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Partial Response to FOIA Request.App I Documents Re Maxey Flats Low Level Nuclear Waste Burial Site,Encl & Being Made Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: 02700047, 02700039, 02700010, 02700048
Issue date: 07/28/1987
From: Grimsley D
To: Minton L
Shared Package
ML20236E074 List:
FOIA-87-235, RTR-NUREG-CR-1272, RTR-NUREG-CR-2212 SECY-75-392, NUDOCS 8707310213
Download: ML20236E070 (2)


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FOIA-87-235 _j f"*"'%ok j.

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  • g INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST JUL 2 81997 ese.e DOCKET NUM8ERtSt t/r appecebei IRioutSTER Ms. Lucinda E. Minton I l

PART l.-RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED (See chsched boxesi l No agency records subset to the request have been located.

No oddstional agency records subsect to the request have been located.

Agency records subsect to the request that are identified in Appendix are already available for public inspection and copying in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street N.W., Washington, DC.

X ^8'"cv '** 'd' '"bi'c' ' '^* a" 'h id "'d'*d '" ^ap'"d'" I b'i"8 **d' Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington,'DC,'in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.i'*b ' P"bc enspecti n and c pying in tl The nonpropnetary version of the proposalis) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staff es now being made avalable for public inspection and coying at the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N W., Washington, DC. in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the cha/ges for copying records placed in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC. )

Agsncy records subsect to the request are enclosed. Any applicable charge for copHrs of the records provided and payment procedures are noted 6n the comments section.

Racords subsect to the request have been referred to another Federa' agencylies) for review and direct response to you.

In view of NRC's response to this request, no funher action is being taken on appeal letter dated l PART ll.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE l Certain information in the requested records is being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part II, sec-tions B, C, and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made available for public inspection and copying in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street. N W., Washington. DC, in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

Comments l

l l

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M j iW p 3 870 $g fM MINTON87-235 PDR NRC FORM 464 LPan H (9 asi

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i Re: F0!A-87-235 APPENDIX I

1. 9/20/74 Letter from Engelhardt to Mills w/ enclosures. (41pages)
2. 4/18/75 Letter from Harrison to Gossick w/ enclosure. (3 pages)
3. 5/13/75 Letter from Dawson to Anders. (2 pages)
4. 7/29/75 Letter from Dircks to Breckinridge w/ enclosures. (52pages)
5. 9/25/75 Letter from Neel to Hardin. (2 pages)  ;
6. 9/29/76 Letter from Dircks to Yatron w/ enclosure. (11pages)
7. 9/29/76 Letter from Dircks'to Cranston w/ enclosure. (13pages)
9. 11/5/81 Memorandum from Jupiter to Davis, et al w/ enclosures. (4pages)
10. 10/15/82 Letter from Dircks to Perkins w/ enclosures. (21pages)
11. 10/84- Annual Report: October, 1984 - September, 1985 - CONTROL OF 9/85 WATER INFILTRATION THROUGH SLB TRENCH COVERS. (19pages) e m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9



P.O. Box 19230 tov bast main statet e o somisas WAS H 2 NOTON D. C. 2003e ico .*== avt =vt nic=wowo. vinoewin assia wtw voan, wtw voam rooi?

TcLee-ont som 7ee esoo va6temowc air sos sooo vasta es44asi TELepwoNE 202 955 1500 Sc6cm asande ww=t vi riast visoimia sann towc= onc mannovta sovant e o som sees e o som eos moe,o n, visoewen assw na6cion. woava camouwa aveos tc6spwonc so4 eas soon ve6cewows ***-spe sooo riast vtuwcaste mann evi6pino 3000 cwain saioot aoao e o som oss raiaraa, viacinia arc so nwonvi6ot. vtawasatt 37 son va6te-ows vos.ssa aroo testamont ois-est 43 e vi6t .ao osaset pia 6 no aoa ess.

April 23, 1987 FJtEEDOM OF INFORMAT10ll ACT REQUEST REGISTERED MAIL g7 hh Director, Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4d Washington, D.C. 20555 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST

Dear Sir:

This is a request for documents and records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. SS 552 et sea. In this request, the term " record" is used as defined in 10 C.F.R.

S 9.3a. The term " document" is used to mean the following:

All reports, records, lists, intra-agency memoranda, ihter-agency memoranda, data, correspondence, telegrams, schedules, photographs, sound reproductions, ledger books, log books, data sheets, graphs, catalogues, computer tapes, printouts, notes, records of telephone conversations, meeting agenda, attendance lists, minutes of meetings, statements or other handwritten, typewritten, printed, recorded or graphic material of any kind or description whatsoever.

The following records and documents are sought by this request:



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1. Any and.all documents or records from 1960 to the present concerning,.related. l to, describing,'or evaluating the Maxey l Flat waste disposal' site in Fleming County, Kentucky, including,-but not limited to, the following:
a. =Any and all documents or records concerning, related to or describing the selection of the waste disposal site;
b. Any and all documents or records )

concerning, related to, describing or= evaluating the licensing.and regulatory status of the site, including copies of licenses;

c. Any and all documents or records concerning, related to, I

describing or evaluating operations at the site; d.' Any and all documents or records concerning, related to, describing or evaluating financial assurances or insurance- ,

for the site, including copies of l insurance policies; i

e. Any and all documents or records concerning, related to or describing materials that were or may have been disposed of at-the site;
f. Any and all documents or records concerning, related to or describing entities that-disposed of or may have disposed cf material at the site and what.

they may have contributed to the site;

g. Any and all documents or records concerning, related to, l

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l l . i HUNTON & WILLIAM s I t

1 describing.or evaluating conditions at the site and any threat-to public health, safety.

or welfare or to the environment that is or was posed by the site; and

h. Any and all documents or records 1 concerning, related to, .f describing or evaluating actions or measures that could be, should be or were undertaken to. reduce 1 or eliminate any possible threats I to public health, safety, or welfare or to the environment posed by the site,. including, but not limited to, recommendations R or requirements for supervision, 1 monitoring, modeling, operational I changes, remedial activities, financial assurances, insurance, security, personnel or management 1 or for any other actions or 4 measures at or concerning the site.


2. Any and all documents or records )

concerning, related to, describing or '

evaluating the Agreement between the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the Atomic j Energy Commission pursuant to section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, including, but not limited to, any and all documents or records concerning, related to, describing or evaluating provisions for, regulations of or oversight of disposal of source, by-product and special nuclear material in Kentucky. Include any documents or records describing requirements, criteria or guidelines by which the performance of the Commonwealth of Kentucky pursuant to this agreement could, should, or would have been evaluated or measured.


i l

If the Nuclear Regulatory Commission decides to l withhold any documents or records responsive to this request, l then I request that you furnish me with a detailed statement of the reasons for denying access to each document or record ,

withheld and the following information regarding each such document or record in order to enable me to consider whether to i pursue this request further:


a. the date of each such document or record; i
b. the identity and affiliation of the author or authors of each such document or record; j
c. the identity and affiliation of all persons in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Commonwealth of Kentucky or elsewhere who have received copies of each such document or record;
d. the general nature and subject matter of each such document or record;
e. the title of each such document or record; and
f. whether each such document or record contains any factual information, including, but not limited to, data, descriptions, and critiques of methodologies, i

or statements of policy.

Please note that I am willing to pay the appropriate l costs or fees attributable to this request, am also willing to

, make whatever arrangements to pay as may be appropriate, and l need no prior notice of the amount of those costs or fees unless they exceed $500.00. If estimated copying and search fees exceed $500.00, please call me before proceeding, j I respectfully request a response within ten working I days of receipt of this request pursuant to 5 U.S.C.

S 552(a)(6)(A).


H UNTON & WILLI AM s Finally, I ask that you call me if you have any questions regarding this request.

Very truly yours, .

r&f f cindaE.Minton[


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