Answer of Montaup Electric Co to Motion of Nepco for Leave to Intervene & Petition for Summary Relief Or,In Alternative,For Hearing.* Nepco 990104 Motion Should Be Denied for Reasons Stated.With Certificate of SvcML20199A474 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Seabrook |
Issue date: |
01/12/1999 |
From: |
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References |
CON-#199-19889 LA, NUDOCS 9901130041 |
Download: ML20199A474 (10) |
MONTHYEARML20217N2561999-10-21021 October 1999 Transcript of Affirmation Session on 990121 in Rockville, Maryland Re Memorandum & Order Responding to Petitions to Intervene Filed by co-owners of Seabrook Station Unit 1 & Millstone Station Unit Three.Pp 1-3 ML20217H9511999-10-21021 October 1999 Memorandum & Order.* Proceeding Re Nepco 990315 Application Seeking Commission Approval of Indirect License Transfers Consolidated,Petitioners Granted Standing & Two Issues Admitted.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 991021 ML20211L5141999-09-0202 September 1999 Comment on Draft Reg Guide DG-4006, Demonstrating Compliance with Radiological Criteria for License Termination. Author Requests Info as to When Seabrook Station Will Be Shut Down ML20211J1451999-08-24024 August 1999 Comment Opposing NRC Consideration of Waiving Enforcement Action Against Plants That Operate Outside Terms of Licenses Due to Y2K Problems ML20210S5641999-08-13013 August 1999 Motion of Connecticut Light & Power Co,Western Massachusetts Electric Co & North Atlantic Energy Corp to Strike Unauthorized Response of Nepco.* Unauthorized Response Fails to Comply with Commission Policy.With Certificate of Svc ML20210Q7531999-08-11011 August 1999 Order Approving Application Re Corporate Merger (Canal Electric Co). Canal Shall Provide Director of NRR Copy of Any Application,At Time Filed to Transfer Grants of Security Interests or Liens from Canal to Proposed Parent ML20210P6271999-08-10010 August 1999 Response of New England Power Company.* Nu Allegations Unsupported by Any Facts & No Genuine Issues of Matl Facts in Dispute.Commission Should Approve Application Without Hearing ML20210H8311999-08-0303 August 1999 Reply of Connecticut Light & Power Co,Western Massachusetts Electric Co & North Atlantic Energy Corp to Response of New England Power Co to Requests for Hearing.* Petitioners Request Hearing on Stated Issues.With Certificate of Svc ML20210J8501999-08-0303 August 1999 Order Approving Transfer of License & Conforming Amend.North Atlantic Energy Service Corp Authorized to Act as Agent for Joint Owners of Seabrook Unit 1 DD-99-10, Director Decision DD-99-10 Denying Petition to Ban Individual Who Unlawfully Discriminated Against Contract Electrician in Violation of 10CFR50.7 from Participating in Licensed Activities for Period of at Least 5 Yrs1999-08-0303 August 1999 Director Decision DD-99-10 Denying Petition to Ban Individual Who Unlawfully Discriminated Against Contract Electrician in Violation of 10CFR50.7 from Participating in Licensed Activities for Period of at Least 5 Yrs ML20211J1551999-07-30030 July 1999 Comment Opposing That NRC Allow Seabrook NPP to Operate Outside of Technical Specifications Due to Possible Y2K Problems ML20210E3011999-07-27027 July 1999 Response of New England Power Co to Requests for Hearing. Intervenors Have Presented No Justification for Oral Hearing in This Proceeding.Commission Should Reject Intervenors Request for Oral Hearing & Approve Application ML20209H9101999-07-20020 July 1999 Motion of Connecticut Light & Power Co & North Atlantic Energy Corp for Leave to Intervene & Petition for Hearing.* with Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20195H1911999-06-15015 June 1999 Application of Montaup Electric Co & New England Power Co for Transfer of Licenses & Ownership Interests.Requests That Commission Consent to Two Indirect Transfers of Control & Direct Transfer ML20206A1611999-04-26026 April 1999 Memorandum & Order.* Informs That Montaup,Little Bay Power Corp & Nepco Settled Differences Re Transfer of Ownership of Seabrook Unit 1.Intervention Petition Withdrawn & Proceeding Terminated.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990426 ML20205M7621999-04-15015 April 1999 Notice of Withdrawal of Intervention of New England Power Co.* New England Power Co Requests That Intervention in Proceeding Be Withdrawn & Hearing & Related Procedures Be Terminated.With Certificate of Svc CLI-99-06, Order.* Joint Request for ten-day Extension of Schedule Set Forth in CLI-99-06 in Order to Facilitate Parties Settlement Efforts Granted,With Exception of Date of Hearing. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 9904071999-04-0707 April 1999 Order.* Joint Request for ten-day Extension of Schedule Set Forth in CLI-99-06 in Order to Facilitate Parties Settlement Efforts Granted,With Exception of Date of Hearing. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 990407 ML20205G0921999-04-0505 April 1999 Joint Motion of All Active Participants for 10 Day Extension to Permit Continuation of Settlement Discussion.* Participants Request That Procedural Schedule Be Extended by 10 Days.With Certificate of Svc ML20205G3091999-03-31031 March 1999 Petition That Individuals Responsible for Discrimination Against Contract Electrician at Plant as Noted in OI Rept 1-98-005 Be Banned by NRC from Participation in Licensed Activities for at Least 5 Yrs ML20204E6401999-03-24024 March 1999 Protective Order.* Issues Protective Order to Govern Use of All Proprietary Data Contained in License Transfer Application or in Participants Written Submission & Oral Testimony.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990324 ML20204G7671999-03-23023 March 1999 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50.54(a) Re Direct Final Rule,Changes to QA Programs ML20207K1941999-03-12012 March 1999 North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Participation in Proceeding.* Naesco Wished to Remain on Svc List for All Filings.Option to Submit post-hearing Amicus Curiae Brief Will Be Retained by Naesco.With Certificate of Svc ML20207H4921999-02-12012 February 1999 Comment on Draft Contingency Plan for Year 2000 Issue in Nuclear Industry.Util Agrees to Approach Proposed by NEI ML20203F9471999-02-0909 February 1999 License Transfer Application Requesting NRC Consent to Indirect Transfer of Control of Interest in Operating License NPF-86 ML20199H0451999-01-21021 January 1999 Answer of Little Bay Power Corp to Motion of Ui for Leave to Intervene & Petition to Allow Intervention out-of-time.* Requests That Ui Petition to Intervene & for Hearing Be Denied for Reasons Stated.With Certificate of Svc ML20199F7641999-01-21021 January 1999 Answer of Montaup Electric Co to Motion of Ui for Leave to Intervene & Petition to Allow Intervention out-of-time.* Requests Motion Be Denied on Basis of Late Filing.With Certificate of Svc ML20199D2461999-01-19019 January 1999 Supplemental Affidavit of Js Robinson.* Affidavit of Js Robinson Providing Info Re Financial Results of Baycorp Holding Ltd & Baycorp Subsidiary,Great Bay Power Corp. with Certificate of Svc ML20199D2311999-01-19019 January 1999 Response of New England Power Co to Answers of Montaup Electric Co & Little Bay Power Corp.* Nep Requests That Nep Be Afforded Opportunity to File Appropriate Rule Challenge with Commission Pursuant to 10CFR2.1329 ML20206R1041999-01-13013 January 1999 Answer of Little Bay Power Corp to Motion of New England Power Co for Leave to Intervene & Petition for Summary Relief Or,In Alternative,For Hearing.* with Certificate of Svc ML20199A4741999-01-12012 January 1999 Answer of Montaup Electric Co to Motion of Nepco for Leave to Intervene & Petition for Summary Relief Or,In Alternative,For Hearing.* Nepco 990104 Motion Should Be Denied for Reasons Stated.With Certificate of Svc ML20206Q0151999-01-12012 January 1999 North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Answer to Petition to Intervene of New England Power Co.* If Commission Deems It Appropriate to Explore Issues Further in Subpart M Hearing Context,Naesco Will Participate.With Certificate of Svc ML20206Q8451999-01-12012 January 1999 Written Comments of Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co.* Requests That Commission Consider Potential Financial Risk to Other Joint Owners Associated with License Transfer.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990114 ML20199A4331999-01-11011 January 1999 Motion of United Illuminating Co for Leave to Intervene & Petition to Allow Intervention out-of-time.* Company Requests That Petition to Allow Intervention out-of-time Be Granted.With Certificate of Svc ML20198P7181998-12-31031 December 1998 Motion of Nepco for Leave to Intervene & Petition for Summary Relief Or,In Alternative,For Hearing.* Moves to Intervene in Transfer of Montaup Seabrook Ownership Interest & Petitions for Summary Relief or for Hearing ML20198P7551998-12-30030 December 1998 Affidavit of J Robinson.* Affidavit of J Robinson Describing Events to Date in New England Re Premature Retirement of Npps,Current Plans to Construct New Generation in Region & Impact on Seabrook Unit 1 Operation.With Certificate of Svc ML20195K4061998-11-24024 November 1998 Memorandum & Order.* North Atlantic Energy Services Corp Granted Motion to Withdraw Proposed Amends & Dismiss Related Adjudicatory Proceedings as Moot.Board Decision LBP-98-23 Vacated.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981124 ML20155J1071998-11-0909 November 1998 NRC Staff Answer to North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Motion for Leave to File Reply.* Staff Does Not Object to North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Motion.With Certificate of Svc ML20155D0041998-10-30030 October 1998 Motion for Leave to File Reply.* Licensee Requests Leave to Reply to Petitioner 981026 Response to Licensee 981015 Motion to Terminate Proceedings.Reply Necessary to Assure That Commission Is Fully Aware of Licensee Position ML20155D0121998-10-30030 October 1998 Reply to Petitioner Response to Motion to Terminate Proceedings.* Licensee Views Segmentation Issue as Moot & Requests Termination of Subj Proceedings.With Certificate of Svc ML20155B1641998-10-26026 October 1998 Response to Motion by Naesco to Withdraw Applications & to Terminate Proceedings.* If Commission Undertakes to Promptly Proceed on Issue on Generic Basis,Sapl & Necnp Will Have No Objection to Naesco Motion.With Certificate of Svc ML20154K8751998-10-15015 October 1998 Motion to Withdraw Applications & to Terminate Proceedings.* NRC Does Not Intend to Oppose Motion.With Certificate of Svc ML17265A8071998-10-0606 October 1998 Comment on Integrated Review of Assessment Process for Commercial Npps.Util Endorses Comments Being Provided by NEI on Behalf of Nuclear Industry ML20154C8171998-10-0606 October 1998 Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employee.* Notice Given That W Reckley Appointed as Commission Adjudicatory Employee to Advise Commission on Issues Related to Review of LBP-98-23.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981006 CLI-98-18, Order.* Grants Joint Motion Filed by Naesco,Sapl & Necnp for Two Week Deferral of Briefing Schedule Set by Commission in CLI-98-18.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 9810061998-10-0505 October 1998 Order.* Grants Joint Motion Filed by Naesco,Sapl & Necnp for Two Week Deferral of Briefing Schedule Set by Commission in CLI-98-18.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981006 ML20153H4471998-10-0101 October 1998 Joint Motion of Schedule Deferral.* Naesco,Sapl & Necnp Jointly Request Temporary Deferral of Briefing Schedule as Established by Commission Order of 980917 (CLI-98-18). with Certificate of Svc ML20154F9891998-09-29029 September 1998 License Transfer Application Requesting Consent for Transfer of Montaup Electric Co Interest in Operating License NPF-86 for Seabrook Station,Unit 1,to Little Bay Power Corp ML20154D7381998-09-21021 September 1998 Affidavit of FW Getman Requesting Exhibit 1 to License Transfer Application Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20153C7791998-09-18018 September 1998 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors.Util Endorses NRC Staff Focus on Operability & Funtionality of Equipment & NEI Comments ML20151Z5611998-09-18018 September 1998 Order.* Pursuant to Commission Order CLI-98-18 Re Seabrook Unit 1 Proceeding,Schedule Described in Board 980904 Memorandum & Order Hereby Revoked Pending Further Action. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 980918 ML20151Y0331998-09-17017 September 1998 Order.* All Parties,Including Util,May File Brief No Later than 981007.Brief Shall Not Exceed 30 Pages.Commission May Schedule Oral Argument to Discuss Issues,After Receiving Responses.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 980917 1999-09-02
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20210S5641999-08-13013 August 1999 Motion of Connecticut Light & Power Co,Western Massachusetts Electric Co & North Atlantic Energy Corp to Strike Unauthorized Response of Nepco.* Unauthorized Response Fails to Comply with Commission Policy.With Certificate of Svc ML20210P6271999-08-10010 August 1999 Response of New England Power Company.* Nu Allegations Unsupported by Any Facts & No Genuine Issues of Matl Facts in Dispute.Commission Should Approve Application Without Hearing ML20210H8311999-08-0303 August 1999 Reply of Connecticut Light & Power Co,Western Massachusetts Electric Co & North Atlantic Energy Corp to Response of New England Power Co to Requests for Hearing.* Petitioners Request Hearing on Stated Issues.With Certificate of Svc ML20210E3011999-07-27027 July 1999 Response of New England Power Co to Requests for Hearing. Intervenors Have Presented No Justification for Oral Hearing in This Proceeding.Commission Should Reject Intervenors Request for Oral Hearing & Approve Application ML20205G0921999-04-0505 April 1999 Joint Motion of All Active Participants for 10 Day Extension to Permit Continuation of Settlement Discussion.* Participants Request That Procedural Schedule Be Extended by 10 Days.With Certificate of Svc ML20205G3091999-03-31031 March 1999 Petition That Individuals Responsible for Discrimination Against Contract Electrician at Plant as Noted in OI Rept 1-98-005 Be Banned by NRC from Participation in Licensed Activities for at Least 5 Yrs ML20207K1941999-03-12012 March 1999 North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Participation in Proceeding.* Naesco Wished to Remain on Svc List for All Filings.Option to Submit post-hearing Amicus Curiae Brief Will Be Retained by Naesco.With Certificate of Svc ML20199H0451999-01-21021 January 1999 Answer of Little Bay Power Corp to Motion of Ui for Leave to Intervene & Petition to Allow Intervention out-of-time.* Requests That Ui Petition to Intervene & for Hearing Be Denied for Reasons Stated.With Certificate of Svc ML20199D2311999-01-19019 January 1999 Response of New England Power Co to Answers of Montaup Electric Co & Little Bay Power Corp.* Nep Requests That Nep Be Afforded Opportunity to File Appropriate Rule Challenge with Commission Pursuant to 10CFR2.1329 ML20206R1041999-01-13013 January 1999 Answer of Little Bay Power Corp to Motion of New England Power Co for Leave to Intervene & Petition for Summary Relief Or,In Alternative,For Hearing.* with Certificate of Svc ML20206Q8451999-01-12012 January 1999 Written Comments of Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co.* Requests That Commission Consider Potential Financial Risk to Other Joint Owners Associated with License Transfer.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990114 ML20199A4741999-01-12012 January 1999 Answer of Montaup Electric Co to Motion of Nepco for Leave to Intervene & Petition for Summary Relief Or,In Alternative,For Hearing.* Nepco 990104 Motion Should Be Denied for Reasons Stated.With Certificate of Svc ML20155J1071998-11-0909 November 1998 NRC Staff Answer to North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Motion for Leave to File Reply.* Staff Does Not Object to North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Motion.With Certificate of Svc ML20155D0041998-10-30030 October 1998 Motion for Leave to File Reply.* Licensee Requests Leave to Reply to Petitioner 981026 Response to Licensee 981015 Motion to Terminate Proceedings.Reply Necessary to Assure That Commission Is Fully Aware of Licensee Position ML20155D0121998-10-30030 October 1998 Reply to Petitioner Response to Motion to Terminate Proceedings.* Licensee Views Segmentation Issue as Moot & Requests Termination of Subj Proceedings.With Certificate of Svc ML20155B1641998-10-26026 October 1998 Response to Motion by Naesco to Withdraw Applications & to Terminate Proceedings.* If Commission Undertakes to Promptly Proceed on Issue on Generic Basis,Sapl & Necnp Will Have No Objection to Naesco Motion.With Certificate of Svc ML20154K8751998-10-15015 October 1998 Motion to Withdraw Applications & to Terminate Proceedings.* NRC Does Not Intend to Oppose Motion.With Certificate of Svc ML20153H4471998-10-0101 October 1998 Joint Motion of Schedule Deferral.* Naesco,Sapl & Necnp Jointly Request Temporary Deferral of Briefing Schedule as Established by Commission Order of 980917 (CLI-98-18). with Certificate of Svc ML20236W0931998-07-30030 July 1998 Reply to Staff & Naesco Objections to Joinder of Necnp & to Naesco Objection to Standing.* Advises That Jointer Issue Involves Only Question of How Pleadings May Be Captioned. W/Certificate of Svc ML20236T5201998-07-27027 July 1998 NRC Staff Response to 980709 Submittal by Seacoast Anti- Pollution League & New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution (Necnp).* Board Should Deny Intervention by Necnp. Staff Does Not Contest Sapl Standing.W/Certificate of Svc ML20236U4221998-07-27027 July 1998 North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Supplemental Answer Standing Issues.* Request for Hearing & Petition to Intervene,As Applied to Sapl & New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution,Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20236J1111998-07-0202 July 1998 North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Answer to Supplemental Petition for Hearing.* Util Will Respond to Any Further Petitions on Schedule Directed by Licensing Board Memorandum & Order of 980618.W/Certificate of Svc ML20249B9151998-06-24024 June 1998 NRC Staff Answer to Seacoast Anti-Pollution League (Sapl) 980605 Request for Hearing & to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution 980618 Request for Intervention.* Board Should Not Grant Sapl 980605 Request.W/Certificate of Svc ML20249B7631998-06-18018 June 1998 Supplemental & Amended Petition for Institution of Proceeding & for Intervention Pursuant to 10CFR2.714 on Behalf of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League & New England Coalition on Nuclear Power.* ML20249A9501998-06-12012 June 1998 Supplemental Petition of Great Bay Power Corp for Determination of Reasonable Assurance of Decommissioning Funding ML20199K3861998-01-29029 January 1998 Petition for Determination That Great Bay Power Corps Acceleration of Decommissioning Trust Fund Payments Would Provide Reasonable Asurance of Decommissioning Funding Or,In Alternative,Would Merit Permanent Exemption ML20217P7781997-12-18018 December 1997 Petition to Suspend Operating License Until Root Cause Analysis of Leaks in Piping in Train B of RHR Sys Conducted, Per 10CFR2.206 ML20140B9601997-06-0404 June 1997 Suppl to Great Bay Power Corp Petition for Partial Reconsideration of Exemption Order to Submit Requested Cost Data & to Request,In Alternate,Further Exemption ML20135A1051997-02-21021 February 1997 Petition of Great Bay Power Corp for Partial Reconsideration of Exemption Order.* Seeks Reconsideration of Staffs Preliminary Finding That Great Bay Is Not Electric Utility as Defined by NRC in 10CFR50.2 ML20094N4021992-03-27027 March 1992 App to Appeal of Ofc of Consumer Advocate (Nuclear Decommissioning Finance Committee) Appeal by Petition Per Rsa 541 & Rule 10 ML20076D1281991-07-17017 July 1991 Licensee Motion to Dismiss Appeal.* Appeal Should Be Dismissed Based on Listed Reasons.W/Certificate of Svc ML20073E1301991-04-22022 April 1991 Opposition of Ma Atty General & New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution to Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition.* Board Should Reopen Record,Permit Discovery & Hold Hearing on Beach Sheltering Issues ML20070V3311991-03-29029 March 1991 Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition of Record Clarification Directive in ALAB-939.* Licensee Request That Motion Be Moved on Grounds That Issues Herein Identified Became Moot & Thus Resolved.W/Certificate of Svc ML20070V4061991-03-25025 March 1991 Massachusetts Atty General Response to Appeal Board 910311 Order.* License Should Be Vacated Until There Is Evidence of Adequate Protective Measure for Special Needs Population. W/Certificate of Svc ML20076N0831991-03-21021 March 1991 Massachusetts Atty General Response to Appeal Board 910308 Order.* Opposes Licensing Board Issuance of Full Power OL Based on Reliance of Adequacy of Plan.W/Certificate of Svc ML20076N1861991-03-19019 March 1991 Intervenors Reply to NRC Staff & Licensee Responses to 910222 Appeal Board Order.* NRC & Licensee Should File Appropriate Motions & Supply Requisite Evidentiary Basis That Will Allow Board to Make Decision.W/Certificate of Svc ML20070M5151991-03-18018 March 1991 Licensee Response to Appeal Board 910308 Order.* Listed Issues Currently Being Appealed Should Be Dismissed as Moot. W/Certificate of Svc ML20076N0671991-03-15015 March 1991 Licensee Response to Appeal Board 910311 Order.* Controversy Re Special Needs Survey Resolved.Next Survey Will Be Designed by Person Selected by State of Ma & Licensee Will Pay Costs.W/Certificate of Svc ML20070M2101991-03-11011 March 1991 Reply to Appeal Board 910222 Order.* Response Opposes ALAB-918 Issues Re Onsite Exercise Contention.W/Certificate of Svc ML20070M3781991-03-11011 March 1991 Licensee Response to 910222 Appeal Board Order.* Response Opposing Suspending or Otherwise Affecting OL for Plant Re Offsite Emergency Plan That Has Been Twice Exercised W/No Weakness Identified.W/Certificate of Svc & Svc List ML20029B6061991-02-28028 February 1991 Response of Ma Atty General to Appeal Board 910222 Order.* Questionable Whether Eight Issues Resolved.To Dismiss Issues Would Be Wrong on Procedural Grounds & Moot on Substantive Grounds.W/Certificate of Svc ML20029B5641991-02-28028 February 1991 NRC Staff Opposition to Licensee Motion to Dismiss Appeal of LBP-89-38.* Request to Dismiss Appeal of LBP-89-38 Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20070E7741991-02-25025 February 1991 Opposition to Licensee Motion to Dismiss Appeal of LPB-89-38.* Believes Board Should Not Dismiss Intervenors Appeal Because There Was No Hearing on Rejected Contentions. Board Should Deny Licensee Motion.W/Certificate of Svc ML20066H0831991-02-12012 February 1991 Licensee Motion to Dismiss Appeal of LBP-89-38.* Appeal Should Be Dismissed Either as Moot or on Grounds That as Matter of Law,Board Correct in Denying Hearing W/Respect to Contentions at Issue.W/Certificate of Svc ML20066H0021991-02-0808 February 1991 Licensee Response to Appeal Board Order of 910204.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20067C5081991-02-0101 February 1991 Ma Atty General Response to Appeal Board Dtd 910122.* Identifies Two Issues That Potentially May Be Resolved. State Will Continue to Investigate Facts Re post-hearing Events That May Effect Pending Issues.W/Certificate of Svc ML20029A0431991-01-28028 January 1991 Licensee Response to 910124 Memorandum & Order.* Common Ref Document Derived from Copying Respective Portions of Emergency Response Plan & Associated Documents Provided.W/ Certificate of Svc ML20029A0451991-01-28028 January 1991 Licensee Suggestion for Certified Question.* Draft Certified Question for Appeal Board Encl.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20029A0091991-01-24024 January 1991 Response to Appeal Board 910111 Order.* Atty General Will Continue Ad Intervenor in Facility Licensing Proceeding. Changes to Emergency Planning for Facility Forthcoming. W/Certificate of Svc ML20070U4811991-01-24024 January 1991 Motion Requesting Limited Oral Argument Before Commission of City of Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept New Hampshire Electric Cooperative Mact Towns 1999-08-03
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AN.12.1999 4i20?M R0FES !. GIAY
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Of(n ADm' _.
In the Matter of
North Atlantic Energy Service
Docket No. 50443 Corporation, et al.,
(License No. NPF-86)
(Seabrook Station, Unit No.1)
RELIEF OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR A HEARING INTRODUCTION Under date of September 29,1998, North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation and Montaup Electric Company (Montaup) filed with this Conunission a " License Transfer Application Requesting Consent for Transfer of Montaup Electric Company's Interest in Operating License NPF-86 for Seabrook Station Unit Little Bay Power Corporation" (Application). The Application was for the transfer by Montaup ofits 2.9% interest in Seabrook Station, Unit No.1 (Seabrook) to Little Bay Power Corporation (Little Bay), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bay Corp. Holdings, Ltd. which, through another wholly 4wned i
2, Application at 2.
21877M.01 lI 9901130041 990112 t
PDR ADOCK 05000443 pg PDR c
JAN.12.1999 4:21?M 10?is t GIA*!
?. 5/11 e
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subsidiary, Great Bay Power Corporation, already is the owner of '.2.1% of Seabroolf. On l
December 14,1998, this Commission caused to be published in the Federal Register a " Notice of Consideration of Transfer of Facility Operating License and Issuance of Conforming Amendment, and Opportunity for a Hearing" in the above-captioned docket.' Inter alia, the notice provided an opportunity for hearing pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 2, Subpart M.
. Under date of January 4,1999, New England Power Company (NEP) completed the filing and service' of a document styled as a " Motion... for Leave to Intervene, and Petition for Summary Relief or, in the Alternative, for a Hearing" (The Motion). Herein, Montaup replies to The Motion and for the reasons set out below urges that it be.dgnitd.
The recently adopted regulations creating the streamlined process for approval of l
license transfers sets forth particularized requirements for all hearing requests and intervention ~-
petitions and the criteria under which this Commission will evaluate same.8 Each such petition, inter alia, must, under 10 C.F.R. { 2.1306(b):
- 2Anplication at 1.
563 Fed. Reg. 66301 (Dec.14,1998).
' 'NEP's filing was initiated on December 31,1998. However, the original filing
'"inadvertendy omitted" an " attached affidavit." See, letter, Berlin to Hoyle (Jan. 4,1999).
As a result, the complete filing and service did not take place until Jan. 4,1999. Id. For
reasons known only to NEP, service was made on a now non-extant Atomic Safety and Licensing Board which had been appointed in another Seabrook proceeding, See, 63 Fed. Reg.
l 49137:(Sept.14,1998), and the former parties to that other proceeding, which has since been i
terminated by virtue of the withdrawal of the application which gave rise to it. See,63 Fed.
Reg. 6%84 (Dec.17,1998).
- 8
- 10 C.F.R. Ii 2.1306,2.1308.
i nannd l l
'JAN.12.1999 4:21?M EOFES i GEAY NO.423E
?. 7/11 o
"(2) Set forth the issues sought to be raised and (i) Demonstrate that such issues are within the scope of the proceeding on the license transfer application, (ii) Demonstrate that such issues are relevant to the findings the NRC must make to grant the application for license transfer, (iii) Provide a concise statement.of the alleged facts or expert opinions which support the petitioner's position on the issues and on which the petitioner, intends to rely at hearing, together with references to the specific sources and documents on which the petitioner intends to rely to support its position on the issues, and
'(iv) Provide sufficient information to show that a genuine dispute exists with the applicant on a material issue of law or fact;"
And 10 C.F.R. I 2.1308(a) provides that in determining whether to grant a petition to intervene or hearing request, the Commission will consider, inter alia:
... whether the relief requested is within the Commission's authority,"'
and, "[w)hether the issues sought to be litigated are-(i) Within the scope of the proceeding; (ii)' Relevant to the findings the Commission must make to act on the application for license transfer; (iii) Appropriate for litigation in the proceeding;
-(iv) Adequately supported by the statements, allegation:, and documentation required by i 2.1306(b)(2)(iii) and (iv)."'
'10 C.F.R. f 2.1308(a)(3).
710 C.F.R. I 2.1308(a)(4).
21mes$;i !
JAN.12.1999 4:21?M R0FES & GP.AT NO.4236
?. Si'.i 6;
' Careful analysis reveals that The Motion at bar, on its face, meets virtually none of the above-quoted requirements.
l Stripped of rhetoric, the NEP filing essentially recites that the transferee here involved, Little Bay, is not an electric utility; will, pursuant to the " prepayment" option provided for in the rehlations,s put aside $11,800,000 for decommissioning purposes;' and that Montaup's j
i aliquot share of the decommissioning costs projected in 1998 dollars to be incurred in 2026 is
$14,200,000. On these facts, and these facts alone, NEP claims tie e is an issue of whether i
decommissioning costs have been adequately prepaid."
l The language of the applicable regulations makes clear that decommissioning costs need not be payed in full, in advance, in order to satisfy the regulations. A sufficient prepaid j
amourit set aside which can be projected to earn over the operating life of the facility sufficient income on the basis of reasonable projections to cover decommissioning at the end of the license period is sufficient to satisfy the regulations. The pertinent regulation,10 C.F.R.
[810 C.F.R. i 50.75(e)(1)(i)
' ' Affidavit of Jame3 S. Robinson attached to the Motion at T 8, p.3.
- "In conclusory terms, NEP also alludes to an issue of whether Little Bay will be able to cover ' perating costs. However, NEP sets forth no assertions based on fact (as opposed to o
speculation) which would tend to contravene the facts set forth in the Application, Applicatinn at 8-9,: which demonstrate that the contemplated transferee clearly will have funds to pay for j
five years of operating costs as contemplated by 10 C.F.R. } 50.33(f)(2).
2 mps : '
' OFES ! GRAY KO.4235
?. 9/11 JAN.12.1999 4:21?M i
.o-l L
'l 50.75(e)(1)(i), as last amended, 63 Fed. Reg. 57236 (Oct. 27,1998), specifically provides t
I "A licensee may take credit for projected earnings on the prepaid l
decommissioning trust funds using up to a 2 percent annual real l
l i
rate of return from the time of future funds' collection through the projected decommissioning period. This includes the periods of safe storage, final dismantlement, and license termina-i don,...."
l Monta'up has assumed an even lower, and, therefore, more conservative, real rate of interest of 1.73 % to be applied to the $11,800,000 over expected operating life in order to cover its aliquo' share of $14,200,000. ' It has long been the law that an applicant before this L
t Commission need only meet the requirements of the regulations as they exist." Clearly, Montaup has satisfied the present regulations.
. In short, the entire NEP Petition amounts to an attack on the regulations. NEP wants stricter rules applied to this transfer than appear in 10 C.F.R. i 50.75. Yet, NEP has not complied with the requirements of 10 C.F.R. I 2.1329, which sets out the rules for seeking a waiver of a rule or regulation in Subpart M proceedings. Doubtless, The Mot.lon is not cast as such because NEP is fully aware that it would be unable to carry the day in demonstrating the existence of the " sole ground" for such a waiver, viz. that application of the regulations at issue in the' case at bar would not serve the purpose for which they were adopted.8' 2Apphcatisn at 3.
- " Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company (Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station),
ALAB-161,6 AEC 1003 (1973), af)frmed, Citizensfor Safe Power v. NRC, 524 F.2d 1291 l
(D.C. !Cir.1975).
'10 C.F.R. i 2.1329(b).
aimn.1 :
i l
JAN.12.1999 4:22?M R0FES L GRAY-N0.4225
?. 10/11 CONCLUSION j
NEP has launched an attack on the regulations based in part on a theory that NRC regulations require absolute certainty with respect to the future -la certainty that future costs will bh covered. The standard under the Atomic Energy Act has never been one of certainty -
rather!it is one of reasonable assurance" - and reasonable assurance is demonstrated by
- compliance with the regulations as they stand. The Motion of NEP should be demed.
J By its attorneys l
. Tifon(sg)pn: Jr.
Ropes R Gray One International Place Boston, MA 02110-2624 I
i (617) 951-7511 3
i l
Datedf Janury 12,.1999 i
i f
l I
l " Yankee Atomic Electric Company (Yankee Nuclear Power Station), CLI-96-7, 43
. NRC 235, 262 (1996).
l 21877Mpl
-6 I
l L
_ JAN:12.19994:22N 10?E5 1 GRAY NO.42H-
- 1. 11/1;
' I, Thomas G. Dignan, Jr., one of the attorneys for Montaup Electric Company, hereby certify that on January 12, '1999, I made service of the within document in confornuty with
' U.S.N.R.C. Regulations upon the following persons:
Annette L. Vetti-Cook Lillian M. Cuoco, Esquire
. Secret'ary of the Commission Senior Nuclear Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Northeast Utilities Service Company Washington, DC 20555-001 P.O. Box 270
'(Attn:!Rulemakings and Adjudications Hartford, CT 06141 FAX: (860) 665-5504 Staff);
FAX::(301) 415-1101 David A. Repka, Esquire Karen' D. Cyr, Esquire Winston & Strawn
. General Counsel 1400 L Street, N.W.
- U.S. Nucle: legulatory Commission Washington, DC 20005 Washin FAX: (202) 371-5950
- FAX:I ~gton, C 20555 (301) 415-3086 Gerald Charnoff, Esquire Edward Berlin, Esquire -
Shaw, Pitman, Potts & Trowbridge Swidler Berlin Sherreff Friedman 2300 N Street, N.W.
3000 K Street N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20007 FAX:- (202) 6634007 s
FAX:j (202) 424-7504 Mr. Frank Getman, Jr.
John F. Sherman, Esquire Great Bay Power Corporation Associate General Counsel 20 International Drive, Suite 301 New England Power Company Portsmouth, NH 03801-6809 25 Research Drive (Mail Only)
Westborough, MA 01582 FAX:! (508) 389-2463 Barton Z. Cowan, Esquire Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC B
600 Grant Street,44th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 FAX: (412).566-6099 i
'ITooms G. DignTaJr.
i i
i i.
I l
JAR 12.1999 4:20PM 20?E5 1 GRAY NO.4236 P. 3/11 o,
L before the -
L 3'
AD1 '
- /
. In the Matter of
North: Atlantic Energy Service
Docket No. 50-443
~ Corporation, et al.,
(License No. NPF-86)
(Seabrook Station, Unit No.1)
Y l
1 L
Thomas G. Dignan, Jr.
1 Address:
Ropes & Gray One International Place Boston, MA 02110-2624 E-mail:' Telepdone: -(617) 951-7511 FAX:
(617) 951-7050 L
. Party:
Montaup Electric Company Admissions: Commonwealth of Massachusetts L
Supreme Court of the United States l
' United States Courts of Appeal for the First, Second, Seventh and D.C. Circuits L
United States District Courts for the Districts of Massachusett and Rhode Island u
United States Tax Court i.
' ~
7 Thonny. Dignanf7E
. Dated:! Janaury 12,1999 4
.2188430.0h I
lJAN.12.1999 4:20?M E0 PES & GEAY NO,4236 P, 4/11 l
,I, Thomas G. Dignan, Jr., one of the attorneys for Montaup Electric Company, hereby l
certify' that on January 12,1999, I made service of the within document in conformity with i
- U.S.N.R.C. Regulations upon the following persons:
Annette L. Vetti-Cook Lillian M. Cuoco, Esquire Secretary of the Commission Senior Nuclear Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Northeast Utilities Service Company Washington, DC 20555-001 P.O. Box 270 l
(Attn::Rulemakings and Adjudications Hartford, CT 06141 Staff) ;
FAX: (860) 665-5504 FAX: (301) 415-1101 David A. Repka, Esquire f
Karen:D. Cyr, Esquire Winston & Strawn j
' General Counsel 1400 L Street, N.W.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatorv Commission Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20555 FAX: (202) 371-5950 FAX:, (301) 415-3086 Gerald Charnoff, Esquire Edward Berlin, Esquire Shaw, Pitman, Potts & Trowbridge Swidler Berlin Sherreff Friedman 2300 N Street, N.W.
3000 K Street N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20007 FAX: (202) 663-8007 FAX: (202) 424-7504 Mr. Frank Gennan, Jr.
John F. Sherman, Esquire Great Bay Power Corporation Associate General Counsel 20 International Drive, Suite 301 New England Power Company Portsmouth, NH 03801-6809 325 Research Drive (Mail Only)
Westborough, NIA 01582 FAX: (508) 389-2463 Barton Z. Cowan, Esquire Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC 600 Grant Street,44th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 i
FAX: (412) 566-6099 f.
T!fo^ mas G. Dignan, Jr.
t, i
p nasco.oi !
-l i'
JAR 12.1999 4:19?M RO?!S & GEAY N0.4235 F. 2/11 Ropes & GRAY ONE INTERNATIONAL PLACE oNc rnANxuN souAnt BOSTON, MASSACHUSETT5 OEllO-a624 isoi a statet. N. w.
sm oo E so KENNEDT LAltA (617)954 7000 F7loVl@E NCE. 7Ll caso2
,.Ax: (617) 951-7050 (zoa) eas*asco (4ot) esa a 4400 WRfrER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMSER: (617) 95 l*7$ i i gng,,,,,
. FAX: (401) 455 440s WRrrER'S E. MAIL ADDRESS: TDIGNAN@ROFESGRAY.COM January 12,1999~
Annetic L. Vetti-Cook
. Secretary of the Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-001 ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff i
l. :: North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation, et al.
Docket No. 50-443 (License No. NPF-86) 1
Dear Ms. Vetti-Cook:
1 Enclosed herewith for filing in the above-entitled matter, please fm' d the original and two copies of Answer of Montaup Electric Company to Motion of New England Power Company for Leave to Intervene and Petition for Summary' Relief or, in the Alternative, for a Hearing" and my appearance in this matter.
1 Very trul
- ours, A
Thomas G. Dignan, Jr.
TGD:k. dr:usamm Enclosures ^
cc: Service List i
1 1-