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Partially Deleted Transcript of W Warren 860724 Sworn Statement in Glen Rose,Tx Re Activities Involving Phillips at Plant
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/1986
From: Warren W
Shared Package
ML20237F760 List: ... further results
NUDOCS 8708200449
Download: ML20238A327 (16)



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July 24, 1986 NRC Region IV Trailer Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station a

Glen Rose, Texas 2:00 p.m., C.D.T.


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TAKEN BY: George Mulley l

REPORTED BY: R. Patrick Tate A ac ment FF c B708200d49 870919 PDR l

G ADOCK 05000445 l PDR '

TATE REPORTING S,ERVICE, (713) 222-7177 i ,

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2 was called as a witness and, having been duly cautioned and 3 sworn, was examined and testified as follows:

l 4 EXAMINATION 5 By Mr. Mulley:

6 0 The time is 2:00 p.m. on July the 24th, 1986. We l l 7 are in the NRC trailer at the Comanche Peak Steam j 8 Electrical Station in Glen Rose, "exas.

9 Present are Wanda Warren who's a secretary to 10 'Shannon Phillips, senior resident inspector for 11 construction at Comanche Peak; myself, George Mulley, 12 assistant director for investigations, office of Inspector J

13 and Auditor, Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and the court i

14 reporter, Pat Tate.

15 We're here today to discuss with Mrs. Warren 16 information that she may have about the activities i 17 involving Shannon Phillips here at Comanche Peak. ,

! I 18 Before we begin, could you please give us a brief '

i 19 background of your experience, you know, experience here at l

20 Comanche Peak with the Nuclear Regulatory Commi'ssion. When 21 did you start working for the NRC7 l 22 A Started to work as a temporary in October --

23 October the 15th, 1985.

( 24 0 Okay. Was that with Mr. Shannon Phillips? j j

25 A Yes. I I

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1 Q And you've been employed with Mr. Phillips since ,

2 that. time?

3 A Correct.

4 Q Full-time?

5 A rour days a week.

6 Q- Four days a week? Have there been.any other 7 secretarial help for Mr. Phillips since you've been working 8 here?

9 A I took two weeks vacation in June and Linda, the 10 secretary for Dennis Kelly in operations came over and did~

11 a lot of the typing on the computer for the group here and 12 for Shannon Phillips.

f d 13 Q During your time working for Shannon Phillips, 14 have you discussed with some of the consultants that work 15 for Mr. Phillips some of the problems they were having here 16 at Comanche Peak getting their work done?

17 A Yes.

l 18 Q In what capacity were these discussions?

19 A I have asked questions, "What are you doing?"

i 20 "What do you do?" when they would say, "I'm going to the 21 vault?" -- "What is the vault, what's there, what do you 22 get?"

23 Q What information have they given you back

[ 24 concerning their jobs here? ,


25 A very pleasantly, I'll admit; they've-- -l TATE REPORTING SERVICE, (713) 222-7177^


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1 answered my questions as far as where and why and that they 2 are investigating, following up, going back.and getting the

! 3 paperwork to verify the construction, to verify this and 4 that.

5 And I've asked why that do you have thirg.s so. i 6 long waiting for answers. And the general' reply would be  !

l 7 because that they cannot get the information; Texas l 8 Utilities or the contractor or whatever organization out 9 here,.outside of NRC, that they couldn't put their hands on 10 the paperwork, it was somewhere else.

11 Q Were the inspectors and consultants, where they l 12 upset over the fact that it was taking so long?

' 13 A Yes. And often times upset with the answer that 14 they received.

15 Q Did thdy think it was taking too long?

16 A Yes.

17 Q When we are talking about long, how long are we 18 talking about, is it days or weeks? Months?

19 '

A I can't be specific. The only thing I can refer j 20 to is some conversation where a consultant maybe felt like 21 that certainly a month would be long enough for somebody to 22 find some paperwork.

23 Q Did the consultants, to the best of your 24 knowledge, ever document these problems and try to write


25 violations or anything like that in their inspection TATE REPORTING SERVICE, (713) 222-7177

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5 1 reports?

2 A The only thing I can be very specific about was a 3 consultant that was working in Mr. Phillips' trailer, and 4 as I was leaving one afternoon, he wan sitting there with 5 all of his papers and books and I said, "You look like you t

6 have a problem." l 7 And he said, "I do; I have asked Brown & Root l

8 where the paperwork to verify" -- I recall him saying a 9 certain test - "they can't find it."

10 And I said, "Well, you know, I can't find 11 anything either; maybe they were knew employees."

12 But I stood there for maybe ten or fifteen 13 minutes and we~just, just this one thing we discussed, and 14 it was like, "Okay, they say 'I can't find the paperwork,'7 15 then they say, 'Oh, yes, so and so had the paperwork.and it 16 was burned up in a fire.'" And he had a date. i l

17 And he says then I go elsewhere to find paperwork ,

j I

l' 18 that would verify this, and I get the same answer that it j 19 was burned in a fire. And I was confused.

I 20 And I said, "You mean they had two fires?" , 1

, 1 l i 21 And he said, "Yes." And then he gave me dates j i

22 which I don't remember. But just offhand, I said, "Oh, 23 that sounds like a typical excuse, it sounds like one I i

24 might give, the paperwork can't be found because it was l


l i 25' ' burned in a fire that happened before the test was ever ~


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1 run.

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2 And he iaughed and I laughed and I never thought i l

! 3 anymore abou.': it, except that I knew he was very seriously J l

4 concerned with it. And I knew he' discussed it with Shannon I l

l 5 that he -- .

l 6 Q What was this consultant's name?

7 A~ Tom young.

I 8 Q Do you have any knowledge what Shannon's reaction 9 was to this information?

i' 10 A No.

11 Q Do you know Mr. Tom Westerman?

l l

[ 12 A Yes.

13 Q Has he been out to the trailer, Shannon's 14 trailer?

< (

15 A Yes. He was there quite a lot back in the fall, 16 in '85.

17 Q For any particular reason that you know of? .I 18 A No, because that was while the trailer was full ,

1 19 of consultants and we were all crowded and it was behind 20 closed doors. -

21 Q Have you ever had any discussions with 22 Mr. Westerman? l 23 A Regarding the work'I was doing for hin, yes. And i 24 then casual conversation.

25 And any comments that Mr. Westerman ever made to ~#

Q TATE REPORTING 3%RVICE, (713) 222-7177 Ww

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'l you concerning 3hannon Phillips' work or.TUGCO or Comanche I i

2 Peak that was ever' considered to be unusual'by you?

3 A Okay, I don't recall any remarks *that he made-as '

4 far as Shannon was concerned.

5 While Shannon was on vacation in December, maybe 6 early January '86, it was either December '85 or maybe 4

! 7 overlap there, I did typing for Mr. Westerman and I was 'l 8 typing some memorandums for him. I want fo say_that they


i 9 were in reply to something that perhaps Shannoh Phillips 10 had written him but that's only guessing because I.have's t 11 tendency to not remember what I'm typing; I just got in I

12 that habit which is bad. -

13 While I was trying to do some typing and'he was L

14 explaining some format that he wanted me to follow, he made 15 the off hand comment that there was nothing wrong at 16 Comanche Peak, which I felt like might have been in j 17 reference to something I was typing but I couldn't even go 3 l

18 back and find any copies, haven't even tried.

l 19 Q Did he further explain the comment?

20 A No. It was just a comment and I did'not reply to i l 21 it because I really didn't know what he was talking about, 22 what he meant.

23 Q You said that'Mr. Westerman and Mr. Phillips had j,

24 conversations behind closed doors Mr. Phillips' office.

25 What were the topic of there conversations; do you know?-

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1 A No. I have heard but I don't know. I do.t know - . don't personally know.

2 I know the conversations

( 3 were loud, or at I. east would reach that point at times.

4 But I was a brand new employee,. ,

l 5 Q Where they yelling at each other? j

, 6 A I don't think I'd call it yelling.. I think I'd 7 just call it a raised voice trying to get a point across.

8 Q On both sides?

l 9- A I can't honestly say. I really can't.

t j

1 10 0 Did you hear Shannon more than Tom or was Tom --

11 A No, I would say I heard Tom Westerman. But then l

12 his voice would carry more than Shan'non Phillips, I would 13 think. I've never heard -- to identify, I've never heard 14 Shannon Phillips raise his voice or Tom Westerman either, 15 in my presence. But Tom Westerman's voice is just one that 16 I think would carry.

17 Q Do you know the topic of the conversations they 18 were having in his office?

19 A To overhear it, no.

i l 20 Q How long would these conversations last?

21 A .At great length. And the only reason that I'm j 22 sure of that is because of phone messages that I would be 23 taking because I'really didn't know how to handle a phone l ,

24 call, I didn't know whether it was the -- sometime the door 25 'as w closed, to me that they wanted privacy and the courtesy ~1 W, e=**



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9 1 of not being interupted by phone calls.

2 So I would know.that I would take phone messages 3 forf you know, maybe a couple of hours. kndnowthere's i

4 not even phone calls.

l 5 Q Were there consultants in the trailer at the time 6 this was going on?

7 A Yes.

8 Q What was their reaction to these conve: sations 9 between Westerman and -- -

10 A A quiet conversation between themselves.

11 Q Did they render any opinion to you about what.was 12 going on?


13 A No.

14 Q Did they seem upset over the fact that Tom 15 Westerman was in there with Phillips for such a long time? j 1

16 A Yes. )

17 Q And upset for what reason?

18 A At first, my impression was was that they were ,

19 disturbed because the door was shut, we were all taking 20 phone messages, they couldn't ask Shannon questions,.more 21 or less a personal thing.

22 But now I have the impression -- and I don't know 23 whether it was from their conversation or because I know i 24 more now, I don't know what it is, but now I feel like that 25 it was because what they were writing, what they were -


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l I 1 finding, what they were doing, was not totally agreed on.-

2 Q By'whom?'

l ',

l 3 A Between Shannon Phillips and Tom Westerman.

4 Q okay. So do I take that to mean that Phillips 1

l, 5 was arguing with Westerman over some of the findings that- ,

l 6 the consultants had identified? l 7 A Yeah, that's the way I felt. Like I say, I can't l

8 tell you why. j 9 Q Did Westerman ever call in the consultants into 10 these meetings? q 11 A No, not that I'm aware of. No~one was called 'in

. 12 as far as I know. It was just the two of them. j l13 0 Did anybody ever come with Westerman down from 14 the Region and, you know, have these meetings with Shannon 15 known that you were aware of?

16 A Not that I'm aware of.

17 Q okay.

18 A Things like that could happen and I wouldn't know 19 it. l 20 Q Did Shannon ever discuss with you, after Tom had i I 21 loft, his impressions about what had just happened? l 27 A No. The only discussions that'I overheard and l

'l 23, didn't ask questions about was probably into December when  ;

i.  % I e 24 '

Jease, which was the first time that I had met -j


'hla, but he'had come'back to Shannon Phillips' trailer to


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l 1 help me start up the tracking system on the computer.

2 . And he and Shannon, across the room from where I 3 sat, were discussing findings that were not accepted, 4 something like that, because at that stage of the game I 5 didn't know what a report was or anything.

f 6 I just knew that/

was saying that, "If

~ 1 l

7 that isn't a finding, I don't know what you want to call 8 it. Everything, every piece of paper that I picked up, 9 that's_'just the way it is, and I'm going as to stand by t 10 it," with Shannon Phillips standing at the door ag'reeing l 11 with him and seemingly including something else, a 12 different topic. But on the same type of thing.

13 . Q Did Shannon appear to youlto be frustrated or 14 upset over the fact that Tom was coming down and'having 15 these long sessions with him?

16 A I didn't know Shannon Phillips at the time. He 1

17 was extremely quiet, very reserved. I almost resented the '


18 fact that he wasn't more talkative, because I -- like I 19 say, I felt lost. I didn't understand what I was supposed 20 to be doing, how I was supposed to do it, and I was really 21 getting more assistance from the consultants than from him.

22 But it was obvious he was extremely busy and 23 occupied and so, you know, I^didn't press the point or make i i

24 an issue out of it. And he would take'the time at times. i


25 "B ut it was.a situation where-I didn't feel like walking in l

l 12 2

and saying "Mr. Phillips, how do you do this," bncause he 2 would so obviously be so involved, and it was just easier 3 to either trial and error or look through files.

i i

4 Q I think that's about it unless you have something j

5 that you think is important that you would like to add.

6 A I don't know whether I should say off the record, 7 on the record. The only thing that's bothering me 8 personally --

l l

l 9 Q Yes.

t t

j 10 .A -- is recently there's been such a change around 11 here; this place is confusion plus.

l 12 But Shannon Phillips' trailer was kind of like i

13 the center of -- the consultants came there to get the 14 reference books, to get things from the file, to check on 1

i 15 this, to ask'O ;stions, to look at maps, drawings. As.far 16 as I understand and know, we have current reference guides 17 and everything that they need. It was just people people 18 people everywhere. I 19 When I startad doing filing, I'd have to come 20 over mere to find the books and take them back. People .

l 21 were friendly, they were busy. '

22 I made the comment awhile ago, there's no phone 23 calls, there's no people. It's a very, very obvious-sudden j 24 change.


25 0 okay.- Can you explain why?

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13 1 A I just feel like it's over all this controversy

. 1 2 and I feel that I've been indluded in it.

3 Q Do you feel that Shannon's getting enough 4 assistance'to do his job compared to what is happening as i

5 far as Unit 1 is concerned?

6 A No. The reason I say that is all that tracking 7 is in the computer and I see hundreds and hundreds and 8 hundreds of findings and -- today, I finished 244 9 deficiencies that the licensee has reported. Those have to 10 be looked at, no matter what their paperwork says. And you 11 know no one man can do that. And that's just one little i

12 thing.

! 13 Q Has he asked for help, to the best of your 14 knowledge?

15 A Yes. Well, how should I answer that.

16 officially, I don't -- I can't really say. But I feel that 17 he has. And I know Joe McKlesky that was working over j 18 there, I thought he was staying. And I think he thought he 19 was, is the impression I got. And when he left, he said l 20 "Well, hopefully they'll be calling me back. I still have i j 21 time left on my contract." But he isn't back.

l 22 O okay.

I 23 A' And I've talked to .*;im on the phone because he  !

( 24 called to find out a phone number that I had given him 25 where -- he has a business of his own, and he was wanting TATE REPORTING SERVICE, (713) 222-7177 >

14 1- to do some advertising work and'I'd given him a friend's

- 2 phone number that'heLcould contact to maybe do some


3 advertising work for'him.

4 And I asked him how things were going and if he f

5 was coming back and he said, "No, I don't guess so."

6 o Do you know the reason why they pulled'him off. .

7 the job?

8 A No, I have no ides 9 Q Does it seem to you from at least, you know, f

t' 10 where you sit, that resources have been pulled away from 11 shannon?-

12 A Well, yeah, because'there were two consultants

, s 3

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13 and pnd myself in that trailer. And that was 14 just October of '85. Tom Young suddenly left.. And I know 15 he left with, he felt, things unfinished because the last I 16 afternoon he was here, he was sitting there~with a pile'of 17 papers saying, "I just, I-just can't just leave'this just I

18 dangling." Joe McFlesky is gone,f gone. And '

19 two or three weeks ago, Shannon~Phillips told me that 20 Mr. Johnson had called him and told him that. I. was to come 21 to work 'in the trailer here with the greup.

22 Q Whatever happened to that?.

23 A I've heard nothing. I am aware of tt;. fact that r 24 shannon called Mr. Martin and explained to him that there's 25 'a-tremendous work load over there. And it's not just n' ,

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I report, it's the tracking, the filing, and I've never (i 1 . caught up. And th'at he felt that I should be kept there,  ;

. 1 3 that I was typing their re' ports and doing their tracking'  ;  ;

4 anyway.

5 But if I was left over there in that' trailer, at [

6 least I would be there where I could kind of keep up.with l 7 filing and things like that, to. And he told me that he 8 had done this. And that's the last that I've heard. '

9 Mr. Westerman said I would move over Monday morning.and I 10 guess that was two weeks ago,.and I've not heard another i

11 word.

12 Q So if you would have left, that would have left I j

l 13 Shannon in the trailer by itself?

14 A Totally.

l ,

j 15 Q Totally by himself?  !

i 16 A Right.

l 17 Q Who do you think is the person that's responsible 18 for pulling off the consultants and making some of these 19 decisions concerning, concerning the help that Shannon 20 gets? .

21 A Well, I would have to say that it's Mr. Tom i 22 Westerman because of the position that he had at the time.

23 Q Is there anything else?

A No.

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25 '(Statement recessed etT2:22 p.m., C.D.T.)


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3 4 I, R. Patrick Tate, CSR #1730 and Notary Public 5 in and for the State of Texas, certify that the facts as q t

6 stated in the caption hereto are true; that the proceedings 7 indicated were had before me, and the same were thereafter i i

8 reduced to typewriting by me or under my direction.

9 I further ccitify that the above and foregoing 10 transcript as set forth in typewriting is a full, true and J


11 correct transcript of the',roceedings had at the time 12 indicated.

l 13 In testimony whereof, witness my hand, this 26th l

14 day of July, 1986.

15 l 16 ._

17 My Business address is: . ( [C M R. Pahrick Tate, CSR #1730 j  !

1712 Esperson Buildings 18 Houston, Texas 77002 Notary Public in and for My current certification the State of Texas 19 expires: 12-31-86 My Commission Expires: 10-27-89 i

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