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Forwards Newsclips of Senator Engle Efforts Toward Introducing Resolution on Proposed Bodega Reactor.Resolution Opposing Reactor Const in Marin County Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 04/14/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230473
Download: ML20235A944 (4)


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gee yeeshard, Nees Servies Branch AF 'il 10 INO gb 8 i ., bli. x rm. tie., M -p '

Redmey L. wW Assistemt to the 9

Manager for Fehlte Informaties, S&M g. g, sogeei CLIPS FIIRLS Soester Regio's efforts teuerd intredesing a essolution en the proposed Bodega roaster seem1ted in widneyseed pees ese pisy; radie sad W esaments, insbeding REC's deuutag ed assistento leaning over him at his seance desk. Souple slips ass atteshed.

Also atteshed is a espy of the temoluttom en Bedags pending befoes the Som Franstees Remed of Sepervisers. Note the secolettom states incesweetly "in Morta County". The site is la Aseems Osamty, one more county merth of Sea Fransises.


1. 2. F. E===ri=ar siip, 4/14/64
2. 3. F. Chreatale slip, 4/14/64
3. Morrison reeelation se Bodega

- cci1 Marold Fries, EBS, 4 , s/atteshs.

Robert Leuenstein, m , Et, W/attachs.

F. K. Pittuna, DED, M , w/attesha.

J. D. Lymes, SFI, M, w/sttachs.

R. V. Smith, Co g 1. V., 36N, w/sttache.

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lCa!:Br.da Sen. Clair Ea;te, ston in the race for the Demo-

'h'aning heavily a:cinst his cratic nomination.

Sra.e drd, s!ro;;: led vainly Engle's vain attempt to .

speak occurred when he tried ynterday in speak the few to introduce legislation to de-vords needed to introduce a lay construction of a private bill, power plant in an earthquake A fellow Democrat. Sen. zone in California. <

Pat McNamara of Miyhigan With his right arm in a 1 i i finally came to the a2 year' black sling and his right leg E n!d Cahfornjan s tescue and dragging heavily. Engle was '

introduced j ch mear.ure as assisted into the Senate cham-the ailing F ng.c stood mute, ber by aides Phihp Dickinson > a Partially paralyzed since and Paul Green.


l he underwent brain surgery At the rostrum, Dickinson j more than c:g,nt months, ago, lifted Engle to his feet. With k., -

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.2 Engle has announced his in- the bill on the desk in front icntion to secK re-c]cction. of him, Engle leaned forward SEN. CLAiRE ENGLE

!!awever, many party !caders heavily, bracing himself with A minu:a of silence contend he will be unable to his left hand on the dess.

serve and are backing either former presidential p r e s s There was a long painful mute. nntil his aides again secretary Pierre Salinger or silence as Engle stood slight. assisted him from the Senate State Comptrol!ce Alan Cran- ly swaying, his face blank. chamber

, An official Senate reporter, Green, who recent!v tock

, (Continued on I, age 6, Col.1) notebook and pencil in hand, crer as press secretiry for leaned forward expectantly. Eng'c, said afterward that

' As the moments ticked by En;;'c had insisted cn going in silence,it b;came anp3rtnt to the Senate to int:0dico; Engle was not going to speak, the legislation.

McNamara, star. din; nearby, The dcctors te'l him he's moved toward En;1e and got to take it casy," Green tsked, almost casuany, if the said. "Apparently he was try-Californian wished him to in;; la rush things."

introduce the measure. Green said Engle had been If Engic nodded,it was al- 3almost siting a speech therapist 1

daily" and was able most imperceptible. Eat Mc. to taa: well in casual conver-Namara took the bill and sa gn but seemed to have

. turned toward the rostrum _

ldifncu3.;y in more formal sit-

'- SPEECH TIIEI!APIST ,uancn "Mr. President," ha said.l Eja as held no press

' "on behalf of the Senator! cog ,e r.ces and has not been from Ca'.ifornia,I tend to the j me's to reporters since h E f ratica last August.

k. askdesk thatait.bejoint resolution and j'yo*u t n. ferda po1i tic a appropriately 'ac visited him at
  • ;eaac .

referred." n's ne here but others

( Engle continued to stand t br,' o turned away.






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nur Carmr>uenterfs U Nt:uS' d U U "b tu N M aJ 2G 1 Washington From Pace 1 on some occasions he has and a cane in his left hand.

Senator Clair Engic at- voted audibly, but at other "The doctors tell him he's templed }'esterday to rnake notebook and pencil in hand, got to take it easy," Green waited nearby- times aides and other Sena.

h,s i first Senate speech tors have spoken up for him. observed latcc. "Apparently since undergoing surgery, IfELPED Eng!c's staff and his doctor he was trying to rush At last Senator Pat McNa- have reported that, except things."

but the only word the ail. mara (Dem-Mich.), moved for his speech difficulties, he In Los A n g c 1 e s, Edith

,,' ing California Deinocrat' toward Engle and asked if he is capable of carrying out his Seros, newly oppointed direc-could utter on the Senate could introduce the measure work as a Senator. His staff tor of Eng!c's re-election ,

floor was a long drawn for his old friend. Apparently has issued statements on his campaign, said, "As far as I l "A. ." Engle nodded his consent. behalf saying he intends fo am concerned, the episode "Mr- Pmident " M Na- run for reelection. has both good and bad impli.

Supported bY two aides' mara said, "on behalf of the Engle stood by his Senate Senator from California, I SUNG cations'g"ood The part, she said, desk with a resolution send to the desk a joint reso. After McNamara read the was that Engle felt well asking for a delay in con. lution and ask that it be ap. B o d c g a resolution, Eng!c enough to go t othe Senate propriately referred." continued to stand silently at f l o o r. The " unfortunate" struction of the proposed The resolution called on the his place until his two aides thing, Mrs. Scros a'dded, was nuclear Powcr P lant at Atom,c i Energy Commission assisted him from the Senate that "it didn't come off quite Dodega Head. to study the warnings of the floor, his right arrn in a sling as well as had been hoped."

Through an arrangement U. S. G e o 1 o g i e a 1 Survey, --

made priya tc1y, Senator which declared the new plant

  • ~~ proposed by Pacific Gas and Spessard L. llolland fDem.

Pla.), who was speaking on Electric Co. was dangerously the civil rights bill, yielded close to the San Andreas the floor temporarily so En. fault, l gle could introduce his mea. FIIIST TRY sure. T h o u g h Engle has ap-Phillip Dickinson, one of peared in the Senate a few Engle's aides, lifted the Sen- times since undergoing brain ntor to his feet. Paul Green, except for voting.

E n gIe 's press secretary, surgery last August 24, he walked to the other side of had not attempted to speak l the desk and helped the vet- 1 4

cran California legislator re-main standing.

With the bill on the desk in front of him, Engle leaned 3 I o r w a r d heavily, bracing himself with his left hand on

', the table top.

While his fellow Senators Z watched with sympathy and

'. concern, Engle then attempt-ed to say the few words nec-cssary to introduce his bill.

An official Senate reporter, See Page 10, Col. 5

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