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Forwards ORNL Final Ltr Rept, Results of Sept 1985 Groundwater Sampling & Analysis,Sheffield,Il
Person / Time
Site: 02700039
Issue date: 04/07/1986
From: Dale Goode
To: Seegars P
NUDOCS 8605190064
Download: ML20197H118 (1)



JM1 C/00/04707 APR 7 1986 Patrick Seecars DISTRIBUTION:

U.S. Ecology, Inc.

E M REBrowning Suite 526 NMSS r/f MJBell 9200 Shelbyville Road WMGT r/f PJustus Louisville, KY 40222 MKnapp MFliegel DGoode & r/f

Dear Mr. Seegars:

Enclosed for your information is a final letter report entitled "Results of September 1985 Ground Water Sampling and Analyses Sheffield, Illinois." This report was prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory as part of NRC's ongoing program to study the chemical constituents that may be associated with low-level waste.

This copy is being sent to you in advance of a letter from Mr. Browning so that you may use this report to prepare Mr. Scoville for the upcoming hearings on mixed waste.

Please contact me at (301) 427-4524 for further information on the technical aspects of this project.

Sincerely, h/

Dan Goode Hydrology Section Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


Final ORNL Letter Report WM Record file WM Project Docket No.N7d' -




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1 2.0 FIELD PROCEDURES.........................


....................... 3 3.1 Inorganic, Screening Organic, and Tritium Analyses 3

3.2 Organic Analyses

...................... 5 3.3 Results of Method 8600 Screening Analyses.........

10 3.4 Results of Quality Assurance Analyses...........

10 4.0


OF RESULTS.......................


16 REFERENCES.............................18 ATTACHMENT 1............................

19 w

6 i


LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Results of Water Analyses, Sheffield, Illinois LLWD Site 4

2 Volatile Organic Compounds Determined According to EPA Method 624...........................

6 3 Semivolatile Organic Compounds Detected '.y EPA Method 625 7

4 Appropriate Concentrations of Other Semivolatile Compounds 9

5 Summary Showing Which Tables of Organic Compounds Could Not be Eliminated by HAP Screen

................ 11 6 Results of QA Analyses of Samples Spiked With Metals 12 4

7 Recovery of Organic QA Spikes................., 14 8 Recovery Factors for Deuterated Semivolatile Standard Spikes 14 l


LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Locations of wells sampled at Sheffield, Illinois........

2 l

i iii



In Sertember 1985, personnel from Oak Ridge National Laboratory obtained a suite of ground water samples for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) from the U.S. Ecology Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal (LLWD) Site. Samples were collected from seven monitoring wells located within and adjacent to the LLWD site. The purpose of the project is to investigate the presence and migration of non-radiological contaminants in the vicinity of the LLWD site. This study is a follow up to work performed and reported previously (Ref. 1). Parameters included in the analytical program include dissolved metals, anions, total organic carbon, total organic halogen, tritium, and organic compounds including volatile and extractable compounds. The organic analyses included performance of the Method 8600 screening analyses as well as EPA Methods 624 and 625. The analytical procedures used in this study are the same as those used pre-viously (Ref.1) and that report includes discussions of analytical proto-cols.

The locations of wells sampled in January and September 1985 are shown on Figure 1.

The September sampling included all numbered wells except T-18.

j 2.0 FIELD PROCEDURES Wells were purged and sampled by hand bailing. Wells with sufficient yield were purged of stagnant water by bailing a minimum of approximately three well volumes prior to sampling. Three wells (150, 523, 534) yielded water slowly enough to permit purging by bailing to dryness. These wells were bailed dry and allowed to recover prior to sampling. Physicochemical i

parameters including temperature, pH, specific conductance and dissolved oxygen were measured and recorded periodically during bailing. The oxidation-reduction potential (redox potential) was measured in the lab immediately after sampling. Well information and physicochemical data are i

tabulated for each well in the field data logs in Attachment 1.




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i l

Fig. 1.

Locations of wells sampled at Sheffield Illinois.

4 i

4 Samples were obtained using bailers and were transferred into appro-priate containers with preservatives and stored on ice or refrigerated from the time of collection to the time of analysis.

Samples collected for the analysis of dissolved metals were filtered through 0.45 micron Millipore filter paper prior to acidification to pH <2 with nitric acid. Samples for volatile organic constituent analyses were collected using a teflon, closed top bailer, on wells 150, 516, 563, 574, and 575. Water levels in Wells 523 and 534 were too low for use of the closed top bailer, consequently a stain-less steel bailer with a teflon check valve was used to collect these sam-ples.

1 3.0 RESULTS OF ANALYSES 3.1 Inorganic, Screening Organic, and Tritium Analyses i

Analytical results obtained for inorganic parameters, screening level organic parameters, and tritium are included in Table 1.

Comparison of results obtained for inorganic parameters and tritium between the September 1985 sampling program and the January 1985 sampling indicates that only minor variations in parameter concentrations were detected between the two data sets.

Total organic carbon (TOC) and total organic halogen (T0X) analyses were performed on the samples and are reported in Table 1.

TOC results i

appear reasonable, however, the T0X values are extremely high and are regarded as unreliable for these samples. The T0X values reported do not show proportionality with TOC or other organic analytical results for the l

samples. Instrument error has been eliminated as a cause of the high values since instrument calibration was checked between samples and blanks were analyzed between samples to ensure proper instrument operation. The high


T0X values are attributed to an unidentified source of interference within the samples.

3 i

fante 1 I

4tsutT5 y entta M vst54 1

SetFFttLO. LLLi'icts LL4 Slft Par ameter hell 123

= ell 583 mell 574

= ell 175 sell 153

  • ell 5 34 mil 516 u tels o

Ae (0.00028 (0.05


<0.05 (0.00028 (0.00024 (0.00028 i



<0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 As

<0.003C (0.10 0.002C (0.10 0.017C 0.002C


a 5.9 2.1 0.44 0.45 (0.00 0.12 (0.08 I4 (0.18 0.12 (0.18 0.20 0.378 (0.1%


8e (0.002

<0.002 (0.002 (0.002 (0.002 (0.002 (0.002 Ca 170 tto 110 190 120 52 110 Cd


(0.005 0.00018 (0.005 (0.0CO3h 0.00018 0.000th Co (0.01 (0.01 (0.01

<0.01 (0.01 (0.01 (0.01 Cr (0.0098 0.04 0.0C48

<3.04 0.0068 0.003b 0.0068 Ca (0.02

<3.02 0.0058 0.02 0.0068 0.0078 0.007%

Fe 3.4 0.44 1.1 5.2 0.17 0.40 0.55 6a

<0.30 (0.30 (0.30 (0.30


<0.30 (0, 30 g

(0.00005 d

<0.00005 d

(0.00005 (0.00005 (0.00NS E

3.3 0.8 3.0 1.0 tot 1.6 0.1 Lt (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 9

140 39 57 37 25 40 m

0.39 1.9 0.14 1.7 0.46 0.095 0.15

<0.04 (0.04 (0.04 (0.04

<0.04 (0.04 (0.04 na 41 13 37 14 8.9 9.4 10 41


(0.06 (0.018 (0.06





<0.30 (O.30

.30 (0,30 (0.30 (O.30 (0.30 te (0.007%

<0.20 9.003h (0.20 0.006h 0.004%


54 (0.0058 (0.20 0.0058 (0.20 (0.0058

<0.005 (0.005h Se (0.005C C.20


<0.20 (0.005 (0.005C (0.005C 58 8.1 to 4.2 13 8.0 2.2 10 Sr 0.18 0.056 0.60 0.044 0.21 0.005 0.046 ft (0.02 (0.02 (0.02

<0.02 (0.02 (0.02 (0.02 v

0.0 71 0.0 71 0.062 0.065 0.061 0.036 0.063 2n 0.03 0.032

<0.02 0.038 0.034 (0.02 (0.02 Ir (0.02 to.02 (0.02 c.02 (0.02 (0.02

<3.02 Antone er (5

(5 (5

(5 (5

(5 (5

C1 23 19 4

12 1

4 17 Ch 0

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HCO3 1134 572 436 548 454 226 386 (et/L1 F

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<5 (5


'403 (5

5 (5

(5 (5

(5 (5


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o i

504 120 150 69 180 16 46 53 Other TOC 33 29 5.3 7.3 4.4 4.1 3.6 rege 5/L 6.0 a 105 1.6 a 105 1.1 a 105 1.9 a 105 v

2.9 a 105 1.6 a 105 g,3, tS4 6

fettlue 4.32 a 10 "+"

1.92 a 1g5.-

(3,1 tot 2.7a10g5.~

(8.1 a 102 (8.1 a 102

<s.1 tot t.73 a t pct /L 2.7 a 10*

2.7 a 103 4All concentrettene are og/el unless etnerwse indicated.

% ele analysed ty yeentte furnace etanic eserytten.

Other metals are melysed by ICP.

c4rsente aet selectus are analysed by tne antal nyeride method.

  • eereury analysee are not perfoveed en these Seeples.
  • TIE value are wereelletically hi h.

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3.2 Organic Analyses The organic analytical program included analyses by EPA Methods 624, and 625 for detection and identification of volatile and extractable com-pounds. Volatile compounds identified and concentrations present are listed in Table 2.

Very high concentrations of EPA listed volatile compounds were detected in four of the seven wells sampled. The suite of volatile com-pounds detected was fairly consistent in three of the wells which contained high concentrations. Wells 523, 563, and 575 contained very high concentra-tions of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. The concentrations present exceed the instrument calibration range and are reported in Table 2 as being greater than 1,000 ppb. Estimated ac*.ual concentrations of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in these wells are 12 ppm in well 523, 3.2 ppm in well 563 and 2.5 ppm in well 575. Well 516 contained a similar suite of compounds but in different pro-portions, with tetrachloroethylene predominating at an estimated concentra-tion of 1.4 ppm. Well 523, located adjacent to a trench has the' highest concentration of volatiles. Wells 563 and 575, located in the seepage plume pathway have a similar assemblage of volatile compounds as those found in Well 523 but in slightly lower concentrations. Well 574, the b5ckground well, contains only trace concentrations of 1,1,1-trichloroethane and methylene chloride. Very low concentrations of volatiles were detected in Wells 150 and 534. Well 516 had high concentrations of volatiles which are attributed to an undocumented chemical waste disposal near that well prior to operation of the Chemical Waste Disposal Site.

Extractable organic compounds detected and reported by EPA Method 625 are listed in Table 3.

Bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was detected in several samples and petroleum derived hydrocarbons were detected in five of the seven well samples. Table 4 lists other semi volatile compounds detailed but not included in the required reporting list of EPA Method 625. These 4

compounds include petroleum fuel compounds and petroleum solvent derived compounds (cyclohexene related compounds), and oil and grease type hydro-carbons as well as sulfur, and a high molecular weight oxygenated hydro-carbon which was detected in well 575.


Table 2 Volatile Organic Capounds Detennined According to EPA Method 624a Well No.

NPDES Compound ID 523 563 574b 575 150 534 516 Trans 1,3-dichloropropene 3

<1 Benzene 4



<1 85 Chlorobenzene 7


<1 1,1,2-trichloroethane 14



<1 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 15

<1 1,2-dichloropropane 32 4

4 Cis 1,3-dichloropropene 33

<1 Bromofonn 47 Bromodichloromethane 48 Dibromochloramethane 51 Tetrachloroethylene 85 14 110

>1000c Toluene 86




<1 Trichloroethylene 87 3


<1 22 Carbon Tetrachloride 6

<1 6

1,2-dichloroethane 10 2

21 9

2 1,1,1-trichloroethane 11

>>1000c ytococ 6

>1000c 6

6 1,1-dichioroethane 13 320 89 117

<1 Chloroform 23 209 10 2

<1 175 1,1-dichloroethylene 29 6

5 1,2-dichloroethylene 30 2



<1 2

i Methylene Chloride 44 7

1 1

5 12 l

l aAll concentrations are ug/L; A "less than" entry indicates that the mass spectrometer may have detected the compound at a level too low to be quantitated; No entry indicates that the compound was not detected by the mass detector.

bBackground well.

cThese values are very high and exceed the dynamic range of the detector.

Table 3 Semivolatile Organic Constituents Well No.

NPDES Detection Compound Code Limita 523 563 574 575 150 534 516 2-Chlorophenol 1A 10 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2A 10 2,4-Dimethylphenol 3A 10 4,6-Dinitro-0-Cresol 4A 10 2,4-Dinotrophenol SA 10 2-Nitrophenol 6A 10 4-Nitrophenol 7A 10 P-Chloro-M-Cresol 8A 10 Pentachlorophenol 9A 10 Phenol 10A 10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 11A 10 Acenaphthene 18 10 Acenaphtylene 28 10 Anthracene 38 10 Benzidine 4B 10 Benzo (a) anthracene dB 10 Benzo (a) pyrene 68 10 3,4-Benzofluoranthene 7B 10 Benzo

1) perylene 8B 10 Benzo fluoranthene 9B 10 Bis (2 loroisopropyl) 10B b

Methane Bis (2-Chloroi sopropyl) 11B b

Ether Bis (2-Chloroisopropyl) 128 b

Ether Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) 13B 10 28 16 17 24 40 Phthalate 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl 14B b

Butyl Benzyl Phthalate 158 10 2-Chloronaphthalene 16 8 10 4-Cnlorophenyl Phenyl 17B b

Ehter Chrysene 188 10 Dibenzo(a.h) anthracene 19B 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 208

'C 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 218 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 228 in 3 3'-Dichlorobenzidine 238 DIethylPhthalate 24B 5

Dimethyl Phthalate 25B 10 Di-N-Butyl Phthalate 26B 10 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 278 10 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 288 10 01-N-Octyl Phthalate 298 10 D

1 2-Diphenylhydrazine 308 b

as Azobenzene) i F uoranthene 318 10 Fluorene 32B 10 Hexachlorobenzene 338 10 Hexachlorobutadiene 34B 10 Hexachlorocyclo-35B 10 pentadiene 7'


l Table 3 (Cont'd)

Semivolatile Organic Constituents Well No.

NPDES Detection Compound' Code Limita

.523 563 574 575 150 534 516 Hexachloroethane 368 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene 378 10 Isophorene 38B Naphthalene 398 10 Nitrobenzene 40B 10 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 41B b

N-Nitrosodi-N-428 b

Propylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 43B b

Phenanthrene 44B 10 Pyrene 458 10 1 2,4-Trichlorobenzene 46B 10 Aidrin IP 10

-BHC 2P 10

-BHC 3P 10

-BHC 4P 10

-BHC SP 10 Chlordane 6P b

4,4'-DDT 7P 10 4,4'-00E 8P 10 4,4'-000 9P 10 Dieldrin 10P 10

-Endosulfan 11P 10

-Endosulfan 12P 10 Endosulfan Sulfate 13P 10 Endrin 14P 10 Endrin Aldehyde ISP b

Heptachlor 16P 10 Heptachlor Epoxide 17P 10 PCB-1242 18P b

PCB-1254 19P b

PCB-1221 20P b

PCB-1232 21P b

PCB-1248 22P b


PCB-1260 23P b

PCB-1016 24P b

Toxaphene 25P b

Other Compounds X




aUnits are ppb based on original sample.

No entry means that compound was nd detected.

No detection limit has been determined.

Compound detected at concentration less than 10 ppb.

Some aliphatic hydrocarbons were detected.

Identification of such hydrocarbons by electron impact mass spectrometry is quite difficult. However, the presence of such compounds may indicate the trace contamination by petroleum-derived products.






.n e,




T Table 4 Approximate Concentrationsa of Other Semivolatile Compounds Compound 523 563 574 575 150

' 534 516 Cyclohexane diol 5

3 2

4 Cyclohexanone 5

10 14 1

13 Fuel hydrocarbons b

5 b

b b

Other petroleum hydro-carbons (oil or grease) b 16 b

b b

t Sulfur c

c c

c t

c Organic sulfide 5

High molecular weight oxygenated hydrocarbon d

aConcentrations are approximate,ug/L.

(b) Fuel type hydrocarbons and other petroleum hydrocarbons (oil and grease) were detected in low concentrations in several of the wells sampled.

(c) Elemental sulfur was detected in high concentrations in several of the ground water samples.

(d) A high molecular weight oxygenated hydrocarbon was detected in the well 575 sample.

(t) Trace,

9 l



3.3 Results of Method 8600 Screening Analyses The EPA Method 8600 Decision Matrix analytical approach was used on the Sheffield sample set for comparison with the standard EPA methods.

This analytical approach involves application of various organic analytical tech-niques in a hierarchical sequence to determine the presence or absence of groups of organic compounds. By following the hierarchical sequence, various groups or tables may be eliminated from further analysis.

The results of the Method 8600 analyses for the Sheffield water samples are sunmarized in Table 5.

All the samples had high UV absorbance. The pass / fail absorbance is 0.005 when measured relative to an upgradient or background sample. Three of the samples had UV absorbance lower than that of Well 574, the well used as background for the site. Four samples (Well Nos. 523, 563, 575, and 516) contained EPA Table 3 constituents (volatile and semi-volatile halogenated organics).

Three samples (Well Nos. 523, 563, and 534) contained EPA Table 4 constituents (non-polar UV absorbing compounds). Three samples (Well Nos. 523, 563, and 534) contained EPA Table 5 constituents (UV active, semi-volatile polar organics). No EPA Table 6 or 7 compounds (nitrogen and phosphorus containing organics) were detected in the samples. Comparison of the results of the 8600 screen to those of the GC and GC/MS analyses indicates that comparable results were obtained for i

halogenated volatiles and semi-volatiles. Table 2 showed that Wells 523,


563, 575, and 516 contained high concentrations of halogenated volatile com-pounds which is consistent with the Method 8010 results (Table 5).

3.4 Results of Quality Assurance Analyses Water sample splits from two wells were spiked with an EPA Quality Con-trol Material to test the analytical accuracy for dissolved metals. Two spike concentrations were used; one for atomic absorption analyses (AA) and the other for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analyses. The AA spike con-centrations were well below the primary drinking water standards and were typically within about 10 ppb or less of the analytical-detection limits.

The results of the QA analyses for dissolved metals are summarized in Table 6.

Spiked concentrations, found concentrations, and spike recovery are 10

~ - -,, -., - -, -,, - -,,,.., - - -






1 Table 5 I

Summary Showing Which Tables of Organic Compounds Could Not Be Eliminated 8y HAP Screen Table Nos.c 3

4 5

6 7

Well No.a ABSb (8010)




(8620) 523

>5 X



>5 X


575 1.35 X

150 1.10 534

>5 X

X 516 1.20 X

a8ackground well was No. 574.

bAbsorbance at 250 nm of reversed phase isolate obtained by Method 3560, (combined isolates). The absorbance of Well No. 574 at 250 nm was 1.40.

Thus it must be noted that the ultraviolet absorbance of all samples was very high; however, throughout the entire spectrum (220 nm to 310 nm) the absorbance for three extracts (Well Nos. 575, 150, and 516) was less than the absorbance of the sample extracted from the water taken from the background well.

cNumber in parenthesis indicates the 8600 method applied.

(X) indicates a table that could not be eliminated.

(-) indicates a table that could be eliminated.



Table 6 Results of QA Analyses of Samples Spiked With Metals Spiked Concentration Spiked Percent Concentration for Atomic Absorption found Spike for ICP Found Spike EPA Spike Error in Element Analysis Concentration Recovery Analysis Concentration Recovery Concentration (pg/e1)




Al 0.036

<0.2a 0.729 0.69-0.89 +221C As 0.012 0.016

+331 0.235 0.1-0.2

-571 - -151C

+ 171 8e 0.012 0.0078-0.0098

-181 - -351C

+ 221 0.235 0.219-0.22 -61C I111 Cd 0.00195 0.0019

-31 0.039 0.038

-31 T 161 Cr 0.013 0.011

-151 0.261 0.28

+71 T 191 Co 0.013 0.016

+231 0.261 0.23

-121 7 12%

N Cu 0.017 0.042

+1471 0.339 0.333

-21 T 101 Fe 0.040 Ob 0.797 0.75

-61 1121 Hg 0.00044 0.00025-0.0003

-321 - -431C 0.00873 0.00555


+ 301 h

0.017 0.01

-411 0.348 0.34

-21 T 121 Ni 0.010 0.005-0.015

-501 - +501C 0.207 0.19

-81 T 141 Pb 0.022 0.021

-51 0.4 35 0.436

+<11 1141 Se 0.003

<0.0058 0.050 0.035-0.040

-301 - -201C V

0.042 0.038

-101 0.846 0.787

-71 T 161

+ 331 2n 0.021 0.002-0.022

-901 - +51C 0.418 0.41


,181 aAnalytical method used has a detection limit higher than the spiked concentration.

b iron concentration in the spiked sample was so much higher than the spiked concentration that the spike was not reported.

cSpike recovery is computed as a ran9e because elemental concentrations in the unspiked split were below detection limits, however, a measurable concentration was determined in the spiked sample.

d Percer.t error is at the 951 confidence interval for the EPA quality control check sample.



tabulated for each spiked sample.

The concentration error of each metal in the EPA material is also included in Table 6.

For cases in which metal con-centrations in the unspiked split were below the detection limit for the analytical technique, a range of recovery is reported.

The recovery range is defined by assuming that the true initial sample concentration was between zero and the reported detection limit. The spike recovery is used as a measure of the accuracy of the analyses. The spike recoveries obtained in the QA analyses are typically within the confidence limits of the QA spike material with exceptions for As, Be, Co, Cu, Ng, and Mn at the AA spike level.

Quality assurance measures used in the organic analytical program included preparation and analysis of an organic spike to deionized water and addition of deuterated standards to samples extracted for semivolatile analyses. The organic spike solutions contained volatile and semivolatile compounds in concentrations several tines the detection limit for GC and GC/MS analyses. This solution was prepared prior to the sampling trip and was stored in a laboratory freezer. Two 40 ml vials of detonized water were spiked for GC analysis of volatiles and one, one liter bottle of deionized water was spiked for extraction and GC/MS analysis of semivolatiles.

Table 7 is a listing of recovery factors for the organic compounds spiked into deionized water. Recovery of three volatile compounds was l

approximately 125% and 163% from each sample, respectively. Possible reasons for the higher-than-anticipated recovery include difficulties in obtaining total mixing in the sealed vials and higher-than-calculated vola-l tile concentrations in the spike sample due to insufficient warming of the standard prior to spiking. Recovery of the two semivolatile compounds spiked was 13% and 26%, respectively. The poor recovery is attributed to lower-than-calculated semivolatile content due to insufficient warming of the standard prior to spiking.

I Recovery factors for the deuterated standards spiked into each sample analyzed for semivolatiles prior to the extractions are listed in Table 8.

These recovery factors are generally lower than normal for the ORNL organic analytical laboratory which typically obtains recovery factors higher than 0.7 for the deuterated standards. The deuterated spike recovery factor for the well 574 sample (background well) was good. This well produces low 13

.l Table 7 Recovery of Organic QA Spikes Compound Type QA-1 QA-2 QA-3 Chloroform V


1631 Toluene V


16 1%

Trichloroethylene V



Napthalene S


Dibutylphthalate S


V = Volatile Compound S = Semi Volatile Compound Table 8 Recovery Factors for Deuterated Semivolatile Standard Spikes Sample Well Number Compound 523 563 574 575 150 534 516 1-Fluoronapthalene 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 d-10 Fluorene 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.2 14

i sediment content samples. The high silt and clay content of most other Sheffield well samples may allow sorbtion of semivolatile compounds to the solids resulting in low spike recovery, i

1 4.0


OF RESULTS The results of this sampling and analytical program are consistent with l

the previous study. Dissolved metal concentrations are far below primary drinking water standards. Tritium concentrations in Wells 563 and 575 off-site, and in Well 523 onsite, exceed the primary drinking water standard.

The results of organic analyses confirm the conclusion of the previous study that significant organic contamination exists in ground water at the site.

In this study, specific EPA listed organic contaminants and other organic compounds have been identified and quantified. Several of the wells (523, 563,575) contained parts per million concentrations of 1,1,1-trichloroeth-ane and high parts per billion concentration of other volatile organic com-pounds. These wells are located in close proximity to disposal trenches or j

in the previously documented seepage plume located east of the disposal site area. Well 516, located at the northern perimeter of the disposal site also I

contained high volatile solvent concentrations but in proportions slightly different from the previously-mentioned wells.. The organic contamination in f

'this well is attributed to sources located outside the Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site. The only EPA listed semivolatile compounds detected 1

were phthalate compounds. Other semivolatile organic compounds including petroleum-derived solvents, fuel hydrocarbons, and petroleum oil were present in most of the samples.

I i

The results of total organic halogen (T0X) analyses performed suggest j

the presence of compounds which cause interference with the T0X analysis.

If further T0X analyses are performed on water samples from this site, the j

neutron activation analysis method may provida.more accurate values than the j

i standard electrolytic conductivity technique.

The results of the quality assurance analyses performed in this study indicate that data reported for metals from samples containing detectable concentrations are typically accurate within 10 to 151. Quantification of the analytical accuracy for organic compounds is more difficult than for inorganic compounds. The organic QA measures used in this study indicate that results for volatile organic compounds are probably accurate within 15

_ _ _ _ _ _. _.. _ _. _ _ _ _ - ~,,. _ _. _ _ _ _

approximately 50%, which is within the acceptable accuracy range for GC analyses. Results of the deionized water spike analysis for semivolatile compound QA yielded poor results because of a laboratory error in performing the spike. The recovery of deuterated organic compound spikes added to each sample prior to extractions was variable between the seven samples analyzed.

The variability in spike recovery is attributed to the presence of silt and clay in the samples which may have sorbed a portion of the organic com-pounds, and inhibited their extraction.

5.0 COMPARIS0N OF JANUARY AND SEPTEMBER 1985 WATER ANALYSES Qualitatively, the results of the two Sheffield data sets are very similar. Comparison of inorganic analytical results for the three wells sampled in both sample trips (563, 574, 575) shows very minor differences in parameter concentrations between the two data sets. Of the additional wells sampled in the September trip (150, 523, 516, and 534), well 523 showed water quality similar to the trench 18 well which was sampled in January, 1

and the others contained concentrations of inorganic constituents similar to the background well.

Results of the organic analyses were also similar between the two sam-i pie sets. Differences in the analytical protocols used in analysis of the two sample sets results in detection of slightly different suites of organic compounds in the two data sets. Application of the Method 8600 protocols on the January sample set resulted in detection of several classes of organic-compounds. Later analysis of the January sample set resulted in detection of several volatile and semivolatile compounds including chlorinated i

solvents (trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene), dioxane (a liquid scintillation fluid), several petroleum fuel derived compounds (cyclohexene related compounds) and two high molecular weight compounds.

The same principal organic compounds were detected in the Septenber sample set ~ as were detected in the January samples. Differences in the two data sets include detection of dioxane in January but not in Septenter, more accurate quantification of the volatile compounds present in September, and qualitative identification of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Septenber sample f


l 16

The dioxane was detected as a result of having performed the reverse I

phase cartride extraction on the January samples. This extraction procedure was not performed on the September data set and the' dioxane (a water soluble semivolatile which is not recovered by 'the extraction procedure used in conjunction with Method 625) was therefore not detected.



e 17


Ketelle, R.

H., J. T. Kitchings, R. H. Owenby', J. E. Caton, "Results of Reconnaissance Evaluation of Hazardous Chemical Migration in Ground Wat'er in the vicinity of Two Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities," Contractors Report to the U.S. NRC Low-Level Waste Licensing Branch, Division of Waste Management, Wasnington, D.C.,

September 1985.

1 i

i O

I 18

ATTACHMENT 1 Field Data Logs September 1985 Supling Progran Sheffield, Illinois 19

FIELO DATA LOG SHEFFIELD, ILLIN0IS LLWD SITE, Well 523 Date: 9/13/85 Initial Depth to Water 31.1' Total Depth 33.8' Casing Stickup 4.1' Well Diam. 0.42' Surface. 0.25-0.33' Screen 4

Ft. of Water in Well 2.7' Estimated Water Vol. in Casing 6.6L i

Specific Bails Removed Temp pH Conductance D

Redox o

. iters)

(C) umho/cm (mg/L)


I 17.8 7.2 1510 1.1 2

15.3 7.2 1370 1.9 3

14.7 7.2 1330 2.0 4

14.4 7.1 1240 1.9 5

14.3 7.1 1310 2.1 j

6 14.2 7.0 1310 1.7 126 Well was dry after removing approximately 6L.

i 20 i

i p

y-4i-r-w-f g - -


  • --~,

--y e-






9/18/85 Initial Depth to Water 41.3' Total Depth 43.8' Casing Stickup 3.]/ft Well Diam. 0.33' Vol/ foot 0.087 ft Ft. of Water in Well 2.5' Water Vol. in Casing 6.1L i

Specific Bails Removed Temp pH Conductance Do Redox (Liters)

(C) umho/cm (mg/L)


I 15.2 7.3 670 2.3 6

13.7 7.2 590 3.1 4

10 13.6 7.1 590 3.5 15 12.0 6.9 660 4.4 20 13.0 6.9 650 4.9 22 13.2 6.9 650 5.1 136 i

21 l


--- ~~ ~

~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ^

FIELD DATA LOG SHEFFIELD, ILLIN0IS LLWD SITE, Well 574 Date: 9/18/85 Initial Depth to Water 11.75' Total Depth 19.75' Casing Stickup 2.g/ft Well Diam. 0.33' Vol/ foot 0.087 ft Ft. of Water in Well 8.0' Water Vol. in Casing 19.8L Specific Balls Removed Temp pH Conductance Do Redox (Liters)

(C) umho/cm (mg/L)


I 19.1 8.3 10 1.3 5

16.9 8.5 60 1.7 10 15.5 8.4 60 2.2 15 15.7 8.1 10 2.7 20 16.2 7.9 30 2.5 30 15.0 7.7 60 3.7 40 15.1 7.5 20 3.1 50 14.5 7.4 270 2.8 60 14.8 7.5 300 2.6 65 13.1 7.3 290 2.8 70 13.5 7.2 280 3.0 193 22

FIELD DATA LOG SHEFFIELD, ILLIN0IS LLWD SITE Well 575 Date: 9/18/85 Initial Depth to Water 32.7' Total Depth 38.9' Casing Stickup 2.g/ft Well Diam. 0.33' O.25' Screen Vol/ foot 0.087 ft Ft. of Water in Well 6.2' Water Vol. in Casing 15.3L Specific Bails Removed Temp pH Conductance Do Redox (Liters)

(C) umho/cm (mg/L)


I 13.3 7.2 640 2.2 10 12.9 7.1 620 3.4 20 13.0 7.1 650 3.7 30 12.7 7.1 640 3.7 40 12.8 7.1 620 3.8 45 13.0 7.0 630 4.0 49 12.7 6.9 630 3.7 134 e

23 L



I i

l FIELD DATA LOG SHEFFIELD, ILLIN0IS LLWD SITE, Well 150 Date: 9/18/85 Initial Depth to Water 32.1 Total Depth 57.1' Casing Diam. 0.2' Vol/ foot 0.022 ft /ft 3

Ft. of Water in Well 25' Water Vol. in Casing 15.5L Specific Bails Removed Temp pH Conductance Do Redox (liters)

(C) pmho/cm (mg/L)

(my) 9 1

16.8 7.6 320 0.6 10 16.6 7.5 260 1.5 17 18.4 7.6 270 1.1 191 Well bailed dry at 17L removed.





Well 534 Date: 9/18/85 Initial Depth to Water 16.1' Total Depth 27.7' Casing Stickup 0.g/ft Well Diam. 0.33' Vol/ foot 0.087 ft Ft. of Water in Well 11.6' Water Vol. in Casing 28.8L Specific Balls Removed Temp pH Conductance Do Redox (liters)

(C) umho/cm (mg/L)

(my) 2 17.8 8.2 70 1.6 15 15.7 8.2 90 2.6 30 15.4 8.1 110 1.8 115 Well bailed dry at approximately 30L removed.

25 t


.o FIELD DATA LOG SHEFFIELD, ILLIN0IS LLWD SITE, Well 516 Date: 9/18/85 Initial Depth to Water 22.8' Total Depth 37.9' Casing Stickup 4.g/ft Well Diam. 0.42' Vol/ foot 0.136 ft Ft. of Water in Well 15.1 Water Vol. in Casing 58.3L Specific Balls Renoved Temp pH Conductance Do Redox (Liters)

(C) umho/cm (mg/L)


I 14.4 7.6 230 1.0 10 13.6 7.6 110 2.2 30 14.9 7.5 150 3.5 50 13.9 7.5 150 2.0 70 13.7 7.5 190 3.1 90 14.5 7.5 210 4.4 120 16.1 7.5 150 5.0 140 14.5 7.4 190 2.3 160 14.8 7.3 180 3.9 170 14.4 7.3 240 4.4 176 13.6 7.4 170 2.6 126 l

