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Forwards Northern California Assoc to Preserve Bodega Head & Harbor 640524 Newsletter 14 Opposing Plant at Bodega Head. Concern Expressed That Group Stating That Commission Favorable to Applicant
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 05/26/1964
From: Cook D
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220541
Download: ML20234E839 (3)


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Joe Deushard, Haus Servies asumeek alsy 26,1964 y.

Divistem of Dublis Im8====*1am, BQ 4 -



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NEWSt.ETTER No. 14...May 24. 1964 Northern California Association to Preserve Bodega. Head and Harbor 2820 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley 5, Ca11rornia 19719 5th East. Sonoma, California

.S. Mumscar HEMP'G After six hours of expert testimony on PG&E's used An unusual farm of the safety vs. theommittee hazards ofofthe Bodega the San Fran?is:'lonflict power plant, a d in the futureofon interest this matter. may dev Board of Supervisors took the matter ' unde r Nard Intters to the San Francisco submission" to study the great volume of of Supervisors, City Hall, testimony reaeived. Livic Center, are very m0ch in The motion for submission passed on a order. The resolution is File 2 to 1 vote (Boas and M'Carthy vs. Blake) #169-64, introduced by Superviso late in the afternoon on May 19th. When Jack Morrison. _~

it will come before the full Board is not known.

It soon became alear that two issues of /]fg ft j [ggj fp '

central importanae have been raised (Ques-tions of conservation and planning were Senate Joint Re olution No. '

purposely not considered at this hearing.) 1 67, introduced by Clair Engle Dr. James MaDonald, Senior Physiaist a nd backed up by identical House at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Joint Resolution No. 1008 (in-University of Arizona, testified that troduced by Congressman Philip t Burton of San Francisco), has radioactive debris aould descend on San been referred to the Joint Com-Franaisco in the event of a major fission mittee on Atomic Energy, i produat release from the reaator. This It seems Qnlikely that the testimony established that even though Bodega Head is not within the political r esolution can hurdle the citadt p risdiction of the S.F. Board, it is of the utility industry's lobby very mu-h a matter for concern in the city. in it isWashington possible that thisthe year. But JCAE


Dr. M-Donald aonaluded that if the ae- would hold hearings on the re-ident oacurred during night hours in the solutions in California. The key congressman on this committ S immer, loaal inversions and weak land l breezes would produce a radion:tive plume is Chet Holifield of Californir l entering the Golden Gate within a few who is vice-chairman of the cor hours. If it occurred during the daylight mittee. ' The chairman, however, j .

Summer hours, hardest hit would be Petaluma is Senator John Pastore of and Santa Rosa. If the accident oacurred Rhode Island, who attacked op-position to the Bodega plant in Winter, dispersion of the cloud would i

be greater. but land contamination would during his remarks at cefemenif I

in~rease beaause of atmospheric scrub- dedicating PG&E's Humboldt Bay bing by rain or fog, plant last Fall.

SHIPf CAPACITY  :"% - - = = :*3 r::

But it was apparent that the most signi- "

l ficant item as far as Supervisor McCarthy hA//.) f [ g) (() / i was eencerged (and McCarthy was by far i

the best informed of the three supervisors For the moment, besides wri

' on the committee) was the novel " design ting letters to the S.F. Super concept" submitted by P0tE to the AEC on visors and Congressman Chet  !

March 31st, 1964, as Amendment No. 7 to Holifield, try the followingt i the company's hazards analysis. iuke a roll of tape and the Amendment No. 7, as we noted in the enclosed poster and, pronto, e Inst newsletter, in effect concedes the to post it at your corner rect possibility of fault movement through the store, supermarket, book store reactor site. No reactor has ever been a laundromat, drug store, hair designed to withstand shearing motion dresser, linear accelerator or ,

through its foundations. Yet this is -

P0&E office. The San Francisc  !

preaisely what P%E is attempting at hearing was very expensive anc Bodega Head. P0kE's geological consultant, we badly need to beef up the U C. Mar 11sve. said that he thought tu nnury for the AEC hearings.

Amendment No'. 7 was unnecessary and Good attendance at the Benefi-that he would prefer to see the company will put us way back into the

.^ new found the rea-tor on solid rock. (The y-design concept will float the re-black, if last year's experiet

--when we netted $2500--18 a actor on sand and surround it with com- fair indication. If you can"

' pressible material.) come to the Benefit, your che.


would still be handy.

Perhaps the'most significant admis-sion by PG&E counsel was that the design EQUAL TIME had been " suggested" to PG&E by a member Radio KCBS' " Viewpoint" wi (We have reason _to cover the Bodega subject on e m a statemant nv nnt o ntne Thursday evening, May 28th, a

[ of gAF theiaveAEC staff.

C consultants that the desirn dej,gils 7:30 p.m. This is a phone-in Arma recrete which program...just for us. (7)

.T< sye el e sE n e d 4 thT AEC is attempting to obtain for_ - - . - -._._

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. '" The second annual

  • BOD!DA BM BENEFIT . ,lPUCj ' continued from left-hand column) jatt ' concert will be'beld .ir Sah Francisco j on May 31st .nert Sunday,1*.This pitl bc . The majority: opinion was based on th the only pubAic appearancr'in 19% by jazz contention that there was no new evidence trumpeter Lu Vatters, father.of;the Ssn .present. The.two ieports by the U.S. Gee -

ytancisco Jat's " movement, legendar;'Wcai

  • logical Survey (including discovery of a j severick of the 1940?s,'geologtst, .polemi . fault through ,the reactor site) and the r '
  • port by 'Dr, Pierre St.-A:.and as well as


reistrand member-of the Aaaostatiqu's

  • Board of Directori.7e il'll"a51n blow reports by three new PCS:' consultants and

\* out the svening with Turk Murphy',s Jazz At endment Jio. 7 offering a new design con .

apparently are not considered as new evid ;'

~ '

Band. U fThe concert vill run from 6 pm to by;the com!ss!on, . . , . . ,

sidnighjatEarthquakeMcGoon's,'630 Clay', , It seems clear that if $he majority ha Street, site'of last ye'ar's ; benefit. '- nottehosen this reason for de9ying the pe This yehr's toncert promises to sur- i" it would have found another. To reopen 3 pass even the success of last year. Lu '

hearings vould be an admission of previou j has "got back'the old:11p f following a P error...and we can't .have that! j year of practice and ertensive. recording '

The. denial was no surprise.


for Fantasy recor'ds. .Tantasy released a : o -


k) rpm' disc by Watters and Darbara Dane


h POLITICAL ! W S early in 1964 and will toon release an LP e *,- .

Each of the three princ1;al Democratic titled Blues Over Bodega, done.v$th "

Senatorial candidates on the' June 2nd bal Barbara Dane shd Vally Rose,, piano , e has now taken a position opposing the Bod !

for the Yerba Buena Jazz.Be.nd.' ,

atomic plant.1 Senator flair Ingle essde  !

All the old tunes on the'new record vill. his position' abundantly clear during the be in the program, including E m S,le,Ptoer,.'  %'when' he introduced a joint cc l TA Villain, Some o,,f These Des , Villie Me,,', pional N resdln'ici ask!n3 that the AEC wit Veeper, Pork a,njd, Beans, 6 g Franetsco g,y,. , -catm h W L M W'fm hperor Nrton's' Bunch, as well sie, two new "- assurtnees of ssfety. '

Vatters compositions, B}ues, e Over Bodern

,7- -Alan Cranston stated in the question  ;

and San 3 Andreas Shake, both. composed on following a speech on the Berkeley campus 1 In e as na r the' anarakhon concert , the University of California on May 14th will be by the Goodtime Washboard Three,': he was oppe ad to construction of the pla who performed to everyone's.. delight 4

last .,

According to San ?rancisco Chronicle ]

year's benefit. ' Their style:lles somewhere be received his greatest applause follovi y this reply. ,

between a jug-band and the Philharmonic, ,

l Skiffle probably 'comes closest. -(The. ,L- The other major Democratic contestant

' already stated his opposition to the plan 3enefit poster was designed by.Vayne Pope,,5 y a member of the troup'.) They v'ill pea.*cra I . ,atApril a breakfast meeting in Santa Pera on 23rd. Pierree Salinger said at the their new composition, also soon to be re- ]

leased on the Tantasy labelf titled f tl . . mesting that his position was. based prima on grounds of earthquake: hazards.

' Mame PME, Pal;"- ."* . .,

2 i on the Pe: llican the Primary, kater of Ceremonies vill be'llal McIntyre, - j vho became familiar to millions of Pay Area Bad hancis.c maustrialist Lee Kaiser sh j listeners in the early 40s witB his friday , y less prescience when he said in Santa.Ros 3 night broadearts from.the Dawn Club over KYA,.. May 7th: "I've dopie some investigating an j "Lu Vatters' ' coming out .cf retirement.. , I aE comple H y unimpressed with the inge j and raising his legendary born to blow on n . ligence and everi the motives of people wh e an atomic reactor is history- Jats historF#5f ar opposing it [he plan 17. ,.


! . social history, and American history," said .,-

There a pint in helping those aga


Clay.Vatson, director of the N(V Drleans .' you. So, .an; ret.s yishing to do volunteer j for either of the :friepaly campaigns in S i

  • Jatt dWseus and Archives ~on' heanna.of last 4 year sgconcert.

Francisco ma; call Cranston's headquarter (Bill Kitchen) at YU 6-0373 ar.d Salingert l I

,T mas n ,

-. at n 7-3952.- -

h* -

. , kDISTA77APPC ,


The State Public Utiliito$ etsistichi W Dr. fHary I, Bunting,' formerly presiden i 4 xagain denied a.htition frei tt .aciation

{C'=::'Jesten Radcliffe College,,vas, appointed lket mon l for further bearings on May 21H, by hesident lohseon to .v.he sent on the A J- !;. President'VilliamBennettissdd A ivUr2r vAmC4MyRobb.Vilson..,, , f j

' dissent from the majority efin,1D .L.J,1.t nr*

  • WP INJ; * a utcro. biologist, e t j

^ h that PGLE is, in effects is tu y *' # LMS M* rc cf %c; children., ,Ehe ,ia 'tho t the consission by pru,tsQ pigta n pihY,'; W *'Wnp]in#3 tc tha AEC in its '*67 yes.? 1 conferences but asrW.%ta p~a at +C.JW LEY / ato::t '

the commission. C 1: wop a , ,.'.j enUT*WWMmg tg nop.Wpy Kitle the (Continuet'ichp.wn v dM t . ' S h N- :n

-o . .Y. ..uw} v , , ' ..,,..,.",'.g l


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