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Forwards Northern California Assoc to Preserve Bodega Head & Harbor 640327 Press Release Re Petition Against Const of Nuclear Power Plant at Bodega Bay.Board of Supervisors Should Be Advised by Ltr of AEC Procedures
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 03/27/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230393
Download: ML20235A709 (3)


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1 mesh n, i.a aos ,eeebes., =se .e.*e. sh Mwisies of Publis Im8eemettom, mit Bedeep L. h w ak Assistemt to the a

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i etTITION TO S. F. 53r MT1aDR8 GW 3085GL

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r. K. Fitteen, EMB, 4 , m/=**==h.

J. m. Lynma, art, aq, w/easash.

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I l' B709230393 G51217 PDR FOIA PDR FIRESTO95-665

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  • 2620 Telegraph Avenue PRESS PELEASE FCB RELEASE: Friday Afterncen Tel: TEornvall 1-6399 Parch 27, 1964 300EGA GROU?

LAUNCEES PCITION The Eas Francisco 3 card of Supervisors is being ur6ed to adopt a reso-lution against construction of a nucitar power plant at 3 ode 6a Head in a petition campais: launched here to:!sy.

The petition is aired to back up Supervisor Jack terrison, who intro-auced such a rese.'ution at the regular meeting of the Beard 1 cat Mo day.

It was referred to the State and I*ational Affan. mittee under Supervisor f

Roger Boas.

"The City of San Francisco is vitally affected by the Bodega installatics,"

said David Pesenen, Executive Secretary cf the northern California Association to Preserve Eodega Eead and Harter. ":ct only is Ecdega Eead o:e of the finest see:1c resources in cetve:1ent distance for ;eeple frc= Sc Francisco, 1:

but the City could suffer horrible dara2e frc radiation centa:isatic:

the event of an earthc.nake-trig;ered accident at the plant," he added.

"Where experts disagree, putlic opinion is the crbiter," he said. "This petition vill show the Supervisors that their constituents are avare of the 1 proble: and that the Att:ic Er.ergy Cc::issica should be made aware of that cencern."

The petitic lists five cources, ranging frc Gover:cr Erown to the Atc=ic Energy Cc==1ssien itself, cs authorities for the petitien. ,

The reascns listed indicate that San Francisco lies within easy falleut distance cf the plant site, th?.t ne public hearing was held in Sc:c a County, which Bracted FGlE a use-permit in 1960, and that "Cc::en sense dictates j 1

that if there is even the slightest danger involved, it is far better to find a locatien which does cet ;cssess the inherent data,ers of the earth's greatest continental active fault line,". cecordin ; tc Lt. Gover:0r Andersen. i Persens wishing to circulate the petitien a .. . centact either the Associatio: Office at 2620 Telegraph Avenue i:. r A y (Telephcce TH 1-6399) er to plci, t'.w up frc P:s. Jccr Kertur, 60 Merced Avenue in San

15 % 0.hiY E CTE: A copy of the full petition is er. closed fer addi-10 cal inferSatica cen-cerning this release. Also entleced is the /.cnciatict'c latut rJ>c- I' c letter, outlinin3 current harper.in3s in the Ich'Cr. centreverJy.

nevaletter is sent to each of the 1600 =c ters cf the crc:nicctic .

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PETITIO:3 Toe undersi67ea, citizen.s of tae City and County of San 7 anc1:co, respectf ully petition the 3oard of Supervisors to adopt a recclutien crcing tent the United Staten Atc=ic Enerff Commission deny a =cr.etraction Germit f cr a nuclear power plant croposed t:y tne P.acif t: Gas and Cice tric Company at 3odega F.e ad in Sorcza Coanty. Car reasons ano tneir autnority are as followas

1) "Tne proposed plant of FME is regardeo as an unwanted Intr;act by an impressive public re presenta tion... Bode ga, wnile it has not been re-served by Government as one of the playgroansa o f t r.e f.a t u re , nonetheless is part and parcel of tnot recrestioral cccrier waien stretches from Stinson Beacn on and up sne Marin anc 33r.sma c o *.s t line. . . A r.ucle ar pisnt in tne

--:f oner atie c.1111am ilenne t t , Presi-neart of t'.is r ares is out of pince...."

dent, California Pat 11: Utilittes L :.ission, Decisier.f:o. 6701.

2) "I d on' t war. to see a n ea.-;1ar.t out o that besatiful piece newn c on fe re nce , July 196j.

of c oas t."--Gove rn:r Ed:s .s 3. Ir o w r. , ar;nq 4

3) "#e are nere pre e n t e d situ tne pessit'.e c onstr ucticn of a r.ucle ar power unit in close proximity to tne San Ancress Paalt lire. . 001:aon se nse dictates that if tnere is ev e n t:.e site;hte.s t d ance r involved , it is far the innerett dangers of better to find a location wnica does not c o s s e c,'

tne earth's :;reatest c ontifie r.tml ac tive f ault line . " --Lt. Oovernor Glenn Anderton, A gust lj, 1963 ,

cablic damage N 4) "Three t< pes of ace;r.ent s wnien coalo cause se r io u w.

were ass aed...Under ocverse cofctnstions of the canaitions c onstdered , it I w95 estimatec tnat pe ople cm.;la ce ;illec at d ic t c. e t up to 17 ::1le s , anc injured et d is t e;c e s of stout -3 milea. Ltnd cunte.tcin'ation :>als extend for k greater distar.ces." --U.3. Atomic T.ncrg/ Q uission, T3EO C IOAL POS3IBILI- 1 TIES AC OME@I:::E3 07 J.AJ0r 0 0 ! E:"'3 I.i L A., E .E0;'; A2 PO W PLEN , *.T. 3. '

1 Sov't. Printing of fite ,1W-4 n:,.9

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,r u >: 3;& ry; sors ".:re ted a &e

3) Tne Sonost Ihn . her_nt... wit:. mat leps! r.m;ce .::, an:

tne Pacific Gaa ah 'le,r.

. C J L ; *. i. ct 'i r i r. 7 L:; tde C'"  ; #.^/ ' .i 9 *. ' 7 3 *;i 'in * :: e r e f o r .

Witcout n old inif ,

Tne coart is a v. .af a : it c orre.:_ e .. * , ." incr m e

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. . s.C . ; 0:: A.Q Lilbarn heson, 4N o. c.e -c ,

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l Pode p Head sn: i:s r b r ; .h 3 !a l e;; e n n ,


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