NRC 2007-0032, Annual Monitoring Report
ML071210450 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Point Beach ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/30/2007 |
From: | Koehl D Nuclear Management Co |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2010-0209, NRC 2007-0032 | |
Download: ML071210450 (130) | |
April 30, 2007 NRC 2007-0032 10 CFR 50.36a 10 CFR 72.44 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Dockets 50-266, 50-301, and 72-005 Renewed License Nos. DPR-24 and DPR-27 2006 Annual Monitoring Report In accordance with Point Beach Nuclear Plant (PBNP) Technical Specification 5.6.2, enclosed is the Annual Monitoring Report for PBNP, Units 1 and 2, for the period January 1 through December 31,2006.
The Annual Monitoring Report contains information regarding plant releases, solid waste shipments, results from the radiological environmental monitoring program, as well as miscellaneous reportable items during 2006. The report also covers the results of radiological monitoring of the PBNP Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) as required by 10 CFR 72.44.
The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and the Environmental Manual were not revised in 2006.
This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.
Dennis L. Koehl ' /
Site Vice-President, Poin Beach Nuclear Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC Enclosure cc:
Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, USNRC Resident Inspector, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, USNRC PSCW American Nuclear Insurers WI Division of Public Health, Radiation Protection Section 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241-9516 Telephone: 920.755.2321 2006 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT January 1 through December 31,2006 128 pages follow
TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Part A: Effluent Monitoring 1.0 lntroduction 2.0 Radioactive Liquid Releases 3.0 Radioactive Airborne Releases 4.0 Radioactive Solid Waste Shipments 5.0 Nonradioactive Chemical Releases 6.0 Circulating Water System Operation Part 6: Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements 7.0 Additional Reporting Requirements Part C: Radiological Environmental Monitoring 8.0 lntroduction 9.0 Program Description 10.0 Results 11.0 Discussion 12.0 REMP Conclusion Part D: Groundwater Monitoring 13.0 Program Description 14.0 Results 15.0 Additional Monitoring 16.0 Groundwater Summary Appendix 1 : Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory, "Final Report for Point Beach Nuclear Plant" Appendix 2: Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory, "Groundwater Monitoring Results for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant"
TABLE OF TABLES Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 6-1 Table 9-1 Table 9-2 Table 9-3 Table 9-4 Table 9-5 Table 9-6 Table 10-1 Table 10-2 Table 1 1-1 Table 1 1-2 Table 1 1-3 Table 1 1-4 Table 1 1-5 Table 14-1 Table 15-1 Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2 Figure 9-3 Figure 1 1-1 Comparison of 2006 Liquid Effluent Calculated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives 4
Summary of Circulating Water Discharge 6
Isotopic Composition of Circulating Water Discharges (Curies) 7 Subsoil System Drains - Tritium Summary 8
Comparison of 2006 Airborne Effluent Calculated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives 10 Radioactive Airborne Effluent Release Summary 10 Isotopic Composition of Airborne Releases 11 Quantities and Types of Waste Shipped from PBNP 12 2006 Estimated Solid Waste Major Radionuclide Composition 13 2006 PBNP Radioactive Waste Shipments 14 Circulating Water System Operation for 2006 16 PBNP REMP Sample Analysis and Frequency 2 1 PBNP REMP Sampling Locations 22 ISFSl Sampling Sites 26 Minimum Acceptable Sample Size 26 Deviations from Scheduled Sampling and Frequency 27 Sample Collection for the State of Wisconsin 27 Summary of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Results for 2006 32 ISFSl Fence TLD Results for 2006 34 Average Indicator TLD Results from 1993-2006 34 Average ISFSl Fence TLD Results (mW7days) 35 Average TLD Results Surrounding the ISFSl (mW7days) 35 Average Gross Beta Measurements in Air 36 Average Gross Beta Concentrations in Soil 40 Groundwater H-3 Monitoring 44 Miscellaneous 2006 Groundwater Monitoring 45 TABLE OF FIGURES PBNP REMP Sampling Sites 23 Map of REMP Sampling Sites Located Around PBNP 24 Enhanced Map Showing REMP Sampling Sites Closest to PBNP 25 2006 Airborne Gross Beta Concentration (pcilm3) vs. Time 37
This Annual Monitoring Report for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2006 is submitted in accordance with Point Beach Nuclear Plant (PBNP) Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification 5.6.2 and submitted under Dockets 50-266, 50-301 and 72-005 for Facility Operating Licenses DPR-24 and DPR-27 respectively. The report presents the results of effluent and environmental monitoring programs, solid waste shipments, non-radioactive chemical releases, and circulating water system operation.
During 2006, the following Curies (Ci) of radioactive material were released via the liquid and atmospheric pathways:
For the purpose of compliance with the effluent design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50, doses from effluents are calculated for the hypothetical maximally exposed individual (MEI) for each age group and compared to the Appendix I objectives. Doses less than or equal to the Appendix I values are considered to be evidence that PBNP releases are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The maximum annual calculated doses in millirem (mrem) or millirad (mrad) are shown below and compared to the corresponding design objectives of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I.
Atmospheric 74.5 Tritium (Ci) 1 Particulate (Ci)
Noble Gas (Ci)
LIQUID RELEASES Liquid 607 Dose Cateqorv Calculated Dose Whole body dose 0.0056 mrem Organ dose 0.0057 mrem
(-)Noble gases in the liquids are added to the atmospheric release totals.
1 Atmospheric particulate includes radioiodines, but not F-18, in this table.
(-1 ATMOSPHERIC RELEASES 0.00000075 4.330 Dose Cateqow Calculated Dose Organ dose 0.029 mrem Noble gas beta air dose 0.00036 mrad Noble gas gamma ray air dose 0.00031 mrad Noble gas dose to the skin 0.00059 mrem Noble gas dose to the whole body 0.00028 mrem Ap~endix I Dose 6 mrem 20 mrem Appendix I Dose 30 mrem 40 mrad 20 mrad 30 mrem 10 mrem
The results show that during 2006, the doses from PBNP effluents were a small percentage (0.10% at the most) of the Appendix I design objectives and therefore operation of PBNP continues to be ALARA.
A survey of land use with respect to the location of dairy cattle was made pursuant to Section 2.5 of the PBNP Environmental Manual. Currently, farm land that adjoins site property is not used for cattle grazing. Therefore, the assumption that cattle graze at the site boundary used in the evaluation of doses from PBNP effluents remains conservative.
The 2006 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) collected 805 samples for radiological analyses and 1 15 sets of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) to measure ambient radiation in the vicinity of PBNP and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). Air monitoring from six different locations showed only background radioactivity from naturally occurring radionuclides. Terrestrial monitoring consisting of soil, vegetation, and milk found no influence from PBNP.
Similarly, samples from the aquatic environment, consisting of lake and well water, fish, and algae, revealed no buildup of PBNP radionuclides released in liquid effluents.
Therefore, the data showed no plant effect on its environs.
Five NUHOMS dry storage units were added to the ISFSl in 2006, for a total of 25 dry storage casks at the ISFSI. Sixteen are the ventilated, vertical storage casks (VSC-24) and nine are the NUHOMS, horizontally stacked storage modules. The subset of the PBNP REMP samples used to evaluate the environmental impact of the PBNP ISFSl showed no environmental impact from its operation.
The environmental monitoring conducted during 2006 confirmed that the effluent control program at PBNP ensured a minimal impact on the environment.
The PBNP effluent monitoring program is designed to comply with federal regulations for ensuring the safe operation of PBNP with respect to releases of radioactive material to the environment and its subsequent impact on the public.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.34a, operations should be conducted to keep the levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). In 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) provides the numerical values for what it considers to be the appropriate ALARA design objectives to which the licensee's calculated effluent doses may be compared. These doses are a small fraction of the dose limits specified by 10 CFR 20.1 301 and lower than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits specified in 40 CFR 190.
10 CFR 20.1 302 directs PBNP to make the appropriate surveys of radioactive materials in effluents released to unrestricted and controlled areas. Liquid wastes are monitored by inline radiation monitors as well as by isotopic analyses of samples of the waste stream prior to discharge from PBNP. Airborne releases of radioactive wastes are monitored in a similar manner. Furthermore, for both liquid and atmospheric releases, the appropriate portions of the radwaste treatment systems are used as required to keep releases ALARA. Prior to release, results of isotopic analyses are used to adjust the release rate of discrete volumes of liquid and atmospheric wastes (from liquid waste holdup tanks and from gas decay tanks) such that the concentrations of radioactive material in the air and water beyond PBNP are below the PBNP Technical Specification concentration limits for liquid effluents and release rate limits for gaseous effluents.
Solid wastes are shipped offsite for disposal at NRC licensed facilities. The amount of radioactivity in the solid waste is determined prior to shipment in order to determine the proper shipping configuration as regulated by the Department of Transportation and the NRC.
Also operated at PBNP, under the General License granted pursuant to 10 CFR 72.210, is an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). The release of radioactive materials from the operation of the ISFSl must also comply with the limits of Part 20 and Part 50 Appendix I design objectives. Per 10 CFR 72.44(d)(3), the results of radiological effluent monitoring are to be
reported annually. The dose criteria for effluents and direct radiation specified by 10 CFR 72.1 04 states that during normal operations and anticipated occurrences, the annual dose equivalent to any real individual beyond the controlled area must not exceed 25 mrem to the whole body, 75 mrem to the thyroid and 25 mrem to any other organ. The dose from naturally occurring radon and its decay products are exempt. Because the loading of the storage casks occurs within the primary auxiliary building of PBNP, the doses from effluents due to the loading process will be assessed and quantified as part of the PBNP Radiological Effluent Control Program.
2.0 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID RELEASES The radioactive liquid release path to the environment is via the circulating water discharge. A liquid waste treatment system in conjunction with administrative controls is used to minimize the impact on the environment and maintain doses to the public ALARA from the liquid releases.
2.1 Doses From Liquid Effluent Doses from liquid effluent are calculated using the methodology of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). These calculated doses use parameters such as the amount of radioactive material released, the total volume of liquid, the total volume of dilution water, and usage factors (e.g., water and fish consumption, shoreline and swimming factors).
These calculations produce a conservative estimation of the dose. For compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I design objectives, the annual dose is calculated to the hypothetical maximally exposed individual (MEI).
The ME1 is assumed to reside at the site boundary in the highest X/Q sector and is maximized with respect to occupancy, food consumption, and other uses of this area. As such, the ME1 represents an individual with reasonable deviations from the average for the general population in the vicinity of PBNP. A comparison of the calculated doses to the 10 CFR 50, Appendix I design objectives is presented in Table 2-1. The conservatively calculated dose to the ME1 is a very small fraction of the Appendix I design objective.
Table 2-1 Comparison of 2006 Liquid Effluent Calculated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives Holders of a Part 72 license are allowed to submit the report required by 72.44(d)(3) concurrent with the effluent report required by 10 CFR 50.36a (a)(2). (
64 FR 331 78)
% of Design Objective 0.09 %
0.03 %
Annual Limit [mrem]
6 (whole body) 20 (any organ)
Highest Total Calculated Dose
0.0056 0.0057
2.2 2006 Circulatinq Water Radionuclide Release Summaw Radioactive liquid releases via the circulating water discharge are summarized by individual source and total curies released on a monthly basis and presented in Table 2-2. These releases are composed of processed waste, wastewater effluent, and blowdown from Units 1 and 2.
The wastewater effluent consists of liquid from turbine hall sumps, plant well house backwashes, sewage treatment plant effluent, water treatment plant backwashes and the Unit 1 and 2 facade sumps.
2.3 2006 Isotopic Composition of Circulatinq Water Discharqes The isotopic composition of circulating water discharges during the current reporting period is presented in Table 2-3. The noble gases released in liquids are reported with the airborne releases, Section 3. The isotopic distribution shows little change from 2005, with tritium up slightly from 2005 and close to 2004 value. H-3 continues to be the major radionuclide released via liquid discharges.
2.4 Beach Drain Svstem Releases Tritium Summaw The quarterly and annual results of beach drain monitoring are presented in Table 2-4. These six drains are sampled once a month. The total monthly flow is calculated assuming that the flow rate at the time of sampling persists for the whole month. During 2006, no tritium was observed in any of the beach drains at the effluent LLDs used to detect and quantify H-3 released from discreet volumes such as hold up tanks and waste distillate tanks. However, special samples obtained in September and sent to the contracted REMP laboratory did detect H-3 in the 100-300 pCi/l range (Part D page 44). Assuming that the highest concentration of 328 pCi/l was maintained for the third and fourth quarters in drains S-1 and S-2, an additional 1.2E-03 Ci of H-3 would have been released. Compared to the 6.07E+02 Ci released via the normal discharge pathway, the beach drain contribution is small. The resulting beach drain dose is about 11250,000 of that resulting from the normal liquid discharges shown in Table 2-1.
2.5 Chanqes to the Waste Liquid Treatment System in 2006 There were no changes to the liquid waste treatment system in 2006.
Table 2-2 Summary of Circulating Water Discharge January 1 through December 31,2006
' The Retention Pond was taken out of service in September 2002 and replaced with the waste water effluent filter system.
- Circulating water discharge from both units.
Note: The Dissolved noble gases detected in liquid effluents (e.g., Xe-133 and Xe-135) are added to the atmospheric release summaries.
Table 2-3 Isotopic Composition of Circulating Water Discharges (Ci)
January 1 through December 31,2006 Note: The dissolved noble gases detected in liquid effluents (e.g., Xe-133, Xe-135, etc.) are added to the atmospheric release summaries.
Table 2-4 Subsoil System Drains - Tritium Summary January 1 through December 31,2006 2.6 Land Application of Sewaae Sludae 1 st Qtr H-3 (Ci)
Flow (gal) 2nd Qtr H-3 (Ci)
Flow (gal) 3rd Qtr H-3 (Ci)
Flow (gal) 4th Qtr H-3 (Ci)
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has approved the disposal of PBNP sewage by land application on various Wisconsin Electric Power Company properties surrounding PBNP. This sewage sludge, which may contain trace amounts of radionuclides, is to be applied in accordance with methodologies approved by the NRC on January 13, 1988, pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302(a). The approved methodology requires analyses prior to every disposal. Based upon an investigation of the source of the radionuclides, a combination of engineering modifications and administrative controls has eliminated plant generated radiological inputs to the sewage. This was verified by sludge analyses using the environmental lower level of detection (LLD) criteria. No byproduct radionuclides were found in the sludge after the controls and modifications were completed. Sludge is routinely monitored and no radionuclides attributable to PBNP have been found.
There was no disposal of sewage by land application during 2006. All disposals were done at the Manitowoc Sewage Treatment Plant.
S-1 0.00E+00 1.33E+06 0.00E+00 1.45E+06 0.00E+00 2.29E+05 0.00E+00 4.83E+05 S-3 0.00E+00 3.89E+05 0.00E+00 3.61 E+05 0.00E+00 8.86E+04 0.00E+00 1.82E+05 S-7 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S-8 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S-9 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.79E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S-1 0 0.00E+00 1.1 2E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
3.0 RADIOACTIVE AIRBORNE RELEASES The release paths to the environment contributing to radioactive airborne release totals during this reporting period were the Auxiliary Building Vent Stack, the Drumming Area Vent Stack, the Letdown Gas Stripper, the Unit 1 Containment Purge Stack, and the Unit 2 Containment Purge Stack. A gaseous radioactive effluent treatment system in conjunction with administrative controls is used to minimize the impact on the environment from the airborne releases and maintain doses to the public ALARA.
3.1 Doses From Airborne Effluent Doses from airborne effluent are calculated for the maximum exposed individual (MEI) following the methodology contained in the PBNP ODCM. These calculated doses use parameters such as the amount of radioactive material released, the concentration at and beyond the site boundary, the average site weather conditions, the locations of the exposure pathways (e.g., cow milk, vegetable gardens and residences), and usage factors (e.g., breathing rates, food consumption). In addition to the ME1 doses, the energy deposited in the air by noble gas beta particles and gamma rays is calculated and compared to the corresponding Appendix I design objectives. A comparison of the annual Appendix I design objectives for atmospheric effluents to the highest organ dose and the noble gas doses calculated using ODCM methodology is listed in Table 3-1. The doses demonstrate that releases from PBNP to the atmosphere continue to be ALARA.
3.2 Radioactive Airborne Release Summary Radioactivity released in airborne effluents for 2006 are summarized in Table 3-2.
3.3 Isotopic Airborne Releases The monthly isotopic airborne releases for 2006, from which the airborne doses were calculated, are presented in Table 3-3. When both the equipment hatch and the 66' elevation hatch are open during an outage, there is a measurable, convective flow out the upper hatch. Because this air is not filtered, containment air is assumed to be carried out the hatch, through the fagade, and into the environment thereby contributing to the particulate effluent and the calculated dose. This was done for the Unit 2 fall outage.
Table 3-1 Comparison of 2006 Airborne Effluent Calculated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives Annual Appendix I Design January-December Percent of Appendix I Category Objective Calculated Dose Design Objective Particulate 30 mremlorgan 0.029 mrem 9.80E-02 Noble gas 40 mrad (beta air) 0.00036 mrad 8.88E-04 Noble gas 20 mrad (gamma air) 0.00031 mrad 1.54E-03 Noble gas 30 mremlskin 0.00059 mrem 1.97E-03 Noble gas 10 mrem (whole body) 0.00028 mrem 2.81 E-03 Table 3-2 Radioactive Airborne Effluent Release Summary January 1 through December 31,2006 1 Total noble gas (airborne + liquid releases).
2 Total Particulate is the sum of alpha, strontium, and others. It does not include radioiodines or F-18. F-18 and other airborne particulates with half-lives
<8 days are not considered for dose calculations.
TABLE 3-3 Isotopic Composition of Airborne Releases January 1, 2006 through December 31,2006 Note: The Noble Gases listed above include the liquid contribution.
4.0 RADIOACTIVE SOLID WASTE SHIPMENTS 4.1 Types, Volumes, and Activity of Shipped Solid Waste The following types, volumes, and activity of solid waste were shipped from PBNP for offsite disposal or burial during 2006. No Type C or D waste was shipped. No irradiated fuel was shipped offsite. The volume, activity and type of waste are listed in Table 4-1.
4.2 Maior Nuclide Composition (bv Tvpe of Waste]
Table 4-1 Quantities and Types of Waste Shipped from PBNP The major radionuclide content of the 2006 solid waste was determined by gamma isotopic analysis and the application of scaling factors for certain indicator radionuclides based on the measured isotopic content of representative waste stream samples. The estimated isotopic content is presented in Table 4-2.
Type of Waste A. Spent resins, filter sludge, evaporator bottoms, etc.
B. Dry compressible waste, contaminated equipment, etc C. Irradiated components, control rods, etc.
D. Other Quantity 42.600 m3 1504.00 ft3 175 m3 61 70 ft3 0.00 m3 0.00 ft3 0.00 m3 0.00 ft3 Activity 9.081 Ci 0.055 Ci NIA Ci NIA Ci
Table 4-2 2006 Estimated Solid Waste Major Radionuclide Composition TYPE Nuclide Cr-51 H -3 NI-63 Fe-55 CO-58 Co-60 Ag-1 lOm Sb-125 Tc-99 CS-1 37 C-14 Nb-95 Sb-124 Mn-54 Zr-95 Ce-144 Pu-241 Fe-59 Sr-90 Am-241 Cm-243 Cm-244 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 A
Percent Abundance 27.2%
15.1 %
Nuclide NI-63 CO-58 Fe-55 Co-60 Nb-95 Ag-11 Om Zr-95 Sb-125 Cr-51 Ru-1 06 Mn-54 (3-137 H-3 Tc-99 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-242 Sr-90 Cm-243 Cm-244 Sr-90 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 TYPE B Percent Abundance 23.6%
4.1 %
Nuclide TYPE C Percent Abundance Nuclide TYPE D Percent Abundance
4.3 Solid Waste Disposition There were 11 solid waste shipments from PBNP during 2006. The dates and destinations are shown in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3 2006 PBNP Radioactive Waste Shipments
5.0 NONRADIOACTIVE CHEMICAL RELEASES 5.1 Scheduled Chemical Waste Releases Scheduled chemical waste releases to the circulating water system from January 1, 2006, to June 30, 2006, included 4.06E+05 gallons of neutralized wastewater. The wastewater contained 3.44E+00 pounds of suspended solids and 1.48E+04 pounds of dissolved solids.
Scheduled chemical waste releases to the circulating water system from July 1, 2006, to December 31, 2006, included 7.32E+05 gallons of neutralized wastewater. The wastewater contained 2.58E+01 pounds of suspended solids and 1.21 E+04 pounds of dissolved solids.
Scheduled chemical waste releases are based on the average analytical results obtained from sampling a representative number of neutralizing tanks.
5.2 Miscellaneous Chemical Waste Releases Miscellaneous chemical waste releases from the wastewater effluent (based on effluent analyses) to the circulating water for January 1, 2006, to June 30, 2006, included 2.25E+07 gallons of clarified wastewater. The wastewater contained 1.84E+03 pounds of suspended solids.
Miscellaneous chemical waste releases from the wastewater effluent (based on effluent analyses) to the circulating water for July 1, 2006, to December 31, 2006, included 2.25E+07 gallons of clarified wastewater.
The wastewater contained 1.50E+03 pounds of suspended solids.
Miscellaneous chemical waste released directly to the circulating water, based on amount of chemicals used from January 1,2006, to June 30, 2006, included 1.1 6E+05 pounds of sodium bisulfite and 3.90E+04 pounds of sodium hypochlorite.
Miscellaneous chemical waste released directly to the circulating water, based on amount of chemicals used from July 1, 2006, to December 31, 2006, included 1.42E+05 pounds of sodium bisulfite and 5.09E+04 pounds of sodium hypochlorite.
6.0 CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEM OPERATION The circulating water system operation during this reporting period for periods of plant operation is described in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 Circulating Water System Operation for 2006 Average Ambient Lake Temperature 32 3 1 34 4 1 42 48
[" F]
- For days with cooling water discharge flow.
Table 6-1 (continued)
Circulating Water System Operation for 2006 Average Ambient Lake Temperature 52 68 59 43 40 36
[" F]
- Unit 2 shutdown Oct 15-Nov 16,2006
- For days with cooling water discharge flow.
Part B Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements 7.0 ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Revisions to the PBNP Effluent and Environmental Proqrams No revisions were made to the PBNP Offsite Dose Calculation Manual or to the Environmental Manual during 2006.
7.2 Interlaboratow Comparison Proqram Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory, the analytical laboratory contracted to perform the radioanalyses of the PBNP environmental samples, participated in the interlaboratory comparison studies administered by Environmental Resources Associates (ERA) during 2006.
Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory also participated in the Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP). The ERA environmental crosscheck program replaces the Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) Quality Assessment Program which discontinued. The results of these comparisons can be found in Appendix A of the AMR.
7.3 Special Circumstances No special circumstances report regarding operation of the explosive gas monitor for the waste gas holdup system was needed during 2006.
The objective of the PBNP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is to determine whether the operation of PBNP or the ISFSl has radiologically impacted the environment. To this end, the REMP collects and analyzes air, water, milk, soil, vegetation, and fish samples for radionuclides and uses TLDs to determine the ambient radiation background. These measurements also serve as a check of the efficacy of PBNP effluent controls.
The REMP fulfills the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1302, PBNP General Design Criterion (GDC) 17, GDC 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR 50, and Sections IV.B.2 and IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 for the operation of the plant. Therefore, the REMP collects samples from various environmental media in order to provide data on measurable levels of radiation and radioactive materials in the principal pathways of environmental exposure.
A subset of the PBNP REMP samples, consisting of air, soil, and vegetation, also fulfills 10 CFR 72.44(d)(2) for operation of the ISFSI. Additionally, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) provide the means to measure changes in the ambient environmental radiation levels at sites near the ISFSl and at the PBNP site boundary to ensure that radiation levels from the ISFSl are maintained within the dose limits of 10 CFR 72.104. Because the ISFSl is within the PBNP site boundary, radiation doses from PBNP and the ISFSI, combined, must be used to assess compliance with 10 CFR 72.1 22 and 40 CFR 190. Therefore, radiological environmental monitoring for the ISFSl is provided by selected sampling sites, which are part of the PBNP REMP.
For the aquatic environment, the samples include water as well as the biological integrators, such as fish and filamentous algae. Because of their migratory behavior, fish are wide area integrators. In contrast, the filamentous algae periphyton is attached to shoreline rocks and concentrate nuclides from the water flowing by their point of attachment. Grab samples of lake water provide a snapshot of radionuclide concentrations at the time the sample is taken; whereas analysis of fish and filamentous algae yield concentrations integrated over time.
The air-grass-cow-milk exposure pathway unites the terrestrial and atmospheric environments. This pathway is important because of the many dairy farms around PBNP. Therefore, the REMP includes samples of air, general grasses, and milk from the PBNP environs. An annual land use survey is made to determine whether the assumptions on the location of dairy cattle remain conservative with respect to dose calculations for PBNP effluents. The dose calculations assume that the dairy cattle are located at the south site boundary,
the highest depositional sector. In addition, soil samples are collected and analyzed in order to monitor the potential for long-term buildup of radionuclides in the vicinity of PBNP.
For the measurement of ambient environmental radiation levels that may be affected by direct radiation from PBNP or by noble gas effluents, the REMP employs a series of TLDs situated around PBNP and the ISFSI.
9.0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 9.1 Results Reportinq Convention The vendor used by PBNP to analyze the environmental samples is directed to report analysis results as measured by a detector, which can meet the required lower level of detection (LLD) as specified in Table 2-2 of the Environmental Manual for each sample. The report provided by the vendor (see Appendix 1) contains values, which can be either negative, positive or zero plus/minus the two sigma counting uncertainty, which provides the 95% confidence level for the measured value.
The lower limit of detection (LLD) is an a priori concentration value that specifies the performance capability of the counting system used in the analyses of the REMP samples. The parameters for the a priori LLD are chosen such that only a five percent chance exists of falsely concluding a specific radionuclide is present when it is not present at the specified LLD.
Based on detector efficiency and average background activity, the time needed to count the sample in order to achieve the desired LLD depends upon the sample size. Hence, the desired LLD may be achieved by adjusting various parameters. When a suite of radionuclides are required to be quantified in an environmental sample such as lake water, the count time used is that required to achieve the LLD for the radionuclide with the longest counting time. Therefore, in fulfilling the requirement for the most difficult to achieve radionuclide LLD, the probability of detecting the other radionuclides is increased because the counting time used is longer than that required to achieve the remaining radionuclide LLDs.
The REMP results in this report are reported as averages of the measurements made throughout the calendar year pluslminus the associated standard deviation. If all net sample concentrations are equal to or less than zero, the result is reported as "Not Detectable" (ND),
indicating no detectable level of activity present in the sample. If any of the net sample concentrations indicate a positive result statistically greater than zero, all of the data reported are used to generate the reported statistics. Because of the statistical nature of radioactive decay, when the radionuclide of interest is not present in the sample, negative and positive results centered about zero will be seen. Excluding validly
measured concentrations, whether negative or as small positive values below the LLD, artificially inflates the calculated average value.
Therefore, all generated data are used to calculate the statistical values (i.e., average, standard deviation) presented in this report.
In interpreting the data, effects due to the plant must be distinguished from those due to other sources. A key interpretive aid in assessment of these effects is the design of the PBNP REMP, which is based upon the indicator-control concept. Most types of samples are collected at both indicator locations (e.g., nearby, downwind, or downstream) and at control locations (e.g., distant, upwind, or upstream). A plant effect would be indicated if the radiation level at an indicator location was significantly larger than that at the control location. The difference would have to be greater than could be accounted for by typical fluctuation in radiation levels arising from other sources.
9.2 Samplinq Parameters Samples are collected and analyzed at the frequency indicated in Table 9-1 from the locations described in Table 9-2 and shown in Figures 9-1, 9-2 and 9-3. (The latter two figures show sampling locations not shown in preceding figures due to space limitations. The location of the former retention pond, retired and remediated to NRC unrestricted access criteria, is indicated in Fig. 9-3). The list of PBNP REMP sampling sites used to determine environmental impact around the ISFSl is found in Table 9-3. The minimum acceptable sample size is found in Table 9-4. In addition, Table 9-1 indicates the collection and analysis frequency of the ISFSl fence TLDs.
9.3 Deviations from Required Collection Frequencv Deviations from the collection frequency given in Table 9-1 are allowed in accordance with Section 2.2.6 of the Environmental Manual. Table 9-5 lists the deviations from the scheduled sampling frequency that occurred during the reporting period.
9.4 Assistance to the State of Wisconsin The Radiation Protection Unit of the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services maintains a radiological environmental monitoring program in order to confirm the results from the PBNP REMP. As a courtesy to the State of Wisconsin, PBNP personnel also collect certain environmental samples (Table 9-6) for the State from sites that are near PBNP sampling sites, or are co-located. The results of the State monitoring program are available from the Radiation Protection Unit of the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services.
9.5 Proaram Modifications The EM and ODCM were not revised in 2006.
Table 9-1 PBNP REMP Sample Analysis and Frequency Frequency Quarterly 3xlyr as available Gamma Isotopic Analysis 3xlyr as available 3xlyr as available Quarterly Monthly / Quarterly composite of monthly collections Monthly Monthly Monthly Weekly (particulate)
Weekly (charcoal)
Quarterly (on composite particulate filters) 2xly r 2xlyr Quarterly Analyses TLD Gross Beta Gross Beta Gamma lsotopic Analysis Gross Beta Gamma lsotopic Analysis (Analysis of edible portions only)
Gross Beta, H-3 Sr-89, 90, 1-131 Gamma lsotopic Analysis (on total solids)
Gross Beta 1-131 Gamma lsotopic Analysis (on total solids)
Sr-89, 90 1-1 31 Gamma lsotopic Analysis Gross Beta 1-1 31 Gamma lsotopic Analysis Gross Beta Gamma Isotopic Analysis Gross Beta Gamma lsotopic Analysis TLD Sample Type Environmental Radiation Exposure Vegetation Algae Fish Well Water Lake Water Milk Air Filters Soil Shoreline Sediment ISFSl Ambient Radiation Exposure Sample Codes E-01, -02, -03, -04, -05
-06, -07, -08, -09, -1 2
-14, -15, -16, -17, -18,
-20, -22, -23, -24, -25,
-26, -27, -28, -29, -30,
-31, -32, -38, -39, -TC E-01, -02, -03, -04, -06,
-08, -09, -20, E-05, -12 E-13 E-10 E-01, -05, -06, -33 E-11, -40, -21 E-01, -02, -03, -04,
-08, -20 E-01, -02, -03, -04,
-06, -08, -09, -20, E-01, -05, -06, -12, -33, North, East, South, West Fence Sections
Table 9-2 PBNP REMP Sampling Locations Location Code E-01 E-02 E-03 E-04 E-05 E-06 E-07 E-08 E-09 E-10 E-1 1 E-12 E-13 E-14 E-15 E-16 E-17 E-18 E-40 E-20 E-21 E-22 E-23 E-24 E-25 E-26 E-27 E-28 E-29 E-30 E-31 E-32 E-33 E-38 E-39 E-TC Location Description Primary Meteorological Tower South of the Plant Site Boundary Control Center - East Side of Building Tapawingo Road, about 0.4 Miles West of Lakeshore Road North Boundary Two Creeks Park Point Beach State Park - Coast Guard Station; TLD located South of the Lighthouse on Telephone pole WPSC Substation on County V, about 0.5 Miles West of Hwy 42 G.J. Francar Property at Southeast Corner of the Intersection of Cty. B and Zander Road Nature Conservancy PBNP Site Well Dairy Farm about 3.75 Miles West of Site Discharge Flumetpier Pumphouse South Boundary, about 0.2 miles East of Site Boundary Control Center Southwest Corner of Site WSW, Hwy 42, a residence about 0.25 miles North of Nuclear Road North of Mishicot, Cty. B and Assman Road, Northeast Corner of Intersection Northwest of Two Creeks at Zander and Tannery Roads Local Dairy Farm, W side of Hwy 42, about 1.8 miles north of the Nuclear Rd intersection Reference Location, 17 miles Southwest, at Silver Lake College Local Dairy Farm just South of Site on Lakeshore and Irish Roads West Side of Hwy 42, about 0.25 miles North of Johanek Road Greenfield Lane, about 4.5 Miles South of Site, 0.5 Miles East of Hwy 42 North Side of County Rt. V, near intersection of Saxonburg Road South Side of County Rt. BB, about 0.5 miles West of Norman Road 804 Tapawingo Road, about 0.4 miles East of Cty. 8, North Side of Road Intersection of Saxonburg and Nuclear Roads, Southwest Corner, about 4 Miles WSW TLD site on western most pole between the second and third parking lots.
Area of North Meteorological Tower.
NE corner at Intersection of Tapawingo and Lakeshore Roads.
On utility pole North side of Tapawingo Road closest to the gate at the West property line.
On a tree located at the junction of property lines, as indicated by trees and shrubs, about 500 feet east of the west gate on Tapawingo Road and about 1200 feet south of Tapawingo Road. The location is almost under the power lines between the blue and gray transmission towers.
Lake Michigan shoreline accessed from the SE corner of KNPP parking lot. Sample South of creek.
Tree located at the West end of the area previously containing the Retention Pond.
Tree located at the East end of the area previously containing the Retention Pond.
Transportation Control; Reserved for TLDs
Figure 9-1 PBNP REMP Sampling Sites
@ TLD & A I R OTHER CGS FILE 10748 Figure 9-2 Map of REMP Sampling Sites Located Around PBNP
Figure 9-3 Enhanced Map Showing REMP Sampling Sites Closest to PBNP
Table 9-3 ISFSl Sampling Sites Table 9-4 Minimum Acceptable Sample Size Ambient Radiation Monitoring (TLD)
E-03 E-28 E-30 E-31 E-32 Soil, Vegetation, and Airborne Monitoring E-02 E-03 E-04
Table 9-5 Deviations from Scheduled Sampling and Frequency Table 9-6 Sample Collections for State of Wisconsin Plans for Preventing Recurrence Unknow reason, new enclosures ordered same as above same as above same as above The TLDs arrive in a box clearly marked "DO NOT X-RAY. " The appropriate people have been reminded to pay attention to markings on the box received from the vendor. This event captured in AIR 01070145.
Sample TYPe APIA1 TLDs Collection Date 4/5/2006, 5/3/2006, 6/2/2006, 6/2/2006 Receipt of 4th quarter TLDs Location E-02 E-02 E-04 E-08 all locations including transportation controls Reason for not conducting REMP as required power shut off power shut off power shut off power shut off TLDs were inadertantly put through the Security X-ray scanner upon arrival at the site
9.6 Analvtical Parameters The types of analyses and their frequencies are given in Table 9-1. The LLDs for the various analyses are found in the Section 10 (Table 10-1) with the summary of the REMP results. All environmental LLDs listed in Table 2-2 of the Environmental Manual (also in Table 10-1) were achieved during 2006.
9.7 Brief Description of Analvtical Parameters in Table 9-1 9.7.1 Gamma isotopic analysis Gamma isotopic analysis consists of a computerized scan of the gamma ray spectrum from 80 keV to 2048 keV. Specifically included in the scan are Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zr-95, Nb-95, Ru-103, Ru-106, 1-1 31, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144. However, any other detected nuclear power plant produced radionuclides also are noted. All of the above radionuclides detected by gamma isotopic analysis are decay corrected to the time of collection. Frequently detected, but not normally reported here, are the naturally occurring radionuclides Ra-226, Bi-2 1 4, Pb-212, TI-208, Ac-228, Be-7 and K-40.
9.7.2 Gross Beta Analysis Gross beta analysis is a non-specific analysis that consists of measuring the total beta activity of the sample. No individual radionuclides are identifiable by this method. Gross beta analysis is a quick method of screening samples for the presence of elevated activity that may require additional, immediate analyses.
9.7.3 Water Samples Water samples include both Lake Michigan and well water. The Lake Michigan samples are collected along the shoreline at two locations north and two locations south of PBNP. The well water is sampled from the on-site PBNP well. Gross beta and gamma isotopic analytical results for water are obtained by measurements on the solids remaining after evaporation of the unfiltered sample to dryness. Hence, the results are indicated as "on total solids" in Table 10-1.
9.7.4 Air Samples Particulate air filters are allowed to decay at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> before gross beta measurements are made in order for naturally occurring radionuclides to become a negligible part of the total activity.
Gross beta measurements serve as a quick check for any unexpected activity that may require immediate investigation.
Quarterly composites of the particulate air filters are analyzed for long-lived radionuclides such as Cs-134 and Cs-137. Charcoal canisters for radioiodine are counted as soon as possible so the 1-1 31 will undergo only minimal decay prior to analyses. The weekly charcoal canisters are screened for 1-1 31 by counting them at the same time to achieve a lower LLD. If a positive result is obtained, each canister is counted individually.
In order to ensure that the air sampling pumps are operating satisfactorily, a gross leak check is performed weekly. The pumps are changed out annually for calibration and maintenance beyond what can be accomplished in the field.
9.7.5 Vegetation Vegetation samples consist predominantly of green, growing plant material (grasses and weeds most likely to be eaten by cattle if they were present at the sampling site). Care is taken not to include any dirt associated with roots by cutting the vegetation off above the soil line.
9.7.6 Environmental Radiation Exposure The 2006 environmental radiation exposure measurements were made using thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) cards. The TLD card is a small passive detector, which integrates radiation exposure. Each TLD consists of a Teflon sheet coated with a crystalline, phosphorus material (calcium sulfate containing dysprosium) which absorbs the gamma ray energy deposited in them. Each TLD is read in four distinct areas to yield four exposure values which are averaged. Prior to the third quarter of 2001, exposure data were obtained using three lithium fluoride (LiF) TLD chips sealed in black plastic. The difference in material types can impact the amount of exposure measured. As seen in 2001, the Environmental Inc. TLD cards typically produce a slightly higher measured exposure value, although within the uncertainty of that value recorded by the TLD chips.
The reported field exposure is the arithmetic average of the four exposure values obtained minus the exposure received while the field TLD is in storage and transit.
The gamma rays may originate from PBNP produced radionuclides or from naturally occurring radionuclides. The TLDs remain at the monitoring site for roughly three months prior to analyses and the results are reported as mrem per seven days. Because the TLDs are constantly bombarded by naturally occurring gamma radiation, even during shipment to and from PBNP, the amount of exposure during transportation is measured using transportation controls with each shipment of TLDs to and from the laboratory. The doses recorded on the transportation controls are subtracted from the monitoring TLDs in order to obtain the net in situ dose.
9.7.7 ISFSl Ambient Radiation Exposure Although the ISFSI fence TLDs are not considered part of the REMP because of their location directly on site, their results can be used indirectly to determine whether the operation of the ISFSl is having an impact on the ambient environmental radiation beyond the site boundary. Impacts are determined by comparison of fence TLD results to the results of the monitoring at PBNP site boundary and other selected locations.
10.0 RESULTS Summaw of 2006 REMP Results Radiological environmental monitoring conducted at PBNP from January 1 through December 31, 2006, consisted of analysis of air filters, milk, lake water, well water, soil, fish, shoreline sediments, algae, and vegetation as well as TLDs.
The results are summarized in Table 10-1.
Table 10-1 contains the following information:
Type of the sample medium
Type of measurement LLD:
a priori lower limit of detection N:
Number of samples analyzed Average:
Average value + the standard deviation of N samples High:
Highest measured value + its associated 2 sigma counting error Units:
Units of measurement
For certain analyses, an LLD, which is lower than that required by REMP, is used because the lower value derives from the counting time required to obtain the LLDs for radionuclides that are more difficult to detect. For these analyses, both LLDs are listed with the REMP LLD given in parentheses. The results are discussed in the narrative portion of this report (Section 11). Blank values have not been subtracted from the results presented in Table 10-1. A complete listing of all the individual results obtained from the contracted analytical laboratory and the laboratory's radioanalytical quality assurance results and lnterlaboratory Crosscheck Program results are presented in Appendix A.
In Table 10-1, no results are reported as <LLD. A non-detectable (ND) radionuclide is one for which none of the individual measurements was statistically different from zero. When one or more of the measured radionuclide concentrations was positive and statistically different from zero, the average reported in Table 10-1 is the average & one standard deviation. Both the positive and negative results were used to calculate the average and standard deviation.
Some of the reported averages are negative because many of the measured concentrations for that sample category were negative. The highest positive value and its 2-sigma error are reported only when one or more measured values are statistically greater than zero.
The method of determining averages follows the recommendation made in NUREG-0475 (1 978) "Radiological Environmental Monitoring by NRC Licensees for Routine Operations of Nuclear Facilities Task Force Report," and in Health Physics Society Committee Report HPSR-1 (1 980) "Upgrading Environmental Radiation Data" released as document EPA 52011 01 2 and in more recent documents such as ANSl N42.23-1996, "Instrument Quality Assurance for Radioassay Laboratories;" ANSl N13.30-1996, "Performance Criteria for Radiobioassay;" and DE91-013607, "Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance."
Table 10-2 contains the ISFSl fence TLD results.
Table 10-1 Summary of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Results for 2006 (a) The required LLD per the PBNP REMP is enclosed in the parentheses.
(b) "ND" indicates that the sample result is Not Detectable, i.e., sample concentrations were statistically equivalent to zero.
Table 10-1 (continued)
Summary of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Results for 2006 (b) "ND indicates that the sample result is Not Detectable, i.e., sample concentrations were statistically equal to zero.
Other gamma emitters typically refers to Co-60 if not specifically called out in the analyses. See explanation on page 1 of the Environmental Inc report which is Appendix A of this Annual Monitoring Report.
Table 10-2 ISFSl Fence TLD Results for 2006 South West 11.0 DISCUSSION 1 1.1 TLD Cards The ambient radiation was measured in the general area of the site boundary, at an outer ring four to five miles from the plant, at special interest areas, and at one control location, roughly 17 miles southwest of the plant. The average of the indicator TLD cards is 1.14 mW7-days and 1.I 1 mW7-days at the control location. These results are not significantly different from each other nor from those observed from 2001 through 2005 (tabulated below in Table 11-1). This comparison holds even though the fourth quarter TLDs were accidentally X-rayed upon arrival.
This resulted in an approximate 25% increase for the fourth quarter TLD results: 1.36 + 0.1 8 vs. 1.06 + 0.1 6 for the indicator sites and 1.37 + 0.1 7 vs. 1.02 + 0.08 for the background site, E-20. The change in TLD types in 2001 accounts for the increase in average TLD readings from 2000 to 2001. (Prior to third quarter 2001 TLD LiF chips were used versus the TLD cards, see section 9.7.6 for additional information.) Therefore, the operation of the plant has had no effect on the ambient gamma radiation.
Table 1 1-1 Average Indicator TLD Results from 1993 - 2006
1999 0.79 0.21 mR/7 dais 2000 0.91 0.15 mR/7 davs 2006
- St. Dev = Standard Deviation
There were five new cask additions in 2006 with no significant change in the average annual ISFSl fence TLD results (Table 11 -2) The North and West fence TLDs continue to record higher doses than the South and East fence TLDs (Table 11-2) corresponding to the location of the storage units at the NW corner of the site. Compared to the background site (E-20), most of the indicator sites for the ISFSl (Table 11-3) show increases with the placement of casks at the ISFSl with the highest values at E-03 which is the closest to the ISFSl [see Figs. 9-1 and 9-2 for locations]. The results near the site boundary (E-31, E-32) are comparable to the background site E-20, within the associated measurement error, indicating no measurable increase in ambient gamma radiation at the site boundary due to the operation of the ISFSI.
Table 1 1-2 Average ISFSl Fence TLD Results (mW7 da I
" ~ i t e s ' ~ - 3 1 and E-32 are locatedit the ~ i t e ~ o u n d a r ~
to thewest and South-West of the ISFSI, respectively.
- E-20 is located approximately 17 miles WSW of the ISFSI.
Except for Sr-90, the annual average radionuclide concentrations in milk continue to be statistically not different from zero. The few statistically positive, individual monthly results for BdLa-140 (3 of 36) and "Other"( in this case, Co-60) (1 of 36) are attributed to variations in the analyses resulting from the statistical nature of radioactive decay. This conclusion is supported by the fact that PBNP did not release BdLa-140 during 2006 and that the one positive "other" (Co-60) result occurred in June whereas PBNP recorded Co-60 releases during October and November of 2006.
The Sr-90 concentrations result from the cycling of this radionuclide in the biosphere after the large-scale atmospheric weapons tests of the '50s,
'60s, and '70s and the Chernobyl accident. Although these tests also introduced Cs-137 into the environment, Cs-137 binds more strongly to soils and therefore less likely to be ingested. As summarized in Table 3-
- 2. PBNP did not release any airborne Sr-90 in 2006. This was true in 2005 as well (see Table 3-2 of the 2005 AMR). The 2006 average Sr-90 (0.9 + 0.3) is equivalent to previous years: 0.9 + 0.4 pCi/L in 2005, 1.1 +
0.4 in2004, 1.1 +0.4in2003, 1.1 +0.7in2002, 1.2k0.5 in2001, 1.2k 0.6 in 2000, 1.0 + 0.3 in 1999, 1.1 k 0.5 in 1998, and 1.2 + 0.5 in 1997.
These results are common throughout the Great Lakes region and North America. Therefore, it is concluded that the milk data for 2006 show no radiological effects of the plant operation.
The average annual gross beta concentrations (plus/minus the one-sigma uncertainty) in weekly airborne particulates at the indicator and control locations were 0.021 + 0.007 pci/m3 and 0.021 + 0.006 p~i/m3, respectively, and are similar to levels observed from 1993 through 2005 (Table 1 1-4).
Table 1 1-4 Average Gross Beta Measurements in Air
The gross beta concentration variation over the year usually reveals higher concentrations in the fall and winter as compared to the spring and summer. This is present again during 2006. However, for 2006 another high period during July-September also is apparent (Figure 11-1). This pattern will be monitored for during 2007. Similarly to 2005, there is more scatter in the data for the spring and summer months.
Figure 1 1-1 2006 Airborne Gross Beta Concentration (p~i/m3) vs. Time 2006 Airborne Gross Beta
- 0.050
0.040 Series2
- 0.030 5
.- 5 0.020 Series4 x Series5 0.01 0 0.000 12-1 4-05 03-24-06 07-02-06 10-1 0-06 01 -1 8-07 Date In 2005, the new method of evaluating airborne 1-131 was instituted.
Instead of counting each charcoal cartridge separately, all six cartridges for the week are counted as one sample in a predetermined geometry to screen the samples for 1-1 31. If any airborne radioiodine were detected, each sample cartridge is counted individually. With no detectable 1-1 31, the reported analytical result is the minimum detectable activity (MDA) conservatively calculated using the smallest of the six sample volumes.
The reported MDAs ranged from 0.005 to 0.030 p~i/m3. Because the analysis LLD is based on counting only one cartridge, the use of six cartridges or roughly six times the sample volume with the same count time as would be needed to achieve the desired LLD for only one sample, the actual LLD is about six times lower than the programmatic value given in Table 10-1. Similarly, the actual MDA is about one-sixth of that reported, or in the range of 0.001 to 0.005 p~i/m3. Therefore, because no 1-131 was detected, it is concluded that the release of small amounts of radioiodine during February, March, and November (Table 3-2) had no measurable impact on the environment.
Gamma spectroscopic analysis of quarterly composites of air particulate filters yielded similar results for indicator and control locations. Neither
the indicator nor the control locations show results which, on average, are significantly different than zero. The one small, positive value for Cs-137 occurred at only one site during the third quarter in which PBNP released small amounts of Cs-137 on the order of 1 E-08 to 1 E-10 Ci (Table 3-2).
No other sites had statistically positive airborne Cs-137. This result may be a false positive attributable to the statistical variation in radioactive decay. Similarly, there was one, first quarter, positive Co-60 ("other" category) result at the background site. Because no airborne Co-60 was released that quarter, this, also is concluded to be a false positive result.
Be-7, a naturally occurring radionuclide, was measured in quarterly composites of all indicator samples with an average of 0.070 pcilm3. This is comparable to the average of 0.082 p ~ i / m 3 at the control site. Be-7 is not required to be measured by the PBNP REMP; however, it serves as a means to monitor the internal consistency of the vendor's analytical program and for comparisons to radionuclides that may be in PBNP airborne effluent.
In summary, the air data for 2006 demonstrates the operation of PBNP did not have an impact on the surrounding environment.
11.4 Lake Water For the suite of REMP-specified gamma emitting radionuclides listed in Table 10-1, reported concentrations continue to occur as small negative and positive values scattered around zero, indicating no radiological impact from the operation of PBNP. Of the 48 lake water samples analyzed during 2006, 1 of 48 was statistically greater than zero for Cs-134, Cs-137, and Zr-Nb-95; 2 of 48 were positive for Mn-54; 3 of 48 for BaILa-140; 3 of 48 for Co-58 and Co-60; and finally, 5 of 48 for Fe-59. No Fe-59 was released by PBNP during 2006. Based on these results, it is concluded that the impact is minimal for these nuclides.
Aliquots of the monthly samples are composted quarterly and analyzed for Sr-89/90 and for tritium. Sr-90 still persists in Lake Michigan from radioactive fallout. Tritium, in addition to being produced by water-cooled reactors such as PBNP, also is a naturally occurring radionuclide. The quarterly composite lake water samples collected and analyzed in 2006 for H-3 range from ND (non-detectable) to 101 7 pCi/l (fourth quarter) at a site four miles north of PBNP near the Kewaunee Power Station (KPS).
Because typical REMP H-3 values are in the range of 100-400 pCi/l, the individual months of July - September from this sampling site were analyzed for tritium with the following results: July, 70 + 85; August, 129 & 87; and September, 3096
- 169. The 3096 pCi/l value is 0.31 O h of the liquid effluent concentration limit of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2.
Based on the monthly results, it is concluded that the PBNP sample was obtained shortly after a KPS discharge about 4 miles north of this
sampling site. A similar circumstance occurred in 2005. Without the September result, the quarterly average is 100 & 42 pCi/l. By the time the water mass reached the REMP sampling point immediately south (0.5 miles) of PBNP, dilution had reduced the average quarterly H-3 concentration to 124 pCi/l. These results indicate a minimal impact upon the waters of Lake Michigan from PBNP liquid discharges.
Filamentous algae attached to rocks along the Lake Michigan shoreline are known to concentrate radionuclides from the water with concentration factor over a thousand for certain radionuclides. Only one (1 of 6) small, positive concentration of Co-58 was found and that was near the PBNP discharge point. PBNP released Co-58 in 10 of the 12 months of 2006.
No Cs-137 was found. Typically, the only fission product observed in algae is Cs-137 with averages over years 1995-2004 of 0.034, 0.050, 0.030, 0.027, 0.031, 0.027, 0.019, 0.019, 0.010 and 0.018 pCi/g; all of which are less than the LLD (0.25 pCi/g). The concentrations of naturally occurring Be-7 and K-40 are higher: 0.93 and 2.07 pCi/g, respectively.
These results indicate only a minor effect upon the PBNP environment.
No specified fission/corrosion radionuclide concentrations in fish greater than the required LLD were found in 2006. Statistically positive Cs-137 concentrations were found in 8 of the 10 fish. The highest Cs-137 value of 0.055 pCi/g is lower than the high of 0.172 pCi/g in 2005. Both values are considerably less than the high of 2.8 pCi/g as seen in PBNP samples obtained in the mid-1970s during the Chinese weapons tests. However, the Cs-137 results in fish are consistent with accumulation due to the recycling of atmospheric weapons testing fallout Cs-137 in Lake Michigan.
Again, the aforementioned resuspension events make the Cs-137 more readily available to be associated with items eaten by the fish. By comparison, the concentration of naturally occurring K-40 (1.58-4.41 pCi/g) is about 30-80 times higher than the highest 0 - 1 3 7 concentration. Therefore, it is concluded that there is no indication of a plant effect.
11.7 Well Water There were three well water results statistically greater than zero. In the third quarter, Co-58 was statistically above zero and in the fourth quarter, Sr-90 and Zr-Nb-95 were statistically above zero. These results are concluded to be false positives because the impermeability of the clay layer which separates the surface ground water from the aquifer from which the PBNP well water is obtained precludes surface water from
reaching the lower aquifer. There are no release pathways which could get these radionuclides to the well water aquifer. Radionuclides would have to flow against the hydrological gradient which is from the well to the lake. The well is located west of the plant. As previously mentioned, small, positive results may occur due to the statistical nature of radioactive decay, when there is no radionuclide present. Therefore, it is concluded that these results do not indicate that PBNP effluents are getting into the aquifer supplying drinking water to PBNP.
0 - 1 3 7 is present in the soils throughout North America and the world.
The main contributor to this worldwide distribution is the weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s with lesser amounts from Chinese atmospheric nuclear tests in the 1970s and the 1986 Chernobyl accident. Soil is an integrating sample media in that it is a better indicator of long term buildup of 0 - 1 3 7 as opposed to current deposition for local sources. The main modifiers of soil Cs-137 concentration levels are erosion and radioactive decay. The PBNP REMP results indicate that low levels of Cs-137 from fallout continue to be present in soil samples at about 1% of the levels of naturally occurring K-40. Fifteen of the 16 samples have Cs-137 concentrations statistically greater than zero ranging from 0.02 + 0.01 to 0.67 + 0.07 pCi/g The current gross beta results also are consistent with previous years (Table 11-5). Therefore, there is no indication of a plant effect.
Table 11 -5 Average Gross Beta Concentrations in Soil Year 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Activity (pCi1g) 23.6 1994-19.4 18.0 19.4 22.8 20.0 23.1 22.1 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 7
23.5 21.9 22.5 24.3 29.1 27.4
11.9 Shoreline Sediment Shoreline sediment consists of sand and other sediments washed up on the Lake Michigan shore. As in soil samples, the only non-naturally occurring radionuclide found in these samples is Cs-137. Eight of the ten samples have Cs-137 concentrations statistically different from zero. The Cs-137 concentrations of the shoreline sediment are about one-tenth of that found in soils. This is expected because Cs-137 in the geological media is bound to clay as opposed to the sand found on the beach.
Wave action winnows clay particles from the beach leaving the heavier sand; hence the lower Cs-137 concentrations in beach samples. In contrast to K-40 which is actually part of the minerals making up the clay and sand, Cs-137 is attached to soillsand particle surfaces and is present at concentrations 1 % or less of the naturally occurring concentrations of K-40. Because Lake Michigan sediments are a known reservoir of fallout Cs-137, the shoreline sediment data indicate no radiological effects from plant operation.
1 1.10 Veaetation The naturally occurring radionuclides Be-7 and K-40 are found in all of the vegetation samples. In contrast, the programmatically specified radionuclide Cs-134 was not detected. 1-1 31 was statistically different from zero in 3 of 24 vegetation samples. All three occurrences were in July. PBNP released small amounts of airborne 1-131 in February, March and November of 2006. Because of its 8-day half life, any 1-131 would be roughly one million times lower based on radioactive decay. Dilution during the transit to the sites where these positive results were obtained would lower the concentrations even more. Therefore, it is concluded that the 1-1 31 detected at three sites during July are false positives.
Cs-137 was detected in 2 of the 24 samples. Both occurrences were at site E-06. All the positive Cs-137 results were below the required LLD at concentrations about 100 times lower than Be-7 and K-40 concentrations. The source of Be-7 is atmospheric deposition. It is continuously formed in the atmosphere by cosmic ray spallation of oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen atoms. In contrast, K-40 is a primordial radionuclide which is incorporated into vegetation from the soil during the growing process. Cs-137 can represent both pathways. Fresh Cs-137 fallout is associated, like Be-7, with deposition on the plant surface. Old fallout from the '50s and '60s is now being incorporated into growing plants in the same manner as potassium because it is in the same chemical family as potassium. Cs-137 has been consistently present in vegetation from E-06, a campground area in the Point Beach State Forest. As has been demonstrated at other sites in the United States which are far from any nuclear plants, 1950s and 1960s fallout Cs-137 is
present in the ash produced by burning the wood in fireplaces. Typically, campground fires are put out using water and the ashes are spread on the ground. The ash acts as a fertilizer, releasing the cesium and potassium into the soil where they are available for uptake by growing plants and trees. Hence, the Cs-137 results from E-06 demonstrate that Cs-137 fallout from the Chernobyl accident and from atmospheric weapons tests continues to be recycled in the environment by the spreading of wood ash at camp sites.
Based on the 2006 vegetation sampling results, it is concluded that no effect from PBNP effluents are indicated.
1 1.1 1 Land Use Census In accordance with the requirements of Section 2.5 of the Environmental Manual, a visual verification of animals grazing in the vicinity of the PBNP site boundary was completed in 2006, to ensure that the milk sampling locations remain as conservative as practicable. No significant change in the use of pasturelands or grazing herds was noted. Therefore, the existing milk-sampling program continues to be acceptable. The assumption of grazing animals at the south boundary continues to be conservative for the purpose of calculating doses via the grass-cow-milk pathway. It should be noted that the plant entrance is at the south boundary. Therefore, an appearance of grazing animals at this location is readily visible.
12.0 REMP CONCLUSION Based on the analytical results from the 805 environmental samples and from 11 5 sets of TLDs that comprised the PBNP REMP for 2006, PBNP effluents had no discernable, permanent effect on the surrounding environment.
These results demonstrate that the control of effluents from PBNP continues to be acceptable pursuant to the ALARA criteria of 10 CFR 50.34a.
13.0 Program Description PBNP monitors groundwater for tritium. During 2006 the sampling program consisted of beach drains, intermittent creeks and the Energy Information Center (EIC) well, as well as the main plant well. In the 1980s, the beach drains entering Lake Michigan were found to contain tritium. The beach drains are the discharge points for yard drainage system which carries storm water runoff and are postulated to be infiltrated by groundwater. The source of H-3 for this pathway was concluded to be spent fuel pool leakage into the groundwater under the plant based on the observation that after modifications were made to the pool, the tritium concentrations decreased below delectability. Beach drain effluents continue to be monitored and are accounted for in the monthly effluent quantification process. Those results are reported in Section 2.4 of this Report.
The intermittent streams and the EIC well were added to the groundwater monitoring program in late 1990s when it was discovered that tritium diffusion from the then operable, earthen retention pond was observable in the intermittent streams which transverse the site in a NW to SE direction. These streams pass on the east and west sides of the former retention pond and empty into Lake Michigan about half a mile south of the plant near the site's meteorological tower. Because the EIC is downstream of the observed flow affected by the retention pond, samples from the EIC well were included in the monitoring. The intermittent stream samples track H-3 in the surface groundwater. The EIC well monitors the much deeper, drinking water aquifer from which the main plant well draws its water.
14.0 Results The results from the groundwater monitoring associated with the former retention pond are presented in Table 14-1. Like the main plant well results (Sections 10 and 1 I), no tritium has been found in the EIC well which draws water from a similar depth. Studies conducted during the remediation of the retention pond revealed that the tritium was confined to the upper layer of soil which is separated from the deeper, drinking water aquifer by a thick, impermeable clay layer that extends from Wisconsin into Illinois. The current stream results reveal low level H-3 concentrations consistent with the previous results.
Table 14-1 Groundwater H-3 Monitoring H-3 Concentration (pCi/l)
I Month GW-01 (E-01)
GW-02 GW-03 OW-04(E-40)
Creek Confluence East Creek West Creek EIC Well Jan ND 2 138 + 101 ND -
ND -
el 82
~ e b '
zt Mar 168 + 96 195 + 97 140 2 95 ND el 81 APr ND rt 131 73 ND -
ND -
el 33 May 93 2 73 233 + 80 ND -
ND A el 30
~ u n '
185 + 78 209 + 79 138 76 ND &
el 39 J U I ~
169 80 123 + 87 113 2 77 94 ~
8 6
u g
ND 2 176 112 133 1 1
1 ND
- el 75 SeP ND ND 124 -
- 88 126 T 8 8 el57 Oct ND ND -
ND -
ND el 91 Nov 152 + 93 203 2 95 ND -
ND -
el 76
~ e c '
- el 54
'NO samples available for February LLD for GW-04 is 142 LLD for GW-03 is 137 LLD for GW-04 is 151 LLD for GW-01 is 181 Values are presented as the measured value and the 95% confidence level counting error.
ND = not detectable i.e. the value is not statistically different from zero at the 95% confidence level.
Note that the LLD in Table 14-1 is different from month-to-month.
(See Section 9.1 for a further discussion of the LLD.) For a given set of circumstances, it is possible to obtain results which are statistically different from zero which results in false positives. This is most prone to happen at the low levels of activity encountered in these samples given the statistical nature of radioactive decay. For example, if the net count in the H-3 quantification is based on subtracting a predetermined, average background from the total gross count and the actual background at the time of analysis is higher than the average background, a higher net count will result yielding a higher net H-3 concentration. Statistical variability may account for the positive results at GW-04 for the months of July and September. Based on the known statistical background variability, it is concluded that two positive results at GW-04 are false positives resulting from fluctuations in background.
15.0 Additional Monitoring In support of the Nuclear Energy Institute Groundwater Protection Initiative, the groundwater monitoring program was expanded. Therefore, samples were obtained at a number of various locations around the site during 2006 (Table 15-1). In addition to the system of manholes used to access underground electrical conduits, water samples were obtained from the subsurface drainage (SSD) system under the plant. Samples also were obtained from two marshy areas on site. One is located on the north side of the plant (North Bog) and one is located south of the now closed and remediated retention pond (EIC Bog).
This latter site had been sampled as part of the retention pond closure/remediation project in 2002 and found to have tritium concentrations of 3000 pCi/l. The North Bog had not been previously sampled. In addition to these samples, the beach drain samples, currently analyzed as part of the effluent program, were sent to the REMP laboratory for analyses at environmental LLDs which are lower than the ones available onsite.
Table 15-1 MISCELLANEOUS 2006 GROUNDWATER MONITORING Manholes pCi/l MH-01 280 + 90 MH-02 296 2 90 MH-03 252 + 88 MH-05 350 92 MH-09 167 + 85 MH-14 255 +
89 MH-16 181 + 86 MH-19 277 2
8 9
<MDA A Fa~ade Wells pCi/l Unit 1 421 2 88 Unit2 cMDA Subsurface Drains pCi/l SSD E-10 422 + 95 SSD F-05 470 97 SSD E-22 550 + 100 SSD F-14 506 + 98 SSDB-14 1043
+ I 1 6 SSD E-13 467 + 97 SSD A-15 881 2 130 SBCC Well pCi/l
<MDA Beach Drains S-01 S-06 S-07 172 + 85 Bogs North Bog EIC Bog North B O ~ '
<MDA 2
Error is the counting error at the 95% confidence level. The <MDA indicates that the sample result was below the minimum detectable activity 1 Second sample Results indicate that the manholes and SSDs around the plant, as well as the beach drains and bogs contain low levels of tritium. The manholes and the SSDs are not connected based on plant drawings. Because the manhole H-3 concentrations are lower that the SSD H-3 concentrations, it appears that the two systems may not be filled with groundwater from the same source. The
current SSD tritium may be the residual activity from the spent fuel pool leakage in the 1970s. There are no known sources for this tritium. [It should be noted that the 7 sampled SSDs were the only ones with water. Six others were dry and one was not accessible.] In comparison, the manholes, based on their proximity to the former retention pond, most likely represent groundwater which diffused out of the retention pond during its operation. The manhole H-3 values are more in line with the values obtained from the two intermittent streams (Table 14-1, GW-02 and GW-03). The EIC Bog results are an order of magnitude lower than the values found prior to the retention pond closure in 2002 indicating the pond was one source of the bog water. Supporting this conclusion is the observation that there is less water in the bog now than there was in 2002. The beach drain results are below the plant detection limits. These results indicate an interconnection with the manhole and SSD groundwater tritium source. A plant modification in 2002 connected the SSD system to the yard drains based on not finding any H-3 in the SSD system using plant analytical LLDs. As expected, tritium was not detected in the SBCC well which draws water from the deep, drinking water aquifer. Finally, only the Unit 1 fa~ade well sample indicated the presence of H-3. The fa~ade wells are stand pipes (2 per unit) that are used to sample the groundwater under each fa~ade to determine the height of the groundwater and its chemical composition. These results indicate that the groundwater under Unit 1 may not be connected to the groundwater under Unit 2.
16.0 Groundwater Summary Groundwater monitoring indicates that low levels of tritium occur in the upper soil layer but not in the deep, drinking water aquifer. These results also indicate that the low levels of tritium are restricted to a small, well defined area close to the plant. This area is bounded by the streams around the former retention pond on the west and south and by the North Bog and yard drains on the north. This is in agreement with 1997 - 2002 surveys taken for the closure and remediation of the retention pond. These former surveys also indicated that there was no tritium outside of the plant boundary.
Based on the results in Table 15-1, the groundwater monitoring program has been expanded and modified for 2007. The SBCC well, the two bogs, the facade wells and the drinking water well for Warehouse #6 located on the north side of the property were permanently added to the program. The beach drain samples are to be sent to a vendor to be analyzed using the REMP tritium LLD.
Other sampling points will be added based on an ongoing evaluation of additional groundwater access points.
APPENDIX 1 Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory Final Report for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant January - December 2006
..::.... ~nvironmental, Inc.
Midwest Laboratory
/ an Allegheny Technolog~es Co.
700 Landwehr Road.
. LABORATORY Reporting Period: January-December, 2006 Reviewed and Approved by Date 0 2 - 06-2007 Distribution:
K. Johansen
Section Appendices A
D POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables iii INTRODUCTION...................................................................... 1 LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES............................................. 2 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results.......................... A-1 Data Reporting Conventions............................................... B-1 Sampling Program and Locations............................................ C-1 Graphs of Data Trends............................................................. D-1
Airborne Particulates and Iodine-131 Location E.01. Meteorological Tower..................................................... 4 Location E.02. Site Boundary Control Center 5
Location E.03. West Boundary.......................................................... 6 Location E.04. North Boundary........................................................... 7 Location E.08. G. J. Francar Residence................................................ 8 Location E.20. Silver Lake College........................................................ 9 Airborne Particulates. Gamma Isotopic Analyses............................................. 10 Milk....................................................................................................................
11 Well Water......................................................................................................... 17 Lake Water........................................................................................................ 18 Lake Water. Analyses on Quarterly Composites............................................... 22 Fish.................................................................................................................... 25 Shoreline Sediments.......................................................................................... 28 Soil.....................................................................................................................
30 Vegetation........................................................................................................
32 Aquatic Vegetation............................................................................................. 35 Gamma Radiation. as Measured by TLDs........................................................ 36
The following constitutes the final 2006 Monthly Progress Report for the Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program conducted at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Results of analyses are presented in the attached tables. Data tables reflect sample analysis results for both Technical Specification requirements and Special Interest locations and samples are randomly selected within the Program monitoring area to provide additional data for cross-comparisons.
For gamma isotopic analyses, the spectrum covers an energy range from 80 to 2048 KeV. Specifically included are Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Zr-95, Nb-95, Ru-103, Ru-106, 1-131, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144. Naturally occurring gamma-emitters, such as K-40 and Ra daughters, are frequently detected in soil and sediment samples. Specific isotopes listed are K-40, TI-208, Pb-212, Bi-214, Ra-226 and Ac-228. Unless noted otherwise, the results reported under "Other Gammas" are for Co-60 and may be higher or lower for other radionuclides.
All concentrations, except gross beta, are decay corrected to the time of collection.
All samples were collected within the scheduled period unless noted otherwise in the Listing of Missed Samples.
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT 2.0 LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES Expected Collection Sample Type Location Date Reason APIA1 E-02 04-05-06 Sampler had shut off.
APIAI E-02 05-03-06 Sampler had shut off.
APIA1 E-04 06-02-06 No power to sampler.
APIA1 E-08 06-02-06 No power to sampler.
NOTE: Page 3 is intentionally left out.
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131 Location: E-01, Meteorological Tower Units: p ~ i / m "
Collection: Continuous, weekly exchange.
Date Vol.
Date Vol.
Collected (m3)
Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3)
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Required LLD 0.010 o.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 I
st Quarter Mean ? s.d.
0.019 f 0.005 < 0.01 3 2nd Quarter Mean + s.d.
0.016 + 0.005 < 0.01 5 3rd Quarter Mean + s.d.
0.024 + 0.004 < 0.01 5 4th Quarter Mean k s.d.
0.025 f 0.007 < 0.01 5 Cumulative Average 0.021 + 0.006 < 0.01 5
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131.
Location: E-02, Site Boundary Control Center Units: pci/m3 Collection: Continuous, weekly exchange.
Date Vol.
Date Vol.
Collected (m"
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Collected (m3)
Gross Beta 1-131 Required LLD 0.01 0 0.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean f s.d.
0.019 f 0.005 < 0.014 04-05-06 N Da 04-12-06 297 0.021 'f 0.004 < 0.020 04-19-06 290 0.018 f 0.003 < 0.006 04-27-06 335 0.01 3 f 0.003 < 0.014 05-03-06 N D~
Mean f s.d.
0.024 f 0.005 < 0.015 10-04-06 291 0.021 f 0.004 < 0.026 10-1 1-06 300 0.016 + 0.003 < 0.013.
10-18-06 288 0.018 + 0.004 < 0.007 10-26-06 340 0.019 f 0.003 < 0.009 11-01-06 248 0.017 f 0.004 < 0.018 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean _+ s.d.
0.016 + 0.005 < 0.016 Mean f s.d.
0.026 + 0.008 < 0.016 Cumulative Average 0.021 + 0.007 < 0.015 a "ND" = No data; see Table 2.0, Listing of Missed Samples.
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131.
Location: E-03, West Boundary Units: p ~ i l m 3 Collection: Continuous, weekly exchange.
Date Vol.
Date Vol.
Collected (m"
Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3)
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Required LLD 0.010 o.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 I
st Quarter Mean f s.d.
2nd Quarter Mean f s.d.
3rd Quarter 0.020 + 0.005 < 0.014 Mean f s.d.
0.023 + 0.005 < 0.01 5 4th Quarter 0.017 f 0.005 < 0.016 Mean + s.d.
0.026 + 0.010 < 0.016 Cumulative Average 0.022 + 0.007 < 0.01 5
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131.
Location: E-04, North Boundary Units: p~i/rn" Collection: Continuous, weekly exchange.
Date Vol.
Date Vol.
Collected (m3)
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Collected (m"
Gross Beta 1-131 Required LLD 0.010 o.030 Required LLD o.010 0.030 I
st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean f s.d.
0.019 f 0.006 < 0.014 Mean + s.d.
0.023 f 0.004 < 0.014 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean t s.d.
0.017 f 0.006 < 0.014 Mean f s.d.
0.026 f 0.008 c 0.01 5 Cumulative Average 0.021 f 0.007 < 0.014 a "ND" = No data; see Table 2.0, Listing of Missed Samples.
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131.
Location: E-08, G.J. Francar Residence Units: p ~ i / m "
Collection: Continuous, weekly exchange.
Date Vol.
Date Vol.
Collected (m"
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Collected (m3)
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 I
st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean f s.d.
0.020 f 0.006 < 0.013 Mean f s.d.
0.022 f 0.004 c 0.015 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean k s.d.
0.017 1 0.005 < 0.015 Mean +- s.d.
0.025 +_0.009 <0.015 Cumulative Average 0.021 k 0.007 < 0.014 a"ND" = NO data; see Table 2.0, Listing of Missed Samples.
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131.
Location: E-20, Silver Lake Units: pci/m3 Collection: Continuous, weekly exchange.
Date Vol.
Date Vol.
Collected (m"
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Collected (m"
Gross Beta 1-1 31 Required LLD 0.01 0 0.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 I st Quarter Mean f s.d.
0.020 f 0.006 < 0.01 3 04-05-06 303 0.01 7 f 0.003 < 0.021 04-12-06 303 0.021. f: 0.004 < 0.020 04-19-06 301 0.016 f 0.003 < 0.006 04-27-06 345 0.01 3 f 0.003 < 0.01 3 05-03-06 260 0.017 f 0.004 < 0.01 0 3rd Quarter Mean 5 s.d.
10-04-06 300,
10-1 1-06 306 10-18-06 299 10-26-06 350 11-01-06 256 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean f s.d.
0.016 + 0.004 < 0.015 Mean + s.d.
0.025 f 0.008 < 0.01 5 Cumulative Average 0.021 f 0.006 < 0.01 5
Locatior Lab Code Be-7 Cs-134 Cs-137 Other Gammasa Volume Req. LLD 0.01 0.01
( 0.10 )
3 I
st Quarter E-01 EAP-2684 0.058 r 0.01 3
-0.0001 C 0.0004
-0.0003 r 0.0004 0.0001 + 0.0006 3928 E-02
- 2685 0.062 r 0.016
-0.0001 2 0.0005 0.0001 r 0.0006 0.0002 + 0.0005 3827 E-03
- 2686 0.039 r 0.014
-0.0004 + 0.0005
-0.0001 + 0.0006 0.0001 r 0.0007 3932 E-04
- 2687 0.056 + 0.014 0.0001 + 0.0005 -0.0001 r 0.0005
-0.0002 2 0.0007 3899 E-08
- 2688 0.077 r 0.017 0.0001 + 0.0005
-0.0001 r 0.0005
-0.0001 + 0.0007 3933 E-20
- 2689 0.077 r 0.018
-0.0002 c 0.0005
-0.0002 r 0.0006 0.0007 + 0.0006 3929 2nd Quarter E-01 EAP-4918 0.080 r 0.016
-0.0006 C 0.0007 0.0003 + 0.0005 0.0002 + 0.0006 E-02
- 4919 0.081 ? 0.009
-0.0002 r 0.0006 0.0005 r 0.0005 0.0007 r 0.0009 E-03
- 4920 0.070 + 0.01 8
-0.0002 r 0.0005 0.0002 + 0.0005 0.0010 + 0.0009 E-04
- 4921 0.082 r 0.019
-0.0004 + 0.0007 0.0003 r 0.0006 0.0001 It 0.0005 E-08
- 4922 0.081 S 0.014
-0.0001 + 0.0004
-0.0001 + 0.0005
-0.0002 r 0.0005 E-20
- 4923 0.099 k 0.015 0.0001 r 0.0004
-0.0002 _C 0.0005 0.0004 ? 0.0004 3rd Quarter E-01 EAP-7565 0.074 S 0.015 0.0006 + 0.0006
-0.0006 5 0.0007 0.0004 r 0.0005 3883 E-02
- 7566 0.081 S 0.017
-0.0001 C 0.0006
-0.0008 + 0.0006
-0.0004 r 0.0008 3814 E-03
- 7567 0.080 k 0.015
-0.0004 k 0.0007 0.0001 r 0.0006 0.0003 r 0.0005 3815 E-04
- 7568 0.085 k 0.014 0.0001 k 0.0005 0.0005 r 0.0004 0.0002 r 0.0007 4292 E-08
- 7569 0.093 r 0.015 0.0001 r 0.0006 0.0001 k 0.0005 0.0002 5 0.0007 3931 E-20
- 7570 0.083 + 0.014 0.0007 t 0.0007.
0.0001 r 0.0005
-0.0001 + 0.0008 3935 4th Quarter
E-01 EAP-9693 0.058 r 0.013
-0.0002 + 0.0005 0.0001 r 0.0005
-0.0002 + 0.0005 3931 E-02
- 9694 0.055 k 0.010 0.0002 + 0.0003
-0.0001 + 0.0004
-0.0001 r 0.0004 381 5 E-03
- 9635 0.C7C + 0.013
-0.0008 i 0.0005 0.0001 k 0.0005
-0.6005 5 0.0006 3814 v / '
- 9696 0.062 5 0.012 0.0001 r 0.0004 '
0.0004 r 0.0005
-0.0001 + 0.0004 4023 E-08
- 9697 0.056 r 0.01 1 0.0003 k 0.0003 0.0001 t 0.0003
-0.0001 + 0.0003 3934 E-20
- 9698 0.069 r 0.012
-0.0003 k 0.0005
-0.0004 r 0.0005 0.0001 r 0.0005 3936
" See Introduction
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi1L)
E-I I Funk Dairv Farm Required LLD Collection Date Lab Code K-40 CS-134 CS-1 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Required
' LLD.
Collection Date Lab Code K-4 0 CS-134 CS-137 Ba-La-I40 Other Gammasa a See Introduction.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCiIL)
Collection Date Lab Code K-40 CS-134 CS-1 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa E-I I Funk Dairy Farm Required LLD Required Collection Date 10-1 1-06 1 1-08-06 12-1 3-06 LLD Lab Code EMI-7069 EMI-8099 EMI-8933 K-40 1314 + 126 1375 + 122 1354 + 124 CS-1 34
-1.5 + 2.1 0.9 + 2.1 0.8 + 1.8 5.0 CS-I 37
-2.6 + 2.3 1.5 rt: 2.5 0.7 + 2.0 5.0 Ba-La-140
-1.4 + 2.6
-0.1 r 2.0 0.3 r 2.7 5.0 Other Gammasa
-2.6 + 2.5
-3.0 + 2.8 0.9 + 2.2 15.0 a See Introduction.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCilL)
Collection Date Lab Code K-40 Cs-I 34 Cs-I 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa E-21 Strutz Dairy Farm Required LLD Required Collection Date 04-1 2-06 05-1 0-06 06-1 4-06 LLD Lab Code EMI-2370 EMI-3140 EMI-4051 K-40 1189 + 80 1210 t 113 1347 + 108 CS-I 34 0.3 + 1.3 0.5 rt 1.7 0.4 + 1.7 5.0 CS-137 1.3 rt 1.5 1.7 + 2.0 1.5 + 1.8 5.0 Ba-La-140
-1.7 rt 1.7
-2.0 + 2.1
-0.6 + 2.2 5.0 Other Gammasa
-1.O + 1.9
-2.0 + 2.2
-1.2 + 2.0 15.0 a See Introduction.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/L)
E-21 Strutz Dairv Farm Required LLD Collection Date Lab Code K-40 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Required Collection Date 10-1 1-06 1 1-08-06 12-1 3-06 LLD Lab Code K-40 Cs-134 CS-I 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa a See Introduction.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCiIL)
Collection Date Lab Code K-40 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa E-40 Barta Required LLD Required.
Collection Date.
04-12-06 05-1 0-06 06-1 4-06 LLD Lab Code EMI-2371 EMI-3141 EMI-4052 K-40 1322 + 159 1291 + 95 1292 + 112 CS-134
-0.3 a 2.7 0.5 +_ 1.9 0.9 5 2.2 5.0 CS-137 0.1 + 2.9
-0.6 + 2.3
-0.7 5 2.7 5.0 Ba-La-140
-5.8 + 3.9
-0.2 1.6 1.4 a2.4 5.0 Other Gammasa 1.8 a 3.7 1.6 + 2.1
-1.4 + 2.4 15.0 a See Introduction.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/L)
Collection Date Lab Code K-40 Cs-I 34 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammas" E-40 Barta Required 09-1 3-06 LLD Required Collection Date 10-1 1-06
. 11-08-06 12-1 3-06 LLD '
Lab Code EMI-7071 EMI-8101 EMI-8935
K-40 1327 + 118 1402 +_ 122 1337 +_ 125 '
-1.1 t 2.0
-3.7 k 2.9
-0.3 + 2.3 5.0 Cs-137 1.1 + 2.4
-1.I + 2.9
-1.7 + 2.2 5.0 Ba-La-140 0.5 + 2.2
-1.I + 2.0
-1.6 k 2.2 5.0 Other Gammasa 0.8 t 2.8
-0.8 k 2.3 1.2 + 2.5 15.0 a See Introduction.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
LLD Collection Date 01-1 2-06 04-1 1-06 07-10-06 10-1 0-06 Lab Code EWW-248 EWW-2399 EWW-4885 EWW-7076 Gross Beta 0.9 + 2.4 0.4 + 0.8 3.4 + 1.4 2.4 + 2.0 4.0 Mn-54 1.2 + 1.6 Fe-59
-2.4 + 3.4 CO-58 0.3 + 1.9 Co-60 0.2 + 1.7 Zn-65
-2.1 k 3.6 Zr-N b-95 1.1 + 1.9 CS-134
-0.6 + 1.5 CS-137
-0.8 + 1.6 Ba-La-140
-1.2 2 2.0 Other Gammasa
-0.5 2 1.8
POINT BEACH Lake water, analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting isotopes.
Location: E-01 (Meteorological Tower)
Collection: Monthly composites Units: pCilL Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 CS-1 34 CS-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 CO-60
. Zn-65 Zr-N b-95 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 CO-60 Zn-65 Zr-N b-95 Cs-134 CS-1 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammas" Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5
POINT BEACH Lake water, analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting isotopes.
Location: E-05 (Two Creeks Park)
Collection: Monthly composites Units: pCi/L Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 CO-60 Zn-65 Zr-N b-95 Cs-134 CS-1 37 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Lab Code ELW-6264 ELW-7073 Date Collected 09-1 3-06 10-1 0-06 Gross beta 2.0 + 0.4 3.4 2 0.7 1-1 31 0.01 +_ 0.13 0.13 k 0.20 Be-7 3.7 + 27.7
-1.5 k 26.8 Mn-54 1.8 + 3.5
-0.7 2 2.7 Fe-59
-0.7 f 5.3 4.5 ? 4.5 CO-58 1.6 + 3.4 1.0 r 2.9 Co-60 3.5 rtr 2.9 3.1 k 2.4 Zn-65
-2.9 + 7.3
-0.6 k 6.1 Zr-Nb-95 0.5 + 3.5 2.1 r 2.6 CS-134 0.4 f 2.9 0.4 k 2.7 CS-137 3.2 rtr 3.4
-1.2 2 2.9 Ba-La-140 3.0 f 3.1 4.5 + 3.5 Other Gammasa
-1.9 f 3.2
-1.2 k 2.7 a Ru-1 03 b ~ r o s s beta repeated with a result of 8.2kC.7 pCi1L.
Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 10 30 10 10 30 15 10 10 15 30 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 10 30 10 10 30 15 10 10 15 30 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 10 3 0 1'0 10 30 15 10 10 15 30
POINT BEACH Lake water, analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting isotopes.
Location: E-06 (Coast Guard Station)
Collection: Monthly composites Units: pCi/L Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-N b-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58..
c0160 Zn-65 Zr-N b-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 CO-60 Zn-65 Zr-N b-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammas" Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5.
POINT BEACH Lake water, analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting isotopes.
Location: E-33 (Nature Conservancy)
Collection: Monthly composites Units: pCi/L Lab Code ELW-222 ELW-693 ELW-1372 ELW-2398 Date Collected 01 -1 1-06 02-09-06 03-08-06 04-1 1-06 Req. LLD Gross beta 5.0 + 0.8 2.4 rt 0.4 3.9 + 0.5 2.0 + 0.6 4.0 1-131 0.11 + 0.15
-0.22 rt 0.18 0.16 + 0.17 0.11 + 0.14 0.5 Be-7
-13.0 f 24.1
-14.7 f 25.6
+_ 21.3
-2.5 + 17.7 Mn-54
-0.3 f 3.0 2.2 f 3.3 1.2 + 2.6
-3.4 + 2.2 10 Fe-59 0.9 +_ 5.1 0.6 t 5.6 0.6
+_ 4.7 0.8
+_ 3.7 30 CO-58 0.7 + 3.1
-0.6 + 2.9 0.5 + 2.5
-0.9 + 2.1 10 Co-60
-1.9 f 2.6 0.6 rt 3.1 1.O
+_ 3.0 1.8 f 2.0 10 Zn-65
-8.4 5 7.1
-5.1 f 5.7 1.3 5 4.6
-2.9 rt 3.9 30 Zr-N b-95
-0.6 + 3.4 1.1 5 2.7 1.O
+_ 2.1
-0.5 2 2.0 15 CS-1 34
-2.3 f 2.8 0.0 f 3.0
-0.2 + 1.9
-1.4 + 1.8 10 CS-137 0.1 f 3.0
-2.1 f 3.1 2.6 f 2.9
-1.0 + 2.3 10 Ba-La-140
-1.8 f 4.0 3.1 rt 3.6
-2.3 + 3.7
-0.9 f 2.3 15 Other Gammasa
-0.3 + 2.7
-2.9 f 3.0 0.2 + 2.3
-2.4 It 2.1 30 Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 Cs-I 34 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other Gammasa Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 Lab Code ELW-6266,7 ELW-7075 ELW-8386 ELW-9219 Date Collected 09-1 3-06 10-1 0-06 11 -1 5-06 12-1 4-06 Req. LLD Gross beta 3.0 + 0.3 4.1 f 0.7 2.9 rt 0.6 2.6 + 0.6 4.0 1-131 0.01 f 0.19 0.06 _+ 0.16 0.14 + 0.18 0.07 f 0.23 0.5 Be-7
-13.2 f 11.4 6.0 +_ 23.7 12.9 + 23.5 7.9
+_ 20.7 Mn-54
-0.5 2 1.6 0.4 + 2.7
-0.7 + 3.1
-0.8 + 2.8 10 Fe-59 1.0 f 2.7
-1.0 t 4.2
-1.4 t 5.9 2.4 r_ 3.4 3C CO-58
-0.5 + 1.7 3.6 ?: 2.6 2.1 2 2.7 0.4 + 1.7 10 CO-60
-0.1 +_ 3.3 0.2 t 2.3
+_ 2.6 0.7 + 3.2 10 Zn-65 1.5 + 3.2
-6.2 + 5.5
-5.8 rt 5.7 0.7 rt 4.7 '
30 Zr-N b-95
-1.5 t 1.7 1.2 + 2.8 2.9 t 2.9 0.9 + 2.3 15 CS-134
-1.4 + 2.3
-2.3 5 2.8 0.2 + 2.4 0.3 + 2.5 10 CS-137
-0.5 +_ 1.5
-0.5 t 3.1 1.4 t 2.1 0.6 + 2.6 10 Ba-La-140
-0.3 + 1.7
-5.6 + 3.4
-2.6 f 2.8
-4.8 + 3.9 15 Other Gammasa 0.7 2 2.8 2.7 rt 2.9 0.6 rt 2.3
-1.6 2 2.7 30 a Ru-103
POINT BEACH Lake water, analyses for tritium, strontium-89 and strontium-90.
Collection: Quarterly composites of weekly grab samples Units: pCi/L Location E-01 (Meteorological Tower)
Period I
st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Lab Code ELW-1446a ELW-4174 ELW-7629 ELW-9500 Location E-05 (Two Creeks Park)
Period 1 st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Lab Code ELW-1447~
ELW-4175,6' ELW-7630 ELW-9501 Location E-06 (Coast Guard Station)
Period I
st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Lab Code ELW-1448,9 ELW-4177 ELW-7631 ELW-9502 Location E-33 (Nature Conservancy)
Period I
st Qtr.
2nd Qtr.
3rd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
Lab Code ELW-1450 ELW-41 78d ELW-7632 ELW-9503 a Repeat result = 287+99 pCilL.
b Repeat result = 285+99 pCilL.
' Duplicate result = 398ii37 pCiii.
Repeat result = 423+91 pCi1L.
Note: pages 23 and 24 are intentionally left
nvrronmental, Inc.
' ' Midwest ~aborator~
an Allegheny Technologies Co.
700 Landwehr Road - Northbrwk, IL 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Donald Schuelke LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-739 Point Beach Nuclear Plant DATE:
1 1-06-06 Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in three monthly lake water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCi/L)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen APPROVED Ellen Saar
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Fish, analyses for gross beta and gamma emitting isotopes.
Location: E-13 Collection: 3x / year Units: pCilg wet Sample Description and Concentration Required LLD Collection Date Lab Code Type 03-1 0-06 EF-1354 Brown Trout 03-1 0-06 EF-1355 Brown Trout 03-1 0-06 EF-1357,8 Catfish Chinook Salmon Ratio (wetidry wt.)
Gross Beta K-40 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Other Gammasa Collection Date 08-1 0-06 08-10-06
'08-1 0-b6 12-14-06 Lab Code EF-5409 EF-5410 EF-54 1 1 EF-8959 Type White Sucker White Sucker King Salmon Lake Trout Ratio (wetldry wt.)
4.62 7.37 4.91 2.80 Gross Beta K-40 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 Co-60 Zn-65 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Other Gammasa
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Fish, analyses for gross beta and gamma emitting isotopes.
Location: E-13 Collection: 3x 1 year Units: pCi/g wet Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet)
Required LLD Collection Date 12-14-06 12-14-06 Lab Code EF-8960 EF-8961 TY pe Lake Trout Lake Trout Ratio (wetldry wt.)
2.43 2.51 Gross Beta 4.12 rt 0.12 2.68 2 0.05 0.5 K-40 Mn-54 Fe-59 CO-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Other Gammasa a Ru-103 NOTE: page 27 is'intentiona~l~
left out.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi1g dry)
Collection Date Lab Code 411 112006 Required ESS-2392 LLD Location Gross Beta collection ate Lab Code Location Gross Beta
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi1g dry)
Collection Date Lab Code Location Gross Beta Collection Date Lab Code Location Gross Beta 1011 012006 1011 012006 1 011 012006 Required ESS-7077 ESS-7078 ESS-7079,80 LLD
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g dry)
Collection Date Lab Code Required LLD Location Gross Beta Collection Date Lab Code Location Gross Beta Collection Date Lab Code Location Gross Beta
- pp Sample Description and Concentration (pCi1g dry)
Collection Date Lab Code Required LLD Location Gross Beta Collection Date Lab Code Location Gross Beta Collection Date Lab Code Location Gross Beta
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet)
Location Collection Date Lab Code Req. LLD Ratio (wetldry)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 1-131 CS-1 34 CS-137 Other Gammas" Location Collection Date Lab Code Req. LLD Ratio (wetldry)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 1-131-Cs-134 CS-137 Other Gammasd Location E-09 E-20 Collection Date 5/24/2006 5/24/2006 Lab Code EG-3496 EG-3497.
Req. LLD Ratio (wetldry) 4.79 4.03 Gross Beta 6.33 5 0.14 8.15 + 0.17 0.25 Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-134 CS-1 37 Other Gammas" a See Introduction.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet)
Location Collection Date Lab Code Req. LLD Ratio (wetldry)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Other Gammasd Location Collection Date Lab Code Req. LLD Ratio (wetldry)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40
.. 1-131.
Cs-I 34 CS-1 37 '
Other Gammasd Location Collection Date Lab Code Req. LLD Ratio (wetldry)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Other Gammas" a See Introduction.
Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet)
Location Collection Date Lab Code Ratio (weffdry)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-1 34 Cs-137 Other Gammas" Location Collection Date Lab Code Ratio (wetldry)
Gross Beta Req. LLD Req. LLD 0.25 Be-7 4.08 c 0.39 2.77 f 0.35 4.71 f 0.40 K-40 4.37
- 0.42 4.81 f 0.47 8.81 f 0.75 1-131
-0.022 f 0.010 0.004 f 0.01 3
-0.001 f 0.014 0.060 CS-134
-0.002 f Or01 0
-0.002 + 0.012 0.001 f 0.012 0.060 CS-137
-0.002 f 0.012 0.064 f 0.031 0.008 f 0.014 0.080 Other Gammasd
-0.006 f 0.01 1 0.001 f 0.01 1 0.003
- 0.015 0.060 Location E-09 E-20 Collection Date 1 0/25/2006 10/25/2006 Lab Code EG-7889 EG-7890 Req. LLD Ratio (wetldry) 2.78 2.88 Gross Beta 7.64 f 0.13 8.72 c 0.30 0.25 Be-7 5.11 + 0.38 K-40 4.07 + 0.48 1-131
-0.002 C 0.010 CS-134 0.000 f 0.008 Cs-1 37 0.010 f 0.010 Other Gammas"
-0.3?3 & "v.3: I a See Introduction
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Aquatic Vegetation, analyses for gross beta and gamma emitting isotopes.
Collection: Semiannual Units: pCi1g wet Sample Description and Concentration Collection Date Lab Code Location Ratio (wet wt.ldr-y wt.)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 CO-58 Co-60 Cs-134 CS-I 37 Collection Date Lab Code Location Ratio (wet wt./dry wt.)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 CO-58 Co-60 Cs-I 34 Cs-I 37 Collection Date Lab Code Location Ratio (wet wt./dry wt.)
Gross Beta Be-7 K-40 CO-58 CO-60 Cs-I 34 Cs-I 37 Required LLD Required LLD Required LLD
12-1 5-05 Days in the field 90 Date Placed:
01 06 Days from Annealing Date Removed:
04-05-06 to Readout:
118 Date Read:
04-1 2-06 Days in Location Field Total mR Net mR Net mR ~ e r 7 davs Indicator E-1 90 14.4 + 1.2 10.6 1 1.4 0.82 + 0.1 I Control E-20 In-Transit Exposure Date Annealed 12-1 4-05 03-1 4-06 Date Read 01 -1 0-06 04-1 2-06 Total mR ITC-1 3.8 + 0.4 4.0 + 0.4 ITC-2 3.3 + 0.3 4.2 + 0.3 a "ND" = NO data; TLD missing in field.
03-1 4-06 Days in the field 9 1 Date Placed:
04-05-06 Days from Annealing Date Removed:
07-05-06 to Readout:
120 Date Read:
07-1 2-06 Days in Location Field Total mR Net mR Net mR lser 7 davs Indicator E-I 9 1 15.4 + 1.2 10.9 + 1.4 0.84 + 0.10 Control E-20 9 1 17.5 + 0.5 13.0 + 0.8 1.OO + 0.06 In-Transit Exposure Date Annealed 03-1 4-06 06-09-06 Date Read 04-1 2-06 07-1 2-06 Total mR ITC-1 4.0 + 0.4 5.2 + 0.4 ITC-2 4.2 + 0.3 4.6 + 0.1
06-09-06 Days in the field 96 Date Placed:
07-06-06 Days from Annealing Date Removed:
10-1 0-06 to Readout:
133 Date Read:
10-20-06 Days in Location Field Total mR Net mR Net mR per 7 days Indicator E-1 96 18.7 a 1.5 12.4 a 1.7 0.90 + 0.12 Control E-20 96 21.5 a 1.2 15.2 1-1.4 1.1 1 + 0.10 In-Transit Exposure Date Annealed 06-09-06 09-1 4-06
@ate Read 07-7 2-06 10-20-06 Total mR ITC-1 5.2 1- 0.4 8.3 + 0.6 ITC-2 4.6 1- 0.1 7.1 _+ 0.2
09-1 4-06 Days in the field 84 Date Placed:
10-1 1-06 Days from Annealing Date Removed:
01 07 to Readout:
116 Date Read:
01 07 Days in Location Indicator E-I E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-12 E-14 E-15 E-16 E-17 E-18 E-22 E-23 E-24 E-25 E-26 E-27 E-28 E-29 E-30 E-31 E-32 E-38 E-39 Total mR Net mR Net mR per 7 days Control E-20 84 21'.9 ? 1.6 16.4 + 1.8 1.37 ? 0.15 /'
21.8 + 2.1 16.3 + 2.1 1.36 It 0.17 /
In-Transit Exposure Date Annealed 09-14-06 12-1 8-06 Date Read 10-20-06 07 07 Total mR ITC-1 8.3 k 0.6 3.2 2 0.3 ITC-2 7.1 + 0.2 3.4 2 0.2
0-an Allegheny Technologies Co.
700 Landwehr Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 564-4517 APPENDIX A INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM RESULTS NOTE:
Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory participates in intercomparison studies administered by Environmental Resources Associates, and serves as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nevada. Results are reported in Appendix A. TLD Intercomparison results, in-house spikes, blanks, duplicates and mixed analyte performance evaluation program results are also reported. Appendix A is updated four times a year; the complete Appendix is included in March, June, September and December monthly progress reports only.
January, 2006 through December, 2006
Appendix A Interlaboratory Comparison Proqram Results Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory has participated in interlaboratory comparison (crosscheck) programs since the formulation of it's quality control program in December 1971. These programs are operated by agencies which supply environmental type samples containing concentrations of radionuclides known to the issuing agency but not to participant laboratories. The purpose of such a program is to provide an independent check on a laboratory's analytical procedures and to alert it of any possible problems.
Participant laboratories measure the concentration of specified radionuclides and report them to the issuing agency. Several months later, the agency reports the known values to the participant laboratories and specifies control limits. Results consistently higher or lower than the known values or outside the control limits indicate a need to check the instruments or procedures used.
Results irr Table A-1 were obtained through participation in the environmental sample crosscheck program administered by Environmental Resources Associates, serving as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nevada.
The results in Table A-2 list results for thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), via International lntercomparison of Environmental Dosimeters, when available, and internal laboratory testing.
Table A-3 lists results of the analyses on in-house "spiked" samples for the past twelve months. All samples are prepared using NlST traceable sources. Data for previous years available upon request.
Table A-4 lists results of the analyses on in-house "blank samples for the past twelve months. Data for previous years available upon request.
Table A-5 list results of the in-house "duplicate" program for the past twelve months. Acceptance is based on the difference of the results being less than the sum of the errors. Data for previous years available upon request.
The results in Table A-6 were obtained through participation in the Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program.
Attachment A lists acceptance criteria for "spiked" samples.
Out-of-limit results are explained directly below the result.
Attachment A ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR "SPIKED" SAMPLES LABORATORY PRECISION: ONE STANDARD DEVIATION VALUES FOR VARIOUS ANALYSESa One standard deviation Analysis Level for single determination Gamma Emitters 5 to 100 pCi/liter or kg 5.0 pCi/liter
> 100 pCi/liter or kg 5% of known value 5.0 pCi1liter 10% of known value 2 to 30 pCi1liter or kg 5.0 pcilliter
> 30 pcilliter or kg 10% of known value Potassium-40 r 0.1 glliter or kg 5% of known value Gross alpha Gross beta 5.0 pcilliter 25% of known value 5.0 pCi1liter 5% of known value Tritium 5 4,000 pcilliter 5 1 a = (pcilliter) =
,169.85 x
> 4,000 pCi/liter 10% of known value Radium-226,-228 r 0.1 pCi1liter 15% of known value Plutonium 2 0.1 pCi/liter, gram, or sample 10% of known value 6.0 pCi1liter 10% of known value 6.0 pcilliter 15% of known value 10 pcilliter 10% of known value othersb 20% of known value a From EPA publication, "Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercornparison Studies Program, Fiscal Year, 1981 -1 982, EPA-60014-81-004.
Laboratory limit.
TABLE A-1. Interlaboratory Comparison Crosscheck program, Environmental Resource Associates (ERA)a Lab Code Date STW-1078 STW-1078 STW-1079 STW-1079 STW-1079 STW-1079 STW-1079 STW-1080 STW-1080 STW-1081 STW -1 081 STW-1081 STW-1088 STW-1088 STW-1089 STW-1 089 STW-1089 STW-1089 SNV-1089 STW-1090 STW-1090 STW-1091 STW-1092 STW-1092 STW-1092 STW-1092 Concentration (pCi1L)
Analysis Laboratory ERA Control
!3esultb ResultC Limits Acceptance Sr-89 Sr-90 Ba-133 CO-60 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Zn-65 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Ra-226 Ra-228 Uranium Sr-89 Sr-90 Ba-133 CO-60 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Zn-65 Gr. ~ i ~ h a
. Gr. Beta 1-1 31 H-3 Ra-226 Ra-228 Uranium Sr-89 Sr-90 Ba-133 Co-60 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Zn-65 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Ra-226 Ra-228 Uranium Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
TABLE A-1. Interlaboratory Comparison Crosscheck program, Environmental Resource Associates ERA)^.
Concentration (pCi/L)
Lab Code Date Analysis Laboratory ERA Control flesultb ResultC Limits Acceptance STW-1104 STW -1 104 STW-1105 STW-1105 STW-1105 STW-1105 STW-1105 STW-1106 STW-1106 STW-1107 STW-1108 STW-1108 STW-1108 STW-1109 Sr-89 Sr-90 Ba-1 33 Co-60 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Zn-65 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta 1-131 Ra-226 Ra-228 Uranium H-3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass a Results obtained by Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory as a participant in the crosscheck program for proficiency testing in drinking water conducted by Environmental Resources Associates (ERA).
Unless otherwise indicated, the laboratory result is given as the mean 5 standard deviation for three determinations.
Results are presented as the known values, expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as provided by ERA.
The reported result was an average of three analyses, results ranged from 25.36 to 29.23 pCi/L.
A fourth analysis was performed, result of analysis, 24.89 pCiIL.
TABLE A-2. Crosscheck program results; Thermoluminescent Dosimetry, (TLD, CaSO,: Dy Cards).
mR Lab Code Date Known Lab Result Control Descri~tion Value
+ 2 siama Limits Acceotance Environmental, Inc.
2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 2006-1 6/5/2006 Environmental, Inc.
30 cm 60 cm 60 cm 90 crn 120 cm 120 cm 150 cm 150 cm 180 cm 30 cm.
40 cm.
50 cm.
60 cm.
75 cm.
90 cm.
120 cm.
150 cm.
180 cm.
Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
TABLE A-3. In-House "Spike" Samples Lab Code Concentration (PC~/L)~
Date Analysis Laboratory results Known 2s, n=l Activity Fe-55 CS-1 34 Cs-137 Gr. Beta H-3 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-134 CS-1 37 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Ni-63 Fe-55 CS-1 34 Cs-137 H-3 Co-60 Cs-134 CS-1 37 Gr. Beta CS-1 37 CS-1 34 C-14 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Cs-134 CS-1.37 1-1 31 (G)
Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-1 34 Cs-137 1-131 (G) 1-131 Control Limits Acceptance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass SPW-4356 7/5/2006 1-1 31 80.88 -c 1.09 77.23 61.78 - 92.68 Pass W-90506 9/5/2006 Gr. Alpha 23.1 1 A 0.45 20.08 10.04 - 30.12 Pass W-90506 9/5/2006 Gr. Beta 65.01 k0.51 65.73 55.73 - 75.73 Pass SPAP-6950 9/30/2006 Cs-1 34 28.93 + 1.56 32.65 22.65 - 42.65 Pass SPAP-6950 9/30/2006 Cs-1 37 116.62 + 2.97 1 17.75 105.98 - 129.53 Pass SPAP-6952 9/30/2006 Gr. Beta 52.96 + 0.14 53.50 42.80 - 74.90 Pass
TABLE A-3. In-House "Spike" Samples Lab Code W-120106 W-120106 SPAP-9476 SPAP-9478 SPAP-9478 SPW-9480 SPW -9483 SPW-9488 SPW-9488 SPMI-9490 SPMI-9490 SPF-9492 SPF-9492 Concentration (pCi/L)
Date Analysis Laboratory results Known Control 2s, n=lb Activity LimitsC Acceptance 9/30/2006 Cs-1 34 63.29 r 8.24 65.30 55.30 - 75.30 Pass 9/30/2006 Cs-1 37 60.41 r 7.53 58.87 48.87 - 68.87 Pass 9/30/2006 Cs-1 34 69.26 + 4.85 65.31 55.31 - 75.31 Pass 9/30/2006 Cs-1 37 61.35 ~t 7.62 58.87 48.87 - 68.87 Pass Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Gr. Beta Cs-134 CS-1 37 H-3 Tc-99 Cs-134 CS-1 37 CS-1 34 Cs-137 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass a Liquid sample results are reported in pCiILiter, air filters( pcilfilter), charcoal fp~i/m3),
and solid samples (pCi1g).
Laboratory codes as follows: W (water), MI (milk), AP (air filter), SO (soil), VE (vegetation),
CH (charcoal canister), F (fish).
Results are based on single determinations.
Control limits are based on Attachment A, Page A2 of this report.
NOTE: For fish. Jello is used for the Spike matrix. For Vegetation, cabbage is used for the Spike matrix.
TABLE A-4. In-House "Blank" Samples Concentration (DC~/L\\~
Lab Code Sample Type water Air Filter water water water water water water water Air Filter Fish Fish water water water water water water
. water.
water water Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk water water Milk Milk Air Filter Air Filter Air Filter water water water water Date
~ n a l ~ s i s ~
Fe-55 Gr. Beta CS-1 34 Cs-137 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Ni-63 Fe-55 H-3 Gr. Beta Cs-134 CS-1 37 C-14 Gr. ~ l p h a Gr. Beta Cs-134 CS-1 37 1-131 1-1 31 (G)
Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 CS-1 37 1-131 1-131 (G)
Sr-89 Sr-90 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Gr. Beta CS-134 CS-1 37 Sr-89 Sr-90 Laboratory results (4.660)
Acceptance LLD ActivityC Criteria (4.66 o)
TABLE A-4. In-House "Blank" Samples Concentration fKi/Lla Lab Code Sample Date
~ n a l y s i s ~
Laboratory results (4.660)
Acceptance Type LLD ActivityC Criteria (4.66 a)
SPMI-6955 Milk 9/30/2006 Cs-1 34 2.86 SPMI-6955 Milk 9/30/2006 Cs-1 37 2.39 SPMI-6955 Milk 9/30/2006 I-1 3 1 (G) 9.98 W-120106 W-120106 SPAP-9477 SPAP-9479 SPW-9481 SPW -9483 SPW-9489 SPMI-9491 SPMI-9491 SPMI-9491 SPF-9493 SPF-9493 water water Air Filter Air Filter water water water Milk Milk Milk Fish Fish Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Gr. Beta CS-1 37 H-3 Tc-99 CS-1 34 Cs-134 Cs-137 1-1 31 (G)
CS-1 34 CS-1 37 a Liquid sample results are reported in pCi/Liter, air filters( pcilfilter), chaicoal (pcilcharcoal canister), and solid samples (pcilkg).
1-131 (G); iodine-131 as analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.
Activity reported is a net activity result. For gamma spectroscopic analysis, activity detected below the LLD value is not reported Low levels of Sr-90 are still detected in the environment. A concentration of (1-5 pCi/L) in milk is not unusual.
TABLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Samples Lab Code Date Analvsis Concentration (PC~/L)~
Averaged First Result Second Result Result Be-7 Be-7 Be-7 K-40 K-40 Sr-90 K-40 Sr-90 Gr. Beta H-3 Gr. Beta Gr. Beta H-3 Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta 1-131 1-131 Sr-90..
Gr. Beta K-40 K-40 K-40 Gr. Beta Gr. Beta K-40 Be-7 Gr. Beta K-40 Be-7 Gr. Beta Gr. Beta K-40 1-1 31 Be-7 Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Beta K-40 K-40 Sr-90 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
TABLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Samples Lab Code Date Analysis K-40 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta K-40 H-3 Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Beta K-40 Be-7 Gr. Beta K-40 K-40 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta K-40 CO-60 CS-1 37 K-40 K-40 H-3 H-3 K-40 Gr. Beta Be-7 Be-7 Be-7 Gr. Beta K-40 Be-7 Gr. Beta K-40
~ r.
Alpha Gr. Alpha Gr. Alpha K-40 Sr-90 K-40 Gr. Beta Concentration (PC~/L)~
Averaged First Result Second Result Result Acceptance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
TABLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Samples Lab Code Date Concentration (PC~IL)~
Averaged Analysis First Result Second Result Result Acceptance Gr. Alpha Gr. Alpha Gr. Alpha K-40 Gr. Alpha Gr. Alpha Be-7 Sr-90 Gr. Beta K-40 Be-7 Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta H-3 Be-7 K-40 H-3 Gr. Alpha H-3 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Beta Gr. Alpha Be-7 Co-60 Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Sr-90 Gr. Alpha CS-1 37 K-40 Gr. Beta CS-1 37 K-40 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
TABLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Samples Lab Code Date Analvsis Concentration (PC~/L)~
Averaged First Result Second Result Result Acce~tance K-40 Be-7 Gr. Beta K-40 Be-7 Be-7 Be-7 CS-1 37 K-40 Gr. Alpha K-40 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta K-40 Cs-137 Gr. Beta K-40 K-40 K-40 Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Beta Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Beta K-40 K-40 K-40 H-3 K-40 CS-1 37 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta K-40 Gr. Beta Gr. Beta Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Note: Duplicate analyses are performed on every twentieth sample received in-house. Results are not listed for those analyses with activities that measure below the LLD.
a Results are reported in units of pCi/L, except for air filters (pCi/Filter), food products, vegetation, soil, sediment (pCi/g).
b 200 minute count time or longer, resulting in lower error.
TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)a.
Concentration Lab CodeC Date Analysis Laboratory result STVE-I 082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 '
STVE-1082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 STVE-1082 Am-241 CO-57 Co-60 CS-134 Cs-1 37 Mn-54 Pu-238 Pu-239140 Sr-90 U-23314 U-238 Zn-65 STAP-1084 01/01/06 Gr.Alpha 0.26 rt 0.02 STAP-1084 01/01/06 Gr. Beta 0.51 r 0.03 Known Activity Control Limits Acceptance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass 0.00 - 0.72 Pass 0.24 - 0.72 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)a Concentration Known Control Lab CodeC Date Analysis Laboratory result Activity Limits STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1 086 STW-1086 STW - 1 086 STW-1086 STW-1086 STW-1 086 STW-1086 STW-1087 STW-1087 Am-241 CO-57 Co-60 CS-1 34 CS-1 37 Fe-55 H-3 Mn-54 Ni-63 Pu-238 Pu-239140 Sr-90 Tc-99 u-23314 U-238 Zn-65 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Acceptance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)a.
Concentration Lab CodeC Date Analvsis Laboratorv result STW-1102 STW - 1 1 02 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 STW-1103 CS-1 37 Mn-54 Pu-238 Sr-90 U-23314 U-238 Zn-65 Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Gr. Alpha Gr. Beta Am-241 CO-57 Co-60 CS-134 CS-1 37 Fe-55 H-3 Mn-54 Ni-63 Pu-238 Pu-239140 Sr-90 Tc-99 U-23314 U-238 Zn-65 Known Activity Control Limits Acceptance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass..
Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass a Results obtained by Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory as a participant in the Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program, ldaho Operations office, ldaho Falls, ldaho Results are reported in units of Bqlkg (soil), BqIL (water) or Bqltotal sample (filters, vegetation).
Laboratory codes as follows: STW (water), STAP (air filter), STSO (soil), STVE (vegetation).
MAPEP results are presented as the known values and expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as defined by the MAPEP.
Included in the MAPEP as a false positive.
' Difficulties with the analyses for transuranics isotopes in solid samples (Filters, Soil and vegetation),
were attributed to incomplete dissolution of the samples. Soil samples were repeated, results of reanalyses:
Pu-238, 53.1
- 5.3 bqlkg. Pu-2391240, 42.4
- 3.6 bqlkg.
The July vegetation sample was provided in two separate geometries, (100 ml. and 500 rnl.). Results reported here used the 500 ml. standard size geometry. Results for the 100 mi. geometry showed approximately a 15% higher bias
Data Reportina Conventions 1.0. All activities, except gross alpha and gross beta, are decay corrected to collection time or the end of the collection period.
2.0. Sinqle Measurements Each single measurement is reported as follows:
x + s where:
x = value of the measurement; s = 20 counting uncertainty (corresponding to the 95% confidence level).
In cases where the activity is less than the lower limit of detection L, it is reported as: < L, where L = the lower limit of detection based on 4.660 uncertainty for a background sample.
3.0. Du~licate analyses 3.1 Individual results: For two analysis results; x, + s, and x, + s, Reported result:
x t s: where x = (112) (x, + x,)
and s = (112) 4 s : + si 3.2.
Individual results:
< 4, < Lz Re~orted result: c L, where L = lower of L, and L, 3.3.
Individual results:
x + s, < L Re~orted result:
x t s if x 2 L; <L otherwise.
4,O. Computation of Averaoes and Standard Deviations 4.1 Averages and standard deviations listed in the tables are computed from all of the individual measurements over the period averaged; for example, an annual standard deviation would not be the average of quarterly standard deviations. The average ;
and standard deviation s of a set of n numbers x,, x2... xn are defined as follows:
4.2 Values below the highest lower limit of detection are not included in the average.
4.3 If all values in the averaging group are less than the highest LLD, the highest LLD is reported.
4.4 If all but one of the values are less than the highest LLD, the single value x and associated two sigma error is reported.
4.5 In rounding off, the following rules are followed:
4.5.1. If the number following those to be retained is less than 5, the number is dropped, and the retained number s are kept unchanged. As an example, 11.443 is rounded off to 11.44.
4.5.2. If the number following those to be retained is equal to or greater than 5, the number is dropped and the last retained number is raised by 1. As an example, 1 1.445 is rounded off to 1 1.45.
POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Locations Collection Type Analysis Sample Type No.
Codes (and Type)a (and ~requency)~
(and ~ r e ~ u e n c ~ ) ~
Airborne Filters 6
E-1-4, 8, 20 Weekly GB, GS, on QC for each location Airborne Iodine 6
E-1-4,8,20 Weekly 1-131 Ambient Radiation 22 E-1-9, 12, 14-18, 20, Quarterly Ambient Gamma (TLD's) 22-32, 34-36, 38,39 Lake Water 5
E-1,5, 6, 33 Monthly GB, GS, 1-131 on MC H-3, Sr-89-90 on QC Well Water 1
E-10 Quarterly GB, GS, H-3, Sr-89-90, 1-131 Vegetation 3x / year as available GB, GS Shoreline Silt 5
E-I, 5, 6, 12,33 2x 1 year GB, GS Soil 8
E-1-4.6,8,9,20 2x /year GB, GS Milk 3
E-l1,40, 21 Monthly GS, 1-131, Sr-89-90 Algae Fish Airborne Filters Liquid Subsoil Water Miscellaneous Water Samples 3x /year as available GB, GS 3x / year GB, GS (in edible portions) as available SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ANALYSES 4 per month Sr-89, Sr-90 1 per quarter Sr-89, Sr-90 (comp.)
1 per month GA, Sr-89, Sr-90 4 per quarter GA, GB, H-3, GS 4-5 per year Sr-89, Sr-90 a Locations codes are defined in Table 2. Control Stat~ons are indicated by (C). All other stations are indicators.
knaiysis type is coded as follows: GB = gross beta, GA = gross alpha, GS = gamma spectroscopy, H-3 = tritium, Sr-89 = strontium-89, Sr-90 = strontium-90, 1-131 = iodine-331. Analysis frequency is coded as f~l!ows:
MC = monthly composite, QC = quarterly composite.
POINT BEACH Air Particulates - Gross Beta 7-I 1
0.05 -
Location E-1, monthly averages 2005-2009 I
0.05 1 Location E-2, monthly averages 2005-2009 I
I i
I 0.04 1 1
I 0 -
-- -- v i
I 2005 2006 2007 Year 2008 2009 201 0 L-
POINT BEACH Air Particulates - Gross Beta I
I 0.05 Location E-3, monthly averages 2005-2009 I
i I
I Year 2008 I
1 0.05 Location E-4, monthly averages 2005-2009
I Year 2008
POINT BEACH Air Particulates - Gross Beta 7-2006 2007 Year 2008 I
1 0.05-Location E-20, monthly averages 2005-2009 i oI--p---
1 I
2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2007 Year I
APPENDIX 2 Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory Groundwater Monitoring Results for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant January - December 2006
- Midwest Laboratory an Allegheny Technologies Co.
700 Landwehr Road Northbrook, I L 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 5644517 Ms. Mary Benson Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-71 5 DATE:
Dear Ms. Benson:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in five water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCilL)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA E-0 1 0 1-25-06 ESW-402 87 + 99 East Creek 01 06 ESW-403 138 + 101 West Creek 01 06 ESW-404 24 +_ 97
< 182 Well #10 01 -1 8-06 C~~QWW@L ESW-418 46 +_ 98
< 182 mp SIP Ed0 For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
Midwest Laboratory
/ an Allegheny Technolog~es Co.
700 Landwehr Road.
Northbrwk, I L 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700.
fax (847) 564-4517 Ms. Mary Benson LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-71 9 Point Beach Nuclear Plant DATE:
05-04-06 Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
04-03-06 661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241
Dear Ms. Benson:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in five water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCi/L)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA East Creek 03-30-06 ESW-1934 Duplicate of 1934 03-30-06 ESW-1935 West Creek 03-30-06 ESW-1936 Warehouse 6 03-30-06 EWW-1938 For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen Ellen Saar APPROVED BY
F- "...
Environmental, Inc,
"" Midwest Laboratorv
an Allegheny Technologies Cn.
700 Landwehr Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Donald Schuelke Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-722 DATE:
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in six water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCi/L)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA East Creek West Creek EIC Duplicate of 2842 EIC Bog Northside Bog For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen Ellen Saar APPROVED BY
Midwest ~aborator-
/ an Allegheny Technologies to.
700 Landwehr Rmd Northbrook, I L 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700.
fax (847) 5644517 Mr. Donald Schuelke Point Beach Nuclear Plant 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-723 DATE:
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in six water samples.
Concentration H-3 (DCVL)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA U-1 Facade 05-1 7-06 EWW-3532 421
- 88 U-2 Facade 05-1 7-06 EWW-3533 50
- 71 East Creek 05-24-06
. ESW-3544 233 k 80 West Creek 05-24-06 ESW-3545 64 f 72 c 130 EIC 05-25-06 ESW-3546 39 f 70
< 130 For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be nsidered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen SA Coorlim Quality Assurance A
-*%;-T"TW~+ /
.;sZ, Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratow an Allegheny Technolqles Co..
700 Landwehr Road Nolthbmok, IL 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700. fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Donald Schuelke Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
66 10 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-729 DATE:
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in five water samples.
Concentration H-3 (13CilL)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA East Creek 06-28-06 ESW-4335 209 rt 79 ESW-4336
' West Creek 06-28-06 138276
< I 3 9 EIC E-WHSE 6 06-29-06 EWW-4338 1 i-74
<I42 For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen Ellen Saar
Environmental, Inc.
Midwest Laboratory
an Allegheny Technologies Co.
700 Landwehr Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Donald Schuelke Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-731 DATE:
07-31 -06
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in four water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCi/L)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA East Creek 07-26-06 ESW-5237 123 k 87 West Creek 07-26-06 ESW-5238
. 113+77 EIC 07-26-06 EWW-5239 94 +_ 86 For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen Ellen Saar Proiect Coordinator APPROVEDBY
~abbr tory Manager V,
Midwest Laboratory an Allegheny Technologies Co.
700 Landwehr Road.
Northbrwk, IL 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 5644517 Mr. Donald Schuelke Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-734 DATE:
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in four water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCi/L)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA E-001 08-30-06 ESW-6101 11 + 106
<I75 East Creek 08-30-06 ESW-6102 176 +_ 112 West Creek 08-30-06 ESW-6103 133+ 111
< 175 EIC 08-30-06 EWW-6104 71 1t: 83
< 151 For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen f
Ellen Saar
, Bronia Grob, M.S.
Laboratory Manager
Midwest ~aborator~
/ an Allegheny Technolog~es Co.
700 Landwehr Road Northbrwk, I L 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Donald Schuelke Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-738 DATE:
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in four water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCi1L)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA E-001 09-27-06 ESW-6627 60 + 85
<I 57 East Creek 09-27-06 ESW-6628 0 + 83
" Midwest ~aborator~
/ an Allegheny Technologies Co.
700 Landwehr Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Donald Schuelke Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-745 DATE:
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in four water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCiIL)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA Duplicate of 881 2 1 1-29-06 ESW-8813 152 ~t: 93 East Creek 1 1-29-06 ESW-8814 203 2 95 West Creek 1 1-29-06 ESW-8815 64 + 90
< I 76 EIC 1 1-29-06 EWW-8816 38 + 89
< I 76 For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen r
Ellen Saar roject Coordinator I F I APPROVED BY 1 p,
Bronia Grob, M.S.
Y-Laboratory Manager
an Allegheny Technolog~es Co.
700 Landwehr Road.
Northbrook, I L 60062-2310 ph. (847) 564-0700.
fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Gary Correll Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-749 DATE:
Dear Mr. Schuelke:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in four water samples.
Concentration H-3 (pCi/L)
Location Date Collected Lab Code Activity MDA Duplicate of 9389 12-27-06 ESW-9390
-49 2 108
< I 81 East Creek 12-27-06 ESW-9391
-7 k 81
< I 54 West Creek 12-27-06 ESW-9392 5 + 81
< I 54 EC 12-27-06 EWW-9393
-35 k 79
< I 54 E l c For those isotopes where both an activity and an MDA value are given, the MDA value should be considered as the reportable value (based on a 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample ) and the activity is presented for information only. For isotopes where an activity value is given, but no MDA value, the activity is considered the reportable value and the error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level.
cc: K. Johansen Ellen Saar La ra ory Manager
\\ \\ v
Midwest Laboratory
/ an Allegheny Tschnologler Ca 700 Landwehr Road. Northbrook, lL 60082-2310 ph (847) 564-0700 fax (847) 5644517 Mr. Kjell Johansen Point Beach Nuclear Plant 661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.
8006-1 00-733 DATE:
09-26-2006 PURCHASE ORDER NO.:
Below are results of analyses for tritium on twenty-five ground water samples collected September 25, 2006.
Sample Description Lab Code Concentration, H-3 (pCi/L)
SSD E-10 SSD F-05 SSD E-22 SSD F-14 SSD 8-14 SSD E-13 MH-01 MH-02 MH-03 MH-05 MH-05 (Duplicate)
MH-09 MH-14 MH-16 MH-19 MH-20 GW-01 (Creeks by EIC)
GW-02 (East Creek)
GW-03 (West Creek)
GW-04 (EIC Well)
GW-05 (Warehouse 6)
GW-06 (SBCC Well)
GW-07 (North Side Bog)
S-01 (Beach Drains)
S-06 (Beach Drains)
S-07 (Beach Drains)
The error given is the probable counting error at 95 % confidence level. The less than, (<), value is based on 4.66 sigma counting error for background sample.
APPROVED Tony Coorlim, Quality Assurance
-' Midwest Laboratory
/ an Allegheny Technolog~es Co 700 Landwehr Road. Northbrook. IL 60062-2310
!~h. 18471 564.0700 fax (8471 564.4517 Dr. Kjell A. Johansen Sr. Chemist-Environmental Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Company 661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.:
8006-1 00-752 DATE:
02-22-2007 PURCHASE ORDER NO.:
Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in one water sample.
Sample Description Collection Date Subsurface Drainage SSD-A15 09-28-06 Lab Code EXW-1013 Isotope Concentration 1 LLD (pCilL)
The error given is the probable counting error at 95% confidence level and LLD values are based on 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample..
~ u a l i t y Assurance
Environmental, Inc.
Midwest Laboratory
/ an Allegheny Technolog!es Co 700 Landwehr Road. Northbrook, IL 60062-2310 ph (847) 564-0700. fax (847) 564-4517 Mr. Gene F. LeClair Radiation Protection Supervisor Point Beach Nuclear Plant 661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.
8006-1 00-741 DATE:
10-23-2006 PURCHASE ORDER NO.:
Below is the result of the analysis for tritium on one precipitation sample collected October 19, 2006.
Sample Description Lab Code Concentration, H-3 (pCi/L)
Site Boundary Control Center E-02 The error given is the probable counting error at 95 % confidence level. The less than, (<), value is based on 4.66 sigma counting error for background sample.
Cc: K. Johansen APPROVED Tony Coorlirn, Quality Assurance