NSD-NRC-97-4935, Forwards Documents Which Summarize Westinghouse Response to Issues in NRC Re AP600 Structural Module

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Forwards Documents Which Summarize Westinghouse Response to Issues in NRC Re AP600 Structural Module
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 01/09/1997
From: Mcintyre B
To: Quay T
NSD-NRC-97-4935, NUDOCS 9701150042
Download: ML20133F851 (52)


.s, [


Westinghouse Energy Systems Ba 355 Pittsbt/jp; Pennsykania 15230-0355 Electric Corporation NSD-NRC-97-4935 DCP/NRC0701 D O C K E F N O.: STN-52-003 January 9,1997 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 l



Dear Mr. Quay:

The attached documents summarizes Westinghouse responses to issues in an NRC letter dated July 1, 1996. This response includes a markup of subsections 3.8.3 and 3.8.4 of the AP600 SSAR. These responses are in preparation for the meeting and design review on AP600 structural modules with the NRC stafT scheduled for January 14,15, and 16,1997. It is expected that this review of this submittal will facilitate resolution and closure of the issues. Westinghouse will be prepared to discuss these issues during the meting.

If you have any questions please contact D. A. Lindgren at (412) 374-4856.

Dx/k Brian A. McIntyre, Manager Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing

/jml attachments I, I

cc: T. Kenyon - NRC (w/ attachment)

T. Cheng - NRC (w/attaciunent) ;h J. Braverman - BNL (w/ attachment) 9701150042 970109 -

PDR ADOCK 05200003 A PDR

e '

The following summarizes Westinghouse responses to issues in the NRC letter dated July 1,1996. Some issues are addressed by proposed changes in the SSAR. Others will be addresssed by NRC audit of the AP600 design.

1. SSAR revision shows use of ACI 349 and has deleted the use of AASHTO.
2. GW-SUP-005 evaluates effect of cracking on overall response. No impact on west side of CIS.
3. Case 4 module stiffness deleted from SAR revision.
4. Thermal loadings revised in SSAR. Documented in GW-SUP-006.
5. Description of liners expanded in paragraphs 3.8.3-1 and
6. Reference to 3.7.3 added in subsection
7. N, F, H revised.
8. Reference added to ACI 347.
9. Paragraph revised to show stiffness assumptions and table added summarizing analyses.
10. Case 4 deleted and table added summarizing analyses.

I 1. Last paragraph of and revised to confirm inspection activities to AISC N-690.

12. Shell elements included in SSAR
13. Reference added to AISC N-690.

14.1 Reference to principal stresses deleted. Revised to follow ACI 349 methods.

14.2 Use:of 3 S mi has been clarified.

15. Final design will not use SAP 90 results.

Attachment 2

1. Liners. See previous item 5.
2. Drawings will be available during audit
3. Primarily piping or valves I

o <

4. Same as previous Item i1.
5. Loads. See previous item 7.
6. Loads. See previous Item 7.
7. See previous item 4.
8. Subsection clarified
9. See subsection revision.
10. See previous Item 9.

I 1. See previous Item 10

12. ADS2is less limiting - statement added in SSAR.
13. Documentation of analyses is available for audit.
14. Documentation of analyses is available for audit.
15. Documentation of analyses is available for audit..
16. Out-of-plane Shear. See previous item 1.
17. Combining stresses in faceplates. See previous item 14(1).
18. Trusses designed to AISC N-690.
19. Studs. See previous Item 13.
20. See revision on figure
21. Drawings will be available during audit
22. There are no pressures due to pipe break on modules outside containment.
23. Angle is about 35 degrees, but criteria does not use un angle but only a spacing criterion.
24. Reference added to ACI 347.
25. Separate response sent to NRC.


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems i

1 3.83 Concrete and Steel Internal Structures of Steel Containment  ! I)escription of the Containment Internal Structures The containment internal stmetures are those concrete and steel structures inside (not part of) the containment pressure boundary that support the reactor coolant system components and related piping systems and equipment. The concrete and steel structures also provide radiation shielding. The containment internal structures are shown on the general arrangement drawings in Section 1.2. The containment intemal structures consist of the primary shield wall, reactor cavity, secondary shield walls, in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST), refueling cavity walls, operating floor, intermediate floors, and various platfonns. The polar crane girders are considered part of the contairunent vessel. They are described in subsection 3.8.2.

Component supports are those steel members designed to transmit loads from the reactor coolant system to the load-carrying building structures. The component configuration is ,

described in this subsection including the local building structure backing up the component i support. The design and construction of the comp (ment supports are described in subsection 5.4.10.

The contaianent intemal structures are designed using reinforced concrete and structural steel.

At the lower elevations conventional concrete and reinforcing steel are used, except that pemlanent steel fonns are used in some areas in lieu of removable fomis based on constructibility considerations. These steel fonn modules (liners) consist of plate reinforced I with angle stiffeners and tee sections, as shown in Figure 3.83-16. The angles and the tee sections are on the concrete side of the plate. Welded studs, or similar embedded steel elements, are attached on the concrete face of the pennanent steel fonn where surface I attaciunents transfer loads into the concrete. Where these surface attachments are seismic l Category I, the portion of the steel fonn module transfening the load into the concrete is I classified as seismic Category 1.

Above elevation 98', the structure, walls, and some floors are structural modules. Figure 3.83-1 shows the location of the structural modules. Figures 3.83-2 and 3.83-3 show the typical structural configuration of the wall and floor modules, respectively. These structural modules are structural elements built up with welded steel structural shapes and plates.

Concrete is used where required for shielding, but reinforcing steel is not nonnally used.

Walls and floors exposed to water during nomial operation or refueling are constructed using stainless steel plates. Reactor Coolant Loop Supports Reactor Vessel Support System The reactor vessel is supponed by four supports located under the cold legs, which are spaced 90 degrees apan in the primary shield wall. The supports are designed to provide for radial mmmoxn.nn7.oios97 Revision: I) raft 3 Westinghouse 3.8-1 January,1997

,, , l

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems

't thennal growth of the reactor coolant system, including the reactor vessel, but they prevent the vessel from lateral and torsional movement. The loads are carried by the n' actor vessel suppons through embedded steel weldments to the primary shield concrete. Figure 3.8.3-4 shows the reactor vessel supports. Steam Generator Support System l 1

l The steam generator venical support consists of a single venical column extending fmm the steam generator compartment floor to the bottom of the steam generator channel head. The column is constructed of heavy plate sections and is pinned at both ends to pennit unrestricted radial displacement of the steam generator during plant heatup and cooldown. The location of this column is such that it will allow full access to the steam generator for routine maintenance activities. It is located a sufficient distance away from the reactor coolant pump motors to pennit pump maintenance and in-service inspection.

The lower steam generator horizontal support is located at the bottom of the channel head.

It consists of a tension / compression stmt oriented approximately perpendicular to the hot leg.

The strut is pinned at both the wall bracket and the generator channel head to pennit movement of the generator during plant heatup and cooldown.

The upper steam generator horizontal support is located on the lower shell just below the transition cone. It consists of two large hydraulic snubbets oriented parallel with the hot leg centerline and two rigid compression-only bumpers (one on each side of the generator) oriented perpendicular to the hot leg. The hydraulic snubbers are valved to pennit steam generator movement for thennal transition conditions, and to " lock-up" and act as rigid struts under dynamic loads. The two rigid bumpers are mounted on the steam generator compartment wall at the elevation of the operating deck, and are shimmed to a nominal zero gap at the plant nonnal operating temperature. The steam generator loads are transferred to the bumpers and snubbers through a ring girder surmunding the generator shell.

Figure 3.8.3-5 shows the steam generator supports. Reactor Coolant Pump Support System Because the reactor coolant pumps are integrated into the steam generator channel head, they do not have individual supports. They are supponed by the steam generators. Pressurizer Support System The pressurizer is supponed by four columns mounted from the pressurizer companment floor. A lateral support is provided at the top of the colunms. This lateral support consists of eight struts connecting it to the pressurizer companment walls. A lateral suppon is also provided on the upper portion of the pressurizer. This lateral support consists of a ring girder around the pressurizer and eight struts connecting it to the pressurizer companment walls.

Figure 3.8.3-6 shows the pressurizer suppons.

Revision: Draft ow-mwn ko7-oiav7

.lanuary,1997 3.8-2 W WS5tingh0USS

3. Ilesign of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems 1

1 Containment Internal Structures liasemat l l

The containment internal structures basemat is the reinforced concrete structure filling the bottom head of the containment vessel. It extends from the bottom of the containment vessel head at elevation 66'-6" up to the bottom of the structural modules that start between elevations 83'-0" and 103'-0". The basemat includes rooms as shown on Figure 1.2-5. The ,

primary shield wall and mactor cavity extend fmm elevation 71'-6" to elevation 107'-2" )

They pmvide support for the reactor vessel and portions of the secondary shield walls and l refueling cavity walls. The general arrangement drawings in Section 1.2 show the location and configuration of the primary shield wall and reactor cavity. Above elevation 98' the walls are structural modules. Below elevation 98' they are reinforced concrete. The reinforced concrete ponions are shown in Figure 3.8.3-7. Structural Wall Modules l

Structural wall modules are used for the secondary shield walls around the steam generators and pressurizer, for the cast side of the in-contaimnent refueling water storage tank, and for i the refueling cavity. The general arrangement drawings in Section 1.2 show the location and configuration. Locations of the structural modules are shown in Figure 3.8.3-1. The l secondary shield 4s walls are a series of walls that, together with the refueling cavity wall, enclose the steam generators. Each of the two secondary shield wall compartments provides support and houses a steam generator and reactor coolant loop piping. The in-containment refueling water storage tank is approximately 30 feet high. The floor elevation of this tank is 103'-0". The tank extends up to about elevation 133'-3", directly below the operating deck.

On the west side, along the containment vessel wall, the tank wall consists of a stainless steel platc stiffened with structural steel sections in the venical direction and angles in the horizontal direction. Structural steel modules, filled with concrete and fomiing, in p.at the refueling cavity, steam generator compartment, and pressurizer compartment walls, compase the cast wall. The refueling cavity has two Door elevations. The area around the reactor vessel flange is at elevation 107'-2" The lower level is at elevation 98'-1". The upper and lower reactor intemals storage is at the lower elevation, as is the fuel transfer tube. The center line of the fuel transfer tube is at elevation 10(Y-8.75".

Structural wall modules consist of steel faceplates connected by steel trusses. The primary purpose of the trusses is to stiffen and hold together the faceplates during handling, erection, and concrete placement. The nominal thickness of the steel faceplates is 1/2 inch. The nominal spacing of the trusses is 30 inches. Shear studs are welded to the inside faces of the steel faceplaies. The structural wall modules are anchored to the concrete base by reinforcing steel dowels or other types of connections embedded in the reinforced concrete below. After erection, concrete is placed between the faceplates. Typical details of the structural modules are shown in Figures 3.8.3-2 and 3.8.3-8. Structural Floor Modules Structural floor modules are used for the operating fh>or at elevation 135'-3" over the in-containment refueling water storage tank and for the 107'-2" floor over the rooms in the mmonnan.no7-oios97 Ilevision: Draft

[ Westillgh0llSe 3.8-3 January,1997

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3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems l

containment intemal structures basemat. The floors are shown on the general arrangement drawings in Section 1.2. The 107'-2" thors and the floor above the in-containment refueling l water storage tank consist of steel tee and wide flange sections, weld:d to horizontal steel bottom plates stiffened by transverse stiffeners. After erection, concrete is placed on top of the horizontal plate and around the structural steel section. The remaining region of the operating floor consists of a concrete slab, placed on Q decking supponed by structural steel beams. The operating floor is supponed by the in-containment refueling water storage tank walls, refueling cavity walls, the secondary shield walls, and steel columns originating at elevation 107'-2". Structural details of the operating floor structural module are shown in Figure 3.8.3-3. Internal Steel Framing The region of the operating floor away from the in-containment refueling water storage tank consists of a concrete stab, placed on Q decking supported by stmetural steel beams. The floor at elevation i18'-6" consists of steel grating supported by structural steel framing. In addition, a number of steel platforms are located above and below the operating floor. These i l platfonns suppon either grating floors or equipment, such as piping and valves. Applicable Codes, Standards, and Specifications The following documents are applicable to the design, materials, fabrication, construction, inspection, or testing of the containment intemal structures:

American Concrete Institute (ACl), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, ACI-318-89 (refer to subsection for applicability)

American Concrete Institute (ACl), Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Structures, ACI-349-90 (refer to subsection for supplemental requirements)

American Concrete Institute (ACI), Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACI-315-88 l

  • American Concrete Institute (ACI), Standard Specification for Tolerances for Concrete l Construction and Materials, ACI-l17-90 1
  • American Concrete he itute (ACI), Guide to Fonnwork for Concrete. ACI-347-94 1

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Steel Safety Related Structures for Nuclear Facilities, AISC-N690-1984 (refer to subsection for supplemental requirements)

American Welding Society (AWS), Structural Welding Code, AWS D 1.1-90 American Welding Society (AWS), Reinforcing Steel Welding Code. AWS D 1.4-89 Revision: Draft emmosa.no7.oien97 January,1997 3.8-4 3 Westinghouse


3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipment, and Systems National Construction Issues Group (NCIG), Visual Weld Acceptance Criteria for Structural Welding at Nuclear Power Plants, NCIG-01, Revision 2, May 7,1985 Ameriean-Association +f-State-Highway-and-Transportation-Offic:als (AASHTOh Bridge-Design 4pecificatione, !9H Nationally recognized industry standards, such as American Society forTesting and Materials, American Concrete Institute, and American Iron and Steel Institute, are used to specify material propenies, testing procedures, fabrication, and construction methods. Section 1.9 describes confonnance with the Regulatory Guides.

I Welding and inspection activities for seismic Category I stmetural steel, including building structures, structural modules, cable tray supports, and heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (IIVAC) duct supports are accomplished in accordance widi written procedures and meet the requirements of the American Institute of Steel Constmetion (AISC N-690). The weld acceptance criteria is as defined in NCIG-01, Revision 2. The welded seams of the plates fonning part of the leaktight boundary of the in-containment refueling water storage tank are examined by liquid penetrant and vacuum box after fabrication to confirm that the boundary does not leak. Loads and Load Combinations The loads and load combinations for the containment intemal stmetures are the same as for other Category I stmetures described in subsection and the associated tables, except for the following modi 0 cations:

Wind loads (W), tornado loads (W,), and precipitation loads (N) are not applicable to the design of the containment intemal structures because of the protection provided by the steel contaimnent. Therefon', these loading tenus have been excluded in the load combinations for the containment intemal structures. Passive Core Cooling System Loads Structures are evaluated for pressure and thennal transients associated widi operation of the passive core cooling system. The effects of temperatures higher than 10(FF on the modulus of clasticity and yield strength of steel are considered.

The passive core cooling system and the automatic depressurization system (ADS) are described in Section 6.3. The automatic depressurization system is in part composed of two spargers that are submerged in the in-containment refueling water storage tank. The spargers provide a controlled distribution of steam flow to prevent imposing excessive dynamic loads on the tank structures. Capped vent pipes are installed in the roof of the tank on the side near the contaimnent wall. These caps prevent debris from entering the tank from the containment operating deck, but they open under slight pressurization of the in-contaitunent refueling water storage tank. This provides a path to vent steam released by the spargers. An overflow is provided from the in-containment refueling water storage tank to the refueling cavity to oharrn70308n R07-010897 Revision: Draft W Westingh0USe 3.8-5 .lanuary,1997

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3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems accommodate volume and mass increases during automatic derasurization system operation.

Two sets of loads representing bounding operational or inadvertent transients are considered in the design of the in-containment refueling water storage tank.

ADS, - Tids automatic depressurization system load is associated with blowdown of the primary system through the spargers when the water in the in-containment refueling l water storage tank is cold and the tank is at ambient pressure. Dynamic loads on the  ;

in-containment refueling water storage tank due to automatic depressurization system operation are determined using the results from the automatic depressurization system l hydraulic test as described in subsection This automatic depressurization i system transient is of short duration such that the concrete walls do not heat up significantly. It is combined with mnbient thermal conditions. tamg-tenn heating of the tank is bounded by the design for the ADS, load.

ADS 2- This automatic depressurization system transient considers heatup of the water ,

in the in-contaimnent refueling water storage tank. This may be due to prolonged I operation of the passive residual heat removal heat exchanger or due to an automatic depressurization system discharge. Prolonged operation of the passive residual heat removal heat exchanger raises the water temperature from an ambient temperature of 120 F to saturation in about 2 houn, increasing to 240 F within about 5.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.

Steaming to the containment atmosphere initiates once the water reaches its saturation I temperature. For structural design an extreme transient is defined starting at 50 F since I this maximizes the temperature gradient acmss the concrete filled stmetural module I walls. The water temperature rises from an ambient temperature of 50 F to saturation I in 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, increasing to 240 F at 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The containment atmosphere rises from I 50 F at 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to 240 F at 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Blowdown of the primary system through the I spargers may occur during this transient and occurs prior to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the initiation I of the event. Since the flow thmugh the sparger cannot fully condense in the saturated conditions, the pressure increases in the in-containment refueling water storage tank and steam is vented through the in-conte nent refueling water storage tank roof. The in-I containment refueling water su a' ink is designed for an equivalent statie intemal I pressure of 5 psi in addition to u.. .qdrostatic pressum occurring at any time up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the initiation of the event.

The ADS iand ADS loads 2 are considered as live loads. The dynamic ADS, load is combined with the safe shutdown carthquake by the square root sum of the squares (SRSS). The static ADS 2load is combined with the safe shutdown canhquake by absolute sum. Concrete Placement Loads The steel faceplates of the structural wall modules, designed for the hydrostatic pressure of I the concrete, act as concrete forms. The concrete placement loads are 1050 lbs per square I foot detennined in acconlance with ACI-347. The bending stress in the faceplate due to theis I hydrostatic pressure of the concrete is approximately 13 ksi, based on the assumption of a I continuous faceplate, or 20 ksi based on the assumption of simple spans. The minimum yield 1(evision: Draft uwn7eeno7oios97 January,1997 3.8-6 3 West lIlgl10llSe

3. I)esign of Structures, Components, Equipmmt, c:d Systems I s>ngth of material for the faceplates is 36 ksi for A36 steel. Thise stress is well below die allowable, since the plate is designed to limit the out-of-plane deflection. After the concrete has gained strength,-4he-+ teel plate-is-netweguired4w-suppwtv-and-4he-full-steel-plate-Is I availabl+1o-carry-other-loads these stresses remain in the steel; however, since the average I residual stress is zero and since the concrete no longer requires hydrostatic support, the I ultimate strength of the composite section is not affected, and the full steel plate is available I to carry other loads as described below.

The steel plates and the concrete act as a composite section after the concrete has reached sufficient strength. The composite section resists bending moment by one face resisting tension and the other face resisting compression. The steel plate resists the tension and behaves as reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete. The composite section is underreinforced so that die steel would yield before the concrete reaches its strain limit of 0.003 in/in. As the steel faceplates are strained beyond yield to allow the composite section to attain its ultimate capacity, the modest residual bending stress from concrete placement is relieved, since the stress across the entire faceplate in tension is at yield. The small residual strain induced by the concrete placement loads is secondary and has negligible effect on the ultimate bending capacity of the composite section. The stresses in the faceplates resulting from concrete placement are therefore not combined with the stresses in the post-construction load combinations. Analysis Procedures This subsection describes the modelling and overall analyses of the containment intemal structures, including the concrete-filled structural modules. Concrete and steel composite structures are used extensively in conventional construction. Applications include concrete slabs on steel beams and concrete-filled steel columns. Testing of concrete-filled structural modules is described in References 27 through 29 for in-plane loading and in References 30 through 33 for out-of-plane loading. The tests indicate that these composite structures behave in a manner similar to reinforced concrete structures. The initial load deflection behavior is well predicted using the gross properties of the steel and concrete. This is similar to the behavior of reinforced concrete elements where the initial stiffness is predicted by the gross pmperties. As the load is increased on reinforced concrete members, cracking of the concrete occurs and the stiffness decreases. The behavior of concrete and steel composite structures is similar in its trends to reinforced concrete but has a superior perfomiance. The results of the test program by Akiyama et al. (Reference 27) indicate that concrete and steel composites similar to the structural modules have significant advantages over reinforced concrete elements of equivalent thickness and reinforcement ratios:

Over 50 percent higher ultimate load carrying capacity Three times higher ductility Less stiffness degradation under peak cyclic loads,30 percent for concrete and steel composites versus 65 perce*11 for reinforced concrete o%mev7030Hn R07-010897 ReVISitm: I) raft 3 Westinghouse 3.g.7 January, l997


3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipment, and Systems Methods of analysis for the stmetural modules are similar to the methods used for reinforced I concrete. Table 3.8.3-2 summarizes the finite element analyses of the containment intemal l structures and identifies the purpose of each analysis and the stiffness assumptions for the I concrete filled steel modules. For static loadsanember-forces are dependent 4*Hhe4 elative Miffnewewuul the analyses use the monolithic (uneracked) stiffness of each concrete element.

For thennal and dymunic loads-member-forcesre-dependent **+-bollHhe-4dw4ute, uni-4he i relative-magnitude'rof-stiffnes These the analyses consider the extent of concrete cracking as described in later subsections. Stiffnesses are established based on analyses of the behavior and review of the test data related to concrete-filled structural modules. The stiffnesses directly affect the member forces resulting from restramt of thermal growth. The in-plane I shear stiffness of the module influences the fundamental horizontal natural frequencies of the ,

containment intemal structures in the nuclear island seismic analyses described in subsection '

3.7.2. The out-of-plane flexural stiffness of the module influences the local wall frequencies in the seismic and hydrodynamic analyses of the in-containment refueling water storage tank. l Member forces are evaluated against the strength of the section calculated as a reinforced concrete section with zero strength assigned to the concrete in tension.

ACI 349, Section specifies an effective moment of inertia for calculating the deflection of reinforced concrete beams. For loads less than the cracking moment, the moment ofinertia ,

is the gross (uncracked) inenia of the section. The cracking moment is specified as the '

moment corresponding to a maximum flexural tensile stress of 7.5Vf '. For large loads, the moment of inertia is that of the cracked section transfonned to concrete. The effective moment of inertia provides a transition between these two dependent on the ratio of the cracking moment to the maximum moment in the beam at the stage the deflection is to be i computed.

Table 3.8.3-1 summarizes in-plane shear and out-of-plane flexural stiffness properties of the 48-inch and 30-inch walls based on a series of different assumptions. The stiffnesses are expressed for unit length and height of each wall. The ratio of the stiffness to the stiffness of the monolithic case is also shown.

Case I assumes monolithic behavior of the steel plate and uncracked concrete. This stiffness is supported by the test data described in References 27 through 33 for loading that does not cause significant cracking. This stiffness is the basis for the stiffness of I the concrete-filled steel module walls in the nuclear island seismic analyses and in the I uncracked case for the hydrodynamic analyses.

Case 2 considers the full thickness of the wall as uncracked concrete. This stiffness value is shown for comparison purposes. It is applicable for loads that do not result in significant cracking of the concrete and is the basis for the stiffness of the reinforced I concrete walls in the nuclear island seismic analyses. This stiffness was used in the I hannonic analyses of the intemal stmetures described in subsection

Case 3 assumes that the concrete in tension has no stiffness. For the flexural stiffness this is the conventional stiffness value used in working stress design of reinforced concrete sections. For in-plane shear stiffness, a 45-degree diagonal concrete Revision: Draft w=msoo7.oion97 January,1997 3.8-8 3 Westingh0LISO

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3. Design of Structures, Compo:ents, Equipment, and Systems l

compression strut is assumed with tensile loads carried only by the steel plate. The in-plane stiffnesses calculated by these assumptions are lower than the stiffnesses measured in the tests described in References 27 through 29 for loading that causes cracking.

Case ?smsklerwonerete4 ensile-stiffnessef-the-conereteutween craeks The c+ack i spacing-is4&-inchedased4m-estimates-of-the-eraek4paeing-for-the-wall +cf-the-in-c4mtailunent-refueling vater s!cragedank+ubjec4-te4hennal-transients-thatanay-eraek )

thuonerete-4t+1*emsklers4he-flexibility-of-the+ hear-cosmec4ordetween4he+ teel plate-aml-the-amerete '1his-ease-shows-similar-magnitudes c' stiffness-for-elosely spacel+ rat 4a+reansidering-bolitemerete4 ensile +1iffnemuul4he-flexibility 444he-shear sonneetor+betwee*4he steel plate-and4he-ame+eter Seismic Analyses Finite Element Model The three-dimensional (3D) lumped-mass stick model of the contaimnent internal structure is developed based on the structural properties obtained from a 3D linite element model. The ,,

structural modules are simulated within the finite element model using 3D shell elements. {

Equivalent shell element thickness and modulus of elasticity of the structural modules are computed as shown below. The shell element properties are computed using the combined gross concrete section and the transfonned steel faceplates of the structural modules. This representation models the composite behavior of the steel and concrete.

Axial and Shear Stiffnesses of module:

{EA =

E, ( L t + 2 ( n - 1 ) L t, )

= Bending Stiffness of module:

{EI =

E, 1 t' + 21 (n-1) L t[ + 2 (n-1) L t,

- l2 L2 2 A >-


E, = concrete modulus of elasticity n = modular ratio of steel to concrete I l-L = length of wall module t = thickness of wall module t, = thickness of plate on each face of wall module These equations lead to an equivalent thickness, t,, and modulus of elasticity of the plate elements, E , as shown below:

owmemmn.no7-oioa97 Revision: Draft W Westinghouse 3.g.9 January,1997

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3. Design of Structures, Compo ents, Equipm:nt, and Systems


," , ' I + 3 a (n-1) t

_ 1 + a (n-1) ,




[ l + a (n-1) ] I + 3 " I"~l)


, I + a (n-1) ,

where a = 2t, / t and tenus of onler a' are neglected (for a typical 30-inch thick wall with 1/2-inch steel plates, a = 0.033). Stiffness Assumptions for Global Seismic Analyses The monolithic initial stiffness (Case i of Table 3.8.3-1) is used in the seismic analyses of the contailunent intemal structures and the auxiliary building modules. This stiffness is used since the stresses due to mechanical loads including the safe shutdown earthquake are less than the cracking stress. The maximum in-plane concrete shear stresses in the contairunent intemal structures modules are 97 psi for the 48-inch wall and 137 psi for the 30-inch wall due to the safe shutdown earthquake based on the monolithic section properties.

The broadening of the floor response spectra is sufficient to account for lower structural frequencies due to cracking of those ponions of the structural modules that are boundaries of the in-contairunent refueling water storage tank exposed to abnomial thermal transients.

Case 3 of Table 3.8.3-1 shows a calculated in-plane shear stiffness based on a 45-degree diagonal concrete compression stml with tensile loads carried only by the steel plate. These calculated stiffnesses are considerably lower than the test data described in References 27 and 28 where the overall stiffness reduced to 60 to 70 percent of the monolithic stiffness. If the calculated stiffnesses are conservatively used for the boundaries of the in-contairunent i refueling water storage tank, the equivalent shear area of the contairunent internal structures stick model is reduced by about 30 percent with a corresponding reduction in frequency of about 16 percent. Stiffness Assumptions for Local Seismic Analyses of In-Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank The seismic analyses of the in-containment refueling water storage tank address the local response of the walls and water and are perfonned to verify the structural design of the tank.

The lowest significant wall frequency is about 30 hertz using monolithic properties and would not be excited by the seismic input. The local analyses are therefore perfonned using the cracked section stiffness values based on composite behavior with zero stiffness for the concrete in tension (Case 3 of Table

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3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems ,


l Damping of Structural Modules Damping of the structural modules is reported in Reference 27 based on the cyclic load tests l of a containment internal structure model. The equivalent viscous damping at the design load level was 5 percent for the concrete-filled steel model. This was almost constant up to the load level at which the steel plate started yielding. Dynamic analyses are performed using 7 percent damping for the reinforced concrete and 5 percent for the structural modules as shown in subsection 3.7.1. flydrodynamic Analyses i i

This subsection describes the hydrodynamic analyses for automatic depressurization system discharge into the in-containment refueling water storage tank. This discharge is designated I as ADS, in the load description of subsection and results in higher loading than j l ADS.2 The first thme stages of the automatic depressurization system valves discharge into i the tank through spargers under water, producing hydrodynamic loads on the tank walls and equipment. Hydrodynamic loads, measumd in hydraulic tests of the automatic depressurization system sparger in a test tank, are evaluated using the source load approach (Reference 34). Analyses of the tests def'me source pressure loads that are then used in analyses of the in-contairunent refuciing water storage tank to give the dynamic responses of  !

the contaiment intemal structures. The basic analysis approach consists of the following steps:

1. A pressure source, an impulsive forcing function at the sparger discharge, is selected fmm the tests using a coupled fluid structure finite element model of the test tank, taking into account fluid compressibility effects. This source development procedure is based on a comparison between analysis and test results, both near the sparger exit and at the boundaries of the test tank.
2. The pressure source is applied at each sparger location in a coupled fluid structure finite element model of the in-contaimnent refueling water storage tank structure and of the contained water. The mesh characteristics of the model at the sparger locations and the applied forcing functions correspond to those of the test tank analysis. Sparger Source Term Evaluation A series of tests was conducted with discharge conditions mpresentative of one sparger for the AP600 (References 35 and 36). Pressure traces measured during the test discharges were investigated, at both sparger exit and tank boundaries to (1) bound the expected discharge from the automatic depressurization system; (2) characterize the pmssure wave transmission through the pool water; (3) detennine the maximum pressure amplitudes and the frequency content; and (4) produce reference data for qualification of the analytical procedure. Pressure time histories and power spectrum densities were examined at reference sensors, both for the total duration of the discharge transient (about 50 seconds) and for critical time intervals.

Fluid-structure interaction analyses were perfonned with the ANSYS computer code (Reference 37). The mathematical model consists of a 3D sector finite element model.

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3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipm:nt, and Systems l

15 degrees wide, as shown in Figure 3.8.3-9. It uses STIF30 fluid and STIF63 structural ANSYS finite elements, which take into account fluid compressibility and fluid-structure interaction. Rayleigh damping of 4 percent is used for the concrete structure, and fluid damping is neglected. Direct step-by-step time integration is used. The measured discharge pressures for single time intervals are imposed as unifonn forcing functions on the idealized spherical surface of the steam / water interface, and pressures transmitted dtrough the water to the tank boundary are calculated and compared with test measurements. The analyses of the test tank showed satisfactory agreement for the pressures at the tank boundary.

l The examination of test results related to the structural design of the in-containment refueling water storage tank under automatic depressurization system hydrodynamic excitation and the comparison with the analytical procedure previously described, lead to the following conclusions regarding the sparger source tenn definition:

The automatic depressurization system discharge into cold water produces the highest hydrodynamic pressures. The tests at higher water temperatures produce significantly lower pressures.

Two pressure time histories, characterized by different shapes and frequency content, can be selected as representative of the sparger discharge pressures; they are assumed ,

as acting on a spherical bubble centered on the sparger centerline and enveloping the  !

ends of the sparger arms. I i

l The application of such time histories as forcing functions to an analytical model, l simulating the fluid structure intenction effects in the test tank, has been found to l predict the measured tank wall pressures, for the two selected reference time intervals, j


The two defined sparger source temi pressure time histories can be used as forcing functions for global hydrodynamic analyses of the in-containment refueling water storage tank by developing a comprehensive fluid-structure finite element model and repmducing the test tank mesh pattern in the sparger region.

3.M. In-Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank Analyses The in-contaimnent refueling water storage tank is constructed as an integral part of the containment internal structures as described in subsection It contains two depressurization spargers that are submerged approximately 9 feet below the normal water level. Transmission of the hydrodynamic pressures from the sparger discharge to the wetted in-contairunent refueling water storage tank is evaluated using the coupled fluid-structure interaction method similar to that described for the test tank analysis in the previous subsection.

The 3D ANSYS finite element model includes the in-containment refueling water storage tank boundary, the water within the in-containment refueling water storage tank, the adjacent structural walls of the contairunent intemal structures, and the operating floor. The model of the in-containment refueling water storage tank, shown in Figures 3.8.3-10, 3.8.3-11, and Revision: Drafi ohm 7Wo8n R07-010597 January,1997 3.8-12 [ Westingh0US0


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems 3.8.3-12, represents the outer steel structures, the inner concrete walls, and the water. The i flexible steel outer wall is represented using beam and shell elements; isotropic plate elements are used to represent the inner stnictural module walls. The water is modelled as a compressible fluid to pmvide an acoustic medium to transmit the source pressure. The model i has two bubble boundaries representing the spargers. Pressure loads are applied to the solid i element faces adjacent to the air bubbles. The forcing functions at the sparger locations are conservatively assumed to be in phase. Rayleigh damping of 5 percent is used for the concrete-filled structural modules and fluid damping is neglected. All degrees of freedom were retained in the step-by-step direct integration solution procedure for the in-contailunent refueling water storage tank boundary and the water. Degrees of freedom in the adjacent walls and floor were condensed by Guyon reduction.

Significant stmetural frequencies of the contairunent intemal structures were analyzed using the hannonic response option with the ANSYS model of the in-containment refueling water storage tank and contairunent intemal structures. A hannonic unit pressure is applied at the surface of the spherical bubble representing the automatic depressurization system spargers.

Matenal properties for the concrete elements are based on the uncracked gross concrete section (Case 2 of Table 3.8.3-1). He results of these hannonic response analyses show the response deflection as a function of input frequency at nodes in the contairunent intemal stmetures. The hannonic response analyses show that the largest responses are close to the wetted boundary of the in-containment refueling water storage tank and that the significant frequencies are from 18 to 50 henz.

Two time histories are identified for the structural hydmdynamic analyses; one has significant frequencies below 40 hertz while the other has significant frequencies in the range of 40 to 60 hertz. Both time history inputs are used in the hydrodynamic analyses with the monolithic uncracked section properties for all walls. The lower frequency input is also applied in lower bound analyses using the cracked section stiffness values (Case 3 of Table 3.8.3-1) for the concrete walls that are boundaries of the in-containment refueling water storage tank.

Monolithic properties are used for the other walls. Results from these cases are enveloped, thereby accounting for variabilities in the structural analyses.

The analyses of the in-contaimnent refueling water storage tank give wall pressures, displacements, accelerations, hydrodynamic floor resp (mse spectra, and member forces due to the automatic depressurization system discharge pressure forcing functions. Consideration of pressure wave transmission and fluid-structure interaction shows a significant wall pressure attenuation with distance from the sparger region and with increasing wall flexibilities, relative to the measured sparger pressure forcing function. The member stresses are evaluated against the allowable stresses specified in subsection for scismic Category I stmetures, considering the hydrodynamic loads as live loads. Thermal Analyses The in-contairunent refueling water storage tank water and contaitunent atmosphere are subject to temperature transients as described in subsection The temperature transients result in a nonlinear temperature distribution within the wall modules. Temperatures within obarrev703nh.R07-010897 NOViSion* Oraft Westinghouse 3.8-13 January,1997


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems lu -

the concrete wall am calculated in a unidimensional heat flow analysis. The average and )

equivalent linear gradients are applied to a finite element model of the containment intemal l structures at selected times during the transient. The effect of concrete cracking is considered in the stiffness propenies for the concrete elements subjected to the thennal transient.

Thennal transients for the design basis accidents are described in Section 6.3. The analyses for these transients are similar to those described above. I Design Procedures and Acceptance Criteria l The containment intemal structures that contain reinforcing steel including most of the areas below elevation 98', are designed by the strength method, as specified in the ACI Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Structures, ACI-349. The ductility criteria of ACI-318, Chapter 21, are considered in detailing, placing, anchoring, and splicing of the reinforcing steel.

The intemal steel framing is designed according to the AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Steel Safety Related Structures for Nuclear Facilities, AISC-N690, supplemented by the requirements given in subsection

The secondary shield watts, in-containment refueling water storage tank, refueling cavity, and operating floor above the in-containment refueling water storage tank are designed using structural modules. Concrete-filled structural wall modules are designed as reinforced concrete stmetures in accordance with the requirements of ACI-349, as supplemented in the following paragraphs. Structural floor modules are designed as composite structures in accordance with AISC-N690.

Methods of analysis used are based on accepted principles of structural mechanics and are consistent with the geometry and boundary conditions of the structures.

The methods described in subsection 3.7.2 are employed to obtain the safe shutdown j earthquake loads at various locations in the containment intemal structures. The safe shutdown  !

canhquake loads am derived from the response spectrum analysis of a three-dimensional, finite element model representing the entire containment intemal structures.

l The detennination of pressure and temperature loads due to pipe breaks is described m subsections 3.6.1 and Subcompanments inside containment containing high energy i I piping are designed for a pressurization load of 5 psi. The pipe tunnel in the CVS room ,

I (room 11209, Figure 1.2-6) is designed for a pressurization load of 7.5 psi. The design for the effects of postulated pipe breaks is performed as described in subsection 3.6.2.

Detennination of pressure loads resulting from actuation of the automatic depressurization system is described in subsection

Detennination of reactor coolant loop support loads is described in subsection 3.9.3. Design of the reactor coolant loop suppons within the jurisdiction of ASME Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NF is described in subsections 3.9.3 and 5.4.10.

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3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Computer codes used are general purpose codes. The code development, verification, validation, configuration control, and ermr reporting and resolution are according to the Quality Assurance requirements of Chapter 17. Reactor Coolant Loop Supports Reactor Vessel Support System The embedded portions of the reactor vessel supports, which are outside the ASME jurisdictional boundary, are designed by clastic methods of analysis. They are analyzed and designed to resist the applicable loads and load combinations given in subsection The design is according to AISC-N690 and ACI-349. Figure 3.8.3-4 shows the jurisdictional boundaries. Steam Generator Support System The embedded portions of the steam generator supports, which are outside the ASME jurisdictional boundary, are designed by clastic methods of analysis. They am analyzed and designed to resist the applicable loads and load combinations given in subsection The design is according to AISC-N690 and ACI-349. Figure 3.8.3-5 shows the jurisdictional boundaries. Reactor Coolant Pump Support System The reactor coolant pumps are integrated into the steam generator channel head and consequently do not have a separate support system. Pressurizer Support System The embedded ponions of the pressurizer supports, which are outside the ASMEjurisdictional boundary, are designed by clastic methods of analysis. They are analyzed and designed to resist the applicable loads and load combinations given in subsection The design is according to AISC-N690 and ACI-349. Figure 3.8.3-6 shows the jurisdictional boundaries. Containment Internal Structures Basemat The containment intemal structures basemat including the primary shield wall and reactor cavity are designed for dead, live, thennal, pressure, and safe shutdown carthquake loads.

Above elevation 98' the primary shield wall is a structural module and is designed as described in subsection

Below elevation 98' the primary shield and reactor cavity are part of the reinforced concrete fomling 'the base of the containment intemal structures. They are designed according to ACI 349. Figure 3.8.3-7 shows the reinforcement.

o%arrevM3t*n R07-010897 NeVision* I) raft W Westinghouse 3.8-15 January,1997

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Structural Wall Modules Structural wall modules without concrete fill, such as the west wall of the in-contairunent refueling water storage tank, are designed as steel structures, according to the requirements of AISC-N690. This code is applicable since the module is constructed entirely out of I structural steel plates and shapes. In local areas stresses due to restraint of thennal growth I may exceed yield and the allowable stress intensity is 3 Sm. This allowable is based on the I allowable stress intensity for Service Level A loads given in ASME Code,Section III, 1 Subsection NE, Paragraph NE-3221.4.

The concrete-filled steel module walls are designed for dead, live, thennal, pressure, safe shutdown carthquake, and loads due to postulated pipe breaks. The in-containment refueling water storage tank walls are also designed for the hydrostatic head due to the water in the tank and the hydrodynamic pressure effects of the water due to the safe shutdown earthquake, and automatic depressurization system pressure loads due to sparger operation. The walls of the refueling cavity are also designed for the hydrostatic head due to the water in the refueling cavity and the hydrodynamic pressure effects of the water due to the safe shutdown earthquake.

Figure 3.8.3-8 shows the typical design details of the structural modules, typical configuration of the wall modules, typical anchorages of the wall modules to the reinforced base concrete, and connections between adjacent modules. Concrete-filled structural wall modules are designed as reinforced concrete stnictures in accordance with the requirements of ACI-349, as supplemented in the following paragraphs. The faceplates are considered as the reinforcing steel, bonded to the concrete by headed studs. The application of ACI-349 and the suppkmental requirements are supported by the behavior studies described in subsection Design for Axial Loads and llending Design for axial load (tension and compression), in-plane bending, and out-of-plane bending is in acconlance with the requirements of ACI-349, Chapters 10 and 14. Design for In-Plane Shear Design for in-plane shear is in accordance with the requirements of ACI-349, Chapters 11 and

14. The steel faceplates are treated as reinforcing steel, contributing as provided in l Section 11.5 of ACI-349rexeepHhaHlk% hear-eapaeity44W,ed4nHluH, hear-yiek). Design for Out-of-Plane Shear l Design for out-of-plane shear is in accordance with the requirements of ACI-349, Chapter I i 1 American-Association-of-State-Highway-and-Transportathn4ffieialHAASHTC)-Brktge Design-Speeificathms-The-acceptanc+eriteria4fHhe-AASHT4Mf wilisatioiwire4ased4nHhe modifiedonnpression41ekl4heoryrresulting-in+monwational-approacMor-shear 41esign4han theemventh nal-AC4 methods--Tlunnodified+ompression4ield4heory4ia+twn-implemented Revision: Draft owmmsano7.cio897 January,1997 3.8-16 T Westinghouse

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3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems 1

i n+-a-mtmber-of-engineering codes of practice,-lmth-ht-Wnh-Amenta,md-in-Eumpe--The backgmunMs-pmudeMiy-GallinHReference-M):

1 Evaluation for Thermal Loads I

l The effect of thennal loads on the concrete-filled stmetural wall modules is evaluated by using l I the working stress design method for the load combinations of Table 3.8.4-2 with the load  !

I factors taken as unity. This evaluation is in addition to the evaluation using the strength I design method of ACI-349 for the load combination without the thennal load. Acceptance l l for the load combination with thennal loads is that the stress in general areas of the steel plate l 1 he less than yield, in local areas the stress may exceed yield and the allowable stress intensity i l is 3 S,i. This allowable is based on the allowable stress intensity for Service Level A loads l l given in ASME Code,Section III, Subsection NE, Paragraph NE-3221.4. Design of Trusses l The trusses provide a structural framework for the modules, maintain the separation between the faceplates, suppon the modules during transportation and erection, and act as " form ties" between the faceplates when concrete is being placed. After the concrete has cured, the trusses are not required to contribute to the strength or stiffness of the completed modules. However, they do provide additional strength similar to that provided by stirmps in reinforced concrete.

The trusses are designed according to the requirements of AISC-N690. Design of Shear Studs The wall structural modules are designed as reinforced concrete elements, with the faceplates serving as reinforcing steel. Since the faceplates do not have defonnation patterns typical of reinforcing steel, shear studs are provided to transfer the forces between the concrete and the steel faceplates. The shear studs make the concrete and steel faceplates behave compositely.

In addition, the shear studs pennit anchorage for piping and other items attached to the walls.

l The size and spacing of the shear studs is based on Section Ql.11.4 of AISC-N690 to develop I full composite action between the concrete and the steel faceplates. Structural Floor Moduks Figure 3.8.3-3 shows the typical design details of the floor modules. The operating floor is designed for dead, live, thennal, safe shutdown earthquake, and pressure due to automatic depressurization system operation or due to postulated pipe break loads. The operating floor region above the in-containment refueling water storage tank is a series of structural modules.

The remaining floor is designed as a composite structure of concrete slab and steel beams in accordance with AISC-N690.

For vertical downward loads, the floor modules are designed as a composite section, according to the requirements of Section Ql.11 of AISC-N690. Composite action of the steel section and concrete fill is assumed based on meeting the intent of Section Ql.11.1 for beams totally charrevM30Hn R07 010K97 Revision: Draft W Westinghouse 3.8-17 January,1997

3. Design of Structures, Compo ents, Equipment, and Systems encased in concrete. Although the bottom flange of the steel section is not encased within concrete, the design configuration of the floor module provides complete concrete continement to prevent spalling. It also provides a better natural bonding than the code-required configuration.

For vertical upward loads, no credit is taken for composite action. The steel members are relied upon to provide load-carrying capacity. Concrete, together with the embedded angle stiffeners, is assumed to orovide stability to the plates.

1 Floor modules are designed using the following basic assumptions and related requirements: )



Concrete provides restraint against buckling of steel plates. The buckling unbraced length of the steel plate, therefore,is assumed to equal the span length between the fully embedded steel plates and shapes.

Although the floor modules fomling the top (ceillag) of the in-contairunent refueling water storage tank are not in contact with water, stainless steel plates are used for the tank boundary.

The floor modules are designed as simply supported beams. Design for Vertical Downward Loads The floor modules are designed as a one-way composite conen'te slab and steel beam system in supporting the vertical downward loads. The effective width of the concrete slab is detennined according to Section Ql.11.1 of AISC-N690. The effective concrete compression area is extended to the neutral axis of the composite section. The concrete compression area is treated as an equivalent steel area based on the modular ratio between steel and concrete material. Figure 3.8.3-13 shows the effective composite sections. The steel section is proportioned to support the dead load and construction loads existing prior to hardening of the concrete. The allowable stresses are provided in Table 3.8.4-1. Design for Vertical Upward Loads For vertical upward loads, the floor modules are designed as noncomposite steci structures.

The effective width, be, of the faceplate in compression is based on post-buckling strength of steel plates and is detennined from Equation (4.16) of Reference 44. The faceplates of the structural floor modules are stiffened and supported by embedded horizontal angles. Hence, the buckling unbraced length of the faceplates is equal to the span length between the horizontal angles. Since concrete provides restraint against buckling of the steel plates, a value of 0.65 is used for k when calculating the effective length of the steel plates and stiffeners whenever the plate or stiffener is continuous. The buckling stress,erf , of the faceplates is detennined from Sections 9.2 and 9.3 of Reference 45. The effective width of the faceplates of the structural floor modules in compression is shown in Figure 3.8.3-13. The allowable stresses are pmvided in Table 3.8.4-1.

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l 3. Design of Structures, Comparents, Equipment, a d Systems l n-l l Design for In-Plane Loads i In-plane shear loads acting on the floor modules are assumed to be resisted only by the steel l faceplate without reliance on the concrete for strength. The stresses in the faceplate due to the in-plane loads are combined with those due to vertical loads. The critical stress locations of the ikx;r faceplate are evaluated for the combined normal and shear stress, based on the j von Mises yield criterion:

For the particular case of a two-dimension stress condition the equation is:

1 (o )2 - Gi O 3 2 + (02 )* = (fy )' l where o, and c2 are the principal stresses and yf is the uniaxial yield stress.

For the faceplate where nonnal, o, and shear. T. stresses are calculated, the principal stresses can be expressed as follows:

a' =

(U) 2


s I+T 4

2 l

02= (.2 ) -  % 4

+ t2 Therefore, the condition at yield becomes:

2 0 + 3d = (f )2y For the design of the structural floor module faceplate, the allowable stresses for the various loading conditions are as follows:

Nonnal condition:

2 0 + 3f s (0.6 f,)2 Severe condition:

2 c + 3f s (0.6 f )2 y Extreme / abnormal condition:

2 l 0 + 3f s (0.96 f )2 y 1

o w - m osn.kn7.cios97 Revisistr Draft W Westinghouse 3.8-19 .lanuary,1997

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Thennal stresses in the faceplates result from restraint of growth during the thermal transients described in subsection b 1 So49r-nonnal-k+ ads inc4uding4wal4hennal+ tresses T!ds allowable #4"-'""4he-alkmable stress 4ntensity-for Service-4*ve' ^ '~"'" given-in-ASMii-C+1erSec4 ion-il!, Subsec4 ice NE, Paragraph l

NIM 241A Evaluation for thennal stresses is the same as discussed in subsection I for the wall modules. Internal Steel Framing l Intemal steel framing is analyzed and designed according to AISC-N690. Seismic analysis I methods are described in subsection 3.73.

l Steel Form Modules I

l The steel fonn modules consist of plate reinforced with angle stiffeners and tee sections as I shown in Figure 3.83-16. The steel fonn modules are designed for concrete placement loads I defined in subsection

I I The steel fonn modules are designed as steel structures according to the requirements of l AISC-N690. This code is applicable since the fonn modules are constructed entirely out of I stmetural steel plates and shapes and the applied loads are resisted by the steel elements. Materials, Quality Control, and Special Construction Techniques Subsection describes the materials and quality control program used in the construction of the containment intemal structures. The structural steel modules are constmeted using A36 plates and shapes. Nitronic 33 (American Society for Testing and Materials 240, designation S2400, Type XM-29) stainless steci plates are used on the surfaces of the modules in contact with water during nonnal operation or refueling. The stmetural wall and floor modules are fabricated and erected in accordance with AISC-N690. Loads during fabrication and erection due to handling and shipping are considered as normal loads as described in subsection 1 Packaging, shipping, receiving, storage and handling of structural modules are I in accordance with NQA-2, Part 2.2 (fonnerly ANSI /ASME N45.2.2 as specified in AISC l N690). Fabrication, Erection, and Construction of Structural Modules Modular constmetion techniques are used extensively in the contaimnent intemal structures (Figure 3.8.3-1). Subassemblies, sized for commercial rail shipment, are assembled offsite and transponed to the site. Onsite fabrication consists of combining the subassemblies in structural modules, which are then installed in the plant. A typical modular construction technique is described in the following paragraphs for Module MI, which is the main structural module in the containment intemal structures.

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3. Design of Structures, Compone:ts, Equipment, and Systems


j l

l The M1 module is a multicompanmented structure which, in its final fomi, comprises the central walls of the contaimnent intemal structures. The venical walls of the module house l the refueling cavity, the reactor vessel companment, and the two steam generator I compartments. The module (Figure 3.83-14) is in the fonn of a "T" and is approximately 50 l feet long, 65 feet wide and 60 feet high. The module is assembled from about 40 prefabricated wall sections called stmetural submodules (Figure 3.8.3-15). The submodules l are designed for railroad transpon from the fabricator's shop to the plant site with sizes up l to 12 feet by 12 feet by 80 feet long, weighing up to 80 tons. A typical submodule weighs between 9 and 11 tons. The submodules are assembled outside the nuclear island and the completed M1 module is lifted to its final location within the containment vessel by the heavy I lift construction crane. Following placement of the M1 module within the containment l building, the hollow wall structures are filled with concrete, fonning a ponion of the stmetural walls of the contairunent intemal structures.

l Tolerances for fabrication, asembly and erection of the structural modules conform to the i requirements of section 4 of ACI-l17, sections 3.3 and 3.4 of AWS DI.l. and sections Ql.23 l and Ql.25 of AISC-N690. j l Nondestructive Examination '

Nondestructive examination of the submodules and module is perfonned according to  ;

AISC-N690 and AWS D 1.1 Welds are visually examined for 100 percent of their length. I Full penetration welds are inspected by ultrasonic or radiographic examination for 10 percent of their length. Panial penetration welds are inspected by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant i examination for 10 percent of their length.

3.M.3.6.3 Concrete Placement l 1

After installation of the M1 module in the contauunent, the hollow walls are filled with concrete. Concrete is placed in each wall continuously from bottom to top. The concrete is placed through multiple delivery trunks located along the top of the wall. It is placed in incremental layers with the placement rate based on the pressure of the wet concrete and its setting time. During concrete placement, workers and inspectors have access to the inside of the modules. The arrangement of the module intemal trusses provides communication to aid in the free flow of concrete and movement of personnel. In-Service Testing and Inspection Requirements There are no in-service testing or inspection requirements for the containment intemal structures.

3.8.4 Other Category I Structures The other seismic Category I structures are the shield building and the auxiliary building.

o w m n w nsa.Ro7.oion97 Revision Draft T Westinghouse 3.8-21 January,1997


3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipment, aid Systems us-General criteria in this section describing the loads, load combinations, materials, and quality control are also applicable to the contairunent intemal structures described in subsection 3.8.3. Description of the Structures Shield Building The shield building is the shield building structure and annulus area that surrounds the containment building. It shares a common basemat with the contairunent building and the auxiliary building. The shield building is a reinforced concrete structure. The figures in Section 1.2 show the layout of the shield building and its interface with the other buildings of the nuclear island.

The following are the significant features and the principal systems and components of the shield building:

. Shield building roof structure

. Lower annulus area

= Middle annulus area

= Upper annulus area

= Passive contailunent cooling system air inlet Passive contailunent cooling system water storage tank Passive contailunent cooling system air diffuser l


Passive containment cooling system air baffle Passive containment cooling system air inlet plenum The cylindrical section of the shield building provides a radiation shielding function, a missile barrier function, and a passive contairunent cooling function. Additionally, the cylindrical section structurally supports the roof with the passive conta:nment cooling system water storage tank and serves as a major structural member for the nuclear island. The floor slabs and structural walls of the auxiliary building are structurally connected to the cylindrical section of the shield building.

The shield building roof is a reinforced concrete shell supponing the passive contairunent cooling system tank and air diffuser. Air intakes are located at the top of the cylindrical portion of the shield building. The conical roof supports the passive contairunent cooling system tank, which is constructed with a stainless steel liner on reinforced concrete walls. The air diffuser is located in the center of the roof and discharges containment cooling air upwards.

The upper annulus of the shield building is the volume of the annulus between elevation 132'-3" and the bottom of the air diffuser. The middle annulus area, the volume of annulus between elevation IfXf-0" and elevation 132'-3", contains the majority of the contal.anent vessel penetrations. The area below elevation .W-0" is the lower annulus of the shield Revision: Draft owvmoan.no7-oiosv7 January,1997 3.8-22 3 Westiligh0US0

s *

3. Design of Structures, Compo=nts, Equipm:nt, tnd Syst:ms building. There is a concrete floor slab in the annulus at elevation 132'-3", which is incorporated with the stiffener attached to the contaisunent vessel.

A permanent flexible watertight and airtight seal is pmvided between the concrete floor slab at elevation 132'-3" and the shield building to provide an environmental barrier between the upper and middle annulus sections. The flexible watertight seal is utilized to seal against water leakage fmm the upper annulus into the middle annulus. The seal is designated as nonsafety-n: lated and nonscismic; it is not relied upon to mitigate design basis events. The seal is able to accommodate events resulting in contairunent temperature and pressure excursions that result in lateral shell movement inward or outward. Amiliary lluilding The auxiliary building is a reinforced concrete and structural steel structure. Three floors are above grade and two are located below grade. It is one of the three buildings that make up the nuclear island and shares a common basemat with the contaimnent building and the shield building.

The auxiliary building is a C-shaped section of the nuclear island that wraps around approximately 50 percent of the circumference of the shield building. The floor slabs and the structural walls of the auxiliary building are stmeturally connected to the cylindrical section of the shield building.

The figures in Section 1.2 show the layout of the auxiliary building and its interface with the other buildings of the nuclear island. The following are the significant features and the principal systems and components of the auxiliary building:

  • Main control room 1

Remote shutdown area '

  • Class IE de switchgear i

Class IE switchgear rooms heating, ventilating, and air conditioning

  • Spent fuel pool Fuel transfer canal
  • Cask loading and washdown pits l
  • New fuel storage area l
  • Cask handling crane l
  • Fuel handling machine l
  • Chemical and volume control system (CVS) makeup pumps Nonnal residual heat removal system (RNS) pumps and heat exchangers Liquid radwaste tanks and components
  • Spent fuel cooling system i

oNsmevNH08n.R07 010897 Revision: Draft

[ W85tiligh0US0 3.8-23 January,1997

3. Desip of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipment, and Systems

. Gaseous radwaste processing system l

  • Mechanical and electrical contairunent penetrations 1 Structural modules are used for part of the south side of the auxiliary building. These structural modules are structural elements built up with welded steel structural shapes and plates. Concrete is used where required for shielding, but reinforcing steel is not nonnally used. These modules include the spent fuel pool, fuel transfer canal, and cask loading and l cask washdown pits. The structural modules are similar to the structural modules described l

above for the containment intemal stmetures. Figure 3.8.4-5 shows the location of the l structural modules. The structural modules extend fmm elevation 66'-6" to elevation 135'-3". i The ceiling of the main contml room (floor at elevation 135'-3"), and the instrumentation and control moms (floor at elevation i 17'-6") are designed as finned floor modules (Figure 3.8.4-6). A finned floor consists of a 24-inch-thick concrete slab poured over a i stiffened steel plate ceiling. The fins are rectangular plates welded perpendicular to the plate.

Shear studs are welded on the other side of the steel plate, and the steel and concrete act as a composite section. The fins are exposed to the envirorunent of the room, and enhance the heat-absorbing capacity of the ceiling (see Standard Safety Analysis Report (SS AR) subsection Several shop-fabricated steel panels, placed side by side, are used to constmet the stiffened plate ceiling in a modularized fashion. The stiffened plate is designed to withstand construction loads prior to concrete hardening.

The new fuel storage area is a separate reinforced concrete pit providing temporary dry l storage for the new fuel assemblies.

A cask handling crane travels in the east-west direction. The location and travel of this crane prevents the crane from carrying loads over the spent fuel pool, thus precluding them from falling into the spent fuel pool. Containment Air llafile The containment air baffle is located within the upper arumlus of the shield building, providing an air flow path for the passive containment cooling system. The air baffle separates the downward air flow entering at the air inlets from the upward air flow that cools the containment vessel and flows out of the discharge stack. The upper portion is supported from the shield building roof and the remainder is supported from the contaimnent vessel. The air baffle is a seismic Category I structure designed to withstand the wind and tomado loads defined in Section 3.3. The air baffle stmetural configuration is depicted in Figures 1.2-14 and 3.8.4-1. The baffle includes the following sections:

A wall supported off the shield building roof (see Figure 1.2-14)

A series of panels attached to the containment vessel cylindrical wall and the knuckle region of the dome Revision: Draft owrre,7osano7-oiom7 January,1997 3,g.24 W Westinghouse

. e.


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipm:nt, and Systems

'Ah A sliding plate closing the gap between the wall and the panels Dxed to the contairunent vessel, designed to acconunodate the differential movements between the contaitunent vessel and shield building 1

Flow guides attached at the bottom of the air bafHe to minimize pressure drop.

The air baffle is designed to meet the following functional requirements:

The baffle and its supports are configured to minimize pressure losses as air flows through the system a The baffle and its supports have a design objective of 60 years The baffle and its supports are configured to permit visual inspection and maintenance of the air baffle as well as the contaimnent vessel. Periodic visual inspections are primarily to inspect the condition of the coatings The baffle is designed to maintain its function during postulated design basis accidents The baffle is designed to maintain its function under specified extemal events including earthquakes, hurricanes and tomadoes.

The design of the containment air baffle is shown in Figure 3.8.4-1. The portion of the air baffle attached to the containment cylinder comprises 60 panels in each of five rows, with each panel subtending an arc of six degrees (approximately 6 feet li inches wide). Each 4 panel is supported by horizontal beams spaced approximately 14 feet apart. These horizontal ,

beams span the six-degree are and are bolted to U-shaped attactunents welded to the i containment vessel. The attaciunent locations are established considering the containment vessel plate and ring assemblies, as shown in Figure 3.8.2-1. The lowest attaciunents are at the bottom of the middle containment ring subassembly. The upper attaciunents are on the head. The attaciunents can be installed in the subassembly area and, therefore, should not interfere with the contaimnent vessel erection welds. The only penetrations through the containment vessel above the operating deck at elevation 135'-3" are the main equipment hatch and personnel airlock. Ten panels are deleted at the equipment hatch and two flow guides at the personnel airlock.

Two mws of panels are attached to the contairunent vessel above the cylindrical portion. The panels are curved to follow the curvature of the knuckle region of the head and then become flat fonning a conical baffle that provides a transitional flow region into the upper shield building. A vertical sliding plate is provided between this upper row of panels and the air hafDe that is attached directly to the shield building roof as shown in sheet 4 of Figure 3.8.4-1. This sliding plate accommodates the differential movement between the containment vessel and the shield building, based on the absolute sum of the containment pressure and temperature denections and of the seismic deflections.

obanevND08n.R07-010897 I(eViSion* Draft T Westinghouse 3.8-25 January,1997

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems I

The panels accommodate displacements between each panel due to containment pressure and thennal growth. Radial and circumferential growth of the containment vessel are i accommodated by slip at the bolts between the horizontal beams and the U shaped attaclunent l

resulting in small gaps between adjacent panels. Vertical growth is accommodated by slip l

between the panel and the horizontal beam supporting the top of the panel. Cover plates l between the nanels limit leakage during and after occurrence of these differential l displacer  ! Seismic La-gory 1 Cable Tray Supports '

Electric cables are routed in horizontal and vertical steel trays supported by channel type struts made out of cold rolled charmel type sections. Spacing of the supports is determined by I allowable loads in the trays and stresses in the supports. The supports are attached to the walls, Doors, and ceiling of the structures as required by the arrangement of the cable trays.

Longi'udinal and transverse bracing is provided where required.

i Seismic Category I Ileating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Duct Supports lieating, ventilating, and air conditioning duct supports consist of structural steel members or cold rolled channel type sections attached to the walls, floors, and ceiling of the stnictures as required by the arrangement of the duct. Spacing of the supports is detennined by allowable stresses in the duct work and supports. Longitudinal and transverse bracing is provided where required. Applicable Codes, Standards, and Specifications The following standards are applicable to the design, materials, fabrication, construction, inspection, or testing:

American Concrete Institute (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced I Concrete, ACI-318-3995 (refer to subsection for applicability)

American Concrete Institute (ACI), Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Structures ACI-349-90 (refer to subsection for supplemental requirements)

American Concrete Institute (ACI), Marmal of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACI-315-88 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Steel Safety Related Structures for Nuclear Facilitics, AISC-N690-1984 (refer to subsection for supplemental requirements)

American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Specification for the Design of Cold Fonned Steel Structural Members, Parts I and 2,1986 American Welding Society (AWS), Structural Welding Code, AWS D 1.1-90 Revision: Draft owoumn.an-own January,1997 3.8-26 W W65tingh0USS

mamm m

3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipmelt, and Systems The panels accommodate displacements between each panel due to containment pressure and l thennal growth. Radial and circumferential growth of the contailunent vessel are accommodated by slip at die bolts between the horizontal beams and the U shaped attaciunent resulting in small gaps between adjacent panels. Vertical growth is accommodated by slip ,

between the panel and the horizontal beam supporting the top of the panel. Cover plates


between the panels limit leakage during and after occurrence of these differential displacements. Seismic Category 1 Cable Tray Supports Electric cables are routed in horizontal and venical steel trays supported by charmel type stmts made out of cold rolled channel type sections. Spacing of die suppons is detemlined by allowable loads in the trays and stresses in the supports. The supports am attached to the walls, Hoors, and ceiling of the structures as required by the arrangement of the cable trays.

lamgitudinal and transverse bracing is provided where required. Seismic Category I Ileating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Duct Supports lleating, ventilating, and air conditioning duct suppons consist of structural steel members or cold rolled channel type sections attached to the walls, floors, and ceiling of the structures as required by the arrangement of the duct. Spacing of the suppons is determined by allowable stresses in the duct work and supports. Longitudinal and transverse bracing is provided where required. Applicable Codes, Standards, and Specifications The following standards are applicable to the design, materials, fabrication, construction, inspection, or testing:

American Concrete Institute (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced I Concrete, ACI-3184995 (refer to subsection for applicability)


American Concrete histitute (ACI), Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Structures, ACI-349-90 (refer to subsection for supplemental requirements)

American Concrete Institute (ACI), Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACI-315-88 American Institute of Steel Constmetion (AISC), Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Steel Safety Related Stmetures for Nuclear Facilities, AISC-N690-1984 (refer to subsection for supplemental requirements)

American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Specification for the Design of Cold Fonned Steel Structural Members, Parts I and 2,1986 American Welding Society (AWS), Structural Welding Code, AWS D 1.1-90 Revision: Draft owme>8itno7-oios97 January,1997 3.8-26 W Westinghouse

3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipm:::t, and Systems WF 1 t



American Welding Society (AWS), Reinforcing Steel Welding Code, AWS D 1.4-89


National Construction issues Group (NCIG), Visual Weld Acceptance Criteria for Structural Welding at Nuclear Power Plants, NCIG-01, Revision 2, May 7,1985


American Association of State Ifighway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), l Bridge Design Specifications,1994.

Section 1.9 describes confomlance with the Regulatory Guides.  !

l Welding and inspection activities for seismic Category I structural steel, including building structures, structural modules, cable tray supports and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning duct supports are accomplished in accordance with written procedures and meet the requirements of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC N-690). The weld acceptance criteria is as defined in NCIG-01 Revision 2. The welded seam of the plates forming part of the leaktight boundary of the spent fuel pool and fuel transfer canal are examined by liquid penetrant and vacuum box after fabrication to confirm that the boundary does not leak. Loads and Load Combinations l Loads The loads considered are normal loads, severe environmental loads, extreme environmental j loads, and abnonnal loads. ' Normal Loads Normal loads are those loads to be encountered, as specified, during initial construction stages, during test conditions, and later, during normal plant operation and shutdown. They include the following:

D = Dead loads or their related intemal moments and forces, including any permanent piping and equipment loads l F = Lateral and vertical pressure of liquids or their related internal moments and forces l

L = Live loads or their related intemal moments and forces, including any movable equipment loads and other loads that vary with intensity and occurrencersuc4hw soil-pressure I 11 = Static carth pressure or its related internal moments and forces To = Thennal effects and loads during nonnal operating or shutdown conditions, based on the most critical transient or steady-state condition oNsarrevN)308n.R07-010897 Revision prart

[ W85tingh00Se 3.8-27 .lanuary,1997

1 l

3. Design of Structures, Compo ents, Equipment, and Systems Ro = Pipe reactions during nonnal operating or shutdownconditions, based on the most I critical transient or steady-state condition.

1 Severe Environmental Loads 1

The severe enviromnental load is the following:

W = Loads generated by the design wind specified for the plant in subsection Extreme Environmental Loads Extreme enviromnental loads are the following: 1 E, = Loads generated by the safe shutdown earthquake specified for the plant, including l die associated hydrodynamic and dynamic incremental soil pressure. Loads l generated by the safe shutdown earthquake are specined in Section 3.7. l l

W, = Loads generated by the design tomado specified for the plant in subsection 3.3.2, including loads due to tomado wind pressure, differential pressure, and tomado-generated missiles.

N = Loads generated by the probable maximum precipitation (provided previously in Table 2.0-1). Abnormal Loads Abnomial loads are those loads generated by a postulated high-energy pipe break accident for pipes not qualified for leak-before-break. Abnonnal loads include the following:

P, = Pressun: load within or across a compartment generated by the postulated break.

The main steam isolation valve (MSIV) and steam generator blowdown valve compartments are designed for a pressurization load of 5 psi. Detennination of subcompartment pressure loads is discussed in subsection

T, = Thennal loads under thennal conditions generated by the postulated break and including T o. Detennination of subcompartment temperatures is discussed in subsection

R, = Pipe reactions under diennal conditions generated by the postulated break and including R o. Detennination of pipe reactions generated by postulated breaks is discussed in subsection 3.6.

Y, = Load on the structure generated by the reaction on the broken high-energy pipe during the postulated break. Detennination of the loads is discussed in Section 3.6.

Revision: Draft charrevN)B8aRoh010897 January,1997 3.8-28 W Westinghouse

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems I

Y, = Jet impingement load on the structure generated by die postulated break, i Determination of the loads is discussed in Section 3.6. l l

Y, = Missile impact load on the structure generated by or during the postulated break, l as from pipe whipping. Detemiination of the loads is discussed in Section 3.6. l Dynamic Effects of Abnormal Loads The dynamic effects from the impulsive and impactive loads caused by P,, R , Y,, Y;, Y,, and ,

tornado missiles are considered by one of the following methods: l


Applying an appropriate dynamic load factor to the peak value of the transient load l Using impulse, momentum, and energy balance techniques

. Performing a time-history dynamic analysis J

Elastoplastic behavior may be assumed with appmpriate ductility ratios, provided excessive deflections will not result in loss of function of any safety-related system.

Dynamic increase factors appropriate for the strain rates involved may be applied to static material strengths of steel and concrete for purposes of detennining section strength. Load Combinations Steel Structures The steel structures and components are designed according to the clastic working stress design methods of the AISC-N690 specification using the load combinations specified in Table 3.8.4-1. Concrete Structures The concrete structures and components are designed according to the strength design methods of ACI-349 Code, using the load combinations specified in Table 3.8.4-2. Live Load for Seismic Design Live loads specified for design of the floors vary from 100 to 800 pounds per square foot and are based on plant construction and maintenance activities. Only a fraction of these live loads is present during plant operation. In combinations with seismic loads, floors are designed for live loads that might realistically be present during nonnal plant operation. Live loads in combination with the safe shutdown eardiquake are taken as 25 percent of the specified floor live load. The mass of equipment and distributed systems is included in both the dead and seismic loads.

ow-u308n.no7.oios97 Ilevision Draft

[ West lngh0USe 3.8-29 January,1997


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipme t, and Systems

f u __ Design and Analysis Procedures Seismic Category 1 Structures The design and analysis procedures for the seismic Category I stmetures (other than the containment vessel and containment intemal structures), including assumptions on boundary I conditions and expected behavior under loads, are in accordance with ACI-349 for concrete structures, with AISC-N690 for steel structures, and AISI for cold fonned steel structures.

The stmetural modules in the auxiliary building are designed similar to the structural modules in the containment intemal structures described in subsection 3.8.3. The ductility criteria of I ACI-318, Chapters 12 and 21, are considered in detailing, placing, anchoring, and splicing of the reinforcing steel. The bases of design for the tomado, pipe breaks, and seismic effects are discussed in Sections 3.3, 3.6, and 3.7, respectively. The foundation design is described in l subsection 3.8.5.

The seismic Category I structures are reinforced concrete and structural module shear wall structures consisting of vertical shear / bearing walls and horizontal slabs supported by stmetural steel framing. In-plane seismic forces are obtained from the response spectrum analysis of the three dimensional finite element fixed base models described in Table 3.7.2-14.

These results are modified to account for soil structure interaction and accidental torsion as described in subsection 3.7.2. Also evaluated and considered in the shear wall and floor slah design are out-of-plane bending and shear loads, such as live load, dead load, seismic, lateral carth pressure, hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, and wind pmssure. These out-of-plane bending and shear loads are obtained from hand calculations. The exterior walls of the seismic Category I structures below the grade are designed to resist the worst case lateral earth pressure loads (static and dynamic), soil surcharge loads, and loads due to external flooding as described in Section 3.4. Appendix 2C describes the seismic analyses used to calculate the lateral carth I pressures on the exterior walls below grade. The exterior walls are also designed for full i passive earth pressure which is utilized in the sliding evaluation described in subsection 1 Figure 3.8.4-2 shows typical shear walls and the arrangement of the reinforcing steel. Figure 3.8.4-3 shows typical reinforcing for the slabs.

The shield building roof and the passive containment cooling water storage tank are analyzed using three-dimensional finite element models with the ANSYS and GTSTRUDL computer codes. Loads and load combinations are given in subsection and include construction, dead, live, thennal, wind and seismic loads. Seismic loads are applied as equivalent static accelerations. The seismic response of the water in the tank is analyzed in a separate finite element msponse spectrum analysis with seismic input defined by the floor response spectrum.

The structural steel framing is used primarily to support the concrete slabs and roofs. Metal decking, supported by the steel framing, is used as form work for the concrete slabs and roofs.

The structural steel framing is designed for vertical loads. Figure 3.8.4-4 shows typical structural steel framing in the auxiliary building.

Revision: Draft m-enn.ko7-oios97 January,1997 3.8-30 W Westinghouse


3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipm:nt, and Systems Computer codes used are general purpose computer codes. The code development, verification, validation, configuration control, and ermr reporting and resolution are according to the quality assurance requirements of Chapter 17.

The finned floors for the main contml mom and the instrumentation and control room ceilings are designed as reinforced concrete slabs in accordance with ACI-349. The steel panels are designed and constructed in accordance with AISC-N690. For positive bending, the steel plate is in tension and the steel plate with fin stiffeners serves as the bottom reinforcement. For negative bending, compression is resisted by the stiffened plate and tension by top reinforcement in the concrete. Seismic Category I Cable Tray Supports The design and analysis procedures for seismic Category I cable trays and their supports are described in Appendix 3F. Seismic Category I IIeating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Duct Supports The design and analysis procedures for seismic Category I heating, ventilating, and air conditioning ducts and their supports are described in Appendix 3A. Structural Criteria The analysis and design of concrete confonn to ACI-349. The analysis and design of structural steel confonn to AISC-N690. The analysis and design of cold-fonned steel structures confonn to AISI. The margins of structural safety are as specified by those codes. Supplemental Requirements for Concrete Structures Supplemental requirements for ACI-349 are given in the position on Regulatory Guide 1.142 I in Appendix 1 A. In addition, the criteria of ACI-318, Chapters 12 and 21, are considered in I detailing, placing, anchoring, and splicing of the reinforcing steel.

Design of fastening to concrete is in accordance with ACI 349-90, Appendix B with supplementary criteria based on references 46,47, and 48. Reference 46 provides background material and a recommended design approach for consideration in the ACI building code.

References 47 and 48 evaluate the test data against various anchor bolt design approaches.

These references are being considered by the code committee responsible for ACI 349.

Pending revision to Appendix B, the AP600 criteria include the following considerations:

The 45 degree cone assumption used in the Appendix B approach is eliminated.

The basic single anchor capacities for tension and shear are calculated by empirical fonnulae based on test data.

owmamosn.no7.oio897 Revision Draft 3 Westinghouse 3.8-31 January,1997

I:MMil - -

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Edge effects consider the effect of edges within a distance of one and a half times the embedment depth. Edge distances are sufHeient to prevent lateral bursting.

Group effects consider the effect of adjacent anchors within a distance of three times the embedment depth.

Strengtlweduc44on-fac4ms-and4he steel strength-anH,peedfied4ueIHhat-th0 S!0e! yields I

prior-ta-sonerete4anure: Anchors are designed wherever possible with sufficent depth I of embedment and side cover such that the steel anchor yields prior to failure of the I concrete.

l The effect of concrete cracking is considered for fasteners located within the tensile l

zone of supporting concrete.

I i Supplemental Requirements for Steel Structures I Supplemental requin'ments for use of AISC-N690 are as follows:

1 In Section Ql.0.2, the definition of secondary stress applies to stresses developed by temperatu.e loading only.


In Section Ql.3, where the structural effects of differential settlement are present, they are included with the dead load, D.

In Table Q1.5.7.1, the stress limit coefficients for compression are as follows:

1.3 instead of 1.5 in load combinations 2,5, and 6.

1.4 instead of 1.6 in load combinations 7, 8, and 9.

1.6 instead of 1.7 in load combination i1.

In Section Ql.5.8, for constrained members (mtation and/or displacement constraint such that a thermal load causes signiDeant stresses), supporting safety-related structures, systems, or components, the stresses under load combinations 9,10, and 11 are limited to those allowed in Table as modified above.

Sections Ql.24 and Ql.25.10 are supplemented as follows:

Shop painting is in accordance with Section M of the Manual of Steel Construction, Load and Resistance Factor Design, First Edition. Exposed areas after installation are field painted in accordance with the applicable portion of Chapter M of the Manual of Steel Constmetion, Load and Resistance Factor Design, First Edition. See subsection for additional description of the protective coatings. Materials, Quality Control, and Special Construction Techniques This subsection contains information relating to the materials, quality control program, and special construction techniques used in the construction of the other scismic Category I structures, as well as the containment intemal structures.

Revision: Draft owme manRo7oios97 January,1997 3.8 32 W Westinghatjse

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Ff
  • lig::.

-l Materials Concrete The compressive strength of concrete used in the seismic Category I structures and containment intemal structures is ff=4000 psi. The test age of concrete containing pozzolan is 90 days. The test age of concrete without pozzolan is the nonnal 28 days. Concrete is batched and placed according to Reference 6, Reference 7, and ACI-349.

Ponland cement confonns to Reference 8. Type II, with the sum of tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate limited to no more than 58 percent. It is also limited to no more than i 0.60 percent by weight of alkalies calculated as Na2O plus 0.658 K 2 0. Certified copies of mill test reports showing that the chemical composition and physical propenies confonn to the specification are obtained for each cement delivery.

Aggregates confonn to Reference 9. The fineness modulus of fine aggregate (sand) is not less than 2.5, nor more than 3.1. In at least four of five successive test samples, such modulus is not allowed to vary more than 0.20 from the moving average established by the last five tests.

Coarse aggregates may be rejected if the loss fmm the Los Angeles abrasion test, Reference 10, using Grading A or Reference 11, exceeds 40 percent by weight at 500 revolutions. Acceptance of source and aggregates is based on the tests specified in Table 3.8.4-3.

Water and ice used in mixing concrete do not contain more than 250 parts per million of chlorides (as Cl) as detennined in acc(mlance with Reference 12. They do not contain more than 2000 parts per million of total solids as determined in accordance with Reference 13.

Water meets the criteria in Table 3.8.4-4 in regard to the effects of the proposed mixing water on hardened cement pastes and mortars compared with distilled water.

The concrete contains a pozzolan, an air entraining admixture, and a water-reducing admixture. Admixtures, except pozzolan, are stored in liquid solution.

Admixtures do not contain added chlorides except as contained in potable drinking water used for manufacture of the admixtures. The chloride content is stated in the manufacturer's material certification.

Pozzolan conforms to Reference 14, except that the ignition loss does not exceed 6 percent.

Pozzolan is sampled and tested in accordance with Reference 15 for source approval.

Air entraining admixture confomis to Reference 16 and is the vinsol resin type.

Water-reducing admixture confonns to Reference 17 and is types A and D. Use of types A and D as limited by concrete placing temperature,least dimension of member sizes, and type of placement is as shown in Table 3.8.4-5.

owmnwoonn.no7-oio897 Revision: Draft W Westinghouse 3.8 33 January,1997

4 ',


3. Design of Structures, CompoTents, Equipm:nt, a:d Systems n- l Manufacturer's certification for the air entraining admixture is required demonstrating compliance with Reference 16, Section 4 requirements.

Manufacturer's cenification for the water-reducing admixture is required demonstrating compliance with Reference 17, Section 5 requirements.

Manufacturer's test reports are required for each delivery of pozzolan showing the chemical composition and physical propenies and certifying that the pozzolan complies with the specification.

Proportioning of the concrete mix is in accordance with Reference 18 and Option B of ,

Reference 6, except that in lieu of the requirements of Reference 6, Paragraph, the l concrete has a specified slump of 3 inches.

i A testing laboratory designs and tests the concrete mixes. Only mixes meeting the design

, requirements specilled for concrete are used. i l l l Fonns for concrete are designed as recommended in ACI 347. Reinforcing Steel Reinforcing ban; for concrete are defonned bars according to Reference 19, Grade 60, and Reference 20. Certified material test repons are provided by the supplier for each heat of reinforcing steel delivered showing physical (both tensile and bend test results) and chemical analysis. In addition, a minimum of one tensile test is perfonned for each 50 tons of each bar size produced from each heat of steel.

In areas whe:t reinforcing steel splices are necessary and lap splices are not practical, threaded splices or cadwelds are used. l As stated in subsection, seismic Category I structures that are located below grade elevation are protected against flooding by a waterproofing system and waterstops. This, in conjunction with the 2 inches of concrete cover for the reinforcing steel, provides sufficient protection for the reinforcing steel. Therefore, the use of coated reinforcing steel is not planned. Structural Steel Basic materials used in the structural and miscellaneous steel construction confonn to the ASTM standards listed in Table 3.8.4-6. Masonry Walls There are no safety-related masonry walls used in the nuclear island. Quality Control Revision: Draft ow-apan.Ro7.cios97

.lanuary,1997 3.8-34 3 Westinghouse

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipmint, and Systems l

l The quality assurance program is described in Chapter 17. Confonnance to Regulatory Guide 1.94 is as described in Section 1.9. Special Construction Techniques Construction tecimiques for the structural modules are the same as special construction teclutiques for the containment intemal structures discussed previously in subsection In-Service Testing and Inspection Requirements There are no in-service testing or inspection requirements for the seismic Category I structures.

3.8.6 Combined License Information This section has no requirement for additional information to be provided in support of the Combined License application.  ;

3.8.7 References l

1. D. Bushnell, "BOSORS - Program for buckling of elastic-plastic complex shells of '

revolution including large deflections and creep," Computers and Structures, Vol.6, pp 221-239, 1976.

2. C. D hiiller, R .B. Grove, J. G. Bennett, " Pressure Testing of Large Scale Torispherical Heads Subject to Knuckle Buckling," NUREG/CP-0065 Transactions of the Intemational Conference on Structure hicchanics in Reactor Technology, August 1985. I
3. " Leak and Structural Test of Personnel Airlock for LWR Containments Subjected to Pressures and Temperatures beyond Design Limits," NUREG/CR-5118, S AND88-7155, ,

hiay 1989. '

4. " Analysis of Bellows Expansion Joints in the Sequoyah Containment," NUREG/CR-5561, SAND 90-7020. December 1991.
5. " Severe Accident Testing of Electrical Penetration Assemblies," NUREG/CR-5334, SAND 89-0327, November 1989.
6. ASThi C 94-1990, " Specifications for Ready-hiixed Concrete."
7. ACI 3D4R-1989, " Guide for hieasuring, hiixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete."
8. ASThiC 150-1989, " Specification for Portland Cement."
9. ASTN1 C 33-1990, " Specification for Concrete Aggregates."

ow,mumno7.ciox97 Revision Draft 3 Westinghouse 3.8 35 .lanuary,1997


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, a d Systems
10. ASTM C 131-1989, " Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine."
11. ASTM C 535-1989, " Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine.
12. ASTM D 512-1989 " Chloride Ion in Industrial Water."
13. ASTM D 1888-1978, " Paniculate and Dissolved Matter in Industrial Water."


14. ASTM C 618-1989, " Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement Concrete."
15. ASTM C 311-1990, " Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use as Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete." l l
16. ASTM C 260-1986, " Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete." l
17. ASTM C 494-1986, " Chemical Admixtures for Concrete."
18. ACI 211.1-1989, " Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Nomial, IIcavy Weight, and Mass Concrete."
19. ASTM A 615-1990, "Defonned and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement."
20. ASTM A 706-1990, " Low Alloy Steel Defonned Bars for Concrete Reinforcement."
21. ANSYS, Version 4.4. A135 for SILICONGRAPHICS 4D and INDIGO.
22. D. Bushnell, " Elastic-Plastic Buckling of Intemally Pressurized Ellipsoidal Pressure Vessel Heads," Welding Research Council Bulletin 267, May 1981.
23. .l. G. Bennett, "An Assessment of Loss-of-Contaimnent Potential Because of Knuckle Buckling for 4:1 Steel Containment Heads " NUREG/CR-4926, LA-10972-MS, April 1987. (This Report also includes the Contractor's Report: " Buckling and Rupture Tests of Two Fabricated Torispherical Heads under Internal Pressure," by R. B. Grove, S. W. Peters, C. D. Miller, and M. F. Eder, C.B.I. Industries, Inc. Research Laboratory.)
24. D. Bushnell, " Stress, Stability, and Vibration of Complex Branched Shells of Revolution: Analysis and User's Manual for BOSOR-4," LMSC-D243605, Lockheed Missiles and Space, Palo Alto, Cal.,1972.
25. " Evaluation of Seals for Mechanical Penetrations of Containment Buildings,"

NUREG/CR-5096 SAND 88-7016.

Revision: Draft owmemno7oien

.lanuary,1997 3.8-36 W85tiflgIl0llS8

3: vam p

3. Design of Structures, Compo :nts, Equipm:nt, and Systems su-
26. " Experimental Results from Contaimnent Piping Bellows Subjected to Severe Accident Conditions," NUREG/CR-6154, S AND94-1711, Vol.1, September,1994.
27. II. Akiyama, H. Sekimoto, M. Tanaka, K. Inoue, M. Fukihara, Y. Okuda, "1/10th Scale Model Test of Inner Concrete Structure Composed of Concrete Filled Steel Bearing Wall," 1001 International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Teclulology, 1989.
28. 11. Akiyama, H. Sekimoto, M. Fukihara, K. Nakanashi, K. Hara, "A Compression and Shear Loading Test of Concrete Filled Steel Bearing Wall," 1Ith Intemational Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology,1991.
29. T. Fukumoto, B. Kato, et al., " Concrete Filled Steel Bearing Walls," IABSE Symposium, Paris-Versailles,1987.
30. P. F. Adams, T. J. E. Zimmemian, " Design and Behaviour of Composite Ice-Resisting Walls," " Steel / Concrete Composite Stmetural Systems," C-FER Publication No.1, Proceedings of a special symposium held in conjunction with POAC '87, Fairbanks, Alaska, 9th Intemational Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions,1987.
31. B. O'Flynn, J. G. MacGregor, " Tests on Composite Ice-Resisting Walls,"

" Steel / Concrete Composite Structural Systems," C-FER Publication No.1, Proceedings of a special symposium held in conjunction with POAC '87, Fairbanks, Alaska,901 Intemational Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions,1987.

32. F. Ohno, T. Shioya, Y. Nagasawa, G. Matsumoto, T. Okada. T. Ota, " Experimental Studies on Composite Members for Arctic Offshore Structures," " Steel / Concrete Composite Structural Systems," C-FER Publication No.1, Proceedings of a special symposium held in conjunction wid1 POAC '87, Fairbanks, Alaska,9th Intemational Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions,1987.
33. M. Matsuishi, S. Iwata, " Strength of Composite System Ice-Resisting Structures,"

" Steel / Concrete Composite Stmetural Systems," C-FER Publication No.1, Proceedings of a special symposium held in conjunction with POAC '87, Fairbanks, Alaska,901 Intemational Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions,1987.

34. Fitch, J.R. et al., " Source Load Approach to Evaluate Boiling Water Reactor Pressure Suppression Containment Loads," Proceedings Eighth SMIRT, Paper J 7/3, 1985.
35. WCAP-13891, Revision 0, AP600 Automatic Depressurization System Phase A Test Data Report, December 1993.
36. WCAP-14324, Revision 0, Final Data Report for ADS Phase B1 Tests, April 1995.

o%anev70308n R07 010897 Revision: Draft

[ Westingh0USB 3.8-37 January,1997


3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipment, and Systems
37. De Salvo G. J., Gorwan A. W., ANSYS Engineering Analysis System User's Manual f Revision 4.4 (including Revision 4.4.A) May 30,1990. l l
38. M. P. Collins, D. Mitchell, P. Adebar, F. J. Vecchio, " General Shear Design Method,"

l ACI Stmetural Joumal, Vol 93, No.1, January - Febmary 1996. l 3


39. Bhide and Collins, " Influence of Axial Tension on the Shear Capacity of Reinforced l Concrete Members," ACI Structural Journal, September-October 1989.
40. K. Sorensen, O. Loset and T. O. Olsen," Investigations of the influence of Axial Tensile l Forces on the Transverse Shear Strength", Report No. PPI-1-5, Det Norske Veritas, Oslo, June 1981.
41. S. B. Bhide and M. P. Collins. " Reinforced Concrete Elements in Shear and Tension,"

Publication No. 87-02, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, January 1987.

42. P. E. Adebar, " Shear Design of Concrete Offshore Structures," Doctoral Thesis in the University of Toronto,1989.  ;


43. M. W. Kani, M. W. Iluggins, R. R. Wittkopp, "Kani on Shear and Torsion in Reinforced Concrete," Department of Civi! Engineering, University of Tomnto,1979. -
44. " Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures," edited by B.G. Jolmston,3rd Edition.
45. Bressler, Lin and Scalzi, " Design of Steel Stmetures," Second Edition.
46. W. Fuchs, R. Eligehausen, and J. E. Breen " Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Approach to Fastening to Concretc," ACI Simctural Journal, Jarmary-February 1995.
47. C. B. Farrow, I. Frigui, R. E. Klingner, " Tensile Capacity of Single Anchors in Concrete: Evaluation of Existing Fonnulas on an LRFD Basis," Report to the Tennessee Valley Authority, March,1992.
48. C. B. Farrow, and R. E. Klingner, " Tensile Capacity of Anchors with Partial or Overlapping Failure Surfaces: Evaluation of Existing Fonnulas on an LRFD Basis,"

ACI Structural Joumal, November - December,1995.

Revision: Draft owmvnuonn.no7.otosv7 January,1997 3.8-38 T Westinghouse


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Table 3.8.3-1 SIIEAR AND FLEXURAL STIFFNESSES OF STRUCTURAL MODULE WALLS Case Analysis Assumption Shear Stiffness"* Flexural Stiffnessu u2, 48" Wall 30" Wall 48" Wall 30" Wall GA GA El El x 10' x 10' x 10' x 10' lbs Ratio Ibs Ratio Ibs.in' Ratio Ibs. int Ratio 1 Monolithic section 83.5 1.0 55.8 1.0 47.5 1.0 13.6 1.0 considering steel plates and uncracked concrete.

For shear stiffness this is

( A, G, + A, G,).

2 Uncracked gross concrete 73.9 0.89 46.2 0.83 33.2 0.70 8.1 0.60 section (full wall thickness considering steel plate as concrete) 3 Transformed cracked 25.0 0.30 22.6 0.41 22.1 0.47 8.0 0.59 section considering steel plates and concrete (no concrete tension stiffness) 4 Ste4pkee:: =d shear 2M OJ4 2b9 DJ4 2M 444 9.0 0.66 whthcaeked sonc4ete-wi44inelined eracis-sgwal,d45 inche: Oncludes cencrete tensile-stiffnes : br ==



1. The shear stiffness, GA, is calculated for the full thickness of wall. The flexural stiffness is calculated per unit length of the wall.
2. Stiffness calculations are based on the following material properties: E, = 3.605,000 psi, n = 8, v,

= 0.17. v, = 0.30 owma7ean Ro7-oio897 Revision: Draft T Westinghouse 3.8-39 January,1997

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems l Table 3.8.3-2 l



OF CONTAINMENT INTERNAL STRUCTURES MODELS AND ANALYSIS I METilODS l Computer program Analysis Concrete I and Model Method Purpose Stiffness I 3D BSAP linite element of Response spectrum analysis To obtain the in-plane seismic Monolithic I containment intern:d structures forces for the design of ibors Case 1 l fixed at elevation 82'6" and walls

) 3D ANSYS finite element of Static arudyses To obtain member forces in Monolithic I containment intern:d structures boundaries of IRWST for Case I l fixed at elevation 103' static loads (dead, live, I hydrostatic, pressure) l Static analyses To obtain member forces in Cracked I boundaries of IRWST for Case 3 I thermal loads I Harmonic analyses To evaluate natund Uncracked I frequencies potentially excited Case 2 l by hydrodynamic loads l Time history amdyses To obtain dynamic response of Monolithic l IRWST boundary for and cracked l l hydnxtynamic loads Cases 1 & 3 i l Response spectnam analyses To obtain member forces and Monolithic  ;

I water sk>sh height for seismic Case 1  !

I loads Revision: Draft ohm 70108aR07-010897 January,1997 3.8-40 W Westiflgh0tJSe

i l

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipm:nt, and Syst:ms l

Table 3.8.4-1 LOAD COMHINATIONS AND LOAD FACTORS FOR SEISMIC CATEGORY I STEEL STRUCTURES Load Combination and Factors Combination No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i

Load description l Dead D 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Liquid F 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Live L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Earth pressure H 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Nonnal reaction Ro 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ,

Nonnal thennal To 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 l Wind W l.0 1.0 Safe shutdown earthquake E s 1.0 1.0


Tomado Wt 1.0 l

l 1

Accident pressure Pa 1.0 1.0 1.0

.l Accident thennal Ta 1.0 1.0 1.0 Accident thennal Ra 1.0 1.0 1.0 l reactions  !

Accident pipe reactions Yr 10 1.0 l Jet impingement Yj 1.0 1.0 j 1

Pipe impact Ym 1.0 1.0 i Stress Limit'"!$ 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.5 l Coefficient 1 Notes:  !

1. Allowable stress limits coeflicients are applied to the basic stress allowables of AISI or AISC. The coefficients for AISC-N690 are supplemented by the requirements identified in subsection I
2. Where any load reduces the effects of other loads, the coefficient for that load is taken as zero unless it can be demonstrated that the load is always present or occurs simultaneously with the other loads.
3. In no instance does the allowable stress exceed 0.7F, in axial tension nor 0.7F, times the ratio of the plastic to elastic section modulus for tension plus bending.

l 4 Loads due to maximum precipitation are evaluated using load combination 4 with the maximum I precipitation in place of the tornado load, oNsarrev70308n R07-010N97 NeViSion: DraIt T Westinghouse 3.8-41 .lanuary,1997 o


  • s.


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, rnd Systems nn-Table 3.8.4-2 LOAD COMBINATIONS AND LOAD FACTORS FOR SEISMIC CATEGORY I CONCRETE STRUCTURES Load Combination and Factors Combination No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Load Description l

Dead D 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.05 1.05 Liquid F 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.05 1.05 l Live L 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 l Earth H 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 l Nonnal reaction Ro 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 Nonnal thennal To 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 Wind W l.7 1.3 i Safe shutdown earthquake E s 1.0 1.0 Tornado W: 1.0 l

Accident pressure Pa 1.5 1.25 1.0 Accident thennal Ta 1.0 1.0 1.0 Accident thennal reactions R a 1.0 1.0 1.0 Accident pipe reactions Yr 1.0 1.0 Jet impingement Yj 1.0 1.0 Pipe impact Ym 1.0 1.0 Notes:

1 1. Design for mechanical logds is in accordance with ACI-349 Strength Design Method for all load I combinations. Design for combinations including thennal huds is desecribed in subsection

2. Where any load reduces the effects of other loads, the corresponding coefficient for that load is taken as 0.9 if it can be demonstrated that the load is always present or occurs simultaneously with the other loads.

Otherwise the coefficient for the load is taken as zero.

1 3. Loads due to maximum precipitation are evaluated using load combination 4 with the maximum I precipitation in place of the tornado load.

Revision: Draft o%mnN008rLF07-010897 January,1997 3.8-42 3 Westiligh0USB

. o r.

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Table 3.8.4-3 l

ACCEPTANCE TESTS FOR CONCRETE AGGREGATES Method of Test Designation Organic impurities in sand ASTM C 40-1984 Effect of organic impurities on strength of mortar ASTM C 87-1990 Soundness of aggregates ASTM C 88-1983 Material liner than No. 200 sieve ASTM C 117-1987 Specific gravity and absorption - coarse aggregates ASTM C 127-1988 Specific gravity and absorption - fine aggregates ASTM C 128-1988 Los Angeles abrasion of small-size coarse aggregates ASTM C 131-1989 Sieve analysis ASTM C 136-1984 Friable particles ASTM C 142-1978 Potential reactivity of aggregates (chemical) ASTM C 289-1987 Petrographic examination of aggregates ASTM C 295-1988 Resistance to degradation of large-size coarse aggregates by abrasion and impact in the Los Angeles machine ASTM C 535-1989 Potential alkali reactivity of cartxmate rocks for concrete aggregates ASTM C 586-1986 Resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing ASTM C 661984 Flat and elongated particles CRD C 119-1953 a.um7owsn.no7-cios97 Revision: Draft T Westinghouse 3.8-43 January,1997


  • 9
3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems l


Requirements and Test Metlux! Criteria  !

Compressive strength Reduction in strength not in excess of 10 percent ASTM C 109-1988 Soundness increase in length limited to 0.10 percent ASTM C 151-1989 Time of setting i 10 min for initial set,1 I hour for final set ASTM C 191-1982 1

f i

Revision: Draft oww v7exisn.no7-oiox97 l

.lanuary,1997 3,g.44 W W8Stingh0US8 l


3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems  !


Temperature Placement Description Type 70 F or less For nonnal conditions A 70*F or less For additional retardation for members with least dimension of D 3.0 feet or more More than 70*F For members except floor slabs D More than 70*F For floor slabs A Note:

1. Water reducing agent o wammxmn.no7.ot os97 Revision: Draft W85tingh00S8 3.8-45 January,1997


. ,. , l


M. . . . . . . . . .itettn )

3. Design of Structures, Compo:ents, Equipment, cid Syst:ms n-Table 3.8.4-6 MATERIALS USED IN STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL Standard Construction Material ASTM Al-84 Carbon steel rails ASTM N .' \36M-89 Rolled shapes, plates, and bars 1 ASTM A108-90 Weld studs ASTM A123-89a Zinc coatingr (hot galvanized)

ASTM A240-90 Nitronic 33 stainless steel 1

(designation S2400, Type XM-29)

ASTM A307-90 Low carbon steel holts ASTM A325-90 High strength bolts ASTM A354-90 Quenched and tempered alloy steel bolts (Grade BC)

ASTM A588-88 High-strength low alloy structural steel l I

l l

l l

Revision: Drafi owam7omko7.oiox97 January,1997 3.8-46 3 Westinghouse

. se D.

3. DCSIgG Of btTUCIUTC$, Components, Equipment, and Systems e


1.FOR FACIAL PL ATE IN  %.15 etr za , , "- .[, num umme ucrxa Y a .*. .) O(' tant (D PER $ECTI 5 ,,,,, -} , Q , #3 ,(, h, k t d.' .g .

2.EFFECTivt vl0TH OF CONCit[TE.%. lt

] .' , -

+ * . d, 0(TEitMlN[D PlR $ECTION Q l.11.1 QF Al5C N690.

3. FOR F ACI AL PLa f( IN T[N510N. %. !$

, g l T AKIN TO SE On[ NALF DF T4 OlsT ANCE g ,st, ,,,, o s 7014 Ana:nf staa$.

  • FACIAL PL ATE F ACI AL PL Aff IN COMPRES$10N Bt t'il Nott 21

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n'  ; ". 16l:m Aygg@  :

l', -

'.2 .


' . . 7

{,."CIAL LA.,7 F ACl AL PL ATE IN TEN $t0N EFFECT!vE SECTIONS FOR FLOOR MODULES Figure 3.8.3-13 Effective Sections For Floor Modules Revision: 7 W Westinghouse 3.8-147 April 30,1996

4 1 c- 'j b 1


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a a ments Equipment, and Systems T g i

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Figure 3.8.41 (Sheet 3 of 4)

Containment Air Bame Typical Panel on C3 tinder Revision: 7 April 30,1996

@ W85tingt10Use 3.8-157 o