol F 10 1461. 86 4 . 85E+02 22 . 47 4.85E+02 2 .25E+O l


M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region


F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

9/5/2017 12:23:57PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield{3/4) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty CS-137 0 . 98 661. 65

  • 85.12 2.39E-08 1.27E-08 BI-212 0 . 59 727 .17
  • 11. 80 1. 02E-07 3 .44 E-08 7 85.42 2 . 00 162 0.56 2 .75 PB- 212 0 . 55 77 . 11 17.50 238.63
  • 44.60 1 . 54E- 07 l.32E-08 BI-214 0.33 609.31
  • 46.30 1. 33E- 07 2.33E - 08 1120.2q 15. J 0 1238 . 11 5.94 1377.67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2 .4 8 1509.19 2 .19 1764.49 15.80 PB-2 14 0 . 70 77 .11 10 . 70 295 . 21
  • 19.20 8.64E-08 2.26E-08 351 . 92
  • 37.20 4.82E-08 2 . 31E-08 AC-228 0.30 209 .28 4 . 40 338 . 32
  • 11. 40 1. 34E-07 3.78E-08 794 . 70 4 .60 911. 60
  • 27.70 1. 74E-07 3.02E-08 964.60 5 . 20 969 .11 16.60
    ., = Energy line found in th e spectrum.
    - = Manually added nuclide.
    ? Manually edited nuclide.
    @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance: 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold   = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT

9/5/2017 12:23:57PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

         / CS-137                                0. 981                   2 . 39E- 08            1. 27E-08 BI-212                               0 . 595                  1 . 02E- 07            3 . 44E-08 PB-212                               0.557                    1 . 54E- 0 7           l . 32E-08 BI - 214                             0 . 337                  1 . 33E- 07            2 . 33E-08 PB-2 1 4                             0 . 703                   6 . 77E-08            1. 62E-08 AC-228                               0.306                    1.59E-07               2 . 36E-08
       ?  =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000slgma

9/5/2017 12:23:57PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Perfonned on  : 9/5/2017 12:23:48PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 5 583.4 1 2 . 07362E -02 16.60 /J) UJ-6 F 10 1461 . 86 1.34677E- 0 1 4 . 63 ftt iJ'i M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Act;vity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uC;/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K- 40 1460 . 75 1 0 . 67 5.82E- 06 l.26E-06 1 .26E-06 + AR- 41 1293 .64 99 .16 -7.44E-09 8.13E - 08 8 . 13E- 08 + CO- 60 1173.22 100.00 7 .80E-08 5 . 02E - 08 5.80E-08 1 332 .49 100.00 2 . 97E-08 5.02 E-08 + KR- 8 5 513.99 0. 43 l.52E- 05 9 . 31E - 06 9.31E-06 + Y-88 898 . 0 4 93.70 1.75E-08 2.82E-08 4.36E-08 183 6 . 06 99 . 20 -1.92E-08 2.82E-08 + NB- 94 702 . 63 100.00 - 5 . 75E- 10 3.56E-08 3 . 56E- 08 871.10 1 00 .00 -6.25E -09 3.88 E-08 + I - 131 284.30 6.06 3.30E-0 8 3 .5 5E-08 4.56E-07 364. 4 8 81. 20 - 4 . 38E-09 3 . SSE- 08 636 . 97 7 . 27 2 . 66E-07 4.7 4E-07 + CS-134 60 4 . 70 97 .6 0 -l.0 5E- 08 4 . 31E-08 4 . 5 5E- 08 795 . 8 4 85.40 1. 8 5E-08 4.31E-08 + CS - 137 661. 65

  • 85. 12 2.39E-08 4 . 93E- 08 4.93E-08

+ CE- 144 80 .1 2 1. 36 1. 36E-06 2 . 35E-07 2.96E- 06

9/5/2017 12:23:57PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCflgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV) CE-1 44 133.51 11.09 1. 52E-07 2.35E-07 2 . 35E-07 + EU - 1 52 121.78 7.20 1.12E-0 7 3.06E-07 4 . 16E-07 344.31 2 .40 -5.08E-07 1. 55E-06 841. 63 14.60 1 . 40E- 07 3 . 06E-07 963.37 12.00 3.24E-07 4.58£-07 + EU-154 123.07 40.40 4.55E-08 6.61E-08 6.61E-08 722 . 30 20.00 1. OlE-08 1.78E-07 873.20 12 . 09 -2.58E-08 3.19E- 07 996.30 10 . 34 9.68E-08 3.98E-07 1004 . 76 17.90 6.24E -08 2.33E- 07 1274 . 51 34.40 1.47E-07 1. 4 BE-07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 -2,06E-08 1. 03E-07 1..03E-07 105.31 21. 80 3 . 62E-08 1.25E-07 + BI-214 609.31

  • 46 . 30 1.33E-07 7 . 77E-08 7 . 77E-08 1120. 29 1 5. 1 0 2.19E-07 3.79E-07 1238 . 11 5.94 l.23E-06 l.06E-06 1 377 . 67 4 . 11 -l.31E- 07 8.58E-07 14 07 .9 8 2.48 S.89E-07 l.49E - 06 1509.19 2.19 2.22E-07 1.38E-06 1764.49 15.80 1.98E-07 2.44E-0 7

+ PB-214 77 .11 1 0.70 4 . 74E-07 9 . 32E-08 4.09E-07 295.21

  • 19.20 8.64E-08 1. 34E-07 351.92
  • 37.20 4.82E-08 9.32E-08

+ PA-228 89 . 95 22.00 2.33E-08 9.17E-08 1.54E-07 93.35 35.00 - l.71E-08 9 . 17E-08 1 05.00 16.30 8 . 02E-08 1 .7 7E-07 12 9. 22 2.97 - 3.61E-07 9.24E-07 338.32 5 .3 0 4.19E-07 6.07E-07 463.00 13.80 l.27E -0 7 2.39.t:;-07 911. 23 16 . 70 3.66E- 07 3.21E-07 + AM-241 59.54 36.30 -9.43E-09 1.85E-07 1. 85E-07 + CM-243 103.76 23.00 -7.02E-09 l.19E-07 1 . 19E-07 228 . 18 10.60 -3.08E-08 2.42E-07 277.60 14.00 -l.29E-07 1.93E-07

  +    =  Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
   *    = Energy line found in the spectrum
  >    = MDA value not calculated
  @    =  Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
  ?    =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

9/5/2017 11:21:40AM Pagel of6 ~~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB Sample Description  : SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 1.011 E+03 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 9/5/2017 10:17:01AM Acquisition Started  : 9/5/2017 10:21 :18AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator / Detector Name  : HOTLAB ./ Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.5 seconds Dead Time  : 0.29% / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3316 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 9/5/2017 11:21:31AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

9/5/2017 11:21:40AM Page2 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010*04A*CJFS-003*SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peal< NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 238.92 471- 485 4 78.31 2.82E+02 24.90 3.43E+02 2.75 F 2 583.28 1159 - 1175 1166.91 9.77E+Ol 12.63 6.38E+O l 2.83 F 3 609.52 1211 - 122 7 1219.38 1.24E+02 13.46 6.70E+Ol 2 .61 F 4 911.42 1816 - 1830 1823.09 5 . 42E+ 01 9.09 3.00E+ Ol 2 . 43 F 5 1461. 67 2914 - 2932 2923.46 4.84E+02 22.26 1. 42E+01 2 . 80 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 9/5/2017 11:21:31AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. No. F 1 238.92 2.82E+02 24.90 2.82E+02 2.49E+Ol F 2 583.28 9.77E+O l 12.63 9.77E+Ol 1.26E+Ol F 3 609.52 1.24E+02 13 . 4 6 4.12E+Ol l.21E+Ol 8 . 24E+Ol 1.8 1 E+Ol F 4 911. 42 5 . 42E+Ol 9.09 5.42E+01 9.09E+OO F 5 1461.67 4.84E+02 22.26 4 .8 4E+02 2.23E+Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region


m Other peak in a multiplet region


F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES

9/5/2017 11 :21:40AM Page3 of6 Analysis Report for B1 -010-04A-CJFS-003-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCi/grams) Uncertainty K-40 0 .87 1460.75

  • 10 . 67 5 . 22E- 06 2.80E-07 PB-212 0 .55 77 . 11 17 .5 0 238.63
  • 44.60 1.44E-07 1. 33£-08 BI-2 1 4 0.34 609.31
  • 46.30 9. 38 E-08 2. 08E- 08 1120 . 29 15.10 1238 . 11 5.94 1377. 67 4 .11 1 407.98 2 . 48 1509.19 2 .1 9 17 64. 49 15 . 80
     * :::: Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - :::: Manually added nuclide.
     ? :::: Manually edited nuclide.
    @ :::: Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV N uclide confidence Index threshold :::: 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide                              Nuclide                       Wt mean                  Wt mean      Comments Name                                    Id                          Activity                 Activity Confidence                                             Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

K- 4 0 0 .873 5.22E - 06 2 . 80E-07 PB-21 2 0.550 1 . 44E-07 1. 33E-08 BI - 214 0 . 346 9.38E-08 2.08E-08

       ?     = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X      =  nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @      =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

9/5/2017 11 :21:40AM Page4of6 Analysis Report for B1-010--04A-CJFS-003-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 9/5/2017 11:21:31AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS('1/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F F 2 4 583.28 911. 42 2 . 71486E-02 l . 50454E- 02 12 . 92 16.78 ;1}:'J PA- 228 M = First peak In a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000s!gma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LlneMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCUgrams) (uCVgrams) (keV) + K-4 0 1460.75

  • 10.67 5.22E-06 2.74E-07 2.74E-07

+ AR-41 1293 .64 99 . 16 1.72E-08 5 . 26E- 08 5.26E-08 + I C0-60 1173 . 22 1332.49 100 . 00 100.00 2 .46E-0 8

1. 96E-08 4.48E-08 5.12E-08 4 . 4 8E - 08

+ KR-8 5 513.99 0. 43 6.75E-0 6 8 . 24E-06 8 . 24E-06 + Y-88 898.04 93 . 70 5.16E- 08 2 . 73E-08 4 . 26E- 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 - 9 . 25E-09 2.73E-08 + NB-94 702 . 63 100.00 -4.43E-0 8 3 . 19E-08 3.19E-08 871.10 100.00 -6 . 12E-09 3.44E-08 + I-131 284 . 30 6 . 06 - 7 .69E-0 8 3 . 3 4E-08 4.16E-07 3 64.48 81.20 -1.06E-08 3.34E-08 636.97 7 .27 1. 32E-0 7 4.39E-07 + CS- 134 604.70 97. 60 6.57E-0 9 4 . 21E-08 4 . 25E - 08 795.84 85.40 -1.33E- 08 4 . 21E-08

9/5/2017 11 :21 :40AM Page 5 of 6 Analysis Report for B1 -010-04A-CJFS-003-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nucl/deMDA LineMDA Name (uCl/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams) (keV) + / CS-137 661.65 85 .1 2 6.86E-0 8 4.73E-08 4.7 3E- 08 + CE-144 80 .1 2 1. 36 3.62E - 06 2.30£-07 2 . 90E-06 133 . 51 11.09 1.36E- 07 2.30E-07 + EU- 1 52 121 . 78 7 . 20 -3 . 93E- 07 2 . 66E-07 3 . 56E-07 344 . 31 2 . 40 -2 .98£-06 1.28E-06 841.63 14.60 2.93E-07 2. 66E-07 963.37 12 .00 4.40E- 07 3.97E-07 + E0-154 123 . 07 40.40 - 4.27E- 08 6 . 15E-08 6 . 15E-08 722. 30 20 .0 0 8 . 90E- 08 1.80E-07 873 . 20 12 .09 -1 . 34E- 07 2.73E-07 996 . 30 10 . 34 1. 25E- 07 3.73£-07 1004.76 17 .90 8.94E- 08 2.llE-07 1274 . 51 34.40 1 .03E-08 l. 29E-07 + EU-1 55 86.54 32.80 -l . 04E - 08 1 . 0lE-07 1. OlE-0 7 105 .31 21. 80 -3 . 54E- 08 1.1 9E- 07 + BI -21 4 609.31

  • 46. 30 9 . 38E- 08 7.78E-08 7 . 78E-08 1120 . 29 15.10 -4.00E- 08  :\.36E-07 1238.11 5.9 4 6 . 04E- 07 8 . 79E-07 1377.67 4 .11 -1. 78E- 07 l . 02E- 06 1407 . 98 2 .48 7 . 08E- 07 l.52E- 06 1509 .19 2.19 9 .lOE- 07 1.32E-06 1764.49 15 .80 2 . 28E- 07 2.47E-07

+ PB-214 77 .11 10 . 70 2.91E- 07 8.47E-08 3 . 88E-07 295 . 21 19 .20 9.49E- 08 1. 49E-07 351 . 92 37 . 20 1. 31E- 07 8.47E-08 + PA-2 28 89.95 22.00 l . 22E-07 8.66E-08 1.4 5£ -07

93. 35 35 .00 5 .63E-08 8 . 66E-08 105.00 16.30 -4 . 36E-08 l . 62E-07 129 . 22 2.97 9 . 20E- 07 8.81E-07 338 . 32 5 . 30 2 . 90E-07 5.44E-0 7 463 . 00 13.80 2 . 62E-08 2 . 16E-07
                                                            - l.12E - 07                      2 . 64E-07

+ J AM- 241 911. 23 59 . 54 16.70 36.30 - 5 . lOE - 08 l . 76E-07 l. 76E-07 + CM-24 3 103 . 76 23 . 00 5.23E-08 l . lSE-07 1. 15E-07 228 . 18 10.60 l .94E-07 2 . 37E-07 277 .60 14.00 - l . 13E- 07 1. BOE-07

   +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    = MDA value not calculated
   @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

9/5/2017 11 :21 :40AM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017

9/5/2017 1:25:47PM Page 1 of 7 ~ ~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB Sample Description  : SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.095E+02 grams


Facility  : Dairyland_ NPP Sample Taken On  : 9/5/2017 10:20:45AM Acquisition Started  : 9/5/2017 12:25:25PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administra~ Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds

  • Real Time  : 3610.4 seconds Dead Time  : 0.29 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3318 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 9/5/2017 1:25:38PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

9/5/2017 1:25:47PM Page 2of7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start F 1 76 .06 14 8 - 159 152.66 1 . 33E+02 25 .4 0 5.66E+02 2.23 F 2 2 38 .8 8 4 71 - 485 4 78 . 23 2.89E+02 2 4 .7 0 3.34 E+02 2 . 63 F 3 387.07 770 - 77 8 774 .55 2. 20E+Ol 7.7 2 6.69E+Ol 0 . 92 F 4 583.19 1 159 - 1174 1166 . 72 7.91E +Ol 1 2.65 7.03£+01 3.21 F 5 609 . 85 1 213 - 1226 122 0.03 9 . 0 l E+O l 12.46 6 .4 2E+ Ol 2 . 52 F 6 1461. 79 29 14 - 2933 2923.70 5 .53E+02 2 3 .94 7.59E +OO 2.81 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 9/5/2017 1 :25:38PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peal< Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Bacl<gr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. No. F 1 76.06 1. 33E+02 25 .4 0 l . 33 E+0 2 2. 54E+Ol F 2 238.88 2.8 9E+0 2 24 . 7 0 2 .8 9E+ 02 2.4 7E+O l F 3 387.07 2 . 20E+Ol 7 . 72 2.20E +Ol 7.72E+ OO F 4 583 .19 7 . 91E+Ol 12.65 7 . 91 E+01 1.26E+01 F 5 609 .85 9.0lE+ Ol 1 2.46 4 . 12E+Ol 1. 21E +O l 4 . 89E+Ol 1 . 74 E+ Ol F 6 1 461.79 5 . 53E+02 23.94 5.53E+02 2.39E+ Ol M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

9/5/2017 1:25:47PM Page 3 of? Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/201 7 NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(3/4) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCi/grams) Uncertainty PB-2 12 0 . 55 77 . 11 17 . 50 238 . 63

  • 44 . 60 1.64E- 07 1. 4 6E-0 8 BI - 214 0 .3 2 609.31
  • 46 . 30 6 . 20E-08 2.21E-08 1120.29 15.10 1238 . 11 5.94 1377 . 67 4.11 1407. 98 2 . 48 1 509. 19 2 . 19 17 64.49 1 5.80
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nudide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.
     @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide                            Nuclide                       wt mean                Wt mean       Comments Name                                  Id                          Activity                Activity Confidence                                            Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

PB - 212 0 . 553 1.64E-07 l .4 6E-08 BI-214 0 . 327 6 . 20E-08 2 . 21 E- 08

9/5/2017 1 :25:47PM Page4of 7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017

       ?   =  nuclide Is part of an undetermined solution X   =  nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

9/5/2017 1 :25:47PM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 9/5/2017 1:25:38PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type NuclidVl F 1 76 . 06 3.68514E- 02 19 .1 5 F 3 387 . 07 6. 11443E-03 35 . 06 F 4 583.19 2 . 1 9630E-02 16 .0 0 F 6 1461. 79 1 . 53724E-01 4.33 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(3/4) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCUgrams) (uCi/grams) (uCVgrams) (keV) + K-40 1 46 0 . 75 10.67 6.91£ - 06 l . 38E- 06 1. 38E-06 + AR-41 1293 . 64 99.16 5.34E- 08 l .33E-07 l.33E-07 + CO-60 1173.22 100 .00 - 2 . 30E -08 4 . 92E-08 S . 91E -08 1332 . 49 100.00 3.66E - 08 4.92E-08 + KR-85 513.99 0. 43 l . 05E- 05 8 . 89E-06 8.89E-06 + Y-88 898 . 04 93.70 9.80E - 09 3. 14£-08 4 . 26E - 08 1836 . 06 99 . 20 1.35E-08 3 . 14E- 08 + NB-94 702.63 100 .00 3 . 55E- 09 3 . 99E-08 3.99E-08 871.10 100.00 -l.0SE- 08 4 . 09E- 08 + I-131 284 . 30 6 . 06 5.l0E-08 3 .64E -08 4.72£-07 364.48 81. 20 1.47E-08 3 . 64£-08 636.97 7 . 27 -3.37£-07 4 . 81E-07 + CS-134 604.70 97 . 60 -3.21E- 09 4.44E- 08 4.44£-08 795 . 84 85 . 40 -2 . 00E-08 4.76E-08

9/5/2017 1:25:47PM Page 6 of? Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017 Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity Nuclide MDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCl/grams) (keV) + CS -1 37 661. 65 85.1 2 8.39E-08 5 .52E-08 5.52E-08 + CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 -1. 75E- 06 2. SOE-07 3 . 03E-06 133.51 11.0 9 6 . 40E- 08 2.50E-07 + EU - 152 121. 78 7 . 20 -1 . 73E-07 3 .3 2E-07 4.63E - 07 344.31 2.4 0 -4.13E - 06 1. 64E-06 841. 63 14.60 5 .67E-08 3.32E- 07 963.37 12 .00 1.80E- 07 5.20E-07 + EU-154 123 .07 40 . 40 -9.53E - 09 6.83E -08 6.83E-08 722. 30 20 . 00 9 . 25E-08 2.02E-07 873.20 12 . 09 -9.14E-08 3.33£-07 996.30 10 . 3 4 - 2.44E-07 4.0lE-07 1004. 76 17.90 1 . 68E-07 2.46E- 07 127 4. 51 34 .4 0 8 . 61 E-08 1. 38E-07 + EU-155 86. 54 32 . 80 -7 . 13E-08 1. 06E-07 1 . 06E-07 105 . 31 21.80 -5.76£-08 l . 32E-07 + BI - 214 609 .31

  • 46.30 6.20E-08 8 . 31E-08 8 . 31E-08 1120 . 29 15 . 10 2.87E-07 4 . 0lE-07 1238 . 11 5 . 94 4.38E-07 1 . OH:-06 1377. 67 4 .11 5.61E-07 1. llE- 06 1407 . 98 2 .48 -2 . 95E- 07 l.68E-06 1509.1 9 2 .19 1.19E-06 l. 69E-06 1764.49 15 . 80 3 .0SE-0 8 2.83E-07

+ PB- 214 77 .11 10.70 6.49E-07 9.14E-08 4.22E-07 295 . 21 19 . 20 2 . 34E- 07 1 . 65E- 07 351 . 92 37 . 20 9 .7 9E-08 9.14E-08 + PA-228 89 . 95 22 . 00 1. 43E-07 9.95E-08 l.67E-07 93 . 35 35 . 00 -1 . 22E-08 9.95E-08 105.00 16 .30 -7 . 91E-08 1. 92E-07 129 . 22 2 . 97 1.87E-07 l . 02E-06 338 . 32 5 . 30 6.76E-07 6.4 3E- 07 463.00 13 . 80 l .O lE-07 2 . 56E- 07 911 . 23 16 . 70 3 .91 E- 07 3. 23E- 07 + AM-241 59 . 5 4 36 . 30 7 .38E-08 2.02E-07 2.02E- 07 + CM-24 3 103 . 76 23 . 00 -2.SSE- 08 1. 27E- 07 l . 27E- 07 22 8. 18 10 . 60 -3.39E-08 2.SOE- 07 277 . 60 14 . 00 -8.74E- 08 2.04E-07

   +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
   *     = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    = MOA value not calculated
   @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

9/5/2017 1:25:47PM Page? of? Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB SOIL SAMPLE 09/05/2017

8/30/2017 6:21 :00PM Page J of7

 ~Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for     B1-01Q.-04A-CJWS-00S-S8 SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification                       : B1 -010-04A-CJWS-00S-SB Sample Description                          : SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Sample Type                                 : 500 ml Marinelli /

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.578E+02 grams / Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/29/2017 1:56:00PM / Acquisition Started  : 8/30/2017 5:20:37PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator / Detector Name  : HOTLAB / Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.2 seconds Dead Time  : 0.28 % Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3303 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/30/2017 6:20:51PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

8/30/2017 o:21:00PM Page 2 of7 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 238 . 97 470 - 486 478.41 3 . 36E+02 25.36 3 . 77E+02 2.54 F 2 295.32 584 - 5 96 591.08 8 . 37E+Ol 16.60 2 . 16E +02 2 . 02 F 3 352 . 17 698 - 712 701.76 2.18E+ 02 18.64 l . 22E+02 3 . 06 F 4 583 . 77 1161 - 1174 1 167.88 7.81E+O l 12 . 68 9 . 25E+Ol 2 . 28 F 5 609.7 1 1214 - 1227 1219.76 1 .54E+02 14 . 64 6.25E+O l 2 . 33 F 6 662 . 05 1318 - 1333 1324 .42 l . 60E+02 14.59 5 . 71E+O l 2 . 58 F 7 911 . 97 1817 - 1830 1824 . 1 9 6 . 29E+Ol 10.93 5 .9 6E+Ol 2 . 22 F 8 1121 . 29 2238 - 2248 2242 . 77 2 . 89E+ Ol 7.82 3 . 24E+Ol 2 . 01 F 9 1461.80 2 916 ~ 2932 2923 . 72 5. 56E+02 23 . 97 1. 47E+Ol 2 . 87 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/30/2017 6:20:51PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. F 1 238 .9 7 3 . 36E+02 25 . 36 3.36E+02 2 . 54E+Ol F 2 295 . 32 8 . 37E+Ol 16 .6 0 8. 37E+Ol l. 66E+Ol F 3 352 . 17 2 . 18E+02 18 . 64 8 .36E+Ol 1. 86E+Ol 1.35E+02 2.63E+Ol F 4 583 . 77 7.81E+Ol 12 .68 7 . 8 1E+Ol 1. 27E+Ol F 5 609. 71 l . 54E+02 14 .64 4.12E+Ol 1. 21E+ Ol 1 .13E+02 l.90E+Ol F 6 662 . 05 l . 60E+02 14 .5 9 6 .61E +Ol 1. 27E+Ol 9.39E+Ol l . 93E+Ol F 7 911.97 6 . 29E+Ol 10 .93 6.29E+01 1. 09E+Ol F 8 1121.29 2 . 89E+Ol 7 . 82 2.89E+Ol 7.82E+OO F 9 14 61. 80 S . 56E+02 23 .97 5. 56E+02 2.40E+Ol M :: First peak in a multiplet region m ::: Other peak In a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/30/2017 6:2 1:00PM Page 3 of7 A nalysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\library\HOTI..AB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nucl/de Id Energy Yield{%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) {uCVgrams) Uncertainty CS-137 0 . 97 661.65

  • 85. 12 6. 63E- 08 l.38E-08 PB-212 0.54 77 .11 17. 50 238. 63
  • 44.60 1. 81E-07 1. 45E-08 BI-214 0 . 33 609.31
  • 46.30 1. 36E- 07 2 . 32E-08 112 0.29 15. 10 1238 .11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 14 07 . 98 2. 4 8 1509.19 2.19 17 64.49 15 .80 PB-214 0 . 71 77 . 11 10 . 70 295 . 21
  • 19.20 1. 25E-07 2. SOE- 08 351.92
  • 37.2 0 1.22E- 07 2 . 40E- 08
     " =Energy line found in the spectrum. .
     - =Manually added nuclide.
     ?  =Manually edited nuclide.
    @   =Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide                             Nuclide                       Wtmean                   Wt mean       Comments Name                                  Id                           Activity                 Activity Confidence                                             Uncertainty (uCl/grams) 7     CS-137                              0.9 74                    6 . 63E-08               l . 38E-08 PB-212                              0.547                     1. 81E-07                l. 45E- 08 BI- 214                              0.337                     l. 36E- 07              2. 32E-08

8/30/2017 6:21:00PM Page4 of7 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Nucllde Nuclide Wt mean wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCilgrams) PB-214 0 .7 16 l .2 3E-07 l.73E-08

      ?   =   nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/30/201 7 6:21 :00PM Page 5 of7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 8/30/2017 6:20:51PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (ke VJ Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nucllde F 4 583.77 2 . 16947E-02 16.24 F 7 911 . 97 1. 74796E-02 17. 37 Tol. F 8 1121. 29 8 . 03452E-03 27.03 F 9 1 461.80 1.54546E-Ol 4.31 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak In a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yteld(3/4) Activity Nuclide MDA Line MDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV) + K-40 14 60 . 75 1 0 . 67 6.22E-06 1.32E-06 1. 32E- 06 + AR-4 1 1293 . 64 99.16 5.llE-04 1 . 93E-03 l. 93E- 03 + C0-60 1173.22 1 00.00 3 . 89E - 08 4.88E-08 5. 82£- 08 1332.49 100 . 00 2 .7 3E-08 4.88E- 08 + KR- 85 513.99 0.43 9 .45E-06 8.72E-06 8 . 72E-06 + Y-88 898.04 93. 70 -1. 32E-08 2 . 70E-08 4 . 27E-08 1836 . 06 99.20 -1.0SE-08 2 . 70E-08 + NB-94 702.63 100.00 7. 12£-0 9 3 . SSE-0 8 3.SSE -08 871 .1 0 100.00 - 4 . 00E-09 4.13E- 08 + I -131 284 . 30 6. 06 -1.83£-0 7 3.94E-08 5.lSE -0 7 364 . 48 81.20 3 .0SE-08 3.94E - 08 636.97 7 . 27 -2.18E-07 5 . 20E- 07

8/30/2017 6:21:00PM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS- 005-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-0 10-04 A Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ide MDA LlneMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCUgrams) (keV) + CS-134 604 . 70 97 . 60 -l . 95E- 08 4 . 74E-08 4.74E-08 795 . 84 85.40 1 .90E- 08 4 . 84 E-08 + CS-137 661. 65

  • 85 .1 2 6 . 6 3E -08 4 . 83E- 08 4.83E-08

+ CE-1 44 80.1 2 1. 3 6 6. 50E- 07 2. 42E - 07 3.0 6£- 06 1 33 . 51 11.09 -7 . 66E-09 2.42E- 07 + EU-152 121. 78 7 . 20 -2 . 20E - 06 2 . 19E- 06 2 . 94 E-06 344.31 2.40 - 1. 74E-06 1 . lOE-05 841. 63 1 4 . 60 3.32E-07 2.19E- 06 9 63. 37 1 2 .00 -9. 92E -07 3.0lE- 06 + EU- 154 123.07 40 . 40 - 5 . 48E-08 6 . 50E- 08 6.SOE- 08 722 . 30 20 . 00 3 . 16£-0 8 l . 93E- 07 873 . 20 12 . 09 6 . 91E- 0 8 3 . 37E-07 996 . 30 10 .34 7 . 99E- 08 3.66E- 07 1004 .76 17.90 -1.31£ - 07 2 . l SE- 07 12 74 .51 34. 4 0 3 . 90E-08 1. 26E-07 + EU-155 86 . 54 32.80 -2 . 62E- 08 1. 08E - 07 l . 08E-07 1 05 . 31 21. 8 0 -2 . SOE-0 9 l . 31E-07 + BI-214 609.31

  • 46. 30 1. 36E- 07 7.8~E- 08 7 . 85E- 08 1120 . 29 15.10 -4 . 0lE- 08 3 . 71E-07 1238 . 11 5.94 - l. 81E- 07 l.OSE-06 1377 .67 4 . 11 3 . 30E- 07 9 . 91E-07 14 07. 98 2 . 48 -6 . 99E - 07 l .27 E-06 1509 . 19 2.19 -2 . 09E- 07 l . 40 E-06 1764 . 49 15 . 80 2 . 85E - 07 2. 7 6E-07

+ PB-214 77 . 11 10 . 70 6. 33E -07 8. 53E- 08 4 .17 E-07 295 . 21

  • 19 . 20 1. 2 5E- 07 l.22E-07 3 51. 92
  • 37 . 20 1 . 22E- 07 8 . 53E-08

+ PA-228 8 9. 95 22. 00 4. 14E-0 7 2. 22E- 07 3 . 75E-07 93 . 35 35.00 5 . 51E- 08 2 . 22E- 07 1 05 . 00 1 6 . 30 - 1. 28E- 0 8 4. 2 4E-07 129 . 22 2 . 97 -5 . 53E-07 2. l SE-06 338 . 32 5.30 l.72E-06 1. 43E - 06 463 . 00 1 3. 8 0 7 . 35E- 0 8 5 . 48E- 07 911.23 16 . 70 9 . 19E-07 7.71E-07 + AM- 241 59 . 54 36 . 30 -4.63 E-08 1 . 90E - 07 1 . 90E-07 + CM- 243 1 03 . 76 23 . 00 8 . 04£- 08 l . 27E- 07 l . 27E- 0 7 228 . 18 10 .60 4 .lSE-08 2. 5 6E-07 277 . 60 14. 00 1. 0 3E-07 2 . 07 E-0 7

   +    = Nuclide idenUfied during the nuclide identification
   *    = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    = MDA value not calcu lated
  @     = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

8/30/2017 6:21 :00PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A

8/30/2017 7:24:17PM Page J of? ~~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-S B Sample Description  : SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.246E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/29/2017 2:15:00PM Acquisition Started  : 8/30/2017 6:23:SSPM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli / Operator  : Administrator / Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.3 seconds Dead Time  : 0.28 % Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3304 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/30/2017 7:24:08PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

8/30/2017 7:24:17PM Page 2 of? Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB SURVEY UNITB1-010-04 A Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start F 1 92.71 183 - 191 185.96 9.18E+Ol 19 . 46 3 . 59E+02 1.51 F 2 238.82 469 - 485 478 .11 2.96E+02 25.36 3.59E+02 3 .0 3 F 3 295.53 586 - 598 591. 51 1. 01E+02 16.35 l.89E+02 2 . 14 F 4 352.10 699 - 7 11 704 .63 1.61E+02 16.83 l.46E+02 1. 96 F 5 583.87 1159 - 1173 1168 .0 8 8.76E+Ol 11. 89 7 . 17E+Ol 2.02 F 6 609 .64 1211 - 1228 1219.61 l .09E+ 02 12 . 22 4 .87E+Ol 2 .55 F 7 911. 65 1817 - 1832 1823 . 55 6 . 09E+Ol 10. 1 7 5.08E +O l 2.42 F 8 1333.02 2662 - 2671 2666.19 2. llE t-01 5.62 1.19E+Ol 1. 62 F 9 1461. 83 2915 - 2933 2923.78 5.36E+02 23.54 l .9 0E+01 2.85 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/30/2017 7:24:08PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. No. F 1 92. 7 1 9 .1 8E+Ol 19.46 9. 1 8E+ Ol 1 . 95E+ 01 F 2 238.82 2 .9 6E+02 25.36 2.96E+02 2.54E+Ol F 3 295.53 1. 0 1 E+02 16.35 l.01E+02 1.64E+ Ol F 4 352.10 1.61E+02 16 .83 8.36E +Ol 1. 86E+ Ol 7.77E+Ol 2.51E+O l F 5 583.87 8 .7 6E+Ol 11. 89 8.76E+O l 1 .19E+Ol F 6 609.64 l .0 9E+ 02 12.22 4.12E+O l 1. 21E+O l 6.81E+Ol l.72E+Ol F 7 911 . 65 6 . 09E+O l 10 .17 6.09E+O l l.02E+ Ol F 8 1333.02 2 . llE+Ol 5 . 62 2. ll E+ Ol 5.62E+OO F 9 1461.83 5 .3 6E+0 2 23.54 5.36E+0 2 2.35E+ Ol


M First peak in a multiplet region


m Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/30/2017 7:24:17PM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield{3/4) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty PB-212 0.55 77 . 11 17 . 50 238.63

  • 44 . 60 l.65E- 07 1.48E-08 BI-21-1 0.34 609 . 31
  • 46 . 30 8 . 49E- 08 2 . 16E-08 1120. 29 15. 10 1238 .11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407.98 2 .4 8 150 9 .1 9 2 . 19 1764.49 15 . 80 PB- 214 0 . 71 77 . 11 10 . 70 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 1. 56E- 07 2 . 56E-08 351. 92
  • 37 . 20 7.26E-08 2 . 35E-08
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.
    @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nucllde                             Nuclide                      Wt mean                 Wt mean       Comments Name                                  Id                          Activity                Activity Confidence                                             Uncertainty (uCilgrams)

PB-212 0.556 1. 65E-07 1.48E-08 BI-214 0.341 8 .4 9E-08 2.16E-08 PB- 214 0 . 714 l.llE-07 1. 73E - 08

8/30/2017 7:24:17PM Page4 of? Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS--006-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A

       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/30/2017 7:24:17PM Page5 of7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 8/30/2017 7:24:08PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) c; \, \v\ Uncertainty Type Nuclld F 1 92 . 71 2 . 55087E-02 21.19 Tol. F 5 583 . 87 2.43264E- 02 13 . 58 ,,,,..,.1..,1-0~ F 7 911 . 65 1. 69111E-02 16.70 Tol. AC-228/ PA-228 0 ,Q ('JV~ F 8 1333 . 0?. 5 .847 42E-03 26 . 68 Tol. ~ "io:>'.J.o;)\~~ F 9 1461.83 l . 48841E-0l 4 . 39 ft.-Oi ~ \


M = First peak in a multiplet region


m Other peak in a multiplet region


F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCl/grams) (uCifgrams) (uCilgrams) {keV) + K-40 1460 . 75 10.67 6 . 37 E-06 l .35E- 06 l . 35E-06 + AR-41 1293.64 99.16 l.4 3E-0 3 2.45E-03 2 . 45E-03 + CO-60 1 1 73 . 22 1 00.00 4.61E-08 4.84E-08 5 . 84E-08 1332.49 100 .00 3 .08E-08 4.84E-08 + KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 1.13E- 05 8 . 90E- 06 8.90E-06 + Y-88 898.04 93 . 70 2 . 86E - 08 3 .38E-08 4.58E-08 1 836 . 06 99.20 -3 . 43E - 09 3.38E -08 + NB -94 702.63 100 . 00 6 .94E - 09 3 .4 0E-08 3.40E- 0 8 871.10 100 . 00 -7 . 02E- 09 4 . 09E- 08 + I -131 28 4 . 30 6.06 -2 .68E-07 3 .90£-08 4 . 80E- 07

8/30/2017 7:24:17PM Page 6 of? Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) I-131 364.48 81. 20 9 . 64E-09 3 . 90E - 08 3 .90£-0 8 636.97 7 . 27 -2.4 1E-08 5.20E-07 + CS-134 604.70 97.60 1.75E- 09 4.22E-08 4 . 22 E-08 795.84 85 . 40 1.52E- 08 4.38 E-08 + CS-137 661 . 65 85.12 9.96E-08 5 . 63E-08 5 . 63E-08 + CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 2 . 06E-06 2.44E-07 3.06E-06 133.51 11.09 2.92E-08 2 .44 E-07 + EU-1 52 121.78 7 . 20 -1. 34E-06 2.34E-06 3. 1 6E-06 344.31 2.40 -9.36E-06 1.16E- 05 84 1 . 63 14.60 9.56E-07 2.34E-06 963.37 12 .00 l .95E-06 3 .66E-0 6 + EU-154 123.07 40 .4 0 -4.65E-08 6.56E-08 6.56E-08 722.30 20.00 l .18E- 07 l , 91E-07 873.2 0 12.09 5. 72E -08 3.36E- 07 996.30 10.34 5 .6 7£-08 3.88E-07 1 004 .76 1 7.90 -1.36E-07 2.15E-0 7 1274.5 1 34.40 -7 . 96E-08 1. 38E-07 + EU- 155 86.54 32.80 -8.0lE-08 l . 07E-07 l.07E- 07 105.31 21.80 -2.91E-08 l.2 7E-07 + BI-214 609.31

  • 46.30 8.49E-08 7.97E-08 7.97E -08 1120.29 15 . 10 l . 71E-07 3.40E-07 1238. 11 5 . 94 -4 . 31E-07 9 . 49E-07 1377. 67 4 . 11 3 .29E-07 9.87E-07

1407 .98 2.48 8.14E-07 1. 58E-06 1509. 1 9 2.19 9.80E-07 1.61E-06 1764 . 49 15.80 1.17E-08 2 . 71E- 07

+         PB-2 14          77 .11              1 0.70          2.S0E-07      9 . 03E-08       4.12E-07 295.21
  • 19. 20 l.56E-07 l.lBE-07 351.92
  • 37 .20 7 .26E-08 9.03E-08
+         PA- 228          89.95               22.00        - 1 .93E-07      2.26E-07        3.82E-07 93.35               35.00           9.53E-08                      2.26E-07 1 05.00               16.30           8.88E-08                       4. 21E-07 129 . 22                2 .97       -l.56E-06                        2.19E-06 338.32                  5.3 0         8.25E-07                       1.48E-06 463.00                1 3 .80         2.69E-07                       6 . 03E-07 911. 23              16 . 70         3.98E-07                       7 .73E-07
+         AM-241            59.54              36.30         -8. 49E-08       l.90E- 07       1.90E-07
+         CM-243         103 . 76              23 . 00       -2. 7 4E-08      1.21E-07        l.21E-07 228.18               10.60         -2.lSE-08                        2.47E-07 277.60                14 .00        -1. 48£-0 7                      1 .95E- 07
    +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
     *    = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >    =  MDA value not calculated
    @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
     ?   = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

8/30/2017 7:24:17PM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-o4A-CJWS-006-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A

8/31/2017 6:43:52AM Page I of7

    ~ Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for    B1-010-04A-CJWS--007-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification                        : B1-010-04A-CJWS--007-SB Sample Description                           : SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A Sample Type                                  : 500 ml Marinelli ,/

Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.410E+02 grams / Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/29/2017 2:44:00PM


Acquisition Started  : 8/31/2017 5:43:30AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli / Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3609.9 seconds Dead Time  : 0.27% Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3306 PEAK ANALYS/S REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/31/2017 6:43:43AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

8/31/2017 6:43:52AM Page2 of7 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS--007-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A Peak Energy ROI ROI Peal< NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV) Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) No. start end F 1 238.43 469 - 485 477.33 3 . 04E+02 23.56 2 . 96E+02 2.60 F 2 295.49 583 - 596 591. 43 9.14E+01 1 5.94 2 .0 6E+02 2.07 F 3 352.08 700 - 709 704.59 1 . 50E+02 16 .1 3 1 .04£+02 1.88 F 4 609 . 87 1213 - 1228 1220.08 1 .15E+02 12.91 6.00E+Ol 2.4 1 F 5 662.07 1319 - 1332 1324 .4 5 l . 34E+ 02 13.47 5.19E+Ol 2.29 F 6 911.65 1 81 6 - 1829 1823 .54 7. 15E+Ol 1 0.14 2 .96E+Ol 2.35 F 7 969.32 1933 - 1944 1938.85 2.70E+ Ol 7.17 3.57£+01 1.51 F 8 1461.83 2915 - 2934 2923.76 5.32E+02 23.35 1.15E+Ol 2 .92 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/31/2017 6:43:43AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. No. F 1 238.43 3.04E+02 23.56 3.04E+02 2.36E+Ol F 2 295 .49 9 . 14E+Ol 15.94 9.14E+Ol 1.59E+Ol F 3 352.08 1.50E+02 16.13 8.36E+Ol 1 . 86E+O l 6.66E+01 2.46E+01 F 4 609.87 1.15E+02 1 2 . 91 4 . 12E+Ol l.21 E+Ol 7 .35E+Ol 1. 77E+01 F 5 662.07 l.34E+02 13.47 6.61E+Ol l.27E+Ol 6.81E+Ol l.85E+01 F 6 911 . 65 7 .15E+Ol 10.14 7 .1 5E+Ol l .OlE+Ol F 7 969.32 2.70E+Ol 7.17 2.70E+Ol 7.17E+OO F 8 1461.83 5.32E+02 23.35 5 . 32E+02 2.34E+01 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/31/2017 6:43:52AM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJWS--007-S8 SURVEY UNIT 8 1-010-04 A NUCLIDE /DENT/FICA TION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty CS -1 37 0 .97 661.65

  • 85 .1 2 4 . 89E- 08 1.34E-08 PB- 212 0 . 55 77 .11 17 . 50 238 . 63
  • 44 . 60 1 . 66E- 07 1.36E-08 BI -214 0.32 609 . 31
  • 4 6 . 30 9 . 00E -08 2.18E-0 8 1120. 29 15 . 1 0 1238.11 5. 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 14 07.98 2 . 48 150 9.1 9 2 .19 17 64. 4 9 15 . 80 PB- 214 0 .7 1 77 . 11 10 . 70 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 1 . 39E-0 7 2.4 5E-0 8 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 6. llE -08 2 . 27E- 08
     *  == Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - == Manually added nuclide.
     ? == Manually edited nuclide.
     @ == Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold :: 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide                             Nuclide                      Wt mean                  Wt mean       Comments Name                                  Id                           Activity                Activity Confidence                                             Uncertainty (uCi/grams) 7         CS-1 37 PB- 212 0.972 0 . 556 4.89E-08
1. 66E- 07 1 . 34E-08
1. 36E-08 BI- 214 0 .325 9 . 00E-08 2 . 1 8E-08

8/31/2017 6:43:52AM Pagc4 of 7 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) PB-2 14 0.716 9. 7 1E-08 1. 66E-08

       ?   =  nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/31 /2017 6:43:52AM Page 5 of 7 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 8/31/2017 6:43:43AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 6 9 11. 65 1 . 9871 4£-02 1 4 .1 8 Tol. F 7 96 9.3 2 7. 5 0 2 63E-03 26 . 54 To l. F 8 1461.83 1 . 47904E-01 4 . 39 M "' First peak in a multipl et region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (uCl/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (keV) + K- 40 1460 . 75 10 . 67 6 . 13E- 06 1 .31 E- 06 1. 31E-06 + AR- 41 12 93 . 64 99 . 16 6 . 85E- 0 2 1 . 56E- 01 l . 56E- 01 + CO-60 1173. 22 1 0 0 .00 1. 1 4E - 08 4 . 66E- 0 8 5. 90E-0 8 1 332.4 9 100 . 00 3 . 63E- 08 4. 66E- 0 8 + KR- 85 513 . 99 0 . 43 1. 46E- 05 9 . llE-06 9 . llE-06 + Y-88 898. 04 93 . 7 0 1. 54E-0 8 2 . 42E- 0 8 4.5 5E-08 18 36. 06 99 . 20 - 1. 32E- 0 8 2. 42E - 0 8 + NB-9 4 70 2. 63 100 . 00 2 . 58E- 09 3 . 52E-08 3 . 52E-08 87 1. 10 1 00 . 00 - 4 . 00E- 0 8 3. 69E- 08 + I -131 2 84.3 0 6 .06 3 . 6 4E-08 3 . BSE-08 5. 35E-0 7 3 64.48 8 1. 20 - 1. 33E-08 3. 85 E- 08 63 6. 97 7 . 27 - 6 . l0E - 07 4. 98E-07 + CS- 134 60 4. 70 97 . 60 3 . 38E - 09 4 . 33E- 08 4 . 33E-08

8/31/2017 6:43:52AM Page 6 of7 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS--007-SB SURVEY UNIT 81 -010-04 A Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity Nuclide MDA LlneMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV) CS - 134 795.84 85.40 l.76E-08 4.33E-08 4. 81E-08 + CS-137 661. 65

  • 85 . 1 2 4 . 89E-08 4.77E-08 4. 77E-08

+ CE- 144 80.12 1.36 1.02E-06 2 . 39E-07 2 . 96£-06 133 . 51 11.09 -1. 45£-07 2 . 39E- 07 + E0 - 152 121.78 7.20 1.llE-06 5.33E -06 7 . 19E- 06 344.31 2.40 -2.60E - 05 2.60E-05 84 1 . 63 14 . 60 -2 . 0SE - 06 5 . 33E-06 963 . 37 12 . 00 -2 .47£-06 7.85E-06 + EU-154 123 . 07 40 . 40 -2 .21E-08 6 . 62E-08 6 . 62E-08 722.30 20.00 1. 02E- 07 l . 96E-07 873 . 20 12 .09 -1. 31E- 08 3 . 14E- 07 996 . 30 10 . 34 1. 20E- 07 4.25E- 07 1004 . 76 17 . 90 - 5 . 35E- 08 2.49E - 07 1274.51 34.40 -1.60E- 07 1. 30E-07 + EU-155 86.54 32.80 -l.68E- 08 l .O SE-07 1. OSE- 07 105.31 21. 80 4.07E-08 1. 32E-07 + BI-214 609 . 31

  • 46. 30 9 . 00E- 08 8 . 07E-08 8.0 7 E-08 1120.29 15 . 10 4.14E-0"/ 3.74E-07 1238.11 5 .94 5 . 85E- 07 9.68E-07 1377.67 4 . 11 -2.14E-08 9 . 79E- 07 1407.98 2 . 48 -2. 41 E- 08 l.32E-06 1 509.19 2.1 9 9 . 19E-07 1. 68E-06 1764.49 15 . 80 1 .72E-0 7 2.54E-07

+ PB- 214 77 .11 10.70 2.65E-07 8 . 05£ - 08 4 . 0lE-07 295 . 21

  • 19.20 1.39E-07 l.23E- 07 351.92
  • 37.20 6. ll E- 08 8 . 05E-08

+ PA-228 89.95 22.00 3.50E-07 3 . llE-07 5 . 27E-0 7 93.35 35 . 00 -4.75£-08 3 . llE-07 105 . 00 16 . 30 2 . 38£-07 6.13E- 07 129.22 2 . 97 -4 .27E-07 3 . 12E-06 338.32 5 . 30 1.34E-06 2.llE-06 463.00 13 . 80 3.SSE-07 8 . 24E-0 7 911 . 23 16 . 70 1. 25E - 06 1. 03£-06 + AM-241 59. 54 36 . 30 5.93E - 08 1. 87£-07 1.87E-07 + CM- 243 103.76 23.00 7.0 lE -08 l . 26E-07 1 . 26E- 07 228 . 18 10 . 60 4.26E-08 2 . 57E- 07 277.60 14 . 00 -5 . 83E - 08 2.04E- 07

   +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
         = Energy line found in the spectrum
   >    = MDA value not calculated
  @     =  Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
   ?    =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

8/31/2017 6:43:52AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS--007-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A

8/31/2017 8:39:29AM Page J of7 _.Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYS/S Sample Identification  : B1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB Sample Description  : SURVEY UNIT B1-01j)-04 A Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinellf / Unit Sample Point Sample Size 9.365E+02 grams . / Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/29/2017 2:47:00PM Acquisition Started  : 8/31/2017 7:39:07AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB / Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.3 seconds Dead Time  : 0.28% / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (In channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3307 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/31/2017 8:39:20AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

8/31/2017 8:39:29AM Page2 of7 Analysis Report for 8 1-010-04A-CJWS--008-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV) F 1 238.97 470 - 48 6 4 78 . 41 4.21E+02 28.56 4.26E+02 2 . 65 F 2 352.11 696 - 712 704 . 64 1 .67E+02 18 . 66 2 . 15E+02 2 . 58 F 3 5 83.52 11 61- 11 74 11 67 . 39 1. 25E+02 14 . 11 7 . 44E+Ol 2 . 55 F 4 609.63 1212 - 1227 1219 . 59 1 . 31E+02 14 . 43 8.82E+Ol 2 . 37 F 5 661.8 8 1318 - 1333 1324.08 2 . 38E +02 17 . 31 6.36E+Ol 2 . 51 F 6 727 . 4 2 1450 - 1461 1455 . 14 4.03E+Ol 8.59 4.67E+Ol 1. 56 F 7 9 1 1.82 18 1 7 - 1832 1823 . 87 7.28E+ Ol 11. 60 6.35E+Ol 2 .8 8 F 8 1332. 86 2659 - 267 2 2665.85 3 . 64E+O l 7.32 1.75E+O l 2 . 45 F 9 1461 . 7 4 2914 - 2933 2923.60 7 .91E +02 28. 72 2 . 17E+Ol 2 . 92 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted al 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/31 /2017 8:39:20AM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. F 1 238 . 97 4 . 21E+02 28.56 4.21E+02 2.86E+Ol F 2 352 . 11 l . 67E+02 18.66 8.36E+Ol l . 86E+Ol 8 . 34E+Ol 2.64E+O l F 3 583. 52 l . 25E +02 14 .11 l . 25E+02 l.41E+Ol F 4 609.63 l.31E+02 14 . 43 4.12E+Ol 1. 21E+ Ol 9 .02E+Ol 1. 88 E+Ol F 5 661. 88 2.38E+02 17. 31 6.61E+Ol 1 . 27E+ Ol l.72E+02 2 . 15E+Ol F 6 727. 42 4 . 03E+O l 8.59 4.03E+Ol 8. 5 9E+O O F 7 9 11. 82 7.28E+Ol 11. 60 7.28E+Ol l.16E+Ol F 8 1332.86 3.64 E+Ol 7 . 32 3 . 64£+01 7 . 32E+OO F 9 1461. 7 4 7.91E+02 28 . 72 7.91E +02 2 .87E+O l M = Firs1 peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/31/2017 8:39:29AM Page 3 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS--008-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairytand_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Actfvity Actfvity Name Confidence (keV) (uCl/grams) Uncertainty K-40 0.85 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 9.21E-06 4.21E-0 7 CS-137 0.99 661. 65
  • 85 . 12 l.24E- 07 l . 58E-08 BI-212 0 .5 9 727 . 17
  • 1 1.80 2. 28 E-07 4 . 90E-08 785 .4 2 2 . 00 1620 . 56 2 . 75 PB- 212 0 . 54 77.11 17 . 50 23 8. 63
  • 44 .6 0 2 . 32E-07 l . 69E-08 BI-2 14 0 . 34 6 09. 31
  • 46 .3 0 1. llE - 07 2. 34E-08 1120 . 29 15. 10 1238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 1407 . 98 2.48 1 50 9. 19 2.19 1764 .4 9 15 .8 0
     * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.
    @ = Energy lme not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigrna INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide                            Nuclide                       Wt mean                Wt mean       Comments Name                                  Id                          Activity               Activity Confidence                                          Uncertainty (uCi/grams)

K-40 0.854 9.21E-06 4 . 21E-07 I CS-137 0.991 1 . 24E-07 1. 58E-08

8/31/2017 8:39:29AM Page4 of7 Analysis Report for B 1~O10-04A-CJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence (uCilgrams) Uncertainty BI -212 0.598 2 . 28E-07 4.90E-08 PB- 212 0.547 2.32E- 0 7 1. 69E-08 BI - 214 0 . 34 2 1 .llE-07 2. 34E- 08

       ?   =  nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   =  nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/31/2017 8:39:29AM Pages of7 Analysis Report for 8 1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 8/31 /2017 8:39:20AM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(3/4) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 2 352 .11 2 . 31632E-02 31.60 Tol. PB~/ F F 3 7 583. 52 911. 82 3.47735E-02 2.02155E-02 11.27 15.94 Tol.

                                                                                                           "1L AC-22 r/

F 8 1332 .86 l.01039E-02 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F -= Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_ NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA Llne MDA Name (uCl/grams) (uCilgrams) (uCi/grams) (keV) + K-40 1460. 75

  • 10 . 67 9 . 21E-06 3 . 62E-07 3.62E-07

+ AR-41 1293 . 64 99. 16 - l . 42E-01 3 . 20E-01 3.20E-01 + /CO-60 1173.22 100.00 l . 65E-08 5.73E-08 6 .5 4E- 08 1332.49 100.00 6 . 23E-08 5 .73E-08 + KR-85 513.99 0.43 1. 39E-05 9 . 89E-06 9.89E-06 + Y-88 898.04 93 . 70 5 .84E-09 3.:7E-08 4. 78E-08 1836.06 99.20 1. 48E-08 3 .17E-08 + NB-94 702.63 100.00 2.68£-08 4.0SE-08 4.05£-0 8 871 .1 0 100 . 00 -5.S0E-08 4 . 49E-08 + I-131 284.30 6.06 4.33E-08 4.36E-08 5 . 95E-07 364.48 81. 20 l.13E-08 4.36E-08 636.97 7 . 27 1.0SE-07 5.59E- 07

8/31/2017 8:39:29AM Page 6 of? Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCi/grams) (uCi/grams) (uCilgrams) (keV} + CS-134 604 . 70 97. 60 l.16E-09 4 . 71 E- 08 4 . 71E-08 795 .84 85 . 40 -3 . 07E-08 4 . 90E-08 + ../ CS-137 661. 65

  • 85.12 1. 24E-07 5 . 0SE-08 5 . 0SE-08

+ CE-144 80 . 12 1. 36 1.77£-06 2 . 57£- 07 3 . 25E - 06 133 . 5 1 11.09 1. 12E-07 2 . 57£-07 + EU-152 7 ?.1. . 7 8 7 . 20 -2.31E-06 6.54E- 06 8 . 70£-06 344 . 31 2 . 40 3.66£-05 3 . 30E- 05 841 .63 14 . 60 -2 . 63E-06 6 . 54E-06 963.37 12.0 0 l.81E-06 9 . 94E-06 + EU- 154 123 . 07 40 . 40 4 .95£-09 7 .02E-08 7 . 02E-08 722 . 30 20.00 9 . 98£-09 2.28£-07 873 . 20 12.09 -1 . 80£- 07 3.69E-07 996.30 10 . 3 4 -4 . 87E-08 4. 7 0E-07 1004.76 1 7 .90 -1 . 13£-07 2.66£-07 1274.51 34 .40 7 . lSE - 08 l . 7 4E-07 + EU-155 86 . 54 32 .80 -8 .96E-08 1. 15E- 07 1. lSE- 07 105 . 31 21. 80 -2 . 34£-08 1. 36E-07 + BI - 214 609 .3 1

  • 46 . JO 1 . llE-07 8 . 95E- 08 8 . 9!:iE-08 1120 . 29 15.10 -1.53E-07 3 .7 4E-07 1238.11 5 . 94 6 .08E-07 l.1 3E-06 1377 . 67 4 .11 2.93E-07 1. 0lE-06 14 07 .98 2.48 7 . 96£-08 1. SOE-06 1 509 . 19 2 . 19 - 6 . 4 1E-07 l.64 E-0 6 1764 . 4 9 15 . 80 1. 73E-07 2 . 59E -07

+ PB-214 77 . 11 10 . 70 6 . 09E-07 9 . 98E- 08 4 . 42E-07 295 . 21 19 . 20 1. 68£-07 l . 72E-07 351.92 37 . 20 l.77E-07 9 . 98E- 08 + PA-228 89 . 95 22.00 5 .22£- 07 3.63E - 07 6 .1 2E-07 93 . 35 35.00 2 . 33E-07 3 . 63E-07 1 05.00 J 6 . 30 1 . 2 5E-09 6 . 74E-07 12 9.22 2 . 97 - 2 .12 £ - 06 3 . 48E-06 338 - 32 5 . 30 l.37E-06 2 . 36E-06 463 .0 0 13 . 80 4.2 2E-07 9 . 48E-07 911. 23 16 . 70 1. 31E-06 l.26E - 06 + I AM-241 59 .54 36.30 l.67E-07 2 . 06E- 07 2 . 06E-07 + CM-243 103 . 76 23.00 -4.03E-09 1 . 31E-07 1. 31E-07 228 .18 10 .6 0 2 .7 6E-09 2 . 66E-0 7 277.60 14 . 00 -7.45E -08 2 . 19E-07

    +   = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
    *    = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >   =  MCA value not calculated
   @    =  Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?   =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

8/31/2017 8:39:29AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A

8/30/2017 4:57:44PM Page J of6 ~J¥i~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT 61-010-04 A GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : 8 1-010-04A-QJWS--008-SB / Sample Description  : SURVEY UNIT B1-_910-04 A Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli/ Unit Sample Point Sample Size 8.974E+02 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 8/29/2017 3:04:00PM / Acquisition Started  : 8/30/2017 3:57:22PM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator/ Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli Live lime  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.4 seconds Dead Time  : 0.29% / Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3302 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/30/2017 4:57:35PM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

8/30/2017 4:57:44PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-QJWS--008-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak NetPeak Net Area Continuum FWHM (keV} start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts {keV) No. F 1 238. 7 2 472 - 485 4 77.91 3.02E+02 24 .99 3 . 62E+02 2.32 F 2 294 .87 586 - 595 590 . 20 7.54E+Ol 15.61 l.66E+02 2 . 11 F 3 338.08 670 - 684 67 6. 60 8.0lE+Ol 15 .35 1. 69E+02 2 . 65 F 4 352.21 699 - 712 704.84 1. 34 E+ 02 17 .07 l . 77E+ 02 2 . 29 F 5 5 83.67 1 1 59 - 1176 11 67.67 l . 02E+02 12.81 7 .83E+Ol 2.4 1 F 6 609 . 55 1 211 - 1226 1219.44 1.22E+02 14 .32 7.97E+Ol 2.77 F 7 662.24 1 317 - 1334 1324 .80 2 .50E+02 1 8. 14 9. 15E+O l 2.53 F 8 911.68 1 817 - 1830 1823 . 60 7.88E+Ol 11 . 32 4.39E+O l 2. 90 F 9 1333 . 74 2663 - 2672 2 667.61 1.59E+Ol 5 . 93 3 . 15E+ Ol 1.11 F 10 1461. 84 2914 - 2933 2923 . 80 7.04E+02 27 . 03 1. 26E+Ol 2.7 5 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma BACKGROUND SUBTRACT REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/30/2017 4:57:35PM Env. Background File  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Data\0000001364.CNF Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted (keV} Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. No. F 1 238.72 3.02E+02 24.99 3.02E+ 02 2 .50E+O l F 2 294.87 7. 54E+Ol 15 .61 7 . 54E+ Ol l.56E+O l F 3 338 . 08 8.0lE+ Ol 15 . 35 8. 0 lE+Ol l.54 E+ Ol F 4 352.21 1. 34E+02 17.07 8.36E+Ol 1.86E+O l 5 . 00E+Ol 2.53E+Ol F 5 583 .67 1 .0 2E+0 2 12.81 1 . 02E +02 l . 28E+Ol F 6 609 . 55 1. 22E+02 14 .32 4.12E+Ol 1. 21E+ Ol 8.04E+Ol 1. 88E+O l F 7 662 . 24 2 . 50E+ 02 1 8.14 6 .61E+Ol 1. 27E +Ol 1 .84E+02 2 . 21E+Ol F 8 911. 68 7 . 88E+O l 11. 32 7.88E+Ol 1.13E+Ol F 9 1333.74 1. 5 9E+O l 5.93 l. 5 9E+Ol 5.93£+00 F 10 1461. 84 7.04E+02 27.0 3 7.04E+ 02 2 . 70E +01 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/30/2017 4:57:44PM Page3 of6 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield{3/4) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (uCilgrams) Uncertainty CS-137 0.94 661. 65

  • 85 . 12 1.39E- 07 1 . 71E-08 PB-212 0 . 55 77 .11 17.50 238.63
  • 44 . 60 l.74E-07 1.51E-08 BI - 214 0.34 609.31
  • 46.30 l.0 3E- 07 2.42E-08 1120 . 29 15.10 1238 . 11 5 .9 4 1377 . 67 4.11 1407 . 98 2 . 48 1509.19 2.19 1764 .4 9 15 . 80 PB- 214 0 . 70 77 . 11 10 . 70 295 . 21
  • 19 . 20 1. 20E-0 7 2 . 50E-08 351 . 92
  • 37.20 4.82E-08 2.44E-08 AC- 228 0 .30 209 . 28 4.40 338 . 32
  • 11.40 2 . 43E-07 4 . 69E-08 794 . 70 4.60 911 . 60
  • 27 . 70 2.43E-07 3.54£-0 8 964.60 5 . 20 969 . 11 16 . 60
     * = Energy line fou nd in the spectrum.
     - == Manually added nuclide.
     ? == Manually edited nuclide.
     @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance: 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold == 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT

8/30/2017 4:57:44PM Page4 of6 Analysis Report for B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB SURVEY UNIT B1-010-04 A Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty (uCi/grams) 1

         /    CS-137                               0.945                     1 . 39E-07            1. 71E -08 PB-212                               0.559                     1. 7 4E-07            1. SlE-08 BI -214                              0.345                     l.03E-07              2.42E-08 PB- 214                              0 . 709                   8.31E-08              l. 75E-08 AC-228                               0.309                     2.43E-07              2 . 82E-0 8
       ?   = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   =   nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    =   nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000sigma

8/30/2017 4:57:44PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for B1-010-04A-QJWS--008-SB SURVEY UNIT 81-010-04 A UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 8/30/2017 4:57:35PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (ke V) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide F 5 583.67 2 . 83971E-02 12 . 53 F 9 1333.74 4.42258E-03 37 . 22 F 10 1 461.84 l.95591E-01 3.84 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet reg ion F "' Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ldeMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + K- 40 1 460 . 75 10.67 8.60E-06 1. 57E-06 1. 57E- 06 + AR- 41 1293 . 64 99.1 6 - 3.86E-04 8 . 14E-04 8 . 1 4E-04 + CO-60 1173.22 100.00 3.24E - 08 6.14E-0 8 6.56E- 08 1332.49 100 .00 6.22E-08 6 .14E- 08 + KR-85 513 . 99 0 . 43 l.24E - 05 9.81E - 06 9.81E-06 + Y-88 898.04 93.70 -4.46E -0 9 3.l0E-08 4.89E-08 1836 . 06 99.20 -2. 96E-08 3.l0E-08 + NB-94 702.63 100 . 00 -2 . 32E-08 3.8 1E-08 3 . 81E-08 8 71.1 0 100.00 - 1.53E - 08 4.32E-08 + I-131 284.30 6.06 -1.34E-07 4.24E-08 5.74E-07 364.48 81.20 1. 46E -08 4.24 E-08 636.9 7 7 .27 4.06E-08 S .69E-07 + CS-134 604.70 97 . 60 -4 .1 2E-09 4.82E-08 4.82E-08 795.84 85 . 40 -7.08E- 09 4 . 82E-08 + CS-137 661 .65

  • 85.12 1 .39E-07 5 .89E- 08 S .89E-08

8/30/2017 4:57:44PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for 81-010-04A-QJWS--008-SB SURVEY UNIT 8 1-010-04 A Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity NuclideMDA LineMDA Name (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (uCilgrams) (keV) + CE- 144 80.12 1. 36 1.3 1E-06 2.63E-07 3. 27E-06 133 . 51 11. 09 2.24E-09 2-63E - 07 + EU-1 52 121.78 7 . 20 -2. 7 8E - 06 2 . 12E - 06 2 . 63E-06 344.31 2 .40 - 2 . 5 6E-06 9.95E- 06 841. 63 14.60 1. 35E-06 2.12E-06 963 . 37 12. 00 3 .5 9E-06 3 . 2 4E-0 6 + EU-154 123 . 07 40.40 - 1.0lE-08 7 .12E -08 7 . 12E-08 722 .30 20 .00 1 . 47E-07 2.12E-0 7 873.20 12 .09 - 1. 37E- 07 3 . SlE-07 9 96.30 1 0.34 1 .27E-07 5.00 E-07 1 004.76 17 . 90 4 . 24E-08 2 . 76E-0 7 1274 . 5 1 3 4 . 40 - 3 .33E- 08 1 . 59E-07 + EU-15 5 86 . 5 4 32.80 - 1. 30E-07 l .16E-07 1. 16E- 0 7 105 . 31 21. 80 -1.18E- 07 1. 40E-07 + B1-21 4 609.31

  • 46.30 1. 0 3E- 07 9.lOE-08 9 .lOE-08 1120 .2 9 15 .10 3 . 63E -07 4 .30E- 07 1238.1 1 5.94 -5.7 3£-07 1 . 15E- 06 1377 .6 7 4 . 11 2.58E-07 l . l lE-06 1407 .98 2 .48 1.l lE-07 1. 57E- 06 1609 .19 2.19 8.58E-0 7 l.71 E- 06 1764.49 1 5.80 2 .7 4E-07 2 .8 7E-0 7

+ PB- 214 77 . 11 1 0.70 8.95E-07 9 . 88E-08 4.52E-07 295.21

  • 19 . 20 1. 20E-07 1.06E-07 351.92
  • 37 . 20 4 . 82E-08 9.88E-08

+ PA-228 89 . 95 22.00 7.02E-07 2 . 28E -07 3 . 85E-07 93 . 35 35.00 2 . lBE-07 2.28E- 07 105 . 00 16 .30 - 2 . 88E-07 4 . 18E-07 129 . 22 2.97 1 . 5 1E-0 6 2. 1 9E-06 338 . 32 5.30 6.30E-07 1.40E-06 463.00 13 .8 0 2 .34E - 08 5 . 7 3E - 07 911.23 16.70 9. 06E -07 7 . 62E-07

+         AM-24 1           59 . 54              36 . 30     -6 . 37E - 08     2 . 0BE-07      2.0BE-07
+         CM- 2 4 3       103.76                 23.00       -2 .61 E- 08      1.34E-07         l . 34 E-07 228 . 1 8              1 0 .60     -4.64E- 08                         2 . 75E -07 277 . 60               14. 00      -1 .0 SE-0 7                       2 . 30E - 0 7
    +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
    *     = Energy line found in the spectrum
    >    = MDA value not calculated
    @    = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction
    ?    = CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level

11/6/2017 10:27:04AM Page I of7 pex-Gamma Analysis Report for WGTV SUMP SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 11 17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : WGTV SUMP SEDIMENT Sample Description  : SEDIMENT 11*6-17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli Unit Sample Point Sample Size 1.104E+03 grams Facility  : Dairyland_NPP Sample Taken On  : 11/6/2017 7:05:00AM Acquisition Started  : 11/6/2017 9:26:42AM Proce dure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geom etry  : 500ml Marinelli Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3611.0 seconds Dead Time  : 0.31 % Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100 -4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100

  • 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3586 PEAK ANALYS/S REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 11/6/2017 10:26:55AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

11/6/2017 10:27:04AM Page 3 of7 Analysi s Report for WGTV SUMP SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 11 17 Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Background Uncert. Area Uncert. M 13 964 . 87 l . 16E+Ol 8 . 62 1 . 16E+Ol 8.62E+OO m 14 968. 91 l . 7 0E+Ol 10. 03 1. 7 0E+O l 1. 0 0E+Ol F 15 112 0 . 61 3.35E+Ol 1 6. 16 3 .3 5E+O l 1. 62E+Ol F 16 1332 . 10 2 . 45E+Ol 11. 91 2 . 45E+Ol 1 . 19E +Ol F 17 1460.53 5 . 03E+02 4 6 . 19 5 . 63E+Ol 1. 71E+Ol 4 . 46E+02 4 . 93E+ Ol


M First peak in a multiplet region rn = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000sigma NUCLIDE IDENTIFICATION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(3/4) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (pCl/grams) Uncertainty K- 40 0 . 99 1460 . 75

  • 10 . 67 4 . 40E+OO 5 . 44E-01 CS - 137 0 . 99 66 1 . 65
  • 85 . 12 l . 56E- 01 2 . 9 4E- 02 BI- 212 0 . 59 72 7 .1 7
  • 11. 8 0 l.4 8E- 0 1 6.6 0E- 0 2 7 85. 42 2 . 00 1620 . 56 2 . 75 PB- 21 2 1.00 77 . 11
  • 17 . 50 l . 42E- 01 4 . 58E-02 2 38. 63
  • 44 .60 1 . 0lE-0 1 2 . 02E - 02 BI - 214 0 .58 609. 31
  • 46 . 3 0 7 . 46E - 0 2 3 . 68E-02 1120 . 29
  • 15 . 10 1. 86E-Ol 8 . 99E-02 1 238 . 11 5 . 94 1377 . 67 4 . 11 14 0 7 .9 8 2 . 48 150 9. 19 2.1 9 1764 . 49 15 . 80 PB- 214 0.99 77 . 11
  • 10 . 70 2 . 32E-01 7 . 49E- 02 2 95 . 21
  • 1 9.2 0 1. 40E -01 4 . OlF:-02 351 . 92
  • 37 . 20 5 . 08E-02 3 . 74E - 02 AC - 228 0 . 71 209 . 28 4 . 40 338 . 32
  • 11. 40 1.43E- 01 5 . 23£-02 79 4. 70 4 . 60 9 11. 60
  • 27 . 70 1. SSE - 01 4. 86E-02 96 4. 60
  • 5 . 20 1 . 6'1E-0 1 1 . 22E-01 969 .11
  • 16 . 60 7.SlE- 02 4 . 46E-02

11/6/2017 10:27:04AM Page 5 of 7 Analysis Report for WGTV SUMP SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 11-6-17 UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak locate Performed on  : 11/6/2017 10:26:55AM Peak locate From Channel  : 100 Peak Locate To Channel  : 4096 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 74 .7 5 1.72908E-02 24 .9 3 F 7 582 . 84 2 . 81962E-02 11. 53 F 11 768.03 6.66788E-03 3 1.1 9 F 16 1332 . 10 6 . 81523E-03 24.28 Tol. C0-60 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : C:\Canberra\Apex\Root\Dairyland_NPP\Library\HOTLAB.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield{%) Activity NuclideMDA UneMDA Name (pCilgrams) (pCi/grams) (pCilgrams) (keV) + K-4 0 1460 . 75

  • 10.67 4.40E+OO 4 . 94E-01 4 . 94E-01

+ AR- 41 1293 . 64 99.16 3 .25E - 02 1. lBE- 01 l . 18E-01 + C0-60 1 173.22 100 .00 - 3 .44E-0 2 4 .29E-02 4.54E-02 1332.49 100 . 00 2.90E - 02 4 . 29E- 02 + KR-85 513 . 99 0.43 1.28E+Ol 7 . 52E+OO 7 . 52E+OO + Y- 88 898 .04 93 .70 1.61E- 02 2 . 59E-02 3.63E-02 1836 . 06 99 .20 -2.47E-02 2 . 59E-02 + NB- 94 702 . 63 100.00 2.59E-03 3 .2 4E-02 3 . 24E-02 871.10 100.00 -2.06E- 02 3.38E-02 + I -131 2 84. 30 6 .06 2.46E - 01 3.12E-02 4.23E-Ol 3 64.4 8 81. 2 0 1.08E-02 3.1 2£-02 636 . 97 7 . 27 -l . 58E- 02 4 . 23E - 01 + CS-134 604 . 70 97.60 -9.21E-04 3 . 84E-02 3.84E- 02

11/6/2017 10:27:04AM Page 7 of7 Analysis Report for WGTV SUMP SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 11-6-17

11/6/2017 11:28:04AM Pagel of5 ~~~~pex-Gamma Analysis Report for WGTV SUMP H2O 11-6-17 GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : WGTVSUMP / Sample Description  : H2O 11-6-17 Sample Type  : 500 ml Marinelli / Unit Sample Point Sample Size Facility 5.000E+02 mL

Dairyland_NPP I

Sample Taken On  : 11/6/2017 7:00:00AM Acquisition Started  : 11/6/2017 10:27:42AM Procedure  : 500ml Marinelli Operator  : Administrator Detector Name  : HOTLAB Geometry  : 500ml Marinelli / Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3610.9 seconds Dead Time  : 0.30% Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 100-4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 100- 4096 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/8/2014 Efficiency Calibration Description Sample Number  : 3587 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 11/6/2017 11 :27:55AM Peak Analysis From Channel  : 100 Peak Analysis To Channel  : 4096

11/6/2017 11:28:04AM Page 3 of5 Analysis Report for WGTV SUMP H2O 11-6-17

     " = Energy line found in the spectrum.
     - = Manually added nuclide.
     ? = Manually edited nuclide.
    @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold= 0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000slgma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide                             Nuclide                       Wt mean              Wt mean     Comments Name                                   Id                          Activity             Activity Confidence (pCilmL)          Uncertainty CS -13 7                             1. 000                    3 . 96E -02           4.48E- 02
      ?   =  nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   =  nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
     @    =  nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 2.000sigma

11/6/2017 11:28:04AM Page S ofS Analysis Report for WGTVSUMP H2O 11-6-17 Nuclide Energy Yield(%) Activity Nuc/ideMDA LineMDA Name (pCilmL) (pCilmL) (pCilmL) (keV) EU- 1 52 244.69 7.49 2 .4 5E- 01 l . 34E-Ol 5.32E -O l 9 64 . 00 14. 44 2.32E-02 3.59E-01 1408.00 20. 74 -6 . 3 4E-03 2.77E-01 + EU-154 123.07 40 . 40 -3. 22E - 02 9 . 41E- 02 9.4 1E-02 24 7.94 6 . 60 - 2.86E-O l 6.32E-01 72 3.3 0 19.70 -2. SSE-02 2 . 25E-O l 873.2 0 11 . 5 0 - 2.SSE -0 1 4 . 45E- Ol 1004.76 17 .90 5.63E - 02 3.21E- 01 1274.51 35 .50 6 . 26E-02 l . 76E- Ol + EU-15 5 86 . 54 32.80 - 5 . 63E-02 l.37E-01 l.37 E- 01 105 . 31 2 1. 80 5 . 41 E-02 l. 81E - 0 1 + BI-21 4 609 . 31 46.30 1. 4 lE-01 1. 16E-01 l. l 6E - 01 1120 . 29 1 5 .1 0 - 1 . 38E-0 1 3 . 7 0E-0 1 1238.11 5 . 94 - 1 . 04E- 01 8 . 32 E-O l 1 377 . 67 4. 11 2 . 81E-01 l. 24E+OO 14 07 . 98 2 . 48 - 5.30E - 02 2.32E+O O 1 509 .1 9 2 . 19 -2. 73E+OO 2. 33E +OO 1764.49 15.80 -6 . 64E-02 3.57E-0 1 + PB- 21 4 77 .11 10 .70 4 . 03E-02 l.26E-0 1 5 . 35E-0 1 295 .21 19 .20 1. 58 E-02 2 . 13E-Ol 351 . 9 2 37.20 6.35E-02 1 . 26E-01 + PA-228 89 . 95 22 .00 3 . 45E -02 1 .4 1E- Ol 2.31E- 01 93 . 35 35.00 4 . 93E- 02 l . 41E-01 105 .00 1 6.30 -3 .36E-0 2 2.73E- 0 1 129 . 22 2 . 97 1. 25E+OO 1. 4 6E+OO 338 .3 2 5 . 30 -4 .2 3E- 01 8 . 8 6E- 0 1 4 63. 00 13 . 80 2 . 16E- 0 1 3 . 68E- 0 1 911. 23 16.70 l.46E-01 3 . 68E-O l + ~-241 59.54 36 . 30 - 1 . llE- 0 2 2 . BOE- 01 2.80E-01 + CM-243 103.76 2 3 .00 -1. 31E- 01 l .72E-01 1 .7 2E-0 1 228 . 1 8 10.60 1. 5 4E-01 3 . 64E- 01 277 . 6 0 14 . 00 4.20E-02 2.93E-01

  +    = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
        = Energy line found in the spectrum
  >    = MDA value not calculated
  @    = Half-life too short to be able to perfonn the decay correction
  ?    =  CAUTION: MDA value is inconsistent with Currie MDA at 95% confidence level


lC;l ij

  • I Laboratories LLc PO !fox 30712 Charteston SC 29417 a member of The GEL Group I c 2040 Sa*1age Road Chart eston. SC 29407 P 845 556.8171 F 84 :;.165.1178 geJ co m November 27, 2017 Mr. Jason Q. Spaide LaCrosseSolutions S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 Re: LACBWR Site Restoration Project WorkOrder: 436539

Dear Mr. Spaide:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample( s) we received on October 30, 2017. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL's standard operating procedures. Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4453. Sincerely, Edith Kent Project Manager Purchase Order: 672583 Enclosures Page 1 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG070 LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (672583) Client SDG: 436539 GEL Work Order: 436539 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
                ** Analyte is a Tracer compound
                ** Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the 'U' qualifier above. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Edith Kent. Reviewed by Page 2 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539001 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 29-AUG-17 14:00 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.015 +/-0.0432 0.0958 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U -0.00415 +/-0.00963 0.0285 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.00335 +/-0.0186 0.0357 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.102 +/-0.111 0.169 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1047 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.00353 +/-0.00818 0.0242 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.00352 +/-0.00817 0.0242 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -0.205 +/-1.26 2.16 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 0921 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.22 +/-2.42 4.32 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1127 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 5.32 +/-0.389 0.127 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1017 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 U 0.025 +/-0.0629 0.148 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0862 +/-0.181 0.356 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.146 +/-0.198 0.328 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0672 +/-0.133 0.252 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0281 +/-0.0535 0.091 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.102 +/-0.159 0.279 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/17/17 0714 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 3.57 +/-4.31 7.26 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 1640 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.704 +/-1.87 3.25 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1437 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.0659 +/-0.883 1.52 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 0628 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -2.95 +/-6.45 8.65 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1531 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 3 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539001 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.915 +/-1.99 3.36 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1749 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 51.5 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 63 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 91.6 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 79.3 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 79.3 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 85.4 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 89.3 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 73.3 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 71.8 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 4 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539001 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 5 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539002 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 30-AUG-17 16:35 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0269 +/-0.029 0.033 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U 0.00387 +/-0.0215 0.0412 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.00757 +/-0.0208 0.0361 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0119 +/-0.0504 0.123 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1047 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.0164 +/-0.0261 0.036 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0107 +/-0.0209 0.0582 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 0.958 +/-2.34 3.98 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 1043 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.248 +/-1.80 3.37 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1127 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 9.57 +/-0.507 0.141 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1114 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 U 0.0669 +/-0.0985 0.217 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0375 +/-0.223 0.403 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.095 +/-0.194 0.346 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.165 +/-0.174 0.334 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0372 +/-0.0573 0.125 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.228 +/-0.203 0.335 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/16/17 1619 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 4.83 +/-4.34 7.19 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 1727 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.234 +/-1.84 3.17 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1525 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.56 +/-0.859 1.50 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 0710 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -3.71 +/-6.68 9.00 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1618 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 6 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539002 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 6.41 +/-1.98 3.19 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1922 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 62.4 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 41.6 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 101 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 43.2 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 43.2 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 94.9 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 94.3 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 83.9 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 70.6 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 74.2 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 7 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539002 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 8 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539003 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 30-AUG-17 10:45 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.044 +/-0.0419 0.0539 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U 0.0157 +/-0.0269 0.0235 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.00193 +/-0.0202 0.0422 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0315 +/-0.0807 0.149 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1047 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.00604 +/-0.0137 0.0235 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00362 +/-0.014 0.027 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -0.211 +/-1.32 2.27 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 1206 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 1.01 +/-2.18 4.79 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1128 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 6.02 +/-0.408 0.138 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1115 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 +/-0.115 0.146 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0535 +/-0.179 0.351 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0566 +/-0.190 0.371 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0712 +/-0.149 0.285 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0428 +/-0.0579 0.113 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.106 +/-0.181 0.320 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/16/17 1619 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 4.29 +/-4.28 7.15 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 1814 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.672 +/-1.79 3.11 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1612 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.418 +/-0.703 1.23 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 0752 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 2.68 +/-6.85 9.03 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1704 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 9 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539003 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.08 +/-2.16 3.62 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 2055 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 48.5 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 42.3 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 104 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 76.2 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 76.2 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 94 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 71.1 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 65.9 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 10 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539003 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 11 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539004 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-AUG-17 10:15 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0312 +/-0.0496 0.0686 0.400 pCi/g HAKB 11/15/17 0834 1718097 1 Americium-243 U 0.0443 +/-0.072 0.116 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.000492 +/-0.0365 0.0811 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0488 +/-0.0844 0.239 0.400 pCi/g HAKB 11/14/17 1403 1718100 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.00873 +/-0.0237 0.0631 0.400 pCi/g HAKB 11/14/17 0813 1718102 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0102 +/-0.029 0.073 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -1.92 +/-2.44 4.23 5.00 pCi/g HAKB 11/15/17 0631 1718104 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.135 +/-0.671 1.67 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1128 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 4.66 +/-0.353 0.139 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1115 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 U 0.113 +/-0.0666 0.182 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00838 +/-0.162 0.310 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0299 +/-0.165 0.334 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0803 +/-0.121 0.240 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.000853 +/-0.0497 0.0948 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0288 +/-0.193 0.352 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/16/17 1619 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 2.01 +/-4.21 7.25 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 1901 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.923 +/-1.92 3.27 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1700 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.656 +/-0.843 1.48 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 0834 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -5.75 +/-6.74 9.14 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1750 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 12 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539004 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.70 +/-1.81 3.00 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 2228 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 48.2 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 43 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 99.2 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 82.2 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 82.2 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96.9 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 90.4 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 88.7 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 70.7 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 77.8 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 13 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539004 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 14 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539005 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-AUG-17 14:55 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 0.505 +/-0.147 0.0518 0.400 pCi/g HAKB 11/15/17 0834 1718097 1 Americium-243 U -0.0106 +/-0.0478 0.120 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.00257 +/-0.0222 0.0514 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0624 +/-0.0651 0.226 0.400 pCi/g HAKB 11/14/17 1403 1718100 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.173 +/-0.0738 0.0542 0.400 pCi/g HAKB 11/14/17 0813 1718102 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.0846 +/-0.0544 0.0541 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 4.40 +/-2.99 4.97 5.00 pCi/g HAKB 11/15/17 0803 1718104 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -1.81 +/-1.81 2.86 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1219 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 254 +/-2.53 0.332 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1116 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 0.266 +/-0.133 0.118 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.797 +/-0.805 1.34 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0384 +/-0.154 0.309 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.087 +/-0.549 0.897 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.003 +/-0.0487 0.100 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.128 +/-0.177 0.305 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/17/17 0715 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 1.82 +/-4.28 7.39 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 1948 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -1.84 +/-1.86 3.29 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1747 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.498 +/-0.861 1.50 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 0916 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -5.77 +/-6.82 9.29 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1836 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 15 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539005 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 10.0 +/-2.21 3.48 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 0216 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 62.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 42.7 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 98.1 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 75.6 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 75.6 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 121 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 82.8 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 82.8 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 66.4 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 71.8 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 16 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539005 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 17 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539006 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-AUG-17 15:34 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 0.683 +/-0.123 0.0172 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U 0.0127 +/-0.0224 0.034 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.013 +/-0.023 0.0348 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00956 +/-0.0441 0.111 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1047 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.233 +/-0.0765 0.0592 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.270 +/-0.082 0.0615 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 5.59 +/-1.88 3.01 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 1329 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 0.253 +/-1.81 3.48 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1220 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 137 +/-1.90 0.234 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1116 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 0.246 +/-0.105 0.174 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.333 +/-0.823 0.991 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.101 +/-0.144 0.234 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0752 +/-0.354 0.638 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00379 +/-0.0612 0.115 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.109 +/-0.191 0.340 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/16/17 1619 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 5.15 +/-4.14 6.82 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 2035 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.0142 +/-1.91 3.28 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1834 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 2.86 +/-1.22 1.96 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/15/17 2252 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -4.84 +/-6.31 8.50 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/18/17 1157 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 18 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539006 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 10.7 +/-2.05 3.20 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 0349 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 51 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 48.5 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 82.9 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 58.4 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 58.4 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 111 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 91.7 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 76.8 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 63.5 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 74.6 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 19 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539006 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 20 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539007 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-AUG-17 12:45 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.00513 +/-0.0193 0.0324 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U 0.00436 +/-0.0164 0.0275 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0051 +/-0.0191 0.0322 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0183 +/-0.0464 0.0778 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1047 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.00216 +/-0.012 0.023 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.0207 +/-0.020 0.0124 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 0.422 +/-1.52 2.59 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 1452 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.299 +/-1.92 3.92 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1221 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 U -0.00721 +/-0.0522 0.100 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1116 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 U -0.0403 +/-0.057 0.0974 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0163 +/-0.129 0.258 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0624 +/-0.193 0.386 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.170 +/-0.159 0.219 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0367 +/-0.0487 0.109 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.217 +/-0.172 0.385 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/17/17 0715 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 3.73 +/-4.37 7.35 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 2122 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 1.10 +/-1.93 3.28 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1921 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.531 +/-0.813 1.42 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1039 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 1.97 +/-5.82 7.62 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/18/17 1259 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 21 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539007 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 1.43 +/-2.36 3.98 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 0523 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 45.3 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 49.3 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 90.4 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 68.6 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 68.6 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 95.9 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 87.9 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 93.3 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 72.6 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 64.3 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 22 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539007 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 23 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539008 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-AUG-17 08:55 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 0.052 +/-0.0425 0.0436 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U 0.000506 +/-0.0232 0.0511 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0034 +/-0.0151 0.0393 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.00866 +/-0.0565 0.116 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1047 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.0179 +/-0.0192 0.0219 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.00158 +/-0.0147 0.0342 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 0.692 +/-1.47 2.50 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 1615 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 0.511 +/-0.791 2.47 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1221 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 6.64 +/-0.636 0.219 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1117 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 U 0.0693 +/-0.136 0.315 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.108 +/-0.301 0.601 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.112 +/-0.307 0.727 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.0862 +/-0.179 0.314 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0101 +/-0.0881 0.179 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0427 +/-0.175 0.343 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/16/17 1619 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 3.91 +/-4.36 7.32 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/14/17 2209 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.525 +/-1.91 3.26 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 2008 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.055 +/-0.907 1.56 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1121 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -4.2 +/-6.74 9.07 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 2055 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 24 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539008 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 1.33 +/-2.27 3.84 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 0656 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 40.6 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 42.9 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 82.7 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 70.3 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 70.3 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 91.6 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 88.6 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 73.4 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 65.9 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 25 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539008 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 26 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A01-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539009 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 27-JUL-17 08:25 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 5.33 +/-0.367 0.0316 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 0.589 +/-0.101 0.0274 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 0.0871 +/-0.0502 0.0401 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0011 +/-0.052 0.117 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1047 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 1.46 +/-0.132 0.00925 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 1.26 +/-0.123 0.0275 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 19.9 +/-1.52 1.93 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 1738 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 2.05 +/-3.41 4.40 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1408 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 142 +/-2.55 0.839 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1117 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 247 +/-4.04 0.670 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.222 +/-0.999 1.76 pCi/g Europium-154 U 1.08 +/-1.07 2.06 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0224 +/-0.696 1.20 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.271 +/-0.443 0.737 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 32.6 +/-1.08 0.278 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0647 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 3.33 +/-5.04 8.59 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 1531 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 1.49 +/-1.94 3.26 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 2056 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 14.5 +/-1.11 1.36 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/15/17 2334 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 0.696 +/-5.99 7.85 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/20/17 0646 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 27 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A01-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539009 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 79.5 +/-3.28 3.72 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 0829 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 80.7 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 59.7 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 91 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 93.9 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93.9 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 110 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96.8 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 86.3 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 73.9 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 67.1 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 28 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A01-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539009 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 29 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539010 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 27-JUL-17 09:25 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 14.4 +/-0.891 0.0874 0.400 pCi/g JXR5 11/24/17 0909 1721283 1 Americium-243 0.723 +/-0.182 0.0709 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 0.407 +/-0.154 0.079 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0236 +/-0.0305 0.103 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1057 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 3.22 +/-0.196 0.0203 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 2.69 +/-0.179 0.0248 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 44.1 +/-1.93 1.98 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 1900 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 0.529 +/-1.66 3.33 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1408 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 224 +/-3.65 1.34 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1118 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 600 +/-6.90 1.15 pCi/g Europium-152 U 1.28 +/-1.59 2.86 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.584 +/-1.90 3.41 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.404 +/-1.11 1.90 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.356 +/-0.737 1.26 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 34.4 +/-1.12 0.251 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0747 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 5.10 +/-5.14 8.59 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 1618 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 1.25 +/-1.91 3.22 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 2143 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.101 +/-0.929 1.60 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1245 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 6.26 +/-6.86 8.90 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 2227 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 30 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539010 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 66.7 +/-2.77 3.00 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1022 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 95.4 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 100 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96.8 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 85.8 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 87.2 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 111 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96.8 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 86.4 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 75.5 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 90.9 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 31 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539010 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 32 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539011 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 27-JUL-17 10:18 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 1.44 +/-0.176 0.0266 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 0.191 +/-0.0624 0.033 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 0.0403 +/-0.033 0.0338 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0032 +/-0.0451 0.0964 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1057 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.383 +/-0.0739 0.0279 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.361 +/-0.0725 0.0358 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 6.96 +/-1.45 2.23 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 2023 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 0.102 +/-2.01 4.16 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1409 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 640 +/-7.52 1.07 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1118 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 48.9 +/-2.81 0.540 pCi/g Europium-152 U -1.59 +/-1.97 3.17 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.330 +/-0.882 1.92 pCi/g Europium-155 U 1.33 +/-1.61 1.48 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00385 +/-0.347 0.633 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 13.2 +/-0.642 0.179 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0647 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 5.93 +/-4.41 7.21 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 0030 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.845 +/-1.92 3.27 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 2230 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 1.48 +/-0.898 1.48 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/16/17 0017 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 5.48 +/-6.93 9.02 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 2313 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 33 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539011 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 37.4 +/-2.62 3.49 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1155 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 62.9 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 62.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 84.7 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 80.3 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 80.3 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 103 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 104 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 83.7 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 74.1 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 71.8 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 34 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539011 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 35 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539012 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 27-JUL-17 12:45 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 0.727 +/-0.120 0.0312 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U 0.0124 +/-0.0282 0.0483 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0243 +/-0.0247 0.0244 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0232 +/-0.0558 0.144 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1057 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.244 +/-0.0684 0.0268 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.215 +/-0.065 0.0356 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 3.86 +/-1.80 2.93 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 2146 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -1.35 +/-1.31 1.88 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1409 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 409 +/-3.10 0.404 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1118 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 26.0 +/-1.06 0.221 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.364 +/-0.968 1.71 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0709 +/-0.368 0.723 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.225 +/-0.746 1.25 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0574 +/-0.119 0.202 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 20.0 +/-0.877 0.194 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0647 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium 13.2 +/-5.59 8.63 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 1705 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 1.45 +/-1.89 3.19 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 2318 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 6.15 +/-0.980 1.42 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/16/17 0059 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 0.948 +/-6.74 8.93 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/17/17 0233 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 36 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539012 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 23.1 +/-2.35 3.38 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1328 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 54.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 43.2 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93.9 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 59.2 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 59.2 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 102 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 90.4 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 85.4 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 71.4 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 69 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 37 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539012 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 38 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539013 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-JUL-17 08:30 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 2.56 +/-0.248 0.0436 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 0.400 +/-0.100 0.044 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0295 +/-0.0301 0.0297 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00379 +/-0.0488 0.115 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1049 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.605 +/-0.124 0.0362 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.509 +/-0.115 0.043 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 5.47 +/-2.63 4.29 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/24/17 2309 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.989 +/-2.00 3.41 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1448 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 381 +/-4.20 0.599 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1119 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 18.9 +/-1.27 0.341 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.821 +/-1.21 2.17 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.150 +/-0.451 0.989 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.211 +/-0.780 1.33 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0196 +/-0.180 0.320 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 59.3 +/-1.51 0.191 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0647 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium 10.6 +/-5.35 8.43 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 1752 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -1.05 +/-1.83 3.19 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 0116 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 1.53 +/-1.08 1.78 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1451 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -1.26 +/-6.78 9.00 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/17/17 0319 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 39 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539013 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 48.6 +/-2.83 3.59 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1501 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 69.9 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 45.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 97.9 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 41.5 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 41.5 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 108 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 85.8 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 78 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 68.7 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 40 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539013 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 41 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A06-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539014 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-JUL-17 12:50 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 0.403 +/-0.0938 0.0308 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 0.052 +/-0.0372 0.0417 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 0.0485 +/-0.0345 0.0266 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.00763 +/-0.0573 0.116 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1049 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.171 +/-0.0545 0.024 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.172 +/-0.0543 0.0207 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 4.50 +/-1.68 2.71 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/25/17 0032 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 0.464 +/-1.62 3.25 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1449 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 586 +/-3.97 0.634 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1119 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 24.4 +/-1.14 0.279 pCi/g Europium-152 U -1.45 +/-1.21 2.08 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.129 +/-0.363 0.732 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.657 +/-0.890 1.49 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0481 +/-0.134 0.243 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 202 +/-2.78 0.196 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0647 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 6.21 +/-4.48 7.31 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 0405 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.403 +/-1.91 3.27 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 0203 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 1.53 +/-1.07 1.77 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1533 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -3.52 +/-6.87 9.23 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/17/17 0405 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 42 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A06-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539014 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 66.3 +/-2.92 3.38 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1634 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 63.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 55.3 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 81.8 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 65.7 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 65.7 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 108 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 86.6 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 82.5 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 72.8 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 70.6 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 43 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A06-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539014 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 44 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539015 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-JUL-17 13:45 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 1.04 +/-0.125 0.0213 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 U 0.0143 +/-0.0265 0.046 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0135 +/-0.0171 0.0213 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0255 +/-0.0545 0.151 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1049 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.153 +/-0.0501 0.0294 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1317 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.191 +/-0.055 0.0242 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 2.43 +/-1.58 2.62 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/25/17 0309 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 0.341 +/-2.24 4.71 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1450 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 44.3 +/-1.40 0.245 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1027 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 4.25 +/-0.569 0.235 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.105 +/-0.472 0.813 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.194 +/-0.403 0.744 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.228 +/-0.261 0.506 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0164 +/-0.087 0.177 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 3.33 +/-0.412 0.349 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0647 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 6.51 +/-5.23 8.61 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 1839 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.324 +/-1.87 3.20 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 0250 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.197 +/-0.874 1.49 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1614 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 4.45 +/-6.97 9.15 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/17/17 0451 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 45 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539015 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 3.92 +/-2.16 3.57 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1807 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 71.9 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 63.6 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96.3 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 68.1 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 68.1 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 92 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 95.5 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 86.3 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 68.6 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 67.1 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 46 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539015 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 47 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A08-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539016 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 31-JUL-17 15:10 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 1.91 +/-0.193 0.0333 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 0.154 +/-0.0601 0.0466 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0254 +/-0.0267 0.0332 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.013 +/-0.0446 0.123 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1049 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.634 +/-0.111 0.0238 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1319 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.493 +/-0.0983 0.0366 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 7.89 +/-1.39 2.10 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/25/17 0432 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.508 +/-0.580 0.519 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1450 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 117 +/-1.99 0.319 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1130 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 4.75 +/-0.521 0.182 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.889 +/-1.02 1.22 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.361 +/-0.286 0.729 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.104 +/-0.473 0.805 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00894 +/-0.0856 0.156 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 2.54 +/-0.320 0.192 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0656 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 7.34 +/-4.56 7.35 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 0539 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.715 +/-2.92 4.98 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 1235 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.334 +/-0.906 1.57 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1656 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 0.165 +/-6.61 8.78 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/17/17 0537 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 48 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A08-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539016 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 6.37 +/-2.22 3.60 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 1940 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 65.2 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 51.2 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 93.6 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 85.6 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 85.6 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 115 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 98.1 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 94.1 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 73.7 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 66.7 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 49 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A08-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539016 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 50 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539017 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 01-AUG-17 08:20 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 0.803 +/-0.126 0.0154 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 0.140 +/-0.0563 0.0546 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.00267 +/-0.0148 0.0284 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.00523 +/-0.0986 0.209 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1049 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.350 +/-0.0887 0.0315 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1319 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 0.339 +/-0.087 0.0272 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 4.80 +/-1.59 2.55 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/25/17 0554 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 0.213 +/-1.92 3.54 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1531 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 1580 +/-7.48 0.929 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1229 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 6.64 +/-0.653 0.256 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.203 +/-2.41 4.11 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0364 +/-0.340 0.658 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.139 +/-1.65 2.72 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0861 +/-0.137 0.271 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 83.2 +/-1.83 0.235 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0656 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 5.58 +/-5.10 8.47 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 1926 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.859 +/-1.80 3.13 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 0338 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 6.71 +/-0.867 1.21 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/16/17 0142 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -0.541 +/-7.43 9.87 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/17/17 0624 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 51 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539017 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 7.13 +/-2.32 3.75 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 2114 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 60.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 62.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 102 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 69.2 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 69.2 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 110 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 90.4 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 91.5 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 75.3 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 68.7 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 52 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539017 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 53 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A10-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539018 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Solid Collect Date: 01-AUG-17 09:25 Receive Date: 30-OCT-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 4.69 +/-0.251 0.0167 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/20/17 0840 1718461 1 Americium-243 0.325 +/-0.104 0.0505 0.400 pCi/g Curium-243/244 0.0565 +/-0.0291 0.0212 0.400 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0722 +/-0.0885 0.105 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1101 1720813 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 1.65 +/-0.173 0.0261 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 11/22/17 1319 1720814 3 Plutonium-239/240 1.85 +/-0.183 0.026 0.400 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 21.8 +/-1.43 1.74 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 11/25/17 0717 1720815 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.246 +/-1.76 3.26 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/15/17 1531 1715762 5 Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 "Dry Weight Corrected" Cesium-137 111 +/-1.88 0.481 1.00 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 1230 1714267 6 Cobalt-60 55.4 +/-1.79 0.386 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00408 +/-0.705 1.25 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.456 +/-0.555 1.12 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.419 +/-0.520 0.915 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0731 +/-0.210 0.369 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 14.2 +/-0.774 0.282 0.400 pCi/g LXB3 11/21/17 0656 1716492 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 4.13 +/-4.24 7.08 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 11/15/17 0713 1715581 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.411 +/-1.93 3.29 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 11/16/17 0425 1715575 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.119 +/-1.03 1.78 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 11/14/17 1820 1715725 10 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -1.38 +/-6.99 9.35 10.0 pCi/g TXJ1 11/17/17 0710 1715697 11 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Page 54 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A10-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539018 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 57.9 +/-2.97 3.63 5.00 pCi/g TXJ1 11/16/17 2247 1715703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYT1 10/31/17 0838 1714237 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 11 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 102 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 48.5 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 103 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 89.7 (15%-125%) Corrected" Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 103 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 110 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 84.1 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 79.6 (15%-125%) Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 69.4 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 67.1 (25%-125%) Notes: Page 55 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: November 27, 2017 Company : LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-001-CJFC-A10-CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 436539018 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 56 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: November 27, 2017 LaCrosseSolutions Page 1 of 9 S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Workorder: 436539 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1718097 QC1203917793 436539004 DUP Americium-241 U 0.0312 U 0.0018 pCi/g N/A N/A HAKB 11/15/17 08:34 Uncertainty +/-0.0496 +/-0.0829 Americium-243 U 0.0443 U -0.0375 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.072 +/-0.0337 Curium-243/244 U 0.000492 U -0.00448 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.0365 +/-0.0672 QC1203917794 LCS Americium-241 1.96 1.49 pCi/g 75.8 (75%-125%) 11/15/17 08:34 Uncertainty +/-0.195 Americium-243 U -0.000484 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.0291 Curium-243/244 2.48 2.30 pCi/g 92.6 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.240 QC1203917792 MB Americium-241 U 0.00248 pCi/g 11/15/17 08:34 Uncertainty +/-0.026 Americium-243 U -0.0117 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0504 Curium-243/244 U 0.00245 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0256 Batch 1718100 QC1203917800 436539004 DUP Neptunium-237 U -0.0488 U -0.0884 pCi/g N/A N/A HAKB 11/14/17 14:03 Uncertainty +/-0.0844 +/-0.0795 QC1203917801 LCS Neptunium-237 21.8 22.3 pCi/g 103 (75%-125%) 11/14/17 13:55 Uncertainty +/-1.86 QC1203917799 MB Neptunium-237 U -0.0389 pCi/g 11/14/17 14:03 Uncertainty +/-0.0627 Page 57 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 2 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1718102 QC1203917807 436539004 DUP Plutonium-238 U -0.00873 U 0.00284 pCi/g N/A N/A HAKB 11/14/17 08:13 Uncertainty +/-0.0237 +/-0.0335 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0102 U 0.00819 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.029 +/-0.028 QC1203917808 LCS Plutonium-238 U 0.0279 pCi/g 11/14/17 08:13 Uncertainty +/-0.0308 Plutonium-239/240 1.96 2.01 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.213 QC1203917806 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.0127 pCi/g 11/14/17 08:13 Uncertainty +/-0.0179 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.00727 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0168 Batch 1718104 QC1203917817 436539004 DUP Plutonium-241 U -1.92 U -0.832 pCi/g N/A N/A HAKB 11/15/17 11:06 Uncertainty +/-2.44 +/-2.75 QC1203917818 LCS Plutonium-241 71.7 62.8 pCi/g 87.6 (75%-125%) 11/15/17 12:38 Uncertainty +/-3.37 QC1203917816 MB Plutonium-241 U -1.25 pCi/g 11/15/17 09:35 Uncertainty +/-2.53 Batch 1718461 QC1203918708 436539001 DUP Americium-241 U -0.015 U -0.0145 pCi/g N/A N/A MXS2 11/20/17 08:40 Uncertainty +/-0.0432 +/-0.059 Americium-243 U -0.00415 U -0.0119 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.00963 +/-0.027 Curium-243/244 U 0.00335 U 0.00 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.0186 +/-0.0269 Page 58 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 3 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1718461 QC1203918709 LCS Americium-241 0.975 0.974 pCi/g 99.9 (75%-125%) MXS2 11/20/17 08:59 Uncertainty +/-0.139 Americium-243 U 0.0158 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.0181 Curium-243/244 1.23 1.24 pCi/g 100 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.155 QC1203918707 MB Americium-241 U 0.00603 pCi/g 11/20/17 08:40 Uncertainty +/-0.0175 Americium-243 U -0.00113 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.00975 Curium-243/244 U -0.00149 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.00657 Batch 1720813 QC1203924667 436539001 DUP Neptunium-237 U 0.102 U -0.0198 pCi/g N/A N/A MXS2 11/22/17 10:49 Uncertainty +/-0.111 +/-0.0713 QC1203924668 LCS Neptunium-237 8.65 8.02 pCi/g 92.7 (75%-125%) 11/22/17 10:49 Uncertainty +/-0.702 QC1203924666 MB Neptunium-237 U 0.0389 pCi/g 11/22/17 10:49 Uncertainty +/-0.0841 Batch 1720814 QC1203924670 436539001 DUP Plutonium-238 U -0.00353 U 0.0154 pCi/g N/A N/A MXS2 11/22/17 13:19 Uncertainty +/-0.00818 +/-0.0211 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.00352 U 0.000188 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.00817 +/-0.0139 QC1203924671 LCS Plutonium-238 0.0172 pCi/g 11/22/17 13:19 Uncertainty +/-0.0189 Page 59 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 4 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1720814 Plutonium-239/240 0.940 1.07 pCi/g 114 (75%-125%) MXS2 11/22/17 13:19 Uncertainty +/-0.133 QC1203924669 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.00415 pCi/g 11/22/17 13:19 Uncertainty +/-0.00961 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00242 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0156 Batch 1720815 QC1203924673 436539001 DUP Plutonium-241 U -0.205 U -0.834 pCi/g N/A N/A MXS2 11/25/17 10:03 Uncertainty +/-1.26 +/-1.26 QC1203924674 LCS Plutonium-241 34.3 33.2 pCi/g 97 (75%-125%) 11/25/17 11:25 Uncertainty +/-1.98 QC1203924672 MB Plutonium-241 U 0.125 pCi/g 11/25/17 08:40 Uncertainty +/-1.20 Batch 1721283 QC1203925891 436539010 DUP Americium-241 14.4 16.9 pCi/g 15.9 (0%-20%) JXR5 11/24/17 09:09 Uncertainty +/-0.891 +/-1.07 Americium-243 0.723 0.420 pCi/g 52.9 * (0%-20%) Uncertainty +/-0.182 +/-0.136 Curium-243/244 0.407 0.599 pCi/g 38.2 * (0%-20%) Uncertainty +/-0.154 +/-0.206 QC1203925892 LCS Americium-241 3.90 3.46 pCi/g 88.6 (75%-125%) 11/24/17 09:09 Uncertainty +/-0.409 Americium-243 U 0.0595 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.0641 Curium-243/244 4.93 4.89 pCi/g 99.2 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.483 Page 60 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 5 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1721283 QC1203925890 MB Americium-241 U 0.0388 pCi/g JXR5 11/24/17 09:09 Uncertainty +/-0.178 Americium-243 U 0.0496 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0585 Curium-243/244 U -0.0109 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0483 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 1714267 QC1203908223 436539001 DUP Cesium-137 5.32 5.61 pCi/g 5.38 (0%-20%) MXR1 11/13/17 12:31 Uncertainty +/-0.389 +/-0.383 Cobalt-60 U 0.025 U -0.0501 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.0629 +/-0.0618 Europium-152 U 0.0862 U 0.0462 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.181 +/-0.206 Europium-154 U -0.146 U -0.0709 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.198 +/-0.186 Europium-155 U 0.0672 U 0.261 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.133 +/-0.160 Niobium-94 U -0.0281 U -0.024 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.0535 +/-0.0675 QC1203908224 LCS Americium-241 714 741 pCi/g 104 (75%-125%) 11/13/17 14:45 Uncertainty +/-18.2 Cesium-137 228 246 pCi/g 108 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-5.06 Cobalt-60 126 137 pCi/g 109 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-4.74 Europium-152 U -0.495 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-1.84 Europium-154 U 0.0261 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-1.27 Page 61 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 6 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 1714267 Europium-155 U -0.838 pCi/g MXR1 11/13/17 14:45 Uncertainty +/-1.68 Niobium-94 U -0.064 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.650 QC1203908222 MB Cesium-137 U 0.0213 pCi/g 11/13/17 12:30 Uncertainty +/-0.0572 Cobalt-60 U -0.00328 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.048 Europium-152 U 0.0198 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0907 Europium-154 U -0.121 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.125 Europium-155 U 0.0166 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0768 Niobium-94 U 0.00641 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0322 Batch 1715762 QC1203911886 436539001 DUP Nickel-59 U -0.22 U -0.402 pCi/g N/A N/A TXJ1 11/15/17 15:33 Uncertainty +/-2.42 +/-0.808 QC1203911887 LCS Nickel-59 91.9 89.5 pCi/g 97.4 (75%-125%) 11/16/17 05:39 Uncertainty +/-7.56 QC1203911885 MB Nickel-59 U -0.241 pCi/g 11/15/17 15:33 Uncertainty +/-1.57 Rad Gas Flow Batch 1716492 QC1203913791 436539018 DUP Strontium-90 14.2 11.7 pCi/g 19.5 (0%-20%) LXB3 11/17/17 10:26 Uncertainty +/-0.774 +/-0.804 Page 62 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 7 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 1716492 QC1203913792 LCS Strontium-90 20.1 19.1 pCi/g 95.1 (75%-125%) LXB3 11/16/17 16:27 Uncertainty +/-1.09 QC1203913790 MB Strontium-90 U -0.122 pCi/g 11/16/17 16:27 Uncertainty +/-0.118 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1715575 QC1203911438 436539001 DUP Carbon-14 U -0.704 U -0.73 pCi/g N/A N/A BXM4 11/16/17 05:59 Uncertainty +/-1.87 +/-1.88 QC1203911440 LCS Carbon-14 143 132 pCi/g 92.5 (75%-125%) 11/16/17 07:33 Uncertainty +/-3.98 QC1203911437 MB Carbon-14 U 0.0655 pCi/g 11/16/17 05:12 Uncertainty +/-1.82 QC1203911439 436539001 MS Carbon-14 356 U -0.704 323 pCi/g 90.9 (75%-125%) 11/16/17 06:46 Uncertainty +/-1.87 +/-9.77 Batch 1715581 QC1203911458 436539001 DUP Tritium U 3.57 U 3.14 pCi/g N/A N/A BXM4 11/15/17 08:47 Uncertainty +/-4.31 +/-4.27 QC1203911460 LCS Tritium 52.7 46.5 pCi/g 88.2 (75%-125%) 11/15/17 10:20 Uncertainty +/-5.96 QC1203911457 MB Tritium U 5.00 pCi/g 11/15/17 08:00 Uncertainty +/-4.27 QC1203911459 436539001 MS Tritium 167 U 3.57 164 pCi/g 98.2 (75%-125%) 11/15/17 09:34 Uncertainty +/-4.31 +/-20.0 Page 63 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 8 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1715697 QC1203911704 436539001 DUP Iron-55 U -2.95 U -0.723 pCi/g N/A N/A TXJ1 11/17/17 08:42 Uncertainty +/-6.45 +/-6.77 QC1203911705 LCS Iron-55 125 118 pCi/g 94.3 (75%-125%) 11/17/17 09:28 Uncertainty +/-7.66 QC1203911703 MB Iron-55 U -5.16 pCi/g 11/17/17 07:56 Uncertainty +/-5.32 Batch 1715703 QC1203911719 436539001 DUP Nickel-63 U 0.915 U 0.837 pCi/g N/A N/A TXJ1 11/17/17 01:53 Uncertainty +/-1.99 +/-2.10 QC1203911720 LCS Nickel-63 202 199 pCi/g 98.4 (75%-125%) 11/17/17 03:26 Uncertainty +/-4.15 QC1203911718 MB Nickel-63 U 0.794 pCi/g 11/17/17 00:20 Uncertainty +/-2.17 Batch 1715725 QC1203911763 436539001 DUP Technetium-99 U 0.0659 U -0.000514 pCi/g N/A N/A CXS7 11/14/17 19:44 Uncertainty +/-0.883 +/-0.877 QC1203911764 LCS Technetium-99 33.1 29.3 pCi/g 88.7 (75%-125%) 11/14/17 20:26 Uncertainty +/-1.16 QC1203911762 MB Technetium-99 U -0.073 pCi/g 11/14/17 19:02 Uncertainty +/-0.699 Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    **   Analyte is a Tracer compound
    <    Result is less than value reported
    >    Result is greater than value reported Page 64 of 86

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 436539 Page 9 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis. H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower. L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher. M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply. N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER. R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD. UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias. X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

    ^     RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

 ^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.
  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. Page 65 of 86

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (ENRG) SDG #: 436539 Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analytical Batch: 1718097 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 1203917792 Method Blank (MB) 1203917793 436539004(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203917794 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-032 REV# 21 Analytical Batch: 1718100 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 1203917799 Method Blank (MB) GEL Page 66Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

1203917800 436539004(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203917801 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analytical Batch: 1718102 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 1203917806 Method Blank (MB) 1203917807 436539004(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203917808 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analytical Batch: 1718461 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 GEL Page 67Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 436539003 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-0l 1-CV 436539006 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203918707 Method Blank (MB) 1203918708 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203918709 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Sample 436539017 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV) and 436539018 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-AlO-CV) did not meet the resolution requirement of having a full width half maximum of 100 keV or less for the Am-243 tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peaks are within the tracer region of interest. Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-032 REV# 21 Analytical Batch: 1720813 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 GEL Page 68Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 10-CV 436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203924666 Method Blank (MB) 1203924667 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203924668 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis The batch was reprepped due to an analyst error. The re-analysis is reported. Product: Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analytical Batch: 1720814 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV GEL Page 69Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 11 -CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l -CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203924669 Method Blank (MB) 1203924670 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203924671 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were reprepped due to low recovery. The re-analysis is being reported. Miscellaneous Information Manual Integration Manual integrations of alpha spectroscopy spectra 436539010 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV) and 436539018 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-AlO-CV) were performed to fully separate counts in Regions oflnterest which would have been biased. Additional Comments The tracer peak centroid for sample 436539018 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-AlO-CV) is greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest. Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analytical Batch: 1721283 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 GEL Page 70Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539010 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV 1203925890 Method Blank (MB) 1203925891 436539010(Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203925892 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Quality Control (QC} Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The QC Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below. Sample Analyte Value 1203925891 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CVDUP) Americium-243 RPD 52.9* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 2.23 (0-3) Curium-243/244 RPD 38.2* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.32 (0-3) Technical Information Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Sample 436539010 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV) was reprepped due to low carrier/tracer yield. The re-analysis is being reported. Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 10-CV 436539003 B1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 436539004 B1-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 13-CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 B1-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV GEL Page 71Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Gamma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu152, Eu154, Eu155 Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1714267 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 BI-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 436539003 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-0l 1-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 436539006 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-Al 0-CV GEL Page 72Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

1203908222 Method Blank (MB) 1203908223 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203908224 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI Cobalt-60 436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV positive due to high peak-width. Product: Gamma Ni59, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1 Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Analytical Batch: 1715762 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 436539003 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-0l 1-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 436539006 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 436539009 B 1-010-001-CJFC-AO 1-CV 436539010 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l -CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l -CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV GEL Page 73Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

1203911885 Method Blank (MB) 1203911886 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203911887 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 1716492 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 436539003 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-0l 1-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 436539006 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-Al 0-CV 1203913790 Method Blank (MB) 1203913791 436539018(Bl-010-001-CJFC-A10-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203913792 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. GEL Page 74Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Samples 436539001 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) and 436539007 (Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV) were recounted due to results more negative than the three sigma TPU. The second counts are reported. Sample 436539005 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV) was recounted due to a suspected false positive. The recount is reported. Samples 1203913791 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-AlO-CVDUP), 436539009 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV), 436539010 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV), 436539011 (Bl-010-00l-CJFC-A03-CV), 436539012 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV), 436539013 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV), 436539014 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A06-CV), 436539015 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV), 436539016 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A08-CV), 436539017 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV) and 436539018 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-AlO-CV) were verified by recounting at least five days from the separation date. The recounts are reported. Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 1718104 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 13-CV 1203917816 Method Blank (MB) 1203917817 436539004(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203917818 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. GEL Page 75Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 1720815 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 10-CV 436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 11-CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203924672 Method Blank (MB) 1203924673 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203924674 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were reprepped due to low recovery. The re-analysis is being reported. Recounts Samples 436539006 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV), 436539009 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l -CV), 436539010 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV), 436539011 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV), 436539012 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV), 436539013 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV), 436539014 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A06-CV), 436539016 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A08-CV), 436539017 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV) and 436539018 (Bl-010-001 -CJFC-AlO-CV) were recounted to verify results. The results verified and the original counts are being reported. GEL Page 76Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 15 Analytical Batch: 1715 57 5 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 11-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 13-CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203911437 Method Blank (MB) 1203911438 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203911439 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Matrix Spike (MS) 1203911440 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments The matrix spike, 1203911439 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CVMS), aliquot was reduced to conserve sample volume. Product: LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified GEL Page 77Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 22 Analytical Batch: 1715 581 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 436539003 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-0l 1-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV 436539006 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-016-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203911457 Method Blank (MB) 1203911458 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203911459 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Matrix Spike (MS) 1203911460 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Samples 436539009 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV), 436539010 (Bl -010-001-CJFC-A02-CV), 436539012 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV), 436539013 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV), 436539015 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV) and 436539017 (Bl-010-001 -CJFC-A09-CV) were recounted to verify sample results . Recounts are reported. Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments The matrix spike, 1203911459 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CVMS), aliquot was reduced to conserve sample volume. GEL Page 78Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 13 Analytical Batch: 1715697 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 10-CV 436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 13-CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203911703 Method Blank (MB) 1203911704 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203911705 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Sample 436539006 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV) was recounted due to high MDC. The recount is reported. Sample 436539009 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV) was recounted to verify sample results. Recount is reported. Sample 436539007 (Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV) was recounted due to results more negative than the three sigma TPU. The second count is reported. GEL Page 79Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Analytical Batch: 1715703 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 22 Preparation Batch: 1714237 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 10-CV 436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-011-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 13-CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203911718 Method Blank (MB) 1203911719 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203911720 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Samples 436539001 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV), 436539005 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-013-CV), 436539006 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV), 436539009 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV), 436539010 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A02-CV), 436539011 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV), 436539012 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV), 436539013 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV), 436539014 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A06-CV), 436539015 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV), 436539016 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A08-CV), 436539017 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV) and 436539018 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-AlO-CV) were recounted to verify sample results. The recount results are similar to the original results. Original results are reported. GEL Page 80Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1715725 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 436539001 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV 436539002 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-010-CV 436539003 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 11-CV 436539004 Bl-010-04A-CJFC-012-CV 436539005 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 13-CV 436539006 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 14-CV 436539007 Bl-010-04A-CJWC-015-CV 436539008 B 1-010-04A-CJFC-O 16-CV 436539009 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV 436539010 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A02-CV 436539011 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV 436539012 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A04-CV 436539013 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A05-CV 436539014 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A06-CV 436539015 Bl-010-001-CJFC-A07-CV 436539016 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A08-CV 436539017 B 1-010-00 l-CJFC-A09-CV 436539018 B 1-010-001-CJFC-A 10-CV 1203911762 Method Blank (MB) 1203911763 436539001(Bl-010-04A-CJFC-009-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203911764 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Samples 436539009 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A0l-CV), 436539011 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A03-CV), 436539012 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A04-CV) and 436539017 (Bl-010-001-CJFC-A09-CV) were recounted to verify sample results . Recounts are reported. Sample 436539006 (Bl-010-04A-CJFC-014-CV) was recounted due to the quench number being outside the calibration range. The recount is reported. Certification Statement GEL Page 81Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. GEL Page 82Laboratories of 86 uc PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29477 2040 Savage Road Charlestnn, SC 29407 P 643.556.8171 F 843.766. 1178

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t1'\ Note: extra sample is required for sample Sample ID

  • For composites
  • indicate start and stop date/time (mm-d d-yy)

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                                                                               - - *-i,_,,q,f1                    I Specify"."'j Vi-"'t{su ~eel to Surcharge) Fax Results:                     Yes                  I           6k)                   Circle Deliverable: C of A / QC Summary / Level I / ~ /

Remarks: Are there any known hazards applica ble to these samples? Level 3 / Level 4 ff so, please list the hazards Sam12le ~ol ect,on Time Zone Eastern tJon e Pacific Mountain Other ~;D Relinquish ed By (S igned) Date Chain of Custody Signatures Time Received by (signed) Date ~m

. Sample Shipping and Delivery Details
                ~ ~ J()/4./JJ                                                         I~


                                                                                       , . - .I_     . .~~/lv ~~~

GEL PM : I ~O?J , 1/,,f% t ,J.9J. , I

                                                                                                                - ,-;                                                                     Method of Shipment:

2 (/ u I

                         '                                                            2
                                                                                                                                   .I    I      /                            ,                                                                                 Date Shipped:

Airbill #: 3 3 Airbill #: ositc For l ab Receiving Use Only Custody Seal intact? e, U=Urine, F=Fccal. N=Nasal YES NO Cooler Temp:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              , is added = leave field blank WHIT E = LA BORAT ORY                                           YELLO W= FI LE                                                                                                                                                                 C PIN K = CLIENT
                    ~ j Laboratories LLCEK                             SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM Dute Received:

Courier Other' Carrier und Trucking Number Suspected Hnmrd Infonnntlon .  :;i O *If Net Counts> !00cpm on samples not marked "radioactive", contact the Radiation Safety Group for further

                                                         ;,,. Z investigation.

Shipped as a DOT Hazardous? Hazard Class Shipped: UN#: COC/Samples marked or classified as Maximum Net Counts Observed* (Obseived Counts - Area Background Counts): _..,.._.,__CPM / mR/Hr radioactive? Clnssificd a s : ~ Rad 2 Rnd 3 If yes, select Hazards below, and contact the GEL Safety Group. ls package, COC, and/or Samples marked HAZ? I PCB's Flammable Foreign Soil RCRA Asbestos Beryllium Other: Snmple Receipt Criteria Co1mncnts/Qualifie1'S (Rcquil'cd for Non-Confonnlng Items) Shipping containers received inta~t and Circle Applicable: Seals broken Damaged container Leaking container Other (describe) 1 sealed? Chain of custody documents included 2 with shipment? Preserv.ition Method: Wet Jee Ice Packs Dry ice (§:) Other: 3 Samples requiring cold preservation -/7" witlun (0 5. 6 deg. C)?* *a11 temperatures are recorded in Celsius TEMP:...,LL_ 4 Daily check perfom1cd and passed on IR Temperature Device Serial #:-,1._~j.=,--="--'--- temperature gun? sccond*ry Tempmlure Device Serio!# (Ir Applicoblc): Circle Applicable: Seals broken Damaged container Lenking container Other (describe) 5 Sample containers intact and scaled? Samples requiring chemical preservation 6 at proper pH? If Yes, Are Encores or Soil Kits present? Yes_ No_ (If yes, take to VOA Freezer) Do VOA vials contain acid preservation? Yes . No_N/A. (If unknown, select No) Do any samples require Volatile VOA vials free ofheadspace? Yes No_ NIA 7 Analysis? Sample ID's and containers affected:

                                                                     !D's and tests affected:

8 Samples received witlun holding time? Sample !D's on COC match ID's on Sample !D's and containers affected: 9 bottles? Date & time on COC match date & time Sample !D's affecled: 10 on bottles? Number of containers received match Sample !D's affecred: 11 number indicated on COC? Are sample containers identifiable as 12 GEL rovided? COC fonn is properly signed in 13 relinquished/received sections? Comments (Use Continuation Form if needed): GL-CHL-SR-001 Rev 5 Page 85 of 86

List of current GEL Certifications as of 27 November 2017 State Certification Alaska UST-0110 Arkansas 88-0651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH-0169 Delaware SC00012 DoD ELAP/ ISOl 7025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P330-15-00283,P330-15-00253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho Chemistry SC00012 Idaho Radiochemistry SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana C-SC-01 Kansas NELAP E-10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904) Louisiana SDWA LA170010 Maryland 270 Massachusetts M-SC012 Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NE-OS-26-13 Nevada SC000122018-1 New Hampshire NELAP 205415 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R-158 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsylvania NELAP 68-00485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S.Carolina Radchem 10120002 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 TexasNELAP T104704235-17-12 UtahNELAP SC000122017-24 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 West Virginia 997404 Page 86 of 86

[t1D j Laboratories LLC f(Ho, 3\1:, 12 Cmr1!:Slllli SC 2,1417 amember of The GEL Group INC 2(1.4!1 S;,,oaQt Roa~ Charlr,sco.i. SC294'7 P 84:, 5SG.t! l71 F 8'107136.1178 gdcam May 23 , 2017 Mr. Jason Q. Spaide LaCrosseSolutions S4601 Stale Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 Re: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Work Order: 42 1979

Dear Mr. Spaide:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on April 28, 2017. T his original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL's standard operating procedures. Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. Jf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171 , ext. 4453. Sincerely,


Kaitlyn Stone for Edith Kent Project Manager Purchase Order: 672583 Enclosures r.JJIIHll llll II II IllII Ill llJllll lllll 111111

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556- 8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG070 LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (672583) Client SDG: 42.1979 GEL Work Order: 421979 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quali ty control analyte recovery is outs ide of specified acceptance criteria
                ** Analyte is a Trncer compound
                ** Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analys is has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. T he designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the ' U' qualifier above. This data report has been prepared and rev iewed in accordance w ith GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Edith Kent. Reviewed by Page 2 of26

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 23, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 I -CY Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 421979001 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Misc Solid Collect Date: 17-JAN-17 13:15 Receive Date: 28-APR-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC R_L_ _ _ Units PF DF Analyst Date _ '!:ime B~tch Method

                                                                 ~ ---

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am24I Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-24 1 0.0982 +/-0.0702 0.0787 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 05/05117 1022 166 1181 Americiu_,n .. 243 u 00 11 +/-0 02S4 0 0403 0.4 00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 u --0.00932 +/-0.0562 0.123 0.400 pCiig Alphaspec N p, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptuniurn-23 7 u 0.0 153 +/-0.0828 0.159 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 05/04/17 1232 166 1182 2 Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 u 0.0289 +/-0,0464 0.0772 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 05/05/ 17 1014 1661 183 Plutonium-239/240 u 0.024 1 +/-0.0357 0.0523 0.400 pCi/g Scint Pu24l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 u -209 +/-2.87 497 5.00 pC i/g MXS2 05/1 0/1 7 1443 1661184 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Con-ected" Nickel-59 lJ -6.28 +/-2 59 3 53 5.00 pCi/g CXS7 05/J I/Ji 0624 1661020 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid Clie.nt List "Dry Weight Corre.c-:tl'\rl" Cesium-137 9.23 +/-0.346 0.093 1.00 pCi/g MXR 1 05/03/17 0737 1660727 6 Cobalt-60 O. IOS +/-0.068 0.0664 pCi/g Europi um- 152 u 0.025 1 +/-0.120 0.226 pCi/g Euro pium-154 u -0051 4 +/-0.118 0.218 pCi/g Niobium-94 u 0.0234 +/-0.0346 0.0685 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 lJ 0.155 +/-0.223 0.383 0400 pCi/g MYMl 05/ 18/ 17 1550 1662938 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium u -03 16 +/-5.34 9.44 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 05/20/17 0037 1662605 8 Liquid Scin1 Cl 4, Solid "As Received" Carbon- 14 u -2. 18 +/-1.88 3.36 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 05/17/17 2039 I 66J342 9 Liquid Scin t Tc99, Solid "As Received" Tedmetium-99 u -0.0266 +/-0.920 1.59 2.00 pCilg CXS7 05/07/ 17 0951 166 1329 IO Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Co1Tected" lron-55 u 0.984 +/-5.78 S.24 10.0 pCi/g GXR I 05117/ 17 1902 166 1322 II Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickcl-63 u 1.76 +!- 1.73 2.90 5.00 pCi/g TXJ l 05/ 16/17 0042 166 1324 12 Page 3 of26

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-81 71 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 23, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 I -CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 421979001 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter _ _ Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC R.L Units PF DP Analyst Date Time Batch Method TI1e following Pre£ Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A--021- - -- - - LYTl - osio1111 0611 1660662 -

 ~fhe following Ana~tical !V1ethods we~ perform~:

Method Description __ _ _ _ _ __ I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475 -00 Modified 3 DOE EMI. HASL-300, Pu-1 1-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-1 1-RC Mod ified 5 DOE RESL Ni- I 6 DOE HASL 300, 4.5.23/Ga-01 -R 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RPS0I Rev . l Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modi fied 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Il DOE RESL Fe- I, Modified 12 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified

~ur!:9gate/Tracer Re~overy        Test                                                      Resul t     1 ominal       R.:_ecov~ry~   ~~eptable _Limits Americium-24 3 Tracer            Alphaspcc Isotopic Am24 l Am24 3, Cm243/244,                                                62.7        (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Co.-rcctcd" Curium-243.1244 Tracer Alphaspcc Isotopic Am24 1 Am243, Cm243/244, 82.2 (15%-125%) Solid " Dry Weight Corrected" Americ,um-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Sol id " Dry Weigh! Corrected" 95 (15%-125%) Pluton ium-242 Tracer Alphaspec l'u238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 76.9 (15%-1 25%) Corrected Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scinl Pu24 I, Sol id "Dry Wc1glu Corrected" 76.9 ( 15%-1253/4) Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" 76.6 (25%-1 25%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 83.9 (25%- 125%) Tcchnctium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 86.9 (1 5%- 125%) lron-59 Tracer Liquid Seim Fc55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 54. 1 (15%-125%) Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 62.3 (25%- 125%) Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). Page 4 of26

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 23, 20 17 Company : LaCrosseSo Iution s Address: S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa. Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Cl ient Sample ID: B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 I -CV Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 421979001 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter __ __ Qualifier . Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Ana)_yst Date Time Batch Method Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 5 of26

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summary Reuorl Date: May 23, 2017 LaCr"sseSolulions S4601 Stal e Hwy 35 Page I of 7 Genoa , Wisconsin


Mr. Jason Q. Spaid e Workorder: 421979 Parmname NOM

                                                           - - - -~     -- -

San.!_P.!c ~

                                  -  -                                         _ QC      Units   RPD3/4    REC~ __ Ran ~        Ao lst   Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch             1661 l Kl                                                                     ---

QC I203 780054 42197900 1 DUP Americium-24 1 0.0982 0.165 pCi/g 50.6 (0%- 100%) MXS2 05/05/17 I0:22 Uncertai nty +/-0.0702 +/-0.076 Ame riciu m-243 u 0.01 1 u 0.0216 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +/-0.0254 +/-0.0497 Curium-243/244 u -0.00932 u -0.0036 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +/-0.0562 +/-0.0249 QCJ 203780055 LCS Americium-241 1.9 1 1.90 pCi/g 99.3 (75%-125%) 05/05/ 17 I0:22 Unce11ai11ty +/-0.209 Ameri cium-243 u -0.00906 pCi/g (75%- 125%) Uncertainty +/-0.0J28 Curiurn-24 3/244 2.47 2.3 1 pCi/g 93.5 (75%- 125%} Un certainty +/-0.229 QCJ203780053 MB Americium-24 I u 0.00301 pCi/g 05/05/ 17 I 0:22 Uncertainty +/-0.0167 Amcricium-243 u 0.0023 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0272 Cu rium-243/244 u -0.00685 pCi/g Uncertai nty +l-0.013

£latch            1661 182 QC 1203780059 42 1979001 DUP Neptun ium-237                                         u      0.0153 u        -0.0282     pCi/g   NIA                    NIA MXS2 05/04/17 12:32 Uncerta inty  +/-0.0828        +/-0.06 11 QCJ203780060         LCS Neptunium-237                                8.67                                  9.20   pCi/g           106   (75%- 125%)          05/09/ 17 15:41 Uncertainty                      +/-0.634 QC I2037lS0058       MB Neptunium-237                                                           u     -0.0102     pCi/g                                      05/04/17 12:32 Uncertainty                      +/-0.057 Page 6 of26

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Wo,*l<order: 421979 Page 2 of 7 f !!rmname

                              ---   - ~ OM       - - --~ample ..Qual - -~ Units              RPO%   REC%       R!!!,g'.:  Anis!   Qale Time Rad Alpha S pec Batch             1661 [83       -- -         -     - -     **- --- - - - -                        -- - -

QCl203780062 42197900 1 DUP Plulonium-238 u 0.0289 u 0.0252 pCi/g NI A N/AMXS2 05/06/ 17 19:28 Uncertainty +/-0.0464 +/-0.0508 Plutonium-239/240 u 0.0241 u 0.0434 pCi/g NIA NI A Unce1iainly +/-0,0357 +l-0.0455 QCl203780063 LCS Plutonium-238 u 0.0286 pCi/g (75%- 125%) 05/06/J 7 19:28 Uncertainty +/-0.0358 Plutonium-239/240 1.92 1.89 pCi/g 98.5 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.2 13 QC 1203780061 MD Plmon ium-238 lJ -0.00745 pCi/g, 05/05/ 17 10: 14 Uncertainty +/-0.0173 Pluton ium-239/240 u 0.00621 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0278 Batch 166 11 84 QCl203780065 421979001 DUP Plutonium-241 u *2.09 u 0.927 pCi/g NIA NIA MXS2 05/ 10/ 17 16:47 Uncertainty +/-2.87 +/-3.38 QC 1203780066 LCS Plutonium-241 71.8 76.6 pCi/g 107 (75%,125%) 05/09/17 16:56 Uncertainty +/-5,25 QC 1203780064 MB Plutonium-241 u -0.334 pCi/g 05/09/17 13:49 Uncertainty +/-2.97 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 1660727 QC 1203778848 421979001 DUP Cesiuni- 137 9.23 9.67 pCi/g 4.73 (0%-20%) MXR I 05/03/ 1710: 18 Uncertainty +/.. 0.346 +/-0.357 Cobalt-60 0.105 0.130 pCi/g 20.8 (0% - 100%) Uncertainty +/-0.068 +/-0.0639 Europi um -I 52 u 0.0251 u 0.0239 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +/-0.120 +/-0. 140 Page 7 of26

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summa!:! Work.order: 421979 Page 3 of 7 Parnin a me NOM ual Units RPO% _ R£C% Range __ Anlst __ Date Time S!!mplc C Rad Gamma Spec Balch 1660727 Europium-154 u -0.05 14 u 0.0342 pCi/g NI A N/A MXRl 05/03/ 17 10: 18 Uncertainty +/-0.1 18 +/-0.121 Niobium-94 u 0.0234 u 0.00811 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +/-0.0346 +/-0.039 QC1203778849 LCS Amcricium-24 1 725 730 pCi/g 101 (75%-125%) 05/03/17 08:49 Uncertainty +/-10.4 Cesium-137 234 259 pCi/g 11l (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-4.54 Cobalt-60 137 147 pCi/g 107 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-4.56 Europium-152 u -0.817 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-1 .55 Eu ropium-154 u -0.925 pCi/g Uncertainty +/- 1.52 Niobium-94 u 0.348 pCi/g Uncertai nty +/-0.511 QC 1203778847 MB Cesium -137 u -0.0263 pCi/g 05/03/ 17 08:0 l Uncertainty +/-0.(M66 Cobalt-60 u 0.02 19 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0552 Europium-152 u -0.0492 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0824 Euro pium-154 u -0.00476 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.142 Niobium-94 u 0.011 6 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-00316 Batch 1661020 QC 1203779676 42 197900 1 DU P Nickcl-59 u -6.28 V -0.0356 pCi/g N/A NIA CXS7 05/ 11/ 17 06:44 Uncertainty +l-2.59 +/-0.920 Page 8 of26

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary 1

  \\  orkonler:       42 1979
   -     -     ---- - --                                                                                                               Pa ge 4 of 7 Pa rmname                               ~ OM Sample Q!!!!._

_QC _ Units ~ 0% REC% _!!a.!!_g! Anlst Oat£ . Time Rad Ga mma Spec Balch 1661020 QC1203779677 LC.S Nickel-59 94.7 104 pCi/g 109 (75%- 125%) CXS7 05/1 I/17 06:45 Uncertainly +l-6.99 QCl203779675 MB Nicke l-59 u 1.87 pCi/g 05/ 11/ 17 06:25 U nccrtainty +/-2.07 Rad Gns Flow Batch 1662938 - -- - - -- - -- - - --- QC 1203784359 421979001 DU P Strontium-90 u 0. 155 u 0.17 1 pCi/g NIA N/AMYM I 05/19/17 1.1:10 Uncertainty +/-0.223 +l-0.2 19 QC1203784360 LCS Strontium-90 17.9 18.2 pCi/g IO I (75%-1 25%) 05/1 R/1 7 15:50 Uncertainty +/- 1.04 QCl203784358 MB Strontium-90 u 0.251 pCi/g 05/ 18/ 17 15:50 Unce11ainly +l-0.212 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1661322 -- - QC 1203780354 42 1979001 DUP Jron- 55 u 0.984 u -1 9.2 pCi/g NI A NIA GX R I 051I8/17 09:09 Unce11ainty +/-5.78 +/-3.77 QC 1203780355 ,.cs lron-55 172 164 pCilg 95.2 (75%-125%) 05118/17 0 1:14 Unceliain ty +l-7.38 QC 1203780353 MB lron-55 u -0.34 pCi/g 05/ 17117 2 1:06 Uncertainty +/-4.78 Barch 1661 324 QC 1203780357 42 197900 1 DUP Nickel-63 u 1.76 u 1.04 pCi/g NIA NIA T XJJ 05/ 16/ 17 03:57 Unce1tainty +/- 1.73 +/-1 .93 QC1203780358 LCS Nickel-63 127 118 pCi/g 92.9 (75%-1 25%) 05116/ 17 04:59 Uncertainty +/-2.98 Page 9 of 26

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QCSummaa Workordc r: 42 1979 Page 5 of 7 Parm n ame NOl\l _§ ample Qual RPO 3/4 REC3/4 Ra n itt ~ nlst _ Date Time R ad L,iquid Sci ntillation f'laich 166 1324 QC 1203 780356 MB

   ' ickel-63                                                         u      0.265   pCi/g                                   TXJ I  05/16/17 02:55 Uncc rl!1inty                    +/-1.31 Batch              16b1J2\l                                                                                                          ----

QCl203780373 421979001 DUI' Tcchnetium-99 lJ -0.0266 u 0.962 pCilg NIA NIA CXS7 05/07/17 10:54 Unccrtuinty +/-0.920 +/-0.793 QC1 203780374 I.CS Technetium-99 34.8 27.9 pCi/g 80 (75 %- 125%) 05/07/ 17 11 :26 Uncertain!)* +/-1.28 QC 1203780372 MB Technetium -99 Ll 0.0363 pCi/g 05/07/ 17 I 0:23 Uncertainty +/-0.684 Batch 1661342 - - - QCl 203780415 42 197900 1 DlJP Carbon-14 u -2. 18 u - 1.45 pCi/g NI A IA 13XM 4 05/ 17/1 722: 12 ll nc.:rtainty +/-1 .88 /- 1 .93 QC 1203780417 I.CS Carbon-14 148 145 pCi/g 9 7.9 (75% -1 25%) 05/ 17/17 23:45 llnccn ai n1y +/-4.53 QC1 20378041 4 Ml:! Carbon- 14 u -0.30 pCi/g 05/17/ 17 2 l :25 1Jnce rtai11ty +/-1.94 QC1203780416 421979001 MS Carbon - 14 148 u -2.18 146 pCi/g 98.5 (75% - 125%) 05/17/ 17 22:58 Uncertainty +/- 1.88 ~/-4.55 Baich 1662605 QCJ 203783507 42 1979001 DIJP Tritium u -0.3 16 lJ 0.935 pCi/g NIA N/ ABXM4 05/20/ 1701:24 Uncertainty T/-5.34 +/-5.28 QC 1203783509 LCS rritium 54.9 49.0 pCi/g 89.2 (75%- 125%) 05/1 9/ 17 01: 10 Uncertainty +/-7.13 Page 10 of26

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Worko1*dcr: 421979 Page 6 of 7

P_!_rmna~ NOM RPD% - REC3/4 Range Anlst Dat£_ J iml'.

Rad l.iquid Scintillation Baich 1662605 QC 1203783506 MB Triti um u J .91 pCi/g BXM4 05/18/17 22:49 Uncenainly +/-5.16 QC1 203783508 421979001 MS Tritium 55.9 u -0.3 16 52.6 pCi/g 94.2 (75%-125%) 05119/ 17 00:23 Uncenainly +/-5.34 +/-7.25 Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated al the 95% confidence level (1 .96-sigma). The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: Analyte is a Tracer compollt1cl

      <     R.esult is less than value repo11cd
     >      Result is greater than value reported BD     Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA     Failed analysis.

H Analytical lw ld ing time was exceeded J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower. L Analyte present. Rcpo1ted va lue may be biased low. AcwaJ value is expected to be higher. M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL NIA RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply. NI Sec case narrative ND Analyte concen1ra1ion is nol detected above the detection limit NJ Consul! Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control crileria have noi been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER. R Sample results are rejected u Analyte was ana lyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOO. Ul Gamma Spectroscopy-- Unccrtain identification UJ Gamma Spec1.roscopy-- Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. 171e associated number is the reported concentratiou, which may be inaccurate due lo a low bias. X Consult Case Narrative, Dala Summary package. or Project Manager concerning thi s qualifier y Other specific qua lifiers were required to properly define the results. Consul! case narrative. RPD of sample and duplicate evalualed using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry. h Prcparntion or preservation ho lding time was exceeded Page 11 of 26

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder: 421979 Page 7 of 7 Pa-rmname NOM - - - --*

 -    ----                                                                                       _!)nits _ RPO3/4            REC3/4        Range Anlst           Date __Iimc _

NIA indicates tha t s pike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable. A The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than live times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate va lue is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of+/- the RL is used to evaluate the Dl/P result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSO, and SDIL T results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP ce11ification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. Page 12 of26

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (ENRG) SDG #: 421979 Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am24J Am243, Cm243/244, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML H.ASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV # 26 Analytical Batch: 1661181 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation Batch: 1660662 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analy1ical procedure(s). GEL Sample JD# Client Sample Identification 421979001 B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-001-CV 1203780053 Method Blank (MB) 1203780054 421979001(8J-010-004-CJFC-0OI-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203780055 Laborato1y Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: A.II sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. MisceJl:rneous Information Manual l ntegration Manual integration of alpha spectroscopy spectra 1203780055 (LCS) was perfonned to fully separate counts in Regions of Interest which would have l:,1::i::11 biasi::d. Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid AnaMical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure; GL-RAD-A-032 REV# 21 Analytical Batch: 1661182 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation l 660662 PO Box 30712 Charteston, SC 29417 2040 5avag&Road Chatfaston, SC 29407 P 843.556J!171 F 843.786.1178

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Samule ID# Client Sample Identification 421979001 B 1-0 I0-004-CJFC-00 I -CV 1203780058 Metbod Blank (MB) 1203780059 421979001 (B J-0 J0-004-CJFC-00 1-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203780060 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed 011 a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicahle, with the fol lowing exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Sample 1203780060 (LCS) was recounted due to a peak shift. The recount is reported. Product: Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, S olid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified Analytical Procedure; GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 Analyt ical Batch: 1661183 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation Batch: 1660662 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample ldentification 421979001 B1-0 I0-004-CJFC-00 1-CY 1203780061 Method Blank (MB) 1203780062 421979001(81-010-004-CJFC-001-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203780063 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data S ummary: All sample data provided in this repo1t met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument c.ontrols and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Sample 1203780063 (LCS) was given additional clean-up steps and recounted in order to improve lhe resolutfon. PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 20-10 Savage Road Cllat!eston, SC 29407 P843,556.8171 F 843.766.1178

The recount is reported. Sample 1203780062 (B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 1-CVDUP) was recounted due to a suspected false positive. The recount is reported. Product: D ry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure; GL-RAD-A-02 1 REV # 20 Preparation Batch: 1660662 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 421979001 B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 1-CV The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data S ummarv: There are no exceptions, anoma lies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in th is repo11 met the acceptance criteria spec ified in the analytical methods and proced ures for ini tial calibration, continuing cali bration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product; Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid C lient List Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical P rocedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1660727 Prepa ra tion Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation P rocedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation Batch: 1660662 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and ana lytical procedure(s). GEL Snmple ID# Client Sample Identification 42 197900 1 B I -0 I0-004-CJ FC-001-CV 1203778847 Method Blank (MB) 1203778848 421979001(81 -010-004-CJFC-001-CV) Sample Dupl icate (DUP) 1203778849 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weigh t" basis. Data Summa ry: There are no exceptions, anomal ies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this repo1t met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for in itial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Pa~k~~tories u.c PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29417 2040 Savag& Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556..8171 F 843.766. t178

Product: Gamma Ni59, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni- I Ana lytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Analytical Batch: 1661020 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation Batch; 1660662 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 421979001 B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 J-CV 1203779675 Method Blank (fvffi) 1203779676 421979001 (B 1-010-004-CJFC-001-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203779677 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. D.ala..Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in th is report met the acceptance criteria specifi ed in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Ana lytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. I Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 18 Analytical Batch: 1662938 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-02 '1 REV# 20 Preparation .Batch: 1660662 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 421979001 B 1-010-004-CJFC-OO 1-CV 1203784358 Method Blank (MB) 1203784359 421979001 (B 1-010-004-CJFC-OO 1-CV) Sample Duplicate (DU P) 1203784360 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in th is SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Pa~ f.<Mp1.Mtories LLC PO Box 30712 Cllar1eston. SC 29417 2040 Savag& Roacl Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Data Summary; All sample dala provided in th is report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Sample 1203 784359 (B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 1-CVDUP) was recounted due to a suspected fal se pos itive. The recount is reported. Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method; DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 17 Analytical Batch: 1661 184 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL- RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation Batch: 1660662 The followi ng samples were analyzed usi ng the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Samule lO# C lient Sample Identification 42 197900] B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 I -CV 1203780064 Method Blank (MB) 1203780065 42 197900 I (B l-010-004-CJFC-00 I-CV) Sample Duplicate (DU P) 1203780066 Laboratory Contro l Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument contro ls and process contro ls where applica.ble, with the fol lowing exceptions. Quali ty Control (QC} Information QC Information All o fthe QC samples meet the req uired acceptance limits with the follow ing exceptions: Refer to M iscellaneo us In formatio n section. Technical Information Recoun ts Samples 1203780065 (B1 -0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 1-CVDUP) and 42 1979001 (BI -010-004-CJFC-OO I-CV) were recounted due to h igh MDCs. T he recounts are reported. Miscellaneous Information PO Box 30712 Cllar1eston, SC 29417 2040 savage Roed Chafles!nn, SC 29407 P843.$56.8171 F 843.766.1178

I. The duplicate, l 203780065, did not meet the Pu-241 detection limit. 1. The dupl icate was counted the ma,'\.imum count time of 120 minutes in o rder to achieve the lowest possible MDA. The QC sample does meet the detection limit and the maximum aliquot was used due to the miscellaneous matrix of the sample. Reporting results. Product.: Liquid Scint FeSS, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe- 1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 13 Analytical Batch: 1661322 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation J*rocedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation Batch: 1660662 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 421979001 B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 J-CV 1203780353 Method Blank (MB) 1203780354 42I979001 (B 1-010-004-CJFC-OO I -CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203780355 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyze.d on a "d1y weight" basis. Data Summa ry: All sample data provided in th is report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing caJibrntion, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the fo llowing exceptions. T echnical Information Recounts Sample 1203780354 (B1 -010-004-CJFC-00 !-CVDUP) was recounted due to resu lts more negative than the three sigma TPU. The second count is reported. Miscellaneous Information I. Sample 1203780354 has a resu lt more negative than th ree times the absol ute value of the ]-sigma TPU . 1. The sample was recounted for verification, and the recoun t confirms the negati ve result. Reporting results. Product: Liq uid Scint Ni63, Solid Ana lytical M ethod: DOE RESL Ni-I, Modi fied Ana lytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Ana lytical Batch: 1661324 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep PO Bax 30712 Cha/1eston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Challeston, SC 29407 P843.556.81n F843.766.1178

Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 20 Preparation Batch; 1660662 The follow ing samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# C lient Sample Identification 42197900 1 B 1-0 I 0-004-CJFC-00 I -CV 1203780356 Method Blank (MB) 1203780357 42197900 1(B 1-010-004-CJFC-00 I-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203780358 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing cal ibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Liquid S cint Tc99, Solid AnaMical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1661329 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample 10# C lient Sample I dentific.ation 42 197900 1 B 1-0 l 0-004-CJFC-00 I-CV 1203780372 Method Blank (MB) 1203780373 421979001 (B 1-0 I0-004-CJFC-001-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203780374 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary; There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Liquid Scint Cl4, Solid A nalvtical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 15 Analytic:11 Batch: 1661342 P0Box30n2 Charleston,SC29417 2040Savag&Road Charleston,SC29407 P843.556..8171 F843.786.1178

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedurc(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 421979001 B 1-010-004-CJFC-OO 1-CV 1203780414 Method Blank (MB) 1203780415 42197900 I(B l-010-004-CJFC-00 I-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203780416 42197900 I(B 1-010-004-CJFC-OO I-CV) Matrix Spike (MS) 12037804]7 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where appl icable. Product: LSC, T ritium Distillation, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 22 Analytical Batch; 1662605 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# C lient Sample Identification 42197900) B1-010-004-CJFC-OO I-CV (203783506 Method Blank (l'vfB) 1203783507 42 197900l(B 1-010-004-CJFC-001-CV) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203783508 42197900 I (B 1-0 I0-004-CJFC-00 I-CV) Matrix Spike (MS) 1203783509 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance cri teria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Re.counts Samples 1203783507 (B 1-0 l 0-004-CJFC-00 1-CVDUP) and 42197900 1 (B 1-010-004-CJFC-OOJ-CV) were recounted due to high relative percent di fference/relative en-or ratio. The recounts are reported. Certification Statement Pa~~~torles LLC PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the l'\f£LAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. Pa~ l t.m'Jl!f§tories u.c PO Box 30712 Cllar1eston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F8'3.766.1178

-c, fr~ject II: (...D:.. L....OvJt2-.        ')~-e- --                                \JJ:!,L \..-Daw u1 \...-Ustuuy anu .t\.11a1yuca1 .l.'\.t:quest                                                                          2040 Savage Road gEL Quote#: G' & LF f i: ~ (r2...                  ~~~2.$-C,Q>Y,1                                              Sample Analysis Requested C5l (Fill in the number of containers for each test) 0 '-',~ I"':'---

Project/Site NameLCt1..1\je_) ~% \',-

                                                                     \ev, 1v.:. _j__J_£,,,.L(J~                     Fax V:
                                                                                                                &bi t;.S9 ({ll~ t:S.S.
a : ~ .,:; <** Preservative Type (6) i;, i!! :g -~ I Address: S '{£()\~~Ci f"d ""?J &O"<X:..\..;;E., J'--f< JL- .rf/'!6 ~is M

C: Comments Send ~sut~;.f -~v-- ~\p; ~ ~Q'f'~ 0\J\.'""',). 0 Collected by: Note: extra sample is

                                                                                    *          , \c,,,I Xll.l.l~                             {_-.,,_
                                                                                                                                                                  .      ]        E J:>                                        ~~<                  .

I I i :r required for sample Sample ID

                                                                                    *l)ute Collcclcd

Cdlcctcd QC I Field s-plc

                                                                                                                                                                  ~             3 C

I specific QC

  • For composires . i11diC<JIC$ran 11Jid .rrop datc/1ime (mm-<!d*yy)

(Mllllary) (hhmm) Code .., Filtered 1'> Matrix '"

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                                                                                                                                                                 -                    Cir~c Deliverable: C of A I QC Summl!I)' / Level I / ~ _l&_v~l__'.I___J Level 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       !S;implc~n Time Zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~              Pacific
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~              Other _ _ _

fY\,PP\~~ ~Ol~~\~J~ ~ ~ \ f ' - \*0-..J~°'"'~ Mountain C hain of Custody Signa tures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relinquished By (Signed) Date Time R<<civcd by (signed) Date Time GEL PM: - (e_ Y~ 1-/?,.p,i,_,j(). £~ i//25)11 i U.S I - ~ 4/*z;)/T 7' ~ a_) Mdhod of Shipment Date Shipped: 2


20 Airbill #: 3 3 Airbill#: I .) Chain ofCwtodyNumbcr ~C-Dcleflllincd . . . . . For Lab R~ceiving Use Only 1.) QC Code>: N

  • Nornllll S3"1plo. TlJ
  • Trip BIAnlc. FD
  • Field OupUcate, EB
  • Equipmen1 0bnl:. MS
  • M11nx Spike Somple. MSD ~ Matnl< Spike Dupb<ale Somplo. G ~ Or>b, C
  • Comp0sitc 3,1 Field F,t~cd: For liquul matn<<S, indicate v,;tt, *
  • V -for yes !he wuplc wu field rdtcrcd or
  • N-ror san>jl1-""5not field filtered C11stody Seal Intact?
4) Maui1t Cod.-: DW*Dtinkins Wntcr. GW--Oroundwatcr, SW~urfaeo Watu, WW=Wo.s10 Wat<r, W* W>lcr. ML-MiJcLiquid, SO-Soil SD* Sedirnent, SL-Sludge, S&-Solid Wasto. (FOil . F--Filt<f, P~Wipc, U*Urine. ***Fecal. N=N8$111 YES NO 5.) Sample Aru!l)&is Requcs,ed: AN!ytic:nl me1hcd ttquet<ed(i.o. 8263B, 'Ol0Dn47QA) ondnumbcrof conl>ITT<fs provided for c"""1 (1.0. 81608 -3. 60l0Bn'10A
  • I~ Cooler Temp:

6.) Pr=*tive Type l:IA £ Hydtothloric Acid, NI - Nitric Acid. S11

  • Sodium Hydroxide, SA
  • StMurie Acid, M
  • A$oorbic Acid. nx - Hexane. ST
  • Sodium TbJc>>11lfa1c. If no presen-ativo i* added* leave field bhmk C WHITE = LADORATORY YELLOW= FILE PINK* CLIENT

D ILaboratories LLC SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM Client: £ Received By: ZKW Date Received: c,r.;:-~ .G:),.,_~" Ajlpk>blc:

                                                                                  ~ :s                  ~ UPS                       Field Services     Courier   Other
                                                                                             ~d)\l'.Y Carrier and Tracking Number Sll'ipected Hazard J11fo=tlon
                                                       ~   £. *u Net Counts> JOOcpm on s.,.mples no1 marl<ed "rodiOllclivc*. con1M:t 1he Radiati<;111 Safety Group ror runher
                                                       ,.. investigation, Shipped as a DOT Hazlltdous'r                        Hazard ClaM Shipped:                                        UNI/:

Maximum Ne1 ~sen'Cd' (Observed Count*. Area Background Counts): COCISamplcs m:u'lccd or clo.ssificd as radio;,c1ive? Classified as: ev Rad 2 Rad 3 If ye-., select HIWllds below, and contact the GEL S*fety Group. CB's Aummable rorclgn Soil RCRA Asbestos Beryllium Other: L~ cka e, COC, ondlor S;u Jes nwkcd HAZ? Snmplc R.ccdpt Criteria C>mrm:nts/Qualillers (Req1Jlrcd for N01>-Conformiog Items) Shipping containers received intac1 and C i, clo Applic*l>lc: Sc.,Js broke* D:umi;cd concoin<< I.caking container Other (dc>cribc) sealed? Chain of custody documents included 2 with shipment? Pre.terv.,don Method: Wet kc Ice Packs D,y i<< . one Other. 3 Samples requiring cold preservation within (0 ~ 6 deg. C)'/1' *all tcffl)Cl'Otuiu arc r=rdcd in Celsius TEMP: Z I (_ Daily check performed and passed on IR Temperature Device Serial #: _ _l:.:..R=3'--1'"""6: .-_ _ 4 Seconda,y Tcmpemuro D*vi<* SctiAI # Of Ajlplr*bl<): temperature gun? Cin:te Applkoblc: Seols brokco °"""6ed COClt>incr wlcing C<>ntolncr Olhcr (describe) S Sample contniner.; intact and sealed? Samples requiring chemical preservation 6 nt proper pH'! If Yes, Are Encores or Soil Kits present? Yes_ No_ (If }'eS. we 10 VOA Freezer) Do VOA vials contain acid preservation? Yes_ No_ NIA_ (If unknown, select No) Do ~ny s,imples require Volatile VOA vials free ofhe3dspace? Yes_ No_ NIA_ 7 Analysis? ample ID's and containers affected: ID'* and tails alfcc:c:d: II S:imples received wilhin holding time? Sample ID's on COC match !D's on Snmple !D's and container, affee1<d: 9 bottles? Number of container.; received mntch ll number indicnlcd on COC? Are sample conuliners identifiable as 12 GEL vided? COC form is properly signed in 13 relinquished/received sections? Comments (Use Continuation Form ir needed):

                                                                                                    - -'--1-=.x.,,-.:.-'-- Page _ _ of _ _

GL-CHL-SR-001 Rev 5 Page 23 of 26

Re: Date/Time of Collection for Concrete Cr

  • Sample Received 04/. ..


Re: Date/Time of Collection for Concrete Core Sample Received 04/28/17 - Please Advise From: "Joseph D. Jacobsen" <> Date: 4/29/2017 1:47 PM To: Edie Kent <> Good afternoon Edie from La Crosse. Please correct to the 1/17/17 date and 13:15 time. Sorry for the confusion. Take Care Joe Jacobsen Sent from my iPhone On Apr 29, 2017, at 11:22 AM, Edie Kent wrote: Joe: The date and time of collection for the concrete co re differed on the chain and on the sample container. The date/time on the sample container was 01/17/17@ 13:15. The date/time on the chain was 02/13/17@ 14:00. Please advise which date and time is correct. Edie Edith M. Kent Project Manager


2040 Savage Road, Charleston, SC 29407 I PO Box 30712, Charleston, SC 29417 Office Direct: 843 .769.7385 I Office Main: 843.556.8171 I Fax: 843.766.1178 E-Mail: emk@gel. com I Website: Environmental I Engineering I Surveying I Analytical Testing Ask me about GEL's new testing capability for Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)! CONFIDENTIAL ITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of The GEL Group, Inc . and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. The proprietary information contained in this e-mail message, and any files t ransmitted with it, is intended for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and t hat any review, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and Page 24 of 26 1 of 2 5/1/201710:35 AM

Re: Date/Time of Collection for Concrete Cr Sample Received 04/... delete the original message and any files transmitted. The unauthorized use of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is prohibited and disclaimed by The GEL Group, Inc. and its affiliates .

         - Attachments:---- - - - -- - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -

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List of current GEL Ce11ifications as of 23 May 2017 State Ce.-tification Alaska UST- OJ 10 Arkansas 88- 065 1 CUA 4200904046 California 2940 Colorado SCOOOl2 Connecticut PH- 0169 Delaware SCOOOl2 DoD ELAP/lS017025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP £87156 Foreign Soils Permit P330 00283, P330- l 5- 00253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SOWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho Chemistry SCOOOl2 Idaho Racljochemistry SC00012 llliJ1ois NELAP 200029 Indiana C-SC- 01 Kansas NELAP E- 10332 Kentucky SOW A 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90 129 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (Al33904) Louisiana SOWA LAJ700 10 Maryland 270 Massachusetts M- SCO l2 Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC000 12 Nebraska NE- OS 13 Nevada SC000 1220l 7- 1 New Hampshire NELA P 205415 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SCOOOJ 2 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SOWA 45709 North Dakota R-158 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsylvan ia NELA P 68- 00485 S.Carolina Radchem 10120002 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP TJ04704235-l 7- 12 UtahNELAP SCOOOl 22017- 22 Vennont YT87 156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 West Virginia 997404 Page 26 of26

cijij11 ILaboratories LLc P.- Eh ,i~i 12 r lJH,d l!C , $,( ~)A* , a member of The GEL Group INC  ?'4:.1 S., . V h ~ Cr.:u ., \r *1 SC 29~;1, p ! I Hf "171 F ~4. 7 .1.,.117~ October 10, 2017 Mr. Jason Q. Spaide LaCrosseSolutions S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632 Re: LACBWR Site Restoration .Project Work Order: 432644

Dear Mr. Spaide:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the oppo1tunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for tbe samp1e(s) we received on September 13, 2017. This original data report has been preµan::t.l arnl rt:vit:wed in accordance with GEL's standard operating procedures. Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4453. Sincerely,


Kaitlyn Stone for Edith Kent Project Manager Purchase Order: 672583 Enclosures .JllUIIILI ,urn 1111H1111111111111 *11111111111111

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG070 LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (672583) Client SDG: 432644 GEL Work Order: 432644 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
                ** Analyte is a Tracer compound
                ** Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy- Uncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP ce1tification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of .L\nalysis. The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the 'U' qualifier above. TI1is data rep01t has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Edith Kent. Reviewed by age 2 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L....C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 1 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide P roject: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-CJFS-00 I -SB Project: ENRG0700l Sample ID: 432644001 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-AUG- 17 15:55 R eceive Date: 13-SEP-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Unce rtainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method fad Alpha Sp ec Analysis \ lphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \mcricium-241 U 0.00 +/-0.0 14 0.0208 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 10/03/17 0857 1700240 \mericiurn-241 U -0.00565 +/-0.025 0.()651 0.40(1 pCi/g )urium-243/244 U -0.00164 +/-0.0 142 0.0328 0,400 pCi/g \lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ~eptwiium-237 U 0.0429 +/-0.202 0.378 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 10/03/ 17 1638 1700241 2 \ lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 'lulon ium-238 U -0.016 +/-0.0427 0.0964 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 I 0/02/17 1808 1700242 3 'lulonium-239/240 U -0.00108 +/-0.0251 0.0568 0.400 pCi/g jquid Scint Pu241, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" 'lutoniwn-241 U 1.03 +/-1.74 2.94 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 I0/04/17 0706 1700243 4 l ad Gamma Spec Analysis Jamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" fakel-59 VI 0.00 +/-3.49 2.78 5.00 pCi/g nm 10/04/17 1034 1100191 5

iamma, CsJ 37, Co60, Nb94, l:!ul 52, Eu 154, Eul55 "Dry Weight CoITected"
esium-137 U 0.0188 +/-0.0223 0.0519 1.00 pCi/g MXRI 09/18/17 1409 1700338 6
obalt-60 U -0.00 176 +/-0.0218 0.047 pCi/g
uropium-152 U -0.0259 +/-0.0589 O.J I0 pCi/g

,uropium-154 U 0.0214 +/-0. 100 0.209 pCi/g ~uropium- 155 U 0.0178 +/-0.0552 0.114 pCi/g ~iobium-94 U -0.00249 +/-0.0245 0.0479 pCi/g lad Gas Flow Proportional Counting JFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

trontium-90 U 0. 178 +/-0.226 0.383 0.400 pCi/g KSDI 10/06/17 0638 1706516 7 fad Liquid Scintillation Analysis JSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" fritium U 3.68 +l-5 .79 9.86 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/29/17 1555 1700773 8 jquid Scint Cl 4, Solid "As Received"
arbon-14 U 0.0587 +/-2.36 4.06 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 09/27/ 17 2121 1700782 9 jquid Scint Tc99. Solid "As Received" rcclmctium-99 U 0.483 +/-0.703 1. 19 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/01/17 0645 1700743 10 Jiquid Scint F e55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected "

ron-55 U -1 .34 +/-3.97 6.29 10.0 pCi/g TXJI 10/05/ 17 1227 1700712 II jquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" age 3 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October l 0, 20 l 7 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample JD: B l-010-04 A-CJFS-00 l-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644001 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis jquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" fakel-63 U 0.438 +/- 1.26 2.15 5.00 pCi/g TXJI J0/05/ 17 0245 1700715 12 fhe following Prep Methods were performed: 1,,fothod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch

 )ry Soil J>rep              Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                             JXOI           09/J 4/] 7       1234    1700199 The following Analytical Methods were perfonned:
 \1ethod                   Description                                                                       Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified DOEEML HASL-300, Pu-t I-RC Modified DOE RESL Ni-1 DOE HASL 300, l::PA 905 0 Modified/DOE RPSOI Rev. I Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-01 Modified 0                         DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 2                         DOE RESLNi-1, Modified
)Urrogate/Tracer Recovery          Test                                                       Res ult        Nominal     Recovery%        Acceptable Limits
\mcricium-243 Tracer              Alpbaspec Isotopic Am24I Am243. Cm243/244,                                                  66.3           (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

urium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24I Am243, Cm243/244, 50 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

\mericium-243 Tracer              Atphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight C-0rrcct.ed"                                                33.7           (15%- 125%)
'lutonium-242 Tracer              Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weig)1t                                                  78           (15%-125%)


'lutonium-242 Tracer              Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"                                              78           (15%-125%)
~ickel Carrier                   Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weighl Corrected"                                                      JOO           (25%-1 25%)
trontium Carrier GfPC, Sr90. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 58.6 (25%-125%)

f echnetium-99m Tracer Liquid Sein! Tc99, Solid "As Received" 83.8 (15%- 125%) roo-59 Tracer Liqttid Sein! Fe55, Solid "Dry Weignt Corrected" 67.6 (15%-1 25%) .Jickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 83.3 (25%-125%) ~otes: age 4 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L... C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407-(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project C lient Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-CJFS-001-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644001 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows: OF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 5 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L...C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSol utions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Pr~ject: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: BI -0 l 0-04A-CJFS-002-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample fD: 432644002 Client JD: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Co!Ject Date: 30-AUG-l 7 16:37 Receive Date: 13-SEP-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF OF Analyst Date Batch Method lad Alpha Spec Analysis

 \lphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 \mcricium-241                        U           0.041  +/-0.0441     0.0502   0.400      pCi/g               MXS2 10/04/ 17 0940 1700240
 \merici Ltm-243                     lJ     0.000428     +/-0.0317     0.0704   0.1100      pCi/g
urium-243/244 U 0.00466 +/-0.0259 0.0496 0.400 pCi/g
 \lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" eptunium-237                        U        0.0149     +/-0. I66     0.339   o.400      pCi/g               MXS2 10/03/17      1638 1700241    2
 \lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 'lutonium-238                       U         0.0254   +/-0.0322       0.040  0.400       pCi/g              M:XS2 l 0/02/ 17    1808 J 700242   3
 'lutonium-239/240                   U        0.00577   +/--0.0259    0.0506   0.400       pCi/g Jiquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight CotTected"
'lutonium-24 1                       U           0.960     +/- 1.68       2.84   5.00      pCi/g              MXS2 I 0/04/ J 7 0910 1700243       4 lad Gamma Spec Analysis
]amma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight CoJTected"
-l"ickel-59                          U         -0.594      +/-l. 17       2.30   5.00      pCi/g              TXJ I   I0/04/.17  l 034 1700791    5 J-amma, Csl37, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu 154, Eul55 "Ury Weight Corrected"
esium-137 U 0.00496 +/-0.0243 0.0508 J.00 pCi/g MXRI 09/18/ 17 1410 1700338 6
obalt-60 U 0.00368 +/-0.027 0.0583 pCi/g ouropium-152 U -0.0169 +/-0.0502 0. 101 pCi/g
~uropium-154                         U     -0.00684     +l-0.0685       0. 143             pCilg iuropium-155                         U         0.0174   +/-0.0607       0. 128             pCilg
~iobium-94                           U         0.0 119  +/-0.0204    0.0457                pCi/g

<ad Gas F low Propo11ional Counting JFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" il'rontium-90 U 0.205 +/-0.231 0.387 0.400 pCi/g KSD I 10/05/17 1259 1706516 7 l ad Liquid Scintillation Analysis JSC, Tritium D istillation, Solid "As Received" rritiuni U 1.44 +/-5.66 9.84 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/29/17 I 658 1700773 8 Jiquid Scint C I4, Solid "As Received"

arbon-14 U 0.786 +/-2.37 4.03 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 09/27/ I 7 2203 1700782 9 jquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" rechnetium-99 U -0.0806 +/-0,638 I. II 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/01/17 0716 1700743 JO jquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ron-55 U -3.55 +/-3.60 5.81 10.0 pCi/g TXJ I 10/05/ 17 1308 1700712 11 jquid Scint Ni63, So1id "Dry Weight Corrected" age 6 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L... C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Repott Date: October l 0, 20 17 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 1 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project C lient Sample ID: Bl -0 I 0-04 A-CJ FS-002-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 412644002 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method tad Liquid Scintillation Analysis j quid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

~ickcl-63                            U          1.34           +/-1.23         2.06       5.00        pCi/g              TXJJ   10/05/ 17  03 16 17007 15   12 rhe foJluwing Prep Methods were performed:

viethod Description Analyst Date T ime Prep Batch

)ry Soil Prep               Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD*A-02l                               JXOI          09/ 14117        1234    1700199 The following Analytical Methods were perfom1ed:
\fotbod                    Description                                                                      A11alyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- I I-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified DOE RESL Ni- l DOE HASL 300, l-R EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. I Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-01 Modified 0                          DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified I                         DOE RESL Fe-I , Modified 2                          DOE RESL Ni- I, Modified
urrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits

\.mericium-243 T racer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 I Am243 , Cm243/244, 65.6 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

urium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243 , Cm243/244, 59.4 (15%- 125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \mericium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 52.5 (15%- 125%) >(ulonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 81.2 (15%-125%) Corrected" 'lutouium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu24 I, "Dry Weight* Corrected" 81.2 (l 5%-125%) .fickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 112 (2S%-125%) ltrontium Carrier GFPC. Si:90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 89.2 (25%- 125%) rechnetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 93.5 (15%-125%) ron-59 Tracer Liqu id Sd nt Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 77.2 (15%-125%) ~ickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 82.9 (25%-125%) ~otes: age 7 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L-C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 201 7 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: $4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample LO: B 1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644002 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter QuaJifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncenainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as fo llows: DF: IJilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 8 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L...C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 2940.7 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 l State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide P roject: I ,AC.'RWR Site Restoration .Project C lientSample ID: BI-OJ 0-04A-CJFS-003-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644003 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 31 -AUG 17 08:55 Receive Date: 13-SEP- 17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF OF Analyst Date Time Batch Method tad Alpha Spec Analysis

 \lphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 \mericium-241                       U         0.0106   +/-0.0279    0.0501    Q.400       pCi/g               MXS2    I 0/03/17  0857 1700240
 \mcricium-243                      U          0.0132   +/-0.0452    0.0866    0.400        pCi/g
urium-243/244 U -0.00\138 +/-0.0213 0.0581 0.400 pCi/g
 \lphaspec Np , Solid "Dry Weight Conected"
 ~ept'Llniwn-237                    U        -0.0507      +/-0. 145    0.350   0.400       pCi/g              MXS2 10/03/ 17      1638 170024 1     2
 \lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
'lutonium-238                       U      -0.00573     +/-0.0247      0.060   0.400       pCi/g              MXS2 10/02/ 17      1808   J 700242   3
'lutonium-239/240                   U      -0.00104     +/-0.0241    0.0545    Q.400       pCi/g
,iq uid Scint P u24 I, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
'lutonium -241                      U              J.22    +/-1.65      2.77    5.00       pCifg              MXS2 10/04/ 17      11 14 1700243    4 lad Gamma S pec Analysis
}amma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Conected"
~ickel-59                           U        *0.0805     +/-0.701        1.58   5.00       pCi/g              TXJI    .10/04/17   I 10 I 1700791   5
}aroma, Csl37, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu 154, Eul55 "Dry Weight Corrected"
esium-137 U -0.00221 +/-0.0281 0.0586 1.00 pCi/g MXR I 09/20/17 0919 1700338 6
obalt-60 U -0.0171 +/-0.037 0.0708 pCi/g
;uropium-152                        U         0.0548    +/-0.0537     0.132                pCi/g
;uropium-154                        U           0.045    +/-0.101     0.240                pCi/g
~uropium-155                        U       -0.0157     +/-0.0605     0. 124               pCi/g
~iobium-94                          U       0.00831     +/-0.0249    0.0562                pCi/g

{ad Gas Flow Proportional Counting 3FPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ,trontium-90 U 0.299 +l-0.241 0.385 0.400 pCi/g KSDI 10/05/ 17 1259 17065 16 7 lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis . SC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" [ritium 12.6 +/-6.25 9.88 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/29/ 17 1800 1700773 8

.iquid Scint C 14, Solid "As Received"
arbon-14 U 0.737 +/-2.32 3.95 5 00 pCi/g BXll-14 09/27/1.7 2245 1700782 9

.iquid Scint T c99, Solid "As Received" rechnetiu.m-99 U O256 +/-0.674 1.15 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 I0/02/17 0935 1700743 JO jquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ron-55 U -1.3 +/-3.76 S.92 10.0 pCi/g TXJI 10/05/ 17 1349 1700712 . iquid Scint N i63, Solid "D1y Weight Corrected" age 9 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L-C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October I 0, 20 l 7 Company: LaCrosscSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Proj ect: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04 A-CJFS-003-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample m: 432644003 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method tad Liquid Scintillation Analysis jquid Scint i63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ~ickel-63 U 0.332 +/- 1.32 2.27 5.00 pCi/g TXJ I I 0/05/17 0348 17007 15 12 rht= following Prep Methods were performed: vfethod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch )ry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep Gl -RAD-A-021 JXOI 09/14/17 1234 1700199 The following Analytical Methods were perfonned: \11.ethod Description Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu -I I-RC Modified DOE RESL Ni- I DOE MAS L 300, EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RPSOI Rev. I Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-01 Modified 0 0013 EML HASL-300, Te--02-RC Modified DOE RE.SL Fe- I, Modified 2 DOI; RESL Ni-I, Modi fied ,urrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Resul t Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits \ mcric ium-243 Tracer l\lpllaspec Isotopic Am241 l\m243, Cm243/244, 70.4 (15%-1253/4) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

Urium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 l J\m243, Cm243/244, 54.8 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \mcricium-243 Tracer l\lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 51.7 (15%-)25%) 'lutonium-242 Tracer l\lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 83.2 (15%-125%) Corrected" 'lutooium-242 Tmcer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Ory Weight Correcled" 83.2 ( 15%- 125%) -Tickel Carrier Gflmma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 120 (25%- 125%)

trontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 72.6 (25%-125%)

fec hnctium-99111 Trncer Liquid Seim Tc99, Solid "l\s Received" 92.6 (15%-125%) ron-59 Tracer Liquid Seim Fc55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 74.9 (15'1/..-125%) ~ickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 80.2 (253/..-125%) ~ol'es: age 10 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L ..C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LA(;'RWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-0 I0-04A-CJFS-003-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 432644003 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column head ers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor tvIDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimwn Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 11 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L....C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644004 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 31-AUG-17 10:15 Receive Date: 13-SEP-17 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method lad Alpha Spec Analysis

 \.lphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Conected"
 \.mericium-241                    U         0.0133    +/-0.035      0.063   0.400       pCi/g              MXS2 10/03/ 17    0857 1700240
 \mcricium-243                     U       0.00662   +/-0.0427      0.08 74  0.400       pCi/g
 ; urium-243/244                   U     -0.00606     +/-0.0 I83   0.0514    0.400       pCi/g
 \lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" foptunium-237                     U        0.0565     +/-0.123      0.215  G.400       pCi/g              MXS2 10/03/ 17     J 638 1700241   2
 \lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 'lulonium-238                     U     0.000225    +/-0.0167       0.037  0.400       pCi/g              MXS2 J0/02/17      .1808 I700242   3
' lutonium-2391240                 U      -0.02 L3   +/-0.0197     0.0619   G.400       pCiig jquid Scint Pu24 l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
'lutonium-24 I                     U        -0.275      +/. l.68       2.87   5.00      pCi/g              MXS2 10/04117      1317 1700243    4

{ad Gamma Spec Analysis Jamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Con-ected"

~ickcl-59                          U          0.667     +/-1.33       2.96    5.00      pCilg              TXJI    10/04/ 17  110?. 1700791   5 3amma, Cs 137, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eul54, Eul55 "Dry Weight Corrected"
esium-137 U 0.00921 +/-0.0208 0.0459 1.00 pCi/g MXRI 09/20/17 0919 1700338 6
; obalt-60                         U      -0.0103    +/-0.0216     0.0416               pCi/g
!Uropium-152                       U      -0.0322    +/-0.0547       0.105              pCi/g luropium- 154                      U      0.00823    +/-0.0579       0.134              pCi/g iuropium-155                       U    -0.00445     +/-0.0569       0.112              pCi/g

~iobium-94 U 0.00268 +/-0.0129 0.0295 pCi/g lad Gas Flow Proportional Counting }FPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

lrontium-90 U 0.120 +/-0.216 0.379 0.400 pCi/g KSD I 10/05/ 17 1259 1706516 7 lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis

. SC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" rritium U 3.54 +/-5.61 9.55 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/29/ 17 1902 1700773 8 ~iquid Scint Cl4, Solid "As Received"

arbo.t)-14 U 0.913 +/-2.35 4.00 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 09/27/ 17 2327 1700782 9 jquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" rechnctium-99 U 0.845 +/-0.657 1.09 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/01 / 17 0819 1700743 10

-iquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Conected" roo-55 U -l.J2 +/-3.79 5.93 10.0 pCi/g TXJI 10/05/ 17 1430 1700712 11 .iquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" age 12 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L...C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460l Stote Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide P roject: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: Bl-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644004 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qua lifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Da te Time Batch Method tad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Jiquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ~ickel-63 U 0.861 +/- 1.35 2.29 5.00 pCi/g TXJ I H)/05/17 0419 17007 15 12 fhc fo llowing Prep Methods were performed: vfethod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch )ry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-02 1 JXOI 09/1 4/17 1234 17001 99 The following Analytical Me thods were performed: \llc1hod Description Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified DOE RESL Ni-I DOE HASL 300, EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP50l Rev. l Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-01 Modified 0 DOE EM L HAS L-300. Tc-02-RC Modified I DOE RESL Fe- I, Modified 2 DOE RESL Ni-I , Modified ,un-ogateffraccr Recovery Test Result No minal Recovery3/4 Acceptable Limits \ mcricium-243 Trnetr Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 I Am243, Cm243/244, 58.8 (15%-125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

urium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 49.3 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \n,ericium-243 Trncer Alphaspec Np. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 76 (15%-125%) 'lutonium-242 Tr acer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 79.9 (15%-125%) Corrected" 'lutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scant Pu24 l, Solid "Ory Weight Corrected" 79.9 (15%-125%) ~ickcl Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 94 (25%-125%)

lrontium Can-ier GFPC. Sr90. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 75.2 (25%-125%)

rechnetium-99111 Trucer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 88.9 (1 5%-125%) ron-5 9 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55. Solid "Ory Weight Corrected" 76.9 (15%- 125%) {ickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 80.6 (25%-125%) \Totes: age 13 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L .... C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Reporl Date: October I 0, 2017 Company: LaCrosscSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide P roject: LACBWR Site Restoration Project C lient Sample ID: B l-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644004 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qual ifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncer1ainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows : OF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 14 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L.... C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: L AC:RWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: Bl-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB Project: ENRG0700l S ample ID: 432644005 Client ID: ENRG070 M atrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-AUG 17 15 :04 R eceive Date: 13-SEP- 17 Collector : Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method lad Alpha Spec Analysis

  \lphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
  \mericium-241                      U       0.00443    +/-0.0246     0.0471   0.400      pCi/g              MXS2 10/03/17      0857 1700240
  \ mericium-243                     U     -0.00437     +/-0.0 193    0.0505   D.400      pCi/g
urium-243/244 U 0.00 +/-0.017 0.0252 0,400 pCi/g
 \lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" eptuniwn-237                       U        0.0 138    +/-0.154      0.3 13  0.400      pCi/g             MXS2 10/03/ 17      1638 1700241   2
 \lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 'lutonium-238                       U     -0.00128    +/-0.0193       0.045  0.400       pCi/g             MXS2 10/02/17       1808 1700242    3
 'lutonium-239/240                   U     -0.00744    +/-0.0202     0.0537   0.400       pCi/g

_iquid Scint Pu241 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

 'ltttonium-24 1                     U          0.390     +/-1.88        3.19   5.00      pCi/g             MXS2 10/04/17       1521 1700243   4 l ad Gamma Spec Analysis
}a11m1a Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
.;JickeJ -59                         U      -0.0306       +/-1.86        3.39   5.00      pCi/g             TX.T l   10/04/17   1145 1700791   5
}amma, Cs 137, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu154, Eul55 "Dry Weight Corrected"
esiwn-13 7 0.117 +/-0.0636 0.052 1.00 pCi/g MXRI 09/20/ 17 0920 1700338 6
obalt-60 U 0.0226 +/-0.0251 0.0649 pCi/g i,iropium-152 U -0.0338 +/-0.0571 0.103 pCi/g iuror>ium-154 U -0.0401 +/-0.0902 0. 168 pCi/g luropillm -155 U -0.00473 +/-0.0577 0.11 3 pCi/g

-.fiobium-94 U 0.00345 +/-0.0226 0.0465 pCi/g lad Gas F low Proportional Counting

JFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Comcted" ltrontium -90 U 0. 136 +/-0.227 0.393 0.400 pCi/g KSDJ 10/05/17 1301 1706516 7 Liquid Scintillation Analysis JSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" fritium U -0. I 57 +/-5.55 9.80 10.0 pCi/g BXl\14 09/29/17 2005 1700773 8 jquid Scint Cl 4, Solid "As Received"
nJ*bon-14 U 1.12 +/-2.34 3.97 5.00 pCilg BXM4 09/28/17 0009 1700782 9

~iquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" fechnetium-99 U 0.387 +/-0.619 1.05 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/0 1/1 7 0850 1700743 JO _iquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ron-55 U -2.54 +/-4.18 6.68 10.0 pCitg TX.JI 10/05117 1512 17007 12 II _iquid Scint N i63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" age 15 of52

GEL LABORATORIES L...C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 20 17 Company: LaCrosscSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644005 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Metl10d lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis jquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

~ickel-63                          u           1.06         +/- 1.33        2.24       5.00        pCi/g              TXJ I   L0/05/ 17 0451 1700715      12 fhc following Prep Methods were performed:

v1ethod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch )ry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JXOI 09/1 4/ 17 1234 1700199 The following Analytical Methods were perfom1ed: \ilcthod Description Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-OS-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-1 I-RC Modified DOl:l EML HASI.-300, Pu-1 I-RC Modified DOE RESL Ni-I DOE HASL 300. J-R EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. l Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA F.ERF C-01 Modified 0 DOE £ML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified .2 DOE RESLNi-1, Modified ,w*rogate/Traccr Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptabl.c Limits \ mcricium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 tun243, Cm243/244, 52.2 (15%- 125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

0num-243n 44 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 t Am243, Cm243/244, 62.8 ( l 5%* I 25%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" l.mcricium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 53.3 (J 5%-125%) 'Juronium-242 Tracer Alphaspcc Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weigh1 72.8 (15%- 125%) Corrected" ' lutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scinl Pu 241 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 72.8 ( 15%-1 25%) ~ickcl Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 107 (25%- 125%) ,trontium Carrier GFPC. Sr90, So lid "Dry Weight CorrecLe<l" 91.7 (25%-1 25%) rechnetium-99111 Tracer Liquid Scii1t Tc99, Solid "As Received" 923 (15%- 125%) ron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint fe55 , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 7 1.6 ( 15%- 125%) ~ickel Carrier Liquid Scint i63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 81.3 (25%- 125%) \Totes: age 16 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L...C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Repo11 Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: Bl -010-04A-QJWS-008-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 432644005 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 17 of 52

GEL LABO RATORIES L .. C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October I 0, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 l State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-005-SB Proj ect: ENRG0700 1 Sample lD: 432644006 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-AUG-17 13:56 R eceive Date: 13-SEP-l 7 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method lad Alpha Spec Analysis

 \ lphaspec Isotopic Am24J Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 \ mericium-241                      U     -0.00309     +/-0.0 137    0.0357    0.400      pCi/g             MXS2 10/03/ 17      0857 1700240
 \mc:ridurn-243                      u       0.00135    +/-0.0'179      U.IOJ   U.400      pCi/g AJ.rium-243/244                     u       0.00484    +/-0.01 82    0.0306    0.400      pCi/g
 \ lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 ~epn!Jlium-237                     u    -0.000662       +/-0134        0.289  0.400       pCi/g             MXS2      I0/03/17  1639 170024 l   2
 \)phaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 'lulon ium-238                     u        0.00564    +/-0.0253     0.0494   0.400       pCi/g              MXS2 J0/02/17      1808 1700242    3
' lutonium-239/240                  u        0.0045 1   +/-0.0334     0.0684   0.400      pCi/g j quid Sciut Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
'lutonium-24 l                      u             1.97     +/- 1.96       3.29   5.00     pCi/g              l'v1XS2 10/04/17    1725 1700243   4 lad Gamma Spec Analysis
]amma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
-iickel-59                          U         -0.443      +/-2 .1 7      3.95    5.00     pCi/g              TXJI     10/04/ 17  11 45 1700791   s, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eul54, Eu J55 "Dry Weight Corrected"
esium- I 37 0. 108 +/-0.041 1 0 0462 1.00 pCi/g MXRI 09/20/ 17 0920 1700338 6
obalt-60 U -0.000173 +/-0.0307 0.063 pCi/g
uropium-152 U 0.0355 +/-0.0535 0.122 pCi/g luropium-1 54 U 0.0349 +/-0.0759 0. 175 pCi/g
uropium-155 U -0.079 +/-0.0662 0.116 pCi/g
~iobium-94                          U     -0.004 39      +/-0.024      0.041              pCi/g lad Gas Flow Proportional Counting

]FPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ,trontium-90 u -0.0734 +/-0.1 95 0.386 OAOO pCi/g KSDI 10/05/17 1259 1706516 7 lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis -SC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" rrilium u 2.04 +/-5.53 9.55 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/29/ 17 2 107 1700773 8 jquid Scint Cl 4, Solid "As Received"

arbon-1 4 u 1.38 +/-2.39 4 05 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 09/28/ 17 0542 1700782 9

_iquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" rechnetium-99 u 0.2 17 +/-0.702 1.20 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/0 1/17 0921 1700743 10 jquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ron-55 u -1.84 +/-3.70 5.85 10.0 pCi/g TXJ I I 0/05/ 17 1553 17007 12 ll jquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" age 18 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L..C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October I 0, 20 17 Company: LaCro sseSol uti ons Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-005-SB Project: ENRG0700I Sample ID: 432644006 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MOC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method tad Liquid Scintillation Analysis

.iquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
~ickcl-63                           U         0. 129         I /-1.41       2.43       5.00        pCi/g             TXJ I   I 0/05/17  0523 1700715     12 fh e followiug Prep Methods were performed:
\.fothod                   Description                                            Analyst       Date            Time    Prep Batch
)ry SojJ Prep              Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                             JXOI          09/ 14/17       1234     1700199 The fo llowing Analytical Methods were performed:

\1ethod Description Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOti EML HASL-300. Pu-I I-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-1 1-RC Modified DOU RESL N'i- 1 DOE HASL 300, El'A 905.0 Modified/DOE RP50I Rev. I Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-01 Modified 0 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Mod ified DOE RESL Fe-I , Modified 2 DOE RESL Ni-I. Modified

urrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits

\mericiwn-243 Tracer Alphaspec lsolopic Am24l Am243, Cm243/244, 6S.3 (15%- 1253/4) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

urium-243/244 Tracer Alpbaspec Jsotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 4S.I (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \ meiicium-243 Trnccr Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 52.4 ( 15%- 125%) 'lutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 70.6 (15%- 125%) Corrected" 'lutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scin1 Pu24 I, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 70.6 (15%-12"'1/4) .Jickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 94 (25%-125%)

trontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 81.5 (25%-125%)

rcchnctium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 88.5 (15%-125%) ron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fc55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 76.5 (15%-125%) fakcl Carrier Liquid Scinl Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corr~tcd" 72.6 (25%-125%) ~otes: age 19 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L... C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Repo11 Date: October l 0, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 1 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. .Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project C lient Sample ID: Bl -0 10-04A-CJWS-005-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644006 CEent ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (l.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 20 of 52

GEL LA BORATORIES L... C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoratio11 Project Client Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-CJWS-Q06-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 432644007 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-AU0- 17 14: 15 Re.ccive Date: 13-SEP-l 7 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method lad Alpha Spec Analysis

  \lpbaspec Isotopic Am24] Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Con-ected
  \mericium-241                     U    -0.00432       +/-0.013    0.0366   0.400       pCi/g             MXS2 10/03/ 17 0857 1700240
  \mericium-243                     U    *0.00758     +/.Q.0335     0.0875   0.400       pCi/g
  ;uriurn-243/244                   U    0.000237     +/-0.0176    0.0391    0.400       pCi/g
  \Jphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
  ~eptunium-237                     U         0.012   +/-0.0754      0. 143  0.400      pCi/g              MXS2 10/03/ 17   1639 1700241     2
 \Jphaspec Pu 238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 'hltonium-238                      U       0.0066    +/-0.0182    0.0315    0400       pCi/g              MXS2 I 0/02117   I 808 1700242    3
 'lutooium-239/240                  U    -0.00742      +/-0.012    0.0381    0.400      pCi/g Jiquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Conected"
 'lutonium-241                      U         0. l 49    +/-1.54       2.62   5.00      pCi/g              MXS2 10/04117    1928 1700243    4 lad Gamma Spec Analysis
iamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 -lickel-59                         U          *1.4      +/-1.82       3.3 l  :i.00     pCi/g              TXJI  J0/04/17   I 146 J70079 I  5 Jamma, Cs! 37, Co60, Nb94, Eul 52, Eu 154, Eul55 "Dry Weight Corrected"
esium-137 U 0.0344 +/-0.0542 0.052 1.00 pCi/g MXR I 09/20/17 1113 17003 38 6
Obalt-60 U 0.00478 +/-0.0268 0.0584 pCi/g
uropium- 152 U -0.0186 +/-0.0648 0.112 pCi/g iuropium-154 U -0.0292 +/-0.0799 0. 15 1 pCi/g
uropium-1 55 U 000639 +/-0.0619 0.123 pCi/g
'1iobium-94                         U     0.00581     +/-0.0203    0.0424               pCi/g lad Gas Flow Proportional Counting

}FPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Hrontium-90 U -0.0875 +/-0.187 0.381 0.400 pCi/g KSDI 10/06/17 0957 1706516 7 lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis JSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" rritium U 2.54 +/-5.64 9.7 l 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/29/ 17 2209 1700773 8 ...iquid Scint Cl4, Solid "As Received"

arbon-14 U 1.3 I +/-2.37 4.02 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 09/28/ 17 0624 1700782 9 jquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" rechneiium-99 U 0.791 +/-0.677 1.13 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/01/1 7 0952 1700743 10 Jiquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Com:cted" rou-55 U -2.99 +/-4.24 6.85 I 0.0 pCi/g TXJJ 10/05/17 1634 1700712 11

...iquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" age 21 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L... C 2040 Savage Road Cha rleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October I 0, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address : S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project C lient Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-CJ\1/S-006-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 432644007 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method tad Liquid Scintillation Analysis j quid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

 ~ickcl-63                            U         0.574         +/- 134        2.28       5.00        pCi/g              TXJ I    10/05/17  0555 1700715     12 fhe following Prep Methods were perfonned:

vfethod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch

 )ry Soil Prep              Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                             JXOI          09/ 14/ 17       1234    1700 199 The fo llowing Analytical Meth ods were performed:
 \1ethod                   Description                                                                     Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-1 1-RC Modified DOE EML HAS L-300, Pu-11 -RC Modified DOE RESL Ni-I DOE HASL 300, 4.5 2.3/Ga-01-R EPA 905.0 Mod ified/DOE RP50 1 Rev. J Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-0 J Modified
.0                         DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified I                         DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 2                         DOE RESL Ni- I, Modified iurrogateffracer Recovery         Test                                                       Result        Nominal     Recovery%         Acceptable Limits
\mericium-243 Tracer             Alphaspec [sotopic Arn241 Am243, Cm243/244,                                                   79           (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

~urium-243/244 Tracer            Al phaspec [sotopic Am24 I Arn243, Cm243/244,                                                 42           (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \ mericium-243 Tracer 'lutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid " Dry Weight Correcte.d" so (15%-1 25%) Alphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight 87.2 (15%-1:25%) Corrected" 'lutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu24 l, Solid " Dry Weight Corrected" 87.2 ( 15%-125%) ~ ickel Carrier Ganuna Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 96.9 (25%- 125%) itrontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 86.6 (25%-125%) fcchnelium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 94 (15%-1 25%) ron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid " Dry Weight Corrected" 66.9 (15%- 125%) ~ickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 75 (25%- 125%) 'ilotes: age 22 of 52

GEL LABO RATORIES L1..C 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October I 0, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Pr~ject Client Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 432644007 Client fD: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Unce1tainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( I .96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quanti.tation Limit age 23 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L... ~ 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, W isconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB Project: ENRG0700J Sample ID: 432644008 Client ID: ENRG070 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-AUG-17 14:44 Receive Date: 13-SEP-1 7 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method tad Alpha Spec Analysis

  \lphaspec Jsotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
  \.mericium-241                      U    -0.00522     +/-0.0236    0.0595    0.400       pCi/g            MXS2 I 0/03/17    0&57 1700240
  \mericium-243                      U     -0.00363    +/-O.D313     0.0725    0.400       pCi/g
  ; urium-243n44                      U        0.0152    +/-0.026    0.0228    0.400      pCi/g
  \lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Con-ected"
  ~eprunium-237                       U        0.080 1   +/-0,126      0 189   0.400      pCi/g             MXS2 10/03/17     1639 1700241     2
 \ lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected
  'lutonium-238                      U     -0.00414    +/-0.0187     0.0471    0.400      pCi/g             MXS2 10/02/17     1808 1700242     3
 'lu toniwn-239/240                  U      -0.0102    +/-0.0144     0.0471    0.400      pCi/g Jiquid Scint Pu24 l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 'lutonium-24 1                      U            1.39    +/-1.68       2.82    5.00      pCi/g             MXS2 10/04/17     2132 1700243    4 lad Gamma Spec Analysis Jamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"
 ~ickel-59                           U        -0.123      +/-2. 19      5.00    5.00      pCi/g             TXJl   10/04/17   J 146 1700791   5 Jamrna, Csl 37, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu 154, Eu! 55 "Ory Weight Corrected"
Csium-137 0.0761 +/-0.0426 0.0364 1.00 pCi/g M:XRI 09120/17 1114 1700338 6
Oball-60 lJ 0.0135 +/-0.0283 0 0632 pCi/g iLtropium-152 U 0.0124 +/-0.0395 0.0824 pCi/g
~uropium-154                         U        0.0183   +/-0.0723      0. 158             pCi/g
~uropium-155                         U      0.00551     +/-0.055      O.J 11             pCi/g
.Jiobium-94                          0        0.0226   +/-0.029 1   0.0463               pCi/g lad Gas Flow Proportional Counting 3FPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ltrontium-90                          U          0.210   +/-0.209      0.340   0.400      pCi/g             KSDI   J0/06/ 17  0957 17065 16   7 lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis

-SC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" fritimn U 4.33 +/-5.74 9.72 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/29/ 17 23 12 1700773 8 jquid Scint C 14, Solid "As Received"

arbon-1 4 U -0.934 +/-2,32 4.02 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 09n8/J7 0706 1700782 9 jquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" recbnetium-99 0 1.04 +/-0.679 1.1 l 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/01 / 17 1023 1700743 Jiquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ron-55 U -1.67 +/-3.83 6. 10 10.0 pCi/g TXJ I J0/06117 0709 17007 12 11 jquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" age 24 of 52

GEL LABO RATORIES L'-~ 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Repon Date: October 10, 20 17 C ompany: LaCrosseSolutions Address : S460 1 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide P roject: LACBWR Site Restoration Project C lient Sample ID: B 1-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB Proj ect: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 432644008 Client JD: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncerta inty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method t ad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Jiquid Scint N i63, Solid "D ry Weight Corrected" 4ickel-63 u 1.25 +/-1.29 2.16 5.00 pCi/g TXJ 1 I 0/05/17 0626 170071 5 12 fhc following Pr..:p Mt: thods were performed: v1ethod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch )ry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JXOI 09/14/ 17 1234 1700199 The following Analytical Methods were perfonned: Method Description Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05 -RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- I I-RC Modified DOE RESL Ni-I DOE HASL 300, El'A 905 .0 Modi lied/DOE RPS0 I Rev, I Modilied EPA 906.0 Modified 131'A EERF C-01 Mtidified 0 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Mod ified I DOE RESL Fe- I, Modified 2 DOE RESL Ni- I, Modified ,urrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nomjnal Recovery% Acceptable Limits \mericium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243. Cm243/244, 57.9 (15%- 125%) Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

Urium-24 3/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, 43.5 (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \ mericium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Ory Weigh I Corrected" 62,3 ( 15%- 125%) ' lutonimn-242 Trnccr Alphaspec Pu2 38. 2391240, Solid "Dry Weight 82 (15%-125%) Corrected 'lutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Ory Weight Corrected" 82 (15%-12S%) ~ickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 35.7 (25%-125%) itrontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 76.4 (25%-125%) rechnetium-99m *rracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solili "As Received" 92.6 (15%- 125%) ron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fc55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 73.5 (15%-125%) ~ickcl Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Ory Weight Corrected" 86.1 {25%-125%) ~otcs: age 25 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L... ~ 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosscSolutions Address: S4601 State flwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: 8 I-OI0-04A-CJWS-007-SB Project: ENRG0700 1 Sample ID: 432644008 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method ) ounting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (l.96-sigma). Column headers are defined as follows: OF: Dilution Factor r,e/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum D etectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 26 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L... ~ 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10,2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 l State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project C lient Sample ID: Bl -0 l 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644009 Client LD: ENRG070 M atrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-AUG-l 7 14:47 R eceive Date: 13-SEP-1 7 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Trme Batch Method lad Alpha S p ec Analysis \lphaspec Jsotopic Am 241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" \mericium-241 U -0.0 176 +/-0.0284 0.0906 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 l 0103/ 17 0856 1700240 \mericium-243 11 0 00748 +/-0.0483 0.0988 0.400 pCi/g

urium-2431244 U 0.00 +/-0.0244 0.0363 D.400 pCi/g

\lphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" .feptunitun-23 7 U -0.011 8 +/-0.0938 0.212 0.400 pCilg MXS2 10/03/ 17 1639 1700241 2 \lphaspec Pu238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 'lutonitun-238 U -0.0 l 46 +/-0.0166 0.0566 0.400 pCi/g MXS2 10/02/17 1808 1700242 3 'lutonium-239/240 U -0.00432 +/-0.0254 0.0604 0.400 pCi/g jquid Scint Pu241 , Solid "Dry Weight Co1Tccted" 'lutonium-241 U --0.0237 +/-2.1O 3.57 5.00 pCi/g MXS2 10/05/ 17 0517 1700243 4 tad Gamma S pec Analysis Jamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ~ickcl-59 U -0.781 +/-1.49 2.54 5.00 pCi/g TXJI 10/04/17 1222 1700791 5 }u 11 w 1a, C:s137, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu 154, Eu155 "Ury Weight Corrected"

Csium-137 0.100 +/-0.0745 0.0594 1.00 pCi/g MXR l 09/20/17 l ll4 1700338 6
obalt-60 U -0.00594 +/-0.0234 0.0467 pCi/g
uropium-1 52 U -0.0298 +/-0.0598 0. 11 4 pCi/g
uropium-154 U 0.057 +/--0-0701 0.179 pCi/g
uropium-155 U 0.0189 +/-0.0615 0.127 pCi/g

~iobium-94 U -0.00105 +/-0.0206 0.0432 pCi/g lad Gas Flow Proportional Counting 3fPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" itrontium-90 U -0.0239 +/-0.135 0.273 0,400 pCi/g KSOI 10/06/17 0638 1706516 7 tad Liquid ScintiUation Analysis ~SC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Recei ved" Titium U -3.74 +/-5.22 9.56 10.0 pCi/g BXM4 09/30/17 0125 1700773 8 .,iquid Scinl C14, Solid "As Received" .::trbon-1 4 U 0.896 +/-2.36 4.01 5.00 pCi/g BXM4 09/28/17 0748 1700782 9 jquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" ' ochnetium-99 U 1.03 +/-0.67 1 I.ID 2.00 pCi/g CXS7 10/01/ 17 1054 1700743 10 jquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ron-55 U -2.96 +/-4.06 6.57 10.0 pCi/g ]XJ l 10/05/17 1756 1700712 II .,iquid Scint i63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" age 27 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L.... ~ 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-81 71 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 10, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S460 I State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB Proj ect: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644009 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method lad Liquid Scintillation Analysis jquid Scint N i63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

 ~ickel-63                           U           0.973           +/-1 .30       2.19        5.00        pCi/g              TXJ I    I 0/05/J7  0658 1700715     12 n1e following Prep M ethods were performed:

vlethod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch

 )ry Soil Prep              D1y Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                                JXO I          09/ 14/17        1234    1700199 The following Analytical Methods were performed:
 \1etbod                   Description                                                                         Analyst Comments DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified ASTM C 1475-00 Modified DOE EM L HASL-300, Pu-I l-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- l 1-RC Modi.tied DOE RESL Ni-I DOE HASL 300, EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP50 I Rev. I Modified EPA 906.0 Modified
                           £PA EERF C-01 Modified 0                         DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified DOE RESL Fe-.! , Modified 2                         DOE RESL Ni- I, Modified
,urrogate/Tracer Recove1.y        Test                                                           Result       Nominal      Recovery%          Acceptable Limits
\mericium-243 Tracer             Alphaspec Isotopic Am24 1 Am243, Cm243i244,                                                     56.5            (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

;urium-243/244 Tracer            Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244,                                                      44.2            (15%-125%)

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" l.mericium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 76.5 (15%- 125%)

'lutonium-242 Tracer            Alphaspec Pu.238, 239/240, Solid "Dry Weight                                                     65.5            (1 5%-125%)

Corrected" 'luton ium -242 Tracer Liquid Sci11 t Pu24 I , Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 65.5 (15%-125%) ~ickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 118 (25%-125%) ltronlium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, So lid "Dry Weight Corrected" 104 (25%-125%) rechnetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 92.3 (15%- 125%) ron-59 Tracer Liquid Scilll Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 68 (1 5%-125%) ~ickcl Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 81 (25%-125%) 'ilotes: age 28 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES L...~ 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8 171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October I 0, 2017 Company: LaCrosseSolutions Address: S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, Wisconsin 54632


Mr. Jason Q. Spaide Project: LACBWR Site Restoration Project Client Sample ID: B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB Project: ENRG07001 Sample ID: 432644009 Client ID: ENRG070 Parameter Q ualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method

ounting Uncenainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers arc defined as follows: DF: Dilution Factor Le/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reponing Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concen tration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit age 29 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8 171 - QC Summarr R coort D ate: Octobe r 10, 2017 LaC rosseSolutions Page 1 of S460 1 State H wy 35 G enoa, W isconsin C ontact: Mr. Jason Q. Spaide W orkorder: 432644 Parm name NOM S am~le Qual QC Units RPD3/4 REC% R a nge A nlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec

latch 1700240 QCl203874087 432644001 DlJP Amcricium-241 u 0.00 u -0.00485 pCi/g NIA N/AMXS2 I 0/03/17 08:5 Uncertainty +/-0.014 +/-0.021 5 Amcricium-243 u -0.00565 u -0.00691 pCi/g NI A N IA Uncenainty +/-0.025 +/-0.016 Curium-24 31244 u -0.00164 u 0.0152 pCilg NIA NI A Uncertainty +/-0.0 142 +/-0.0349 QC 1203874088 LCS Americium-24 1 1.56 1.48 pCilg 94.7 (75%-125%) I 0/03/ 17 08:5 Uuce11ainty +/-0.185 Americium-243 u -0.006 pCi/g (75%- 125%)

Uncertainty +l-0.0271 Curium-243/244 1.99 1.55 pCilg 77.7 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-0.187 QCI203874086 MB Americium-24 1 u -0.0068 pCilg 10/03/ 17 08:5 Uncertainty +l-0.0354 Americi um-243 u -0.00852 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.023 1 Curium-243/244 u 0.0083 pCi/g Uncerui.inty +/-0.0284 3atch 1700241 QCl203874090 43264400 1 DUP Ncprunium-237 u 0.0429 u -0.0 198 pCi/g NIA NIA MXS2 I 0/03/17 16:3 Uncertainty +/-0.202 +/-0.0823 QC1203874091 LCS Ncptunium-237 20.0 23.1 pCi/g 116 (75%-125%) 10103/17 16:3 Uncertainty +/-1.69 QC1203874089 tvIB Ncprunium-237 u -0.0194 pCi/g I0/03/17 16:3 Uncertainty +/-0.0676 age 30 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summarl'.

\Vorkorder :      432644                                                                                                  Page 2 or Parnmame                            NOM            Sam~lc Qual         QC    Un its   RPD3/4   REC%      Range     Anlsl  Date Time Rad Alp ha Spec 3atch           1700242 QC1203874093 432644001 DUP Plutonium-238                                 u     -0.016   u       0.0 132   pCi/g    N/A                  N/AMXS2   10/02117 18:0 Uncertainty   +/-0.0427       +/-0.04]4 Plutonium-239/240                             u  -0.00108    u     -0.0044     pCi/g    NIA                 N IA Uncertainty   +/-0.0251       +/-0.0304 QC 1203874094     LCS Plutonium-238                                                u     0.00475    pCilg                                    10/02/ 17 18:0 Uncertainty                   "'/-0.0134 Phltonium-239/240                  1.57                                 1.47   pC ilg         93.8  (75%- 125%)

Uncc11ainty +/-0.165 QC 1203874092 MB Plu tonium-238 u 0.0135 pCi/g I0/02/17 18:0 Uncertainty +/-0.021 4 Plutonium-239/240 u -0.00107 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0 16 1

3atch 1700243 QCI203874096 432644001 OUP Plutoniwn-241 u 1.03 u -0.38 pCi/g NIA N/AMXS2 10/05/17 09:2 Uncertainty +/-) .74 +f-2.90 QC 1203874097 LCS Plutonium 241 57.6 50.0 pCi/g 86.ll (75%-125%) 10/05/1 7 11:2 U ncertai nty +/-2.28 QCl203874095 MB Plutonium-241 u 0.270 pCi/g 10/05/17 07:2 Uncertainty +/- 1.51 Rud Gamma Spll(
3alch 1700338 QC1203874290 432644002 OUP Cesium- 137 u 0 .00496 u -0.00667 pC i/g NIA N/A MXRI 09/20/1 7 'I I : 1 Uncertainty +/-0.0243 +/ -0.0229 Cobalt-60 u 0.00368 u -0.00267 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +/-0.027 +/-0.02 1 Europium- 152 u -0.0169 u -0.0265 pCi/g NIA N IA Uncertainty +/-0.0502 +/-0.0396 age 31 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder: 432644 Page 3 of Parmname NOM Samele Qual QC Units RPO% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec 3atch 1700338 Europium-154 u -0.00684 u -0.0329 pCi/g NIA N/AMXRJ 09/20/17 I 1:1 Uncertainty +i-0.0685 +/-0.0485 Europium-155 u 0.Dl 74 u 0.0253 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +/-0.0607 +/-0.0535 Niobium-94 u 0.0 119 u -0.0161 pCi/g NIA NIA Uncertainty +/-0.0204 +/-0.0205 QCI203874291 LCS Americium-241 488 552 pCi/g ]13 (75%-l25%) 09/20/ 17 11 :4 Uncertainty +/-15.1 Cesium-137 175 171 pCi/g 97.5 (75%-125%) Uncertainty +/-3.34 Cobalt-60 142 144 pCi/g 101 (75%-1 25%) Uncertainty +l-3.65 Europium-152 u -0.00798 pCi/g Uncertai nty +!-1.59 Europirnn-1 54 u 0.992 pCi/g Uncertainty +/- 1.11 Europium-! 55 V 0.1 10 pCi/g Unce1iainty +/-1.34 Niol>ium-94 u -0.284 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.596 QC l 203874289 MB Cesium-137 u 0.0156 pCi/g 09/20/ 17 11: I Uncertainty +/-0.035 Cobalt-60 u 0.00291 pCi/g Uncertai nty +/-0.0103 Europium-152 u 0.0111 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0391 Europium- I 54 u 0.00833 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0283 Europium-15 5 u -0.0127 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0379 age 32 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summar~ Workorder: 432644 Page 4 of Parmname NOM Sam11le Qual QC Units RPO % REC% R1111ge Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma S pec 3atcb 1700338 Niobium-94 u 0.00214 pCi/g MXRI 09/ 20/1 7 11 : 1 Uncertainty +/-0.0 156

latch 1700791 QCl20387545l 432644001 DUP Nickel-59 U1 0.00 u 0. 180 pCi/g NIA NIA TXJl 10/04/ 17 12:2 Uncertai nty +/-3.49 +/-0.353 QC1203875452 LCS Nickel-59 90.9 74.6 pCi/g 82. 1 (75%- 125%) 10/04/ 17 12:2 Uncertainty +/ -8.44 QC1203875450 MIJ Nickel-59 u 0.428 pCi/g I 0/04/ 17 12:2 Uncertainty +/-1.28 Rod Gas Flow 3ntch 1706516 QC1203888960 432644009 DUP Strontium-90 u -0.0239 u -0. 187 pCi/g NIA NI A KSD l 10/05/17 13:0 Uncerta inty +/-0.135 +/-0.201 QC 120388896 I LCS Strontium -90 21.3 20.3 pCi/g 95.1 (75%- 125%) 10/05/ 1713:0 Uncertainty +/-1 .55 QCl203888959 MB Strontium-90 u 0.243 pCi/g I 0/06/17 06:3 Uncertainty +/-0.237 Rud Liquid Scin tillation 3atcb 17007] 2 QC1203875 168 432644001 DUP lron-55 u - 1.34 u 0.6 13 pCi/g NIA N/A TXJI 10/05/ 17 19: I Uncertainty +/-3.97 +/-4. 15 QC1203875 l 69 LCS Iron-55 124 126 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) l 0105/ I 7 20:0 Uncertainty +/-7.44 QC1203875 I67 MO lron-55 u -3.07 pCi/g 10/05/ 17 18:3 Uncerta inty +/-3.55 age 33 of 52

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Sava ge Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summarl: Workorder: 432644 Page 5 of Parmname NOM Sam12Je Q ual QC Units RPD3/4 REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scinti llation 3atch 1700715 QC J203875l77 432644001 DUP Nickel-63 u 0.438 u 0.639 pCi/g NIA NIA TXJJ 10/05/ 17 08:0 Uncertainty +l-l.26 +l-1.26 QC 1203875178 LCS Nickel-63 81.5 83.3 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) 10/05/17 08:3 Uncertainty +/-2.77 QCJ203875 I 76 MB Nickel-63 u 0.495 pCi/g I 0/05/17 07:3 Uncertainty +/- 1.16 3atch 1700743 QC 1203875266 432644001 DUP Technetium-99 u 0.483 u 0.466 pCi/g NIA NIA CXS7 10/01/17 11 :5 U11certa inty +l-0.703 +/-0.66 1 QC1203875267 LCS Technetium-99 40.5 40.5 pCi/g 99.9 (75%-125%) 10/0)/1712:2 Unce1tainty +/- 1.44 QC1203875265 MB Technetinm-99 u 0.856 pCi/g 10/01/17 11:2 Uncertainty +l-0.595 3atch 1700773 QCI203875386 432644001 DUP Tritium u 3.68 u -1.28 pCi/g NIA N/ABXM4 09/30/1 7 03:3 Uncertainty +J-5 79 +l-5.46 QC l 203875388 LCS Tritium 53.8 47.4 pCilg 88.2 (75%-125%) 09/30/ 17 05:3 Uncertainty +/-7.59 QCJ203875385 MB Tritium u 4.99 pCi/g 09/30/t7 02:2 Uncertainty +/-5.76 QC1203875387 43264400 1 MS Tritium 109 lJ 3.68 89.3 pCi/g 81.7 (75%-125%) 09/30/ 17 04:3 Uncertainty +/-5.79 +/-]5.2 age 34 of 52

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 432644 Page 6 of Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units Rnd Liquid ScintiUation

latch 1700782 QC 1203875420 432644001 DUP Carbon-14 u 0.0587 u 1.50 pCi/g NIA N/ABXM4 09/28/ 17 09: I Uncertainty +/-2.36 +/-2.40 QCl203875422 LCS Carbon-14 146 137 pCi/g 93.6 (75%-125%) 09/28/ 17 I0:3 Uncerrainty +/-4.62 QC1203875419 MB Carbon-14 u 1.65 pCi/g 09/28/ 17 08:3 l Jn~~r,~inty +/-2.34 QC120387S421 43264400 1 MS Carbon-14 292 u 0.0587 286 pCi/g 97.9 (75%-125%) 09/28/17 09:5 Uncertainty +/-2.36 +/-9.32 Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confide.nee level (l .96-sigma). Tbe Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: Analyte is a Tracer compound

    <     Result is less than value reported
    >     Result is greater than value reported BO Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

I-I Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower. L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Aclual value is expected to be higher. M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Res.ult> MDC/CL and < RDL NI A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply. NJ. See case narrative ND Analyce concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable nan-ative or DER. R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD. Ur Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Unce11ain identification age 35 of 52

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 432644 Page 7 of Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPO% REC% Range Anl st Date Time UL Not considered detected. The associated munber is the repo1ted concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias. X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Pr~ject Manager concerning this qualifier y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative. A RPO of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemist1y. h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded NIA indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPO not applicable.

"The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample dupli cate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (SX) the contract requ ired detection limi t (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is Jess than SX the RL, a control limit of+/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.
"' Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDfLT resi1Jts, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been perfo rmed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. age 36 of 52

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative LaCrosseSolutions, LLC (ENRG) SDG #: 432644 Product; Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Cm243/244, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-01 I REV# 26 Analvtical Batch: 1700240 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure; GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample IP# Client Sample Identification 432644001 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-OO 1-SB 432644002 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-0 10-04A-CIFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B 1-0 I 0-04 A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B1-010-04 A-CJWS-006-S B 432644008 Bl-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203874086 Method Blank (MB) 1203874087 432644001(8 l-0 10-04A-CJFS-001-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203874088 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this repo11 met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts The Am-243 traced portion of sample 432644002 (B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJFS-002-SB) was recounted due to a false positive. The recount is being reported. The Cm-244 traced portion of samples 432644003 (B 1-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB) and 432644006 (B 1-0 I0-04A-CJWS-005-SB) were recounted due to peak shifts. The recounts arc being reported. The Cm-244 traced portion of sample J 203874087 was recounted twice due to peak shifts and the second recount is being reported. Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments The Cm-244 traced portion of sample 432644004 (8 1-0 I0-04A-CJFS-004-SB) did not meet the resolution requirement of having a full width half maximum of I00 keV or less for the tracer; however, the tracer yield PO Bax 30712 Chal1est0n, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Chal1eston, SC 29407 P 64-3.556.8171 F 843.766.1178 www.geLcom

requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest. Product: Alpbaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-032 REV# 21 Analytical Batch: 1700241 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 2 1 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 432644001 Bl-OJ 0-04A-CJFS-OOJ-SB 432644002 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 Bl-OI0-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 Bl-OI0-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203874089 Method Blank (MB) 1203874090 43264400 J(B J-010-04A-CJFS-OO 1-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203874091 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this repo1 l met ll1c: a1,;1,;<:ptance criteria specified in the analytical metl1ods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts The tracer yield portion of sample 432644007 (Bl-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB) was recounted to verify the tracer yield recovery. The recount is being repo11ed. Product: AJphaspec Pu238, 239/240, SoJid Analvtical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-1 l-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 26 PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Chatlest:on, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178 www.g,1.eom

Analytical Batch: 1700242 Preparation Method: Dry Soi l Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 432644001 B 1-0 10-04A-CJFS-OO 1-SB 432644002 Bl -010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-0 l0-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 Bl-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-010-04A-C.TWS-006-SB 432644008 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203874092 Method Blank (MB) 1203874093 432644001(81-010-04A-CJFS-001-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203874094 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed 011 a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 21 Prepa.ration Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 43264400 1 B 1-0 I0-04A-CJFS-00I-SB 432644002 B 1-0 I 0-04A-OFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-01 0-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B l-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB The samples in this SDG were ana lyzed on an "as received" basis. PO Box 30712 CharleSton, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Charleston,SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in tJ1e analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Gam ma, Cs137, Co60, Nb94, Eu 152, Eu1S4, Eul SS Analytical Method; DOE HASL 300, AnaJyHcal Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1700338 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 432644001 81-010-04A-CJFS-OOJ-SB 432644002 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 Bl-010-04A-CJ.FS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B l-0 I0-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B 1-0 I 0-04 A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203874289 Method Blank (MB) 1203874290 432644002(Bl-0 10-04A-CJFS-002-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203874291 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dty weight" basis. Data Sum mary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance c1iteria specified in tJ1e analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Gamm a Ni59, Solid Analytical Method : DOE RESL Ni- 1 A nalytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Analytical Batch: 170079 l a ~ ~ ~rles UC PO Box 30712 Char1eston, SC 29417 2040 Savag& Road Charleston, SC 29407 P843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation P1*ocedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Jdentification 43264400 1 BJ -010-04A-CJFS-001-SB 432644002 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-01 0-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B1-0I0-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203875450 Method Blank (MB) 1203875451 43264400 J(B 1-010-04A-CJFS-OO 1-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203875452 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed. on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI positive due to high counting Nickel-59 43264400 1 B l-010-04A-CJFS-001-SB uncertainty. Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. l Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 18 Analvtical Batch: 1706516 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-02 1 REY# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedme(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 43264400] Bl -0 l 0-04A-CJFS-00 1-SB PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 ~ge Road Charleston,SC 29407 P843.5!;6.8171 F 843.766.1178 www.geLcom

432644002 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-0 I 0-04 A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 Bl-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-006-S B 432644008 B 1-0 I0-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203888959 Method Blank (MB) 1203888960 432644009(81-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203888961 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in tl1e analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instmment controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Sample Re-prep/Re-ana)ysis Samples were reprepped due to high blank activity. The re-analysis is being reported. Recounts Sample l 203888959 (MB) was recounted due to a :m:;pected blank false positive. The recount is reported. Samples 432644007 (B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB), 432644008 (B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-007-SB) and 432644009 (B l -010-04A-CJWS-008-SB) were recounted due to results more negative than the tJu*ee sigma TPU. The second counts are reported. Sample 432644001 (B 1-010-04A-CJFS-001 -SB) was recounted due to a suspected false positive. The recount is repo1ted. Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 1700243 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 432644001 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-OO 1-SB 432644002 B1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B l-OI0-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B l-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178

432644007 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-0 J0-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203874095 Method Blank (MB) 1203874096 432644001(81 -010-04A-CJFS-00l-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203874097 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) TI1e samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in tl1e analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Liquid Scint FeSS, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-l , Modified Analvtical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-040 REV# l 3 Analvtical Batch: 1700712 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-02 1 REV# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 432644001 B1-01 0-04A-CJFS-001 -SB 432644002 B 1-010-04 A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B l -010-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-010-04 A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B 1-010-04A-QJ WS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203875167 Method Blank (MB)

      ]203875 168                432644001(BI-0I0-04A-CJFS-001-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203875169                 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summarv: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continui ng calibration, instmment controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information a ~ ~ ~ries u.c PO Box 30712 Char1emn, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.:i56.8171 F 843.766.1178

Recounts Sample 432644008 (B 1-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB) was recounted to verify sample results. Recount is reported. Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 18 Analvtical Batch: 1700715 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 21 Preparation Batch: 1700199 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample (denf'ification 432644001 BI-0 I 0-04A-CJFS-00l-SB 432644002 B l-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 81-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 Bl -010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B l-010-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203875 176 Method Blank (MB) 1203875 177 432644001 (B 1-010-04A-CJFS-001-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203875 178 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis. Data Summary: There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical m ethods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable. Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified AnaMical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1700743 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Cljent Sample Identification 432644001 B 1-01 0-04A-CJFS-OO 1-SB a ~ ~ ~orles u.c PO Bax 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Charlestoo,SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.7tl6.1178

432644002 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-0 I0-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CIFS-004-SB 432644005 B l-0 I 0-04A-QJ WS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJVv'S-005-SB 432644007 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 Bl-0l0-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203875265 Method Blank (MB) 1203875266 432644001(B1 -010-04A-CJFS-OO 1-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203875267 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. Data Summary: All sample data provided in this repo1t met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical .Information Recounts Sample 432644003 (B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJFS-003-SB) was recounted to verify sample results. Recount is reported. Product: LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 22 Analytical Batch: 1700773 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedw*e(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample .Identification 432644001 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CIFS-00 I-SB 432644002 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CIFS-002-SB 432644003 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CIFS-003-SB 432644004 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B 1-010-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B 1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B 1-0 I 0-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203875385 Method Blank (MB) . 1203875386 43264400 1(Bl -0 I 0-04A-CJFS-00 l-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203875387 43264400I(Bl-010-04A- CJFS-00l-SB) Matrix Spike (MS) 1203875388 Laboratory ControJ Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. a~LM~orles u.c PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 savage Road Ch811eston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F843.766.1178

Data Summarv: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedw*es for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. Technical Information Recounts Sample 432644003 (Bl-010-04A-CJFS-003-SB) was recounted to verify sample res ults. T he recount results are similar to the original results. Original results are reported. Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments The matrix spike, 1203875387 (B 1-0 l 0-04A-CJFS-00 1-SBMS), aliquot was r,educed to conserve sample volume. Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 15 Analytical Batch: l 700782 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s). GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 432644001 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-001-SB 432644002 B 1-010-04A-CJFS-002-SB 432644003 Bl -0 I 0-04A-CJFS-003-SB 432644004 B l-010-04A-CJFS-004-SB 432644005 B1-0 l 0-04A-QJWS-008-SB 432644006 B1-010-04A-CJWS-005-SB 432644007 B1-0 10-04A-CJWS-006-SB 432644008 B J-0 l 0-04A-CJWS-007-SB 432644009 B l -010-04A-CJWS-008-SB 1203875419 Method Blank (MB) 1203875420 43264400 1(Bl-0 I 0-04A-CJFS-00 I-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 120387542 1 43264400 l (Bl -0 I 0-04A-CJFS-001-SB) Matrix Spike (MS) 1203875422 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis. D ata Summarv: All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance c1iteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, insmnnent controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions. MisceJlaneous Information Additional Comments a~~~rles u.c PO Box 30712 Charfesto11, SC 29417 2040 $a.vage Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 843.556.8171 F 843.766.1178 www.g1l.tom

The matrix spike, 1203875421 (Bl-0I0-04A-CJFS-001-SBMS), aliquot was reduced to conserve sample volume. Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements oftbe NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. PO Box 30712 Charlesl'on, SC29417 2040 Savag& Road Charleston, SC 29407 P 343,556.8171 F843.766.1178

ge: l of l GEL Laboratories, LLC oject#: LAC ~u\ ~ S~ ~ GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Savage Road EL Quote#: Charleston, SC 29407 oc Number (ll: L/32-<ot/'I Phone:(843)556-8171 GEL Work Order Number: QNumber: /4 '.Z ~..c; 'i' ~ Fax: (843) 766*11 78 lient Name: I A /l h1<<, ~ , ., 1...... < Phone#: (,oY t,yq L./iS't Sample Analysis Requested (S> (Fill in the number of containers for each test) ojeeVSite Name: Lt\C...~w-V... - ( _.,.,. n,.~ . W T Fax#: Should this .."'. C SC. ~  ! <** Preservative Type (6) samplek ]

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tJ /1>< ,J/~ TAT Reques ted: Nonna!: i(-s<.Ap) Rush : Slilecifv: ~ ~ i u blec110 Surcho,2<) IFax Res ults: Yes I

                                                                                                                                                                  ~                   Circle Deliverable: C of A         / QC Summary /

rJ '"Le vel I / ~ / Level 3 / Level 4 emarks: Are there any known hazards applica ble to th ese samples? Ifso. please list the hazards Samnl£ ~!llT£cli2n Timi; Z2n~ Eastern Pacific Jio~ (§lr"aD Other M o unt ain C hain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relinquished By (Signed) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Tim e GEL PM: I'! Sc~lv.~ftr-k,l J1 'ri ({-fo *ft-1{300 I /A /J-- 1/1J/J7 9 :30 M*1hod ofShiomcnt : Date Shipped: I I 2 Airbillll: , J Airbill II. .) Chain of Custody Number

  • Cticn1 Oc1cnni"'d For lab Receiving Use Only
.) QC Codes: N
  • Nonnal Somple. TB* Trip Blonlt. FD= Field Ouplica1c. EB
  • Equlp1nen1 Olonk. MS* Mo1rix SFikc Somplc. MSD
  • Mo1ri, Spike DuplicOlc S.mpt,. G
  • Grab. C =Composite
.) field Filleted: For liquid n,alliccs. indicaie wilh o
  • V - for yes the .ample wos field filtered or* N - for sample wos nol field filtered. Custody Seal Intact?
,J Mairix Codes: DW*lnioking W11er, GWeGroundwoier, SW*Surface Water. WW* Water. \V;Wa1<<, SO*,oil. S D*Sedlment. SL:SJudgc, SS*Solid Wasic, 0,,,0il. F~f'ilter, P* Wip<:. U=Urin<, F=Fec.l, Nc Nasol                                                                   YES             NO
.) Sample An*lysi* RcqueSlcd: Analy1ical meihod requested (Le, 81608, 60tOBn 470A J ond numher af conloincrs prc**ided for each (i.e. 81608
  • J . 60ln8/747/IA
  • 1). Cooler Temp:
.1 Preservative Tvoc:: HA
  • Hvdtochlorle Aeid, NI
  • Ni1ric Acid. SH
  • Sodium Hydroxide, SA
  • Suf(urk Acid. AA c J\scorl>ic Acid, HX ~ ltexonc, ST* Sodium Thionlfal<. If no p reservative is added* leave field blank r YELLOW == FILE P JNII' ~ r-, ...,,.,,...,


D /. Laboratortes *LU~ SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM Client: Sl>G/AR/COC/Woric Order: Received By: Date Received: Cf* J3~.I7 Circle Appblilc: FedEx Express FedEx Ground UPS Field Services Courier Other Carrier nnd Tracking Number .

                                                                             *If Net Counts> IOOcpm on samples not marked *radioactive*, conro.ct the Radlation Safety Group for Cunher
                                                                  ~ z C

Suspected Hazard r:itonnntlon

* ,,,:                                                                        investigation.

Shi ' ed A.SA DOTH:wudous7

             . COCISample.s marked or c:lassifitd as Maxlmum Net Couots Observed* (Observed Counts- Ar<< Bacl<ground CountS):
                                                                                                                             . .        t
                                                                                                                                                                      *,gr:       CPM / mR/Hr OassWed as1 ~ Rad Z Rad 3 **                              .,..

r.idioactlvc? yes, select Hua.rd, below, and contact the OEL Safety Group. PCB's Flammable FoMlgn Soil RCRA Asbestos Beryllium Olhcr. Is J)Jlclcn c, COC, and/or Sam les ma.rl(cd HAZ? Snmp Receipt Ctflctfa Conuncnts/Quallflcrs ( for Non,Contonnhlg Jtems) Circle Applie1blc: SCJl!s broken OamAp cootainc.r uaiong coataincr Olher (describe) Shipping containers received lnlllct and 1 scaled? 11",j,, ,,; ~ \ . Chain of custody documents included 2 wilh shipment'? Cl"I~~ 3 Snmples requiring cold prescrwtion 4 within (0 s 6 deg. C)?~ Do.ily check performed and passed on JR Pic,Cl'Wllon Method: Wet kc Ice Packs

                                                                                    *a11 tciq,eraturq Ille ream:led ln Celsius O,y lee None TEMP:    21    C temperature gun?

Circle Ap9'icable: Suls b<<onn ~~ CQCltalncr Leaking container Other (describe) s Sample containers lnU!Ct and scaled? Samples r~uii:ing chemical preservation San,,le ID'* ond Concolncrs Affected:

"1-    <J.tI ~Ci , at proper pH?
                                                                               .. If Yes, Are Encores or Soil Kits present? Yes_ No_ (lt yu, tulcc 10 VOA Fiecur)

Do VOA vials contain acid preservation? Yes No_ NIA. (If unknown, select No) 7 Do any samples require Volatile OA vials fi:ee ofheacjspace? Yes No_* NIA Analysis? Sample ID', and containers affected: 8 Samples received within holding timc1 Sample lD's on COC match ID's on S1M'1'9le ID'* and COAlainc,s all'Ultd: 9 bottles? Date & time on COC match dale & time Sample !D's affected:

  • 10 on bottles? .

S""l'IC !D's all'o:ted: . Number of conllliner, received match 11 number indk:ated on COC? U Arc sample containers identifiable as GEL rovided? COC form is properly signed in 13 relinquisbed/rcccived sections? CoJIIITIClltS (U~ Cort1inu1tlon Form if needed): PM (or PMA) review; lnilials _ _:::::z..~,,........,___ Date_....._....,__....:::=;;<-'---'- Page _ _ / of _j__ GL-CHL-SR-001 p,.., "


RE: Submittal of Soil Samples to GEL for analysis by LACBWR Site-Joe J Reply From: "Joseph D. Jacobsen" <> Date: 9/13/2017 12:38 PM To: Edie Kent <> CC: "Jason Q. Spaide" <>, Jason Webb

      <>, "Robert J. Reheard" <>, "Joseph D.

Jacobsen" <> Good afternoon Edie from Genoa, WI. I trust that you and yours have made it thru the storms OK down t h ere. Please treat all of the submitted soil samples on a normal turnaround basis for all requested analyses. Consider this my statement for LaCrosseSolutions, LLC for purposes of the submitted COC. Thank you Edie. Joe Jacobsen LACBWR RPM From: Edie Kent [1] Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 10:09 AM To: Joseph D. Jacobsen Cc: Jason Q. Spaide; Jason Webb; Robert J. Reheard


Re: Submittal of Soil Samples to GEL for analysis by LACBWR Site Joe: Your samples arrived today. Your e-mail indicates the samples are for normal TAT but the chain has an *(Sr-90) by Normal and 5 days by Specify. Please verify your TAT for these samples. Edie On 9/6/2017 5:36 PM, Joseph 0 . Jacobsen wrote : Good afternoon Edie . An FYI - LaCrosseSolutions is sending (9) soil samples for normal t urnaround full nuclide suite analyses by GEL. They will be in a cooler sent by Fed EX Ground services tomorrow from Genoa, WI. Tha nk you, Joe Jacobsen Edith M. Kent Project Manager Laboratories LLc age 50 of 52

2040 Savage Road, Charleston, SC 294071 PO Box 30712, Charleston, SC 29417 Office Direct: 843.769.7385 I Office Main: 843.556.8171 I Fax: 843.766. 1178 E-Mail: emk@!lcl.comI Website: www.geJ.co111 Environmental IEngineering ISurveying I Analytical Testing Ask me about GEL's new testing capability for Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)! age 51 of 52

List of current GEL Certifications as of 10 October 2017 State Certification Alaska UST-0110 Arkansas 88-0651 CUA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC000 l2 Connecticut PH- 0169 Delaware SC00012 DoD ELAP/ TSO 17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P330-15-00283, P330- l 5- 00253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho Chemistry SC000J2 Idaho Radiochemistry SC000l2 lllinois NELAP 200029 Indiana C-SC-01 Kansas NELAP E- 10332 Kentucky SDW A 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (A133904) Louisiana SDWA LA L70010 Maryland 270 Massachusetts M- SC0l2 Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NE- OS-26-13 Nevada SC000 1220 I8-1 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 15 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 No11h Dakota R- 158 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsylvania NELAP 68- 00485 Pue1to Rico SC000l2 S.Carolina Radchem 10120002 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 TexasNELAP T104704235 12 Utah NELAP SC000122017- 23 Vennont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 West Virginia 997404 age 52 of 52}}