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Forwards Clip from Santa Rosa Press Democrat Re Views of Representative Clausen on AEC Hearings Re Bodega Bay Reactor Application
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 07/03/1963
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220470
Download: ML20234E665 (2)



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h ,'i Joe WWeshard, meus servise transh ,, Anty 3, IM3 M vision of Public Informaties, R andmey L. esothetsk. Aesistaat to the Manager ser hblic Imaer-meima, M5 a mystsgunnVE CLADEER'S STAM SE BW88k MACIDE MatL8 .

Amsteeed to a slip from the $ sata teos Press Damessat of Aume 38, LM3, commersing the visus of aspresostative Gianses (5'-1** 1 ia) en the Aac heartags em the Bodega Bay seester appiasaties.

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Bishard E. Domewan, Set, R, w/ east.

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M 4.1 L Cur /n A PLANT HEARING - 9 i

Clausen Asks That All L , .

Get Chance to Testify ':

Congressman Don H. Cla'usen to-Atomi ergy Co on .

A copy of his letter to Seaborg

-sure that "all groups and individ' **

uals" will be perraitted to testify

[ Dear Dr. Seaborg.

at the AEC's hearings in Santa As you am aware, the pmposal Rosa on the proposed Bodega Head of the Pacific Gas and Electric nuclear power plant. Gmpany to constmd a nelear ,

"Such a procedure, in my opin.; . power plant at Bodega Head, So-lon, is the only acceptable method j mma County, CaMornA b caused by which a arrive at an enlight, , a great deal of concem in the

  • ened decision based on all d the , M Congmss,onal Estrid d Cab facts," Rep. Clausen said in a let-
  • fornia, which I repment.

[i .

ter to Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, chair. "II i Atonu.s my understanding that the m man of the AEC. e Enugy Conniss,on i will l

-i Mr. Clausen said his tall
s with . hold public hearings in Santa l

l' officials of the AEC and U.S. Geo-

. logical Survey indicate that the Rosa, California, within the com-pg m nths to case emence AEC's Santa Rosa hearings will be m favor of and in opposition to held "probably in late August or the PG&E's proposal. These hear.

  1. 3 September." The hearings are be. Ings am of great importance to my 1 ing held to determine whether the ',

constituents, and I, thank you for

~3 - AEC should grant a permit to Pa- scheduling them at a location most cific Gas & Electric Co. to con- convenient tLthosy, persons con-

-4 ,struct the power plant. l' cemed.

AEC officials said announcement

  • of the hearings would be made af.
ter it receives a report from U.S
  • In view of the seriousness of:

Geological Survey regarding earth- the situation, I respectfully urge.


h ;.9 quake faults, mainly the major you, Mr. Chairman, to assure that '

y1 San Andreas fault, in the imme- all gmups and individuals _,with .

  • diate, vicinity of , the proposed pertinent information are permit.

atomic power plant location. When ted to testify add that all evi ,

b this report is completed, the AEC dence and arguments for and' la required to give M days notice against the proposal are fully and to the public in setting the dates fairly heard. Such a procedure, fr..

of the hearings .

my opinion,is the only acceptable:

hep. Clausen said he had re- method by which to arrive at an, ceived scores of letters from con- enlightened decision based on all!

I stituents who are convinced that of the facts.

construction of the power plant is "I would appreciate your pmmpt either dangerous or unnecessary, attention to this request and your

. A full and fair hearicg to bring out all argumenta and evidence on 1 both sides is.necessary to assure assurances case. I thank you for that such the mn-sideration.and attention of your '

will be thel that the AEC arrives at the cor. self and your staff in keeping me t reet decision," Mr. Clausen said., informed of the progress of this Project. .

"In addition, would you please have your staff transmit a supply of the Commission'sjegulations ca, hiisrings to me for dissemination


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