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Page 2.1-2 of Rev 4 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1987
Shared Package
ML20234C644 List:
PROC-870730, NUDOCS 8709220074
Download: ML20234D377 (1)


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2.1.1 Unit 1 Turbine Building Vent. Unit 2 Turbine Building Vent and Radwaste Solidification Buildino Vent Monitors: RE-12839C (Unit 1), RE-12839C (Unit 2) and ARE-0026C NOTE: Turbire building. vent serves as the release point for the condenser air ejector and the steam packing exhauster.

For 'the purpose of implementation of Technical Specification, the setpoint for these noble. gas monitors will be calculated as follows:

c, = the' calculated basic setpoint value.

l (AG) (SF)-(R )t (DT B .' (1) c3 = .the lesser of or (AG) (SF) (Rs) (033) (la) c = c + BG. (2) sp s l 3 SF = the safety factor, which is a conservative factor applied to each noble gas monitor to compensate for statistical f fluctuations and errors of measurement. The value of the safety factor must be between 0 and 1; a value of 0.4 to 0.6 j i

is a-reasonable range of values for gaseous releases. A more J l

precise value may be developed if' desired. '

BG = the background level for the particular monitor.


= an administrative allocation factor applied to apportion the release setpoints among all gaseous release discharge pathways to assure that release limits will not be exceeded by  !

l' l

simultaneous releases. The allocation factor for a particular l

1 discharge pathway may be assigned any desired value between 0 and 1 under the condition that the sum of the allocation factors for all simultaneous release pathways does not exceed i

1. For ease of implementation, AG may be set equal to 1/n, VEGP 00CM, REV 4 7/30/87 2.1-2 8709220074 870917 PDR- ADOCK 05000424

, P PDR j