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Forwards 870121 Fr Notice,Revising Due Date for Comments on Assessment of Proposed Agreement Between NRC & State of Il. Agreement May Be Executed as Early as 870301
Person / Time
Site: 02700039
Issue date: 01/28/1987
From: Hodgdon A
To: Cotter B, Kline J, Leubke E
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#187-2364 SC, NUDOCS 8702030036
Download: ML20212R673 (18)


2 3GM






'87 Jict 30 pg :33 January 28, 1987 B. Paul Cotter, Esq., Chairman Jerry R. Kline Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Washington, D.C.

20555 Dr. Emmeth A. Leubke Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 In the Matter of U.S. ECOLOGY, INC.

(Sheffield, Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site)

Docket No. 27 Sc-

Dear Administrative Judges:

This letter concerns the Licensing Board's request that the parties to the Sheffield proceeding provide the Board with information concerning the date that the State of Illinois is expected to become an agreement state. By letter of November 18, 1986, Staff counsel informed the Board that it was unlikely that the agreement would be executed before February 1,1987.

On January 21, 1987, the Federal Register published a revised date for com-ments on the Staff's Assessment of Proposed Agreement between the NRC and the State of Illinois.

The Staff Assessment was also republished to correct the omission of several paragraphs in the earlier publications, which appeared in the Federal Register on December 31, 1986 and January 7,1987.

Even though the revised comment period does not expire until February 20, 1987, the Staff expects that the agreement could be executed as early as March 1,1987.

j h

8702030036 870128 Y



. A copy of the Federal Register notice, which appears at 52 Fed. Reg. 2309, is enclosed for the convenience of the Board and parties.

Sincerely, h

O j

Ann P. Hodgdon Counsel for NRC Staff


As Stated cc:

Service List


s l

Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday, January 21. 1987 / Notices 2309

't r

p equipment. When a diesellocomotive is without the necessity of persons gohg Commission's regulatory authority used. the locomotive will not remain between the ends of such equipment.

pursuant to section 274 of the Atomic.. ~


within 150 feet of pillar workings but

2. Petitioner states that automatic Energy Act of1954, as amended. As.

mil be removed from that area until the couplers would restrict the requirtdby the AtomicEnergy Act as '

ro.kdust tanks and air compressor need maneuverability and make it difficult to amended, this notice was to be to be moved again:

make turns on the sharp curves and republished in the Federal Register for3 r (c) Air currents will be directed so that intake air is coursed over the non.

narrow confines of the gangway haulage successive weeks. A comment due date road.

permissible equipment when it is in use:

3.The mine cars are only 28 Inenes of January 30.1987, was provided.

(d) Brattice lines will be maintained wide. As an af ternate method. petitioner Because of errors in the printing process.

between the track and the job area with proposes to couple the mine cars with a the December 31.1988, and January 7, regulators in locations that will ensure pin in the center of a male and female 1987, notices were incomplete and also positis e ventilation at al times the non.

hitch which can be evenly reached from contained errors.The corrected notice of permissible equipment is operating:

the side of the car: therefore the the staff assessment is published.

I (e) Ventilation and methane motorman would not have to get notice will be published once each week following this notice. The corrected.

examinations will be made in the area

.between the mine cars.71 e male and ct least once each hour while the non.

female couplers make the mine cara for 4 successive weeks.To '

accommodate public review and permissible equipment is cperating; and maneuver easily the sharp comment of the corrected notice, the (f)If sentilation is disturbed. the non.

curves and over uneve:tness in the permissible equipment will be either track.

date for comments is revised as follows; deenergized or removed from the area

4. The battery locomotive is operated DAfts: Comments must be received on until proper ventilation is restored.

by one man, there is no brakeman, and or before February 20.1987

4. Petitioner states that the proposed there is no car movement during the Aconessts: Written comments may be alternate method will provide the same coupling or uncoupling process.

submitted to the Rules and Procedures '

degree of safety for the miners affected

5. Petitioner states that the proposed B

h as that afforded by the standard" alternate method will provide the same, Of$e N d R' nis S,Nu RIquest for Comments degree of safety for the miners affected Regulatory Commision. Washington, DC as that afforded by the standard.

20555. Comments may also be dehvered l

s n '3 s t fort may Request for Comments to Room 4000. Maryland National Bank smi fur 's

, nc ents.

Building. Bethesda Maryland from 8:15 I

comments must be filed with the Office Persons interested in this petition may a.m.,to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, of Standards. Regulations and furnish written comments.These Cople,s of comments received may be.

Variances. Mine Safety and Health comments must be filed with the Office examined at the NRC Public Document,

Administration. Room 627,4015 Wilson of Standards. Regulations and Room.1717 H Street. NW., % ashington.

Boulevard. Arlington. Virginia 22203. All Variances. Mine Safety and Health DC.

comments must be postmarked or Administ ation. Room 627,4015 Wilson. FoR F1JRTHER INFoRMATioN CoNTACTt received in that office on or before Boulevard. Arlington, Virginia 22203. All Joel O. Lubenau. Office of State February 20.1987. Copies of the petition comments must be postmarked or Programs. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory are available for inspection at that received in that office on or before Commission. Washington DC 20555.

eddress' Februe.ry 20.1987. Copies of the petition telephone: 301-492-9887.

Dated; lanuary 12,1987.

are available for inspection at that Dated at Bethesda. Maryland. this 13th day gdd7 egg, of January.1987.

Patricia W. Silvey.

For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Associate AssistantSecreto'yforMme

  • f I*'"*'Y '**
  • COMmi*IOD-l Safetyand#colth.

Patricia W. SilveF.

C.Wayna Karr.

lFR Doc. 87-1275 Filed 1-20-87; B 45 am)

A ssociate Assistant SecretaryforMine Director. OficeofStateProgmme

"" CUU" '8 '

i 871 76 iled 1-20-87; &45 am) i alLI.lNo Cooe 7500 7

[ Docket No. M-86-83-C]

Neumeister Coal Co.; Petition for NUCLEAR REGULATORY State of Illinols; Staff Assessment of Modifical;on of Application of COMMISSION Proposed Agreement Between the l

Mandatory Safety Standard NRC and the State of lilinois; State of Illinois; Staff Assessment of Republication Neumeister Coal Company. R.D. srl.

Preposed Agreement Between the Box 327-D Ashland. Pennsylvania 17921 NRC and the State of Illinois; Revision

[ Edit rial NoteMe foDowing document has filed a petition to modify the of Date for Comments was riginally published at page 47327 in the application of 30 CFR 75.1405 (automatic 1: sue f Wednesday. December 31.1986, and i


. coup 7ers) to its No. 2 Slope (I.D. No. 36.-

A GENCY: Nuclear Regulatory-wa8 republished at page 818 in the issue of 07166) loca ted in Schuylkill County.

Commission wednnday, January 7.1987. In udi Pennsylvania. The petition is filed under AcTsoN: Revision of date for comments.

publication. several paragraphs c.f text were omitted from section L19. The corrected Section 101(c) of the FederalMine


In a Federa] Register document is reprinted t.elow in its entirety.

Safety and Health Act of1977.

document published on December 31, The omitted material has been added and A summary of the petitioner's 1986 (51 FR 47327--43341. FR Doc. 86-other typesetting errors have been corrected.].

statements follows:

29382) NRC published a notice for public AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory

1. The petition concerns the comment on the NRC staff assessment Commission.

requirement that all haulage equipment of a proposed agreement received from be equipped with automatic couplers the Governor of the State ofIllinois for ACTsow Notice of proposed agreement which couple by impact and uncouple the assumption of certain of the with State of Illinois.

I a

e 2310 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, January 21, 1987 / Notices suuuaRY: Notice is hereby given that relinquish and the State would assume more of the foregoing materials but not the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission certain regulatory authority pursuant to containing uranium and thorium mill E is pubbshing for public comment the section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of tailings (byproduct material as defined -

NRC staff assessment of g proposed 1954, as amended.

In section 11e.(2) of the Act.The State,

agreement received from the Grvernor Section 274e of the Atomic Energy Act does not wish to assume authority over-of the State ofIllinois for the assumption of 1954, as amended, requires that the uranium recovery activities.The State, of certain of the Commission's terms of the proposed agreement be however, reserves the right to apply at a regulatory authority pursuant to section published for public comment once each future date to NRC for an amended.

274 of the Atomic Energy Act week for four consecutive weeks.

agreement to assume autho ity in this amended. Comments are requested on Accordingly, this notice will be area.The nine articles of the propcsed the public health and safety aspects of published four times in the Federal agreement cover the following areas:

the proposal.


I. Lists the materials covered by the -

A staff assessment of the State's

1. Background


proposed program for control over

11. 1.ists the Commission's continued sources of radiation is set forth below as A. Section 274 of the Atomic Energy,

authority and responsibility for certain supplementary information to this Act of 1954, as amended. provides a activities.

notice. A copy of the proposed mechanism whereby the NRC may 111. Allows for future amendment of agreement, program narrative, including transfer to.the States certain regulatory the agreement.

the referenced appendices, applicable authority over agreement materials 8

. IV. Allows for certain regulatory State legislation and Illinois regulations, when a State desires to assume this changes by the Commission.

is available for public inspection in the authority and the Governor certifies that V.

References the continued Commission's public document room at the State has an adequate regulatory authority of the Commission for 1717 H Street NW., Washington. DC the program, and when the Commission common defense and security for Commission's Region !!! Office,799 finds that the State a program is safegua dp Roosevelt Road. Building No. 4. Glen compatible with that of the NRC and is

) P!edg te est efforts of the Ellyn. Illinois, and the Illinois adequate to protect the public health Commission and the State to achieve Department of Nuclear Safety.1035, and sa,fety. Section 274g directn the coordinated and compatible programs.

Outer park Drive. Springfield. Illmois.

Commission to cooperate with the Exemptions from the Commission's States in the formulation of standards Vll. Recognizes reciprocity of regulatory authority, which would for protection against radiation hazards licenses issued by the respective I

implement this proposed agreement, to assure that State,and Commission 88Q y g g g g have been pub!;shed in the Federal

. programs for radiation protection will be Register and codified as Part 150 of the coordinated and compatible. F urthe.~.

termination or suspension of the Commission's regulations in Title 10 of section 274j provides that the agreement.

IX. Specifies the effe,ctive date of.

the Code of Federal Regulations.

Commission shall periodicalir review the a eement OATE: Comments must be received on or such agreements and actions taken by before lanuary 30.1987 *. '

the States under the agreements t 83y. the eria tute orthe i s AcoRessts: Written comments may be eQre compliance with the provisionsIllinois Department of Nuclear Safety.

O l

submitted to the Rules and Procedures B. In a t er dated October 2.1938 authorizes the Department to issue 7:N Branch. Division of Rules and Records.

licenses to, and perform inspections of.

Go]e}orlames P Thom son f the Office of Administration, U.S. Nuclear users of radio sctive materials under the g


Regulatory Commission. % ashington.

proposed agreement and otherwise DC 20555. Comments may also be Commission enter m. io an agreement del d to R

  • 4000 h!a'I and with the State pursuant to section 274 of try g;

l National Bank Building.' Bethesda, the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as program. Illinois regulations for amended. The Governor certified that radiation protection were adopted on h1aryland from 8.15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

hionday through Friday. Copies of he State ofIllinois has a program for September 25,1986 under authority of the enabling statute and provide control of radiation hazards which is comments received may be exammed at o oc h "bli h alth standards. licensing. inspection.

ydqa the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H ect o the materials enforcement and administrative Street N%.. %,ashington DC.

within the State covered by the procedures for agreement and non.

proposed agreement, and that the State agreement materials; Pursuant to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Joel O. Lubenau. Office of State of Illinois desires to assume regulatory

- l 330.360 the regulations will apply to Prograe s. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory responsibility for such materials.The agreement materials on the effective Commission. Washington, DC 20555.

text of the proposed agreement is shown date of the agreement.The regulations telephone: 301-492-9887.

in Appendix A.

provide for the State to license a,nd SUPPLE MENT A RY INFORM ATION:

The specific authority requested is for inspect users of naturally-occurrms and Assessment of Proposed Illinois (1) byproduct material as defined in accelerator. produced radioactive materials.

Program to Regulate Certain Radioactive section 11e.(1) of the Act. (2) source D. llhnois is one of two States with a hf aterials Pursuant to section 274 of the material. (3) special nuclear material in Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. quantities not sufficient to form a cabinet. level agency devoted The Commission has received a critical mass and (4) permanent disposal exclusively to radiation safety and proposal from the Governor of Illinois of low. level waste containing one or control. Illinois' role in radiation safety is traceable to 1955 when the Illinois for the State to enter into an agreement 8'

with the NRC whereby the NRC would

. A. sproduct maiensts as denned in 11ett)

Illm. e,rInvesti; sting Commission.The Nw s eyprod2ct metenats as defined in tietz) ots Depart nent of Nuclear S,afety

  • See the preceding document in which the C. Soune matenals. and Nucleat Resalatory Commission revises the D Special nuclear matenals in quanuties not Program provides a comprehensive -

cnmrr ent deadhne.

sufricient to form a cnbcal mass program encompassing radiation


a.:.e e m c%.y ~R y W.C= M M R W W W N ?


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w.;,.z:. w, : x,,. n -- s : A, m+wn

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1 u

.i Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday January 21.'1987 / Notices 231L F

i protection regulation for radioactive II. NRC Staff Assessment of Proposed Technical de'finitions and~ terminology -

materials and machine produced Illinois Program for Control of contained in the Illinois Radiation...

radiation. lasers. low level thdioactive Agn.ement Materials Control Regulations including those waste management, su veillance of


Criteria for Guidance of nlatep to unus of measurement and -

transportation of radioactive materials radiation doses are uniform with those States and NRC in Discontinuance of end environmental radiation.

contained in 10 CFR Part 20.

coordination of State governm-nt NRC Regulatory Authority and


32 ILI ADM. CODE 310.20 functions concerning nuclear power and Assumption Thereof by States Through 3410.20,350.30,351.30. 370.20. and 601.20.

^5"* * * *e cmergency preparedness.

4. TotaloccupationalRadiotion E.The proposedillinois Agreement Objectives Exposure. The regulatory authority shall will cover several unique facets. It will
1. Protection. A State regulatory c nsider the total occupational radiation include (1) regulation of a low-level program shall be designed to protect the exposare of individuals, including that waste disposal site which is no longer health and safety of the people against from sources which are not regulated by eccepting low level radioactive waste radiation hazards.


for disposal (Sheffield). (2) regulation of Based upon the analysis of the State's The Illinois regulations cover all o new regional low-les el waste disposal sources of radiation within the State's freility. (3) regulation of one of only two

[roposed regulatory program the staff jurisdiction and provide for elieves the Illinois proposed regulatory licensed uranium conversion plants in program for agreement materials is c nsideration of the totalradiation the United States (Allied-Chemical) and adequately designed to protect the exposure of individuals fro.; all sources (4) assumption of regulatory health and sciety of the public against of radiation in the possessi:.2 of a responsibility for off site source material radiation hazards Ucmu onegistrant.

l resulting from operation of the Kerr-Rdennee: 32 UJ. ADM CODE McGee West Chicago Rare Earths


Lilinois Program Statement.

340.1010 to MM Fecility (including such material which Application for Agreement State Status.

5. Surveys. Monitoring. Appropriate is, or may be, stored on the Kerr-McGee Radiation Protection Standards surveys and personnel monitoring under site). jurisdiction over the tailingr 2.Stondords. The State regulatory de close supervision of technically materials at this site (by product material as defined by section 11e(2) of program shall adopt a set of stendards c mpetent people are essential m the Act) will remain with NRC. He for protection against radiation which achieving radiological protection and shall apply to byproduct source and shall be made in determtrung State s proposed programs for low level special nuclear materials in quantities compliance with safety regulations.

radioactive waste disposal and the not sufficient to form a critical mass.

The Illinois requirements for surveys Allied Chemical plant are assessed to evaluate potential exposures from

' under Criteria nos.9. Radioactive StatutoTV authority to formulate and sources of radiation and the personnel Waste Disposal" and 20 " Personnel."

promulgate rules for contromng The disposition of the regulatory exp sure t s uren f radiauonis monitoring requirements are uniform with those contained in 10 Ct R Part 20.

responsibility for the Kerr-McGee e ntained in the enabling statute. In Additionally, for personnel dosimeters.

I radioactive rnaterials resulting from the accordance with that authority, the (except extremity dosimeters and pocketu State a oP 'd gul, 9ns on S ptembr 2.

operation of the Rare Earths Facility is M i nizati n chambers) that, require,

covered in the assessment under processing. the accreditat on criteria in Crtierion 25. " Existing NRC Licenses

((a i tion protection tand the January 1.1985 revision of15 CFR 7b a

1 and Pending Applications."

PP Y YP and in American National Standards L

Under the proposed agreement

{'[t Institute N13.11-1983.1983 edition, mtrst s t ci nt a

be met.

jurisdiction for health and safety for critical mass upon 6e eHective date oi


32ILI ADM. CODE Allied Chemical's plant would be an agreement between the State and tFe 340.2010. 340.2020 and 340.2070 transferred to Illinois.The Allied Co ssic r a o se on of

6. Labels. Signs. Symbols. It is Chemical plant is one of 2 plants in the g

g United States licensed to convert desirable to achieve uniformity in "5'Ad'd.

uranium "yellowcake" to UF.. NRC staff labels, signs, and symbols, and the


321LL. ADM. CODE Parts is reviewing the common defense and postir:g thereof. Ilowever. it is usential 310.320.330.340,341,350,351.370.400 security significance of the Allied that there be uniformity in labels, signs.

and 801.

Chemical plant in consultation with and symbols affixed to radioactive appropriate Federal agencies. Section

3. Unif rms.ty m. Radiation Standards, products which are transferred from 274 agreements are approved by the It is important to strive for uniformity in person to person.

Commission when, among other things, techmcal definitons and ternunology.

The prescribed radiation labels. signs


the proposed State program is adequate particularly as related to such things as and syrnbols are uniform with those to protect the public health and safety.

dose.There shallbe uniform,diation umts of measurement and ra contained in to CFR Parts 20,30 thru 32 ity on and 34. The Illinois posting requirements The NRC staff assessment finds the proposed Illinois program will provide maximum permissible doses a-levels are also uniform with those of Part 20.

f radiauon and concentrabons of


32 ILL. ADM. CODE cdequately for public health and safety.

The Atomic Energy Act, as amended, radioaclivity, as fixed by 10 CFR Part 20 330.220(g). 330.220(i). 330.280(d).

however' affect the Commission'sstates that such agreements of the NRC regulations based on 330.280(g). 3402030 and.2040,350.1050.

shall not officially approved radiabon protection

7. Instruction. Fersons wor king in or authority to protect the common defense guides.

frequenting restricted areas shall be and secunty. The decision on whether to instructed with respect to the health exclude the Allied Chemical plant from

' NRC St.sement of Pohey pubbshed in the risks associated with exposure to the Agreement will be made by the Z $,l,7;['[,%3gy"k radioactive materials and in precautions Commission concurTent with its decision 3ms;.od.,,wn or entenon a pubh hed in th, to minimize exposure. Workers shall on the Illinois request for an Agreement. rederet seswine July 22.18s314a nt ass s).

have the right to request regulatory

2312 Federxl RIgistir / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday Janutry 21'. 1987 / Notices authority inspections as per 10 CFR 19.

essentially uniform with those of 10 CFR received radiation exposure in excess o_f T.

Section 19.16 and to be represented Patt 20. Waste transfer and manifest the prescribed limits.-

a.r isn( rc during inspections as specified in system requirements for transfer of The Illinois regulations re' quire the.T7 Section 19.14 of 10 CFR 19.

waste for ultimate disposal at a land, following records and reports licensees 7 The Illinois regulation contain disposal facility an included in the and registrants:

d. ' e c. *c.

requirements for instruction and notices Illinois regulations.The waste disposal.

(a) Records covering personnelm t r to w orkers that are uniform with those requirements include a waste radiation exposures; radiation surveysd -

of to CFR Part 19.

classification scheme and provisions for and disposals of materials.'.3.7.

.r d


32 ILL ADht. CODE Part waste form equivalent to that in to CFR (b) Records of receipt and transfer ofi.


Part 61.


8. Storage. Licensed radioactive The Illinois regulations provide for (c) Report's concerning incidents.

matenal m storage shall be secured land disposal of low-level radioactive involving radioactive materials.@ ' d agamst unauthorized removal.

waste received from other persons (d) Reports to former employees cf -

The lilinois regulations contain a which are compatible with the their radiation exposurer requirement for security of stored applicable technical definitions.

(e) Reports to employees of their -

.1 perf rman e bjectives, technical annual radiation exposure. * ~

5 r

a e ma i 7

ADht. CODE req irements and supporting sections (f) Reports to employees of radiation -

340 2060 set out in 10 CFR Part 61.The Illinois exposure in excess of prescribed limits.

9 Radioactive Waste Disposof. (a) regulati ns include provisions for


321LL ADM. CODE 310.40.

l Waste disposal by material users. The f nancial arrangements for 340.4010. 340.4030. 340.4050 and 400.130. ;

standards for the disposal of radioactive decontamination. closure and

12. Additiona/ Requirements ond.

materials into the air. water and sewer

  • stabilization. Under the Nuclear Waste Exemptions. Consistent with the overall.

and burialin the soll shall be in Policy Act of 1982 (Pub. L 97-425) the criteria here enumerated and to -.

accordance with 10 CFR Part 20.

financial arrangements for long-term accommodate special cases and liulders of rsdioactive material desiring rn nit ring and maintenance at specific circumstances the State regulatcry -

to release or dispose of quantities or sites in Illmois will be subject to authority shall be authorized in concentrations of radioactive materials in excess of prescribed limits shall be Commis,sion yev,lew and approval prior individual cases to impose additional t Illm is rehevmg the site operator of.

requirements to protect health and * -

required to obtain special permission licensed responsibility, safety, or to grant necessary exemptions -

from the appropriate regulatory


32ILL ADht. CODE which will not jeopardize health and authority.

340.1060. 340.3010 to 340. 3110. Part 601:


~ '

Requirements for transfer of waste for Section 151(a)(2). Pub. L 97-425..

The Illinois Department of Nuclear the purpose of ultimate disposal at a land disposal facihty (waste transfer

10. Regulations Corerning Shipment Safety is authorized to impose upon any


and manifest system) shall be in o/ Radioactive Afaterio/s. The State licensee or registrant by rule, regulation.

shall to the extent of its jurisdiction or order such requirements in addition.

accordance with 10 CFR Part 20.

The waste disposal standards shall promulgate regulations applicable to the to those established in the regulations as include a waste classification scheme shipment of radioactive materials. such it deems appropriate or necessary to l

and provisions for waste form, regulations to be compatible with those minimize danger to public health and apphcable to waste generators, that is

. established by the U.S. Department of safety or property.

A i

l equivalent to that contained in 10 CFR Transportation and other agencies of the


32 ILL ADht. CODE 31'O.70.

Part 61.

United States whose jurisdiction over The Department may also grant such I

(b) Land Disposal of waste received interstate shipment of such materials exemptions from the requirements of the


from other persons. The State shall necessarily continues. State regulations regulations as it determines are i

promulgate regulations containing regarding transportation of radioactive authorized by law and will not result in I

licensing requirements for land disposa) materials must be compatible with to undue hazard to public health and -

of radioactive waste received from other CFR Part 71.

safety or property.

l persons which are compatible with the The Illinois regulations are uniform


32 ILL ADht. CODE 310.30.

applicable technical definitions, with those contained in NRC reguleions -Prior E. valuation of I/ses of Radioactive performance objectives, technical 10 CFR Part 71.

AI '# N l

requirements and applicable supporting,


32 ILL ADht. CODE Part l

sections set forth m 10 CFR Part 61.


13. Prior Evaluation ofHazanis and l

Adequate fmancial arrangements (under

11. Records and Reports. The State Uses. Exceptions. In the present state of <

l terms established by regulation) shall be regulatory program shall require that knowledge, it is necessary in regulating l

required of each waste disposal site holders and users of radioactive the possession and use of byproduct.

l licensee to ensure sufficient funds for materials (a) maintain records covering source and special nuclear materials decontamination, closure and personnel radiation exposures, radiation that the State regulatory authority stabilization of a disposal site. In surveys, and disaposals of materials: (b) require the submission ofinformation addition. Agreement State financial keep records of the receipt and transfer on, and evaluation of, the potential arrangements for long-term monitoring of the materials:(c) report significant hazards and the capability of the user or

!I and maintenance of a specific site must incidents involving the materials, as possessor prior to his receipt of the be reviewed and approved by the prescribed by the regulatory authority:

materials.This criterion is subject to -

Commission prior to reheving the site (d) make available upon request of a certain exceptions and to continuing' operator of licensed responsibility former employee

  • report of the reappraisal as knowledge and (section 151(a)(2). Pub. L 97-425).

employee's exposure to radiation:(e) at experience in the atomic energy field The libnois regulations contain request of anemployee advise the increase. Frequently there are, and provisions relating to the disposal of -

employee of his or her annual radiation increasingly in the future there may be, radioactive materials into the air, water exposure: and (f) Inform each employee categories of materials and uses as to and sewer and burialin soil which are in writing when the employee has which there is sufficient knowledge to a


p } ~':f :- ~ ~. h. f.~K."M'W2 W.~iM='""93==W ='7MPLW ~M2'((r?l 62M%g>~fY R A s

Federal Register / Vol. 52 No.13 / Wedn'esday, january 21, 1987'/ Nottbe's


2313 l

permit possession and use without prior' In evaluating a proposal to use is dependent upon the type and abope of~

evaluation of the hazards and the agreement materials, the !!!inois the licensed activities and will be at l

capability of the possessor and user.

Department of Nuclear Safetj will' least as frequent as lnspections of ' '


These categories fallinto two groups-determine taat:

similar licensees by NRC. Generally. '

those materials and uses which may be (1) The applicant is qualified by inspections will be unannounced.. ~.

i completely exempt from regulatory reason of training and experience to use


32ILL. ADM. CODE controls. and those maferials and uses the materialin question for the purpose - 310.50,310.60,310.70 and 400.140(a):. '

in which sanctions for misuse are requestedin accordance with the ~ ~

Illinois Program Statement, Section maintained without pre-evaluation of regulations In such a manner as to ll B.1.(a)(2) " Inspection and.

the individual possession or use. In minimize danger to public health and

' Compliance," Section Il!.C. " inspection authorizing research and development safety or property; and Enforcement" and Section IV.C or other activities involving multiple (2) The applicant's proposed

" Division of Responsibilities."

uses of radioactive materials, where an equipment. facilities, and procedures are

17. Inspections Compulsory. Licensees institution has people with extensive adequate to minimize danger to public shall be under obligation by law to training and experience the State health and safety or property; and provide access to inspectors.


regulatory authority may wish to (3) The issuance of the license will not Illinois regulations state that licensees l

provide a means for authorizing broad be immical to the health and safety of shall afford the Department at all use of materials without evaluating each the public.

specific use.

Other special requirements for the reasonable times opportunity to inspect sources of radiation and the premises Prior to the issuance of a specific issuance of specific licenses a e and facilities wherein such sources of license for the use of radioactive contained in the regulations.

radiation are used or stored.


32ILL ADM. CODE materials, the Illinois Department of


32 ILL. ADM. CODE 310.50.

Nucleat Safety will require the 330.250 to 330.280 and Part 601: Illinois submission of information on, and will Program Statement. Sections ll.B.I. alt)

18. Notification ofResults of Inspection. Licensees are entitled to be make an evaluation of, the potential advised of the results ofinspections and Ra toa tive ast la a ent" and hazards of such uses, and the capability to notice as to whether or not they are in of the applicant.

I!!.B " Licensing."

15. Human Use. He use of radioactive compliance.


32ILL ADM. CODE materials and radiation on or in humans Following Department inspections, 330.240 to 330.340 and Part 601: Illinois shall not be permitted except by each licensee will be notified in writing Program Statement, Sections II.B.1(a)(1) properly qualified persons (normally of the results of theinspection.The Licensing. II.C.1(a)(3) Regulating licensed physicians) possessing letters and written notices indicate if the Low.Lesel Waste Disposal' andIll.B.

prescribed minimum experience in the licensee is in compliance and if not, list Licensing'.

use of radioisotopes or radiation.

the areas of noncompliance.

Provision is made for the issuance of The Illinois regulations require ?.at


Illinois Program Statement, l

generallicenses for byproduct, source the use of radioactive materials Section ll.B.1.(a)(2) " Inspection and and special nuclear matenals in (including sealed sources) on orin Compliance," Section Ill.C " Inspection situations where prior evaluation of the humans shall be by a physician having and Enforcement" and Section IV.C.,

licensee's qualifications, facilities, substantial experience in the handling "Divisicri of Responsibuities.*

equipment and procedures are not and administration of radioactive Enforcement required. The regulations grant general material and, where applicable, the licenses under the same circumstances clinical management of radioactive

19. Enforcement. Possession and use y

as those under which generallicenses patients.

of radioactive materials should be are granted in the Commission's


32 ILI, ADM. CODE amenable to enforcement through legal regulations.

330.260(a), (b), and (c).

sanctions, and the regulatory authority l



32ILL. ADM. CODE shall be equipped or assisted by law 330.210 and 330.220.

Inspection with the necessary powers for prompt Provision is made for exemption of

16. Purpose, frequency. %e enforcement. This may include, as j

certain source and other radioactive possession and use of radioactive appropriate, administrative remedies.

materials and devices containing materials shall be subject to inspection looking toward issuance of orders radioactive materials. The exemptions by the regulatory authority and shall be requiring affirmative action or for materials covered by the Agreement subiect to the performance of tests, as suspension or revocation of the right to I

are the rame as those granted by NRC required by the regulatory authority, possess and use materials, and the regulations.-

Inspection and testingis conducted to impounding of materials; the obtaining


32ILL ADM. CODE determine and to assist in obtaining of injunctive relief; and the imposing of 330.30 and 330.40.

compliance with regulatory civil or criminal penalties.-


14. Evoluotion Criterio. In evaluating requirements. Frequency ofinspection The Illinois Department of Nuclear a proposal to use radioactive materials, shall be related directly to the amount Safety is equipped with the necessary the regulatory authority shall determine and kind of material and type of powers for prompt enforcement of the the adequacy of the appi : ant's facilities operation licensed, and it shall be regulations. Where conditions exist that j

and safety equipment, his training and adequate to insure compliance.

create a clear presence of a hazard to experience in the use of the materials

!!!inois materials licensees will be t!,e public health that requires for the purpose requested, and his subject to inspection by the Department immediate action to protect human proposed administrative controls. States of Nuclear Safety. Upon instruction from health and safety, the Department may should develop guidance documents for the Department, licensees shall perform issue orders to reduce, discontinue or use by license applicants.This guidance or permit the Department to perform eliminate such conditions.The should be consistent mth NRC licensing such reasonable tests and surveys as the department actions may also include and regulatory guides for various Department deems appropriate or impounding of radioactive material.


categories oflicensed activities.

necessary.The frequency ofinspections imposition of a civil penalty, revocation l


fE 9%?hdAMM4Qc'MF~^' 'FIhr*@T::.:.%.**.~,J" a pr,r mtvzw e- %.,3 2314 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday, January 21, 1987 / Notices of a license. and requesting the State initially to evaluate and inspect those (10% of time devoted to materials u Attorney General to seek injunctions applications of radioactive materials program)..., :. :#..

  • and convictions for criminal violations.

which are considered routine or more -



32 ILL ADM. CODE standardized from the radiation safety -

PhJ.-Yale Universtty(1970) r d,,

310 70.310.80.310.90.330.500:IU.Rev.

standpoint. fur example. inspection of

-M lecular Biophysics and 2,,,,,

Sta t.1985. ch.111 %. pars. 219. 222. 223 industrial gauges. small researth Biochemistry. Yale University, '. -

and 220 Illinois Program Statement.

programs, and diagnostic medical M.Ph.-Molecular Biophysics and,,.,_

Section 11 B.I.(a)(2). " Inspection and programs. As they gain experience and Chenmtry Compliance." Section Ill C. " Inspection competence in the field. the trainees

-Yale University (1967).

and Enforcement" and Section IV.C..

could be used progressively to deal with B.A.-Reed College (1965)

" Division of Responsibibtles."

the more complex or difficult types of Personnel radioactive material applications. It is

-Nsics Major desirable that such trainees have a Experience:

20. Quali6cotions ofRegulatory and bachelor's degree or equivalent in the 1984-Present: Director, Illinois Inspection Personnel. The regulatory physical or life sciences and specific Department of Nuclear Safety ag sha

't d

h mt training in radiation protection. In 1933-1984: Deputy Director. Illinois p,r nnel i


determining the requirement for Department of Nuclear Safety applications for lice,nses or, academic training of individuals in all of 1983-1983: Independent Consultant authorizations and inspection of the foregoing categories, proper 1982 - 1983: Science Director. Scientists' licensees must be conducted by persons consideration should be given to Institute for Public information. New possessing the trainmg and expenence equivalent competency which has been York City relevant to the type and level of gained by appropriate technical and 1981 - 1982: Independent Consultan't

d '

Posed use to be radiation protection experience.

1980 - 1981: Director, Science and Public ya!

d ec ed' To perform the functions involved in rnaten. rec gnized that radioactive Policy. The Keystone Center. Dillon, III8 als and their uses are so varied Colorado evaluation and inspection. it is desirable that the evaluation and inspection 1972 - 1980: Staff Scientist, Natural -

that there be personnel educated and functions will require skills and Resources Defense Council. Saa trained ir the physical and/or hfe expenence in the different disciplines Francisco. California sciences. Includin g biology, chemistry, which will not always reside in one 1970-1972: Postdoctoral Research physics and engineering, and that the puson.De regdatory authority should Fellow. Yale University Medical personnel have had training and have the composite of such ski]!s either School. New Haven. Connecticut experience in radiation protection. The in its employ or at its command, not PoulD. Eastvold Manager. Office of person who will be responsible for the nly f r routine functions. but also for Radiation Safety. Responsible for actual performance of evaluation and Inspection of all of the various uses of emugmcy cases.

managing the programs, functions and byproduct. source and special nuclear

a. Rodooctire Maten. ls Pmgrom.

activities of four technical divisions:


i. Personnel.

Nuclear Materials, Electronic Products, material which might come to the regulatory bod should have substantial There are approximately 890 NRC -

RadiologicTechnologist Accreditation 3

training and extensive experience in the specific licenses in the State of Illinois.

and Medical Physics (33% of time A

field of radiation protection.

Under the proposed agreement. the devoted to materials program).

It is recognized that there will also be State would assume responsibility for Training:

persons in the program performing a about 800 of these B.S.-University ofIowa (1970) l more limited function in evaluation and Department's Division of Nuclear

--General Science / Nuclear Medicir.e I

inspection.These persons will perform Materials is currently staffed with 13 the work of the regulatory professional persons and has one

. Technology program and deal with both routine vacancy. Including the Manager of the "SpecialTopica in Licensing:

Contingency lans," US NRC, San p

situations as well as some which will be Office of Radiation Safety (in which the out of the ordinary.These people should Division of Nuclear Materials is Francisco CA(1986) have a bachelor's degree or equivalent located). four individuals will be

" Impact of Proposed Changes to to CFR I

in the physical or life sciences, training assigned management and supervisory 20." Technical Management Services, in health y hysics, a'nd approximately duties in the materials program.

Inc., Gaithersbt. g. Maryland (1986) two years of actual work experience in Exclusive of the low-level radioactive "large Irradiation Radiation Safety the field of radiation protection, waste regulatory program and the Workshop." US NRC, New Jersey The foregoing are considered regulatory oversight for a uranium -

.(1985) desirable quahfications for the staff who conversion plant (discussed below) we "Incinertion of Radioactive Material will be responsible for the actual estimate the State will need to apply Workshop." University of California I

performance of evaluation and between 7.9 to 12 staff-years of (1984) inspection. In addition, there will professional effort to the radioactive

" Transportation'of Radioactive probably be trainees associated with the materials program. lllinois will apply Materials." US NRC. lllinois (1983).,

regulatory program who will have an about 14.4 staff-years to this program.

" Recognition. Evaluation. and Control of academic background in the physical or The personnel together with summaries Non-lonizing Radiation." US Dept of life sciences as well as varying amounts of their assigned responsibihties, Labor. Illinois (1981) of specific training in radiation training and experience are as follows

" Inspection Procedures " US NRC, protection but little or no actual work (except as noted percentage of time libnois (1980) experience in this field.The background devoted to the radioactive materials

" Safety Aspects ofindustrial and specific training of these persons program will be 90% or more):

Radiography," US NRC, louisiana wil: indicate to some extent their Terry R. Lash: Director. Illinois 0980) potential role in the regulatory program.

Department of Nuclear Safety.

" Quality Assurance in Nuclear These trainees, of course, could be used Governor's Designated IJaison to NRC.

Medicine," US FDA. Maryland (1979) l


.a l

Fadiral Rrgistir / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, Janu1iry 21,1987 /Notices.


" Health Physics in Radiation i


' Accidents." Oak Ridge Associated

" Transportation of Radioactive L '

1977-1977:NationalTaiwan University.

Universities. Tennessee (1979)

Materials," US NRC, Illinois (1983)


Hospital, PharmacyIntern. Taipel

" Laser Safety Seminar," US Food and - ^* Current Applications of Nuclear s

Taiwan Drug Admin Wisconsin (1979)

Imaging," Siemens Gammasonics. Inc.,

i-1977-1977:Pher Pharmai:eutical ~ i

  • Radiological Response Operations Illinois (1981)

Training Course." US NRC, Nevada

" Nuclear Cardiology," Univ.of Company. Assistar.t Pharmacist '

  • 1978)

Wisconsin. Wisconsir:(1980)

(Intern). Tan-Shui, Taiwan ROC: E -




Y. DavidLa Touche: Radioactive -

Materials Ucense Reviewer, Division of So! t on U So hern 1982-Present: Illinois Department of Nuclear Materials. Performs reviews of Cal fornia. California

" Radiological Emergency (1978)

Nuclear Safety


radioactive materiallicense applications I


1973-1982:St. John's Hospital, g3977) g Course," US NRC MinnesotaSpringfield, Illinois and performs inspections of radioacuve Plannin materials licensees. ;

1981: Lincoln Land Community College, Training:

" Health Physics and Radiation Springfield. Illinois (Instructor) l Protection," US NRC, Tennessee 1973-1977: Nuclear Medicine Institute

  • ph.D.-Oregon State University (1981) -


Ohio (Affiliate Instructor)

-Radiation Biology 1

'Tundamentals of Non-Ionizing 1971-1973: Wesley Medical Center.

hts.-Oregon State University (1978)

Radia tion Protection." U.S. Food and Kansas

-Biological Science Drug Administra tion. Maryland (1973) fou-Cuang //oe/Hwang:Ucensing B.S.-Concordia University. Montreal.

" Licensing Course-Byproduct. Source, Section Head, Division of Nuclear Canada (1978) and Special Nuclear Materials," US NRC, Maryland (1972)

Materials. Responsible for supervisin8

_pylogy the review of radioactive material "Special Topics ia Ucensing:


i license applications.

Contingency Plans." US NRC, San 198bPresent: Illinois Department of Training:

Francisco. CA (1986)

Nuclear Safety

" Health Physics and Radiation i

1971 - 1980:I!!inois Department of Public Ph.D.-Purdue University (1985)

Protection." US NRC, Oak Ridge, l

Health. Division of Radiological

-Health Physics Health MSpH-University of South Carolina Tennessee (1936) 197bl971: University ofIowa (1981)

" Uranium and Thorium: A Perspective Radiation Protection Office '

-Industrial Hygiene and Environmental on the Hazard." Radiation Safety Michoe/Ewon: Chief, Division of Quality Assessment A s socie tes, Inc.. Springfi eld. Illinois (1980)

Nuclear Materials. Manages the B.S.-National Taiwan University (1978) " Introduction to Licensing Practices and Division including supervision of staff

-Pharmacy ar.d establishment of program

" Uranium and Thorium: A Perspective Procedures." US NRC, Bethesda, objecti es.

on the Hazard.". Radiation Safety Maryland (1986)

Associa tes, Inc., Springfield. Illinois Experience:

1986-Present:I!!inois Department of MA angamon State University. lL ternal Dosimetry," Health Physics Cfg'g6 Ore a

l (1980)

Society, State College Pennsylvania' 39 n State University.

-Business Administration (1988)

Corvallis. Oregon Research Associa!F l

B.S.-University of Iowa (1971)

,, Introduction to Ucensing Practices and 1979-1981: Oregon State University.

-General Science / Nuclear Medicine Procedures." US NRC, Bethesda.

Corvallis. Oregon Graduate Research "U

and Thorium: A Perspective "M

Uses o Radionuclides for 19 7-979: reson State University, on the Hazard," Radiation Safety Associates.Inc Springfield, Illinois State Regulatory Personnel" US NRC, Corvallis. Oregon Graduate. Teaching j


Oak Ridge Tennessee (1986)

Assistant "Special Topics in Ucensing:


Yu-Ann Stephen Hsu:Radiosctive Contingency Plans," US NRC. San 1NPreseratSa.nms Department of Ma terials License Reviewer, Division of e S t Nuclear Materials. Performs reviews of Francisco, CA (1986) c]g due University. Graduate radioactive material license applicati,ons "lticineration Basics," Um,v. of 3g California. Irvine. Charlotte, N.C.

kea i g ns,


materials licensees.

r, and performs inspections of radioactive (1988)

" Basic Supervision," Keye Productivity Sc

.f Training:

1gg Purdue University. Graduate M.S.-Old Dominion University (1982)

"Im f op s ha e to CFR Research Instructor. School of Health

-Norfolk. Virginia

., Gai r urg,h a land 9 )

19 198 University of South Carolina, am Kang college of Arts and

" Transportation of Radioactive Graduate Teaching Assistant.

Sciences Materials." US DOE. Illinois (1985)

Department of Environmental Health


" Technical Writing." Richmond Staff Sciences

" Introduction to Air Toxics " US EPA.

Development,!!!inois (1985) 1980-1980: University of South Carolina, Kansas City. Missouri (1985)

  • Health Physics and Radiation Graduate Research Assistant,

" Health Physics and Radiation Protection." Oak Ridge Associated Department of Environmental Health Universities Tennessee (1985)

Sciences Protection." US NRC. Oak Ridge.

Tennessee (1984)

" Gas and Oil Well Logging." US NRC.

1978-1979:The Church of Taipei.

" Safety Aspects ofIndustrial Texas (1984)

Minister.Taipel, Taiwan Radiography for State Regulatory

" Licensing Practices and Procedures '

1978-1979: Yun Fu Pharmaceutical Ltd.,

Personnel." US NRC. Baton Rouge, US NRC, Maryland (1984)

Pharmacist. Taipei. Taiwan Louisiana (1984) 1 Wf'.[Y'

? D f;};i%3 X W*Y Y ";" " * # "'


~ ~ ~

hd bb, 1((b:Yb

$'bh hbbE$MNh.Nkh[-dkkhhk 3khh 1

l 1; S 2316~

Federal Register / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, January 21, 1987 / Notices ~

" Cobalt Teletherapy Calibration," US Health Physics "Cas and Welllegging for' Regulatory,'14 NRC. Ilouston. Texas (1984)

" Inspection Procedures," US NRC, Personnel," US NRC, Houston, Texas

" Medical Use of Radionuclides for State Atlanta. Georgia (1985)

(1985) e.3 J..

Regulatory Personnel," US NRC,

" Writing for Results," Sangamon State

" Radioactive Matedal Training CourseT Tcr.ncssce (1984)

University, Springfield. IUinois (1985)

Hazardous Material Regulations of M

  • Cas and Oil Weu-Logging for State

" Introduction to Licensing Practices and the United States Department of ~ .h '

Regulatory Personnel," US NRC, Procedures," US NRC, Washington, Transporta tion." Chicago, Illinois M~


D.C. (1985)


"Itazardous Waste Management." Old

" Environmental Health Practices,"

.. Safety Aspects ofIndustrial i~

Dominion Umversity, Virginia Beach.

University of Massachusetta, Radiography." US NRC, Baton Rouge.

Virginia (1982)

Amherst. Massachusetts (1982)

Loulslana (1985)

" Inspection Procedures." US NRC, Experience:

" Introduction to Licensing Practices and Atlanta, Georgia (1986) 1985-Present: Illinois Department of Procedures " US NRC, Bethesda.


Nuclear Safety Maryland (1984)...

1986-Pn>sent !!!inois Department of 1980 -1985: University of

" Inspection Procedures," US NRC, ~

Nuclear Safety Massachusetts, Department of Atlanta, Georgia (1984) 1985-1986:lowa Electric Light & Power Environmental Health and Safety,

.. Health Physics and Radiation Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Amherst. Massachusetts, Staff Health Protection." US NRC, Oak Ridge.-

Radiological Engineer Physicist ennessee M 1982 - 1985: Kansas Department of 1979 -1979 FermiNational Accelerator

.. Radiation Protection Technology,,,

Ifealth and Environment. Topeka, Laboratory. Proton Department, Kansas. Radiation Control Inspector Batavia, Illinois RockwellInternational Energy Systems Cr UP(1983) 1981 - 1982: Eastern Virginia Medical d


""*E ""

Authonty Norfolk, Virginia, Assistant En o ceme Sec io e d Division of US NRClllm. ". (1983)

Radiation Safety Officer ear. ateriajs. Manages ge

" Executive Development Academy" ots 1980-1981: Eastern Virginia Medical inspection and enforcement program.

Authority. Norfolk, Virginia, Radiation Illinois Department of Pesionnel, Safety Research Technician Trainmg.

Ill nols (1981) 1979-1980 Old Dominion University M.S.-Texas A & M University (1985)

..ANS Cobol Course,"(1080):" Basic -

Norfolk, Virginia. Research Assistant g'Nuc ear e,ri ea sics)

Systems Analysis:(1980);" General introduction to Statistical Package for Steve Meiners: Radioactive Materials ri Ucense Reviewer. Division of Nuclear the Social Sciences"(1979):"DP n

a ori m: APerspective Materials. Performs reviews of on the Hazard," Radiation Safety Concepts (1979): IMS Environment radioactive materiallicense applications Associated Springfield. Illinois (1988)

Course, (1979): Easytrieve/IMS and performs inspections of radioactive

.. Inspection P' ocedure." US NRC, Class" (1979):" Basics in Easytrieve,"

r materials licensees.

Atlanta, Georgia (1986)

State ofIlhnois Data Processing Training:

" Gas & Oil Welllegging for Regulatory Training Center (1977)


M.S.-University of Arkansas for Personnel," (Accepted for attendance

" Air Pollution Control Orientation," US l

Medical Sciences (1985) at November,1986 course, Houston, EPA (1978)

-Radiation Health Physics Texas)

" Community Hygiene," US HEW, B.A.-Harding University (1981)


Georgia (1978)

University oMhnols, School omnical

-Biology 1986-Prescut. Illinois Department of i


" Medical Uses of Radionuclides for Medicme. (1974)

Nuclear S.iet State Regulatory Personnel," US NRC, 1983-1986: Tex s A & M University, University of lilinois, School of Basic Oak Ridge Tennessee (1986)

Health Physicist. Collep Station, Medical Sciences (1973)


Texa, Experience:

1985-1985: Texas Tech University, 1980 -1983: Carolina Power & Light 1983-Present: Illinois Department of Radiation Safety Officer Company, Radiation Control Nuclear Safety 1984-1984. University of Arkansas, Specialist. Hartsville, South Carolina 1974-1983: Illinois Department of Public Graduate Assistant George E. Merrihew; Radioactive Health Division of Engineering 1981 - 1984: University of Ankansas.

Materials License Inspector. Performs 1971_1g72: Sangamon State University, Laboratory Technologist reviews of radioactive materials license Department of Biology, Graduate 1981-1983. University of Arkansas, applications and performs inspections of Assistant Aquatic Ecologist radioactive materials licensees.

1965-1967: Memorial Medical Center, 1980 - 198;: Hardmg University, Training:

Clinical Laboratory Teaching Assistant M.A.-Sangamon State Universaty (1972)

Lor / Kim Podolol: Radioactive SherylO. SoderdoM Support

-Biology /Psycholo.ty Materials License inspector. Performs '

Sersiccs Section Head. Dm,ston of B.A.-Sa n mon State University (1971) reviews of radioactive materials license Nuclear Materials. Responsible for the

-Biology Psychology applications and performs inspections of Division's data processing system and A.A.-Spring. eld, Colicge in Illinois radioactive materials licensees.

registration program, assists in license (1969) m reviews and inspections, assists in General Seclence review and revision of regulations and

' Radiological Emergency Response M.S.-University of lowell (1968) standards and serves as the Operation." FEMA,las Vegas.

-Radiological Sciences Department's Radiation Safety Officer.

Nevada (1988)

B.S.-Kentucky Wesleyan College (1984)


" Medical Uses of Radicnuclides," US

-Physics B.S.-Purdue University Indiana (1980)

NRC, Oak Ridge.Temnessee (1988)



- x.A W~w.;mP=MyKffi%,5$SSYLW~???~$~YYhh -


.c n..


1 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday. January 21, 1987 / Notices 2317


1986-Present: Illinois Department of

" Radiation Therapy Workshop. Medical


app!' cations and perf'orma mspectians of Nuclear Safety i

19B4-1986: University oflowell Linear Accelerators," US Public radioactive materials licensees.

1985: Brookhaven Laboratory Health Service Chicago. Illinois 0981)

M.1 1983: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

" Acceptance Testing of Radiologice.1 Training: * '

  • ~

Imaging Equipment," American.

Graduate work toward M.S.--Colorado AndrewS. Cu/czynski: Chicago Association of Physicists in Medicine, State University (1985)

Inspection and Enforcement Section American College of Radiology and

-University of Tennessee (1982),,.

I Head. Divisien of Nuclear Materia!s.

Society for Radiological Engineering,

~ Health Physica Supervises Chicago office materials Chicago, Illinois (1981)

B.S.-Villanova University (1975) license ing pectors.

" Safety Aspects ofIndustrial

-Biology Traini"8' Radiography for State Programs," US Certificate-St. ]oseph's Hospital and B.S-Northeastern Illinois Um.versity NRC. Baton Rouge, Lou!alana (1981)

Medical Center School of Nuclear 1


.. Inspection Procedures," US NRC, Glen Medicine Technology Paterson. New i

--Biology Ellyn, Illinois (1980)

Jersey (1977)

Five Week Health Physics and, US

" Quality Assurance in Nuclear Medicine " Inspection Procedures," US NRC, Radiation Protection Course.

Departments," US Food and Drug NRC, Oak Ridge. Tennessee (1988)

Administration. Rockville, Maryland Atlanta Georgia (1966)


" Internal Dose Assessment." Technical 9979)


Management Services. Inc.,Illmots

.. Radiological Emergency Pesponse 0985)

Operations Training Course for State 1988-Present: Illinois Department of i

Nuclear Safety

.*Transporta t. ion of Radioactive and Iocal Government Emergency 1981-1981: Oak Ridge National i

ht rials, US DOE, Chicago,Illm..

Preparedness Personnel." FEMA, Las Laboratory, Health and Safety ots Veg as, Nevada (1979

.. I I

"Special Procedures on)CT Scanners"Research Division. Senior Labora tory 4

I eguNtory ers Technician i

  • U NRC, US Public Health service, Chicago, 1979-1981: Oak Ridge National Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1984 Illmots (1976)

" Safety Aspects ofIndustrial )

" Radiological Workshop " US Public BiologicalTechnician Laboratory, Biology Division,,

Radiografby for State Regulatory Health Service, Chicago, Illinois (1976) 1977-1979:Ra$ ology Associates, Albert Personne " US NRC, Baton Rouge.


Louisiana (1983)

Einstein Medical Center, No. Division,

" Inspection Procedures for State 1980-Present: Illinois Department of at McIne TecWopst.

Regulatory Personnel." US NRC.

Nuclear Safet 1976-1977:SpectroChem Laboratories, Atlanta, Georgia (1983) 1976-1980:Illino s Department of Public Inc., Analytical Chemistry Technician

" Radiological Emergency Response Health, Division of Radiological John W. Cooper: Manager, Office of Health Operations," FEMA. Las Vegas.

Environmental Safety.Provides Nevada (1983) 1973-1978: Oak Park Hospital. Nuclear technical support to the Division of Experience:

Medicine Technologist. Oak Park, Nuclear Materials on an as needed Illinois basis.

,A 1985-Present: Illinois Department of 1972-1973: Oak Park Hospital.X-Ray Training:

I Nuclear Safety Technologist Oak Park, Illinois 1982-1985: Kansas Department of Health Ph.D-University ofIowa (1971) and Environment, Bureau of Radiation Robin Cehrhardt Bauer: Radioactive

-Radiation Biology Control. Topeka, Kansas, Materials License Inspector. Performs M.S.-University ofIowa 0966) 1981-1982:Argonne National reviews of radioactive materials license

-Pharmacy l

Laboratory. Argonne, Illinois applications and performs inspections of B.S.-Drake Univenity(1960) i 1977-1981: Northeastern llhnots radioactive materials licensees.

. Pharmacy University, Chicago, Ilhnots Training-

. Industrial Ventila ion Systems." OSHA

/ohn D. Papendorf Radiocative M.S.-Emory Univenity (1985)

Training Institute, Illinois (1983)

Materials License Inspector. Performs

-Radiological Physics

" Respirator Safety for CSHO's," OSHA i

reviews of radiactive materials license B.S.-University of Miami 0983)

TrainingInstitute, Illinois 0982) applications and performs inspections of -Biology Experience-radioactive materials licensees.

" Health Physics and Radiation 1981-Present:lllinois Department of Tra ning.

Protection." US NRC, Oak Ridge, Nuclear Safety i

N.M.T.-Oak Park Hospital (1975) ennessee (1980) 1975-1981: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

-Nuclear Medicine Technologist Experience:

Commission Region Ill, inspector and Certifscation license reviewer R.T.-Hines V.A. Hospital (1972) 1986-Present: !!!inois Department of 1971-1975: Allegheny General Medical

-X-Ray Technologist Certification Nuclear Safety Center, Radiation Biology Laboratory

,A.S.-Central YMCA College (1972) 1985-1985: Georgia Baptist Hospital, 1964-1971: University ofIowa, Radiation Inspection of Transportation of Internship, Medical Physics. Atlanta, research and tesching Radioactive Materials. U.S.NRC. '

Georgia 1985-1985:Emory Unh ersity, X. Ray.

Apparco Devoto: Chief Division of

" uct a tat n orState Nuclear Medicine, Calibration, Medical Physics. Provides technical ofu y, US NRC.

Atlanta, Georgia support to the Division of Nuclear i

Matenals on an as needed basis.

j aS u Carolina (1984) 1989 -1 y la Unhersg.fesearch Training:

" Hazardous Materials Training Course,.

Technician. Maywood, Ulanms Ph.D.-University of New Orleans U.S. DOE, Chicago, Illincis 0983)

JoanneB.Kark Radioactive Materials 0975}-Physics

" Radiation Safety," Northwestern License Inspector. Performs reviews of ALS.-University of New Orleans l

University, Evanston Illinois 0982) radioactive materials license (1972)-Physics l'



l e

a, t

  • I i




2318 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, January 2i,19'87 Nothes -



MSc.-Andhra University (1968)-- support for all Department ~

1976-19'77:S't. Jude Children's Res'earch.

Applied Physics programs. Provides technical support in Hospital, Memphis Tennessee. :.

BSc.-Andhra Loyola College (1965}-

radiochemistry and radioanalysis.

JamesF.ScheweitserrHealth C 'j'.


Mathematics Training:

Physicist. Office of Environmental * "-


Ph.D-Washington University (1981}-

Safety. Serves as a specialistin '

1985-Present: !!!inois Department of Chemistiy environmental monitoring and will J.1 hi -Washington University (1981}-

provide technical support and guidanc' ~

e 19 5 fedi alPhysics Consultant 1983-1985: St. James Hospital Medical M.S.

as exas State University T ai




B.S amkang Co e8e of Arts and -

Ph.D.-Purdue University (1985{, -

Medical physicist 1975-1983: St.

s h's Hospital. Elgin, Environmental Toxicology 8

I Illinois. Me ca hysicist y, 'g'p{i on fan e Canberra M.S.-Purdue University (1981}-Health 1975:Mt. Sinal Hospital. Chicago, d



Illinois, Medical physicist

,,In rodu t oS S Apogee.

B.S.-Randolph-Macon College (1976}.

VA Hines Hospital, Hines, Illinois, System Operations," Canberra Biology -

En ronmentalLaws and Compliance 19 75: ni ersity of New Orleans Industries,Inc., CT.1984 Research and teaching Experience:

Short Course: Uranium and %orium: A


Illinois Program Statement, 1984-Present: Illinois Department of Section Ill. " Implementation of the Nuclear Safety Perspective on the Hazard (1986)-

Agreement State Program for Materials 1981-1984:lllinois Department of Energy. Experience:

Licenses,"Section IV.A.3, " Staff and Natural Resources 1986-Present: Illinois Department of -

Requirements" and Appendix 5, 1976-1981: Washington University, St.

Nuclear Safety

" Current Agreement State Staff Louis, Missouri 1985-1986: Purdue University. Office of 1974-1976: East Texas State University.

Radiological and Chemical Control Positions: Byproduct Material, Source Material and Special Nuclear Materials Commerce. Texas 1980 1980:Purdue University Office of in Quantities Not Sufficient to Form a 1973-1974: Young Ho Middle School, Radiological and Chemical Control 3gf3 3y73 ififryIe c Taiwan, '

Afichoe/H. Afomeni: Chief. Lod 14 vel 7'

Critical Mass."

Waste Siting Section,0ffice of

b. Regulatory Oversight of Uranium ROC Environmental Safety.Provides Conversion pf,at DavidA. Tiller: Assistance Chief,.

radiological and environmental support

1. Personnel Division of Radiochemistry for the Uffice of Environmental Safety Laboratories. Office of Environmental n

t tants in the United and will provide technical support for vides radiochemistry support. Allied Chemical regulatory actions.

States ch on ett naturaluranium Tra he aflu$ ride These ac Ph.D.-

iversity of Michigan.,(1976}-

Ph versity ofIowa-Biophysics /

i es are Bd conducted pursuant to source materials g S -Un e ty of Michigan,(1973}-

M.S.-Univers, ology RadiaHon Bi licenses issued by the NRC. Under the Biochemistry ity oflowa-Nuclear q

proposed Agreement, the source B.S -Purdue University (1969}-

Physics materiallicense for the Allied Chemical Chemistry B.A.-Luther College-Physics-i uranium conversion facility located in

..Vax Applications Manager," Canberra Mathematica Metropohs will be transferred to Industries Inc., Connecticut (1984)


Illmois.* The Office of Radiation Safety,

.. Introduction to S-90-VMS Apogee 1986-Present: Illinois Department of.

Division of Nuclear Materials will be System Operations," Canberra Nuclear Safety res onsible for regulatory oversight with Indus' ries, Inc., Connecticut (1984) 1985-1988: Scientist, Oak Ridge j

tec nical support from the Offices of

" Auditor Training," Gilbert /

Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, '

j Environmental Safety and Nuclear Commonweath (1984) 7 Facility Safety. OverallIDNS will

" Radiological Monitor," Indiana 198[9B5 Irofessor-Director of Health commit 0.6 full. time equivalent Department of Civil Defense and Physics Program, San Diego State professionals effort to this program. Key Emergency Management (1983)

University, San Diego' California staff assigned to this program together

" Radiochemistry for State Regulatory 1975-1983: SeniorScientint Argonne with summaries of their duties and Personnel." NRC (1983) is' training and experience are:

" Radiological Monitoring, Sampling and gg 75 ic e

(c) Stoffpreviously identified in the Analysis of Nuclear Facilities, US

. University of California. Davis, materialsprogram (Section 20.o)

R io Emergency R'esponse California 1962-1963: Science Teacher, Urbana Jou-Guang (Joe) Hwang Y. David L TrMning for State Government Touche, Bruce J. Sanza, John W. Cooper, Emergency Preparedness Personnel,"

Consolidated Schools.lowa (b) OtherIDNS stofJ*.

FEMA /US DOE (1982)

Gary Wright: Manager O!fice of Nuclear Facility Safety. Provides 1.ih.Ching Chur Chief. D visi n of Experience [.

technical assistance concerning P

nt Illinois Department of Radiochemistry Laborato s,

ice Environmental Safety. Supervises Nuclear Sdety ergineering principles and emergency 1981-1984: Indiana State Board of planning and response.

Health. Radiochemistry Lab, Training:

'The Commission is considedng whether Indianapolis, Indiana

-Sangamon State University (1974)

NnYeN.En tNe$Ns't$h I

1977-1981: Indiana University Medical

-Degree approx. half complete in Public derenu end ucuay or the unned smes.

Center, Indianapolis, Indiana Administration



i i

.j i

H l

Fcd:r:1 Regist:r / Vol. S2, No.13 / Wednesday. January 21, 1987 / Notices 2319 l

M.S.-University ofIllinois (1965}-

(a) Staffpreviously identifiedia the B.S.-Southern Illinois University s

i i

Nuclear Engineering

[ materials or uranium con version plant (1979}-Geology


  • i l

B.S.-Millikin University (1964)-

regulatory oversightprograms (Section

" Uranium and horium. A Perspective.


Physics /Mathematica -

20 a andb) on the Hazard," Radiation Safety *,

" Management Education' Workshop,"Ill.

Michael H. Moment. Lih-Ching Chu.-

" Corrective Actions for Containing and.

3 Associa tes. Springfield. Ulinois (1986)

Dept. of Personnel, Champaign (1978)

John W. Cooper, James F. Schweitzer.

Controlling Ground Water Internationaj Symposium on Migration (b) OtherIDNSStaffi Contamination" National Water Well 1

j of Tritium in the Environment, International Atomic Energy Agency' Robert A. Lommler: Chief, Division of Association. Columbus, Ohio (1986)'

l California (1978)

Waste and Transportation. Has "A Standardized System for Evaluation.

responsibilities forimplementing the of Groundwater Po!!ution Potential.


" Radiological Emergency Response Illinois LLW management act.

Using Hydrogeologic Setting,"

l Operations." US NRC. Nevada (1977) supervises staffin the LLW program and National Water Well Association,'


  • Workshop on Collective Bargaining for manages the spent nuclear fuel and LI.W Denver, Colorado (1986) s Public Employees."Ill. Dept. of shipment inspection program.

"Croundwater Pollution and I



Hydrology," Princeton & Associates,

" Administrative and Organizational B.S.-Kent State University (1971}-

Miami, Florida'(1986)

Behavior," Ill. Dept. of Public Health Chemistry

" Engineering and Design of Waste l


"10 CFR 61." US NRC, Springfield, Disposal Systems " Civil Engineering j

"Professio a Eng eering Review,"

in s (19 )

r ent C ra

,y ol s orado

  • Response of Structures to External
  1. 0[j Forces, i.e.. Earthquakes, Tornados, g

"" to dwat'er Monitoring Workshop "

etc.." Penn. State Univ (1968)

Workshop," US DOE, Chicago, Illinois Illinois Department of Energy and (1985)

Natural Resources Champaign, Experience:

"10 CFR 61 Comp!!ance," nfS, Inc.,

Illinois (1984)


1980-Present: Illinois Department of Washington, D.C. (1984)

" Radiological Emergency Response Nuclear Safety

" Radiological Protection Officer Traming for State and Local 197 1980: Illinois Departmerit of Public Q';*

1878 per o A eva a t

8 1967-1973: Sangamo-Weston Electronics

..T Es o

z rdous Materials ence:

Company, Spnngfield. Ilhnois 1965-1957: Westinghouse Electric by Air," US DOT (1972) 1983-Present: Illinois Department of

.. Chemical Officer Basic Course," U.S.

Nuclear Safety Company, Forrest Hills, Pennsylvania Army (1971) 1981-1983: Mine Geologist, Atlas i


lilinois Program Statement.


Minerals Corporation. Moab, Utah a

j Section III.D." Allied Chemical Uranium i

Conversion Facility,' Appendix 5, and 1984-Present: Illinois Department of 1980-1981: Associate Mine Geologist, Appendix 9. " Current Agreement State Nuclear Safety Rancher's Exploration & Development 1979-1983: U.S. Army, Radiation Safety Corporation. Albuquerque, New.-

i Staff Positions: Low-Imvel Radioactive K

h co Waste Management Program. Office of Officer Ft.RileyEny,ansas 1975-1978:U.S. Ar Mannehlm, West 1979-1980: Junior Geologist, Rancher's Environmental Safety.

Germany Exploration & Development

c. Licensing andRegulation of 1971-1975:U.S. Army, Edgewood, horporation. Albuquerque.New Permanent Disposalof1.m-Level Mary 1and

, co Radioactive Waste Afichae1Klebe: Nuc1 ear Safety Shannon Al Flannigan' Geologist.

g' p#" ""'1 Engineer. Serves as technical resource Reviews, interprets and evaluates on LLW management environmental ge !cgic hydrologic, physical and The Office of Environmental Safety problems, decomissioning and disposal envir nmentaldata related to has responsibility for the low level facility siting.

envir nmentalimpact, design, location, i

waste (LLW) management regulatory Training:

construction and decommissioning of program which includes the Sheffield acha j

site and the regional waste disposal M.S.-Montana College of Mineral facility.The assessment of he Science and Technology (1982}-


regulatory framework is included under Mining EngineerMg B.S.-Drake University (1978) Geology Criterion 9. " Radioactive Waste B.S.-Montana College of Mineral A.A.-Springfield College in Illinois i

Disposal." The LLW and transportation Science and Technology (1980}-

(1976bBusbess Mining Engineering

" Radiological Emergency Response,"

management program is staffed by 13 FEMA, Nevada (1986) technical ataff members. He Manager Experience:

" Groundwater Contaminant Transport of the Office of Environmental Safety 1986-Present: Illinois Department of Modeling." Princeton University, will provide overall supevision and Nuclear Safety Princeton, New Jersey (1966) management and the Chief of the 1982-1986:Shell Mining Company,.

"A standardized System for Evaluating Office's Division of Nuclear Chemistry Houston, Texas and Elkhart Illinois, Groundwater Pollution Using I

will provide laboratory support.

Mining Engineer H drogeologic Setting" Denver, 3

Technical support will also be available Davidflynn: Geologist. Evaluates' Colorado (1986) l from the Division of Nuclear Materials.

geological and hydrologic factors "Croundwater Pollution & Hydrology,"

These personnel and summaries of their relating to II.W management.

Princeton Associates, Princeton. New i

duties are-Training:

Jersey (1986)


.m 2:12 0 Fcd:ril R.gistir / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, knu'ry 21, 1987 / N:tices'

  • Dorehole Geophysics Techniques for Experience:


' Experience: E ' - M:b Nh"I Solving Groundwater Problems "

1983-Present: Illinois Department of

'1986-Present: Illinois Depertment of4 National Water Well Association, Nuclear Safety

' Nuclear Safety

C0 Denver, Colorado (1988) 1981-1983:!!!inois Department of 1G78-1986: Michigan Department of,' ! ~

" Soil Mechanics and Foundations,"

Nuclear Safety /Sangamon State Public Health -

Lincoln Land Community College, University (Graduate Public Service 1973-1978: Michigan State Universityi ~

Spnngfield. Ilhnois (1981) -

Intern) 1g71-1972: William Beaumont Geneal.

, Environmental Risk, Assessment,,

1977-1981: University ofIllinois (Student Hospital (U.S. Army) 1~.."

ga o State Umversity. Springfield, Worker) -

CregoryP. Crouch Chief Divislo'n'o[f-Inspec."

' E#

  • Recognition Evaluation, and Control of is s Ch

'aste &

environmental surveillance program.l' lonizing Radiation," OSHA Training n anagement.

Institute, Illinois (1985)

'* ",s g.



A.S.-Illinois Central College-Radiologic M.P.H.-University of Minnesota (1986) -

1985-Present: Illinois Department of Technology

-Environmental Health Nuclear Safety

" Hazardous Materials Transportation M.S.-Purdue University (1977) 1984-1985: Hanson Engineers,Inc.

Course,"ISP, Illinois State Policy

-Bionucleom,cs/ Health Physics Springfield, Illinois Academy, Springfield, Illinois (1983)

B.S.-Purdue University (1975) 1981-1984: Veesay Geoservice. Inc.

" Review of USDOT Regulations." US

-Biology Denver, Colorado NRC, Hanford, Washington (1985)

" Seminar on the Transportation of '

1978-1981: Hanson Engineers, Inc,

" Evaluation and Control ofIonizing Nuclear Materials," US NRC, -

Springfield. Illinois.

Radiation." OSHA, Argonne National Springfield, Illinois (1983)

Ceorge T. FitzGerald: Nuclear Safety Laboratory (1981)

" Radiological Emergency Response Engineer L Principally responsible for

" Emergency Response for Radiological Course," US DOE / FEMA, Nevada '.


Accidents," REECO, Las Vegas.

Test Site (1983)


Nevada (1981)

" Inspection Procedures Course," US B.A.-Humboldt State University.


NRC, Atlanta, Georgia (1982)

California (1968)-Geology 1985-Present: Illinois Departrnent of _


Post. Graduate Work: Education.

Nuclear Safety. Office of 1986-Present: Illinois Department of Humboldt State University, Economic Environmental Safety Nuclear Safety Evaluation Colorado School of Mines, 1979 1985: Illinois Departmen't o' f' 1981-1984: Illinois Department of Golden. Colorado Nuclear Safety. Office of Radiation Nuclear Safety Experience:

Safety 1977-1978: Indiana University Medical 1966-Present: Illinois Department of Stephen B.Shafer: Nuclear Safety Center, Assistant Radiation Safety Nuclear Safety Inspector IL Performs inspections and Officer 1984-1986: Boliden Minerals, Inc., Silver health physics Surveys, 1976-1977:Purdue University.

City New Mexico Training:

Radiological Services, Graduate 1980-1984: Minatome Corporation, Graduate Classes (non. degree)

Assistant Denver, Colorado University ofIllinois (1984)

Cregory/.Shott: Nuclear Safety


1975-1980:SOHIO, Seboyeta, New B.S.-Western Illinois University (1983}-

Supervisor. Supervises the Mexico Geophysics Department's-Mobile Radiochemistry 1968-1975: Kerr McGee Corporation Hazardous Materials Transportation Laboratory, Grants New Mexico Enforcement Course. Illinois State Training-Dona M Irilloford: Nuclear Safety Police, Springfield Illinois (1988) r l

Supervisor. Responsible for overall Radiological Emergency Response M.S.-University of Michigan (1985),

I operation of waste generator Operations Course, FEMA, Nevada Fisheries I

registration and inspection program.


B.S.-University of New Hampshire Training:

Short Course: Uranium and Thorium: A (1981), Biology M.P.A.-Sangarnon State University Perspective on the Hazard (1988)




1986-Present: Illinois Department of B.A.-University of Illinois (1981)-

1986-Present: Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety '

Political Science, Math / Physics Minor Nuclear Safety 19SS-1988: Environmental & Chemical

" Radioactive Materials Transportation 1984-1984:lllinois Department of Sciences. Inc.; Environmental Scientist Course," US DOE, Kansas City, Nuclear Safety, Summer Intern 1984: Lawrence Livermore National Missouri (1986)

Eric Schwing: Attorney. Provides legal Laboratory:Research Associate, i

  • Uranium and Thorium: A Perspective counsel to the Director and technical EnvironmentalIntern Program on the Hazard," Rad,iation Safety staffin low. level radioactive waste 1981-1984: University of Washington, As socia tes, Inc., Spnngfic!d, Illinois management.

Laboratory of Radiation Ecology, (1986)

Research Assistant

" Recognition Evaluation, and Control of Training:

Ionizing Radiation," OSHA, Des Ph.D. Candidate (presently enrolled).

DavidD. Ed: Assistant Manager, Plaines. Illinois (1985)

Michigan State University, Resource Office of Environmental Safety,

" Environmental Laws and Regulations Development / Environmental Training:

Compliance Course,". government Toxicology B.S.-University of Illinois, Urbana '

l institutes. Wa shington, D.C. (1985)

Doctor of Laws (1982) "I12omas ht (1971)

" Radiological Emergency Response Cooley Law School

-Chemistry Operations Course," FEMA, Nevada B.A.-Michigan State University (1976)

" Radon Training for State Personnel,"


-Chemistry US EPA (1986) e




g Fed;ril RIgist:r / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, Jtnuary '21,1987 / Notic;s 2321-1


" Comprehensive Health Physics,"

." Radon Training Session for State coordinating and assisting with the ' -

1 RockwellInterrational(1985)

Personnel" US EPA direction of office programs;

  • J' Trainingi



" Biological Effec:s ofIonizing - -



[eal h (


N c 'a' S fe ch ofo bi ss ssment nPoet "Ac g _gggg:Yan ee AtomicElectric.

setts Instit' t' of TNhnhlogy, t

.j c

ss e ue Making for Radiological Emergency epamnt oMan SMes am!

A 1975: n versit of Lowell Research.,

Response," US NRC, FEMA (1980)

Reactor Facifity, Health' Physics anning ( 82-1 %



" Environmental Radiation Technician University of Hanover, West Germany:

Surveillance." Georgia Institute of Technology (1977)

AfichaelV. Afadam.a: Nuclear Safety Department of Planning and -

"R diological Emergency Response Associate. Performs technical duties Architecture (1981-1982) -

Additional courseworkin decision


Operations Training." US NRC, ERDA conc 8"

0 it g-analysis, fundamentals of radiation (1977)

)en tba li m

  • Environmental Source Term Modeling.a Training:

protection, hazardous waste

-9 minimization


a University of Chicago Argonne B.S.-University of'lllinois

, Radiation Experience-National Laboratory (1971)

-Nuclear Engineeri) ding 1985-Present: Illinois Departmen of -

-7, Protection and Shi Experience:

1980-Present:Illm.ois Department of

" Air Sampling for Radioactive Nuclear Safety Nuclear Safety Materials," Oak Ridge Associated 1964: Parliamentary Research Service: -

d 4

Universities: Oak Ridge, Tennessee Bonn, West Germany 1973-1980: Illinois Department of Pubh.c Hea h (15L8) 1982-1984: Worked on a variety of

" Personal Computer Applications in projects dealing with policy 18 873 gfs Environmental Health Physics." TMS. Inc.; Boston, development and dispute resolution in-MA (1986) environmentalissues AbdulKhalique Nuclear Safety Nuclear-General Employee Training Scientist I. Plans, implements and (NGET), Commonwealth Edison, Pau/E.Seidlen Nuclear Policy ~

participates in radioanalytical programs.

Chicago, Illinois (1985)

Analyst. Responsible forimplementing '


,, Radiation Detection and the Illinois public participation lan, '

i Ph.D.-University of Birmingham, Measurement-Advanced Course,,,

also performs as liaison with to al M

England (1976), Analytical Chemistry Eberline Analytical Albuquerque, govemment groups.


g erience, M.S.-University of Karachi, Pakistan New Mexico (1985) p (1967). Chemistry

" Fundamentals of Ground Water M.A.-University of Chicago (1988)

B.S.-University of Karachi, Pakistan Contamination." Geraghty a Miller.

-Public Policy (1964)

Chicago, Illinois (1985)

B.A.-University ofIllinois (1983) j

- Quality Control Course. University of Experience:

-PoliticalScience. Communications -

Business Administration, University 1985-Present: Illinois Department of Studies -

l a

of Karachi, Pakistan 1964)

Nuclear Safety Urban & Regional Information Systems Experience:

1983-1984 (Summers): Illinois Association,1986 Annual Conference i 1986-Present Illinois Department of Department of Nuclear Safety (1988)

Nuclear Safety Richard Walken Nuclear Policy Experience:

1981-198S: Department of Pharmacology, Analyst. Performs review and analysis 1986-Present: Illinois Department of

.j Southern Illinois University School of of Federal and State regulations.

Nuclear Safety.

Medicine Trainirg:

1985-1988: University of Chicago, Office.

1975-1980: Glaxo Laboratories Ph IL-Purdue University (1978) of the Comptroller l

(P kistan).Ltd.

-sociology (Research Methods and 1985-1985: Illinois Bureau of the Budget


1968-1970: Opal Laboratories, Ltd.,

Statistics) 1984-1985: Compass Health Plans l


M.S.-Purdue University (1974) 1984-1984: U.S. Senator Paul Simon Afelanie A. llamel: Health Physicist.

-Sociology 1982-1982: Creative Research Functions as a health physics specialist B.S.-Marietta College (1972)

Associates 4

in the environmental monitoring

-Sociology division.

Environmental Radiation Surveillance.


Illinois Program Statement, (Section II.C.I.a), " Low-Level Waste TralMng.

Harvard University. Massachusetts B.S.-University of Lowell, MA (1977),


Management."(Section ILC.I.b)

Health Ph sics

.. Fundamentals of Radiatior, Safety.,,

"Sheffield Low-Level Waste Disposal University of Lowell, MA (1977),

. Radiation Sifety Associates (1985)

Facility,"Section IV.B, " Low-Level Radioactive Waste f.fanagement Environmental Monitoring and Experience:

Program." and Appendices 5 and 9.


Surveillance Health Physics 1985-Present: Illinois Department of

21. Canditions Applicable to Special u

Certification Review, Medical Health Nuclear Safety Nuclear Afaterial. Source Afaterial, and -

Physics 1978-1984: Chairman, Department of Tritium. Nothing in the State's

,j t


  • Environmental Lew and the Citizen "

Sociology, Blackburn College, regulatory program shallinterfere with Sangamon State University, Carlinville, Illinois the duties imposed on the holder of the -

' 'i Springfield, Illinois 1976-1978: Department of Sociology materials by the NRC, for example, the

  • Post. Accident Radiation Assessment.~

Muhlenberg College, Allentown, duty to report to the NRC, on NRC

.j Northwestern University,!!!inois Pennsylvania prescribed forms (1) transfers of special

  • Radiation Protection Instrumentation,"

Teresa A. Adams: Nuclear Policy nuclear material, eaurce material, and l

Harvard University Boston,MA Analyst. Performs staff functions tritium: and (2) periodic inventory data.

4 s

'-5 w


- m

-- : l:RJF. C m ?_r., 1:= D.>.'W h b-M I T C



"" ~ " " GE 7


.. ~

l, 2322 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No.1.1/ Wednesday, January 21,1987 / Sotices '

The State's regulations do not prohibit formeris the subject of an regulatory authority over the following or interfere with the duties imposed by Atomic Safet/ and Licensing Board categories of materials within the State:

the NRC on holders of special ruclear (ASLB) Proci eding [ Docket 40-2061-SC (a) Byproduct materirl, as defined bf material ownad by the U.S. Department (ASLBP No e W502-01-SC)]. In the Kress Section11e(1) of the Atomic Energy Act, of Ener;;y et licensed by NRC, such as Creek proce ding. In which Kerr-McGee as amended.

^"c the responsibility oflicensees to supply and the People of the State ofIllinois are

' " ".b'd.

(b) Source materials. "blals In' M to the NRC reports of transfer and parties, the ASLB found that the (c) Special nuclear mal Inventory, presence of this materialin Kress Creek Refe+ence: 32 ILL. Adm. Code 310.10.

and the West Branch of the DuPage Ytiti" uffici# fo""A-

  • ** g "' *
22. SpecialNuclear Afaterio/ Defined.

River probably resulted from the The definition of special nuclear conduct of an NRC (and AEC) licensed (d) The land disposal of source,by-material in quantities not sufficient to activity at the West Chicago Rare Earths pr duct and special nuclear material form a critical mass, as contained in the Facility.The ASLB. hcwever, declined to received from other persons.

Illinois regulations is uniform with the require clean.up of the Creek and River


Proposed Agreement, definition in 10 CFR Part 150.

based upon its analysis of the hazard Article L


32 II.I Adm. Code 310.20-posed by the radiologically Provision has been made by Illinals !

Definition of Special Nuclear Materialin contaminated material. The NRC staff for the recipmcal recognition oflicenses Quantities Not Sufficient to Form a has appealed that decision to the to permit activities within Illinois of '

Critical Mass.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal persons licensed by other jurisdictions.

Administration Board. but a decision on appeal has not This reciprocity is like that granted yet been issued. Jurisdiction over source under 10 CFR Part 150.

23. Fair and /mportia/ Admimstration. materialin Kress Creek and the West


32 ILI. ADht CODE -

The Ilhnois statute and regulations d Mclal Branch of the DuPage River will be 330.900.

'b relinquished to Illinois when the 28.NRC andDepartment ofEnergy -

e of ct ons e

y Department of Nuclear Safet.

Agreement becomes effective. At that Contracion.


32111. Adm. Co e Parts 200, time. the NRC staff will request The State's regulations provide that 310.90. 310.110. 330.500. Part 400.

termination of the ASLB proceedir.g.

certain NRC and DOE contractors or

24. State Agency Designation. The Jurisdiction over the source materialin subcontractors are exempt from the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety Reed-Keppler Park will also be State's requirements for licensing and has been designated as the State's relmquished to Illinois when the registration of sources of radiation radiation control agency.

Agreement becomes effective.

which such persons receive, possess,


Enabling statute for With respect to the Sheffield Ic.elevel use, transfer, or acquire.

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety, radioactive waste disposal site


32 ILI. ADht CODE 310.30.

Ill. Rev. Stat.1985, ch.127, par. 63b17.

jurisdiction will be relinquishe J by the

25. Existing NRCLicenses and NRC to Illinois when the Agr: ement IIL Staff conclusion Fending Applications.

beenmes effective. At that ttne.NRC Section 274d of the Atomic Edergy Act The Department has made provision staff will request termir.::aon of the of 1954, as amended, states; to continue NRC licenses in effect ASLB proceeding [ Docket 27-39-SC ne Commission shall enter into an temporarily after the transfer of (ASLB No. 78-374-01-OT)].

agreement under subsection b of this sectim jurisdiction. Such licenses will expire on


32 ILL. ADM. CODE with any State If:

the date of expiration specified in the 330.360.

(11 De Govemor of that State certifies that NRC license.

26. Relations With Federal the State has a program for the control of With respect to the radioactive Covernment and OtherStates. There radiation hazards adequate to protect the materials covered by the NRC license should be an interchange of Federal and public health and safety with respect to the issued to Kerr.McGee Chemical Statt. Information and assistance in materials within the State covered by the Corporation for the West Chicago Rare connection with the issuance of

{poseda en d the Stat Earth's Facility (Docket No. 40-2061-SC) regulations and bcenses or for such matenals; and the NRC staff has determined that the authorizations, inspection of licensees, (21 The Commission finds that the State radioactive materials at the facility are reporting ofincidents and violations-program is in accordance with the most appropriately treated as thorium and training and education problems.

requirements of subsection o, and 6 all other mill tailings, i.e., byproduct materials The proposed agreement declares that respects compatible with the Commission's are defmed in Section 11e.(2) of the the State will use its best efforts to pres em for the regulation of such materiale.

Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended, cooperate with the NRC and the other and that the State program is adequate to whereas the thoriura-bearing materials Agreement States in the formulation of protect the public health and safety with recovered from off-site residential standards and regulatory programs for rupect o the materials covered by the properties and sewer treatment plant in the protection against hazards of propos amendment.

West Chicago and stored at the Kerr.

radiation and to assure that the State's De staff has concluded that the State McGee facility are source material.The program will continue to be compatible of Illinois meets the requirements of.,

former material [11e(2) by product with the Commission's program for the Section 2/4 of the Act.The State's material] will not be subject to the regulation oflike materials.

statutes, regulations, personnel, -

Agreement and NRC will retain


Proposed Agreement licensirs. inspection and admimstrative regulatory jurisdiction.The latter between the State ofIllinois and the procedures are compatible with thosr of material will be regulated by IDNS Nuclear Regulatory Commission Article the Commission and adequate to prutect when the Agreement becomes effective.


the public health and safety with respect Radiological!y contaminated materials 27, Coverage, Amendments, to the materials covered by the in Kress Creek and in Reed-Keppler Reciprocity.

proposed agreement. Since the State is Part. West Chicago have also been The proposed Illinois agreement not seeking authority over uranium determined by NRC staff to be source provides for the assumption of milling activities, subsection o. is not

Fcdiril R2 gist;r / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, JInuary 21, 1987 / Rtices 2323 spplicable to the prop: sed !!!inois WHEREAS, the Commission and the exert regulatory control over t: e...


State recognize the desirability of materials stated therein..


Dated at Bethesda Maryland, this 24th day reciprocal recognition oflicenses and


exemptions from Ilcensing of those ArticleIV e

of December 1986.

For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory materials subject to this Agreement:

Notwithstanding this Agreeme' t, tid n

- and, Commission.


Commission may from time to time by *

c. wayne Kerr, WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered rule, regulation or order, require that the
  • Director oficeofStatePmsmms.

Into pursuant to the provisions of the manufacturer, processor, or producer of f Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended; any equipment, device, commodity or * '

Appendix A-Proposed Agreement NOW, THEREFORE,IT IS HEREBY other roduct containin so


Between the United States Nuclear AGREED between the Commission and by'

'"1 "

1* * "" *^*1 Regulatory Commission and de State of the Governor of the State, acting in 8 M r8n8 er ponenion w cond Il!!nois for Discontinuance of Certain behalf of the State as follows--

of such product except pursuant to a Commission Regulatory Authority and Responsibility Within the State Pursuant ArticleI license or an exemption from licensing To Section 274 of the Atomic EnerEy Act Subject to the exceptions provided in of1954,as Amended Articles II,IV and V, the Commission Article V WHEREAS, the United States Nuclear shall discontinue, as of the effective -

Regulatory Commission (hereinafter date of this Agreement,the regulatory This Agreement shall not affect the referred to as the Commission)is authority of the Commission in the State authority of the Commission under authorized under Section 274 of the under Chapters 6,7 and 8 and Section subsection 161b.or1.of the Act toissue Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended 161 of the Act with respect to the rules, regulations or orders to protect the (hereinafter referred to as the Act), to following:

common defense and security, to protect enter into agreements with the Governor A. Byproduct material as defined in

{estricted data or to guard against the sion cf special nuclear of any State providing for section 11e.(1) of the Act;

,"Ori -

discontinuance of the regu!atory B. Source materials; authority of the Commission within the C. Special nuclear materials in Article VI State under Chapters 6,7 and 8, and quantities not sufficient to form a critical mass; and.

The Commission will use its best Section 161 of the Act with res[ect to byproduct materials as define in D.The land disposal of source, eff rts to cooperate with the State and Sections 11e.(1) and (2) of the Act, byproduct and special nuclear material other Agreement States in the source materials and special nuclear received from other persons.

formulation of standards and regulatory pmgrams,of the State and the materials in q2antities not sufficient to Article 11 Commission for protection against form a critical mass: and, WlIEREAS, the Governor of the State His Agreement does not provide for hazards of radiatfor. and to assure that ofIllinois is authorized under Illinois discontinuance of any authority and the State and Commission programs for Revised Statutes,1985, ch.111 %, par.

Commission shall retain authority and protection against hazards of radiation 216b and ch.111 %, par. 241-19 to enter responsibility with rspect to regulation w 11 be coordinated and compatible.The into this Agreement with the of:

State will use its best efforts to Commission; and, A.The construction and operation of cooperate with the Commission and WHEREAS, the Governor of the State any production or utilization facility; other Agreement States in the s

of Illirnis certified on that the B.The export from or import into the formulation of standards and regulatory-State of Illinois (hereinafter referred to United States of byproduct, source or programs of the State and the l


cs the State) has a program for the specialnuclear material,orof any Commission for protection against control of radiation hazards adequate to production or utilization facility; -

hazards of radiation and to assure that I

protect the public health and safety with C.The disposalinto the ocean or sea the State's program will continue to be I

respect to the materials within the State of byproduct, source or special nuclear compatible with the program of the l

covered by this Agreement, and that the waste materials as defined in Commission for the regulation oflike l

State desires to assume regulatory regulations or orders of the Commission; materials.The Stata and the I

Commission will use their best efforts to responsibility for such materials: and, D.The disposal of such other WilEREAS, the Commission found on byproduct, source, or special nuclear keep each other informed of proposed I

that the program of the State f. ' material as the Commission from time to changes in their respective rules and I

the regulation of the materials covered time determines by regulation or order regulations and licensing, inspection and. _

by this Agreement is compatible with should, because of the hazards or.

enforcement policies and criteria and to the Commission's program for the potential hazards the'reof. not be so obtain the comments and assistance of regulation of such materials and is disposed of without a license from the the other party thereon.

adequate to protect the public health Commission; and.

Affjef, yff end safety; and, E. The extraction or concentration of l

WiiEREAS, the State and the source material from source material ore ne Commission and the State agree l

Commission recognize the desirability and the management and disposal of the that it is desirable to provide reciprocal and importance of cooperation between resulting byproduct material.

recognition of licenses for the materials the Commission and the State in the listed in Article Ilicensed by the other.

AfflCI8Ill formulation of standards for protection party or by any Agreement State.

against hazards of radiation and in This Agreement may be amended,

, Accordingly, the Commission and the assuring that State and Commission upon application by the State and State agree to use their best efforts to l

programs for protection against hazards approval by the Commission, to include develop appropriate rules. regulations I

of radiation will be coordinated and the additional area specified in Article a ad procedures by which such l

compatible; and, II, paragraph E, whereby the State can reciprocity will be accorded.


l s,

W.T2 ( :M Q% Q QQ@fRQ@ & gf@ M L ;.ggl 3 2_

l Federal R1 gist;r / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, knu;ry 21, 1987 / Notic [i a -

2324 review the prop sed Stdiin Blackout [

part to the public. ACRS full Committee meetings begin at 8:30 a.m.and rule.

' ~

Article W!l The Commission. 2pon its own Subcommittee meetings usually begin at foint Occupationaland * -

o initiative after reasonable notice and 8.30 a.m. The time when items listed on Environmenta/ProtectionSystemf W opportunity for hearing to the State, or the agenda will be discussed during full Severe Accidents /Seabrook. Date to be; E

upon request of the Governor of tha Committee meetings and when determined (March), Wa shington, DC. g'


State, may terminate 6r suspend al'. or Subcommittee meetings will start will be The Subcommittee will review-

. rookhaven National Laboratory's dr' aft ~ '

part of this Agreement and reassert the published prior to each meeting..

B licensing and regulatory au'.hority Information as to whether a meeting has report of the Seabrook Emergenqy. +,-L

- c, i.,

sested in it under the Act if the been firmly scheduled, cancelled, or Planning Sensitivity Study.

. +

Commission finds that (1) such rescheduled, or whether changes have Therma / Hydmulic Phenomena, Date *.

termination or suspension is required to been made in the agenda for the to be determined (2. day meeting. Apriff; protect the public health and safety, or February 1987 ACRS full Committee May),INEI Idaho Falls,ID.The


(2) the State has not complied with one meeting can be obtained by a prepaid Subcommittee will review:(1) He final or more of the requirements of Section telephone call to the Office of the ECCS Rule and associated 274 of the Act.The Commission may Executive Director of the Committee documentation (2) uncertainty also. pursuant to Section 274) of the Act, (telephone:202/634-3265. ATrN:

methodology to be applied to review the temporarily suspend all or part of this Barbara }o White) between 8:15 a.m.

new BE ECCS code models, and (3) TIC Agreement if,in the judgment of the and 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

activities at INEL, Commission, an emergency situation Decay flect RemovalSystems exists requiring immediate action to ACRS Subcommittee Meeting (tentative), Date to be determined protect public health and safety and the Akqu Th[

(A ril/May), Washington,DC.The State has failed to take necessary steps, and 19 qs Su commmee d conUne ha revkw The Commission shall periodically Subcommittee will review the NRC of the NRR Resolution Position for USI review this Agreement and actions saf' hp a


taken by the State under this Agreement 9ntai ent n,p s d CategoryI

&a Unh2,Dak u to ensure comphance with Section 274 of structures and visit the contrator's test determined, Washington, DC.The the Act.


Subcommittee will review the

. Advanced Reactor Designs, February application for a full power operating ArticleIX 4,1987, Washington. DC.The license for Seabrook Unit 1.

This Agreement shall become Subcommittee will review DOE Regionalandl&EPrograms,Date to

~'"d shall advanced non LWR designs regarding

~ be determined (May),RegionIV, remain in effect unicss and until such the use of proven technology and Arlington, TX. The Subcommittee vdll time as it is terminated pursuant t standardization.

continue its review of the activities Standardization of Nuclear Facilities, under the control of the Region IV Af' #

g,;P ;

February 11.1987. Washington, DC. The Office.

3 this day of Subcommittee will discuss the definition AfetalComponents.Date to be For the United States Nuclear of an essentially complete EPRI determined. Washington.DC.The Regulatory Commission, standardized plant and the scope of the Subcommittee will: (1) Review public licensing basis agreement between comments on GDC 4 broad scope rule,

General Electric and NRC on the ABWR.

Ch ""*"

For the State of Illinois.

Waste Afanagement, February 12 and (LBB) and criteria for component


support design margins (2) hear a status 13,1987. Washington. DC.He Govemor Subcommittee will review several report of the Whipjet program (application of broad scope GDS 4 (FR Doc 86-29382 Fded 12-30-86,8.45 am) pertinent nuclear waste management criteria) as applied to lead plant Beaver omo coot mo+-T topics, which are to be determined Valley Unit 2,(3) review public during an agenda planning session with comments on NUREG 0313. Revision 2 the NMSS and RES Staffs on January 21, (long range fix for BWR-!GSCC Advisory Committee on Reactor 1987 Safeguards; Proposed Meetings I$ man Factors. February 18,1987, problems). (4) discuss Regulatory Guide 1.99 Revision 2. and (5) review other In order to provide advance Washington, DC. The Subcommittee will related matters,i.e Surry feedwater information regarding proposed public review the " Safety Conscience" concept suction piping failure.

meetings of the ACRS Subcommittees at utilities.

end meetings of the full Committee, the RegionalandI&EProgmms, March 12.

ACRS Full Committee Maeting following preliminary schedule is 1987, Washington. DC. The February 5-7,1987:ltems are published to reflect the current situation, Subcommittee will continue its review tentatively scheduled.

taking into account additional meetings of the activities of the OfDce of

' A. Quantitative Safety Coals-t which have been scheduled and Inspection and Enforcement.

Discuss proposed NRC Staff plan for Severe Accidents, Date to be meetings which have been postponed or determined (February / March),

implementation of the NRC Safety Goal cancelled since the last list of proposed Washington Subcommittee will Policy statement.

meetings published December 23,1986 continue the review of the NRC

  • B. Afeeling with NRC (51 FR 45970). Those meetings which are Implementation Plan for Severe related to NRC regulatory requirements Commissioners-Disucss matte a definitely scheduled have had, or will Accidents, specifically the generic letter and procedures (tentative).

have, an individual notice published in for Individual Plant Examinations (IPE) the Federal Register approximately 15

'C. StandardPlant Irrprerements--

days (or more) prior to the meeting. It is for existing plants.

AC/DC PowerSystems Reliability, Discuss proposed AC% cmments expected that the sessions of the full Date to be determined (March).

regarding improvememi m standardized Committee meeting designated by an Washington, DC. The Subcommittee will nuclear power plants.

asterisk (*) will be open in whole or in p.

e M

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