PNO-II-89-047A, on 890616,loss of Offsite Power W/Resulting Scram from 10% Power (Note Revised Time from Earlier Pn). Caused by Combination of Personnel Error & Equipment Failure. 1B RCP Started,Restablishing Forced Coolant Flow

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PNO-II-89-047A:on 890616,loss of Offsite Power W/Resulting Scram from 10% Power (Note Revised Time from Earlier Pn). Caused by Combination of Personnel Error & Equipment Failure. 1B RCP Started,Restablishing Forced Coolant Flow
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/1989
From: Crlenjak R
PNO-II-89-047A, PNO-II-89-47A, NUDOCS 9710240167
Download: ML20198K903 (1)


. PM y v J.<! B,c ,

June 16, 1989

/Mt fj'g .

1 0F EVthT OR UNU5UAL OCCURRENCE PNO-!!49 47A T reliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of P038 interest significance.

publi cation or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by the Region !! staff on this i date, Lic~ensee Emergency Classification:

FACILITY: Florisa Power Corporation Notification of Unusual Event Crystal River Unit 3 Alert DocketNo.50I302 . site Area Emergency p-License No. OPR 72 senerai Emertene ,

Z Not Applicab,e 4 [./)g q

$UBJECT: CRYSTAL. RIVER ALERT - UPDATE At 1306 EDT Crystal River Unit 3 had a loss of offsite power with a resultins scram f An AltRT was declaredThe at "1B" 13NRCPEDTwas and 10% tower (note revised time from earlier PN).

notification made to the headquarters operations officer at 1402 EDT.The emergency class staPted at 1708 EDT reestablishing forced coolant flow. The NOUE was terminated at downgraded to a Not, ice of Unusual Event (NOVE) at 1715 107.

1730 EDT. The maximum Reactor Coolant system temperature was 88C'F a was 2185 Psia during the transient. The root cause of breaker interruption to offsite power occurred as a result of the event. An electrical cas determined to be a combination of personnel error and equipment failure.l which then l

relay technician accidentally bumped the trip1691 button on to theindicate carrieran signa d breakers 1690 and 16f1 to trip. When power to failed the startup power open signal transformer whlch This interrupted r 1891 then cloned. This evening the s'te will complete a post trip and event review ted the transtant.

l The Senior Resident Inspector will be monitoring bactivity onsite through the evening. p. inspectors will be ensite Monday, June 19, are recomencing the Unit 3 startu Regional litt, to further evaluate all aspects of the incident.

l This information is current as of 1735 E00.

CONTACT: R. Celenjak


FT$ 242-5097 i


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55108 //896 __ TO REGIONS AND HQ' * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 9710240167 890616

-! 9-047A PDR GIA IAf1_ 'Nd *rt(4