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Discusses Brief Conversation W/A Grendon Re Recommendations for Conducting Public Meeting & Formal Hearing on Plant at Santa Rosa or San Francisco,Ca.Grendon Told to Send Views Right Away.Related Info Re Petition for Rehearing Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 12/14/1962
From: Southwick R
To: Lowenstein R
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709170357
Download: ML20239A466 (25)





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To  : Robert Lowenstein, Director DATE; December 14, 1962 '

D vision of Licensing & Regulation,'HQS FROM : Rodney L. Sou w ek, Assistant to the

  • Manager for Public Information, SAN



- HI:RLS I had a brief conversation yesterday with Alexander Greadon who

, said he had prepared a let.ter two weeks ago to you on recommenda-tions for conducting'a public meeting and formal hearing ou-Bodega Bay at Santa Rosa or San Francisco. He had not dispatched s the letter because the press relations advisors to the Governor said no release should be made until.the application had been

' filed by PG&E.

I told Grendon, his views should be in your hands right away.-and that a release was not necessary in a communications of this sort at this time. If he wants credit for AEC holding hearings out here, I suggested this could be made part of the hearing record or released later after PG&E files its application.

I explained you needed to have his views'on record. Grendon i says he'll send you the letter right away.


cc: Joe Fouchard, DPI, HQS e- co 0 os

.,-m: p-S h[AVN .

I DEC171962* -

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Dodeca Bay Atomic Park Unit' P

' CPUC Application No. ' 438c8

. < No.1 Y _-

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Decision Mo. 6M37 g

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December 3, 1962 MR. R. H. GEtDES: .

attached, have bcon filed e rGin copicathTwo o potitions for reheari Dr. J above matter. f which are of' Biocactaictry. D. No11ando, University of C that "during the past few of in his petition filed Novembe theCalifornia rocu operations ralifornia 27, 1962, Professor claim's Univert;1ty attitudo at Eodega towardlicht". Ecad haslt boon that y roseaa neu laboratory Tbece cub That ovidence is in the fom of wara water di an been brought toed with  !

the impact of cchargo onaits brief plann history;of for a mari the fdre thin;iocto Woro aired petition will probably be uand accomo road location. no at length in th i e hearin i

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. 28, 1962.ccociation to Procervo cafety arc,Gtandards relied upon by theF claimedi r c t ,. that i t l certain.

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DCTITION {. SCf0RC THE puBLIC UTILITICS C0mm!$$10N or THE STA7C Of CALIF 0RNIA In the metter of the application of Pacific Ces a Application u . 4 808 and Cloctric Company for a certificate of con-venionco end neesseity to construct, install, Docasion No. 6A$37 cporato and meintain Unit No.1, e nuciser pomor unit, et its Sodogs Boy Atomic park. Now comos the undersigned with a petition for e rehsering designed to resolve the - controversy on the offcCt of the propored Bodoge 8sy Atomic Park on the Bodoge Hecd area os e locals for marino biological rescerch and study. j p troducti e Contemporary marino biology is a now frontier in natural scienco tich,  ; in the long View, may provo es beneficiel to menkind es the exploration of outer speco.  ; or investigations in the sphere of,stomic Onorgy. Work in this field hcs moved on I from the elessical pheso to the point shors, for exemplo, we con envisogo solution of I the world food prob 1cm through elgol culturo. In eddition, roscarch on such direct j objectivos is cortain to bo rosordod with purely fortuitous discoveries such se the rocont finding that, among a largo number of experimental animals to od, only in the sand deller will the11domido consistently kill the developing embryo l In 1956 the Chancellor's reculty Committes of the Univorsity of Californis contored i ' its ettontion upon Bodogo Hoed es tho favorod sito for e marino facility. This soloc. tion, which was modo ef ter coroful study, was corteinly en intelligent choico (soo tho  : National park Servico report which finds Bodege Hood to bo "one of the significant I biolog!c arcos of the pacific Coasta 2 l The purposo of this petition is to cell for a rohoering which would conclusively essess l the Cf fect of tho subsoQuent p'lenned industrialitetton of Bodogo Head on tho biological ' integrity of the eron. - Sinco the University of California is a public institution it follows that en incon.

  • vnnionce to tho University becomos et ones also e public inconvenjones.

B sis'fer eetiti m e r reheerine During the Commission h6erings, expert marine biolo-I l gists from Stanford Univorsity (Westorn Society of Naturalists), Son francisco Stets Collego end tno University of the pacific testiflod in opposition to the Bodoge Bay Atomic park. Dr. .los! Hod;poth, from thc letter institution, is a marino biologist of 20 ycore experienco. He is Director of the University of the Pacific marinc Station et Dillon's Bosch which is only a few miles from Bodogo Hasd. On merch 5 of this year hc informod tho Commission that " Location of this plant end its servico roads will  ; soriously interforo with the orgginal plans of the Unjversity of Californie'to utolito this oroc for marino resserch" This opinion is supported by the etteched Ictter from Dr. W. D. McElroy (Attechmont I). New in Occision No. 44537 the Commission has dotermined that Bodogs Bey Atomic pcrk hill C1 impeir operation of the Bodoge marine Leboratory. They stets "many of the l protestants acomod to teko the position thet ths nucloor plant and either marine biolo. { gy or conservation ero mutuelly exclusivo, that one cannot exist along sido the other. 1 The record, however, belics their position.# ) 1 This opinion oppoets to be besod sololy on certain statements made in the courso cf l the hoarings by Mr. A. S. Leopold, Assistent to the Chancellor of the Uravarsity of l Cclifornie(Berkoloy). Sinco those statements by Mr. Leopold were et varience with ' theso of expert serine biologists from other universition, protestants modo persistent ettempts to subpoons the filos of th's Chancollor's faculty Committos on the merins Biological Leboratory. 111 er these reevents were rhnied bv the kcarine f m 19er. During the post few months the history of University of California opcretions et Bodege Head has boon resocrched with the result that now end important evidence has bosq g ; brought to light. This meterial providse the basis for the present roovest for e re- + hearing.

  • 3 Newiv diseevered evideace The possible delstorious offect of the Bodage Bay Atomic j park on the function of the Bedsge merino Leboretory Any be discussod under two head-ings, namely, (a) the effect of the esem water discharge end (b) the offect.of t!he tidolands eccess road.

(a) ]l(tim Edg1 discheren Tho ultimets^ of fect of the warm water affluent on shors . lifo isa edmittudly, dif ficult to prodict. Howevor, Er, Leopold's contention that it l is not expected to be serious is probably an optimistic conclusion. In the summer of f 1960 the University apparently regarded this degros of pollution es intolorcble (Attech- i mont Ils the volumo has now boon fixed at 250,000 gallons per minuto) and the decision- ' was medo lo e5neden Godoce w e ed entirolv, g The committoo of biologists spent the outumn of 1960 soerching for en e1tornets site j ind it hcs boon rumored thet on Novomber 29, 1960, ther tronomitted a sharply worded . report to Chance 11er Seeborg. The prosent Chancellor, Dr. C. W. Strong, has declined I

              , make this toport eyeliable to interestod momcors of the fazity and until rocontly            >
                                                        -1                                                   ,



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                           .     .     .. n           .     .               m ho has 'menego'd to koop it out of the public domain. However, the Igbest?ool .Ibn '

for October 11, 1962, hes now publishod what is claimed to 60 e Vorbatim pestege from thgt report, nemoly, " weighing all relevent espects, wo egrood unanimously that thoro was not a single one of thoso sitos that was squel to Bodoge Heed as it now stands.

          ' Bluntly stetod, e unique Class A site for e marAno facility is being exploited for power production."                                                                               !

In the moentimo pocific Ces end Electric had 'rocroeted to the tip of the heedland and the Committoo reluetontly ducided to occupy the adjoining proporty to the north. l At the Commission hearings in moye 1962, mr. Loopold sought to . justify the return to Bedego molnly on tho basis of cortain studies modo in Croet Britain concerning the offects of power plant dischargos on, merino ocology. During cross examination, ho. i over, the British studies wero shown to bo slip-snod and inapplicable to the Bodege Need situation. furthermore, the University calculations, confessed Mr. Leopold, were besod on the expectation, of 20j2. M0ld wheroes t's Company had announcod that in the noer j future thrco edditional units would be instelled thus bringing to 1,000,000 gellons ' the cmount of warmod water dischargod per minuto. Li.itations of 6pece do not ellow o total exposition of tho other deprodetions to the cavironmont which may ensuo from the repid transfer of this volumo of wetor. (b) Tf +31 ends affqqn Ipfd The University wee opperantly teken complotely cy surpriso by the conveniont errengomont betwoon Sonoma County end pC&E whereby en eccess roed would be laid through the steto-owned tidolends. Choncollor Strong characterized the subscouant realignment of a portion of tho reed over University property es e " minor ' j concossion" and he pleeded with tho Army Corps of Enginscrs'to withhold from Sonome County the nocessery construction pctmit (Attochment III). In the public beering which followed on february 15, 1962, the Acting-Director of the marino Leboratory, Dr.

  • Cedot Hond, condomned the roodwey "in its ontirety". He stated that the herber front- l j

ege of the University was otypical end essentially usoloss for biological studies and i tnot the preposed road would destroy "some of the very values which lod us to chocso this hoodlend es our sito in tho first piece" (Attachment IV). In spito of those pronouncomonts mr. Leopold eppcered before the Commission to tostify. without elaboration, thet the University no longer coposod the road. He mor,tioned thet , j Dr. Hand took e firmar stond egainst the rond then Chancellor Strong but this conclusion is not supported by Attachment III to this petition. 1 In the rocont decision of the Commission it is perheps significant thet Commissioner Holobeff filed tho following dissenting cpinion on the locction of the tioslands ronds "I find nothing in tho ergumonts for .the tidelends reed which suggests snet it is necenny, for it to bo ao locetoo in order to effectively sorve the plcnt sitet comittooly, en uplend road would accomplish this purposo equally well. Nn- cc I find

        ' anything in these crguments which suggests that such a road would be cevcaic% for tho record is reploto with reesons suggesting substantial detriment to the public re-              i 1

sulting therefrom". Indcode the cost dif forontial betwoon a tidolencs crW da uplands routo is nominel end thero is nothing in the record to indiccto that the opplicent strongly fovors the former lonetion. 4 l footnotes i i THIS WORLD., Sen .frencisco Chroniclu, August 26, 1962 PACIfICCDASTRECREATIONAREASURVEY,hEPARTMENTOfTHEINTERIOR,1959

           Lotter from Jool W. Hedgpoth to public Utilitics Commission dated merch 5,1962 Properod'in Berkeloy, Californie, this 26th dcy of November,1962.'

Distribution: To ell eppserences before A43808. Respectfully submitted, g.13 WL wd S J B. Neilands

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                                         ;                                                                                                                                                      q Attachment 1                                     I i

Copy- Copy Copy

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i *

                                                                                                                                                                                         -k l THE AHNS HDDKINS UNIVERSITY                                                             .                j
                                                                                                    ' Baltimore 18, meryland'                                                              'd
r. d mergenthaler Laboratory . may 9,' 1962 for Biology Dr. J. E Nellende Dopertment of Biochemistry University of Cellfornie Berkeley, Californie Door Joes I have heard that en atomic instelletion is planned _vory neer to ,

whero your new marine biology leb'io to be located. I hope that this is not en irreversible decision, It would bo most unfortunate to hevo such . e plant near the laborotory sito for, es you know, this will ,graetly alter the total ecology around the leb in e very short time. ; Unfortunstcly,. thero cro too many places thoso' days that are being co'ntaminated by industrie1' mestos and es e consequonco much.of our shcro line hes boon dostroyed for biological studios because of our inability to control the situation. I hope that this does not happen et your new site end I encourege all of


those who might be concerned to look into this great detail be-foro e final decision has boon reachod. , l

                                                                                             ,                                    Sincercly yours, W. D. McElroy Cheirmen, Dept. of Biology Wom/hy                                                               Dirsetor, McCollum.Drett Inst.

1 Note added by recipient '


Dr. McElroy is president of the American Society of Biological Chemists, , the highest elective office in American biochemistry. He is a member.-  ! of the Executive Committee of the Woods Holo marino Biological Laboratorye the lettor recognited as the foremost laboratory of its kind in the world, , where he has taught tho' courso in physiology for five years. Dr. McCarey. '


has been essociated with en Ad Hoc Committee concerned with the granting - of federal funds for the establishment of marine research recilities. j ] < i t 1 j  ;

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Attachment 11 Cop y Copy Copy  ; THE UNIVERSITY Of CALIF 0RNIA i Clerk Kerr Dresident of the University j Clenn T. Seaborg Office nf the Chancellor Chancellor et Berkeley Berkeley 4, Californie June 28, 1960 Mr. Philip S. Flint ' Tho Sierre Club . 611 Bryant Street Pelo Alto, Californie Deer Er. flints I neve deleyed answering your letter of Juno 8,1960 until I hed received written reporte from the oceanographers and biologist) considering the Horse-shoe Cove, Fedege Head sito for a marine Biological Leboratory. I heve now received those reports, and will try to summerire them for you es rcQuested. . I Cooling water for the pC&C power station would be drawn continuedsly from Bodege Bay just inside the entrance channel, and wedlJ be discharged on the beech et a point ebout 4000 feet south of Horseshoe CEve. Pumping would be et the eparoximeto rete of 200,000 gallons per minute. Normally, the discharge

  • water would be 13 to 16 degrees f ahrenheit wermer then the inteks water. At times the cooling water would be recirculated to raise its temporeture approxi-metely 50 degrees Tehrenheit above inteko temperature to remove the growth nf fouling orgcnieme in the lines. The frecuency of this operation een*be predicted only by operoting exporienco, but it was the opinion of the DCLC engineers, with whom our people consulted, that this ml0ht be once a month and for e durotion of 20 minutes.

The oceanographers stated that normelly the wormed water would flow to the south, eway from Horseshoe Cove, but that northernly flows could be expect =d from time to time, and during these periods Horseshoe Covo might be expected to be bethod for periods of some hours in the essentially unmixed offluent at near discherge temper-atures, i.e.,10 to 15 decress Tehronholt warmer than the normal ocean temperature in the vicinity. The committee of biologists studied this report end concluded that they could not forecost with any precision what the conseQuant ecological changes would be, but the fact that the ocological futuro of Bodege Head was unpredictable mede it un-desirtble to locet,o o marino laboratory et Horsoshoe Cove, in view of the plans for the power stetion. Thus, the committee is now exploring alternato site possi-bilities. I should like to correct e' misconception containnd in your letter to the effect that "The Laboratory was to be the second largest cesanographic station in the United States". In roolity, the University is planning to develop a teaching end research station of modest sizo for use by the Berkeley and Davis compuses. Sincerely yours, Clenn T. Seeborg. Copy Copy Copy O y 1 1 .

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I, . Attachment 111


Copy '  ! Copy 1

        !                                                                                                              Copy                  1 UNIVCRSITY Of CAllf0RNIA Office of tho Chancellor Berkeley 4 Californie
                        ' Colonel John.morrison                                    '

Ueited States Carpe of Army Engincore December 9, 1961 180 Now montgomory $ tract , Sen francisco, Calif. , 1


Door Colonel morrison, In scaponeo to' United States Army Cngineere District, sen Francisco, Corps of Cngi. I ncore public Notico No. 62 51. the University of Californie wishes to rogistor e formel protost accinet the proposed tidolends road elong the weet shore cf Bodoge Harbor.

  • Af ter many yoers of study the Univoretty chose Sodoge Hoed es the best sito for the now Eerino Biological Rescacch Laboratory. Tho choicb wee based upoh many conditions, habitete olomonts.

which by their nature provido the grostost variety of faunal end jf Our proposed plans call for rosoerch end toeching in all eroes of marine i biology and organisms. our succese will in part dopend upon roody access to e wico verloty of  ; It would be obliterated by the roed.The natural shcrolino is one of the richost sourcos of invot) i i Looking back on the history of biology, many significant advenese in knowledge hevo a had shototheir originBey. of Bodege in the study of merine organisms auch es those that occur elong the most of our beele knowledge of cell division, oxygen transport by blood, nervous tronomission, extretion and reproduction have come from the study of see urchine, worme, squide end other marine enimale. . The discoveries originally medo on these lowly creatures have played vitel roles in our understanding of men n end from marine cepencent resserch for our well being.havs developed principles in medicine upon which we era ell { marine organism soms new and imortent discovery may be made in the future, to only rogord every marine organism es e ocisntific asset to be preserved for , study. In the highTc numbers roeches of interesting marineof the tidal zone unUo the road sill be . there are large animels. i Several species of eleme (P. etaminen, T. docusate, nabitat, m. etenerie, 2. irus, B. teltice, M. nenute) are to be found only in thle ) mye, are regarded es human food.three of them, the cockles Protothoce end Tepe! i ond its essociated faune occur here tosi Huge bede of the ghost shrim (Cs11enesse) j Vaucherie end the casociated Nudibranch molluek Alderte es well es the numerousThe J i species of emoller organisme such as copepode, protozoen and segmented worms. In places the projected road moves into dooper water where it would effect other 14ct= tent organismo such es the edible horsoneck and Washington eleme. road faune. local would obliterete in the vicinity of our loboratory en laportent esgment of theThus the proposed From sould be theverysten much@oint of the University en overland route to the Cambell Cove' eres preferable. of the tidal prismo end would preserve the natural shoreline end tidel etees whic hope to use es ocurces of organisme for our studies. la en uhich birde attractivo gather end biologically there to feed. rich erse es attested by the thousands of shoreAt present the harb while en interior routing would evoid the significant losses indicatod above.These vclue

  • The University hee discussed the routing of the road with Sonome County officiels and of the road on abat sill be part of me martne Research Station site.roccived This perticular bit of shoreline which will be preserved is actusily stypical, consisting lercely of wind-blown present eend elong sleewbore from the the adjecont shore. dunces it does not have many of the founs elemente H en d', At the early meetings with the County, Dr. Cedet ho opposedth'e ' the Ac't'ing* Director shcroline of the marine Rosserch Stetton, informod the sessing that road ende .

ho took eny other stand. in fact, that he would be derelict in his cuty if


value out of Boccge objection Bay es to the proposed rsed.e scientific resserch sito and on thoes grounde we reg , ce Charlos do Turk I Clerk Kort Richerd Hertsook ggne,,,3y, ' Call mtok D. Mezio

3. Cuidotti Cedet Hand '

J. Prother James moulton g, g gg,'gng 91 chard Croker Clem miller a

46 L - . . - . - - - .. - . - . . . .

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 ;                                                                                             Attechment IV                                        S' TESTIM 0NY Cf DR CADCT HAND. ACTINC.DIRCCTOR UNIVCR$1TY Of CAL 1f0RNIA BOC(CA mARINC LABORATORY,;8Cf0RC Army CORP $ OF -

CNCINCERS HCARING ON T20CLANDS RCAD,' FCBRUARY 15, 1962 Colonel morrison and Contlemen. I am Cadet Hend Associate professor of Zoology and

              - Acting. Director of the marino Rosserch $tetton of the University of Cellfornie. I am a professional marine roclogist, with experionce et merine laboratories on both the sost and west coasts of' the Unitoo States end, es weJ1, have spent extensive -

periods of time et marino laboratories in News!i, New Zeeland and Austrolio. I em going to divort from my prepared statement to make caser the'rcosons under which

                ! em prosont.

Whon Mr. John prether eddressed you he road o lotter signed by Chancela or Strong deted february B, 1952. I have e copy of thet letter before me. Since it is cicer by tho introduction of that ploco of ovidonce into the record by mr. prother that ho folt that this woe en eid to his cause, es he represents the County, I would like to sey that ] hevo Chencoller 6trong's permission to bo horo to protest this rood in its entirety. With thoso comments. I will return to my preperod epocch. A 11ttic background on the reason why the University of Cellfotnic hcs choson Bodego Mcod at l a sito for its now merino laboratory le portinont to my disowssion. In our I search for o sito, which hos been en ective acerch sinco 1953, one of the primory considerations of has boon that the sito must provido rcody tecess to a moximsl Vorloty marino organismo. I This moons that we bevo loouod for locations which bcst combined I the verloty of life to bo found in protected boys and herbord, mud end send flats, l sandy boechos and the opon outor coast. Very few situatione sxist in Cellfornie which moot theso requirements end shich cro closo onough to the University campuses of Devis. . Son francisco and Borkoloy to be evellable to the studonts, faculty and resoerch staff of theso ir,stitutions. 'Bodogo Head, wo found, was the only location which met all of I our rcouiromants. Wo critically exemanod the eroo from monterey to Bodsge end beyond and systomaticolly eliminated the monteroy etee, the sen francisco arce, the Bolines j Brse, the p t. Royce eroe Ond the Tomeles p t, erse. Bodege Head clearly is en excoption* i al sito from ott point of view, and besod upon our recommendations the Regents of the University hevo euthorized tho acquisition nf a portion of the hoedlend for our use'. Now, i why do we nood a maximal variety of marine organisms? The hist.ory of biology is I reicvont hero. Een's knowledge has accrued slowly eno it is intorestiac to 6 cts that while todoy we hevo e hugo knowlsdge of ourucivos, the knowledge which tno doctor no plios to kccp us well , or to ropeir us if wo are injurod or 111, ccme in the first inattece from studies of organisms other then mon himsolf. In meny instences thosc crganisms hevo bcon morinc once end we con point to such organisms es scuid end worms for our besic knowledge of norEus function, to worms egeln for the chomistry of blood and to cicma for infermetion on heart function. ' Dur knowledgo of the chomistry end biochemistry of embryology and subecquent dsvelop* munt, es soll es our knowlodge of tho intimato datells of coll division have como from the study of marino enimola, the lettor in fact from studies of son urchins cola Accted right hero clong our Sonoma County ahores. The occon hcs not only contributed orgenisa.s which fortuitously hcve provided us in-sight into oursc1ves, but from the ocoons como rich hervests of food. To mao full uso uf the ocoon and its many socrets wo ero going to hevo to investigate in the moet intimatoessets logicel monnor weovary hevomcrine tround cegonism us. To lose known to us, and we must reelously guard the bio-- the opportunity of critically examining a single marino organism may soon the lose of our only chance to moko men's lifo better in somo particular sapeet. As further oviceice of the noccasity of studios on marine organisms, I should cite the feet that thoto cro et this moment throo bills ponding in the Soneto end houso cf Reprosentetivos of the U.S. which are devoted to incroesod federal support of. merino rescerch ectivitics and the president's (of the U.S.) now budgot doubles 1,he size of funds for merine rescerch. There is en oir of urgJncy concerning the nc,o for marine studics and men's very survival on this pionet may dopond upon the kncelecgo we gein from the 600. Corteinly, in the fece of expending and exploding populations, the l cevelopmont of our vse'er serine resources must bo multiplied manyfold if we era to scivo cvon our noods.for food. With thoso introductory romerks, I will now turn my ettontion to the matter of the west short roed. It should be cleer from my previous remarks that the University es represented by .its scientists must hold es critical every organism evelleble to us. Wo ero developing a now vonturo, a merine laboretory, to take advantage of the romerk. obic diversity of orgonismo eve 11eble in tho harbor and along the coast of Bodogo Hoad. We cannot tcli you now the preciso value that scy como from the study of any one speclot tut history has taught us that each organism bec its om escrets and we knew full well that cach additional bit of now infstmotion will find its piece in our total knowledge


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j I s. STATEmCNT Of DR CADCT HAND (continuod) of non and this world. Some of this new information mey unlock difficult problems roleted ^to our hesith, our sefoty end our ovoroll well being. Each organism is a treasure-trovo, a muscum of. biological information, waiting to turn it to our own adventego. To dostroy.. e sinolo species could, in the long run, turn tho belance in our fight for survival - g ] ogainst us and causo our final domise. This is a grim end gloomy picturo, but it is scientifically valid. - To chocoo betwoon men's nurvivel end the flecting Values provided by tho west shore road is thus a simple metter. The road itself as proposed will des *roy untold thousends of organisms. The cost beds of rock ccc:<los in this orce will bo coverod by the rood es well es such other edible cicms os Washinctens, Horsonecks end tho introduced stoemor, the soft sho11 clem.

                                                                                                                                  , Greet bods of the blue end whito ghost ehtiFp, the seusego worm UrGehle, Clem wctms,                          .

ribbon wermo end many differont sogmented worms will moet their end under the spoil-oge usod to build tho road. Bods of a curious merine plant, Veuchorie, end en associetGd merino slug will be de- ' ctroyod, es well as e host of other orgenisms. Tha higher roechos of the shcro, whoro , the rond will bo, ero favored fooding grounds of grcet flocks of curlews, evocots and i ethor kinds of shcro birds. Thoso groet flocks of birds, incidente11y, ere testimony I to th6 woelth of small marino enimals which live along these shorss. It is tho ' loss ] cf those many marine organisms and the great values that they have to us es scientific rcsourcos that cousec us to strenuously piatost the roed. The County of Senome has been generously cooperative in rerouting a portion of the recd over the proposed University picporty, and they heVe promised additionally to canovo the reoc from ossantially all of the tidolends elong that portion bf tho shcre. l Fcr this we era most grate,ful. l l unfortunate 3y, e largo portion of the herber frontege of the University site is etypi-col cnd is locso windblown send rathor then the rich finor silte of other perts of the j shcro. Inu., while this rerouting protects and saves many organisms, the road through. cut the rest of its length dsstroys como of the Vory values which led us to chocsG this hoedlend es our site in the first placo. It is regretable tnet c great University end e great County find themselves et odes, but the valuos lost to tho University, County, State, Nation end World by the presence of such c rood far outwcigh the short-term values such a read might bring to the County end its users. Thcnk you. Applauso (Statemont of Dr. Cedot Hand merksd Exhibit RRR)

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 -tv, BEFORE THE PUBllc UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA in the matter of the application of. )
                                                           ).         Application No. Q BOB' PACIFIC CAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY for )

a certificate of public convenience ) Decis tor, No, M$37 and necessity to construct, install, ) operate and maintain Unit No I, a ) nuclear power unit, at Its Bodega ) PETITION FOR RiHEAftlNO Bay Atomic Parkt )

                                  -(Electric)             )

l l INTRODUCTION The Bay Area Chapter of the Northern California Association to Preserve Bodega . Head and Harbor asks leave to request a rehearing on the above application on a number of grounds supported in this petition, it is clear that the reasons herein set forth stem f rom circumstances that could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the hearings of the Commisslon on this application in May and June of 1962. They are matters of profound, perhaps paramou:1t, importance. . o l, RADIATION STANDARD $

1) TV.e record reflects three principal witnesses whose testimony has been used to support the Commission's conclusion that redloactive wastes f rom the Bo.

deg6 Bay Atomic Park will not exceed levels established by the Atomic Energy Com. mission in Tit'le 10 of Federal Regulations Part 20. These are the State Coordina-tor of Atomic Energy Development and Radletlon Protection, a consulting biologist for the Company, and witnesses in the Company employ. The standards set forth in the CFR are based on a "threshhold concept of ac-ceptable radioactive contamination of t' a environment. Since the earlier Commis-slon hearings, however, the "threshhold concept" has fallen into disrepute among knowle'dgeable radiatlon specialists. ' Thls fact is supported 10 the following three documents, none of which was I t t i  !-

                                                                                                                                        ,i I-
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f R k , reasonably available to protestants at the time of the earlier PUC hearings on this application: (a) Radiation Standards. Includino Fallout, Summary-Analysis of Hearings Held on June 4, 5, 6, and 7,1962, before the Subcommittee on Research, Development, and Radiation of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, published September 1962. (b) Radioactive Conteminet ton pj,gg,Enutronment: Public Health Action. A Report to the $u'rgeon General prepared'by the National Advisory Com-mittee on Radiation, U. 5. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, public Health Service, dated May 1962 but not released until Junel (c) Report 2.f. 2 a. Un1 ted Nations Scientlfic Comittee ,op,,,Qg, Effects 2[, Atomic Radiation. General Assembly, Offletal Records: Seventeenth Session, Supplement No. 16 (A/5216), re-leased August 1962. .

2) in addition to testimony regarding recognized hazardous nuclides, new data has become available since the Spring hearings on Ceslum 134, a reactor by-product about which so little was formerly known that CFR standards were little ,

mere than guesses. Ceslum 134 was not mentioned In the ear 11er hearings. Re fe r-ence: Nature. Voi. 195, p. 1040. til R EACTOR_. $A FETY I) The Commission's decision notes that the " staff took ar. active part in the hearing through cross-examination, particularly with respect to the nuclear fee-tyres and safety aspects." We believe that the record Itself belles this statament. One electrical engineer was the sole technical staf f member present; he performed only sporadic cross-examination, and that dealt principally with selsmology -- a field in which the Commission's own decision has relled for Information on Company witnesses and consultants.

2) The plant's safety system, whteh has never been tested in a workino re-eetor. was given only the most casual attention. Further the history of reliable ,

_ operation of bolling water reactors was not even touched upon in the hearings. Yet on August 20-21, 1962, the Atomic Energy Commission's final review of tN explosion , at the SL-l bolling water reactor at the National Recctor Testing Station at Arco, Idaho. In January 1950, concluded that the cause of the explosion could not be determined.  : i I

3) The record shows that at each point where protestants gropod toward .


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  • Information on reactor r.ilability when cross-examining L...npany witnes'ses, the -

line of questioning was discouraged by the hearing examiner. 4)' The fact that reactors are of questionable reliability and that a reactor k failure could' be of catastrophic proportions is suggested by (a) the fact that an j k absence of statistical Informe.tlon has for'ced reactor technicians in their zeal, J l to employ such subjective language as " credible" and " Incredible accidents" when discussing the subject; (b) the fact that established insurance firms decline to ' 1

           . insure the applicant against reactor failures. The Federal Govern'.aei s, therefore, at the urging of the AEC and in a headlong commitment to reacto' deve opment, has            l l

unwisely seen fit to provide $500 million guaranteed Federal incsmn'ty. This acts not only as a ' subsidy but as a premature spur to, construction of the Bodega Bay ]

                                                                    !                                       \

Atomic Park.

5) On November 26, 1962, the chief of the Atomic Energy Commission's Reactor Development Division announced that the AEC has initiated a program of reactor 4 testing at its Arco,' idaho, site to study " maximum credible accidents."

Since the PUC record is inconclusive on this subject and in light of the ACE's activities it is difficult to agree with the Commission's concurrence with a witness for appilcant's characterization of the Bodega reactor as " inherently j safe." The decision further, erroneously we feel, states that "this will not be an experimental plant as It will consist of compoaents which have been pre tested in other units." The pressure suppression containment system has ,n_oj,been o tested in other units and the tact that it has been approved for use in the much smaller Huttholdt Bay plant, which is not yet in operation, constitutes nothing more than approval for use; it is not a test. The error of the decision is further compounded by the fact that the components

          ' for the Bodega reactor will not only be much larger than In any other reactor but' l         'have'never before been coupled In one unit. This would be a custom-made . reactor differing in several respects from any other reactor extant. The fact remains, therefore, that It is experimental and any assurances that It is " Inherently safe" I             are without substantive reliability.

l IV > l PR0XIMfTY OF THE $AN ANDREAS FAULT , The issue of the San, Andreas Fault's proxl.uity to the proposed reactor. i 3


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                                                                                                                        ,     ,                           m
                                                                       'I location was considered at length during the May and June hearings. Yet the sum of the testimony on record was inconclusive. ,lt dealt altnost entirely with the effect on the, reactor structure--principally the vessel -In the event of an earth-quake. The record was so inconclusive on this point that the Commission staff re-quested further exhlblts, and submission of these late filed exhibits was the note on which the hearings closed.


                                                                                      ' ecIslon 64537 reflects no rno're attention to these exhlbits than the' simple act of receiving them. Further, consideration of the effects from a Jolt along the Fault on the delicate " fall-safe" control mechanisms' of. the reactor does not ap-pear in the record. This again reflects the casual attention forthcoming from the Commission's one outnumbered technical staff-man. Documents available from Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., describlng the causes of the reactor incident at Chalk River. Ontarlo, in 1952, prove that there is great' likelihood of eventual
                                                                            - control f ailure even without assistence f rom g,n, earthouake,                         .

o CONCLUSION I The very framework on which the witnesses who testified in respect to radia-l tion, reactor safety, and hazard potentials f rom earthquakes, pegged their tran-1 quillzlng reassurances 1,les in shambles. Their testimony to this point, therefore, is impeached and the besls for the Commission's decision to this point Is no (onger supportable. The Bay Area Chapter of the Northern California Association to Preserve l l Bodega Head and Harbor wishes to draw the Commlssion's attentfor. to the fact that radiation is a subject of profound and progressing public concern. Further the Commission should note that, pending AEC hearings notwithstanding, the California public Utilities Commission Is the last forum before which the people of th,e State. can hope to receive falt treatment. The Commission's attention is directed to a l public rneeting held in Santa Rosa on November 10 at which it was abundantly clear ' that the field of atomic energy raises unprecedented problems not only in the regulation of public utilities but in sustaining the very fiber of our democratic

                                                                           ' processes. Finally the Comission's thoughts are Invited to dwell on the sig-nificance of the information presented in a series .of articles in the $ebestoDol               l

Times (Sept. 27, Oct. 4,11 & 18) which permit the reasonable inference that l l I l t 4 I __ _ _ _ - _ - _ - - _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - _ - . - - - - - - - d

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     's Applicant came before the Commission without properly obtained preliminary docu-ments f rom the Covernment of Sonome County.

All the above in mind, we respectfully request that the Californla Public Utilities Commission set aside its interim docislon No. 645}7 and rehear Applica-tion No. 43808, so far as new Information can'be brought to bear. ' for / NORTHERN CALIFORNI A' ASSOCI ATION TO PRESERVE BODEGA HEAD AND HARBOR, BAY AREA CHAPTER 1 l By . AM 230*G I w David E. Pesonen-Sec re ta ry 2731 Durant Ave. Berkeley 4, Californla j - November 27, 1962 hatricution: To all appearances before Application No. 43808 i I e a



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m . . i . { ~ l the present standards but would include whatever standards the AEC ' may adopt in the future, hj Therefore, attack upon a particular rule set by the AEC should be made before it and not the CPUC. (2) Pr'o ceedings would never be concluded if a rehearing were undertaken each time a new publication concerned with the same general subject matter as those proceedings was offered for  ! consideration. (3) The Commission, without abdicating any portion of its responsibilities, has properly indicated confidence in the re-sults of review by another regulatory agency, expert in the field of radiation standards--the Atomic Energy Commission, y/ Second, the petition argues that 'the. PUC record is 'in-conclusive on (the) subject [of reactor safety]". Several facts make clear that this fails to establish a ground for rehearing. They are as follows: (1) There is presented no new evidence nor any Bubstan-tive evidence at all that the reactor planned for Bodega Bay will be unsafe. < (2) "The plant's safety system", which consists of in-struments to detect potentially harardous conditions, has, contrary to the statement found in the petition, not only been tested in a working reactor, but substantially the same system is currently in use at Dresden, Vallecitos and several other boiling water reactor plants now in service. 1/ CPUC Dec. No. 64537, p. 6:

                           . . . Oaseous wastes . . . will be monitored continu-ously to assure that standards established by the Atomic Energy Commission will not be exceeded."
      ,$/ CPUC Dec. No. 64537, p. 13:
                      ". . . . Applicant must secure a construction permit and four licenses from the Atomic Energy Commission to assure, among other things, that the nuclear unit can be constructed-and operated without undue risk to the health and safety of the public.                                                                         .;. ,

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(3) The decision's reference to testimony f/ that the plant will not be experimental since it will consist of components pre-tested in other units 'does not constitute error. .The reference i does not ptirport to be a finding. . Further, we can expect that each i reactor built in the future will contain improvements 'over those previously built (just as do newly-designed conventional units be-ing built today). All such improvements are pre-te'stod before in . sta11ation to-assure that they are safe as well as practicabic and


economic. New units containing such improvements are not considered experimental. The principal nuclear " component" in the Bodega Bay installation will be,the reactor itself which will be of the boiling water type, with which there has been more operating experience than with any other type. (4) The pressure suppression concept, one of the improve-ments contemplated for use in the Bodega reactor, has already been tested for an accident magnitude well beyond the maxicum credible accident. Testing conducted before the independent scientific arm of the AEC, the' Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, has sat-infied that group as to its effectiveness. ]/ (5) The ree,ord, contrary to the assertions'of the peti-tien, does reflect consideration of the effe:ts of an earthquake upon control mechanisms as well as upon all ether equipment P.O. j and E. will follow design criteria established by its consultant, j Dr. George W. Housner. 8f These criteria, including a standard for control rods and safety rods, are to be found in Exhibit 48 of this

           . proceeding in tab 12, a letter from Dr. Housner, e.t 'page 7 and at page.s 1 and 5 of Appendix B thereto.

(6) The Commission has already expressed-its confidence. in Atomic Energy Commission expertise on matters of reactor safety

            $/ Presumably Nutting, Tr. 207-208.
            ']/ Nutting, Tr. 194-195.
  • 8f Worthington, Tr. 37.





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                                                                 '               in withholding a final certificate of public convenience and neces-                  l sity until that agency passes upon the matter and all others within                 l its cognizance and issues the necessary licenses and permits. p/           - ,       ;

Nothing presented in the petition even suggests that this confidence is misplaced. , -n Third, testimony received on the proximity of the San 1

                                                                                                                                                                    -I Andreas Fault is described as " inconclusive". Again, neither this,                    j bald statement contrary to the CPUC conclusion, nor the comments accompanying it disclose a ground for rehearing. The decision made it clear that testimony indicating the absence of active faulting in the general vicinity of the reactor had been " supplemented and substantiated by applicant's 1cte-filed Exhibit 48". ,1,0/    0   Peti tiener's comment that " decision 64537 reflects no apre attention
  • to these exhibits than the simple act of receiving them". simply is i

not in accord with the Commission's statement. I WHEREFORE, PACIFIC OAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY respectfully urges that the Ucmmission deny the petitions for rehearing on file in this proceeding. Dated at San Francisco, California, this 4th day of l p/ CPUC Dec. No. 64537, p. 25, Interim order paragraph 1(c):

                                                                                          "The certificate herein granted is interim in form and will be made final by further order of the Commission upon the establishment by evidence in the record (1) that proper authority has been secured from the Atomic Energy Commission to construct the nuclear energy plant, herein certificated, and that all other franchises, licenses    or permits have been secured as' required by law, . .. "



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December,1962 Respectfully submitted, F. T. SEARLS JOHN C. MORRISSEY PHILIP s. CRANE, JR.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               . LELAND R. SELNA, JR.

245 Market street , i San Francisco 6, California j Attorneys for Pacific Gas and Electric Company l l f I 0 6 . --__- ------__._________~___------_--u_--___w-___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . _ - _ - - - -- - - - _ _ . _ - - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ - - - - . _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ . - - - - - _ _ - - _ _ - - --_____-JL

___ , . 7 , _ o . . CERTIFICATE OF diERVICE I I hereby certify that I have this day served the i


foregoing document upon'all parties of record in this pro-l


ceedihg by mailing by first-class mail a copy thereof prop-i erly addressed to each such party. i Dated at San Francisco, California, this 4th day l l of December, 1962. o  : I l LELAND R. SELNA,'JR. j i 1 i 9 O i

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5 g . A *

              *5 t..-vewBloc c Am. ed s

t . 4 t ' Rhn &'NJ:G 7 Plant fyf*/> / i n .DM1H tw/*** The State Publie . Utilities Com. minion he been asked to ,,, ,g,g,gg,r Pcti; plant field rd.. sebastopol, said she at "neuly discovered evidence. will open an another front Tues- will appear at 2 p.m. Tuesday , and reennsider I:s decision to let day when a mrmber of the la ad for a public hearing an

                                                          #d """               Northern CaHlornia Commlume Lim plant.

I" lwer pant M W to Preserve Badegs Head and hiajor considerations are the Ilarber plans to ask the county ' safety of the suelear reactor, A peuticn filed yesterday with Board el Supervisors to to open she sand, as well es the the PUC by University of Call

  • aright fornia biochemistry professor Dr. the use permit it has granted of the people to obtain and das.

Inr the plant. cuss informailon" en such a J. B. Neilands declares a UC fac. g,,, peri, siena, .234 thch- project. ' ulty report on the ' plant in rela-tior. to UC's planned marine biol. egy sinuon on die headlands has d ue wasta discharge would lee the laboratory, g g, ,9 gg,g.' rna. Among support for his conten-been suppressed. rino life. Oons are citanens of testimony And it anys the new evidence bears on the possible deleterious But Dr. Nellands' octillon asys pven by Dr. Cadet Hand, setsrg


effect of the plant and its access the new evidence dcals with thedirector of the UC Bodega lab. warm water . discharge and the cratory, before a U.S. Army Corps road on the proposed laboratory.: The petition is to be considered effects of the 'Udelands road on (Continued on Page 1. Cal. 3) by the PUC at a conference at g.y " e, an unspecifrM tinie.. A permit has Ig p ' i L been granted Pacific Cas & Elec- * -

                                . tric Co. for construction of the
                                , plant in 's PUC erder that be -

g . Q . came effective today.

                                                                                                                ,.,,4,    estes 't What immediate effect the peti.                   396 '8E ,

tion may have on (lie utility com- e pany's plans for the sol million plant could not be ~ determined to-day. ,

                                  ' Authoritative sources have it that the company is on the verge of awanirg a contract for the                '

initial construction, which would include the westshore. road. to Ar. thur B. Sirl Co.. Santa Rosa. . The comract would involve exe caration of more than 600,000 cu. bic yards of material from the headlands and construction of the road which is to general ly follow - the tidcInnds on the west side of

  • the harbor to the plant sac.

Discussed Earlier The Neilands pobuon reopens a . r;uestion dealt with at some lenph

  • during protracted hearins by the PUC carher this yev en the plant proposal.

4 At that time. although various opponents made charges rangir.g . from PCLE PUC " collusion" to ,

                                "prensure" on UC, Assistant Chan-                                                             ,,

cellor A. Starker laopold present-ed the official UC posiuon of neu -

  • trahty.
  • The university. he told the PUC.!

a pelther supports nor opposes" the power plant installation next door.; *

  • to the university's planned. 2SI acre research laboratory.

During the hearing he conceded l thers was "some difference of opin ; inn" among faculty members about

                              ,the saa in view of PC&E plans.

jhut the fmn) condusion was that *

                              'the warm water discharge effects would be "so slight as to be scarcely notireable" and radioac-l
                                                               .      .1                                                             e e

e i

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                                                                                 *                  'y
                                                                                                       ..'                                                                            h n

4 t n .e q A ccm., eveo., Nov. 28,1962 , s wc-w C.aamgenu. mea  ! At CoasiPGeE Phai 1  : Rantinued from Page u . ~comndttee headed by Dr. Ralph,; of Engmecrs hearing in Febnmry Emerson, professor of botany-s of last year, committne assigned the tank of' At that time Dr. !!and sald the evahroting sjtes and investigating, rond will ** destroy untold thou the feasibihty of um Bodegn site; , tands nf organisms." and along for the laboratory. lin route off the - UC property frontage destroys samt of 14 Ouster el Plant very values whlch led us to chonM Dr. Nellands says the repnt, this head;and as our site in the called for ' coster of the Pth first place " plant from Bodega licad" because UC sources said the faculty re. the commillee found the Dadega port oninthe tiened thelaboratory sde meninsite Nellands petition the the heat of petitism, sites. Nellamisl said the " unique. Class-A site for charges that UC Chanecilor DrJ a marine facility is being en. E. W. Elrong "Ims dechned to l ploited for power producten." make this report available to ind

  • j
                                                                                                                          'the report was prepared by a terested members of the faculty'} *                                                                       ,

and has " managed in keep it oug ) of the public domain." i Dr. Ncilands said the imiversityl has " failed to defend the biologicaR . l integrity of the area. I havu filed 1 this peution because I believe it'

                                                                             .                                                                                              .is not in the long range interest.
                                                                                                                                                                            'of the pubhc or tha (pubhc utili.
                                                                                                                                                                        *:tiest commission to let the record.
                                                                       -~                         .                                                                         : stand as it was."

Sunday Matinee . . 2 p.m. ( ~~~$* , * *,***,* *,***,*,*,* ** l The PUC decision. based on the

                                                                                     *d      8'                                                                                         "I      "       *I
  • sea.fa a"."., n h s". m s",..".i p.a EOCDY'S PANCAKE HOUSE i deals in part with tne viuestma'
                                                                                                                   ,        com aA.i.i. sue a. a . : raised by Dr. Niclands thusly:
  • pTE~
                                                                                                                                                                   ~"$i riecmed    M a n y of the protestants to take the position that e

n ..n g'mpIl y! li'u ' 7 , ,1  ! qV plL's pth tiuclear and edher mad

  • l M i ni L .-
                                                                                                                                                                         ; rine biolo::y or conservation are!

3 b W W L1 a. l., ,  : f}1 m m ofa L 9 uutu.*y exch:sive. that one cann 605 Mendocino Ave.-Santa Rot,a e a:W m the emer, e

                                                                                                                                                                                   ' Tu wan, how ever, be'ies il mra      haih Ecr.ructs i            or Pcrile: Arranged k Advua:e                                               mP.?",,P,,alann'."-.
m. pro.[
c. . i. . ,, g,r,< n. w uwu n.. , ,nir 00HCICUS On.EC2 P3d i*Parks = 2 li CT07 S
                                                                                                                                                                                              *a a-t ma."L it c! car thatneh-I
  • L p Servirj Luns ad Dbner M g ;;;l;;l n . d f ]' 'fd " Pe "*
                                                                                        - Also orders taken for-usc n            1 food to Tc!:c Ikt:0 cr De Ddivered                                                            i oa tw rad ma. (* PuCF                                                       .
                                                                                                                                                                         ! decision weighs heavily on thcl
                                                      ,                       Open Dolly Noon to 9 p.m.- Closed Mondays                                                  . coumy of sanoma's declaratir.r.:


                                                                  !                    3mit Dial L1                                       a,,.%,,,un                    ,Jm      ' hat Lne road would be built any-9*         . .. . . . . . -trerar-L                                                                                       "N H "


                                                                                                                                                                       . fommemoner Trederick B.11n10 p'.                 7                                  F at             r'             boff gDJs to even gitalcr icnf. thal as             si      M'l*fr s- w ]                    seh&c            4*

lh unah IDO commission's hands l .*/.m MY C AIM 7C 'of ressoaibility in judging thel' road k,catsa. D:'. Melands' polition, however,i nLs for a rehearmg by the Pl.'Cl , c d would conclusively assess,

                                                        -                                                                                                                    i.a 'f evt hl subsequent plaimed each eraahzation of Sodega llcad on (.w tuological integrity of thel s.ree I                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3
                                                                                           ,                                                                                      Gcrden Dedicated                                                         ,
                                                                                                           ,                                                                      To Lcsting Pecce BISMAPCE. K.D. (UP!b-The ;

220 e r e intor' national Peace l Caiden on the North Dakots l Canad:an twder commemorates the contmund peace between the

                                                                                                                               .                                             Un!ted S!ates and Canada, w=.mmm     CONT. FROM 2 P.M.



NOW  ! k.l SHOWING l E YEAR - ,

                                                                       -                                                  -                                                                                  _                             - - - ~ _ . _ . . ,

i t* 4

         ,                                                                                           .                                                                                                                                                                           a
                                                             .        e a g                                                                                                                                                                                                    ;

s sn -. l G. P G & g yijeg . L A swer To c - L. - . . . f, n..a .n_.o.fih.onsa4 ,C,

                                                                                                                         ~ uc a

e hrw evWJence has b

      '                                                                                                           ~
                                           $$@!a!,Ed                                                                            f PG86 Files Answer 1                                                                                                                    l     l 6EEMIG                                                                                                    LTo PUC 7eliiioners 2                                                                                       before that agency issues a par-                                   .g
  • tosnansed hem Page U L.

r lder u M .;,f. sommissen".during plant bear- mit for the resciar sonsneum. 4

                                                                                      '"'- Y *'- '

ease to lec g, pg,,g securing um AzC permit before , ings. volve *substanuany me 88 8" ' " '

  • Tim Bedeps preservauen aom- esastriscuan is one of the sendi-
  • claims" heard h many htane" uans imposed by the PUC in its *,
                                                                                                                                            , mluee's peuen dealt with a num-
                                                                                                                                    ,,                                                              order authorizing the plant. as well

(* ice" before in ghe Wi"

                                    ' hearings.

bar el points desting largely wkh as a requirement of federallow. , , quesdens of se,lety of the pro ' " < The AEC relies en an ladopend-

                                        ' Th' 848 P8se reply, hoevjJy M                                                                          posed reactar.

It dus tid, says ow W an- ent adery mmmittee - h 7 .

                                      . e'd e.ith relcrences to toim.                                                        .
          .                                                                                                                                 i                                                                                                                                    j previously grven the PUC. "' '                                                                                                                                Committee on Beactor Safeguar/Ju ewer, present new evidence or
                                                                                                                                      .!                                                              -in evoluting applications for that Um requests for ,,.bgdng                                                                             "any substantive evidenes at all" 6e denied.                                                  ,.

that the reactor wal be gassfe. pwmits, ths PG&E answer monas. Nethtng we, PUC hearmgs en ne plas pro- , As for esmankne at i 8 ,

                                       , I8 eutancia the Deutions contain                                                                         plant's safety system is uses% poss! we closed ahw era ders
                                      .'m d aclosures of error ,g j                                                                           '   the udfly company declares the of testimnny in March of this -                                                              s aw k there any disclosure d a,#
  • sysics of lastruments to detect year. Then, after a *large surre I 80w widence in the casef a potential hasards is substantially ber of written protesu" were re. J The PUC rder authw3 j the same" as in a number of ceived, the PUC opened me sub, y cdon of the 661 million,
  • presenW wkg nauws. M egala fw ameer N days I J[Ogs at whieb conservouonisu'fwan Plat came aher extended The "preaure suppression" con- of hearings that feally closed; tamment systam for the reactor June 8.

uturahsts and some Bay residems

                                   u                 ,,,,o.

on. a noo wu,e a u ,iam The de,*n a u.or a ins *

                                                                                                                                                   !that is also bclag used at ma                        company was issued Nov. 4. .          -

order was ettacuve Nov. 28. .

                                                                                                                                                   .ssmpany's Humboldt Bay reactor.
                                     ,,, g[s petitep asking rehearg                                                           '                      *has ahtady been tested for an
                                                                              > J. 3,                                                                ades magnM saH Wed 3

18 CaWenia . um ,, e d m. =ci. Neilands[aw.resaw biochem

                                    ,e aa                                .                                         . m.
                                                                                                                                                            . . . .a una -u. ee                                            ,                                                     i e,-g;, gap **ciaten to Pro.. ty uno e answer                                                                      .
                                                                                                  .        ..                                                  says.             -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - *                                    ]

serve 3g The possibility of earthquake J gay 3,.,,,[a 1%d and Jiarbor.


damage to me plant has been  !

                                                                                                                                                      " carefully considered." the com-                                                                                          j 20If the daPDC  f does 882uals  not act withia peny says. and design will be to                                                                                         j to a                                                                  crites set up by scisnegist k I                                   rr>ccuan of                         n. Mcas.
                          .        whije. PCLE                                                                                                                                  '                                                                                              l

[ l

                            ,      he the plant is vaIid. but                                                                                                          AEC Parmll
  • a constructed st8ft saw <

th it- 8re disposed of. The answer relics heavfly on  !

  • eentandons that anfcguards against Dr N ilan& P **8 cc ared , .]

there is "new' #"*end evj. remeter hazard will be invuugated , ^ 1 dence" la pa [ "*~""c~"="~

,v ers,,y a'g :ag c ~
                                 ;ye     7*~upau       ouLu\2,"g rm.amh u.

Ba a, ~r vron.s .n .

  • sosww. m.,be ,w  !
                                ,                                                   t
  • Pammer." but him ,.e.a J, '8 repemesi b on  ; ,

l scann e n ,%,,, , neo,,g

                                                                     ,,,           ,,) .                                                                                                                    *                                    .
  • I J i ,

h i b 8 9 0 4 O

            , f,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I l


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                                                        ,                                  ai         w     ta-e+y.prA.                                 e48       -
                                                                                                                                                                           ',opm..gaswp eb 4D4**M                                  W**   .                         &-p@i-                     W'       A v . mW.Se ' b.8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,,"4-Md' Pts
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m,' . o l- . u."

                                                                         -                                                                                                  i
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res. ~. . a.n ono. c.n.dae. v,, . .. 7G&EConfirmsRoadi .


L,ankaelwithSiri - memi se vs. arm o m t i ed by .wntract with the County of ' NWacA Gstrinoms to finish it to eeu a ty

                                . & Electrie Co. today con $ ane.f standeds and ture k ww k the                                                                                    .     '

en open soerat-4he Santa ksa ' # ennstructaan far s of Arthur 4 Shl' gg, ' has been awarded a condittunal hhA Gaanbleday saW 63rpel. e . contract for inlual construcuan t.t hauling is partly a gamble that he

  • odega nucleaMteled plant will get the contract. but aald if ., f .

the gravel isn't used for the PG&7 9. , . . ...#' . ,, ! .

                                   ~ . PGa5 spr.kesmen said the en. prejset it could be used elsewhsre.                                                                                      ! '
                        . ' tract-price unspecified-will not D " N " *P8"I' P'"#E U                                                                                                      ' 4 '-                                                                                                      ' '

become effecuve until and unicas .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -. <                                    4
                                                                                                              -says S comps &, vahd                                                                         ,       .

i ' the Pubhe Uullt es Cmmission and in m.

                              *                                                                                                                   ..          4 , ,

But two peudons kant been filad

                            , . !apuses                          of a        pairinat                inWens                                                                          . .                                                                                     _

against its piant beense Java P ' ' s (g

                                   - of the company.

But the company confirmed that with the PUC askmq tlat thee tarlm approva! Wven 11m plant be set aside and the' quesuon tw . f f y[ the Siri firm is *genbimg" on opened lo aptwo what plant op. , . h j [d,Lg,( J ghg$,,)M,.;. i ]g that by stockpfdri Jenner gravel g, , O ,5

                                     ' en Bodega Head- travel that the pamts desertbe as **nsw pk                                                       ,

d, dance" that R should act be built, , firm uvuld use en the construe. . ' (;M.rtd". .h T. sos 4.'mpT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        /4.#/( 't lion of the westahore access road H the PUC does not act on the                                                                                                                 N 5 e a t a yWa ennstruction                     the near iuture, the company to the plant if the licenas is finally pettuans wahin 30 days of filing-                                                                          1                                                                                                                                        '

whleh would put the deedDne on

                                                                                                                                                                                                            -     firm selected' by Facific Gas e spokesman said.
                                     , approved.                  J.                                                                                                                                             Ele tric Co. t8 de, Saltial work on Petitions asking for rehearing l
                                         .De udlity company set the th* last at Dec. 38-4t amounts                                                                                                            i
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ; the , Bodega Bay 1melear power the Bodesta case were blod lastj contred Mofves only inithel, to a '* pocket lvoto", af the ts-                                                                            ,

giant.has begun preparations forweek by J. B. Nellande, professor inp ( Nt slie of the props,d au, quests. , wnstructico of the westshore bayof biochemistry at the Universig' i chnMd rower Fant an 4e PGLE has not filed an answer 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                ' st ad.

of California. ami by the North, to the petiuons. one of widrh was c ': heatilands ' , E Ia.Roth. superirnandent for ern.Colifornia Assectatinn in Pro' Sp *

  • accessand real enstedon breach 10 filed of de by the Northern Cailfornts
  • the AAur B. yiiri general con. serve Bodegs Hand and Harbor.

i CustrucNai time de.owing .tha'Assoelation to Preser*s' Bodega traebng firm, today said the firm They charge that new evidence ,, l N42td en We permit-.h esu. Head Ahd Mather er( the other is preparing to hmt 30,000 tons of is swallable and ask the PUC t.: snated at five teths. by Dr. J. B. Nelh els. ' University gravel from Jantae to podega take another look at the PCLil . t l That will e elflete a road in of Nifornia professor at biochem, Naad. proposal to Install the 33.000 kk nearcomplete form; after huvy istry.} Ws sinckphe wul he used in watt plant on the headlands. hauling and tr4At of the plant is .The" enmpany had am'ar sold - the base material for the road Manawhile, the nuclear plam completed the company is obligat that >A mouM nnt start construe, when upstnn light la flashed byproposal was ta be umfer fire an' pline eM R ha also p y sened a li. PGAE for the actual ennstruction, anothw front today, with appear.

                                            +                                                              l agnas 'for construction Nn the                                                                                                                              ance of a Sonoma County rnem.                                   .

he said. - F Atomic Energy Comrt V.sion. , W of the Bodega preservation 7 But with theyt q n bdules pre.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . A PCG aMesmmi snW me toad ennstrueuon and intual ne soc,ety                                before the f3oard of super.

i a ducot by apArenti) boexpected f duelopmat for the tal rnutionMses. plant h Wng hem up awaWng a Mrs. Ms Eban. Sebastopo,


opponnion to the plant before the i . n PUC. tiu enmpany has apparently s,

  • Public Utlhtlos Commmsina de. said she will ask the board to re-deeuied tu proceed with are work elJan an a pair of petitions for open the question of the use per-
                                                                                                                                                                                            'g d                                                                                   whila watts 3 for AEC approval.

s rehenrhg en the intorlm 6pproval mit it has granted the puhties , The Ws aos permh fw 'h 1

  • far the plant issued last month by company for the use of the head-I ,, , , plant says that "all necessary .

Gie PUC. . lands and, submit h to publie I $ ettmits from AL stMe and feders! .I-1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . The PUC decision in expected in hearings.
                                                                                                 - j l
                                                                                                  '             sgencios"is.ostie to     any consta b.t." obained      < 8                '
                                                                                                                                                                          *prw q d                                                                           .

t County Plannmg Dirutor M.a

                           . :t .

y J Prather said he wov84 not cr.nsid. cr inillal nie deve9 ment and

                                                                                         ,.                     road drastruction as '*eonstrue.

4' tion

  • umler the permh-that the A
  • other heenses and permits mont .
  • be menAd for the job ten 42vely 4 *- awarded to the Sart,11rm._._._._

f. g $ * .' . p & , , 7

                            .                             i 8
                                                                                                                                  .s                ,


  • O ' V / )Q . 5 - .
               <          V             .?                                            .                   .                       3'              .       ,
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i  % ., t.

                 ,                                                      i                            ',

v ( 1 ,%y 4e . ... .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -            1 k                             ,                                                                                                                                                                                                         f 9                                           g         .t .                                         .i                                                 g                                                                                                                                                        r      ..s k                                                      "[                              \                    [                                        ,k;                                                                                                                                                    i.b '.g
                                                                                                     ;                                             'f          ,                                                                                                                                           e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . g.       ,
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     ..m e



A-Fpiantmougaoo ' A GROUP CALLING itself the Committed *o . i

  • Preserve Bodega Head has been carrying on a pub-licity campaign whose theme seems to be that , l 1 .

I danger to human beings is involvei in installation of r a nuclear reactor on the Sonoma Coast to serve the

  • l useful purpose of producing bothng water to drive l generators of electricity.

The hst of things that constitute dangers to ".' { r

                                           ,                                                                                                                                                   A human beints is virtually endless. As a few run-                                         .

dom exampich, both over cating and under cating $ are dangerous. So are being cither a pe(.estrinn or a motorist. We noticed in a news story tha mher day that a scientist warns that mile squmre nb o srs ] hit this carth on an average of every 10,000 ' . . ] l and that the law of everages is working ago. I humanity be::ause the last one to hit landed in L ^ vada 20,000 years ago. ] SINCE PRACT;;;/A. / .eryd.In;; you can think I J of is a danger to hu n. a ' .r.p, but since some are more daagero.:s the.. v.hurs,1. ,erms to The ,

  • Press Democret instead of gettu.,, .:rmed be-cause there has never been a nucir .or on Bodega head before, the thing to du 6 out whether it would corstitute a remote or . g .cne '


                                              '        danger.                                                                                                                                   !

Pacific Gus 3: Electric Co. obviously hss ran convinced by its research sind experience that thue is no dangcc It is ir.vcsting the money of its stock. holders hr ue tern, d rmilions of do!!ars in the pro-gram, i - unt dulu v. f. th? wrpencs of either losin;: .. .nvestmcot or ting spied by dam. C ap Juda ..c*.th out of '.... nnt causing destrach. For u i .o utilLy camp.tny dabbling arotmd, in a multi-m/aon dollar sort of way,in a risky experi. r ment. It has the benefit of several years of ex. perience with the pilot. plan' d Vallecitos, near Oak-land, and the pradert knot. t. amed from the l ether and larpr ocmmerc4i. par. . nround the na- , i tion. 1 NO. CTER WHAT the ofnciais of the utility company ..nk, a licenae from the Atomic Energy I Commiser. W rerluirec) before the Bociega plant can be built. And that licen4e will no; he forthcoming if the corec. inion bnr couais concernmc samtv.

b. ore man fWe times as mar.y pcm.e have lost l ,

their livu .n Sonoma County b one

  • this one l - year of 1962 in automobile .n b  : per.

j c entire tahed as a tenuit of nuclear . .h 3 ristion in all the years since sde.. . acnd how to split the atom during Worls Y and the 1 . nationad .x includes everyth w, - . ..nry and civilta , nimenting with the unu..n as well as the open aan of tested and proven t

                                                                                                                                                                                       *N i   r     -         e N"8 N pe.e WPM re -                ,    ,
                                                                                                        - - - _ - - - - - -                _             - _ _ _       - _ _ _ _ _ - _}}