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Intervenor Exhibit I-NCNP-3,consisting of NUREG/CR-4536, Superheated-Steam Test of Ethylene Propylene Rubber Cables Using Simultaneous Aging & Accident Environ, Dtd June 1986
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1986
From: Bennett P, Gilmore T, St Clair S
CON-FIN-A-1051, RTR-NUREG-CR-4536 OL-1-I-NCNP-003, OL-1-I-NCNP-3, SAND86-0450, SAND86-450, NUDOCS 8612110183
Download: ML20215A155 (140)



, d NUREG/CR-4536 SAND 86-0450 RV , 7 ,,, .

Printed June 1986 "w' M DEC -8 P7 :21 GFT' 00c..i v, .-

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Superheated-Steam Test of Ethylene Propylene Rubber Cables Using a Simultaneous Aging and Accident Environment P. F.. Bennett, S. D. St. Clair (K tech), T. W. Gilmore (G:VanTe0

    • e se2v, Sa o.a Nat.ona. Laboratories CLo:se oA New Menco 67185 anc L ve'more Cahto<n.a 94 ESC v t,e un te: States Crecartmen: o' Ene c3 unce< Contra:1 DE.AC04 760D00729 .

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NUREG/CR-4536 SAND 86-0450 RV i


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i P. R. Bennett, S. D. St. Clair (K tech),

  • and T. W. Gilmore (G2 VanTel) 1

' June 1956 I

Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque. NM 87185 I

i Operated by Sandia Corporation j for the U.S. Department of Energy

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Prepared for Electrical Engineering Instrumentation and Control Branch I l

Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Under Memorandum of Understanding DOE 40-550-75 l

NRC FIN NO. A-1051 l - .

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ABSTRACT The superheated-steam test exposed different ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) cables and insulation specimens to i

simultaneous aging and a 21-day simultaneous accident environment. In addition, some insulation specimens were exposed to five different aging conditions prior to the 21-day s.imultaneous accident simulation. The purpose of this superheated-steam test (a follow-on to the saturated-steam tests (NUREG/CR-3538)) was to (1) examine electrical degradation of different configurations of EPR cables, (2) investigate differences between using superheated-steam or saturated-steam at the start of an accident simulation. (3) determine whether the aging technique used in the saturated-steam test induced artificial degradation, and (4) identify the constituents in EPR that affect moisture absorption.

The cable electrical degradation was determined by insulation resistance and AC leakage current measurements.

One aged multiconductor cable product had electrical degradation, although the aged single conductor cable did no: have electrical degradation. Therefore, the current qualification practice of using single conductor cables to qualify multiconductor cables may not be a conservative approach for all cables. Physical and tensile properties (measured after the accident) for insulation specimens did not improve ac the accelerated aging time was increased.

Therefore. the aging technique did not induce artificial degradation. In addition, the constituents that appear to affect moisture absorption and/or produce other chemical changes are fire retardants. nonsurface treated clay, or lack of vinyl silane.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Pace trecutive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . 4
2. Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1 LICA Facility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1.1 Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1.2 Test Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1.3 LICA Fixtures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.1.4 Test Cans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.1.5 LICA Aging of Samples. . . . . . . . . . . 16 1 3.2 HIACA Facility and LOCA/ SAC Steam Supply System. )?

3.2.1 Operation f or Siraultaneous Aging Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

'. 3.2.2 Operation for the Two Transient. . . . . . 18 1 3.3 Other Test Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3.1 Mandrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

> 3.3.2 Flanges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

, 3.3.3 Potting Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

. 3.3.4 Energizing Cables During the HIACA

> Accident Simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.3.5 Data Acquisition and Instrumentation . . . 29 i

4. Experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.2 LICA Aging of Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . 36 4.3 HIACA Test Setup and Visual Examination of Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

, 4.4 Baseline Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 l 4.5 Addition of Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . . 41 4.6 Simultaneous Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.7 Visual Inspection, Insulation Specimens Removed

( and Baseline Tests Repeated . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.8 Addition of Unaged Cables. Visual Inspection.

l Baseline Tests Repeated, and Addition of Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.9 Superheated-Steam Test Accident Environment . . 45 4.10 Posttest Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 1

l 5. Results of the Posttest Examination . . . . . . . . . 54 i 5.1 EPR D lot 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 l 5.1.1 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 l 5.1.2 Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . 60 v

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Pace 5.2 EPR D lot 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5.2.1 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~

60 5.2.2 Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.3 EPR F: Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.4 EPR H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.4.1 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.4.2 Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . 70 l 5.5 EPR 1483: Insulation Specimens. . . . . . . . . 74 5.6 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.6.1 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.6.2 Insulation Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . 77

6. Conclusions of the Superheated-Steam Test . . . . . . 78
7. Comparison Between the Results of the Superheated-Steam Test and the Previous Saturated-Steam Tests . . -

81 l 1

B. Conclusions from Both the Superheated-Steam Test and the Saturated-Steam Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

9. References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
10. Appendix A - EPR 1483 Formulation
11. Appendix B - Instrumentation and Calibration Records
13. Appendix C - IR Measurements after One Minute at 500 V:

Raw Data

14. Appendix D - AC Leakage Current Measurements: Raw Data 1
15. Appendix E - Summary of Test Deviations
16. Appendix F - Chemical Analysis l 17. Appendix G.- Reduction in Insulation Specimen Weight with Time e

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1. Artist's Rendition of the LICA Facility . . . . . . . 12
2. South LICA Linear Array. Dose Rates (krad/hr) for November 1. 1984. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1
3. LICA Circular Array. Dose Rates (krad/hr) for November 1. 1984. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. Insulation Specimens Held in LICA Fixture . . . . . . 15
5. A LICA Irradiation Test Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 L
6. HIACA Test Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7. LOCA/ SAC Steam Supply System. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8. Test Chamber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
9. Cable penetration Adapter for Multiconductor Cables . 26
, 10. Flange for Single Conductors. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 I'
11. Flange for Unaged Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
12. Load Bank / Terminal Block Configuration. . . . . . . . 30 L
13. Thermocouple Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
14. Flow Diagram of the Experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . 34
15. Virgin Cables on Mandrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
16. Chamber Temperatures During the Simultaneous Aging Exposure on August 6, 1985 at 09:00 . . . . . . . . . 42
17. Aged Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
18. Intended Temperature and Pressure Profile for Acciden,t Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
19. Superheat Cable Test:

Intended and Actual Temperatures. . . . . . . . . . . 50

20. Superheat Cable Test: Intended and Actual Pressures. 51
21. Posttest Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 vii

LIST OF FIGURES (continued)

Page 22.' Posttest: Aged EPR D Lot 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

23. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cables 57 A, B. C and D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24. Insulation Resistance Me.surements 58 for Cables G and H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25. Insulation Resistance Measurements 63 for Cables E and F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cable I. . . . 64
27. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cables J. K, L and M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 .
28. Insulation Resistance Measurements' 72 for Cables N and O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1 Pace

  • 1. Formulations of EPR 1483 and Five Variations. ,

. . . .' 9 '

2. EPR 1483 and Five Variations ., . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7 i /
3. Dose Rates Available for HIACA Aging July 26, 1985. . 21 . >

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4. Dose Rates'Available for HIACA Accident Simulation )

August 26, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Order of Cables, FromTo'htoBottom,

5. , '., i on Each Mandrel . . . . . . . . . . . ,

. 23

6. Virgin Insulation Specimens .

.. . .,. . . . . . . . . 35

7. LICA Aging for EPR D and'EPR F Insulation Specimens . 37 ,
8. Cable Designators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 i 9. Order of Cables gly Mandrels . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 h 10. Effective Cable Length . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 39 l Cable Test aamp Recuirements for the 11.

Accidefit Simulati'n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

12. Circumference Measurements for Cables A, B, C, D, G. and H . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 r
13. Posttest'AC. Leakage Current Measurements for EPR D Lot 1 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
14. Results of the Chemical' Analysis for EPR D Lot 1 . . 60
15. Measurements'Taken After the Accident for EPR D Let 1 . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
16. Circumference Measurements for Cables E, F, and I . . 62
17. Postte,st AC'Leakago Current Measurements for EPit D Lot 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
18. Results of'the Chemical Analysis for EPR D Lot 2 . . 66
19. Measurements Taken After the' Accident for EPR D Lot 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 o

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y LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

Page 2d. Measurements Taken After the Accident for EPR F . . . 68

21. Results of the Chemical Analysis' for EPR F

, . . . . 69

22. Circumference Measurements for Cables J. K. L, M, N, and O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 69
23. Posttest AC Leakage Current Measurements for EPR H . 73
24. Results of the Chemical Analysis for EPR H . . . . . 73
25. Measurements Taken After the Accident for EPR H . . . 74
26. Measurements Taken After the Accident - EPR.1483 . . 75 t


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I The purpose of the superheated-steam test (a follow-on test

'to the saturated-steam tests discussed in NUREG/CR-3538) was to:

,- 1. Examine electrical degradation of single conductor, l multiplex, and multiconductor ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) cables,

2. Investigate the effect of using superheated-steam rather than saturated-steam at the start of an

! accident simulation, I

I 3. Determine whether or not the aging technique, used during the aging portion of the saturated-steam i test, influenced moisture absorption in_the insulation and thereby induced artificial degradation, and

4. Identify the constituents in EPR which affect moisture absorption and dimensional swelling.

. To' answer these questions, three subtests were conducted.

In Subtest 1. three cable types (EPR D lot 1. EPR D lot 2, and EPR H) were exposed to simultaneous aging and a 21-day simultaneous accident environment. These cables were in three different configurations: single conductor, multiplex, and multiconductor. In Subtest 2, EPR D lot 1 and EPR F insulation specimens were exposed to five different aging conditions and then to the 21-day simultaneous accident environment. In Subtest 3, EPR-1483 insulation specimens and five variations of EPR-1483 were exposed to simultaneous aging and the 21-day simultaneous accident environment. The constituents of EPR-1483 that were varied included fire retardant, surface-treated clay, and vinyl silane.

The results,of subtest 1 have shown that aged EPR D lot 1 multiconductor cables (but not the aged single conductor, aged multiplex, or unaged multiconductor cables) experienced substantial electrical degradation when superheated-steam conditions were used at the start of the LOCA profile.

Electrical degradation (the cables failed to maintain high insulation resistance values) occurred between 19 and 21 days into the accident simulation--slightly later than in the saturated-steam test. Furthermore, for these aged multiconductor cables, the jackets were split at the conclusion of the accident simulation and the cables failed

the one minute at 1800 Vac test (which is less severe than the five minute 80 V/ mil withstand test.) EPR D lot 2 and EPR H did not show different electrical results between single and multiconductor configurations. These cables even passed the five minute 80 V/ mil withstand test.

The results of Subtest 2 showed that the physical and tensile pro.perties (measured after the accident simulation) did not improve as the accelerated aging time was increased.

Although all EPR-1483 insulation specimens in Subtest 3 showed a chemical change after the accident simulation, removing the surface treatment of the clay or the vinyl silane bonding caused a loss of ingredients and other chemical changes. In addition, insulation specimens without a fire retardant absorbed less moisture and had better tensile properties than those with either a chlorine or bromine fire retardant.

From the results of the three subtests and the saturated-steam test, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Since only one product (aged multiconductor EPR D lot 1 cable) had lcw IR values and large leakage currents, the differences between the electrical degradation of single and multiconductor cables do not appear to be generic to all cables. However, because single conductors and multiconductors did behave differently for the aged EPR D lot 1 cables, the current equipment qualification practice of using single conductors to qualify multiconductors may not be a conservative approach for all cables.
2. Since cable electrical degradation was not observed until several days after the start of the accident exposure, safety systems that are required only at the start of an accident may not be impacted by this degradation process.
3. Since the same results occurred using either superheated-steam or eaturated-steam at the start of the accident simulation, it does not appear that saturated-steam conditions forced moisture into the cable causing the cable to fail prematurely. (Superheated-steam only delayed the electrical degradation of the cables slightly.)
4. It was suggested, in the saturated-steam test, that the l single conductor showed no electrical degradation due to the absence of jacket-insulation interaction effects and less severe bending (no helical bend component). Because the multiplex the superheated-steam test, had no 9

electrical degradation, the primary cause of multiconductor failure is due to the jacket-insulation interaction effects. ,

  • 5. EPR D lot 1 was certified'to LOCA requirements, but failed to maintain high insulation resistance values throughout the' test. EPR D lot 2, although not certified, passed the test. From a chlorine and bromine analysis, the insulation was found to be different for each lot.

However, since the physical and tensile properties were similar between batches of EPR-1483 (from Subtest 3) with a chlorine or a bromine fire retardant, other formulation differences and the processing between lots 1 and 2 may also be different.

6. The aging dose rates and temperatures in the superheated-steam and saturated-steam tests were not inducing artificial degradation because the physical and tensile properties (measured after the accident simulation) did not improve as the accelerated aging time was increased.

, 7. The constituents that appear to affect moisture absorption l and/cr produce other enemical changes are fire retardants I. (chlorine or bromine). nonsurface treated clay, and lack i of vinyl silane.

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i The report, "The Effect of LOCA Simulation Procedures On Ethylene Propylene Itubber's Mechanical and Electrical Properties.(NUREG/CR-3538)," included.two tests with simultaneous thermal and radiation aging and a simultaneous radiation and steam accident environment (Reference 1). The temperatures for the accident profiles were similar to those


of the LOCA profile of IEEE 323-1974. The pressure profile was based on saturated-steam conditions associated with those temperatures. These tests will hereafter be referred to as the saturated-steam tests.

One aged, ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) cable product in the saturated-steam tests showed the following result: the multiconductor cable had substantial electrical degradation but no electrical degradation was apparent for the single conductor cable. This aged. EPR D lot 1 multiconductor cable also had moisture absorption and. swelling. It was hypothesized that the dimensional swelling of the insulation caused stress buildup within the multiconductor geometry.

When the jacket split to relieve the stress, the sudden release of constrictive force on the insulators may have caused cracking or breakup of the insulation. It was suggested that EPR D lot 1, single conductor cable performed better due to the absence of jacket-insulation interaction effects and less severe bending (no helical bending).

In the past, the jacket was considered to provide protection to the multiconductor cable that was not available to single conductor cables. Because of this, IEEE 383-1974 allowed qualification tests for single conductor cables to be used as a basis for qualification of multiconductor cables.

However, the results of the saturated steam tests indicate that this may not be the most conservative approach for all cables.

Because this conclusion could impact current equipment qualification. regulations, the test conditions were re-examined. A question was raised as to whether using saturated-steam conditions, rather than superheated-steam conditions, at the start of the accident profile may have forced moisture into the cable and have caused the cables to fail prematurely.

In order to address this question and several other questions arising from the saturated-steam cable tests, a superheated-steam test program was conducted. The questions to be answered include:

1. Will EPR D lot 1 multiconductor cables experience substantial electrical degradation if superheated-steam.rather than saturated-steam conditions are used at the start of the LOCA profile?
2. Do other EPR cable products show different electrical results between single and

- multiconductor configurations?

I 3. Does the aging technique influence moisture absorption in the insulation?, and

4. What constituents of the insulation influence moisture absorption? .

The radiation, temperature, and pressure levels of the t superheated-steam test were similar to those of the previous saturated-steam test. For aging, a slightly lower dose rate was used. For the simultaneous accident exposure, the differences included using superheated-steam conditions at temperatures above 154*C and lower dose rates.

The superneated-steam test was composed of the three

!. subtests described below.

l Subtest 1 The purpose of this subtest was to answer two questions:

(1) Will EPR D lot 1 multiconductor cables experience substantial electrical degradation if superheated-steam rather than saturated-steam conditions are used at the start of the LOCA profile? an'd (2) Do other EPR cable products show different electrical results between single and multiconductor configurationc? In addition, this subtest provided a comparison between different cable lots and information on jacket-insulation interaction by including i

three configurations of cables.

Subtest 1 included three EPR cable products: EPR D lot 1, t EPR D lot'2, and EPR H. Three different configurations of cabling (multiconductor, multiplex, and single conductor) and insulation specimens were included. Multiplex, single conductor, and insulation specimens were created by disassembling multiconductor cables. Therefore, the manufacturing process was the same for all specimens.

The test specimens were subjected to simultaneous aging equivalent to forty years at 55'C: 40 Mrad (at 0.27 Mrad /hr ,

for'149 hrs) and 139'C for 167 hours0.00193 days <br />0.0464 hours <br />2.761243e-4 weeks <br />6.35435e-5 months <br />. Aged, as well as ,

unaged test specimens, were subjected to the accident 4


profile. The 21-day simultaneous accident profile included approximately 110 Mrad and a steam environment with a maximum temperature of 171*C and a maximum pressure of 448'kPa (65 psig).

Subtest 2 -

The purpose of Subtest 2 was to determine if the aging technique, used during the aging portion of the saturated-steam test, influenced moisture absorption in the insulation and thereby induced artificial degradation. If moisture absorption remains constant, even though the aging time is increased, then the increase in moisture would appear to be realistic--not an artifact of the accelerated aging technique. However, if differences in moisture absorption are found by using different dose rates and aging temperatures, then the aging technique used in the previous, saturated-steam experiment may have produced artificial degradation.

EPR D lot 1 and EPR F insulation specimens were prepared from multiconductor cable and single conductor cable, respectively. Tnese ir.sulation specimens were exposed to five different simultaneous thermal and radiation aging conditions using progressively lower temperatures (155'C to 103*C) and lower dose rates (765 krad/hr to 16 krad/hr).

The specimens were exposed to the same equivalent age:

(1) 50 Mrad and 40 years at 55'C or (2) 25 Mrad and 20 years at 55*C (assuming a 1.04 eV activation energy). These samples were then exposed to the accident simulation described in Subtest 1.

Subtest 3 The purpose of Subtest 3 was (1) to identify constituents which cause moisture absorption and dimensional swelling in the insulation and (2) to help establish the applicability of the test results to other cable products. This was done using a nonproprietary formulation (EPR-1483).

EPR insulation is comprised of approximately forty percent EPR polymer by weight. The remaining sixty percent of the formulation includes fire retardants, clay fillers, coupling agents, and other ingredients. The presence of these constituents may affect the moisture absorption of the insulation. For the superheated-steam test, the fire retardant, clay filler, and coupling agent were changed.

EPR 1483 and five variations of EPR 1483 were exposed to simultaneous thermal and radiation aging: 300 krad/hr and

141*C for 167 hours0.00193 days <br />0.0464 hours <br />2.761243e-4 weeks <br />6.35435e-5 months <br /> or 300 Krad/hr and 141*C for 83.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.

i The specimens were exposed to the same equivalent age:

(1) 50 Mrad and 40 years at 55*C or (2) 25 Mrad and 20 years at 55'C.(assuming a 1.04 eV activation energy).

, respectively. These samples were then exposed to the accident simulation described in Subtest 1.

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2. MATERIALS The following commercial EPR products were used in this test:


1. EPR D l'ot 1: A three conductor, 600 V, control cable with flame-retardant EPR insulation. The jacket is made of chlorinated polyethylene. The cable met the requirements of IEEE 383-1974 and was purchased from the manufacturer by Sandia National Laboratories in 1981.
2. EPR D lot 2: The same cable product as lot 1; however, the manufacturer did not certify that it met IEEE 383-1974 requirements. The cable was purchased in 1984 from a distributor for the manufacturer.
3. EPR F: A single conductor, 600 V power and control cable with flame-retardant EPR insulation. The cable met the requirements of IEEE 383-1974 and was purchased from the manufacturer by Sandia National Laboratories in 1982.
4. EPR H: A nree conductor, 600 V. power and control cable which is a multiconductor version of EPR F. The cable has a flame-retardant EPR insulation and a vulcanized chlorosulfonated polyethylene jacket. The cable met the requirements of IEEE 383-1974 and IEEE 323-1974 and was obtained from the Washington Public Power Supply System in 1985.
5. EPR 1483 and five variations: The nonproprietary formulation of EPR 1483 is similar to the commercial EPR products in use in nuclear power plants (Reference 2).

The formulations for the six compounds are given in Table 1 and the differences between the six compounds are identified in Table 2. These six compounds were mixed, cured, and made into sheets by the Akron Rubber Development Laboratory. Inc. These sheets were purchased ,in 1984. (The data from Akron Rubber Development Laboratory is found in Appendix A).

These materials were used in the following forms:

1. Cables as received from the factory: multiconductor cable (EPR D lot 1. EPR D lot 2, and EPR H) and single conductor cable (EPR F).
2. Multiplex cable: Multiplex cables are multiconductor cables with the outer jacket removed. The conductors remain in their twisted (multiconductor) configuration (EPR D lot 1 and EPR H). .


>7 Table 1 Formulations of EPR 1483 and Five Variations Amount (Parts /Hundred)

Batch: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nordel 2722 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 DYNH No. 1 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Zinc Oxide 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Paraffin war 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7

Zetax 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Aminox 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Translink 37 60.0 60.0 60.0

- 60.0 Silane A-172 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -

SRF N774 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0


Litharge 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

' - DiCup R 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 ll 33.0 33.0 33.0 4 Dechlorane +25 33.0 - -

Antimony Trioxide 12.0 - 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Burgess KE - - - 60.0 - -

Whitex - - - - 60.0 -


Saytex 102: - - 33.0 - - -

y p (Br fire retardant) i .

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Table 2 EPR 1483 and Five Variations Batch # .

1 EPR 1483 2 EPR 1483 minus the fire retardant (Dechlorane plus 25 and Antimony Trioxide) 3 EPR 1483 minus the chlorine fire retardant (Dechlorane plus 25) plus a bromine fire retardant (Saytex 102) 4 EPR 1483 minus the surface treated, calcinated clay (Translink 37) plus a different surface treated, calcinated clay (Burgess KE) ,

S EPR 1483 minus the surface treated, calcinated clay (Translink 37) plus a nonsurface treated, calcinated clay (Whitex) 6 EPR 1483 minus vinyl-silane coagent (Silane A-172)

3. Single conductor cable: The single conductors are multiplex cables with each conductor separated from the multiplex configuration (EPR D lot 1 EPR D lot 2, and EPR H).
4. Insulation specimens: Some insulation specimens were obtained by removing the jacket and sheath from the EPR insulated conductor, carefully stripping the insulation from the stranded copper conductor, and cutting the insulation into 10.9 cm lengths (EPR D lot 1, EPR D lot 2, EPR F, and EPR H). Other insulation specimens (EPR 1483) were cut from 15.2 cm x 15.2 cm x 0.2 cm sheets into strips with the following dimensions:

10.9 cm x 0.63 cm x 0.2 cm.


3. FACILITIES I 3.1 LICA Facility The Low Intensity Cobalt Array (LICA) radiation facility, at Sandia National Laboratories, was used for aging insulation specimens. This facility is shown in Figure 1. The LICA pool, in which approximately 16,000 curies of Co60 are submerged, is filled with recycled demineralited water. The depth of the pool is approximately 5.8 m to provide a radiation shield for experimenters.

3.1.1 Arrays The LlCA consists of three basic arrays: the North Linear Array, South Linear Array, and Circular Array. For our aging exposures, the South Linear Array and Circular Array were used. These arrays are discussed ir the following paragraphs.

South Linear Array

~. .*. e 5curh I.inear Array is shown in Figure 2. The array consists of six test cells holders, each centaining four j cylindrical holes, which are positioned parallel to two

linear cobalt holders. Together, the two linear cobalt holders contain approximately 3000 curies of Co 60, The radiation dose rate of any hole in a given test cell holder is comparable to the dose rate of the other three holes. The radiation dose rate for each position is given in Figure 2. (The dose rates are cnly valid provided blocking cans are used).

Circular Array o The Circular Array, shown in Figure 3. contains approximately 10,000 curies of Co60 and consists of three rows of three cylindrical holes. Since the cobalt surrounds the center hole, the highest dose rate in the Circular Array is found in the center hole. The dose rate for each hole is also given in Figure 3. (The dose rates are only valid provided blocking cans are used.)

3.1.2 Test Positions The insulation specimens were aged in the following locations: (1) 1B, 1C, 2C, 3B, 3C and SD, of the South Linear Array, and (2) lY, 2X, 2Y, 22 and 3Y of the Circular Array.

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Figure 1. Artist's Rendition of.the LICA Facility

13.6 15.5 15.5 13.6 1*

44.6 47.5 49.5 52.4 2*

COBALT HOLDER 109 107 107 113 3*


.l 112 112 113 112 4*

i l- .


l i 47.5- 53.4 54.3 51.4 5*

I l i 1"  !

i 15.5 18.4 17.5 14.6 6*


  • l-6 indicates test cell holders Figure 2. South LICA Linear Array Dose Rates (krad/hr) for i November 1. 1984 l


. X Y Z 129 299 141 1 Circular array 291 i 765 l 302 2 of Cobalt k

i 142 298 129 3 l

,i Figure 3. LICA Circular Array Dose Rates (krad/hr) for November 1, 1984 3.1.3 LICA Fixtures A perforated LICA fixture, shown in Figure 4, was used to hold EPR D lot 1 or EPR F insulation samples within the test cavity without having the samples touch the inner. wall of the test cell or each other, thus preventing melting and -

fusion of the samples. The LICA fixture consists of two circular plates of perforated stainless steel (with holes slightly larger in diameter than the insulation samples) and a bottom circular stainless steel plate. Each plate has a 1.3 cm (1/2 inch) semicircular notch on its edge. All the plates are assembled with the notches vertically parallel to each other so that the air flow tube of the test cell works

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ew Figure 4. Insulation Specimens Held in LICA Fixture as a guide for positioning the LICA fixture within the cell. The plates are held together with three stainless steel threaded rods to give a fixture height of 10.2 cm.

The center plate can be adjusted to stabilize the samples in a vertical position.

The LICA fixtures for the EPR 1483 insulation samples were different from the above fixtures because the EPR 1483 strips did not fit in the small diameter holes. For the EPR 1483 fixtures, the perforated stainless steel was molded into a 12.7 cm tall cylinder shape with a stainless steel plate welded to one end of the cylinder. Stainless steel wire was run through the holes of the cylinder 2.5 cm and 5.1 cm below the top of the perforated stand to create six .

compartments. Each compartment in the fixture held three to  ;

five samples.

3.1.4 Test Cans The LICA fixtures were sealed in the. test cans and lowered i into the proper space. See Figures 1 and 5. For each test can the airflow tube was positioned closest to the linear

ccbalt holder in the South Linear Array or to the center '

cobalt source in the Circular Array. This method of positioning allows for properly rotating the can to minimize the radiation gradient.

3.1.5 LICA Aoinc of samples At an aging exposure corresponding to an equivalent of 25 Mrad and 20 years, insqlation samples were removed and the test can was rotated 180* in the clockwise direction.

Before the test can was opened, the thermal control unit was shut off for five minutes and air was allowed to flow through the can to cool the LICA fixture. After aging was completed, the remaining insulation samples in the test can were removed.

3.2 HIACA Facility and LOCA/ SAC Steam Supply System The HIACA (High Intensity Adjustable Cobalt Array) facility and the LOCA/ SAC (Loss of Coolant Accident / Severe Accident Condition) steam supply system, located at the GIF (Gamma Irradiation Facility) at Sandia National Laboratories, were used to expose the cables and insulation samples to , I simultaneous aging and accident simulations. A O.45 m-(16 ft3) stainless steel pressure vessel was used for both the aging and the accident exposure. (Henceforth, the ,

i stainless steel pressure vessel will be referred to as the l 1 test chamber.)


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Figure 5.

A LICA Ir: adiation Test Can L

N 3.2.1 Operation for Simultaneous Acino Simulation For the aging simulation, the test chamber is placed inside the GIF cell and connected to a recirculating hot air system. The hot air system consists of a 20kW circulation heater, a Chromalox 3CR temperature controller, a 2 hp paxton blower and a piping configuration that provides for approximately 10 percent fresh air make-up to assure the Presence of oxygen during aging. (A Kurz air velocity meter was used to check the flow conditions during set-up.) The chamber is equipped with a tubing system against the inside wall of the chamber which surrounds the test specimens. The 20 tubes exit the chamber into a manifold system that allowed the flow to each individual tube to be controlled.

This method improved temperature uniformity by providing flow adjustment during the simulation without having to interrupt the thermal portion of the simulation. Once the experiment reaches the desired aging temperature and uniformity is achieved, the cobalt is raised to provide simultaneous aging conditions.

The 32 cobalt pencils are contained in the HIACA facility.

The HIACA facility consists of an elevater syste- that positions the fixture apprcximately 25.4 cm under the pool i level. Thirty-two telescoping tubes can then be raised hydraulically into the cell in 8 groups of 4 each. Figure 6 illustrates tnis capability. This capability is explained further in Reference 3. The aging dose rate (July 26, 1985) for 3. 4. 5. and 6 groups is given in Table 3.

3.2.2 Operation for tha Two Transient. Simultaneous Accident Simulation The LOCA/ SAC simulator was used with the HIACA facility for '

the simultaneous accident sequence. Figure 7~shows the major components and piping of the LOCA/ SAC simulator. The 6 hp boiler and immersion heaters charge the accumulators to operating pressure. Low pressure steam is then routed through the superheaters and is used to heat the Al 2O 3 balls in the regenerators to an average temperature of approximatel 232*C. This process takes about 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

When the simulation is about to begin, the proper regulator is selected and the system is valved to direct flow through the regenerators to the test chamber. The test is then initiated by the opening of the air-actuated valve and the superheated steam enters the chamber. As the chamber reaches the desired pressure (in approximately ,

10-15 seconds), the superheat vent valve is used to control the amount of superheat (approximately 17*C). After the initial ramp is completed and the temperature has y __ _ _



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Table 3 Dose Rates Available for HIACA Aging July 26, 1985 Number of Groups

  • Dose Rate (Mrad /hr) 1 2

3 .161 4 .215 5 .269 6 .323 7


  • 4 pencils per group Note: Radial uniformity acnieved even with one group (Reference 3).

stabilized, the steam is routed directly through the superheaters. The regenerators are isolated. thereby conserving the stored heat for the second temperature and pressure ramp. The ramp-down portion of the test is acccmplished using a separate regulator and line so the The saturated steam does not cool down the main steamAsline. for procedure is then repeated for the second ramp.

simultaneous aging. the cobalt was raised after The each ramp when the chamber temperature had stabilized. dose rate, calculated for August 26, 1985, for each group of pencils is shown in Table 4.

3.3 Other Test Considerations 3.3.1 Mandrels Each cable specimen (total cable length approximately 23 m) was wrapped on a mandrel. Three mandrels were used for this test. Each mandrel is 38 cm high with an outside diameter of 30 cm. When the three mandrels are attached together. j

' their total length is 114 cm with the edge of the top mandrel-31 cm below the chamber head. sealing edge and the i bottom of the mandrel stack approximately 11 cm above the bottom of the chamber.

4 1

Table 5 l Order of Cables. From Top to Bottom,

, On Each Mandrel Mandrel Cables EPR H: single conductor (red)

EPR D lot 2: single conductor (white)

, EPR D lot 1: single conductor (black) 1 EPR D lot 2: multiconductor EPR H: multiconductor EPR D lot 1: multiconductor i

EPR D lot 1: multiplex EPR H: multiplex EPR D lot 2: multiconductcr 2 EPR H: multiconductor EPR D lot 1: multiconductor EPR D lot 1: unaged EPR H: unaged 3 EPR D lot 1: unaged EPR H: unaged I

e i

l i .

3.3.2 Flances As shown in Figure 8, the test chamber head had eight penetration sites with four of the sites reserved for the

team inlet, steam outlet, thermal aging unit, and 1 :nermocouple flanges. Since only four penetration sites remained and fifteen cable specimens (30 cable ends) were to be tested; a special cable penetration adapter was used on one of these penetration sites. All flanges and the penetration adapter were attached to the chamber head using 1/4-20 bolts which were torqued to 5.65 N-m (50 in-lbg).

As shown in Figure 9, the cable penetration adapter was made to accommodate twelve cable end penetrations by welding 1-inch pipe couplings spirally along the outer edge of a 5-inch diameter stainless steel pipe (304 TS) with flange adapters on each end of the pipe. Four more cable end j penetrations were made available on the end of the penetration adapter by attaching to it a flange with two

- 1-inch and two 3/4-inch pipe couplings welded to the flange. The cable penetration adapter was used at the penetration site for the eight multiconductor cables exposed to aging.

!~ The three single conductor cables, to be exposed to aging.

were run through another penetration site. As shown in Figure 10. a flange with five 1/4-inch and four 1/2. inch pipe couplings was attached to this, penetration site. The

] extra three pipe couplings were plugged.

As shown in Figure 11. the last two penetration sites were fitted with flanges having two 1-inch and two 3/4-inch pipe coupling adapters each. These two flanges were used after ,

thermal aging to accommodate the four, unaged multiconductor i cables.

j 3.3.3 potting Cables l

The ends of the extra cable lengths were run through the '
various pene.tration sites and the pipe coupling adapters en the flanges. Thin-walled stainless steel tubing (20.3 cm long) with a SwagelokO male connector on one end and a
Swagelok end-cap connector on the other end, was attached to

., each of the flange pipe couplings. The stainless steel tubing restricted the aging or accident environment to the interior of the test chamber.

The cable was sealed inside the stainless steel tube with epoxy. The epoxy was 3M Scotchcast No. 9. This epoxy has i

been tested and can withstand temperatures of 371*C at 1.2 MPa (180 psi). A hole, approximately 0.16 cm i

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(1/16-inch) larger than the diameter of the cable, was drilled into the end-cap connector and the end--cap was tightened onto the stainless steel tube assemblies. The cable end was guided through the tube and emerged from the hole in the end-cap. By using electrical tape along the bottom of the end-cap and covering the bottom with putty, the assemblies were fixed into position and the tube was prevented from slipping along the cable length.

Approximately 5 cm of cable was left exposed between the pipe coupling and male connector to allow the tube to hang vertically; thus, permitting the epoxy to fill the tube properly. With the cable centered in the tube, the tube was heated with a heatgun and the epoxy was allowed to slowly flow into the tube. Once the epoxy was within O.64 cm of the top edge of the tube, filling was discontinued.

The epoxy was allowed to cure for approximately 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Then, the stainless steel tube assemblies were attached to the flange pipe couplings. (No sealing failures or steam leaks occurrcd from any of the assemblies.)

3.3.4 Enercizino Cables Durinc the HIACA Accident Simulation

!- The cables were connected to a load. bank that was operated at 480 Vac, 60 Hz, and 0.57 A. Figure 12 includes a schematic of the system, as well as an illustration of a typical cable connection to the terminal blocks. A Magtrol power analyzer was used to monitor the load bank during the test. The current through the cables was limited to 0.6 A tecardless of cable degradation. No active measurement of

( leakage current was taken because of the incompatibility of j

p the data acquisition equipment with the 480 Vac circuit.

-d 1

3.3.5 Data Acquisition and Instrumentation The data acquisition system consisted of two Acurex Autodata 3

Ten /10 dataloggers, one Acurex Autograph 800, 2 Hewlett

  • packard dual pen chart recordets, and one DEC PDP 11/23 laboratory computer. Datalogger "A" was dedicated for F informatiod necessary to propetly operate the steam system.

Datalogger "B" was used to monitor the chamber environment.

The autograph unit was used to monitor the 40 Type K thermocouples installed in the regenerators in order to help I evaluate the warm-up of the regenerators. One chart recorder was used to provide a constant record of the temperature and pressure profile of the environment for the experiment. The other was used to monitor steam system parameters such as accumulator pressure and flow, and steam flow.

i .

480 VAC




16 O o (21 ea)





< < c m U U U U ,


o. u u o u d






TYPICAL CIRCUIT: 480 VAC l 60 Hz, .57 AMPS l (3 ea)


1 Figure 12. Load Bank / Terminal Block Contiguration l

The two dataloggers were connected to the computer via an RS-232 interface. The dataloggers were continuously scanning the channels and periodically outputting data to both the self-contained printers and the computer. The HIACA experiment monitoring program (HEMP) was used to receive and store the data on RLO2The hard disc forwas computer dataequipped reduction at the end of the test.

with a dial-up modem capability to allow access to the data during unat' tended operations. The computer was only used to record data; the computer was not used for any control purposes.

The system instrumentation consisted of pressure transmitters, Type K thermocouples, Vortex flow meters, a pressure switch, and photodiode radiation detectors.

Figure 7 shows the location of the pressure transmitters and thermocouples throughout the system and their datalogger and channel number designations. The pressure switch was used to monitor the HIACA hydraulic pump pressure and the datalogger channel was alarmed to provide a " loss of pump pressure" indication. The purpose of the photodiode detectors was to give a positive indication that a radiation field existed in the cell.

The experiment was instrumented with 36 Type K thermocouples, a pressure transmitter and a calibrated digital Heise gauge. The datalogger B was used to monitor the 36 thermocouples, the pressure transmitter and a magtrol power analyzer. (The magtrol power analyzer was used to monitor the current, voltage, and power applied to the cables.) Figure 13 shows the locations of the thermocouples installed in the chamber.

The equipment used during this experiment is listed in Appendix B. The manufacturer, model number, accuracy, and calibration data are included.


1 I o' o C -

(O -x2 Q

'O C3 f



= [ CbNTER

-= :

TC 4 5 j


TC 7 =


TC 5 s _2- -

,_ ~? TC 8 TC 6 5 ' SIES TC I4 t-- TC13 w /

  • TC 2ty'" Q-* _ TC 2 2*

TCli r HEE TC 9 E 35 ~


\ Tc io'e .-

1? -

.-(TC12 / E7

_T C 3 2 r

TC r6 TC 15 x

["e=EE E

  • TC 23 [( -I .. TC24*

TC I8 i BiEE TC 17 s it -

  1. /

TC 2 5 > ~ ~ ::Lc~ Z TC 25*

EEE TC 20 =


dp* ~' TC 19

+ Ic27 -

W fF- -xTC 2s*

. o

. J= e ,.

TC35 ,

TC 34 TC 29*

  • TC 30 Mf  ? TC 33 UNCAllBRATE D THERMOCOUPLES Figure 13. Thermocouple Locations



j 4.1 Overview A flow diagram of the experiment is shown in Figure 14. The  !

superheated-steam experiment is divided into two parts. In l Part I. virgin cables and insulation specimens were measured {

i to obtain baseline data. The physical properties of the virgin cab'les and insulation specimens were measured and the j tensile properties of the virgin insulation specimens were l I

f measured. This baseline data is listed in Table 6 for the following cables and insulation specimens: EPR D lot 1 EPR D lot 2. EPR F, EPR H, and EPR 1483 and the five variations of EPR 1483.

Part II involved the three subtests. Subtest 1 is shown in Ecxes B. D, and E. In Box B, three cable products (EPR D lot 1. EPR D lot 2, and EPR H) and their corresponding

, insulation specimens were exposed to simultaneous radiation and thermal aging in the HIACA. The, test conditions were j 40 Mrad (at .27 Mrad /hr for 149 hrs) and 139'C for

.67 hours7.75463e-4 days <br />0.0186 hours <br />1.107804e-4 weeks <br />2.54935e-5 months <br />. As shown by Box D, unaged cable and insulation

_pecimens were added to the HIACA chamber prior to the accident simulation. The unaged cables included EPR D lot i and EPR H and the unaged insulation specimens included EPR D lot 1 EPR D lot 2, and EPR H. Box E identifies the simultaneous radiation and steam accident simulation in the III ACA. The 21-day accident profile included approximately 110 Mrad (at three different dose rates) and a steam environment with two transients (maximum temperature of 171*C and maximum pressure of 448 kPa (65 psig)). As shown in Figure 14. the materials in Boxes B and D were exposed to the accident profile (Box E).

Subtest 2 is shown in Boxes A and E of Figure 14. In Box A.

EPR D lot 1 and EPR F insulation specimens were exposed to rimultaneous aging in the LICA. Although the specimens were exposed to the same equivalent age, the insulation specimens were exposed to five different simultaneous thermal and radiation aging conditions using progressively lower temperatures (155*C to lO3*C) and lower dose rates (765 krad/hr to 16 krad/hr). The aged insulation specimens from Box A and corresponding unaged insulation specimens were exposed to the accident simulation (Box E).

Subtest 3 is shown in Boxes C and E of Figure 14. In Box C, EPR 1483 and five variations of EPR 1483 were subjected to simultaneous aging. The aging conditions were 50 Mrad /hr (300 krad/hr) and 141*C for 167 hours0.00193 days <br />0.0464 hours <br />2.761243e-4 weeks <br />6.35435e-5 months <br />. The aged insulation specimens from Box C and corresponding unaged insulation specimens were exposed to the accident simulation (Box E).

L - .

Part !

Virgin Insulation Specimens:

RPR D lot 1 UR D lot 2 EPR F EPR H EPR 1483 and variations cables:

EPR D lot 1 EPR D lot 2 EPR H

'- Part II C


A P simultaneous Simultaneous Simuitaneous Aging (LICA) Aging (HIACA) Aging (LICA)

Cables and Constant Dose pate Various Dose mates-L Temperatures Insulation specimens: and Temperat ure EPP D lot 1 Insulation specimens: EPR.D lot 2 Insulation spetirren::

EPR D lot 1 EPR H EPR 1483 L variations EPR F i

D I o E Unaged (Virgin) simultaneous Accident cable: EPR'D lot 1 Simuletion EPR H (H1ACA)

Insulation , specimens:

EPR D. lot 1 EPR D lot 2 EPR F EPR H EPR 1483 L variations Figure 14. Flow Diagram of the Experiment ,


Table 6 Virgin Insulattosi specimirais A. Virgin Cables: Diameter (cm)

Mult1 conductor Multiplex Girpjl_e, Conductor EPR D lot 1


1.10 .79 .43 EPR D lot 2 1.08 None .40 EPR H 1.18 .84 .41 B. Virq1n Insulation Specimens:

HPR D lot 1 EPR D lot 2 EPR F EPR H Ave. weight (g) 1.32 1.40 2.01 1.39 w

Length (cm) 11.13 i .11 11.18 1 18 11.07 e .14 11.13 i .11 f ,

Outside diameter (cm) .40 1 003 .40 * .02 .47 1 003 .41 i .002 118.8 + .89 125.12 + 3.6 160.7

  • 4.4 89.8 + 3.0 T (H) e 229.3 _+ 4.04 245.5 _+ 9.54 361.67 .e. 10.41 241.75 _+ 12.34 o (t)

C. EPR 1483:

3 4 5 6 Batch 1 2 1.65 1.95 1.84 2.53 1.83

- weight (g) 1.88 length (cm) 10.97 1 11 10.92

  • O 10.92 1 0 10.92 1 0 10.92 1 0 10.92 1 0 thickness (cm) .21 i .01 .20 * .02 .21 1 002 .21 1 02 .29 i .02 .21 i .01 width (cm) .66 1 02 .64 1 02 .64 1 01 .63 1 01 .65 i .02 .67 1 02 105.3 4 4.4 To (N) 146.3 1 9.0 141.6 1 14.6 150.3 1 10.7 145.5 1 4.4 196.2 i .6 e (%) 222.25 i 16.54 189.0 1 27.8 184.80 1 19.83 192. 1 18.55 160. 1 25.46 284.66 1 11.68 l .


Part II of the experi Nent will be discussed in greater detail and in chronological order in Sections 4.2 through 4.10.

4.2 LICA Aging of Insulation Specimens The LICA facility was last calibrated on August 8, 1984.

Therefore, the decay rate of Co 60 was used to establish correct dose rates for November 1, 1984. These dose rates were calculated for the South Linear Array and the Circular Array. For further details, see Section 3.1.

The insulation specimens were aged in LICA cans located in the South Linear Array and the Circular Array. Each LICA can had an air flow rate of 60 cc/ min. In addition, each LICA can was rotated 180* after 25 Mrad to minimize the effects of radiation gradients.

The insulation specimens were divided into two groups:

(1) EPR D lot 1 and EPR F and (2) EPR 1483 and five variations of the EPR 1483 formula.

EPR D lot 1 and EPR F The EPR D lot 1 and EPR F samples were placed in separate LICA cans to avoid possible outgassing effects from one type of insulation to the otheI. These insulation specimens were then exposed to five different aging exposures, as shown in Table 7. The dose rates, temperatures, and desired exposure times were calculated using the Arrhenius Equation. Some insulation specimens from each batch were removed at 25 Mrad I

while the rest were removed after 50 Mrad. Each different batch was exposed to the same equivalent age: (1) 25 Mrad and 20 years at 55*C or (2) 50 Mrad and 40 years at 55"C (assuming a 1.04 eV activation energy).

EPR 1483 and five variations The strips of EPR 1483 and the five variations (Batches 1-6) were placed in separate LICA cans to avoid possible outgassing ' effects from one type of insulation to the other. Each formulation was exposed to 300 Krad/hr at 141*C for 167 hours0.00193 days <br />0.0464 hours <br />2.761243e-4 weeks <br />6.35435e-5 months <br />, as shown in Table 7. The dose rates, temperatures, and desired exposure times were calculated using the Arrhenius Equation. Some insulation specimens from each batch were removed at 25 Mrad while the rest were removed after 50 Mrad. Each different batch was exposed to the same equivalent age: (1) 25 Mrad and 20 years at 55*C 4 or (2) 50 Mrad and 40 years at 55*C (assuming a 1.04 eV activation energy).


Table 7 LICA Aging for EPR D and EPR F Insulation Specimens calculated Time for 40 year Actual Actual Actual Dose Rate Temperature Equivalent Exposure Total Accelerated Batch (krad/hr) (*C) Aging (br) Time (hr) Dose (Mrad) Aging (vr) 1 765 155 65.4 65 49.7 40.2 2* 300 141 166.7 168 50.4 40.0 3 107 127 467.3 464 49.6 39.9 4 50 117 1000 1004 50.2 39.8 5 16 103 3125 3124 50.0 39.1

  • same conditions for all variations of EPR 1483.

4.3 HIACA Test Setup and Visual Examination of Cables The cables used in the superheated-steam test are described in Table 8. Hereafter, these cables will be identified by the " cable designator."

First, the cables were visually inspected to assure that no handling dama'ge occurred when the multiplex and cingle conductors were prepared. Then, each cable was wrapped three times around the outside of a HIACA mandrel. Three mandrels were needed to mount all of the cables. The cable sequence, from the top to the bottom of each mandrel (Table 9), was chosen to minimize the chance of exposing duplicate cables to any environmental problems that might occur in one section of the chamber.

Table 8 Cable Designators Cable Desicnator Description ,

A EPR D lot 1: aged multiconductor *

'B EPR D lot 1: aged multiconductor C EPR D lot 1: unaged multiconductor D EPR D lot 1: unaged multiconductor E EPR D lot 2: aged multiconductor F EPR D lot 2: aged multiconductor G EPR D lot 1: aged multiplex H EPR D lot 1: aged single conductor I

EPR D lot 2: aged single conductor J EPR H: aged multiconductor K EPR H: aged multiconductor L EPR H: unaged multiconductor M EPR H: unaged multiconductor N EPR H: aged multiplex 0 EPR H: aged single conductor


Table 9 Order of Cables on the Mandrels Mandrel #1 Mandrel #2 Mandrel #3 0 G I D N M H E C F

  • J K


B 1

I 1

l 1 l I l l l

5 Then, the first two mandrels were installed in the HIACA chamber. (The third mandrel was used for the " unaged" cables: C. D. L. and M.) The cable leads were spiraled up the inside of the mandrels through the exit ports and connected to terminal blocks. At this point in the

.I experiment, the cables were examined for signs of cracks or sharp bends. No cracks or sharp bends were evident. (If cracks or sharp bends had been found, the cable would have been replaced.) The cables are shown in Figure 15.

4.4 Baseline Tests e

The chamber was filled with tap water with a conductivity of 409 ohms /cm and a pH of 5.8. After the cables soaked for one hour. IR and AC leakage current measurements were taken. The effective water length of each cable is given in Table 10. (The " effective water length" is the length of cable that was submerged.)

Table 10 ,


Effective Cable Length i

e Effective Effective Water Steam f

Length Length 1

, Cable (meter) (meter) i A 5.46 6.82

! B 3.70 5.26 /

) C 5.16 6.36 D 4.83 6.08 j E 5.08 6.64 F 3.45 4.80 G 4.00 5.81 H 3.36 4.77


! - I 3.30 4.71 J 4.33 5.68 K 3.60 4.95 L 5.28 6.43 M 5.02 6.22 N 4.11 5.93 I

O 3.25 4.66 a

error: 1 15 m i

l l l

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>- I S -) J k \gy. ~- * ,.

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U j -

A* A \\e >1 , .w U M (Nd$$$d $D L dh.+;, $f5"22 x)$ 4.- .$ 6 Figure 15. Virgin Cables on Mandrels


K J b,1 - -

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.12sc Q

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~ ;~ 1 i

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.i 134C 3'

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136C t=: 1'T~

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137C N ' b,___- -

. . - ./ , , . . .

.la,C f --%_ . **

i B EEE i -

  • 1 ? ;- i 3 =:'  : ? r.. " . I m ' a: y-" ,;

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a y M db %x 1330*


E-E l1 1 air !

- e--

1 3 3 .~


%- /

NU* ? -

+UTC ALIS; ATE D THERMOCOL PLES Figure 16. Chamber Temperatures During the Simultaneous Aging Exposure on Auguct 6, 1985 at 09:00 ,

required to achieve the total dose and thermal exposure, it was necessary to perform part of the thermal exposure without concurrent radiation exposure. However, in order to maintain irradiation during most of the thermal exposure, five groups of pencils were used which provided a dose rate of 0.269 Mrad /hr. The radiation began after the thermal aging tem'perature had stabilized. The radiation exposure was for 149 hours0.00172 days <br />0.0414 hours <br />2.463624e-4 weeks <br />5.66945e-5 months <br />, but not for 149 consecutive hours. This led to a total dose of 40.1 Mrad. (Deviations are listed in Appendix E.)

4.7 Visual Inspection. Insulation Specimens Removed, and Baseline Tests Repeated After the aging exposure, the cables were visually inspected. Although no cracks or sharp bends were observed, a white film was present on the exterior of the chlorinated polyethylene jacket (cables A, B, E, and F). For cables A and F. the jacket of one wrap appeared to be stuck to the jacket of another wrap. However, after the cables air-dried overnight, the cables wraps separated. In addition, cables F and H were touching thermocouple wires. The thermocouple

. ires were moved and a slight indentation on the outer

urface of cable H was noted. The aged cables are shown in Figure 17.

All insulation specimens were removed prior to repeating the

/ baseline tests, as explained in Section 4.4. The resulting IR and AC leakage current values were similar to the baseline values. The exact values are given in Appendices C and D.

4.8 Addition of Unaged Cables, Visual Inspection, Baseline L Tests Repeated, and Addition of Insulation Specimens ll After completing the baseline tests described in Section 4.7 the chamber was drained and the third mandrel

  • j was installed in the H1ACA chamber. The cables leads spiraled up the outside of the mandrels through the ports and were connected to terminal blocks. These cables were visually inspected to ensure that no sharp bends or cracks .


Again, the baseline tests discussed in Section 4.4 were repeated. Since the IR and AC leakage current values for each cable were similar to the previous baseline values, it would appear that no handling damage had occurred.


6 After these measurements were completed, insulation specimens that had been exposed to the H1ACA aging and additional insulation specimens, were placed in HIACA q

baskets and the chamber was reclosed. These insulation O

w, e sp .

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,a L* '  %. . -&, J g  :* dW A- ^

  1. 6W';Il

'$Y ?I, Figure 17. Aged Cables l

-- m l

  • i 9

4 4 i i I I I 4

g;1 44@kPa 4 4 & W. P a

~7 lw s, a . _

30 14 , ( ? ma .


1:1 24kFm ,



I (  ??bba ger-w -

M 60 ,.

I I I I I I I i I T

O l Sh Sh l Sh tih 15h 4 days 21 days 10sec S h 10 s

. TIME l

l Figure 18. Intended Temperature and Pressure Profile for l Accident Simulation ,

46- ,

I l

i s '.

> 1 1

Table 11 shows the cable test ramp requirements (pressures and temperatures as a function of time) to simulate the accident profile in the HIACA facility. In Figures 19 and 20, the achieved profile and the intended profile are sh'own. These figures show that the achieved profile closely matched the intended profile.

IR measurements were taken at the maximum temperature160*C, of each transient and during each temperature plateau:

149'C. 121*C, and 105'C. (IR measurements were taken every two to three days during the 105'C plateau.) The IR If the measurements were taken after one minute at 500 V.

IR measurements were less than the capacity of the machine (1.0 x 106), then the measurement was repeated at a lower voltage.

Several cables (Cables A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, and N) had water dripping from the conductor during parts of the accident exposure. Although each cable remained energized throughout the accident exposure, cables A and B had very low IR readings (< 1.0 x 105 ohms at 50 V) between day 19 and day 21 of the accident. The complete list of IR measurements is given in Appendix C.

Throughout the accident exposure. all cables were loaded at

'80 Vac and 0.6 A. During this time, the load circuit did not trip even though cables A and B were degrading.

This result was expected for two reasons: (1) the load circuit was not designed to trip; the current ficw was limited by load resistors to 600 mA and (2) without chemical spray or water spray, the path between the insulation and ground was a rather pure steam environment. (This path is not very conducting. Therefore, insulation failures may not be evident until the posttest IR and AC leakage current measurements using tap water as a conducting medium.)

4 . l'O Posttest Examination After the accident exposure, the chamber was opened and the cables were visually examined. Insulation specimens were removed from the baskets and measured, within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, for dimensional changes and weight gain. When the percent weight increa,se was below 10 percent, the insulation specimens were tensile tested. (Immediately after the accident simulation, the insulation specimens had absorbed too much moisture to fit between the jaws of the tensile testing equipment.)

Once again baseline tests, described in Section 4.4, were repeated. Additional AC leakage current measurements were

Table 11

-Cable Test Ramp Requirements for the Accident Simulation Pressure Temperature Time (kPa) (*C) Condition 0 ,

O Ambient Saturated 10-15 sec 448 154 Saturated 30 see - 1 min 448 171 Superheated 3 hr 448 171 Superheated 3 hr 5 min 448 154 Saturated 10 min 427 153 Saturated 15 min 407 151 Saturated 20 min 386 149 Saturated 25 min 365 148 Saturated 30 min 345 146 Saturated 35 min 324 144 Saturated 40 min 303 143 Saturated 45 min 283 141 Saturated 50 min 262 138 Saturated 55 min 241 137 Saturated 4 hr 221 134 Saturated 4 hr 5 min 200 132 Saturated 10 min 179 129 Saturated 15 min 159 127 Saturated 20 min 138 124 Saturated 25 min. 117 121 Saturated 30 min 97 117 Saturated 35 min 76 113 Saturated 40 min 55 109 Saturated 45 min 34 104 Saturated 50 min 0 95 Saturated 55 min 0 95 Saturated 4


! i E

d y'e Table 11 f Cable Test Ramp Requirements (cont'd) 1 1 -

i' l Temperature Pressure Time (kPa) (*C) Condition l

5 hr 0 95 Saturated 448 154 Sat'urated 5 hr 10-15 sec 171 Superheated

g. 5 hr 30 sec-1 min 448 8 hr 448 171 Superheated 8 hr 45 min 448 160 Superheated 11 hr 448 160 Superheated I, 11 hr 5 min 448 154 Saturated 10 min 414 152 Saturated f

15 min 379 149 Saturated

.7~ _

f r 15 hr 379 149 Saturated Saturated 5 min 345 146 f 143 Saturated

! 10 min 310 15 min 276 140 Saturated f '

20 min 241 137 Saturated

n 25 min 207 132 Saturated 30 min 172 128 Saturated 123 Saturated e

} 35 min 138

- 40 min 124 121 Saturated If .

4 Saturated

{j 4 Days 124 121 l 5 min 10 min 103 69 118 112 Saturated Saturated 15 min 37 105 Saturated g ,

$ 21 Days 37 105 Saturated j 5 min O Ambient Saturated End of Test 2

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made: after one minute at 1200 V, after one minute at 1800 V, and after five minutes at 2400 V. These tests took four days. All cables, except A and B, were subjected to each test. Cables A and B failed the AC leakage current test at 1800 V.

At the~ conclusion of the IR and Ad leakage current tests, the cables were reexamined and photographed as shown in Figure-21. In addition, the circumference of each cable was measured; the powder found on the jacket of cables A, B, E, and F was chemically analyzed; and the chlorine and bromine content was determined for virgin jacket and/or insulation samples of EPR D lot 1. EPR D lot 2 EPR F, and EPR H.

The results of the posttest examination are described in detail in Section 5.0.

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I Figure 21. Pocttest Cabloc .


5. RESULTS OF THE POSTTEST EXAMINATION Sections 5.1 to 5.5 describe the results of the posttest
  • examination, in detail, for each EPR product: EPR D lot 1, EPR D lot 2, EPR F. EPR H, and EPR 1483. Each section includes (1) visual examination, circumferential measurements. IR measurements, AC leakage current measurements, and chemical analysis for cables and (2) physical properties, tensile properties, and chemical analysis for insulation specimens (as appropriate). Section 5.6 provides a summary of the results.

5.1 EPR D lot 1 5.1.1 Cables Visual Examination Immediately after the accident simulation, no degradation was evident for the single conductor, multiplex, or multiconductor cables--except for cables A and B. The jackets of cables C and D were intact but the jackets of cables A and B were split longitudinally. At this point in time, no copper conductors were visible for cables A and B.

l Although no film was evident on the jackets of cables C and D, the jackets of cables A and B were still covered with the white film that was evident after aging. A chemical analysis of this film identified many constituents which are listed in Appendix F.

After completing the IR and AC leakage current tests (including the five minute at 2400 V test), the cables were reexamined. Degradation was only visible for cables A and B. Cable A had a longitudinal split in the jacket for all three wraps: cable B had a longitudinal split in the jacket for one wrap. In order to locate the insulation breakdown of cables A and B, AC voltage was applied to the cables in dry air. The smoke identified insulation faults in all three conductors of cables A and B. Because the insulation had bowed away from the bare conductor, the bare conductor was visible on one wrap of cable A. The cables are shown in Figure 22.

Circumferential Measurements Within a week after the accident simulation, the circumference of each cable was measured and compared to the original circumference.


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As Table 12 shows, the jackets for both cables A and B increased in circumference by approximately 8 percent.

However, the jackets were unable to accommodate the swelling

. of the insulation and the jackets split longitudinally. The final circumference of cables A and B (jacket and gap) had increased by approximately 28 percent. It is possible that the dimensional swelling of the insulation caused stress buildup within the multiconductor geometry.

Table 12 Circumference Measurements For Cables A, B, C, D, G, and H a

Posttest Cable: Virgin Cable:

Average Circumference Circumference Percent Cable (cm) (cm) Chance A 4.45 1 0.0 (3.81 1 0.0)! 3.48 27.7(9.5)*

B 4.47 1 0.0 (3.76 1 0.0)* 3.48 28.5(8.0)*

C 4.01 1 0.08 3.48 15.3 D 3.99 z O.10 3.48 14.2 G 3.02 z O.03 2.41 25.3 H 1.65 1 0.03 1.32 24.0

  • The numbers in parentheses refer to the jacket only.

Note: The circumference measurement on cables A and B included the jacket and the gap.

The following cables had approximately a 25 percent increase in circumference: aged single conductor (H), aged multiplex i (G), and aged multiconductor (A and B). However, the unaged i multiconductor cables (C and D) only had a 15 percent increase in circumference, t .

! IR Measurements i .

The IR measurements for each cable, after one minute at 500 V, are plotted in Figures 23 and 24. The measurements include values taken prior to aging, after aging, throughout

! the accident exposure, and after the test. Only cables A and B had IR values that were below the instrument range (less than 1.0 x 105 ohms after one minute at 50 V) .

j -56 ,


~ ,

6 i = ~


  • I


B 8 O

12/4O Ag


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0 ' ' ' ' ' '

10 ' ' ' ' '

4 5 89 11 12 15 17 19 21 O .*l l l 2 POST

.2 .7 TEST 3 DAvs AGED UNAGED ACCIDENT SIMULATION Figure 23. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cables A, B, C, and D. (Note: at 21 days into the accident and during posttest measurements, the IR values for cables A and B were below 106 ohm.)

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  • 2 *7 TEST
  • 3 DAYS AGED i

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figure 24. Insu1retion Resista' ace Measurements foi Cables G

and b ,

-s .

3 's I

4 a., , n. , - - - -

.m , -

a AC Leakace Current Measurements

/ The AC leakage current measurements involved applying voltage to each cable at the following levels and times:

600 V for one minute, 1200 V for one minute, 1800 V for one minute, and 2400 V (80 V/ mil) for five minutes. All measurements were made prior to removing the cables from the mandrels rather than following the more severe guidelines in IEEE-303. (IEEE-383 recommends that the cables be

.f straightened and recoiled around a mandrel with a diameter

[ of approximately forty times the overall cable diameter prior to the 80 V/ mil withstand test.)

The AC leakage current values, for one conductor to ground, are listed in Table 13. All cables, with the exception of cables A and B, passed each test with less than 5 mA leakage. Cables A and B (aged, multiconductor) had leakage currents which exceeded the capacity of the equipment during i the measurement at 1800 V. All AC leakage current values are listed in Appendix D.

l Table 13 l

  • Posttest AC Leakage Current Measurements for EPR D Lot 1 Cable" (nA)

Test Conditions A B C D G H l

after 1 minute at 600 V 2.0 2.3 .8 .8 .8 .6 after 1 minute at 1200 V 4.8 4.7 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.6 after 1 minute at 1800 V >750 >750 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.6 after 5 minutes at 2400 V - - 3.4 3.4 4.2 3.9

  • White conductor to ground only Chemical Analysis of Vircin Multiconductor Cable The analysis, by Huffman Laboratories, is found in Appendix F. As shown in Table 14, jacket and insulation samples of EPR D lot 1 were analyzed for chlorine and bromine content. The jacket consisted of 13.6 percent
chlorine and 4.9 percent bromine
the insulation consisted of 8.2 percent chlorine and less than 0.3 percent bromine.

] .

P r

Table 14 Results of the Chemical Analysis for EPR D lot 1 Jacket (Sample #1)

Cl 13.57 percent Br 4.86 percent Insulation (Sample #2)

C1 8.20 percent i

Br < 0.30 percent ,

5.1.2 Insulation Specimens Table 15 lists the weight increases, dimensional increases, and changes in tensile properties for insulation specimens that were exposed to the accident and the following aging conditions: unaged; aged (by five different methods) to 25 Mrad and an equivalent of 20 years; aged (by five different methods) to 50 Mrad and an equivalent of 40 years; ,

and aged in the HIACA to 40 Mrad and an equivalent of  !

40 years. {

The physical properties and tensile properties did not  !

improve as the accelerated aging time was increased (i.e.,

dose rate and temperature were lowered). This indicates ,

that in both the superheated-steam and the previous caturated-steam tests, the aging conditions were not 7 inducing artificial degradation.

In addition, graphs of the posttest reduction in sample l' weight with time are found in Appendix G. The graphs show that all in'sulation specimens absorbed water during the test. Also a chcTical change was identified since the weight of the insulation specimens, after the water desorbed, was greater than the virgin weight.

5.2 EPR D lot 2 5.2.1 Cables I

Visual Examination No cable degradation was observed for the single or multiconductor cables. The jackets of cables E and F were


r Table l '.

Measurements Taken After the Accident for RPR D 1.ot 1 1


  • 25 Mrad: Batches 50 Mrad: Batches 40 Mrad Unaged 1 2 3 4 ,5 1 2 3 4 5 (If QcA aged)_

\ weight increase 29.4 107.4 45.5 87.7 114.3 95.3 88.9 92.7 103.9 109.2 145.1 118.3

% length increase 5.6 24.4 8.5 19.4 23.3 19.4 20.6 21.0 22.7 -

27.3 25.0 14.7 27.6 31.4 26.9 27.6 25.6 29.5 33.3 38.5 34.0 g i diameter increase 8.3 31.4

.12 .18 .17 .11 .19 .05 .05 .10 .04 .09 .05 7 e/e .13 i o

.69 .52 .77 .67 46 .77 .42 .44 .54 .39 .48 .34 T/T * .

o i

  • normalized to virgin cross-sectional area Measurements: weight -- measured 9/16/85 length -- measured 9/23/85 diameter -- measured 9/21/85 i ,

e -- measured 1/3/86 T -- measured 1/3/86 i

_ -, - =

intact and were still covered with the white film that was evident after aging. A chemical analysis of this film identified many constituents which are listed in Appendix F.

After completing the IR and AC leakage current tests (including the five minute at 2400 V test), the cables were i reexamined and no cable degradation was observed. The cables are shown in Figure 21.

Circumferential Measurements Within a week after the accident simulation, the circumference of each cable was measured and compared to the original circumference.

As Table 16 shows, the circumference for the aged multiconductor cables E and F increased by 8 percent; while, the aged single conductor cable (I) increased in circumference by 25 percent. Unlike the EPR D lot 1 case, the jacket for EPR D lot 2 accommodated the swelling without splitting. -

Table 16 Circumference Measurements For Cables E, F, and I Posttest Cable: Virgin Cable:

Average Circumference Circumference Percent Cable (cm) (cm) Chance E 3.81 1 0.03 3.53 7.6 F 3.86 1 0.03 3.53 9.0 I 1.60 1 0.03 1.27 25.0 IR Measurements t The IR measurements for each cable, after one minute at 500 V, are plotted in Figures 25 and 26. The measurements include values taken prior to aging, after aging, throughout the accident exposure, and after the test. All cables had acceptable IR values.

AC Leakace Current Measurements The AC leakage current measurements involved applying voltage to each cable at the following levels and times:

600 V.for one minute, 1200 V for one minute, 1800 V for one minute, and 2400 V (80-V/ mil) for five minutes. All measurements were made prior to removing the cables from the I mandrels rather than following the more severe guidelines'in  ;

. l i


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,, , , , i e # I 6 , , ,

10 89 ll 12 15 17 19 21 0 \i2 4 5 POST i

,'1 i TEST

.2 .7 3 D AYC.


ACCIDENT SIMULATION Figure 25. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cables E and F 6 6 s E14 e i 4 6 10  ?

'r_ O :

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.2 .7 TEST 3 DAYS AGED UNAGED ACCIDENT SIMULATION Figure 26. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cable I 1EEE-383. (IEEE-383 recommends that the cables be straightened and recoiled around a mandrel with a diameter of approximately forty times the overall cable diameter prior to the 80 V/ mil withstand test.)

The AC leakage current values, for_one conductor to ground, are listed in Table 17. All cables passed each test with less than 5 mA leakage. All AC leakage current values are listed in Appendix D.

Table 17 Posttest AC Leakage Current Measurements for,EPR D Lot 2 Cables * (mA)

Test Conditions E F I after 1 minute at 600 V 1.1 1.0 0.7 after 1 minute at 1200 V 2.3 2.1 1.4 after 1 minute at 1800 V 3.7 3.2 2.1 after 5 minutes at 2400 V 4.9 4.3 2.8 s

  • White ' conductor to ground only Chemical Analysis of Virgin Multiconductor Cable The analysis, by Huffman Laboratories, is found in

, Appendix F. As shown in Table 18, the jacket and insulation samples of EPR D lot 2 were analyzed for chlorine and bromine content. The jacket consisted of 13.5 percent chlorine and 5.0 percent bromine; the insulation consisted of less than 0.2 percent chlorine and 11.4 percent bromine.

The jackets of EPR D lot 1 and lot 2 are similar, but the insulation is different. (EPR D lot 1 has chlorine but minimal bromine: while, EPR D lot 2 has bromine and minimal chlorine.)

5.2.2 Insuldtion Specimens Table 19 lists the weight increases, dimensional increases, and changes in tensile properties for insulation specimens that were exposed to the accident and the following aging conditions: unaged and aged in the HIACA to 40 Mrad and an


equivalent of 40 years.

The physical properties and tensile properties show similar behavior between the unaged insulation specimens of EPR D lot 1 and EPR D lot 2. However for the HIACA aged I

Table 18 2

Results of the Chemical Analysis for EPR D Lot Jacket (Sample #31 13.48 percent Cl_

Br 4.97 percent Insulation (Sample #41 C1

< 0.20 percent 11.36 percent Br Table 19 Measurements Taken After the Accident for EPR D Lot 2 AGING CONDITIONS

. 40 Mrad Unaced (HIACA_ Aced) 22.7 35.5

% weight increase 7.9 8.5

% length increase 7.7 11.5

% diameter increase 0.15 0.19 e/e g 0.88 O.86 T/T 0*

  • normalized to virgin cross- sectional area Measurements: weight - measured 9/16/85 length - measured 9/23/85 diameter -- measured 9/23/85

' e -- measured 1/3/86 T -- measured 1/3/86 l

l l

,I l


' insulation specimens, EPR D lot 1 had greater moisture absorption (factor of 3) and lower tensile properties (factor of 3) than EPR D lot 2.

In' addition, graphs of the posttest reduction in sample The graphs show weight with time are found in Appendix G.

that all insulation specimens absorbed water during the test. Also a chemical change was identified since the

' weight of the insulation specimens, after the water desorbed, was greater than the virgir. weight.

5.3 EPR F: Insulation Specimens Table 20 lists the weight increases, dimensional increases, and changes in tensile properties for insulation specimens that were exposed to the accident and the following aging to conditions: unaged; aged (by five different methods) 25 Mrad and an equivalent of 20 years; and aged (by five different methods) to 50 Mrad and an equivalent of 40 years.

The physical properties and tensile properties did not (i.e.,

improve as the accelerated aging time was increased dose rate and temperature were lowered). This indicates I

that in both the superheated-steam and the previous s

saturated-steam tests, the aging conditions were not inducing artificial degradation.

In addition, graphs of the posttest reduction in sample weight with time are found in Appendix G. The graphs show 4

that all insulation specimens absorbed water during the test. Also a chemical change was identified since the weight of the insulation specimens, after the water ,

desorbed, was greater than the virgin weight.

Chemical Analysis of Virgin Insulation The analysis, by Huffman Laboratories, is found in Appendix P. As shown in Table 21, the insulation sample The of EPR F was analyted for chlorine and bromine content.

insulation consisted of 10.3 percent chlorine and less than 0.3 percent bromine.

5.4 EPR H .

5.4.1 Cables Visual Examination Immediately after the accident simulation and after completing the IR and AC leakage current tests (including

. .- . _ - .__ = - -

W w ~v ~m - .._ , _ ; _ ; _ _,, , . .. ,

  • - - ' - " - - * - = - - - * - - - --- W ' ~ ~ - -~ ' ' - '

Table 20 Measurements Taken Af ter t he Accident for EPR F AGING CONDIT1ONS 25 Mrad: Batches 50 Mrad: Batches Unaged 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

% weight increase 19.0 60.0 44.9 57.1 70.3 62.7 73.8 90.8 97.5 116.5 110.9

% length increase 2.1 13.0 8.4 11.8 18.7 12.4 16.5 19.3 23.3 28.4 24.4

% diameter increase 7.3 19.9 16.7 19.9 21.5 71.5 24.2 29.6 31.2 27.4 34.4 e

m 9

e/e o .12 .11 .11 .13 .10 .10 .05 .08 .04 .03 .03 T/T * .67 .60 .66 .71 .59 .54 .40 .47 .33 .32 .30 o

  • normalized to virgin cross-sectional area

' Measurements: weight -- measured 9/16/85 length -- measured 9/23/85 diameter -- measured 9/23/85 e -- measured 1/21/86 T -- measured 1/21/86

IR Measurements The IR measurements for each cable, after one minute at 500 V, are plotted in Figures 27 and 28. The measurements include values taken prior to aging, after aging, throughout the accident exposure, and after the test. All cables had acceptable IR values.

AC Leakace Current Measurements The AC leakage current measurements involved applying voltage to each cable at the following levels and times:

600 V for one minute, 1200 V for one minute, 1800 V for one minute, and 2400 V (80 V/ mil) for five minutes. All measurements were made prior to removing the cables from the mandrels rather than following the more severe guidelines in IEEE-383. (IEEE-383 recommends that the cables be straightened and recoiled around a mandrel with a diameter of approximately forty times the overall cable diameter prior to the 80 V/ mil withstand test.)

The AC leakage current values, for one conductor to ground, are listed in Table 23. All cables passed each test with less than 5 mA leakage. All AC leakage current values are listed in Appendix D.

Chemical Analysis of Vircin Multiconductor Cable The analysis, by Huffman Laboratories, is found in Appendix F. As shown in Table 24. the jacket and insulation samples of EPR H were analyzed for chlorine and bromine content.

The jacket consisted of 11.1 percent chlorine and less than 0.3 percent bromine: the insulation consisted of 9.6 percent chlorine and less than 0.3 percent bromine. (The insulation of EPR F and EPR H is similar.)

5.4.2 Insulation Specimens Table 25 lists the weight increases, dimensional increases, and changes in tensile properties for insulation specimens that were exposed to the accident and the following aging conditions: unaged and aged in the HIACA to 40 Mrad and an equivalent of 40 years.

When comparing unaged EPR F to unaged EPR H or aged EPR F (Batch 2, 50 Mrad) to aged EPR H insulation specimens, the physical properties and tensile properties differed by approximately a factor of 2 or less.

In addition, graphs of the posttest reduction in sample weight with time are found in Appendix G. The graphs show that all insulation specimens absorbed water during the

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8 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

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  • 2 *7 TEST


l Figure 27. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cables J, i

K, L, and M



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. 2 .7 TEST


ACCIDENT SIMULATION Figure 28. Insulation Resistance Measurements for Cables N and O .

1 l

l l


J' l

1 l

l Table 23 Posttest AC Leakage Current Measurements for EPR H Cable * (mA)

Tent Conditions J 'K L M N O after 1 minute at 600 V O.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.6 after 1 minute at 1200 V 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.4 after 1 minute at 1800 V 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.4 3.0 2.2

', after 5 minutes at 2400 V 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.2 4.2 3.4 k

t t

  • White conductor to ground only Table 24 Results of the Chemical Analysis for EPR H Jacket (Sample #5)

Cl 11.05 percent Br < 0.30 percent Insulation (Sample #6)


'j Cl 9.61 percent Br < 0.30 percent T


Table 25 Measurements Taken After the Accident for EPR H AGING CONDITIONS 40 Mrad Unaced (HIACA Aced)

% weight increase 31.0 85.2

% length increase 5.0 19.3

% diameter increase 11.3 26.9 e/e 0.24 'O.22 T/T g* O.81 0.79

  • normalized to virgin cross-sectional area Measurements: weight -- measured 9/16/85 length -- measured 9/23/85 diameter -- measured 9/23/85 e -- measured 1/3/86

' T -- measured 1/3/86 test. Also a chemical change was identified since.the weight of the insulation specimens. after the moisture desorbed. was greater than the virgin weight.

5.5 EPR 1483: Insulation Specimens Table 26 lists the weight increases, dimensional increases, and changes in tensile properties for insulation specimens that were exposed to the accident simulation and the following aging conditions: unaged; aged to 25 Mrad and an equivalent of 20 years; and aged to 50 Mrad and an equivalent of 40 years.

By comparing the physical properties and tensile properties of Batch 1 (chlorine fire retardant) to Batch 3-(bromine fire retardant), the choice of halogen fire retardant appears to make little difference. However when comparing Batches'1 and 3 (batches with a fire retardant) to Batch 2 (no fire retardant). Batch 2 absorbed less moisture and had better tensile properties.

When comparing Batches 1 and 4 (with different surface treated clays but the same chlorine fire retardant). Batch 1 (Translink 37 surface treated clay) and Batch 4 (Burgess KE


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surface treated clay) had similar tensile properties.

However as the total aging increased, the posttest wei.ght of Batch 1 increased while the weight of Batch 4 decreased.

'The posttest weight for Batch 5 (nonsurface treated clay with a chlorine fire retardant) indicated a loss of i'ngredients and other chemical changes as aging increase'd.

For Batch 6 (no vinyl silane bonding but with ata surface each aging treated clay and a chlorine fire retardant),

level, some ingredients have.been lost and chemical changes have occurred. Although the posttest weight remained less than the virgin sample all cases, the posttest weight did increase as the total aging increased. '

In addition.-graphs of the posttest reduction in sample weight with time are found in Appendix G. The graphs show that the weight of the insulation specimens remained relatively constant--only a minimal amount of moisture was desorbing. For Batches 1, 2, 3, and 4 (at each aging level) and Batch 5 (unaged samples), the posttest weight of the insulation specimens was greater than the virgin weight.

Therefore, some chemical change occurred. However, for Batch 5 (aged samples) and Batch 6 (at each aging level),

the posttest weight of the insulation specimens was less than the virgin weight. Therefore some ingredients have N been lost and other chemical changes have occurred. These results agree with the results from the measurements of physical and tensile properties.

5.6 Summary of Results 5.6.1 Cables Aged single conductors, aged multiplex, and unaged

. multiconductor EPR D lot 1 cables survived the test--including the five minute 80 V/ mil withstand test.

However, the aged multiconductors of EPR D lot 1 failed to maintain high IR values 19 to 21 days.into the accident simulation. Furthermore, for these two aged multiconductor cables, the jackets were split at the conclusion of the accident simulation and the cables failed the 1 minute at 1800 Vac test (which is less severe than the five minute 80 V/ mil withstand test).

All EPR D lot 2 cables (aged single and aged multiconductors) survived the test--including the'five minute :80 V/ mil withstand test.

All (aged single conductor; aged multiplex; and aged and unaged multiconductor) EPR H cables survived the test--including the five minute 80 V/ mil withstand test.

5.6.2 Insulation Specimens i

For the insulation specimens that were exposed to five different aging conditions (EPR D lot 1 and EPR F), the physical properties and tensile properties, measured after the accident simulation, did not improve as the accelerated aging time was increased (i.e., dose cate and temperature were lowered).

Insulation specimens (EPR D lot 1 EPR D lot 2. EPR F , and EPR H) absorbed moisture during the test and desorbed moistute aftet the test.

A chemical change was evident for EPR D lot 1, EPR D lot 2, EPR F, and EPR H, since the posttest weight of the insulation specimens (after the moisture desorbed) wa's greater than the virgin weight.

The unaged EPR D lot 1 and EPR D lot 2 insulation specimens For the aged snow similar physical and tensile properties.

insulation specimens, EPR D lot 1 had more moisture and lower tensile properties (by a factot 'of 3) than EPR D lot 2.

Utaged and aged (Batch 2, 50 Mrad; EPR F insulation specimens had physical and tensile properties within a factor of 2 or less of the corresponding EPR H insulation specimens.

For EPR 1483, the batch without the fire retardant absorbed less moisture and had bettet tensile properties than batches with either the chlorine or bromine fire retardant.

For the EPR but with 1483surface different formulations with treated a chlorine clays, fire retardant the formulations snowed similar tensile properties but different moisture absorption propetties as aging increased.

From examining the posttest reduction in weight:

- Chemical changes occurred by the end of the test for EPR 1483 Batches 1, 2, 3, and 4.

- The nonsurface treated clay formulation (EPR 1483 Batch 5) and the formulation which eliminated the vinyl silane (EPR 1483 Batch 6) led to a loss of ingredients and other chemical changes.

Unlike the EPR D lot 1, EPR D lot 2, EPR F, and EPR H insula- l tion specimens, the posttest weight of the EPR 1483 (Batches l 1 through 6) insulation specimens remained relatively constant--only a minimal amount of moisture was desorbed.

i L __ _

6. CONCLUSIONS OF THE SUPERHEATED-STEAM TEST The questions addressed by each subtest, summary of

. pertinent results, and conclusions are discussed below.

Subtest 1 The purpose of Subtest 1 was to answer two questions:

(1) Will EPR D lot 1 multiconductor cables experience substantial electrical degradation if superheated-steam ,

rather than saturated-steam conditions are used at the start of the LOCA profile? and (2) Do other EPR cable products

' show different electrical results between single and multiconductor configurations? In addition. Subtest 1 provided a comparison between different cable lots and provided information on jacket-insulation interaction effects by including three configurations of cables.

The results of Subtest 1 have shown that aged EPR D lot 1 multiconductor cables (but not aged single conductor, aged multiplex, or unaged multiconductor cables) experienced substantial electrical degradation when superheated-steam conditions were used at the start of the LOCA profile.

Electrical degradation occurred between 19 to 21 days into

- the accident simulation--slightly later than the saturated-steam test.

However, EPR D lot 2 and EPR H did not show different electrical results between single and multiconductor configurations. Therefore, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Since the same results occurred using either superheated-steam or saturated-steam at the start of the accident simulation, it does not appear that saturated-steam conditions forced moisture into the cable causing the cable to fail prematurely.

(Superheated-steam only delayed the electrical degradation of the cables slightly.)

2. Since only one product (aged multiconductor EPR D lot 1 cable) had low IR values and large leakage currents, the differences between the electrical degradation of single and multiconductor cables do not appear to be generic to all cables. However, because single conductors and multiconductors did behave differently for the aged EPR D lot 1 cables, the current equipment qualification practice of using single conductors to qualify i multiconductors may not be a conservative approach for i all cables.


3. Since cable electrical degradation was not observed until several days after the start of the accident exposure, safety systems that are required only at the start of an accident may impacted by this degradation process.

EPR D lot-l was certified to LOCA* requirements, but 4.

failed to maintain high insulation resistance values throughout the test. EPR D lot 2, although not certified, passed the test. From a chlorine-and bromine analysis, the insulation was found to be different for.

each lot. However, since the physical and tensile properties were similar between batches of EPR-1483 (from Subtest retardant, other3)formulation with a chlorine or a bromine differences and the fire processing between lots 1 and_2 may be different.

t Subtest 2 The purpose of Subtest 2 was to determine if the aging technique, used during the aging portion of the saturated-steam test, influenced moisture absorption in the insulation and thereby induced artificial degradation. From tne results of testing EPR D lot 1 and EPR F insulation specimens at five different aging conditions, the following conclusion was drawn:

1. The aging dose rates and temperatures in the i
superheated-steam and saturated-steam tests were not

' inducing artificial degradation because the physical and tensile properties (measured after the accident l

simulation) did not improve as the accelerated aging time was increased.

Subtest 3 ,

i The purpose of Subtest 3 was (1) to identify constituents wnich cause moisture absorption and dimensional swelling in j

i the insulation and (2) to help establish the applicability

' of the test results to other cable products. From the '

results of EPR 1483 testing, the following conclusions can ,

be drawn: t

1. The presence of a fire retardant influenced the moisture absorption and tensile properties of a material.

(EPR-1483 insulation specimens without a fire retardant  ;

l absorbed less moisture and had better tensile properties i than those with a fire retardant.)  !

i j

i 4 .

- - , - - - _ . . . . . . . - , . , , , . , - - - . - .n - - - . . . . - --, ~, e,-- - - - - - - - . - - ,. - - - - - - ,yg,

2. All the EPR-1483 insulation specimens showed a chemical change after the accident simulation: however, removing the surface treatment of the clay or the vinyl silane bonding seemed to cause a loss of. ingredients in addition to other chemical changes.


i o



SUPERHEATED-STEAM TEST AND THE PREVIOUS SATURATED-STEAM TESTS EPR D lot 1. single conductor and multiconductor cables were

,used in the superheated-steam and saturated-steam tests.

The cables' exhibited the same behavior in these tests.

These results are described below.

Single Conductor Cables For the single conductor cables, both tests showed high IR values and low leakage currents.

Multiconductor Cables Both tests showed the following results for the multiconductor cable:

- The IR values followed the same pattern throughout both tests with the following exception: in the superheated-steam test the IR readings were below the instrument range at 19-21 days into the accident; whereas, in the saturated-steam tests the readings for three different samples of EPR D lot 1 multiconductor cable were below the instrument range at approximately 8, 12, and 18 days into the accident.

- The circumference of the jacket increased during the test, although the jacket increase was not large enough to contain the bundle of conductors.

- The jacket had a longitudinal split.

- The exposed gap in the jacket was approximately .6 cm wide.

- Bare conductors were visible.

- The cables had large leakage currents after one minute at the following voltages:

saturated-steam tests superheated-steam tests 600 V 180 - 750 mA 600 V 2 mA 1200 V 5 mA 1800 V 750 mA

8. CONCLUSIONS FROM BOTH THE SUPERHEATED-STEAM TEST AND THE SATURATED-STEAM TESTS From the superheated-steam and the saturated-steam tests, the following general conclusions were drawn.
1. Since a multiconductor jacket provides additional protection to the insulation, current equipment qualification practices use single conductor

. qualification tests to qualify multiconductor cables.

However, both the saturated-steam and the superheated-steam tests indicate that results from single conductor cable tests may not be conservative when trying to qualify multiconductor cables'.

2. Since only one product (aged multiconductor EPR D lot 1 cable) had low IR values and large leakage currents, the differences between the electrical degradation of single and multiconductor cables do not appear to be generic to all cables.
3. Since cable electrical degradation was not observed until several days after the start of the accident exposure. safety systems that are required only'at the start of an accident may not be impacted by this degradation process.
4. The aging dose rates and temperatures in the superheated-steam and saturated-steam tests were not inducing artificial degradation because the physical and.

tensile properties (measured after the accident simulation) did not improve as the accelerated aging time was increased.

5. The same results occurred using either superheated-steam or saturated-steam at the start of the accident simulation. Therefore, it does not appear that saturated-steam conditions forced moisture into the cable causing the cable to fail prematurely.

(Superheated-steam had little effect other than slightly delaying the time to failure.)

6. It was' suggested, in the saturated-steam test, that the single conductor showed no electrical degradation due to the absence of jacket-insulation interaction effects and less severe bending (no helical bend component).

Because the multiplex cable in the superheated-steam test had no electrical degradation, the primary cause of multiconductor failure is due to the jacket-insulation interaction effects.

1. L. D. Bustard, The F.ffect of LOCA Simulation Proceduces on Ethylene _Ptopylene Rubber's Mechanical and Electrical Properties, NUREG/CR-3538, SAND 83-1258, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. October 1983.
2. U. 1.,Vaidya, " Flame Retarded EPDM Integral Insulation Jacket Compositions With Excellent Heat Resistant and Electrical Stability," presented at ACS Rubbet Division Meeting October 12, 1978, Boston, MA.
3. W. H. Buckalew, F. V. Thome, Radiation Capabilities of the Sandia High Intensity Adiustable Cobalt Attay, NUREG/CR-1682, SAND 81-2655, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquecque, New Mexico, March 1982.


l p

i Appendix A  !

f EPR 1483 Formulation ,

i i

i I

l I

Q s l l

l i -

i e

A-1/A-2 f.


300 K ENMoRE BoulEV ARD AK RoN, OHIO 44301 (216) 434-6664 February 4,1986 Ms. Pauline Bennett Sandia National Laboratories, Inc.

Division 6445, Bldg. 823, Room 3026 1515 Eubank B1 vd.

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87133 Dea r Ms. Benn.ett, Tbe follcaing is the correct formulation used on your project in Dece. :er of 1934.

Nordel 2722 90.0C Dit!H No. I 20.0 Zinc 0xide 5.00 Paraffin Wax 5.00 Zetax 2.00 3Minox 1.00 Silane A 172 1.00 SRF N774 2.00 Litharge 5.00 Di Cup R 5.00 Dechlorane 25 33.00 Antiomony Trioxide 12.00 Whitex Clay 60.00 Totai 241.00 If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate in contacting me.

. Sincerely, ,


A- '


  • $4 L .

/ Robert May


/ ,



s J

x _g rf




300 K ENMo RE BouL EV ARo AK RoN. oHlo 44301 (216) 434-6664 March 20,1985 Ms. Pauline Bennett Sandia National Laboratories, Inc.

Division 6445, Bldg. 823, Room 3026 ,

1515 Eubank Boulevard Albuquerque, New Paxico 87133

Dear Ms. Bennett,

Please find below the proper formula for compound No.5. Also compounds NO.1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6 should read antimony trioxide, not antimony oxide.

Nordel 2722 90.00

' DYNH No. 1 20.00 Zinc 0xide 5.00 Paraffin Wax 5.00 Zetax 2.00 Aminox 1.00 Silane A - 172 1.00 SRF N 774 2.00 Litharge 5.00 Di Cup R 5.00 Dechlorane - 25 33.00 Antiomony Trioxide 12.00 White Clay 60.00 241.00 If I .. e of an rther assistance do not besitate in contacting me.




RM/dc PN* 8044 A-4 L



~v i E -


300 #ENMo t! BouLEV ARD A K Roh. OHIO 44301 (2161 434-6664 P

Jir,ua ry 8,1985 '

f tis.' Pauline Bennet Sandia National Laboratories Inc.

f I

1515 Eubank Blvd.

Albequerque, New Mexico 87123 -


Mixing ar.d curing six EP0b 'ccr.counds as recua'sted by the above cercany Per PO: 21-3454.

RECEIVED: Six EPDM Recipes FORMULAE: 4 5 6 1 2 3 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 Nordel 2722 90.0 20.0 23.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 DYNH No. 1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Zinc 0xide 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Paraffin wax 5.0 5.0' 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Zetax 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Aminox 1.0 1.0>

60.0 60.0 - - 60.0 Translink 37 60.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -

Silane A-172 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 SRF N774 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Litharge 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 DiCup R 33.0 33.0 33.0 - > - 33.0 ,

Dechlorane 12.0 12.0 12.0 )

Antimony Oxide 12.0 - 12.0

- - 60.0 - -

l 3urgess KE -

- - 60.0 -

Whiting -

Saytex 102 - - 33.0 - -

l 241.0 241.0 241.0 240.0 Totals 241.0 196.0 f

A-5 i .


_ =

f January 8, 1985 t

3 t Ms. Pauline Bennet g Sandia National Laboratories. Inc.

s 1:

$ Page Two e

r .

h .

RHE0 METER DATA, ASTM D 2084 t( MODEL: MPV DIE: Micro ARC: l' SPEED: 100 cpm TEMPERATURE: 340*F RANGE: 100 CLOCK: 30 minute

( 350*F



y Maximum Torque, MH, Lbf.IN

% Hinimum Torque, itL, Lbf.IN 48.90 47.50 Scorch Time. TS.1, Minutes 6.50 6.20 i

Cure Time, TC.90, Minutes 2.37 .

1.50 Cure Rate, ML90 - ML 12.75 7.00 3.68

[ TC90 - f$~1, Lbf.IN/ Minute 6.76 3 10, 6" x 6" x .075" slabs j  :

applied. press cured 15 minutes at 340*F, 1500 psi pressure

{ Cured slabs shipped via Federal' Express January 4, 1985 g

E 4, -





{y l min. Norcell 2722, DYNH No.1

'j Zinc 0xide, Paraffin, Zetax, Aminox, White Fillers, 1 Silane A172, SRF N774, Litharge, Antimony 0xice, 1 5 min. Dechlorane +25, Saytex 102 7 Sweep down 5 4 min. Dump DUMP TEMPERATURE: 325"F Dicup R added cn mill at 17C*F Total Mill Time: 3.5 minutes Compy of rheorreter graphs enclosed.

/ -

} Wun,e n k& p., AR , , , .


PHf 8044 s

4 INVf 15286 A-6 s __


Measurement Equipment Calibration Measurement Manufacturer. Model No. Accuracy Date Calibrated Date Er:1res voltage: 10.3% + 5 counts Dec. 10. 1984 Sept. 10 1985 toad voltage Magtrol Power Analyter Current and Model No. 4612 Current: 10.3% 1 5 counts Power S/N 1A167 Power: 10.3 1 5 counts June 5. 1985 Dec. 5, 1985 Insulation Hipotronics Megohmmeter Resistance Model No. HM3A S/N 9402-00 H1potronics AC Dielectric th July, 1985 April 24 1986 Insulation Resistance Test Set Model 715-10 Type CS14-1630 S/N 275CS14

+n July, 1985 Nov. 1. 1985 i Hipot Hipotronics Hipot Tester -

Model HD140 1 S/W K120-1139 Resistance Hewlett Packard Digital 110%

Multimeter S/W 02898 Temperature omega Type K Dermocouples 10.2*C ,

Nov. 29. 1984 -

Type SCASS-0629-6 I

10.1% July 22. 1985 Feb. 1. 1986 Chamter Digital Heise cauge

. Pressure Mocel 710A Serial 07-5982 Analog Data Hewlett packard Chart Trend indicator only Recorders (calibration performed Model 7132A before and after test)

R18344 and R18342 Air riow Rate Kurt Air Velocity Meter Model 441 Data Acurer Detalogger volts + 0.1% 1 0.10v August 23. 1985 Feb. 23. 1986 Recording Model A Ten /10 Thermocouple 10.M p S/N 274389 1 0.1*C.

May 21, 1985 Nov. 21, 1985 Acurex Detalogger Volts

  • 0.1% 1 0.10v Model A Ten /10 3ermocouple
  • 0.h j S/N 14892 + 0.1*C April 14. 1985 oct. 4. 1985 Acurez Det alogger Volts 1 0.1% 1 0.10v Model A Ten /10 nermocouple + 0.M S/N 12793 1 0.1*C L

Acurex Datalogger volts: 55 mv - 10 V range l

Model 800 (+,0.0 M of reading q 1 0.012% of range)

S/N 9-098 1 nermocouple 1 0.5*c 5

Veight Chaus Brainweigh Calibrated at use with March 18, 1985 Feb. 1. 1988

( with SNtA weights 027412 Veights:

[. Model B300D S/N 11367 Jan. 12. 1984 Jan. 12, 1987 g ,

Thickness Mitutoyo Micr:sseter Calibrated at use with k 0-1*- .001* SNLA gage Blocks #523


5/N 637 Tensile INSTRON Tensile Load cell calibrated at Weights:

use with SNIA weights June 16. 1983 June 16, 1986 y . Measurements Measurement 1 Model 84445

  • 0.


{l .

l Appendix C j 1R Measurements after One Minute at 500 V: Raw Data

g l

t 9

C '

.'I 8

e A


'. ~

,e k.'

I C-1/C-2

, . ,_ __--_: - -w - ------ 4 y - .

f 1

i IN MEAbuwntwhra [ vh.:.u ]

(All seedings ef ter ut.e minute at 500V.)

7/26/85 8/12/85 8/27/85 8/29/85 8/30/851 7/29/85 8/14/85 8/26/85 8/26/8's 8/26/85 8/26/85 Meas. 81 Neas, s2 Meas. 81 unaged After 1st 340*P 2nd 340*F 320*r 300*r 250*r 250*r 221*F

[gble {oaggline) Agina Peak Peak._ ElaLgau Plateau Platgau Plateau Plgieau ,

A: RPR D not I cround/ White 2.9 E!! 4.6 E11 4.4 B6 3.1 EL 4.9 E6 8.5 E6 7.5 57 k 85 57 9.5 E7 Cround/ Black 3.9 B11 3.3 811 4.7 86 3.7 E6 6.0 E6 1.0 E7 9.9 87 3.3 s7 1.0t E8 i Cround/ Red 3.2 Ell 3.2 Ell 4.2 E6 3.7 E6 6.0 E6 1.02 57 9.0 E7 4.2 u? 1.14 s8 cond/Cond > s12 > B12 a.3 E7 1.0 E7 3.3 s7 1.56 E8 1.18 59 1.12 E9 3.5 89 8 RPR D lot 1 Cround/ White 2.7 s11 4.0 511 5.2 E6 4.3 E6 6.9 E6 1.1 E7 1.0 88 3.6 37 1.1 E8 cround/81ack 3.4 811 2.6 all 5.5 E6 4.9 E6 8.5 E6 1.31 E7 1.2 s8 4.2 87 1.2 E8 cround/ Red 3.8 811 2.7 E11 5.2 E6 5.3 E6 9.7 E6 1.49 E7 1.28 E8 6.9 E7 1.73 sa Cond/Cond > s12 > 512 3.3 E7 2.85 B7 7.8 s7 2.41 58 1.79 E9 1.55 s9 4.8 E9 Cs Unaged EPs D lot 1 (Baseline) 1 Ground / White 3.5 811 7.0 88 2.9 k8 7.0 s8 1.26 39 2.58 59 4.9 se 1.0 s9 Cround/ Black 2.8 all 6.1 se 3.0 EB 7.0 E8 1.27 E9 3.4 59 6.5 58 1.15 E9 cround/ Red 2.8 all 5.6 se 2.48 E8 4.7 E8 7.2 E8 2.5 r9 5.9 58 1.1 s9 i'

(3 Cond/Cond > E12 6E9 -2810 8.0 E9 9.9 E9 1.59 slo 3.6 510 3.5 89 7.5 59 I

D: Unaged EPs D lot 1 (8aseline)

Cround/ White 2.7 all 6.5 58 2.52 E8 Ss2 58 9.7 E8 2.19 59 4.4 58, 9.0 s8 Cround/ slack 2.8 all 5.2 E8 2.48 E8 5.2 E8 1.0 38 2.67 E9 5.7 at 1.03 at Ground / Red 4.2 511 4.8 se 1.9 to 3.5 E8 5.5 38 2.11 59 5.2 s8 1.0 E9

. Cond/Cond > 512 4s9 -Isl0 3.0 E1 4.9 E9 1.7 510 2.5 slo 3.4 E9 6.5 E9 s EPs D lot 2 Cround/ White 2.1 s11 2.0 Ett 1.65 36 1,29 E6 2.15 E6 3.2 36 2.97 57 1.77 E7 5.7 57 Cround/81eck 3.2 all 2.0 all 1.67 86 1.48 E6 2.21 56 3.25 E6 3.2 37 1.92 s7 6.5 s7 Cround/ sed 2.5 E11 2.2 s11 1.96 s6 1.64 s6 2.50 s6 3.8 a6 4.1 s7 2.62 s7 1.0 se Cond/Cond > 312 > 512 4.3 56 2.42 56 7.0 a6 1.1 ES 3.6 59 1.9 E9 8. 59 F: EPs D lot 2 Cround/ White 2.4 511 2.7 511 1.84 s6 1.66 E6 2.7 E6 4.2 E6

  • 4.1 E7 2.47 57 8.0 s1 Ground /81ack 2.15 511 1.76 all 1.99 s6 1.72 56 2.7 E6 4.1 56 4.0 E7 2.3 E7 7.0 E7 cround/ Red 2.5 s11 2.5 E11 2.4 E6 2.1 a6 3.5 86 5.5 a6 5.8 57 3.7 s7 1.3 E7 cond/Cond > 512 > E12 7.4 E6 4.9 E6 2.44 E7 1.86 88 5.5 59 4.9 59 9s9-Isto
  • Measurement taken at one minute--but not stable.

3e .- .. ;.m w 2 ... --m - -

-- c x - -- -

- .-- ~- --

.l IR MEAStfRFMENT:; (idur.s] (cont inued) 9/2/85 9/3/85 9/5/85 9/6/85 9/9/85 9/11/85 9/13/05 9/16/85 Mcas.12 Mcas.83 Mcan.04 Meas.85 Mess.06 Meas.07 Neas.88 'eas.09 M

221*P 221*F 721

  • F 221*F 221*F 221'F 221*F 221*F 9/16/85 Cable Pjateau Plateau,_., ,, Plateau Illateau Plateau Plateau Plateau Plateau Postlest_

A: EPR D lot 1 Cround/ White 4. E7 3.8 E7 3.3 57 2.99 H7 3.2 R7 3.2 87 3.1 87 < 1.0 E6 --

Cround/ Black 5.0 E7 4.2 E7 4.0 E7 4.5 E7 4.5 57 4.7 E7 --

Cround/ Red 2.3 E7 3.2 K7 2.2 E7 9.5 E6* 3.8 s6 3.0 E6 --

Cond/Cond 2.0 H9 1.1 E9 8.0 E4 4.2 M8 3.0 58 2.0 58 --

8: EPR D lot 1 Ground / White 5.0 87 4.8 E7 4.1 87 3.7 s7 3.8 R7 3.8 87 3.7 57 < 1.0 56 --

Cround/ Black 6.0 E7 5.2 s7 4.8 E7 5.0 E7 5.0 s7 5.2 87 --

Ground / Red 8.0 E7 5.9 E7 5.0 57 1.6 E7 9.5 s6 6.0 E6 --

Cond/Cond 4.6 E9 3.6 E9 3.5 E9 2.0 E9 1.3 s9 7.5 E6 --

C: Unaged EPR D lot I cround/ white 5.2 E8 5.1 E8 4.7 EB 4.5 E8 4.6 E8 4.7 E8 4.5 E8 5 88 1.9 s11 f) Cround/ Black 7.0 E8 6.5 E8 6.0 E8 6.8 E8 7.0 88 4.7 88

), cround/ Red 6.5 na 5.5 E6 5.7 H8 6.0 u0 6.2 E8 6.3 88 2.0 s!!

1.7 sit Cond/Cond 6.8 E9 5.9 E9 6.0 E9 6.0 'M9 6.0 E9 6.6 59 > B13 D: Unaged EPP D lot 1 Cround/ White 4.8 E8 4.8 E6 4.3 EB 4.1 E8 2.5 E8 4.2 E8 4.0 s8 4.5 s8 1.9 all Ground /Dieck 6.7 E8 5.9 E8 5.7 E6 6.0 E8 6.0 58 5.9 58 1.9 s11 Cround/ Red 6.0 E8 5.0 E8 5.0 E8 5.2 88 5.6 58 5.8 s8 1.8 811 cond/Cond 6.5 E9 5.5 E9 6.0 E9 6.0 E9 6.2 59 6.5 59 > s!3 a: EPR D lot 2 Ground / White 3.4 87 3.0 87 2.9 R7 1.1 s7 1.7 E7 1.5 B7 1.28 s7 1.1 57 1.8 sl0 Ground /Diack 3.2 M7 2.49 E7 2.1 E7 1.7 57 1.4 57 , 1.15 s7 7.0 59 Ground / Red 5.8 E7 4.8 E7 4.5 87 4.0 87 3.8 57 3.5 57 4.2 87 cond/Cond 3.7 E9 2.7 E9 2.4 E9 2.32 s9 2.1 59 1.7 59 > 513 F: RPR D lot 2 caound/ White 4.5 F7 4.0 s7 3.2 E7 2.7 E7 2.3 s7 2.0 87 1.74 87 1.5 37 2.4 sto Ground / Black 3.2 E7 2.35 87 1.95 H F 1.5 E7 1.25 s7 1.0 57 2.8 s9 cround/ Red 7.8 57 6.0 E7 5.7 87 5.2 H7 5.0 87 4.5 E7 5.5 slo Cond/Cond 4.2 M9 2.3 M9 3.0 E9 2.85 E9 2.3 s9 1.8 89 > 813

+ . + , s c w . ~ u ~ '~~ * ~ ' - ** '* ~ ' ~ " '

u.. ,....n ... ...- - - -

0 1H MEAsuHrftEN1s [olues] (cont inued)

( All r eadln.js alt er n.Inute at 500v.)

8/12/85 8/27/85 8/29/85 8/.30/851 7/2s/85 8/26/85 8/26/b'. 8/26/85 8/26/85 Meas. 81 Hess. 82 Meas. 81 7/29/85 8/14/85 After 1st 340*r 2nd 34u'r 320*r 300*r 250*r 250*r 221*r tina. led Plateau Plateau Plateau Peak Peak Plateau Plateau cable jp39e lln!)___ A j!!3g C: EPRD lot 1 Multiplex 1.1 E9 3.4 59 5.6 Ell 2.8 all 3 E7 4.4 E1 7.1 87 1.06 E8 7.1 88 Ground / White 1.25 E8 4.3 E8 1.14 59 3.8 59 5.5 E11 4.5 Ell 4.3 E7 5.0 E7 8.5 E7 Cround/81ack 1.0 88 7.9 E8 9.7 88 3.2 E9 6.2 Ell 4.5 Ell 4.1 E7 4.6 E7 6.5 E7 Cround/ Red 5.9 811 7811-1812 7. all

> E12 > El2 1.5 E8 3.2 E8 1.33 E9 1.70 E10 cond/cond H: EPR D lot 1 single 2.4 E8 1.9 59 2.2 59 7. 39 4.1 Ell 3.6 Ell 9.9 B6 1.0 E8 1.52 ES 1: EPR D. lot 2 Single 1.44 E7 2.65 E7 6.9 E7 8.7 58 9.9 88 3.5 89 3.4 Ell 4.2 811 2 57 J: EPR 11 6.1 E6 1.09 E7 2.0 57 1.79 E8 2.05 58 7.8 E8 Cround/ White 1.5 811 1.5 s11 8.9 56 1.3 88 1.25 86 1.43 E6 2.4 E6 3.7 E6 2.85 E7 3.3 E7 Cround/ Black 1.57 Ell 1.4 Ell 8 E6 6.0 56 1.09 E7 2.0 E7 1.65 88 1.92 58 7.5 E8 Cround/ Red 2.2 E!! 1.6 Ell

> E12 1.87 E8 3.5 E8 8.9 EB 5.0 E9 1.49 Ell 2. Ell

  • 4.5 Ett Cond/Cond > E12 o'

5: EPR 18 7.4 E6 1.22 E7 2.19 E7 1.98 58 2.15 58 7.8 E8 Cround/ White 1.56 E!! 1.47 Ell 8.0 86 1.1 E8 1.38 E6 1.61 E6 2.60 E6 3.6 56 2.65 E7 2.77 E7 Cround/ Black 1,64 Ell 1.3 511 1.92 88 1.5 E8 1.5 511 7.3 E6 6.8 E6 1.17 E7 2.06 57 1.62 E8 Ground / Red 2.3 Ell 8s12-1813 > a13

> E12 > 512 2.75 58 6E8 IE9 7 Ell- > 813 3E9-lE10 5.2 511 cond/Cond L: unaged EPR ll (Basellne) 1.8 E8 7.3 E8 3.8 E8 1.2 E9 1.52 Ell 2.1 88 1.04 E8 1.3 E8 Cround/ White 1.01 E8 1.28 E8 5.1 E8 3.4 E8 1.1 59 Cround/ Black 1.7 Ell 1.57 E8 8.0 E7 1.08 E9 1.26 88 7.0 E1 9.9 E7 1.27 E8 5.3 E8 3.4 E8 Cround/ Red 1.7 Ell 6. 811 3.4 E9 2.6 E9 1.08 E10 2.32 Ell > E12 7.9 Ell Cond/cond > E12 M Unaged EPR ll (Daseline) 7.5 E8 4.0 88 1.25 E9 1.5 Ell 1.37 E8 1.06 H8 1.3 E8 1.81 58 Ground / White 1.11 E8 1.41 R8 5.8 E8 3.6 88 1.18 E9 Cround/ Black 1.8 Ell 1.85 EB 9.5 E7 9.5 E7 1.37 E8 5.8 E8 3.6 E8 1.12 E9 Cround/ Red 1.7 Ell 1.36 E8 7.5 El

> 812 7. sli 1.14 E10 1.68 E11 > B12 Cond/Cond > EI2 4.5 E9 2.9 E9 N EPR ll Multiplex 1.69 E7 2.48 E7 2.13 E8 1.99 58 6.0 88 cround/ White 1.98 Ell 2.25 Ell 1.29 E7 1.46 E7 6.3 E8 1.12 E7 1.63 E7 2.6 E7 2.15 E8 1.98 88 Cround/Diack 4.2 Ell 4 Ell 1.0 E7 2,09 sa 6.5 E8 1.24 E7 1.29 E/ 1.65 E7 2.7 E7 2.29 ES Cround/ Red 2.09 Ett 2.8 E11 > E12 5 Ell

  • 5 Ell

> E12 2.3 E7 2.23 E7 4.4 E7 6.1 E9

.Cond/Cond > E12 0: Eru il 2.2 E7 3.5 E7 3.1 E8 2.74 E8 8.0E8 Single 2.1 Ell 2.8 Ell 1.7 E7 1.8/ E/

m- --- -..- , , ..g -

~--__._.; -v- -

i IR MEASt)RlWVNTG [ ohms) (continued) 9/2/85 9/3/85 9/5/85 9/6/85 9/9/85 9/11/85 Meas.32 9/13/85 9/16/85 Meas.83 Meas.14 Mess.45 Meas.06 Meas.87 Meas.98 Meas.09 221*F 221*F 221*F 221*P C,able Plateau 221*P 221'r 221*F 221'F 9/16/85 Plateau Plateau Plateau Plateau Plateau Plateau

  • Plateau Posttest C: EPR D lot 1 Nultlplex Cr ound/ Whit e 5.lE9 5.5s9 5.359 6.0E9 6.0E9 6.0E9 5.9E9 6.059 1.3s11 Cround/elack 5.559 5.359 5.5E9 5.289 5.2E9 Csound/ Bed 5.0M9 1.0810 5.4E9 4.9E9 6.5E9 6.0E9 6.0E9 5.8E9 cond/Cond 1.4K12 1.1511 1.4812 3El2 El2-> E13 > 512 > s13 > st3 H EPR D lot 1 Single 8.0E9 9.059 7.559 6.5E9 7.6E9 8.059 8.0E9 1.0510 1.2E11 1: EPR D lot 2 Single 4.059 4.059 3.759 3.589 3.4E9 3.359 3.289 3.089 1.4811 J: EPR H Cround/ White 8.088 9.0H8 8.8R8 9.0E8 1.02E9 1.1E9 1.15R9 1.2789 1.35511 Cround/ Black 1.38H8 1.3E8 1.3E8 1.35E8 1.3E8 1.25E8 7.0510 Cround/ Red 8.0H8 8.0E8 9.0F8 1.0R9 1.089 1.089 1.25811 h .Cond/Cond 4 Ell lE12 8.0511 > E12 > E13 > 812 > E13 > 313 m

R: EPR H .

  • Ground / White 8.0E8 8.558 8.258 9.0HB 9.928 1.0289 Cround/ Black 1.1689, 1.16s9 1.4E11 1.2E8 1.1788 1.lE8 1.lE8 1.0888 1.02E8 Cround/ Red 7.0E10
  • 7.788 7.5E8 8.0F0 8.0E8 9.0s8 9.3E8 Cond/Comt 1.5811 SE11-3R12 3 Ell-813 5R11 > nt2 E12 4 Ell-> E12 Sell-> 513 > 513
t. : Unaged EPR H Cround/ White 1.0689 1.08E9 1.0489 1.05H9 1.1R9 1.13E9 1.13E9 1.2E9 2.5E11 Cround/ Black 1.089 1.02E9 1.0H9 1.05E9 1.08E9 1.09E9 Crouent/ Red 2.4511 1.01E9 9.8E8 1.0E9 1.05E9 1.0889 1.08E9 Cosul/Cond 1.3E11 8.0K11 8.7811 > E12 > 5E12 > 5812 1813 > R13 M: tinaged EPR H '

Cround/ White 1.08E9 1.lE9 1.07E9 1.06E9 1.15E9 1.1859 1.259 1.2689 1.9s11 Cround/ Black 1.0E9 1.089 1.0E9 1.08E9 1.189 1.12E9 1.9811 Cround/ Red 1.05E9 1.089 1.02R9 1.06E9 1.189 1.1389 2.2all Cond/cond 2E12 1.7812 > ER) > E13 > 5512 > 813 > s13 N EPR H Multiples Csound/ White 6.0E8 6.4E8 6.988 6.8E8 6.5E8 6.8E8 5.0E8 3.988 4.8E9 Csound/Dlack 7.0F8 6.9E8 7.088 5.9E8 5.058 3.6E8 3.0E9 Csound/ Red 6.2E8 6.8P8 6.8Fa 8.DP8 8.0E8 7.9r8 4.5510 t'ent/ Coral !E12 9 Ell 5r13 IEll

  • El1 Fil > El2 > E12 > E12-> E13 '

> E13 0: Erst H Single 8.0KB 8.0P8 8.lP8 8,0P8 7.5P8 7.0E8 5.9r8 5.258 1.24H10 1


Appendix D AC Leakage Current Measurements: Raw Data s.

i i



l 1

I D-1./D-2

_l AC t.EAKAGE CUNNENT NEAntlHtM.NTS (mA) 7/29/85 8/14/85 9/17 6 19/85 9/17 6 19/85 1/17 6 19/85 9/17 6 19/85 Posttest Posttest Posttest Posttest Basellne Alter Aging 690_y 1_ min. 699yul_mtr}. 699y,,1,!ntrid200yd min 1800V, I min. 2400v. 5 =Lru, E9I !!e .

At EPR D lot 1 Cround/ White .56 .45 2.0 4.82 > 750 ---

Ground / Black .59 .4 1.92 4.6 > 750 ---

Cround/ Red .57 .4 1.8 4.0 > 750 ---

Cond/Cond .71 .56 8: EPR D lot 1 Cround/ White .53 .35 2.3 4.71 > 750 ---

Ground /81ack .53 .37 2.3 4.65 > 150 ---

Ground / Red .54 .48 1.8 4.15 > 150 ---

Cond/Cond .72 .56 C Unaged EPR 0 tot 1 (Baseline)

.5 82 1.72 2.5 3.4 Cround/ White U Ground / Black .36 .8 1.6 2.42 3.48

.39 1.65 2.55 3.28 b Cround/ Red cond/Cond .53

.8 D: Unaged EPR D - .

. lot 1 (Baseline)

.48 .8 1.64 2.7 3.4 Ground / White Ground / Black .39 .8 1.72 2.5 3.42 Cround/ Red .39 .8 1.72 2.52 3.4 Cond/Cond .58 E: EPR D lot 2 3.65 4.9 Cround/ White .58 .48 1.14 2.3 Cround/ Black .58 .4 1.2 2.32 3.65 4.9

.55 .4 1.1 2.22 3.5 4.6 Cround/ Red Cond/Cond .74 .57 F: EPR D. lot 2 2.05 3.15 4.32 Cround/ white .49 .45 1.0

.33 1.0 2.1 3.2 4.9 Cround/ Black .50

.49 .32 .95 1.88 3.02 4.03 Cround/ Red cond/Cond .67 .53 6


m_ . m . .__ _ =

g- - -- g;w -, . ,, ; .mz_ . . 4*?ygg . - -

- a ..

- . .. u ..  ; , , , , c. ,

E 1 1

1 1

I l

l AC t FAEAGl! CtJRRENT NEA::#fRFNtNTS (mA) (continued) 7/29/85 8/14/A5 Baseline Alter Aging 9/17 & 19/85 9/17 & 19/85 9/17 & 19/85 9/17 & 19/85 cable Postlest Posttest Posttest 600V d minm 600Vukminm 600Vu), mj n._ p00v. I sin 1800v. I min. Posttest 2400v. 5 mln.

C: RPR D lot 1 PultlPles Ground / white .60 .47 78 1.75 Cround/ Black .60 .44 2.82 4.2 1.0 2.22 3.6 Cround/ Red .61 .49 4.8

.R7 1.85 3.33 Cond/Cond .63 .51 4.4 H: EPR D lot 1 Single .48 .32 .61 1.6 2.6 3.85 I: EPR D lot 2 Single .49 .32 .7 1.4 2.05 2.8 J: EPR H Cround/ white .49 .33 .an Cround/ Black .52 1.69 2.7 3.5

.34 .95 1.95 Cround/ Red .51 .38 3.02 4.05

.76 1.72 2.64 Cond/Cond .70 .54 3.45 U '

e b K EPR H Cround/ White .48 .32 .8 Cround/ Black 1.86 2.5 3.48

.48 .3 .9% .

Cround/ Red 1.85 2.88 4.08

.49 .38 cond/Cond

.8 1.72 2.6 - 3.4

.66 .51 L: Unaged EPR H (Baseline)

Cround/whlte .37 .79 .

Cround/ Black 1.68 2.5 3.3

.31 .79 1.58 Crourus/ Red .4 2.42 3.2 Cond/Cond

.72 1.60 2.45 3.22

.54 M: Unaged EPR 18 (Basellne) *

  • Cround/ white .35 .78 Ground / Black 1.62 2.41 3.24

.34 .31 1.65 Cround/ Red 2.35 3.22

.42 .7 1.50 Cona/cond .57 2.35 3.1 N: RPR H Multiples Ground / white .64 .42 .98t Crousul/ulack 1.8 3.0 - 4.2

.62 .48 .R 1.8 Cround/ Red 2.95 4.02

.63 .52 .A5 1.95 3.1 Corut/Cond 65 .55 4.02 0: EPR tl Single .45 .39 .6? 1.4 2.18 3.42

T 1

t I

i t

i i

f I l

4 Appendix E i .

I Summacy of' Test Deviations 1


l 1

i l


l l

l l

t l

i i

I 1




t i

i I

i i

. I


l E-1./E-2 +

I E.1 problems with Instrumentation Several problems occurred during the course of the test that had no bearing on the results of the test. The first problem arose as a result of the installation of two pressure transmitters in the GIF cell. The system pressure transmitter was recorded on channel #51 of datalogger "A" and the chamber pressure transmitter was recorded on channel

  1. 40 of datalogger "B". Both pressure transmitters gave erroneous
  • readings as a result of the radiation field in the GIF cell. A calibrated digital Heise gauge, installed outside the cell, indicated chamber pressure.

Unfortunately, it did not have an output, signal which could be recorded on a datalogger. Daily logs and chart recordings were used to periodically record the Heise readings. In addition, several other noncalibrated pressure transmitters were used as secondary sources to track the chamber pressure during the course of the test.

Furthermore, except for the superheated-steam portion of the test (the first 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br /> of the test), temperature readings may be used to calculate the saturated-steam pressures.

Several other problems occurred starting on August 27, 1985, the second day of the accident simulation. After the 14:00 scan, the RS-232 output or the "B" datalogger

  • malfunctioned. Due to the structure of the HEMP program, the computer was waiting for the output from the dataloqqer and, therefore, did not receive data from either datalogger.

Also the paper tape output from both dataloggers was maintained until 15:00 on August 28, 1985. But at 15:00 on August 28, 1985, the "B" datalogger paper tape output also failed. The "B" datalogger was replaced on August 29, 1985 at 10:00 and the dataloggers and the computer system opetated correctly during the remainder of the test.

Due to the diversity and redundancy of the data acquisition system, a continuous recording of data was maintained by the proper operation of the chart recorders and the "A" datalogger (for chamber inlet pressure). Since neither the computer not the dataloggers are used to control the steam or radiation systems (the system was manually controlled),

none of these events affected the intended accident profile. -

E.2 problems During L1CA Simultaneous Aging Two groups of insulation specimens had problems with either maintaining the thermal aging temperature or with leaking L1CA cans. Therefore, new insulation specimens were prepared and aged.


l q.

v S$ !

r3 Jq During the simultaneous aging, several power outages

'g; occurred. The effect of the outages on the accelerated age r! of the insulation samples was calculated. in each case, the I;h ' loss of temperature did not affect the experiment since the

, achieved accelerated age was between 39 and 40 years.


)lj' One final problem involved some of the EPR 1483 Batch 5 ST' insulation specimens. These pa'rticular specimens were to 68;; have 25 Mrad and an equivalent age of 20 years. However, Sij the samples were removed from the aging conditions NI approximately 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> early. This led to an error of jl{i approximately 15 percent.

n q js[ .

E.3 Problems During the HlACA Simultaneous Aging k .

Although thermal aging was interrupted three t'imes during p aging, the total thermal aging time included only the time

. When the temperatute was between 134'C and 144*C. The Qi- calculated time for thermal aging was 168 hours0.00194 days <br />0.0467 hours <br />2.777778e-4 weeks <br />6.3924e-5 months <br /> and the 1.,j , achieved time was 167 hours0.00193 days <br />0.0464 hours <br />2.761243e-4 weeks <br />6.35435e-5 months <br />. This led to less than a gj 1 percent error in the accelerated age, i'.j

! Although radiation aging was intetrupted four times during 9.s: f! aging, the radiation exposure was for the required 149 hours0.00172 days <br />0.0414 hours <br />2.463624e-4 weeks <br />5.66945e-5 months <br />.


- S :,s E.4 Problems During the HlACA Simultaneous Accident


[II  ! There were deviations from the intended radiation conditions including y@i; vg] 1. the time at which the cobalt was changed from 7 groups

'.j . to 4 groups and

f. 2. two times when the cobalt dropped into the pool


discontinuing irradiation.

These two conditions resulted in an achieved dose of 4'

.-j :

107 Mead rather than the intended dose of 108 Mrad (less than 1 percent error).


' t. ;.

k i ti 4s fd m


n .; -


.NI 3I n

Mt 9

.c it..


1 I

i I

f t

Appendix F Chemical Analysis f

] N 4

t I

9 e


Samples for the Chemical Analysis -

Sample Description i Virgin ,EPR D lot 1: jacket 2 Virgin EPR D lot 1: insulation 3 Virgin EPR D lot 2: jacket 4 Virgin EPR D lot 2: insulation 5 Virgin EPR H: jacket 6 Virgin EPR H: insulation 7 Virgin EPR F: insulation 8 Powder from aged EPR D cable (after the accident simulation)

I e

1 F-3 .



?[. '






.t j.


45 E w D MursuaN JR . m 0 ESTABLISHED 1936 y, Pat siOE NT E W D merswas se c Canawas r-*;-


w- .

7 M 3830 HIGH COURT, P.O. Box 777 Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80034

(.$'.,:j s' (303) 424 3252 ISL LAB #: 24986 h

ss DATE: 02/28/86

l. i.-.



e l ALFUCUERCUE, N.M. 87185

.$,4[E 9 4; Semi-Cuar.tative Emission Spectrographic Analysis Cust er c r Ectricu: CULFATED APH FP.CM SAMPLF. #8 (Detectier. (Letecticn I' e a c r. t

_ limit Unite F c u r.d Elecer. Ur.its P: u r. :

D .~ A1 (.01) F L Cc ( 5 '; PFM ?C I1l Si (.01) < .7 Cr (10) PP!; 20CC C Nn (.C2) 9 .02 (5) jt M Cu  ??: G(20.CCC:

(.02) F G(5) La (20) PPM N 13 Fe (.C5) 5 3 Mo (5) PPM ?C

1. '

F.r (.C2)  % .15 Nb (20)  ??F N Cn (.C' <  :::

(.CC2' c'

.7 (5) P P!' 'CC Oi

  • 2: .05 P r- (10) PF" 1: CC Mr (10; PPM 3CC Eb (1CO)  ??!; Gf10,CCC:

n Ar (.5) P P". 7 Fe (5) PF!; N jf. Ar '200) PP!; 7CC L' r. (10) PTM TCC

'; Au (1C) PPM N Fr (100s' P ? ". S 1 (lo! PPM 300 V (10) PPM it c h (2N PFM 30 W (50) P ?F.  ::

he (1) PPM N Y (10) P F

t'  ?! (10) PPM l. 'n i (200) PPM E;- 3CC Cd (20) PPM N Zr (10) PP!' O W


Th (100)  ? ?!*  ::

3 J G=G rcr ter then vplue chown h L=Ietected but belcw detection litit r>hown

) .

N=Not detected

,8 \

. 1 5.;? j

q. 1

.y ,

i H;.

u . ,


' t, .

F-4 M

. ?,

, 1 d

r t W D nu88uaN Ja. m o ESTABLISHEo 1936 E w o ausew a a. se e o paES'ota.t - Caainw a s.

cy;:Tur.ER S: HUFFMAN LABORATORIES, INC. DATE 2/2P/F6 01 1 't 0 3830 HIGH COURT, P.O. Box 777 LAFF 024CF6 Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80034 P . O . S EE FT.LC'v,'

(303) 424 3232 DECD 01/]O/p6 ANALYGIS REPORT


si L* L I .1..E .13 7.t..'I'. v.

. .e

. r.I*

"/.?:ri A :: ATIMUL- LAPD 3c,ic) .e. t .:. ft .= t. 37.6%9. ser 1. c cs I z . . . . . m. . .- ,. =. ..

a. . r .;.,

p :.v. a. ..~.".. ", r'.' C4-S?o.n.

ECIT::CE/ 01 02 O ~. C4

. , . .....t.

. . i,- r,r. . ;. :,: 21 1 4 .,, -

. ;' : *, 41; .. -- --- ? - - -

1?.57 - - - - - 6.20 - - - - - 13 46 - - - - - <C.To

' g: .

. . . . . - - - . - - - 4.06 - - - - - <0 30 - - - - - 4.07 - - - - - 1 * .

  • f-

"; . ': ? HC'il C '.i C6 C7 CP

ir -;F iD 9 6 7 H
.1.------ e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e.c7
. ; ;; : : ':. ed :: . - -- - - y - - _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - _ - - 1 . t e,
! . it. .' l l
E------y. - - - 1 1. 0 5 - - - - - 9 61 - - - - - 10.27 - - - - - 13 74

. .. w. ., 'p..g *.e., .... . ..;- :4 J. . I N F . - - . - - - p. - - - < o . 3 0 - ==============a.

  • 3 l == == = , +

= == - e- - e. ======e-

- - - - < c .10 - - - - - < 0 3 0 - - -nC.gU

-====a-- -- - <m 1 . 0 0 F-5

y .

E W D duCM Vs Ja . Pn 0 Es7AsttSME31936 emE 53O(NT t w D auf 8 wai, $3 e. o CMAKU1%


3830 HIGH COURT, P.O. Box 777 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424 3232


aj .

! , Ma rch 19, 1986 0

a k -

hi Pauline Bennett

? Sandia National Labs a! 1515 Eubank Blvd, SE #957 Albuquerque, N.M. 87185

Dear Ms. Bennett,

f The following information is given in response to your request b, for documentation of calibration for the analyses performed on our lab t 24986.

The carbon hydrogen determination was performed by combusting the sample at 10500C in oxygen, then sepa ra ting and reasuring the re sul t ing ca rbon dioxide and water. After ceta:.icn in a tin ca:suie (*hich raises tne ter;e ra tu re o '

, the sample to 16000C) the combustion gases were swept through combustion ca talys ts and through a cooled tube containing CaCl 2

) which trapped the water but allowed the carbon dioxide to be f swept on through a scrubber to remove nitrogen oxides and into a

[ Coulometrics carbon dioxide coulometer which measures the carbon f dioxide. After sweeping all of the carbon dioxide from the CaCl 2

) tube, the cooling water was turned off and the tube heated to drive off the water which was swe pt into a heated tube of 1,1 carbonyldiimidazole which quantitatively converts water to carbc' dioxide. The resulting carbon dioxide was then swept into another caroon dioxide coulometer for measurement, primary standard grade anthracene from the British Drug House Chemicals Ltd. was used as a standard.

The emission spectrochemical analysis was perforced by first r ashing the sample with sul furic a cid , then placing it on a carbon rod, and passing a high voltage electric spark between the sarplc rod and another carbon rod. The light produced is then separated

, by passing t hrough a di f f rac tion grating and recorded on film which is then compared to film produced by running internal standards. There were not any a ppropria te NBS s tanda rds avalla bit.

. The chlurine and bromine determinations were performed by combusting I the samples in oxygen and absorbing the combustion gases in a solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium bisulfite, destroying the bisulfite with H 70 2, adjusting the pH, then titrating the solution with silver nitrate using potentiometric end points from a silver sulfide electrode and double junction reference electrode.


Pr- I The methods themselves should give repeatable results within + 0.3%

absolute. For standard materials we used P-chlorobenzoic acid and P-bromobenzoic acid supplied from the British Drug House. On the chlorobenzoic acid which has a theoretical chlorine content o f 22.64 ,

a value of 22.56% was found. On the bromobenzoic acid with a theoretical bromine content o f 3 9.75 % , a value o f 39.4 5 t wa s found.

j Sincerely, 40_t -

e Dale Raines Lab Manager DR/md e

s e

e 1

3 1,

i 6


'i F-7 i -

i i

I l

l l

Appendix G Reduction in Insulation Specimen Weight with Time e

l l

9 G-1/G-2

~ - ;


2 ', -


p. --


18 37 .

86 --

Hl AC A WT. = e


%y is-UN AGE D W T. = a o usa UNAGED WT. BEFORE TESTING =6.49 e

w go 84, v


is-12-si N


... \ . .s e-Il N* s .,

N_ _~ -= - = --. .. ._

,_ ~

~e m. _ , ~* ~ ,_ , g_ g...

, _ . _ , . , _ . , __ g G.4 s . + ++.w t.m.m4 9 . . . . . . + + . g ++m . . 1

  • e , i + + 4 t e j ++ +. + + e e q + e . . . . + . I m * ++ + l + ++ t + + +++t++++ ++ + + *2 51 +++ + f " + + + " -

6 e6 2G s 15 2d b 15 14 24 16 26 W MPT  ? OCI '


  • DCC  : JAN 4

. _. . . - . m . ,. . .c.1.c m ,m.,.,.m,u,u.g,.,. , s.m,m.

. 7 .. , ._ _ q 23 -

,, _ EPRD. LOT 1: WEIGHT VS. TIME 7,_ BATCat i ArsD 2 AT 25 M4 AD ArJD 50 MAAD W --

s9 -

86-B ATCH I W T. AT 25 MRA D = e --

16 -

BATCH I W T. AT 50 MR A D = a .

g B ATCH 2 WT, AT 25 MRAD = A ry 15 -

f3 ATCil 2 WT. AT 50 MRAD = o f N ,


. go v


13 --

12 b n- e\

80-Ne A

%.' Aq s8 B


=% -C 2d 6.4

  • -4 QP,ql=_.Q===a  %-


- za G -

dmmmmu te,mutelmmmt-++4auuln**u4putue::;: ej:

e6 26 e6 2G S 15 2d b iS :e; 25 *

  • p ::I'e 14 24 i SEPT  ; OCT 1 NOV '

DEC  ; JAN 4

. 4 1

- - .  ! 2 j4 e N 4

g ' A J

a 5 A o6

= : = = = '

DCDDG uI A A AA N .n m  ;



5 050 2 525 T E

- q2s :




. . . .O -


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miD 3 344 u E D W M




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  • S D N U  ;

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a i

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.:... . m. 2. z.; a..e.. ,,.;pm.,.m. .a. ..g .4 c...a.,..... , migS..,.+ .. , . ,l3..,;. ...,, . ...

. . ..,;,, ;. ., ,., : . . , g yp. ,u 3,3.g%.g u

. : . . .i.8.;a. , .j. u:.....:.r.. ,~r 23 EPRD, LOT 1: WEIGHT VS. TIME 21 BATCH S AT 75MitAD AND 50 MGAD 20--





h vi.

a rs is -

a e

fi ustl ,4 3:0 v

25 MR AD WT. = a 50 MRA D W T. = m i3 UN AGFD WT, BEFORE TE STING = 6.49 _

,, ?

si \ m 80 &% N N

o N Dx 9 o N s._ ,

'S. w. ,*

O' ,N - g e ~. , ~ ,


r- -e- e- .

-t 6.4 --

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=;:  : t w+ , a+.

  • t++"+ + + '
  • f * "' " + 4
  • t++++ "* *
  • r* * ' " "" t ""+'-" 4 f " ++++++ +f : " 'el - ^"

66 26 6 6 26 5 e5 25 4++++f":

25 'I' '

5 iS 14 24 k- SE P T '


DE C '


n -

' 23 22--





er -



Hl AC A WT. = .

a 8


9.i UN AGED W T. = a UNAGED WT. BEFORE TESTING = 7+Oc3 4 ustt 84 p*3 g3 .

12-II IO" 46 9 -

. " ~ . h ====.._.x. .._ '

._==..._. e 7

G - . 6t+++++i+

+"+++ + 85

+ ' l ++ ' *-* * * **2 bW

!!! M 'e 'T' b ++ttut W ISi;i;"

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l *EPT

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20 -


to-7 _ UN AGED W T. BEFORE TE STING =10.0g 86 -- -

O, b1 $ is.-

@ Y,i unt ge g I4 v

13 12 0

... ~-.~e._..*-- -*-e-- e . - . . .. e , ,_,

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,, l nAICal 3 ArJO 4 AT 25 PinAD ArJD SO MRAD 1 mi os l .. ~

B AT CH 3 WT. AT 25 MRAD = e is--

BATCH 3 W T. AT SO MR A D = m is-

'B ATCH 4 WT. AT 25 MRAD = A DATCit 4 WT., A T 50 MR AD : o

\xN _ _



g 861 N o' -(



c p .5 _ x  % %c _ " .

. d


e e.

g ,..

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- w. w o_

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60 9-

\ ..

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l  :;:

c u+t6 +H++++ ++}6++++ ++++ 'O'*! t+t+jt-6' ' '

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  • J + +++"++ 4 l H+19 25 ' O ' : 'l' ' ' ; + ' ' '14l" l

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L. .. ...e.i .%.e,we,.. ,,,ne.,t,.:ms,+o 4,m , , ,, ,, ,,,.., ,. ; ..,.-,,,.;,w_,,,_,,,.,,. _.,_

23 --


'\ DATCH S 6I. 75 M;; AD t.igt 30 TAP AS 21-d.

9-16- \ 25 MR AD WT.m o

\ 50 MRA D W T. = =




'a \ ,

m a 86 -- N Na f $E as--  %  %~. m

  • s Y

@k #

N g -- - - a s,

tTan 9%

30 14

- .~ N o ,

" N e --- s .

. IJ-

%.*  ; O- p ,

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Ij^ ^++'


  • j + ++++++H l +H t+t4 M + ++++++H t+++4* ) *+4 ' l e 64 24 25

' - G { a : . :;; ^

^ :d+ e + HH a6 ++ p+*+m4 2G { +ttte+4 S 4: }WH-++++{$25 5 e5

JAN 4 16 26 ' Nov_


- DEC OCI W SE PT - t 3

I l


2&- __


IS-87 -

Hl AC A WT. =

  • 86-- UN AGE D W T. = m -


, 1 e5 -

l W N

Y7 t w(I

( gg 34 - ,

! v e3- ..

o 12- _

II-io ~ \

q N .%'* x . ,~

A m e- -a s , '* , .

. -m -..- . , _ . , ,

  • - * ~

, ,, 's - - a_ p 6.8L _

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  • ^^5j- "'

16 26 _ ^ :d+n p++ uguu++

86 +n g 42G

++t +4414S} ++*ue44g 15 4+4 u u 23g++++++++

5 4 l tut +ta 35

- l- * * ^25^ 4 g 4++4J -'
'5' ae4-
  • 24 b - LEPT  ; OCT
  • P40v - .

.c.. -.-

20 EPR 1483: WEIGHT VR TIME (DAYS 1 19 -

BATCil 1 18' 17--



' ,,(enau



,o "2%g  :

~ r 93 t'irifGiU' VAtilE LINE g ,


7 6-  ; - e - ; ; -l-t- l-t-i-l-l-t-i-I-}-4-t .

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'9 " -



i 7 --





  • 12 -

it 10'

& 4 :c u: _4--- -6 si%g.. . .g . .

. 7

. 8.5 Ur4 AGED v At til Lit 4E 8-7 ii 'i 6<



2 2 r, 4]--*

i i

t- t-l--t-6 t ~- 1 l - l-I-Id il 16 i j i i ' i21d 5. " ' 2l6 'l 6 .. crner..o n _

-.-_4 . - . . - - - - -

- - -----_. -- Pr 10 P F il - ---

A _ __ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ - - - -

2 EPR 1483: WElGHT _VS, TIME (DAYS 1 .

,9 _ PATCH _3 18' 17 -





  • C (6RA W 13' , .


-9 + . . .

,_ e- _g_ -_a g -

6HAGLD VA1. b hY

, 9 .


. 8 1

- pp-O 'g g i ' 5 I'i'

'' 2' 6; ;;i-E'I-t-I-bI il 16 -j 2i 26 _ . _ _ _ ocio se n ---



, . o-,n j

I 20 EPR 1483: WEIGM._VS,_T IMF (DA YS) .

'* ^ .

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/ 26 18 16 21 26 1 6 Il j ,

4 cr ors:vsro 4 - - - -


l 2

EPR 1483: W51GHT VS TIME (DAYS) 19--

PATCH 6 to'-

umero v^tus iinc 17--



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13 g D - h Q __

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U.S. GGvarnment Printing Offico Atomic Ensegy Gf Cinnds, Ltd.

. Receivin5 Branch (Attn: NRC Stock) 1600 Dorch stse BoulGvard W:.ct '

8610 Cherry Lane Montreal, Quebec H3M 1P9 Laurel, MD 20707 CANADA 375 copies for EV Attn: S. Nish Ansaldo Impianti Atomic Energy Research Establishment Centro Sperimentale del Boschetto Building 4 7, Division M.D..D.

) Corso F.M. Perrone, 118 Harwell, Oxf ordshire I

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16121 Cenova ITALY Bombay-85 y INDIA Attn
S. Grifoni 3'
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AS EA- ATOM Brown Boveri Reaktor GMSM l Postfach 5143 Department TQD

.) ' '

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CERN Electricito d3 Fernco (2 copies)

( DirGetien d s Etud:s Gt 1;ch3rchss I Labarcterio 1 CH-1211 G:nsvo 23 1, Avenuo du G3nnent da Ctullo SWITZERLAND 92141 CLAMART CEDEI Attn: M. Schonbacher FRANCE Attn: J. Roubault Canada Wire and Cable Limited L. Deschamps l

. Power & Control Products Division 22 Commercial Road Electricite de France (} copies)

Toronto, Ontario Direction des Etudes et Recherches CANADA MAG 124 Les Renardieres Attn: Z. S. Panici Boite Postale n' 1 77250 MORET SUR LORING Centro Elettrotecnico FRANCE Sperimentale Italiano Attn: Ph. Roussarie Research and Development V. Deglon Via Rubattino 54 J. Ribot 20134 Milan, ITALY Energia Nucleare e delle Attn: Carlo Masetti Ener5L e Alternative CKE Casaccia t Comissariat a l'Energie Atomique 1-0060 Rome ORIS/ LABRA (3 copies) ITALY BP N* 21 Attn: A. Cabrini 91190 Cif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE EURATOM Attn: G. Gaussens Co=ission of European Co sur.ities J. Chenion C. E.C. J .R.C.

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H3stth & Safoty Exscutivo Jcptn Atcmic Encr5y Raeocech Instituto Thames Hruso North Tokai-Murm Milbank Ntka-Gun London SW1P 4QJ Ibaraki-Ken .

ENGLAND 319-11, J AP AN Attn: W. W. Ascroft-Hutton Attn: Y. Koizumi

,ITT Cannon Electric Canada Japan Atomic Ener5y Research Institute Four Cannon Court Osaka Laboratory for Radiation Chemistry 25-1 Mii-Minami machi, Whitby, Ontario L1U SV8 CANADA Weyagawa-shi Attn: B. D. Vallillee Osaka 572

  • JAPAN Imatran Volca Oy (2 copies) Attn: Y. Nakase Electrotechn. Department P.O. Box 138 Kalle Niederlassun5 der Hoechst AC SF-00101 Helsinki 10 Postfach 3540 6200 Wiesbaden 1, FINLAND -

Attn: B. Regnell WEST GERMANY K. Koskinen Biebrich Attn: Dr. H. Wilski Institute of Radiation Protection Department of Reactor Safety Kraftwerk Union AG P.O. Box 268 Department E361 00101 Helsinki 10 M'ammerbacherstrasse 12 + 14 FINLAND D-8524 Erlangen Attn: L. Eeiman *4EST GERMANY Aten: 1. Terry Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseno Ingar - Santa Fe Kraftwerk Union AC Avellaneda 3657 Section E541 C.C. 34B Postfach: 1240 3000 Santa Fe D-8757 Karlstein REPUBLICA ARGEETINA WEST GERMANY Attn: N. Labath Attn: W. Siegler ISMES S.p.A. (2 copies) Kraftwerk Union AG Viale G. Cesare, 29 Hammerbacherstrasse 12 + 14 24100 BEECAMO, Italy Postfach: 3220 Attn: A. Castoldt D-8520 Erlangen M. Salvetti WEST GERMANY Attn: W. Morell Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Motor Columbus Research Establishment (3 copies) Parkstrasse 27 Watanuki-machi CH-5401 Takasaki, Gunma-ken Baden JAPAN SWITZERLAND Attn: N. Ta=ura Attn: H. Fuchs K. Yoshida T. Seguchi Dist-3

Natlanal Mueloce Carparctisn Rh3inisch-W:stfclischne i Cambridgo Ricd, What8teno TGehnischar Ub:rwrchungo-Vcroln o.V.

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. Attn: C. T. Jacobsen WEST CERMANY Attn: Dr. H. Heusinger Nuclear Power Engineering Test Center .

6-2, Toranomon, 3-Chome UKAEA Minato-ku, #2 Akiyana Bldg. Materials Development Division Tokyo 105 Building 47 JAPAN AERE Harwell Attn: K. Takumi OKOM OIll ORA ENGLAND Ontario Hydro (2 copies) Attn: D. C. Phillips 700 University Avenue 6 Toronto, Ontario MSC 1X6 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority h CANADA Safety & Reliability Directorate

. Attn: R. Wong Wigshaw Lane B. Kukreti Culcheth Warrington WA3 4NE Oy Stromberg Ab ENGLAUD Helsinki Works Attn: M. A. H. C. Alderson Box 118 F1-OO101 Helsinki 10 Waseda University FINLAND Department of Electrical Engineering Attn: P. Paloniemi 3-4-1 Ohkubo , Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160 Radiation Center of JAPAN Osaka Prefecture Attn: Y. Ohki Radiation Application-Physics Division Shinke-Cho, Sakai Osaka, 593', JAPAN Attn: S. Okamoto Rappini ENEA-PEC Via Arcoveggio 56/23 Bologna -

ITALY Attn: Ing. Ruggero Dist-4

1200 J. P. VanDevender 1800 R. L. Schwoebel 1810 H. G. Kepler 1811 R. L. Clough 1812 J. M. Zeigler 1812 K. T. Gillen '

1813 J. G. Curro 2126 J. E. Gover 2126 O. M. Stuetzer 2514 L. L. Bonzon

) 5114 W. D. Ulrich 5114 P. R. Bennett (5)

( 6200 V. L. Dugan 6300 R. W.. Lynch -

i 6400 A. W. Snyder I 6410 J. W. Hickman 6417 D. D. Carlson 6420 J. V. Walker 6430 N. R. Ortiz 6433 F. J. Wyant Thome 6433 F. V.

6440 D. A. Dahlgren l

6442 W. A. Von Riesemann 6444 L. D. Buxton 6446 W. H. Buckalew 6446 L. D. Bustard 6446 T. W. Gilmore 6446 J. W. Grossman 6446 M. J. Jacobus j 6446 J. D. Keck 6446 S. D. St. Clair 6447 D. L. Berry

, 6447 J. M. Chavez 6447 V. J. Dandini 6449 K. D. Bergeron 6450 J. A. Reuscher 8024 P. W. Dean 3141 S. A. Landenberger (5) 3151 W. L. Garner



"O i

Dist-5 9

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E BISUDORAPHIC DATA SHEET NUREG/CR-4536 SAND 86-0450 se s .=st=ocv.o=: o t

, ,,,,a a =o sv. v ii ts a ea. e.a==

Superheated-Steam Test of Ethylene Propylene Rubber Cables Using a Simultaneous Aging and , ,,,, ,,. ,, o,,.,,,,,

Accident Environment. o ,, .aa.

. .ov-oais.

June 1986 P. R. Bennett, S. D. St. Clair (K tech), and o o ' " "c "' *' t o T. W. Gilmore (G VanTel) l June 1986

.,/, ges., e eaQatst T agg m;ma w%.T mwwet e 7 tim 8 Dam..%G Om &a=sg a t eO9 mews a%D wasu=G AGDa,gs e, Qualification Methodology Assessment * *. cas=a i . sia i Division 6446 Sandia National Laboratories A-1051 Albuquerque, NM 87185 .

T ..t 08 #1 *G'h ?

to SrQ%5Co.*G OaGawiz atione .sawg a40 esasp%G aQO*tli e. es.a. te Cas.. i t.

Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Final Report Branch, Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research s aia C: c e=t: a . .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washincton, DC 20555

. .. . . . . . . . . o m

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- The superheated-steam test exposed different ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) cables and insulation specimens to simultaneous aging and a 21-day simultaneous accident environment. In acdit:on. some insulation specimens were exposed to five different aging conditions prior to the  !

21-day simultaneous accident simulation. The purpose of this superheated-steam test (a 3 follow-on to the saturated-steam tests (NUREG/CR-3538) was to (i) examine electricai .

degradation of different configurations of EPR cables.(2) investigate differences between using superneated-steam or saturated-steam at the start of an accident simulation. (3) determine i whether the aging technique used in the saturated-steam test induced artificial degradation.

and (4) identify the constituents in EPR which affect moisture absorption.

The cable electrical degradation was determined by-insulation resistance and AC leakage  ;

current measurements. One aged multiconductor cable product had electrical degradation. l although the aged single conductor cable did not have electrical degradation. Therefore. the current qualification practice of using single conductor cables to qualify multiconductor cables may not be a conservative approach for all cables. -Physical and tensile properties (measured l af ter the accident) for insulation specimens did not improve as the accelerated aging time was [

increased. Therefore, the aging technique did not induce artificial degradation. In addition. the constituents that appear to affect moisture absorption and/or produce other chemical changes  ;

are fire retardants. nonsurface treated clay. or lack of vinyl silane. i i

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