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Forwards Santa Rosa Press Democrat 640209 News Clip Re Opposition to Plant Site & San Francisco Chronicle 640212 Article Re W Bennett Criticism of Us Govt Adoption of Dialing Sys
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 02/12/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220595
Download: ML20234F008 (3)


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g fj F - . - r.i --r, 1. 1,M Division of Fuhlis Laformation, sq Redney L. Asuthwick, Assistaat to tbs Managar for Feblic reformation, SAN r

CLIPS ON BOORGA AND BEmdEIT bd"b03 FLttLS Atteched are clipe os (1) letter to the Editor to andega plant: and A g (1) W1111am Beamett's seesties to U.S. Gewernment adoptime of dialing system.

The latter easts some light se nemmett's willingeoes to critisine Federst operations, especially his dragging the Revy Eerd situaties inte digit-dialling per the third from last p _ _f of the Chronicle etery.


1. Clip, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 2/9/M
2. Clip, S.F. Chresiste, 2/12/M se: mereld Pries REG, 30, w/ettesha.

/ Bebert lesenstein, SEAA, NQ, w/ attache.

F. K. Pittama, EED, EQ, w/atemaha.

J. D. Lymsa, art, EQ, w/sttesha.

.. v. ith, Co. ,1. v., , ./aus. w.

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. 2 .O. .I.-7.Eni b,p?OSi,d,.Oni l UDIT0!b The opposition to IDG0 New Yorkers heard and 1 PCEs Dodega Bay power read so much about their city j piant 1a.3 become a littic ridic- being a prime tartet for nu- f u'ous in m .c ways than one. clear destruction and scent l The unfo:t- ate "ing here is - through an era of "we bury j e the amour

  • of poorly informed you." that even though the  ;

people t h a t the opposition advance of peace has moved j have r a i)i e d around them- u. a litue away from war, selves, only .o produce a gross few Yorkers still accept the injustice to the people of So- idea that New York will be noma County by stopping good one of the first to go. So what progressive efforts and by cre- have u-c < ut here? Earthquake athig a general lable of stu- scarcs and clam beds being ..

I. rained, pidity for us n!!. .

Consolidated Edison plays i

! nm a n:ytive New Yorker, an important part in the eco- l and I e occa travc!ia be- nomic life of New York, and tweta Scw brr. and bat"  !

Ro:s :y c:ae.witc;y oser taa New Yorkers seem to have

, r.; ore confidence in Con Edi-rec- ...v nwher ns raides

'm. ,s v.a tha t the catives of Sonoma L.v. aty and owns Cmy hate in PCEE. This s 7; tracts of prcpert) ]

,, seems to be a general pattern thnre She is a woman of fn,'

j g gg.. ,_t in h crviscrs, '

s yea:3,n.

the ;cca m .

7 ndhasv.c!qanu csunci! men, city pIanner,

, . ..c p. ant. mayors. and m'ana;;ers-often I. Eut here vce have peoplc n, alf uhen they are in odice only a this 0;e . .r.; ,aalf as big few uech about pro;rc.u. when 1: wi:1 l The penpic v.ho are making I b7 used in ine:r oun time and not in my rnether,s. My math-noises about the issues are cr's tww is for her children, rea!!y not daing a publk ser-vice, but are a public nui. >

bc[e it is every man for him' san Everyone is entitled to I 8

his say, but et's stick with Now, in New York, we had the intelli;ent facts and make j our share of ," progress sto? intelligent decisions. l pers" that cried of air pollu* J AMES C. Di PIETRO, tion and water contammation. Santa Rosa but not cf earthquakes, be-cause the city never had one ,

and never will, and not of . i atomic explowon because be-tween the years of 19'0 s and r+--- - Ly - -~we P


SM I l. -. [ ..

y laOYGrnment ,


  • Sh.c ks by -- .

The Digits No Reprieve for Klondike


abaadon lis goal of con-verting 5000 of Its San U.S. Sticks to :ts Digits 2L F*rancisco telephone ex- - ,.. .

tensions to one all. digit number, 55G 9000-a n d ,g in the process dropping ,,

On the dial,556 is exactly' the Klondike prefix. 1"It would be pretty difficult he same as KLondike 6--;

  • " P b The go it alone decision # .,', $1ow$e*"p*c*f7x y"jeg Qnentao tha I ndi flouts California Pubilc. ,. like instead of 55)." avoids the cold, bureaucratic' Utilities Commisston poh- OTilERS sound of the three impersonal cy and sentiments in the, Similir Centrex systems-. numbers. The fact that city to keep the tradition- but without the alldigit gim "KLondike" antedates Utzel- .

mick - also have been in man, and even the General

! al exchange names. '

stalled here by four othes Services Administration i i Wilham M. Bennett, pres. which he proudly heads in i I venerable San Franeisco in ident of the commission,said stitutions: The Wells-Fargt this area, carried no weight l

the State is " powerless" to Bank, the Sixth Army, the with the executive.

intervene, lie described the Bank of America and the Pc The Californla commis-Federals as " intruders." lice Department. sion's order left holes through The decision was made by Officials of these institu- which any customer could tions said yesterday, how- move ahead with allnumber R. C. Utzelman, r e g io n a1 em, yw ang onto systems. But sometime this communications chief for the the name prefixes, indeft- spring, the commissioners Grneral Services Administra- nitely. will hand down a final ruling See Pope 6, Co!. 2. ' a pioneering firm," on the controversial issue, said IIal R. Strass of Wells- and this could force the tele. ,

From Page 1

' Fargo, "but here's a field in phone company and the Fed-which we didn't care to pio- erals to put the old-fashioned tion, the Federal housekeep- neer. We choose to stay with telephone n u m b e r s back ing agency. ,

EXbrook as long as we can." again. ,

ERRORS "The commission publish. CONFUSION ed a (temporary restrain- "At present," said Police Utzelman said all the other j

ingi order which allowed the Chief Thomas Cahill. "weY Federal Centrex switchboards i l

subscribers to take allnum- rather hang onto KLondike in the Nation would be all-

! ber calling if they so desire," because any change would digit, so "I think it would be

! cause confusion,and our busi- less confusing if San Francis. J ness is such that we can't af- co is the same.

l Utzelm,an said, "and we so ford to have confusion. Bennett, president of the Spokesmen for the Sixth c o m mi s sio n, asked drily: (

The Federals are applying Army (J0rdan) and the Bank "Does this mean that Uncle the all. digit systems to phones of America (MArkett said Sam will now be known as

,j '

  • ey, ,an ng @ 862 5M26? He conds our hich uts e caller a Centrex allows you to dial shipyardt, and closes them as 4 extensions in the office di , directly to the extension you he w,shes i and now he has in-

' rectly by varying the combi. want, if you have the num, truded into our rommunica-nationt in the last four digits. ber. If you want to talk to tions system.

Utzelman at General S<.rvices "This is a sneaking thing The switchboard operator ist Administration, for instance, they've done," s aid Hiram

>y passed. This Centrex sys ; you don't dial 556 9000 and Johnson III, president of the tem, by July 1, will connect ask the operator for him. You AntkDigit Diallag League.

with like systems in 355 other dial 556 and add his four digit

lties. "They have done this in thp tension number. face of a State holdup order .

i ..This has all been planned .

If thi months ahead," said Ralph I1981!,s doesn't sound like

Decde, acting regional di-rector of the administration.

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