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Request for Information for the NRC Age-Related Degradation Inspection: Inspection Report 05000265/2024010 and 05000254/2024010
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/2024
From: Atif Shaikh
To: Rhoades D
Constellation Energy Generation, Constellation Nuclear
IR 2024010
Download: ML24053A119 (1)

See also: IR 05000254/2024010


David P. Rhoades

Senior Vice President

Constellation Energy Generation, LLC

President and Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO)

Constellation Nuclear

4300 Winfield Road

Warrenville, IL 60555



REPORT 05000265/2024010 and 05000254/2024010

Dear David P. Rhoades:

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

staff will conduct IP 71111.21N.04, Age-Related Degradation baseline inspection at Quad

Cities Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, beginning August 5, 2024. The inspection will be

conducted in accordance with IP 71111.21N.04, dated December 15, 2023.

The schedule for the inspection is as follows:

  • Information gathering visit - week of June 17, 2024
  • On-site inspection - weeks of August 5, 2024, and August 19, 2024

The purpose of the information gathering visit is to become familiar with the station

maintenance, surveillance, testing, inspection, and condition monitoring programs, become

familiar with plant layout, support identification of structures, systems, and components (SSCs)

that will be reviewed during the inspection, and, as necessary, obtain plant-specific site access

training and badging for unescorted site access. An initial list of documents that the team will

review during the information gathering visit is listed in enclosure 1.

For SSCs that the inspection team plans to review, an initial list of the documents the team

plans to review during the conduct of the inspection are listed in enclosure 2. The team leader

will contact you with identified SSCs. Also, personnel should be available at the site during the

inspection who are knowledgeable regarding maintenance, surveillance, testing, inspection, and

condition monitoring programs.

The lead inspector for this inspection is Atif Shaikh. We understand that our regulatory contact

for this inspection is Richard Swart of your organization. If there are any questions about the

inspection or the material requested, please contact the lead inspector at

630-829-9824 or via email at 22, 2024

D. Rhoades 2

This letter contains voluntary information collections that are subject to the Paperwork

Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

approved these information collections (approval number 3150-0011). The burden to the public

for these information collections is estimated to average 42 hours4.861111e-4 days <br />0.0117 hours <br />6.944444e-5 weeks <br />1.5981e-5 months <br /> per response. Send

comments regarding this information collection to the FOIA, Library and Information Collection

Branch, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Mail Stop: T6-A10M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by email to, and

to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0011)

OMB, Washington, DC 20503.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 2.390, Public

Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding, of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of

this letter, its enclosures, and your response (if any) will be available electronically for public

inspection in the NRCs Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System

(PARS) component of NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System

(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC website at

rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).


Atif Shaikh, Senior Reactor Inspector

Engineering and Reactor Projects Branch

Division of Operating Reactor Safety

Docket Nos. 05000254 and 05000265

License Nos. DPR-29 and DPR-30


1.Requested Information to Support Age-Related Degradation Sample Selection

2.Requested Information to Support Age-Related Degradation Inspection

cc: Distribution via LISTSERV

Signed by Shaikh, Atif

on 02/22/24

D. Rhoades 3

Letter to David P. Rhoades from Atif Shaikh dated February 22, 2024.



REPORT 05000265/2024010 and 05000254/2024010


Farrah Gaskins


RidsNrrPMQuadCities Resource

RidsNrrDroIrib Resource

John Giessner

Mohammed Shuaibi

Diana Betancourt-Roldan

Allan Barker

David Curtis


ADAMS Accession Number: ML24053A119

Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available Sensitive Non-Sensitive


NAME AShaikh:gmp

DATE 02/22/2024


Enclosure 1 - Requested Information to Support Age-Related Degradation Sample


The documents and information requested below should generally be made available to the

inspection team for the teams use both on-site and off-site during the information gathering

visit. Electronic format is the preferred media. If electronic media is made available via an

internet based remote document management system, then the remote document access

should allow inspectors to download, save, and print the documents in the NRCs regional

office. Electronic media on compact disc or paper records (hard copy) are acceptable. At the

end of the inspection, the documents in the teams possession will not be retained.

This document request is based on typical documents that a generic plant might have. As

such, this document request is not meant to imply that any specific plant is required to have

all of the listed documents. In addition, your plant-specific document titles may vary from the

document titles listed below.

The following information is requested by May 31, 2024, or sooner, to facilitate the

sample selections.

Documents requested, if available:

1. List of 50.65 (a)(1) SSCs from the past 5 years

2. List of maintenance rule functional failures (including preventable) from the past 5 years

3. Most recent evaluation of maintenance effectiveness required per 10 CFR 50.65(a)(3)

4. Maintenance rule scoping and performance criteria document

5. List of preventative maintenance deferrals and preventative maintenance change

requests in the last 5 years

6. Equipment reliability characterization and preventative maintenance program procedures

7. List of 10 CFR Part 21 Reports applicable to the site from the past 5 years

8. Site specific corrective actions associated with component failures, or tagged with

aging, age-related, wear, accelerated wear, abnormal wear, accelerated

degradation, abnormal degradation, corrosion, degradation, etc.

9. List of technical specification operability determinations from the past 5 years

10.List of risk-significant long-lived passive SSCs (for licensees in the period of extended

operation (PEO)

11.Aging management programs (AMPs) and any plant-specific or industry operating

experience reviews that have been used to update aging management activities

(for licensees in the period of extended operation)

12.List of top 100 most risk-significant structures and components. If possible, designate

the component as active or passive in the risk ranking

Enclosure 1

13.List of RISC-1, RISC-2, and RISC-3 SSCs (for licensees that implement

10 CFR 50.69)

14.Safety significant functions identified during the RISC categorization process, and

alternative treatment requirements (for licensees that implement 10 CFR 50.69)

15.Last feedback and process adjustment required per 10 CFR 50.69(e)(1) (for license

that implement 10 CFR 50.69)

16.Site specific probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) identifying risk-significant functions

17.Technical specifications and technical requirements manual, including applicable bases


18.List of systems (system numbers/designators and corresponding names)


Enclosure 2: Requested Information to Support Age-Related Degradation Inspection

The team lead will identify samples (i.e., structures and components) after the information

gathering visit. The documents and information requested below should generally be made

electronically available to the inspection team for the team's use both on-site and off-site. At the

end of the inspection, the documents in the team's possession should not be retained.

This document request is based on typical documents that a generic plant might have. As such,

this document request is not meant to imply that any specific plant is required to have all the

listed documents. In addition, your plant-specific document titles may vary from the document

titles listed below. We also request that the information provided be sorted by the list below for

each sample.

The following information is requested by July 26, 2024, or sooner, to facilitate the inspection.

1. List of corrective action documents for the last 10 years

2. Maintenance, surveillance, testing, inspection, and condition monitoring testing

requirements, acceptance criteria, and periodicities

3. Bases documents associated with maintenance, surveillance, testing, inspection, and

condition monitoring testing requirements, acceptance criteria, and periodicities

4. Last 2 years of maintenance, surveillance, testing, inspection, and condition monitoring

testing results; for periodicities greater than 2 years, the last two test results.

5. Self-imposed and vendor recommendations

6. If available

a) Equipment reliability category/characterization (e.g., non-critical,

run-to-maintenance, etc.)

b) Preventative maintenance templates for the maintenance strategy

c) System design basis documents and the specific updated final safety analysis

report section that describes the function

d) Piping and instrumentation drawings (P&IDs) and electrical one-line drawings

e) Control circuit drawings

f) Design/procurement specifications

g) List of applicable modifications for the component

If you have questions regarding the information requested, please contact the lead inspector.

Enclosure 2