ML20126L904 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 02700039 |
Issue date: | 07/08/1992 |
To: | Mester M LATHAM & WATKINS |
Shared Package | |
ML20126L908 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-92-71 SECY-78-346, SECY-81-537, SECY-A-78-073, SECY-A-78-73, NUDOCS 9301080150 | |
Download: ML20126L904 (8) | |
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] l r A$it e e.D;yff WFOs * % TION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST A
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'Y' - -. -.- .rk S. Mester ^ PART 1.-AGENCY RECORDS RE LE ASE D OR NoT LOCAT E D (Sec checA ed t>ones/
- g. s iso agency records subjMt to the request have t+en located No additional apncy records sutyect to the request ha,e been located Reovested rMords a'e ava4bie through another pubhc d'stribution prog'am See Comments section.
Agency records sutyect to the tequest that are identif mt in Append.afes). f are already sadath for pubhc inunnon and copyiog et it N RC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N W. WasNngton, DC. Agency records subgyt to the request that are klentihed m Appendimies) G att being rrade avadable for pubhc inspection and copying X at the NRC Putmc Document Poom 7t ?O L Street N W. Washmq'on, DC. m a foider under the f ol A number .w-you art +d to acctot in a te+ phone con ersation eth a member of my statf is now being made avadabfe The nonpropnetary vemon of the oropouHs! that v for ovU t inspection and copymg at the NRC Pubbt Document Room. 2170 L Street. N W, Wasrungton, DC, m a folder under this F OI A number. Arncy records sut ;M t to the request that are identif wd in Aptiend n tes)_ may be <rspected and cotued at the NRC Local Pubhc Document Room identified m the Comments sectson. ~ E nclosed is mr rmat=on on how you may oDinin aGen in end the charrt for cotymg records located at the NHC Public Document Room,2170 L Street, o NW WasNnat on DC s X Apncy retords subMt to the reuunt au voclosed Records sutyec t to the iuvest Love been refer red to anc,ther F ede,o arne y hest for rev+w and d. rec t response to you X F res You w H be inHed by t'ic NRC for fees totahng $ 112*b You wdl recerve a refund from the NRC an the amount of $ in v.ew of NR C s response to tha rrquest no (nher action es br mq rak en on appea! 8etter dated , No. PART (1 A-INFORMATION Wi1HHE LD F ROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURL Certam information in the reuursted records is t+ing withheld from public disclosure purt,vant to the enemptions descobed in and for the reasont stated X in Part it, B, C, and D. Ar y released portions of the documents for whkh only part of the record is being withhekt are bemg made svadable for pubbe inspection and c opying m the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Svect, N W, Washmaton. DC in a toider under this F OI A number, COMMENTS In a telephone conversation with Ms. Carol Ann Reed on July 1, 1992s you agreed to pay the additional $112.85. Search - 1/2 hr. professional at $29.10 per hr, 14.55 22 hrs. clerical at $13.80 per hr. 303.60 Review - 1/2 hr. SES at $54.80 per hr. 27.40 8 hrs. professional at $29.10 per hr. 232.80 3 hrs. clerical at $13.80 per hour 41.40 Duplication - 500 pa0es at 5.20 per page 100.00 $ 719.75 Less Advance Payment -606.90 $ 112.85 //9 StG i mL,0 P LC10R. D# VISION Of : P at DOM Of M ORMAT 604 AND JOB LiCA f IONS St RvlCES l 'M
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/ l l 9301000150 920700 l PDR FOIA MESTER92-71 PDR .~.n.....n.
e x.o. ms, c.i. RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST FOIA 92-71 tCONilNUAtlON) Mh N PART is 11 - APPLIC ABlt I XE MPilONS Afttorcis satqMt to the reqsest that are ciwrit+d in the enclott'd AT&Uet.a M) hb !are t cmg wthhelclin their entirety or m part under the [memption Nols) and for the reasonhl y nn below pursuant to 5 U S C !@b) and 10 CF H 9 IN) of NRC repfatmns mm i.on is wered,. assched pu'mani t o i s er.s t e O' at' H s e+pt on II t t he ethnetd en e u,6 end V u. t ut t t8MC II ntmpt on 2) 2 t he n et%ead FM oe n 4 then 't ates smet, t o ibe s'a t'" F Oe r tunne! r i i 3 the e nsteu.nto,n w,, 3 speca, e,e.e.t; ice ovo pot -., w mg e t, s'ue mu eted (E sew ot on 31 Sen,ons t o1145 r,t the Atom c (regy An *Le proternin the concicwe cd 84eitoctw1 Deta o+ f o'medy Pettociert Dete 442 U $ C. 216121('.a i e Ap,mic t nergy An %n p.v sti the d u m,we c' unc en svep nu M'e meion 141 U S C ?)(a Let.on 1a7 etic n 4 i P e n r1*d.4m1 e8if c.f me1H il ce t ra de Stu f ei In' t < min e' ' ( ' #I et 8 9 a f u. fU t' l., e' thf 4 14 " W A d'd e M I rf the 8 9' A b w ' l l ifVt.eled l( R DFhpOUM 4 l 4 g g_._ ~_- -- i, I . T r., nsumce,n 4 r me,,d in t.e c w w, ' e tm.m u e,por e r, e.'. .,a l l q _ _ q.. _ i [ ne.,a -,o e m,,a,,- ,ee,o w.,,v, u,, - ms-,o o<,n,m,o. - u i t.,.,o,n r e e n pt - a, c a,%,, < e.u q.n, n. sa,em e p, ,,,,.3 ( n ; )imi, s X,5 n., n o tte r,+,m.c ,... 5 %, e, ie.. p,q, o, e u r.,.v ..v,, , u 4 w g.empoon p Appu,+ p.,vey, ! Dett erei se Pem ns inst t sse ta pe dec +-oi + non $ i si , ti' e a. .r a o,,. n, eo
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- Hearings, Enforcement &
4 . __j__ i _ _L.dministration- - - - - - _ _ _ _ - --Q.- !A I i J -.- l l PART11 D-APPE AL RIGHT$ The oen et by each of f.rsa hient f.ed s Part 11 C may t.e apWed to the Annenate Of+ me mf ed ihere. Any such appeal must be made n
- t og witNn 3D ds fi of ecce,pt of this respome, Appea!l mast be addretmi, as appropt s's to the i nec@we D fectm for Opercom to the feetey of the Cr>menation. or to the Impector Genera ( U S Nwer lugueory Commmion v.ashmge. DC 20%5. and show c+esoy state ten the en elope a-d m the setter that t si an "Arme from na init e' F04 l
, ni +on. " v b'tGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 464 (Part 2) (t.91) U e. NUCLE A i
i Re: FOIA-92-71 APPENDIX F RiiC9EDS MAINTMHED_MiQlLG_EDILEILim HUHlh DATE DIiS_CRIL'E19ti 1. 5/1/79 NRC Staff's Response to " State of Illinois Request for Leave to File Reply to Licensee's Post llearing Brief on Issues Arising During the Oral Argument Before the ASLD on March 27, 1979" (3 pages) ANO 7906050202 2. 6/6/79 Notice of llearing (3 pages) ANO 7906270191 3. 7/17/80 Prehearing Conference on 6/26/80 by R. P. Lescy with attachment (5 pages) ANO 8007220149 4. 7/30/80 Response of the NRC Staff to the Exception Filed by Intervonor, Chicago Section, American Nuclear Society, to the Licensing Board's May 3, 1979 and May 7, 1980 Orders (30 pages) ANO 8008040046 '1 k \\ a t ( f
Re: FOIA-92-71 APPENDIX G RECORDS HEING PIACED INTO THE PDR UNDER THE ABOVE REOUEST NUMBER NUMBER QATE DESCRIPTION 1. 4/10/78 Letter to J. M. Hendrie f rom A. E. Stevenson re Concerns about the possible dangers (2 pages) 2. 4/10/78 Memo to Chief, PDR from S. J. Chilk re: Meeting Records on Sheffield Waste Disposal Case (2 pages) 3. 5/4/78 Letter to A. E. Stevenson from L. V. Gossick re: Response to 4/10/78 letter (2 pages) 4. 5/12/78 Note to L. V. Gossick from R. T. Kennedy re: Low Level Waste Burial Sites (1 page) 5. 6/6/78 Letter to Chairman from J. J. Balocca re: Urging new sites (1 page) 6. 6/26/78 SECY 78-346, People of the Statq_gf Illinois v. HEg, U.S.D.C., N.D. Ill., No. 77 C 4190 (1 page) 7. 9/27/78 SECY-A-78-73, Review of ALAB-4?; with enclosed ALAB-494 (11 pages) 8. 10/5/78 Memo to J. L. Kelley from S. J.
- Chilk, re: SECY-A-78-73 (1 page) 9.
6/21/78 Memo to J. L. Kelley from S. J. Chilk, re: SECY-78-51 (1 page) 10. S/31/79 Letter to J. Hendrie from J. N. Neel re: Objecting to statements in a DOE letter (2 pages) with enclosed excerpt from Inside DOE (1 page) COPYRIGHTED 11. 9/79 Interagency Task Force Report on the Proposed Decommissioning of the Sheffield Nuclear Waste Disposal Site (130 pages) 12. 9/11/81 SECY-81-537, Reconstitution of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for Sheffield Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site (1 page)
Re: FOIA-92-71 APPENDIX G (Continued) ItECORDS BEING PIACED INTO TIIE PDR UNDER TIIE ADOVE REQUEST NUMBER }1Uji[}Jil3 MTE ESCRIM' ION 13. 6/26/84 Memo to L. B. Higginbotham from R. L. Fonner ro: Transfer of Sheffield, Illinois, low-level waste disposal site to Department of Energy pursuant to Section 151 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (4 pages) 14, 6/13/85 Lottor to E. B. Moran from R. L. Fonner ret Flow of Information with enclosures (3 pages) 15. 6/19/87 Memo to 11. L. Thompson and II. S. Denton from J. P. Murray re: Appeal Board Decision Terminating the Shofflold Enforcement Proceeding with attached Order (4 pages) 16. 8/17/87 Letter to L. W. Zech from T. S. Baer ro: Extending invitation to visit facilities (1 page) 17. 9/29/87 Letter to T. S. Baer from F. M. Bernthal re: Response to 8/17/87 letter (1 page)
Re: FOIA-92-71 APPENDIX 11 EECQEDS PARTlALhL.HITililELD gutinns pKU; DESCRIPTION & EXEMl"PIOl{ 1. 4/6/78 SECY-78-194, EggnJe of the State of ILLinoja v. I!Eg, et a 1., U. S. D. C., N.D. Ill., No. 77 C 4190 (3 pages) EX. 5 with enclosures a. State's motion (16 pages) Ex. 5 b. Motion to Dismiss (2 pages) EX. 5 c. Affidavit in Support of Defendant NRC's Motion to Dismiss (10 pages) RELEASED d. Byproduct, Source and Special Nuclear Material License, Docket No. 27-39 (5 pages) RELEASED e. Amendment No. 9 to Byproduct, Soerce and Special Nuclear Material License (2 pages) RELEASED f. Amendment No. 10 to Byproduct, Source and Special Nuclear Material License (1 page) RELEASED g. Amendment No. 10 to Nuclear Engineering Company, Inc. license (1 page) RELEASED h. Amendment No. 11 to Byproduct, source and Special Nuclear Material License (2 pages) RELEASED 1. Federal Register Notices (8 pages) RELEASED j. Notice of Opportunity for llearing (4 pages) RELEASED k. 3/15/78 Letter to NECO from NRC re: Proposed investigative program (2 pages) RELEASED 1. 3/30/78 Letter to NRC from NECO re: Response to 3/15/78 letter (1 page) RELEASED
Re: FOIA-92-71 APPENDIX 11 (Continued) RT&QEDS PARTIALLY WITlillRIA IMLIlEB DATE DESCRIPTION & EKEMPTION 2. 9/5/86 Letter to a Senator from NRC re: Selection of US Ecology as contractor (1 page) RELEASED with enclosed a. 8/4/86 letter to NRC from a Senator re: Constituent's concern (1 page) PORTION EX. 6 b. 6/29/86 letter to Congress from a constituent (1 page) PORTION EX. 6 _.__.____.___._..__m
Re: FOIA-92-71 APPENDIX I RECORDS TOTALI,Y WITIIIIELD }](U1111118 DATE DESCRIPPION & EXEMPPION 1. 6/20/79 Memo to 11. K. Shapar from J. P. Murray ro: Commission Memorandum and Order of 6/6/79 (NECO-Sheffield) (3 pages) EX. 5 b.m.,,,, -,.--,,........ i
f f 6 LATIIAM & WATKINS ,,vl n..,... ( ....t.r ) C AN A LatHaw (tese tef el ,n o n, c y,,, t,, ca.~ofeouwt,o,"ct ego toww Cahign DMfvt. Suitt 3000 SE AMS TOWER. $UITE 6600 C087 A Wl8 A. CAteF0ANIA $79361989 CHIC A00. ILLINOl0 40406 f tLIPH0ht (714) 8401885 TELEPHONE (att) 470 7700 ONE ANGal CovRT IAX IIIII 883'0I8I tes 'a' sing tt, suett at00 LOhDON (CtR FHJ (NOLAND TLX 690774 SAN 08t00. calif 0RNIA $3106 8187 flitPHoht Of s 874 4444 7AI 071 874 4400 g gg, itLEPHOkt tete) 8601884 F AI (ett) 00&f ate t0e awortto oenet san ana=cisco ornet 633 witi F471H STMiti. suite 4000 SOS WONf 00WERY simitf. tulit 1900 LOS AN0f tte. calif 0AWIA 00071300' Febr a 11s 1992 " 'a^"C'.C. cAuPonNiA esiii. ties itLEPH0ht 1818) 4481384 f tLEPHONE (415) 9810400 F A1 (113) 6916708 F AR (4 t 8) 896-6006 'inom5 08f 5CL g ytHWQf 04 D C OFF8CE 085 THIA 0 AVtNUd. SUtti 1000 t001 PgwmeytyAwiA Ayt., N w.. suite 1800 htw YORK. Ntw YOAK 000ft 4408 wAgHtNOTON O C. 20004 2500 f tLEPHOht (8tt) 6081800 tittPH0kt (202) 487 8800 F AX (tit) 1414644 FAX (303)437 8801 BY FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Donnie Grimsley United States Nuclear PEEEtZ Of lHF0M10N Regulatory Commission ACT REQUEST [ C I A.cyg _,, FOIA Office Phillips Building g fg ,D J 7920 Norfolk Avenue, M.S. P 370 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Re: Freedom of Information Act Request
Dear Mr. Grimsley:
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act,5 U.S.C. 6 552, we are requesting any and all documents within the possession, custody or control of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission that refer or relate to the following: la the Matter of US Ecolom inc,, (Sheffield. Illinois low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site) 25 N.R.C. 98 (1987) (Docket No. 27-39-SC). We will reimburse the USEPA for all reasonable costs incurred in complying with this request. Sincerely, l l Mark S. Mester of LATHAM & WATKINS MSM: bid l j' 47 p !' l (m p/ l a[ tv n; ! p, l .}}