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Forwards Revs to App R Evaluations for Shutdown Model, Electrical Reviews, Fire Protection Reviews & Exemptions & Mods, to Show Consistency W/Safe Shutdown Trains
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/1987
From: Warembourg D
To: Calvo J
Shared Package
ML20214P275 List:
P-87167, TAC-54373, NUDOCS 8706030288
Download: ML20214P273 (3)


c, O Public Service ~


c 2420 W. 26th Avenue - 100-D Denver, C0.

80211 May 15,1987 Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 P-87167 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Jose A. Calvo, Director Project Directorate IV Docket No. 50-267


Fire Protection Shutdown /

Cooldown Model Changes to Appendix R Evaluation


1) PSC Letter, Lee to Johnson Dated 8/30/85 (P-85301)
2) PSC Letter, Warembourg to Berkow - Dated 12/30/86 (P-86682)
3) PSC Letter, Warembourg to Berkow - Dated 12/30/86 (P-86683)
4) PSC Letter, Brey to Berkow Dated 02/17/87 (P-87055)

Dear Mr. Calvo:

The Fort St. Vrain Appendix R Evaluation has been submitted to the NRC and revised since 1984, as noted in Reference 1.

With the introduction of the engineering analysis and evaluations summarized in References 2, 3, and 4 for the 82% power level, it was determined that the FSV Fire Protection shutdown /cooldown models should be revised to resemble, to the extent possible, the safe shutdown trains for fewer and more consistent operator actions.

Therefore, PSC has enclosed 20 copies of its revised Appendix R Evaluation to reflect:

For Train A - Fire Protection Shutdown /Cooldown Model 1.

Use of the newly installed 6" Main Steam Line vent to atmosphere during the first five hours of operation, relying on manual operation of the vent valves.

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P-87167 May 15. 1987 2.

Use of Domestic Water as make up for the Service Water Pumps during both open and closed loop operation.


Use of Fire Water as make up for the Condensate Storage Tanks during open loop and closed loop operation, and addition and use of LI-31231 and/or LI-31232 for Condensate Storage Tank level indication.


Deletion of the use of the Circulating Water Make Up Pump P-4118S as make up to the Service Water Pumps.

For Train B - Fire Protection Shutdown /Cooldown Model 1.

Installation and use of the new 6" Main Steam line vent to atmosphere continuously as a once thru cooling system.


Use of Circulating Water Make Up Pump P-4118 as make up to the Main Cooling Tower during once thru cooling.


Installation and use of the new fire water line to the Emergency Condensate header from the Fire Water System.


Use of LV-21130 to drain the Turbine Water Drain Tank to the Reactor Building sump, or pump the water to the deaerator or condenser hotwell.


Deletion cf the use of the Service Water Return Pump, P-4204S, Service Water Return Sump T-4201, and Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger, E-4202.

Modifications 1.

The Fire Water Pump Building was divided into two Fire Areas consisting of the respective Fire Water Pump Rooms, separated by 3-hour fire-rated boundaries from each other.

A 3-hour fire-rated door will be installed as the entrance door to the Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pump Room.

A 3-hour fire-rated damper will be installed on the exterior wall of the Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pump Room.

The transfer switch between normal power and the ACM power for the Diesel Driven Fire Water Pump Room ventilation equipment will be relocated to the Diesel Driven Fire Water Pump Room.

The ACM conduit, located on the exterior wall of the Electric Motor Driven Fire Water Pump Room, will be enclosed in a 3-hour fire-rated concrete barrier.


To provide Fire Water make-up to the Condensate Storage Tanks, a four-valve manifold will be attached to a spare nozzle on each tank.

Isolation valves will be provided at the manifolds and the hose stations which will be utilized to provide make-up.

The required fire hoses will be located in the immediate vicinity of the Condensate Tanks.

Local level indication for each Condensate Storage Tank will be installed.

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P-87167 May 15, 1987 3.

A Chain Operator will be added to Valve V-31102.


Access ladders will be placed near the following valves:

LV-21130 HV-22819 HV-22821 HV-22822 HV-3113-2 Based on these revised Fire Protection Shutdown /Cooldown models, PSC is requesting that the forthcoming NRC Fire Protection Safety Evaluation Report evaluate these latest model changes to reflect the intended emergency actions.

These revised models provide decay heat removal capabilities that equal or exceed the respective critical flow paths analyzed in References 2, 3, and 4 for 82% power level.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr.



Holmes at (303) 480-6960.

Very truly yours, A W. 7% i<._. Av_o, D. W. Warembourg g

Manager Nuclear Engineering Division DWW/ RAS:dh Enclosure

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