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#REDIRECT [[RA17-086, LaSalle - Submittal of Program Plan Associated with the Fourth Lnservice Inspection (ISI) Interval and the Third Containment Lnservice Inspection (Cisi) Interval]]
| number = ML17314A008
| issue date = 11/10/2017
| title = LaSalle - Submittal of Program Plan Associated with the Fourth Lnservice Inspection (ISI) Interval and the Third Containment Lnservice Inspection (Cisi) Interval
| author name = Trafton W J
| author affiliation = Exelon Generation Co, LLC, True North Consulting, LLC
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000373, 05000374
| license number = NPF-011, NPF-018
| contact person =
| case reference number = RA17-086
| package number = ML17317A006
| document type = Inservice/Preservice Inspection and Test Report, Letter
| page count = 129
{{#Wiki_filter:Exelon Ge ne ration RA17-086 November 10, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:
Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-11 and NPF-18 NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 LaSalle County Station 2601 North 21 51 Road Marseilles, IL 61341 815-415-2000 Telephone 1 O CFR 50.55a
Submittal of Program Plan Associated with the Fourth lnservice Inspection (ISi) Interval and the Third Containment lnservice Inspection (GISI) Interval
(1) Letter from S. A. Landahl (Exelon Generation Company, LLC) to U. S. NRC, "In Service Inspection (ISi) Intervals," dated September 22, 2006 (2) Letter from D. Gullett (Exelon Generation Company, LLC) to U.S. NRC, "LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, Fourth 10-Year Interval lnservice Inspection Program Relief Requests," dated May 30, 2017 In accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code, Section XI, IWA-1400(c), "Owner's Responsibility," attached for your Information is a copy of the lnservice Inspection (ISi) Program Plan associated with the Fourth lnservice Inspection (ISi) Interval and the Third Containment lnservice Inspection (GISI) Interval for LaSalle County Station (LSCS) Units 1 and 2. Section 8.0 of the ISi Program Plan includes the relief requests submitted in Reference
: 2. The Fourth Interval of the ISi and the Third GISI Interval programs comply with the 2007 Edition through the 2008 Addenda of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code. LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, are owned and operated by Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC), whose address Is: 200 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 November 10, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page2 There are no regulatory commitments contained in this report. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Guy V. Ford Jr., Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 415-2800.
J. Trafton
* Site Vice President LaSalle County Station
ISi Program Plan Fourth Ten-Year Inspection Interval cc: Regional Administrator-NRC Region Ill NRC Senior Resident Inspector
-LaSalle County Station LaSalle County Station ISi Program Document:
LLC 150 Merchant Drive Montrose.
CO 81401 Unit 1 -01/01/84 Unit 2 -10/17/84 Pre p ared For Exelon Generation , Exelon Generation Company. LL\ LaSalle County Station 260 I North 21 Rd. Marseilles.
IL 6 U..J I 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval Blank Page UiH 74.1 Rfl6*fl./
Rt1*M1111 fl IS/ Program Plan lASal/e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TITLE: DOCUMENT:
REVISION APPROVAL SHEET ISi Program Plan Fourth Ten-Year Inspection Interval LaSalle County Station, Units l & 2 LS8743R06-04 REVISION:
RECEIPT _4 a__.. ....
Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII) 0 Each time this document is the Revision Approval Sheet will be signed and the following Revision Control Sheet should be completed to provide a detailed record of the revision history. The signature., above apply only tn the changes made in the revision noted. If historical arc re4uircd, LaSalle County Station archives should be retrieved . .. ,.,.,,,. \'11rtl1 I I.<' II I IRIJfi.fJ.I H1*1*1 """ 0 IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval REVISION CONTROL SHEET Each time this document is revised, the following table should be completed to provide a detailed record of the revision history. Major changes should be outlined within the table below. Minor editorial and formatting revisions are not required to be logged. REVISION DATE REVISION
0 09/29/17 Initial issuance. (Developed by True North Consulting, LLC as part of the LaSalle County Station Fourth Interval ISi Program Update.) Pn.:pan.:d:
S. Coleman Reviewed:
M. King Approved:
D. Lamond Notes: I. This ISi Program Plan (Sections I -9 inclusive) is controlled by the LaSalle County Station Programs Engineering Group. 2. Revision 0 of this document was issued as the Fourth Interval ISi Program Plan and was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), including approval of the initial Fourth ISi Interval Relief Requests. Future revisions of this document made within the Fourth ISi Interval will be maintained and controlled at LaSalle County Station; however, they arc not required to be and will not be submitted to the NRC for approval.
The exception to this is that new or revised Relief Requests shall he submitted to the NRC for safety evaluation and approval.
'l'rnc* N11rtl1 C '1111.rnltit1R.
1.1.C' iii I .SH 7-1.I Hfl6*fl./
Hr ti 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval REVISION
SECTION EHECTIVE PAGES Preface i to vii 1.0 1-1 to 1-20 2.0 2-1 to 2-43 3.0 3-1 to 3-4 4.0 4-1 to 4-2 5.0 5-1 to 5-2 6.0 6-1 to 6-3 7.0 7-1 to 7-41 8.0 8-1 to 8-4 9.0 9-1 to 9-5 1"rt1c* N11rtlr Ctm.rnltillJ:, /./.(' REVISION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATE 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/17 09/29/17 09/29/17 UiH74.INflfl
.IJ4 Hr 1'i.vlmt fl ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE
1-1 l. l Introduction
===1.2 Background===
===1.3 First===
Interval ISi Program 1.4 Second Interval ISi Program 1.5 Third Interval ISi Program 1.6 Fourth Interval ISi Program 1.7 First Interval CISI Program 1.8 Second Interval CISI Program 1.9 Third Interval CISI Program 1.10 Code of Federal Regulations 1 OCFR50.55a Requirements I . I I Code Cases 1.12 Relief Requests 2.0 BASIS FOR INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM ..................................
2-1 2.1 ASME Section XI Examination Requirements
===2.2 Augmented===
Examination Requirements
===2.3 System===
Classifications and P&ID Boundary Drnwings 2.4 ISi Isometric and Component Drawings for Nonexempt ISi Class Components and Supports 2.5 Technical Approach and Positions
===3.0 COMPONENT===
ISi PLAN ...............................................................................................
3-1 3.1 Nonexempt ISi Class Components 3.2 Risk-Informed Examination Requirements
===3.3 Reactor===
Coolant Pressure Boundary Normal Make-up Calculation
===4.0 SUPPORl'===
ISi PLAN .............................................
.......... 4-1 4.1 Nonexempt IS I Class Supports 4.2 Snuhher Examination and Testing Requirements
===5.0 SYSTEM===
PRESSURE TESTING ISi PLAN ...........................
................. 5-1 5.1 ISi Class Systems 5.2 Risk-Informed Examination of Socket Welds 6.0 ('QN'l'AINMEN'I' ISi PLAN ..................................
6-1 6.1 Nonexempt IS I Class Component!\
===6.2 Augmented===
Examination 6 .. '\ Component
===6.4 Rcsponsihlc===
lndividm1l and Engineer 1'r11r ,\f orth C'1111.rnlti111t.
U.l' I' UtH74.IRflfl.IJ./
II IS/ Program Plan LaSalle Cmmty Station Units I & 2, Fo11rtli Interval TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)
TABLE .............................................................................
7-1 7. I Inservice Inspection Summary Tables 8.0 RELIEF REQUESTS FROM ASME SECTION XI .......................................................
........ 9-1 9.1 NRC References
===9.2 Industry===
===9.3 Licensee===
===9.4 License===
Renewal Refercnces/Commilmenls 7'rm* N"rtli l'1111.rnltin11.
/./, (' ,.; / .. 'iH 74.fHtJ(,.(J./
H 1* i*iJ/1111 fl 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle Co1111ty Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)
2-24 2.3-1 P&ID BOUNDARY DRAWINGS ................................................................................
2-27 2.3-2 C&ID BOUNDARY ORA WINGS ...............................................................................
2-28 2.4-1 ISi ISOMETRIC AND COMPONENT ORA WINGS ..................................................
2-30 2.4-2 CISI REFERENCE DRAWINGS .................................................................................
2-31 2.5-1 TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITIONS INDEX ..............................................
TABLE ...................
TABLE .........................................
TABLE PROGRAM NOTES ....................
7-40 8.0-1 RELIEF REQUEs*r INl)EX ...........................................................................................
8-4 .,.,,,,. "'"''" C"t111.rnltin1t.
/./.(" 1*U \'H7./JN11fi-ll./
N1*1*i.fi1111 II ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fo11rtli Interval
AND BACKGROUND I . I Introduction This Inservice Inspection (ISi) Program Plan details the requirements for the examination and testing of ISi Class I, 2 , 3, MC, and CC pressure retaining components, supports, containment structures, metal liners, and post-tensioning systems at LaSalle County Station (LSCS ), Units I, 2, and Common (0). Unit Common components are included in the Unit I sections, reports, and tables. This ISi Program Plan also includes Containment Inservice Inspection (CISI), Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISi), Augmented Examinations (AUG), and System Pressure Testing (SPT) requirements imposed on or committed to by LSCS. This ISi Program Plan is controlled and revised in accordance with the requirements of procedure ER-AA-330, "Conduct of lnservice Inspection Activities," which implements the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code, Section XI ISi Program. The ISi Program Plan is credited for some LSCS License Renewal Aging Management Programs as listed in Section 2.2.8. At LSCS, the lnservice Testing (IST) Program is maintained and implemented separately from the ISi Program. The IST Basis Document and Program Plan contain all applicable inservicc testing requirements.
Likewise, the Snubber Program is maintained separately from the ISi Program and documents all of the applicahlc snubber visual examination, functional testing, and service life monitoring requirements.
The Fourth ISi Interval and the Third CISI Interval arc effective from October I, 2017 through September 30, 2027 for LSCS Units I and 2. Along with the update lo the ISi Program for the Fourth ISi Interval for ISi Class I, 2, and 3 components, including their supports, the CISI Program is also being updated for the Third CISI Interval for ISi Class MC and CC components.
This update will enable all of the ISi and CISI Program components I piping structural clements to he based on the same effective Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI. as well as share a common interval start and end date. The common ASME Code of Record for the Fourth ISi Interval and the Third C'ISI Interval is the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda. Paragraph IWA-2430(c)( I) of ASME Section XI allows an inspection interval to he extended or decreased hy as much as one year without restriction, and Paragraph IW A-2430(d) un interval to he extended when a unit is out of service for six months or more. The extension may he taken for a period of time not to exceed the duration of the outage. Sec Tables 1.1-1, 1.1-2, 1.1-3, amt 1.1-4 for intervals, perirn.1)1, und detailed notes regarding uny current extension)>
hcing taken that npply lo LSCS's Fourth ISi lntcrvnl nnd Third C'ISI lnh.*rvul.
1'rtlf' i\'11rtl1 C'1111.rnlti1111.
I.I.<' l*I I ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval The Fourth ISi Interval for ISi Class l, 2, and 3 components and the Third CISI Interval for ISI Class MC components and surfaces are divided into three inspection periods as determined by calendar years within the intervals.
Tables 1.1-1 and 1.1-2 identify the period start and end dates for the Fourth ISi Interval and the Third CISI Interval as defined by the Inspection Program. In accordance with Paragraph IW A-2430(c)(3), the inspection periods specified in these Tables may be decreased or extended by as much as I year to enable inspections to coincide with LSCS's refueling outages. The inspection of ISi Class CC components and tendons for the Third CISI Interval shall be performed in accordance with Paragraph IWL-2410 and IWL-2420.
Tables 1.1-3 and 1.1-4 identify the inspection schedule.
1'r111* .V11rth ('1111.mltinJ:, I.I.(' /.] UiH 74.1 RtJft.IJ./
R1*1*/.f/1111 II Unit I Projttted Outage Number I Start Date LIR17 I Sdk.-dult.-d 1+1-1) :?./18 LIR18 I Schcdult.-J
(+I-:!) :!120 LIRl9 I Schedult.-J t-'-2-11 ! :!n:! LIR20 I Sctk.-Jult.-J I 1+2-21 :!/2.J, LIR:!l l Sctk.-Jult.-J
(+3-1) :?./:!6 /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE I.I-I UNITS I & 2 FOURTH ISi INTERVAL/PERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS l. 2, AND 3 COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS)
Period Interval Period Start Date to End Date Start Date to Start Date to End Date End Date I" I" I OJ I/ 17 10 9/30/20 10/1/17 lo 9/30/20 .J,lh (Uni1 I) -,DJ 2nd -10/1117 lo 9/30/27 1 10/1/1010 9/30/2.J, 10/1/20 10 9/30/2.J, .J,lh (Unit 2) 3n1 10/1/1710 9/30/27 2 3n1 10/l/1.J, to 9/30/17 10/1 /2.J, to 9/30/27 Unit2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Scheduled L2Rl7 2119 (4-1-1) Scheduled L2Rl8 2/21 (4-2-1) Scheduled L2Rl9 2/23 (4-2-2) Scheduled L2R20 2125 (.J,-3-1)
Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (4-3-2) Sotc I: 1be LliCS Uni1 I ISi lnler\*al "as ex1end"-d h) 35.J, days as pcrmined by ASME Section XI. This exlension was carried forward to the Third and Fourth ISi lnler\ab 10 facili1ate hoth L<iCS Unils I and 2 ha\'ing the same ISi interval start dales. end dates. and codes of record, as well as this common inler\al dale ma1ching lhc CISI Program dates. This means that for the rest of the Fourth ISi Interval, only 6 days remain available to use the Paragraph JW A-2430Cc>
Nole that this ex1ension is separate from and in addi1ion 10 that of Paragraph IW A-2430(d) which does n."quin: the inter\ al pattern to he adjusted accordingly.
l't*h: :!. 1be L<iCS l'ml 2 ISi ln1er\al "as e"<lended hy 88 days as pcrmined hy ASME Section XI. This extension was carried forward to the Third and ISi lnler\ali.
to facilitate holh L<iCS Units I and 2 ha\'ing the same ISi interval start dales.
end dates. and codes of record, as well as this common mknal dale matching the CISI Program dates. This means that for the rest of the Fourth ISi Interval.
only 277 days are available to use under the Paragraph IWA-2430Ccl extension. Note that this extension is separate from and in addition to that of Paragraph IWA-2430(d) which does require the suc"-es.'i'e inter\al pattern to he adjusk-d accordingl). True .\'ordt Comulling.
LLC 1-3 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Unit I Projected Outage Date LIR17 I Schc.."dulc.."d c 3-1-1) I .!llR URIS j Schc.."dulc.."d
(.\-1-2) I 2'20 LIRllJ j Schc.."dulc.."d I 0-2-ll 2'22 LIR:!O Schedulc.."d t.\-2-2) I 2'2..t LI R21 I Schc.."dulc.."d I 2'26 I I IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourtli Interval TABLE 1.1-2 UNITS I & 2 THIRD CISI INTERVAL/PERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS MC COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS)
Period Interval Period Start Date to End Date Start Date to Start Date to End Date End Date , .. I" I()/ I/ 17 (O 9130'20 I 0/1/17 (O 9/30/20 'loJ 3n1 tUni1 l) 2nJ -10/1/17 10 9/30/27 1 10/1'20 (0 9130'2..t IO/l /20 (O 9/30/24 3n1 <Uni1 2) 3n1 I0/1/1710 9/30/27 1 3111 IO/lf2..t (O 9/30/27 10/1/24 (0 9/30/27 Unit2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Scheduled L2Rl7 2/19 (3-1-1) Scheduled L2Rl8 2/21 (3-2-1) Scheduled L2Rl9 2/23 (3-2-2) Scheduled L2R20 2/25 (3-3-1) Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (3-3-2) :'\ote I: The First CISJ for Unib I an<l 2 were reduced hy 3..t5 days as permined by ASME Seclion XI. This reduction was carried forward to the Sc:cond and Thtrd CJSJ lnten als to facilitale the CISI Program sharing common interval start dates. end dates. and codes of record with the ISi Program. This mealb that the en<l of the Third CISI lnten al can only he moved forward another 20 days or extended out up to one year under Paragraph IW A-Note thal this n."duction is separate from and in addition to that of Paragraph IW A-2..t30(d) which requires the successive interval pattern to be aJjush."d True .\'"'111 Consulling.
UC /-./ LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Unit I I Projected Outage :Somber ! Start Date LI R J7 I Sdk.'tlukd c 3-l-l 1 I 2/18 LI R18 ' Sctk.>dukd I i Y20 LIRl9 I Schaiuk'tl c .'-2-H '!122 LI IL."'O I Schcdukd c 3-:!-2) l Y24 LIR21 I Schcduk'tl I Y26 /SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.1-3 UNITS 1 & 2 THIRD CISI INTERV AUPERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS CC-CONCRETE COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS) 5-Y ear Period ( 2 Year Windo"*) .. 40"' -9 11 5 11 9 (9/1 5118 lo 9114/20): 45 111 -9115 1 24 (9/15/23 (O 9/14/25): ' Interval Start Date to End Date 3 n1 (Uni1 I) IO/I/ 17 co 9/30/27 1 3n1 (Unit 2) I0/1/17 co 9/30127 1 5-Year Period Exam#-Date (2 Year Window) **-* -Unit 2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Schedul ed L 2 RI 7 2/19 (3-1-1) Scheduled L2RI 8 2/21 (3-2-1) Scheduled L2RI9 2/23 (3-2-2) Scheduled L 2 R20 2/25 (3-3-1) Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (3-3-2) !'oh: I: 11-= First CISJ lnlef' als for Un us I and 2 "en: reduced by 345 days as permiued by ASME Section XI. This reduction was carried forward to the 5'.-cond and llurd CISI lntef' als to facililale che CISI Program sharing common interval scan daces. end daces. and codes of record with the ISi Program. llu" means char lhc end of chc Third CISI lntef'*al can only be moved forward another 20 days or extended out up to one year under Paragraph IW A-Note tha1 chi s n.'tloclion is from and in addition lo chat of Paragraph IWA-24:\0(d) which requires the successive interval pauern to be adJustc.'tl Sote :: 11-= Suhsc."Cuon IWL in s pc.-cuon sctk.'tlule for the concrete containment surface meets the requirements of Subarticle IWL-2400. Paragraph IWL-2510 mspccuons
"'II be pcrformc.'tl once e\ery 5 They will begin not more than I year prior to the specified date and will be completed not more than I after such date. The iniual IWL concrete examinations for each unit were required to be completed between September 9 , 1996 and September
: 8. :!001 IOCFR50.55a.
The rolling 5-year examination dale and associated 2 year window for each unit is determined from these first dale."' c 9/15199 and 9 11 8/00 for Units I and 2 respectively). .\"Mth Consalling.
LLC 1-5 LS87 43R06-04 Revision 0 Unit I Projttted Outage Numbtt I Start Date LIRl7 I SchedukaJ 1.l-l-l 1 I :!118 LIRIR I Scheduk."d I C.3-1-::!I I :!110 LIR19 I Schc..-dukaJ I 3-::!-1 I i 212::! LI R2 0' I SchedukaJ I .l-2-21 2124 LllU I I Sctk.aJukaJ c.l-3-1 > I 2126 /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.1-4 UNITS I & 2 THIRD CISI INTERV Al/PERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS CC-TENDON COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS) 5-\'ear Period Exam#-Date (2 Year Windo"*) 40"'-1211118 11 :!11117 to ' No , .. "''
' . "" . 45 111 -I :!11/::!3 c I :!ti/:!:!
to 11/J0/::!4 lnten*al Start Date to End Date 3n1 (Unit I) 10/1/17 to 9/30/27 1 3 n1 (Unit 2) 10/1/17 to 9/30/27 1 5-Year Period Exam#-Date (2 Year Window) 35m -611 /18 Unit 2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Scheduled L2Rl7 3 2/19 (3-1-1) Scheduled L2Rl8 2/2 1 (3-2-1) Scheduled L 2 Rl9 2/23 (3-2-2) Scheduled L2R20 2125 (3-3-1) Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (3-3-2) Socc I: 1k Fir.;a CISJ lntcnals for L<iCS Units I and 2 were reduced by 345 days as permitted by ASME Section XI. This reduction was carried forward to the anJ Third CISI lntcn als to facilitate the CISI Program sharing common inter v al stan dates. end dates. and codes of record with the ISi Program. This means that the cod of the Third CISI lntcn*al can only be moved forward another 20 days or extended out up to one year under Paragraph IW A-2430lc 1. NO(e that this n.-duction is separate from and in addition to that of Paragraph IWA-2430(d) which requires the successive interval pattern to be aJjUSlc..-d Socc 2: 1k IWL inspc..-ction schc..-dulc for the containment post-tensioning system meets the requirements of Subarticle IWL-2400. Paragraph J\\'L-2520 mspecuons "ill be pcrformc..aJ once e\*ery 5 years. They will begin not more than I year prior to the specified date and will be completed not more than I after such date. 10e initial Subsc..-ction IWL 5-year examination date for each unit was determined based on the previous inspection datc..-s under che St.acion Tendon Suncillancc Program prior to Subsection IWL being endorsed by the NRC. The original dates for the post-tensioning "ere f\a.'i(.aJ on the initial structural integrity ISIT) tests. The LSCS Unit I initial SIT was performed in December 1978 and the LSCS Unit 2 inuial SIT "as pcrformc..aJ in June 1983 155 months apan). The LSCS Unit I post-tensioning operation was performed in July 1978 and the LSCS Unit 2 operation "as pcrfonncd in December 1980129 months apan). NOie J: ASME Sc..-ctmn XI hem Number L2. I 0 tests and L2.20 examinations are performed during this outage. These tests and examinations are performed tllhc..'T period for each indi' idual Unit such that the t\\O Units alternate every five years. (See Relief Request 14R-0-t.)
.\*onlr Consalling.
UC 1-6 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Pla11 1.ASalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11terval
===1.2 Background===
The Commonwealth Edison Company, now known commercially as Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC), obtained Construction Permits to build LSCS on September 10, 1973, for Unit 1, CPPR-99, and for Unit 2, CPPR-100.
The Docket Numbers assigned to LSCS are 50-373 for Unit 1 and 50-374 for Unit 2. After satisfactory plant construction and preoperational testing was completed, LSCS was granted a full power operating license for Unit 1, NPF-11, and subsequently commenced commercial operation on January 1, 1984; the full power operating license for Unit 2, NPF-18, was granted and commercial operation commenced on October 17, 1984. LSCS's piping systems and associated components were designed and fabricated to be inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section XI. Although this plant was specifically designed to meet the inspection and testing requirements of ASME Section XI, literal compliance may not be feasible or practical within the limits of the current plant design. Certain limitations arc likely to occur due to conditions such as accessibility, geometric configuration, and/or metallurgical characteristics.
For some inspection categories, an alternate component may be selected for examination and the code statistical and distribution requirements can still be maintained.
If ASME Section XI required examination criteria cannot be met, a relief request will be submitted in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Section 55a, "Codes and standards" (I OCFR50.55a).
===1.3 First===
Interval IS I Program Pursuant to I OCFR50.55a, Paragraph (g). "lnservice inspection requirements," licensees were required to meet the requirements of that section. Specifically.
Paragraph IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(i) called for the inservice inspection re<.1uirements of the 120 month inspection interval to comply with the requirements of the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in Paragraph (h) of IOCFR50.55a on the date twelve months prior the date of issuance of the operating license. subject to the limitations mtd modifications listed in The version of I OCFR50.55a in effect twelve months prior to the start of the First ISi Interval referenced ASME Section XI. 1980 Edition with Addenda through the Winter 1980 (80W80). titled Rules for lnscrvice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components.
The inservice inspection requirements applicable to exmnination and system testing for the First ISi Program were based on these rules. The ISi Interval was effective from fanumy I. 1984 through Novemher 22. 1994 for LSCS Unit I and from Octohcr 17. 1984 thmugh Octoher 16. 1994 for LSCS l lnit 2. 1'r111* N11rt/1 Cm1.rnltl111t.
/./.(' 1*7 I .. 'iH7./J/Wfi.tJ./
H1*rM1111 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Jnterval 1.4 Second Interval ISI Program Pursuant to I OCFR50.55a(g), licensees were required to update their ISi Programs at the end of the First ISI Interval.
The ISi Program was required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in I OCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Second ISi Interval per I OCFR50.55a(g)(4
)(ii). The LSCS Units I and 2 Second Interval ISi Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of 1 OCFR50.55a and the 1989 Edition with No Addenda of ASME Section XI. The LSCS Second Interval ISi Program Plan addressed Subsections IW A, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWF, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and Safety Evaluation Reports (SER's), and utilized Inspection Program B. LSCS adopted the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Topical Repo11 TR-112657, Rev. B-A methodology, which was supplemented by ASME Code Case N-578-1 (N-578-1 ). for implementing risk-informed inservice inspections during the Second ISi Interval.
This approach replaced the categorization, selection, and examination volume requirements of ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F. 8-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2 applicahle to LSCS with the associated requirements of EPRI Topical Repo11 TR-112657, Rev. B-A for Examination Category R-A as delined in N-578-1. Implementation of RI-ISi Program was in accordance with Relief Request CR-35. LSCS also adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A. methodology for additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to Break Exclusion Region (BER) piping. also rcf'crrcd to as the lligh Energy Linc Break (1-IELB) region. This change to the BER Program was made under I OCFR50.59 evaluation criteria.
The BER Program hcgan in the third period of the Second ISi Interval and was in affect through the end of the interval.
At the end of the Second ISi Interval and in preparation for the Third ISi Interval, LSCS informed the NRC of extensions and reductions taken in order to synchronize the ISi Intervals hetween LSCS Units I and 2 for ISi Class I, 2, and J, and lo align the CISI Interval for ISi Class MC and CC with the synchrnni1.ed LSCS Units I and 2 IS I Interval.
This letter was sent on September
: 22. 2006, and the changes assured that both the IS I and CIS I Pmgrnms would use the same Code Edition und Addenda for the next and successive intervals and would likewise establish cum111on i111ple111enting prrn:edures for both units. To uffect the synchroni1ation and alignment between the LSCS Units I and 2 ISi and CISI Intervals.
Parngrnph IWA-24JO(d) was used to adjust each inspection interval within the one year allowance. Since the provisions of ASME Section XI Paragruph IWA-24.10(d) were adhered to us re<1uired.
a relief request was not 1'rm* l\'11rt/1 C'1111.rnltit11t.
1.1.C' l*H ViH7".lRfl6*fl4 R,.1*M1111 ti IS/ Program Pla11 LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval As su ch, the Second ISi Interval was effective from November 23, 1994 through Septe mber 30, 2007 for LSCS Unit 1 and from October 17, 1994 through Se p te mber 30, 2007 for LSCS Unit 2. 1.5 Third Interval ISi Program Pursuant to l OCFR50.55a(g), licensees were required to update their ISi Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.
The ISi Program was required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in lOCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Third ISi Interval per IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(ii). As discussed in Section 1.4, the start of the Third ISi Interval was on October I, 2007 for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda or ASME Section XI referenced in IOCFR50.55a(b)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Third ISi Interval was the 200 I Edition through the 2003 Addenda. The LSCS Units I and 2 Third Interval ISi Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements or I OCFR50.55a, and the 200 I Edition through the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI, subject to the limitations and modifications contained within Parngrnph (b) of the regulation.
The LSCS Third Interval ISi Program Plan addressed Subsections IWA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWF, Mandatory Appendices or ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and Safety Evaluations (SE's), and utilized Inspection Progrnm B. LSCS adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-112657, Rev. B-A methodology, which was supplemented hy N-578-1, for implementing risk-informed inservicc inspections during the Second ISi Interval.
The RI-ISi Program continued for the Third ISi Interval.
Implementation of the RI-ISi Progrnm was in accordance with Relief Request BR-0 I. LSCS also adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A. methodology for additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to BER piping. also rcl'erred to as the I IELB region. This change to the BER Prngrnm was made under IOCFR50.59 evaluation criteria during the Second ISi Interval.
The BER Program continued for the Third ISi Interval.
The end of the LSC'S Unit I Third ISi Interval was extended live additional days. as allowed by Paragraph IW A-2430(d)( I). This adjustment was made in order to complete the end of interval system pressure testing. The subsequent stm1 and end date of the Fourth ISi Interval was not udjusted as ullowcd by IWA-2430(d)( I), thus creating a five day overlap of the Unit I Third ISi Interval to Fom1h ISi Interval trnnsition.
Thu!\, the Third ISi Interval was effective from Octoher I, 2007 through October 5. 2017 for LSC'S Unit I. und from October I. 2007 thmugh Septcmher 30 , 2017 for Unit 2. '/'rue* Nortl1 C1111.rnlti111l, 1.1.C' 1*9 UiHU.IHflfl.fl./
Hr 1*1.f/1111 tJ 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 1.6 Fourth Interval ISi Program Pursuant to IOCFR50.55a(g), licensees are required to update their ISi Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.
The ISi Program is required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in 10CFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Fourth ISi Interval per IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(ii).
As discussed in Section 1.5, the start of the Fourth IS I Interval was October I, 2017, for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda of the Code referenced in I OCFR50.55a(b)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Fourth ISi Interval was the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda. The LSCS Units I and 2 Fourth Interval ISi Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of I OCFR50.55a, and the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda of ASME Section XI, subject to the limitations and modifications contained within Paragraph (b) of the regulation.
These limitations and modifications arc detailed in Table I. I 0-1 of this section. The LSCS Fourth Interval ISi Program Plan addresses Subsections IW A, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWF, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and SE's, and utilizes the Inspection Progrnm as defined therein. LSCS adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-112657, Rev. B-A methodology, which was supplemented hy N-578-1, for implementing risk-informed inscrvicc inspections during the Second ISi Interval.
The RI-ISi Program will continue for the Fourth ISi Interval.
Implementation of the RI-ISi Program is in accordance with Relief Request 14R-O I. LSCS also adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A, methodology for additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to BER piping, also referred to as the HELB region. The BER Program will continue for the Fourth ISi Interval.
The Fourth IS I Interval is effective from October I, 2017 through September 30, 2027, for LSCS Units I and 2. 1.7 First Interval CISI Program CISI examinations were originally invoked hy amended regulations contained within a Final Ruic issued hy the NRC. The amended regulation incorporated the rel1t1ircmcnts of the 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda of ASME Section XI. Suhsections IWE and IWL, subject 10 specific modifk111ions that were included in Purngrnphs IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(ix) and IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(x).
Relief from the cxmnination requirement'i of the 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda of ASME Section XI grunted hy the NRC to allow LS\S I and 2 h> u'c the 1998 Edition with No Addenda for of contuinmcnl 1'rm* .V11rtll 0111.mlti11Jl, 1.1.C' I* /IJ / .. 'iH 7./.f Hf If>. fl./ Rr1*i.fi1111 ti IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval The final rulemaking was published in the Federal Register on August 8, 1996 and specified an effective date of September 9, 1996. Implementation of the Subsection IWE and IWL Program from a scheduling standpoint was driven by the five year expedited implementation period per IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B), which specified that the examinations required to be completed by the end of the first period of the First CISI Interval (per Table IWE-2412-1) be completed by the effective date (by September 9, 200 I). ASME Section XI Subsections IWE, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, and approved alternatives through relief requests and SER's, and Inspection Program B were utilized in the ISi Program midway through the Second ISi Interval to implement these CISI requirements.
The First CISI Interval was initially scheduled from September 9, 1996 through September 9, 2008 for both LSCS Units 1 and 2. The baseline inspections for ISi Class CC concrete surfaces were perf armed on September 15, 1999 (LI R08) and September 18, 2000 (L2R08) for LSCS Units I and 2. These dates began the rolling inspection periods for both LSCS Units I and 2 for ISi Class CC concrete surfaces.
The baseline inspections for ISi Class CC post-tensioning system was determined based on the previous inspection dates under the Station Tendon Surveillance Program prior to Subsection IWL being endorsed by the NRC. These dates began the rolling inspection periods for both LSCS Units I and 2 for ISi Class CC concrete surfaces.
These original dates were based on the initial SIT tests. The CISI Program Plan was developed and implemented prior to the required date, and examinations for the first, second, and third periods were performed in accordance with the First CISI Interval schedule for LSCS Units I and 2. As detailed in Section 1.4, the transition from the First lo Second Interval CISI Program occurred approximately one year early for LSCS Units 1 and 2 to allow for a common interval date and Code of record between the ISi and CISI Programs.
To affect the synchronization and alignment between the LSCS Units I and 2 ISi and CISI Intervals, Paragraph IW A-2430(d) was used to adjust each inspection interval within the one year allowam:e.
Since the provisions of ASME Section XI Paragraph IW A-2430(d) were adhered to as required, a relief request was not necessary.
I.SC'S informed the NRC hy letter on September
: 22. 2006 of this synchroni1
.ation permitting the subsequent ISi and CJSJ Programs to slmre a common inspection interval start and end date und to implemenl common Code Editions for ISi \la-;)> I, 2, 3, MC, and CC components. As )>Uch. the First CISI Interval was effective from September 9, 1996 through Septemher 30, 2007, for LSCS l Jnits I uml 2. I .M Second Interval CISI Progrnm 1'r111* "'"'''' ( '1111.rnltillll, /./.(' 1-11 UiH'/4.f/Wft-tl./
Hl'rMm1 fJ 
/SI Program P/a11 LaSalle County Station U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval Pursuant to IOCFR50.55a(g), licensees were required to update their CISI Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.
The CISI Program was required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in IOCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Second CISI Interval per IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(ii). As discussed in Section 1.7, the start of the Second CISI Interval was on October I, 2007 for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in I OCFR50.55a(b
)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Second CISI Interval was the 200 I Edition through the 2003 Addenda. The LSCS Units 1 and 2 Second Interval CISI Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of 1 OCFR50.55a, and the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI, subject to the limitations and modifications contained within Paragraph (b) of the regulation.
The LSCS Second Interval CISI Program Plan addressed Subsections IWE, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and SE's, and utilized Inspection Program B. The Second CISI Interval was effective from October I, 2007 through September 30, 2017 for LSCS Units I and 2. 1.9 Third Interval CISI Program Pursuant to I OCFR50.55a(g), licensees arc required to update their CISI Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.
The CISI Program is required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in IOCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the interval per I OCFR50.55a(g)( 4 )(ii). As discussed in Section 1.8, the start of the Third CISI Interval was October I, 2017, for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in IOCFR50.55a(b)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Third CISI Interval was the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda. The LSCS Units I and 2 Third Interval CISI Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of IOCFR50.55a, and the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda of ASME Section XI, suhject to the limitations and modifications contained within Paragraph (h) of the regulation.
These limitations mul modifications me detailed in Tahle 1.10-1 of this section. The LSCS Third Interval CISI Program Plan addresses Suhsections IWE, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI. approved Code Cuses, and approved alternatives thrnugh relief request!\
and SE's and utilizes Inspection Prngram us delined therein. The Third CISI Interval is effective from October I. 2017 through September 2027, for LSCS Units I und 2. 1.10 Code of Fcdernl IOCFR50.55u Requirements 1'r111* Nt1rtli ('1111.rnltit1Jl, /./.(' 1*11 U\H7./.fRfl6*114 Rt'1*/.d1111 fl ISi Program Pla11 LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval There are certain paragraphs in l OCFR50.55a that list the limitations, modifications, and/or clarifications to the implementation requirements of ASME Section XI. The paragraphs in I OCFR50.55a that are applicable to LSCS are detailed in Table I. I 0-I. 1'rm* .V11rtll ('1111.mlti1111.
/./.(' /./.I I }ill 7 4. I NOMI./
fJ IS/ Program Pla11 IASalle County Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11/erval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(viii)(E)
I OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(A)
I OCFR50.55a(h )(2)(ix )(B) .,.,,,,. N 11rtll Cm1mlt i 111t. I.I.<' (Program)
Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications (CISI) Concrete co11tai11me11t exami11atio11s
: Fifth provision. For Class CC applications, the applicant or licensee must evaluate the acceptability of inaccessible areas when conditions exist in accessible areas that could indicate the presence of or the result in degradation to such inaccessible areas. For each inaccessible area identified, the applicant or licensee must provide the following in the ISi Summary Report required by IW A-6000: (I) A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, and the conditions that led to the degradation; (2) An evaluation of each area, and the result of the evaluation; and (3) A descrintion of necessary corrective actions. (CISI) Metal co111ain111e11t exa111i11ations:
First provision. For Class MC applications, the following apply to inaccessible areas. (2) For each inaccessible area identified for evaluation, the applicant or licensee must provide the following in the ISi Summary Report as required hy IW A-6000: i. A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, and the conditions that led to the degradation; ii An evaluation of each area, and the result of the evaluation; and iii A description llf necessary corrective actions. (CISI) Ml'tt1/ co11te1i11111&#xa3;'11t c 1.w111i11e1tio11
.\*: Sem11d pm1*faio11.
When performing remotely the visual examinations required hy Subsection IWE, the maximum direct examination di s tance specilied in Table IWA-2210-1 may he extended and the minimum illumirrntion requirements specified in Table IW A-2210-1 may he decreased provided tlrnt the conditions or indications for which the visual examination is performed can he detected ut the chosen distance und illumination. /."' l.SH7ol.fHIJfl.fJ4  "
II IS/ Program Plan lASal/e County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs I OCFR50.55a(b )(2)(ix)(J) 1 OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xii) 1 OCFR50.55a(h )(2)(xiv) 1'rttr .\'11rtll ( 'm1.rnlti111t.
1.1.C * (Program)
Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications (CISI) Metal co11tai11111e11t examinations:
Tenth provision. In general, a repair/replacement activity such as replacing a large containment penetration , cutting a large construction opening in the containment pressure boundary to replace steam generators, reactor vessel heads, pressurizers, or other major equipment; or other similar modification is considered a major containment modification.
When applying IWE-5000 to Class MC pressure-retaining components, any major containment modification or repair/replacement must be followed by a Type A test to provide assurance of both containment structural integrity and leak-tight integrity prior to returning to service, in accordance with 1 OCFR part 50, Appendix J, Option A or Option Bon which the applicant's or licensee's Containment Leak-Rate Testing Program is based. When applying IWE-5000, if a Type A, B, or C Test is performed, the test pressure and acceptance standard for the test must be in accordance with IOCFR part 50, Armendix J. (IS() Section XI condition:
Underwater The provisions in IWA-4660, "Underwater Welding," of Section XI, 1997 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( 1 )(ii) of this section. arc not annroved for use on irradiated material. (ISi) Section XI cmulition:
Appendix VIII per.\*01111el qual{lkation. All personnel qualilied for performing ultrnsonic examinations in accordance with Appendix VIII must receive 8 homs of annual hands-on training on specimens that contain cracks. Licensees applying the 1999 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated hy reference in P;m1grnph (a)( I )(ii) of this section may use the annual practice requirements in Vll-4240 of Appendix VII of Section XI in place of the 8 hours of annual hands-on training provided that the supplemental practice is performed on material or welds that contain cracks. or hy analyzing prerecorded data from materi;al or welds that contain crncks. In either case. training must he completed no earlier tlmn 6 months prior to performing ultrnsonic examinations al the licen see's facility.
R1*1*M1111 fl 
/SJ Program Plan IASalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS lOCFRSO.SSa REQUIREMENTS lOCFRSO.SSa Paragraphs (Program)
Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xviii)(A) (ISi) NDE perso1111el certijlrntion:
First provisio11. Level I and II nondestructive examination personnel must be recertified on a 3-year interval in lieu of the 5-year interval specified in the 1997 Addenda and 1998 Edition of IW A-2314, and IWA-2314(a) and IWA-2314(b) of the 1999 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section. IOCFR50.55 a(b)(2)(xix) (ISi) Sectio11 XI co11ditio11:
<fa/temative methods: The provisions in IWA-4520(b)(2) and IWA-4521 of the 2008 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section, allowing the substitution of ultrasonic examination for radiographic examination specified in the Construction Code, are not approved for use. I OCFR50.55a(b
)(2 )(xx )(8) (ISi) System tests: Second provi.,*io11. The NOE provision in IW A-4540(a)(2) of the 2002 Addenda of Section XI must be applied when performing system leakage tests after repair and replacement activities performed by welding or brazing on a pressure retaining boundary using the 2003 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section. IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxii) (ISi) St*c*tio11 XI co11ditio11
: S111:f'ac'<'
: The use of the provision in IW A-222 0, "Surface Examination," of Section XI, 2001 Edition through the h1test edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section, that allows use of an ultrasonic examination method is prohibited.
I OC'FR50.5 5a(h )( 2 )(xx iii) ( ISi) Section XI m11ditio11:
El'lll11atio11 thamally rnt s111:/c1e*c'.\': The use of the provisions for eliminating mechanical processing of thermally cut surfaces in IW A-4461.4.2 of Section XI. 2001 Edition through the latest edition and addenda incorporated hy reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section, is prohibited. IOC'FR50.55a(h)(2)(xxv) (ISi) .'frl'tio11 XI nmditio11:
by 11wc/Ult'atio11
: The of the provisions in IW A-4340, "Mitigation of Defects hy Modification," Section XI. 2001 Edition through the latest edition and uddcndu incorporntcd hy refcrcnl'C in Puragrnph (a)( I )(ii) nf this ure orohibitcd.
1'r11t :V11rtl1 C'1111.rnltit1Jl, 1.1.C' l};H7-l.IRfJ6*114 Ht 1*i J/1111 II 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 Units 1 & 2, Fourth /11terval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs (Program)
Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxvi) (SPT) Section XI condition:
Pressure testing Class/, 2, and 3 111echa11ical joints: The repair and replacement activity provisions in IW A-4540(c) of the 1998 Edition of Section XI for pressure testing Class I, 2, and 3 mechanical joints must be applied when using the 200 I Edition through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( 1 )(ii) of this section. I OCFR50.55a(b
)(2)(xx vii) (ISi) Section XI condition:
Removal <f i11.rnlation:
When performing visual examination in accordance with ... IW A-5241 of the 2007 Edition through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( 1 )(ii) of this section, insulation must be removed from 17-4 PH or 410 stainless steel studs or bolts aged at a temperature below 1 I 00 &deg;F or having a Rockwell Method C hardness value above 30, and from A-286 stainless steel studs or bolts preloaded to I 00,000 pounds per square inch or hhiher. IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(xxviii) (ISi) Section XI rn11ditio11:
Licensees using ASME BPV Code, Section XI, Appendix A, shall use the following conditions when implementing Equation (2) in A-4300(h }( 1 ): 1'r111* ,\'11rtl1
< '1111.mlti111:.
I.I.<' For R<C>. 6K1 depends on the crack depth (a), and the llow stress (ar). The llow stress is delined hy (a1) = 1/2(a y , + 01111). where <Ty, is the yield strength and 01111 is the ultimate tensile strength in units ksi (MPa) and (a) is in units in. (111111).
For -2 :5 R :5 0 and K ..... , -Kmin ::5 0.8 x 1.12 <Tr S = 1 and 6K1 = Knrn* For R < -2 mul Krw" -Knnn :5 0.8 x 1.12 a1 S = 1 and 6K1 = ( 1-R) K,,,a, I 3. For R < 0 and Knia,-K111111 > 0.8 x 112 a1 S = 1 and 6K1 = K,,, ,"-Kmrn* 1*11 I };H 7 ./, f NflfJ.fl./
N,. 1*i.fi1111 fl JS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs l OCFR50.55a(b )(5) l'rm* .\'ort/1 C'1111.rnlti1111.
1.1.C * (Program)
Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications (ISi) Co11ditio11s 011 i11service i11spectio11 Code Cases: Licensees may apply the ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, without prior NRC approval subject to the following: (i) /SI Code Case condition:
Applying Code Cases. When a licensee initially applies a listed Code Case, the licensee must apply the most recent version of that Code Case incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section. (ii) JS/ Code Case condition:
Applying different revisiom* <?l Code Cases. If a licensee has previously applied a Code Case and a later version of the Code Case is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, the licensee may continue to apply, to the end of the current 120-month interval, the previous version of the Code Case, as authorized, or may apply the later version of the Code Case, including any NRC-specilied conditions placed on its use. Licensees who choose lo continue use of the Code Case during subsequent 120-monlh ISi program intervals will be required lo implement the latest version incorpornted by reference into IOCFR50.55a as listed in Tables I and 2 of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147. (iii) /SI Code Ca.\'<' cmulition:
Applying m11111/led Code Cases. Application of an annulled Code Case is prohibited unless a licensee previously applied the listed Code Case prior lo it being listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147. II' a licensee has applied a listed Code Case that is later listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, the licensee may continue lo apply the Code Case lo the end of the current 120-month interval.
J./H UiH74.fHIJf>.fl4 Hr1*i.cim1 II 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 1. 11 Code Cases Per 10CFR50.55a(b)(5), ASME Code Cases that have been determined to be suitable for use in ISi Program Plans by the NRC are listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147, "Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability-ASME Section XI, Division I." The approved Code Cases in Regulatory Guide 1.147 being utilized by LSCS, are included in Section 2.1.1 of this document.
The most recent version of a given Code Case incorporated in the revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 referenced in 10CFR50.55a(b)(5)(i) at the time it is applied within the ISi Program shall be used. The latest revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 incorporated into this document is Revision 18. As this guide is revised, newly approved Code Cases may be assessed for plan implementation at LSCS per Paragraph IW A-2441 ( e) and proposed for use in revisions to the IS I Program Plan. Per the latest revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147, if a Code Case is implemented by a licensee and a later version of the Code Case is incorporated by reference into IOCFR50.55a and listed in Tables I and 2 during the licensee's present 120-month ISi Program interval, that licensee may use either the later version or the previous version. An exception to this provision would be the inclusion of a limitation or condition on the use of the Code Case that is necessary, for example, to enhance safety. The use of Code Cases (other than those listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147) may he authorized hy the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation upon request pursuant to 1 OCFR50.55a(z).
Code Cases not approved for use in Regulatory Guide 1.147 being utilized hy LSCS through associated relief requests, arc included in Section 8.0 of this document.
1.12 Relief Requests In accordance with IOCFR50.55a, when a licensee either proposes alternatives to ASME Section XI requirements.
which provide an acceptable level of quality and safety. determines compliance with ASME Section XI requirements would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. or determines that spccilic ASME Section XI requirements for inscrvice inspection ure impractical, the licensee shall notify the NRC' and submit infornrntion to support the determination. The submittal of this information will he referred to in this document a)oi a "Relief Request".
Relief Rcl1uests for the Fourth ISi Interval und the Third CISI Interval arc included in Section 8.0 of thi)oi document.
The text of the Relief Requests contained in Section 8.0 will dcmonstrnte one of the following:
the proposed altcrmativcs provide un ucceptahle level of quality and safety per I), compliance with the specified rcl1uirements would result in hard"hip or unusual difficulty without 11 compcnsa1ing incrca'\e in the level of 'l'r11c* ,\'ort/1 C'1111rn/1i111:.
I.I.(' I* I 'I l .. 'iH 74.f NflMI./ Nc*1*M1111 ti IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval quality and safety per l OCFR50.55a(z)(2), or the code requirements are c onsidered impractical per I OCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii).
Per 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs (z) and (g)(6)(i), the NRC will evaluate relief requests and "may grant such relief and may impose such alternative requirements as it determines is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security and is otherwise in the public interest giving due consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the requirements were imposed on the facility." 1'rw* N11rtlr Cm1.rnlti111:, I.I.(' 1*2'1 UiH7./.IRfl6*fl./
Rf'1*Mm1 fl 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 2.0 BASIS FOR INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM 2.1 ASME Section XI Examination Requirements As required by the IOCFR50.55a, the ISi and CISI Programs were developed in accordance with the requirements detailed in the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda, of ASME Section XI, Subsections IW A, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, Inspection Program of Paragraph IW A-2431, approved Code Cases, and approved alternatives through relief requests and SE's. LSCS Calculation ATD-0204 (Reference 9.3. l 0) documents the determination of components or parts of components which can be exempted from the volumetric and surface examination requirements of Subarticle IWB-2500.
This determination was performed in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph IWB-1220.
The Performance Demonstration Initiative (POI) is an organization comprised of all United States (US) nuclear utilities that was formed to provide an efficient implementation of Appendix VIII performance demonstration requirements.
The EPRI Non-Destructive Examination (NOE) Center was selected as the administrator of this program. The POI Program is administered according lo the "POI Program Description." The ISi Program implements Appendix VIII "Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems," ASME Section XI 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda with modilications as identilied in IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(xiv).
Appendix Vlll requires qualification of' the procedures, personnel, and equipment used to detect and size flaws in piping, hohing, and the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). Each organization (e.g., owner or vendor) is required lo have a written program to ensure compliance with the requirements. LSCS maintains the rcsponsihility to ensure that Appendix VIII requirements arc properly implemented.
In accordance with ASME Section XI, ultrasonic exmninalions performed during the Fm111h ISi Interval, as required hy Paragraph IW A-2232, shall use the requirements idenlilied in Mandatory Appendix I, Ultrasonic Examinations.
Per 1-2600, Appendix VIII of' ASME Section XI may he applied lo components for which it is not applicahle, provided such components, materials, sii'.cs, and shapes arc within the scope of the qualified examination procedure.
For the Fom1h ISi Interval.
LSCS's inspection program for ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-1. mul C-F-2 will he governed hy informed regulations.
The RI-ISi Program methodology is descrihed in the Topical Rcpoi1 TR-112657, Rev. B-A. To supplement the EPRI Topical Rcprn1, N-578-1 (as applicahlc per Relief Rcqucl\l 14R-O I) is also hcing used for the clas1'ilication of piping stmctural clements under the RI-ISi Progrnm. The RI-ISi Pmgrnm scope has hccn implemented as an alternative to the 2(X)7 Edition with the 2<X>8 Addenda of the ASME Section XI examination program for ISi Cla'il\ I B-F aml B-J piping welds and ISi Class 2 C-F-1 and C-F-2 piping welds in acconlancc with IOCFR50.55a(z)( I). The h:isis for the rcM1lting Risk Categorizations of the nonexempt ISi Chas!\ I uml 2 piping 1'Y!'tlClll!\
ut LSCS is dclinell nnd maintained in 1-1 ViH7./.fHflf>
.fl./ H1*1o/.d1m fl ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval the Final Report "Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Evaluation" as referenced in Section 9.0 of this document.
References to ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F, B-1, C-F-1, and C-F-2 have been replaced with Examination Category R-A to identify them as part of the RI-ISi Program. For the Fou11h ISi Interval, the RI-ISi Program scope continues to include welds in the BER piping, also referred to as the HELB region. The BER Program methodology is described in EPRI Topical Report TR-I 006937, Rev. 0-A, which has been used to define the inspection scope in lieu of the I 00% volumetric examination of all piping welds in the previous BER Augmented Examination Program. Therefore, all welds in the original augmented examination program for BER remain evaluated under the RI-ISi Program using an integrated risk-informed approach.
The CISI Program per Subsections IWE and IWL is included in Section 6.0, "Containment ISi Plan". The CISI relief requests arc included in Section 8.0 of this document.
2.1. l ASME Section XI Code Cases As referenced by 10CFR50.55a(b)(5) and allowed by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18 being the latest incorporated into this ISi Program Plan, the following Code Cases arc incorporated into the LSCS ISi Program. These Code Cases have hcen determined hy the NRC to he acccptahlc alternatives to applicahlc parts of ASME Section XI. These Code Cases may he used hy LSCS without a relief request from the NRC. provided that they arc used with any identified limitations or modifications.
Code Cases implemented through the relief request process arc included in Section 8.0 of this document.
Some of the Code Cases listed hclow arc acceptable to the NRC for application at LSCS within the limitations imposed hy the NRC staff. Unless otherwise stated, limitations imposed hy the NRC arc in addition to the conditions specified in the Code Case. Several of these Code Cases arc included as contingencies, to ensure that they arc available for future repair/replacement activities. (Note: The proposed rnlcmaking to approve the next Code Case Regulatory Guide revisions (including Regulatory Guide 1.147) was issued in the redcral Register on Man.:h 2. 2016 and is expected to he published in an NRC Final Ruic hy the end of 2017. This final rnlcmaking will amend I OCFR50.55a to incorporntc hy reference Regulatory Guide 1.147. Revision 18. The following code cases in the Drnft revision as acceptable or conditionally acceptable arc applkahlc to the LSCS Fourth IS I Interval (Third CIS I lntcrvul ). Use of these code cases is contingent upon Regulatory Guide 1.147. Revi'iion 18 hcing upproved hy the NRC.) 't'rllC' ,\'11rtl1 ( '1111.rnlti1111, /.I , (' 1*1 I H1*1*iv,.,,11 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-432-1 N-508-4 N-513-3 N-513-4 l'ruc* North C'm1rnlti1111.
I.I.(' Repair Welding Using Automatic or Machine Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding (GT AW) Temper Bead Technique, Section XI, Division l. Regulatory Guide l.147, Revision 18. Rotation of Serviced Snubbers and Pressure Retaining Items for the Purpose of Testing, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-508-4 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: When Section XI requirements arc used to govern the examination and testing of snubbcrs and the IS I Code of Record is earlier than Section XI, 2006 Addenda, Footnote I shall not be applied. Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping, Section XI, Division l. ASME Code Case N-513-3 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: The repair or replacement activity temporarily deferred under the provisions of this Code Case shall he performed during the next scheduled outage. Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-513-4 is acceptahlc subject to the following condition specified in the Relief Request Suhmillal and approved in the NRC' SE for Relief Request 14R-IO: The effects of leakage may impact the opernhility determination or the plant llooding mrnlyses specified in parngrnph I (I'). For a leaking llaw. the ullowahlc leakage rate will he determined hy dividing the critical leakugc rnte hy a safety factor of four ( 4 ). The critical kakuge rate is determined as the lowest leakugc rnte that can he tolcrnted mul may he hascd on the allowahlc loss of inventory or the nmximum lct1kage that cun he tolerated relative to mom llomling.
among other!\. 1 . .1 UiH7./JHtJr..fJ./
Hc*1*i.vi1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval N-516-3 N-526 N-532-5 N-552-1 .,.,,,.. ,\'11rtlt l'm1.rnlti1111.
/./,(' Underwater Welding, Section XI, Division 1. ASME Code Case N-516-3 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18: Licensee must obtain NRC approval in accordance with 1 OCFR50.55a(z) regarding the technique lo be used in the weld repair or replacement of irradiated material underwater.
Note: Currently there is no Relief Request in place at LSCS regarding weld repair or replacement on irradiated material underwater.
Alternative Requirements for Successive Inspections of Class 1 and 2 Vessels, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Repair/Replacement Activity Documentation Requirements and Jnservice Inspection Summary Report Preparation and Submission, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Methods
* Qualilication for Inside Radius Section from the Outside Surface, Section XI, Division 1. ASME Code Case N-552-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 15: To achieve consistency with the IOCFR50.55a rule change published September
: 22. 1999 (64 FR 51370), incorporating Appendix VIII, "Perfornrnnce Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems," to ASME Section XI, mid the following to the specimen rel1uiremenls: "Al least 50 percent of the tlaws in the demonstration lest set must he cracks and the maximum misorientation must he demonstrated with cracks. Flaws in 1101.Zles with hore diameter!-.
equal to or less than 4 inches may he notches." Add to detection criteria. "The number of false nm't not exceed three."
H1*l'Mm1 fl 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-56 l-2 N-562-2 N-578-1 .,.,,,,. N11rtl1 C'11mmlti1111 , /./.(' Note: the above conditions are identical to those imposed on Code Case N-552, Rev. 16, Regulatory Guide l.147. Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Class 2 and High Energy Class 3 Carbon Steel Piping, Section XI, Division l. ASME Code Case N-56 l-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide l .147, Revision 18: ( 1) Paragraph 5(b ): for repairs performed on a wet surface, the overlay is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (2) Paragraph 7(c): if the cause of the degradation has not been determined, the repair is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (3) The area where the weld overlay is to be applied must be examined using ultrasonic methods to demonstrate that no crack-like defects exist. (4) Piping with wall thickness less than the diameter of the electrode shall be depressurized before welding. Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Class 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping, Section XI. Division I. ASME Code Case N-562-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specilied in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: ( 1) Parngrnph 5(b): for repairs performed on a wet surface, the overlay is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (2) Paragraph 7(c): if the cause of the degrndation has not been determined, the repair is only m:ceptahle until the next refueling ouwge. (3) The urea where the weld overlay is lo he applied must he examined using ullrasonic melhmls lo demonslrnle lhal no crnck-like defects exist. (4) Piping with wall thickness less than the diameter of the clectmde shall he depressurized before welding. Risk-Informed l{equircmcnts for Chass I. 2. or 3 Piping. Method B. Section XI. Division I .
V\H74.fRllfi*ll4 ti 
/SI Program Plan IASalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-586-1 N-597-2 1'r11r .Vortll CmmlitillR.
I.I.<' Note: N-578-1 to be used in accordance with Relief Request I4R-Ol. Alternative Additional Examination Requirements for Classes 1, 2, and 3 Piping, Components, and Supports, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Note: This Code Case is implemented for Examination Categories other than R-A. RI-ISi Program Relief Request 14R-O I requires that scope expansion for RI-ISi piping structural elements be determined using Paragraph
-2430 of N-578-1. Requirements for Analytical Evaluation of Pipe Wall Thinning.
Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-597-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: (I) Code Case must be supplemented by the provisions of EPRI Nuclear Safety Analysis Center Report 202L-R2, "Recommendations for an Effective Flow Accelerated Corrosion Program," (Ref. 8), April 1999, for developing the inspection requirements, the method of predicting the rate of wall thickness loss, and the value of the predicted remaining wall thickness.
As used in NSAC-202L-R2.
the term "should" is to he applied as "shall" (i.e .* a requirement).
(2) Components affected hy flow-accelerated corrosion to which this Code Case arc applied must he repaired or replaced in accordance with the construction code of record and Owner's requirements or a later NRC approved Edition of Section Ill. "Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components." of the ASME Code (Ref. 9) prior to the value of t 1* reaching the allowable minimum wall thickness, 1,,,,,,, us specified in -3622.1 (a)( I) of this Code Cu!'\e. Alternatively, use of the Code Case is subject to NRC review and upproval per IOCFR50.55u(z).
(3) For Chass I piping not meeting the criteriu of -3221. the use of evaluation methods und criteria is suhject to NRC review und approval per IOCFR50.55u(z). 2-f, I SH14.fRt16-IJ.I Rr1*iti1111 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval N-600 N-606-1 N-613-2 N11rtll Cm1.rn/ti111t.
I.I.<' ( 4) For those components that do not require immediate repair or replacement, the rate of wall thickness loss is to be used to determine a suitable inspection frequency so that repair or replacement occurs prior to reaching allowable minimum wall thickness, 1111;11. (5) For corrosion phenomenon other than flow accelerated corrosion, use of the Code Case is subject to NRC review and approval.
Inspection plans and wall thinning rates may be difficult to justify for certain degradation mechanisms such as MIC and pitting. (6) The evaluation criteria in Code Case N-513-2 may be applied to Code Case N-597-2 for temporary acceptance of wall thinning (until the next refueling outage) for moderate-energy Class 2 and 3 piping. Moderate energy piping is defined as Class 2 and 3 piping whose maximum operating temperature does not exceed 200&deg;F (93&deg;C) and whose maximum operating pressure does not exceed 275 psig ( 1.9 MPa). Code Case N-597-2 shall not be used to evaluate through-wall leakage conditions.
Transfer of Welder, Welding Operator, Brazer, and Brazing Operator Qualifications Between Owners, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GT AW Temper Bead Technique for BWR CRD Housing/Stud Tube Repairs, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-606-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specilied in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: Prior to welding. *m examination or verilication must he performed to ensure proper preparation of the base metal, aml that the surface is properly contoured so that an accepiablc weld can he produced.
This verilication is to he rcl1uired in the welding procedures.
Ultrasonic Exumination of Full Penetration No1.1.les in Vessels, Exumimttion C*ttcgmy B-D, Reuctor Vessel Welds and Nozzle Inside Rudius Section, Figs. IWB-2500-7(u), (b), (c), und (d), Section XI, Division I. Reguhttory Guide 1.14 7, Revision I K. 1*1 UiH 1./.1 RfJr.. fl./ Hr1*i.fi1111 fl 
/SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-629 N-638-6 N-639 N-641 N-648-1 1'rut' Nort/1 Cm1.rnltill1:.
/./.(' Use of Fracture Toughness Test Data to Establish Reference Temperature for Pressure Retaining Materials, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GT AW Temper Bead Technique, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-638-6 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: ( 1) Demonstration for ultrasonic examination of the repaired volume is required using representative samples which contain construction type flaws. (Note: the above condition is identical to the condition on the use of ASME Code Case N-638-4, Regulatory Guide 1.147, Rev. 17.) (2) Section I (b)( 1) for through-wall circumferential welds is unacceptable.
Alternative Calibration Block Material, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-639 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: Chemical ranges of the calibration block may vary from the materials specification if (I) it is within the chemical range of the component specification to he inspected, and (2) the phase and grain shape arc maintained in the same ranges produced by the thermal process required hy the material specification.
Alternative Pressure-Temperature Relationship and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Requirements, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Allernutivc Re4uirements for Inner Rm.Hus Examinution of I Reactor Vessel Nonlcs, Section XI, Division I. 1-H 1-'iHU.f Rf/6.fJ./
R1*1*i.ti1111 fl 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle Cormty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval N-651 N-653-1 N-661-2 N-666-1 7'r11c* Nortlr l'1111mltl111:.
/./.(' ASME Code Case N-648-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: In lieu of a UT examination, licensees may perform a VT-I examination in accordance with the code of record for the Inservice Inspection Program utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-1 with limiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. Note: ASME Code Case N-648-1 will not be utilized on the identified components addressed in Relief Request I4R-09. Ferritic and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using SMAW Temper Bead Technique Without Removing the Weld Bead Crown for the First Layer, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Qualification Requirements for Full Structural Overlaid Wrought Austenitic Piping Welds, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Class 2 and 3 Carbon Steel Piping for Raw Water Service, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-661-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: (I) Paragrnph 4(h): for repairs performed on a wet surface, the overlay is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (2) Paragrnph 7(c): if the cause of the degradation lms not been determined, the repair is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (3) The area where the weld overlay is to he applied must he examined using ultrasonic methods to dcmonstrnte that no crnck-like detects exist. (4) Piping with wall thidrncss less than the diameter of the electrode shall he depressurized before welding. Weld Ovcrh1y of Class I, 2. und 3 Socket Welded Connections, Section XI. Division I. 1-9 UiH74JRIJfl.IJ4 R r '''-''"" fJ IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-702 1'rm* Nortll C'm1rnlti111t.
1.1.C' ASME Code Case N-666-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: ( 1) A surface examination (magnetic particle or liquid penetrant) must be performed after installation of the weld overlay and seal weld on Class I and 2 piping socket welds. Fabrication defects, if detected, must be dispositioned using the surface examination acceptance criteria of the Construction Code identified in the Repair/Replacement Plan. (2) When the construction code does not require a surface or volumetric examination of the completed weld overlay a VT-I visual examination is required to be performed after completion of the weld overlay and seal weld for Class 3 piping. (Note: ASME Code Case N-666 was unconditionally approved in Rev. 17, Regulatory Guide 1.147.) Alternative Requirements for Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nozzle Inner Radius and Nozzle-to-Shell Welds, Section XI. Division 1. ASME Code Case N-702 is acceptahle suhject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: The technical hasis supporting the implementation of this Code Case is addressed hy BWRVIP-108:
BWR Vessel and Internals Project, "Technical Basis for the Reduction of Inspection Requirements for the Boiling Water Reactor Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and Nozzle Blend Radii," EPRI Technical Report 1003557, Octoher 2002 (ML023330203) and BWRVIP-241:
BWR Vessel mul lnlernals Pmjecl. "Pmhahilistic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation for the Boiling Water Reactor Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and No1.zle Blend R.idii," EPRI Technical Report !021005, Octoher 2010 (MLI I 119A04 I). The applicahility of ('ode C'asc N* 702 must he shown hy demonstrating that the criteriu in Section 5.0 of NRC Safety Evaluation regarding BWRVIP-108 dated Dcccmher 18, 2007 (ML073600374) or Section 5.0 of NRC Safety Evulm1tion regarding BWRVIP-241 dated April 19, 2013 <MLI 3071 A240) arc met. The evaluation 2*111 U;H 7./.f Rll6*fl./
Rt'1&deg;Mm1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station U11its 1 & 2, Fourth /11terval N-705 N-730-1 N-733 N-735 N-747 N-749 1'rm* .V11rtl1 C'mmli1i111t.
/./.(' demonstrating the applicability of the Code Case shall be reviewed and approved by the NRC prior to the application of the Code Case. Note: A site-specific evaluation (References.
9.3.12 and 9.3.13) was performed for the LSCS Reactor Recirculation Outlet (NI) nozzles to demonstrate an acceptable failure probability while considering the elevated fluence levels at these locations in response to OE 36027. Based on the results of this evaluation, it is acceptable to use N-702 to reduce the number of inspections on the Reactor Recirculation Outlet (NI) nozzles and inner radii to 25% in accordance with Relief Request 14R-09. Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Degradation in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Vessels and Tanks, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Roll Expansion of Class I Control Rod Drive Bottom Head Penetrations in BWRs, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Mitigation of Flaws in NPS 2 (ON 50) and Smaller Nozzles and Nozzle Partial Penetration Welds in Vessels and Piping hy Use of a Mechanical Connection Modification, Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Successive Inspections of Class I and 2 Piping Welds, Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Reactor Vessel Head-to-Flange Weld Examinations, Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Acceptance Critc:ria for Flaws in Ferritic Slc:el Componenls Opc:raling in lhe Upper Shelf Temperalure Range. Seel ion XI. Division I. ASME Code \use N-749 is acceptahk suhject to the following condition spc:citic:d in Rc:gulalory Guide 1.147. Revision 18: In lieu of lhc upper shelf trnnsition lempc:rnture. T(', &as defined in the Code \use. the following slmll he used: 1*11 UiH7".IHtM-114 Rt'1*1.dm1 II IS/ Program P/a11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-751 N-762 N-765 N-769-2 N-771 N-773 N-775 1'r11t' North l'"11.rnltl1111.
/./.(' Tc= 170.4 &deg;F + 0.814 x RTNDT (in U.S. Customary Units), and Tc= 73.6 &deg;C + 0.814 x RTNDT (in SI Units). Alternatively, the licensee may use a different Tc value if it can be justified by plant-specific Charpy Curves. Pressure Testing of Containment Penetration Piping, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-751 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: When a I OCFR50, Appendix J, Type C test is performed as an alternative to the requirements of IW A-4540 (IW A-4700 in the 1989 Edition through the 1995 Edition) during repair and replacement activities, nondestructive examination must be performed in accordance with IW A-4540(a)(2) of the 2002 Addenda of Section XI. Temper Bead Procedure Qualification Requirements for Repair/Replacement Activities Without Postweld Heat Treatment, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative to Inspection Interval Scheduling Requirements of IWA-2430, Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Roll Expansion of Class I In-Core Housing Bottom Head Penetrations in BWRs, Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Additional Examin<1tions of Class 2 or 3 Items, Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Qualification Criteria for Eddy Current Examinations of Piping Inside Surfaces.
Section XI. Di vision I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Bolling Affected hy Borntcd Water Lc*1kuge.
Section XI. Division I. Regulutnry Guide 1.147. Revision 18. 2-11 /.,\'HU.fRflfi.fl./
Rr1*i.,im1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-776 N-778 N-786 N-789 1'rtu* .V11rt/1 Cm1.rnlti1111.
1.1.C' Alternative to IW A-5244 Requirements for Buried Piping, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Preparation and Submittal of Inservice Inspection Plans, Schedules, and Preservice and Inservice Inspection Summary Reports, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-778 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: Licensees must submit the following reports to the regulatory authority: (I) The prcservice inspection summary report must be submitted prior to the date of placement of the unit into commercial service. (2) The inservice inspection summary report must be submitted within 90 calendar days of the completion of each refueling outage. Alternative Requirements for Sleeve Reinforcement of Class 2 and 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping. Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Pad Reinforcement of Class 2 and 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping. Section XI. Division I. ASME Code Case N-789 is acceptable subject to the following condition sped lied in Regulatory Guide 1.147. Revision 18: (I) Areas containing pressure pmls shall he visually observed al least once per month to monitor for cvidc:ncc of leakage. If the: areas containing pressure pads arc not accessible for direct ohservution.
then monitoring will be accomplished by visual assessment of surrounding areas or ground surfuce ureus ahovc pressure pmls on huried piping. or monitoring of leakage collection systems. if avuilahlc. 2*1.1 l .. 'iH7 4.IHfM*fl./
Hr1*i.,i1111 ti 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-795 N-798 N-799 1'rm* ,\1 11rt/1 Cm1.rnlti111t.
1.1.C * (2) For the pressure pad design, the higher of the 2 times the actual measured corrosion rate and 4 times the estimated maximum corrosion rate for the system must be used. If the actual measured corrosion rate in the degraded location is unavailable, the estimated maximum corrosion rate for the system assumed in the design must be calculated based on the same degradation mechanism as the degraded location.
Alternative Requirements for BWR Class I System Leakage Test Pressure Following Repair/Replacement Activities, Section XI, Division I. AS ME Code Case N-795 is acceptable subject lo the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: (I) The use of nuclear heal to conduct the BWR Class I system leakage test is prohibited (i.e., the reactor must be in a non-critical slate). a. This condition also applies to pressure testing of reactor coolant pressure boundary components repaired or replaced in accordance with Section XI, IW A-4000. (2) The lest condition holding time, after pressurization to test conditions, and hefore the visual examinations commence, shall be I hour for insulated components.
Alternative Pressure Testing Requirements for Class I Piping Between the First and Second Vent. Drnin. and Test Isolation Devices, Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7. Revision 18. Dissimilar Metal Welds Joining Vessel Nozzles to Components, Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-799 is ucceptahle subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, 18: (I) The gap hctwecn the ultrnsonic pmhe and component surfocc slmll 1101 exceed 1132 in. If the gap exceeds 1132 in .. the weld he con'iidcrcd UiH 1./.1 HIM*fl./ H1*1*i.d1111 II IS/ Program Plan lASa/le County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-800 1'rm* .'V11rt/1 Cm1rnltl1111. 1.1.C' to be unexamined unless the examination technique is successfully demonstrated on representative mock ups. (2) The following requirements must be implemented when applying this Code Case to ensure that welds are adequately inspected:
: a. Examination requirements of Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, paragraph l-3200(c) must be applied. b. The examination of the dissimilar metal welds joining vessel nozzles to components must be full volume, including the cast austenitic stainless steel component of the weld. c. Ultrasonic depth and sizing qualifications for cast austenitic stainless steel components must follow Appendix VIII, Supplement 10, using representative cast austenitic stainless steel mockups containing representative cracks and he independent of other Supplement 10 qualifications.
: d. For components with wall thicknesses heyond the crack detection and sizing capahilities of a through-wall ultrasonic perfonnance-hased qualification, the examination's acceptahility shall he hased on an ultrasonic examination of the qualified examination volume and a flaw evaluation of the largest hypothetical crack that could exist in the volume and not he qualified for ultrasonic examination.
: e. Cracks detected and not depth sized to Appendix VIII type performance-hased procedures, equipment, and personnel qualifications shall he repaired or removed. Alternative Pressure Testing RClJllirements for Claso; I Piping Between the First and Second Injection Valves, Section XI, Oivision I. Regulutory Guide 1.147. Revision IK. 1*1.'i UiH7./.IHfM*fl./
Rr1*Mm1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle Co1111ty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval N-803 N-805 N-823 N-825 N-845 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Automatic or Machine Dry Underwater Laser Beam Welding (ULBW) Temper Bead Technique, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative to Class l Extended Boundary End of Interval or Class 2 System Leakage Testing of the Reactor Vessel Head Flange 0-Ring Leak-Detection System, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Visual Examination, Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Examination of Control Rod Drive Housing Welds, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Qualification Requirements for Bolts and Studs, Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Additional Code Cases invoked in the future shall be in accordance with those approved for use in the latest published revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 or 10CFR50.55a at that time. 2.2 Augmented Exmnination Requirements Augmented cxmnination requirements arc those examinations that arc performed in addition to the requirements of ASME Section XI. Below is a summary of those examinations performed hy LSCS that arc not spccilically prescrihcd hy ASME Section XI. or the examinations that will he performed in addition to the requirements of ASME Section XI on a routine hasis dming the Fourth ISi Interval and Third CISI Interval.
Previous revisions of LSCS's ISi Progrnm categorized some Augmented Exmnim1tion Progrnms hy using AUG types. 2.2.1 Generic Leller 88-01, "NRC Position on IGSCC in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping.''
Revision 2 /Supplement 1 to Generic Lcller 88-01, NUREG OJ I J. "Technical Report on Material Selection and Process Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping," Revision 2. EPRI Topical Report TR-I I 3932. "BWR Vessel and Internals Project. Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Leller 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75)," as conditionally approved hy NRC linal SER's dated September 15, 2000 *md May 14, 2002, and EPRI Topical Report TR-1012621. "BWR Vessel and Internals, Project Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP J\)," us conditionally approved hy NRC linal SER <hated Murch 16. 2006.
7'rrtt' N11rtl1 ('1111.rnlti111l.
/./,(' 2-16 I SH7./.fRtJf>.tJ./
Rt'1 1 i.ti1111 ti 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval These documents discuss the examination requirements for Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping. References to Generic Letter 88-0 I (GL 88-0 I) within the ISi Program refer to the comprehensive commitments to all of these documents.
The final SER's of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A revised the GL 88-01 inspection schedules.
The BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A revised inspection schedules were based on consideration of inspection results and service experience gained by the industry since issuance of GL 88-0 I and NUREG-0313, and includes additional knowledge regarding the benefits of improved BWR water chemistry.
The original LSCS commitments concerning Generic Letter 88-01 were sent to the NRC in letters dated July 29, 1988, June 30, 1989, and November 5, 1990. The NRC reviewed these commitments in a letter dated August 22, 1990. Since the issuance of GL 88-0 I, the BWR Vessels and Internals Project (BWRVIP) has been created. This BWR owners group has worked on the mitigation of IGSCC for BWR internal components.
As part of their activities, EPRI Topical Report TR-113932, "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Technical Basis for Revisions lo Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75)," dated October 27, 1999, and EPRI Topical Report TR-1012621, "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A)," dated October 2005, were submitted to the NRC. Among other issues, this document proposed alternative inspection schedules for IGSCC susceptible welds. Two different inspection schedules were presented; one for plants on Normal Water Chemistry (NWC) and one for plants on effective Hydrogen Water Chemistry (HWC). The HWC schedule may he utili1.ed if the applicahle performance criteria arc met. After review of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A, the NRC issued SER's approving the documents with minor changes. (Letter from NRC to Carl Terry, BWRVIP Chairman.
Final Safety Evaluation of the "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75)," dated May 14. 2CX>2 and letter from NRC to Bill Eaton, BWRVIP Clrnirnrnn, Final Safety Evaluation of the "BWR Vessel m1d Internals Project. Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A)," dated March 16, 2CX>6.) In June of 2009 EPRI issued Technical Report TR-IO 18181. No11d<1.\'lrtwtil'e Hl'Cl/11c1tio11
: G11idt'li11<' .Ii,,. Cm1d11ct Ultra.wmic Ewmi11atim1
.tt f)is.ttimilar Mt*tal Wdd.\*. This document contuins u "Needed" requirement to he implemented in accordance with NEl-03-08, Revision I implementation c.ategnrics.
The "Needed" uction is applicahlc to ull dis!\imilar metal welds tlmt re,1uire exmnination in uccordancc with ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII. Supplement
: 10. For the cxumination Tr11t /\'11rtli C'm1.rnlti111t.
1.1.C' 2-17 UtH74.IRfl6-IJ./
H1*1*i.tl1111 ti 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle Co11nty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval of such welds a surface condition assessment and improvement process must be implemented.
Execution of the surface assessment and improvement process should be performed within two outages prior to the scheduled examination.
The LSCS surface condition assessment and improvement process utilizes the applicable portions of the guidance provided in BWRVIP letter 2005-014 attachment 2, "Guidance for Establislzi11g DM Weld Qualijlc:atio11." These steps and others are incorporated in the Work Order planning and execution.
Examples can be found in Work Orders 744916 and 1229560. Based upon NRC endorsement of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A, the LSCS GL 88-01 (IGSCC) inspection schedule was updated to the requirements of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A except for Category A welds. (Sec Risk-Informed Inscrvicc Inspection discussion below and BWRVIP discussion in Section 2.2.4). RI-ISi regulations have been invoked for LSCS in this ISi Program Plan. Under these guidelines, ISi Class 1 and 2 piping structural clements are inspected in accordance with EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657, Rev. B-A, TR-I 006937. Rev. 0-A. and N-578-1. Per these Topical Reports and this Code Case, welds within the plant that arc assigned to IGSCC Categories B through G will continue to meet existing IGSCC schedules, while IGSCC Category A welds have been subsumed into the RI-ISi Program. The First Ten-Year inspection cycle for implementation of BWRVIP-75-A at LSCS Units I and 2 started on January I, 2003 and ended on December 31, 2012. The Second Tcn-Y car inspection cycle for implementation of BWRVIP-75-A al LSCS Units I and 2 started on January I, 2013 and will end on December 31, 2022. The IGSCC Progrnm has been revised lo schedule the re4uired examinations based on this inspection cycle. The NWC inspection schedule is credited; however, the effective HWC inspection schedule is not credited in the LSCS IGSCC Program. Implementation of the LSCS program addressing these documents is included in procedure LTS-600-8, Section 7.0ofthis ISi Progrnm Plan. and the associated IS I Database.
====2.2.2 Boiling====
Waler Reaclor Owners' Group (BWROG) Report GE-NE-523-A 71-0594-A, Revision I. "Altenmte BWR Feedwater Nozzle Inspection Rel1uiremcnts.
May 2000," as approved hy NRC final SER daled March 10, 2000, Boiling Waler Reactor Owners' Group (BWROG) Report GE* NE-523-A 71-0594, "Alternate BWR Feedwuter Nozzle lnspec1ion Reltuircmcnts.
August 199')," as conditionally approved hy NRC linal SER duted June 5. 1998, and NRC NUREG 0619, "BWR Feedwater 1'r111* .V11rt/1 l'm1ntlti111t.
I.I.<' 2-IH UiH7./.IRflf>.fl./
R1*1*i.ti1111 fl IS/ Program Pla11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth I11terval Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking," dated November 1980. (CM-3) These documents discuss the current and initial examination requirements for BWR Feedwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking.
The alternate approach was developed and submitted to the NRC by the BWROG. The NRC accepted these alternate requirements in a final SER dated March 10, 2000. LSCS initially committed to the examination requirements of NRC NUREG 0619 in letters to the NRC dated July 23, 1980, October 2, 1981, and December 8, 1981; and through responses to NRC FSAR questions 111.35, 121.5, and 121.10. Future inspections will comply with BWROG "Alternate BWR Feedwater Nozzle Inspection Requirements," GE-NE-523-A 71-0594-A.
Revision I, dated May 2000 as accepted by NRC SER (TAC NO. MA6787) dated March 10, 2000. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and the associated ISi Database.
Note: Augmented examination of the Feedwater Spurgers has been transferred to procedure LTS-600-8, "Reactor Vessel Internals Inservice Inspection During Reactor Refueling" for the BWRVIP, whereas augmented examination of the Feedwater Nozzles remains with this document.
Previous revisions of LSCS's ISi Program classified augmented examinations of the Feedwater Nozzle Inner Radii, Nozzle Bores, Nozzle Safe Ends and Spargers as Type I B Augmented Examination Program. 2.2.3 IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A).
Augmented Examination of Reactor Pressure Vessel Effective Septemher 8, 1992, IOCFR50.55a(g)(6){ii)(A) rel\uired implementution of Augmented Examinations of RPV shell welds -Item Numher B 1.10 of Examination Category B-A of ASME Section XI. In addition.
all previously granted relief requests pertaining to these welds were revoked. The interval in effect on Septemher 8, 1992 was the First ISi Interval for hoth LSCS Units I and 2. Per the LSCS leller to the NRC dated Fehnmry 5, 1996, the LSCS Units I and 2 ISi Progrum complied with the regulations for the First ISi Interval.
The Second Interval ISi Progrnm for LSCS Units I and 2 was prepurcd in accordnnce with. nnd complied with, the 1989 Edition with No Addenda of ASME Section XI, us referenced in IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2). Initially.
RPV shell welds were ultrusonknlly exumined during the Second ISi lntervul with 96'h* exuminntion coverage (ha'icd on total overnll weld 1'r11r N11rtll C111m1lti111:.
I./.(' 2-1'1 I SH7-l.IRfUS*ll4 R1*1*i.,i1111 fl 
/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval length), as evidenced by examinations completed during the First ISi Interval.
This examination coverage was achieved using ultrasonic examination techniques conducted from the o.d. of the RPV. RPV shell welds AD (circumferential), B-K and B-M (longitudinal), exhibited limited examination coverage due to permanent physical obstructions.
Second ISi Interval Relief Request CR-38 was written by LSCS for the use of Technical Report TR-105697, "BWR Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Weld Inspection Recommendations (BWRVIP-05)," Electric Power Research Institute, dated September 1995 for LSCS Units 1 and 2. Approval was authorized by the NRC for permanent relief of the RPV shell welds for the rest of the interval and the remaining term of the initial operating licenses (See below for more details). This Fourth IS I Interval augmented examination program addresses the specific steps taken by LSCS Units I and 2 to satisfy the NRC augmented examination requirements mandated by 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A), including alternatives agreed to by the NRC and EGC. The examinations of RPV shell welds, Examination Category 8-A, Item Number BI. I 0, at LSCS, will be conducted in accordance with Relief Request 14R-05. This Fourth ISi Interval Relief Request 14R-05 was previously submitted and approved under the Second Interval ISi Program Plan as Relief Request CR-38. The approval authorized under NRC final SER dated January 28, 2004 was for permanent relief and thu s applies to the remaining term of the initial operating licenses, including this Fourth ISi Interval.
The planned alternative program to the 90% coverage of each weld uses the recommendations of BWRVIP-05 as a basis for doing no additional examinations beyond the described "hest effort" approach.
Relief has heen mtthorized to not perform examinations of Examination Category B-A. Item Number B 1.11 circumferential (horizontal) welds for the remaining term of the initial operating licenses.
The examinations of the Examination Categmy B-A. Item Number B 1.12, Longitudinal (vertical) welds need only he performed to the maximum extent practical using automated ultrasonic testing (UT) techniques.
Manual UT examinations of volumes missed hy automated UT techniques arc not rct1uired.
LSCS compliance with JOCFRSO.SSa(g)(6)(ii)(A) is documented in a letter to the NRC dated Fehruary 5, 1996. Suhscquently, the NRC issued a SER dated January 28, 2004 uccepting Second ISi Interval Relief Request CR-38. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7 .0 of this IS I Pmgrnm Plan imd the ussociatcd IS I Database.
l'r11t' N11rtli Cm1rnltl111t.
/./.(' 2*211 l.SH7./.f Rtl6&deg;IJ.I R r 1*1.f/1111 II 
/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 2.2.4 BWR Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) Increased awareness of the presence of in-vessel component degradation has led to the formation of the BWRVIP. BWRVIP is an association of BWR utilities focused on the common purpose of investigating and developing effective, acceptable approaches for addressing in-vessel component degradation through improved detection, mitigation, and/or repair techniques.
In accordance with the BWRVIP charter, the organization is tasked with providing generic resolution to BWR issues and representing the member utilities in negotiating with the NRC for approval of the groups' recommended actions. EGC, as a member utility of the BWRVIP, has endorsed the objectives prescribed by the BWRVIP. The BWRVIP is comprised of a series of Inspection
& Evaluation Guidelines and documents that discuss RPV internals.
The BWRVIP encompasses pertinent information and requirements presented in I.E. Bulletins (IEBs), General Electric (GE) Service Information Letters (SIL's), and Rapid Information Communication Services Information Letters (RICSIL's).
EGC's commitments to the BWRVIP arc discussed in BWRVIP letters to the NRC dated May 30, 1997 and October 30, 1997. The NRC's response to the discussion of BWRVIP utility commitments is discussed in an NRC letter to the BWRVIP dated July 29, 1997. Implementation or BWRVIP inspection requirements in lieu of ASME Section XI inspection requirements for Examination Categories B-N-1 and B-N-2 was requested in LSCS Relief Request 14R-02 and has hcen authorized conditionally for use in the Fourth ISi Inspection Interval.
Also, implementation or the LSCS progrnm addressing these documents is included in procedures ER-AB-331 and LTS-600-8.
Previous revisions or LSCS 's IS I Program classified augmented examinations of the High and Low Pressure Core Spray Spargers and the associated piping inside the Reactor Pressure Vessel as Type IC Augmented Examination Progrnm. 2.2.5 NRC Mechanical Engineering Brnnch (MEB) Technical Position 3-1 (MEB 3-1 ), "lligh Energy Fluid Systems, Protection Against Postulated Piping Failures in Fluid Systems Outside Containment," dated Novemher 24, 1975 The NRC Engineering Brnnch Technical Position MEB 3-1 discusses protection uguinst postulated piping fuilurcs in lluid systems outside contuinment, und includes rct1uircmcnts for licensee!'>
to perform volumetric examination of circumferential and longitudinal pipe 1'rt1t* N11rtl1 l'm1.rnltiu11.
/./.(' 1*11 ISX74.fHfJf>.tJ./
Hf'1*Mm1 fl 
/SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval welds within the pipe break exclusion areas associated with high energy piping in containment penetration areas. LSCS has committed to the requirements of the NRC Branch Technical Position MEB 3-1 per letters to the NRC dated February 5, 1996 and May 9, 1996. Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 detail LSCS's compliance with NRC Branch Technical Position MEB 3-1. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and the associated ISi Database.
Previous revisions of LSCS's ISi Program classified augmented examinations of ASME Examination Category B-F and B-J piping welds within high energy line break exclusion regions identified in the FSAR, as Type I A Augmented Examination Program. Note: This commitment was previously maintained in accordance with LSCS UFSAR, Section 3.6. I and 3.6.2. With the implementation of the RI-ISi-BER Program, all BER augmented welds were evaluated under the RI-ISi methodology and were integrated into the RI-ISi Program. Additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to BER piping is given in EPRI TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A. 2.2.6 NRC NUREG-0737, "TMI Action Plan Requirements," Section 111.D.1.1, dated Novcmhcr 1980 I NRC NUREG 0578, "TMl-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Status Report and Short-Term Recommendations," dated July 1979. This document discusses TMI Action Plan Requirements, and includes requirements in Item 111. D.1.1 for leak testing and periodic visual examinations of systems outside of primary containment which could contain highly radioactive lluids during a serious transient or accident.
LSCS has commiucd to the requirements of this document Item as discussed in Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 5.0. Commitments made concerning NUREG-0737 arc required to he maintained per the LSCS TRM. Implementation of the LSCS program addressing these is included in site procedures LTS-300-07 and LAP-100-14.
These procedures address the use of NUREG-057K.
Item 2.1.6.a, the predecessor to NllREG-0737. 'l'r11t N11rtl1 < 'mmlitit1N, 1.1.C
* UiH74.fRflfi.tJ4 Rr1*Mm1 fl 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 2.2.7 Technical Requirements Manual Section 2.1.a, Diesel Oil Pressure Testing A pressure test of the diesel generator fuel oil system designed to Subsection ND, of ASME Section III, is required to be performed every l 0 years per LSCS TRM 2.1.a. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and associated ISi Database.
====2.2.8 License====
Renewal An operating license renewal application was submitted to the NRC for LSCS Units l and 2 on December 9, 2014 pursuant to IOCFR54. The operating license renewal application proposed to extend the life of both stations for an additional 20 years. A SER was issued by the NRC on September 30, 2016, and the renewed facility operating license was issued for LSCS Units I and 2. The LSCS Period of Extended Operation (PEO) is effective from April 18, 2022 through April 17, 2042 for Unit I, and from December 17, 2023 through December 16, 2043 for Unit 2. License renewal commitments (CM-#) arc currently tracked in a supplement to the UFSAR, Appendix P, as required per I OCFR54.2 I (d), and describe enhancements to the ISi Programs beyond the requirements of ASME Section XI. A summary of the upplicuhlc ASME Section XI commitments is shown in Table 2.2-1, including infornmtion such us the USFAR source, ATl's, and implementation schedule.
Implementation of these commitments may he included in Sections 4.0 and 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and the associated ISi Datuhasc. 1'r11r .\'11rtl1
1.1.C 1*1.f UiH7./.fHfl6*fl./
Hr1*i!1i1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval Table 2.2-1 License Renewal Commitments Supplementing ASME Section XI Requirements Commitment Program or Summary Implementation Schedule Number Topic (AR Number) ASME Section The existing ASME Section XI lnscrvicc XI lnscrvicc CM-I Inspection, Inspection, Progrmn is ongoing (AR 1603204-0 I) Suhscctions IWB, !WC. and Suhscctions IWD IWB. IWC, and IWD is credited.
The existing Reactor Head reactor head CM-2 Closure Stud closure stud Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-03)
Bolting holting program is credited.
The existing BWR BWR Fccdwatcr CM-3 Feed water program Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-05) is credited.
The existing BWR Control BWR Control CM-4 Rod Drive Rod Drive Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-06)
Return Linc Return Linc N111.1.le program is credited.
The existing BWR Stress BWR Stress CM-5 Corrosion Corrosion Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-07) Cracking Cracking program is credited. The existing BWR CM-6 BWR Penetrations Program is ongoing (AR 160.,204-0K) Pcnctratii111s program is credited. Program to he implcmc111"*d no A new condition later than six month' prior to the Unit I I >nc-monitoring PE<>. I >nc-timc inspection' will he TinK' prngrnm will he pc1formcd within lhc 'ix ycm*, CM-7 1 nspccl ion of 1.'l'ClllCd to prior 111 the PE<>. nnd will he (AR 1<10.'211.i-:? 'I ASME Code 111<111ag"'
th"* nging "'ompk*tcd cith"*r no Inter thnn 'ix ('Ii"' I Small-cffri.:1 of 11111111h' 111'ior 111 the PEO. or hcfmc Bore 1'1pi11g 111 t'l11'' I s11111ll
* the cn,l of the 111,t 1*\.'l'ucling outuge horc prping. prior 111 the PEO. whklK'\'CI' oc"''lr' Inter. ------------*-'l'rrll' ,"l/,,rtlr ( 'm1.rnlti11Ro I .I.<' 1-U Applicable UFSAR Section, A oo endix P Section A.2.1.1 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1. No. I Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1, No. 3 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1. No. 5 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. 6 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. 7 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1. No. K S"*"*tron A.2.1.2' Sc"*tion A.5.0 , Tnhlc A.5-1. No. 2.' UiH7-l.JHll6-fl./
Hr1*M1111 II ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval Table 2.2-1 License Renewal Commitments Supplementing ASME Section XI Requirements Commitment Program or Summary Number Topic (AR Number) A new condition Unit 2 One-monitoring Time program will he CM-8 Inspection of created lo (AR 1603204-48)
ASME Code manage the aging Class I Small-effect of cracking Bore Piping in Class I small-hore piping. The existing ASME Section ASME Section XI. Subsection CM-9 XI. Subsection IWE progra111 (AR 1603204-29)
IWE will he enhanced hy this commitment.
The existing ASME Section ASME Section XI. Suhsection CM-10 XI. Suhscction IWL program (AR 160320.t-JO)
IWL will he enhanced hy this cormni t ment. The existing ASME Section ASME Section XI. Suhsection CM-11 XI. Suhsection IWF will he (A R l<iOJ20.t-J I l enhanced hy this IWF commitment per the following:
*1*,,,,. .\'11rtl1 < '1111.rnl1i111:.
1.1.l' 2-2J Implementation Schedule Program lo he implemented no later than six months prior to the PEO. The one-time inspections and the first set of periodic inspections will he performed within the six years prior to the PEO. and will he completed either no later than six months prior to the PEO, or before the end of the last refueling outage prior lo the PEO. whichever occurs later. Program to he enhanced no later than six 111onths prior to the PEO. Additional schedule information identified in commitment Program to he enhanced no later than six months prior lo the PE<>. Program lo he enhanced no later than ),ix 111on1hs prior to PEO. Applicable UFSAR Section, A oo endix P Section A.2.2.2 Section A.5.0. Tahle A.5-1. No. 48 Section A.2.1.29 Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. 29 Section A.2.l.30 Section A.5.0. Tahle A.5-1. No. JO Section A.2.UI Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. JI UiH7./.fRll6*114 Rl'I''*"'"' ,, 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 2.3 System Classifications and P&ID Boundary Drawings The ISi Classification Basis Document details those systems that are ISi Class 1, 2, 3, or MC that fall within the ISi scope of examinations including the containment structure (metal and concrete) and post-tensioning system, which are ISi Class CC and are shown on the containment roll-out drawings.
Below is a summary of the classification criteria used within the ISi Classification Basis Document.
Each safety related, fluid system containing water, steam, air, oil, etc. included in the LSCS UFSAR was reviewed to determine which safety functions they perform during all modes of system and plant operation.
Based on these safety functions, the systems and components were evaluated per classification documents.
The systems were then designated as ISi Class 1, 2, 3, MC, CC, or Non-Classed accordingly.
When a particular group of components is identified as performing an ISi Class I, 2, or 3 safety function, the components arc further reviewed to assure the interfaces (boundary valves and boundary barriers) meet the criteria set by IOCFR50.2, IOCFR50.55a(c}( 1), 10CFR50.55a(c)(2), and Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 3. SRP 3.2.2 and ANSl/ANS-58.14-1993 (LSCS is not committed to or licensed in accordance with these documents) were also used for guidance in evaluating the classification boundaries where I OCFR and the Regulatory Guide did not address a given situation.
According to I OCFR50.55a, Paragraph (g}(4 ), the ISi requirements of ASME Section XI urc assigned to these components, within the constraints of existing plant design. The LSCS ISi Class I, 2, and 3 components that arc exempt from examination arc those which meet the criteria of ASME Section XI, Paragraphs IWB-1220, IWC-1220. and IWD-1220. Supports which meet the criteria of Paragraph IWF-1230 of ASME Section XI arc also exempt from examination.
For Containment, IS I Class MC components which meet Paragraph IWE-1220 arc exempt from cxmnination, and ISi Class CC components which meet Paragraph IWL-1220 arc exempt from examination.
LSCS's ISi Program, including the ISi Database, ISi Classification Basis Document.
and ISi Selection Document and schedule, addresses the nonexempt components which require examination and testing. The systems and components (piping. pumps. valves. vessels. etc.). which arc subject to the cxmnim1tions of Articles IWB-2000, IWC-2<X>O, IWD-2<XX>.
and IWF-2CXX>. und pressure tests of Articles IWB-5000, IWC-50<X}, and IWD-5<XX>
arc identified on the Piping & Instrument Diagrums (P&ID's) und Control & Instrument Diagrams (C&ID's) within the ISi classification flags as detailed in Tables 2.3-1 and 2.3-2. The exempt components ure also identified on these diagrnms with various nag codes. 1"rw* .'V11rt/1 C"t111.mlti11R, /./.(' U\H 7". f Htlf>*ll-1 Hf'I''*''"'' ti UNIT 1 & Common M-55, SH. I , 2, 3, 7 M-56, SH. 2, 3, 4 M-57, SH. I M-66 , SH. I. 2, 7 M-75, SH. 2 M-82. SH. 3 M-86 , SH. I M-87, SH. I, 2. 3 M-89, SH. I & M-153 SH. I. 7 M-90 , SH. 2 M-91. SH. 4 M-92, SH. I. 2 M-93, SH. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 M-94. SH. I M-95. SH. I M-%. SH. I. 2. 3. 4 M-97. SH. I M-98, SH. I M-99. SH. I M-IOO , Sii. 2. *'* 4 , 5 M-101.Sll.1.2 M-UO. Sii. I M-156 ,S ll.1.2 *. '.4 Tr11c* ,\'11rtli C'1111rnlti111t.
* ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE2.3-1 P&ID BOUNDARY DRAWINGS UNIT2 M-116 , SH. I , 2, 3, 7 M-1 17 , SH. 2. 3, 4 M-118 , SH. I M-66 , SH. 3 , 4, 7, 8 M-7 5, SH. 4 M-82, SH. 5 M-133, SH. I M-134, SH. I , 2, 3 M-89, SH. I & M-105 SH. I M-136. SH. 2 M-137. SH. 4 M-138. SH. I. 2 M-139. SH. I. 2. 3. 4, 5 M-140 , SH. I M-141 , SH.I M-142. SH. I. 2. 3. 4 M-143,SH. I M-144, SH. I M-145 , SH. I M-146 , Sii. 2. 3. 4. fl M-147 , SH. I. 2 M-1.,0. SI I. 2 M-158, SH. I. 2. ;\, 4 1-17 TITLE Main Steam (MS) Extraction Steam (ES) Feed water (FW) Drywell Pneumatic (IN) Clean Condensate Storage (MC) Service Air (SA) Primary Containment Chilled Water (VP) Core Standhy Cooling System and Equipment Cooling Water System (CSCS & ECWS) Standhy Gas Treatment (SBGT) Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (WR) Reactor Building Equipment Drnins (RF) Prim;iry Containment Vent ;iml Purge (VQ) Nuclear Boiler and Reactor Recirculating
<NB & RR) I.ow Pressure Core Spray (LP. I.PCS) High Pressure Core Spray <HP. HPCS) Residual Heal Removal <RH. RHRSJ Reactor Water Cleanup (lrt", RWCUJ Fuel Pool Cooling aml l>e111inernli1
.ing <Ft') Stanllhy Liquid Control (SCI Control Rod Drive Hyllrnufo:s (RI>> Reactor l'11re Isolation Coolant (l{I, RCll') l'ontuinment Gas Control <H<i> Containment M11ni111ring (l'M. l'AM) UiH7".fHllfl*ll4 Rr1*/.,/1111 ti UNIT 1 & Common M-2 055 SH. I, 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , IO M-2087 SH. I M-2089 SH. 11 M-2 093 , SH. I , 2, 3. 4. 5 , 6, 7 , 8 M-2094 , SH. I M-2095 SH. I , 2 M-2096, SH. I, 2. 3. 4, 5 M-2097, SH. I. 2 M-2l01. SH. I 1'rll<' N11rtll 0111.rnlti111t.
* IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 2.3-2 C&ID BOUNDARY DRAWINGS UNIT2 M-2 116 , SH. I , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , 10 M-2134 SH. I M-2089 SH. 23 M-2139 , SH. I, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , 8 M-2140, SH. I M-2141SH.I.2 M-2142, SH. I. 2. 3. 4 , 5 M-2143. SH. I. 2 M-2147,SH. I 1*211 TITLE Main Steam System (MS) CSCS E4uipment Cooling Water System (RH) Air Flow Proof INTLK and Recording On I PM07 J and 2PM07 J Reactor Recirculating System (RR) Low Pressure Core Spray System (LP) H igh Pressure Core Spray System (HP) Re sidual Heat Removal System (RH) Reactor Water Cleanup System (RT) Reactor Core Isolation Coolant System (RI) Uill14.1Rtlfl*tl4 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle Co11nty Station U11its I & 2, Fortrtli lllterval 2.4 ISi Isometric and Component Drawings for Nonexempt ISi Class Components and Supports ISi Isometric and Component Drawings were developed to identify the ISi Class 1, 2, and 3 components (welds, bolting, etc.) and support locations at LSCS. These ISi components and support locations are identified on the ISI Isometric and Component Drawings listed in Table 2.4-1. The ISI Class MC and CC components are identified on the CISI Reference Drawings listed in Table 2.4-2. LSCS's ISi Program, including the ISi Database, ISi Classification Basis Document, and ISi Selection Document and schedule, addresses the nonexempt components, which require examination and testing. A summary of LSCS Units I and 2 ASME Section XI nonexempt components and supports is included in Section 7.0. rr11c* ,\'11rtl1 C'm1.mltit11t.
I.I.<' 1*19 UiH 7./.1 Hflfi.fJ.I Ht'1*Mm1 fJ ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fo11rtli lllterval TABLE 2.4-1 ISi ISOMETRIC AND COMPONENT DRAWINGS UNIT 1 & Common ISI-GEL-I003, !004, I 006, !009, !049, 1050, 1093, !094, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1099, I IOI, 1102, 1104, 1107, 1109 ISl-HG-1001, 1002 lSl-FC-1029 lSl-FW-1001 through lSl-FW-1003 lSl-HP-100 I through ISl-HP-1007 ISi-LP-i 00 I through ISl-LP-1003, ISl-LP-1010 through ISl-LP-1014 ISl-MS-1001 through ISl-MS-1046, ISi-MS-i 048 through ISi-MS-i 060 ISl-NB-1001, 1002, 1003 ISi-RR-i Oil I through ISl-RR-1003, ISl-RR-1005 through ISl-RR-1010 ISl-Rl-100 I through ISi-Ri-i 022, ISl-Rl-1026 through ISl-Rl-1029 ISl-RT-100 I ISi-RH-i no I through ISl-lrn-1025.
ISl-RH-1027 through ISl-RH-1078, ISl-RH-1126 thrnugh ISl-RH-1128 ISl-SC-IOOI, 1002, JOO.' 1'r11t l\fortl1 C 'm1.mlti11Jl, 1.1.C' UNIT2 ISI-GEL-I005, 1060, I061, !093, 1094, 1095, 1100, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1110.1111.1112.1119,2049,2050 lSl-HG-200 I, 2002 lSl-FC-2006, 2007 lSl-FW-2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 ISl-HP-200 I through ISl-HP-2008 ISl-LP-200 I through ISl-LP-2004, ISl-LP-2010 through ISl-LP-2014 ISl-MS-200 I through ISl-MS-2046 ISl-MS-2048 through ISl-MS-2060 ISl-NB-2001.
2002, 2003 ISl-RR-200 I through ISl-RR-2003, ISl-RR-2005 through ISl-RR-20 I 0 ISl-Rl-200 I through ISl-Rl-2123.
ISl-Rl-2028 through ISl-Rl-2130 ISl-RT-2001 ISl-RH-200 I through ISl-RH-2025.
ISl-RH-2027 through ISl-RH-2056, ISl-RH-2058 through ISl-RH-2083 ISl-SC-200 I. 2002, 2003 z .. w TITLE Component Details Containment Comhustihle Gas Control Fuel Pool Cooling and Feed water Pressure Core Spray Low Pressure Core Spray Main Steam Nuclear Boiler Reactor Recirculating Reactor Core Isolation Coolant Rcm.:lor Water Clcimup Residual Heat Removal Standhy Lil(Uid Control UiH7./,IRfl6*fl4 IJ IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth l11terval TABLE2.4-2 CISI REFERENCE DRAWINGS UNIT 1 UNIT2 TITLE l-C ISI-1000 SH. I 2-CISI-1000 SH. I IWE COMPONENT ROLLOUT INSIDE CONTAINMENT LINER (DRYWELL)
All{ LOCK 1-l'ISl-llMKI Sii. 'K' 2-l'ISI -l<KKI Sil. 1 Jl' IWE l'< >MP< >NENT DETAii. PEl{S< >NNEI. All{ I.< ll'K l*CISl-l<KlO Sil. 'JD 2-CISl-I IMKI Sil. 1 JI> IWE COMPONENT DETAii. PEl{SONNEI.
Am LOCK I *l'ISl-IOOO SI-I. IO 2-CISl-llKIOSll. IO IWE C< >MPONENT DETAii. E<JUIPMENT llATCH I -l'ISl-10()() SH. 11 2-('ISI *I IMJO SI I. 11 TYPICAL IWE COMPONENT Sllf{FACE AND A" ITACllMENT DETAILS 1'rm* N11rtl1 C'm1.rnlti11Jl, /.l.C' 1*.11 UtN74.fHfl().fl./
* llKI I Sii. 4 PIPIN<i PENETRATll
>N l>ETAll .S < '< >NFICiURATI<
>N N< >. 4 l-CISl-1001 2-CISl-llKll PIPINO PENETRATION DETAILS<'< >NFICiURATION 7'r,,c* N11rtl1 Cc111.rnltill1t.
1.1.C 2-.f1 UiH7./.lRfJ6&deg;fJ./
N< >. I I *l'ISl-llKI.' Sii. 2 2-l'ISl-llKl.' SH. 2 INSTIHJMENT PENETRATI<
IN NO. 2 I *('JS( -II Kl.\ Sii. *' 2-CISI
>N N< >. *' 1'r11t .'l11rtl1 C'mmlitin1t.
I.I.<* 1*.f.J ViHU.fHflft.fl./
TENDON UPPER BEARIN<i Pl.ATE I.< >CATI< >NS 1-t'ISl-2000 SH. 5C 2 .('IS I* 2000 S 11. 5C IWI. C< >MP< >NENT l>RAWIN<i REAlT< >R CC >NTAINMENT CiROUP " C" VElfflCAI.
TENDON UPPER BEARIN<i Pl.ATE LOCATIONS l-l'ISl-21Hl0 SH. 6A 2-CISl-20<HI Sii. tiA IWL l'< >MPONENT DETAIL TEND< >N ANCll< >RA<il: ASSEMBLY 1-CISl-2000 Sii. 6H 2-C'ISI -2111HI SH. <ill IWI. COMPONENT DETAii. TENDON ANCH< >RA<.il i ASSEMUl.Y I *l'ISI -lJllW A<' I ti 2-CISI -1 JOW AC I '1 UPPEI{ vrnrrlCAI.
Tl: ND<>NS CiASKET INSTRUCTIONS 1'r11r ,\'11rtl1 l'1111.mltill1:, 1.1.C
* 1&deg;.I./ I R,. *. ,.,,,,,, ,,
ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 2.5 Technical Approach and Positions When the requirements of ASME Section XI are not easily interpreted, LSCS has reviewed general licensing/regulatory requirements and industry practice to determine a practical method of implementing ASME Section XI requirements.
The Technical Approach and Position (TAP) documents contained in this section have been provided to clarify LSCS's implementation of ASME Section XI requirements.
An index which summarizes each technical approach and position is included in Table 2.5-1. '1'r11I' ,\'ort/1 C'mu11lti1111.
/,/.(' ] .... UiH7".fNflfl.f14 Nt1*1.f/1111 tJ ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Statio11 Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE2.5-1 TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITIONS INDEX Position Revision Status 1 (Program)
Description of Technical Approach Number Date 2 and Position 0 (SPT) System Leakage Testing of Non-Isolable 14T-OI Active 09/29/17 Buried Components.
14T-02 0 Active (SPT) Valve Seats/Discs as Pressurization 09/29/17 Boundaries.
14T-03 0 09/29/17 Active (CISI) Examination of Leak Test Channels.
14T-04 0 Active (CISI) Attachment Welds. 09/29/17 14T-05 0 (CISI) Exclusion of Equipment Hatch and 09/29/17 Active Personnel Air Lock Items. Nole I: Technical Approach and Posilion Slat us Oplions: Active -Current Technical Approach and Position is heing utili1.ed at LSCS; Deleted -Technical Approach and Position is no longer hcing utili1.ed at LSCS. Note 2: The revision listed is the latl!st revision of th!! suhjl!cl Tl!l!hnical Approach and Posilion.
The dale nn1ed in the second column is 1he dall! of th!! ISi Progrnm Plan revision when 1he Technical Approach aml Posilion was incorpornled inlo the document.
1'r1H' .'lort/1 l'm1.rn/1i111:, /./.(' 2*.M / .. -;N74Jllfl6*fl./
Rr1*1.fim1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION 14T-Ol Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:
Examination Category:
Item Number: 2 and 3 IW A-5244(b)(2)
C-H, D-B C7. IO, 02.10
== Description:==
Component Number: System Leakage Testing of Non-Isolable Buried Components Non-Isolable Buried Pressure Retaining Components Code Requirement IW A-5244(b)(2) requires non-isolable buried components be tested to confirm that llow during operation is not impaired.
Position IW A-5000 provides no guidance in setting acceptance criteria for what can be considered "adequate flow." In lieu of any formal guidance provided by the Code, LSCS has established the following acceptance criteria:
* For open ended lines on systems that require lnservice Testing (IST) or performance testing of pumps. adherence to IST or performance testing acceptance criteria is considered as reasonable proof of adequate flow through the lines.
* For lines in which the open end is accessible to visual examination while the system is in operation, visual evidence of llow discharging the line is considered as reasonable proof of adequate flow through the open ended line.
* For open ended prn1ions of systems where the process lluid is pneumatic, evidence of gaseous discharge shall he considered reasonable proof of adequate llow through the open ended line. Such test may include passing smoke through the line. hanging balloons or streamers, using a remotely operated hi imp. using thennogrnphy to detect hot air, etc. This m.:ceptance crite1fa will he utilized as proof of adeqtmte flow in order to meet the requirements of IW A-5244(b)(2).
LSCS's position is that proof of adClJUate flow is all that is rel1uired for testing the huried pipe segments of these open ended lines and that no fu11hcr visual examination is necessary.
This is consistent with the re4uirements for buried piping. which is not subject to visual examination.
1'ruc* :V11rt/1 ('c111.rnlti111t.
* 1*J7 UiH 7./J HflfJ.fJ.I Hr1*M1111 ti 
/SI Program P/a11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-02 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:
Examination Category:
Item Number:
== Description:==
Component Number: Code Requirement I, 2, and 3 IW A-5221, IW A-5222 B-P, C-H, D-B BIS.JO, BIS.20, C7.IO, 02.10 Valve Seats/Discs as Pressurization Boundaries All Pressure Testing Boundary Valves IW A-5221 requires the pressurization boundary for system leakage testing extend to those pressure retaining components under operating pressures during normal system service. Position LSCS 's position is that the test pressurization boundary extends up to the valve scat/disc of the valve utilized for isolation.
For example, in order to pressure test the ISi Class I components, the valve that provides the Class break would be utilized as the isolation point. In this case the true pressurization boundary, and Class break, is actually at the valve scat/disc.
Any requirement to test beyond the valve scat/disc is dependent only on whether or not the piping on the other side of the valve scat/disc is ISi Class I, 2, or 3. The extension of the test pressurization boundary during a pressure test would require an abnormal valve line-up. Extending the boundary would require the over pressurization of low pressure piping at systems tlmt have a high/low pressure interface.
In order to simplify examination of classed components.
LSCS will perform a VT-2 visual exmnination of the entire bmmdary valve body and bonnet (during pressurization up to the valve scat/disc).
1'r11t ,\111rll1 l'mmlitillN, I.I.(' 1&deg;.fH u;x 1-1.1 """*"" Nc*rM1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval T ECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION 14T-03 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:
Examination Category:
Item Number:
== Description:==
Component Number: Code Requirement MC IWE-2500-1, IWE-1220(b)
E-A El. I I Examination of Leak Test Channels Various IWE-1220 states that the following components (or parts of components) are exempted from the examination requirements of IWE-2000, and IWE-1220(b) states that this applies to embedded or inaccessible portions of containment vessels, parts, and appurtances that met the requirements of the original Construction Code. Position Structural steel channel was fillet welded over a majority of LSCS liner scam welds and penetration welds to facilitate leak testing the scam welds after erection.
These channels make the liner surface underneath inaccessible for visual examination and therefore exempt per IWE-l 220(b ). During IOCFR50 Appendix J Type A testing, the leak test channels typically have their seal plugs removed to assure that these welds and adjacent liner surface arc challenged by the test pressure of the Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT). In this situation, the leak test channels may be excluded from examination per Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A. Note l(b). LSCS, however, is not required to vent the containment liner leak test channels, except for the leak test channels around 18 embedment plates located in the suppression pool at elevation 706', during ILRT, Reference NRC Letter dated May 4, 1998, (TAC Nos. MAO 186 and MAO 187). The containment boundary has heen redelined to include the leak test channel surface instead of the inaccessible liner surface, since the leak test channels urc being challenged hy the ILRT instead of the liner surface. Accordingly.
the leak test channel surfaces will he treated as pressure retaining liner surface and examined in accordance with Tahlc IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A. Item Numhcr E 1.11. In addition, all other applicahle Suhsection IWE rc4uircmcnts arc mandatory for these surfaces. In addition, the suppression chamber lloor liner is also stiffened by channel shaped sections which cover (nmke inaccessible) additional liner surface urea heyond that covered hy the leak test channels.
These chtmncl shaped stiffeners were added to provide additional capacity to the lloor liner for resisting hydrodynamic uplift lm1ding. These channel shapes urc larger tlmn the lc.ak test channeb and surround small areas of the leak test channel system along the lloor. Similar to the leak test clmnncls, the stiffeners urc welded shut und urc challenged hy the ILRT pressure instead of the liner surface which it cover". These stiffening channel shapes arc Tr11t' Nt1rtll Cm1.rnltin1t.
/./.(' 1-.19 UiH74.f Hllfl*ll4 Rt'l'i.dmr fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-03 Revision 0 included as Subsection IWE components and shall be examined in accordance with Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Item Number E 1.11 for the following reasons: I) The stiffening channels are considered as a part of the IWE boundary because they are considered essential to the structural integrity of the boundary and are included by reference in ASME Section XI (Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Note I (a)). 2) The stiffening channels are welded shut and shield the liner surface, which they enclose, from experiencing test pressures during ILRT and thus act as the containment pressure boundary in lieu of the liner surface. (See drawings l/2-CISI-1000, Sh. 11 for details).
1'rur N11rtli Cm1.rnlti111r.
* 1*4fl I }iH7 4.flltJ6.tJ4 ll "'''*""'' "
IS/ Program P/a11 LaSalle Cou11ty Station U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-04 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:
Examination Category:
Item Number:
== Description:==
Component Number: Code Requirement MC IWE-2500-1 E-A El. I I Attachment Welds Various Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Accessible Surface Areas of Containment Surfaces, Note l(b) states that examination shall include the attachment welds between structural attachments and the pressure retaining boundary or reinforcing structure, except for structural and temporary attachments as defined in NE-4435 and minor permanent attachments as defined in CC-4543.4.
Position The following summarizes LSCS's position on inclusion of attachment welds for examination per Examination Category E-A requirements:
I) Non-Structural and Temporary Welds: Examples of these arc lifting lugs welded to Subsection IWE components and lightly loaded supports, such as insulation supports.
These welds arc excluded from the examination requirements or Examination Category E-A. 2) Structural Welds to Subsection IWE Components:
Exmnplcs or these welds arc process piping supports or lloor steel framing connections welded to containment liner embed plates. These welds arc considered to he part of the containment boundary surface and arc subject to the examination requirements or Examination Category E-A. hut arc not individually identified in the CISI Druwings.
: 3) Welds Between Suhscction IWE Components and Process Piping: Examples of these arc welds between pcnetrution sleeves and the associated process pipe. These welds arc considered to he part of the containment boundary surface and me subject to the cxmnination requirements of Examination Category E-A. hut arc not individually identified on the CISI Drawings.
: 4) l!llcrmcdhttc Welds Between lntcgrnl Attuchmcnt Wcld1' to Process Pjpini: nod Suhscction IWE Components:
Exmnplcs of these arc containment penetration to ring welds where the ring is ulso welded to the proccs1' pipe. These welds arc considered to he part of the containment houndary 1'Urfacc und urc Tr11c* N11rtl1 ('m1.rnltl111t.
/,/.(' 1-41 UiH ?.I.I Rfl6-fl4 Rr1*/.Jlm1 fl 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION 14T-04 Revision 0 subject to the examination requirements of Examination Category E-A, but are not individually identified in the CISI Drawings.
Tr11r .V11rtl1 Cm1.mlti111t.
/./.(' 1*41 l};H7".fHflfl.f14 Rr1*i.fim1 ti ISi Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-05 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:
Examination Category:
Item Number: MC IWE-1200 NA NA
== Description:==
Component Number: Exclusion of Equipment Hatch and Personnel Air Lock Items Various Code Requirement IWE-1210 states that the examination requirements or Subsection IWE shall apply to ISi Class MC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments and to the metallic shell and penetration liners of ISi Class CC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments.
These examinations shall apply to surface areas, including welds and base metals. Position The Equipment Hatch and Personnel Air Lock have been identified as Subsection IWE components since they form portions of the containment leak tight barrier within their own penetrations.
These components each have an associated item which docs not meet the requirements or IWE-1210 and is therefore excluded from this progrnm. For the Equipment Hatch, this item is the overhead monornil support assembly and associated lifting lugs which arc welded to the hatch cover. The overhead monornil support assembly and associated lining lugs arc used only as a means to remove and install the Equipment Hatch and perform no other primary containment function as defined by this progrnm. For the Personnel Air Lock, this item is the mechanical locking mechanism.
The mechanical locking mechanism which opens and closes the door is only designed to seal the door against a pressure of 5 psig, while the door (i.e., door panel plus mounting hardware and lock) is designed for a containment accident pressure of 45 psig. Therefore, this component is excluded from the requirements of Subsection IWE. l"rru* ,\'11rtl1 C111u11/ti111:, /./.(" 1*4.1 /.SH14.fHll6*114 H1*1*/.d1111 II ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 3.0 COMPONENT ISi PLAN The LSCS Component ISi Plan includes ASME Section XI nonexempt pressure retaining welds, piping structural elements, pressure retaining bolting, welded attachments, pump casings, and valve bodies of ISi Class I, 2, and 3 components that meet the criteria of Subarticle IW A-1300. These components are identified on the P&ID's and C&ID's listed in Section 2.3, Tables 2.3-1 and 2.3-2. Procedure ER-AA-330-002 "Inservice Inspection of Section XI Welds and Components," implements the ASME Section XI welds and components program. This Component ISi Plan also includes augmented examination requirements specified by documents other than ASME Section XI as referenced in Section 2.2 of this document.
The RPV interior, interior attachments, and welded core support structures are inspected in accordance with the Reactor Internals Program per Relief Request 14R-02. 3.1 .Nonexempt ISi Class Components The LSCS ISi Class I, 2, and 3 nonexempt components subject to examination identified on P&ID's and C&ID's arc those which arc not exempted under the criteria of Paragraphs IWB-1220, IWC-1220, and IWD-1220 of ASME Section XI. (Note: those systems which provide reactor coolant makeup and application of the exemptions arc documented in Section 3.3 below.) A summary of the ASME Section XI nonexempt components is included in Section 7.0. The process for scoping LSCS components for inclusion in the Component ISi Plan is included in the applicahlc sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document.
====3.1.1 ldcntilication====
of ISi Class I, 2, and 3 Nonexempt Components ISi Class I, 2, *ind 3 nonexempt components arc identified on the ISi Isometrics and Component Drawings listed in Section 2.4, Tahle 2.4-1. Welded allachmcnts arc also identified hy controlled LSCS individual support dcwil drnwings.
====3.1.2 Components====
Exempt From Examination Certain components or parts of components may he exempted from examination hascd on design and accessihility per the requirements of Paragraphs JW B-1220, JWC-1220.
and IWD-1220. The process for exempting LSCS components from the Component ISi Plan per Parngraphs IWB-1220, IWC-1220, und IWD-1220 is included in the sections of the ISi Classilicution Basis Document.
These sections include discussions of exempt componenh und the hases for those exemptions.
1'rr1c* N11rtl1 l'm1.mlti11R, 1.1.l' .f. / UiH 7-1.f Rflft.fl4 Hr11i.fi1111 ti IS/ Program P/a11 LaSalle County Statio11 Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 3.2 Risk-Informed Examination Requirements Inspections of ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-1 and C-F-2 components have been exempted from ASME Section XI required inspections by Relief Request 14R-O I. This relief request allows for the implementation of a RI-ISi Program. Piping structural elements that fall under RI-ISi Examination Category R-A are risk ranked as High (I, 2, and 3), Medium (4 and 5), and Low (6 and 7). Per the EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657, Rev. B-A, TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A, and N-578-1, piping structural elements ranked as High or Medium Risk are subject to examination while piping structural elements ranked as Low Risk are not subject to examinations (except for pressure testing).
Thin wall welds that were excluded from volumetric examination under ASME Section XI rules per Table IWC-2500-1 are included in the piping structural element scope that is potentially subject to RI-ISi examination at LSCS. (LSCS has "thin wall" welds, but most of them were evaluated and ranked as Low Risk Category "6 or T'. Therefore, none of them were selected under RI-ISi.) Piping structural elements may be excluded from examination (other than pressure testing) under the RI-ISi Program if the only degradation mechanism present for a given location is inspected for cause under certain other LSCS programs such as the Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) or IGSCC Programs.
These piping structural clements will remain part of the assigned programs, which already perform "for cause" inspections to detect these degradation mechanisms.
Piping structural clements susccptihlc to FAC or IGSCC along with another degradation mechanism (e.g .* thermal fatigue) arc retained as part of the RI-ISi scope and arc included in the clement selection for the purpose of performing examinations to detect the additional degradation mechanism.
===3.3 Reactor===
Coolant Pressure Boundury Normal Make-up Calculation 3.3. I Purpose and Scope EGC lms determined through the calcuh1tion criteria of Paragraph IWB-l 220(a) that certain ISi Class 1 components, piping, and associated pumps, valves, vessels, (including their supports), which arc (I) Water Lines 1.505" ID and (2) Steam Lines 2.878" ID. and smaller arc exempt from the volumetric and surface examinations.
If a rupture occurred, there is suflicient normal makeup capm:ity using on-site emergency power. The purpose of this calculation i!\ to determine the inside dimneter of stemn und water lines which arc exempted from the volumetric und surfac.:e examination requirements of Suharticlc IWB-25<X>
per Parngrnph IWB-l 220(u). This section is u .rnmmary of calculution ATD-0204 (Reference 9.3.11 ). 1'r11t' .V11rt/1 C'mu11/ti1111, /./.(' .1-2 UiH 7./J Rtlfl-114 ti ISi Program P/a11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 3.3.2 Design Input System Reactor Core Isolation Control Rod Drive 3.3.3 Approach Normal Makeup Rate 600 gpm 130 gpm The exclusion diameter is the diameter at which the postulated flow rate from the break is equal to the makeup flow rate. The postulated flow rate s are based on the average system pressure in the reactor pre s sure vessel experienced under normal plant operation conditions.
The makeup flow rate is from systems which are not part of the emergency core cooling system and operate from on-site emergency power. At LSCS, the systems which meet this criteria are the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) and Control Rod Drive Return (CRDR). Note that RCIC docs not perform an ECCS function, therefore, this system meets the ASME Section XI criteria for inclusion as a makeup source under Paragraph IWB-I 220(a). This same approach applies to the alternative requirements of Paragraph IW A-4131.1 (a)(2). 3.3.4 Calculations Dclinition of Terms D exclusion inside diameter for a one-sided break, in inches 0 2 exclusion in s ide diameter for a two-sided break, in inches Q llow rate of makeup in-lb/min. w llow rate from a line break, lb/min.-in 2 Calculations Set makeup llow e4ual to the hreak llow, solve equation for diameter:
Q=wA A= (7t/4)0 2 Q = w (7t/4)0 2 D = 2 x ( Qnw )0 Calculating the exdusion diameter:
for water. D = 2 x (59K9.5/n 3367.K7)11 = 1.505 in. for steam. D = 2 x C59K9.5/n 921.01 )'1 = 2.878 in . 7'r11c* North C'tm.t11ltl111t.
/./.(' .t-.r ViX7".fRll6-tl4 Nr1*/.,le111 ti ISi Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval The diameters above apply only for a one-sided break. For two-sided break the diameter given above must be divided by the square root of 2. LSCS's current Fourth Interval ISi Program does not have any regions of question where two-sided breaks are applicable at the given size exemptions. 3.3.5 Results The exclusion inside diameters for water and steam lines are given below: Phase of fluid Saturated steam Saturated water 1'rm* .\'11rtl1 C't111.mlti111t.
I.I.<* Diameter (D) (inches) one-sided break 2.878 1.505 t;H?./.J Hllft.tl4 lll'l'i.f/1111 " 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 4.0 SUPPORT ISi PLAN (CM-11) The LSCS Support ISi Plan includes the supports of ASME Section XI nonexempt ISi Class l, 2, 3, and MC components as described in Section 3.0. Procedure ER-AA-330-003 "lnservice Inspection of Section XI Component Supports," implements the ASME Section XI Support ISi Plan. 4.1 Nonexempt ISi Class Supports The LSCS ISi Class l, 2, 3, and MC nonexempt supports are those which do not meet the exemption criteria of Paragraph IWF-1230 of ASME Section XI. A summary of the ASME Section XI nonexempt supports is included in Section 7.0. 4.1.1 Identification of ISi Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Nonexempt Supports ISi Class I, 2, 3, and MC nonexempt supports are identified on the ISi Isometrics and Component Drawings listed in Section 2.4, Table 2.5. Supports arc identified by controlled LSCS individual support detail drawings.
===4.2 Snubber===
Examination and Testing Requirements Snuhhcrs arc installed on safety related and non-safety related systems at LSCS Units I and 2 lo ensure the continued structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and other saf cty related systems following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads. Snuhhcrs installed on non-safety related systems may he included if their failure or failure of the system on which they arc installed would have an adverse effect on any safety related system. 4.2.1 As allowed hy IOCFR50.55a(h)(3)(v)(B), LSCS will use Suhscction ISTD. "lnservice Testing of Dynamic Restraints (Snuhhers)
In Light Water Reactor Power Plants," ASME Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants Code (ASME OM Code). 2004 Edition through the 2006 Addenda, to meet the visual examination (ISTD-4000), functional testing (ISTD-5()()()).
and service life monitoring (ISTD-6()()())
requirements for safety related and non-safety related snuhhers.
This approach is consistent with ASME Section XI. Paragraph IWF-1220.
which excludes inservice inspection of snuhhcrs and defers to the ASME OM Code for vismll examination.
functional testing, and service life monitoring requ i remcnts. 4.2.2 The ASME Section XI visual examination houndary of a support contuining u snuhhcr is defined in Figure IWF-D<X>-1( f). Thi!\ boundary docs not include the snuhher pin-to-pin und docs not include the connections to the !-inuhher (pins) per Parngruph IWF-I 300(h). Trt1t' N11rt/1 C1111.rnlti11Jl, /,/.(' .,. , UiH1./.fHtl6&deg;fl./
Nt'1&deg;i.,im1 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval This results in the remaining ASME Section XI requirements for VT-3 visual examination of the snubber attachment hardware including bolting and clamps, also referred to as "pin-out".
The ASME Section XI ISi Program uses Subsection IWF to define the inspection requirements for all ISi Class 1, 2, 3, and MC supports, regardless of type. The ISi Program maintains the ISi Class snubbers in the support populations subject to inspection per Subsection IWF. This is done to facilitate scheduling, preparation including insulation removal, and inspection requirements of the snubber attachment hardware (e.g., bolting and clamps). The visual examination and functional testing of the snubber body and extension, also referred to as "pin-in'', will be performed in accordance with the Snubber Program. It should be noted that the examination of snubber welded attachments will be performed in accordance with the ASME Section XI Subsections IWB, IWC, and IWD welded attachment examination requirements (e.g., Examination Categories B-K, C-C, and D-A). "l'r11t N11rtl1 l't111rnlti111l, 1.1.l' ./-1 V\H7"JRflfJ.fl./
R,.1*Mt111 fJ 
/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11terval
===5.0 SYSTEM===
PRESSURE TESTING ISi PLAN The LSCS System Pressure Testing ISi Plan includes pressure retaining ASME Section XI, ISi Class 1, 2, and 3 components, with the exception of those specifically exempted by Paragraphs IW A-51 lO(c), IWC-5222(b), and IWD-5222(c).
RI-ISi piping structural elements, regardless of risk classification, remain subject to pressure testing as part of the current ASME Section XI program. The SPT ISi Plan performs system pressure tests and required VT-2 visual examinations on the ISi Class 1, 2, and 3 pressure retaining components to verify system and component structural integrity.
This program conducts both Periodic and Interval (10-Year frequency) pressure tests as defined in ASME Section XI Inspection Program. Procedure ER-AA-330-001, "Section XI Pressure Testing," as well as LSCS site-specific test procedures, implement the ASME Section XI System Pressure Testing ISi Plan. This System Pressure Testing ISi Plan also includes Augmented Examination Program requirements as referenced in Section 2.2 of this document.
5.1 ISi Class Systems All ISi Class 1 pressure retaining components, typically defined as the reactor coolant pressure boundary, are required to be tested. Those portions of IS I Class 2 and 3 systems that arc required to be tested include the pressure retaining boundaries of components required to operate or support the system safety functions.
ISi Class 2 open ended discharge piping and components arc excluded from the examination requirements per Paragraph IWC-5222(b).
ISi Class 3 open ended discharge piping and components arc subject to examination requirements per Paragraph IWD-5222(b).
Also, Paragraph IWA 5244 defines buried component pressure testing methods. ASME Interpretation Xl-1-10-06 clarifies that Paragraph IW A-5244 only applies lo buried components that fall within the boundaries or Paragraphs IWC-5222 and IWD-5222, and thus buried component testing is not required for open ended disclrnrge piping when the buried section is beyond the last shutoff valve. 5.1. I Identification of ISi Class I, 2. and .3 Components Components subject to ASME Section XI System Pressure Testing arc shown within the ISi classification llags on the P&ID's and C&ID's listed in Section 2 . .3. Tables 2 . .3-1 and 2 . .3-2. Additional information on the classilication of various system Code hmmdaries is provided in the ISi Classification Basis Document.
: 5. 1.2 Identification or System Pressure Tests Individual system pressure tests and system pressure lest segments urc identified und nmintaincd in the LSCS ISi Datahasc.
1'r111* ,\'11rtl1 Cm1m/1i11R.
1.1.C UiH7./.fRtl6*114 Hrvl.fi1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth fllterval 5.2 Risk-Informed Examinations of Socket Welds Socket welds selected for examination tmder the RI-ISi Program are to be inspected with a VT-2 visual examination each refueling outage per Relief Request 14R-01 and N-578-1 (see footnote 12 in Table 1 of the Code Case). To facilitate this, socket welds selected for inspection under the RI-ISi Program are pressurized each refueling outage during a system pressure test in accordance with Paragraph IW A-5211 (a). Triu* Nt1rt/1 Cm1.rnl1i111t.
I.I.<' U\H74.fRllf>-llol R,. 1*/.fitm fl 
/SI Program Plan lASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 6.0 CONTAINMENT ISi PLAN All references to ASME Section XI in this section are taken from the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda for CISI, unless otherwise stated. This portion of the ISi Program Plan Document represents the LSCS Third Ten-Year CISI Interval for ISi Class MC and CC components as discussed in Section 6.1 below. The LSCS Containment ISi Plan includes ASME Section XI ISi Class MC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments (including the ISi Class CC metal liner}, and ISi Class CC components and structures, and post-tensioning systems that meet the criteria of Subarticle IWA-1300.
This Containment ISi Plan also includes information related to augmented examination areas, component accessibility, and examination review. The inspection of containment structures, components, and post-tensioning systems arc performed per procedures ER-AA-330-005, "Visual Examination of Section XI Class CC Concrete Containment Structures," ER-AA-330-006, "lnscrvice Inspection and Testing of the Pre-Stressed Concrete Containment Post Tensioning Systems," and ER-AA-330-007, "Visual Examination of Section XI Class MC Surfaces and Class CC Liners." In addition, site speci fie procedures arc used to complete more complex surveillances such as tendon testing. 6.1 Nonexempt ISi Class Components The LSCS ISi Class MC and CC components identified on the CISI Reference Drawings arc those not exempted under the criteria of Paragrnphs IWE-1220 and IWL-1220 in the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda of ASME Section XI. A summary of the ASME Section XI nonexempt CISI components is included in Section 7 .0. The process for scoping LSCS components for inclusion in the Containment ISi Plan is included in the containment sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document.
These sections include a listing and detailed hasis for inclusion of containment components.
Components that arc classified as ISi Class MC and CC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments must meet the rcl1uirements of ASME Section XI in accordance with IOCFRS0.5Sa(g)(4). ISi Class MC supprn1s of Suhscction IWE components arc not required to he examined in accordance with I OCFRSO.S5a(g)( 4 )( v ). Corrosion protection mutcriul he returned following Concrete and Tendon repair and rcplm:ement pictures per the Qm1lity Assumncc (QA) re,1uiremcnts of Suh.article IW A-1400. 'l'r11c* N 11rtl1 Ccm.rnlti1111, /./.(' UiH1./.IRll6&deg;fl./
R r 1*i.fi1111 II JS/ Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 6. l. l Identification of ISi Class MC and CC Nonexempt Components ISi Class MC and CC components are identified on the CISI Reference Drawings listed in Section 2.4, Table 2.4-2. 6.1.2 Identification of ISi Class MC and CC Exempt Components Certain containment components or parts of components may be exempted from examination based on design and accessibility per the requirements of Paragraphs IWE-1220 and IWL-1220. The process for exempting LSCS components from the Containment ISi Plan per Paragraphs IWE-1220 and IWL-1220 is included in the containment sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document.
These sections include discussions of exempt components and the bases for those exemptions.
===6.2 Augmented===
Examinations Areas The containment sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document discuss the containment design and components. Metal containment surface areas suhject to accelerated degradation and aging require augmented examination per Examination Category E-C and Paragraph IWE-1240. Similarly, concrete surfaces may he suhject to Detailed Visual examination in accordance with Item Numher L 1.12 and Paragraph IWL-231 O(h ), if declared to he 'Suspect Areas'. A significant condition is a condition that is identified as re4uiring application of mklitional augmented examination requirements under Paragraphs IWE-1240 or IWL-2310.
No significant conditions were identified in the First and Second CISI Intervals and no significant conditions arc currently identified in the Third CISI Interval as requiring application or additional augmented examination requirements under Paragraph IWE-1240 or IWL-2310.
===6.3 Component===
Acccssihility IS I C'lass MC and CC components suhjcct to examination shall remain accessihlc for either direct or remote examination from at le.ast one side per the re4uirements or ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWE-1230.
Paragraph IWE-1231(u)(3) requires or the pressure-retaining houndary wm. acccl'isihle after construction to renrnin uccessihle for either direct or remote visual examination, from ut least one side of the vessel, for the life of the plunt. 1'rt1c* N11rt/1 C.111mlti111t.
/./.( * / .. 'iH74.f Rtl6*114 Hc*vi.""'' II IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth /llterval Portions of components embedded in concrete or otherwise made inaccessible during construction are exempted from examination, provided that the requirements of ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWE-1232 have been fully satisfied.
In addition, inaccessible surface areas exempted from examination include those surface areas where visual access by line of sight with adequate lighting from permanent vantage points is obstructed by permanent plant structures, equipment, or components; provided these surface areas do not require examination in accordance with the inspection plan, or augmented examination in accordance with Paragraph IWE-1240.
===6.4 Responsible===
Individual and Engineer ASME Section XI Subsection IWE requires the Responsible Individual to be involved in the development, performance, and review of the CISI examinations. The Responsible Individual shall meet the requirements of ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWE-2320.
ASME Section XI Subsection IWL requires the Responsible Engineer to be involved in the development, approval, and review of the CISI examinations. The Responsible Engineer shall meet the requirements of ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWL-2330.
1'r11r .V11rtl1 C1111.rnlti111t.
/./.(' f> ** f UiH 7" .flUlf>-114 llr1*M1111 ti 
/SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11terval
===7.0 COMPONENT===
TABLES 7.1 Inservice Inspection Summary Tables Examination Category (with Examination Category Description)
(1) Tables 7 .1-1 and 7 .1-2 provide a summary of the ASME Section XI pressure retaining components, supports, containment structures, metal liners, tensioning systems, system pressure testing, and augmented examination program components for the Fourth ISi Interval and the Third CISI Interval at LSCS Units I, 2, and Common. If a particular examination category and item number do not apply to LSCS, they are not included in these tables. The format of the lnservice Inspection Summary Tables is as depicted below and provides the following information:
Item Number Description Exam Total Number Approved Relief Notes (or Risk Requirements of Components Request/ TAP Category or by System Number Augmented Number) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (I) Examination Category (with Examination Category Description)
Provides the examination category and description as identified in ASME Section XI, Tahles IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, IWD-2500-1, IWE-2500-1, IWF-2500-1, and IWL-2500-1.
Only those examination categories applicahlc to LSCS arc identilied.
Examination Category "R-A" from N-578-1 is used in lieu of ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F. B-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2 to identify ISi Class 1 and 2 piping structural clements for the RI-ISi Program. Examination Category "NA" is used to identify Augmented Examination Programs and other LSCS commitments.
(2) Item Numhcr (or Risk Category Numhcr or Augmented Numhcr) Provides the item numhcr as idcntilicd in ASME Section XI, Tahlcs IWB-2500-1. IWC-2500-l, IWD-25<X>-l.
IWE-2500-1. IWF-25<X>-t.
and IWL-25<X>-1.
Only those item numhers applicahlc to LSCS arc identified.
For piping structural clements under the RI-ISi Program. the Risk Category Numhcr (e.g .. I through 5) is used in place of the item numhcr. Specilic ahhrcviutions such as BWRVIP, BWROG, IGSCC. t<K'FR, 0737, und TRM2 I a arc used to identify Augmented Exami1mtion Program!\
and other LSCS commitments.
1'r111* .\'11rt/1 Cc111rnlti11Jl, I.I.<* 7-1 UiH7 4.f Rllf>*tl4 Rt'1*Mcm ti 
/SI Program Plan IASa//e Co11nty Station Units I & 2, Fo11rtli Interval (3) Item Number (or Risk Category Number or Augmented Number) Description Provides the description as identified in ASME Section XI, Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, IWD-2500-1, IWE-2500-1, IWF-2500-1, and IWL-2500-l.
For RI-ISi piping structural elements, a description of the Risk Category Number is provided.
For Augmented Examination Program commitments, a description of the augmented basis is provided. ( 4) Examination Requirements Provides the examination methods required by ASME Section XI, Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, IWD-2500-1, IWE-2500-1, IWF-2500-1 and IWL-2500-1.
Provides the examination requirements for piping structural clements under IS I that are in accordance with the EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657, Rev. B-A, TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A, and N-578-l. Provides the examination requirements for Augmented Examination Program components from LSCS commitments.
The examination requirements dcscrihcd in this document arc rcllccted in the ISi Datahasc code pages. (5) Total Numhcr or Components hy System Provides the system designator (ahhrcviations).
Sec Section 2.3, Tahlcs 2.3-1 and 2.3-2 for a list or these systems. This column also provides the numher or components within a particular system for that Item Numhcr. Risk Category Numher. or Augmented Numhcr. Note that the total numhcr of components hy system arc suhjcct to change after completion of plant modilications, design changes. ISi system classilication updates, and will he maintained within the ISi Database.
(6) Approved Relief Rcquestffechnical Approach and Position Numher Provides a listing of apprnved Relief Requestfl'AP Numhers upplicuhle to specilic component!'>, the ASME Section XI Item Numher, Risk Category Numhcr, or Augmented Numher. Relief Requests and TAP Numhers that generically .ipply to all components.
or an entire d.iss arc not listed. If a Relief Rc,1ucstfl'AP Numher is identilicd.
sec the corresponding relief re(1ucst in Section K.O or the TAP Numhcr in Sel*tion 2 . .S of this document.
1-2 Rr1*/.d11t1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval (7) Notes Provides a listing of program notes applicable to the ASME Section XI Item Number, Risk Category Number, or Augmented Number. If a program note number is identified, see the corresponding program note in Table 7.1-3. 1"r11r ,\'11rt/1 C1111mlti11R.
1.1.C 7., f UiH74.1RtJr..lJ4 Hl't'iJim1 IJ Eumimtioa Category f widl Eumiaatioa Catrgory Number I . . , B*A B l.II Pre.st1re Retaining Wdds 81.12 1n Reactor V c..-ssd Bl.21 Bl.22 81.30 BIAO B-D 83.90 Full Pendralion W clds o fNouh i n Vessd s 83.100 Tn1e .\<<tit C01Ulllli11K.
U&#xa3; /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I & CO:\l:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Description Exam Requirements Circumfc:rcntial Shell Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Lon2itudinal Shell Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Circumfc:rential Head Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Meridional Head Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Shcll-to-Aan2e Weld (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Head-to-Flange Weld (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric
& Surface Noule-to-Vesscl Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Noule Inside Radius Section (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric or Visual. VT-I 7-4 Total Number of Components by System RPV: 5 RPV: 15 RPV: 4 RPV: 30 RPV: I RPV: I RPV: 33 RPV: 33 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-05 13 14R-05 13 9 14R-09 7 14R-09 8 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 
/SI Program Plan IASal/e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &
TABLE Fumiutioa Catq:ory Item Description Exam I witt. Fuminatioa Number Requirements B-G-1 Closure Head Nuts <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I B6.::!0 Closure Studs I Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Bolung. Grea1er Than B6AO Threads in Flange <Reactor Vessel) Volumetric
::! m. In Diameter B6.50 Closure Washers <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I B6.l 80 Bolts & Studs (Pumps) Volumetric B6.190 Flange Surface. when connection disassembled (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!00 Nuts. Bushings. and Washers (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!IO Bolts & Studs (Valves) Volumetric 86 . .:!::!0 Flange Surface. when connection disassembled (Valves) Visual. VT-I 86.::!30 Nuts. Bushings.
and Washers (Valves) Visual. VT-I T,..e .\'"'1/r C011SllltiltK, LJ&#xa3; 7-5 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: 68 (68 Nuts) RPV: 68 (68 Studs) RPV: 68 (68 Threaded Holes) RPV: 68 (Washers)
RRA: I ( 16 Bolts) RRB: I (16 Bolts) RRA: I RRB: I RRA: I (16 Nuts, Bushings , Washers) RRB: I (16 Nuts, Bushin.!!.s.
Washers) RRA:2 RRB: 2 RRA:2 RRB:2 RRA:2 RRB: 2 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &
TABLE Fumimlioll Catqory Item Description Exam I widl EHmimtioa Number Requirements DescriDtioa
> B-G-! B750 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s <Pipmg) Visual. VT-I R'""taining Bolting. :? in. and In Diamc1er B7.70 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s (Vah*cs) Visual. VT-I T"'e .\"onla Co1UaltinK.
U.C 7-6 Total Number of Components by System MSA:4 MSB: 5 MSC: 5 MSD:4 NB: I RI: 5 RPV: I RRA: 2 RRB: 2 RT: 2 FWA:2 FWB:2 HP: 2 LP: I MSA:4 MSB: 7 MSC: 6 MSD:4 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RHC: I RI: 2 RRA: 3 RRB: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 1, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &
TABLE fHmimlioa Catqory Description Exam cwida [umiucioa Number Requirements 1.>esa:.,::...1 B-K BIO.ID Wcldt.-d Attachments (Pressure Vessels) Surface or \\' ddal Attachments Volumetric for Vcs..<;c:ls.
Pipmg. B IO.:!O Wcldt.-d Attachments (Piping) Surface Pumps. anJ Vaht.-s 810.30 Welded Attachments (Pumps) Surface Trae .\*""11 CtHUllltUrK.
UC 7-7 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV:7 FWA:6 FWB:6 HP:4 LP: 4 MS: I MSA:4 MSB: 6 MSC: 5 MSD:4 RHA:8 RHB: 8 RHC: 6 RHSDC: 1 RI: 15 RR: I RRA: I RRB: I RT: 2 RRA: I RRB: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-03 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &
TABLE Euminatioa Catqory Description Exam
* wilh Examination Category Requirements
_ _;__) B*L-2 8 1 2.2 0 Pump Cas i ng (Pump s) V is ual. VT-3 PumD Ca.-.i ngs B-M-2 8 1 25 0 Vahc Body CExct."\.-d i ng NPS -l) (Val\'CS)
Visual. VT-3 Vahc Bodk.-s Tn" .\'Olflr C011Slllli11K.
UC 7-8 Total Number of Components by System RRA: I RRB: I FWA:3 FWB:3 HP: 3 LP: 3 MSA:4 MSB: 7 MSC: 6 MSD:4 RHA: 8 RHB: 6 RHC: 3 RHSDC: 3 RI: 4 RRA: 3 RRB: 3 RT: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0
IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &
TABLE buMnatioa Description Exam c with Examination NulDMr Requirements I . .. ) B-N-1 BIJ.10 Vessd Interior (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 lnteri<>r of Rc:actor V 8-N-.:! B 13 . .:!0 Interior Attachments Within Beltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-I Welded Con: Vessel> Support Smk.1ures and Interior 81330 Interior Attachments Beyond Beltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-3 AnachmcnLc; to V\.-ssel)
Reactor Vessels Bl3AO Core Support Structure (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 Tn,, .\'onle CtHUllllin8.
U&#xa3; 7-9 Total Number of Components by System RPV: I JPI: I RPV: I FW: I HP: I LP: I RD: I RPV: 7 SC: I RD: I RPV: 4 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I4R-02 JO 14R-02 JO 14R-02 JO 14R-02 10 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT l & C0:\1:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Egminalioa Item Description Exam C with Eumiutioa Number Requirements u_.:_:__l 8-0 81-UO Welds in CRD Housing (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric or Prnsun: Retaining Welds in ( I O'k of Peripheral CRD Housings to he inspected.
40 of Surface Cootrol Rod Housings the 185 CRD Housings arc identified as peripheral) (CM-2) 8-P 815.10 Pressure Retaining Components
Visual. VT-2 All System Leakage Test (IW8-5220) (Outage) Rcummg ComponcnL" Bl5 . .:!0 Pressure Retaining Components
Visual. VT-2 Leakage Test (IWB-5:!20) (Interval)
True .\'Ol"lla C011S*llinK.
U..C 7-10 Total Number of Components by System RD: I (40 Peripheral CRD Housings with 2 Welds Each) FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT SC FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT Approved Notes Relief RequesU TAP Number 14 14T-OI 14T-02 14T-OI I4T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &
TABLE &#xa3; ... **tioa Item Description Exam f witb EumiMtioa Category Number Requirements Desainlioa)
C-A Cl.IO Shell Cin:umfercntial Welds (Pressure Vessels) Volumetric Pr\.-s.surc:
Retaining Welds in Pr\."!'sure VCS!iCls cuo T uhcslk.-ct-10-Shcll-W clds (Pressure Vessels) Volume1ric C-8 C:!.21 Noale-10-Shcll (Nozzle lo Head or Nozzle 10 Nozzle) Volumelric
Relaining Welds Without Reinforcing Plale. Greater Than 1/2" Surface Nonie Welds in Nominal Thickness
<Pressure Vessels) Vessels C2.22 Noale Inside Radius Sec1ion Wi1hou1 Reinforcing Plale. Volumetric Grealer Than 1/2" Nominal Thickness (Pressure Vessels) C-C Wcldt.-d Anachmcn1s
<Pressure Vessels) Surface Welded Anachmcnt.s for \'
Piping. Weldt.-d AnachmcnlS
<Piping) Surface Pump-.. and W cldt.-d Anachmcnts (Pumps) Surface Tn1e -'"&deg;""
LLC 7-JI Total Number of Components by System RHA: 4 RHB:4 RHA: I RHB: I RHA: 2 RHB: 2 RHA: 2 RHB: 2 RHA: 24 RHB: 24 FWA: I FWB: I HG:7 HP: 13 LP: II MS: 2 MSA:4 MSB: 4 MSC: 3 MSD:3 RHA: 22 RHB: 20 RHC: 8 HP: I LP: I RHA: I RHB: I RHC: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &
TABLE Esamimlioa Category Item Description Exam j witll En...m.tion Cateiory Number Requirements
!.. . . ) C-H C7.IO Pressure Retaining Components Visual. VT-2 All Leakage Test (IWC-5220) (Periodic)
Rdalmng Component" True .\'twdt CotUtdtUrK.
UC 7-12 Total Number of Components by System CM ES FW HP HG IN LP MS NB PS RD RH RI RR RT VG Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-06 14R-07 14R-08 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Stalion Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &
TABLE Euminatioa Item Description Exam f with faamimtioa Number Requirements
!.,. __ :_..:__, D-A DI.IO Wcldt.-d Attachments (Pressure Vessels) Visual. VT-I Wckkd Ataachmcnts for V t.>s..<iels.
Piping. DL!O W cldt.-d Attachments (Piping) Visual. VT-I Pumps. and \'ah es DUO Wcldt.-d Attachments (Pumps) Visual. VT-I D-B 02.10 Pressure Retaining Components Visual. VT-2 All Pressure System Leakage Test (IWD-5220) (Periodic)
Rcwnrng ComponenL'i TTlle .\'onlt C01UrdtUIK.
U.C 7-13 Total Number of Components by System DG: l+I HP: I DG: 12+8 HP: 13 MSA: 20 MSB: 49 MSC: 39 MSD: 19 RHA: 21 RHB: 1 2 DG: l+I HP: I RHA: 2 RHB: 2 cs cs DG HP LP MS RH VY Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 2 2 2 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
EuMnatioe Category ltrm C with [nminatioa Category Number I . . >> E-A El.I I Con1ainmcn1 El.I.:! El . .:!O E-C E-Ul Ct>rllainmcnl Requiring E-U.:! Augmcnled E.umina1ion E-G I ElUO R"...Unin2 Boltin2 Tra1 .\'onlt Co11Stdlilr8.
LLC IS/ Program Plan County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 & CO:\l:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Description Exam Requirements Coniainmcnt Vessel Pressure Re1aining Boundary -General Visual Accessihle Surface Areas Con1ainmcn1 Vessel Pressure Relaining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 We1tt.-d Surfaces of Suhmcn?ed Areas Con1ainmcn1 Vessel Pressure Re1aining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 BWR Vent Accessihk Surface Areas Coniainmcnt Surface Areas -Visihle Surfaces Visual. VT-I Containment Surface Area.-; -Surface Area Grid Volume1ric Minimum Wall Thickness Localion (Ultrasonic Thickness)
Boht.-d Conlk.-clions Visual. VT-I 7-14 Total Number of Components 293 13 154 0 0 64 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14T-03 I4T-04 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT l &
TABLE Eullliutioa Category Item Description Exam cwi lb Esamiaatioa Catqor,* Number Requirements
:; __ :_..:......
f*A fl.10 Class I Piping Supporu. Visual. VT-3 Support." T,..e .\"onll Consalti*K*
U&#xa3; 7-15 Total Number of Components by System FWA: 15 FWB: 14 HP: 12 LP:9 MS: JO MSA: 12 MSB: 17 MSC: 15 MSD: 12 NB: 5 RHA: 20 RHB: 19 RHC: JO RHSDC: 9 RI: 37 RR: 13 RRA: 15 RRB: JO RT: 28 SC: 1 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I & CO:\l:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Esaaoimtion Item Description Exam I widl Eumimtioa Cateiory Number Requirements l>esmnlioa)
F-A Fl.10 Class 1 Piping Suppons Vi s ual. VT-3 Sup('<lrls 1Con1inued, Class 3 Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 Tn,, .\"<<tit COllSiJtilrK, LLC 7-16 Total Number of Components by System FWA2 FWB2 HG:66 HP: 33 LP:41 MS: 20 MSA: 10 MSB: 14 MSC: 14 MSD: 10 RHA: 76 RHB: 69 RHC: 40 DG: 82+34 HP: 37 MSA: 35 MSB: 85 MSC: 71 MSD: 42 RHA: 46 RHB: 24 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I I 2 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &
TABLE Eumi-lioa ltrm Description Exam Cwla &#xa3;nmiulioa Catqory Number Requirements Desc:rintioa) f*A FIAO Suppons Other Than Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 Supporb (Clas.s I. :!. 3. and MC) cCorninlk.-d)
True .Vonlt UC 7-17 Total Number of Components by System DG: 2+2 HP: I LP: I PC: 13 RHA:4 RHB:6 RHC: I RPV: I RRA: 10 RRB: 10 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I 2 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Examination ltrm I with Esa.._tioa
!.. . . t L-A LI.I I C oncn.-tc:
Surfaces LI. I:! L-B L:!.10 l'nt>.>ndcJ Pos1-T c:nsiomng S) stem L:!.:!O L:!.30 L:!AO L:!.50 True .\" onlt LLC /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT l &
TABLE Description Exam Requirements Concrete Surfaces -General Visual All Accessible Surface Areas Concrete Surfaces -Detailed Visual SUSPl-"Ct Areas (No SusJ)l.."Ct Areas Identified)
Tendon IWL-2522 Tendon Force Measurement Tendon -IWL-2523.2 Wire or Strand Sample Examination and Testing Tendon -Detailed Visual Anchorage Hardware and Surrounding Concrete (One anchorage on each end of tendon) Tendon -IWL-2525.2(a). Corrosion Proh .. "Ction Medium IWL-2526 (Samples taken from each tendon end) Corrosion Protection Analysis Tendon -IWL-25 25 .2( b) Fn.-c Water Free Water (Samples taken from each tendon end) Analysis 7-18 Total Number of Components 24 ----307 307 614 614 614 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-04 14R-04 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
ISi Program Plan LaSalle Count)* Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &
TABLE Fumimtioa Catqo')* Risk Description Exam I with fumjwatioa Catq:o')* Catego')* Requirements Desainlioa>>
Number R*A I Risk Category I Piping Structural Elements See Notes RW.-lnformeJ Piping E.ummations 2 Risk Category 2 Piping Structural Elements See Notes .1 Risk Category 3 Piping Structural Elements See Notes ... Risk Category -' Piping Structural Elements See Notes Ttwe .\'onlt COllS*llillK.
UC 7-19 Total Number of Components by Svstem FWA: 15 FWB: 15 RHA: I RHB: I FWA:6 FWB: 6 HP: 6 LP: 6 RI: I FWA:4 FWB:4 RHA:2 RHB: 3 HP: 31 LP:6 MS: 38 MSA: 56 MSB: 65 MSC: 62 MSD: 57 RHA: 24 RHB: 27 RHC: II RHSDC: 2 RI: 22 RR: I RRA: 22 RRB: 22 RT: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 faaminacioa Category Risk I with EnmiPacioa Catqory Category I . .
* Number R*A 5 R is k-lnform:d Pip i ng E uminations 1 C ont i ntk.-d I True .\'onlr CtHUlllliltK.
U.C /SJ Program Plan LaSalle Counly Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &
TABLE Description Exam Requirements R is k 5 Piping Structural Elcmcms Sec Notes 7-20 Total Number of Components by System HP: 3 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RI: 9 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 JS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1*1 UNIT I &
TABLE Eumiaalioll Aug Description Exam t wi .. Eumimlioa Catqory Number Requirements NA BWRVlP BWRVlP ln-n: s sd Inspections (IGSCC Management Various Augmented Pro2ram BWR Vessel Internals and Pioin2 Comoonents)
Components BWR<XJ BWR Ft.>t.-dwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Volumetri c Nor.zle Cracking Components (NUREG-0619 and BWROG)
IGSCC lntergranular Stress Corro s ion Cracking (IGSCC) in BWR Volumetric Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Component s. TR-113932 , .. B\VR Ve s sel and Internals Project. Technical Basis for Re,*ision s to Generic Lener 88-0 I Inspection Schedules c BWRVIP-75>:* and TR-1012621.
**BWR Vessel and Internal s Projt.'Cl.
T t.-chnical Basis for Revisions to Generic Lener 88-01 lnspt.-ction Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A f" J OCFR Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Welds Volumetric ( IOCFR50.55a(2)(6)(ii)(A).
Final Rule) MEB31 Examination of High Energ y Circumferential and Volumetric or Longitud i nal Piping \Velds <MEB 3-1. UFSAR 3.6.1 and Surface 3.6.2) 0737 Leak Te s ting and Periodic Visual Examinations of Systems Visual. VT-2 Outside of Primary Containment Which Could Contain Highly Radioacti,*e Fluid s During a Serious Transient or Accident cNUREG 0737) TRM21a Pressure Testing of the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System Visual. VT-2 Dc s ignt.-d to ASME Section III. Subsection ND ( LCiCS T t.>ehnical Reouireroi!nts Manual Section 2.1.a) Tr*t .\"otflr C01U"'1iltK.
LLC 7-21 Total Number of Components by System In accordance with BWRVIP FWA:3 FWB: 3 RPV: 6 Category B: 1 2 5 C ategor y C: 2 8 RPV: 20 NA HG HP LP RH RI RT DO Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 1 4 R-0 2 I O 1 1 14R-OI 4 14R-05 13 6 14T-OI LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Examination Category Item Description Exam c with Eumiaalioa Category Requirements u_.: _ _:_, B*A Bl.I I Circumferential Shell Welds (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric Retain i n! Wdd s BI.I:! Lon2i1udinal Shell Welds (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric i n Rear..1or V esse l Bl . .:!I Circumfercn1ial Head Welds (Reac1or Vessel) Volume1ric Bl.:!:! Meridional Head Welds (Reac1or Ve s sel) Volumelric 8130 Shcll-10-Flan2e Weld (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric B 1.40 Head-10-Flange Weld (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric
& Surface B-0 83.90 NoT.zle-10-V esscl Weld s (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric F ull Penetralion Weld s o f Sozzles i n \'cs..-.e ls 83.100 Noule Inside Radius Sc:c1ion (Reaclor Vessel) Volumelric or Visual. VT-I T,..e .\"anlt C011Sldlit1K, LLC 7-22 Total Number of Components by System RPV: 4 RPV: 12 RPV: 2 RPV: 14 RPV: 1 RPV: I RPV:: n RPV: 33 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-05 13 14R-05 13 9 14R-09 7 14R-09 8 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan lASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Esamimtiotl Description Exam t witb Eumimtioa Category NulllMr Requirements
!.. . . ) 8-G*I 86.IO Closure Head Nuts <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I 86.::!0 Closure Studs (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Bollin!!.
Grealc."f Than 86AO Threads in Flange (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric
::! m. In Diameter 86.50 Closure Washers <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I B6.180 Bolts & Studs (Pumps) Volumetric B6.190 Flange Surface. when conlk.-ction disa.-;sembled (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!00 Nuts. Bushings.
and Washers (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!IO Bolts & Studs (Valves) Volumetric B6.::!::!0 Flange Surface. when connection disassembled (Valves) Visual. VT-I B6.::!30 NuL'i. Bushings.
and Washers (Valves) Visual. VT-I True .\'onlt COllSaltiaK.
I.LC 7-23 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: 76 (76 Nuts) RPV: 76 (76 Studs) RPV: 76 (76 Threaded Holes) RPV: 76 (76 Washers) RRA: I ( 16 Bolts) RRB: I ( 16 Bolts) RRA: I RRB: I RRA: I ( 16 Nuts, Bushings, Washers) RRB: I (16 Nuts, Bushings.
Washers) RRA: 2 RRB:2 RRA: 2 RRB: 2 RRA: 2 RRB: 2 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan UiSal/e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Eumiaatioa Item Description Exam I witb fnmiutioa Catqo11* Number Requirements
* . -* ) 8-G-:! 87.50 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s <Piping) Visual. VT-I Retaining lklfling. in. and In Diamc1&."f B7.70 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s (Vahcs) Visual. VT-I Tf'tle .\'ortlt Co1ts*llilrK.
LLC 7-24 Total Number of Components by System MSA:4 MSB:5 MSC:5 MSD:4 NB: I RI: 5 RPV: I RRA:2 RRB:2 RT: 2 FWA:2 FWB:2 HP: 2 LP: I MSA:4 MSB: 7 MSC:6 MSD:4 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RHC: I RI: 2 RRA:3 RRB:3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS87 43R06-0./
Revision 0 ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Examination Item Description Exam c wida Eu..W..tioa Cak&Ory Number Requirements 11-.:..::.....
8-K 810.10 Wcld1.-d Anachmcnts (Pressure Vessels) Surface or Welded Attachments Volumetric for Ves.scls..
Piping. 810.20 W cld1.-d Anachmcnts (Piping) Surface Pumps.. and V alws 810.30 Weld1.-d Anachmcnts (Pumps) Surface True .'fonlt ConsllltUlt.
UC 7-25 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: 7 FWA: 6 FWB:6 HP: 4 LP:4 MS: I MSA:4 MSB: S MSC: 5 MSD: 4 RHA: 10 RHB: 8 RHC: S RHSDC: I RI: 12 RRA: I RRB: I RT: I RRA: I RRB: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-03 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE fsamiutioa Caaqor,* Item Description Exam fsamiutioa Requirements Descriotion)
B-L-2 BI :!.:!O Pump Casing (Pumps I Visual. VT-3 Pump B-M-2 81250 Vahe Body (Exceeding NPS -t) (Valves) Visual. VT-3 Vahc Bodies True .\"onh Cons*llilrK.
LLC 7-26 Total Number of Components by System RRA: I RRB: I FWA:3 FWB:3 HP: 3 LP: 3 MSA:4 MSB:7 MSC:6 MSD:4 RHA: 8 RHB:6 RHC: 3 RHSDC: 3 RI: 4 RRA:3 RRB: 3 RT: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS87 43R06-0.J Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE faamiutioa Catrgor,*
Item Description Exam t wida Eumi-tioa Catrgor,* Number Requirements
!.. . . ) B-N-1 813.IO Vessel Interior (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 Interior of Rt.."<k.10f" V '"-s.."Cl 813.::!0 Interior Attachments Within 8eltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-I Weldc.'11 Core Vessel) Support SUUC1un.-s and Interior 81330 Interior Attachments Beyond Beltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-3 AttachmenL"'
to Vessel) RcactOI" 813.40 Core Suppon Structure (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 T"'e .\'onlt ConsabiltK.
UC 7-27 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: I JPI: I RPV: I FW: I HP: I LP: I RD: I RPV: 8 SC: I RD: I RPV: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-02 10 14R-02 IO 14R-02 10 14R-02 10 LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Euwimtioa Category ltrm Description Exam c with Eullliutioo Cateiory Requirements
:-__ :__:._, B-0 814.IO Welds in CRD Housing (Rcac1or Vessel) Volumclric or Welds in ( IO'k of Peripheral CRD Housings lo he inspcclcd.
40 of Surface Control Rod Housings 1hc 185 CRD Housings arc idcn1ificd as peripheral) (CM-2) B*P 815.IO Pressure Rc1aining Componencs (IWB-5222(a)]
Visual. VT-2 All Sys1cm Leakage Tesl <IWB-5220) (Oucage)
Comroncnb 815.:!0 Pn.-s.-;ure Rc1aining Componencs (IWB-5222(b))
Visual. VT-2 Leakage Test (IWB-5220) (lnccrval)
T"'e .\*onll C011S*ltinK.
UC 7-28 Total Number of Components by System RD: I (40 Peripheral CRD Housings wilh 2 Welds Each) FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT SC FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT SC Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14 14T-OI 14T-02 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
IS/ Program Plan 1.ASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE furwinalioa Category Item Description Exam t with Fumiwtioa Category Number Requirements Descriotion)
C-A Cl.IO Shell Circumferential Welds (Pressure Vessels) Volumetric Prl.*ssun:
R""lain ing Welds in Prcssun: \'\."SSC Is cuo Tuhcslk."Ct-to-Shcll-Welds (Pressure Vessels) Volumetric C-8 C!.21 No1.zle-to-Shcll (No1.zle to Head or Nozzle to Nozzle) Volumetric
Reta1nmg Welds Without Reinforcing Plate. Greater Than 1/2" Surface Wdds in Nominal Thickness (Pressure Vessels) V""s.SCls C:!.22 Nozzle Inside Radius Section Without Reinforcing Plate. Volumetric Greater Than 112* Nominal Thickness (Pressure Vessels) C-C C3.IO Weldt."d Attachments
<Pressure Vessels) Surface Welded Ataachments for Ves..<<ls.
Piping. W eld""d Attachments (Piping) Surface Weldt."d Attachments (Pumps) Surface Trae .\'onll C01U*llUtK.
U&#xa3; 7-29 Total Number of Components by System RHA: 4 RHB:4 RHA: I RHB: I RHA: 2 RHB: 2 RHA:2 RHB:2 RHA: 24 RHB: 24 FWA: I FWB: I HG: 5 HP:7 LP: II MS:2 MSA:3 MSB:3 MSC:3 MSD:3 RHA: 17 RHB: 22 RHC: 9 HP: I LP: I RHA: I RHB: I RHC: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 
/SI Program Plan IASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Euminatioa Description Exam c with fn.W..tioa Number Requirements Desc:. :..::... , C-H C7.IO Pre ss ure Rela i n i ng C o mpunems Visual. VT-2 All Pres s ure Leakage Tesl (IWC-5220) (Periodic)
Rc:taimng Components True .\" ortlr C01UultUrt.
U&#xa3; 7-30 Total Number of Components by System CM E S FW HP HG IN L P M S NB PS RD RH RI RR RT VG Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-0 6 1 4 R-07 1 4 R-0 8 1 4T-O J 1 4 T-02 LS87 43 R06-04 R ev isio11 0 JS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Eumiutioa Item Description Exam t willl Fumimtioa Catqof1* Number Requirements Desmotiont 0-A DI.IO Wcld'-"<I Attachments (Pressure Vessel) Visual. VT-I Welded Anachmenb for V Piping. Dl.20 Wcld'-"<I Attachments (Piping) Visual. VT-I Pumps. and Vah'--s DUO Wcld'-"<I Attachments
<Pumps) Visual. VT-I 0-B 02.10 Pressure Retaining Components Visual. VT-2 AJI Pres.sun:
System Leakage Test <IWD-5220) (Periodic)
Retaining Components Trae .\Ortlt LJ&#xa3; 7-31 Total Number of Components by System DG: I HP: I DG:l3 HP: 7 MSA:21 MSB: 49 MSC: 40 MSD: 20 RHA:6 RHB: 12 DG: I HP: I RHA:2 RHB: 2 cscs DG HP LP MS RH VY Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Eumiaalioa Categol')* Item twi lls Eumiaalioa Number DescriDlioa.
E-A El.II Contamment Surfaces El.I:! El.:!O E-C E-1.11 c,>nu.inment SurfaL-es Requiring E-1. I:! .
Eumination E-G EM.IO Pn:-s.sure Rc:uinin2 Bl'ltin2 True .\'onlr C011Salli"K*
LLC /SI Program Plan IASa//e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Description Exam Requirements Containment Vessel Pressure Retaining Boundary -General Visual Accessible Surface Areas Containment Vessel Pressure Retaining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 Weth..-d Surfaces of Submer2ed Areas Containment Vessel Pressure Retaining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 B\VR Vent System Accessible Surface Areas Containment Surface Areas -Visible Surfaces Visual. VT-I Containment Surface Area.'i -Surface Area Grid Volumetric Minimum \Vall Thickness Location (Ultrasonic Thickness)
Bolt'"-d Connt.-ctions Visual. VT-I 7-32 Total Number of Components 293 13 154 0 0 64 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14T-03 14T-04 LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Euminalioa Catqor)*
Description Exam 1 witll Euoninalioa Catqory !'lumber Requirements I . . ) F-A Fl.10 Class I Piping Supports Visual. VT-3 Supports True .Vordt COllS*lliRK.
U.C 7-33 Total Number of Components by Svstem FWA: 15 FWB: 15 HP: 12 LP: 8 MS: 8 MSA: 12 MSB: 17 MSC: 15 MSD: 12 NB: I RHA: 21 RHB: 18 RHC:9 RHSDC: 8 RI: 28 RR: 10 RRA: 15 RRB: 10 RT: 28 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0
ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Esaminatioa Category firm Description Exam C with faamimtioa Number Requirements v_.:...:..,_, F-A Fl . .:!O
.:! Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 Suppons 1ConunueJ1 FUO Class J Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 T rae .\'onlt UC 7-34 Total Number of Components by System FWA2 FWB2 HG:40 HP: 35 LP: 38 MS: 13 MSA: 14 MSB: 16 MSC: 12 MSD: 13 RHA: 60 RHB: 64 RHC: 39 DG:32 HP: 28 MSA: 38 MSB: 85 MSC: 69 MSD:42 RHA: 24 RHB: 19 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I I LS8743R06-0./
Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan IASa//e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Egmimlioe Calegory Description Exam f witll Eu-..tioa Number Requirements 1>escr:..;:...1 F-A fl.-'O Supports Other Than Piping Supports Visual. VT-3 Supports 1Cla.4's I.::!. 3. and MC)
Tn1e .\'ordl C011Srdtint.
U&#xa3; 7-35 Total Number of Components by System DG:4 HP: I LP: I PC: 13 RHA: 4 RHB:4 RHC: I RPV: I RRA: 10 RRB: 10 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
ISi Program Plan LaSalle Counl)* Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Esamimtioa Catqory Itrm Description Exam c with Fumimtioa Number Requirements uesc:.=--:._)
L-A L I.I I Concrete Surfaces -General Visual C01k.-n:tc: All Acce s sihle Surface Areas Ll.12 Concrete Surface s -Detailed Visual SusDt.>ct Areas 1No Suspect Areas Identified)
L-8 L::!.10 Tendon IWL-2 522 lint->ndcd Pml-Tensioning S)stem Tendon Force Measurement L::!.20 Tendon -IWL-25 2 3.2 W i re o r Strand Sampl e Examination and Testing L2 3 0 Tendon -Detailed Visual Anchorage Hardware and Surrounding Concrete (One anchorage on each end of tendon) L::!AO Tendon -IWL-2525.2(a). C o rrosion Proh .. -ction Medium IWL-2526 (Sample s taken from each tendon end) Corro si on Protection Analy s is L::!.50 Tendon -IWL-2 525.2(b) Frt."C Water Free Water (Samples taken from each tendon end) Anal ys is r,..e -'"""" COIUllltilrK.
L.LC 7-36 Total Number of Components 2 4 **--308 308 616 616 616 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 1 4 R-0 4 14R-04 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0
ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE E.umimlioa Catqory Risk Description Exam 4 with Examimlioa Catrgos:v Categol')* Requirements . .
* Number R-A I Risk Category I Piping Structural Elements See Notes Risl-lnformed Piping Euminauons
:? Risk Category :? Piping Structural Elements See Notes 3 Risk Category 3 Piping Structural Elements Sec Notes ..t Risk Catcgof) ..t Piping Structural Elements Sec Notes Trae .\"onlt CtHU*ltilrK.
U&#xa3; 7-37 Total Number of Components by System FWA: 16 FWB: 16 RHA: I RHB: I FWA:3 FWB:3 HP:6 LP: 6 RI: I FWA:4 FWB:4 RHA: I RHB:3 HP: 29 LP: 5 MS:38 MSA: 57 MSB: 70 MSC: 56 MSD: 58 RHA: 25 RHB: 28 RHC: 12 RHSDC:4 RI: 15 RR:3 RRA: 27 RRB: 25 RT:5 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Fumimlioll Risk c with Esaminatioa Category I . . t Number R*A 5 Pip i ng E umina1 i ons c ContinU&.>J) Trae .\*onlt ConsiJIUrK.
U&#xa3; /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Stalion Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Description Exam Requirements Risk Category 5 Piping Structural Elements Sec Notes 7-38 Total Number of Components by Svstem HP: 2 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RI: 11 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-Ol 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan lASa/le County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION
TABLE Eumiaatioa Category Aug Description Exam 4 with Examination Catqory Number Requirements Descrinlion, NA BWRVIP BWRVIP ln-,*esscl lnspt."Ctions (IGSCC Management Various Augmen1ed Proeram BWR Vessel Internals and Pioine Comnnnenls)
Components BWROG BWR Ft.'t.-dwa1er Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Volumetric No7..zle Cracking Components
<NUREG-0619 and BWROG)
IGSCC lntergranular S1ress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) in BWR Volumetric Austenitic Stainless Stt.>i!I Piping Components.
.. BWR Vessel and Internals Project. Technical Basis for Re,*isions to Generic Letter 88-0 I Inspection Schedules (8\VRVIP-75>:*
and TR-!012621.
.. BWR Vessel and Internals Projecl. Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 lnspt."Ction Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A)"'
IOCFR Reactor Pn.-ssure Vessel Shell Welds Volumetric ( IOCFR50.55a(e)C6)(ii)(A).
Final Rule) MEB31 Examination of High Energy Circumferential and Volumetric or Longitudinal Piping Welds (MEB 3-1. UFSAR 3.6.1 and Surface 3.6 . .::!) 0737 Leak Testing and Periodic Visual Examinations of Systems Visual. VT-2 Outside of Primary Containment Which Could Contain Highly Radioactiw Fluids During a Serious Transient or Accident <NUREG 0737)
Pressure Testing of the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System Visual. VT-2 Dcsignt.-d to ASME Section III. Subsection ND (
T t."Chnical Reauirements Manual Section 2.1.a) True .\"""11 C01U*llUt1.
LLC 7-39 Total Number of Components by Svstem In accordance with BWRVIP FWA: 3 FWB:3 RPV: 6 Category B: 134 Category C: 8 Category D: 2 RPV: 16 NA HG HP LP RH RI RT DO Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-02 10 11 14R-OI 4 14R-05 13 6 14T-OI LS87 43R06-04 Revision 0 
/SI Program Plan County Stalion Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-3 INSERVICE INSPECTION TABLE PROGRAM NOTES Solrl I Note Summary ' 1 Snubtter visual examinations.
functional testing. and service life monitoring are performed in accordance with ASME OM Code, Subsection ISTA and ISTD. For a Jctaikd discu."-..;ion of the snubber pro2ram. St.-e Scc1ion .t.2 of this document and lhe Snubber Pro!!ram Document.
2 The LC\CS Uni1 I popula1ion coun1s include !hose componen1s thal are common to bo1h unils (lypically designated as .. Common").
These Common comooncms arc refcrencc.-d in Table 7.1-1 followin!!
a .. + .. svmbol 10 desi1ma1e 1he Unit Common. 3 ! For the Foonh ISi ln11.-n*al. Lc;cs*s ISi Cla.;s I and 2 piping inspc."Clion program will be governed by risk-informed regula1ions.
The RI-ISi Program methodology is in the EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657.
Re\'. 8-A. TR-1006937.
Re\'. 0-A. and N-578-1. The RI-ISi Program scope has been implemented as an alk."f'Rali,*e 10 the 2007 Editilm with the 2008 Addenda of the ASME Section XI examina1ion program for ISi Class I B-F and B-J piping welds and ISi Class 2 C-F-1 and C-F-2 pipin!! welds in accordance with IOCFR.5055a(z)( 1 ). .. I Per the.-EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657.
Re,*. B-A. TR-1006937.
Rev. 0-A. and N-578-1. welds wi1hin the plant that are assigned to IGSCC Categories B 1hrou2h G will con1inuc 10 mcel existim? IGSCC schedules.
while IGSCC CaleJ?ory A welds have been subsumed inlo 1he RI-ISi Pro!!ram.
5 Examination n."quiremcnt.;
wi1hin the RI-ISi Program are delennined by lhe various degrada1ion mechanisms presenl at each individual piping structural element. Sc.'C EPRI Tooical R1.1x1ns TR-112657.
Re\'. 8-A. TR-1006937.
Re\'. 0-A. and N-578-1 for specific examination method reQuirements. 6 For 1hc.-Fourth ISi lnlen*al. 1he RI-ISi Program scope con1inues lo include welds in lhe BER piping, also referred to as the HELB region, which includes Sc!Wral non-da-.s welds 1hat fall wi1hin the BER Augmcmed Examination Program. All BER augmemed welds have been evaluated under the RI-ISi mc1hodology and ha\*e hc."Cn in1egra11."li imo the RI-ISi Program under the IOCFR50.59 change process. Additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi C\aluation procc."SS 10 BER piping is gi,*en in EPRI TR-1006937.
Rev. 0-A. Thus. these welds have been categorized and selected for examination in accordance wilh the.-EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657.
Re\'. B-A. TR-1006937.
Rev. 0-A. and N-578-1 in lieu of the original commitment to NUREG 0800 in UFSAR Sections 3.6.1and3.6.2. The BER Program population is identified wi1h the applicable systems within the Examination Category R-A section of the ' !ables. 7 As allowc.-d by ASME Code Case N-613-2. LSCS will perform a \"Olumetric examina1ion for the reaclor nozzle-to-vessel welds and nozzle inside radius section using a n-ducc.-d examina1ion rnlumc (A-8-C-D-E-F-G-H) of Figures I. 2. 3. and 4 of the Code Case in lieu of the previous examination volumes of ASME Sc."Clion XI. Fi!?Ures IW8-2500-7(a). (b). (c). and (d). 8 I As allowc."li by ASME Code Case N-6.t8-I. LSCS will perform a VT-I visual examina1ion in lieu of a volumetric examinaiion in ASME Section XI utilizing 1hc allo,.*ahle flaw leng1h cri1eria of Table IWB-3512-1 wi1h limi1ing assumptions on the flaw aspect ralio. For Item Number 83.100, a VT-I visual I e:umination may be performc."li per condi1ionally appro,*ed N-6.t8-I. (Nole: ASME Code Case N-648-1 will not be utilized on the identified components addressed in RelicfRc."QUCSI l.tR-09.) 9 Lc;cs will u1ilize 1hc.-al1ema1i,*e n.-quircmcnls of ASME Code Case N-747 10 provide 1he reaclor vessel head-10-llange weld 10 be inspected by surface euminalion once each 1en-year inspc.-clion inlen*al. using the current surface examina1ion area shown in Figure IWB-2500-5. This alternative requiremenl may* only be implemcn11."li af1er the weld has rc.-ceived al leas! one inservice volumetric examination. which may be performed as part of the preservice inspc."Ction.
wi1h no scn*ice-inducc."li flaws ha\'ing been iden1ified.
Hence. 1here have been no defecls de1ected at LSCS on this weld during pre-service or uaminations.
fl is 1hereforc concluded 1ha11he concurrem volumetric and surface examination requirement may be eliminated for the reactor vessel head-tP-flan2e weld. and Iha! 1he outer surface examina1ion discussed above will be ocrformed.
10 The RPV in1erior n-quires exarnina1ion per 1he BWRVIP in lieu of ASME Sec1ion XI Examinalion Categories B-N-1 and B-N-2 per Relief Requesl 14R-02. Augmcn11.-d Examina1ion Programs a.;socia1ed with the BWRVlP and other RPV rela1ed requiremenls are now mainlained and conlrolled independent of the ISi Pmgram in procc."liure LTS-600-8
... Rcac1or Vessel Internals Inser\'ice lnspec1ion DurinJ? Reactor Refueling."'
Trur .\"twtlt Cons"'1ilrK.
UC 7-40 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0 
/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.1-3 INSERVICE INSPECTION TABLE PROGRAM NOTES Solel I Note Summarv 11 Augmcnt'""d examination of the F'"&deg;'""dwater Spargers has hcen transferred to procedure LTS-600-8
... Reactor Vessel Internals lnservice Inspection During Rea..1or Refuclin2-for lhe BWRVIP. whereas ammlCnted examination of the Feedwater Nozzles remains with this document. I? I This lablc do'"-s llOI include pipin2 structural elements whose sole deJmldation mechanism is inspected for under a separate proJ?ram (i.e., FAC and IGSCC.) 13 I In accordance with Relief R'"-qucst 14R-05. RPV circumfcn:ntial shell weld examinations were permanently deferred for the remaining term of the initial operating license. Longitudinal shell weld examination shall include approximately 2 to J<k of the RPV circumferential shell welds per Relief Request 14R-05. I Note: a similar relief R-qucst for RPV circumferential and longitudinal shell welds is currently being wriuen for the Fifth and Sixth ISi Intervals or the extended period of operation h\* the License Renewal Group.) ... Examination Category 8-0 (Pressure-Retaining Welds Jn Control Rod Housings), llem Numher B 14.10 (Welds in CRD Housing) -the scope of examination is for pn."SSWC retaining welds in IO'k of the peripheral CRD Housings.
A total of 40 out of the 185 CRD Housings are classified as peripheral components.
has sck-ct'""d the welds on 4 peripheral CRD Housin2s (two welds per housin2) to he examined durin!! the interval (IO% of 40). Trwe .\'onlr COMaltUrK.
UC 7-41 LS87 43R06-0./
Revisio11 0
IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 8.0 RELIEF REQUESTS FROM ASME SECTION XI This section contains relief requests written per l OCFR50.55a(z)( l) for situations where alternatives to ASME Section XI requirements provide an acceptable level of quality and safety; per 10CFR50.55a(z)(2) for situations where compliance with ASME Section XI requirements results in a hardship or an unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety; per l OCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) for situations where ASME Section XI requirements are considered impractical; and for situations where use of a subsequent approved ASME Section XI Edition and Addenda is requested.
The following NRC guidance was utilized to determine the correct I OCFR50.55a paragraph citing for LSCS relief requests.
I OCFR50.55a(z)( I) and I OCFR50.55a(z)(2) provide alternatives to the requirements of ASME Section XI, while IOCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) recognizes situational impracticalities.
l OCFR50.55a(z)( l ): l OCFR50.55a(z)(2
): I OCFRSO.SSu<g>CSUlll
): 1*,,,,. .'V11rt/1 C'1111rnlti111t.
1.1.C' Cited in relief requests when alternatives to the ASME Section XI requirements which provide an acceptable level of quality and saf cty arc proposed.
Examples arc relief requests which propose alternative NOE methods and/or examination frequency.
Cited in relief requests when compliance with the ASME Section XI requirements is deemed to he a hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. Examples of hardship and/or unusual difficulty include, hut arc not limited to:
* Having to enter multiple Technical Specifications Limiting Conditions for Operation.
* As low as reasonahly achievahle (ALARA) concerns such as excessive radiation exposure.
* Replacing equipment or in-line components.
* Creating significant hazards to plant personnel,
* Disassemhly of components solely to provide access for examinations.
* Development of sophisticated tooling that would result in only minimal increases in examination coverage. Cited in relief rcl1ucsts when conformance with ASME Section XI requirements is deemed impractical.
Exmnplcs of impractical requirements arc situations where the component would have to he redesigned.
or replaced to cnahlc the rc4uircd inspection to he performed. (Note: Due to recent NRC position und revision!\
to I OCFR50.55a.
all rclicf rc4ucsts utilizing tocrR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) should he submitted nftcr the ncccssnry cxnmination has hccn UiH74.fRfl6&deg;114 Rt't'i.,/1111 ti 
/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle Co1111ty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 10CFR50.55a(g)(4)(iv):
attempted during the current interval, and the ASME Section XI requirement determined to be impractical.)
Cited in relief requests to use subsequent editions and addenda of ASME Section XI. These editions and addenda are incorporated by reference in l OCFR50.55a(b
), subject to the limitations and modifications listed in paragraph JOCFR50.55a(b), and subject to NRC approval.
Portions of editions or addenda may be used provided that all related requirements of the respective editions or addenda are met. An index for LSCS relief requests is included in Table 8.0-1. The "14R-XX" relief requests arc applicable to ISi, CISI, SPT, and POI. The following relief requests are subject to change throughout the inspection interval (e.g., NRC approval, withdrawal).
Changes to NRC approved alternatives (other than withdrawal) require NRC approval.
1'r11t .\'11rtl1 l'm1.rnltl111l.
1.1.C /JiH 1".IRfJMJ./ Rt1*/.,/11t1 tJ Relief Revision Request Date 3 l4R-OI 0 09/29/17 14R-02 0 09/29/17 0 l4R-03 09/29/17 0 14R-04 09/29/17 14R-05 () (CR-38) 09129/17 14R-06 () 09129/17 () 14R-07 09129/17 ---14R-08 () ()l)/29/17 Trut' ,\'11rtl1 Cm1.mltill1t.
/./.(' ISi Program P/a11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 8.0-1 RELIEF REQUEST INDEX Status 2 Submitted Submitted Withdrawn Submitted Authorized Submitted Suhmitted
Suhmitted (Program)
Description of Relief Request/ NRC Aooroval Summary 1 (ISi) Alternate Risk-Informed Selection and Examination Criteria for Examination Category B-F, B-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Piping Welds. (ISi) Use of BWRVIP Guidelines in Lieu of Specific ASME Section XI Requirements on the Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals and Component Inspection. (ISi) Examination of the RPV Stabilizer Bracket Welds on Shell Course. Revision 0 temporarily withdrawn per EGC letter to the NRC dated July 17, 2017 until resubmittal at the end of the Fourth ISi Interval. (CISI) Post-Tensioning System Inspection Scheduling Requirements for Sites with Two Plants. (ISi) Alternative Volumetric Examination of RPV Circumferential Shell Welds. Permanent relief wali authorized per NRC SER dated 01/28/04.
This approval applies to the remaining term of the Initial operating licenses, which covers only a portion of the Fourth ISi Interval. (Note: Additional relief to complete the Fourth ISi Interval will re<1ulre resubmlttal and approval of this relief re<1uest prior to entering the Period of Extended Operation under License Renewal, April 17, 2022 for Unit I and December 16, 2023 for Unit 2.) (SPT) Continuous Pressure Monitoring or the Control Rod Drive (C'RD) System Accumulators. (SP'I') Altern<Uive Pressure Testing of the Safety Relief Vulve (SRV) Automatic Depressuri1
.ation System (ADS) Accu111uh1tors. (SPT) Alternate Exmnination Rc<1uirements for the Hydrogen Rccomhiner System Piping. -H*J ---UiH1"JRflf>.fl4 R,.1*1.f/1111 II Relief Revision Request Date 3 14R-09 0 09/29/17 14R-IO 0 09/29/17 14R-1 l I (EGC 09/29/17 Fleet-wide Relief Request) /SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 8.0-1 RELIEF REQUEST INDEX Status 2 (Program)
Description of Relief Request/ NRC Approval Summary 1 (ISi) Alternate Examination Requirements for the Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds and Inner Radii Sections. Submitted Relief was requested for the Fourth ISi Interval, as well as, through the period of extended operation. (ISi) Use of ASME Code Case N-513-4, Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping. Revision 0 Authorized submitted to the NRC under RS-17-071 on May 17, 2017. Revision 0 authorized per NRC SE dated July 5, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17171A320.)
Authorized (ISi) Use of Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination Techniques In Lieu of Radiography. Revision 0 submitted as an EGC Fleet-wide relief request under RS-16-215 on November 2, 2016. Revision 1 resubmitted under RS-17 -044 (RAI) on March 13, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17072A385.) Revision 1 authorized on June 5, 2017, which for LSCS covers the Fourth ISi Interval as specified in Table I of the NRC SE (ADAMS Accession No. ML7150A091.)
Nole I: The NRC grnnls relief rel111es1s pur!>uanl 1t1 IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) under llll'FR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) when ASME Section XI rel1uirements cannot he met und proposed alternalivcs do not meet lhc crilcria of I Ol'FR50.55a( / ). The NIK 11u1h11ri1cs relief rcl1ucsts pursuanl lo I OCFR50.55;1( 1.)( I) if lhc propmcd altcrna1ivc!>
would provide an ucccplahlc level of l1u11li1y and safely or umlcr I OCFR50.55a( 1.)( 2> if compliance wilh the spccilicd rcl1uirc111cnts would result in hardship or unusual diflicultici.
withoul a compcni.aling i111:rcai.c in the level of !>al'cly. Relief 1*cl1ucs1i.
under llK.'FR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) arc nol lo he !>Uhmillcil lo the NRC for evaluation prior 111 thc liccn!>CC performing lhc ASME Section XI l'mlc-rcquircll cxamina1i11n. The NIU.' may abo impmc nhcrnativc rcl1uircmcnt" a!> it determines.
Nole 2: Thi' l: olumn lhc !>talu' of the Relief
< >p1i1111': Au1h11n1cd
* Approved for u'c in an NIU' SE !Sec Nole I>: Ciran1cd
* Apprm*cll for u'c in 11n NIU' SE (SL*c Note I); A111h11ri1cd C11n1l11i11nally
* Apprmcd for U!>C in 11n NIU.' SE which ccr111in l>cn1cd
* UsL' lll*nicd in 1111 NRC SE: Expired
* Approvul for relief rcllUC!>t llil!> expired: W1thdrnv.
* Relief rcl111cst hL'L'n wlllulrawn hy LSC.'S: Nol RL'llllircd
* ThL' NRC.' hm. Jccmcd 1hc relief rc11uc!>I unncL*cs,ury in 1111 SE or RAI: Canccllc1I
* Relief rcl1ues1 hus hccn cancclkd hy LSCS prior to '"uc:
* Relief rel111ci.t l111' hL'Cll suhmillcll to thL* NIU' hy l.SCS llllll ii.
* Rchcf rCllllC!ol h11!> l'IL*cn 11w11itin!!
l.S('S und Corporntc review und i.uhmi1111I lo lhL' NRC. Note :\: ThL' rcvi!>ion h!>lcd is the lntesl rcvi'iion of 1he suh.iei:I rdicf rcllllC'I.
The duh: 1h1' rcv1Mon hcc11111e effective
'' thL' dah: of thL' 111lpruvin!l SE which j, 1i,1cd in 1hc founh column of 1hc u1hlc. ThL' d.11e tllllell 111 1'r11t N11rtlr l'1111.mltit1R.
/./.(' H*-1 ViH 74 J Htlt. *ti-I H,.1*i.1i1111 ti}}

Revision as of 22:33, 15 March 2019

LaSalle - Submittal of Program Plan Associated with the Fourth Lnservice Inspection (ISI) Interval and the Third Containment Lnservice Inspection (Cisi) Interval
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/10/2017
From: Trafton W J
Exelon Generation Co, True North Consulting
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17317A006 List:
Download: ML17314A008 (129)


Exelon Ge ne ration RA17-086 November 10, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:

Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-11 and NPF-18 NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 LaSalle County Station 2601 North 21 51 Road Marseilles, IL 61341 815-415-2000 Telephone 1 O CFR 50.55a


Submittal of Program Plan Associated with the Fourth lnservice Inspection (ISi) Interval and the Third Containment lnservice Inspection (GISI) Interval


(1) Letter from S. A. Landahl (Exelon Generation Company, LLC) to U. S. NRC, "In Service Inspection (ISi) Intervals," dated September 22, 2006 (2) Letter from D. Gullett (Exelon Generation Company, LLC) to U.S. NRC, "LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, Fourth 10-Year Interval lnservice Inspection Program Relief Requests," dated May 30, 2017 In accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code,Section XI, IWA-1400(c), "Owner's Responsibility," attached for your Information is a copy of the lnservice Inspection (ISi) Program Plan associated with the Fourth lnservice Inspection (ISi) Interval and the Third Containment lnservice Inspection (GISI) Interval for LaSalle County Station (LSCS) Units 1 and 2. Section 8.0 of the ISi Program Plan includes the relief requests submitted in Reference

2. The Fourth Interval of the ISi and the Third GISI Interval programs comply with the 2007 Edition through the 2008 Addenda of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code. LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, are owned and operated by Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC), whose address Is: 200 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 November 10, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page2 There are no regulatory commitments contained in this report. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Guy V. Ford Jr., Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 415-2800.

J. Trafton

  • Site Vice President LaSalle County Station


ISi Program Plan Fourth Ten-Year Inspection Interval cc: Regional Administrator-NRC Region Ill NRC Senior Resident Inspector

-LaSalle County Station LaSalle County Station ISi Program Document:


LLC 150 Merchant Drive Montrose.

CO 81401 Unit 1 -01/01/84 Unit 2 -10/17/84 Pre p ared For Exelon Generation , Exelon Generation Company. LL\ LaSalle County Station 260 I North 21 Rd. Marseilles.

IL 6 U..J I

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval Blank Page UiH 74.1 Rfl6*fl./

Rt1*M1111 fl IS/ Program Plan lASal/e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TITLE: DOCUMENT:

REVISION APPROVAL SHEET ISi Program Plan Fourth Ten-Year Inspection Interval LaSalle County Station, Units l & 2 LS8743R06-04 REVISION:


RECEIPT _4 a__.. ....


Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII) 0 Each time this document is the Revision Approval Sheet will be signed and the following Revision Control Sheet should be completed to provide a detailed record of the revision history. The signature., above apply only tn the changes made in the revision noted. If historical arc re4uircd, LaSalle County Station archives should be retrieved . .. ,.,.,,,. \'11rtl1 I I.<' II I IRIJfi.fJ.I H1*1*1 """ 0 IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval REVISION CONTROL SHEET Each time this document is revised, the following table should be completed to provide a detailed record of the revision history. Major changes should be outlined within the table below. Minor editorial and formatting revisions are not required to be logged. REVISION DATE REVISION


0 09/29/17 Initial issuance. (Developed by True North Consulting, LLC as part of the LaSalle County Station Fourth Interval ISi Program Update.) Pn.:pan.:d:

S. Coleman Reviewed:

M. King Approved:

D. Lamond Notes: I. This ISi Program Plan (Sections I -9 inclusive) is controlled by the LaSalle County Station Programs Engineering Group. 2. Revision 0 of this document was issued as the Fourth Interval ISi Program Plan and was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), including approval of the initial Fourth ISi Interval Relief Requests. Future revisions of this document made within the Fourth ISi Interval will be maintained and controlled at LaSalle County Station; however, they arc not required to be and will not be submitted to the NRC for approval.

The exception to this is that new or revised Relief Requests shall he submitted to the NRC for safety evaluation and approval.

'l'rnc* N11rtl1 C '1111.rnltit1R.

1.1.C' iii I .SH 7-1.I Hfl6*fl./

Hr ti

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval REVISION


SECTION EHECTIVE PAGES Preface i to vii 1.0 1-1 to 1-20 2.0 2-1 to 2-43 3.0 3-1 to 3-4 4.0 4-1 to 4-2 5.0 5-1 to 5-2 6.0 6-1 to 6-3 7.0 7-1 to 7-41 8.0 8-1 to 8-4 9.0 9-1 to 9-5 1"rt1c* N11rtlr Ctm.rnltillJ:, /./.(' REVISION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATE 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/1 7 09/29/17 09/29/17 09/29/17 UiH74.INflfl

.IJ4 Hr 1'i.vlmt fl ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE




1-1 l. l Introduction

1.2 Background

1.3 First

Interval ISi Program 1.4 Second Interval ISi Program 1.5 Third Interval ISi Program 1.6 Fourth Interval ISi Program 1.7 First Interval CISI Program 1.8 Second Interval CISI Program 1.9 Third Interval CISI Program 1.10 Code of Federal Regulations 1 OCFR50.55a Requirements I . I I Code Cases 1.12 Relief Requests 2.0 BASIS FOR INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM ..................................


2-1 2.1 ASME Section XI Examination Requirements

2.2 Augmented

Examination Requirements

2.3 System

Classifications and P&ID Boundary Drnwings 2.4 ISi Isometric and Component Drawings for Nonexempt ISi Class Components and Supports 2.5 Technical Approach and Positions


ISi PLAN ...............................................................................................

3-1 3.1 Nonexempt ISi Class Components 3.2 Risk-Informed Examination Requirements

3.3 Reactor

Coolant Pressure Boundary Normal Make-up Calculation

4.0 SUPPORl'

ISi PLAN .............................................


.......... 4-1 4.1 Nonexempt IS I Class Supports 4.2 Snuhher Examination and Testing Requirements


PRESSURE TESTING ISi PLAN ...........................



................. 5-1 5.1 ISi Class Systems 5.2 Risk-Informed Examination of Socket Welds 6.0 ('QN'l'AINMEN'I' ISi PLAN ..................................



6-1 6.1 Nonexempt IS I Class Component!\

6.2 Augmented

Examination 6 .. '\ Component

6.4 Rcsponsihlc

lndividm1l and Engineer 1'r11r ,\f orth C'1111.rnlti111t.

U.l' I' UtH74.IRflfl.IJ./

II IS/ Program Plan LaSalle Cmmty Station Units I & 2, Fo11rtli Interval TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)



TABLE .............................................................................

7-1 7. I Inservice Inspection Summary Tables 8.0 RELIEF REQUESTS FROM ASME SECTION XI .......................................................




........ 9-1 9.1 NRC References

9.2 Industry


9.3 Licensee


9.4 License

Renewal Refercnces/Commilmenls 7'rm* N"rtli l'1111.rnltin11.

/./, (' ,.; / .. 'iH 74.fHtJ(,.(J./

H 1* i*iJ/1111 fl

/SI Program Plan LaSalle Co1111ty Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)













2-24 2.3-1 P&ID BOUNDARY DRAWINGS ................................................................................

2-27 2.3-2 C&ID BOUNDARY ORA WINGS ...............................................................................

2-28 2.4-1 ISi ISOMETRIC AND COMPONENT ORA WINGS ..................................................

2-30 2.4-2 CISI REFERENCE DRAWINGS .................................................................................

2-31 2.5-1 TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITIONS INDEX ..............................................



TABLE ...................



TABLE .........................................



TABLE PROGRAM NOTES ....................

7-40 8.0-1 RELIEF REQUEs*r INl)EX ...........................................................................................

8-4 .,.,,,,. "'"" C"t111.rnltin1t.

/./.(" 1*U \'H7./JN11fi-ll./

N1*1*i.fi1111 II ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fo11rtli Interval


AND BACKGROUND I . I Introduction This Inservice Inspection (ISi) Program Plan details the requirements for the examination and testing of ISi Class I, 2 , 3, MC, and CC pressure retaining components, supports, containment structures, metal liners, and post-tensioning systems at LaSalle County Station (LSCS ), Units I, 2, and Common (0). Unit Common components are included in the Unit I sections, reports, and tables. This ISi Program Plan also includes Containment Inservice Inspection (CISI), Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISi), Augmented Examinations (AUG), and System Pressure Testing (SPT) requirements imposed on or committed to by LSCS. This ISi Program Plan is controlled and revised in accordance with the requirements of procedure ER-AA-330, "Conduct of lnservice Inspection Activities," which implements the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code,Section XI ISi Program. The ISi Program Plan is credited for some LSCS License Renewal Aging Management Programs as listed in Section 2.2.8. At LSCS, the lnservice Testing (IST) Program is maintained and implemented separately from the ISi Program. The IST Basis Document and Program Plan contain all applicable inservicc testing requirements.

Likewise, the Snubber Program is maintained separately from the ISi Program and documents all of the applicahlc snubber visual examination, functional testing, and service life monitoring requirements.

The Fourth ISi Interval and the Third CISI Interval arc effective from October I, 2017 through September 30, 2027 for LSCS Units I and 2. Along with the update lo the ISi Program for the Fourth ISi Interval for ISi Class I, 2, and 3 components, including their supports, the CISI Program is also being updated for the Third CISI Interval for ISi Class MC and CC components.

This update will enable all of the ISi and CISI Program components I piping structural clements to he based on the same effective Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI. as well as share a common interval start and end date. The common ASME Code of Record for the Fourth ISi Interval and the Third C'ISI Interval is the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda. Paragraph IWA-2430(c)( I) of ASME Section XI allows an inspection interval to he extended or decreased hy as much as one year without restriction, and Paragraph IW A-2430(d) un interval to he extended when a unit is out of service for six months or more. The extension may he taken for a period of time not to exceed the duration of the outage. Sec Tables 1.1-1, 1.1-2, 1.1-3, amt 1.1-4 for intervals, perirn.1)1, und detailed notes regarding uny current extension)>

hcing taken that npply lo LSCS's Fourth ISi lntcrvnl nnd Third C'ISI lnh.*rvul.

1'rtlf' i\'11rtl1 C'1111.rnlti1111.

I.I.<' l*I I ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval The Fourth ISi Interval for ISi Class l, 2, and 3 components and the Third CISI Interval for ISI Class MC components and surfaces are divided into three inspection periods as determined by calendar years within the intervals.

Tables 1.1-1 and 1.1-2 identify the period start and end dates for the Fourth ISi Interval and the Third CISI Interval as defined by the Inspection Program. In accordance with Paragraph IW A-2430(c)(3), the inspection periods specified in these Tables may be decreased or extended by as much as I year to enable inspections to coincide with LSCS's refueling outages. The inspection of ISi Class CC components and tendons for the Third CISI Interval shall be performed in accordance with Paragraph IWL-2410 and IWL-2420.

Tables 1.1-3 and 1.1-4 identify the inspection schedule.

1'r111* .V11rth ('1111.mltinJ:, I.I.(' /.] UiH 74.1 RtJft.IJ./

R1*1*/.f/1111 II Unit I Projttted Outage Number I Start Date LIR17 I Sdk.-dult.-d 1+1-1) :?./18 LIR18 I Schcdult.-J

(+I-:!) :!120 LIRl9 I Schedult.-J t-'-2-11 ! :!n:! LIR20 I Sctk.-Jult.-J I 1+2-21 :!/2.J, LIR:!l l Sctk.-Jult.-J

(+3-1) :?./:!6 /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE I.I-I UNITS I & 2 FOURTH ISi INTERVAL/PERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS l. 2, AND 3 COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS)

Period Interval Period Start Date to End Date Start Date to Start Date to End Date End Date I" I" I OJ I/ 17 10 9/30/20 10/1/17 lo 9/30/20 .J,lh (Uni1 I) -,DJ 2nd -10/1117 lo 9/30/27 1 10/1/1010 9/30/2.J, 10/1/20 10 9/30/2.J, .J,lh (Unit 2) 3n1 10/1/1710 9/30/27 2 3n1 10/l/1.J, to 9/30/17 10/1 /2.J, to 9/30/27 Unit2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Scheduled L2Rl7 2119 (4-1-1) Scheduled L2Rl8 2/21 (4-2-1) Scheduled L2Rl9 2/23 (4-2-2) Scheduled L2R20 2125 (.J,-3-1)

Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (4-3-2) Sotc I: 1be LliCS Uni1 I ISi lnler\*al "as ex1end"-d h) 35.J, days as pcrmined by ASME Section XI. This exlension was carried forward to the Third and Fourth ISi lnler\ab 10 facili1ate hoth L<iCS Unils I and 2 ha\'ing the same ISi interval start dales. end dates. and codes of record, as well as this common inler\al dale ma1ching lhc CISI Program dates. This means that for the rest of the Fourth ISi Interval, only 6 days remain available to use the Paragraph JW A-2430Cc>


Nole that this ex1ension is separate from and in addi1ion 10 that of Paragraph IW A-2430(d) which does n."quin: the inter\ al pattern to he adjusted accordingly.

l't*h: :!. 1be L<iCS l'ml 2 ISi ln1er\al "as e"<lended hy 88 days as pcrmined hy ASME Section XI. This extension was carried forward to the Third and ISi lnler\ali.

to facilitate holh L<iCS Units I and 2 ha\'ing the same ISi interval start dales.

end dates. and codes of record, as well as this common mknal dale matching the CISI Program dates. This means that for the rest of the Fourth ISi Interval.

only 277 days are available to use under the Paragraph IWA-2430Ccl extension. Note that this extension is separate from and in addition to that of Paragraph IWA-2430(d) which does require the suc"-es.'i'e inter\al pattern to he adjusk-d accordingl). True .\'ordt Comulling.

LLC 1-3 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Unit I Projected Outage Date LIR17 I Schc.."dulc.."d c 3-1-1) I .!llR URIS j Schc.."dulc.."d

(.\-1-2) I 2'20 LIRllJ j Schc.."dulc.."d I 0-2-ll 2'22 LIR:!O Schedulc.."d t.\-2-2) I 2'2..t LI R21 I Schc.."dulc.."d I 2'26 I I IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourtli Interval TABLE 1.1-2 UNITS I & 2 THIRD CISI INTERVAL/PERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS MC COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS)

Period Interval Period Start Date to End Date Start Date to Start Date to End Date End Date , .. I" I()/ I/ 17 (O 9130'20 I 0/1/17 (O 9/30/20 'loJ 3n1 tUni1 l) 2nJ -10/1/17 10 9/30/27 1 10/1'20 (0 9130'2..t IO/l /20 (O 9/30/24 3n1 <Uni1 2) 3n1 I0/1/1710 9/30/27 1 3111 IO/lf2..t (O 9/30/27 10/1/24 (0 9/30/27 Unit2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Scheduled L2Rl7 2/19 (3-1-1) Scheduled L2Rl8 2/21 (3-2-1) Scheduled L2Rl9 2/23 (3-2-2) Scheduled L2R20 2/25 (3-3-1) Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (3-3-2) :'\ote I: The First CISJ for Unib I an<l 2 were reduced hy 3..t5 days as permined by ASME Seclion XI. This reduction was carried forward to the Sc:cond and Thtrd CJSJ lnten als to facilitale the CISI Program sharing common interval start dates. end dates. and codes of record with the ISi Program. This mealb that the en<l of the Third CISI lnten al can only he moved forward another 20 days or extended out up to one year under Paragraph IW A-Note thal this n."duction is separate from and in addition to that of Paragraph IW A-2..t30(d) which requires the successive interval pattern to be aJjush."d True .\'"'111 Consulling.

UC /-./ LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Unit I I Projected Outage :Somber ! Start Date LI R J7 I Sdk.'tlukd c 3-l-l 1 I 2/18 LI R18 ' Sctk.>dukd I i Y20 LIRl9 I Schaiuk'tl c .'-2-H '!122 LI IL."'O I Schcdukd c 3-:!-2) l Y24 LIR21 I Schcduk'tl I Y26 /SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.1-3 UNITS 1 & 2 THIRD CISI INTERV AUPERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS CC-CONCRETE COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS) 5-Y ear Period ( 2 Year Windo"*) .. 40"' -9 11 5 11 9 (9/1 5118 lo 9114/20): 45 111 -9115 1 24 (9/15/23 (O 9/14/25): ' Interval Start Date to End Date 3 n1 (Uni1 I) IO/I/ 17 co 9/30/27 1 3n1 (Unit 2) I0/1/17 co 9/30127 1 5-Year Period Exam#-Date (2 Year Window) **-* -Unit 2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Schedul ed L 2 RI 7 2/19 (3-1-1) Scheduled L2RI 8 2/21 (3-2-1) Scheduled L2RI9 2/23 (3-2-2) Scheduled L 2 R20 2/25 (3-3-1) Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (3-3-2) !'oh: I: 11-= First CISJ lnlef' als for Un us I and 2 "en: reduced by 345 days as permiued by ASME Section XI. This reduction was carried forward to the 5'.-cond and llurd CISI lntef' als to facililale che CISI Program sharing common interval scan daces. end daces. and codes of record with the ISi Program. llu" means char lhc end of chc Third CISI lntef'*al can only be moved forward another 20 days or extended out up to one year under Paragraph IW A-Note tha1 chi s n.'tloclion is from and in addition lo chat of Paragraph IWA-24:\0(d) which requires the successive interval pauern to be adJustc.'tl Sote :: 11-= Suhsc."Cuon IWL in s pc.-cuon sctk.'tlule for the concrete containment surface meets the requirements of Subarticle IWL-2400. Paragraph IWL-2510 mspccuons

"'II be pcrformc.'tl once e\ery 5 They will begin not more than I year prior to the specified date and will be completed not more than I after such date. The iniual IWL concrete examinations for each unit were required to be completed between September 9 , 1996 and September

8. :!001 IOCFR50.55a.

The rolling 5-year examination dale and associated 2 year window for each unit is determined from these first dale."' c 9/15199 and 9 11 8/00 for Units I and 2 respectively). .\"Mth Consalling.

LLC 1-5 LS87 43R06-04 Revision 0 Unit I Projttted Outage Numbtt I Start Date LIRl7 I SchedukaJ 1.l-l-l 1 I :!118 LIRIR I Scheduk."d I C.3-1-::!I I :!110 LIR19 I Schc..-dukaJ I 3-::!-1 I i 212::! LI R2 0' I SchedukaJ I .l-2-21 2124 LllU I I Sctk.aJukaJ c.l-3-1 > I 2126 /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.1-4 UNITS I & 2 THIRD CISI INTERV Al/PERIOD/OUTAGE MA TRIX (FOR ISi CLASS CC-TENDON COMPONENT EXAMINATIONS) 5-\'ear Period Exam#-Date (2 Year Windo"*) 40"'-1211118 11 :!11117 to ' No , .. "

' . "" . 45 111 -I :!11/::!3 c I :!ti/:!:!

to 11/J0/::!4 lnten*al Start Date to End Date 3n1 (Unit I) 10/1/17 to 9/30/27 1 3 n1 (Unit 2) 10/1/17 to 9/30/27 1 5-Year Period Exam#-Date (2 Year Window) 35m -611 /18 Unit 2 Projected Outage Outage Start Date Number Scheduled L2Rl7 3 2/19 (3-1-1) Scheduled L2Rl8 2/2 1 (3-2-1) Scheduled L 2 Rl9 2/23 (3-2-2) Scheduled L2R20 2125 (3-3-1) Scheduled L2R21 2/27 (3-3-2) Socc I: 1k Fir.;a CISJ lntcnals for L<iCS Units I and 2 were reduced by 345 days as permitted by ASME Section XI. This reduction was carried forward to the anJ Third CISI lntcn als to facilitate the CISI Program sharing common inter v al stan dates. end dates. and codes of record with the ISi Program. This means that the cod of the Third CISI lntcn*al can only be moved forward another 20 days or extended out up to one year under Paragraph IW A-2430lc 1. NO(e that this n.-duction is separate from and in addition to that of Paragraph IWA-2430(d) which requires the successive interval pattern to be aJjUSlc..-d Socc 2: 1k IWL inspc..-ction schc..-dulc for the containment post-tensioning system meets the requirements of Subarticle IWL-2400. Paragraph J\\'L-2520 mspecuons "ill be pcrformc..aJ once e\*ery 5 years. They will begin not more than I year prior to the specified date and will be completed not more than I after such date. 10e initial Subsc..-ction IWL 5-year examination date for each unit was determined based on the previous inspection datc..-s under che St.acion Tendon Suncillancc Program prior to Subsection IWL being endorsed by the NRC. The original dates for the post-tensioning "ere f\a.'i(.aJ on the initial structural integrity ISIT) tests. The LSCS Unit I initial SIT was performed in December 1978 and the LSCS Unit 2 inuial SIT "as pcrformc..aJ in June 1983 155 months apan). The LSCS Unit I post-tensioning operation was performed in July 1978 and the LSCS Unit 2 operation "as pcrfonncd in December 1980129 months apan). NOie J: ASME Sc..-ctmn XI hem Number L2. I 0 tests and L2.20 examinations are performed during this outage. These tests and examinations are performed tllhc..'T period for each indi' idual Unit such that the t\\O Units alternate every five years. (See Relief Request 14R-0-t.)

.\*onlr Consalling.

UC 1-6 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Pla11 1.ASalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11terval

1.2 Background

The Commonwealth Edison Company, now known commercially as Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC), obtained Construction Permits to build LSCS on September 10, 1973, for Unit 1, CPPR-99, and for Unit 2, CPPR-100.

The Docket Numbers assigned to LSCS are 50-373 for Unit 1 and 50-374 for Unit 2. After satisfactory plant construction and preoperational testing was completed, LSCS was granted a full power operating license for Unit 1, NPF-11, and subsequently commenced commercial operation on January 1, 1984; the full power operating license for Unit 2, NPF-18, was granted and commercial operation commenced on October 17, 1984. LSCS's piping systems and associated components were designed and fabricated to be inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section XI. Although this plant was specifically designed to meet the inspection and testing requirements of ASME Section XI, literal compliance may not be feasible or practical within the limits of the current plant design. Certain limitations arc likely to occur due to conditions such as accessibility, geometric configuration, and/or metallurgical characteristics.

For some inspection categories, an alternate component may be selected for examination and the code statistical and distribution requirements can still be maintained.

If ASME Section XI required examination criteria cannot be met, a relief request will be submitted in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Section 55a, "Codes and standards" (I OCFR50.55a).

1.3 First

Interval IS I Program Pursuant to I OCFR50.55a, Paragraph (g). "lnservice inspection requirements," licensees were required to meet the requirements of that section. Specifically.

Paragraph IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(i) called for the inservice inspection re<.1uirements of the 120 month inspection interval to comply with the requirements of the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in Paragraph (h) of IOCFR50.55a on the date twelve months prior the date of issuance of the operating license. subject to the limitations mtd modifications listed in The version of I OCFR50.55a in effect twelve months prior to the start of the First ISi Interval referenced ASME Section XI. 1980 Edition with Addenda through the Winter 1980 (80W80). titled Rules for lnscrvice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components.

The inservice inspection requirements applicable to exmnination and system testing for the First ISi Program were based on these rules. The ISi Interval was effective from fanumy I. 1984 through Novemher 22. 1994 for LSCS Unit I and from Octohcr 17. 1984 thmugh Octoher 16. 1994 for LSCS l lnit 2. 1'r111* N11rt/1 Cm1.rnltl111t.

/./.(' 1*7 I .. 'iH7./J/Wfi.tJ./

H1*rM1111 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Jnterval 1.4 Second Interval ISI Program Pursuant to I OCFR50.55a(g), licensees were required to update their ISi Programs at the end of the First ISI Interval.

The ISi Program was required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in I OCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Second ISi Interval per I OCFR50.55a(g)(4

)(ii). The LSCS Units I and 2 Second Interval ISi Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of 1 OCFR50.55a and the 1989 Edition with No Addenda of ASME Section XI. The LSCS Second Interval ISi Program Plan addressed Subsections IW A, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWF, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and Safety Evaluation Reports (SER's), and utilized Inspection Program B. LSCS adopted the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Topical Repo11 TR-112657, Rev. B-A methodology, which was supplemented by ASME Code Case N-578-1 (N-578-1 ). for implementing risk-informed inservice inspections during the Second ISi Interval.

This approach replaced the categorization, selection, and examination volume requirements of ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F. 8-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2 applicahle to LSCS with the associated requirements of EPRI Topical Repo11 TR-112657, Rev. B-A for Examination Category R-A as delined in N-578-1. Implementation of RI-ISi Program was in accordance with Relief Request CR-35. LSCS also adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A. methodology for additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to Break Exclusion Region (BER) piping. also rcf'crrcd to as the lligh Energy Linc Break (1-IELB) region. This change to the BER Program was made under I OCFR50.59 evaluation criteria.

The BER Program hcgan in the third period of the Second ISi Interval and was in affect through the end of the interval.

At the end of the Second ISi Interval and in preparation for the Third ISi Interval, LSCS informed the NRC of extensions and reductions taken in order to synchronize the ISi Intervals hetween LSCS Units I and 2 for ISi Class I, 2, and J, and lo align the CISI Interval for ISi Class MC and CC with the synchrnni1.ed LSCS Units I and 2 IS I Interval.

This letter was sent on September

22. 2006, and the changes assured that both the IS I and CIS I Pmgrnms would use the same Code Edition und Addenda for the next and successive intervals and would likewise establish cum111on i111ple111enting prrn:edures for both units. To uffect the synchroni1ation and alignment between the LSCS Units I and 2 ISi and CISI Intervals.

Parngrnph IWA-24JO(d) was used to adjust each inspection interval within the one year allowance. Since the provisions of ASME Section XI Paragruph IWA-24.10(d) were adhered to us re<1uired.

a relief request was not 1'rm* l\'11rt/1 C'1111.rnltit11t.

1.1.C' l*H ViH7".lRfl6*fl4 R,.1*M1111 ti IS/ Program Pla11 LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval As su ch, the Second ISi Interval was effective from November 23, 1994 through Septe mber 30, 2007 for LSCS Unit 1 and from October 17, 1994 through Se p te mber 30, 2007 for LSCS Unit 2. 1.5 Third Interval ISi Program Pursuant to l OCFR50.55a(g), licensees were required to update their ISi Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.

The ISi Program was required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in lOCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Third ISi Interval per IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(ii). As discussed in Section 1.4, the start of the Third ISi Interval was on October I, 2007 for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda or ASME Section XI referenced in IOCFR50.55a(b)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Third ISi Interval was the 200 I Edition through the 2003 Addenda. The LSCS Units I and 2 Third Interval ISi Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements or I OCFR50.55a, and the 200 I Edition through the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI, subject to the limitations and modifications contained within Parngrnph (b) of the regulation.

The LSCS Third Interval ISi Program Plan addressed Subsections IWA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWF, Mandatory Appendices or ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and Safety Evaluations (SE's), and utilized Inspection Progrnm B. LSCS adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-112657, Rev. B-A methodology, which was supplemented hy N-578-1, for implementing risk-informed inservicc inspections during the Second ISi Interval.

The RI-ISi Program continued for the Third ISi Interval.

Implementation of the RI-ISi Progrnm was in accordance with Relief Request BR-0 I. LSCS also adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A. methodology for additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to BER piping. also rcl'erred to as the I IELB region. This change to the BER Prngrnm was made under IOCFR50.59 evaluation criteria during the Second ISi Interval.

The BER Program continued for the Third ISi Interval.

The end of the LSC'S Unit I Third ISi Interval was extended live additional days. as allowed by Paragraph IW A-2430(d)( I). This adjustment was made in order to complete the end of interval system pressure testing. The subsequent stm1 and end date of the Fourth ISi Interval was not udjusted as ullowcd by IWA-2430(d)( I), thus creating a five day overlap of the Unit I Third ISi Interval to Fom1h ISi Interval trnnsition.

Thu!\, the Third ISi Interval was effective from Octoher I, 2007 through October 5. 2017 for LSC'S Unit I. und from October I. 2007 thmugh Septcmher 30 , 2017 for Unit 2. '/'rue* Nortl1 C1111.rnlti111l, 1.1.C' 1*9 UiHU.IHflfl.fl./

Hr 1*1.f/1111 tJ

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 1.6 Fourth Interval ISi Program Pursuant to IOCFR50.55a(g), licensees are required to update their ISi Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.

The ISi Program is required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in 10CFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Fourth ISi Interval per IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(ii).

As discussed in Section 1.5, the start of the Fourth IS I Interval was October I, 2017, for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda of the Code referenced in I OCFR50.55a(b)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Fourth ISi Interval was the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda. The LSCS Units I and 2 Fourth Interval ISi Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of I OCFR50.55a, and the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda of ASME Section XI, subject to the limitations and modifications contained within Paragraph (b) of the regulation.

These limitations and modifications arc detailed in Table I. I 0-1 of this section. The LSCS Fourth Interval ISi Program Plan addresses Subsections IW A, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWF, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and SE's, and utilizes the Inspection Progrnm as defined therein. LSCS adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-112657, Rev. B-A methodology, which was supplemented hy N-578-1, for implementing risk-informed inscrvicc inspections during the Second ISi Interval.

The RI-ISi Program will continue for the Fourth ISi Interval.

Implementation of the RI-ISi Program is in accordance with Relief Request 14R-O I. LSCS also adopted the EPRI Topical Report TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A, methodology for additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to BER piping, also referred to as the HELB region. The BER Program will continue for the Fourth ISi Interval.

The Fourth IS I Interval is effective from October I, 2017 through September 30, 2027, for LSCS Units I and 2. 1.7 First Interval CISI Program CISI examinations were originally invoked hy amended regulations contained within a Final Ruic issued hy the NRC. The amended regulation incorporated the rel1t1ircmcnts of the 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda of ASME Section XI. Suhsections IWE and IWL, subject 10 specific modifk111ions that were included in Purngrnphs IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(ix) and IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(x).

Relief from the cxmnination requirement'i of the 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda of ASME Section XI grunted hy the NRC to allow LS\S I and 2 h> u'c the 1998 Edition with No Addenda for of contuinmcnl 1'rm* .V11rtll 0111.mlti11Jl, 1.1.C' I* /IJ / .. 'iH 7./.f Hf If>. fl./ Rr1*i.fi1111 ti IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval The final rulemaking was published in the Federal Register on August 8, 1996 and specified an effective date of September 9, 1996. Implementation of the Subsection IWE and IWL Program from a scheduling standpoint was driven by the five year expedited implementation period per IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B), which specified that the examinations required to be completed by the end of the first period of the First CISI Interval (per Table IWE-2412-1) be completed by the effective date (by September 9, 200 I). ASME Section XI Subsections IWE, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, and approved alternatives through relief requests and SER's, and Inspection Program B were utilized in the ISi Program midway through the Second ISi Interval to implement these CISI requirements.

The First CISI Interval was initially scheduled from September 9, 1996 through September 9, 2008 for both LSCS Units 1 and 2. The baseline inspections for ISi Class CC concrete surfaces were perf armed on September 15, 1999 (LI R08) and September 18, 2000 (L2R08) for LSCS Units I and 2. These dates began the rolling inspection periods for both LSCS Units I and 2 for ISi Class CC concrete surfaces.

The baseline inspections for ISi Class CC post-tensioning system was determined based on the previous inspection dates under the Station Tendon Surveillance Program prior to Subsection IWL being endorsed by the NRC. These dates began the rolling inspection periods for both LSCS Units I and 2 for ISi Class CC concrete surfaces.

These original dates were based on the initial SIT tests. The CISI Program Plan was developed and implemented prior to the required date, and examinations for the first, second, and third periods were performed in accordance with the First CISI Interval schedule for LSCS Units I and 2. As detailed in Section 1.4, the transition from the First lo Second Interval CISI Program occurred approximately one year early for LSCS Units 1 and 2 to allow for a common interval date and Code of record between the ISi and CISI Programs.

To affect the synchronization and alignment between the LSCS Units I and 2 ISi and CISI Intervals, Paragraph IW A-2430(d) was used to adjust each inspection interval within the one year allowam:e.

Since the provisions of ASME Section XI Paragraph IW A-2430(d) were adhered to as required, a relief request was not necessary.

I.SC'S informed the NRC hy letter on September

22. 2006 of this synchroni1

.ation permitting the subsequent ISi and CJSJ Programs to slmre a common inspection interval start and end date und to implemenl common Code Editions for ISi \la-;)> I, 2, 3, MC, and CC components. As )>Uch. the First CISI Interval was effective from September 9, 1996 through Septemher 30, 2007, for LSCS l Jnits I uml 2. I .M Second Interval CISI Progrnm 1'r111* "'"' ( '1111.rnltillll, /./.(' 1-11 UiH'/4.f/Wft-tl./

Hl'rMm1 fJ

/SI Program P/a11 LaSalle County Station U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval Pursuant to IOCFR50.55a(g), licensees were required to update their CISI Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.

The CISI Program was required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in IOCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the Second CISI Interval per IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(ii). As discussed in Section 1.7, the start of the Second CISI Interval was on October I, 2007 for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in I OCFR50.55a(b

)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Second CISI Interval was the 200 I Edition through the 2003 Addenda. The LSCS Units 1 and 2 Second Interval CISI Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of 1 OCFR50.55a, and the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI, subject to the limitations and modifications contained within Paragraph (b) of the regulation.

The LSCS Second Interval CISI Program Plan addressed Subsections IWE, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, approved Code Cases, approved alternatives through relief requests and SE's, and utilized Inspection Program B. The Second CISI Interval was effective from October I, 2007 through September 30, 2017 for LSCS Units I and 2. 1.9 Third Interval CISI Program Pursuant to I OCFR50.55a(g), licensees arc required to update their CISI Programs to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI once every ten years or inspection interval.

The CISI Program is required to comply with the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporated by reference in IOCFR50.55a twelve months prior to the start of the interval per I OCFR50.55a(g)( 4 )(ii). As discussed in Section 1.8, the start of the Third CISI Interval was October I, 2017, for LSCS Units I and 2. Based on this date, the latest Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in IOCFR50.55a(b)(2) twelve months prior to the start of the Third CISI Interval was the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda. The LSCS Units I and 2 Third Interval CISI Program Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of IOCFR50.55a, and the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda of ASME Section XI, suhject to the limitations and modifications contained within Paragraph (h) of the regulation.

These limitations mul modifications me detailed in Tahle 1.10-1 of this section. The LSCS Third Interval CISI Program Plan addresses Suhsections IWE, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI. approved Code Cuses, and approved alternatives thrnugh relief request!\

and SE's and utilizes Inspection Prngram us delined therein. The Third CISI Interval is effective from October I. 2017 through September 2027, for LSCS Units I und 2. 1.10 Code of Fcdernl IOCFR50.55u Requirements 1'r111* Nt1rtli ('1111.rnltit1Jl, /./.(' 1*11 U\H7./.fRfl6*114 Rt'1*/.d1111 fl ISi Program Pla11 LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval There are certain paragraphs in l OCFR50.55a that list the limitations, modifications, and/or clarifications to the implementation requirements of ASME Section XI. The paragraphs in I OCFR50.55a that are applicable to LSCS are detailed in Table I. I 0-I. 1'rm* .V11rtll ('1111.mlti1111.

/./.(' /./.I I }ill 7 4. I NOMI./

fJ IS/ Program Pla11 IASalle County Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11/erval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(viii)(E)

I OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(A)

I OCFR50.55a(h )(2)(ix )(B) .,.,,,,. N 11rtll Cm1mlt i 111t. I.I.<' (Program)

Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications (CISI) Concrete co11tai11me11t exami11atio11s

Fifth provision. For Class CC applications, the applicant or licensee must evaluate the acceptability of inaccessible areas when conditions exist in accessible areas that could indicate the presence of or the result in degradation to such inaccessible areas. For each inaccessible area identified, the applicant or licensee must provide the following in the ISi Summary Report required by IW A-6000: (I) A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, and the conditions that led to the degradation; (2) An evaluation of each area, and the result of the evaluation; and (3) A descrintion of necessary corrective actions. (CISI) Metal co111ain111e11t exa111i11ations:

First provision. For Class MC applications, the following apply to inaccessible areas. (2) For each inaccessible area identified for evaluation, the applicant or licensee must provide the following in the ISi Summary Report as required hy IW A-6000: i. A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, and the conditions that led to the degradation; ii An evaluation of each area, and the result of the evaluation; and iii A description llf necessary corrective actions. (CISI) Ml'tt1/ co11te1i11111£'11t c 1.w111i11e1tio11

.\*: Sem11d pm1*faio11.

When performing remotely the visual examinations required hy Subsection IWE, the maximum direct examination di s tance specilied in Table IWA-2210-1 may he extended and the minimum illumirrntion requirements specified in Table IW A-2210-1 may he decreased provided tlrnt the conditions or indications for which the visual examination is performed can he detected ut the chosen distance und illumination. /."' l.SH7ol.fHIJfl.fJ4 "

II IS/ Program Plan lASal/e County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs I OCFR50.55a(b )(2)(ix)(J) 1 OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xii) 1 OCFR50.55a(h )(2)(xiv) 1'rttr .\'11rtll ( 'm1.rnlti111t.

1.1.C * (Program)

Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications (CISI) Metal co11tai11111e11t examinations:

Tenth provision. In general, a repair/replacement activity such as replacing a large containment penetration , cutting a large construction opening in the containment pressure boundary to replace steam generators, reactor vessel heads, pressurizers, or other major equipment; or other similar modification is considered a major containment modification.

When applying IWE-5000 to Class MC pressure-retaining components, any major containment modification or repair/replacement must be followed by a Type A test to provide assurance of both containment structural integrity and leak-tight integrity prior to returning to service, in accordance with 1 OCFR part 50, Appendix J, Option A or Option Bon which the applicant's or licensee's Containment Leak-Rate Testing Program is based. When applying IWE-5000, if a Type A, B, or C Test is performed, the test pressure and acceptance standard for the test must be in accordance with IOCFR part 50, Armendix J. (IS()Section XI condition:

Underwater The provisions in IWA-4660, "Underwater Welding," of Section XI, 1997 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( 1 )(ii) of this section. arc not annroved for use on irradiated material. (ISi)Section XI cmulition:

Appendix VIII per.\*01111el qual{lkation. All personnel qualilied for performing ultrnsonic examinations in accordance with Appendix VIII must receive 8 homs of annual hands-on training on specimens that contain cracks. Licensees applying the 1999 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated hy reference in P;m1grnph (a)( I )(ii) of this section may use the annual practice requirements in Vll-4240 of Appendix VII of Section XI in place of the 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> of annual hands-on training provided that the supplemental practice is performed on material or welds that contain cracks. or hy analyzing prerecorded data from materi;al or welds that contain crncks. In either case. training must he completed no earlier tlmn 6 months prior to performing ultrnsonic examinations al the licen see's facility.


R1*1*M1111 fl

/SJ Program Plan IASalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS lOCFRSO.SSa REQUIREMENTS lOCFRSO.SSa Paragraphs (Program)

Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xviii)(A) (ISi) NDE perso1111el certijlrntion:

First provisio11. Level I and II nondestructive examination personnel must be recertified on a 3-year interval in lieu of the 5-year interval specified in the 1997 Addenda and 1998 Edition of IW A-2314, and IWA-2314(a) and IWA-2314(b) of the 1999 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section. IOCFR50.55 a(b)(2)(xix) (ISi) Sectio11 XI co11ditio11:


<fa/temative methods: The provisions in IWA-4520(b)(2) and IWA-4521 of the 2008 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section, allowing the substitution of ultrasonic examination for radiographic examination specified in the Construction Code, are not approved for use. I OCFR50.55a(b

)(2 )(xx )(8) (ISi) System tests: Second provi.,*io11. The NOE provision in IW A-4540(a)(2) of the 2002 Addenda of Section XI must be applied when performing system leakage tests after repair and replacement activities performed by welding or brazing on a pressure retaining boundary using the 2003 Addenda through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section. IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxii) (ISi) St*c*tio11 XI co11ditio11



The use of the provision in IW A-222 0, "Surface Examination," of Section XI, 2001 Edition through the h1test edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section, that allows use of an ultrasonic examination method is prohibited.

I OC'FR50.5 5a(h )( 2 )(xx iii) ( ISi)Section XI m11ditio11:

El'lll11atio11 thamally rnt s111:/c1e*c'.\': The use of the provisions for eliminating mechanical processing of thermally cut surfaces in IW A-4461.4.2 of Section XI. 2001 Edition through the latest edition and addenda incorporated hy reference in Paragraph (a)( I )(ii) of this section, is prohibited. IOC'FR50.55a(h)(2)(xxv) (ISi) .'frl'tio11 XI nmditio11:



by 11wc/Ult'atio11

The of the provisions in IW A-4340, "Mitigation of Defects hy Modification,"Section XI. 2001 Edition through the latest edition and uddcndu incorporntcd hy refcrcnl'C in Puragrnph (a)( I )(ii) nf this ure orohibitcd.

1'r11t :V11rtl1 C'1111.rnltit1Jl, 1.1.C' l};H7-l.IRfJ6*114 Ht 1*i J/1111 II

/SI Program Plan LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 Units 1 & 2, Fourth /11terval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs (Program)

Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxvi) (SPT)Section XI condition:

Pressure testing Class/, 2, and 3 111echa11ical joints: The repair and replacement activity provisions in IW A-4540(c) of the 1998 Edition of Section XI for pressure testing Class I, 2, and 3 mechanical joints must be applied when using the 200 I Edition through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( 1 )(ii) of this section. I OCFR50.55a(b

)(2)(xx vii) (ISi)Section XI condition:

Removal <f i11.rnlation:

When performing visual examination in accordance with ... IW A-5241 of the 2007 Edition through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in Paragraph (a)( 1 )(ii) of this section, insulation must be removed from 17-4 PH or 410 stainless steel studs or bolts aged at a temperature below 1 I 00 °F or having a Rockwell Method C hardness value above 30, and from A-286 stainless steel studs or bolts preloaded to I 00,000 pounds per square inch or hhiher. IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(xxviii) (ISi)Section XI rn11ditio11:



Licensees using ASME BPV Code,Section XI, Appendix A, shall use the following conditions when implementing Equation (2) in A-4300(h }( 1 ): 1'r111* ,\'11rtl1

< '1111.mlti111:.

I.I.<' For R<C>. 6K1 depends on the crack depth (a), and the llow stress (ar). The llow stress is delined hy (a1) = 1/2(a y , + 01111). where <Ty, is the yield strength and 01111 is the ultimate tensile strength in units ksi (MPa) and (a) is in units in. (111111).

For -2 :5 R :5 0 and K ..... , -Kmin ::5 0.8 x 1.12 <Tr S = 1 and 6K1 = Knrn* For R < -2 mul Krw" -Knnn :5 0.8 x 1.12 a1 S = 1 and 6K1 = ( 1-R) K,,,a, I 3. For R < 0 and Knia,-K111111 > 0.8 x 112 a1 S = 1 and 6K1 = K,,, ,"-Kmrn* 1*11 I };H 7 ./, f NflfJ.fl./

N,. 1*i.fi1111 fl JS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 1.10-1 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS 10CFR50.55a REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs l OCFR50.55a(b )(5) l'rm* .\'ort/1 C'1111.rnlti1111.

1.1.C * (Program)

Limitations, Modifications, and Clarifications (ISi) Co11ditio11s 011 i11service i11spectio11 Code Cases: Licensees may apply the ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, without prior NRC approval subject to the following: (i) /SI Code Case condition:

Applying Code Cases. When a licensee initially applies a listed Code Case, the licensee must apply the most recent version of that Code Case incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section. (ii) JS/ Code Case condition:

Applying different revisiom* <?l Code Cases. If a licensee has previously applied a Code Case and a later version of the Code Case is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, the licensee may continue to apply, to the end of the current 120-month interval, the previous version of the Code Case, as authorized, or may apply the later version of the Code Case, including any NRC-specilied conditions placed on its use. Licensees who choose lo continue use of the Code Case during subsequent 120-monlh ISi program intervals will be required lo implement the latest version incorpornted by reference into IOCFR50.55a as listed in Tables I and 2 of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147. (iii) /SI Code Ca.\'<' cmulition:

Applying m11111/led Code Cases. Application of an annulled Code Case is prohibited unless a licensee previously applied the listed Code Case prior lo it being listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147. II' a licensee has applied a listed Code Case that is later listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, the licensee may continue lo apply the Code Case lo the end of the current 120-month interval.

J./H UiH74.fHIJf>.fl4 Hr1*i.cim1 II

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 1. 11 Code Cases Per 10CFR50.55a(b)(5), ASME Code Cases that have been determined to be suitable for use in ISi Program Plans by the NRC are listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147, "Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability-ASME Section XI, Division I." The approved Code Cases in Regulatory Guide 1.147 being utilized by LSCS, are included in Section 2.1.1 of this document.

The most recent version of a given Code Case incorporated in the revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 referenced in 10CFR50.55a(b)(5)(i) at the time it is applied within the ISi Program shall be used. The latest revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 incorporated into this document is Revision 18. As this guide is revised, newly approved Code Cases may be assessed for plan implementation at LSCS per Paragraph IW A-2441 ( e) and proposed for use in revisions to the IS I Program Plan. Per the latest revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147, if a Code Case is implemented by a licensee and a later version of the Code Case is incorporated by reference into IOCFR50.55a and listed in Tables I and 2 during the licensee's present 120-month ISi Program interval, that licensee may use either the later version or the previous version. An exception to this provision would be the inclusion of a limitation or condition on the use of the Code Case that is necessary, for example, to enhance safety. The use of Code Cases (other than those listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147) may he authorized hy the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation upon request pursuant to 1 OCFR50.55a(z).

Code Cases not approved for use in Regulatory Guide 1.147 being utilized hy LSCS through associated relief requests, arc included in Section 8.0 of this document.

1.12 Relief Requests In accordance with IOCFR50.55a, when a licensee either proposes alternatives to ASME Section XI requirements.

which provide an acceptable level of quality and safety. determines compliance with ASME Section XI requirements would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. or determines that spccilic ASME Section XI requirements for inscrvice inspection ure impractical, the licensee shall notify the NRC' and submit infornrntion to support the determination. The submittal of this information will he referred to in this document a)oi a "Relief Request".

Relief Rcl1uests for the Fourth ISi Interval und the Third CISI Interval arc included in Section 8.0 of thi)oi document.

The text of the Relief Requests contained in Section 8.0 will dcmonstrnte one of the following:

the proposed altcrmativcs provide un ucceptahle level of quality and safety per I), compliance with the specified rcl1uirements would result in hard"hip or unusual difficulty without 11 compcnsa1ing incrca'\e in the level of 'l'r11c* ,\'ort/1 C'1111rn/1i111:.

I.I.(' I* I 'I l .. 'iH 74.f NflMI./ Nc*1*M1111 ti IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval quality and safety per l OCFR50.55a(z)(2), or the code requirements are c onsidered impractical per I OCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii).

Per 10CFR50.55a Paragraphs (z) and (g)(6)(i), the NRC will evaluate relief requests and "may grant such relief and may impose such alternative requirements as it determines is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security and is otherwise in the public interest giving due consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the requirements were imposed on the facility." 1'rw* N11rtlr Cm1.rnlti111:, I.I.(' 1*2'1 UiH7./.IRfl6*fl./

Rf'1*Mm1 fl

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 2.0 BASIS FOR INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM 2.1 ASME Section XI Examination Requirements As required by the IOCFR50.55a, the ISi and CISI Programs were developed in accordance with the requirements detailed in the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda, of ASME Section XI, Subsections IW A, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF, IWL, Mandatory Appendices of ASME Section XI, Inspection Program of Paragraph IW A-2431, approved Code Cases, and approved alternatives through relief requests and SE's. LSCS Calculation ATD-0204 (Reference 9.3. l 0) documents the determination of components or parts of components which can be exempted from the volumetric and surface examination requirements of Subarticle IWB-2500.

This determination was performed in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph IWB-1220.

The Performance Demonstration Initiative (POI) is an organization comprised of all United States (US) nuclear utilities that was formed to provide an efficient implementation of Appendix VIII performance demonstration requirements.

The EPRI Non-Destructive Examination (NOE) Center was selected as the administrator of this program. The POI Program is administered according lo the "POI Program Description." The ISi Program implements Appendix VIII "Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems," ASME Section XI 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda with modilications as identilied in IOCFR50.55a(h)(2)(xiv).

Appendix Vlll requires qualification of' the procedures, personnel, and equipment used to detect and size flaws in piping, hohing, and the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). Each organization (e.g., owner or vendor) is required lo have a written program to ensure compliance with the requirements. LSCS maintains the rcsponsihility to ensure that Appendix VIII requirements arc properly implemented.

In accordance with ASME Section XI, ultrasonic exmninalions performed during the Fm111h ISi Interval, as required hy Paragraph IW A-2232, shall use the requirements idenlilied in Mandatory Appendix I, Ultrasonic Examinations.

Per 1-2600, Appendix VIII of' ASME Section XI may he applied lo components for which it is not applicahle, provided such components, materials, sii'.cs, and shapes arc within the scope of the qualified examination procedure.

For the Fom1h ISi Interval.

LSCS's inspection program for ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-1. mul C-F-2 will he governed hy informed regulations.

The RI-ISi Program methodology is descrihed in the Topical Rcpoi1 TR-112657, Rev. B-A. To supplement the EPRI Topical Rcprn1, N-578-1 (as applicahlc per Relief Rcqucl\l 14R-O I) is also hcing used for the clas1'ilication of piping stmctural clements under the RI-ISi Progrnm. The RI-ISi Pmgrnm scope has hccn implemented as an alternative to the 2(X)7 Edition with the 2<X>8 Addenda of the ASME Section XI examination program for ISi Cla'il\ I B-F aml B-J piping welds and ISi Class 2 C-F-1 and C-F-2 piping welds in acconlancc with IOCFR50.55a(z)( I). The h:isis for the rcM1lting Risk Categorizations of the nonexempt ISi Chas!\ I uml 2 piping 1'Y!'tlClll!\

ut LSCS is dclinell nnd maintained in 1-1 ViH7./.fHflf>

.fl./ H1*1o/.d1m fl ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval the Final Report "Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Evaluation" as referenced in Section 9.0 of this document.

References to ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F, B-1, C-F-1, and C-F-2 have been replaced with Examination Category R-A to identify them as part of the RI-ISi Program. For the Fou11h ISi Interval, the RI-ISi Program scope continues to include welds in the BER piping, also referred to as the HELB region. The BER Program methodology is described in EPRI Topical Report TR-I 006937, Rev. 0-A, which has been used to define the inspection scope in lieu of the I 00% volumetric examination of all piping welds in the previous BER Augmented Examination Program. Therefore, all welds in the original augmented examination program for BER remain evaluated under the RI-ISi Program using an integrated risk-informed approach.

The CISI Program per Subsections IWE and IWL is included in Section 6.0, "Containment ISi Plan". The CISI relief requests arc included in Section 8.0 of this document.

2.1. l ASME Section XI Code Cases As referenced by 10CFR50.55a(b)(5) and allowed by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18 being the latest incorporated into this ISi Program Plan, the following Code Cases arc incorporated into the LSCS ISi Program. These Code Cases have hcen determined hy the NRC to he acccptahlc alternatives to applicahlc parts of ASME Section XI. These Code Cases may he used hy LSCS without a relief request from the NRC. provided that they arc used with any identified limitations or modifications.

Code Cases implemented through the relief request process arc included in Section 8.0 of this document.

Some of the Code Cases listed hclow arc acceptable to the NRC for application at LSCS within the limitations imposed hy the NRC staff. Unless otherwise stated, limitations imposed hy the NRC arc in addition to the conditions specified in the Code Case. Several of these Code Cases arc included as contingencies, to ensure that they arc available for future repair/replacement activities. (Note: The proposed rnlcmaking to approve the next Code Case Regulatory Guide revisions (including Regulatory Guide 1.147) was issued in the redcral Register on Man.:h 2. 2016 and is expected to he published in an NRC Final Ruic hy the end of 2017. This final rnlcmaking will amend I OCFR50.55a to incorporntc hy reference Regulatory Guide 1.147. Revision 18. The following code cases in the Drnft revision as acceptable or conditionally acceptable arc applkahlc to the LSCS Fourth IS I Interval (Third CIS I lntcrvul ). Use of these code cases is contingent upon Regulatory Guide 1.147. Revi'iion 18 hcing upproved hy the NRC.) 't'rllC' ,\'11rtl1 ( '1111.rnlti1111, /.I , (' 1*1 I H1*1*iv,.,,11 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-432-1 N-508-4 N-513-3 N-513-4 l'ruc* North C'm1rnlti1111.

I.I.(' Repair Welding Using Automatic or Machine Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding (GT AW) Temper Bead Technique,Section XI, Division l. Regulatory Guide l.147, Revision 18. Rotation of Serviced Snubbers and Pressure Retaining Items for the Purpose of Testing,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-508-4 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: When Section XI requirements arc used to govern the examination and testing of snubbcrs and the IS I Code of Record is earlier than Section XI, 2006 Addenda, Footnote I shall not be applied. Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping,Section XI, Division l. ASME Code Case N-513-3 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: The repair or replacement activity temporarily deferred under the provisions of this Code Case shall he performed during the next scheduled outage. Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-513-4 is acceptahlc subject to the following condition specified in the Relief Request Suhmillal and approved in the NRC' SE for Relief Request 14R-IO: The effects of leakage may impact the opernhility determination or the plant llooding mrnlyses specified in parngrnph I (I'). For a leaking llaw. the ullowahlc leakage rate will he determined hy dividing the critical leakugc rnte hy a safety factor of four ( 4 ). The critical kakuge rate is determined as the lowest leakugc rnte that can he tolcrnted mul may he hascd on the allowahlc loss of inventory or the nmximum lct1kage that cun he tolerated relative to mom llomling.

among other!\. 1 . .1 UiH7./JHtJr..fJ./

Hc*1*i.vi1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval N-516-3 N-526 N-532-5 N-552-1 .,.,,,.. ,\'11rtlt l'm1.rnlti1111.

/./,(' Underwater Welding,Section XI, Division 1. ASME Code Case N-516-3 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18: Licensee must obtain NRC approval in accordance with 1 OCFR50.55a(z) regarding the technique lo be used in the weld repair or replacement of irradiated material underwater.

Note: Currently there is no Relief Request in place at LSCS regarding weld repair or replacement on irradiated material underwater.

Alternative Requirements for Successive Inspections of Class 1 and 2 Vessels,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Repair/Replacement Activity Documentation Requirements and Jnservice Inspection Summary Report Preparation and Submission,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Methods

  • Qualilication for Inside Radius Section from the Outside Surface,Section XI, Division 1. ASME Code Case N-552-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 15: To achieve consistency with the IOCFR50.55a rule change published September
22. 1999 (64 FR 51370), incorporating Appendix VIII, "Perfornrnnce Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems," to ASME Section XI, mid the following to the specimen rel1uiremenls: "Al least 50 percent of the tlaws in the demonstration lest set must he cracks and the maximum misorientation must he demonstrated with cracks. Flaws in 1101.Zles with hore diameter!-.

equal to or less than 4 inches may he notches." Add to detection criteria. "The number of false nm't not exceed three."

H1*l'Mm1 fl

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-56 l-2 N-562-2 N-578-1 .,.,,,,. N11rtl1 C'11mmlti1111 , /./.(' Note: the above conditions are identical to those imposed on Code Case N-552, Rev. 16, Regulatory Guide l.147. Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Class 2 and High Energy Class 3 Carbon Steel Piping,Section XI, Division l. ASME Code Case N-56 l-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide l .147, Revision 18: ( 1) Paragraph 5(b ): for repairs performed on a wet surface, the overlay is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (2) Paragraph 7(c): if the cause of the degradation has not been determined, the repair is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (3) The area where the weld overlay is to be applied must be examined using ultrasonic methods to demonstrate that no crack-like defects exist. (4) Piping with wall thickness less than the diameter of the electrode shall be depressurized before welding. Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Class 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping,Section XI. Division I. ASME Code Case N-562-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specilied in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: ( 1) Parngrnph 5(b): for repairs performed on a wet surface, the overlay is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (2) Paragraph 7(c): if the cause of the degrndation has not been determined, the repair is only m:ceptahle until the next refueling ouwge. (3) The urea where the weld overlay is lo he applied must he examined using ullrasonic melhmls lo demonslrnle lhal no crnck-like defects exist. (4) Piping with wall thickness less than the diameter of the clectmde shall he depressurized before welding. Risk-Informed l{equircmcnts for Chass I. 2. or 3 Piping. Method B.Section XI. Division I .

V\H74.fRllfi*ll4 ti

/SI Program Plan IASalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-586-1 N-597-2 1'r11r .Vortll CmmlitillR.

I.I.<' Note: N-578-1 to be used in accordance with Relief Request I4R-Ol. Alternative Additional Examination Requirements for Classes 1, 2, and 3 Piping, Components, and Supports,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Note: This Code Case is implemented for Examination Categories other than R-A. RI-ISi Program Relief Request 14R-O I requires that scope expansion for RI-ISi piping structural elements be determined using Paragraph

-2430 of N-578-1. Requirements for Analytical Evaluation of Pipe Wall Thinning.

Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-597-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: (I) Code Case must be supplemented by the provisions of EPRI Nuclear Safety Analysis Center Report 202L-R2, "Recommendations for an Effective Flow Accelerated Corrosion Program," (Ref. 8), April 1999, for developing the inspection requirements, the method of predicting the rate of wall thickness loss, and the value of the predicted remaining wall thickness.

As used in NSAC-202L-R2.

the term "should" is to he applied as "shall" (i.e .* a requirement).

(2) Components affected hy flow-accelerated corrosion to which this Code Case arc applied must he repaired or replaced in accordance with the construction code of record and Owner's requirements or a later NRC approved Edition of Section Ill. "Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components." of the ASME Code (Ref. 9) prior to the value of t 1* reaching the allowable minimum wall thickness, 1,,,,,,, us specified in -3622.1 (a)( I) of this Code Cu!'\e. Alternatively, use of the Code Case is subject to NRC review and upproval per IOCFR50.55u(z).

(3) For Chass I piping not meeting the criteriu of -3221. the use of evaluation methods und criteria is suhject to NRC review und approval per IOCFR50.55u(z). 2-f, I SH14.fRt16-IJ.I Rr1*iti1111 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval N-600 N-606-1 N-613-2 N11rtll Cm1.rn/ti111t.

I.I.<' ( 4) For those components that do not require immediate repair or replacement, the rate of wall thickness loss is to be used to determine a suitable inspection frequency so that repair or replacement occurs prior to reaching allowable minimum wall thickness, 1111;11. (5) For corrosion phenomenon other than flow accelerated corrosion, use of the Code Case is subject to NRC review and approval.

Inspection plans and wall thinning rates may be difficult to justify for certain degradation mechanisms such as MIC and pitting. (6) The evaluation criteria in Code Case N-513-2 may be applied to Code Case N-597-2 for temporary acceptance of wall thinning (until the next refueling outage) for moderate-energy Class 2 and 3 piping. Moderate energy piping is defined as Class 2 and 3 piping whose maximum operating temperature does not exceed 200°F (93°C) and whose maximum operating pressure does not exceed 275 psig ( 1.9 MPa). Code Case N-597-2 shall not be used to evaluate through-wall leakage conditions.

Transfer of Welder, Welding Operator, Brazer, and Brazing Operator Qualifications Between Owners,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GT AW Temper Bead Technique for BWR CRD Housing/Stud Tube Repairs,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-606-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specilied in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: Prior to welding. *m examination or verilication must he performed to ensure proper preparation of the base metal, aml that the surface is properly contoured so that an accepiablc weld can he produced.

This verilication is to he rcl1uired in the welding procedures.

Ultrasonic Exumination of Full Penetration No1.1.les in Vessels, Exumimttion C*ttcgmy B-D, Reuctor Vessel Welds and Nozzle Inside Rudius Section, Figs. IWB-2500-7(u), (b), (c), und (d),Section XI, Division I. Reguhttory Guide 1.14 7, Revision I K. 1*1 UiH 1./.1 RfJr.. fl./ Hr1*i.fi1111 fl

/SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-629 N-638-6 N-639 N-641 N-648-1 1'rut' Nort/1 Cm1.rnltill1:.

/./.(' Use of Fracture Toughness Test Data to Establish Reference Temperature for Pressure Retaining Materials,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GT AW Temper Bead Technique,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-638-6 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: ( 1) Demonstration for ultrasonic examination of the repaired volume is required using representative samples which contain construction type flaws. (Note: the above condition is identical to the condition on the use of ASME Code Case N-638-4, Regulatory Guide 1.147, Rev. 17.) (2)Section I (b)( 1) for through-wall circumferential welds is unacceptable.

Alternative Calibration Block Material,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-639 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: Chemical ranges of the calibration block may vary from the materials specification if (I) it is within the chemical range of the component specification to he inspected, and (2) the phase and grain shape arc maintained in the same ranges produced by the thermal process required hy the material specification.

Alternative Pressure-Temperature Relationship and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Requirements,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Allernutivc Re4uirements for Inner Rm.Hus Examinution of I Reactor Vessel Nonlcs,Section XI, Division I. 1-H 1-'iHU.f Rf/6.fJ./

R1*1*i.ti1111 fl

/SI Program Plan LaSalle Cormty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval N-651 N-653-1 N-661-2 N-666-1 7'r11c* Nortlr l'1111mltl111:.

/./.(' ASME Code Case N-648-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: In lieu of a UT examination, licensees may perform a VT-I examination in accordance with the code of record for the Inservice Inspection Program utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-1 with limiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. Note: ASME Code Case N-648-1 will not be utilized on the identified components addressed in Relief Request I4R-09. Ferritic and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using SMAW Temper Bead Technique Without Removing the Weld Bead Crown for the First Layer,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Qualification Requirements for Full Structural Overlaid Wrought Austenitic Piping Welds,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Class 2 and 3 Carbon Steel Piping for Raw Water Service,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-661-2 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: (I) Paragrnph 4(h): for repairs performed on a wet surface, the overlay is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (2) Paragrnph 7(c): if the cause of the degradation lms not been determined, the repair is only acceptable until the next refueling outage. (3) The area where the weld overlay is to he applied must he examined using ultrasonic methods to dcmonstrnte that no crnck-like detects exist. (4) Piping with wall thidrncss less than the diameter of the electrode shall he depressurized before welding. Weld Ovcrh1y of Class I, 2. und 3 Socket Welded Connections,Section XI. Division I. 1-9 UiH74JRIJfl.IJ4 R r '-"" fJ IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-702 1'rm* Nortll C'm1rnlti111t.

1.1.C' ASME Code Case N-666-1 is acceptable subject to the following conditions specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: ( 1) A surface examination (magnetic particle or liquid penetrant) must be performed after installation of the weld overlay and seal weld on Class I and 2 piping socket welds. Fabrication defects, if detected, must be dispositioned using the surface examination acceptance criteria of the Construction Code identified in the Repair/Replacement Plan. (2) When the construction code does not require a surface or volumetric examination of the completed weld overlay a VT-I visual examination is required to be performed after completion of the weld overlay and seal weld for Class 3 piping. (Note: ASME Code Case N-666 was unconditionally approved in Rev. 17, Regulatory Guide 1.147.) Alternative Requirements for Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nozzle Inner Radius and Nozzle-to-Shell Welds,Section XI. Division 1. ASME Code Case N-702 is acceptahle suhject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: The technical hasis supporting the implementation of this Code Case is addressed hy BWRVIP-108:

BWR Vessel and Internals Project, "Technical Basis for the Reduction of Inspection Requirements for the Boiling Water Reactor Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and Nozzle Blend Radii," EPRI Technical Report 1003557, Octoher 2002 (ML023330203) and BWRVIP-241:

BWR Vessel mul lnlernals Pmjecl. "Pmhahilistic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation for the Boiling Water Reactor Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and No1.zle Blend R.idii," EPRI Technical Report !021005, Octoher 2010 (MLI I 119A04 I). The applicahility of ('ode C'asc N* 702 must he shown hy demonstrating that the criteriu in Section 5.0 of NRC Safety Evaluation regarding BWRVIP-108 dated Dcccmher 18, 2007 (ML073600374) or Section 5.0 of NRC Safety Evulm1tion regarding BWRVIP-241 dated April 19, 2013 <MLI 3071 A240) arc met. The evaluation 2*111 U;H 7./.f Rll6*fl./

Rt'1°Mm1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station U11its 1 & 2, Fourth /11terval N-705 N-730-1 N-733 N-735 N-747 N-749 1'rm* .V11rtl1 C'mmli1i111t.

/./.(' demonstrating the applicability of the Code Case shall be reviewed and approved by the NRC prior to the application of the Code Case. Note: A site-specific evaluation (References.

9.3.12 and 9.3.13) was performed for the LSCS Reactor Recirculation Outlet (NI) nozzles to demonstrate an acceptable failure probability while considering the elevated fluence levels at these locations in response to OE 36027. Based on the results of this evaluation, it is acceptable to use N-702 to reduce the number of inspections on the Reactor Recirculation Outlet (NI) nozzles and inner radii to 25% in accordance with Relief Request 14R-09. Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Degradation in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Vessels and Tanks,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Roll Expansion of Class I Control Rod Drive Bottom Head Penetrations in BWRs,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Mitigation of Flaws in NPS 2 (ON 50) and Smaller Nozzles and Nozzle Partial Penetration Welds in Vessels and Piping hy Use of a Mechanical Connection Modification,Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Successive Inspections of Class I and 2 Piping Welds,Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Reactor Vessel Head-to-Flange Weld Examinations,Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Acceptance Critc:ria for Flaws in Ferritic Slc:el Componenls Opc:raling in lhe Upper Shelf Temperalure Range. Seel ion XI. Division I. ASME Code \use N-749 is acceptahk suhject to the following condition spc:citic:d in Rc:gulalory Guide 1.147. Revision 18: In lieu of lhc upper shelf trnnsition lempc:rnture. T(', &as defined in the Code \use. the following slmll he used: 1*11 UiH7".IHtM-114 Rt'1*1.dm1 II IS/ Program P/a11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-751 N-762 N-765 N-769-2 N-771 N-773 N-775 1'r11t' North l'"11.rnltl1111.

/./.(' Tc= 170.4 °F + 0.814 x RTNDT (in U.S. Customary Units), and Tc= 73.6 °C + 0.814 x RTNDT (in SI Units). Alternatively, the licensee may use a different Tc value if it can be justified by plant-specific Charpy Curves. Pressure Testing of Containment Penetration Piping,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-751 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: When a I OCFR50, Appendix J, Type C test is performed as an alternative to the requirements of IW A-4540 (IW A-4700 in the 1989 Edition through the 1995 Edition) during repair and replacement activities, nondestructive examination must be performed in accordance with IW A-4540(a)(2) of the 2002 Addenda of Section XI. Temper Bead Procedure Qualification Requirements for Repair/Replacement Activities Without Postweld Heat Treatment,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative to Inspection Interval Scheduling Requirements of IWA-2430,Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Roll Expansion of Class I In-Core Housing Bottom Head Penetrations in BWRs,Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Additional Examin<1tions of Class 2 or 3 Items,Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Qualification Criteria for Eddy Current Examinations of Piping Inside Surfaces.

Section XI. Di vision I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Bolling Affected hy Borntcd Water Lc*1kuge.

Section XI. Division I. Regulutnry Guide 1.147. Revision 18. 2-11 /.,\'HU.fRflfi.fl./

Rr1*i.,im1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-776 N-778 N-786 N-789 1'rtu* .V11rt/1 Cm1.rnlti1111.

1.1.C' Alternative to IW A-5244 Requirements for Buried Piping,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Preparation and Submittal of Inservice Inspection Plans, Schedules, and Preservice and Inservice Inspection Summary Reports,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-778 is acceptable subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: Licensees must submit the following reports to the regulatory authority: (I) The prcservice inspection summary report must be submitted prior to the date of placement of the unit into commercial service. (2) The inservice inspection summary report must be submitted within 90 calendar days of the completion of each refueling outage. Alternative Requirements for Sleeve Reinforcement of Class 2 and 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping.Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Pad Reinforcement of Class 2 and 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping.Section XI. Division I. ASME Code Case N-789 is acceptable subject to the following condition sped lied in Regulatory Guide 1.147. Revision 18: (I) Areas containing pressure pmls shall he visually observed al least once per month to monitor for cvidc:ncc of leakage. If the: areas containing pressure pads arc not accessible for direct ohservution.

then monitoring will be accomplished by visual assessment of surrounding areas or ground surfuce ureus ahovc pressure pmls on huried piping. or monitoring of leakage collection systems. if avuilahlc. 2*1.1 l .. 'iH7 4.IHfM*fl./

Hr1*i.,i1111 ti

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval N-795 N-798 N-799 1'rm* ,\1 11rt/1 Cm1.rnlti111t.

1.1.C * (2) For the pressure pad design, the higher of the 2 times the actual measured corrosion rate and 4 times the estimated maximum corrosion rate for the system must be used. If the actual measured corrosion rate in the degraded location is unavailable, the estimated maximum corrosion rate for the system assumed in the design must be calculated based on the same degradation mechanism as the degraded location.

Alternative Requirements for BWR Class I System Leakage Test Pressure Following Repair/Replacement Activities,Section XI, Division I. AS ME Code Case N-795 is acceptable subject lo the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18: (I) The use of nuclear heal to conduct the BWR Class I system leakage test is prohibited (i.e., the reactor must be in a non-critical slate). a. This condition also applies to pressure testing of reactor coolant pressure boundary components repaired or replaced in accordance with Section XI, IW A-4000. (2) The lest condition holding time, after pressurization to test conditions, and hefore the visual examinations commence, shall be I hour for insulated components.

Alternative Pressure Testing Requirements for Class I Piping Between the First and Second Vent. Drnin. and Test Isolation Devices,Section XI. Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7. Revision 18. Dissimilar Metal Welds Joining Vessel Nozzles to Components,Section XI, Division I. ASME Code Case N-799 is ucceptahle subject to the following condition specified in Regulatory Guide 1.147, 18: (I) The gap hctwecn the ultrnsonic pmhe and component surfocc slmll 1101 exceed 1132 in. If the gap exceeds 1132 in .. the weld he con'iidcrcd UiH 1./.1 HIM*fl./ H1*1*i.d1111 II IS/ Program Plan lASa/le County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval N-800 1'rm* .'V11rt/1 Cm1rnltl1111. 1.1.C' to be unexamined unless the examination technique is successfully demonstrated on representative mock ups. (2) The following requirements must be implemented when applying this Code Case to ensure that welds are adequately inspected:

a. Examination requirements of Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, paragraph l-3200(c) must be applied. b. The examination of the dissimilar metal welds joining vessel nozzles to components must be full volume, including the cast austenitic stainless steel component of the weld. c. Ultrasonic depth and sizing qualifications for cast austenitic stainless steel components must follow Appendix VIII, Supplement 10, using representative cast austenitic stainless steel mockups containing representative cracks and he independent of other Supplement 10 qualifications.
d. For components with wall thicknesses heyond the crack detection and sizing capahilities of a through-wall ultrasonic perfonnance-hased qualification, the examination's acceptahility shall he hased on an ultrasonic examination of the qualified examination volume and a flaw evaluation of the largest hypothetical crack that could exist in the volume and not he qualified for ultrasonic examination.
e. Cracks detected and not depth sized to Appendix VIII type performance-hased procedures, equipment, and personnel qualifications shall he repaired or removed. Alternative Pressure Testing RClJllirements for Claso; I Piping Between the First and Second Injection Valves,Section XI, Oivision I. Regulutory Guide 1.147. Revision IK. 1*1.'i UiH7./.IHfM*fl./

Rr1*Mm1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle Co1111ty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval N-803 N-805 N-823 N-825 N-845 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Automatic or Machine Dry Underwater Laser Beam Welding (ULBW) Temper Bead Technique,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Alternative to Class l Extended Boundary End of Interval or Class 2 System Leakage Testing of the Reactor Vessel Head Flange 0-Ring Leak-Detection System,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Visual Examination,Section XI, Division I. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Alternative Requirements for Examination of Control Rod Drive Housing Welds,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.14 7, Revision 18. Qualification Requirements for Bolts and Studs,Section XI, Division 1. Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 18. Additional Code Cases invoked in the future shall be in accordance with those approved for use in the latest published revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 or 10CFR50.55a at that time. 2.2 Augmented Exmnination Requirements Augmented cxmnination requirements arc those examinations that arc performed in addition to the requirements of ASME Section XI. Below is a summary of those examinations performed hy LSCS that arc not spccilically prescrihcd hy ASME Section XI. or the examinations that will he performed in addition to the requirements of ASME Section XI on a routine hasis dming the Fourth ISi Interval and Third CISI Interval.

Previous revisions of LSCS's ISi Progrnm categorized some Augmented Exmnim1tion Progrnms hy using AUG types. 2.2.1 Generic Leller 88-01, "NRC Position on IGSCC in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping.

Revision 2 /Supplement 1 to Generic Lcller 88-01, NUREG OJ I J. "Technical Report on Material Selection and Process Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping," Revision 2. EPRI Topical Report TR-I I 3932. "BWR Vessel and Internals Project. Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Leller 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75)," as conditionally approved hy NRC linal SER's dated September 15, 2000 *md May 14, 2002, and EPRI Topical Report TR-1012621. "BWR Vessel and Internals, Project Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP J\)," us conditionally approved hy NRC linal SER <hated Murch 16. 2006.

7'rrtt' N11rtl1 ('1111.rnlti111l.

/./,(' 2-16 I SH7./.fRtJf>.tJ./

Rt'1 1 i.ti1111 ti

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval These documents discuss the examination requirements for Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping. References to Generic Letter 88-0 I (GL 88-0 I) within the ISi Program refer to the comprehensive commitments to all of these documents.

The final SER's of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A revised the GL 88-01 inspection schedules.

The BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A revised inspection schedules were based on consideration of inspection results and service experience gained by the industry since issuance of GL 88-0 I and NUREG-0313, and includes additional knowledge regarding the benefits of improved BWR water chemistry.

The original LSCS commitments concerning Generic Letter 88-01 were sent to the NRC in letters dated July 29, 1988, June 30, 1989, and November 5, 1990. The NRC reviewed these commitments in a letter dated August 22, 1990. Since the issuance of GL 88-0 I, the BWR Vessels and Internals Project (BWRVIP) has been created. This BWR owners group has worked on the mitigation of IGSCC for BWR internal components.

As part of their activities, EPRI Topical Report TR-113932, "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Technical Basis for Revisions lo Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75)," dated October 27, 1999, and EPRI Topical Report TR-1012621, "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A)," dated October 2005, were submitted to the NRC. Among other issues, this document proposed alternative inspection schedules for IGSCC susceptible welds. Two different inspection schedules were presented; one for plants on Normal Water Chemistry (NWC) and one for plants on effective Hydrogen Water Chemistry (HWC). The HWC schedule may he utili1.ed if the applicahle performance criteria arc met. After review of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A, the NRC issued SER's approving the documents with minor changes. (Letter from NRC to Carl Terry, BWRVIP Chairman.

Final Safety Evaluation of the "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75)," dated May 14. 2CX>2 and letter from NRC to Bill Eaton, BWRVIP Clrnirnrnn, Final Safety Evaluation of the "BWR Vessel m1d Internals Project. Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspection Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A)," dated March 16, 2CX>6.) In June of 2009 EPRI issued Technical Report TR-IO 18181. No11d<1.\'lrtwtil'e Hl'Cl/11c1tio11

G11idt'li11<' .Ii,,. Cm1d11ct Ultra.wmic Ewmi11atim1

.tt f)is.ttimilar Mt*tal Wdd.\*. This document contuins u "Needed" requirement to he implemented in accordance with NEl-03-08, Revision I implementation c.ategnrics.

The "Needed" uction is applicahlc to ull dis!\imilar metal welds tlmt re,1uire exmnination in uccordancc with ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII. Supplement

10. For the cxumination Tr11t /\'11rtli C'm1.rnlti111t.

1.1.C' 2-17 UtH74.IRfl6-IJ./

H1*1*i.tl1111 ti

/SI Program Plan LaSalle Co11nty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval of such welds a surface condition assessment and improvement process must be implemented.

Execution of the surface assessment and improvement process should be performed within two outages prior to the scheduled examination.

The LSCS surface condition assessment and improvement process utilizes the applicable portions of the guidance provided in BWRVIP letter 2005-014 attachment 2, "Guidance for Establislzi11g DM Weld Qualijlc:atio11." These steps and others are incorporated in the Work Order planning and execution.

Examples can be found in Work Orders 744916 and 1229560. Based upon NRC endorsement of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A, the LSCS GL 88-01 (IGSCC) inspection schedule was updated to the requirements of BWRVIP-75 and BWRVIP-75-A except for Category A welds. (Sec Risk-Informed Inscrvicc Inspection discussion below and BWRVIP discussion in Section 2.2.4). RI-ISi regulations have been invoked for LSCS in this ISi Program Plan. Under these guidelines, ISi Class 1 and 2 piping structural clements are inspected in accordance with EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657, Rev. B-A, TR-I 006937. Rev. 0-A. and N-578-1. Per these Topical Reports and this Code Case, welds within the plant that arc assigned to IGSCC Categories B through G will continue to meet existing IGSCC schedules, while IGSCC Category A welds have been subsumed into the RI-ISi Program. The First Ten-Year inspection cycle for implementation of BWRVIP-75-A at LSCS Units I and 2 started on January I, 2003 and ended on December 31, 2012. The Second Tcn-Y car inspection cycle for implementation of BWRVIP-75-A al LSCS Units I and 2 started on January I, 2013 and will end on December 31, 2022. The IGSCC Progrnm has been revised lo schedule the re4uired examinations based on this inspection cycle. The NWC inspection schedule is credited; however, the effective HWC inspection schedule is not credited in the LSCS IGSCC Program. Implementation of the LSCS program addressing these documents is included in procedure LTS-600-8, Section 7.0ofthis ISi Progrnm Plan. and the associated IS I Database.

2.2.2 Boiling

Waler Reaclor Owners' Group (BWROG) Report GE-NE-523-A 71-0594-A, Revision I. "Altenmte BWR Feedwater Nozzle Inspection Rel1uiremcnts.

May 2000," as approved hy NRC final SER daled March 10, 2000, Boiling Waler Reactor Owners' Group (BWROG) Report GE* NE-523-A 71-0594, "Alternate BWR Feedwuter Nozzle lnspec1ion Reltuircmcnts.

August 199')," as conditionally approved hy NRC linal SER duted June 5. 1998, and NRC NUREG 0619, "BWR Feedwater 1'r111* .V11rt/1 l'm1ntlti111t.

I.I.<' 2-IH UiH7./.IRflf>.fl./

R1*1*i.ti1111 fl IS/ Program Pla11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth I11terval Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking," dated November 1980. (CM-3) These documents discuss the current and initial examination requirements for BWR Feedwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking.

The alternate approach was developed and submitted to the NRC by the BWROG. The NRC accepted these alternate requirements in a final SER dated March 10, 2000. LSCS initially committed to the examination requirements of NRC NUREG 0619 in letters to the NRC dated July 23, 1980, October 2, 1981, and December 8, 1981; and through responses to NRC FSAR questions 111.35, 121.5, and 121.10. Future inspections will comply with BWROG "Alternate BWR Feedwater Nozzle Inspection Requirements," GE-NE-523-A 71-0594-A.

Revision I, dated May 2000 as accepted by NRC SER (TAC NO. MA6787) dated March 10, 2000. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and the associated ISi Database.

Note: Augmented examination of the Feedwater Spurgers has been transferred to procedure LTS-600-8, "Reactor Vessel Internals Inservice Inspection During Reactor Refueling" for the BWRVIP, whereas augmented examination of the Feedwater Nozzles remains with this document.

Previous revisions of LSCS's ISi Program classified augmented examinations of the Feedwater Nozzle Inner Radii, Nozzle Bores, Nozzle Safe Ends and Spargers as Type I B Augmented Examination Program. 2.2.3 IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A).

Augmented Examination of Reactor Pressure Vessel Effective Septemher 8, 1992, IOCFR50.55a(g)(6){ii)(A) rel\uired implementution of Augmented Examinations of RPV shell welds -Item Numher B 1.10 of Examination Category B-A of ASME Section XI. In addition.

all previously granted relief requests pertaining to these welds were revoked. The interval in effect on Septemher 8, 1992 was the First ISi Interval for hoth LSCS Units I and 2. Per the LSCS leller to the NRC dated Fehnmry 5, 1996, the LSCS Units I and 2 ISi Progrum complied with the regulations for the First ISi Interval.

The Second Interval ISi Progrnm for LSCS Units I and 2 was prepurcd in accordnnce with. nnd complied with, the 1989 Edition with No Addenda of ASME Section XI, us referenced in IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2). Initially.

RPV shell welds were ultrusonknlly exumined during the Second ISi lntervul with 96'h* exuminntion coverage (ha'icd on total overnll weld 1'r11r N11rtll C111m1lti111:.

I./.(' 2-1'1 I SH7-l.IRfUS*ll4 R1*1*i.,i1111 fl

/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth lllterval length), as evidenced by examinations completed during the First ISi Interval.

This examination coverage was achieved using ultrasonic examination techniques conducted from the o.d. of the RPV. RPV shell welds AD (circumferential), B-K and B-M (longitudinal), exhibited limited examination coverage due to permanent physical obstructions.

Second ISi Interval Relief Request CR-38 was written by LSCS for the use of Technical Report TR-105697, "BWR Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Weld Inspection Recommendations (BWRVIP-05)," Electric Power Research Institute, dated September 1995 for LSCS Units 1 and 2. Approval was authorized by the NRC for permanent relief of the RPV shell welds for the rest of the interval and the remaining term of the initial operating licenses (See below for more details). This Fourth IS I Interval augmented examination program addresses the specific steps taken by LSCS Units I and 2 to satisfy the NRC augmented examination requirements mandated by 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A), including alternatives agreed to by the NRC and EGC. The examinations of RPV shell welds, Examination Category 8-A, Item Number BI. I 0, at LSCS, will be conducted in accordance with Relief Request 14R-05. This Fourth ISi Interval Relief Request 14R-05 was previously submitted and approved under the Second Interval ISi Program Plan as Relief Request CR-38. The approval authorized under NRC final SER dated January 28, 2004 was for permanent relief and thu s applies to the remaining term of the initial operating licenses, including this Fourth ISi Interval.

The planned alternative program to the 90% coverage of each weld uses the recommendations of BWRVIP-05 as a basis for doing no additional examinations beyond the described "hest effort" approach.

Relief has heen mtthorized to not perform examinations of Examination Category B-A. Item Number B 1.11 circumferential (horizontal) welds for the remaining term of the initial operating licenses.

The examinations of the Examination Categmy B-A. Item Number B 1.12, Longitudinal (vertical) welds need only he performed to the maximum extent practical using automated ultrasonic testing (UT) techniques.

Manual UT examinations of volumes missed hy automated UT techniques arc not rct1uired.

LSCS compliance with JOCFRSO.SSa(g)(6)(ii)(A) is documented in a letter to the NRC dated Fehruary 5, 1996. Suhscquently, the NRC issued a SER dated January 28, 2004 uccepting Second ISi Interval Relief Request CR-38. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7 .0 of this IS I Pmgrnm Plan imd the ussociatcd IS I Database.

l'r11t' N11rtli Cm1rnltl111t.

/./.(' 2*211 l.SH7./.f Rtl6°IJ.I R r 1*1.f/1111 II

/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 2.2.4 BWR Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) Increased awareness of the presence of in-vessel component degradation has led to the formation of the BWRVIP. BWRVIP is an association of BWR utilities focused on the common purpose of investigating and developing effective, acceptable approaches for addressing in-vessel component degradation through improved detection, mitigation, and/or repair techniques.

In accordance with the BWRVIP charter, the organization is tasked with providing generic resolution to BWR issues and representing the member utilities in negotiating with the NRC for approval of the groups' recommended actions. EGC, as a member utility of the BWRVIP, has endorsed the objectives prescribed by the BWRVIP. The BWRVIP is comprised of a series of Inspection

& Evaluation Guidelines and documents that discuss RPV internals.

The BWRVIP encompasses pertinent information and requirements presented in I.E. Bulletins (IEBs), General Electric (GE) Service Information Letters (SIL's), and Rapid Information Communication Services Information Letters (RICSIL's).

EGC's commitments to the BWRVIP arc discussed in BWRVIP letters to the NRC dated May 30, 1997 and October 30, 1997. The NRC's response to the discussion of BWRVIP utility commitments is discussed in an NRC letter to the BWRVIP dated July 29, 1997. Implementation or BWRVIP inspection requirements in lieu of ASME Section XI inspection requirements for Examination Categories B-N-1 and B-N-2 was requested in LSCS Relief Request 14R-02 and has hcen authorized conditionally for use in the Fourth ISi Inspection Interval.

Also, implementation or the LSCS progrnm addressing these documents is included in procedures ER-AB-331 and LTS-600-8.

Previous revisions or LSCS 's IS I Program classified augmented examinations of the High and Low Pressure Core Spray Spargers and the associated piping inside the Reactor Pressure Vessel as Type IC Augmented Examination Progrnm. 2.2.5 NRC Mechanical Engineering Brnnch (MEB) Technical Position 3-1 (MEB 3-1 ), "lligh Energy Fluid Systems, Protection Against Postulated Piping Failures in Fluid Systems Outside Containment," dated Novemher 24, 1975 The NRC Engineering Brnnch Technical Position MEB 3-1 discusses protection uguinst postulated piping fuilurcs in lluid systems outside contuinment, und includes rct1uircmcnts for licensee!'>

to perform volumetric examination of circumferential and longitudinal pipe 1'rt1t* N11rtl1 l'm1.rnltiu11.

/./.(' 1*11 ISX74.fHfJf>.tJ./

Hf'1*Mm1 fl

/SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval welds within the pipe break exclusion areas associated with high energy piping in containment penetration areas. LSCS has committed to the requirements of the NRC Branch Technical Position MEB 3-1 per letters to the NRC dated February 5, 1996 and May 9, 1996. Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 detail LSCS's compliance with NRC Branch Technical Position MEB 3-1. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and the associated ISi Database.

Previous revisions of LSCS's ISi Program classified augmented examinations of ASME Examination Category B-F and B-J piping welds within high energy line break exclusion regions identified in the FSAR, as Type I A Augmented Examination Program. Note: This commitment was previously maintained in accordance with LSCS UFSAR, Section 3.6. I and 3.6.2. With the implementation of the RI-ISi-BER Program, all BER augmented welds were evaluated under the RI-ISi methodology and were integrated into the RI-ISi Program. Additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi evaluation process to BER piping is given in EPRI TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A. 2.2.6 NRC NUREG-0737, "TMI Action Plan Requirements," Section 111.D.1.1, dated Novcmhcr 1980 I NRC NUREG 0578, "TMl-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Status Report and Short-Term Recommendations," dated July 1979. This document discusses TMI Action Plan Requirements, and includes requirements in Item 111. D.1.1 for leak testing and periodic visual examinations of systems outside of primary containment which could contain highly radioactive lluids during a serious transient or accident.

LSCS has commiucd to the requirements of this document Item as discussed in Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 5.0. Commitments made concerning NUREG-0737 arc required to he maintained per the LSCS TRM. Implementation of the LSCS program addressing these is included in site procedures LTS-300-07 and LAP-100-14.

These procedures address the use of NUREG-057K.

Item 2.1.6.a, the predecessor to NllREG-0737. 'l'r11t N11rtl1 < 'mmlitit1N, 1.1.C

  • UiH74.fRflfi.tJ4 Rr1*Mm1 fl

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 2.2.7 Technical Requirements Manual Section 2.1.a, Diesel Oil Pressure Testing A pressure test of the diesel generator fuel oil system designed to Subsection ND, of ASME Section III, is required to be performed every l 0 years per LSCS TRM 2.1.a. Implementation of the examination commitments is included in Section 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and associated ISi Database.

2.2.8 License

Renewal An operating license renewal application was submitted to the NRC for LSCS Units l and 2 on December 9, 2014 pursuant to IOCFR54. The operating license renewal application proposed to extend the life of both stations for an additional 20 years. A SER was issued by the NRC on September 30, 2016, and the renewed facility operating license was issued for LSCS Units I and 2. The LSCS Period of Extended Operation (PEO) is effective from April 18, 2022 through April 17, 2042 for Unit I, and from December 17, 2023 through December 16, 2043 for Unit 2. License renewal commitments (CM-#) arc currently tracked in a supplement to the UFSAR, Appendix P, as required per I OCFR54.2 I (d), and describe enhancements to the ISi Programs beyond the requirements of ASME Section XI. A summary of the upplicuhlc ASME Section XI commitments is shown in Table 2.2-1, including infornmtion such us the USFAR source, ATl's, and implementation schedule.

Implementation of these commitments may he included in Sections 4.0 and 7.0 of this ISi Program Plan and the associated ISi Datuhasc. 1'r11r .\'11rtl1


1.1.C 1*1.f UiH7./.fHfl6*fl./

Hr1*i!1i1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval Table 2.2-1 License Renewal Commitments Supplementing ASME Section XI Requirements Commitment Program or Summary Implementation Schedule Number Topic (AR Number) ASME Section The existing ASME Section XI lnscrvicc XI lnscrvicc CM-I Inspection, Inspection, Progrmn is ongoing (AR 1603204-0 I) Suhscctions IWB, !WC. and Suhscctions IWD IWB. IWC, and IWD is credited.

The existing Reactor Head reactor head CM-2 Closure Stud closure stud Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-03)

Bolting holting program is credited.

The existing BWR BWR Fccdwatcr CM-3 Feed water program Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-05) is credited.

The existing BWR Control BWR Control CM-4 Rod Drive Rod Drive Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-06)

Return Linc Return Linc N111.1.le program is credited.

The existing BWR Stress BWR Stress CM-5 Corrosion Corrosion Program is ongoing (AR 1603204-07) Cracking Cracking program is credited. The existing BWR CM-6 BWR Penetrations Program is ongoing (AR 160.,204-0K) Pcnctratii111s program is credited. Program to he implcmc111"*d no A new condition later than six month' prior to the Unit I I >nc-monitoring PE<>. I >nc-timc inspection' will he TinK' prngrnm will he pc1formcd within lhc 'ix ycm*, CM-7 1 nspccl ion of 1.'l'ClllCd to prior 111 the PE<>. nnd will he (AR 1<10.'211.i-:? 'I ASME Code 111<111ag"'

th"* nging "'ompk*tcd cith"*r no Inter thnn 'ix ('Ii"' I Small-cffri.:1 of 11111111h' 111'ior 111 the PEO. or hcfmc Bore 1'1pi11g 111 t'l11 I s11111ll

  • the cn,l of the 111,t 1*\.'l'ucling outuge horc prping. prior 111 the PEO. whklK'\'CI' oc"lr' Inter. ------------*-'l'rrll' ,"l/,,rtlr ( 'm1.rnlti11Ro I .I.<' 1-U Applicable UFSAR Section, A oo endix P Section A.2.1.1 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1. No. I Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1, No. 3 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1. No. 5 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. 6 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. 7 Section A.2.1.3 Section A.5.0, Tahlc A.5-1. No. K S"*"*tron A.2.1.2' Sc"*tion A.5.0 , Tnhlc A.5-1. No. 2.' UiH7-l.JHll6-fl./

Hr1*M1111 II ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval Table 2.2-1 License Renewal Commitments Supplementing ASME Section XI Requirements Commitment Program or Summary Number Topic (AR Number) A new condition Unit 2 One-monitoring Time program will he CM-8 Inspection of created lo (AR 1603204-48)

ASME Code manage the aging Class I Small-effect of cracking Bore Piping in Class I small-hore piping. The existing ASME Section ASME Section XI. Subsection CM-9 XI. Subsection IWE progra111 (AR 1603204-29)

IWE will he enhanced hy this commitment.

The existing ASME Section ASME Section XI. Suhsection CM-10 XI. Suhscction IWL program (AR 160320160320t-JO)

IWL will he enhanced hy this cormni t ment. The existing ASME Section ASME Section XI. Suhsection CM-11 XI. Suhsection IWF will he (A R l<iOJ20.t-J I l enhanced hy this IWF commitment per the following:

  • 1*,,,,. .\'11rtl1 < '1111.rnl1i111:.

1.1.l' 2-2J Implementation Schedule Program lo he implemented no later than six months prior to the PEO. The one-time inspections and the first set of periodic inspections will he performed within the six years prior to the PEO. and will he completed either no later than six months prior to the PEO, or before the end of the last refueling outage prior lo the PEO. whichever occurs later. Program to he enhanced no later than six 111onths prior to the PEO. Additional schedule information identified in commitment Program to he enhanced no later than six months prior lo the PE<>. Program lo he enhanced no later than ),ix 111on1hs prior to PEO. Applicable UFSAR Section, A oo endix P Section A.2.2.2 Section A.5.0. Tahle A.5-1. No. 48 Section A.2.1.29 Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. 29 Section A.2.l.30 Section A.5.0. Tahle A.5-1. No. JO Section A.2.UI Section A.5.0, Tahle A.5-1. No. JI UiH7./.fRll6*114 Rl'I*"'"' ,,

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 2.3 System Classifications and P&ID Boundary Drawings The ISi Classification Basis Document details those systems that are ISi Class 1, 2, 3, or MC that fall within the ISi scope of examinations including the containment structure (metal and concrete) and post-tensioning system, which are ISi Class CC and are shown on the containment roll-out drawings.

Below is a summary of the classification criteria used within the ISi Classification Basis Document.

Each safety related, fluid system containing water, steam, air, oil, etc. included in the LSCS UFSAR was reviewed to determine which safety functions they perform during all modes of system and plant operation.

Based on these safety functions, the systems and components were evaluated per classification documents.

The systems were then designated as ISi Class 1, 2, 3, MC, CC, or Non-Classed accordingly.

When a particular group of components is identified as performing an ISi Class I, 2, or 3 safety function, the components arc further reviewed to assure the interfaces (boundary valves and boundary barriers) meet the criteria set by IOCFR50.2, IOCFR50.55a(c}( 1), 10CFR50.55a(c)(2), and Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 3. SRP 3.2.2 and ANSl/ANS-58.14-1993 (LSCS is not committed to or licensed in accordance with these documents) were also used for guidance in evaluating the classification boundaries where I OCFR and the Regulatory Guide did not address a given situation.

According to I OCFR50.55a, Paragraph (g}(4 ), the ISi requirements of ASME Section XI urc assigned to these components, within the constraints of existing plant design. The LSCS ISi Class I, 2, and 3 components that arc exempt from examination arc those which meet the criteria of ASME Section XI, Paragraphs IWB-1220, IWC-1220. and IWD-1220. Supports which meet the criteria of Paragraph IWF-1230 of ASME Section XI arc also exempt from examination.

For Containment, IS I Class MC components which meet Paragraph IWE-1220 arc exempt from cxmnination, and ISi Class CC components which meet Paragraph IWL-1220 arc exempt from examination.

LSCS's ISi Program, including the ISi Database, ISi Classification Basis Document.

and ISi Selection Document and schedule, addresses the nonexempt components which require examination and testing. The systems and components (piping. pumps. valves. vessels. etc.). which arc subject to the cxmnim1tions of Articles IWB-2000, IWC-2<X>O, IWD-2<XX>.

and IWF-2CXX>. und pressure tests of Articles IWB-5000, IWC-50<X}, and IWD-5<XX>

arc identified on the Piping & Instrument Diagrums (P&ID's) und Control & Instrument Diagrams (C&ID's) within the ISi classification flags as detailed in Tables 2.3-1 and 2.3-2. The exempt components ure also identified on these diagrnms with various nag codes. 1"rw* .'V11rt/1 C"t111.mlti11R, /./.(' U\H 7". f Htlf>*ll-1 Hf'I*" ti UNIT 1 & Common M-55, SH. I , 2, 3, 7 M-56, SH. 2, 3, 4 M-57, SH. I M-66 , SH. I. 2, 7 M-75, SH. 2 M-82. SH. 3 M-86 , SH. I M-87, SH. I, 2. 3 M-89, SH. I & M-153 SH. I. 7 M-90 , SH. 2 M-91. SH. 4 M-92, SH. I. 2 M-93, SH. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 M-94. SH. I M-95. SH. I M-%. SH. I. 2. 3. 4 M-97. SH. I M-98, SH. I M-99. SH. I M-IOO , Sii. 2. *'* 4 , 5 M-101.Sll.1.2 M-UO. Sii. I M-156 ,S ll.1.2 *. '.4 Tr11c* ,\'11rtli C'1111rnlti111t.


  • ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE2.3-1 P&ID BOUNDARY DRAWINGS UNIT2 M-116 , SH. I , 2, 3, 7 M-1 17 , SH. 2. 3, 4 M-118 , SH. I M-66 , SH. 3 , 4, 7, 8 M-7 5, SH. 4 M-82, SH. 5 M-133, SH. I M-134, SH. I , 2, 3 M-89, SH. I & M-105 SH. I M-136. SH. 2 M-137. SH. 4 M-138. SH. I. 2 M-139. SH. I. 2. 3. 4, 5 M-140 , SH. I M-141 , SH.I M-142. SH. I. 2. 3. 4 M-143,SH. I M-144, SH. I M-145 , SH. I M-146 , Sii. 2. 3. 4. fl M-147 , SH. I. 2 M-1.,0. SI I. 2 M-158, SH. I. 2. ;\, 4 1-17 TITLE Main Steam (MS) Extraction Steam (ES) Feed water (FW) Drywell Pneumatic (IN) Clean Condensate Storage (MC) Service Air (SA) Primary Containment Chilled Water (VP) Core Standhy Cooling System and Equipment Cooling Water System (CSCS & ECWS) Standhy Gas Treatment (SBGT) Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (WR) Reactor Building Equipment Drnins (RF) Prim;iry Containment Vent ;iml Purge (VQ) Nuclear Boiler and Reactor Recirculating

<NB & RR) I.ow Pressure Core Spray (LP. I.PCS) High Pressure Core Spray <HP. HPCS) Residual Heal Removal <RH. RHRSJ Reactor Water Cleanup (lrt", RWCUJ Fuel Pool Cooling aml l>e111inernli1

.ing <Ft') Stanllhy Liquid Control (SCI Control Rod Drive Hyllrnufo:s (RI>> Reactor l'11re Isolation Coolant (l{I, RCll') l'ontuinment Gas Control <H Containment M11ni111ring (l'M. l'AM) UiH7".fHllfl*ll4 Rr1*/.,/1111 ti UNIT 1 & Common M-2 055 SH. I, 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , IO M-2087 SH. I M-2089 SH. 11 M-2 093 , SH. I , 2, 3. 4. 5 , 6, 7 , 8 M-2094 , SH. I M-2095 SH. I , 2 M-2096, SH. I, 2. 3. 4, 5 M-2097, SH. I. 2 M-2l01. SH. I 1'rll<' N11rtll 0111.rnlti111t.


  • IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 2.3-2 C&ID BOUNDARY DRAWINGS UNIT2 M-2 116 , SH. I , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , 10 M-2134 SH. I M-2089 SH. 23 M-2139 , SH. I, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , 8 M-2140, SH. I M-2141SH.I.2 M-2142, SH. I. 2. 3. 4 , 5 M-2143. SH. I. 2 M-2147,SH. I 1*211 TITLE Main Steam System (MS) CSCS E4uipment Cooling Water System (RH) Air Flow Proof INTLK and Recording On I PM07 J and 2PM07 J Reactor Recirculating System (RR) Low Pressure Core Spray System (LP) H igh Pressure Core Spray System (HP) Re sidual Heat Removal System (RH) Reactor Water Cleanup System (RT) Reactor Core Isolation Coolant System (RI) Uill14.1Rtlfl*tl4 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle Co11nty Station U11its I & 2, Fortrtli lllterval 2.4 ISi Isometric and Component Drawings for Nonexempt ISi Class Components and Supports ISi Isometric and Component Drawings were developed to identify the ISi Class 1, 2, and 3 components (welds, bolting, etc.) and support locations at LSCS. These ISi components and support locations are identified on the ISI Isometric and Component Drawings listed in Table 2.4-1. The ISI Class MC and CC components are identified on the CISI Reference Drawings listed in Table 2.4-2. LSCS's ISi Program, including the ISi Database, ISi Classification Basis Document, and ISi Selection Document and schedule, addresses the nonexempt components, which require examination and testing. A summary of LSCS Units I and 2 ASME Section XI nonexempt components and supports is included in Section 7.0. rr11c* ,\'11rtl1 C'm1.mltit11t.

I.I.<' 1*19 UiH 7./.1 Hflfi.fJ.I Ht'1*Mm1 fJ ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fo11rtli lllterval TABLE 2.4-1 ISi ISOMETRIC AND COMPONENT DRAWINGS UNIT 1 & Common ISI-GEL-I003, !004, I 006, !009, !049, 1050, 1093, !094, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1099, I IOI, 1102, 1104, 1107, 1109 ISl-HG-1001, 1002 lSl-FC-1029 lSl-FW-1001 through lSl-FW-1003 lSl-HP-100 I through ISl-HP-1007 ISi-LP-i 00 I through ISl-LP-1003, ISl-LP-1010 through ISl-LP-1014 ISl-MS-1001 through ISl-MS-1046, ISi-MS-i 048 through ISi-MS-i 060 ISl-NB-1001, 1002, 1003 ISi-RR-i Oil I through ISl-RR-1003, ISl-RR-1005 through ISl-RR-1010 ISl-Rl-100 I through ISi-Ri-i 022, ISl-Rl-1026 through ISl-Rl-1029 ISl-RT-100 I ISi-RH-i no I through ISl-lrn-1025.

ISl-RH-1027 through ISl-RH-1078, ISl-RH-1126 thrnugh ISl-RH-1128 ISl-SC-IOOI, 1002, JOO.' 1'r11t l\fortl1 C 'm1.mlti11Jl, 1.1.C' UNIT2 ISI-GEL-I005, 1060, I061, !093, 1094, 1095, 1100, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1110.1111.1112.1119,2049,2050 lSl-HG-200 I, 2002 lSl-FC-2006, 2007 lSl-FW-2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 ISl-HP-200 I through ISl-HP-2008 ISl-LP-200 I through ISl-LP-2004, ISl-LP-2010 through ISl-LP-2014 ISl-MS-200 I through ISl-MS-2046 ISl-MS-2048 through ISl-MS-2060 ISl-NB-2001.

2002, 2003 ISl-RR-200 I through ISl-RR-2003, ISl-RR-2005 through ISl-RR-20 I 0 ISl-Rl-200 I through ISl-Rl-2123.

ISl-Rl-2028 through ISl-Rl-2130 ISl-RT-2001 ISl-RH-200 I through ISl-RH-2025.

ISl-RH-2027 through ISl-RH-2056, ISl-RH-2058 through ISl-RH-2083 ISl-SC-200 I. 2002, 2003 z .. w TITLE Component Details Containment Comhustihle Gas Control Fuel Pool Cooling and Feed water Pressure Core Spray Low Pressure Core Spray Main Steam Nuclear Boiler Reactor Recirculating Reactor Core Isolation Coolant Rcm.:lor Water Clcimup Residual Heat Removal Standhy Lil(Uid Control UiH7./,IRfl6*fl4 IJ IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth l11terval TABLE2.4-2 CISI REFERENCE DRAWINGS UNIT 1 UNIT2 TITLE l-C ISI-1000 SH. I 2-CISI-1000 SH. I IWE COMPONENT ROLLOUT INSIDE CONTAINMENT LINER (DRYWELL)





All{ LOCK 1-l'ISl-llMKI Sii. 'K' 2-l'ISI -l<KKI Sil. 1 Jl' IWE l'< >MP< >NENT DETAii. PEl{S< >NNEI. All{ I.< ll'K l*CISl-l<KlO Sil. 'JD 2-CISl-I IMKI Sil. 1 JI> IWE COMPONENT DETAii. PEl{SONNEI.

Am LOCK I *l'ISl-IOOO SI-I. IO 2-CISl-llKIOSll. IO IWE C< >MPONENT DETAii. E<JUIPMENT llATCH I -l'ISl-10()() SH. 11 2-('ISI *I IMJO SI I. 11 TYPICAL IWE COMPONENT Sllf{FACE AND A" ITACllMENT DETAILS 1'rm* N11rtl1 C'm1.rnlti11Jl, /.l.C' 1*.11 UtN74.fHfl().fl./


  • llKI I Sii. 4 PIPINN l>ETAll .S < '< >NFICiURATI<

>N N< >. 4 l-CISl-1001 2-CISl-llKll PIPINO PENETRATION DETAILS<'< >NFICiURATION 7'r,,c* N11rtl1 Cc111.rnltill1t.

1.1.C 2-.f1 UiH7./.lRfJ6°fJ./










N< >. I I *l'ISl-llKI.' Sii. 2 2-l'ISl-llKl.' SH. 2 INSTIHJMENT PENETRATI<


IN NO. 2 I *('JS( -II Kl.\ Sii. *' 2-CISI



>N N< >. *' 1'r11t .'l11rtl1 C'mmlitin1t.

I.I.<* 1*.f.J ViHU.fHflft.fl./



TENDON UPPER BEARIN<i Pl.ATE I.< >CATI< >NS 1-t'ISl-2000 SH. 5C 2 .('IS I* 2000 S 11. 5C IWI. C< >MP< >NENT l>RAWIN<i REAlT< >R CC >NTAINMENT CiROUP " C" VElfflCAI.

TENDON UPPER BEARIN<i Pl.ATE LOCATIONS l-l'ISl-21Hl0 SH. 6A 2-CISl-20<HI Sii. tiA IWL l'< >MPONENT DETAIL TEND< >N ANCll< >RA<il: ASSEMBLY 1-CISl-2000 Sii. 6H 2-C'ISI -2111HI SH. <ill IWI. COMPONENT DETAii. TENDON ANCH< >RA<.il i ASSEMUl.Y I *l'ISI -lJllW A<' I ti 2-CISI -1 JOW AC I '1 UPPEI{ vrnrrlCAI.

Tl: ND<>NS CiASKET INSTRUCTIONS 1'r11r ,\'11rtl1 l'1111.mltill1:, 1.1.C

  • 1°.I./ I R,. *. ,.,,,,,, ,,

ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 2.5 Technical Approach and Positions When the requirements of ASME Section XI are not easily interpreted, LSCS has reviewed general licensing/regulatory requirements and industry practice to determine a practical method of implementing ASME Section XI requirements.

The Technical Approach and Position (TAP) documents contained in this section have been provided to clarify LSCS's implementation of ASME Section XI requirements.

An index which summarizes each technical approach and position is included in Table 2.5-1. '1'r11I' ,\'ort/1 C'mu11lti1111.

/,/.(' ] .... UiH7".fNflfl.f14 Nt1*1.f/1111 tJ ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Statio11 Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE2.5-1 TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITIONS INDEX Position Revision Status 1 (Program)

Description of Technical Approach Number Date 2 and Position 0 (SPT) System Leakage Testing of Non-Isolable 14T-OI Active 09/29/17 Buried Components.

14T-02 0 Active (SPT) Valve Seats/Discs as Pressurization 09/29/17 Boundaries.

14T-03 0 09/29/17 Active (CISI) Examination of Leak Test Channels.

14T-04 0 Active (CISI) Attachment Welds. 09/29/17 14T-05 0 (CISI) Exclusion of Equipment Hatch and 09/29/17 Active Personnel Air Lock Items. Nole I: Technical Approach and Posilion Slat us Oplions: Active -Current Technical Approach and Position is heing utili1.ed at LSCS; Deleted -Technical Approach and Position is no longer hcing utili1.ed at LSCS. Note 2: The revision listed is the latl!st revision of th!! suhjl!cl Tl!l!hnical Approach and Posilion.

The dale nn1ed in the second column is 1he dall! of th!! ISi Progrnm Plan revision when 1he Technical Approach aml Posilion was incorpornled inlo the document.

1'r1H' .'lort/1 l'm1.rn/1i111:, /./.(' 2*.M / .. -;N74Jllfl6*fl./

Rr1*1.fim1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION 14T-Ol Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:


Examination Category:

Item Number: 2 and 3 IW A-5244(b)(2)

C-H, D-B C7. IO, 02.10


Component Number: System Leakage Testing of Non-Isolable Buried Components Non-Isolable Buried Pressure Retaining Components Code Requirement IW A-5244(b)(2) requires non-isolable buried components be tested to confirm that llow during operation is not impaired.

Position IW A-5000 provides no guidance in setting acceptance criteria for what can be considered "adequate flow." In lieu of any formal guidance provided by the Code, LSCS has established the following acceptance criteria:

  • For open ended lines on systems that require lnservice Testing (IST) or performance testing of pumps. adherence to IST or performance testing acceptance criteria is considered as reasonable proof of adequate flow through the lines.
  • For lines in which the open end is accessible to visual examination while the system is in operation, visual evidence of llow discharging the line is considered as reasonable proof of adequate flow through the open ended line.
  • For open ended prn1ions of systems where the process lluid is pneumatic, evidence of gaseous discharge shall he considered reasonable proof of adequate llow through the open ended line. Such test may include passing smoke through the line. hanging balloons or streamers, using a remotely operated hi imp. using thennogrnphy to detect hot air, etc. This m.:ceptance crite1fa will he utilized as proof of adeqtmte flow in order to meet the requirements of IW A-5244(b)(2).

LSCS's position is that proof of adClJUate flow is all that is rel1uired for testing the huried pipe segments of these open ended lines and that no fu11hcr visual examination is necessary.

This is consistent with the re4uirements for buried piping. which is not subject to visual examination.

1'ruc* :V11rt/1 ('c111.rnlti111t.


  • 1*J7 UiH 7./J HflfJ.fJ.I Hr1*M1111 ti

/SI Program P/a11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-02 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:


Examination Category:

Item Number:


Component Number: Code Requirement I, 2, and 3 IW A-5221, IW A-5222 B-P, C-H, D-B BIS.JO, BIS.20, C7.IO, 02.10 Valve Seats/Discs as Pressurization Boundaries All Pressure Testing Boundary Valves IW A-5221 requires the pressurization boundary for system leakage testing extend to those pressure retaining components under operating pressures during normal system service. Position LSCS 's position is that the test pressurization boundary extends up to the valve scat/disc of the valve utilized for isolation.

For example, in order to pressure test the ISi Class I components, the valve that provides the Class break would be utilized as the isolation point. In this case the true pressurization boundary, and Class break, is actually at the valve scat/disc.

Any requirement to test beyond the valve scat/disc is dependent only on whether or not the piping on the other side of the valve scat/disc is ISi Class I, 2, or 3. The extension of the test pressurization boundary during a pressure test would require an abnormal valve line-up. Extending the boundary would require the over pressurization of low pressure piping at systems tlmt have a high/low pressure interface.

In order to simplify examination of classed components.

LSCS will perform a VT-2 visual exmnination of the entire bmmdary valve body and bonnet (during pressurization up to the valve scat/disc).

1'r11t ,\111rll1 l'mmlitillN, I.I.(' 1°.fH u;x 1-1.1 """*"" Nc*rM1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval T ECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION 14T-03 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:


Examination Category:

Item Number:


Component Number: Code Requirement MC IWE-2500-1, IWE-1220(b)

E-A El. I I Examination of Leak Test Channels Various IWE-1220 states that the following components (or parts of components) are exempted from the examination requirements of IWE-2000, and IWE-1220(b) states that this applies to embedded or inaccessible portions of containment vessels, parts, and appurtances that met the requirements of the original Construction Code. Position Structural steel channel was fillet welded over a majority of LSCS liner scam welds and penetration welds to facilitate leak testing the scam welds after erection.

These channels make the liner surface underneath inaccessible for visual examination and therefore exempt per IWE-l 220(b ). During IOCFR50 Appendix J Type A testing, the leak test channels typically have their seal plugs removed to assure that these welds and adjacent liner surface arc challenged by the test pressure of the Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT). In this situation, the leak test channels may be excluded from examination per Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A. Note l(b). LSCS, however, is not required to vent the containment liner leak test channels, except for the leak test channels around 18 embedment plates located in the suppression pool at elevation 706', during ILRT, Reference NRC Letter dated May 4, 1998, (TAC Nos. MAO 186 and MAO 187). The containment boundary has heen redelined to include the leak test channel surface instead of the inaccessible liner surface, since the leak test channels urc being challenged hy the ILRT instead of the liner surface. Accordingly.

the leak test channel surfaces will he treated as pressure retaining liner surface and examined in accordance with Tahlc IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A. Item Numhcr E 1.11. In addition, all other applicahle Suhsection IWE rc4uircmcnts arc mandatory for these surfaces. In addition, the suppression chamber lloor liner is also stiffened by channel shaped sections which cover (nmke inaccessible) additional liner surface urea heyond that covered hy the leak test channels.

These chtmncl shaped stiffeners were added to provide additional capacity to the lloor liner for resisting hydrodynamic uplift lm1ding. These channel shapes urc larger tlmn the lc.ak test channeb and surround small areas of the leak test channel system along the lloor. Similar to the leak test clmnncls, the stiffeners urc welded shut und urc challenged hy the ILRT pressure instead of the liner surface which it cover". These stiffening channel shapes arc Tr11t' Nt1rtll Cm1.rnltin1t.

/./.(' 1-.19 UiH74.f Hllfl*ll4 Rt'l'i.dmr fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-03 Revision 0 included as Subsection IWE components and shall be examined in accordance with Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Item Number E 1.11 for the following reasons: I) The stiffening channels are considered as a part of the IWE boundary because they are considered essential to the structural integrity of the boundary and are included by reference in ASME Section XI (Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Note I (a)). 2) The stiffening channels are welded shut and shield the liner surface, which they enclose, from experiencing test pressures during ILRT and thus act as the containment pressure boundary in lieu of the liner surface. (See drawings l/2-CISI-1000, Sh. 11 for details).

1'rur N11rtli Cm1.rnlti111r.


  • 1*4fl I }iH7 4.flltJ6.tJ4 ll "'*"" "

IS/ Program P/a11 LaSalle Cou11ty Station U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-04 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:


Examination Category:

Item Number:


Component Number: Code Requirement MC IWE-2500-1 E-A El. I I Attachment Welds Various Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Accessible Surface Areas of Containment Surfaces, Note l(b) states that examination shall include the attachment welds between structural attachments and the pressure retaining boundary or reinforcing structure, except for structural and temporary attachments as defined in NE-4435 and minor permanent attachments as defined in CC-4543.4.

Position The following summarizes LSCS's position on inclusion of attachment welds for examination per Examination Category E-A requirements:

I) Non-Structural and Temporary Welds: Examples of these arc lifting lugs welded to Subsection IWE components and lightly loaded supports, such as insulation supports.

These welds arc excluded from the examination requirements or Examination Category E-A. 2) Structural Welds to Subsection IWE Components:

Exmnplcs or these welds arc process piping supports or lloor steel framing connections welded to containment liner embed plates. These welds arc considered to he part of the containment boundary surface and arc subject to the examination requirements or Examination Category E-A. hut arc not individually identified in the CISI Druwings.

3) Welds Between Suhscction IWE Components and Process Piping: Examples of these arc welds between pcnetrution sleeves and the associated process pipe. These welds arc considered to he part of the containment boundary surface and me subject to the cxmnination requirements of Examination Category E-A. hut arc not individually identified on the CISI Drawings.
4) l!llcrmcdhttc Welds Between lntcgrnl Attuchmcnt Wcld1' to Process Pjpini: nod Suhscction IWE Components:

Exmnplcs of these arc containment penetration to ring welds where the ring is ulso welded to the proccs1' pipe. These welds arc considered to he part of the containment houndary 1'Urfacc und urc Tr11c* N11rtl1 ('m1.rnltl111t.

/,/.(' 1-41 UiH ?.I.I Rfl6-fl4 Rr1*/.Jlm1 fl

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION 14T-04 Revision 0 subject to the examination requirements of Examination Category E-A, but are not individually identified in the CISI Drawings.

Tr11r .V11rtl1 Cm1.mlti111t.

/./.(' 1*41 l};H7".fHflfl.f14 Rr1*i.fim1 ti ISi Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TECHNICAL APPROACH AND POSITION I4T-05 Revision 0 Component Identification Code Class:


Examination Category:

Item Number: MC IWE-1200 NA NA


Component Number: Exclusion of Equipment Hatch and Personnel Air Lock Items Various Code Requirement IWE-1210 states that the examination requirements or Subsection IWE shall apply to ISi Class MC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments and to the metallic shell and penetration liners of ISi Class CC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments.

These examinations shall apply to surface areas, including welds and base metals. Position The Equipment Hatch and Personnel Air Lock have been identified as Subsection IWE components since they form portions of the containment leak tight barrier within their own penetrations.

These components each have an associated item which docs not meet the requirements or IWE-1210 and is therefore excluded from this progrnm. For the Equipment Hatch, this item is the overhead monornil support assembly and associated lifting lugs which arc welded to the hatch cover. The overhead monornil support assembly and associated lining lugs arc used only as a means to remove and install the Equipment Hatch and perform no other primary containment function as defined by this progrnm. For the Personnel Air Lock, this item is the mechanical locking mechanism.

The mechanical locking mechanism which opens and closes the door is only designed to seal the door against a pressure of 5 psig, while the door (i.e., door panel plus mounting hardware and lock) is designed for a containment accident pressure of 45 psig. Therefore, this component is excluded from the requirements of Subsection IWE. l"rru* ,\'11rtl1 C111u11/ti111:, /./.(" 1*4.1 /.SH14.fHll6*114 H1*1*/.d1111 II ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 3.0 COMPONENT ISi PLAN The LSCS Component ISi Plan includes ASME Section XI nonexempt pressure retaining welds, piping structural elements, pressure retaining bolting, welded attachments, pump casings, and valve bodies of ISi Class I, 2, and 3 components that meet the criteria of Subarticle IW A-1300. These components are identified on the P&ID's and C&ID's listed in Section 2.3, Tables 2.3-1 and 2.3-2. Procedure ER-AA-330-002 "Inservice Inspection of Section XI Welds and Components," implements the ASME Section XI welds and components program. This Component ISi Plan also includes augmented examination requirements specified by documents other than ASME Section XI as referenced in Section 2.2 of this document.

The RPV interior, interior attachments, and welded core support structures are inspected in accordance with the Reactor Internals Program per Relief Request 14R-02. 3.1 .Nonexempt ISi Class Components The LSCS ISi Class I, 2, and 3 nonexempt components subject to examination identified on P&ID's and C&ID's arc those which arc not exempted under the criteria of Paragraphs IWB-1220, IWC-1220, and IWD-1220 of ASME Section XI. (Note: those systems which provide reactor coolant makeup and application of the exemptions arc documented in Section 3.3 below.) A summary of the ASME Section XI nonexempt components is included in Section 7.0. The process for scoping LSCS components for inclusion in the Component ISi Plan is included in the applicahlc sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document.

3.1.1 ldcntilication

of ISi Class I, 2, and 3 Nonexempt Components ISi Class I, 2, *ind 3 nonexempt components arc identified on the ISi Isometrics and Component Drawings listed in Section 2.4, Tahle 2.4-1. Welded allachmcnts arc also identified hy controlled LSCS individual support dcwil drnwings.

3.1.2 Components

Exempt From Examination Certain components or parts of components may he exempted from examination hascd on design and accessihility per the requirements of Paragraphs JW B-1220, JWC-1220.

and IWD-1220. The process for exempting LSCS components from the Component ISi Plan per Parngraphs IWB-1220, IWC-1220, und IWD-1220 is included in the sections of the ISi Classilicution Basis Document.

These sections include discussions of exempt componenh und the hases for those exemptions.

1'rr1c* N11rtl1 l'm1.mlti11R, 1.1.l' .f. / UiH 7-1.f Rflft.fl4 Hr11i.fi1111 ti IS/ Program P/a11 LaSalle County Statio11 Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 3.2 Risk-Informed Examination Requirements Inspections of ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-1 and C-F-2 components have been exempted from ASME Section XI required inspections by Relief Request 14R-O I. This relief request allows for the implementation of a RI-ISi Program. Piping structural elements that fall under RI-ISi Examination Category R-A are risk ranked as High (I, 2, and 3), Medium (4 and 5), and Low (6 and 7). Per the EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657, Rev. B-A, TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A, and N-578-1, piping structural elements ranked as High or Medium Risk are subject to examination while piping structural elements ranked as Low Risk are not subject to examinations (except for pressure testing).

Thin wall welds that were excluded from volumetric examination under ASME Section XI rules per Table IWC-2500-1 are included in the piping structural element scope that is potentially subject to RI-ISi examination at LSCS. (LSCS has "thin wall" welds, but most of them were evaluated and ranked as Low Risk Category "6 or T'. Therefore, none of them were selected under RI-ISi.) Piping structural elements may be excluded from examination (other than pressure testing) under the RI-ISi Program if the only degradation mechanism present for a given location is inspected for cause under certain other LSCS programs such as the Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) or IGSCC Programs.

These piping structural clements will remain part of the assigned programs, which already perform "for cause" inspections to detect these degradation mechanisms.

Piping structural clements susccptihlc to FAC or IGSCC along with another degradation mechanism (e.g .* thermal fatigue) arc retained as part of the RI-ISi scope and arc included in the clement selection for the purpose of performing examinations to detect the additional degradation mechanism.

3.3 Reactor

Coolant Pressure Boundury Normal Make-up Calculation 3.3. I Purpose and Scope EGC lms determined through the calcuh1tion criteria of Paragraph IWB-l 220(a) that certain ISi Class 1 components, piping, and associated pumps, valves, vessels, (including their supports), which arc (I) Water Lines 1.505" ID and (2) Steam Lines 2.878" ID. and smaller arc exempt from the volumetric and surface examinations.

If a rupture occurred, there is suflicient normal makeup capm:ity using on-site emergency power. The purpose of this calculation i!\ to determine the inside dimneter of stemn und water lines which arc exempted from the volumetric und surfac.:e examination requirements of Suharticlc IWB-25<X>

per Parngrnph IWB-l 220(u). This section is u .rnmmary of calculution ATD-0204 (Reference 9.3.11 ). 1'r11t' .V11rt/1 C'mu11/ti1111, /./.(' .1-2 UiH 7./J Rtlfl-114 ti ISi Program P/a11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 3.3.2 Design Input System Reactor Core Isolation Control Rod Drive 3.3.3 Approach Normal Makeup Rate 600 gpm 130 gpm The exclusion diameter is the diameter at which the postulated flow rate from the break is equal to the makeup flow rate. The postulated flow rate s are based on the average system pressure in the reactor pre s sure vessel experienced under normal plant operation conditions.

The makeup flow rate is from systems which are not part of the emergency core cooling system and operate from on-site emergency power. At LSCS, the systems which meet this criteria are the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) and Control Rod Drive Return (CRDR). Note that RCIC docs not perform an ECCS function, therefore, this system meets the ASME Section XI criteria for inclusion as a makeup source under Paragraph IWB-I 220(a). This same approach applies to the alternative requirements of Paragraph IW A-4131.1 (a)(2). 3.3.4 Calculations Dclinition of Terms D exclusion inside diameter for a one-sided break, in inches 0 2 exclusion in s ide diameter for a two-sided break, in inches Q llow rate of makeup in-lb/min. w llow rate from a line break, lb/min.-in 2 Calculations Set makeup llow e4ual to the hreak llow, solve equation for diameter:

Q=wA A= (7t/4)0 2 Q = w (7t/4)0 2 D = 2 x ( Qnw )0 Calculating the exdusion diameter:

for water. D = 2 x (59K9.5/n 3367.K7)11 = 1.505 in. for steam. D = 2 x C59K9.5/n 921.01 )'1 = 2.878 in . 7'r11c* North C'tm.t11ltl111t.

/./.(' .t-.r ViX7".fRll6-tl4 Nr1*/.,le111 ti ISi Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval The diameters above apply only for a one-sided break. For two-sided break the diameter given above must be divided by the square root of 2. LSCS's current Fourth Interval ISi Program does not have any regions of question where two-sided breaks are applicable at the given size exemptions. 3.3.5 Results The exclusion inside diameters for water and steam lines are given below: Phase of fluid Saturated steam Saturated water 1'rm* .\'11rtl1 C't111.mlti111t.

I.I.<* Diameter (D) (inches) one-sided break 2.878 1.505 t;H?./.J Hllft.tl4 lll'l'i.f/1111 "

/SI Program Plan LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 4.0 SUPPORT ISi PLAN (CM-11) The LSCS Support ISi Plan includes the supports of ASME Section XI nonexempt ISi Class l, 2, 3, and MC components as described in Section 3.0. Procedure ER-AA-330-003 "lnservice Inspection of Section XI Component Supports," implements the ASME Section XI Support ISi Plan. 4.1 Nonexempt ISi Class Supports The LSCS ISi Class l, 2, 3, and MC nonexempt supports are those which do not meet the exemption criteria of Paragraph IWF-1230 of ASME Section XI. A summary of the ASME Section XI nonexempt supports is included in Section 7.0. 4.1.1 Identification of ISi Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Nonexempt Supports ISi Class I, 2, 3, and MC nonexempt supports are identified on the ISi Isometrics and Component Drawings listed in Section 2.4, Table 2.5. Supports arc identified by controlled LSCS individual support detail drawings.

4.2 Snubber

Examination and Testing Requirements Snuhhcrs arc installed on safety related and non-safety related systems at LSCS Units I and 2 lo ensure the continued structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and other saf cty related systems following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads. Snuhhcrs installed on non-safety related systems may he included if their failure or failure of the system on which they arc installed would have an adverse effect on any safety related system. 4.2.1 As allowed hy IOCFR50.55a(h)(3)(v)(B), LSCS will use Suhscction ISTD. "lnservice Testing of Dynamic Restraints (Snuhhers)

In Light Water Reactor Power Plants," ASME Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants Code (ASME OM Code). 2004 Edition through the 2006 Addenda, to meet the visual examination (ISTD-4000), functional testing (ISTD-5()()()).

and service life monitoring (ISTD-6()()())

requirements for safety related and non-safety related snuhhers.

This approach is consistent with ASME Section XI. Paragraph IWF-1220.

which excludes inservice inspection of snuhhcrs and defers to the ASME OM Code for vismll examination.

functional testing, and service life monitoring requ i remcnts. 4.2.2 The ASME Section XI visual examination houndary of a support contuining u snuhhcr is defined in Figure IWF-D<X>-1( f). Thi!\ boundary docs not include the snuhher pin-to-pin und docs not include the connections to the !-inuhher (pins) per Parngruph IWF-I 300(h). Trt1t' N11rt/1 C1111.rnlti11Jl, /,/.(' .,. , UiH1./.fHtl6°fl./

Nt'1°i.,im1 ti ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval This results in the remaining ASME Section XI requirements for VT-3 visual examination of the snubber attachment hardware including bolting and clamps, also referred to as "pin-out".

The ASME Section XI ISi Program uses Subsection IWF to define the inspection requirements for all ISi Class 1, 2, 3, and MC supports, regardless of type. The ISi Program maintains the ISi Class snubbers in the support populations subject to inspection per Subsection IWF. This is done to facilitate scheduling, preparation including insulation removal, and inspection requirements of the snubber attachment hardware (e.g., bolting and clamps). The visual examination and functional testing of the snubber body and extension, also referred to as "pin-in, will be performed in accordance with the Snubber Program. It should be noted that the examination of snubber welded attachments will be performed in accordance with the ASME Section XI Subsections IWB, IWC, and IWD welded attachment examination requirements (e.g., Examination Categories B-K, C-C, and D-A). "l'r11t N11rtl1 l't111rnlti111l, 1.1.l' ./-1 V\H7"JRflfJ.fl./

R,.1*Mt111 fJ

/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11terval


PRESSURE TESTING ISi PLAN The LSCS System Pressure Testing ISi Plan includes pressure retaining ASME Section XI, ISi Class 1, 2, and 3 components, with the exception of those specifically exempted by Paragraphs IW A-51 lO(c), IWC-5222(b), and IWD-5222(c).

RI-ISi piping structural elements, regardless of risk classification, remain subject to pressure testing as part of the current ASME Section XI program. The SPT ISi Plan performs system pressure tests and required VT-2 visual examinations on the ISi Class 1, 2, and 3 pressure retaining components to verify system and component structural integrity.

This program conducts both Periodic and Interval (10-Year frequency) pressure tests as defined in ASME Section XI Inspection Program. Procedure ER-AA-330-001, "Section XI Pressure Testing," as well as LSCS site-specific test procedures, implement the ASME Section XI System Pressure Testing ISi Plan. This System Pressure Testing ISi Plan also includes Augmented Examination Program requirements as referenced in Section 2.2 of this document.

5.1 ISi Class Systems All ISi Class 1 pressure retaining components, typically defined as the reactor coolant pressure boundary, are required to be tested. Those portions of IS I Class 2 and 3 systems that arc required to be tested include the pressure retaining boundaries of components required to operate or support the system safety functions.

ISi Class 2 open ended discharge piping and components arc excluded from the examination requirements per Paragraph IWC-5222(b).

ISi Class 3 open ended discharge piping and components arc subject to examination requirements per Paragraph IWD-5222(b).

Also, Paragraph IWA 5244 defines buried component pressure testing methods. ASME Interpretation Xl-1-10-06 clarifies that Paragraph IW A-5244 only applies lo buried components that fall within the boundaries or Paragraphs IWC-5222 and IWD-5222, and thus buried component testing is not required for open ended disclrnrge piping when the buried section is beyond the last shutoff valve. 5.1. I Identification of ISi Class I, 2. and .3 Components Components subject to ASME Section XI System Pressure Testing arc shown within the ISi classification llags on the P&ID's and C&ID's listed in Section 2 . .3. Tables 2 . .3-1 and 2 . .3-2. Additional information on the classilication of various system Code hmmdaries is provided in the ISi Classification Basis Document.

5. 1.2 Identification or System Pressure Tests Individual system pressure tests and system pressure lest segments urc identified und nmintaincd in the LSCS ISi Datahasc.

1'r111* ,\'11rtl1 Cm1m/1i11R.

1.1.C UiH7./.fRtl6*114 Hrvl.fi1111 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth fllterval 5.2 Risk-Informed Examinations of Socket Welds Socket welds selected for examination tmder the RI-ISi Program are to be inspected with a VT-2 visual examination each refueling outage per Relief Request 14R-01 and N-578-1 (see footnote 12 in Table 1 of the Code Case). To facilitate this, socket welds selected for inspection under the RI-ISi Program are pressurized each refueling outage during a system pressure test in accordance with Paragraph IW A-5211 (a). Triu* Nt1rt/1 Cm1.rnl1i111t.

I.I.<' U\H74.fRllf>-llol R,. 1*/.fitm fl

/SI Program Plan lASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 6.0 CONTAINMENT ISi PLAN All references to ASME Section XI in this section are taken from the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda for CISI, unless otherwise stated. This portion of the ISi Program Plan Document represents the LSCS Third Ten-Year CISI Interval for ISi Class MC and CC components as discussed in Section 6.1 below. The LSCS Containment ISi Plan includes ASME Section XI ISi Class MC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments (including the ISi Class CC metal liner}, and ISi Class CC components and structures, and post-tensioning systems that meet the criteria of Subarticle IWA-1300.

This Containment ISi Plan also includes information related to augmented examination areas, component accessibility, and examination review. The inspection of containment structures, components, and post-tensioning systems arc performed per procedures ER-AA-330-005, "Visual Examination of Section XI Class CC Concrete Containment Structures," ER-AA-330-006, "lnscrvice Inspection and Testing of the Pre-Stressed Concrete Containment Post Tensioning Systems," and ER-AA-330-007, "Visual Examination of Section XI Class MC Surfaces and Class CC Liners." In addition, site speci fie procedures arc used to complete more complex surveillances such as tendon testing. 6.1 Nonexempt ISi Class Components The LSCS ISi Class MC and CC components identified on the CISI Reference Drawings arc those not exempted under the criteria of Paragrnphs IWE-1220 and IWL-1220 in the 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda of ASME Section XI. A summary of the ASME Section XI nonexempt CISI components is included in Section 7 .0. The process for scoping LSCS components for inclusion in the Containment ISi Plan is included in the containment sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document.

These sections include a listing and detailed hasis for inclusion of containment components.

Components that arc classified as ISi Class MC and CC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments must meet the rcl1uirements of ASME Section XI in accordance with IOCFRS0.5Sa(g)(4). ISi Class MC supprn1s of Suhscction IWE components arc not required to he examined in accordance with I OCFRSO.S5a(g)( 4 )( v ). Corrosion protection mutcriul he returned following Concrete and Tendon repair and rcplm:ement pictures per the Qm1lity Assumncc (QA) re,1uiremcnts of Suh.article IW A-1400. 'l'r11c* N 11rtl1 Ccm.rnlti1111, /./.(' UiH1./.IRll6°fl./

R r 1*i.fi1111 II JS/ Program Pla11 LaSalle Cou11ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval 6. l. l Identification of ISi Class MC and CC Nonexempt Components ISi Class MC and CC components are identified on the CISI Reference Drawings listed in Section 2.4, Table 2.4-2. 6.1.2 Identification of ISi Class MC and CC Exempt Components Certain containment components or parts of components may be exempted from examination based on design and accessibility per the requirements of Paragraphs IWE-1220 and IWL-1220. The process for exempting LSCS components from the Containment ISi Plan per Paragraphs IWE-1220 and IWL-1220 is included in the containment sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document.

These sections include discussions of exempt components and the bases for those exemptions.

6.2 Augmented

Examinations Areas The containment sections of the ISi Classification Basis Document discuss the containment design and components. Metal containment surface areas suhject to accelerated degradation and aging require augmented examination per Examination Category E-C and Paragraph IWE-1240. Similarly, concrete surfaces may he suhject to Detailed Visual examination in accordance with Item Numher L 1.12 and Paragraph IWL-231 O(h ), if declared to he 'Suspect Areas'. A significant condition is a condition that is identified as re4uiring application of mklitional augmented examination requirements under Paragraphs IWE-1240 or IWL-2310.

No significant conditions were identified in the First and Second CISI Intervals and no significant conditions arc currently identified in the Third CISI Interval as requiring application or additional augmented examination requirements under Paragraph IWE-1240 or IWL-2310.

6.3 Component

Acccssihility IS I C'lass MC and CC components suhjcct to examination shall remain accessihlc for either direct or remote examination from at le.ast one side per the re4uirements or ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWE-1230.

Paragraph IWE-1231(u)(3) requires or the pressure-retaining houndary wm. acccl'isihle after construction to renrnin uccessihle for either direct or remote visual examination, from ut least one side of the vessel, for the life of the plunt. 1'rt1c* N11rt/1 C.111mlti111t.

/./.( * / .. 'iH74.f Rtl6*114 Hc*vi."" II IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth /llterval Portions of components embedded in concrete or otherwise made inaccessible during construction are exempted from examination, provided that the requirements of ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWE-1232 have been fully satisfied.

In addition, inaccessible surface areas exempted from examination include those surface areas where visual access by line of sight with adequate lighting from permanent vantage points is obstructed by permanent plant structures, equipment, or components; provided these surface areas do not require examination in accordance with the inspection plan, or augmented examination in accordance with Paragraph IWE-1240.

6.4 Responsible

Individual and Engineer ASME Section XI Subsection IWE requires the Responsible Individual to be involved in the development, performance, and review of the CISI examinations. The Responsible Individual shall meet the requirements of ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWE-2320.

ASME Section XI Subsection IWL requires the Responsible Engineer to be involved in the development, approval, and review of the CISI examinations. The Responsible Engineer shall meet the requirements of ASME Section XI, Paragraph IWL-2330.

1'r11r .V11rtl1 C1111.rnlti111t.

/./.(' f> ** f UiH 7" .flUlf>-114 llr1*M1111 ti

/SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth /11terval



TABLES 7.1 Inservice Inspection Summary Tables Examination Category (with Examination Category Description)

(1) Tables 7 .1-1 and 7 .1-2 provide a summary of the ASME Section XI pressure retaining components, supports, containment structures, metal liners, tensioning systems, system pressure testing, and augmented examination program components for the Fourth ISi Interval and the Third CISI Interval at LSCS Units I, 2, and Common. If a particular examination category and item number do not apply to LSCS, they are not included in these tables. The format of the lnservice Inspection Summary Tables is as depicted below and provides the following information:

Item Number Description Exam Total Number Approved Relief Notes (or Risk Requirements of Components Request/ TAP Category or by System Number Augmented Number) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (I) Examination Category (with Examination Category Description)

Provides the examination category and description as identified in ASME Section XI, Tahles IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, IWD-2500-1, IWE-2500-1, IWF-2500-1, and IWL-2500-1.

Only those examination categories applicahlc to LSCS arc identilied.

Examination Category "R-A" from N-578-1 is used in lieu of ASME Section XI Examination Categories B-F. B-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2 to identify ISi Class 1 and 2 piping structural clements for the RI-ISi Program. Examination Category "NA" is used to identify Augmented Examination Programs and other LSCS commitments.

(2) Item Numhcr (or Risk Category Numhcr or Augmented Numhcr) Provides the item numhcr as idcntilicd in ASME Section XI, Tahlcs IWB-2500-1. IWC-2500-l, IWD-25<X>-l.

IWE-2500-1. IWF-25<X>-t.

and IWL-25<X>-1.

Only those item numhers applicahlc to LSCS arc identified.

For piping structural clements under the RI-ISi Program. the Risk Category Numhcr (e.g .. I through 5) is used in place of the item numhcr. Specilic ahhrcviutions such as BWRVIP, BWROG, IGSCC. t<K'FR, 0737, und TRM2 I a arc used to identify Augmented Exami1mtion Program!\

and other LSCS commitments.

1'r111* .\'11rt/1 Cc111rnlti11Jl, I.I.<* 7-1 UiH7 4.f Rllf>*tl4 Rt'1*Mcm ti

/SI Program Plan IASa//e Co11nty Station Units I & 2, Fo11rtli Interval (3) Item Number (or Risk Category Number or Augmented Number) Description Provides the description as identified in ASME Section XI, Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, IWD-2500-1, IWE-2500-1, IWF-2500-1, and IWL-2500-l.

For RI-ISi piping structural elements, a description of the Risk Category Number is provided.

For Augmented Examination Program commitments, a description of the augmented basis is provided. ( 4) Examination Requirements Provides the examination methods required by ASME Section XI, Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, IWD-2500-1, IWE-2500-1, IWF-2500-1 and IWL-2500-1.

Provides the examination requirements for piping structural clements under IS I that are in accordance with the EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657, Rev. B-A, TR-1006937, Rev. 0-A, and N-578-l. Provides the examination requirements for Augmented Examination Program components from LSCS commitments.

The examination requirements dcscrihcd in this document arc rcllccted in the ISi Datahasc code pages. (5) Total Numhcr or Components hy System Provides the system designator (ahhrcviations).

Sec Section 2.3, Tahlcs 2.3-1 and 2.3-2 for a list or these systems. This column also provides the numher or components within a particular system for that Item Numhcr. Risk Category Numher. or Augmented Numhcr. Note that the total numhcr of components hy system arc suhjcct to change after completion of plant modilications, design changes. ISi system classilication updates, and will he maintained within the ISi Database.

(6) Approved Relief Rcquestffechnical Approach and Position Numher Provides a listing of apprnved Relief Requestfl'AP Numhers upplicuhle to specilic component!'>, the ASME Section XI Item Numher, Risk Category Numhcr, or Augmented Numher. Relief Requests and TAP Numhers that generically .ipply to all components.

or an entire d.iss arc not listed. If a Relief Rc,1ucstfl'AP Numher is identilicd.

sec the corresponding relief re(1ucst in Section K.O or the TAP Numhcr in Sel*tion 2 . .S of this document.

1-2 Rr1*/.d11t1 fl IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth lllterval (7) Notes Provides a listing of program notes applicable to the ASME Section XI Item Number, Risk Category Number, or Augmented Number. If a program note number is identified, see the corresponding program note in Table 7.1-3. 1"r11r ,\'11rt/1 C1111mlti11R.

1.1.C 7., f UiH74.1RtJr..lJ4 Hl't'iJim1 IJ Eumimtioa Category f widl Eumiaatioa Catrgory Number I . . , B*A B l.II Pre.st1re Retaining Wdds 81.12 1n Reactor V c..-ssd Bl.21 Bl.22 81.30 BIAO B-D 83.90 Full Pendralion W clds o fNouh i n Vessd s 83.100 Tn1e .\<<tit C01Ulllli11K.

U£ /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I & CO:\l:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Description Exam Requirements Circumfc:rcntial Shell Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Lon2itudinal Shell Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Circumfc:rential Head Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Meridional Head Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Shcll-to-Aan2e Weld (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Head-to-Flange Weld (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric

& Surface Noule-to-Vesscl Welds (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Noule Inside Radius Section (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric or Visual. VT-I 7-4 Total Number of Components by System RPV: 5 RPV: 15 RPV: 4 RPV: 30 RPV: I RPV: I RPV: 33 RPV: 33 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-05 13 14R-05 13 9 14R-09 7 14R-09 8 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0

/SI Program Plan IASal/e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &



TABLE Fumiutioa Catq:ory Item Description Exam I witt. Fuminatioa Number Requirements B-G-1 Closure Head Nuts <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I B6.::!0 Closure Studs I Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Bolung. Grea1er Than B6AO Threads in Flange <Reactor Vessel) Volumetric

! m. In Diameter B6.50 Closure Washers <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I B6.l 80 Bolts & Studs (Pumps) Volumetric B6.190 Flange Surface. when connection disassembled (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!00 Nuts. Bushings. and Washers (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!IO Bolts & Studs (Valves) Volumetric 86 . .:!::!0 Flange Surface. when connection disassembled (Valves) Visual. VT-I 86.::!30 Nuts. Bushings.

and Washers (Valves) Visual. VT-I T,..e .\'"'1/r C011SllltiltK, LJ£ 7-5 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: 68 (68 Nuts) RPV: 68 (68 Studs) RPV: 68 (68 Threaded Holes) RPV: 68 (Washers)

RRA: I ( 16 Bolts) RRB: I (16 Bolts) RRA: I RRB: I RRA: I (16 Nuts, Bushings , Washers) RRB: I (16 Nuts, Bushin.!!.s.

Washers) RRA:2 RRB: 2 RRA:2 RRB:2 RRA:2 RRB: 2 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &



TABLE Fumimlioll Catqory Item Description Exam I widl EHmimtioa Number Requirements DescriDtioa

> B-G-! B750 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s <Pipmg) Visual. VT-I R'""taining Bolting. :? in. and In Diamc1er B7.70 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s (Vah*cs) Visual. VT-I T"'e .\"onla Co1UaltinK.

U.C 7-6 Total Number of Components by System MSA:4 MSB: 5 MSC: 5 MSD:4 NB: I RI: 5 RPV: I RRA: 2 RRB: 2 RT: 2 FWA:2 FWB:2 HP: 2 LP: I MSA:4 MSB: 7 MSC: 6 MSD:4 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RHC: I RI: 2 RRA: 3 RRB: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 1, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &



TABLE fHmimlioa Catqory Description Exam cwida [umiucioa Number Requirements 1.>esa:.,::...1 B-K BIO.ID Wcldt.-d Attachments (Pressure Vessels) Surface or \\' ddal Attachments Volumetric for Vcs..<;c:ls.

Pipmg. B IO.:!O Wcldt.-d Attachments (Piping) Surface Pumps. anJ Vaht.-s 810.30 Welded Attachments (Pumps) Surface Trae .\*""11 CtHUllltUrK.

UC 7-7 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV:7 FWA:6 FWB:6 HP:4 LP: 4 MS: I MSA:4 MSB: 6 MSC: 5 MSD:4 RHA:8 RHB: 8 RHC: 6 RHSDC: 1 RI: 15 RR: I RRA: I RRB: I RT: 2 RRA: I RRB: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-03 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &



TABLE Euminatioa Catqory Description Exam

  • wilh Examination Category Requirements

_ _;__) B*L-2 8 1 2.2 0 Pump Cas i ng (Pump s) V is ual. VT-3 PumD Ca.-.i ngs B-M-2 8 1 25 0 Vahc Body CExct."\.-d i ng NPS -l) (Val\'CS)

Visual. VT-3 Vahc Bodk.-s Tn" .\'Olflr C011Slllli11K.

UC 7-8 Total Number of Components by System RRA: I RRB: I FWA:3 FWB:3 HP: 3 LP: 3 MSA:4 MSB: 7 MSC: 6 MSD:4 RHA: 8 RHB: 6 RHC: 3 RHSDC: 3 RI: 4 RRA: 3 RRB: 3 RT: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0

IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &



TABLE buMnatioa Description Exam c with Examination NulDMr Requirements I . .. ) B-N-1 BIJ.10 Vessd Interior (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 lnteri<>r of Rc:actor V 8-N-.:! B 13 . .:!0 Interior Attachments Within Beltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-I Welded Con: Vessel> Support Smk.1ures and Interior 81330 Interior Attachments Beyond Beltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-3 AnachmcnLc; to V\.-ssel)

Reactor Vessels Bl3AO Core Support Structure (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 Tn,, .\'onle CtHUllllin8.

U£ 7-9 Total Number of Components by System RPV: I JPI: I RPV: I FW: I HP: I LP: I RD: I RPV: 7 SC: I RD: I RPV: 4 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I4R-02 JO 14R-02 JO 14R-02 JO 14R-02 10 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT l & C0:\1:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Egminalioa Item Description Exam C with Eumiutioa Number Requirements u_.:_:__l 8-0 81-UO Welds in CRD Housing (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric or Prnsun: Retaining Welds in ( I O'k of Peripheral CRD Housings to he inspected.

40 of Surface Cootrol Rod Housings the 185 CRD Housings arc identified as peripheral) (CM-2) 8-P 815.10 Pressure Retaining Components


Visual. VT-2 All System Leakage Test (IW8-5220) (Outage) Rcummg ComponcnL" Bl5 . .:!0 Pressure Retaining Components


Visual. VT-2 Leakage Test (IWB-5:!20) (Interval)

True .\'Ol"lla C011S*llinK.

U..C 7-10 Total Number of Components by System RD: I (40 Peripheral CRD Housings with 2 Welds Each) FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT SC FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT Approved Notes Relief RequesU TAP Number 14 14T-OI 14T-02 14T-OI I4T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &



TABLE £ ... **tioa Item Description Exam f witb EumiMtioa Category Number Requirements Desainlioa)

C-A Cl.IO Shell Cin:umfercntial Welds (Pressure Vessels) Volumetric Pr\.-s.surc:

Retaining Welds in Pr\."!'sure VCS!iCls cuo T uhcslk.-ct-10-Shcll-W clds (Pressure Vessels) Volume1ric C-8 C:!.21 Noale-10-Shcll (Nozzle lo Head or Nozzle 10 Nozzle) Volumelric


Relaining Welds Without Reinforcing Plale. Greater Than 1/2" Surface Nonie Welds in Nominal Thickness

<Pressure Vessels) Vessels C2.22 Noale Inside Radius Sec1ion Wi1hou1 Reinforcing Plale. Volumetric Grealer Than 1/2" Nominal Thickness (Pressure Vessels) C-C Wcldt.-d Anachmcn1s

<Pressure Vessels) Surface Welded Anachmcnt.s for \'

Piping. Weldt.-d AnachmcnlS

<Piping) Surface Pump-.. and W cldt.-d Anachmcnts (Pumps) Surface Tn1e -'"°""

LLC 7-JI Total Number of Components by System RHA: 4 RHB:4 RHA: I RHB: I RHA: 2 RHB: 2 RHA: 2 RHB: 2 RHA: 24 RHB: 24 FWA: I FWB: I HG:7 HP: 13 LP: II MS: 2 MSA:4 MSB: 4 MSC: 3 MSD:3 RHA: 22 RHB: 20 RHC: 8 HP: I LP: I RHA: I RHB: I RHC: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I &



TABLE Esamimlioa Category Item Description Exam j witll En...m.tion Cateiory Number Requirements

!.. . . ) C-H C7.IO Pressure Retaining Components Visual. VT-2 All Leakage Test (IWC-5220) (Periodic)

Rdalmng Component" True .\'twdt CotUtdtUrK.

UC 7-12 Total Number of Components by System CM ES FW HP HG IN LP MS NB PS RD RH RI RR RT VG Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-06 14R-07 14R-08 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Stalion Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &



TABLE Euminatioa Item Description Exam f with faamimtioa Number Requirements

!.,. __ :_..:__, D-A DI.IO Wcldt.-d Attachments (Pressure Vessels) Visual. VT-I Wckkd Ataachmcnts for V t.>s..<iels.

Piping. DL!O W cldt.-d Attachments (Piping) Visual. VT-I Pumps. and \'ah es DUO Wcldt.-d Attachments (Pumps) Visual. VT-I D-B 02.10 Pressure Retaining Components Visual. VT-2 All Pressure System Leakage Test (IWD-5220) (Periodic)

Rcwnrng ComponenL'i TTlle .\'onlt C01UrdtUIK.

U.C 7-13 Total Number of Components by System DG: l+I HP: I DG: 12+8 HP: 13 MSA: 20 MSB: 49 MSC: 39 MSD: 19 RHA: 21 RHB: 1 2 DG: l+I HP: I RHA: 2 RHB: 2 cs cs DG HP LP MS RH VY Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 2 2 2 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

EuMnatioe Category ltrm C with [nminatioa Category Number I . . >> E-A El.I I Con1ainmcn1 El.I.:! El . .:!O E-C E-Ul Ct>rllainmcnl Requiring E-U.:! Augmcnled E.umina1ion E-G I ElUO R"...Unin2 Boltin2 Tra1 .\'onlt Co11Stdlilr8.

LLC IS/ Program Plan County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 & CO:\l:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Description Exam Requirements Coniainmcnt Vessel Pressure Re1aining Boundary -General Visual Accessihle Surface Areas Con1ainmcn1 Vessel Pressure Relaining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 We1tt.-d Surfaces of Suhmcn?ed Areas Con1ainmcn1 Vessel Pressure Re1aining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 BWR Vent Accessihk Surface Areas Coniainmcnt Surface Areas -Visihle Surfaces Visual. VT-I Containment Surface Area.-; -Surface Area Grid Volume1ric Minimum Wall Thickness Localion (Ultrasonic Thickness)

Boht.-d Conlk.-clions Visual. VT-I 7-14 Total Number of Components 293 13 154 0 0 64 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14T-03 I4T-04 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT l &



TABLE Eullliutioa Category Item Description Exam cwi lb Esamiaatioa Catqor,* Number Requirements


f*A fl.10 Class I Piping Supporu. Visual. VT-3 Support." T,..e .\"onll Consalti*K*

U£ 7-15 Total Number of Components by System FWA: 15 FWB: 14 HP: 12 LP:9 MS: JO MSA: 12 MSB: 17 MSC: 15 MSD: 12 NB: 5 RHA: 20 RHB: 19 RHC: JO RHSDC: 9 RI: 37 RR: 13 RRA: 15 RRB: JO RT: 28 SC: 1 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT I & CO:\l:\ION INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Esaaoimtion Item Description Exam I widl Eumimtioa Cateiory Number Requirements l>esmnlioa)

F-A Fl.10 Class 1 Piping Suppons Vi s ual. VT-3 Sup('<lrls 1Con1inued, Class 3 Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 Tn,, .\"<<tit COllSiJtilrK, LLC 7-16 Total Number of Components by System FWA2 FWB2 HG:66 HP: 33 LP:41 MS: 20 MSA: 10 MSB: 14 MSC: 14 MSD: 10 RHA: 76 RHB: 69 RHC: 40 DG: 82+34 HP: 37 MSA: 35 MSB: 85 MSC: 71 MSD: 42 RHA: 46 RHB: 24 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I I 2 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &



TABLE Eumi-lioa ltrm Description Exam Cwla £nmiulioa Catqory Number Requirements Desc:rintioa) f*A FIAO Suppons Other Than Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 Supporb (Clas.s I. :!. 3. and MC) cCorninlk.-d)

True .Vonlt UC 7-17 Total Number of Components by System DG: 2+2 HP: I LP: I PC: 13 RHA:4 RHB:6 RHC: I RPV: I RRA: 10 RRB: 10 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I 2 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Examination ltrm I with Esa.._tioa

!.. . . t L-A LI.I I C oncn.-tc:

Surfaces LI. I:! L-B L:!.10 l'nt>.>ndcJ Pos1-T c:nsiomng S) stem L:!.:!O L:!.30 L:!AO L:!.50 True .\" onlt LLC /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT l &



TABLE Description Exam Requirements Concrete Surfaces -General Visual All Accessible Surface Areas Concrete Surfaces -Detailed Visual SUSPl-"Ct Areas (No SusJ)l.."Ct Areas Identified)

Tendon IWL-2522 Tendon Force Measurement Tendon -IWL-2523.2 Wire or Strand Sample Examination and Testing Tendon -Detailed Visual Anchorage Hardware and Surrounding Concrete (One anchorage on each end of tendon) Tendon -IWL-2525.2(a). Corrosion Proh .. "Ction Medium IWL-2526 (Samples taken from each tendon end) Corrosion Protection Analysis Tendon -IWL-25 25 .2( b) Fn.-c Water Free Water (Samples taken from each tendon end) Analysis 7-18 Total Number of Components 24 ----307 307 614 614 614 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-04 14R-04 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

ISi Program Plan LaSalle Count)* Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &



TABLE Fumimtioa Catqo')* Risk Description Exam I with fumjwatioa Catq:o')* Catego')* Requirements Desainlioa>>

Number R*A I Risk Category I Piping Structural Elements See Notes RW.-lnformeJ Piping E.ummations 2 Risk Category 2 Piping Structural Elements See Notes .1 Risk Category 3 Piping Structural Elements See Notes ... Risk Category -' Piping Structural Elements See Notes Ttwe .\'onlt COllS*llillK.

UC 7-19 Total Number of Components by Svstem FWA: 15 FWB: 15 RHA: I RHB: I FWA:6 FWB: 6 HP: 6 LP: 6 RI: I FWA:4 FWB:4 RHA:2 RHB: 3 HP: 31 LP:6 MS: 38 MSA: 56 MSB: 65 MSC: 62 MSD: 57 RHA: 24 RHB: 27 RHC: II RHSDC: 2 RI: 22 RR: I RRA: 22 RRB: 22 RT: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 faaminacioa Category Risk I with EnmiPacioa Catqory Category I . .

  • Number R*A 5 R is k-lnform:d Pip i ng E uminations 1 C ont i ntk.-d I True .\'onlr CtHUlllliltK.

U.C /SJ Program Plan LaSalle Counly Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-1 UNIT 1 &



TABLE Description Exam Requirements R is k 5 Piping Structural Elcmcms Sec Notes 7-20 Total Number of Components by System HP: 3 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RI: 9 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 JS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1*1 UNIT I &



TABLE Eumiaalioll Aug Description Exam t wi .. Eumimlioa Catqory Number Requirements NA BWRVlP BWRVlP ln-n: s sd Inspections (IGSCC Management Various Augmented Pro2ram BWR Vessel Internals and Pioin2 Comoonents)

Components BWR<XJ BWR Ft.>t.-dwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Volumetri c Nor.zle Cracking Components (NUREG-0619 and BWROG)

IGSCC lntergranular Stress Corro s ion Cracking (IGSCC) in BWR Volumetric Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Component s. TR-113932 , .. B\VR Ve s sel and Internals Project. Technical Basis for Re,*ision s to Generic Lener 88-0 I Inspection Schedules c BWRVIP-75>:* and TR-1012621.

    • BWR Vessel and Internal s Projt.'Cl.

T t.-chnical Basis for Revisions to Generic Lener 88-01 lnspt.-ction Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A f" J OCFR Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Welds Volumetric ( IOCFR50.55a(2)(6)(ii)(A).

Final Rule) MEB31 Examination of High Energ y Circumferential and Volumetric or Longitud i nal Piping \Velds <MEB 3-1. UFSAR 3.6.1 and Surface 3.6.2) 0737 Leak Te s ting and Periodic Visual Examinations of Systems Visual. VT-2 Outside of Primary Containment Which Could Contain Highly Radioacti,*e Fluid s During a Serious Transient or Accident cNUREG 0737) TRM21a Pressure Testing of the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System Visual. VT-2 Dc s ignt.-d to ASME Section III. Subsection ND ( LCiCS T t.>ehnical Reouireroi!nts Manual Section 2.1.a) Tr*t .\"otflr C01U"'1iltK.

LLC 7-21 Total Number of Components by System In accordance with BWRVIP FWA:3 FWB: 3 RPV: 6 Category B: 1 2 5 C ategor y C: 2 8 RPV: 20 NA HG HP LP RH RI RT DO Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 1 4 R-0 2 I O 1 1 14R-OI 4 14R-05 13 6 14T-OI LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Examination Category Item Description Exam c with Eumiaalioa Category Requirements u_.: _ _:_, B*A Bl.I I Circumferential Shell Welds (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric Retain i n! Wdd s BI.I:! Lon2i1udinal Shell Welds (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric i n Rear..1or V esse l Bl . .:!I Circumfercn1ial Head Welds (Reac1or Vessel) Volume1ric Bl.:!:! Meridional Head Welds (Reac1or Ve s sel) Volumelric 8130 Shcll-10-Flan2e Weld (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric B 1.40 Head-10-Flange Weld (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric

& Surface B-0 83.90 NoT.zle-10-V esscl Weld s (Reac1or Vessel) Volumelric F ull Penetralion Weld s o f Sozzles i n \'cs..-.e ls 83.100 Noule Inside Radius Sc:c1ion (Reaclor Vessel) Volumelric or Visual. VT-I T,..e .\"anlt C011Sldlit1K, LLC 7-22 Total Number of Components by System RPV: 4 RPV: 12 RPV: 2 RPV: 14 RPV: 1 RPV: I RPV:: n RPV: 33 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-05 13 14R-05 13 9 14R-09 7 14R-09 8 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan lASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Esamimtiotl Description Exam t witb Eumimtioa Category NulllMr Requirements

!.. . . ) 8-G*I 86.IO Closure Head Nuts <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I 86.::!0 Closure Studs (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric Bollin!!.

Grealc."f Than 86AO Threads in Flange (Reactor Vessel) Volumetric

! m. In Diameter 86.50 Closure Washers <Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-I B6.180 Bolts & Studs (Pumps) Volumetric B6.190 Flange Surface. when conlk.-ction disa.-;sembled (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!00 Nuts. Bushings.

and Washers (Pumps) Visual. VT-I B6.::!IO Bolts & Studs (Valves) Volumetric B6.::!::!0 Flange Surface. when connection disassembled (Valves) Visual. VT-I B6.::!30 NuL'i. Bushings.

and Washers (Valves) Visual. VT-I True .\'onlt COllSaltiaK.

I.LC 7-23 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: 76 (76 Nuts) RPV: 76 (76 Studs) RPV: 76 (76 Threaded Holes) RPV: 76 (76 Washers) RRA: I ( 16 Bolts) RRB: I ( 16 Bolts) RRA: I RRB: I RRA: I ( 16 Nuts, Bushings, Washers) RRB: I (16 Nuts, Bushings.

Washers) RRA: 2 RRB:2 RRA: 2 RRB: 2 RRA: 2 RRB: 2 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan UiSal/e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Eumiaatioa Item Description Exam I witb fnmiutioa Catqo11* Number Requirements

  • . -* ) 8-G-:! 87.50 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s <Piping) Visual. VT-I Retaining lklfling. in. and In Diamc1&."f B7.70 Bohs. S1uds. & Nu1s (Vahcs) Visual. VT-I Tf'tle .\'ortlt Co1ts*llilrK.

LLC 7-24 Total Number of Components by System MSA:4 MSB:5 MSC:5 MSD:4 NB: I RI: 5 RPV: I RRA:2 RRB:2 RT: 2 FWA:2 FWB:2 HP: 2 LP: I MSA:4 MSB: 7 MSC:6 MSD:4 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RHC: I RI: 2 RRA:3 RRB:3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS87 43R06-0./

Revision 0 ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Examination Item Description Exam c wida Eu..W..tioa Cak&Ory Number Requirements 11-.:..::.....

8-K 810.10 Wcld1.-d Anachmcnts (Pressure Vessels) Surface or Welded Attachments Volumetric for Ves.scls..

Piping. 810.20 W cld1.-d Anachmcnts (Piping) Surface Pumps.. and V alws 810.30 Weld1.-d Anachmcnts (Pumps) Surface True .'fonlt ConsllltUlt.

UC 7-25 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: 7 FWA: 6 FWB:6 HP: 4 LP:4 MS: I MSA:4 MSB: S MSC: 5 MSD: 4 RHA: 10 RHB: 8 RHC: S RHSDC: I RI: 12 RRA: I RRB: I RT: I RRA: I RRB: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-03 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE fsamiutioa Caaqor,* Item Description Exam fsamiutioa Requirements Descriotion)

B-L-2 BI :!.:!O Pump Casing (Pumps I Visual. VT-3 Pump B-M-2 81250 Vahe Body (Exceeding NPS -t) (Valves) Visual. VT-3 Vahc Bodies True .\"onh Cons*llilrK.

LLC 7-26 Total Number of Components by System RRA: I RRB: I FWA:3 FWB:3 HP: 3 LP: 3 MSA:4 MSB:7 MSC:6 MSD:4 RHA: 8 RHB:6 RHC: 3 RHSDC: 3 RI: 4 RRA:3 RRB: 3 RT: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS87 43R06-0.J Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE faamiutioa Catrgor,*

Item Description Exam t wida Eumi-tioa Catrgor,* Number Requirements

!.. . . ) B-N-1 813.IO Vessel Interior (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 Interior of Rt.."<k.10f" V '"-s.."Cl 813.::!0 Interior Attachments Within 8eltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-I Weldc.'11 Core Vessel) Support SUUC1un.-s and Interior 81330 Interior Attachments Beyond Beltline Region (Reactor Visual. VT-3 AttachmenL"'

to Vessel) RcactOI" 813.40 Core Suppon Structure (Reactor Vessel) Visual. VT-3 T"'e .\'onlt ConsabiltK.

UC 7-27 Total Number of Components by Svstem RPV: I JPI: I RPV: I FW: I HP: I LP: I RD: I RPV: 8 SC: I RD: I RPV: 3 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-02 10 14R-02 IO 14R-02 10 14R-02 10 LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Euwimtioa Category ltrm Description Exam c with Eullliutioo Cateiory Requirements

-__ :__:._, B-0 814.IO Welds in CRD Housing (Rcac1or Vessel) Volumclric or Welds in ( IO'k of Peripheral CRD Housings lo he inspcclcd.

40 of Surface Control Rod Housings 1hc 185 CRD Housings arc idcn1ificd as peripheral) (CM-2) B*P 815.IO Pressure Rc1aining Componencs (IWB-5222(a)]

Visual. VT-2 All Sys1cm Leakage Tesl <IWB-5220) (Oucage)

Comroncnb 815.:!0 Pn.-s.-;ure Rc1aining Componencs (IWB-5222(b))

Visual. VT-2 Leakage Test (IWB-5220) (lnccrval)

T"'e .\*onll C011S*ltinK.

UC 7-28 Total Number of Components by System RD: I (40 Peripheral CRD Housings wilh 2 Welds Each) FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT SC FW HP LP MS NB RH RI RR RT SC Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14 14T-OI 14T-02 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

IS/ Program Plan 1.ASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE furwinalioa Category Item Description Exam t with Fumiwtioa Category Number Requirements Descriotion)

C-A Cl.IO Shell Circumferential Welds (Pressure Vessels) Volumetric Prl.*ssun:

R""lain ing Welds in Prcssun: \'\."SSC Is cuo Tuhcslk."Ct-to-Shcll-Welds (Pressure Vessels) Volumetric C-8 C!.21 No1.zle-to-Shcll (No1.zle to Head or Nozzle to Nozzle) Volumetric


Reta1nmg Welds Without Reinforcing Plate. Greater Than 1/2" Surface Wdds in Nominal Thickness (Pressure Vessels) V""s.SCls C:!.22 Nozzle Inside Radius Section Without Reinforcing Plate. Volumetric Greater Than 112* Nominal Thickness (Pressure Vessels) C-C C3.IO Weldt."d Attachments

<Pressure Vessels) Surface Welded Ataachments for Ves..<<ls.

Piping. W eld""d Attachments (Piping) Surface Weldt."d Attachments (Pumps) Surface Trae .\'onll C01U*llUtK.

U£ 7-29 Total Number of Components by System RHA: 4 RHB:4 RHA: I RHB: I RHA: 2 RHB: 2 RHA:2 RHB:2 RHA: 24 RHB: 24 FWA: I FWB: I HG: 5 HP:7 LP: II MS:2 MSA:3 MSB:3 MSC:3 MSD:3 RHA: 17 RHB: 22 RHC: 9 HP: I LP: I RHA: I RHB: I RHC: I Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number LS8743R06-04 Revision 0

/SI Program Plan IASalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Euminatioa Description Exam c with fn.W..tioa Number Requirements Desc:. :..::... , C-H C7.IO Pre ss ure Rela i n i ng C o mpunems Visual. VT-2 All Pres s ure Leakage Tesl (IWC-5220) (Periodic)

Rc:taimng Components True .\" ortlr C01UultUrt.

U£ 7-30 Total Number of Components by System CM E S FW HP HG IN L P M S NB PS RD RH RI RR RT VG Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-0 6 1 4 R-07 1 4 R-0 8 1 4T-O J 1 4 T-02 LS87 43 R06-04 R ev isio11 0 JS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Eumiutioa Item Description Exam t willl Fumimtioa Catqof1* Number Requirements Desmotiont 0-A DI.IO Wcld'-"<I Attachments (Pressure Vessel) Visual. VT-I Welded Anachmenb for V Piping. Dl.20 Wcld'-"<I Attachments (Piping) Visual. VT-I Pumps. and Vah'--s DUO Wcld'-"<I Attachments

<Pumps) Visual. VT-I 0-B 02.10 Pressure Retaining Components Visual. VT-2 AJI Pres.sun:

System Leakage Test <IWD-5220) (Periodic)

Retaining Components Trae .\Ortlt LJ£ 7-31 Total Number of Components by System DG: I HP: I DG:l3 HP: 7 MSA:21 MSB: 49 MSC: 40 MSD: 20 RHA:6 RHB: 12 DG: I HP: I RHA:2 RHB: 2 cscs DG HP LP MS RH VY Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14T-OI 14T-02 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Eumiaalioa Categol')* Item twi lls Eumiaalioa Number DescriDlioa.

E-A El.II Contamment Surfaces El.I:! El.:!O E-C E-1.11 c,>nu.inment SurfaL-es Requiring E-1. I:! .

Eumination E-G EM.IO Pn:-s.sure Rc:uinin2 Bl'ltin2 True .\'onlr C011Salli"K*

LLC /SI Program Plan IASa//e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Description Exam Requirements Containment Vessel Pressure Retaining Boundary -General Visual Accessible Surface Areas Containment Vessel Pressure Retaining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 Weth..-d Surfaces of Submer2ed Areas Containment Vessel Pressure Retaining Boundary -Visual. VT-3 B\VR Vent System Accessible Surface Areas Containment Surface Areas -Visible Surfaces Visual. VT-I Containment Surface Area.'i -Surface Area Grid Volumetric Minimum \Vall Thickness Location (Ultrasonic Thickness)

Bolt'"-d Connt.-ctions Visual. VT-I 7-32 Total Number of Components 293 13 154 0 0 64 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14T-03 14T-04 LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Euminalioa Catqor)*

Description Exam 1 witll Euoninalioa Catqory !'lumber Requirements I . . ) F-A Fl.10 Class I Piping Supports Visual. VT-3 Supports True .Vordt COllS*lliRK.

U.C 7-33 Total Number of Components by Svstem FWA: 15 FWB: 15 HP: 12 LP: 8 MS: 8 MSA: 12 MSB: 17 MSC: 15 MSD: 12 NB: I RHA: 21 RHB: 18 RHC:9 RHSDC: 8 RI: 28 RR: 10 RRA: 15 RRB: 10 RT: 28 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I LS87 43R06-04 Revisio11 0

ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Esaminatioa Category firm Description Exam C with faamimtioa Number Requirements v_.:...:..,_, F-A Fl . .:!O

.:! Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 Suppons 1ConunueJ1 FUO Class J Piping Suppons Visual. VT-3 T rae .\'onlt UC 7-34 Total Number of Components by System FWA2 FWB2 HG:40 HP: 35 LP: 38 MS: 13 MSA: 14 MSB: 16 MSC: 12 MSD: 13 RHA: 60 RHB: 64 RHC: 39 DG:32 HP: 28 MSA: 38 MSB: 85 MSC: 69 MSD:42 RHA: 24 RHB: 19 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I I LS8743R06-0./

Revision 0 IS/ Program Plan IASa//e County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Egmimlioe Calegory Description Exam f witll Eu-..tioa Number Requirements 1>escr:..;:...1 F-A fl.-'O Supports Other Than Piping Supports Visual. VT-3 Supports 1Cla.4's I.::!. 3. and MC)

Tn1e .\'ordl C011Srdtint.

U£ 7-35 Total Number of Components by System DG:4 HP: I LP: I PC: 13 RHA: 4 RHB:4 RHC: I RPV: I RRA: 10 RRB: 10 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number I LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

ISi Program Plan LaSalle Counl)* Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Esamimtioa Catqory Itrm Description Exam c with Fumimtioa Number Requirements uesc:.=--:._)

L-A L I.I I Concrete Surfaces -General Visual C01k.-n:tc: All Acce s sihle Surface Areas Ll.12 Concrete Surface s -Detailed Visual SusDt.>ct Areas 1No Suspect Areas Identified)

L-8 L::!.10 Tendon IWL-2 522 lint->ndcd Pml-Tensioning S)stem Tendon Force Measurement L::!.20 Tendon -IWL-25 2 3.2 W i re o r Strand Sampl e Examination and Testing L2 3 0 Tendon -Detailed Visual Anchorage Hardware and Surrounding Concrete (One anchorage on each end of tendon) L::!AO Tendon -IWL-2525.2(a). C o rrosion Proh .. -ction Medium IWL-2526 (Sample s taken from each tendon end) Corro si on Protection Analy s is L::!.50 Tendon -IWL-2 525.2(b) Frt."C Water Free Water (Samples taken from each tendon end) Anal ys is r,..e -'"""" COIUllltilrK.

L.LC 7-36 Total Number of Components 2 4 **--308 308 616 616 616 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 1 4 R-0 4 14R-04 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

ISi Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units l & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE E.umimlioa Catqory Risk Description Exam 4 with Examimlioa Catrgos:v Categol')* Requirements . .

  • Number R-A I Risk Category I Piping Structural Elements See Notes Risl-lnformed Piping Euminauons
? Risk Category :? Piping Structural Elements See Notes 3 Risk Category 3 Piping Structural Elements Sec Notes ..t Risk Catcgof) ..t Piping Structural Elements Sec Notes Trae .\"onlt CtHU*ltilrK.

U£ 7-37 Total Number of Components by System FWA: 16 FWB: 16 RHA: I RHB: I FWA:3 FWB:3 HP:6 LP: 6 RI: I FWA:4 FWB:4 RHA: I RHB:3 HP: 29 LP: 5 MS:38 MSA: 57 MSB: 70 MSC: 56 MSD: 58 RHA: 25 RHB: 28 RHC: 12 RHSDC:4 RI: 15 RR:3 RRA: 27 RRB: 25 RT:5 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 14R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 I4R-OI 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revision 0 Fumimlioll Risk c with Esaminatioa Category I . . t Number R*A 5 Pip i ng E umina1 i ons c ContinU&.>J) Trae .\*onlt ConsiJIUrK.

U£ /SI Program Plan LaSalle County Stalion Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Description Exam Requirements Risk Category 5 Piping Structural Elements Sec Notes 7-38 Total Number of Components by Svstem HP: 2 RHA:2 RHB: 2 RI: 11 Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-Ol 3 4 5 6 12 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan lASa/le County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 7.1-2 UNIT 2 INSERVICE INSPECTION


TABLE Eumiaatioa Category Aug Description Exam 4 with Examination Catqory Number Requirements Descrinlion, NA BWRVIP BWRVIP ln-,*esscl lnspt."Ctions (IGSCC Management Various Augmen1ed Proeram BWR Vessel Internals and Pioine Comnnnenls)

Components BWROG BWR Ft.'t.-dwa1er Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Volumetric No7..zle Cracking Components

<NUREG-0619 and BWROG)

IGSCC lntergranular S1ress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) in BWR Volumetric Austenitic Stainless Stt.>i!I Piping Components.


.. BWR Vessel and Internals Project. Technical Basis for Re,*isions to Generic Letter 88-0 I Inspection Schedules (8\VRVIP-75>:*

and TR-!012621.

.. BWR Vessel and Internals Projecl. Technical Basis for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 lnspt."Ction Schedules (BWRVIP-75-A)"'

IOCFR Reactor Pn.-ssure Vessel Shell Welds Volumetric ( IOCFR50.55a(e)C6)(ii)(A).

Final Rule) MEB31 Examination of High Energy Circumferential and Volumetric or Longitudinal Piping Welds (MEB 3-1. UFSAR 3.6.1 and Surface 3.6 . .::!) 0737 Leak Testing and Periodic Visual Examinations of Systems Visual. VT-2 Outside of Primary Containment Which Could Contain Highly Radioactiw Fluids During a Serious Transient or Accident <NUREG 0737)

Pressure Testing of the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System Visual. VT-2 Dcsignt.-d to ASME Section III. Subsection ND (

T t."Chnical Reauirements Manual Section 2.1.a) True .\"""11 C01U*llUt1.

LLC 7-39 Total Number of Components by Svstem In accordance with BWRVIP FWA: 3 FWB:3 RPV: 6 Category B: 134 Category C: 8 Category D: 2 RPV: 16 NA HG HP LP RH RI RT DO Approved Notes Relief Request/ TAP Number 14R-02 10 11 14R-OI 4 14R-05 13 6 14T-OI LS87 43R06-04 Revision 0

/SI Program Plan County Stalion Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.l-3 INSERVICE INSPECTION TABLE PROGRAM NOTES Solrl I Note Summary ' 1 Snubtter visual examinations.

functional testing. and service life monitoring are performed in accordance with ASME OM Code, Subsection ISTA and ISTD. For a Jctaikd discu."-..;ion of the snubber pro2ram. St.-e Scc1ion .t.2 of this document and lhe Snubber Pro!!ram Document.

2 The LC\CS Uni1 I popula1ion coun1s include !hose componen1s thal are common to bo1h unils (lypically designated as .. Common").

These Common comooncms arc refcrencc.-d in Table 7.1-1 followin!!

a .. + .. svmbol 10 desi1ma1e 1he Unit Common. 3 ! For the Foonh ISi ln11.-n*al. Lc;cs*s ISi Cla.;s I and 2 piping inspc."Clion program will be governed by risk-informed regula1ions.

The RI-ISi Program methodology is in the EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657.

Re\'. 8-A. TR-1006937.

Re\'. 0-A. and N-578-1. The RI-ISi Program scope has been implemented as an alk."f'Rali,*e 10 the 2007 Editilm with the 2008 Addenda of the ASME Section XI examina1ion program for ISi Class I B-F and B-J piping welds and ISi Class 2 C-F-1 and C-F-2 pipin!! welds in accordance with IOCFR.5055a(z)( 1 ). .. I Per the.-EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657.

Re,*. B-A. TR-1006937.

Rev. 0-A. and N-578-1. welds wi1hin the plant that are assigned to IGSCC Categories B 1hrou2h G will con1inuc 10 mcel existim? IGSCC schedules.

while IGSCC CaleJ?ory A welds have been subsumed inlo 1he RI-ISi Pro!!ram.

5 Examination n."quiremcnt.;

wi1hin the RI-ISi Program are delennined by lhe various degrada1ion mechanisms presenl at each individual piping structural element. Sc.'C EPRI Tooical R1.1x1ns TR-112657.

Re\'. 8-A. TR-1006937.

Re\'. 0-A. and N-578-1 for specific examination method reQuirements. 6 For 1hc.-Fourth ISi lnlen*al. 1he RI-ISi Program scope con1inues lo include welds in lhe BER piping, also referred to as the HELB region, which includes Sc!Wral non-da-.s welds 1hat fall wi1hin the BER Augmcmed Examination Program. All BER augmemed welds have been evaluated under the RI-ISi mc1hodology and ha\*e hc."Cn in1egra11."li imo the RI-ISi Program under the IOCFR50.59 change process. Additional guidance for adaptation of the RI-ISi C\aluation procc."SS 10 BER piping is gi,*en in EPRI TR-1006937.

Rev. 0-A. Thus. these welds have been categorized and selected for examination in accordance wilh the.-EPRI Topical Reports TR-112657.

Re\'. B-A. TR-1006937.

Rev. 0-A. and N-578-1 in lieu of the original commitment to NUREG 0800 in UFSAR Sections 3.6.1and3.6.2. The BER Program population is identified wi1h the applicable systems within the Examination Category R-A section of the ' !ables. 7 As allowc.-d by ASME Code Case N-613-2. LSCS will perform a \"Olumetric examina1ion for the reaclor nozzle-to-vessel welds and nozzle inside radius section using a n-ducc.-d examina1ion rnlumc (A-8-C-D-E-F-G-H) of Figures I. 2. 3. and 4 of the Code Case in lieu of the previous examination volumes of ASME Sc."Clion XI. Fi!?Ures IW8-2500-7(a). (b). (c). and (d). 8 I As allowc."li by ASME Code Case N-6.t8-I. LSCS will perform a VT-I visual examina1ion in lieu of a volumetric examinaiion in ASME Section XI utilizing 1hc allo,.*ahle flaw leng1h cri1eria of Table IWB-3512-1 wi1h limi1ing assumptions on the flaw aspect ralio. For Item Number 83.100, a VT-I visual I e:umination may be performc."li per condi1ionally appro,*ed N-6.t8-I. (Nole: ASME Code Case N-648-1 will not be utilized on the identified components addressed in RelicfRc."QUCSI l.tR-09.) 9 Lc;cs will u1ilize 1hc.-al1ema1i,*e n.-quircmcnls of ASME Code Case N-747 10 provide 1he reaclor vessel head-10-llange weld 10 be inspected by surface euminalion once each 1en-year inspc.-clion inlen*al. using the current surface examina1ion area shown in Figure IWB-2500-5. This alternative requiremenl may* only be implemcn11."li af1er the weld has rc.-ceived al leas! one inservice volumetric examination. which may be performed as part of the preservice inspc."Ction.

wi1h no scn*ice-inducc."li flaws ha\'ing been iden1ified.

Hence. 1here have been no defecls de1ected at LSCS on this weld during pre-service or uaminations.

fl is 1hereforc concluded 1ha11he concurrem volumetric and surface examination requirement may be eliminated for the reactor vessel head-tP-flan2e weld. and Iha! 1he outer surface examina1ion discussed above will be ocrformed.

10 The RPV in1erior n-quires exarnina1ion per 1he BWRVIP in lieu of ASME Sec1ion XI Examinalion Categories B-N-1 and B-N-2 per Relief Requesl 14R-02. Augmcn11.-d Examina1ion Programs a.;socia1ed with the BWRVlP and other RPV rela1ed requiremenls are now mainlained and conlrolled independent of the ISi Pmgram in procc."liure LTS-600-8

... Rcac1or Vessel Internals Inser\'ice lnspec1ion DurinJ? Reactor Refueling."'

Trur .\"twtlt Cons"'1ilrK.

UC 7-40 LS8743R06-04 Revisio11 0

/SI Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE7.1-3 INSERVICE INSPECTION TABLE PROGRAM NOTES Solel I Note Summarv 11 Augmcnt'""d examination of the F'"°'""dwater Spargers has hcen transferred to procedure LTS-600-8

... Reactor Vessel Internals lnservice Inspection During Rea..1or Refuclin2-for lhe BWRVIP. whereas ammlCnted examination of the Feedwater Nozzles remains with this document. I? I This lablc do'"-s llOI include pipin2 structural elements whose sole deJmldation mechanism is inspected for under a separate proJ?ram (i.e., FAC and IGSCC.) 13 I In accordance with Relief R'"-qucst 14R-05. RPV circumfcn:ntial shell weld examinations were permanently deferred for the remaining term of the initial operating license. Longitudinal shell weld examination shall include approximately 2 to J<k of the RPV circumferential shell welds per Relief Request 14R-05. I Note: a similar relief R-qucst for RPV circumferential and longitudinal shell welds is currently being wriuen for the Fifth and Sixth ISi Intervals or the extended period of operation h\* the License Renewal Group.) ... Examination Category 8-0 (Pressure-Retaining Welds Jn Control Rod Housings), llem Numher B 14.10 (Welds in CRD Housing) -the scope of examination is for pn."SSWC retaining welds in IO'k of the peripheral CRD Housings.

A total of 40 out of the 185 CRD Housings are classified as peripheral components.

has sck-ct'""d the welds on 4 peripheral CRD Housin2s (two welds per housin2) to he examined durin!! the interval (IO% of 40). Trwe .\'onlr COMaltUrK.

UC 7-41 LS87 43R06-0./

Revisio11 0

IS/ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units I & 2, Fourth Interval 8.0 RELIEF REQUESTS FROM ASME SECTION XI This section contains relief requests written per l OCFR50.55a(z)( l) for situations where alternatives to ASME Section XI requirements provide an acceptable level of quality and safety; per 10CFR50.55a(z)(2) for situations where compliance with ASME Section XI requirements results in a hardship or an unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety; per l OCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) for situations where ASME Section XI requirements are considered impractical; and for situations where use of a subsequent approved ASME Section XI Edition and Addenda is requested.

The following NRC guidance was utilized to determine the correct I OCFR50.55a paragraph citing for LSCS relief requests.

I OCFR50.55a(z)( I) and I OCFR50.55a(z)(2) provide alternatives to the requirements of ASME Section XI, while IOCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) recognizes situational impracticalities.

l OCFR50.55a(z)( l ): l OCFR50.55a(z)(2

): I OCFRSO.SSu<g>CSUlll

): 1*,,,,. .'V11rt/1 C'1111rnlti111t.

1.1.C' Cited in relief requests when alternatives to the ASME Section XI requirements which provide an acceptable level of quality and saf cty arc proposed.

Examples arc relief requests which propose alternative NOE methods and/or examination frequency.

Cited in relief requests when compliance with the ASME Section XI requirements is deemed to he a hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. Examples of hardship and/or unusual difficulty include, hut arc not limited to:

  • Having to enter multiple Technical Specifications Limiting Conditions for Operation.
  • As low as reasonahly achievahle (ALARA) concerns such as excessive radiation exposure.
  • Replacing equipment or in-line components.
  • Creating significant hazards to plant personnel,
  • Disassemhly of components solely to provide access for examinations.


  • Development of sophisticated tooling that would result in only minimal increases in examination coverage. Cited in relief rcl1ucsts when conformance with ASME Section XI requirements is deemed impractical.

Exmnplcs of impractical requirements arc situations where the component would have to he redesigned.

or replaced to cnahlc the rc4uircd inspection to he performed. (Note: Due to recent NRC position und revision!\

to I OCFR50.55a.

all rclicf rc4ucsts utilizing tocrR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) should he submitted nftcr the ncccssnry cxnmination has hccn UiH74.fRfl6°114 Rt't'i.,/1111 ti

/SI Program Pla11 LaSalle Co1111ty Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval 10CFR50.55a(g)(4)(iv):

attempted during the current interval, and the ASME Section XI requirement determined to be impractical.)

Cited in relief requests to use subsequent editions and addenda of ASME Section XI. These editions and addenda are incorporated by reference in l OCFR50.55a(b

), subject to the limitations and modifications listed in paragraph JOCFR50.55a(b), and subject to NRC approval.

Portions of editions or addenda may be used provided that all related requirements of the respective editions or addenda are met. An index for LSCS relief requests is included in Table 8.0-1. The "14R-XX" relief requests arc applicable to ISi, CISI, SPT, and POI. The following relief requests are subject to change throughout the inspection interval (e.g., NRC approval, withdrawal).

Changes to NRC approved alternatives (other than withdrawal) require NRC approval.

1'r11t .\'11rtl1 l'm1.rnltl111l.

1.1.C /JiH 1".IRfJMJ./ Rt1*/.,/11t1 tJ Relief Revision Request Date 3 l4R-OI 0 09/29/17 14R-02 0 09/29/17 0 l4R-03 09/29/17 0 14R-04 09/29/17 14R-05 () (CR-38) 09129/17 14R-06 () 09129/17 () 14R-07 09129/17 ---14R-08 () ()l)/29/17 Trut' ,\'11rtl1 Cm1.mltill1t.

/./.(' ISi Program P/a11 LaSalle Co1111ty Statio11 U11its I & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 8.0-1 RELIEF REQUEST INDEX Status 2 Submitted Submitted Withdrawn Submitted Authorized Submitted Suhmitted

Suhmitted (Program)

Description of Relief Request/ NRC Aooroval Summary 1 (ISi) Alternate Risk-Informed Selection and Examination Criteria for Examination Category B-F, B-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Piping Welds. (ISi) Use of BWRVIP Guidelines in Lieu of Specific ASME Section XI Requirements on the Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals and Component Inspection. (ISi) Examination of the RPV Stabilizer Bracket Welds on Shell Course. Revision 0 temporarily withdrawn per EGC letter to the NRC dated July 17, 2017 until resubmittal at the end of the Fourth ISi Interval. (CISI) Post-Tensioning System Inspection Scheduling Requirements for Sites with Two Plants. (ISi) Alternative Volumetric Examination of RPV Circumferential Shell Welds. Permanent relief wali authorized per NRC SER dated 01/28/04.

This approval applies to the remaining term of the Initial operating licenses, which covers only a portion of the Fourth ISi Interval. (Note: Additional relief to complete the Fourth ISi Interval will re<1ulre resubmlttal and approval of this relief re<1uest prior to entering the Period of Extended Operation under License Renewal, April 17, 2022 for Unit I and December 16, 2023 for Unit 2.) (SPT) Continuous Pressure Monitoring or the Control Rod Drive (C'RD) System Accumulators. (SP'I') Altern<Uive Pressure Testing of the Safety Relief Vulve (SRV) Automatic Depressuri1

.ation System (ADS) Accu111uh1tors. (SPT) Alternate Exmnination Rc<1uirements for the Hydrogen Rccomhiner System Piping. -H*J ---UiH1"JRflf>.fl4 R,.1*1.f/1111 II Relief Revision Request Date 3 14R-09 0 09/29/17 14R-IO 0 09/29/17 14R-1 l I (EGC 09/29/17 Fleet-wide Relief Request) /SJ Program Plan LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2, Fourth Interval TABLE 8.0-1 RELIEF REQUEST INDEX Status 2 (Program)

Description of Relief Request/ NRC Approval Summary 1 (ISi) Alternate Examination Requirements for the Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds and Inner Radii Sections. Submitted Relief was requested for the Fourth ISi Interval, as well as, through the period of extended operation. (ISi) Use of ASME Code Case N-513-4, Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping. Revision 0 Authorized submitted to the NRC under RS-17-071 on May 17, 2017. Revision 0 authorized per NRC SE dated July 5, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17171A320.)

Authorized (ISi) Use of Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination Techniques In Lieu of Radiography. Revision 0 submitted as an EGC Fleet-wide relief request under RS-16-215 on November 2, 2016. Revision 1 resubmitted under RS-17 -044 (RAI) on March 13, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17072A385.) Revision 1 authorized on June 5, 2017, which for LSCS covers the Fourth ISi Interval as specified in Table I of the NRC SE (ADAMS Accession No. ML7150A091.)

Nole I: The NRC grnnls relief rel111es1s pur!>uanl 1t1 IOCFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) under llll'FR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) when ASME Section XI rel1uirements cannot he met und proposed alternalivcs do not meet lhc crilcria of I Ol'FR50.55a( / ). The NIK 11u1h11ri1cs relief rcl1ucsts pursuanl lo I OCFR50.55;1( 1.)( I) if lhc propmcd altcrna1ivc!>

would provide an ucccplahlc level of l1u11li1y and safely or umlcr I OCFR50.55a( 1.)( 2> if compliance wilh the spccilicd rcl1uirc111cnts would result in hardship or unusual diflicultici.

withoul a compcni.aling i111:rcai.c in the level of !>al'cly. Relief 1*cl1ucs1i.

under llK.'FR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) arc nol lo he !>Uhmillcil lo the NRC for evaluation prior 111 thc liccn!>CC performing lhc ASME Section XI l'mlc-rcquircll cxamina1i11n. The NIU.' may abo impmc nhcrnativc rcl1uircmcnt" a!> it determines.

Nole 2: Thi' l: olumn lhc !>talu' of the Relief

< >p1i1111': Au1h11n1cd

  • Approved for u'c in an NIU' SE !Sec Nole I>: Ciran1cd
  • Apprm*cll for u'c in 11n NIU' SE (SL*c Note I); A111h11ri1cd C11n1l11i11nally
  • Apprmcd for U!>C in 11n NIU.' SE which ccr111in l>cn1cd
  • UsL' lll*nicd in 1111 NRC SE: Expired
  • Approvul for relief rcllUC!>t llil!> expired: W1thdrnv.


  • Relief rcl111cst hL'L'n wlllulrawn hy LSC.'S: Nol RL'llllircd
  • ThL' NRC.' hm. Jccmcd 1hc relief rc11uc!>I unncL*cs,ury in 1111 SE or RAI: Canccllc1I
  • Relief rcl1ues1 hus hccn cancclkd hy LSCS prior to '"uc:
  • Relief rel111ci.t l111' hL'Cll suhmillcll to thL* NIU' hy l.SCS llllll ii.



  • Rchcf rCllllC!ol h11!> l'IL*cn 11w11itin!!

l.S('S und Corporntc review und i.uhmi1111I lo lhL' NRC. Note :\: ThL' rcvi!>ion h!>lcd is the lntesl rcvi'iion of 1he suh.iei:I rdicf rcllllC'I.

The duh: 1h1' rcv1Mon hcc11111e effective

thL' dah: of thL' 111lpruvin!l SE which j, 1i,1cd in 1hc founh column of 1hc u1hlc. ThL' d.11e tllllell 111 1'r11t N11rtlr l'1111.mltit1R.

/./.(' H*-1 ViH 74 J Htlt. *ti-I H,.1*i.1i1111 ti