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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML0934410666 September 1990Forwards Rev 20 to Vol I Emergency Plan Index,Rev 35 to Vol II, Emergency Response Activation, Rev 60 to Vol III EPIP Index & Rev 12 to IP-1011, Offsite Monitoring/Site Perimeter Surveys.
ML1003314857 August 1990Forwards Proprietary WCAP-12687 & Nonproprietary WCAP-12688, Indian Point Unit 2 Tube Fatigue Reevaluation, Rev 2,per NRC Request.Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML1003314901 August 1990Forwards Proprietary WCAP-12670 & Nonproprietary WCAP-12671, Indian Point Unit 2 - Final Rept on Steam Generator Insp, Repair & Restoration Efforts During 1990 Midcycle Insp. Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
ML20058L47431 July 1990Forwards 900713 Projection for Aug 1990 - Jul 1991 Guaranteeing Payment of Deferred Premiums
ML20056A71827 July 1990Forwards Corrected Page 3.10-9 Inadvertently Omitted from 900621 Application for Amend to License DPR-64 Re Removal of cycle-specific Parameter Limits Per Generic Ltr 88-16
ML20055G99717 July 1990Forwards Decommissioning Financial Assurance Certification Rept for Facilities,Per 10CFR50.33(K)(2)
ML09344105916 July 1990Forwards Rev 34 to Vol II, Emergency Response Activation, & Revised Epips,Including Rev 11 to IP-1038,Rev 16 to IP-1050,Rev 6 to IP-1054 & Rev 12 to IP-1076
ML10033144627 June 1990Forwards Proprietary & Nonproprietary WCAP-12625 & WCAP-12626, Status Rept Indian Point Unit 2 Mid-Cycle Steam Generator Insp Presentation to NRC & WCAP-12627 & WCAP-12628, Indian Point Unit 2 Steam Generator Insp....
ML20043H99821 June 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-64,proposing Removal of cycle-specific Parameters from Tech Specs,Per Generic Ltr 88-16
ML20043G29711 June 1990Submits Supplemental Info Re New Temp Sensors Installed in Primary Auxiliary Bldg & Revised Safety Evaluation,To Support 900412 Request for Tech Spec Changes.New Temp Sensors in Piping Penetration Have Setpoints of 140 FFire Protection Program
ML09344105018 May 1990Forwards Rev 20 to Emergency Plan,Rev 33 to Emergency Response Activation & Revised Epips,Including IP-1011
ML10033122616 May 1990Forwards Proprietary WCAP 12573 & Nonproprietary WCAP 12574, Indian Point Unit 2 Steam Generator Insp,Repair & Restoration Program Per NRC 900314 Request.Proprietary Rept Withheld
ML20012F4793 April 1990Informs That Current Revs to Emergency Plan Sent to NRC Document Control Desk
ML1003312135 March 1990Forwards Rev 5 to Fire Protection Program Plan.Fire Protection Program
ML17347B5881 March 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Info Covers Time Spent by Key Power Plant Managers in Responding to Operational Insps & Audits
ML18094B32228 February 1990Forwards Executed Amend 14 to Indemnity Agreement B-74
ML15217A10328 February 1990Forwards Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1989 for McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 & Revised Process Control Programs & Offsite Dose Calculation ManualsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML20011F38226 February 1990Confirms Amount Electronically Transferred to Us Dept of Treasury,Nrc on 900223 for Payment of NRC Review Fees of 10CFR50 Applications & 10CFR55 Svcs Per 10CFR170,for Period of 890101-0617 for Listed Invoices
ML20006G06222 February 1990Forwards Revised Proprietary Pages to DPC-NE-2004, Core Thermal Hydraulic Methodology Using VIPRE-01, Reflecting Minor Methodology Changes Made During Review & Approval Process.Pages Withheld
ML20006E14416 February 1990Forwards Suppl to Rev 1 to Updated FSAR for Braidwood Station,Units 1 & 2 & Byron Station,Units 1 & 2,per 881214 & 891214 Submittals
ML20006E90716 February 1990Discusses Plants Design Control Program.Util Adopted Concept of Design Change Implementation Package (Dcip).Dcip Will Contain or Ref Design Change Notice Prepared Per Approved Procedures
ML20006E42014 February 1990Requests NRC Approval for Use of Alloy 690 Steam Generator Tube Plugs for Facility,Prior to 900301,pending Final ASME Approval of Code Case for Alloy 690
ML20011E61512 February 1990Forwards Revs 1 to Security Plan & Security Training & Qualification Plan & Rev 2 to Security Contingency Plan. Salem Switchyard Project Delayed.Revs Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20011E4996 February 1990Discusses Liability & Funding Requirements Re NRC Decommissioning Funding Rules & Verifies Understanding of Rules.Ltr from NRC Explaining Liability & Requirements of Rule Requested
ML20006D6912 February 1990Provides Alternative Design Solution to Dcrdr Implementation at Facilities.Simpler Design Devised,Using Eyelet Screw Inserted in Switch Nameplate Which Is Identical to Providing Caution Cards in Close Proximity to Switch Handle
ML20006C56631 January 1990Provides Certification Re Implementation of Fitness for Duty Program Per 10CFR26 at PlantsFitness for Duty
ML20006B79629 January 1990Forwards Summaries of Latest ECCS Evaluation Model Changes
ML18153C09529 January 1990Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Belief in Appropriateness to Address Generic Ltr 89-13 Concerns within Context of Established Programmatic Improvements NotedCoatings
ML20011E25229 January 1990Forwards Proprietary Safety Analysis Physics Parameters & Multidimensional Reactor Transients Methodology. Three Repts Describing EPRI Computer Code Also Encl.Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20006D66129 January 1990Advises That 900117 License Amend Request to Remove Certain cycle-specific Parameter Limits from Tech Specs Inadvertently Utilized Outdated Tech Specs Pages.Requests That Tech Specs Changes Made Via Amends 101/83 Be Deleted
ML20006C67129 January 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Plants Have Established Preventive Maint Program for Intake Structure & Routine Treatment of Svc Water Sys W/Biocide to Control BiofoulingUltimate heat sink
ML18153C08726 January 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-003, Potential Loss of Required Shutdown Margin During Refueling Operations. Refueling Procedures to Be Revised & Familiarization Sessions Will Be Conducted Prior to Each Refueling OutageShutdown Margin
ML20006D24326 January 1990Provides Info Re Emergency Response Organization Exercises for Plants.Exercises & Callouts Would Necessitate Activation of Combined Emergency Operations Facility Approx Eight Times Per Yr,W/Some Being Performed off-hours & Unannounced
ML18094B28626 January 1990Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Aggressive Program of Monitoring,Insp & Matl Replacement Initiated in Advance of Generic Ltr 89-13 IssuanceCoatings
ML19354E67124 January 1990Requests Approval to Use Alloy 690 Plugs as Alternative to Requirements of 10CFR55(a),codes & Stds for Plants Prior to 900226
ML17347B54524 January 1990Informs of Plans to Apply ASME Code Case N-356 at Plants to Allow Certification Period to Be Extended to 5 Yrs.Rev to Inservice Insp Programs Will Include Use of Code Case
ML19354E44622 January 1990Forwards Proprietary Rev 1 to DPC-NE-2001, Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology for MARK-BW Fuel, Adding Section Re ECCS Analysis Interface Criteria & Making Associated Administrative Changes.Rev Withheld
ML19354E44522 January 1990Submits Update on Status of RHR Sys Iconic Display at Facilities,Per Generic Ltr 88-17 Re Loss of Dhr.Computer Graphics Display Data in Real Time & Reflect Status of Refueling Water Level & RHR Pump Parameters
ML20005G71620 January 1990Forwards Rev 1 to Updated FSAR for Braidwood & Byron Units 1 & 2.Changes in Rev 1 Include Facility & Procedures Which Were in Effect as of 890610.W/o Encl
ML20006A80019 January 1990Forwards Response to NRC 891220 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Plant Insps.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML10033118919 January 1990Forwards Nonproprietary WCAP-11812 & Proprietary WCAP-11811, Indian Point Unit 2 Evaluation for Tube Vibration Induced Fatigue, Per Request for Addl Info Re Implementation of NRC Bulletin 88-002.Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML16152A90918 January 1990Forwards Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-1, Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff & Rev 24 to CMIP-2, News Group Plan. W/900131 Release Memo
ML18153C07717 January 1990Forwards North Anna Power Station Emergency Plan Table 5.1, 'Min Staffing Requirements for Emergencies' & Surry... Table 5.1, 'Min Staffing Requirements...', for Approval,Per 10CFR50.54(q),NUREG-0654 & NUREG-0737,Suppl 1
ML20006A20116 January 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002 Re Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel in Anchor Darling Swing Check Valves.Eight Subj Valves Identified in Peach Bottom Units 1 & 2 & Will Be Returned to MfgAnchor Darling
Nondestructive Examination
ML18153C07315 January 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Stress Corrosion Cracking of High-Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing Check Valves or or Valves.... Util Replaced Studs in twenty-five ValvesAnchor Darling
ML20005G64310 January 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 89-21 Re Implementation of USI Requirements,Consisting of Revised Page to 891128 Response, Moving SER Ref from USI A-10 to A-12 for Braidwood
ML20006B88210 January 1990Reissued Ltr Correcting Date of Util Ltr to NRC Which Forwarded Updated FSAR for Byron/Braidwood Plants from 881214 to 891214.W/o Updated FSARs
ML20006A82010 January 1990Forwards Errata to Rev 3 to BAW-1543,Tables 3-20 & E-1 of Master Integrated Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program Reflecting Changes in Insertion Schedule for A5 Capsule for Davis-Besse & Crystal River
ML20005G7604 January 1990Forwards Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Plan. Privacy Info Should Be Deleted Prior to Placement in Pdr.W/ D Grimsley 900118 Release Memo
ML20005F4643 January 1990Advises That Licensee Implemented 10CFR26 Rule Re fitness-for-duty Program W/One Exception.Util Has Not Completed Background Check for Some of Program Administrators.Checks Expected to Be Completed by 900105