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Trip Rept of 820609 Meeting W/State of Il in Chicago,Il Re Environ Monitoring Activities
Person / Time
Site: 02700039
Issue date: 06/10/1982
From: Menczer W
To: Hind J
Shared Package
ML20126A746 List:
FOIA-92-71 NUDOCS 8207010496
Download: ML20127A196 (2)



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June 10,1982 g

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J. A. Hind, Director, Division of Emo aredness and 0;wrational supnort FROM:

Wittine s. Mencter, Regionat state Liaison of ficer


TRIP REPORT - MEETING bi!TH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS REGARDING THE $NEFFIELD $1TE on June 9,1982, I was in Chicago, Illinois meeting with State of Ittinois and NMSS representatives to discuss environmental monitoring activities at the $beffield Low Levet Radioactive Waste Burial Site.- The following individuals wre in attendance: E&#ard Hawkins, Devid siefken, and i

James Shaf fner, NMS$; James Blackburn, Ittinois Department of Nuclear Safety; Howard Chinn and Thomas Boreckt, Ittincts Of fice of the Attorney General; Keros Cartwright and Thomas Johnson, Ittinois-State Geological Survey; and James Foster, U. 5. Geological Survey (95GS).

HMSS-discussed its objectives for environmental monitoring to ensure that they wre compatible with those of the State. The data developed will be used by NRC in its evaluation of U. S. Ecology's settlement proposal.

The proposed expanded NRC ground water monitoring progree makes optimum l

use of evailable USGS wells for examination of tritium migration, and i

provfdes for additional UDGS offsite wits east of the site. The State representatives agreed with the NR$$ proposal. It was also agreed l

that additional air monitoring is not necessary due to the limited tritium releases and its rapid atmospheric dispersion.

Periodic vegetative sampling is needed to-determine if there is any tritium uptake. Negative results would reduce the sampling frequency end eventually terminate the need for sampling, soil sampling of the trench covers' surface would determine untake or material deposition.

No objections wre raised by the State regarding these aspects of the monitoring program since their major interest lies with the water monitoring and sampling program. It was agreed that surface water i

saepting would be conducted of fsite to assure the public that water emanating from the site is safe.

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f, J. A. Hind June 10,1983 Generally, the State representatives were receptive to NMSS' proposal for monitoring, but did not appear anxious to negotiate a final closure settlement with U. S. Ecology in the near fteure. They expressed a desire to continue meeting with NRC on a frequent basis, at least quarterly.

William B. Mencaer Regional State Liaison Of ficer cc: J. G. Keppler, RI!!

C. J. Paperiello, RI!!

J. D. Saltaman, OSP t

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ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0*A"9 E COUWTV 0H"E elo Town CEntin Omiyt, suff t 3000 SEARS TOWER. SUITE S400 costa WreA. CALIFORNIA Slett tets CHICAGO. ILLIN014 60400 TELEPHONE (714) 640-1866

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$46 THiMO AVENUr SU(TE 1900 M PtNNmVAMA AW., N.W.. SUf781300 Ntw 70AK. Ntw you 100:3 440s WAS 0.C. 3000&M TELEPHONE (8tt) 6041900 TELEPHONE (pos) 847 890s p g ggggg ygg.u g4 FM (903) 34f>3 set BY FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Donnie Grimsley

[REEDOM Of lilFORMATION United States Nuclear ACI REQUEST Regulatory Commission (0Z~A j j F 01A OfTnce C

Phillips Building (2g fgE-MF 7920 Norfolk Avertue, M.S. P 370 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Re: Freedom of Information Act Reouest

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information-Act,5 U.S.C. 5 552, we are


requesting any and all documents within the possession, custody or control of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission that refer or relate to the following: La the Matter of US Ecolocv. Inc.. (Sheffield. Illinois Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site) 25 N.R.C. 98 (1987) (Docket No. 27 39-SC).

We will reimburse the USEPA for all reasonable costs incurred in complying with this request.

l Sincerely, l

l t

t Mark S. Mester of IATHAM & WATKINS MSM: bid l

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