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{{#Wiki_filter:REGULATORY INFORMATION DISTR IBU N SYSTEM (R IDS)'%l'2a ,'ACCESSION NBR: 870605 252 DOC.DATk'//05/26 NOTA IZED: NO l FACIL: 50-400 Sheav on Harv is Nuclear Pover Planti Unit ii Carolina AUTH.NA~iE AUTHOR AFFILIATION SCHWABENBAUER Cav o 1 in a P over 8<L i g h+C o.WATSON R.A.Cav olina Power 8<Light Co.RECIP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATIV'j DOCKET 05000400 SUB JECT: LER 87-027-00:
on 870426'uv ing test>v'edundant transmitter pv'essuri zer pressuv e channels dec lav'ed inopev able.Caused bg t~o out of thv ee channels ou+of calibv 0 v eading low.Channels v ecalibv'k test corp leted.W/870526 ltv'.DISTRIBUTION CODE: IE22D, COPIES RFCF IVEU: LTR ENCL SI ZF: TITLE: 50.73 Licensee Event Repov t (L~H>i Incident Rpt>etc~NOTES: Application for pev mit v eneval f iled.05000400 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME PD2-1 LA BUCKLEY, B INTERNAL: ACRS MI CHELSON AEOD/DOA AEOD/DSP/TPAB NRR/DEST/ADE NRR/DEST/CEB NRR/DEBT/ICSB NRR/DEST/MTB NRR/DEST/RSB NRR/DLPG/HFB NRR/DOEA/EAB NRR/DREP/RPB NRR/PMAS/PTSB RES DEPY QI EXTERNAL: EQS(Q QROH, M LPDR NSIC-HARRIS, J COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2'1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1'ECIPIENT ID CODE/MANE PD2-1 PD*CRS MOELLER AFOD/DSP/ROAB DEXTRO NwR/DEST/ADS NRR/DEST/ELB NRR/DEST/MEG NRR/DEST/PSB NRR/DEST/SGB NRR/DLPG/GAB
!'!RR/DREP/RAB NR.-ILRB REC FILE 02 CN2 FILE 01 H ST LOBBY WARD NHC PDR<!SIC MAYST Q COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LT1R 42 ENCL 40 NRC Form 355 (94)3)I~LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)U.S.NUCLEAR REOULATORY COMMISSION APPROVED OMB NO.3)500104 EXPIRES: 5/31/SS FACILITY NAME (T)Shearon Harris Plant Unit 1 TITLE (4)Pressurizer Pressure Channels Inoperable DOCKET NUMBER (2)0 5 0 0 0 4 PA E 3 1OF02 EVENT DATE (5)DAY YEAR YEAR Pg MONTH LER NUMBER (5)REPORT DATE (7)SEQUENTtAL NUMBER REVN~MONTH?.Sse NUMBER DAY YEAR DOCKET NUMBER(S)0 5 0 0 0 FACILITY NAMES OTHER FACILITIES INVOLVED (5)0 4 26 878 7 2 7 00 05 2 687 0 5 0 0 0 OPERATINO MODE (9)POWER LEYEL 1 0 0 g''Rr.....y S.r'g;,4r 20A02(lr)20.405(e)(1)(I)20AOS(e)(1)
(9)20AOS(~I(1)I III I 20.405(e)(I)(lv)20.405(e)(I)(v)20.405(c)50M(c)(I)50.35(c)(2)50.73(e)(2)(I)*50.73(e)(2)(9)50.73(c)(2)(ill l LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LER (12)50,73(s)(2)(iv)50.73(e)(2)(v) 50.73(c)(2)(vii)50.73(e)(2)(vill)(A)50.73(e)(2)(vill)(5)50.73(~)(2)(x)THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED PURSUANT T 0 THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10 CFR gr (Check one or more of the folios(lop)
(11 73.71(II)73.71(c)OTHER (Specify In Ahstrect INlovr end ln Text, HRC Form 388AI NAME Richard Schwabenbauer
-Regulatory Compliance TELEPHONE NUMBER AREA CODE 9 19 362-2 69 COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT (13)CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFAC.TURER'" y~CpScy.REPORTABLE rc~TO NPRDS.:.r.CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFAC.TURER EPORTABLE TO NPRDS wm SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED (14)EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE (15)MONTH DAY YEAR YES (If yes, complere EXPECTED SII84tISSIOH DA TEI NO ABSTRACT (Limit to f400 sprees, I e., epproxlmetely fifteen slnple-specs typevrritten linNI (15)ABSTRACT On April 26, 1987 the plant was operating at 100 percent power in Node 1.Pressurizer Pressure Channel PT-455 was being tested.It was thought to be out of calibration (reading high), but was found to be correct.At 0930 hours, as a result of conducting the test on PT-455, two other channels, PT-456 and PT-457 were found to oe out, of calibration, reading low, and declared inoperable.
All three channels are redundant transmitters for Pressurizer pressure.Technical Specifications permit only one channel to be inoperable at a time.Therefore, at 1008 hours, actions were commenced to satisfy the prerequisites of GP-006, Normal Plant Shutdown for Power Operation to Hot Standby (Mode 1 to Mode 3), to satisfy Technical Specification Action 3.0.3.Priority 1 work requests were immediately initiated to recalibrate the two inoperable channels per the appropriate Maintenance Surveillance Tests (MST).MST-I0120 was successfully completed at 1140 hours and Channel PT-456 was declared operable.With two operable channels, Technical Specifications allowed continued plant operation under Table 3.3-3, Action 15.MST-I0121 was successfully completed at 1615 hours and Channel PT-457 was declared operable.870b050252 87052b PDR ADOCK 05000400 9 PDR NRC rerm erro NRC Form~(84(31 LICE SEE ENT REPORT (LER)TEXT CONTINUA ION U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION APPROVED OMS NO.3150&(04 EXPIRES: 8/31/88 FACILITY NAME l'll Sheyron Harris Plant Unit 1 DOCKET NUMBER (2)LER NUMBER (61 YEAR>X j SEGVENTIAL Na: REVISION CWX>NVMSER I/PS NUMBER PAGE (31 TEXT/Hm<<o<<>>co/I roEvie4 I>>o ER/E/<<>>/HRC F<<IR 36843/(ill DESCRIPTION 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 8 7 027-00 0 2 0 2 On April 26, 1987 the plant was operating at 100 percent power in Mode 1.Pressurizer Pressure Channel PT-455 was being tested.It was thought to be out of calibration, (reading high)but was found to be correct.At 0930 hours, as a result of this test, it was found the other two Channels, PT-456 and PT-457, were out of calibration reading low, and were declared inoperable.
All three channels are redundant transmitters for Pressurizer pressure and have bistables for the following trips and interlock:
g 2,385 psig Reactor Trip-High Pressure Q 2,000 psig P-11 Interlock g 1,960 psig Reactor Trip-Low Pressure Q 1,850 psig Safety Injection Signal For continued plant operation, Technical Specifications permit only one channel to be inoperable at a time.Therefore, at 1008 hours, actions were commenced to satisfy the prerequisites of GP-006 Normal Plant Shutdown from Power Operation to Hot Standby (Mode 1 to Mode 3)in compliance with Technical Specification Action 3.0.3.Priority 1 Work Requests to run the applicable Maintenance Surveillance Tests (MST)to recalibrate the inoperable channels were immediately initiated.
At 1140 hours, MST-I0120 was successfully completed for Channel PT-456 and declared operable.With two operable channels, Technical Specifications allowed continued plant operation under Table 3.3-3, Action 15.At 1615 hours, MST-I0121 was successfully completed for Channel PT-457 and declared operable.CAUSE The cause of the event was that two out of the three channels for the Pressurizer Pressure drifted low.The transmitters were recalibrated successfully.
ANALYSIS This event is reportable under 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) because the plant entered Technical Specification Action 3.0.3.CORRECTIVE ACTION: 1)Channel PT-456 was correctly calibrated via WR&A 88-DYD174.
2)Channel PT"457 was correctly calibrated via WR&A 88-JOR237.
NRC FORM 366A (SELT I*U.S.GPO/I QSO-0-624 538/455 Carolina Power&Light Company HARRIS NUCLEAR PROJECT P.O.Box 165 New Hill, NC 27562 MAY 26 198T File Number'SHF/10-13510C Letter Number: HO-870441 (0)U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: NRC Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT 1 DOCKET NO.50-400 LICENSE NO.NPF-63 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT 87-027-00 Gentlemen'.
In accordance with Title 10 to the Code of Federal Regulations, the enclosed Licensee Event Report is submitted.
This report fulfills the requirement for a written report within thirty (30)days of a reportable occurrence and is in accordance with the format set forth in NUREG-1022, September, 1983.Very truly yours, RAW:sdg Enclosure R.A.Watson Vice President Harris Nuclear Project cc: Dr.J.Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)Mr.B.Buckley (NRR)Mr.G.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)MEM/HO-8704410/PAGE 1/Osl}}

Revision as of 05:16, 11 September 2018

LER 87-027-00:on 870426,during Test,Redundant Transmitter Pressurizer Pressure Channels Declared Inoperable.Caused by Two Out of Three Channels Out of Calibr & Reading Low. Channels Recalibr & Test completed.W/870526 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/26/1987
HO-870441-(O), LER-87-027, LER-87-27, NUDOCS 8706050252
Download: ML18004B829 (4)


REGULATORY INFORMATION DISTR IBU N SYSTEM (R IDS)'%l'2a ,'ACCESSION NBR: 870605 252 DOC.DATk'//05/26 NOTA IZED: NO l FACIL: 50-400 Sheav on Harv is Nuclear Pover Planti Unit ii Carolina AUTH.NA~iE AUTHOR AFFILIATION SCHWABENBAUER Cav o 1 in a P over 8<L i g h+C o.WATSON R.A.Cav olina Power 8<Light Co.RECIP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATIV'j DOCKET 05000400 SUB JECT: LER 87-027-00:

on 870426'uv ing test>v'edundant transmitter pv'essuri zer pressuv e channels dec lav'ed inopev able.Caused bg t~o out of thv ee channels ou+of calibv 0 v eading low.Channels v ecalibv'k test corp leted.W/870526 ltv'.DISTRIBUTION CODE: IE22D, COPIES RFCF IVEU: LTR ENCL SI ZF: TITLE: 50.73 Licensee Event Repov t (L~H>i Incident Rpt>etc~NOTES: Application for pev mit v eneval f iled.05000400 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME PD2-1 LA BUCKLEY, B INTERNAL: ACRS MI CHELSON AEOD/DOA AEOD/DSP/TPAB NRR/DEST/ADE NRR/DEST/CEB NRR/DEBT/ICSB NRR/DEST/MTB NRR/DEST/RSB NRR/DLPG/HFB NRR/DOEA/EAB NRR/DREP/RPB NRR/PMAS/PTSB RES DEPY QI EXTERNAL: EQS(Q QROH, M LPDR NSIC-HARRIS, J COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2'1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1'ECIPIENT ID CODE/MANE PD2-1 PD*CRS MOELLER AFOD/DSP/ROAB DEXTRO NwR/DEST/ADS NRR/DEST/ELB NRR/DEST/MEG NRR/DEST/PSB NRR/DEST/SGB NRR/DLPG/GAB

!'!RR/DREP/RAB NR.-ILRB REC FILE 02 CN2 FILE 01 H ST LOBBY WARD NHC PDR<!SIC MAYST Q COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LT1R 42 ENCL 40 NRC Form 355 (94)3)I~LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)U.S.NUCLEAR REOULATORY COMMISSION APPROVED OMB NO.3)500104 EXPIRES: 5/31/SS FACILITY NAME (T)Shearon Harris Plant Unit 1 TITLE (4)Pressurizer Pressure Channels Inoperable DOCKET NUMBER (2)0 5 0 0 0 4 PA E 3 1OF02 EVENT DATE (5)DAY YEAR YEAR Pg MONTH LER NUMBER (5)REPORT DATE (7)SEQUENTtAL NUMBER REVN~MONTH?.Sse NUMBER DAY YEAR DOCKET NUMBER(S)0 5 0 0 0 FACILITY NAMES OTHER FACILITIES INVOLVED (5)0 4 26 878 7 2 7 00 05 2 687 0 5 0 0 0 OPERATINO MODE (9)POWER LEYEL 1 0 0 gRr.....y S.r'g;,4r 20A02(lr)20.405(e)(1)(I)20AOS(e)(1)

(9)20AOS(~I(1)I III I 20.405(e)(I)(lv)20.405(e)(I)(v)20.405(c)50M(c)(I)50.35(c)(2)50.73(e)(2)(I)*50.73(e)(2)(9)50.73(c)(2)(ill l LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LER (12)50,73(s)(2)(iv)50.73(e)(2)(v) 50.73(c)(2)(vii)50.73(e)(2)(vill)(A)50.73(e)(2)(vill)(5)50.73(~)(2)(x)THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED PURSUANT T 0 THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10 CFR gr (Check one or more of the folios(lop)

(11 73.71(II)73.71(c)OTHER (Specify In Ahstrect INlovr end ln Text, HRC Form 388AI NAME Richard Schwabenbauer

-Regulatory Compliance TELEPHONE NUMBER AREA CODE 9 19 362-2 69 COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT (13)CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFAC.TURER'" y~CpScy.REPORTABLE rc~TO NPRDS.:.r.CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFAC.TURER EPORTABLE TO NPRDS wm SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED (14)EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE (15)MONTH DAY YEAR YES (If yes, complere EXPECTED SII84tISSIOH DA TEI NO ABSTRACT (Limit to f400 sprees, I e., epproxlmetely fifteen slnple-specs typevrritten linNI (15)ABSTRACT On April 26, 1987 the plant was operating at 100 percent power in Node 1.Pressurizer Pressure Channel PT-455 was being tested.It was thought to be out of calibration (reading high), but was found to be correct.At 0930 hours0.0108 days <br />0.258 hours <br />0.00154 weeks <br />3.53865e-4 months <br />, as a result of conducting the test on PT-455, two other channels, PT-456 and PT-457 were found to oe out, of calibration, reading low, and declared inoperable.

All three channels are redundant transmitters for Pressurizer pressure.Technical Specifications permit only one channel to be inoperable at a time.Therefore, at 1008 hours0.0117 days <br />0.28 hours <br />0.00167 weeks <br />3.83544e-4 months <br />, actions were commenced to satisfy the prerequisites of GP-006, Normal Plant Shutdown for Power Operation to Hot Standby (Mode 1 to Mode 3), to satisfy Technical Specification Action 3.0.3.Priority 1 work requests were immediately initiated to recalibrate the two inoperable channels per the appropriate Maintenance Surveillance Tests (MST).MST-I0120 was successfully completed at 1140 hours0.0132 days <br />0.317 hours <br />0.00188 weeks <br />4.3377e-4 months <br /> and Channel PT-456 was declared operable.With two operable channels, Technical Specifications allowed continued plant operation under Table 3.3-3, Action 15.MST-I0121 was successfully completed at 1615 hours0.0187 days <br />0.449 hours <br />0.00267 weeks <br />6.145075e-4 months <br /> and Channel PT-457 was declared operable.870b050252 87052b PDR ADOCK 05000400 9 PDR NRC rerm erro NRC Form~(84(31 LICE SEE ENT REPORT (LER)TEXT CONTINUA ION U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION APPROVED OMS NO.3150&(04 EXPIRES: 8/31/88 FACILITY NAME l'll Sheyron Harris Plant Unit 1 DOCKET NUMBER (2)LER NUMBER (61 YEAR>X j SEGVENTIAL Na: REVISION CWX>NVMSER I/PS NUMBER PAGE (31 TEXT/Hm<<o<<>>co/I roEvie4 I>>o ER/E/<<>>/HRC F<<IR 36843/(ill DESCRIPTION 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 8 7 027-00 0 2 0 2 On April 26, 1987 the plant was operating at 100 percent power in Mode 1.Pressurizer Pressure Channel PT-455 was being tested.It was thought to be out of calibration, (reading high)but was found to be correct.At 0930 hours0.0108 days <br />0.258 hours <br />0.00154 weeks <br />3.53865e-4 months <br />, as a result of this test, it was found the other two Channels, PT-456 and PT-457, were out of calibration reading low, and were declared inoperable.

All three channels are redundant transmitters for Pressurizer pressure and have bistables for the following trips and interlock:

g 2,385 psig Reactor Trip-High Pressure Q 2,000 psig P-11 Interlock g 1,960 psig Reactor Trip-Low Pressure Q 1,850 psig Safety Injection Signal For continued plant operation, Technical Specifications permit only one channel to be inoperable at a time.Therefore, at 1008 hours0.0117 days <br />0.28 hours <br />0.00167 weeks <br />3.83544e-4 months <br />, actions were commenced to satisfy the prerequisites of GP-006 Normal Plant Shutdown from Power Operation to Hot Standby (Mode 1 to Mode 3)in compliance with Technical Specification Action 3.0.3.Priority 1 Work Requests to run the applicable Maintenance Surveillance Tests (MST)to recalibrate the inoperable channels were immediately initiated.

At 1140 hours0.0132 days <br />0.317 hours <br />0.00188 weeks <br />4.3377e-4 months <br />, MST-I0120 was successfully completed for Channel PT-456 and declared operable.With two operable channels, Technical Specifications allowed continued plant operation under Table 3.3-3, Action 15.At 1615 hours0.0187 days <br />0.449 hours <br />0.00267 weeks <br />6.145075e-4 months <br />, MST-I0121 was successfully completed for Channel PT-457 and declared operable.CAUSE The cause of the event was that two out of the three channels for the Pressurizer Pressure drifted low.The transmitters were recalibrated successfully.

ANALYSIS This event is reportable under 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) because the plant entered Technical Specification Action 3.0.3.CORRECTIVE ACTION: 1)Channel PT-456 was correctly calibrated via WR&A 88-DYD174.

2)Channel PT"457 was correctly calibrated via WR&A 88-JOR237.

NRC FORM 366A (SELT I*U.S.GPO/I QSO-0-624 538/455 Carolina Power&Light Company HARRIS NUCLEAR PROJECT P.O.Box 165 New Hill, NC 27562 MAY 26 198T File Number'SHF/10-13510C Letter Number: HO-870441 (0)U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: NRC Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT 1 DOCKET NO.50-400 LICENSE NO.NPF-63 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT 87-027-00 Gentlemen'.

In accordance with Title 10 to the Code of Federal Regulations, the enclosed Licensee Event Report is submitted.

This report fulfills the requirement for a written report within thirty (30)days of a reportable occurrence and is in accordance with the format set forth in NUREG-1022, September, 1983.Very truly yours, RAW:sdg Enclosure R.A.Watson Vice President Harris Nuclear Project cc: Dr.J.Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)Mr.B.Buckley (NRR)Mr.G.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)MEM/HO-8704410/PAGE 1/Osl