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Insp Rept 50-482/86-14 on 860512-16.Deviation Noted:Failure to Have Qualification Summaries & Environ Evaluation Worksheets for Vulkene Supreme Wiring & Kulka Terminal Blocks Used in Harsh Environ
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 06/25/1986
From: Ireland R, Norman D
Shared Package
ML20211N885 List:
50-482-86-14, IEIN-83-72, IEIN-86-003, IEIN-86-3, NUDOCS 8607110076
Download: ML20211N907 (7)

See also: IR 05000482/1986014


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/86-14 License: NPF-42


Docket: 50-482


Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company


P. O. Box 208


Wichita, Kansas 67201


! Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station  !

Inspection At: Burlington, Kansas

Inspection Conducted: May 12-16, 1986



Inspector A 24 m ?~ A


4/-2f/fd i

j D. E. Norman, React'or Inspector, Engineering Date

Section, Reactor Safety Branch



j l






Approved: M2Y M- - ~'- # 4/-P.r/N

R. E. Ireland, Chief Engineering Section, Date

j Reactor Safety Branch


l Inspection Summary

j Inspection Conducted May 12-16, 1986 (Report 50-482/86-14)


Areas Inspected: Special, announced inspection to determine what wiring is i



installed in Limitorque operators and to review licensee's environmental

documentation to ensure that qualification of wiring is adequately established. i

i The inspection also included a review of the licensee's actions relative to  ;

Information Notices (IN) 83-72 and 86-03.

! Results: The inspection determined that Limitorque operators, which had  ;


previously been reported to be qualified by Limitorque or Westinghouse,

1 contained internal wiring and/or terminal blocks which could not be shown to be


. qualified-to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49. The licensee had inspected most  !

I of the Limitorque operators, and in response to IN 83-72 and IN 86-03 had

i replaced unqualified wiring and terminal blocks in several operators. However, l

44 operators qualified by the NSSS had apparently not been inspected. Wiring



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, 8607110076 860708 [

1 PDR ADOCK 05000482


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which appears to be unqualified was found in one of those operators during this

inspection. Also, the licensee had identified several operators with

unidentified wire or terminal blocks, and no apparent corrective action had

been taken to assure that these items were qualified.










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1. Persons Contacted

Kansas' Gas and Electric

  • C. J. Hoch, Q.A. Technician

W. M. Lindsay, Supervisor, Quality Systems

  • M. G. Williams, Superintendent, Reg. and Adm.

N. Hoadley, Lead Engineer, NPE

D. Walsh, Supervisor, Maintenance Services

D. Glogowski, Maintenance Engineer

  • C. J. Pendergrass, Licensing Engineer
  • K. Petersen, Lead Engineer, Licensing

J. A. Zell, Manager, Nuclear Training

  • F. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager
  • J. Goode, Licensing Engineer

D. Rich, Superintendent, Maintenance

R. L. Hoyt, Senior Engineering Specialist

J. L. Houghton, Operations Coordinator

  • R. M. Grant, Director, Quality
  • A. A. Freitag, Manager, NPE
  • W. J. Rudolph, Manager, QA
  • 0. L. Maynard, Manager, Licensing
  • D. R. Prichard, Engineer, NPC
  • J. A. Bailey, Director, Engineering and Tech Services
  • G. D. Boyer, Superintendent, Technical Support


C. E. Jeniks, Acting Lead, Electrical


J. E. Gagliardo, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch

  • J. E. Cummins, Senior Resident Inspector
  • B. L. Bartlett, Resident Inspector
  • D. E. Norman, Reactor Inspector
  • Denotes those present during exit interview on May 16, 1986.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this inspection was to identify wiring used in Limitorque

valve operators installed in a harsh environment, to review the licensee's

environmental qualification documentation to ensure that qualification of

wiring was adequately established, and to review the licensee's actions

relative to IN 83-72 and IN 86-03.

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3. Inspection Summary

a. Review of Previous Licensee Actions

Approximately 114 Limitorque operators are installed in a harsh

environment at Wolf Creek. Because of reported qualification

problems concerning the operators, the licensee performed inspections


in July 1984, which identified problems in wiring, terminal blocks,

limit switches and mounting orientation for the operators. During

the licensee's inspection, all 11 operators covered by M-225

specification were found to have unidentified wires. The wires were


subsequently) replaced

Requests (WR 90306-85 with90316-85.

through qualifiedThe

' ires in accordance

operators were model with Work

number SMB with serial numbers ranging from 238481 to 290374.

Unidentified wires were also found in operator KAHV-0030 (S/N 321295,

Spec. No. 231C, Model SMB.) and there was no documentation to show


that the wires were changed or determined to be qualified. This is a

potential violation of 10 CFR 50.49. (482/8614-01)

The licensee inspection also revealed that several types of terminal

blocks were being used in Limitorque operators. In addition to the

terminal blocks, for which qualification data was available (Marathon

300/1600, Buchanan 0222/0524, GE EB-5 and Curtis Type "L"), Kulka

blocks were found and some others were not identif;able. There was

no documentation to show that the unidentified terminal blocks were

changed or determined to be qualified. This is a potential violation

of 10 CFR 50.49. (482/8614-02.) The Kulka tenninal blocks are

discussed later in this report.

The licensee had also identified unqualified limit switches found

during their inspection. This information will be reviewed by NRC

during a subsequent inspection (open item 482/8614-03).

b. Hardware Inspection

(1) Sample Selection

The master list of safety-related equipment located in a harsh

environment was reviewed and a sample of 10 operators was

selected to be inspected. Selection of the sample was based on

the 1ollowing criteria: (a) operators from several safety

systems, (b) range of Limitorque serial numbers, (c) at least

one operator previously inspected by the licensee, (d) operators

qualified by both Limitorque and the NSSS contractor, and

(e) operators located outside high radiation areas.

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The following operators were included in the sample:

  • a. EMHV-8802A(S/N216087)
  • b. EJHV-8809A (S/N 200677)

c. ENHV-0006 (S/N 238482

d. LFHV-106 (S/N 256091

e. EGHV-127 (S/N260401

f. EGHV-061 (S/N 271908


9 EFliV-31 (S/N286123)

h. EFHV-47 (S/N315153)

4 1. EGHV-133 (S/N321898)

  • j. BGHV-8105 (S/N 247314)
  • apparently not inspected by licensee.

(2) Findings

Each operator was inspected to establish the type of internal

wiring. Most longer wires could be identified by wiring

, manufacturer markings; however, many short wires did not have

i markings and were identified by visual comparison to previously

identified wires. Nine of the operators had a combination of

Rockbestos Firewall III, Raychem Flamtrol, or Vulkene Supreme

wiring. Most of the wires in operator EJHV-8809A were colored

blue and were marked "Techbestos."

Field wiring which interfaced with the operators was also

inspected. All wires appeared to be of the same type; however,

specific identification could not be made at this interface,

since the jariet material which contained the markings was not




c. Documentation Review

(1) Equipment Qualification Cover Sheet

Each operator specification numba h.s an EQ cover sheet,

Equipment Evaluation Workshent (~E9) and a summary of

qualification details, such ar; 100 . iption of equipment-

qualified, specified and 'quah rleu u,vironment, qualification

method, qualified life, and reports used to establish-

qualification. The description of qualified equipment includes

such items as motor type, and terminal block type. During the

licensee walkdown inspections, certain wiring and terminal

blocks were identified (i.e., Vulkene Supreme wiring and Kukla

terminal blocks) which were neither' discussed nor referenced in

the qualification documentation. Therefore, no trail exists for

making a' determination of the qualification status of these

items. This is an apparent deviation from the EQ program plan

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described in the " Environmental Description of Safety Related

Electrical Equipment" submitted by letter dated January 17,

1986. (482/8614-04)

(2) Cable Pull Cards

Cable pull cards for field cable interfacing with operators

EMHV-8802A and EGHV-127 were reviewed to establish cable

I identity. Cables _ identified were Rockbestos 600V control cable,

and Anaconda low voltage power cable. Qualification of these

cables is reported in test reports E-057-020-03 and

E058-005-030, respectively.

(3) Vendor Qualification Reports

Vendor and/or test lab qualification test reports for wiring and

terminal blocks included in the operators were reviewed. The

following discrepancies were identified as a result of this -



(a) There was no qualification test report available for G.E.

Vulkene Supreme wire which was installed in some operators.

The basis for qualification was a G.E. Product Data

Pamphlet dated June 30, 1977, which states that the wiring

is qualified to IEEE Stds. 323-74 and 383-74 and which

presents certain qualification data. The data presented is

stated to be subject to change without notice. Therefore,

there is no basis for demonstrating qualification of the

Vulkene wiring to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49. This.

is a potential violation of110 CFR 50.49. (482/8614-05)

(b) There was no qualification test report or basis for


determining qualification of Techbestos wire which was

identified during this inspection. This failure te

demonstrate qualification is a potential violation of

10 CFR 50.49. (482/8614-06)  ;

(c) It was stated previously in this report that there was no

audit trail for Kulka terminal blocks in the Limitorque

operator qualification documentation, even though these


i terminal blocks had been identified by the licensee. The

basis of qualification of the terminal blocks was stated by

the licensee to be the " Design Qualification Report for

Feedthrough/ Adapters Model assemblies ISP-719," dated

, October 4, 1983. In'this report, Kukla 602 series terminal

. blocks _were qualified as a part of the electrical


. penetrations. There was no documentation to show that the

terminal blocks were' identical to or~ similar to those

l identified in Limitorque operators, nor had an analysis

I been performed to predict qualified life in the operator





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environment. This failure to demonstrate qualification is

a potential violation of 10 CFR 50.49. (482/8614-07)

4. Exit Meeting

An exit meeting was held on May 16, 1986, with the persons identified in

paragraph 1 during which time results of the inspection were discussed.


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