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Forwards 640323 News Clips from Oakland Tribune & Santa Rosa Press Democrat Re Univ of California Geologists Supporting Choice of Plant Site
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 03/24/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230201
Download: ML20235A081 (3)



MEZO ROUTE SLIP I Sa ** * *at '"* - F*cacur4,

  • / _

du M hf6O r= action. '/

C ** yv,rm a nxs (nw. Mn H. tem Note and return. For nWture. Fw infern: tion, ,,

TO (Name and untt) IMITIA4.& REMARKS Joe Fepchard, alews Service Bra =ch /, b '



Division of Public Infa - time, IIQ N oAra 500EGA CLIP 8:

IMarold Pr , IK


ff 1. Oakland Tribune 3/23/64 70 (Name and unst) pWTIAL5 ALMANKS Robert Inwonstein, DLEA, IIQ

. anta sa oss sat 3/23/ E


F. K. Pittman, DED, NQ /

/ e

.A T O <N.,n. .nd onio uma acMAan j L i t


J. D. Lyman, DFI, IIQ ( / ,AjQ s DATE R. W. Smith, Comp 1. D ., SAN F ROM (Narre and uniti ntMaaKs Redney L. Southwick Asst. to the Mgr. for Public Info., SAN j e.o a en care 3/24/64 USE OTHER leDE FOR ADQlTIONAL RLMARKS U 5 GovtR***Enf PfilNfthG ofTICE tim 7- W422007 m, o m,1 y1, ,  % -

l l

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B709230201 051217 l PDR FOIA FIRESTOBS-665 PDR



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' Geo!cgists l

Favor Bodega l .

A-Plant Site 1,. i t: ,, -

., . ; : /:' </

i i j i

flodeg:s Head-that controver-l sial mass of oceanside r o c A f where an carthquake left its mark - is a suitable place for an utomic fueled power plant, two University of Califomia

gcologists said today.

The Bode;;a !!ead site is where '

Pacific Gas & Electric Carapany has already dug deep for found.

Ations for its new ruckar fueled l

power plant. i Governmen. o f f i c i a i s are afraid lim! traces of carinquake l l

faults fo"r.d in the earth may l mean the reactor redd he ripped apart by future quakes - spew- j ing radioactive material across  !

l the countryside and into the air.

PGIM geoksists and consult-1 ants insist the flaw has been dormant for thousar.dt of years

-long before the l$if> Sr.nck in a the San Andreas fau!! that! ]

wrecked San Francisen i The la;es vies.', , oi Dr. G..r ,

n:ss 11. Cur:iss ar.d Dr. Jatt F. .

Evernden of the UC Departmer.t!

inf Geokcy and Geophu,ici. are {

lthnt they tere "crasonali.i bi-t ased" the Bedrga site '

unSI they vi@cd it, Now, they Faid. *we can r.ce no rea3onble oojection to the j site." i' and En tndrn said their on the-scene .tudies show that "no majcr displacement  !

han ever taken place within the j site aren t.nd none i< 10 he i

npected in tne near future.' -

Observable mmor displace.

mer.ts. they . aid "h.we not oc. 1 curred within more thaa 40.rii'0

  • year. s . . and woulu not dan-gerously aftect the reactor is they did occur." *- <



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Co.'s vey gengin Jcbus Schlockerl dA' <J J" '" ' -

, ,:;3 cn - . r I . T. L, .P nr.d ?.icauJ G. B an;lia regoried .

OM # ' "

4 '^ . (

' >  ;> r arc.w'ad *s rWe to the /.temic Energy Commis- d'." * * ' E Pd?0 h  !*' N'* ' M ' 'D i

< . . .:.lly' ' '.! ,: d" dreas i . d C , ha F ' m j t ;- 99 ornp n!, but .faand r; air:t ther micn that : hey they lhe f;u:t-e/hich coutda't dub- sayind on whc. the nded plant propox.! the AEC to haki up , h * "'} F I'I'*0 # ' "

, n!c 1 )

, Yb #

" rx, r.

d:..a cbjn 'ica" la, bed &c Encft Fcu!i-v/as active ; furier studica are mad of the

  • m, w; e Maa because of or ir.aeave. i s.m tac sto i ws..,..,a and .nuhure acohrical

'A '.b

. rt. 1:' han rd.  ; But they four.d it "unren.scn ' i; ara ' ' ' * ".' -.,I j mam It cln.r tis c.i t.:at no ,

i a ': /.

. 2 0!r "un/ML ' c.b!c" to thcor:nc thnt more- ,

1 lcJ" et . :w ns lin: tm whEmtnis n'on ihe Thcft Fault p:cscnt studies are being '

, n. r: a e a nany; censulttci .o:: rdcce :E"s than 40,000 vcars cradue'cd r.t the laboratory i t%en un/place; major wahmdisplamnant the sita arn.1, ha l {and in b b he cypec'eci in .

' ume:1~ .. fc;'t cridcal quehn

~.:ntdn'; of'n'o, thrce;th "and IIcnd

- ikde;m enid roc;c it is prohah*ej woddl 'tm Grant. dar a National Scicace Fcunda.' !&c near M ra ,

l .

' riR - unt db- suff(.r u;:ccements "on the or- Dn Ucrais and Dr. Den j j Admitting their .nti phint 1.i-

.;...<...- ': fecari f a tdrntnte der d a icw fces cliher hori- n . :as buore tae:r cudy, tac gcc,cr ucir de rock v. era not caused mntally or ver!!cally" in the ;7', ," " I. ? ". lot their den ' gists say tP.ey now caa no' by rnove:nents !rm t..nt it.u';/ event ot a If.7, type earthquake.

W"Am m kd d dm ;

m the pouwm-arq,l.loager ds,: ;ntag0ninm mainta:n tJ/.ard en thenu.itude usa of. of

'; i conch:t J nt . aphrc- PG&3 Don Try

. .'s ~ C, . 'e rJera'cher, UC gi..t, T.imer ZJ 2F rur:J 'nair c<.ne'a . l tha ::!:c by PG&E." ,;

Jn . : 1:. c. O ..V : :rra n~0 0. ' ' c' ;.va, t , ."" no ge.

. sc.u .he a cn c ,e a : a t ! Tne ;r.0!nic quez:Ucn a c:- g 2 cm um: c fer, c;  ;' - De{ ., t;n ,

y., g' . !;cc::d to ba r.r.iev.t . in dataP., l t , n;j ': *'

,n? '1 0 : , ,

Q: ni the r"'-

' . +. .cy the At3mic l'ncrjy Ccirds-

, rT! wc;.'l na: 6ar :'.rca u Cc "

"' # '" - t Fian uien it hcM a h: ./; ";; .


...e TOCO:r it i!.t i di M'

-* 3.M.Lt Uv/d On th0

.cjth C . . l'S

" L , ' CU%j t:'

cgg ,  ; q;. n.  ; , y !co,;lc:i j IOr pe/ rah?.Un to C.dn a cann ,Jc.

.Le AEC rut or ~ o.' u 6 . .e N. E t. . Lw:d the plant.

, t ?. rene'.: ' ' c. cc.] c

. eV L U ' U.niC 0;. D9V 0- C

  • w . .t:d w'# &' "' ' ,'. . s . . s" , c. :' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ~ ~ ' '  !

. i n ! r. cro ;O r ine , ri.c in "r..Cth C# ##I' i s .

et . sc r. ,

disihcment ' .ahaut d:cnc>e ' -

i . '.C year r0ne ,

l t

' ; e, . e c'

.r r. . . -

L, j m rma p,.aat t;; '

,..e m i.. ..irc was any -

' ii '

f 'w' nyOf:/./.ed . ? : "r.c.,',,,3c."

c!h c'A h the '

W pri:

ime a nbove th0 Sh;ft Fruft Jc , , m y : y o; g. ' i ito ' cr differen'.ial . . . . .i corJ:0!!dation." .'.'

. Y ". .[ ',, 7~6 u .. I .: V "# #' O

b. amovihat er, carh. Dr. Pierre iew

. $w .e ' . ' ' "

4 SL Amand. s is nolo;i. t-Mo-Ra' ; vc 1:! . 2, that tha 8!!c is a "ur m " One rad Aund

,/ uh: ' f:ait evidence on ,

Cu Zd y :.cacInnds.

Dr J. P. Eaton, geol'T,ical

  • durvey carthat: ke expert, last lsu'mner found a " reasonable

! doubt" nbaut the plant safety I

,and termed it "not an adequate-lly safe loen!!0n for a nuc! car

! power Currermy. piant."Dr. IIc:!rpelb.

' director of the University 07 the

{ Pacific's marine hMrato.y at

'D1!bn Death to the sou'h cf the f tne na the Sonnma Coast, has!

(ConGnced ca P c 4 C d O j i