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Submits Text of an Announcement Issued by Util Covering Completion of Excavation at Bodega Head Site,Indicating That Util Hopeful of Early Public Hearing
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 10/18/1963
From: Cook D
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709240402
Download: ML20235C265 (2)


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Joe Feuchard, bleus Service Branck October 18, ll e Divistem of Public reformation, SQ Dele J. Cook, Acting Assistaat to the Manager for Public laformation, $All-I PG44 AEGIOUNCES EECAVAT100t COMPLETIQli Mi RJC l fo - A OS l There fellees test of an anneancement issued Thursday night by PG6E severlag completion of escovettom at the Bedega Mead site. It Ladicates, in the fourth paragraph, that the utility is hopeful of J an early public hearing. Test fellows: j Sodems Site Aeoesrs OK es verk sods Escavaties was completed Thursday at the site of PC&E's proposed 325,000 kileeste stemte poser plaat en Bodege Head la Senoma County.

"The suitability of the site appears to be confirmed by preliminary reports of empert consaltamta angaged by PG&t to make an independent evaluation of the feendation," according to S. L. Sibley, vice president and general manager of PG4.E. Sibisy said that final reports from the ceaamitants are expected shortly.

During the last two months workmen excavated a 142-feet diameter pit to a point 73 feet below sea level in the granite formaties l which would besse the plant's underground reactor system. "Our purpose in escaveting the pit at this time was to obtain full informaties ahoot the femadsties," Sibley emphasized. "The esca-waties work was a===8 W alessly by the consultants and PGEE easiesers ateng with scientific teams free U. S. Geological Survey and 9. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey."

"All findings will he sahmitted to the Atomic Energy Commission for a==ad h atien la deterniming the suitability of the site,"

Sibley stated. "We are hopeful that the ABC's public hearings at saata Ross will be sabedsted at the earliest possible date."

Sibley said PGhE does met plan seastructica work at the sita pend.

ing the AEC decision em the license applicatica. The Company's two eme-half mile essese roads at Bed *Se, being finished to semens Comaty opesifications, are nearing completion. ~

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8.F. Chronicle stip, 10/14/ O dj' g ,

se Esteld Price, RES, RQ, w/ attack. Y j Robert 1munassais, DLea, BQ, w/ attack.


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E. W. Smith, Ceay1. V., SAN, w/ attack, e COOKtat -

10/18/63 -

B709240402 851217  :




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lh.New. PG&E iE. Report 'OKs' 1 Bodega Site '

AFOAV A ? k ry/L3

$ Pacific Gas Electric
'Co. announced yesterday

.it had . " confirmed" the bultability of its Bodega

~:ilead site for an atomic d.await power plantEnergy Atomic - but wouldCom-Imission approval before '

.)Mtarting construction.

"The suitability of the site appears to be confirmed by

. ,! preliminary reports of expert


7. consultants engaged by
.'PG&E to make an independ-ent evaluation of the founda .
' tion," said S. L. Sibley, vice Ipresident and general man-bger of PG&E.

b "All findings will be sub-imitted to the AEC for con. g bideration in d e t e r m in in g l

': suitability of the site," he


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