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Forwards News Clippings,Northern California Assoc to Preserve Bodega Head & Harbor 640330 Press Release & Petition to Stop Const of Bodega Bay Nuclear Reactor.Senate Joint Resolution 167 Re Plant Location Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 03/30/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230429
Download: ML20235A817 (12)


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L Joe Beesherd, name aereses asemeh Musek 30, 19 M Midades of mukais Imassmettaa, 4 asesey L. Southwisk, A amemme to the manager der meh11e Y=4===*1on, a&N IATEstSWsteuammem $ d 7 05 i

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i ,Chere is no (elh.un, o with ltoday.s knowledge, when n,ek'sO y //,

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!8an Francisco will exPcri. ,



. enre tis nest maj.or earth. ..I,,G c;,y .


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Experts in the field ,N. ' V r...'..... . .'y, *: y.~.,'J W, '.. .

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' lcannot even say whether - WI' the weckend's quake that ravaged Anchorage a nd y P.ANciscoN.

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creased San Francisco's ., _'> f :h,p, ,.

dangers. . W ,. W .+, .. .

, n .c . . ' .,.e% . .,.. .

' :..i N "$ c ,, b.Q, ,"' i+ #. /. . e.! . .h ., ' / )p 5 ,' ' i It is not known. for ex.

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ampic. whether the Alaskan w J. ? s , - , .%'/s quake represented a relcase . 'W 'Q .d',/ ,i * p}l 71< i *[, , .f of t e n sio n s bcncath the ' , f %.y1 . . 6 y p .h , :.', .g,

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that pressure was building up for a still greater disaster. Y J 'l ' h, .7 [

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There is evidence to sup.

l port both theories.

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fiut noted Bay Arca carth. .

'V' quake authorities said yester. '

'. ? ' ' . , /' .. .

"i,/'q L ,

day that a number of facts ' ' ' "

.'"es' S,

have already emerged, and N c +; o 9,, @'S

.many of them are of pro-found importance to San Francisco. The route of the San Andreas Fault (black line) through California On the one hand, there is Sec l' age H. Cal.1 t\

l t

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. quake, he continued. such A e o E dce co I C-

It w lCato pected to surt!ve.

e .

"It is a suspension brid7c S[ M e MM U l made of stocl. rather clastic n r m v'. Y v L[ M dT bw kMbO  % FM , ;;. s 7/O and free to move," Dr. Dolt 3 !.:

LW d b.W)" m uaw j# c.W * ^

  • d 6' "5 /'5 '/b / l said. But the pecholo:! cal cffect of r ding out a quake From Pane I f and director of the Univer--DTT,olt expressed another


s@ p a%rnia sesmo- bit of caution for those who fe" . . j j the co Pf:EDICTIOW can 1,mfortin;;

ranciset'sthought that graph may find exccasive comfort ncycr,,ic relax in anstations, y\,ou can San soil cond; tions are far better than carthquake in 'the fac earthquakes u:d w.tinue to' those in Ancherage. s buildings r o d e ;

A group of four distin- ""Yet ihere have been se Francisco. catch tpeople thatcc,mp!ctch aware, but there are hopes mostun.

guished geolot i sts-three of rious signs of forgcEnessl out the the well-with 1000 q"ake bulk fairly of the them members of the Alas- for 'that it may become possible I the ever present disaster, Dr. Bolt said. potential l dama;;c coming f rom fire to predict 'them.

kan branch of the U. S. Geo- I am concerned at some, rather than the quake itself. Japanese sdentists hate lof; teal Sune'v-rcported in This bit of reassurance an interview that only a f the building going on may fade in future weeks.}

set up strcas meters at some small portion of Sar. Fran- soum of San Randsco on ' he said.Then he predicted locations in their islands. The cisco has soil conditions as ;line,,,sid hW dcvices consist of two con.

es along the faulti it would be found the An. crcte posts with a 150. foot.

unstable as those of Anchor Dr. Bolt said in a con l chorage quake was consid long quarix tube between "

ference at his laboratory on j etably stron;;er th an San Berkeley campus. the m.  ;


Francisco's disastcr. The quaru tube is fastened '

"In the 1904 earthquake. CLIFFS i lt will take some time to to onc of the posts. and an!

damage was very largely re. "It is not too bad in itself j determine the magnitude of nricted to the filled marsh. ' to build on a fault. but there the Alaska quake, now esti- claborate sensin;; deiice re !

land of 3 fission Day (much is dan;;cr m building houses O cords the small distance bc !

of the present Scuth of Alar. tween the other post and the }

ket district) cod the tide. zones. on the sides of cliffs8.75 La n d s1i d e s are of.

m fault ll mated on the Richter scalc. at between 8.25 and

.tubc's free end. When the '

San Francisco's quake was lands in the castern part of course one of the grave f below the 8.25 distance changes, the Japa-nese theory ;;oes, an carth-the city."

(;corge Gates,reported who served geologist

occur. , problems lwhen earthquakes. . probablyfigure Bolt said. If it had actually! i generally given for 22 years as chief of the The geologists. who ucre ! Letn that high. he deciated? z.C -

Alaskan geo! cry branch. interviewed later at their' the dama;c might have been! "Tn.c theory needs check-

"This was true not only of headquarters in 3Icnlo Park, greater. ing out badly." said Dr. Eolt, i

the buildings but of water agreed with Dr. Bolt's warn- Even with a much stron, J who has applied for a M000 and sewer mains." -

ing. ,.

r- appropriation to install a The site of Anchorage, on 1 the other hand, was swept by f'It was also noted-with no' Y

' stress meter in Straw berry

10ciers three times in recent ); comments - that claboratc , C. myon on UC's Derhelcy foundation work has been . campus.

geological history. iPlanned for the controver- i As they receded, the gla- ' sial nuclear power plant at  ! The day chen predictions ciers left, the area with a Bodega llead, proposed for can be made. Dr. Doh satd, foundation of sands, gravels a site near the San Andreas uiii mean na hamds for and silts d e posited by fault. ' his profex. ion.

streams. At times the region

. Our pred.ctio't will i,e a P G. & E. matter of probabihn. hke was largely covered by lakes.

which m turn built,up delta plant . C r i ti c s have called thei  ! tl.use of the meteorolv;;ists."

areas of clay deposits

  • a menace, capable of' i Dr. Dolt sati I releasing fatal radiation in T13!E "The meteoroloms are Ecase of disaster. The PacificI laughed n u hen they make The hist glacier remaine" 9as and Electric Co. has re- mistakes. But i c .n just imag.

until only 10.000 years ago. 'pliN the plant has been dc.

it was on this base that An- signed to withstand mam.

ine the critich;m u c would chorage was founded 50 years' moth efyltgtuk,w get for routing peop!c out a ;o as the sea ,termmal for '

_,._.i of their homes for an carth-the rullroad to Fairbanks. quake that didn't occur.'

And becau>c the location is flat and convenient and the =

weather is mild, it is here l

that Anchorage will remain.

But all of this is no reason for San Franciscans to be.

1 lieve the.y are safe on or be-side the San Andreas carth-quake fault. .

In the words of Dr. Bruce Colt, professor of geology 1 I

l 1

i f . C wr s P ""

.a cea Bodega A-Plant Fos /w s I

Petiti* ns yf Vs.

Bodega /Cy- Open Drive for Support


1 Head Plant opponents of the racificisecretary of the sorthern Gas & Electric Co.'s pro. California' Association to Pre-l A petition campaign to serve Bodega 11 cad and Har-Posed nuclear-power plant bor. sN 'h n Fmneino urge the Board of Super.

visors *o adopt a resolution at Bodega Head yesterday n:;;. inst the construction of opened a campaign to age win from l"could, tuffer radiation hwible contam- dam- <

the Bodega Head nuclear support of the San Fran.'ination its the event of an cisco Board of Supervisors. carthquake triggered acci-powcr plant was launched hera ycsterday- Pctitions will request the dent at the plant."

Such a resolution was in- board to urge. the Atomic He said persons uanting to troduc.!d before the board by Energy Commission to deny circulate petitions could ic!c-

- Supen isor . lack Morrison a construction permit for a phone the assceiation office Inst Monday. It was referred reactor, mainly because it at THornwall 16300 or pick -

to the board's State and Na- twould be located along a ma them up from Jean Kortum.

. tional Affa,rs i Comm,ittee. jor carthquake fault. 80 Merced avenue, San Fran-David. Pesonen, executive cisco. t sp scre by tho' "or h California Association to Pre-


serve B o d e g a Head and Harbor, f' f W vAh Y>1f6 i  ;

,n s aaeal to UC Face / 20 Me p PreserveJodega Mud /

The University of Cali- l controversy l' Pesonen de j fornia was asked last week clared in a iciter to UC Presi i

,10 encourage its zoologists, dent C1nrk Kerr. "And wei l botanists and biologists to feel strongly that such a-

!cXpress their opposition to policy sh o uid be uniform.

throughout the c:; tire univer-jj erthe propo.

plant sed at Eodega nuclear pow-]

Head. sity community."

David E. Pesonen. cxecu. Pesonen said 1.e believed the tmirerstt.u's support of live secretary of the North. PG&E's application to build crn California Association to the plant had inhibited some Preserve Bodega Head and . faculty members. .

Ilarbor, said two university geologists have been quoted A university spckesman re-by the Pacific Cas and Elec. plied. "Ti,cre are no con.}

. tric Co. as f a v o rin g the straints on sta7 member.1 project. spt-sking :ts indivirluals on "We believe that members cither side of this or other i+

of the f aculty should be al- sues."lic added the universi-lowed the widest possible , ty had no ;ntention of "em freedom in expressing their icouraging" anybody to join

! views on matters of public the Bodega dispute. +


_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _

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(Monday, Parch 30,1964)


E_ ART @UAKE RISKS SLIGHTED San Francicco (Mar. !30)--The risks of an earthquake-triggered atomic holo-caust superimposed on an " ordinary" earthquake disaster "are too important to the people of this state to be lost in a procedur 1 morass," the California Public Utilities Commission was told today--in the wake of the disastrous Alaskan earthquakes.


Thestatementwascontainedinanewpeti$1onfiledp.ytheNorthern f

California Asteciation to Preserve Bodega Eead and harbor, requesting 1

the PUC to rescind *:he permit it granted the Pacific Gas and Ele;tric Company for its controversial nuclear power plant at Bodega Head.

The PUC has the " duty to safeguard. and protect the welfare of California citizens," the petition stated.

The utility has been planning to construct a 325 theucand kilowatt atomic reactor on the scenic peninsula, about 1000 feet frem the San Andreas Earthquake Fault, which triggered the .'.906 San Francisco earth-t g

I e quake and fire. The San Andreas is part or the same Pacific fault systYm' that shattered the coast of Alaska so violently on Good Friday. '

"It is difficult to believe that PG&E can rtill seriously insis 1


' engineering cafeguards' will protect against earthquake damage,"

said David Pesonen, Executive Secretary of the 1cCO-member conservation group. "Most of the buildings in Anchorage were 'aarthquakt proof' too," 1 he said..

i LrA t January the U.S. Geological Survey reporte that a secondary fault penetrates the bedrock at the plant site and that "displa cement ~

on the order of a few feet,felther horicentally or vertically, should



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3 be anticipated" along this "important zone of weakness."

<3 ', 3 "The issue tf safety.has never been met squarely by either" PG&E. ,


, r' ,or the PUC, tne petition charged, c Today',s petition was filed on the heels of a decision by the Cali-I fornia Supreme Court which denied the conservation association's eariidr petition for a new hearin6 to cross-examine PG&E witnesses about earthquake hazards because it was not " time.y filed."

But the court reversed the PUC majority, findin6 that the Atomic i .pyrgy Commission "has not pre-empted the field" of earthquake hazards, and that "the states' powers in determining the locations of atemic reactors are not limited to matters of zoning or similar local interests other than safety."

" California has a rare, chance to decide beforehted if it wants to risk a catastrophe," Pesonen sai6 The Bodega type reactor has been f

described as "de*1cate as a Swiss watch." "It is staer .? responsible folly to place tons of radioactive poisen en ecp of the world's most treacherous earthquake' zone, with Swiss watch controls to keep it con-tained," Pesonen charged. "It doesn't tote a univerzity professor to know that." '

Notin6 that PG&E has stated it is anxious for the Atomic Energy Commission to hold hearings on the issue, Pesonen observed that "the Woodside powerline controversy should settle any doubts about the AEC.

The AEC is as deeply ccmmitted to the construction of the Boteca plant as it is to havir.g ju' . ce for the Stanford Linear Acc6lerator." This

" leaves little room for tranquility," he added.


. ~ j i

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  • *

g":d ? - In the matter of the application of )


a certificate of public convenience )  !

and necessity to construct, install,) A;;11 cation No. k3808 operate and maintain Unit No.1, a ) l 1" pMo nuclear power unit, at its Bodega ) j Bay Atomic Park. )

-i (Electrie) ) )


The Northern California Association to Preserve Bodega Eead and Harbor, Inc., i respectfully petitions the Co==ission to exercise its broad powers under Section 1708 of the Public Utility Code and to rescind the interin certificate of public convenience and necessity heretofore awarded to applicant,. and to set this pe-tition for hearing.

In the recent decision in Northern California Association, etc., v. P.U.C.

the Supreme Court ruled that three members of this Co==ission erred when they decided that the issue ef pladt safety was preempted by federal law.

Although the Suprese Court's decision in thi's matter was adverse to petitioner on procedural grounds, it would seem that the . Court's favorable ruling on pree:ption E

is a recognition of the Coc=ission's duty to safeguard and protect the welfare of California citizens. The issue of safety has never been met squarely by either the applicant or the Cc= mission.

At the requested hearing the petitioner is prepared to present qualified scientific testi=eny challenging the safety of the installation cf a nuclear power

%3 reactor electric generating unit in the i =ediate vicinity of the San Andreas Fault on Bodega Head.

Attached hereto and made a part hereof are the declarations, under oath, of the following:

1. Dr. Pierre St.-Amand and Dreste Lc tardi, seis=clogists and geclegists, yho vill testify to the hazards created by the earthquake faults on and near Bodega Head.
2. Dr. James E. Mcdonald, an at:0 spheric physicist, who vill testify to the contamination of surrour. ding land and co== unities by radioactive detris in the event of nuclear accident at the installation.

3 Dr. Douglas L. In=an, a marine geologist and oceanographer, whc is pre-i pared to testify to the pattern of concentration of fissien products in the sur-1 9


  • r .

l r*

w V rounding parine environment, under normal operation of the plant and in the event f.

of accident.

4. Dr. Joel Hedgpeth, a marine biologist, who is prepared to testify to the effects of fission product concentration in the surrounding marine envirer. ment.

It is respectfully submitted that this matter is too important to the rec;1e of this state to be lost in a procedural morass.

Dated at San Francisco, California, this 30th day of March,196k.

F. respectfully submitted, GARRY, ETJS & McTEICWi (

By Pen *arin Drevrus Dor.nld 1. A. Kersen 3kl Market Street San Francisco, California 9kl05

, Attorneys for Northern California Association to Preserve Bodega Head and Harbor, Inc.

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Arnu,13 (legislative day, MARcu 30), 1964 M

. Mr. McNAMARA (fOr Mr. Exotz) introduced the following joint resolution; l 'I 2 . which was read twice and referred to the Joint Committee on Atomic 1 - Energy

.;, L ',

1$ 'i..


?l 4

. i 4 With respect to the proposed location of a nuclear power plant i

at Bodega Head, California.

i Whereas the Pacific Gas and Electric Company proposes to con-1: i gg struct a nuclear power plant .at . Bodega Head, Sonoma County, California, within one thousand feet from the rift y@.

zone of the San Andreas fault, and has already expended

.1 f,M ahnost $4,000,000 for excavation and other site develop- -

ment for such plant; ,

1. ) . .v .

3Vhereas the Good Friday carthquake of 1964, centering in

^*-u^7." . '

Alaska, with tremors reaching into California, is the : latest

- ' of many in the Pacific Basin that have. demonstrated over k..{:.

i the years the continuing danger of carth movement.along .

the major faultlines of the basin;

,q Y '-4

.: ~

Whereas the San 'Andreas fault, which traverscs Bodega Head,

$a e II _

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'i m . -. I f.' .


. 1

. . 1, 2

- t .

is one such major fracture in the earth's crust whose move-

- ' ment caused the San Francisco earthquake of 1906; ,

Whereas Doctor J. P. Eaton, the seismic hazards investigator of the Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, in a're-

[ lfb j i port prepared in September 1963 for the Atomic Energy

-]' .

Commission, concluded that Bodega Head "is not an ade-quately safe location for a nuclear power plant";


'K Whereas, subsequent to the period covered by Doctor Eaton's '

'f . ,, study, a fault was observed in the sediments above bedrock at said site, and still later in October 1903 when the Pacific


l 4 ,

. Gas and Electric. Company's excavation at the site reached

,i ' forty feet below scale' vel it was discovered that this geologic fracture extends into the bedrock foundation of the proposed a

'L power plant; L

Whereas the Atomic Energy Commission then requeste'd a sec-lK. '


j ,ond study of said site by the Geological Survey, resulting .in

,(( ,

' a second report prepared in December 1903by Doctor t

I Julius Schlocker and Doctor Manuel G. Bonilla who sum-y;. marized the situation as follows:

"" " Faults that occurred on Point Reyes peninsula in rock

[3 4 Pi f, .' . 'similar to that of Bodega Head as a result of the earthquake j[n "' faulting that occurred in 1000 indicate that if some future ,

' 'l carthquake, in which fault displacements comparable to those .

that occurred on the San Andreas fault zone in 1900, took

'I.S$ ,

${ place near Bodega Head, rupturing of near-surface granitic


I i .@jf

.- -bedrock would be expected somewhere on Bodega Head."

w: "Whereas an internationally known seismologist,' Doctor Pierro p'

py: *SaintrAmands, head of the Earth and Planetary Sciences , l Division, Naval Ordnance' Test Station l China Lake? Cali- l E ' \l '

l@. rifornia, has publicly stated with respect to. said. site.thatfa l

11. q l . J.

, S- f

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. worse foundation situation would be difIicult to envisage;"

.and 1

1 7o .

d.. . . y". ;h Whereas despite these warnings and delipite the fact that no y



. construction-permit yet has been obtained for such plant,

.n the Pacific Gas and Electric Company is proceeding'with its - 4 Y,' aq[

4 q plans and preparations for use of said site for such plant': ,.

!' Now, therefore, be it  :


.V 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives.-

..!{. y: 2 of the United States of America in Congras assembled, 1 s ,. .

[j A 3 That the Atomic Energy Commission is directed to make a ,, ~

5, .- . .

f p ' 4 T. full and complete report to the Joint Committee on Atomic ,

  • qi 5 Energy of the Congress with respect to the extent of the ij 6 JCommission's investigation into the risks to the public health '




7 and safety involved in locating a nuclear powerplant at said [

'. l).


+ 8 . site, including in such report an account of the consideration .


.v f I

9 'given' to'the dangers cited in the reports with respect to "

3 1 .

!! ( 10 2 the site by the Ocological Survey; and be it further -

r l![l 11 Resolved, That the Atomic Energy Commission shall

' ;q i -

L. fy 12 withhold the granting of any permit for construction of

%.,C .

e ,Til 13 a nuclear powerplant at Bodega Head until the Commis- -l

. 9:l ;

14 sion.can certify to the Congress, with reasonable scientific  ;

N..M. m _

! 'jg 15 assurance, the geologic adequacy and seismic safety of said .

44, l$'U6. 16 site. l w

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