NSD-NRC-97-5012, Responds to RAI 410.295 Re Classification of Mechanical and Fluid Systems

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Responds to RAI 410.295 Re Classification of Mechanical and Fluid Systems
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 03/05/1997
From: Mcintyre B
NSD-NRC-97-5012, NUDOCS 9703120456
Download: ML20135F522 (7)


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Westinghouse Energy Systems g,3gynn,gng3g.g333 Electric Corporation NSD-NRC-97-5012 DCP/NRC076 Docket No.: STN-52-003 i March 5,1997 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555



Dear Mr. Quay:

Attached are responses to NRC RAI 410.29 and a related open item (OITS #289). Also attached is a

, copy of SSAR subsection 3.2.4 that shows the changes made in Revision 11 that implements the commitment in the response. Table 3.2-2 has been revised in SSAR Revision 11 to include all fluid

and mechanical systems, identify the classification for all components, and provide classification of fire dampers. T,9ble 3.2-3 has also been revised in SSAR Revision 11 to include the changes due to other responses and design changes identified to date.

This response will permit Plant Systems Branch to close these items and finalize its input to FSER section 3.2.

If you have any questions please contact D. A. Lindgren at (412) 374-4856.


e' Brian A. h clntyre, Manager Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing  !

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,v Attachment /

cc: Diane Jackson, NRC (w/ Attachment)

W. Huffman, NRC (w/ Attachment)


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310Ba 9703120456 970305 PDR E-ADOCK 05200C03 PDR lEElES'EEElE

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. Attachment to NSD-NRC-97-50l2 i

RAl# 410.295 (3481) - NRC Letter 8/15/1996, SSAR Table 3.2-3, AP600 Clasification of Mechani-cal and Fluid Systems, Components, and Equipment:

a. Westinghouse needs to revise Table 3.2-3 to provide the classification of the following fluid
systems and their associated generalized equipment
1. Radiologically Controlled Arec Ventilation System (VAS)
2. Containment Recirculation Cooling System (VCS) ,

! 3. Health Physics and Hot Machine Shop HVAC system (VHS) i~

4. Radioactive Waste Building HVAC System (VRS)
5. Turbine Building Ventilation System (VTS) c 6. Annex / Auxiliary Nonradioactive Ventilation System (VXS) i
7. Liquid Waste Management System j 8. Gaseous Waste Management System
9. Radiation Monitoring System j 10. Main Steam System

{ 11. Condensate Storage System l 12. Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary (RPCB) Leakage Detection and Monitoring System 1

i b. In the previous version, there was a " Location" column in the table, which is useful fo the reviewer. It was removed from the table in Revision 8. Bring the location information back to

the table.

Westinohnuse Recnonse l a. Table 3.2-3 focuses on the classification of safety-related (Class A, B, or C) components and i

equipment in mechanical and fluid systems. Items that are AP600 equipment Class D or

equivalent are identified in a general basis. The table is being revised to include the fluid and i mechanical systems in AP600. Items that are not Class A, B, C, or D are not individually j identified. Systems that are electrical or instrumentation systems are not included in this table.

i This is consistent with the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.70. The components in the incore instrumentatio'n system that have a pressure boundary function are included in the table.

I Responses for the specific systems follows. The text in subsection 3.2.4 referencing the contents of the table has also been revised.


1. The radiologically controlled area ventilation system (VAS) is included in the table. The
- Class D room coolers and valves that provide a Class D function are identified. The balance of the equipment in the VAS is Class E.

i 2. The equipment in the containment recirculation cooling system (VCS) is Class E or Class L.


3. The equipment in the health physics and hot machine shop HVAC system (VHS) is Class E.
4. The equipment in the radioactive waste building HVAC System (VRS) is Class E, Class L, Class F, or Class R.


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Attachment to NSD-NRC-97-5012

5. The equipment in the turbine building ventilation system (VTS) is Class E, Class L, or Class F.
6. . The annex / auxiliary nr 1 radioactive ventilation system (VXS) is included in the table. The air handling units and lampers that provide a Class D function are identified. The balance of the equipment in tue VAS is Class E .
7. The liquid radwaste system (WLS) is included in Table 3.2-3.
8. The gaseous radwaste system (WGS) is included in Table 3.2-3.
9. The radiation monitoring system (RMS) is not a fluid system and is not included in Table 3.2-3. The system is discussed in Section 11.5. Most radiation detectors are included as a part of the system they monitor. Table 11.5-1 identifies the safety-related nionitors.

Subsection 7.1.4 provides information on qualification and other requirements for safety-related monitors.

10. The main steam system (MSS) is the nonsafety-related portion of the main steam line and associated piping. Equipment in the MSS is Class E. The safety-related portion of the main steam line is included in the steam generator system (SGS).
11. The condensate system (CDS) is not safety-related. Equipment in the CDS is Class E.
12. The reactor coolant leak detection function is provided by components and subsystems in a  ;

number of systems. It does not rely on a dedicated leak detection system. . Subsection j 5.2.5 addresses the leak detection approach and identifies the systems which include the j equipment required for leak detection.

b. The location information in the previous revision of the table merely identified in which building a component was located. Safety-related equipment is either in the containment or auxiliary building. The location for all or most of the equipment will be identified on the line with the system name. Systems such as the plant gas system that have components in several of the buildings are identified as being located in "Various" buildings. More specific informa-tion on the locations of safety related equipment is provided in Table 3.11-1 and the associated information in Table 3D.5-1. Location by fire area in provided in Appendix 9A.

OITS 281 and NRC letter dated October 17,1996, item 7. e. (2) (OITS 289) identified the request to include fire dampers in Table 3.2-3.

Wectinohnuse Recnonse Fire dampers have been added to the table in SSAR Revision 11. The approach used is similar to the approach used for Class D equipment.

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. Attachment to NSD-NRC-97-5012 i i

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3.2.4 Application of AP600 Safety-Related Equipment and Seismic Classification System I

The application of the AP600 equipment and seismic classification system to AP600 systems and components is shown in Table 3.2-3. Table 3.2-3 lists safety-related and seismic category I l mechanical and fluid system component and associated equipment class and seismic category as l l well as other related information. The table also provides informativ on the systems that I contain Class D components. Additional information on the Class D functions of the various I systems can be found in the description in the SSAR for the systems. Mechanical and fluid I systems that contain no safety-related or Class D systems are included in the table and general I information provided on the system. Supports for piping and components have the same classification as the component or piping supported. Supports for AP600 equipment Class A, B,

!' and C mechanical components and piping are constructed to ASME Code,Section III, Subsection NF requirements. The principle construction code for supports for nonsafety-related components and piping is the same as that for the supported component or piping. '

l Following the name of each system is the building location of the system components. Some of I the systems supply all or most of the buildings. This is indicated by identifying the location as

-l various. Where a system includes piping or ducts that only passed through a building without I including any components that building is generally not included in the list.

The following list includes the systems in Table 3.2-3. The three letters in the beginning of each line is the acronym for the system. The systems included in Table 3.2-3 are listed alphabetically I by three letter acronym. He cy:::= ;--S::d !- !::!! : he: = ::: gen:: in C'-- r ^., B, C, c- D =d h=: = !!:: Of = . pen::= !: ! 6d h 6:!d!:. Those systems marked with an i asterisk

  • are electrical or instrumentation systems and are not included in Table 3.2-3. The I components in the incore instrumentation system that have a pressure boundary function are I included in the table. See Section 3.11 for identification of safety-related electrical and instrumentation equipment.

NSSS/ Steam Generator Controls And Auxiliaries BDS Steam Generator Blowdown System CNS Containment System CVS Chemical and Volume Control System PCS Passive Containment Cooling System PXS Passive Core Cooling System RCS Reactor Coolant System RNS Normal Residual Heat Removal System RXS Reactor System SGS Steam Generator System Nuclear Control and Monitoring .

  • DAS Diverse Actuation System I *IIS Incore Instrumentation System
  • OCS Operation and Control Centers
  • PMS Protection and Safety Monitoring System PSS. Primary Sampling System
  • RMS Radiation Monitoring System m 3

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Attachment to NSD-NRC-97-5012

  • SJS Seismic Monitoring System
  • SMS Special Monitoring System Main Power Cycle and Auxiliaries CDS Condensate System CFS Turbine Island Chemical Feed System CPS Condensate Polishing System DTS Demineralized Water Treatmem System l DWS Demineralized Water Transfer and Storage System l FWS Main and Startup Feedwater System  ;

GSS Gland Seal System l

HDS Heater Drain System MSS Main Steam System MTS Main Turbine System RWS Raw Water System TDS Turbine Island Vents, Drains and Relief System ,

l Class IE and Emergency Power Systems

. TCS Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water System ,

1 Auxiliary Steam ASS Auxiliary Steam Supply System l

Generation and Transmission

  • ZAS Main Generation System  :
  • ZBS Transmission Switchyard and Offsite Power System j
  • ZVS Excitation and Voltage Regulation System i l

l Radwaste WGS Gaseous Radwaste System WLS Liquid Radwaste System WRS Radioactive Waste Drain System Solid Radwaste System l WSS HVAC VAS Radiologically Controlled Area Ventilation System VBS Nuclear Island Nonradioactive Ventilation System VCS Containment Recirculation Cooling System VES Main Control Room Emergency Habitability System VFS Containment Air Filtration System ms. 4

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I Attachment to NSD-NRC-97-501 I

l VHS Health Physics and Hot Machine Shop HVAC System VLS Containment Hydrogen Control System VRS Radwaste Building HVAC System


/TS Turbine Building Ventilation System VUS Containment Leak Rate Test System  ;

VWS Central Chilled Water System j VXS Annex / Auxiliary Nonradioactive Ventilation System i VYS Hot Water Heating System i VZS Diesel Generator Building Ventilation System i Turbine-Generator Controls and Auxiliary j CMS Condenser Air Removal System l HCS Generator Hydrogen and CO 2Systems HSS Hydrogen Seal Oil System l LOS Main Turbine and Generator Lube Oil System I

  • TOS Main Turbine Control and Diagnostics System Material Handling I FHS Fuel Handling and Refueling System ,

MHS Mechanical Handling System l Piping Services )

CAS Compressed and Instrument Air Systems )

DOS Standby Diesel and Auxiliary Boiler Fuel Oil System FPS Fire Protection System PGS Plant Gas Systenu PWS Potable Water System Non-Class 1E Power Systems

  • ECS Main AC Power System
  • EDS Non-Class IE de and UPS System l ZOS Onsite Standby Power System i I

Miscellaneous Electrical Systems

  • EFS Communication Systems i
  • EGS Grounding and Lightning Protection System
  • EHS Special Process Heat Tracing System l
  • ELS Plant Lighting System
  • EQS Cathodic Protection Systam Non-Nuclear Controls and Monitoring
  • DDS Data Display and Processing System I *MES Meteorological and Environmental Monitoring System
  • PLS Plant Control System
  • SES Plant Security System SSS Secondary Sampling System
  • TVS Closed Circuit TV System nu. 5

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l Attachment to NSD-NRC-97-5012 Non-Radioactive Drains DRS Storm Drain System RDS Gravity and Roof Drain Collection System j SDS Sanitary Drainage System WWS Waste Water System i

l l l 7':: :y:::= ph::d !: !!:!!:: kv: == ::=p n: :: ;- C! :::: :', B, C, :: D and kv: ==

!!:::l :=p: : :: 'z:!:d:d on :& T2!: 3.2 !. Those systems marked with an asterisk

(*) are electrical or instrumentation systems and are not included in Table 3.2 3.

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