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Forwards Draft Copy of Annual Rept on Encl Gaseous Diffusion Plants,Covering Period 970303,date When NRC Assumed Regulatory Responsibility,To 970930,end of Fy,For Review & Comments.W/O Encls
Person / Time
Site: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, 07007001
Issue date: 10/15/1997
From: Ten Eyck E
To: Bargergarvey
NUDOCS 9710230053
Download: ML20198K083 (2)


I Ms,. M212ni'a Birggr-Garvsy October 15, 1997

. Fcd:ral Facilities Enforc:msnt Offico

, 5 U.S. Environment:1 Prot:ction Agsncy 401 M Street, SW 2261 A -

s Washington DC 20460 7c" /

D' ear Ms'. Barger-Garvey:

The Energy Policy Act of 1992 requires the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE), to report at least annually to Congress on the st.stus of health, safety, and ,

the environmental conditions at the gaseous diffusion plants (GDPs) located in Piketon, 6 Ohic, and Paducah, Kentucky, and to include a determination regarding whether the plants are in ccmpliance with applicable regulations established for the plants and all applicable laws.

We informed EPA via letter dated July 9,1997, that we would be providing you with a draft copy of the. report in mid-October and that we wo"!d request your comments no later than 2 weeks after receipt of the report, Accordingly, we ue providing a draft copy of the Annual Report on the GDPs (attached), ,:overing the period from March 3,1997, the date when the NRC assumed regulatory responsibility, to September 30,1997, the end of the fiscal year, for your review and comments, in order for us to meet a demanding schedule, we request that EPA's comments be provided to us no letar that October 29,1997.

In order to facilitate your review, copies of this report have also been sent directly to the following EPA personnel as requested:

Craig Hooks Michael MacMullen David Holroyd

've asked that their responses be forwarded to you as it is my understanding that you will be coordinating EPA's response to NRC.

The Annual Report is predecisional and should not be made public, nor should it be shared with USEC.

Should you have any questions, Mr. Andrew Persinko, of my staff, can be reached at 301-415-6522, 9710230053 971015 "" ""'" '

hDR ADOCK 07007001 PDR Odginal Signed By g d//,& 3ratf/

.p Elizabeth Q. Ten Eyck, Director p, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety e.dp and Safeguards, NMSS Ge


As stated gg DISTRIBUTION: ViT% M f4 8 Mh *7 (N 2 /e>

b3 NRC File Centerr PUBLIC NMSS r/f FCSS r/f SPB r/f

!y (3 identicalltrs sent to EPA : C. Hooks,401 M. Street, SW 2261 A, Washington, DC;

-pg M. MacMullen, 77 West Jackson Blvd. /B19J, Chicago, IL; 7 g D. Holroyd, 61 Forsyth Street, Alanta, GA)

'See previous Concurrence fijN OFC SPB ' srb SPB( ,Sh FCjlSq l ()

NAME DPersinko/ij DHoadley Dhin hrson r yCk EtN DATE- 1 197 10/15/97 M97 h97 /) //!/97 N C = COVER E - COVER & ENCLOSURE N = No COPY G:\TRANSL,TR<T15 L RECORD COPY

. .i G I i ' i

. Ms. M;lania Barg:r-Garvey Yd;ral Faciliti:s Enforc m:nt Offico

, . ' . UQ. Environm:ntal Prot:ction Ag;ncy M Street, SW 2261 A 401(hi Was gton, DC 20460 D' ear Ms. arger Garvey:

The Energy Pglicy Act of 1992 requires the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in consultation wnQ the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE), tol ort at least annually to Congress on the status of health, safety, and the environmental c ditions at the gaseous diffusion plants (GDPs) located in Piketon, Ohio, and Paducah, Ke tucky, and to include a determination regarding whether tne plants are in compliance with aphicable regulations established for the plants and all applicable laws.

ff We informed yevia letter dated uly 9,1997, that we would be providing you with a draft copy of the report in mid-Octo r and that we would request your comments no later than 2 weeks after receipt of the repo Accordingly, vp are providing a draft copy of the Annual Report on the GDPs (attache 1), c vering the period from March 3,1997, the date when the NRC assumed regulatory respons 'lity, to September 30,1997, the end of the fiscal y,ar, for your review and comments. I rder for us to meet a demanding schedule, we request that EPA's comments be provided to s no later that October 29,1997, in order to facilitate your review, copies of this repor avo also been sent directly to the following EPA personnel as requested:

Craig Hooks Michael MacMullen David Holroyd I've asked that their responses be forwarded to you as it is my un standing that you will be coordinating EPA's responae to NRC.

The Annual Repart is predecisional and should not be made public, nor shou it be shared with USEC.

r Should you have any questions, Mr. Andrew Persinko, of my staff, can be reached 301-415-6522.

Sincerely, Elizabeth Q. Ten Eyck, Director Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS



NRC File Center PUBLIC NMSS r/f FCSS r/f SPB r/f (3 identical ltrs sent to EPA : C. Hooks, M. MacMullen, D. Holroyd)

OFC _ SPB h nSPB SPB SPB FCSS NAME DPersinko/ij .__[ Hoadley DMartin RPierson ETenEyck DATE 3 97 lC lb97 / /97 / /97 / /97 C = COVER i E = COVER & ENCLcS'JRE N = No COPY G:\TRANSLTR.T15 '


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