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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20062F2249 November 1990Forwards SSFI Repts 50-277/90-80 & 50-278/90-80 on 900917- 1003 Conducted by Corrective Action Review Team.Corrective Actions Generally Acceptable W/Some Weaknesses Noted
IR 05000277/19900197 November 1990Forwards Exam Repts 50-277/90-19OL & 50-278/90-19OL Administered During Wk of 900924
ML20062D5386 November 1990Forwards List of Unimplemented Generic Safety Issues at Facilities,Per Generic Ltr 90-04
ML20058G15431 October 1990Requests That Util Furnish Ref Matl Listed in Encl 1, Ref Matl Requirements, for Administration of Licensing Exams & Evaluation of Requalification Program Scheduled for Wk of 910304
ML20062C74526 October 1990Forwards Safety Evaluation Accepting Response to NRC Bulletin 90-002, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Channel Box Bow
ML20058D23726 October 1990Informs of Impending fitness-for-duty Program Insp & Requests 10CFR26.20 Required Policies & Procedures
ML20062B82111 October 1990Forwards Final SALP Repts 50-277/89-99 & 50-278/89-99 for Jul 1989 to May 1990.Improvements NotedSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20062A0655 October 1990Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-277/90-17 & 50-278/90-17 on 900814-0924.One Violation Noted
ML20059N5843 October 1990Informs That Issuance of Senior Reactor Operator Licenses, for Fuel Handling Only,For More than One Facility Conditionally Acceptable
ML20059M65622 September 1990Ack Receipt of Util Re Corrective Actions Taken in Response to Insp Repts 50-277/90-13 & 50-278/90-13
ML20059J19713 September 1990Ack Receipt of & Payment for Civil Penalty Proposed by NRC in in Amount of $75,000
ML20059H07011 September 1990Requests Addl Info Re Audit Rept Distribution,Per 890711 & 900420 Application Request for Removal of Organization Charts from Tech Spec Per Guidance Provided in Generic Ltr 88-06 & Miscellaneous Administrative Changes
ML20059K7216 September 1990Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-277/90-15 & 50-278/90-15 on 900723-27 & Notice of Violation
ML20056B26923 August 1990Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 880126 Application for Amends to Licenses,Revising Tech Specs to Provide More Restrictive Limits on Emergency Svc Water Sys.Response Should Be Provided within 60 Days of Ltr Receipt
ML20059A65816 August 1990Requests Discussion of Measures Considered &/Or Taken to Reduce Amount of Time Needed to Obtain Effluent Sample Analyses Results,Per 870121 Application for License Amends to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56
ML20058N0536 August 1990Discusses Licensee Engineering Initiatives.Encourages Initiation of Initiative Similar to Region V Licensees Establishment of Engineering Managers Forum
ML20056A50130 July 1990Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-277/90-13 & 50-278/90-13 on 900516-0702 & Notice of Violation
ML20055E1716 July 1990Requests That Licensee Provide Data on Channel Box Bow Vs Exposure Associated W/Methods Used to Account for Effects of Channel Box Bow During Second Bundle Lifetime Channel Boxes, Per 900425 Response to Bulletin 90-002,within 30 Days
ML20055E9615 July 1990Requests Addl Info Re Util 891228 Response to Generic Ltr 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing & Surveillance
ML20055D07227 June 1990Advises That Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Exams Scheduled for Wks of 900924 & 1001.Ref Matls,Listed on Encl,Should Be Provided by 900724Shutdown Margin
Job Performance Measure
ML20055C87615 June 1990Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-277/90-10 & 50-278/90-10 on 900403-0515.No Violations Noted.Increased Mgt Attention Warranted to Ensure That Instances of Failure to Complete Surveillance Testing Identified & Corrected
ML20059M86713 June 1990Forwards NRC Performance Indicators for First Quarter 1990. W/O Encl
ML20248H8045 October 1989Grants Termination of Requirements Set Forth in Section VA of Order to Permit Operation of Both Units at Full Power
ML20248H1363 October 1989Forwards Unexecuted Amend 22 to Indemnity Agreement B-28, Reflecting Changes to 10CFR140 Re Increase in Primary Layer of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Provided by ANI & Maelu
ML20248G22929 September 1989Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-277/89-21 & 50-278/89-21 on 890901.No Violations Noted.Insp Concluded That Improvements in Radiological Controls Program Have Been Slow.Addl Mgt Attention to Program Warranted
ML20248E23527 September 1989Forwards Summary of Issues Re Verification of Quality of Certain Types of Activities Performed for Mods at Facility. Mods Cover Automatic Depressurization Sys/Msiv Instrument Nitrogen Accumulator & Svc Water Pipe Replacement
ML20248A41125 September 1989Forwards Restart Team Safety Insp Repts 50-277/89-20 & 50-278/89-20 on 890730-0902.No Violations Noted
ML20248E55821 September 1989Forwards SER Supporting Use of Frosstey Fuel Performance Code Described in Topical Rept PECo-FMS-003, Steady-State Fuel Performance Methods Rept. Addl Applications of Subj Code Require NRC Review & Approval
ML20247L93313 September 1989Advises That Written Reactor Operator Licensing Exams Scheduled on 891211 & Operating Exams on 891212-15.Ref Matl Listed on Encl Should Be Provided by 891001.Simulator Exam Scenario Should Be Retained Until Exam Process CompletedShutdown Margin
Job Performance Measure
ML20247E8497 September 1989Forwards SALP Board Repts 50-277/88-99 & 50-278/88-99 for Aug 1988 - June 1989Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20247B8711 September 1989Forwards Restart Safety Insp Repts 50-277/89-19 & 50-278/89-19 on 890618-0729.No Violations Noted
ML20246E02421 August 1989Forwards Safety Evaluation Accepting Util Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.1 (Parts 1 & 2) Re Components Required to Trip Reactor & Interface W/Nmss Vendors or Vendors of Each Component,Respectively
ML20246J45718 August 1989Clarifies NRC Position Re Definition of Extremity for Purpose of Setting Occupational Exposure Limits,Per Info Notice 81-26.Util Should Ensure That Procedures Incorporate Applicable Dose Limits in 10CFR20
ML20248D0261 August 1989Confirms 890714 Telcon & Requests Assistance & Cooperation in Review of Allegation Involving Plant.Util Should Fully Review Allegation & Take Action in Accordance W/Encl Instructions.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20248C04228 July 1989Responds to Util in Response to NRC Re Potential Violation of 10CFR50.7.Review of Record Indicates That Violation May Have Occurred.No Further Action Warranted as Case Settled Prior to Investigation
ML20247E31921 July 1989Relaxes Requirements of Section V.A of 870331 Order to Permit Operation of Unit 2 to Full Power
ML20246F6126 July 1989Forwards NRR to Ecology Ctr of Southern California Re Petition to Fix or Close All Nuclear Power Reactors Designed by Ge.Petition Being Treated Under 10CFR2.206
ML20246C36830 June 1989Forwards Safety Evaluation Supporting 871019 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.3, Reactor Trip Sys Reliability, On-Line Testing of Reactor Trip Sys. Existing Test Intervals Consistent W/High Reactor Trip Sys Availability
ML20246B91628 June 1989Advises That Requirements of 870331 Order Relaxed to Permit Unit 2 Operation Not to Exceed 70% Full Power,In Accordance W/Section Ve of Order
ML20246B95628 June 1989Forwards Annual Emergency Preparedness Exercise Safety Insp Repts 50-277/89-17 & 50-278/89-17 on 890614.No Violations Noted
ML20246A00026 June 1989Forwards Restart Safety Insp Repts 50-277/89-16 & 50-278/89-16 on 890507-0617 & Notice of Violation
ML20245C96716 June 1989Requests Addl Info on Response to Generic Ltr 88-01 on IGSCC in Matls.Response Should Be Provided within 60 Days of Receipt of LtrWeld Overlay
Unidentified leakage
ML20247M77326 May 1989Forwards Director'S Decision Re Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy 10CFR2.206 Petition Re 880309 Power Oscillation Event at Lasalle,Unit 2
ML20247N84825 May 1989Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-277/89-12 & 50-278/89-12 on 890410-13.No Violations Noted
ML20247L64824 May 1989Forwards Restart Safety Insp Repts 50-277/89-15 & 50-278/89-15 on 890402-0506.No Violations Noted.Two Issues Remain Unresolved,Including HPCI Sys Wiring Error That Occurred During Plant Mod Installed in Mar & Apr 1989
ML20247K91918 May 1989Forwards Electrical Insp Repts 50-277/89-13 & 50-278/89-13 on 890405-07 & 13.Issues to Be Resolved Before Unit 3 Restart Listed.No Violations Noted
ML20246N34010 May 1989Advises That Written Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Exams Scheduled for 890814 & Operating Exams Scheduled for Wk of 890918.Ref Matls Listed on Encl Should Be Provided by 890601Shutdown Margin
Job Performance Measure
ML20246Q3713 May 1989Extends Invitation to Attend Power Reactor Operator Licensing Seminar on 890531 in King of Prussia,Pa.Agenda & Info Re Lodging Arrangements Encl
IR 05000277/198703026 April 1989Ack Receipt of Re Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-277/87-30 & 50-278/87-30
ML20245F31826 April 1989Requests Encl Addl Info Re Util 890310 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56 Re Intermediate Detector Not in Startup Position for Calibr