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Requests That Allegations of P Miriello Re Possible Drug Use Involving Shearon Harris Workers Be Handled Through Allegation Tracking Sys
Person / Time
Site: Harris, 05000000
Issue date: 10/07/1985
From: Bradley Jones
To: Uryc B
Shared Package
ML20236E515 List:
FOIA-86-596, FOIA-86-793 NUDOCS 8710290303
Download: ML20236E662 (1)


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' Memorandum For 'Bruno Uryc, Allegation Coordinator q From: Bradley W. Jones, Regional Counsel


Allegations Referred By Licensing Board During the .Shearon Harris operating license hearings conducted the week.

of September 30, 1985, Ms.-Patty Miriello presented testimony concerning alleged drug use involving either past or present Shearon Harris workers. In respone to a question as to whether she was aware of individuals using drugs which were not mentioned in her testimony, Ms. Mirtello indicated that she was aware of others that were involved with drug use. Because these incidents were not in her pre-filed testimony the Board determined that they would not be addressed in the context of the licensing hearing. The Board did request that the Staff l review these allegations as it would any other allegation. l Ms. Miriello did not provide any detail on her non pre-filed allegations during her live testimony. I did ask her after she was finished testifying whether she had revealed these additional incidents to the NRC in her prior discussions with the Staff because her pre-filed testimony stated she had discussed some concerns with the NRC. Ms. Miriella refused to answer me saying that she was afraid I someone from CP&L might hear her. I did not understand her reluctance since the Board had publically asked her to pass the inf ormation on to ,

the Staf f and she had already publically stated that she had talked to I the NRC. Nevertheless, she did not tell me whether she had already passed the additional allegations about drug use to the NRC and I did not have a further opportunity to' discuss the issue with her in private.

This memorandu'. is to request that you handle the allegations of Ms.

Miriello concerning possible drug use involving Shearon Harris workers throught he allegation tracking system. These allegations may already be included i n those which Ms. Miriello gave to the NRC in her previous discussions or they may be additions to those. Since the allegations are related to drug use I suggest, as with any drug allegation, they be referred to 01 for whatever action they deem appropriate. Interviewing of Ms. Miriello may be necessary to establish whether she has any I safety concerns other then or related to her additional drug issues.

In additio$lthe- issue concerning Ms. Miriello's allegations, witnesses for the state of North Carolina indicated that additional

" intelligence" available to them indicates widespread drug use involving Shearon Harris workers. In responding to Shearon Harris drug issues, OI may wish to inquire as to what this " intelligence" involves.

No f urther details were provided at the hearing.

Qf you have any questions on this material please do not esitate to ca(1 me. ~ 'j' 8710290$03 871028 PDR FOIA //

/ I EPTING86-596 PDR  % adley . nes CC '~ .

C. Barth, ELD J. Moore, ELD '
