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Forwards Article from San Rafael Independent-Journal,dtd 631031,re Puc of Ca,B Bennett,Remarks on Bodega
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 11/01/1963
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709250067
Download: ML20235C949 (2)


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Joe Fouchard, News Service Breach November 1 1963 /t Division of Public Informaties, BQ Rodney L. Southwick, Assistaat,to the Manager for Public laformation, SAM REMMLES OF CALIFORNIA PUC CHAIRMAN F1 RLS As reported in the Sam Rafael Independent-Journal, October 31, 1963, attached are remarks of Bill temaatt, State FUC Chairman, on the subject of Bodega (now being substituted in Halloween jargon for bureamerats in place of bogeyman).


As stated cc CBaggid Pries og ug uf.e+4_ ,,_,,_ _

Eobert lowenstein, DI44, BQ, w/ attach.

F. K. Pittman, DRD, BQ, w/ attach.

R. W. Smith, Comp 1. V., SAN, w/ attach.

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l31uhrgenhenf-Inurnal Thursday, Oct. 3 f', 'l963' BODEGA' BAY PLAA'T !act,thetic beautles of San Fran e-ear.B n- 1 and talk at the Sausalito Yach t Club, the group took a short LOGIC ATTACKED adat " ^" - " " * " -

PUC Chairman Tells Marin Mayors No WaThe night was clear, th e y man full and the tights across To Predict Damage Earthquake Might theDo bright.

Bay seemed close and William M. Bennett of Kent 'the field, chairman of the Califo plant at Bodega Head The excursion set a jovial nia Public Utilities Commir would open the door for other ficials mood for the evening, and of-f rom Mill Valley and sion, last night attacked ths industrial logie used by those who woule ger roads, more gas stations developments. , B!g- Sausalito where administra put an atomic power plant o d and bl!! boards would comegovernments a havetive difficulties kept city the news late.

a fault line at Bodega llead. n with the industry, he said.

Bennett, speaking in Sausa ly, came in for a good deal of Bennett said in his mind aes, kidding.

lito before the Marin County thetics can be part of the pub Council of Mayors and Council lic convenience and necessity"- At the beginning of his talk,i

, men, said it is impossible to clause on which t h e Public l predict what damage an earth- Utilities Commission bases its quake might do. rulings. Bennett said he thought at first t The the meeting was to have been But the proponents of the coImmission chairman in Mill Valley, but Bodega plant are forced to ar- also said the PUC must act asthe wrong hospital.,','I went toi gue that earthquakes are good more than just a judicial b o dy, for atomic plants, he held. considering only evidence When he found out that the t "It s just lilre saying a litti brought before it. The com. session was to be in Sausalito, bit of cancer isn't bad for you,,emission, in representing i h e he wondered if should come.

Bennett said. public interest, must do its own "I hear this is where they prac-Pennett explained to his au- Investigating and. prepare evi- ~tice police brutality," he said.

dience of 40 city officials that dence of its own Only in this the atomic feature was not hisway can the public case be i i

main reason in casting the dis' properly presented against the senting PUC vote against the folders and carloads of evi-proposed Pacific Gas and Elec- dence presented by utility com ,

panics and transit companiest t hat bring applications before he Bennett thetics. ma n described re'asonthe was aes t he commission he said.

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iSonoma coast as one ofMembers the of the council of few untroubled coastlines re- mayors and councilmen last /

mainingin California. Allow l ngl night were well exposedgto the ,'  ;


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